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2018.05.26 04:21 Lanceron Lanecron

Subreddit dedicado al Youtuber canadiense Lanecron.

2012.10.12 05:42 Mikezirra The Unofficial ITMEJP/Rollplay Subreddit

This subreddit is for fans of ITMEJP's streaming endeavors and more specifically his creation Rollplay and the shows therein. It exists in an unofficial capacity as a sister site to the official ITMEJP community site located at https://community.itmejp.com/

2018.08.28 22:48 GreenBean825 Where you can worship your favourite amphibian friend

This is the subreddit I made to go with the Axolotl Cult on Amino. I hope you enjoy it!

2024.05.14 20:36 priuspower91 Was prescribed 2mg Valium for anxiety for air travel - any advice?

Surprise - I got this Rx in case I have panic from my neck symptoms from flying for 8.5 hrs but I’m too anxious about it. I don’t plan on preemptively taking it but will pack it with me just in case. I guess I’m just wondering how it would make me feel and will probably ask the pharmacist if I can cut the pill in half so it’s only 1 mg.
submitted by priuspower91 to VestibularMigraines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 EngineeringLumpy How many of you miscarried or had chemicals on cycle 1 of ovulating?

I’m currently going through a MMC that stopped developing at 5 weeks. I got pregnant on cycle 1 of using letrozole. I have PCOS and I was getting regular periods, but they were likely anovulatory as my estradiol was low and AMH was high and I had sooo many small follicles on ultrasound. Letrozole 2.5 mg obviously did work to help me ovulate, but the pregnancy wasn’t viable. I can’t help but wonderr if my egg quality the firsy time ovulating just wasn’t good. Anybody else experience this?
submitted by EngineeringLumpy to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:23 MrPlato_ Quien es el pelotudo que está incuvando mosquitos?

Hoy estuve buscando a qué temperaturas sobreviven los mosquitos y sus larvas, a los 15°C su ciclo se hace mucho más lento, nosotros estando a mayormente 10-5°C por las noches sospecharías que ya la presencia de mosquitos debería ser mínima. Pero no puedo ir a un parque porque siento que regresé a verano y me llegan flashbacks de Vietnam. Entonces llegué a la conclusión de que algún hdp los está incuvando, seguramente algún dueño de una empresa de control de plagas... Pero no le salió bien la jugada porque igual no he visto que fumiguen
submitted by MrPlato_ to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 Similar_Equivalent_4 Month 2 - just want to share a win !

So I’m about a week into month 2 40 mg and I cleared pretty quick the first two weeks then started “purging” but it really hasn’t been bad at all and definitely not worse than it was before accutane. Just some big cysts. Usually around 2-5 at a time but again nothing bad. Some went away but some came to heads which I extracted. Had a moment where I picked too much so really have been letting the heads sit for a few days then using q tips, pimple patch, then LRP Cicaplast to heal and no permanent scarring. Cysts from the beginning of this month are even scar-less now. Anyways, one of my two big ones left near my mouth popped two days ago and is healing now, and today the last cyst on my cheek popped!!! Usually I have others already coming in but I don’t rn and I’m so happy. I have some tiny stuff but it all goes away quickly. I know I may purge again later but for now having 0 active cysts popping up on my face is a win even if it only lasts a day.
I think I’m going to stay 40 bc I have degenerative disc disease and right now have minimal additional joint pain and don’t want to risk it. Would this mean I’d purge again or not if I just stay the whole dose on 40?
submitted by Similar_Equivalent_4 to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 ColdWest8397 Acoso laboral y municipalidad

Hola, primero quiero decir que me cree una cuenta para no doxearme y por lo tanto algunos datos no importantes no son reales.
Espero puedan leer todo.
Bueno con mi pareja nos fuimos de Stgo a vivir a una comuna al sur, compramos terreno y construimos y ahora vivimos aquí, mi pareja trabaja para el estado, en un programa para familias vulnerables, dependiente de una subsecretaria, pero a través de una licitación/convenio con las municipalidades. En este convenio están todos lineamientos del programa, sueldos, metas, funciones, marco teórico, contrato de honorario, modo de trabajo etc. Dentro de este convenio se incluye un ítem en el que se especifica que el trabajo es con horario flexible, ya que la atención a la familias es donde ellos puedan y a la hora que puedan, el convenio también indica presencialidad solo cuando existan reuniones técnicas del equipo con un profesional de la subsecretaria.
El equipo de trabajo se conforma de 7 personas, uno de ellos supervisor (cabe mencionar que ninguno es de la comuna de origen, esto es importante para lo que detallare después), y a su vez la municipalidad elije un representante para que funcione de enlace entre este equipo y la municipalidad para gestiones mas administrativas.
Ahora esta persona de la municipalidad desde el minuto que se instala este programa a intentado por todos los medios entorpecer el trabajo de este equipo, primero empezó por eliminar la flexibilidad laboral aludiendo a que el convenio es solo una propuesta y no una especie de “marco legal” para el funcionamiento del programa, por lo cual ahora mi pareja esta obligada a ir a la municipalidad a marcar entrada y salida, además obliga al equipo de trabajo a mantenerse de de 8:30 a a 17:30 en una oficina de la municipalidad, y solo pueden salir para las visitas a terreno, pero deben informarle cada vez que salen y vuelven, la mayoría de las familias no se encuentran disponibles durante esos horarios por lo cual mi pareja siempre se tiene que quedar entre las 18:00 y 21:00 en terreno, el fin mismo de la flexibilidad horaria es evitar estos casos.
Como si esto fuera poco esta persona ha bloqueado durante ya 5 meses el pago de un dinero ( 45000 al mes) por concepto de movilización, aludiendo a que no existían controles para verificar que esa plata se gaste en movilización ya sea bencina o pasajes, en las otras municipalidades donde existe este programa el proceso siempre es el mismo, se les entrega este dinero a a cada una de las personas del equipo y luego ellos lo justifican con boletas de estaciones de servicio. Pero a esta persona se le ocurrió que debía cada uno de los miembros de equipo entregar un certificado de rendimiento del vehículo, una foto desde afuera de las oficinas de la municipalidad donde se vea el kilometraje del vehículo y una foto en el lugar de atención a la familia con el kilometraje, para sacar la diferencia y por ejemplo si el auto da 15km/lt y la distancia de viaje fue de 30 km debe realizar una compra por 2 lt en una estación de servicio el mismo dia que se se realiza la visita, mi pareja hace unas 3 o 4 visitas diarias.
También han existido otros episodios en donde esta persona a negado conexión a internet para mantener reuniones con otros servicios del estado, prohibir la impresión de documentos sin una persona de confianza de ella, no entregar equipos para trabajo notebook, celulares( están dentro del convenio y son un ítem en el presupuesto)
Ahora lo ultimo que paso hace unas semanas fue que el supervisor solicito un computador para imprimir a uno de los subordinados de la coordinadora de la municipalidad y a esta se le quedo el wsp web abierto y mientras imprimía le llegaron mensajes y hablaban de el y su equipo, obviamente la curiosidad le gano y ahí se pilla con un grupo de wsp donde esta el coordinador de la municipalidad y 4 de sus subordinados, bueno el grupo para resumir estaba dedicado al 100% al pelambre del equipo nuevo con mensajes como “ si no les gusta como trabajamos en xxxx que renuncien los weones” “ santiaguinos levantados de raja” “ hay que hacer que se aburran y vayan” “ganan mucho mas que nosotros y andan pidiendo para imprimir y que les pongan internet” “oye el xxx todavía no llega y son las 9 ya “ “la xxx se ve super fea con esa ropa” etc etc en el grupo se cuentan todo a que hora llegan, a que hora se van , cuantas veces salieron en el día a atender, cuanto se demoraron, lo que hablaron con quien hablaron etc etc.
Bueno eso es mas o menos el contexto hay varias cosas que se me van , pero esta situación nos tiene muy mal la verdad, mi pareja esta super bajoneado porque estamos amarrados , no es que pueda renunciar y buscar en otro lado porque la oferta laboral en esta comuna es mala, ya nos endeudamos con terreno y casa. Puta lo que pensamos iba a ser un cambio super radical y bonito se ha convertido en un tormento y pido orientación al grupo, estamos pensando en una asesoría pero la verdad no conocemos abogados en la región y bueno es una comuna chica no queremos que todo se sepa antes de hacer o intentar hacer algo, el supervisor de pareja igual esta mal con el asunto pero por el momento su cabeza esta en otro lado ( separación y custodia de los hijos ) entonces no se le puede pedir mucho en estos momentos.
Igual esto es como un desahogo no le hemos dicho a nadie de la familia esto porque no estaban 100% felices del cambio de Stgo a región, lo peor de todo es que empiezo a encontrarle la razón.
submitted by ColdWest8397 to RepublicadeChile [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 SpecialArmadillo9271 Eu sou babaca por não querer minha cunhada morando na minha casa?

Eu e meu irmão fazemos faculdade fora, por isso, minha mãe deu um apartamento para nós dois morarmos e fazermos vida fora nessa nova cidade.
Acontece que a há dois anos meu irmão perguntou se a namorada poderia vir morar conosco. Namorada que ele tinha começado a namorar fazia 2 meses não era alguém ambientada na família. Na época sem pensar muito nas consequências eu aceitei para não contrariar meu irmão mesmo sabendo que era loucura morar com alguém por apenas 2 meses.
Isso já faz dois anos e já me encheu a paciência. E deles também. Eles claramente não gostam de morar comigo. Eu não consigo me adaptar aos padrões de limpeza deles (se é que vocês me entendem) e as vezes também faço coisas que incomodam eles. Mas como ninguém fala pra ninguém acabamos não resolvendo e ficando pra lá. Sempre penso em ir morar em outro lugar mas reconheço que essa casa é minha e é um privilégio meu morar aqui com um custo muito baixo. Nao faz sentido sair e aumentar meu custo em 2k de reais.
Eu tenho ficado o mínimo possível em casa embora eu trabalhe home office. Porque em casa não me sinto bem nem a vontade. Saio cedo e volto só a noite. Aos finais de semana vou para casa do meu namorado que também odeia ficar aqui porque acha os dois muito sujinhos.
Ela não paga nada para morar aqui (apenas dividimos as contas que fica bem barato pra cada um em comparação do que uma pessoa paga nessa cidade). Ela está super acomodada e meu irmão também. Já era para ele ter terminado a faculdade mas pelo visto tem mais um ano pela frente aumentando em 1,5 o curso de 5 anos. E ela reclama bastante dele inclusive para mim. Ele é bem mais velho que eu vai fazer 27 anos. E nem comenta nada sobre sair daqui e ir viver a vida dele em outro lugar ter o cantinho dele. Entendo que essa casa também é dele mas eu não coloquei ninguém para morar aqui.
Eles vivem um relacionamento doido sempre brigam. Mas isso pouco me importa só gostaria de continuar morando na minha casa com conforto e me sentindo a vontade nela.
Parei inclusive de usar a cozinha só como na rua ou peço comida. Não bebo nem agua do filtro aqui.
Não sinto mais como minha casa sinto apenas um lugar que eu durmo a noite e tomo banho. Eles se apossaram da casa só queria que saíssem logo.
submitted by SpecialArmadillo9271 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 acezippy My experience on Lexapro and coming off of it.

I started 10 mg of Lexapro back in June of 2023. I was working a really high stress job and it was causing me all sorts of problems with anxiety. I was "managing it" and by that I mean not doing anything about it and letting it destroy me mentally and physically lol. So my doc prescribed me Lexapro and I started it.
Lexapro REALLY REALLY helped. I stayed at 10mg the entire time I was on it. It made all my anxieties feel a lot smaller, and easier to manage. I can describe it as "taking the edge off" of my life. I didn't experience any weird side effects going onto it and I was fine on it for a long time.
So between about October of 2023 and now, I have experienced DRAMATIC and FAST weight gain. When I started Lex I was fluctuating around 140-150 pounds, and suddenly today I am 190 pounds. I have dark stretch marks on my arms near my armpits, on my belly, and really dark stretch marks on my thighs going all the way down PAST my knees that seem to have shown up over night and I’m starting to get them on my breasts and butt now too.
There weren't any other external factors that I believe caused my weight gain (except for the fact that I was obviously a little less active in the winter but nothing that caused me to gain 40 pounds that quickly).
I started to get extremely depressed about my body and the stretch marks. After talking to my doctor and doing my own research plus a blood test it seemed that my weight gain was likely related to the medication.
I decided on my own that I would quit cold turkey since I no longer worked at the stressful job, and wanted to see if I could get off it and see how it affected my weight and also if I still even needed it since a lot of the anxiety was removed from my life. (YES, THIS IS STUPID, DO NOT DO THIS) but I wanted to share my experience. I decided to log daily about what I noticed after quitting cold turkey on May 1st.
Day 1: - felt completely normal
Day 2: - Had weird euphoric feelings? Mania maybe? - Weird nightmares - No physical symptoms
Day 3: - felt slightly nauseous - weird dreams
Day 4: - I thought I was having vertigo but now I think it was brain zaps - about a 3/10 on the "nausea" scale that would come and go - weird dreams
Day 5: - felt pretty normal this day except for weird dreams
Day 6: - lasting dull headache (could be unrelated) - 3/10 nausea on and off - dizziness - brain zaps - appetite changes (I felt hungry but the thought of food made me nauseous) - felt kind of like I had the flu - night sweats - weirdly enough I've been sleeping BETTER I've noticed since coming off it despite the nightmares
Day 7: - No negative emotional changes noticed thus far, I kind of actually feel a bit better? Like I can feel my emotions more? - headache - nausea - night sweats - nightmares
Day 8: - Slept really good again minus being super sweaty and having nightmares (the quality of my sleep felt really restful when I woke up) - This was the first day I noticed a bit of creeping depression for seemingly no reason - brain zaps - dizziness - nausea - headache
Day 9: - nausea - dizziness - brain zaps - irritability (but my period will also be starting in about a week or so which could be a factor here)
Day 10: - Another restful sleep - brain zaps - dizziness
Day 11: - felt really depressed today, first time in a long time and can't really place why. - nausea - fatigue - dizziness - brain zaps
Day 12 to now have all been pretty much the same with: - fatigue - night sweats - dizziness - slight nausea - the brain zaps are REALLY starting to get to me.
Personal Takeaways: - Talk to your doctor and TAPER OFF. I'm sure the nausea/dizziness and brain zaps would be a lot better if I would have done so. - As someone recovering from an eating disorder as well, gaining a little weight should not be the sole reason you go off your medication if it is helping you. Really think about what is important!! If I was still working that stressful job I would NOT have done this because I truly needed it at the time. I am working a much less stressful job now so I figured I could see if I even still needed it or not. - There has been no change in my weight yet, it's only been 2 weeks. I am not expecting the weight to just fall off or anything. If I happen to lose a notable amount of weight I will come back with an update.
submitted by acezippy to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 twiddledee31 5 Things to Consider Before Starting an LLC

If you're considering starting a business, you've probably heard about Limited Liability Companies (LLCs).
But what exactly are they, and why might they be the perfect fit for your venture?
In this little post I shall lay out a few things you need to consider before you start your LLC.

What is an LLC?

An LLC combines the best of both worlds: the liability protection of a corporation and the flexibility of a partnership. When you form an LLC, you're not only taking responsibility for your company's profits and losses but also safeguarding your personal assets.

Advantages of Forming an LLC

There are several compelling reasons why opting for an LLC might be the right move for your business:
  1. Limited Liability: With an LLC, your personal assets are protected. If your company faces legal issues or debts, your personal finances remain untouched. This is a stark contrast to sole proprietorships or partnerships, where personal liability is a significant concern.
  2. Less Corporate Formalities: Unlike other business structures, such as corporations, LLCs have fewer formalities. You won't need to conduct annual meetings or file extensive paperwork, making the setup process relatively hassle-free.
  3. Flexibility in Management: Unlike corporations, which have rigid management structures, LLCs offer flexibility. You can tailor the management process to suit your business's needs, whether that means centralized decision-making or a more collaborative approach.

Key Considerations Before Starting an LLC

Now that you're sold on the idea of forming an LLC, it's time to delve into the nitty-gritty details. Here are some essential pointers to keep in mind:
1. Choose a Unique Business Name
Your business name is your brand's identity, so choose wisely. Here are some tips for selecting the perfect name:
2. Select Your Headquarters Location
Consider your target audience and the specific laws governing LLCs in different states when choosing your business's location.
3. Develop Your Business Plan and Obtain Necessary Documents
Craft a comprehensive business plan and apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) from the IRS. Additionally, open a separate bank account for your business to keep your finances organized.
4. Obtain Licenses and Permits
Ensure you have all the required licenses and permits for your business's operation, both at the state and federal levels.
5. Define Management Style and Set Up Accounting Systems
Create an operating agreement to establish roles and responsibilities within your LLC. Additionally, explore insurance options and consider implementing accounting software to streamline your financial processes.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to establishing a successful LLC that provides both protection and flexibility for your business endeavors.
submitted by twiddledee31 to LLChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:37 Snoo31892 A/G Ratio: 2.4; Total Protein: 5.8 - 47F

I get bloodwork done each month, as I am taking a low dose of Accutane (20 mg p/d) for cystic acne. Last month, my total protein was 6.3 and my A/G Ratio was 2.2. This month, my total protein is 5.8 and my A/G ratio is 2.4. I eat a vegetarian diet (no eggs or fish, but I do eat dairy). I am also taking semaglutide (0.4 mg weekly). Can I improve these numbers with diet? I'm a 47 year old woman. I drink 1-2 x per month, and don't take Accutane the same day. I'm 5'2" and weigh 137. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Snoo31892 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:20 Complete-Insurance84 Metoprolol to Bisoprolol sudden switch?

I have been on metoprolol 50 mg for 2.5 years but only last month it started lowering my bp a lot like on average my bp was 87/51 so I was told to lower it by 1/4 so I did and woke up in the morning unable to stand at all my hr was jumping around so much like 60 while laying to 155 standing so since lowering it is impossible for me I just feel horrible my doc then told me to the next day start taking 5mg bisoprolol instead like no tapering at all and I am kinda scared to do that also that dose seems high and like it would also lower my bp I don't understand this decision? Is this normal to switch like that?
submitted by Complete-Insurance84 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:20 DANJCOLEMAN1991 Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.2: Kensuke Kita (2024 version)

Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.2: Kensuke Kita (2024 version)


Kensuke Kita performing live, 2017
^(\This article is an updated version of my "Sound Like" article from 2021. I have reposted this article due to difficulties editing the original version*, and have included additional information and recommendations based on the increased popularity of amp simulator pedals*)*
Hello fellow musicians and Ajikan fans!
I have been a fan of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION for roughly 16 years and as a guitarist was greatly inspired by the band's alt rock sound.
After a few years of research I have written a series of "sound like" articles for ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. The purpose of these articles is to provide context on how the band create their signature sound, and to support beginning musicians or tribute acts who may wish to replicate it.
At the end of each article I have drafted a Budget Rig, which you could use for both at home and in a live environment. I have also provided some general amp settings to tweak and try, which are based on the band's live sound and be can used to help replicate their tones.
This is a 3-part series and if you enjoy this article I would recommend checking out the other articles:
Sound Like ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Pt.1: Masafumi Gotoh (2024 version) : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Sound Like Part 3: Yamada : AsianKungFuGeneration (reddit.com)
To help you recognise the individual guitar tones, Gotch's guitar parts are normally panned to the left earphone and Kita's are panned to the right earphone on the band's albums. (On 2016's Sol-Fa, Hometown and some of the Planet Folks singles the panning was swapped, with Gotch instead in the right ear and Kita on the left)

Kensuke Kita

Kita during the Hometown UK/FR tour 2019
In this article we are focusing on lead guitarist and backing vocalist Kensuke Kita. Responsible for many of the band's iconic melodies and riffs, Kita's rig setup is a classic rock setup: A Gibson Les Paul into a Marshall-esque amp.
Inspired by 90's alt rock and Brit Pop groups such as Supergrass, Blur, Manic Street Preachers and Radiohead, Kita has constantly evolved as a musician and became more involved with the song writing process from Fanclub onwards. (Kita has writing credits on Blue Train)
This evolution can be seen clearly when you compare the punk rock style of Houkai Amplifier with the more experimental, pop inspired Planet Folks. While the earlier records reflected a focus on riffs and octave chord melodies, Kita now prefers playing major and minor third chords, triad chords and arpeggios, reflecting his "melody-maker" role in the band.
A triad chord is a chord made of 3 separate notes. They are commonly played on the higher strings and Kita uses them a lot, in tracks such as Aru Machi no Gunjou, Sayonara Lost Generation and Gekkou. Major and Minor third chords are sometimes referred to as Dyads.
During live performances Kita will experiment with ambient tones, but remains the lead guitar sound, with Gotch acting as a anchor for the overall band.


Kita's primary guitar is a Gibson Les Paul. You want to capture the power and sustain of the humbucker pickups, so single coils will generally not work. Furthermore, I would not recommend active pickups, such as EMG pickups, and to avoid anything that creates too much gain. Remember, Kita sound is rooted in a traditional rock setup.
His most recognisable and iconic guitar is his Historic Collection 1959 Les Paul Standard Reissue. Kita bought the 59's reissue in 2004 and has been a mainstay ever since, using it on every Ajikan album from Fanclub onwards.
Kita's Historic Collection 1959 Les Paul Standard Reissue
Kita's backup guitar is a Historic Collection 1958 Les Paul Standard Reissue, which is also used for Eb/D# standard tuning for songs such as After Dark, Yoru No Call and Empathy. Kita's other standout guitar is his Gibson ES-335, which is used occasionally for songs with a capo.
A good example of this would be the live performance of Natsu no Hi, Zanzou from the 10th Anniversary shows and live performances of Juuni Shinhou no Yuukei and Maigo Inu to Ame no Beat.
Kita has also experimented with Fender Telecasters, Jazzmasters and Stratocasters on the band's albums, although neither have been seen on stage so far. In a interview with Guitar Magazine, Kita confirmed that he used a Fender Jazzmaster on Empathy.
Kita with his Gibson ES-335, during the Quarter Century Tour
If you are looking to capture Kita's guitar sound, a Les Paul style guitar with vintage sounding pickups would be the best place to start.
Between 2002-2007, Kita armed his Les Pauls with Gibson Burstbucker 2 in the bridge position and the Burstbucker 1 in the neck position. Since 2007, Kita has used Custombuckers in both positions. Like Gotch, Kita uses Tortex Flex picks and are most likely .73mm or .88mm variants


In the band's early years of success, Kita used a Marshall JCM 900-4100 head with a Marshall 1960A cabinet. In late 2005, Kita replaced the Marshall amp with the Bogner Ecstasy 101b and Bogner 4x12 Cabinet, which he has used ever since as his main live amplifier.
Kita's JCM900 amp, used during the early 2000's and Sol-Fa 2004 tour
The Bogner has 3 channel settings, with the "green" channel based on traditional Vox amp, the "blue" channel based on a Marshall JCM800 & Marshall Plexi and the "Red" channel as a higher drive channel. The Bogner also has a boost feature that Kita uses for solos.
Both the JCM900 and Ecstasy amps are based on vintage Marshall sounds, whereas the modern Marshall amps have a darker, more compressed sound.
Between 2000-2011 Kita would only use the Marshall or Bogner stack for live performances and simply switch between the amp channels. In 2012, Kita introduced the Shinos Luck 6V combo to his live setup.
The Shinos amps were set up by a former VOX Chief engineer and in general has a blend of Fender and Vox amps sound wise. They have also been compared to Matchless amps, which Kita has used occasionally on international tours.
Kita's Bogner Ecstasy 101b and Shinos Luck V6
Kita has experimented with more amplifiers in the studio and has been known to use JCM800's, VOX and Matchless amps on albums, but for the purpose of this article we will keep the focus on matching his vintage Marshall & Bogner tone.
Kita's clean sound can be heard on Angou No Waltz, Mustang and Yuugure no Aka, while his distorted sound can be heard on Standard, Re:Re: and Kouya wo Aruke.
Kita used 4x12 Greenback speakers in his Marshall cabinet (this was 2004 sound & since 2005 he has likely use Celestion Vintage 30 speakers. The Shino is likely set up with a Celestion Classic Lead 80 speaker.)


Alongside the amp pairing, Kita uses a wide variety of pedals that has only grown in recent years. Previously, Kita stuck to a small collection of pedals which included a delay pedal and a preamp pedal.
Kita's 2004 pedalboard, used during the Sol-Fa tour
This collection has since rapidly grown, but has generally included a compressor, phaser, wah and a delay.
During the Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol. 6 performance, where he used a Boss DD-20 Giga Delay, an MXR M-132 Super Comp, Boss PH-2 Super Phaser, a Guyatone WR3 Wah Rocker and VoxV847 Wah pedal. Kita also used a BOSS TR-2 Tremolo at this time.
Kita's 2009 Pedalboard, which was used during the Eizo Sakushin Shu Vol. 6 performance
The Super Comp is used as a boost for lead melodies and solos, and the Super Phaser can be heard in performances of Mustang and Shinkokyuu. The Giga Delay can be heard in tracks such as Night Diving, Re:Re: and Mugen Glider, as well as the band's ambient jams. The Wah Rocker can be heard in Kugenuma Surf & Enoshima Escar
Since 2010 Kita's pedal board has gradually evolved to include more delay & modulation effects. (Such as the Boss Harmonist and BOSS MD-200 Modulation) He has also used fuzz and distortion pedals from time to time. For example, he has added the BOSS Tone Bender and Earthquaker Transmisser for ambient noises between tracks.
In recent years, Kita has also used octave pedals for lead parts (which recreates what the guitarist plays but at a higher or lower pitch), such as Blood Circulator, Boys & Girls and Clock Work. The Electro Harmonix POG2, which can be seen on his current rig below, is used for the intro of Kakato de Ai o Uchinarase.
Kita's current 2022 Pedalboard: (1) FREE THE TONE/JB-41S (Junction Box) (2) Jim Dunlop/535Q Crybaby Multi-Wah (Wow Pedal) (3) Custom Audio Japan/RS 616 (Programmable Switcher) (4)MXSuper Comp (Compressor) (5) Electro-Harmonix/POG2 (Octave) (6) BOSS/TB-2W (Fuzz) (7)EarthQuaker Devices/Transmisser (Modulation/Reverb) (8) strymon/ZELZAH (multi-phaser) (9) BOSS/MD-200 (multi-modulation) (10)(11) BOSS/DD-20 (multi-delay) (12) BOSS/FRV-1 (reverb) (13) Electro-Harmonix/FREEZE (sustainer)(14) BOSS/FS-5U (foot switch) (15) BOSS/TU-2s (tuner) (16) RJM/Amp Gizmo (amplifier channel switcher) (17) FIREGLOW/PPS-05 (power supply) (18) Vital Audio/VA-08 Mk-II (Power Supply)
To help manage his massive pedalboard on stage, Kita has been using a Custom Audio Switcher to control his pedals, which also allows him to create "loops" of saved settings for each song. I've included a list of his pedals from the current board on the picture below.
The guitar runs into the Junction box (top right) and wah pedal before going into the switcher. Kita can control the Comp and reverb from the switcher, along with the amp settings.
The guitar line then runs from the Dyna Comp through the rest of the pedals, which are controlled in separate loops by the switcher, before running into an amp switcher for the Bogner and Shinos. You can see these loops below:
Loop 1: Dyna Comp Loop 2: Dyna Comp, POG 2, Tone Bender, Transmisser Loop 3: Dyna Comp, Zelzah Loop 4: Dyna Comp, BOSS MD-200 (using the tremolo effect) Loop 5: Dyna Comp, 2x BOSS DD-20s Loop 6: Dyna Comp, 63' Fender Reverb
Kita has a few additional pedals on the board, such as the Electro Harmonix Freeze, which can hold a note for a sustained amount of time and a separate BOSS footswitch to tap in a count for his delay sound.
While this may seem complicated (and it is!) bear in mind that many of the pedals are to recreate certain sounds from the band's 10 albums, or to allow Kita to experiment during live performances.
You do not need to build a pedalboard this big to sound like Kita.
Instead, I would focus on Kita's main pedals, which include the MXR Super Comp, his two Boss DD-20 Giga Delay pedals, the Dunlop535Q Crybaby Multi-Wah, the Strymon ZELZAH (phase) and BOSS MD-200. (phase/auto-wah/tremolo)

Sound Like Kita ...On a Budget

Kita, Quarter Century tour, 2022
To buy Kita's current rig would cost thousands of pounds (the 59' Les Paul alone could be worth £5,000) so much like the Gotch's post we have a few more affordable options that could get you close. The idea is to create a rig that can be used at home or in small venues to perform live.
Also bear in mind that information provided are based on Kita's Live setup, which is aimed at finding a medium between all of the sounds formed on the albums. Please also note that these are personal suggestions as a fan and if you find that works better for you, then great!
The main areas to consider are:
  • A 50's inspired Les Paul
  • A Boutique Marshall style amp
  • A compressor pedal
  • A Delay pedal and Multi-effect pedals
In terms of guitar options there are plenty of Les Paul copies, but for look and sound Epiphone is a no-brainer. The Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard is the newer, more expensive option but is based on the 59' Les Paul model, much like Kita's main guitar. You can buy one for around £749.
Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard
The more affordable option is the Epiphone Les Paul Standard '50s, which is also a solid pick and goes for around £500.
In terms of affordable amps, Bogner have recently released the Ecstasy Mini 30W Head which costs around £349. You would need a speaker to plug the head into, this solid-state amp would get you close to Kita's sound and could be used for gigging with a big enough speaker.
Bogner Ecstasy Mini 30W Head
You could also try out the Marshall MG50 and Marshall Origin amps as affordable Marshall amps with a classic sound, closer to the JCM900/Bogner style.
Another approach you could take would be to use the Bogner Ecstasy pedals, which are pedals designed to emulate the Bogner Ecstasy amps. (Please bear in mind that you would need to tweak the settings more to work with the amp you use)
The BOSS Katana series and Blackstar amps (which have a dial to set a more British sound) have Marshall-esque settings and could also work, but would require more tweaking.
There are a wide variety of pedals to choose from, but to keep the pedal suggestions simple but versatile. Because of its importance to Kita's sound, I would recommend the MXR Super Comp.
MXR Super Comp
A great example of how this would sound can be on tako wasa YouTube channel, who demonstrated the pedal on this live stream. (tako also has a solid pedal board that is worth taking inspiration from!) An alternative approach would be to buy a Booster pedal to create the same effect, such as the Xotic EP-3 Boost
A delay pedal is also must for a sound like rig (Especially those keen to play the Re:Re: 2016 intro) and so the recommendation would be a Boss DD Delay pedals. The DD-6 or DD-8 are more affordable options that can definitely do the job, while the DD-200 gives you a more versatile option and the ability to save pre-sets for different tracks.
Boss DD-8
Cheaper alternatives that you could also consider are the Tone City Tape Machine and the TC Electronic Flashback 2 Mini, which are both good options for the price.
Another pedal for Kita's sound to consider would be a Wah pedal. As the Dunlop535Q Crybaby is quite a steep price for casual players, so I would recommend the Vox 845 Wah Wah Pedal. At £69 its considerably cheaper than the Dunlop535Q and should get close to Kita's original Wah sound.
Finally, we are going to focus on the modulation sounds for Kita, and ultimately this is down to preference and what songs you would like to emulate.
If you wanted to have a mix of sounds, the BOSS MD-200, which Kita uses, covers many of the sounds he uses, including the phaser, auto-Wah and tremolo sounds.
For more specific roles, the BOSS PH-3 Phase Shifter will get you close to his original phase sound (try to avoid the Phase 90 style pedals for Kita's sound), while the BOSS Harmonist or a different Octave pedal would help capture some of his lead tones for the current era.
You could also consider a reverb pedal if you want to capture some of the ambient sounds Kita creates live or if the amp you choose doesn't include reverb.
The final option to consider would be a Amp Simulator pedal. This type of pedal has become increasingly popular in the last few years and would be used in place of a traditional amp and effect pedals. You would then use the Amp Simulator with a IR Cabinet (a powered cabinet speaker) or with a Power Amp in between the Amp Simulator and a traditional cabinet.
They can be fairly expensive to buy and I would only advise buying one if you do intend to move on from your traditional amp/pedal setup, however the Quad Cortex DSP & Headrush Pedalboard would be good starting points. They are both aimed at capturing more traditionally hi gain amps such as the Bogner and Marshall amps, so should be able to do a good job at capturing Kita's sound.

Recommended Amp Settings

The following amp settings were based on photos from live performances and you should bear in mind that the volume may be quite loud for home use, so I would suggest bringing it down. Also bear in mind that every musician and amp will slightly differ so you may need to tweak with your settings to find the right blend.
My personal advice is to keep the gain around the middle and to use the volume to crunch up the sound. Kita does use a cabinet, so you may need to add more low end for a combo amp, and again bear in mind that the volume may need to be lower for home use.
Shino Luck V6:
Vol: 5, Treble: 5, Middle: 5, Bass: 3.5, Master: 3.5, Boost: 7, Level: 4
Bogner Green Setting:
Presence A: 8.5, Presence B: 8, Vol. 1: 5, Treble: 4:5, Mid: 4, Gain 1: 5.5
Bogner Blue Setting:
Vol. 2: 5.5, Vol. 3: 5.5, Treble: 5, Middle: 5/5.5, Bass: 5, Gain 2: 4.5, Gain 3: 5.5


Thank you again for reading this and I hope it's been insightful for you. Feel free to leave feedback below and any of your own tips
submitted by DANJCOLEMAN1991 to AsianKungFuGeneration [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:13 mariadion Regras de convivência em república

Bom dia amigos, ano que vem pretendo ir pra MG estudar e terei que morar em república, mas uma preocupação é outras pessoas tentarem tirar vantagem ou não cuidarem de casa. Como vcs de república se organizam? Sujou lavou? Na minha visão, cada um deveria limpar seu quarto, cuidar de suas coisas, e os espaços coletivos como a sala e banheiro o pessoal reveza pra cuidar; sua louça e lixo cada um tem responsabilidade e cada um come a comida que comprou ou fez, se alguém faz comida pra todo mundo, o resto tem que lavar a bagunça e tal. Mas na prática, como funciona? As pessoas fazem a parte de cada, sequer existe essas divisões? O pessoal se organiza mesmo?
submitted by mariadion to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:13 SadSaskatoonBerry18 5 mg not what I was expecting

Hi friends. Just finished my first full week on 5 mg. I had a huge NSV over the weekend (see my post about roller coasters). I was even feeling great yesterday. My pants felt loose. I went to weigh myself this morning thinking for sure I'd lost a few more pounds. Nope. Maintained. Sigh... I was doing so well on 2.5 mg. I thought for sure titrating up to 5 mg would keep the momentum going. I was so disappointed. When I took my injection today, I went back down to 2.5 mg. Why take the higher dosage if it's not helping, right? I felt more constipated on the 5 mg anyway, and I had zero appetite. It was actually making me a little nervous. I don't want to be malnourished! Emerge is sending me the 5 mg dosage for the next month., but I'm kind of wondering if I should just stick with 2.5 mg. Sigh... Not necessarily looking for advice-- just support. Thanks for letting me vent!
submitted by SadSaskatoonBerry18 to compoundedtirzepatide [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:11 seapoison I’m five weeks pregnant!

I just found out yesterday that I (26f) am pregnant with my first baby! It feels like a dream, I can’t believe it. I went off of birth control a month ago, am on 2k mg of Metformin, and have worked really hard over the last 1.5 years to lose 150lbs. Something worked I guess??
Just wanted to share a hopeful message and ask for any advice. I’m terrified, alongside being elated. I can’t help but be scared I’m going to lose it but I’m trying to stay optimistic!
submitted by seapoison to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:09 RiccoRae23 Lowered dosage = back to no period?

I was diagnosed with a 9mm pituitary tumor in February. Was prescribed cabergoline .5 mg twice a week every week and got my period in March. Half way thru April my side effects were pretty bad very dizzy, super lethargic, told my doctor and she had me lower dose to once a week. However, I haven’t gotten my period since March though and seems like it’s maybe too low now? I have an appt next week with her but do you think I will have to up the dose back to 2x/week or are there other types of meds to take? I thought I read there wasn’t and cab is the only one but I could be wrong!
submitted by RiccoRae23 to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:40 BloomNurseRN Medfinder Pharmacy Request

I am newer to Zepbound and this community and would love some help. I was trying to find 5 mg (I know, it’s a struggle for so many!) and decided to try Medfinder. They did it! I got a text last night that it was located. I called this morning and the Walgreen’s was super helpful and nice about transferring my prescription. It’s less than 30 minutes away so not a big deal to drive there after work today.
So I thought it was all done until I got a call back from the pharmacy. Apparently my insurance isn’t contracted with Walgreen’s so they wouldn’t cover it and it would be $550. Didn’t love that but I talked to my spouse and we agreed it was worth it for this month. Again, decided to drive there after work and thought it was all settled.
Until I got a call again saying that the Zepbound code wouldn’t go through since I have insurance that would not cover with their pharmacy and it would be almost $1,200. I had to tell them I would have to pass and continue trying to find it elsewhere. They were super nice and helpful but I am so disappointed now.
So on to my question. Does anyone know if there’s a way to notify Medfinder that a certain pharmacy is out of your insurance contract and can’t be used? Thanks for any help anyone can offer!
submitted by BloomNurseRN to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:32 Mountain_Ad803 Complicated and confused

5 years ago I had my first endo surgery and it was extensive. I had excision on my bowel, bladder, tubes, etc. My ureters were cut and resected and I had major disease progression. Three weeks later I developed sepsis with a huge rectovaginal abscess. This is where it gets weird. By the time I was ill my surgeon had left the country on vacation. I called the on-call surgeon about my symptoms (severe pain, fatigue and a fever I couldn’t get lowered). She told me it was normal and nothing to worry about. I believed her briefly and continued resting in bed for another few hours but nothing improved. I called a Lyft to the urgent care and barely took 3 steps inside before they told me to get to the ER across the street because I was probably septic. I spent 4 days in the hospital, had a very painful IR procedure to get a drain bag and it was the worst week of my life. I was d/c home with a home nurse for an additional week to deal with my bag.
I’m fully recovered from the experience but still deal with chronic fatigue and endo symptoms, and had another surgery to remove a dead fallopian tube/large cysts.
Since that experience 5 years ago, I really struggle with illness anxiety and obsessive/compulsive symptoms when I’m feeling sick. I feel like it’s ruined my life and I’m never going to be the same. I lose hours and days to checking, googling, Er visits, temperature taking. If you have a chronic illness you know that sometimes there are emergency symptoms. I just don’t know how to deal with this. I feel like I’m trapped and just a victim to my own body. It’s hard to believe this will ever get easier.
submitted by Mountain_Ad803 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 DryGovernment2786 Loosely-related Qs about autocannons, pintle-mounted MGs, and AA

I've been playing Flames of War for about a year and starting to do BG as well. I'm confused about the ROF for multiple-MG mounts (like the American M15 and M16), and also who in general gets to fire at aircraft.
The M16 self-propelled AA has four .50 MGs with a rate of fire 10. Does that mean each MG gets 10 shots (40 total), or the whole unit gets 10 shots? The M15 has two .50 MGs and a 30mm autocannon. Its ROF for the MGs is 10, just like the M16, that's why I think it might get 20 shots and the M16 gets 40 -- but that's a ridiculous amount of dice. I suspect they each get just 10 shots and the M15 has the option of firing the cannon instead of the .50s.
A lot of vehicles have a pintle-mounted HMG. Do they get to fire at aircraft too? Does a unit have to be on ambush to fire at aircraft? I'm looking at page 61 in the rulebook and it's not very clear. It also looks like infantry MGs with a ROF of 5 or more can fire at aircraft (probably not very effectively unless a lucky shot -- but lucky shots happen)
submitted by DryGovernment2786 to Battlegroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:26 DraftyBread Cycle 0705 CP05 03-11 Contacted Senator 4/24 - Refund 5/17

I submitted my tax refund using Turbo Tax on 1/29, it was accepted by the IRS on 1/30.
On 3/11 I was sent a CP05 with no information.
On 3/25 I called and was blown off by the IRS customer service people with a 'There is a problem with your return, make sure everything is right, and amend your return if it isn't"
I waited some more, and finally I decided to try contacting my state senator on 4/24 after seeing some people have success with that.
The Senator's office requested a release form to be completed by me, and then reached out to the IRS on 4/25.
On 5/3 the Senator's office reached out and said there was an issue with a 1099R from my wife's previous employment, they requested a document showing all the numbers from the retirement company. We sent the requested documents that same day and the Senator's office kicked it back to the IRS.
Today 5/14 my transcript updated to show refund issued 5/17.
I live in an unpopulous state, and the Senator's office was excellent in their communications. If you've been waiting a while, reach out and give them a try. Just be warned some people have had zero luck with that. But, it worked for me. My wait was 105 days from accepted to refund issued.
On my return I had two w2s, and two 1099Rs, one federal (TSP) and the other with Aventis(?)
Good luck!
PS: I special ordered a new Subaru last year. I put in the order June 6th and it showed up at the dealer on Sept 1st. It took 87 days to build a car from scratch, stick it on a train, haul it halfway across the country, then stick it on a truck and drive it across a state. It takes less time for a car to be made from a pile of sheet metal than it does for the IRS to look at my return and see there was nothing wrong with the way I submitted it.
submitted by DraftyBread to IRS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 AgentWebster $20 a year (DISCOUNTED to $10) 24 Teams H2H (7th Year True Keeper/Dynasty)

My name is Dustin and I run a H2H deep keeper league going into its 7th year. The league is 24 teams at $20 per team and the top 8 get paid. You can keep as many players as you want from year to year and also trade draft picks. I set it up to be close to the NHL rosters as I can. You start 4 Centers, 4 Right Wingers, 4 Left Wingers, 6 Defenseman and 1 Goaltender with 21 Bench spots that you can have all prospects or vets or a mix OR whatever you see fit and 2 IR+ spots. If you have any questions or want this team, email me [dpw17@hotmail.com](mailto:dpw17@hotmail.com)



The Intangibles (5th OVERALL PICK IN EACH ROUND)

C Ivan Barbashev VGK
C Phillip Danault LAK
C Bo Horvat NYI
C Evgeny Kuznetsov CAR
LW Alex Killorn ANA
LW Jesperi Kotkaniemi CAR
LW Artturi Lehkonen COL
LW Jonathan Marchessault VGK
RW Joel Armia MTL
RW Wyatt Johnston DAL
RW Mathieu Joseph OTT
RW Jesse Ylonen MTL
D Rasmus Dahlin BUF
D Noah Dobson NYI
D Jeremy Lauzon NSH
D Pavel Mintyukov ANA
D Colton Parayko STL
D Morgan Rielly TOR
C Jake Evans MTL
C Luke Glendening TBL
C Jack McBain ARI
LW Michael Rasmussen DET
C Jamieson Rees OTT
LW Gabriel Landeskog COL
LW Brock McGinn ANA
LW Zach Parise COL
LW Zach Sanford CHI
RW Martin Kaut SJS
RW Nathan Legare NJD
RW Ozzy Wiesblatt SJS
D Josh Brown ARI
D Samuel Girard COL
D Ryan Johnson BUF
D Pierre-Olivier Joseph PIT
D Jett Woo VAN
G Ilya Sorokin NYI
G Philipp Grubauer SEA
G Joel Hofer STL
G Jonas Johansson TBL
G Cal Petersen PHI
submitted by AgentWebster to FantasyLeagues [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 MaltaisPanarin Body jolts before falling asleep, insomnia

15 months
Mirtazapine, Zopiclone
I have been having on and off insomnia for about 5 years and in the past year it’s been a living hell. I finally found a combo of medication which allows me to sleep 5 to 6 hours uninterrupted most of the nights.
I have tried to sleep without any medication but I literally cannot sleep. Once I get ready to sleep and close my eyes, my body “jolts” and I feel a pressure and it literally gives me a small shock, it’s like whenever my body is about to fall a sleep it is fighting to stay awake and I do not know what is causing that.
Whenever I take my medication (7.5 g mirtazapine + 3.75 mg zopiclone), I am able to fall asleep and I’m not having any jolts, I read that these drugs calm down your CNS but I’m not stressed at all when I’m going to bed and it is definitely not anxiety induced?
What could be causing this issue, this has been going on for over 16 months now and before I found the right combo of meds I literally had months of living hell with sleeping sometimes 0 hours a night and most of the time only 2-3 hours.
Anyone faced a similar issue?
Thanks for the help.
submitted by MaltaisPanarin to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 F0rFr33 IRS - Anexo J

Boa tarde a todos, como é época de dúvidas aqui vão umas, espero que sirvam para mais pessoas à procura. Até à data sempre utilizei o anexo G para registar as minhas compras e vendas já que utilizava apenas a XTB e vem pré-preenchido o anexo G no IRS. Este ano que passou utilizei a Trading 212 que me deixou com dúvidas. A título de ser o mais compreensivo e útil para todos que necessitem no futuro, faço questões um pouco genéricas para que sirvam como paralelo.
  1. No caso de compra e venda de ações, em que cenários é que estes pertencem ao anexo G e ao anexo J?
  2. Nos casos em que se tem que preencher o anexo J, o que é o país fonte e o que é o país contraparte? Por exemplo, compra e venda de uma ação americana (EUA) numa corretora sediada não em Portugal (por exemplo Trading 212).
  3. É diferente a venda de um ETF de uma ação?
  4. Tanto quanto sei, os dividendos, são preenchidos no anexo J, categoria E (ponto 8), isto para dividendos estrangeiros. Existem outras opções de declaração para dividendos estrangeiros? 5 Como devem ser declarados os dividendos nacionais?
Desde já obrigado a todos. Como quando andei à procura encontrei vários pareceres diferentes, se tiverem fontes agradecia. Bons IRS!
submitted by F0rFr33 to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]
