Dirty mormon jokes

dirty jokes

2017.11.19 20:31 thewildweird0 dirty jokes


2021.02.03 00:22 RedMusical UncleDirtyDaveJokes

Joke that are too dirty for DadJokes and too clean for DarkHumor

2013.12.03 03:21 TheAwesomeWrath Dirty Uncle Jokes

Stuff your dirty uncle would say.

2024.05.14 21:56 schottslc Bathroom whistleblower ‘saw Trump and Biden hosting drag queen story hour’ in women’s restroom. Utah Auditor’s office overwhelmed by trolling over transgender bathroom law — including song lyrics and dirty jokes.

Bathroom whistleblower ‘saw Trump and Biden hosting drag queen story hour’ in women’s restroom. Utah Auditor’s office overwhelmed by trolling over transgender bathroom law — including song lyrics and dirty jokes. submitted by schottslc to politics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:27 stee3l How do I tolerate it anymore

I really need advice on this because I dont even know what to do anymore. Im in highschool and im running for president. Iv been writing a speech for it and I was excited to run. There are two lunches in my school Lunch A and Lunch B. Im in B and most of my "friends" are in A. Today I was told that they were shitting on the idea of me being president. Just making fun of me. Not only of trying to run, but the race that I am (im Indian). They were just talking about how I love curry and they would not vote for a scammer to run our class. Just making fun of me the whole time. This has happened before and I just thought it was jokes cause thats how we do joke. But this has happened for a long time and its slowly getting to my head. I cant take this anymore. At first I thought It was just funny calling me indian but now I cant tell if they are joking anymore. They act cool if we are talking 1 on 1 or there are 3 of us but when it becomes a group then they would just make fun of me and I cant take it anymore. Just making fun of my culture and making fun of my family. They have made me self conscious of my race. I am ashamed of being indian. I dont want to tell them either that what they say upsets me because they either will think im a pussy or dont care and do it more. Am I being soft? this has been happening for 2 years now. Things like "foot stew" was funny at first but its now like "your all scammers," "your country is dirty," "you live at a call center." "would you rather be white or Indian?" "your lying why would you want to be Indian?" "if I was Indian I would kill myself." What should I do?
submitted by stee3l to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:36 Kiwi_1230 AITA for not doing enough?

So yesterday I (F19) was relaxing at home, after a hectic weekend of mother's day celebrating, 3 days of being busy, celebrating my mum, and my grandmothers. It was frankly exhausting and I was feeling bloated and bad after eating "junk food" all weekend. So I was taking it easy come Monday. I played on my Nintendo, read, and drew with procreate on my iPad.
Around 3pm my brother swept the floor, I did the dishes and took trash out and fed and watered the dogs, and picked up the kitchen and living room, and did one load of laundry and my other brother dusted and cleaned the cat litter.
Around 6pm my dad got home and was pretty cranky, which is understandable, he worked all day after an exhausting weekend. I understand. I scooped out supper for everyone (my mother made the supper I just served it) and we sat and ate and watched TV together as a family.
Sometime during the TV show my sister paused it to go to the bathroom and my dad told my mother we couldn't go camping next weekend like planned, because we had to go to my grandparents house to celebrate my grandmother's birthday. This upset my mother, who has a shaky relationship with my grandparents and has been rescheduled the camping the trip multiple times and really wanted to go. This caused a minor argument between them and made my dad even more cranky.
After the show ended we got ready for bed and my dad was visibly mad after he tried to joke and ease my mums anger and she just ignored it.
As I was gathering my stuff and putting cats to bed (we have an entire room for them to sleep in so they don't bother us at night, they have food water and bathroom) I went back to the kitchen because I heard noise, which sounded like cleaning, and I was going to help. My father was cleaning the kitchen up and was getting on to my brothers for playing videogames when he said the stairs were dirty and it wasn't swept well. He saw me and started telling me the same things. He asked me if I did laundry today and I said I did some, he then told it would all be done tomorrow, he asked if I did this and that and usually the answer was some, not all. He got frustrated and said my Nintendo was going in their room.
Not a big deal, they payed for it. It didn't super upset me.
My dad then went halfway down the stairs, then suddenly turned around and came back up and asked if I read some books he gave me over the last summer. I said halfway, which was true, and he got upset and said my iPad, which I use to draw, was going in their room too. This upset me. They didn't pay for it. I PAYED 475$ for that iPad, the apple pen, the screen protector, and the case. I payed for it by working at a boutique. And it belongs to me. But they took it. I'm was upset but just said ok. I put it in their room and didn't say anything and went to bed. But I'm angry he took it, and want it back.
But I first need to finish the laundry, read all the books he gave me, and clean, clean, clean. Which is not fair. He can take the Nintendo, I'll miss it, but I didn't buy it. But I bought that iPad. What should I do? Am I right to be angry? AITA????
submitted by Kiwi_1230 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:22 ViFlowers Legends

While all the showmanship, stage presence and even pyrotechnics and are fun for a show. My all time favs are always the Legends. Classics.
Billy Joel. I've seen him twice. Exact same set. Once at I think it was Notre Dame... Indy for sure. I LOVE how he even jokes with the audience he hasn't written a new song.... aaaannd (#Titus) get to playing man! Why do you think I'm here?!! Especially he's one of the only ones whose voice is still so strong. 🥰🥰🥰
Waaaayyyy back in the day I saw BB King which onto itself OMG what am experience 🫠 and let's be real he didn't leave his stool! UH-MAZING ... even better that show had the Dirty Dozen as a special guest. CHILLLLLSSSSS love when the orchestras get added. 🎷📯
Maybe why I still love SKA! 🎵🎶📯🎷🎸🪗🎺
submitted by ViFlowers to u/ViFlowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:41 ThrowRA0627838225749 I (29f) got into an argument with my boyfriend (31m) over being recorded in a precarious position and I need to know if overreacted?

This is a weird one. We were at a restaurant and feeling adventurous and saw that the bathrooms were singles with locks, so we snuck off for some fun. I was really into it until I looked up and saw him recording me…you know. I immediately became very angry, because I didn’t consent and it made me feel dirty (I know, we were already in a bathroom but yeah). I stormed out and we left, and as we walked the argument escalated until I…slapped the glasses off his face. In my defense, I felt like he broke some trust big time. In his defense, I NEVER should have touched him. But was I reasonably angry? And how do I fix this? We’re both pretty upset. Thank you so much!
Edit: Yeah okay I seriously am just looking for a way to navigate this. We clearly both fucked up. I want to just find a way to navigate, minus the comments about my morals for fucking around in a bathroom. Don’t knock it til you try it, ya Mormons.
submitted by ThrowRA0627838225749 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 X35_55A machina

I feel like a machine when people bring up regular celebrations or normal family events. Something that's only supposed to take in the data and process it for storage.
I can't relate, I can't even begin to understand. Like when you're a kid trying to understand the dirty jokes in a kids movie but the older people in the room won't explain it to you. Only I never got older and never got to understand it.
I was dealt junk, and didn't know how to bluff.
People dont become good friends unless they can relate to their childhoods, or it's at least rare. Much less get into romantic relationships.
Common icebreakers are usually "Oh what trips did your family go on? My family always went on road trips and camping trips." And I just have to say "Oh we never really did any trips when I was growing up." Or "My family three weekends out of the year dragged me and my sister to a cult conference. One was three whole days and that was pretty much our only 'vacation'. We sometimes went to the beach, sometimes."
They'll speak fondly of staying over at classmates houses but I just have to say "I was taught that they would all die and are evil agents of satan and would lie to them about my life just so they would be my friends."
Everyone has memories of Friday being the end of the school week and waking up to watch cartoons, I've hated the weekends my whole life. I never got to wake up and watch cartoons in the morning. I hade to wear a stuffy ill fitting suit and listen to hateful drivel for 2 hours sunday morning, and spend 2 hours Saturday morning proselytizing door-to-door.
I didn't even get the week to myself. Tuesdays I woke up dreading the rest of the day. I had to spend 2 hours 7 to 9 listening to the same thing that was said Sunday morning.
Isolated and alone, a simple broken and slow machine. That's what I was. That's what I am.
submitted by X35_55A to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:18 _currently_dying_ AITA for throwing the food my mom prepared into the trash in front of her?

I (17F) have suffered from eating disorders growing up, I’ve been to therapy and I do my best to maintain a healthy life style. I’ve already lost a lot of weight (by eating right and exercising) and for a long period of time I was satisfied with myself.
My mom (52F) doesn’t believe eating disorders exist, when I told her what I was going through back in the day all she said was “You’re not eating and you’re still gaining weight? You’re doing a bad job then.”
My mom was in the kitchen making a cake. I approached the fridge to warm myself something for lunch while she stood by giving me a dirty look, so I asked her “what’s wrong?” And she said “Nothing.” I pulled my meal out of the microwave and turned to head back into my room to eat but then I heard my mom saying “How many meals can you eat in one day? My whole work crew combined eat less than you.” Both she and my brother (22M) laughed as if that’s the funniest thing anyone had ever said.
At that moment I felt like six months of hard work to heal myself just went down the drain. I felt so angry I just threw the whole plate to the trash and stormed back into my room. They’re still shouting at me from the living room that I’m a drama queen and that my mom is doing me a favour.
I feel childish, it was just a joke after all. I wasted a whole meal and disrespected my mother, but now I can’t even think of eating again. I mentally and physically lost all of my appetite.
submitted by _currently_dying_ to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:36 ThatOnePersonUwU AITAH for unfriending an alcoholic who won’t get help?

Before I start this, I just want to answer some question I know I’ll probably have to answer later, or share some information that might be important.
  1. I have gone no contact with him. (He tries to bait me into talking to him.) Only my friend group knows about the alcohol.
  2. I know for a fact he drinks, I was with him once when he did it.
  3. It’s not his parent’s fault, he sneaks it from open vodka bottles in their refrigerator.
  4. I know he is drinking while underage, I plan to report him to the school counselor if he doesn’t seek help.
  5. We’re both gay, though I do not like him like that in any way shape or form. He swears up and down he doesn’t like me like that either, but take that how you will.
  6. He has allegedly been drinking since he was 7. I can neither confirm nor deny this.
  7. He blames all of his problems on the alcohol.
I, 16m, was friends with another boy, 15m, for roughly 4 years. We used to call each other every day to play games. Every single day for 4 years. Everything was fine until I started hanging out with our other (mutual) friends.
After I started hanging out with other people, he began to get very jealous and bitter towards me and the friend I was talking to. He would act annoyed and upset whenever I would do things with my other friends, even though it’s the same things I would do with him. This is when the arguing began. He would make snarky comments toward me indirectly through his bio on either a game we play together or the app we use to text and call. He would always deny that it is about me, even if it was blatantly obvious. (For example, I used to give myself nicknames on the game we play together. He combined the starting letter of the 3 I've used and said something along the lines of “ABC gave me everything but real love.”)
We would argue like this and he would come to school like nothing happened and act friendly towards me, even if it was obvious that I didn’t want to act friendly with him. He would also frequently block me for absolutely no reason, and unblock me after a few hours. If I asked for a reason, he would get mad and change the subject. Of course, I got tired of this and blocked him back one day. To nobody’s surprise, the next day at school he was talking to me and making jokes like absolutely nothing happened.
One day, he even decided it would be a great idea to ignore me while I was sitting right next to him. I would talk to him, wave my hand in front of him to get his attention, and even tap his shoulder. No response. I obviously got fed up with him and let my friends know in a group chat that he isn’t in what was going on incase they were curious why either of us were annoyed. (This wasn't the best idea, I know, however he gets mad when I hang out or talk to them differently than I do with him so the most logical thing to do was to not let him know when I hang out or text with them.)
Before this next part, I have to go back a little bit. Because we would play games together, we would log into each other’s account to farm or grind for something the other wants. This lead to him knowing my password and email. Since he saw me typing on my phone, he saw the group chat that doesn’t have him in it. He took that as a sign that I was talking shit about him to our friends (I truly was not.) and decided to try and hack my account. Luckily, I’ve always used a secondary email on the games we play, so he only got my old account.
Not knowing that this happened, I forgave him for everything that he did prior. A few days later, at the end of school before I left, we were talking when he said the name of my secondary account. Of course, I asked how he knew about it, and he said he logged in. I obviously got very angry at him for this, as I had not given him permission whatsoever. I told him I would have showed him my messages had he just simply asked. This caused him to get angry at me for being angry at him. (He also got angry at me when he got the notifications that he had been removed from my email. I also changed my passwords, have no fear.)
After discussing this with our mutual friends, they confirmed that what he did was not okay. Because I was getting more distant from him, he thought that he should buddy up to someone else in our friend group. (He barely speaks to anyone else if he doesn’t have to.) Of course, he chose the one person that he supposedly hates based on past events. (Not my story to share, I apologize.)
(I don’t remember this part all too well so take it with a grain of salt.) After a while, I decided to give him another chance. We had a conversation where I brought up all of the issues I had with him in a few paragraphs. (Mainly stuff about boundaries and respecting me. Also for pulling my hair whenever he got the chance even though I told him multiple times on multiple occasions to stop.) His response was changing the subject to something different, and about me. I promptly him shut down, however, as he was bringing up stuff that I didn’t do, insisting that he at least acknowledges his problems instead of pretending everything is fine. This ultimately lead to him getting angry and ending the conversation with his signature “Okay. Bye.”
He then went back to pretending everything was normal with me, though he was talking shit about me in a group chat with our mutual online friends and one of our real life friends (The one he hated that I mentioned previously.) She would tell me everything he said about me, but she didn’t want to get involved so I couldn’t call him out for any of it. At this point, I was just tired of fighting, so I went with it. Many more minor arguments happened after this. I won’t include details for the sake of this post not being too unbearably long, since what happened was basically the previous fight over and over.
A while later, one of our friends called him out for his shit, as I had been letting them know what was going on for every argument we had. He got really heated over this, and told her to kill herself and that he never valued her as a friend. She gave no shits at all. He was promptly removed, or left on his own, from all of the group chats with her in them except our main server. They had each other blocked, though to nobody’s surprise that didn’t stop him from talking about her or to her in the server.
Though 2 out of 5 people in our friend group wanted nothing to do with him, that didn’t stop him from sitting with us and trying to joke around with us like nothing happened. For a while, everything was fine. I wasn’t talking to him, he wasn’t talking to me. Another fight happened between him and the friend he hated before, but that isn’t my story to tell either, sorry. The only thing I can say about the fight is that he mentioned his alcohol addiction.
One thing lead to another and I decided to give him one last chance. Again. So, I had another conversation with him, letting him know that im serious about unfriending him if he doesn’t talk to his therapist about the alcohol, jealousy, and obsession with me.
I gave him until the end of the week to talk to his therapist, or I’m gone. Everything was fine until the weekend. I went on a trip to Dollywood on the weekend, 4 of my friends being there. He of course did not come on the trip, as he isn’t in the school club that took us. I asked him on Sunday if he had talked to his therapist about anything yet, and he had said no. I rightfully blocked him, just as I said I would. He proceeded to play the victim and started asking our friends what he did wrong, pretending that I hadn’t told him anything about blocking him.
I unblocked him momentarily to send a message on why I did it. I told him blatantly that if he didn’t talk to his therapist I would block him, and he did not. I may have been a little harsh with my words, but keep in mind that I have given him many chances to grow and learn from his mistakes that he has not taken. He needs help, and I can’t help him. I wished him the best, but told him that the best is not something I am capable of giving him.
After I blocked him again, he edited one of his messages to “call me out” for not doing what he wanted. He claims that I should’ve just listened to his issues and tell him everything was fine instead of letting him know that what he’s doing is wrong. He doesn’t want help, he wants someone to ignore his problems. I told him that im not that person and im tired of pretending I am. He proceeded to make his bio things along the lines of “You never actually loved me” once more.
After his numerous attempts at getting me to talk to him by making his bio about me, I got fed up. I confronted him, letting him know that I don’t want to be friends with him, I don’t want anything to do with him, and that he needs to stop talking about me in his bio. He of course pretended his issues didn’t exist, instead telling me that he would get help for real this time. I let him know that he just admitted to not trying to get help the first time, and that in lying to me, he broke my trust in him.
Because I knew he wouldn’t try to get help, I blocked him after saying goodbye once more. This is when he started openly shit talking me and the friend that called him out one single time. He changed his bio to things about my body he knew I was insecure about, such as my forehead. While I admit that this wasn’t the best thing to do, I gave him a taste of his own medicine. He’s a bigger individual, and he’s told me that he’s insecure about his weight.
Again, I apologize for what I said to him, I was angry when I said it. He said I have a sixhead, so I retaliated with seventeen stomach and that he can’t be talking about me when he looks 5 years pregnant. I mean no hate to pregnant people, I was angry at him when I said it. I do not condone rudeness towards plus sized or pregnant individuals. Back to the story.
He made a post on a platform we all use about how he hates Taylor Swift fans, especially the blonde ones. (Ironic when he was talking about how he liked her a while ago. Also, the friend that called him out is blonde and a big Taylor Swift fan.) So, in retaliation, our other, OTHER friend commented the username to his twitter account where he actively reposts nsfw images of gay furries, often depicted as children. I was the only person that knew about it, since he reposted such images and showed them to me in class, to my discomfort. I am usually not one to air out dirty laundry like that, however he had done something similar to me a while back, and I honestly didn’t care how it would make him feel.
I took another page out of his book and edited my message since we had each other blocked, telling him to stop shit talking me in his bio, and that I wanted nothing to do with him. Since that happened, he hasn’t made his bio anything about me, instead changing it to some joke about being 5 years pregnant.
Nobody has told me that what I’ve done was wrong, I just would like to make sure that I’m not in the wrong here. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
submitted by ThatOnePersonUwU to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:50 Top_Needleworker6116 The " Drake didn't lose Bar for Bar argument "

First of all when the beef started, Aubry Angels that made everything about " tea" and were literally trying to make fan of Kendrick being lyrical with " Lyrical miracle " jokes until their boy got cooked in all aspects but since they can't make arguments about all the other stuff, now want to debate Bar for Bar. Still hear me out. If you ask them his best track they would say " family matters" and if you ask them the best part, they would tell you it's the second verse and you know what the funny thing about that is ? it's the verse about all the other rappers and not Kendrick. They still want him to get points for dissing other rappers because his pen (if he has one) lacked getting in depth about one specific person/topic & had to find a way out of it. He could've deep dove into all the Domestic Violence allegations just like how Dot made at least 10 minute worth of bars out of one topic and a whole bop about him being a pedo..lol Best writers in all areas ( not just in rap) could make 10 pages worth of content out of nothing.That's the skill! That man couldn't even find a creative way to rap from Tupac & Snoop POV so he resorted to use of AI like the troll he is. I just find it funny how now they are admitting that he lost but didn't lose bar for bar when his so called best bars aren't even about Kendrick. He literally sang half of the Kendrick diss parts lol
The same argument they used for Pusha T once they realized they can't deny the L anymore. It's also worth noting Drake is the one that starts the "spilling tea game" first lol The only thing drake won is playing the victim game to his fans once again.
Kendrick won in all aspects. The disrespect part, the Bars, making hits, and spilling the dirty laundry as well as the strategy.
submitted by Top_Needleworker6116 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:46 IndianoJonez Cleared RR3 with the burn team in 54 total turns this time! 4 turn Spiral is real! A slightly different approach to some fights this time, and some notes about Philip Sinclair.

Cleared RR3 with the burn team in 54 total turns this time! 4 turn Spiral is real! A slightly different approach to some fights this time, and some notes about Philip Sinclair.
Counting my last post 64 turn clear, this would be my 3rd RR clear with the burn team. The team is in a much better spot now, even able to clear fights like Spiral in 4 turns and with some dirty damage skips is able to potentially. Not going into as much detail this time, and will focus more on what's changed since the last run.
End of run summary, same team throughout all segments. Damage breakdown in link below.

End of run summary image dump: imgur link

Now, going into the IDs and what changed from last time:
Liu Rodya and Liu Ishmael:
My previous mixed feelings for Liu Rodya have subsided a bit. Considering how strong Liu Ishmael already was, and applying Liu Rodya to the same scale in terms of what she brings to the rest of the team and herself puts Liu Rodya in a much better spot now. Both of them now have very solid access to their burn defining EGO (4MF and ABS) due to Envy no longer being a lacking resource, and with wrath and pride now being sorted, you can even get out a few Ishmael Blind Obsessions. Of course, this only matters for the later half. Earlier on, both these IDs very much are the main clashers and burn scalers of this team in terms of both coin power and damage scaling.
Magic Bullet Outis:
I WISH I could say I still liked this ID. A lot of resets simply were simply due to really shitty skill rolls on turn 1 and 2, or losing 1 coin on her S2. Frequently I ended up using guard to just get bullets up so I could have real dark flame count on turns it mattered (especially on Gasharpoon, Trio, Spiral turn 1 guard, moth, etc). At this point, while she stands as a massive burn payoff and scales burn potency absurdly well, she is just... Icky. That said, if you want burn potency scaling, there is currently no better way besides this (second being Philip Sinclair S3 and Ryoshu 4MF, and third being wrath resonance scaling the team's damage)
Dawn Office SinclaiPhilip Sinclair:
Post the buffs, this ID has turned out to be a huge boost for this team. Not going to talk about MD or standard content, but specifically in RR3 style content, this unit truly stands out in making use of the previous support slots that I considered mostly dead slots (Yi Sang, Hong Lu), and giving a great payoff for the micromanagement. Philip does a very solid job once he enters EGO form, which was something I managed very easily by turn 2 or every fight (yes, even the first mermaids fight, just use S3 and whistles will get him to enter turn 1). Further, with Impending Day's passive, this man is able to absolutely PUMP envy, gloom, and wrath, which all provide huge boosts to the team in the long run. Envy was an especially annoying bottleneck on the previous run, and often forced me to break the team I was running.
Changes to overall thoughts on the burn team:
This will be a bit of a comparison to the thoughts from last time.
  • Fairly solid clashing now, and absolutely brainless to play in MD (no change)
  • Burn Potency is now at approx 12-20 per turn, and with EGO so easily accessible now, you can cap potency in 3-4 turns easily.
  • Burn Count is now a complete non-issue. Liu Hong Lu on bench does nothing now, swap to base Hong Lu for or any other for a usable support passive.
  • There is very nice damage variety now, with 2 decent slash options (more considering EGO), good blunt from Ishmael, and solid pierce from Rodya. The others... Exist.
  • Actually good access to important ego resources now. Wrath, Lust, and Pride have always been trivial. Envy is now completely trivialize. Ironically, the most difficult resource to maintain is Sloth for Meur's capote.
  • Amazing EGOs that really push the power of the team, also aids the AOE aspect (even better now)
  • Scaling damage now from dark flame, Philip Sinclair S3, Ryoshu 4MF, Rodya 4MF for wrath Fragile -> Ryoshu 4MF + ABS Overclock + Capote (normal or overclock) becoming a VERY potent combo.
  • Sanity management through lust resonance + N faust, and now Gloom access for base Yi Sang passive and Sloth for base Hong Lu passive (hooray we no longer need Liu Hong Lu on bench)
  • Not having a good Yi Sang ID generally = no 4MF = rip aoe potency, but at least we have base Yi Sang as a solid bench option for Philip Sinclair.
  • N Clair is a pain in the ass to micromanage, please give Philip Sinclair (the monkey's paw curls...) I mean... It's an upgrade specifically for burn, but I would not place either ID above the other in overall strength right now. N Clair is still the better generalist, but honestly both of them are a bit annoying to micromanage. Post the buffs, Philip Sinclair is significantly easier to handle though.
  • Clashing can be bad if you roll an entire hand of S1s, can be compromised with ego but that can be painful (this is mitigated a bit now due to better EGO access)
  • Investment level is still fairly high, needing a bunch of 000s, burn EGO, and uptie 4s across the board for scaling and consistency
  • Dark Flame can be an annoyance to micromanage, but the reward is well worth it... (my irl sanity is -44)
  • In a vacuum, the early Liu 00s still struggle quite a bit on clashing especially on turns 1-2 and on aoe fights.
  • Limited options in terms of variety and debuffs, and struggling in terms of AOE outside of use of EGO. -> Mitigated by better access to EGO.
  • Very limited access to healing, with Persuance x2 and Lantern being very expensive options, and Lifetime Stew... being Lifetime Stew. This is also not really an issue anymore if you just blast through fights since there are frequent heal points, and most fights are very easy to deal wth now.
  • No evade? Well I guess... This isn't really a problem anymore since you can blast through shit? Though it would be nice to have.
On to the actual run details:

The Railway:

Image dump for start of fight state: imgur dump
  • Mermaids (5 -> 6): Philip in particular can enter right from turn 1 with S3 win clash + whistles, which is definitely something I went for. Losing out a turn here to make use of impending day was an option, but not something I made use of. Honestly, in the long run, this would have paid off easily shaved 2-3 turns from the count. Not really worth running the whole thing again to find out though...
  • Siltcurrent (6, 5 or even 4 might be possible with ego): Not much change here, though better ego resource access might have made it possible to shave this to 5 or 4 turns. I think one or two resets because Ishmael corroded from ABS killing too many on AOE.
  • Gossypium (4): Complete joke fight. Just one sided potency and popped it, even more brainlessly than last time. Wondering if 3 turns might be possible, but I did not do the math on this at all. 0 resets.
  • Clam (4): Again, similar to gossypium. 1 reset to cut from 5 turns to 4. Trivial fight.
  • Skin Prophet (6 -> 5): Ego resource tax was not felt as badly here. Ryoshu was on field enough to generate gluttony for 1 ebony stem at the start, which is all you need. A timely stagger before it lights the candles again, and clean up on turn 4 and 5. A couple resets to time the stagger.
  • Ardor Blossom Moth (6 -> 5): And now suddenly this fight becomes a total joke as well? I don't know what it is, or maybe I just got used to playing this team, but this fight was just done first try. Threw out a bunch of burn ego and had dark flame up to 4 on both wing and body on turn 5 and the thing exploded. Might be possible to 4 turn this.
  • 3 wave aoe nonsense fight (9 -> 7): When you stop caring about sanity, things become a lot simpler. Threw out a bunch of ego freely, farming massive envy from impending day + Philip S2 aoe kills, sanity goes flying back up from the 3 cheerleaders on bench and the fight ends quickly. 6 turns might be possible if I used blind obsession here.
  • Trio (10 -> 6): And now the BIG shift in power, Impending day + S3 giving the wrath the keep me going. this fight needed a few resets in particular to lineup the ego combo I mentioned above (Rodya 4MF -> ABS Capote Ryo4MF). Wave 1 was 3 turns, can potentially be 2 turns. The trio itself took 3 turns, and honestly I think pushing that to 2 turns might be a bit too painful to reset for. Absolutely no deaths this time!
  • Gasharpoon (7): This one I'm a bit disappointed by. I was in line for a 6 turn clear on phone but accidentally clicking a notification tabbed me out and limbus restart itself... With some smart skips from the dark flame gimmick, you can start phase 2 and phase 3 on significantly lower HP than usual which makes them both super easy.
Phase 3 start, (missed 2 turn phase 2 by like 40 damage)
  • Spiral (4): This is the one I'm most pleased by. One the last run I already theorized a 4 turn clear but was lacking the ego resources to do it. This time around however, I had just enough to drop massive EGO on turn 2 to push potency and then do the full combo on both turn 3 and turn 4. Took me a total of about 8-10 resets total to get this down.
It was all worth it (This was not the run that finished in 4 turns lol)
Closing Thoughts:
I think this time around no fight was truly agonizing. Most of my resets were on Trio, but not because the fight was hard or I had to sacrifice people. It was more because of lining up the combo if anything.
Going up from level 40 to 45 is also huge. It makes a lot of the clashes significantly easier, and boosts damage up quite a bit.
Burn is now in a significantly better spot than before. I don't know it's full potential in speedrun territory, but that seems to be taken up by Wingbeat, Sinking, or Rupture reset runs currently. This run is by no means a full tryhard reset run, and more of an invested but casual run to show how well burn CAN perform.
Also a major note that a large part of this railway is still designed AGAINST burn.
submitted by IndianoJonez to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:01 ImM3llow 26 [M4F] East Coast / Anywhere. I just got diagnosed as your boyfriend. Yeah no they said it's terminal we have to stay together forever until i die🤷‍♂️

Edit: DO NOT message me a simple hi or hello, with no information about you, Put some effort in to your message like i have, come on. Day+Attempt#187
Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read, I know its long, I know - I know. But its worth the read, Trust me. I appreciate you immensely.
Here's a bit about me,
My name is Jay, I live on the East coast of the US. I'm looking for love - like everyone else on here.., but you may not believe or even be doubtful that I've never had a GF before with me being 26, but its true. I'm simply just not willing to "be with" just anyone and I'm very picky. I want us to be a match, more than just have similar things in common.
One thing I have always been told is that I'm a "Real Catch, I'd be extremely lucky to have someone like you" - WELL THEN TAKE ME. I'M FREE. LOL.
About me:
Physically -
~I'm a semi-tall guy, around 5'10.
~I'm thin but muscular.
~I have dirty blonde/ brown hair.
~Changing colored eyes.
~A voice nice enough to melt all your safeguards and get right into your heart and weak spots.
~I do not have any tattoos or piercings. Though I would like to get some eventually.
If you'd like to see a picture of me just ask and I'll show you - IF I may see you as well, I simply just don't want a picture of me out there for anyone to see.
-If there's anything else you'd like to know just ask.
Otherwise -
~I do have 3 pet bunnies I would be more than happy to show you, they are extremely cute.
~I'm a very honest and down to earth guy.
~I'm very patient and easy going.
~I'm very curious and inquisitive. I will try to ask everything I can to learn all about you haha.
~I'm Very VERY Kind & Caring, I will probably ask how you are feeling a bajillion times a day, simply out of care for you.
~I can get pretty clingy, and will always want your attention and to be talking with you. If i have someone im interested in i wont want to talk to anyone else🤷‍♂️
~I'm very trustworthy - you can confide in me, and entrust your deepest secrets and I wont tell a soul.
~I'm a HUGE hopeless romantic, im old fashioned and will always try to impress you.
- I'm, a BIG softie even though I may look a smol bit intimidating, but I'd do just about anything to see you smile or laugh. And yes.., I do mean anything.
~I'm a big goof - I will get up to some silly shenanigans ALL the time, I will crack dumb jokes and send you memes and tik toks just to make you happy, even if its from across the room I'd wait to see your reaction lol.
~I'm extremely loyal, and would never even think of cheating.
~I will cook for you, and clean up too, even around the house, I'm very self productive and don't ask for much. Just don't forget to kiss the cook.
~I'd also love to just cuddle up and watch a movie or read a book together, anything to get us closer. Id try to take you out on dates whenever possible haha. I have a million SUPER romantic date ideas I have but have never had anyone interested enough in me to take out. Here's your chance ;)
~I will always want to share stuff I find interesting with you, and try to share every moment of every day with you. I'm not looking for someone who can only talk for a small amount of time, I want someone who's willing to put in all the effort I put into them back into me, it goes both ways. If I'm "with" someone you are my TOP priority nobody and nothing else would be. You would be the only person I'd truly want to talk to, so rest assured I would NEVER cheat, even more so because no one is interested in me - Hence why I'm here hahaha.
I'm sure there is more to me than this snippet but I cant think of more at the moment haha, so get to know me and find out more about me.
Some of my interests are: Engineering- I'm a nerd. I admit it. I love being technical and hands on, I love building things. All kinds of things, from furniture, machinery, and reverse engineering anything I find. I love learning how things work and trying to improve things.
Music - I prefer music with a very fast pace, or with some very meaningful lyrics I can relate to. I love to sing along to music and songs that have a deep meaning behind it I can sympathize with makes it all the better. Some bands I like are: Bad Omens, Beartooth, Demon Hunter, MIW, I9K - The list goes on. I'm a bit of a metalhead unfortunately.
TV Shows & Movies - I love watching shows, and I'd love to stream some shows and have some E-dates with you, to get to know you, or if you are close to me, maybe we could do it in person. Some shows I like or more of the Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Comedy, Action, stuff like: National Treasure, Halo, BattleBots, Rick and Morty, AHS, Anything Marvel or DC, The Witcher, Wednesday, The Sandman, The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, ETC.
Gaming - Yes yes I know, Basic guy likes basic stuff. But gaming has been a thing for me since forever. I know most of you wont care or want to hear that, but I'll leave out the specifics on this part unless you are interested in that, MEGA Bonus points if you are.
Here's a lists of Cons to dating me-
~I'm not Ryan Reynolds. Disappointing, I know.
~I will fight you on what goes on pizza lol.
~I'm not rich.., Yet.
~I can't pronounce Worcestershire.
~I'm slightly forgetful, but with good reasoning.
~(Not really a con but- some might disagree) I still have ALL of my firsts, Do with that what you will c:
~I've got an endless pile of love and affection and no one to give it to! What a dilemma! Help me fix it?
Other than that I'll save the rest for a bit more of getting to know each other.
Here's a bit of what I'm looking in you:
~Preferably someone with lots of free time, and loves to chit chat. I'm seriously not interested in getting 1 message a day. Though I understand people get busy, I personally am not willing to try to learn about you and form something with 7 responses a week. Effort gets reciprocated and I appreciate the time you put in me.
~Physically: -I’m not personally attracted to anyone who’s “curvy/ chubby”, I apologize. Not a shallow thing, I just dont have the attraction chemical in my brain for that, I’m sorry. -If you’re shorter than me, thats a plus to me. -I love dimples, if you have those when you smile, bonus points 😊 - I’m not sure what else to put.., but as for nsfw wise find out😂
~I'm a sucker for a different accent other than American, and if you have an Posh English accent you have already won my heart.
~I'm also only really looking for someone within the ages of 18-35. I don't want anyone old enough to be my mom lol.
~I'd prefer (But not a must) people NOT on the other side of the world, as other time zones SUCK. I don't expect to find anyone who also has never had a boyfriend either, but that would be a real plus. I also don't mind a LDR, but I don't want that forever. But it gives us time to get to know each other.
But as for attributes I'm looking for in you:
~Someone who is above all else very very Loyal and would never cheat.
~Someone who is Honest, and will tell me the truth over a little white lie.
~Someone who is Kind & Caring, who'd constantly check on me, and accept me for who I am & help me improve day to day.
~Someone who is trustworthy, and I can count on to keep my secrets safe, or even just help me remember things.., I do tend to be somewhat forgetful.
~Someone who is very Patient and wants to see me succeed and will help me do so, just like I would help you. Even if its small day to day things, I would appreciate your company ANY time.
~I want a partner who is Affectionate, can reciprocate, and loves to snuggle and talk about their day, and what their interests are, and what makes them happy.
~Someone who can admit they get clingy or overprotective is a bonus.
~A partner with good communication is key, if something wrong we have to be able to talk about it.
~A partner who likes to game with me or at least watch me play would be a plus but not a requirement.
~Someone with a good sense of humor and like to joke around, I am a big goof after all and I love to joke around. Sending memes is always appreciated and good to cheer people up too!
~I'd prefer someone with the same music taste, but not a requirement, Plus if you wouldn't mind if I send you love songs occasionally that's a bonus, or sending me some back haha.
~Being willing to voice call is a must, Texting forever is not the way to go. I have to know what your voice is like haha, later on we can video call if you are comfortable with that. I prefer chatting on Discord because Reddit messages of any kind I'm sure you know are unreliable and sucky in general. So please send me your discord if you have one :)
~I would LOVE to see picture of your pets if you have any. Bonus points if it includes your beautiful self haha.
I'm sure there is more I'm looking for but I cant think of it right now haha, I will have to edit this when I think of it.
Please tell me about you as an opener! I told you a good bit about me, now its your turn haha.
Tell me some things like -
~What's your name?
~Where are you from?
~How old are you?
~What are your hobbies / interests?
~What about my post interested you?
~Where is my TV Remote?!
~Selfie? Pet pics?
~Hit me with your best joke or meme :)
~What's your favorite candy?
I'd LOVE to get to know you, and see where things go.
But yeah, I know it was long I'm sorry haha. Send me a message and lets get to know each other! :)
submitted by ImM3llow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:32 InterestingBoat4931 Aita for telling my long term boyfriend I'm practically single?

My (26f) boyfriend (26m) have been dating for 7 years, living together for 3 years, have 2 dogs under both our names that we adopted together.
I work from home and my bf is office based with some work on-site (he's a Geotechnical engineer that sometimes installs stuff in the mines). Lately that sometimes on site has been a lot more common even though he was hired as a designer and programmer and not a technician. And by a lot, I mean I've seen him maybe 3-4 weeks in the past 3 months. He'll stay at work until 7pm sometimes even 9pm to prepare for these site visits and very often wake up 4am to leave for these site visits too. The site visits can range from a day or an overnight stay to an entire week away. On top of that he's taken a family vacation for a week recently (I didn't join because his family often turns us into babysitters and I couldn't arrange dog sitters) and soon he'll be taking a golf tour.
All in all, I've been keeping house and taking care of the dogs by myself. And in my free time I took up and completed a project that my bf had said he'd do when he got the time. And it's all gone pretty well given I've never lived alone before.
Yesterday, my bf was home between a site visit and I was making supper while he was doing emails. I don't remember the exact conversation but he remarked about how clean the house is (I'm a type B cleaner, he's type A, so he believes I'm dirty because I'm willing to clean later instead of right now) and I replied saying I'm getting along better than most people would have thought as a practically single person.
To me that was a joke because everyone thought I'd fall apart living alone but my bf did not take that 'practically single' part very well at all. He got pretty upset saying he didn't have a choice, he did what anyone would do to keep their job and he couldn't just say no to the working on site and making such a comment on something he couldn't change was uncalled for. We got into an argument because I told him he was just as frustrated as me about his constant on site working but at least he got his meals made for him, his cleaning and laundry done for him and got to have a beer at the end of the day with his colleagues whom he's great friends with. I'm doing it all alone and the only complaining I've done is say I'm 'practically single' one time as a joke.
He still thinks I'm TA for the comment because we can't afford to be picky about his work in the current economic climate but I think I need perspective. AITA?
submitted by InterestingBoat4931 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:00 Groosin1 Inconsistency (Endgame Spoilers)

They did my boys Hermann and Nigel dirty. They both join us but neither get rapports.
Sure I wouldn't expect Hermann to get any, but that's where the "Inconsistency" comes in. Nigel gets to show up at the credits complete with an ending card. Hermann naturally doesn't get that. But then, why even give it to Nigel if he's going to be treated as a Generic like Hermann?
Joke complaint post but how does Nigel have none and Gilbert has a full damn page?
submitted by Groosin1 to UnicornOverlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:18 Hungry_Claim_4150 Am I in the wrong?

To start off with I live in a house share of 3 individuals and a dog, we are previous childhood friends. One flatmate is extremely antisocial and I am trying to figure out if I have been gaslit.
To give some context I’ve been living with my flatmates partner against my will since September 2023. Both me and my other flatmate tried to make clear we were uncomfortable about this months ago. He is extremely messy and had previously punched other men whilst drunk on more than one occasion. We gave these as reasons for us not wanting to be left alone with him in the house. Instead he was given a house key and it took months for this to be readdressed, any discussions we had were forgotten and messages we would send were ignored. In April 2024 we have been told his housing situation was “tricky” and that the flatmate in question needed him here as he was her only support system. She did not give the option of him moving out but instead told us he might be moving out in May 2024. In those 6 months we have been forced to pay his food bill for weeks (we previously had a communal food supply and had to separate and label our food because she kept feeding him without any contribution ) We have had to clean up continually for them both (both of them are very messy and often left spaces needing to be cleaned before being used.) We are told that because food is now separate bringing this up as an example of her disrespect is unacceptable. I have brought up that it is still extra labor in having to clean more often, and spend more money for cleaning products and was told that isn’t true and that they contribute fairly ( Since discussions of us feeling extremely used he has occasionally replaced coffee and toilet paper, paid bills once as of April 2024, does the dishes and occasionally does the bins) we are the ones doing most of the cleaning and always have done so this is an unfair split of labour in my opinion (the dog is also hers so we are cleaning up after 2 adults and a dog)
Neither of them have attempted to communicate over anything, my flatmates partner turned up one day with his dad and moved his things, when I told my flatmate this was not cool they laughed in my face and made a dismissive joke. Neither of them communicated to us that he had been thrown out of his previous house and would be living here. We would just find him in the house when we were under the impression we were home alone.
I realise I could have spoken to him directly, but for some reason was convinced that it would be snakey towards my flatmate to confront him and ask him why he felt so comfortable to dump his labour onto myself and my other flatmate as a 28yr old grown man, so instead everybody in the house just avoided each other with a very passive aggressive environment, in which we all participated in silent treatment. At its peak myself and the flatmate in question would be shoulder barging each other, which is very toxic and sad.
So far the reason given for him not ever cleaning up after himself was that he did not think it would be appropriate and we created a passive aggressive environment. ( We were very angry in this period, I myself even snapped on occasions where I raised my voice at my flatmate saying cruel things which I am ashamed of. This was in response to me feeling as though I was being used as a personal maid)
To give some more context to my own shitty behaviour spaces in the house were regularly left to a point of being unusable, unless we did it ourselves. This involved a months long flea infestation that was so severe you could not be in the house without being jumped on, we repeatedly tried to address this until the point we just dealt with it ourselves. I have had my TV broken when my flatmate was partying with friends which took months to even be acknowledged and not be told that it was not the right time to ask about it. Myself and my other flatmate have had to buy a separate fridge as we literally could not get our food into the houses shared fridge because we were left little space and were still having to regularly clean out others mouldy food. The dog is extremely reactive, he has anxiety and is often only given 2 or 3 short walks a week and spends the majority of his time in one bedroom, so being in the house with him means constant barking and he has been quite destructive. For months she would leave her dog whilst out partying and ignored all messages trying to bring up this forced labour.
Around this time something in me just broke, I actively tried to be petty and use a tit for tat mentality in how I treated her. This involved a lack of care for her items, refusing to do any labour for her, separating every single little thing, giving each other silent treatment. My OCD had been badly triggered after living in a flea infested house, this caused me to go into overdrive with cleaning where I would snap at any little mess. This was too much from me and it was a little controlling, but the situation was then reframed as me being “controlling” and not allowing my flatmate to ever relax in their house, rather than ever returning to the original upset of forced labour.
(I am going to give an example of a game she enjoyed playing with me here to try and explain what I feel has been done to me. She used to come over and start playfully hitting me, she would then ignore me saying no or stop, then when I blew up she would say don’t talk to me like that and frame it as me being angry and shouting at her inappropriately. I have had to address this with her and she has not played this game with me again, but I’ve seen her do it to someone else since and laugh in their face whilst visibly upsetting them, so I know they still enjoy doing it to others. Though just a silly game, this comfortability with ignoring a no and their ability to genuinely convince herself she hasn’t been given a boundary is one that bleeds into real life. )
On one occasion during an argument regarding labour I shouted at her to ‘fuck off back to neglecting your dog’ and I’m sure there were other things I probably said in an attempt to hurt her as much as I was hurting. I take zero pride in this and am deeply ashamed that I lowered myself to that behaviour. She herself belittled me in front of shared friends telling me “you never do anything for me you only do things for others you do nothing for me” over and over until I left the room. We had a huge row where she came down mid shower (as the hot water goes if multiple taps are on) whilst I was doing her dishes as the kitchen was a complete shit hole. I then told her no I’m not going to stop because i need to use my kitchen, and she told me i was disgusting for banning her from showering I told her she was disgusting for leaving the house as she did (I’m not exactly sure my exact words) she then told me “‘theres no room talking to you when ur like this”. Neither of us were right in this but I am giving it as an example of how toxic it is in the house.
A few days following this I said that if she refuses to discuss anything when she is leaving the house unusable for others and her partner is freeloading that I would report her to the landlord (I am not working on logic at this time but because I have been in fight or flight for months) she then told me it was disgusting to threaten her with homelessness and that she would never do something like that to me. I did not mean it as an intimidation tactic or maybe I did I’m not sure, it’s hard to think logically after being ignored over months.
After the threat I made to contact the landlord we discussed all of this, some of which she acknowledged, we both made an effort to apologise. However she tried to diminish the labour her and her partner purposefully used us for, would not give specifics about him moving out, and refused to apologise for belittling telling me she did not remember and it is not something she would ever say so she doesn’t know what I expect her to do. They told me I was not paying extra or doing more labour with an additional person living here. They have since cleaned the garden of bags of shit and dirty underwear that were left out for months, and made small efforts to be cleaner. However most of the house labour still falls onto us. (Some more context they very recently were injured and no longer can clean right now. This I understand completely however I would be lying if I didn’t feel burdened and obligated to now have to do that labour, or to help them with basic tasks when I can barely look at them without feeling sick, also I am still doing labour for her partner).
We have tried to meet her on every level for a very long time, previously we have had discussions about asking her when she is free rather than just dropping things on her, using a house chat, using a cleaning chart. We have tried to compromise and she has ignored all of these after agreeing to them. When I have gone to ask if she is free I have had her snap ‘what now’ I have seen her roll her eyes to others regarding a cleaning chart she agreed to because others were tired of cleaning for her, ignored all messages in the house chat.
My property has been repeatedly damaged or not taken care of as has others. I’ve had to spend over £100 easily. I am so tired of being ignored, laughed at or given no response at all to continual lack of consideration for others and their boundaries. My reactivity does need to be worked on, yes. However theres only so far people can be pushed before they snap, and I’m terrified that I’m going to break again.
When I’ve discussed this with others who have lived with her to see if they noticed this pattern of behaviour they knew exactly what I was talking about, which worries me.
To sum up I do not feel safe in this house, my back is permanently against the wall as I am just waiting for the next boundary violation at this point. This has already happened in truth as we recently received a letter saying we were overdue for council tax which threatened court if not paid off, I paid off mine and I didn’t bother to ask my flatmate to send over the remaining owed money as I am fed up of having all communication ignored and did not want to wait for her to be bothered to send me the money. If there is something that needs her attention you often need to ask for it to be done over and over which again is labour in the first place. As far as I’m aware this bill is still overdue as I have been completely ignored regarding it.
I do not think she truly realises that she has deeply traumatised myself and my flatmate through giving us no autonomy over who lives in this house or leaving us to care for her dog. My OCD is still pretty bad and being in this house or around her makes my skin crawl. So I guess I am wondering if I have been gaslit? Taking my own toxic behaviour into account I do not know whether I can criticise her or if I am being hypocritical in labelling her as toxic. My memory is too foggy to remember a lot of what has actually happened, but I have this of strong feeling of disillusionment that will not leave. I am stuck in this house until October 2024, and I am trying to just get on with it, but I can’t stop obsessing over what has happened, sometimes it’s all I can think about. I feel too guilty or snakey to contact the landlord as she is a longtime friend and I am afraid she will badmouth me to others if I do so. She is my childhood friend and everything in me is telling me that this isn’t how a friend should treat you. I am desperate to be free of this situation but we have been friends since childhood and she is currently injured and also experiencing a bereavement so I feel obligated to just leave her be. Should I still be trying to meet her needs or do I need to be selfish and remove this person from my life?
submitted by Hungry_Claim_4150 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:50 KangarooAromatic2139 Looking for some proofreading on a crossover fanfiction.

Hi there everyone, I kind of curious, I have been writing a crossover fanfic in the style of Super Robot Wars storylines. One of the Franchises I want to add is RWBY, however, I never really got into the series until playing Blazblue Cross Tag Battle and during his time I started read up on the series on various wiki pages.
So, if I'm wrong on any details or something does seem to match the character's personalities, please tell me!
In this point of the fanfic, it took place after my idea of an ending to the series, so here goes nothing!
The white haired huntress explained why she feels this is the case, telling them the story of her younger brother and his road for redemption.
For the longest of times, Whitley had nothing but hatred for his older sisters and saw the hunters and huntresses as below him, mocking Weiss every moment he had while she was under house arrest. Escaping from this sham of a home, she swore the boy and their father were nothing but monsters and for their actions were things that she never could forgive. That is until it was after the arrest of their father and their manor being invaded by Grimms that cracks were showing in his facade of pettiness.
"During that fight, Whitley wanted nothing but to run off, until he saw our mother fighting against the Grimm before falling from the underuse of her Semblance when he knew he needed to help."
After saving Willow and learning from their mother that Whitley was as much of a victim as anyone else that the middle child chose to mend their damaged relationship. During the fall of their home Kingdom of Atlas, he continued to help by having all the SDC Saircrafts to save anyone and everyone to relocate the people to Vacuo. When the Team RWBY and Jaune return from Ever After, he became part of the attacking forces as a commander to help defeat Salem's forces.
In the final battle, He was present to witness Ruby Rose and Kairi sparing the now depowered and mortal Salem, who was told to simply live with reminders of her sins haunting her until the day she died, as this was her last life. "While we watch Salem leaving to parts unknown, I thought Whitley was going to say something foolish, but to my surprise, he only watched.
In the four weeks after Salem's defeat, Whitley began his new life but it was something to adjusted to as he worked a part time job and began to start classes in that first week The heir of whatever remained of the SDC let his hair grow out slightly, he may have been inspired by a picture of Jaune's appearance during his time in Mistral but still kept a very clean appearance.
It wasn't until a week ago that there were some Jacques' old associates from Vacuo wanted to give Whitley the position of CEO of a new company, one named Phoenix Ash.
"At first, I thought he just wanted to go back to his old ways of life when he agreed to the deal, Asked from me was to trust him about this..."
Out of the blue, The new CEO of the Phoenix Ash Group called for a Public Announcement. Weiss and Winter were watching on a monitor in an aircraft outside of the city. Fearing for the worst, that he would be making empty promises to make a postive public image, the boy spoke of ending the practices of abusing Fanuas workers. This was a lie that their father made to the press when he was alive, before the young CEO spoke of his new idea.
When questioned by the Press, Whitley told the world that he his idea was to start finding better sources than just Dust to rely on, so he would put his own Lien that he held on since childhood to fund this research. If this research was successful, then he would personally see to the closure of all Dust Mines under the Pheonix Ash banter but threaten that if any of the Fanuas workers were harmed during his time as CEO, that under his leadership that he personally see it that the abusers' paychecks would go to their victims and repeated offenders would be fired as quickly as possible. The two sisters begin to noticed that four of The Board Members who hired him were in shaking in their boots.
"Young Sir, please think of the words you speak..." one of Jacques' remaining associates on the board begged to hopefully conviced the boy to reconsider these ideas
"I am fully aware of the words coming from my mouth as much as you were aware of letting my father's actions slide so you can make more Lien. So, to be quite blunt, SHUT IT OR FIND NEW JOBS!" This wasn't like the boy they once knew while Jacques was thriving, he was a new Whitley Schnee that wouldn't be swayed by the idea of making Lien in dishonest ways and wouldn't allow anyone under his leadership to harm the Faunus workers.
The oldest board member, a muscular bald man of over fourty who was still extremely loyal to the deceased CEO of SDC, charged at the youth with a knife! The youngest of the Schnee clan knew there would be risks, but didn't have any fighting experience to counter this attack.
"WHITLEY!" Weiss cried out as she knew she wouldn't be able to stop the would be killer's attempt of assassination, however, a certain green eyed Faunus, who's loyalites to Robyn Hill last to this day, arrived in enough time to stopped the youth's would be killer.
"You really think that Fiona Thyme would let you kill your new boss? As IF!"
Within a mere set of seconds, the man of three hundred and something pounds was on the ground, each insult that was aimed at the girl was countered with his former boss nodding for the girl to wack the creep across his bald head. This last for a couple of minutes until the police to take his sorry ass to jail as well as charging the Faunus with a minor crime. The girl knew that there would no way to escape but chose not to surrender as she put her hands behind her head much to the cheers of some in the crowd.
However, In those five seconds before the cuffs closed on her hands, The CEO jumped off of the platform and stood in between the messy haired Faunus girl and the arresting officer, slapping the cuff out of the man's hands to the shock of the world. When asked to step aside, the boy's answer to this was something everyone in Remnant, who were either in the crowd or watched from afar from their scrolls, never expected.
"You're really asking me to step aside, so you could take away a war hero's future? I choose to refuse for we all know these charges against her are nothing but baseless. She fought on the side of various heroes! Heroes ] from the Battle of Beacon, like the Teams: RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, FNKI, ABRN and CFVY, the heroes without teams like Lady Kairi, Qrow Branwen, and Taiyang Xiao Long, Heroes like Ilia Amitola and the Belladonna clan who were once White Fang members but left before the assassination of Sienna Khan and return to fight to stop the once peaceful group when they saw what it became under the command of Adam Taurus, heroes like the remaining members of the Ace Operatives, who fought their own feelings of sadness when they lost Clover Ebi and came together after they realized James Ironwood was in the wrong, after the man fell into despair because of how the upper class saw the innocent victims in Remnant and used Atlas as a ram to prevent the Grimm from gaining another advantage point. These groups of heroic and wonderful people came together to save the world from the forces of Salem, so why can't we, the civilains they protected, do the same?!"
There were some mutters from the civilians that watch on the ground level before one of the rich members of the crowd, a man named Harry Marigold, brought up that Weiss may have saved the world but of her crime of summoning the Grimm at the charity event at Schnee Manor should be held accountable before the youth counter with.
"The crime that night was one in justified anger when you, Harry Marigold, who ignored her sadness and only wanted my sister's attention for bragging rights, that damnable trophy wife, her weak minded shell of a husband, the former CEO of the SDC, myself and many others of the Upper Class chose to cruely mocked the recently deceased of Vale and proudly laughing about the deaths of the many innocents of the fallen Kingdom who had nothing to do with the fighting. fates we claimed that civilains deserved!? If anything, she didn't summoned the Grimm to harm anyone but wanted us demons to understand that life is not to be taken as a joke or anything to not to be take lightly. The real crime that night was that the Grimm didn't caused more damages to Schnee manor and not having the monster hurt any of us because of our cruelity to the dead! But because the CEO of SDC cared for nothing but his public image, when she confronted that scumbag for our actions and for using her as a prize toy for everyone to see, his only reaction was to slapped my sister across her face and denied her Birthright!
This made the rich members of the crowd uneasy, as they knew that they were being put in their places. They wanted the youth to be silenced but he continued, angry and filled with something that he should've had a long time ago, a frightful sense of Justice.
"For too damn long, I was blinded by my family's name, not knowing it was nothing but an evil curse and if it wasn't for my sister's actions that night and the night her team and the remaining members of team JNPR saved the lives of my poor mother and the sorry shell of a person. I, too, would've remained under the very same spell of ignorance that the old fool relished in to keep us in line. So, for you to order me around, to use my sister justified attempt on the upper class to see her honorable view on life so who could silence my words, and to force this maiden, who has fought harder than anyone here because fearful paranoia bigots using unjust hatred of every Faunus to make her life a living torture device, for her to rot in a prison cell without a fair trial, just for saving my life? That command is UNFORGIVABLE!" The boy screamed loudly and in pure rage so everyone could hear his plea.
Fiona was in shock, she heard from various communities of the Faunus that the SDC and clan of Schnee were nothing but monsters, worse than any of Salem's Grimms. Even after meeting the huntresses of Team RWBY, she believed Weiss was the only one of the family who wanted to set things right in the world.
Even through she hated the idea to keep an eye on the Schnee heir, even if it was a jobn from her trusted leader. His father and the fellow members of the Board in the SDC saw the Faunus and wanted nothing but for them to be trapped in cages without futures, But to see with her eyes, the very son made to follow in these footsteps of selfish desires, meaning every single word that left his mouth, these words that were filled with a justified desire to save the young girl from an unfair fate, was so unreal.
"If anything, it was the wicked ideas of greed that the deceased CEO held dear tt were one of the many factors that broke our world, Jacques Sc..." The boy stopped for less than a second before continuing in anger.
"....Actually no, I refuse to allow that bastard to my family's name any longer, even in death! Jacques Gélé was never a father, he was nothing but an unredeemable thief without a sense honor, who used dirty lies to trick my dying grandfather into his once humble life, the honorable man that should've had the right to lived long enough to prevent the future Gélé wanted, Nicholas Schnee!"
"Who used my recently deceased mother's, Willow Schnee, love and trust to steal a company he was never worthy to rule over from underneath her. When she learned of his deception and his lies in their sham of a relationship, the once loving and carring mother only means to escape from his wicked virus was to drink her sorrows away and seclude herself from the world!
"His sickness was something that their three children were not immuned to as he saw nothing from us but to be used as pawns so he could gain more power! It wasn't until we learned better ways to live by others, others who actually cared, that we actually became good people!"
"The first of us was to learn this lesson was The Soldier who proven herself time and time again, who enlisted in the Atlas military to get away from the sickness that Gélé took pleasure in, who leaders knocked the views of hatred for the Faunus and the usage of cheap tricks out of her, my oldest sister, Commander Winter Schnee!
"My second oldest sister, Huntress Weiss Schnee, who learn of the shame that her family name carried at her time in Beacon, who was forced to leave after the battle by Gélé for supposed safety only to be paraded around as a prize trophy daughter for his friends in the upper class, who felt the sting of venom when that man refused to accept her heroic heart, forcing her to escape his maddess so she could continued helping those who were suffering!"
"And then there's myself, Whitley Schnee, the boy who was so scared with the various changes to his home life that he chose to follow in that thief's footsteps, who once mocked the dead of Beacon along with the others in the Upper Class, who has never fought for anything and even in that last battle, was so powerless to prevent more tragedies for befall those he commanded to fight on his behalf! The boy who's heart is filled with so much regret because of his idiotic choices in life but is now filled a newly found sense of Justice, who only goal now is to find a cure for the poison, so he could, no! will make our world a better place than it was in the past!"
The crowd was stunned thar they couldn't help but to stay silent.
"Gélé has cause so much suffering to the Faunus and to many other communities. That suffering spread in the Kingdoms like wildfire. When my grandfather died, so did the fairness and honor that the Schnee name held on to....but not anymore! MY DREAM is to stop the suffering that Gélé relished in so he could live like a damn lazy king!
Whitley then put his hands behind his head and told the world.
"So if this girl goes to prison, so will I! All I asked of those listening is not to cheer no matter what the outcome is, not to cry for this foolish boy who has fought for nothing, but to simply think about his words and the weight they pull!" Whitley's blood was boiling as The puppet CEO's bight blue eyes widden to show everyone that his dream was one that the boy will work for through his pain.
After this decree was finished, everything was slient before the officer asked. "Would you die for that dream..?"
Whitley, answered with all seriousness. "If I die, then I would gladly die with a hundred stabs to my heart and soul to make damn sure that my dream becomes reality." The officer waved to another cop to bring in a second set of handcuffs, much to both cops dismay.
"Alright, I'm sorry. Whitley Schnee for disobeying a officer of the law, you have to come with us."
Whitley said not a word as the cuffs latched onto his hands. As if to respect the boy's wishes, There were no one in the crowd, maybe even in Remnant, cheering about the arrest of these two, even though the boy said he had nothing but hatred of those that surround Gélé mocking those that died in Beacon, none of the them wanted nor could cheer, for to celebrate this would be nothing but hallowed.
On route to the department to put the two in the holding cells until they could make bond, the two talked, mostly it was Whitley asking the girl a thousands questions of the culture of the Faunus, the life she lived before becoming a war hero and so on. The poor girl was shaking with overwhelmingness but snapped out of it when Whitley explained something to her.
"This is the second time you saved me from the door of death, thank you, Lady Thyme."
Fiona was slightly confused before slowly piecing together that in the final battle she rushed to the location of downed aircraft, where a gravely injured woman layed under some debris being protected by her white haired son with a mere wooded stick he found on the ground screaming. "GET AWAY! YOU GRIMMS!" before being knocked backwards and then being held by his throat.
"HEY FANG FACES, I'M MORE OF A CHALLENGE THAN THOSE TWO!" The Fanaus screamed while the Grimm let the boy go to blocked her attack.
"KID! TAKE YOUR MOM AND GET OUTTA HERE, I CAN'T HOLD THIS GUY OFF FOREVER!"The boy nodded as he grabbed his mother and ran off, not knowing that he would plan to thank the maiden the next time they meet.
"No freaking way, you're that boy?"
"Yeah...but I'm not proud to admit that I'm not one for fighting." Whitley smiled as this surprised the girl.
To think, the meek boy she saved that one time and the guy who wanted to help others despite his family's reputation were the same person? How would this day become more of a weird fever dream?
"Hey you two, I hate to burst this bubble but ready for a fight, there was another vehicle besides ours that was on their way to the department." A male's voice explained when they noticed a man in a grey cloak sitting in the darkest corner of the vehicle.
"Before you asked, I've been here for the entire trip."
"Why is that important?" The only woman of the three thought while the Schnee youth figured it out.
"That ghoul of a Board Member?"
"'Faid so, he was taken in sometime before your speech and there are only two holding cells in the department, one for men and the other for women." The man explained.
"I could use my semblance to hold him in a..." Fiona was stopped when the mystery man continued.
"...And to prevent any escapes, the cells and those cuffs on your hands are laced with anti-semblance tech."
Fiona screamed. "OH CRAP!"
Whitley was shaken but kept cool as he thought. "I guess as this is a smaller scale city, I should've figured as much."
"Are you actually prepared to die for your ideas?" The man asked the boy, but his answer was simple.
"I'm not planning to back down now, to betray those words I spoke earlier, would be a wicked sin."
Meanwhile in an aircraft a little ways off. Both Weiss and Winter were dumbfounded by their brother's speech and actions. "He has changed so much since weeks ago." The middle child thought before Winter demanded the pilot to land that at the port nearest to the city.
Yang, Kairi, Jaune, Ruby, and Blake were on the aircraft but was confused by the sudden change of directions, before the commander explained. "The Board member that tried to killed our brother was sent to the holding cell in the department before Whitley's speech."
"OH CRAP!" Ruby and Weiss screamed as they thought in dismay that the boy was going to be in an one sided fight against a heavier opponent.
"Please hold on for a bit longer, Younger Brother..." Winter quietly whispered as the Aircraft was going as fast as possible to their destination.
Upon arriving and being settle in the two holding cells, it was when the guards left the redeemer was being used as a punching bag for the man's humiliation.
"UGHHH!" Whitley groaned, being punched for a hour, his clothing became ragged and bloody.
"LEAVE WHITLEY ALONE!" Fiona cried out at the tallest in the men's holding cell, she was in the womens' holding cell that was across the room, luckly for her, she was alone in the women's side but not for Whitley, making things worse is that the guards were sent out on an emergency call, as their thinning numbers were sent out because of a few bomb threats elsewhere in the city.
"..." The man in the hood remained quiet as he watched this uneven fight. "You should stay down..."
"...As if I would..." The Schnee boy rose back to his feet through he knew nothing of throwing punches he refused to surrender just to spite the former Board Member of Phoenix Ash.
"HEH, for a skinny brat, you're stubborn, be a good little boy and admit that you're nothing but a puppet then I'll quit your rightly deserved beatings!"
Whitley regained his balance before flipping a bird claiming. "You...really...think this..puppet would let some smug ass with no respect for anyone but those in the Upper Class to order me around? SCREW....YOU!" The boy yelled spiting blood onto the man's ghoulish face to annoy the monster in human flesh.
"...WHY YOU LITTLE MAGGOT!" The man was even more enraged now, as he punched the stomach of the younger male causing the boy fall onto the cold floor.
Fiona was horrified as she witness the former spoiled prince rose back to his feet.
"Still standing boy?"
The youth was still standing to a point, until the man pulled a dirty shiv he found in the holding cell while waiting for this very moment. The two youths' eyes widden when they saw the makeshift weapon of sharpen hard plastic.
"...A weapon!?" Fiona cried out in dismay.
"Some poor sap must have made this sometime ago, makes me wonder where he could be now, anywho while I am slicing into your flesh, Whitley, I'm going tell what I thought of those pretty little ideas of yours."
The Faunus was in a state of fear for the young puppet CEO as the shiv user quickly sliced into the white haired youth's shoulder, with this the first time being cut, Whitley scream in pain.
The next was a stab on his left upper leg, luckly not hitting anything vitals as makeshift blade of sharp hard plastic was pulled out and blood dripped onto the flooring The boy's screams of pain echoing through the empty department.
The attacker then sliced the right side of Whitley's face leaving a scar under his eye.
then a slash across his chest.
Then the right hand of the boy, the one Whitley pull in front of his body in an poor attempt to grabbed the makeshift Shiv.
"WHITLEY! STOP, YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" Fiona screamed as the man got on top of the boy's body and punch the white haired youth's face twice before the monster yelled at the girl.
Getting off of the beaten body of the Schnee, the man let Whitley try to get up before the boy fell on his stomach and the man grabbed the white hairs of his his head and pulled his face up, so the redeemer would look into Fiona's green eyes for a last time, one filled with tears.
The redeemer, who's face full of buises, forgotten that this is the case for minor first time offenders but didn't care at all. Ever since Fiona saved his and his mother's lives that day, he would've happily be arrested and be beaten, time after time, so he could thank her. He wanted to smile, to show his savior that he was happy with this outcome, even this meant that his life ended today, but could barely move his face but the only could wheezingly chuckled as tears as swell from his eyes
Before the man could finished Whitley off, a small blackout happened as the doors of the cells opened, Fiona ran to the boy who risked his life just so he could to talk to her. "WHY?!" Fiona cried she held the youth in her arms. "WHY CAN'T MONSTERS LIKE YOU SEE THAT THIS A NEW WORLD, THAT WE CAN BECOME BETTER THAN WE ONCE WERE." The green eyed girl demanded anwers but the man just mocked to anwered the Fuanus.
"Do you think animals like you could understand that only the strong and the Upper Cass are the only ones who have the right to control Remnant. He could have been one of those in control and still have enough Lien to be someone important but he chose to ally with the lower class, and for little lamb he paying for it, dearly."
Putting the boy's head gently on the floor wiping the tears on her sleeve, to hopefully keep friend she made safe for a bit longer, she attempted to use Pocket Demisions to rid the world of this demon, only to realize in the middle of her attack, the power returned and because she ran to help the youth, that she was in the men's holding cell with the real beast.
"....No!" She wimpered.
"Looks like there's some of my fellow board members of Phoenix Ash are still on my side." He smiled wickening as he began to explain their plans. "You see, little Sheep, we figured the boy has a bleeding heart, so to get rid of those childish wishes to loosen our hold, we decided yesterday to make up a plan, the one that you had to prevent. So during that little speech of his, we made a second one on the fly." He continued as he put his hand on an earpiece. "...That one being the threats to distract the guards and that little blackout. Plus thanks to this little device, my semblance to increase my strength with every attack I give, still remains."
"This can't be...." She was scared, as this man that she could taken down a few mere hours ago, was telling the truth when every step he made while approaching Fiona made small cracks in the flooring.
"Damn it, We going need to cause another..." A voice explained though the earpiece before he turned off the equipment's sound option.
"Now, since you annoyed me so much, you're going be my replacement, lamb chops!" The upsuper yelled in bliss as he pulled his fist to punch her small body. She dodged the attack but his second punch connected and sent her flying into the force field door.
"AUHHGGG!" She cried out, recoiling in the pain from her back before noticing the man was coming for her, managing to get up but unable to dodge it completely in this cramped arena. She felt the punch connected with her left arm, braking the bones in the limb, Then a kick to her gut. Knocking her a few inches near Whitley's body.
The youngest of the Schnee clan could only watch in despair through one eye, the two were being broken by a scummy excuse of a human, and the young redeemer of his name could do nothing but watched as his attempt to prove to the world his words were real go down in flames.
"...Leave...her...alone..." These words spit out ignoring the pain as much as he could while rising back to his feet and limping to get in between the Faunus woman and her attacker.
"So, the boy still has some fighting spirit...The boy that has never fought for anything in his life, I am certain that you're doing this for everyone's attention."
The man was right on a few things, Whitley was never a fighter or some ground troop, and it may have been that he wanted attention when he first started to go down this road but Winter quickly knocked that idea out of his head, but the man is wrong on others, for Whitley realize that all he wanted to do in life is to help in anyway, even he'll be happy as a sideliner act to the main heroes.
But one can't always stay in that role and hoped to change the world, for a long time he stood by as a witness to to his father's crimes, for longer his thoughts of heroism being dismissed by that bogus excuse of a father and as far as he remembered, Whitley had others fight for him. But no more!
"In this world, money and power pull the strings, and yet you choose death for a flithy animal? How more times are you going to PISS M-!" The man was interrupted while talking by, to the surprise of all, the white haired boy headbutting his taller foe, knocking the man onto his ass!
"...WHAT!?" The man screamed in horror as he started to bleed from his now broken nose, this was the first time the business man has ever seen his own blood.
"...I've...told...the world...I...would die for my dream....even if I die today....I'll be happy to die...hundred times over again..." The boy's body was mostly broken, each word he spoke caused more pain than his body could stand but the young man still had one part of his body to fight with, his hard head!
The next thing they all knew, Whitley continued headbutting his enemy, causing the man to gain a reality check, his ability were increasing his attacks but at a certain cost, The sole major weak point on his body, the one that held the brain to think of ways to screwed others over, the one with the eyes that saw everyone else as beneath him and the one with the mouth with a booming voice he used to make threats and promises to ruin his foes, his face weaken over time with every punch or kick he gave to the two.
"NONONONONO!" The man screamed with a bloodied and bruised face, before feeling the same despair he installed into his two victims just mere minutes ago. In a desperate attempt to stop these attacks, he grabbed the man in the cloak as a hostage, with the shiv he used on the boy still in his possession.
"You-ou wouldn't w-wan...me to stab some r-random person that had nuthing to do with this, uh?!" These ragged words were like the man himself, desperate and scummy, but was enough to stop the boy from getting closer.
The foe laughed thinking he has the upper hand. "I admired your old man's talent in making a profit, but he was just like you to a certain point, he was no killer, so now I advise we wait until they let us out or I'll be plunging..."
"Tsk...This old fart really been pissing me off since we got here!"
The cloaked man yelled as he stepped on the foot of his captor along with a gunshot ringing though the air. "W-WHAT!?" The man screamed in pain as he released his hold to grabbed his now bleeding foot. "DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!" The larger man screamed before realizing why his leg strength wasn't up to snuff. While being headbutted by his Whitley, the earpiece fell out and was behind his two victims!
"No way this is happening...." He groaned in pain before the cloaked male took off his hood, just to make things worse for the would be assassin.
"...and here I thought I would have a peaceful life in prison..." The man sighed as he revealed himself to be a fomer ally of Salem, one who wanted nothing more but to rot in prisons for the remaining of his life.
"M-Mercury B-B-Black, why is a war criminal here?!" The man screamed, fearing for his life even more than before.
"I was supposed to transfer into the next city, mostly for some good behavior BS..." Mercury turned his attention to the white haired boy.
"Hey kid, you're the brother to that girl Weiss, right?"
"....." Whitley wanted to say something but really couldn't, with those last few headbutts, if he tried to speak now, he will surely faint.
"Man, the geezer really did a number on you, huh?" Mercury asked before = one of the guards and Whitley's sisters ran in.
"Holy...CRAP! WHITLEY!!"
"Why is our brother and Miss Thyme in the same cell as these two?!" Winter demanded answers before Mercury explained for panicing guard while pulling the earpiece from the ground.
"Whitley was being used by lord lard ass as a punching bag until few people from Pheonix Ash caused a short blackout, the girl ran in to stopped the beatings but was attacked as well until your little bro figuring out the buzzard's weakness by headbutting the man in his freakin' face. After that, The creep tried to use me as levelage but yeah, you can see how that worked out."
"DAMNED BRATS...." The man groaned as the two Schnee women got Whitley and Fiona out of this cell but froze in fear when he saw Winter staring down at the man.
"I figured that your group would pulled something like this when Whitley told me of the CEO position, so I looked into yours and the rest of the board's backgrounds...It was just as Black said, You and your three friends in the board of eight have more than just attempted assassination to worry about now."
This decree was worrying enough before Mercury Black turned his attention back to the older man."I guess I'm going to have a kicking dummy for a roommate now!"
"Please have mercy!" The man turned deathly pale before Fiona yelled.
"Like the mercy you shown to me and Whitley because he called out your sorry butt, I would think not!"
Weiss was next to insult the man for his behavior. "...If anything you deserve nothing but a fate in a cage, like the various futures you took away!"
"Looks like you're going to rot in a cell for the rest of your sad existence." Winter finished before the guards were told by the military commander to take her younger brother out of the room and to take his would be assassin to the other cell.
Before leaving, Winter asked the former ally of Salem.
"Mercury Black...Your sentence for your war crimes have been over with for a couple of months now, yet, you still choose to remain in prison, may I ask why?"
"Since Cinder died in the fight against our former partner and Salem's redemption attempt, I really don't have much else left. Besides it's like I've said during that battle with the hammerhead and her pretty boy lover, I have been forced to fight since I was born by a drunk abusive excuse of a dad, so even if I could be let back into society, I don't think I could be happy."
"You could've joined the military..." The eldest member of the Schnee replied before the younger male countered
"Yeah, but I hate following and giving orders, besides you've seen what this old bastard done to your brother, creeps like him and worse are everywhere in prison. So as long as I can beat them senseless, I'm freaking happy to serve more time for each brawl I get my ass into."
This silenced Winter for a couple of seconds before asking for two simple demands. "Just tell Em that I'm okay with how things ended between us, and tell her just to be happy with her new life, if she can do that, then that would give me some sort of peace."
A couple of hours later at the medical bay on the airship.
Kairi used the healing spell Curaga on both the boy and Fiona. "Thank you, Lady Kairi." Fiona bowed while still having her arm in a cast after Whitley opened his eyes, being healed.
"Hey, it's not a problem, but please, just call me Kairi for now on, okay, Fiona?"
"Ughh, what...Fiona..are you alright?" The redeemer asked his friend.
"Yes, but you took the blunt of the beating, please relax, Whitley." The Fanuas explained before the boy asked.
"Who payed for our bails? I doubt it was my sisters, our situation isn't as it once was."
At that moment, Weiss and Blake came in, the disowned heiress of the destroyed SDC was proud at the fact that her former enemy of a brother fought for what's right, explaining. "It those three you poined out from that charity that payed for your and Fiona's bonds."
"Huh?!" Fiona was taken back in surprise by this before the middle child of the Schnee family theorized
"My guess is, either your speech or being outed as horrible people that made those three pay with their own Lien to post bond. I only wished we got there quicker but the airport was on the other side of the city."
"That's good but I can only hope that the others in the crowd took my words to heart and none of the people recording that day alter the video."
...We can check for video or audio interferances later on today but something tells me those who heard your speech that they're going be thinking about it for a long time." Blake's words made the youngest member of the Schnee children a little more eased.
"If only mother lived to see her son became someone to be proud of." Weiss thought to herself that day before their last mission in Remnant before her universe was wiped from existence.
In the Hangar of the doomed Wunder, Weiss had a thought of what could've been the futures of the new CEO of Pheonix Ash and his loyal bodyguard could have been if their universe just lasted a little bit longer.
"Hey, Bozos I'm about to take the Eva-unit 02 F off of the ship, before figuring out a plan to stop Misato."
"Alright.." Aqua answered as the red-head walked towards the console before seeing something strange.
"You guys were here for the last hour right?"
"Yeah?" Duo answered before Asuka added.
"And no one else came in or tried anything funny right?"
"We've been here the entire time, what's with the questions, Langley?" Viral countered.
"...There's two signals of heat in the cockpit...."
"Umm what?" Jaune exclaimed as the console showing the statistics of the bulky armored version of Unit 02, showing two bodies of heat in the entry plug.
Before anything else was said in the group. A young male's voice came through the console. "Umm Hello? Can someone get us out of this thing?"
No one but the Schnee huntress recognize the youth's voice. "Whitley!?"
"Sis, can you hear me?"
Asuka spoke next, "How long were you two in the Evangelion for?"
"I think for three hours, oh right, Fi wanted to asked if there's any males in the area."
"Fiona's in there too?!" Wiess inner thoughts were of panic that were made worse after Jaune's answer.
"Yeah, there's four guys here, why?" Jaunne asked before Fiona screamed in embrassament.
"Fi, please relax..."
"RELAX!? YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE IN THIS THING WITH CLOTHES ON!" The girl whined while crying from embarrassment.
"Umm, could anyone bring clothing for Miss Thyme."
Duo began to smirked before being dragged by Viral into the next room. "Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself, Duo Maxwell..."
"Killjoy!" Duo screamed as Jonathan conviced Jaune to followed.
"Sir Arc, we should leave as well, as it is knights' honor to..."
"Already way ahead of you, Mr. Joestar. We'll see you all later when we come up with that plan!"
As this was all happening, an snore echoed out from behind the crates. "Is someone sleeping over there?" Aqua asked while checking to see who it might be.
There, Chibodee Crocket, of all people was in deep slumber, much to everyone's surprise.
"...We should wake him up..." Asuka sighed while Weiss went looking for any of the female members of the crew for some clothing.
But to the surprise of the two, he just walked into the next room while sleeping the entire time. "That...worked out way to well..."
submitted by KangarooAromatic2139 to RWBY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:58 BitBucket404 Super-fun off-meta Rogue: Casts when drawn


Having said that, on with the list:

Casts when drawn

Class: Rogue

Format: Wild

2x (1) Deadly Poison

2x (1) Gear Shift

1x (1) Kingsbane

2x (1) Leeching Poison

2x (1) Paralytic Poison

2x (1) Silverleaf Poison

1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide

2x (2) Cavern Shinyfinder

2x (2) Envenom Weapon

2x (2) Garrote

2x (2) Harmonic Hip Hop

2x (2) Instrument Tech

2x (3) Augmented Elekk

2x (3) Mic Drop

1x (3) Prince Renathal

2x (4) Fal'dorei Strider

2x (4) Gaslight Gatekeeper

2x (4) Portal Keeper

2x (4) Shadow of Death

2x (5) Cutting Class

1x (5) Waxadred

2x (8) Son of Hodir


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone.

This deck is super fun, disruption-resistant, and highly chaotic.
Every time the board gets wiped, new minions fly out of your deck for free after swinging your poisonous immune kingsbane.
Theorar and Mutanous both have failed to stop it. Dirty rat regretted showing his face. Hecklebot crashed and burned. Deathlord died in fear. Okani was the only one laughing at his own joke before crossing the rainbow bridge. Steamcleaner couldn't keep up with the cleaning and resigned.
This deck will surely keep your opponent on their toes, and I beat several Reno decks with this.


Try to get kingsbane early. You want to buff it with poisonous, immune, and card draw. Worry about the attack later, especially if you don't want it to get stolen and used against you.


shuffle in cards and draw. Hit face wherever possible. Poisonous immune kingsbane is your best defense until it's strong enough to heal and go on the offensive.
Don't shuffle in too much all at once. You won't have the board space to accommodate them all, and you'll need to resupply after a Steamcleaner is played.
submitted by BitBucket404 to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:50 Crazy_Landscape_3041 I've never had any luck with dating even though lots of women seem to enjoy being around me?

Just over the past few months I've had a bunch of interest shown in me but I guess I'm too scared to act on it? Most of these are from work/college,
One of the girls always follows me around and sparks conversation pretty much all day. We have a very flirty way of talking and lots of dirty joke and shit. She mentions a lot how we're good friends so I think thats that.
Another one is ALWAYS finding ways to bump into or touch me. She leans into me when walking beside me, always reaching out her shoulder to brush past me when we walk by, and just has some wack ass reasons to put her hands on me. Also very aggressively "fake flirty" kinda relationship. She also texts and calls to see if im working her shifts or not.
Third one would always invite me to group hangouts and drinking scenarios. At one point said I could stay the night to sleep the drunk away but I declined.
The girls I chased back in my highschool days didn't show interest in me. I'm an average at best looking guy. Only thing I got going for me is my personality which I guess is like super goofy in a way. Im a bit aloof.
I'm also 6ft tall but I really cant see that being a factor. \
But yeah ever since HS I've made myself feel like I wont ever find someone that likes me, but now im getting all these signals from women all around me and I dont know if im a bit delusional, if im looking too far into it, if they all feel bad for me, if I give off some "gay best friend" energy, or if by some miracle they actually enjoy being around me?
submitted by Crazy_Landscape_3041 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:30 slutforfish Spotted them in the wild

Spotted them in the wild
A lot of commenters on the post suspected they were Mormon and lived in Utah. Quite a few jokes about pulling out too lol
submitted by slutforfish to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:01 Mountain_Counter929 Who should get a Protégée?

So with SF6 introducing a bunch of new characters with a portion of them being somewhat successostudents of others. Like Luke, Lily and even Kimberly. And the whole story being John World Tour being tutored by these characters. I was thinking that we can see other newcomers characters down the line that are successors of others and carry similar movesets.
That said who do you think makes sense to introduce. I have a few ideas.
Vega: Since the other members of Shadaloo has relations with some relatively newcomers that have their fighting styles being based on them. (Ed=Balrog, F.A.N.G=A.K.I Arguably J.P.=M.Bison) Only one left out is Sagat but I don't think he counts. So I think it'd be neat if we go full circle and create a new generation of Shadaloo members. With a new Spanish Ninja.
But I don't think there's anyone in Vega's story set up to do that. I also don't think he'd be a guy to train an apprentice even more so than Balrog. But I'm sure we can think of something.
Final Fight: I also had the idea of Jessica Haggar would come back and have a moves that represents all of Final Fight's playable characters Cody, Guy, Haggar. Like she was trained at them from some point before SF6. Especially since it's insinuated that Haggar passed she could possibly come back to further his legacy..... Ass-Kicking wrestling-wise not Mayor-wise Cody's got that filled out.
But Kimberly is also a student of Guy's and if we're gonna simple it down to making a successor for one character who doesn't have one than Jessica can just have Mike's moves.. or Cody.
Speaking of Cody there's his assistant Marlowe. Would be interesting if she knew how to fight. I have an idea where she would fight with skill and focus but would show hints of dirty brawler like Cody like he's rubbing off on her.
Dan: Now with Dan being somewhat..... take more seriously. Somewhat. I was thinking it'd be interesting to have a new character put a spin on the Saikyo style/being a different type of "joke character"
submitted by Mountain_Counter929 to StreetFighter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:23 Normal_Mushroom9121 pinky promise, baby dreams.

Breakfast in bed and gifts and homemade cards from our boys. No amount of 'I love you's or 'thank you's would ever be enough. You are magic. You are a Christmas morning warrior. You are who always makes breathing a little easier when I'm losing my fucking mind. You have saved my life before and you do it again every day. We've lived a thousand lives together in our imaginations but I think we're actually in the most perfect version. Our nights out aren't complete until we've gotten dirty looks at a nice restaurant because one of us made the other laugh too loudly, and our nights in aren't until we rock-paper-scissors over the little spoon position.
My head is swimming in love for you. You: Dirty joke connoisseur. Hat (and heart) thief. Mixologist extraordinaire. Tennis master. My gym buddy for lyfe. My grumpy bed head. My twin. You drive me crazy but I hope you never stop.
So let's do it one more time. I've had two dreams about a baby girl this past week, so I'm making my prediction (very, very) early. You are the weaver of my dreams and keeper of all my secrets. You, you, you. Their hero and mine. Forever and then some.
submitted by Normal_Mushroom9121 to u/Normal_Mushroom9121 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:31 Fluffy_Yellow6624 I LOVE MY CLOSE FRIEND

Hello everyone! I am a gay and I fell in love with this straight guy. The thing is we always talk everyday and I share all my secrets to him. Sometime he does some dirty talks but I am pretty sure it is all just jokes for him.
I got my Permanent Residency here in Australia and he is doing his PhD in the US. Now, I am planning to move to US and do PhD on his university so we can be together.
But I am pretty sure he will eventually meet the woman of his dreams.
Am I stupid to risk everything including my career for the hope of seeing him everyday?
submitted by Fluffy_Yellow6624 to unrequitedlove [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:17 freebird023 Learned how my parents really see my transition, and I’m getting tired of my family.

This is gonna sound ridiculous and obvious, but I was really trying to hold out and give them every benefit of the doubt. I’m nearly 8 months into my transition, and have been afraid to do pretty much anything outwardly feminine BECAUSE OF THEM. I’ve been taking HRT and applying basic makeup occasionally, but other than that, basically nothing because they already make plenty of comments about me already(mostly my dad). He jokes about shaving my head, has said stuff like “I’m just a guy who paints his nails”, stuff like that. I know he’s never been an ally, but I at least thought he, all of them, would come around. He also suggests constantly that I should rent out a room from his (Mormon) grandparents house, and I’ve just stopped responding to him whenever he brings it up.
I thought my mom had my back a little bit more, at least. She talks me through some medical stuff, and has told me she has to teach me to do my makeup better sometime(genuinely still think it wasn’t a jab, it’s pretty basic eyeliner lol). But yet even she has only gendered me ONCE correctly, a few days ago. And I think it was because we were both in front of my aunt(her sister) who’s been one of my biggest supporters and resources). Yet today, when discussing a job I’m starting later, she told me not to wear makeup starting out and not to “Shove it in people’s faces” and “Let them get to know me first”. I told her it fucking IS me, but without the cussing. She got pretty quiet. And even then, what kinda logic is that? I walked out of the room and realized that they just see me as their son, who’s doing this thing. Literally what my dad has referenced it as, btw. My thing. My mom always says she supports and loves me, but then will literally groan when I wear makeup outside of the house.
Don’t even get me started on my brothers. One pretends it never happened and the other genders me correctly a lot, but then used a slur the other day, and got mad when I told him to not do that? Like I was some twitter activist and not his sister who’s literally been called that before.
I thought I could just tough it out and look at the positive parts, but for the first time, I’m finding myself wanting to act out, say all the things I’m thinking and run out the door with all of my belongings. B this sounds like a typical teenage reaction, but the thing is: I turn 20 in a little over 2 weeks, and have never felt as much outright resentment towards them before. Even when things got ROUGH in my teenage years, I was always the rule-follower, but they’ve done some shitty things to me in the years past. Said some shitty things in the years past.
I feel resentment for when I was forced out the closet at 14, and my dad basically told me “Never under his roof”. Resentment for how awkward they get when other people actually gender me correctly. Resentment for acting like this is the worst part of me. I don’t want to speak to them once I move out, or at least keep MINIMAL contact. I’m so, so, so tired of counting my progress in millimeters, based on however comfortable they’re going to be sitting in the same room as their “son with boobs”.
I at least want to have my 20th away from them, and celebrate it with my cousin(who’s also my best friend) and my boyfriend, who’s also trans. He’s cis passing and way farther along in his transition than me, and has been helping me though all of the toughest parts of my own. I’m going to his house tomorrow, and I’m going to put on a dress, skirts, makeup, practice my fem voice, because it’s what I’ve craved to do for who knows how long, but even then, I know I’ll still be feeling the sarcastic, pseudo-supportive ire of my parents, who live an hour away.
submitted by freebird023 to MtF [link] [comments]
