Full money talks episodes

This American Life

2008.12.13 20:11 This American Life

This American Life is an American weekly hour-long radio program produced by WBEZ and hosted by Ira Glass. Primarily a journalistic non-fiction program, it has also featured essays, memoirs, field recordings, short fiction, and found footage.

2012.06.25 02:24 Gravity Falls

The subreddit for the Disney animated show Gravity Falls, created by Alex Hirsch.

2013.08.19 22:27 Where The Dudes At?

Hey Hitler! This is the place to promote your poly-bi lifestyle and post all your dental updates, dad boners, funny scream videos, and would you rathers. Or maybe you just want to glass all the cool, slick, and neat stuff your fellow mommies have to offer and enjoy some brown talk. This subreddit is for all things Tommy, Tina, and Your Mom's House. Remember to keep your jeans high and tight and always wipe down! Please do not send us a modmail about this. Thanks jeans!

2024.05.14 20:31 xX_bruh_moment Cant take things seriously (rant)

I'm turning 22 this year and lately i've been thinking about how i even get to this point in my life. I never seem to be able to take anything seriously from school, career, to friendships.
At school i had the chance to be top of my class but never did cause i under estimate stuff too quick and get overwhelmed when the test day comes. Sometimes i get very good grades at the first semesters and fell off hard on the second one because i thought even if i failed the average cumulative grades would pass me and proceeds to mess around. When i get to uni i didnt study for my entrance test and got pretty poor result, i got in just because not many people sign up for my major. I go to a uni known for their comp-sci major and picked marketing just because its an easier path to a degree. While studying in uni i got an offer for an internship at a bank and a big food manufacturer from my cousin, but chose the job offered by my friend at an online retailer instead and talked my way to a pretty comfy position. I built a good relationship with my coworkers and made a name for myself. I promised to take on the jobs my supervisor gave me but i have some demands about the current system. My supervisor was a very good guy, he talked to the higher ups and actually made the changes. This was very good for me cause it meant i can register the company's name for my internship program on my uni while working flexibly with a full time position and pay. My supervisor even aced my internship scoring. Everything seems to be going perfect, too comfortable even. This is when things started to go downhill. I got too comfortable and started to mess up small things and it piled up into a bigger problem than i expected. I know everybody makes mistakes, but sometimes i managed to make the same mistakes multiple times. At this point my friend outperformed me and even got promoted. While working i spent most of my time at my job and my thesis got quite abandoned so i quit my job to focus on my thesis, but then my dad revealed that he wants me to work with him to run my family business after i graduate.
This is the part where i felt like a fraud and a scam, since technically i never perfom outstandingly well in anything. The only way i got ahead in my life is by doing favors and making sure the people that actually know what they're doing owe me favors. It's true that i never cheat, stole, or scam anyone in a literal sense, but getting to this point of my life without actually being able to do anything myself feels like a scam.
submitted by xX_bruh_moment to Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 Mysterious-Papaya-37 Does cognitive impairment get better in recovery?

I (21M) was diagnosed with bipolar two weeks ago after I finally confessed my manic symptoms to my psychiatrist. I had my first manic episode last fall and it left me in a pretty devastating place mentally. I had struggled with depression and executive dysfunction before, but it became impossible to do literally anything, like my brain was tied in knots. I had to quit my job at my college newspaper and take a reduced course load the following semester.
I’m back at my job and am hoping to resume my full course load in the fall, but I still feel like my brain is mush. I’m only two weeks into my first medication and haven’t felt any different (which is normal for the medication I’m on) but I wanted to know if cognition/my ability to function as an adult will return in recovery.
As an aside, I will be getting tested for ADHD next week, which could be another reason for my executive dysfunction. I’d describe myself as a chronic underachiever and my ability to just get things done has always been a challenge, even when I’m not depressed or manic.
submitted by Mysterious-Papaya-37 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Captain_Braveheart Unemployed 31M loser got an entry level tech job

Just putting some positive vibes out. I got a job, fuck being unemployed.
I saw that they were posting for a web developer role on one of the big job boards (indeed, linkedin, onlyfans). Like many of you reading this, my applications were going nowhere. I noticed that this place was close to where I lived so the next day I got up, put on a suit, and drove there unannounced to introduce myself since what else am I doing.
Met the CEO, he liked the initiative and gave me a take home assignment to do. I failed it and I still got offer for a trial period to see how things workout.
I told my story in another online forum and they just shit on the opportunity because of the pay is well below market, but fuck that noise. Its easy to shit on other people's opportunities when they're not the ones living your life.
Job > no job
Keep grinding, and take it one step at a time. If what's directly in front of you is better than where you are, take the step.
I know its a meme from the boomers to go in person and give a firm handshake but it worked for me, maybe we've gone full circle.
Now I just have to keep the job. Wish me luck.
submitted by Captain_Braveheart to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 AracelisKirkpatrick AMITAH For Telling My Parents About My Brother’s Rehab Trip

My Brother (36M) and I (33M) have always been very close. I’ve always been really happy with our connection - however, with this closeness, we’ve always been insanely competitive about nearly everything.
I actually think this competitiveness between us comes from our parents, who have always kinda pinned us against each other, using it as momentum to get us to do/accomplish big things.
Now, we’ve always seen eye-to-eye on basically everything except for a few things.
Basically, my brother loves gambling, partying, and drinking - and while those things are cool sometimes - I’ve never liked them to the extreme level my brother does.
Anyway, about 4 months ago, my brother ended up going to rehab. I was totally supportive of this decision, and we spent a whole weekend researching where he should go/what he should do.
After so much research we ended up deciding on a place called the diamond which is located in Asia (Thailand). If you do some research, rehab in the states is ungodly expensive, and he/we (I pitched in a bit) saved a ton of money, even counting in the flight to go to Asia.
Now, normally, this would be no big deal. However, my brother made me promise not to tell our parents about the rehab trip.
I wasn’t super supportive of this, since our parents would be ecstatic to hear that he’s working on himself, and I bet they would have thrown in some money for the cause.
But my brother was pretty adamant about it, so I told him I wasn’t super comfortable lying to our parents, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to mention it.
My brother gets back, all is well, he’s doing WAY better - but there’s an issue.
He told my parents that WE had started a business and that he was in Asia for business travel or to close some deal or something.
I guess this lie covered why he quit his job and why he was going to be in Asia for awhile, but still have 0 idea why I was included in any of it.
Fast forward to mother’s day weekend, we’re celebrating with our parents. The ONLY thing my mom cares about is talking about this “business.” Like, she won’t leave the topic alone. Asking questions, about what we’re selling, who he was meeting with, etc.
Obviously, we can’t answer any of the questions (since there is no business), so we’re just dodging it.
Eventually, as the night continues on, I’m beyond tired of this and my mom just won’t give up.
Finally, in the backyard, my mom continued to ask and ask and ask, and I just say “There’s no business, he was in Asia for Rehab.”
I instantly feel a weight off my chest, but I can my mom processing it (literally on mothers day) and she’s visibly upset and heads back inside.
Let’s just say all hell breaks loose after this.
My mom and dad call us assholes for lying, my brother calls me an asshole for going out of my way to tell mom (i didn’t), and I call him an asshole for bringing me into his lame lie for 0 reason.
submitted by AracelisKirkpatrick to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 ConeheadZombiez *Some parts of* AnR is an interesting idea, it simply can not be the takeaway of an actual media story

The idea that Eren is this badass villain who manipulated every previous attack titan user in order to achieve his goals is, I must admit, a really fricking cool idea. Hell, even the idea that Eren would have a child with Historia isn't the worst idea I've ever heard, though I would rather have simply had the farmer be an established character instead.
However, there's many problems with it that, in order to explain it, I have to talk about the book 1984.
As cliche as talking about that book is, it's simply the first thing I could think of that had a very depressing ending to it, much like the AnR ending. However, the AnR ending is not nearly as depressing as the ending of 1984. In 1984, nothing gets resolved, and Winston simply becomes another one of the multitude of brainwashed civilians the Party had converted.
However, if the ending of 1984 were like AnR, instead of that being the ending, the ending would be about how actually the Party is a good thing. Not only is the Party a good thing, but Winston is better off being enlightened by it and submitting himself like a slave.
Like a slave being the keywords here, because there's one thing that's immensely wrong with AnR that I have honestly never seen someone talk about. Of course, the multitude of moral implications that genocide helps anything is problematic by itself, along with Eren being able to live out the rest of his life, but all of this just completely ignores one very important character.
Ymir isn't free.
The idea that Ymir was free due to choosing to side with Eren is, quite frankly, a ridiculous statement. She simply changes to becoming a slave to Eren. If they went full on villain with him being a master manipulator to Ymir or something, that would be cool. But no, that's not what AnR is about, unfortunately.
Back to the topic at hand: Titans are made due to the labor of a child slave. The fact that this is completely unaddressed at the end of AnR is inexcusable. The titan curse must end in order for the story to be satisfying (unless you wish to make a statement about how fucked up it is that people would still spend time profiting off a slave, which again is not something that AnR is doing).
The fact that the titan curse remains at the end of the story ALONE is enough to dismiss AnR as a concept.
submitted by ConeheadZombiez to AttackOnRetards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Crafty_Original8402 “Speed Freak”

I have such mixed feelings for Season 4 Episode 20 “Free Fall.” It’s one of my favorite episodes in the entire series but also one of the most aggravating.
The way Hanna, Emily, and Aria confront Spencer on her drug addiction is like a go-to guide on what NOT to do or say when you are having a conversation with someone who is under the influence. The language used, unnecessary yelling, argumentative tones used and demonization of her character is just evil.
I know it’s more complicated given the whole Ezra is “A” thing and they have been trying to break it to Aria for forever and it’s super unfortunate that all that is overlapping but goodness gracious they really aren’t thinking.
Spencer admitted that she had been taking a couple pills, losing sleep, slept walk to school. I was shocked on my first watch that she admitted to that and was super glad she did. She was honest. She didn’t hold back in that regard. Her responding with “but it isn’t that bad.” Is what her friends should’ve focused on (in a gentle and empathetic way). The damn prescription pads with wren’s name on them falls out of her bag and instead of thinking “it could absolutely be possible that A planted this” they immediately think she’s lying when she’s been honest during the entire conversation.
Then to put the cherry on top the next fucking scene is Hanna and Emily talking in the kitchen alone about how it’s still viable that Ezra could be A. LIKE YALL DIDNT WANNA MENTION THAT DURING THE CONVERSATION WHEN SPENCER BROUGHT IT UP??? They lied and kept it from Aria AGAIN. Leaving Spencer looking psychotic.
It makes me tip tip tip on hardwood floors HEATED!
submitted by Crafty_Original8402 to PrettyLittleLiars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Odd_Tale5997 Carnivore Week 1 - Hard

Hi, Guys! I’m new here and wanted to share my experience with week 1 for some positive feedback and constructive criticism. I’ll go over my background a little first. I’m 26, Female. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life, have a very difficult relationship with food. I was diagnosed with PCOS and I’m sure this and hormonal inbalance was the culprit of my mental health. A few years ago I had a very bad mental health episode, and it resulted in me going on sertraline. That and some lifestyle changes helped, but I saw much improvement when I had a weight loss surgery in 2022, I lost quite a bit of weight, had met my partner and moved across the world, and life was on the up and up, so much that I stopped taking sertraline. Unfortunately I grew a little lazy and started putting weight back on, smoking weed, which allowed me to snack so much even when I was full. Food has always been a coping mechanism for me so smoking weed made me forget that fullness feeling and keep going. Then, I started feeling very anxious again, and it was and is being quite rough. I don’t want to get into many details but its a lot to do with obsessions, fear and so on. Depression definitely has a part and I feel it the most and most hopeful right before my period. Now as I mentioned I had pcos but the symptoms had improved tremendously, well, my period is now messed up again, I have horrible luteal phase symptoms mainly mental, and Im not regular any more either. I know for sure my pcos has to do with how I’m feeling mentally. I want to also point out that I had good breakfasts and good dinners. But, I am definitely addicted to sugar. I ate so much chocolate and sweets before bed, snacked constantly, you get it. I knew I needed a change and so I stopped smoking (this has also probably impacted my mental health), it took me a while to take the carnivore diet seriously, but my husband and I want to be at our best, especially as we are trying. Well, this first week had been rough. Emotionally it has been really difficult to navigate, and very anxiety inducing.
Below, I’ll share my feelings each day as I took some notes, but here’s what I’ve been eating this week: Fish (Mackerel), Bacon, Butter, Short Ribs, Pork Belly deep fried in ghee, Milk, Double Cream, Lots of different cheeses, Steak (flank and rib eye), chicken, Eggs, Sausages, Ground Beef, Bone Broth. I would love constructive criticism and feed back and I’m looking only for POSITIVE replies. ❤️ Thanks!
Day 1 - Excited to started. Mild cravings. Missed having bread with my breakfast and did not feel sated as I usually do, even when I was full.
Day 2 - Noticed a little more anxiety. Cravings have definitely gotten stronger. Still don’t feel sated even when I’m full.
Day 3 - Heightened anxiety, but felt better after dinner. Cravings are still strong. Didn’t have my mid afternoon usual snack as I wasn’t hungry.
Day 4 - Morning anxiety again, stomach making crazy sloshing and moving sounds all day, cravings are okay but Im not too excited to eat.
Day 5 - Went to the gym days ago and so much sore than I usually am. Sleep was ok but still anxious when I wake up, earlier in the day. Leg cramps almost took me out when I stretched in the morning!
Day 6 - Extreme anxiety in the morning, cried after breakfast and felt a surge of emotions. Didn’t have much breakfast to begin with. Interestingly enough even though my anxiety has gotten bad for months I hadn’t really cried that way in a while. Feel like I’m gonna get my period but who knows, this would be early.. Felt better throughout the day, tried magnesium for the first time to help.
submitted by Odd_Tale5997 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 Ok_Yogurtcloset216 From Tragedy to Hope: A Journey to Rescue a Long-Lost Friend from the Streets of Las Vegas

From Tragedy to Hope: A Journey to Rescue a Long-Lost Friend from the Streets of Las Vegas
The Long Road Home: A Roommate's Quest to Save a Friend Lost to the Streets of Vegas
Seven years ago, after a life-changing car accident and a two-year coma, my former roommate Derek vanished. He had lost his parents at a young age and had no one else to rely on. The accident in our Porsche drained the last of his savings, and feeling trapped in a care home, Derek used what little he had left to fly to Las Vegas, where he slipped through the cracks of our healthcare system.
In Vegas, Derek's situation deteriorated. He developed a methamphetamine addiction and became homeless, wrestling daily with severe memory loss. His past, vibrant and full of potential, faded into a challenging present, where each day was a struggle to remember and survive.
My journey to find Derek began with routine searches through Las Vegas obituaries, fearing the worst. Instead, I stumbled upon a dozen random TikTok videos showing him drunk on Fremont Street, alive but in desperate need of help. With my incredible girlfriend's encouragement, I dropped everything to find him. The kindness and support of hundreds of Redditors were instrumental in locating Derek at a local shelter. Their generosity helped us get the essentials: good food and a safe place to sleep.
Now, we're heading back to Nebraska. It's a bittersweet journey home. Derek talks about moving back to Nevada, clinging to a semblance of independence and normalcy. Despite his resistance to getting help and his repetitive conversations due to his memory issues, I remain patient. Understanding and respecting his difficult past is crucial as I navigate these next steps with him.
This isn't just a story of rescue but of ongoing recovery. The road ahead is uncertain, but with the continued support of this amazing community and the love I have for my friend, I'm hopeful. Thank you, everyone, for helping me bring Derek back home. This is just the start of another chapter in his life, and I am committed to standing by him through it all.
submitted by Ok_Yogurtcloset216 to goodnews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 the_third_lebowski Short-term gigs for in between jobs?

I am quitting one job to start another, but between moving cities, background checks (gov work), and general circumstances I'll have a few months in between. I won't know the exact time frame. Any good suggestions for work I can do on an hourly basis during that period? All I can think of so far is contract doc review, so if you have any suggestions for companies like, or other types of work I'd love to hear. Part-time would be ideal for full-time is acceptable too. Or non-attorney jobs even, If you have an idea that's easy for an attorney to get. I don't want to spend a bunch of time and effort applying and don't plan to even put it on my resume, just something to bring in extra money when I have nothing to do.
Edit: Ideally something That's not necessarily expected to be permanent. I don't want to be that jerk applying for an actual part-time gigging and quitting after 3 months unexpectedly.
submitted by the_third_lebowski to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 _omarkhaledd [M4F] Clichè SoL rp.. anyone?

Hello! Im James, 18+ so im expecting my partner to be 18 as well.
Im looking for a female (actual female please, not a guy playing a female character) to be my longterm writing partner. I've been on the hunt lately for someone looking to do a slice of life roleplay. Because in a sea full of fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural elements stories.
I think there are people out here like me who were never into writing these, and just looking to do an everyday romance type of story.
I've been roleplaying for over 4-5 years, were introduced to it over omegle but as it shut down, reddit helped me find more detailed partners and helped me be more literate and descriptive. As for my writing style, i write in first person present tense as it's the only way making sense to me. Let's be real, we're all tired of working seriously all days of the week and this is where we relax and live what we wanna live. I prefer if my partner writes the same but if not then that's fine.
As for my writing length, i basically pass discord's limit over twice for my starter, as it contains a backstory and everything. But for the regular replies, i can write 4-12 lines based on my availability and the context. Im not that serious about the length, as long as you give me something to work with. Im not expecting a mutli million dollar movie script nor a one line. English isn't my first language, but i thankfully have little to no mistakes, but forgive me if i have any.
I believe communication is the most important aspect in anything in life, so im looking for my partner to be communicative, about her preferences, availability, about anything before and mid the roleplay.
I have been through lot of bad experiences so if you're someone who just wanna strictly roleplay and someone who ghosts, please don't bother messaging me.
I know we're all adults and have a life, and i appreciate that some of you would be using their free time in talking with me, but im active these days and im NOT looking for someone that's gonna reply once every few days. To sum it up, im looking to make a friend out of my partner, have a lot of OOC chats and not just strictl roleplaying like robots. And also someone available these days.
The tropes im interested in are:
-childhood bestfriends. -enemies to lovers. -bestfriend's siblings. -fake dating.
And alot more!
I love how organized discord is, so im looking to roleplay over there.
I think i got it all now? Feel free to ask me anything, and reply to me with your favourite chocolate to make sure you read everything.
Im interested to hear from each and everyone of you.
submitted by _omarkhaledd to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:29 _omarkhaledd [M4F] Cliche SoL rp.. anyone?

Hello! Im James, 18+ so im expecting my partner to be 18 as well.
Im looking for a female (actual female please, not a guy playing a female character) to be my longterm writing partner. I've been on the hunt lately for someone looking to do a slice of life roleplay. Because in a sea full of fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural elements stories.
I think there are people out here like me who were never into writing these, and just looking to do an everyday romance type of story.
I've been roleplaying for over 4-5 years, were introduced to it over omegle but as it shut down, reddit helped me find more detailed partners and helped me be more literate and descriptive. As for my writing style, i write in first person present tense as it's the only way making sense to me. Let's be real, we're all tired of working seriously all days of the week and this is where we relax and live what we wanna live. I prefer if my partner writes the same but if not then that's fine.
As for my writing length, i basically pass discord's limit over twice for my starter, as it contains a backstory and everything. But for the regular replies, i can write 4-12 lines based on my availability and the context. Im not that serious about the length, as long as you give me something to work with. Im not expecting a mutli million dollar movie script nor a one line. English isn't my first language, but i thankfully have little to no mistakes, but forgive me if i have any.
I believe communication is the most important aspect in anything in life, so im looking for my partner to be communicative, about her preferences, availability, about anything before and mid the roleplay.
I have been through lot of bad experiences so if you're someone who just wanna strictly roleplay and someone who ghosts, please don't bother messaging me.
I know we're all adults and have a life, and i appreciate that some of you would be using their free time in talking with me, but im active these days and im NOT looking for someone that's gonna reply once every few days. To sum it up, im looking to make a friend out of my partner, have a lot of OOC chats and not just strictl roleplaying like robots. And also someone available these days.
The tropes im interested in are:
-childhood bestfriends. -enemies to lovers. -bestfriend's siblings. -fake dating.
And alot more!
I love how organized discord is, so im looking to roleplay over there.
I think i got it all now? Feel free to ask me anything, and reply to me with your favourite chocolate to make sure you read everything.
Im interested to hear from each and everyone of you.
submitted by _omarkhaledd to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 _omarkhaledd Clichè SoL rp.. anyone?

Hello! Im James, 18+ so im expecting my partner to be 18 as well.
Im looking for a female (actual female please, not a guy playing a female character) to be my longterm writing partner. I've been on the hunt lately for someone looking to do a slice of life roleplay. Because in a sea full of fantasy, sci-fi and supernatural elements stories.
I think there are people out here like me who were never into writing these, and just looking to do an everyday romance type of story.
I've been roleplaying for over 4-5 years, were introduced to it over omegle but as it shut down, reddit helped me find more detailed partners and helped me be more literate and descriptive. As for my writing style, i write in first person present tense as it's the only way making sense to me. Let's be real, we're all tired of working seriously all days of the week and this is where we relax and live what we wanna live. I prefer if my partner writes the same but if not then that's fine.
As for my writing length, i basically pass discord's limit over twice for my starter, as it contains a backstory and everything. But for the regular replies, i can write 4-12 lines based on my availability and the context. Im not that serious about the length, as long as you give me something to work with. Im not expecting a mutli million dollar movie script nor a one line. English isn't my first language, but i thankfully have little to no mistakes, but forgive me if i have any.
I believe communication is the most important aspect in anything in life, so im looking for my partner to be communicative, about her preferences, availability, about anything before and mid the roleplay.
I have been through lot of bad experiences so if you're someone who just wanna strictly roleplay and someone who ghosts, please don't bother messaging me.
I know we're all adults and have a life, and i appreciate that some of you would be using their free time in talking with me, but im active these days and im NOT looking for someone that's gonna reply once every few days. To sum it up, im looking to make a friend out of my partner, have a lot of OOC chats and not just strictl roleplaying like robots. And also someone available these days.
The tropes im interested in are:
-childhood bestfriends. -enemies to lovers. -bestfriend's siblings. -fake dating.
And alot more!
I love how organized discord is, so im looking to roleplay over there.
I think i got it all now? Feel free to ask me anything, and reply to me with your favourite chocolate to make sure you read everything.
Im interested to hear from each and everyone of you.
submitted by _omarkhaledd to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 g_g73 Super emt insult

I had recently gotten my EMT-B license in January and gotten a job at an IFT/dialysis/ nursing home emergencies company in late February. My emt class was through a community college and i am still taking gen eds currently. I have been working nightshift fulltime consistently since i was hired.
I had a very unprofessional partner the other night who is 5 years on the job and there to teach a student. This partner is your generic super burnt out negative nancy who is finishing his first year of nursing school. He had told me and the student that medic school is ridiculous, school is stupid, and you make no money and nursings where the moneys at. For our first patient, he was swearing about the patient’s condition in a hostile manner in the back WITH THE PATIENT basically disrespecting them. I told him after the call what he had said was extremely rude and he said he didnt even realize what he said (which i feel is even worse). Throughout the whole night he did not have any positive patient contact, seemed to lack any empathy for their situations, and had me and the student handle the patient as he would run and talk to the nurse the whole time. He seemed to snap at the student and me and it was ridiculous. I was expected to teach the student so i taught him what i have learned in the past few months and my tips and tricks.
I would ask this partner questions seeking advice and an explanation on different things and he just dismissed me and said i was trying to be a “super emt”. I felt offput by that especially after how he acted the entire night. If i want to do things more “by the book” and what makes sense for the highest level of care i can give, whats wrong with that? Am i being too uptight? I want to be the best i can at this job and learn as much as i can but i dont want to be labeled as a “super emt” and a tryhard.
submitted by g_g73 to NewToEMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 TheRealSilvShady TW: Manic episodes.

As someone who is diagnosed with Bipolar type 1, I can tell you now all she is suffering with is too much drink and too many drugs.
I'd give anything not to have it, not to have spent months in a psychiatric unit, it's a living hell and the fact she pulls this new "diag-nonsense" out her ass is a fucking joke.
Manic episode? You mean.. Having a little cry and triggering people online with a sharp object? Wasting the time of ambulances and NHS staff you call for yourself?
It's not how she thinks it is and I don't usually post but I genuinely feel so personally hurt by this new claim.
Try being so elevated you feel like you're invincible, but not in a tiktok "I'm invincible and the queen of the app no one can remove me" way
It's like you suddenly have a god complex, absolutely nothing can affect you and that actually the law isn't something you have to abide by because you're pretty damn special.
Money is no object, everything you earn is disposable but also don't forget.. you're going to make it big because you watched a single video on something random like being a fashion designer.
So you quit your job straight after watching the video and order some supplies and spend hours focusing on it, making yourself a business that's never going to take off..
You could lose your job, your house, your family. You start taking mega risks that can ruin your whole life.
You wash your car at 3am because you suddenly remember you need to do it, you mow the lawn at 4am waking up your neighbours causing an ongoing conflict, there is 0 sense of time, sometimes you genuinely think you're completely invincible.. like you could walk in front of traffic and nothing could hurt you or you could take a shortcut to the garden by just jumping from a second story window because rules, consequences and things just don't apply or exist to you.
You sleep with people just for the thrill, the excitement of being so bad, you get married after knowing someone for 3 days, You do reckless things like driving your car down the motorway at 180mph just for the sheer thrill and adrenaline of it, you do things to feel alive.
You are so out of it that you don't even REALISE how far gone you are. You don't REALISE you need to get help. You don't REALISE you need to reach out or get therapy or whatever. You don't REALISE until the damage is done or the comedown from the mania into the depression.
You also do everything you needed to do when you were so depressed you didn't want to exist, you didn't leave your actual bed for 4 weeks, you didn't shower, you didn't brush your hair, you didn't brush your teeth, you didn't go out, you stayed in the same clothes, you don't eat, you don't open your curtains, you couldn't even reply to a text message from friends simply asking if you are ok let alone going live and going out.
Going on a drug/alcohol bender, lying about everything and causing shit online and crying wolf 24/7 isn't bipolar.
submitted by TheRealSilvShady to Elphaoriondoherty [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 lorddrake4444 game announcement "Isekaied into potasteros can I aid in defeating the algorithm"

game announcement
so you probably heard by now i am making a game based on a version of jeannie's potasteros that i've been writing in my spare time for a year or 2 , this is the official announcement and pitch for it , lets dive right it
**the premise**
"Isekaied into potasteros can I aid in defeating the algorithm overlords" *name pending* is a 2d point and click adventure game written and made by yours truely , in which you will take control of a random chatter that woke up in my version of potasteros after having a not so fortunate meeting with a truck *ik ik cliche af*
the story revolves around exploring the new world you find yourself in and helping defeat the evil threat of **THE ALGORITHIM**
what's the algorithm you might ask? well that's for me to know and for you to find out when the game is out :)
during the run time of the game we meet several characters from the potastic mythos and even some chatters which segues us pretty neatly to the next point
**the characters**
cant have a game without some characters can we now , so lets meet some of our main cast *art generated by AI dont think i am that good at drawing*
*the queen herself*
jeannie "red panda queen" lee is the defacto ruler of potasteros and a formidable pyromancer but with a twist instead of being all burn the enemy light everything on fire , she uses her flames mostly to heal things , after all fire can burn but can also bring warmth , can cremate a body , but also cauterize a wound , the origin of jeannie goes something like this , she was the spirit of this land and its protector , she was completely content with it being a forest with no kingdom until she met our next character.....
*the lord*
henry "lord immersion" liang was the ruler of a nearby kingdom that got destroyed by the **THE ALGORITHIM** and after being forced to flee with his people he met our panda in her forest after which they promptly fell in love *cringe* using henry's experience in ruling a kingdom they turned the land of potasteros into a bustling empire with thousands of residents
in combat henry is a stereotypical paladin , he can tank , he can smite the unworthy and he can even do some healing however where henry really shines is in giving buffs to his armies
speaking off what's an army without some generals
*the titan*
zillvr "the titanic crusader" was a nomad living in the mountains of potasteros , when he heard about the new kingdom he went to check it out and boy did he come at an interesting time for the land was being attacked by a dragon , the kingdom had a weapon worthy of killing such beast in a hammer weighing in at over 5 tons but no one to wield it , well guess who just came in and could lift that thing in a single arm , after dispatching the beast , zilly here was not only accepted into the army and given a home in the kingdom , he became the high general of the army
in combat zillvr is a massive armored truck , he will hit you and he will hit you so hard you forget who you even are , he can throw enemies around like toys and shrug off most damage like it aint there
but zilly isnt the only general i have for you today
*the spy mistress*
aizo "the owl spy mistress" is a deeply mysterious figure , not only has no one ever seen her face , but rumor has it shes older than the queen herself , predating even the creation of the land , "before everything , there was aizo" is a popular saying in the kingdom because she seems to know literally everything that happened , might happen , or is happening in the land
in combat aiz is a rapid assassin that thrives in creating chaos for the enemy lines, she will create shadows , cause confusion and deal massive damage to priority targets while getting out as if she was never there to begin with, be careful where you step lest her blade slits your throat
so now that we've met some of our characters lets talk gameplay:
**the gameplay**
the game follows a simple gameplay loop , you can navigate potasteros as you would navigate an other point and click game , just click on things to go places lol , talk to characters and take quests so you and your party can go on adventures , in which you would kill things , get loot and level up , but how do we kill things you might ask....
**the combat**
combat in the game is a grid based , D&D styled , turn based combat with a twist , instead of "action economy" everything is set on a timer, after initiative , every char gets 10 seconds a turn , and every skill costs "time" in addition to any other resource it may cost , manage your time and get the most out of it to defeat your opponents
**some technical stuff and what's to come**
i have at least 8 more characters planned and each of them will be playable on top of the player char putting us to 13 playable chars *jinx* , the story is mostly prepared at least in general form with only the specifics left to be finished , all the art in the game will be AI because i cant draw for shit lol , the game will be made in the godot game engine and released on itch when done , not going to put it on steam cuz that costs money lol , the plan so far is to release a trailer on the next anniversary and the game in the 6th year's but obviously time will tell if any delays happen , i've been thinking of doing this for ages ever since i found out jeannie was fine with people making games of her
**now some cleaning up**
first off i would like to thank jeannie for being such an amazing person and bringing me and everyone else in this community happy times for 4 years now and hopefully several more to come , you're truly a hug to the soul , and 2nd off if anyone doesnt wanna be in the game , tell me , however do not ask me to be included cuz if open that gate the game will never be done lol , and i hope that if anyone is the butt of a joke in the game dont take it too seriously , tis just in good fun , welp thats all i wanted to say bye
submitted by lorddrake4444 to PotasticP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 terp-bick help out scam victims in this thread

so half a year ago this service got exposed for some scummy tactics. Fast forward today, people are coming in this thread and saying they are being stopped from cancelling their subscription. Anybody whos qualified wanna help out? https://old.reddit.com/LocalLLaMA/comments/18ba6md/chat_drama_rundown_everything_you_missed/
some comments in this thread:
"It ended up just canceling itself Yeah it definitely is a scam website where that make it basically impossible to cancel your subscription so you keep having to pay I even joined their discord and soon as I talked about my issue I got kicked. I think the reason it canceled itself was cause I didn’t have enough money in my bank account to pay the charge or because I locked my card when it was supposed to do the reoccurring payment So I would suggest trying to send all your money on your account to a trusted friend or family when the reoccurring payments about to happen or you can do the easier option and lock card but I can’t promise you’ll have the same outcome Nevermind just got charged for 2 months" 
"so is there actually anyway to cancel a subscription? i tried asking on the discord and got banned for "talking nonsense" i really dont wanna give them any more money and i dont want to get in trouble for not paying this damn subscription" 
submitted by terp-bick to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 gizmodude12351 Help please 🙏

I just watched the latest episode of the podcast. I must have missed it, but what is the episode where Ethan talks about Ab's moms boobs? I have seen all the times she has called in and all.
submitted by gizmodude12351 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 Public_Beach_Nudity Which childhood cartoon series did you realize was “messed up” when watching it again as an adult?

For me it was Hey Arnold.
Some of the characters have some really awful living situations outside of school.
Helga- Helga’s dad is abusive (possibly alcoholic??), and neglectful. The evidence I have with her dad being abusive is there’s a point in the show where her dad is confronting her, and Helga’s mom says “it’s best to just go with it” to Helga.
Her dad is neglectful because he will refer to Helga by her older sister’s name, and whenever Helga corrects him, he just doesn’t seem to really care. In one of Helga’s flashbacks, she tells her dad that she needs to go to preschool, and he straight up ignores her. This results in Helga walking to preschool alone and in the middle of a thunderstorm.
Olga (Helga’s sister)- is a perfectionist to the point that she becomes depressed whenever she doesn’t meet her own expectations, which might tie back into her home life, where her parents pretty much gave her nothing but praise and attention.
Chocolate Boy- He’s a child friendly representation of a drug addict. He tends to get bribed with chocolate for someone else’s personal gains, he’s mocked over his “substance abuse”, and he gets desperate enough to sort through garbage for another fix of chocolate. He does try quitting, but he substitutes veggies for chocolate, which is a pretty accurate representation of what may happen when someone tries to quit cold turkey. Former alcoholics will usually switch over to N/A beer, or coffee, or soft drinks. I believe in the show it’s implied that he blows his allowance on chocolate too…
Stoop Kid- has abandonment issues, he’s sitting on the steps waiting for his parents(?) to return home. Which has taken a toll on his mental health as a result, therefore Stoop Kid is actually afraid to leave his stoop!
Sid- definitely not as bad as the other characters off the top of my head, but he does tend to be very superstitious, he does make a voodoo doll of his own principal. He also develops a real bad phobia for germs in one episode, even going as far as wearing full PPE to avoid germs. Other than that, his home life seems to be a bit of a mystery. He also tends to be a bully at times too.
Harold- he’s overweight, and a bully, which he himself is bullied over in some episodes. Usually IRL bullies themselves are usually picked on by somebody else. He does try to lose some weight, and even goes to “fat camp” in one episode, but iirc he just gains even more weight.
submitted by Public_Beach_Nudity to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 mademoiselle_angel Myntra is not refunding my money for a return. Please advise!

I have returned an item on Myntra and I was supposed to get the refund. The company promised to give refunds in two parts, as in, two partial amounts but sums up to total.
Now I have received partial refund but the other half remains.
I have talked with customer support and escalation desk, they all keep asking me to wait as it's a failure at their end.
They keep on asking me to wait, it's been 7 days. Whereas, I was supposed to get the money within 24 hours.
I have tried to escalate the matter via call, Twitter, email and what not!
They just keep giving me assurance and nothing even as compensation.
Please help, how can I reach out to them further? And get this issue fixed.
Any point of contact that I could reach out to?
I am aware of the route of NCH but I would not like to yet reach to them.
If I could fix this with the company itself, is there any other way out?
I really despise these e-commerce platforms, charge us "convenience fee" but really are extremely inconvenient. Feels like a fraud sometimes.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you :)
submitted by mademoiselle_angel to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 DragWonderful8690 Help! To quit job or not

I’m a GEF. I appeared for CAT this year and only call I had was from Sambalpur. Didn’t prepare for cat 2023, hence got 85 percentile only. Sambalpur waitlist number is 1400, so there’s no way I’m getting in this year. I’m working as a software engineer currently(almost 2 years of work ex). But I don’t want to pursue this as a career and want to switch domain to product management. Tried applying at multiple places but everywhere they ask for 2,3 yrs of work experience in the domain. Hence considering MBA. I was about to get permanent wfh but company denied that at the last moment. Will get to know about promotion and increment next month, but I honestly have no hope with this company. Package isn’t that good either. Should I resign and prepare for cat full time since I’m not getting that much money anyway and routine will become really hectic if I have to go to office 4 days a week. I’m scared I won’t be able to prepare properly and waste another year in this shitty company. I don’t want to switch either because for that also I’ll have to put a lot of effort because tech stack isn’t good in the current company. Can’t manage interview prep and cat prep simultaneously. WHAT TO DOOOO
submitted by DragWonderful8690 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 Minute-Dingo-6647 LW Reveal

Starting 4:15 they talk about how episode 5 and 6 feel like everything's resolved but there's the elephant in the room.
We are not getting LW reveal until ep 6, are we? 🙃
submitted by Minute-Dingo-6647 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 _KingDawg72_ About to watch “Masters of the Air” a year after I first watched “Band of Brothers”

I remember I first watched this on the early morning of May 14th, 2023 (about an hour after midnight) and it was an interesting experience.
As someone who always respected military members, it was interesting seeing vets talk about their experiences on camera.
And the training episode was also pretty compelling, it reminded me of the first MCU Captain America where Steve went to US Army basic training. LOL 😂
I can’t wait to start this new journey.
I heard Dua Lipa’s boyfriend (Calum Turner) is in the show. I can’t lie… a part of me wants to see him get killed in the show because he’s dating Dua Lipa and I have a crush on Dua Lipa. I’m jealous of him.
While the other part also doesn’t want to see him get KIA because chances are he’s portraying a real serviceman on the Allied side.
So, like, I’m kinda conflicted. LOL 😂
Anyway, I’m gonna start now.
submitted by _KingDawg72_ to BandofBrothers [link] [comments]
