Is there anything like adderall available at walgreens

Penises showing up mildly in public.

2013.02.02 14:35 AtomicTacoCanada Penises showing up mildly in public.

A subreddit dedicated to items that unintentionally have some sort of phallic nature.

2013.03.27 04:53 euca What do you really want to do?

For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there. We provide the paths to all who request. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. Be kind and supportive - no hate allowed here.

2018.01.08 23:56 1251isthetimethati Not How Girls Work

A place to laugh at all those clueless to how girls work. This does not include podcast clips or tweets from those (especially public figures) who constantly recite typical misogynistic rhetoric, and make a profit or following off of intentionally disparaging women online/in media; We will not give them free publicity here, or even more attention. Please read the subreddit rules before participating; New accounts, or ones with low karma may be subjected to AutoMod flagging and filtration.

2024.05.14 21:12 John3354 MGSV, FOB missions, how are captured staff calculated?

This has been really bothering me as I have played well over a thousand FOB missions at this point and I cannot for the life of me figure out how the game figures out what staff are captured or even whether or not I get any.
Usually I will go through the FOBs that come up in the infiltration list and first scan through looking for bases with lots of S++ staff and then look for the easiest to infiltrate platforms. The game and all sources I can find state that a successful infiltration will capture 10 staff from that base, but this is not always the case. None of it even makes any sense, and I am programmer so I am really struggling to make any sense of it.
Last night I infiltrated a platform that had nothing but S++ staff and when I reached the core it showed that I extracted 10 staff but then they were all S rank and lower. That wasn't even a possibility.
Other times I will have a successful infiltration and completely ghost the base and no staff will be captured even though it has shown that there were tons of staff available.
Then there are the bases with tons of staff, plenty of S++, S+ and on down the line and I will successfully infiltrate it and instead of extracting 10 staff I will get 3 or 4 or 7 or whatever.
None of it really makes any sense. On top of that a base may say that as part of the bonus rewards I should get X volunteers but even that is usually not even close to the amount that I actually get. But then all of the rest of the rewards are what it says that I should get. Resources, GMP, etc., are all spot on, but it might say that I should get, for instance, 29 volunteers and then I end up getting 11 or whatever. Well less than half.
And to make things even more confusing and hard to figure out the other night I infiltrated a base that had 10 S++ medical staff up for grabs and on the mission summary at the end I ended up getting all 10 S++ staff from that base, and it was an extremely easy base to infiltrate.
I cannot find rhyme nor reason to how it might work. I would think that you should get staff roughly in proportion to what is available. Let's say that the ratio of S++ ranks is 1:10 with the rest of the distribution, I would expect to probably get 1 of those, roughly speaking. Or get 1-2 of the best staff with each successful infiltration and then a bunch of scrubs. Maybe a sort of stop-loss programmed in if a person does not have many staff available to cut the number down from the 10 that they advertise, but I have infiltrated FOBs with hundreds of staff up for grabs and captured zero. I have infiltrated other bases with relatively few staff and gotten the advertised 10. The difficulty level of the base also doesn't seem to matter, the number of platforms doesn't seem to matter and it also does not seem to matter if I ghost the FOB or have soft alerts or anything.
As a programmer and someone who works in technology I usually try to make sense of such things and then "Moneyball" the algorithm but in the case of MGSV FOBs I cannot make heads or tails of it. Any ideas?
submitted by John3354 to metalgearsolid [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:11 No-Energy7682 Im struggling to not rot in bed… 11 years, 2 kids, and too many chances later I (F30) found extremely inappropriate messages between my partner (M38) and my younger sister (F22)

I’m so angry, depressed, and lack the motivation to move out, job hunt (I was laid off in March), be a mom, be a human… how do I find the motivation to do anything?
11 years, 2 kids, and too many chances later I (F30) found extremely inappropriate messages between my partner (M38) and my younger sister (F22), there were a lot of sexual and cheating references and they even made fun of me too with my sister sharing “my sister” memes of an ugly animal in the meme and the both of them laughing at the memes… to this day my sister says “I just sent the memes because it was funny but I wasn’t making fun of you”.
When I confronted them, they both said that they sent the messages to each other because it’s their sense of humor and that I was overreacting… thank god I found a wonderful therapist and I opened up to trusted friends about this and they let me know that the messages and behavior were absolutely not OK and that I have every right feel betrayed by the both of them.
I don’t think I’ll ever learn the full truth and maybe the messages that I saw were truly all that there was... who knows?
The first two weeks following D day he was behaving as if he was sorry by being kind, patient, supportive of me going through so many emotions. He was essentially taking care of all child and household responsibilities so I could rot in bed because that’s literally all I could do. His “sorry” and supportive behavior only lasted so long…
Now we’re about 4 weeks past D Day and it’s been a roller coaster:( sometimes I have motivation and can get things done, be a present mom, job hunt, workout, etc. But it’s not always like that and the smallest trigger sends me to rot in bed.
It feels absolutely infuriating to have my ex-partner minimize his inappropriate interactions with my sister by saying it’s not like I was explicitly telling your sister that we should hook up or that we were in love behind your back or anything like that. When I told him that this is the final straw (he has done plenty of damage throughout the 11years) and that I want to separate I was treated poorly because he was upset that I was ending things over something that wasn’t that big of a deal. He said that I should just accept his apology and forgive him so that we can move on with our lives because it’s not like he actually cheated on me.
My grandparents offered for my kids and I to move into their house rent free until I’m able to get back on my feet but I don’t even have the energy in me to pack up and leave.
I hate him for being so incredibly selfish!!!
submitted by No-Energy7682 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:11 RoyalEchidnaHerder Humidity, window and wall sweat

TL;DR - Window sweat on only one window, wall water stains (not visible only when looking at angle) all over the house. Tried every suggestion online but humidity still high.
Hello fellow redditors!
Experiencing first full winter in the new home bought last year. As it is getting colder, recently noticed that just one of the bedroom windows “sweat” at night, even when there is nobody in it and the door is closed. Been doing some research and have tried the following without success in eliminating it:-
1) Leaving windows and room doors open - it’s getting really cold, and the window will let the rain enter making the carpet wet. 2) Ventilate during the day - even today where is was mostly bright and sunny, the humidity only went down to 60%, still too high for some websites. 3) Running a dehumidifier - this lowers the humidity, but it goes back up after a while, and it is getting costly. 4) Weatherstripping - I have added some additional weather stripping but it doesn’t seem to work. All other windows do not sweat even without the additional weather stripping. 5) Turning on the fan - this worked a treat, especially pointing it at the window, window sweat stopped. But, it’s a tad bit cold NGL.
Windows are single panel with aluminium frame from what I can tell (20-30 year old house). Probably those cheap 2mm window panes. Property probably isn’t very air tight, with halogen lights venting into celling/roof.
Weirdly enough the condensation will usually start on the flyscreen before the actual window condenses. However, I did also notice couple days ago that all the walls seem to have water stains, like condensation has been there before (no marks or anything, but can see it when looking at an angle). Unsure whether this was recent or has been there since before I moved in.
House does get a little frosty, especially when it is really cold outside (like 13°C inside when it is 8°C outside). Humidity does fluctuate during day and night, as high as 80% over wet weekend and as low as 30% in summer.
Have not been turning on central heater because I have not had it cleaned (was planning to decommission it for spilt system units).
Appreciate if anyone’s advice or be pointed in the right direction for this. TIA!
submitted by RoyalEchidnaHerder to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:10 ArkOfTheCube Evidence that nukes are a hoax

Evidence that nukes are a hoax
The following documentary explores the surprisingly abundant evidence that nuclear weapons are a hoax.
This man actually analysed the city of Hiroshima after the act and testified the following:
"In Hiroshima I was prepared for radically different sights. But, to my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities in Japan. There was a familiar pink blot, about two miles in diameter. It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only one of the cities twenty bridges was down. Hiroshima’s clusters of modern buildings in the downtown section stood upright.
It was obvious that the blast could not have been so powerful as we had been led to believe. It was extensive blast rather than intensive.
I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I saw the buildings structurally intact, and what is more, topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs and other comparatively fragile objects.
At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the “bald spot” where everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an eye. It wasn’t there or anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.
What I did see was in substance a replica of Yokohama or Osaka, or the Tokyo suburbs – the familiar residue of an area of wood and brick houses razed by uncontrollable fire. Everywhere I saw the trunks of charred and leafless trees, burned and unburned chunks of wood. The fire had been intense enough to bend and twist steel girders and to melt glass until it ran like lava – just as in other Japanese cities.
The concrete buildings nearest to the centre of explosion, some only a few blocks from the heart of the atom blast, showed no structural damage. Even cornices, canopies and delicate exterior decorations were intact. Window glass was shattered, of course, but single-panel frames held firm; only window frames of two or more panels were bent and buckled. The blast impact therefore could not have been unusual."
This study was never published for some reason.
I’ve been to both Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The whole thing is propaganda. There isn’t a trace of residual radiation anywhere in either city. I checked using a Geiger counter purchased after the “Fukushima” nuclear hoax, which at the time I thought was real.
The few bits of footage of the nukes exploding is laughable. It’s Hollywood effects, matte screens and identical mushroom clouds composited for different angles. Totally fake.
There is a reason these magical super weapons have never been used for an act of “terrorism” or in any war zone since and it has nothing to do with mutually assured destruction, unless you take that to mean the global unravelling of the lie itself.
It’s because nukes don’t exist, have never existed and cannot be made to work. They are a myth.
While looking for info on how "feasible" an all out thermonuclear war scenario was, because I already figured that nuclear weapons are a joke and a remnant way of thought from the Cold War era of thinking, I stumbled upon this massive article about the supposed Nuclear Weapons hoax.
Some highlights of it, after skimming through it last night include:
  • Nuclear weapons are a result of a collusion between USA/USSR (With Stalin keeping the East of Europe to remain a "threat" to the west) and Japan with many other countries joining later.
  • Explaining the impossibility of making an Atomic bomb work in the first place, and why it cannot possibly produce radiation that can cause harm to any biological matter, including humans.
  • The Hiroshima and Nagasaki "atomic bombs" were most likely faked: No nuclear bombs were detonated, Napalm carpet bombings were used instead, and nobody died from radiation. It also explains how could a lie like that be kept in Japan for 60+ years and shows plenty of photos from ground zero.
  • "(...)Nuclear radiation is harmless. It is just easy to detect by Geiger meters, etc, but cannot harm anything. Only uranium and plutonium metal dusts are poisonous."
  • Clearing misconceptions related to the Fukushima 2011 incident
  • Explaining why the B61 nuclear bombs are a fraud.
  • A timeline showcasing the USA-North Korea talks from 2017 and 2018 and explaining why they were only done to put on a show, because, it is very likely that North Korea, does not have any in the first place.
And many other stuff.
Here it is, divided in 9 parts.
The people and organizations creating the lies:
The atomic bomb killed nobody in Japan:
How does an atomic bomb work? It doesn't!
Plenty O' manipulations:
Explosive fission is a scam:
All about real fission:
The fake B-61 atomic bombs:
All about no radiation at Fukushima:
About radiation itself:
The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki appear not to be the result of one large explosion, but rather the result of a fire-bombing campaign comparable in pictures to Tokyo's fire-bombed remains. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also never experienced anything like the hundreds or thousands of years of radiation predicted by nuclear scientists, in fact, vegetation began growing within a month after the bombing, and the Japanese people began rebuilding almost immediately!
Some nuclear physicists even claim nuclear weaponry fraudulent based solely on the technical impossibilities of fission material not to be incinerated before triggering the necessary nuclear chain reaction.
Tesla even famously tried to split the atom him self and came to the conclusion it didn't release energy:
"Let me say that has nothing to do with releasing so-called atomic energy. There is no such energy in the sense usually meant. With my currents, using pressures as high as 15,000,000 volts, the highest ever used, I have split atoms — but no energy was released. I confess that before I made this experiment I was in some fear. I said to my assistants, ‘I do not know what will happen. If the conclusions of certain scientists are right, the release of energy from the splitting of an atom may mean an explosion which would wreck our apparatus and perhaps kill someone. Is that understood?’
My assistants urged me to perform the experiment and I did so. I shattered atoms again and again. But no appreciable energy was released."
This was from an interview he did with time magazine back in 1931 so it made me wonder if these anti nuke guys were on to something. The government has a lot of reasons to create a weapon of mass destruction psyop it spreads fear porn thats one thing and convinces people they can cause nuclear armageddon at the flick of a button. Einstein as some people know tried to steal Tesla's spotlight putting him into obscurity but his technology and experiments were very peculiar and show us there's a lot of high strangeness about this reality that's still not well understood.
Also In 1986, Galen Winsor a Nuclear physicist Exposed the Nuclear fear scam by licking a pile of highly radioactive uranium off the palm of his hand and ignite a chunk of plutonium into a shower of flaming dust to show how safe these materials were. The guy also drank reactor cooling pool water for fun and liked to go swimming in the pool to relax.
submitted by ArkOfTheCube to censoredreality [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:10 Petra_Riverlynn I sometimes go a whole week without doing a shit. Is this... normal?

I only need to do it every few days. And when I do, it takes around 20 minutes and hurts. I've just accepted it because I've never known anything else. I'm a teenage girl who doesn't have a very healthy diet if that helps (I'm small but I eat a lot of chocolate and quite a lot of food and my diet doesn't contain enough fruit or veg- I apparently have issues with textures of food or food avoidance). I don't think I have any health conditions (I just have ADHD). It's just kinda occurred to me that other people can just shit without any pain... like what!? And they can just do it in five minutes?? Like other people do it every morning, like clockwork. There is no consistency for me. Some times, I'll be doing it multiple times a day and other times I go a whole week without doing it at all. I think the longest I've gone is nearly 2 weeks. Is this a cause for concern or is this fine and normal?
Btw by pain I don't mean excruciating pain. Most of the time it's just a lot of discomfort. Occasionally though it's constipation and actual painful pain.
submitted by Petra_Riverlynn to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:10 Future-Hour-7450 Inaccessible for New Women

Hi, I have been in India, Thailand, the Caribbean, and South America, and have attempted to attend a Vipassana retreat in these continents as a “new women”. Now, I am back in the US and I look at every state and all of the retreats are full for new women and even the ones that are two months out have a waitlist. I reached out to a center and was told to apply for a retreat the day that it opens, but I’m looking for a 10 day retreat now or in the next couple of months.
I’m a young experienced practitioner and I’m not looking for anything fancy or something that is seemingly so inaccessible to attend. I am happy that Vipassana is free! Considering that, especially in the US, the cost of Buddhist and spiritual retreats and communities is becoming aggressively unaffordable… I wonder if there are other options for non- community oriented meditation based facilities? Otherwise I’ll have to pitch a tent up somewhere in some forest to get the necessary conditions for a meditation retreat but there’s added stress in that option too for a single young female like myself.
Does anyone have any other insight into similar conditions for a meditation retreat experience— that doesn’t have any extra community obligations or uninteresting practices included in the meditation? Perhaps even just a Temple or center with not too many people willing to house a silent practicioner for a week?
Otherwise if anyone has any insight in how to actually get into a Vipassana retreat,I’d be happy to hear! I’m in VA now, just got back from Caribbean/ SA no luck with Vipassana
Thank you very much anyone that can help!
submitted by Future-Hour-7450 to vipassana [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:10 Despadia MB won’t let the baby sleep

I am currently at my limit with my current MB, I take care of an infant here only about 2 months old and whenever she’s sleeping for whatever odd reason MB does NOT like it; on a normal day I’d get the baby to sleep and it may only be an hour and I’m sitting scrolling on my phone while the baby’s in the crib (if everything else is done) and MB always comes in and wakes the baby up.. she’ll speak in a loud voice, touch the baby, turn on the light, and start grabbing loud objects in the room (for no reason aside from she doesn’t like that I’m “not doing anything”). Don’t get me wrong I obviously know babies shouldn’t sleep for too long but when it’s an hour or less there’s no need for her to want to wake the baby up, all it does is aggravate the baby. Regardless recently the baby is becoming overtired due to not being able to sleep for long periods and I can get the baby to sleep but I’ll usually have to hold her because during those times ONLY she needs extra comfort and MB wasn’t necessarily “livid” about it but she was definitely upset, she tried her normal tactics of waking the baby up again but it didn’t work because the baby is EXHAUSTED and ended up just taking her from me; she put the baby down in the crib that is in their room and actually had the NERVE to march in here and tell me her not being able to sleep is happening too often.. after I’ve already explained the reason why she becomes overtired MB insists that I should’ve put her down earlier and that it’s not because of her consistently waking her up; Keep in mind when I do suggest that the baby should go down for a nap MB always says something along the lines of “she doesn’t seem tired to me, just keep playing”. Anyways she told me that she’s thinking of cutting my hours next week (which they’ve already done, because the “baby was sleeping while I was here and I had no work to do for that hour” I was fine with that, and since she “always has to come in here and stop working”… she doesn’t HAVE to come in here, she chooses to come if the baby is crying for more than 30 seconds and just takes her. I just cannot put up with this insufferable behavior anymore and told MB that there was no need to discuss my hours as this week will be my last.
(Bonus: Knowing that the baby is exhausted she also made a comment saying “the baby would probably wake up soon/within 5 minutes (even though she JUST fell asleep) and not to put her down again, just play downstairs” the baby hasn’t woken up yet and I am doubtful she will within the hour.)
submitted by Despadia to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 danefrth Gilmour 2024 Setlist - Speculation

I'm an enormous DG fan, almost borderline finatic and also a musician myself. I found myself back in 2015 up to today, getting ahold of legally posted bootlegs and just listening over how gilmour changes the way he plays and sings each song note by note, phraze by phraze and just generally fanboying out over songs and playstyles as he went night after night. Its intereasting how he retains a certain over-arching phrase/lick/note relation from either a particular song or songs from the album hes touring and how that slips into the other back cataloug song solos - like a musical marker where you can tell what tour the song was played on but thats me just being a nerd and thats what i find interesting for a tour, as The pipes call has a really resh feel to it and id like to see this new layer applied over old songs as he plays them.
Its interesting reading/listening over the new developments with this upcoming tour on what to expect, the reluctance towards 70's floyd is an interesting turn but then again im a huge DG fan so his reign over floyd on AMLOR and DB are just pure bliss to me so its not a low ball IMO. It seems hes very annoyed with roger at the moment, not from exact words but more or less me reading between lines a bit, with how hes handling things and how things are manifesting, sure little 70's floyd is a little support towards that so im curious what the set list will be like. Im aware of his vocal range and perhaps the very few dates we are all seeing for the tour itself is maybe a sign to his age and abilities physically now, which also play a part of what songs meet the setlist. He said back in 2015 that he and polly sat and listened over every album making notes of what songs they wanted to play so its likly hes going to do the same again. This time though we have more supporting evidence to highlight his strenghts and weaknesses when it comes to vocal and playing ability. A lot of these high vocal range floyd/solo songs are probably not going to meet the tour so it makes me wonder, what will ?
The bootlegs from RTL have shown he has struggled to sing some songs, some more than others and a indications of struggles is his RTL set list which he has said is constructed to tell its own story but i can see its designed to provide as much vocal rest as possible. Rattle that lock (song) was such a vocal killer for him which is why i think it was played in order (5am - RTL - FOS) aka Songs 1, 2 and 3 so it was out the way first rather than played later. Risky but cool that what do you want from me made its way in an early setlist slot which would of really pushed his vocals off as well. I think a lot of people are confusing genuine playing mistakes as a sign of age, for example run like hell, he often bodged the guitar on the main riff, but you can tell with the shades on and the frantic lighting hes just struggling all out just to see what hes doing so little things like that do mask some truths. I am aware of his struggles to play fast as well so that is another factor to take onboard, vocally though he has a suprisingly good range for his age but has lost a lot of power and stamina so i dont think really reletless songs will make the cut, however luck and strange is a first for gilmour in the fact that he has included a cover so perhaps we will see a new for gilmour in the tour as well, which could be that he detunes songs simalar to how roger detuned run like hell on his live shows.
Set list Luck and strange - I think its possible hes going to play the album in full, but that depends on the unstrumentation and vocal demand so its 50/50 if he will do it in full like he did with on an island in 06 or just cherry pick like he did with rattle that lock. Assuming hes made the album with live performance in mind, and lets say its going to be played in full
01 - Black Cat
02 - Luck and strange
03 - The Pipers Call
04 - A Single Spark
05 - Vita Brevis
06 - Between Two Points
07 - Dark and Velvet Nights
08 - Sings
09 - Scattered
In relation to rattle, david never plays the opening instrumentals again in tours after so im positive 5am wont feature, RTL will be too vocally demanding and not make the cut. however songs like faces of stone and in any tongue are very open songs for him to play around with, vocally not too demanding at all (assuming his Backing will take the chorus in IAT) and he has the ability to have fun with the solos. DRIFOM requires a orchestra so unless hes performing with one i dont think that or the girl in the yellow dress will feature. the rest I dont think he will take on for various mixture of reasons.
10 - Faces of Stone
11 - In Any Tongue
In relation to island, on an island and the blue are songs hes played on RTL tour, island is an easy vocal song and one he often liked to solo with so im sure that will feature, the blue on the other hand is a song that was very hit and miss on the last tour, the bootlegs made it clear he struggled vocally and guitar wise so its 50/50 but i dont think will be featured. Take a breath, smile and this heaven i think are good picks but I dont think his voice will hold out for them as he struggled with them back in 06. where we start is a very high probability but IMO only to fill out the set list.
12 - On an Island
13 - Where We Start
14 - Take a breathe - (detuned very very unlikly)
in relation to About face, hes never played any since 86 (if i recal correclty) and we know from his interviews about AMLOR that he felt floyd went very 80's with there sound at that point and about face feels exactly the same spectrum sonically so im sure hes got some issues with the sound, but, theres some songs which are good. all of them realistically are pushing his vocal stamina, songs like murder are soft high range to shouty high range which he cant really do, rame for all lovers. realistically Near the End is possible and perhaps out of the blue but i very much doubt that. I get the feeling hed play you know im right but vocally hes going to struggle.
15 - Near the End
I personally dont think we will see any from his first album. unless its an instrumental but id be very VERY suprised. in relation to devision, i think poles appart is quite likly, vocally doable and its a little roger jabb so it might make an apperence. What do you want, a great day, take it back are songs I just dont think hes got the vocal abilities for now. Likly that marooned might appear, coming back to life 50/50, lost for words also 50/50 and high hopes is almost certain.
16 - Marooned
17 - Coming Back to Life
18 - Lost for Words
19 - High Hopes
I dont think we will see anything from a momentry. on top of that I think we will see yes i have ghosts
20 - Yes I have Ghosts
and i think some songs are just set in stone
21 - Wish you were here
22 - Fat old son
23 - Comfortably Numb
I think we are going to see his son and daughter on tour with him this time, and if thats the case its likly we might get some covers as we have seen in the lock down streams as well as maybe an instrumental or two from the endless river.
I know people have high expectations and Ive seen a lot of dream setlists here on this reddit but I really doubt some of these higher vocal and more demanding performance songs will come forward. Given that he usually plays for around 2 hours, its going to be quite mellow I feel with these songs that I think hes going to play. Though I could be totally wrong, Run like Hell back on the rattle tour proved that.
what do you think ?
submitted by danefrth to DavidGilmour [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 TheOrangestSamurai My family doesn't love me. Please help.

I (F, 23) have two parents and seven younger siblings. I have severe depression and quite possibly ADD (ADHD without the h).
I've staid cooped up at home after a very serious suicidal phase that almost killed me for about a year now. In the last few months, but especially in the last two months I was gradually getting better. Going outside, taking care of myself, booking doctors appointments, helping out *a lot* at home, making plans how to turn my life around, and the list goes on. I also did a lot of smaller, non-standard tasks around the house (like QoL updates in a video game) hoping it would relieve the tense family climate and make room for a more productive and conductive atmosphere. No one asked me to do any of this, and that's probably why no one appreciated it, or not nearly to the extent I was hoping for.
*All* of my progress, my recovery was built on the assumption that somehow, somewhere my emotionally abusive family did love me and if I could prove to them I was useful, I was worth keeping around, they would show me some of the love and affection I so desperately crave. That's what gave me strength, even tho in reality I was doing 99 per cent of everything on my own.
And granted, I did get a few trickles here and there, but what I didn't realize at the time is that I was putting in all the work, I was approaching them, tip-toeing around their triggers as to not upset them, playing on their terms. It was a negative sum game for me, but I was too blinded by hope to see it.
So when about 2 1/2 an incident happened where I had an argument with my mum, surprise, surprise, they all turned against me. Even the one brother whom I felt closest to, who I thought at least liked me, and back me up a little, said some pretty hurtful stuff. So I immediately ceased doing any and all work I was doing for them and locked myself up in my room again, hoping that after a few days, someone would approach me and try to fix things. Well of course they didn't.
I'm quite literally a ghost in my own house. Like a dark secret that no one even talks about. They haven't set the table for me in years, not even during times where I'm quite active and visible such as the past two months. Because of these issues, I actually took a job in another city and moved out last year. That terribly backfired and almost resulted in my suicide, because with that move I was completely on my own. Until 2 1/2 weeks ago, I could at least pretend that my family cared for me on some level, and that helped staying alive, at least a little. But now that illusion is gone and I just don't know what to do. They see me as a failure and they don't understand how their attitude is enforcing and perpetuating this exact behavior.
I'm just- just so out of options. I know I can't make it without support, but my social network is zero. I don't even know where to start. I'm weak like that. I don't know what to do, or where to go, but I can't stay either. I've been in two abusive relationships as well, but they're nothing compared to the family situation. It feels like I live in literal hell (Have you guys seen Baby Reindeer? I think my mental state is similar to that of the protagonist). I promise I can be helpful if someone just let me. I know I'm not a bad person, and I'm not a lazy or a selfish person, but the circumstances I'm in make it harder and harder for me to believe that. I just want to be loved.
And I can't live just to spite them either. I was running on and fueled by hatred and rage for my entire teenage years, but I'm not built like that anymore. Quite possibly I never was. I started to internalize all my pain and turn to self-destructive behavior instead.
I haven't been suicidal for an entire year now (after having passive and active phases taking turns since my 17th birthday) but these thoughts have been seeping back in lately, and I don't know how to help it anymore. My last barrier of defense is gone, but the difference compared to how it was before is that now I don't want to die anymore, I actually really, really don't want to die anymore, which makes it all the more painful and confusing. I don't hate myself anymore, or think I deserve to die, but I'm coming more and more to the conclusion that this world was just not made to have me in it. And I don't know how to handle this fact, or turn it into something good.
So if anyone could give me some advice on how to get out of that situation that would be great. If anyone needs any details regarding the incident or anything else, please ask. Oh, and sorry if my English is a bit clunky, I'm in emotional distress and can't be bothered to clean it up.
submitted by TheOrangestSamurai to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 InevitablePain21 Are generic biologics any easier to obtain than Humira? I keep getting kicked off the financial assistance programs and insurance won't help with the copay anymore.

This is a long one so I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it and can maybe give me some insight of their own experiences trying to get biologics and if the generic ones are any easier to get insurance to approve/pay for than the name brand.
I've been on Humira for about 5 years now and it's worked wonderfully for me but I'm having an increasingly difficult time getting my meds, to the point that almost one week out of every month I end up having to miss a dose due to issues with insurance or the pharmacy or the financial assistance, it's always something. These constant occurrences of having to miss doses (there's been multiple instances where I was off my meds for months at a time sorting out these types of issues) have caused me to have to increase my dose from every other week to weekly injections because the medicine wasn't working as effectively as it should be.
I'm sure you all know that when you repeatedly go on and off of biologics like this your body starts to build up a resistance and the medication becomes less and less effective at managing the disease.
Anyways, I used to be on the my abbvie assist program and that's how I got my meds for the first 4 years I was on them. I had a lot of issues with that program too, but for the most part, I got my meds on time and they shipped me three months at a time so even if it was late once or twice a year, it wasn't happening every month. Last year at the end of November I submitted a new application for financial assistance (which you have to do every year). It took them an incredibly long time to process the request and they kept telling me I was missing information on the application or that they needed my doctor to fax something over. It took 8 weeks of this back and forth before they finally called and told me that they had changed their program requirements. At this point, I had been off of my meds for two months and had to be put on steroids again to try and control the disease until they approved my application. They told me because my insurance company offers a copay savings card program I was now ineligible to use the my abbvie assist program.
So, I called the copay savings card program and got signed up with them. The first two months were fine (February and March), they shipped me a month's worth of meds each time and I was able to get them on time for $5/month. I thought great, this is working, I'm finally back on my medication. Boy was I wrong. Last month I started having issues again. At first, they told me that I didn't have any refills left, which didn't make sense because I had only refilled twice so I called my doctor and asked her to send in more refills. She called me back and said she had personally talked to the pharmacy and I still had 4 refills left so she wasn't sure why they weren't letting me refill it. So I called the pharmacy back and asked them to refill, saying my doctor confirmed with them and I had refills left. Long story short after about 5 days of calling people and getting sent to dozens of different departments and being given different phone numbers to call (one lady even gave me the phone number of an entirely different company that doesn't even supply my medication, it was absolutely insane how completely mismanaged they were and how much nobody I spoke to knew anything about who I needed to talk to). Eventually, I found out that they had changed the phone number to the specialty pharmacy and the number that I'd been using for the last couple of months to refill my medication now only went to the normal pharmacy, which is why they couldn't find my refills. I finally got my meds but it had been another 2 weeks of being off of them.
This month, I called again to refill my meds last Friday. I was told that my copay savings card was no longer active and if I wanted my meds I had to pay the $1300+ copay out of pocket. Obviously I can't afford that, but the copay savings card line was closed by that point in the evening so I had to wait until Monday this week to call them. I left a message yesterday and finally got someone to talk to me today. They told me that my account had been flagged and I had to call a separate number to complete a "benefits review". Okay, fine. I spent 3 hours on the phone with these people today and this is what I've learned:
I am so completely and utterly exhausted by this entire process and I am sick and tired of constantly missing doses of my medication. It's fucking with my body, it's sending me into flare ups, and it's decreasing the effectiveness of this medication that I am fighting so fucking hard to get every single month. I'm losing money having to take time off work to spend hours on the phone with these people. I just can't do this every month for the foreseeable future. It's not sustainable.
I am so close to calling my doctor and asking to switch medications to something that is cheaper or easier to acquire because I simply can't do this every month. But, tbh I don't have much hope that this won't be my experience with any medication I try. I'm also very afraid of possible side effects, Humira has worked wonderfully for me (when I can actually fucking take it) and I haven't had any side effects, switching meds is risky in that I could have a poor reaction to it and it could not work as well at controlling my symptoms. Has anyone out there had an easier time getting generic meds than their name brand counterparts? Is there any hope for getting my meds consistently on time without spending hours and hours of my life every month fighting with these people only for my meds to be late anyways? I'm at the end of my rope here. I desperately want someone to tell me that this isn't the universal experience but I'm also not stupid enough to believe I'll have better luck with any other company. I'm not even really sure what I'm looking for here. Advice? Hope? A place to vent? It just all feels pointless sometimes.
TL;DR - I'm having an incredibly hard time getting my Humira every month and keep getting kicked off of the financial assistance programs. This is causing me to miss a lot of doses and I'm obviously having a bad time as a result of that. Are the generic options any easier to get than the name brands like Humira? Is there any biologic out there that isn't this difficult to get every month?
submitted by InevitablePain21 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 angrymanwithoutmeds I found a match made in heaven or hell between a psychopath and a narcissist.

Sadly I'm stuck living with a crazy narcissist female due to bad luck and finances and so I've had to endure witnessing some detestable bullshit.
The story starts with the girl abusing her boyfriend until he suicided himself. She has a long history of some of the most cruel treatment of her "ex". The very night he was officially declared dead she went partying and one night after already had a new boyfriend.
This guy didn't give a shit about the dead man and didn't care about maintaining any more respect for him outside what the girl superficially expected.
This guy uses people, rips people off, he has zero empathy, a giant over inflated ego, and worse is just being caught around any of that and having to go through the cringe of his BS.
He always tells you and others "his plans and goals" because ofcoarse it puts him on a pedestal to feel like he's a success. But you seldom ever see him pull off anything he says and outright drop 90% when you expect him to do what he's saying. Then he acts like it never happened, rinse and repeat.
He's the type of guy to pep talk the entire work crew into working all weekend "to get 'er done!" And the first to not show up. He does this regularly.
He went on a tirade all day about this new job hes looking at and accused everyone of being lazy, unmotivated and uncommitted. He talked really big and made a lot of promises only to change his mind the day after.
I broke my leg and the guy has yet to "believe" anything is wrong. He thinks I just skipped work to do drugs despite the fact that I don't do drugs and I'm around him enough that he should know that I don't do drugs. I never got the smallest "are you okay" from the guy.
Funny enough, he nearly cried the day after because his boss wouldn't come pick him up to take him to work. He was entrenched in a ridiculous amount of self pity. He was sniffling so I'm assuming he was holding back some tears. He was saying things like "no one ever helps me" yet my other buddy is basically his fare-free taxi driver and other people are helping him through everything. So, the guy with the broken leg gets no sympathy but a grown ass man that refuses to take pu lic transit and miss work because of it should be pitied on account of his boss wouldn't pick him up.
So, these two have been dating for a few months now and they compliment each other so well. He's apathetic and she's cruel and sadistic. She loves his "status" appeal especially because it's all bullshit. He pretty much just sees her as a sex object and she's so delusional she thinks they're in love. Her bogus and superficial good girlfriend acts work on him only because he doesn't care to see things too deeply and because he's so emotionally detached and she's so delusional she can convince herself she's the best girlfriend ever. Neither one of them have any morals, although the girl pretends to be a paragon of righteousness even though she's pure evil.
They work out because they're both so fake that while he doesn't need to genuinely care about anything, she can pretend to genuinely care and neither of them care to scrutinize the truth of the matter. Meanwhile I have to watch her lie, come up with delusion fabrications, and I have to watch him spout his mouth with bullshit anytime he talks. There's also the fact they love hearing each other bullshit everyone because it's like they get second hand ego boosts from each other.
submitted by angrymanwithoutmeds to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 samtama7 Might be cliché, but do you think there's enough hope that I'll find my first partner past the age of 25?

TL;DR - I'm worried that I might be setting myself up for even more failure by putting more of an effort into finding my first partner, but I'd like to believe the odds are still in my favor given my context (not to say I think it will be easy) and my willingness to improve by any means necessary.
(26M) I got a late start (relatively speaking) at making any real effort at dating by the time I was 24 because I hardly thought about it up until that point, or cared to put myself out there (I had some opportunities in HS, and I didn't attend college). I've been more concerned establishing my career as a freelancer in the film industry (which is still a struggle), and in my particular field, I'm not used to meeting many people in my age bracket (and not for very long either).
Finally signed up for a dating app at that age, but I haven't had too many dates. Part of it was because I'm just new and took too long to ask women out (I'm not always the best at conversation), and partly because I've been extremely inconsistent/sporadic with using it because of my concentration on work, plus my depression plays into it. Sometimes matches came in a lot easier, sometimes there's a dry spell.
Flash forward to the beginning of this year, I really haven't been using the app at all the past few months. However, I began getting closer as a friend to this one girl I began talking to at first as a freelance co-worker; we would hang out a little more regularly and chat more casually, and I never would've imagined that she would actually end up agreeing to go out with me. We both had a great time on our first date, and she told me the same thing on our second date, ending in more hugs (I'm shy, what can I say). Although she initially agreed to a third, let's just say that I said something that was totally miscalculated and immature after she originally agreed, which ultimately led her to go back and change her mind (I didn't say anything offensive for the record, but I came on too strong).
We're still friends luckily and have other platonic events planned together, but I'm in so much despair for many reasons. Besides just losing out on dating her, I feel so distressed that I have to go back to using an app (not something I'll be concerned with for a while). When I eventually try to get back into dating in general, I'm planning to go the extra mile and start working out more, attending social events, asking friends for help, signing up for a second app, and just improving my first impression and social life anyway I can. But I'm worried that if I put in 2x the amount of work, I might get 2x the amount of failure.
I've heard some men (most of them self-loathing) say on Reddit that they've done all those things and still haven't gotten anywhere by the time in their 30s (hopefully taking it with a grain of salt coming from complete strangers on Reddit), but yeah, I'm worried I'll be in the same boat. What if there's no hope even if you supposedly "do all the right things?"
Not to mention that I feel incredibly stigmatized by my old age, and all things considered, 27 will be the first full year I can really dedicate myself to finding a relationship once I stabilize this year. But does it seem like I'm on the right track? A part of me feels so undesirable from my lack of experience, but I'd like to believe there are good reasons to have hope since I've been asked out before a few times as a teenager (I wish I took those opportunities), I've been able to strike up some truly good conversations on the app (even if things eventually fell through) and if anything, being somewhat surprisingly successful with this friend of my in this first place suggests that things can happen unexpectedly.
Does that sound too optimistic though? Dating is hard enough as it is sometimes, and I'm just getting started. Not sure what to expect in my age group.
submitted by samtama7 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:09 PotatoSoup_617 HottER take: Mr. Birchum isn't that bad... HEAR ME OUT DUDE- (Spoilers for the show ahead)
So I know most of you are going to shrug this off as a "Conservative, boomer comedy" and that's fine bc you have your opinions, and I have mine mk?
My dad has a DailyWire subscription because of course he does and wanted to watch this with me. I agreed and sat through the first two episodes with him. The first episode is about a no-nonsense wood-shop teacher at an incresingly "liberal" school. On his way into the school, he meets the new "JEDI (Justice Equality Diversity and Inclusion) officer" At this point I roll my eyes and think what it's going to be about. The JEDI confronts him and eventually tells him to look out. Birchum arrives at the school and is about to start teaching the kids when the JEDI comes in again to say to him that he's banned his safety video and tells him "No blood on the bandsaw". He then plays a safety video called "Blood on the bandsaw" Which my dad howls at and I let a little air out my nose at. Typical gag stuff. The kids complain and stuff and Birchum tells them to meet at his house the next day to work on his deck. The JEDI films this and reports it to the principal who then calls for a tribunal thing to fire Birchum(idk lol). The JEDI asks the students to witness and most of the students complain a little but then say how they're interested in wood working now, which the JEDI silences.
Anyways, he only gets a few day's suspension and the episode ends. At this point I'm like "Ok it couldn't hurt to watch another episode."
The second episode, titled "Thank You For Your Meal Service", is about Birchum and his old platoon from his time in the Navy getting together to try and eat as much food as possible on Veteran's day, taking advantage of the discounts and freebies. They meet Gunderson, basically the Army version of Birchum, and his old platoon, basically the Army version of Birchum's. The two butt heads and both want to try and eat/drink more than the other before the day's done. They fight for a while before ending the day at a pub which only has one more table available. The pair wage a food war at the nearby buffet where Birchum stages an ambush on Gunderson and his platoon, defeating them. Birchum offers to share the table with Gunderson and they get to celebrate Veteran's day together. End of episode.
That's all I've watched so far, and I can honestly say I wouldn't mind watching more of it. There is more that I haven't mentioned bc I don't want to type an essay but if you want go check it out for yourself! And ask questions if you can't!
submitted by PotatoSoup_617 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:08 North-Ad-9838 [acne] isotretinoin w/o birth control

Hi☺️ I've had acne for almost 2 years now, there's nothing remarkable/noticeable in my blood and I simply don't know why I got acne.
I've been to the derm a couple of times and I've tried every single topical treatment there is (glycolic acid, salicylic acid, zinc, niacinamide, azelaic acid, vitamin a, toners, skin refiners etc and I also got prescribed antibiotics but nothing seems to help.
I've spent a lot of money on those products and while the last antibiotic seemed to help at first, I had to stop taking it for a while and my acne came back.
My skin gets better, then worse, then better etc - my skin is now a lot better than it was 2 months ago but I know it's just a phase and it'll come back eventually (rn I have a lot of red marks on my face but no pimple or anything - two months ago my face looked horrible and hurt badly)
Two derms have recommended trying vitamin a (isotretinoin if I understood it correctly) since I've tried so many different products and none seemed to help
however: to take this I need to be on birth control (or something similar but birth control would probably be the best option) - the problem is that I don't want to go on bc. I know I won't be having sex during this treatment (I know) and my acne isn't hormonal so taking it just puts me at risk of getting other side effects like gaining weight etc. I could get it prescribed and just not take it because I know for a fact that I won't sleep with anyone and I know that if I do get pregnant, I wouldn't be able to keep the baby.
Since men can also take vitamin a, the bc is just for preventing pregnancies and has no interaction/correlation (?) with the isotretinoin - at least that's what I've read.
My question is: My acne is ok now although it's been bad in the past two years (I've been diagnosed with acne vulgaris). Right now I just have red spots (less than before but still visible imo) but I don't use any products right now, not even a moisturizer because I'm so scared that my skin will get worse.
However, if I don't take it, I don't know what could possibly help my skin ... I know that a lot of doctors just want to prescribe something and get it over but if two derms said that this seems like the only opportunity, would you take the risk? I've heard that isotretinoin (I assume that's accurate in the US) also has a few side effects but I think I could live with those (I just hope I don't gain weight because that would be bad for me right now) Would you take it without birth control and just "lie" about taking it?
I'm fully aware what will happen if I get pregnant but I don't have a boyfriend and I know I won't just hook up with anyone (never did and never will) - I'd have to take a pregnancy test every month just for safety measures
Would appreciate your advice because I really don't know what to do.. I've seen a lot of worse acne on reddit and in photos so my skin doesn't look awful rn but my skin has been worse and I know that nothing will change if I don't take it..
I hope this doesn't get deleted, I'm sorry for the long text. I'm from Europe if that matters
submitted by North-Ad-9838 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:08 Slmen Early stage recommended activity level?

MRI scan said potential Kienbock due to abnormality in the entire lunate bone only, but I am still waiting for a orthopedist to check on it. It's definitely early stages, if Kienbock at all (anyone got told it could be something else even after the MRI scan?), since there was no collapse in the MRI scan and I don't need medicine to manage the pain.
My doctor did not know anything about this disease and is therefore not pushing it as critical, so I have waited a long time for the appointment already. I want to know if the early stages still are as serious as the later ones and if I need to be more careful.
Right now I only get strong pain after a long session of racket sports, which I quit now for the moment (I am semi competitive and would practice every day). During rest I only get a few aches here and there, but very manageable. My wrist is a bit stiff and I can't do a single push up anymore , but I have enough grip strength to open jars and such.
Since I don't experience pain I wonder what I should do until my appointment. If it takes weeks before I get it, would that be fine? Can I do intense wrist movements like sports, or would that be dangerous? What about minor, but repeating strain like writing and typing (i'm a programmer student). could that fuck it up in this stage?.
submitted by Slmen to kienbocksdisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:08 Ecstatic-Alarm-9043 Mainer Considering Move to Ohio, and Need Advice

Hello! I'm apparently a very excited alarm, and I'm considering moving to Ohio in the next couple of years. I know that reddit pages for places like states or cities, get a lot of posts asking about moving to said place and they can get annoying. But I assure you, I've done my research first, and can ask much more targeted questions than "Where should I move?".
I've been doing a ton of research on numerous states, to figure out where I want to move to. The things that my research has shown me about Ohio that I like, are that almost all of the metros have a very affordable cost of living, the cities are young and happening, there's more people, friends to be made, and dating opportunities than Maine, and no state inspection (just emissions in some places). But what I don't like about my Ohio findings are that it's a conservative state and the things that come with it, like overt racism (that doesn't mean all conservatives are racist, settle down), anti-abortion, stop and identify, overfunded and overzealous police, and just the general, backward thinking. What's more are the red light cameras statewide (can't run a red light at midnight with no one around without still getting caught), tolls get expensive by distance, bad winters, and particularly bad crime in Cleveland.
About me: I'm a 22 year old guy, black, moderately liberal, and I've lived in Maine all my life. I went to a high school with around 100 kids in my graduating class, of which I was one of maybe 2 black kids. I have Asperger's and I've been lonely/depressed for a long time. I love cars and motorcycles, and love driving standard. I have an associate's degree in automotive technology (I can be a mechanic), but found out I don't really like it as a job. But I still want to stay in the trades, without going back to school.
There's a lot of things that are important to me in a place I'm considering moving to, but I know obviously no place will have everything. Those things, in no particular order, are: a reasonable cost of living (Ohio has that), few cops or at least reasonable ones, more/better job opportunities, more people and opportunities to date, no absurd traffic, decent roads, winters that aren't extreme, a low tax burden, a car community, and the ability to easily avoid the racist, backward people that are bound to be somewhere in every state.
I know for sure that I don't want to live in a big city, but I know I'd need to stay close in order to avoid the racists and whatnot, and be close to jobs and happenings. Using Columbus as an example, London would be a good place for me (solely in terms of proximity. I don't know anything about the town). I don't have to live inside the city, but it's still only a half hour commute to the center of Columbus.
So, now that you know about me and what I'm looking for, what can you all tell me? I'm looking for stuff like, Are the winters comparable to Maine winters? Is this the kind of state where I can count on being pulled over for DWB (driving while black)? Is it hard to make friends if you're looking for decent, progressive-minded people? Will I come to love Cleveland for the nightlife? Is there a reason that the cost of living is so cheap? What can you tell me?
Oh, and one last question. Those long, straight roads with nothing but fields on both sides for miles. Do people go out on those roads to race or drive fast? I feel like you'd hear about it more if people were doing it a lot.
submitted by Ecstatic-Alarm-9043 to Ohio [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:08 Stansellnater Why aren't there any decent human beings left?

I know good people exist, I'm just upset right now. It just seems like decency is a thing of the past.
It's a long story but I was trying to buy a vehicle from a branded dealership over 2 and a half hours away. Called the night before and confirmed vehicle I wanted was still in stock.
I left this morning before they opened at 9, so they called me to confirm I was coming while I was en route. Then their manager called and done same thing. I got about 30 minutes or less away and they called to tell me the vehicle sold the night before.
I was livid but I was driving on the interstate so I just hung up on them without saying anything. I feel bad that I did that, but I saved myself and their employee a screaming and cursing match.
So I just turned around and come home. Dealerships are so scummy. I also acknowledge the fact it could have been a massive mistake or the people there are overworked being in a huge city. At best they're incompetent and at worst they just lied to me to get me in.
This whole thing has completely turned me off car buying. I think I'll just fix my 2003 and run it till the wheels fly off.
submitted by Stansellnater to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:08 Old-Blood3542 I just don't know what to do with myself.

19 male-identifying guy here. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I've fell down holes of mindlessly watching self-help and therapy videos, dating advice, spending most of the day watching these so-called advice videos and threads to make me feel like I'm helping myself. I've managed to keep healthy habits like journaling and meditating, having a gym routine, and I have a part-time job. At the end of the day though, I simply feel completely empty. I have no girlfriend, no close friends. The only thing that stirs me is music and the occasional 420, as I simultaneously feel like I'm waiting for my life to "truly" begin.
Things I have been going over in my head every day the past few months:
What do I value?
Music, playing it, listening, discussing it. But I've heard endlessly that everybody loves music, it's not a hobby, it's a human characteristic. Writing. But it's difficult for me to write anything when my life is so meaningless. I know I love it, when I was in a better headspace I was great at it. Now I feel much more lost. Friendship. But my friends flip-flop between treating me well and treating me like shit. That's when I even see any of them, they're not close. Love. But I've been struggling in that department after making severe mistakes a year ago, losing the only person who has truly loved me, and often feels like will ever love me.
"Do what you love."
Be realistic, what year is it? That's not a viable option anymore. If I ever want to own a house, retire at a reasonable age, be comfortable, I'll be sticking with my STEM major. I can't write or do music as anything more than a hobby. And I have no motivation to do those things anymore anyways, since I'm not really living life anyways.
"Put yourself out there."
I have forced myself to sign up for a frisbee program in my area. Never played frisbee before, just wanted to do something. I have about a month til it starts. I feel like I'll just be the depressed guy there that no one really talks to. I tried getting into my local DIY concert scene. Nobody would talk to me, and I certainly wasn't going to take the risk to talk to them. I don't really know what else I could do. Signing up for things feels great, I just have to wait a month before they actually start at which point I've lost my zeal and probably end up quitting after a few days.
I guess the only good thing I can say is I'm alive, and I want to live. I don't know who to talk to.
submitted by Old-Blood3542 to therapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 BotherCompetitive633 Turo Tesla Rental broke down, the car owner is trying to bill us $3,000 for it.

My husband and his brother rented a Tesla under my husband’s name through Turo while I was out of town, just for a fun guys thing to do I guess. They still had it when I got back so they took my for a little drive too cause I wanted to see it. It just kind of did a thud/jolt when we went to accelerate at a light that turned green we were stopped at. The AC went out then it went into a reduced power, pull over error message so we did. It would start or move from there so we ended up having to leave it there and get a ride back home and to pick up our truck later. My husband took pictures and video of the dash, error messages, interior and exterior of the car at the time it all happened.
That was Sunday, today (Tuesday) my husband got an email from Turo that the car owner filed a claim with them that we had damaged the car and it says we have to pay the service invoice. They replaced a fuse and the PTC heater, it comes out to about $3,000. My husband’s truck transmission went out of the way home from picking it up that Sunday.. we can’t fix our truck and his Tesla. We’re kind of screwed. I don’t also understand how our 1 day rental would result in the PTC heater going out, seems like a a huge fix that wouldn’t result from just driving around our town for a few hours. Is there anything we can do or do we just have to eat the cost? My husband had paid for the insurance through Turo but I guess it won’t help cover this.
submitted by BotherCompetitive633 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 Think-Jellyfish8769 Is it ok to ask for regular check ins/ space to talk 10+ years into R?

I’m 10 years + down the road with R and I’m struggling. I’d love to know how other long term Rs are getting on with issues like this one. Sorry if this is TMI or long.
We have lots that is going good for us, years 3-7 of R were amazing and I felt stronger than ever and in fact, after the tricky first 2 years, until this year I never regretted for a second deciding to R.
We did then hit a few bumps in the road with one of our kids over the last few years and I have been struggling with that because my WH cannot seem to communicate with me at all if conversations feel likely to be “difficult” for him. I work too but in a less financially lucrative role than him since we had the last kids (who were twins) so it tends to be me whose life is organised round his and the family’s needs.
In addition, I did not adjust well when after the pandemic quiet life, he returned to drinking while socialising at work and staying away from home in hotels for work more often. He had minimised this quite a lot after the affair as it was so strongly associated with opportunities he took to have sex with his AP. When he started doing it again it was a trigger for me and his response was one of despair - when would I ever get over this, he was a different man and would not do that again, he’s never good enough etc etc. I end up both apologising to him but also deeply resentful that somehow I’m in the wrong again.
He stopped drinking at work functions for a bit, started again and then stopped again but only because he felt forced to by me being upset, he was very clear that he shouldn’t need to do that. This has never made me happy or reassured me, I now feel pushed into this awful role of the controlling wife when I’m really looking for him to care enough about me not to actually want to drink at work when he’s staying away in a hotel.
I would rather he did what he wanted and we separated but he is very strongly against that and gets quite emotional and sad if I suggest we might both be happier. If I leave, it will be my “fault” at this point because he wants to stay together. Our children don’t know what happened because they were very young at the time and I don’t think that it would be helpful for them but that leaves us in a situation where everyone knows it is me that is unhappy now. I am also frightened to leave because my financial position is unprotected and I feel quite alone in the UK.
My family in NZ would help me but my children are teens/ young adults now so wouldn’t be happy to return to my home country with me. And, fool that I am, I love him, he’s my best friend, when things are good they’re great.
At Christmas we hit an all time low and for the first time I shouted at him in front of the kids about how I feel so abandoned when he can’t talk to me when I am struggling. I felt more and more disconnected from him and started the year in a terrible place crying, lonely and saying how suicidal I felt/ trying to tell him I needed his support with our kids. On that day he didn’t talk to me but he did sit with me and then he just never mentioned what I’d said again.
This is how he treats most of my outbursts of feeling - if I seem distressed enough he might stay with me for a bit of time but he won’t talk about it again unless I do. He might go off and do some random act of service so I kind of know he’s heard but it is hard to focus on that when I want him to talk with me.
Fast forward a week or two and my WH asked to bring a work colleague (also a BW) round on a Saturday for us to give her some emotional support because her mum was away for a fortnight and she was struggling looking after her toddlers by herself, he said she was having such a tough time. She had split up with her WH just before Christmas because he had been having an affair. She lives in her home city and is surrounded by friends and family who love and care for her. She came round and was chatting to me, telling me how it was for the best as they had been drifting apart for a while, that she had been set up with someone by a friend and they’d been texting/ had a date planned. She was not actually by herself, she was going over to her sisters to stay the night and to sit in a hot tub after she’d been at our place.
As I was sitting chatting with her and holding her baby, I had an almost outer body experience where I was at the same time looking down on us talking and also floating above comparing her situation with mine when I was there 12 years ago.
I was alone in a new city where I knew no one except my PIL who had made it clear as soon as we arrived that they didn’t want to offer me any practical support, I had four kids aged 5 and under, my support network of friends were all in the city where we had lived previously, I had lost my job in the move so that my husband could be closer to his parents/ pursue a better job in this city and my father was at the end of his life on the other side of the world a 24 hour flight away.
My husband then began an affair with a younger co-worker and had her round to our house to play with our babies and f*** in our bed while I was home in NZ visiting my family / my sick dad for three weeks. When I got back and discovered what had happened the same day I returned, I had absolutely no one to turn to and only my husband to rely on. He didn’t immediately choose me but thought about it for a few days. He’d planned to go travelling with this woman and had been playing happy families with my babies who weren’t even two years old yet - it felt like he’d been practicing to see whether she would make a good stepmother for them.
I thought about returning to my home, but our initial MC treated me like I was the one suggesting doing something awful to my WH and I never felt ok pursuing that then. My PIL and SIL were not unkind, but they had not supported me before so it was hard for me to turn to them in the circumstances. I had no one. It was the most terrible time of my life and I did try to take some pills one afternoon after drinking too much.
In the day we had his colleague round, I kept thinking, would I have stayed with him if I had been around family and friends. I was also so hurt that he could see her struggles and ask me to help her but not ask me if there was anything he could do to help me. Since then I seem to be locked in a trauma kind of response, crying, reliving stupid details I haven’t thought of in 10 years, checking AP’s work situation etc (pain shopping) and I haven’t slept through the night in months.
I have also been upset for a couple of years by the lack of communication between us as I associate him having had the affair in the first place as a response to my being low when I was in a new city/ had lost my job/ looked after our twins and a toddler on my own all day/ my dad being diagnosed with terminal cancer. He struggled to deal with how I was feeling and withdrew from me, found his AP who was more able to meet his needs/ fun to be around.
This is what emerged in MC, that he couldn’t cope with emotions due to FOO issues. This means I really struggle to voice my feelings in a way that gets me the support I need now because he has withdrawn from me over the last two years during issues with our child and I am fearful of being too much for him again. I know I do it badly, I wanted MC to help me learn better ways of communicating too, not just to deal with how he withdraws from me.
I asked my WH to go to therapy with me a couple of times over the last two years to deal with the communication issues but he didn’t want to do MC because he said he felt unprotected in the two sets of MC we had in the early days.
I have also asked him if we could try just checking in with each other once a week but he is always unwilling and there is always a reason but it boils down to he doesn’t want to do it. He has said it feels forced and as if he has to say something other than he’s fine. He has also said it’s too difficult with his work/ our lives to predict when he’s free. Most recently he has said he’s asked his friends but no one else has to do that. I have said it’s what I need, a regular space where we talk about how we are going. Our MC suggested it 10 years or so ago and I have never stopped wanting that or raising it. However, it’s like this thing in his mind that it would be negative or difficult so he just doesn’t do it except once or twice when things get difficult again. Which then reinforces that it is a negative space. There were a few times we did it a year or so ago where it felt companionable to me so I was devastated when he just stopped because work got difficult for him and needed all his attention.
I feel I am at the bottom of his priorities after the kids, work, meeting football team parents, his parents, work colleagues. Am I mad to ask for that space once a week for an hour together?
Also we have one day of full on intensive therapy planned (a compromise to fit his schedule/fears about traditional MC) and I hope to talk this through with him again there but I am starting to wonder if we are wasting our time/ money.
I don’t know if I’m looking for support or a wake up call but I’d love to hear from long term people in R who have faced similar issues.
submitted by Think-Jellyfish8769 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 krmochi My (21F) best friend (who’s in a relationship) has a (20M) guy friend (who’s also in a relationship) but the guy friend distanced himself recently

My best friend (21F) started the nursing program about 4 months ago and has always struggled with making friends and finally 2 weeks into the program, she found two friends that she felt happy to be around. One of them is a guy and the other is a girl. The faculty and staff at the nursing school always emphasized that students must have at least one friend in the program so that they can study with them, etc. You’re in the program for 2 years, you’ll need to have at least one friend right? So back to the friends she made, we’ll call the guy friend “A” and the girl friend “B”. A, B, and my best friend clicked since they liked similar things and had similar humor so they were pretty much a trio at that point and went on study sessions for a good month or two. Until one day, A started to flake on study sessions to be with his girlfriend. The first few times was fine, but it seemed, to my best friend, the more they planned study sessions, the more he flaked. So it was just B & my best friend, until B started to flake as well, but B explained to my friend that she had personal things going on at home so she couldn’t go out to study as much. Meanwhile, A started to really distance himself, not talk at all, and would even start avoiding any kind of interaction with my friend. This caused my friend to be confused and this started happening ~1 month ago and he is still not talking to her. We had the impression that maybe he got upset at her for something she might have said or done, but my friend doesn’t recall saying anything hurtful. So everytime my friend tries to approach A, he avoids her or gives her short replies and leaves afterwards. A whole 180 from the treatment she got before from him. My friend then asked her mom for advice and her mom said that he possibly caught feelings for her. We found it strange since my friend isn’t single and so is A, but I agreed that the possibility is still there. Do you think this could be the reason for his distance or is there something else? Why would he not approach her and tell her what’s wrong?
submitted by krmochi to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 Throwaway751910 Ectopics in Holter monitor test

Ectopics in Holter monitor test
Hello, I've done a Holter monitor test because I sometimes feel a sort of "skipped beat feeling" (which should be as far as i know one of the symptoms of extrasystoles). Apparentely everything is perfect and there is no PVC, PAC etc. However i clearly felt that "skipped beat" around 00:50, 00:55 and 01:10. I asked my doctor who didn't want to look at the complete ECG saying that "if the device didn't detect anything, then you are fine". Could anyone confirm that the heart rythm in the image is really ok? If it's ok, then what could be the cause of those extrasystoles-like feeling? Muscle spams or something? Thanks a lot.
submitted by Throwaway751910 to CheckMyECG [link] [comments]