Nigger soundboards]

Humble Request to Nuke Zherka across all of DGG and on Stream

2023.07.14 19:20 wonder590 Humble Request to Nuke Zherka across all of DGG and on Stream

Based on the last Fresh and Fit podcast episode, I think Zherka is just such an obnoxious and vile asshole that he should just shouldn't be allowed on stream or anywhere else DGG for that matter.
If he's on another person's stream taking the episode hostage or whatever that's Destiny's life, he can handle that shit whatever he decides- but in a domain that Destiny controls? Might as well literally have the dono soundboard yell "Nigger" or "Whore" on repeat- its like 95% of the endless shit that comes out of his mouth. I'm honestly surprised that he wasn't screeching "Kike" at Lauren, I will say.
I dare anyone to defend Zherka after this last performance.
submitted by wonder590 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2018.09.08 06:03 geerab Some old and new tactics used on me in the last week or so.

Man, I hate that this sometimes feels like my diary. However, I feel that by mentioning some of the BS used against me publically, I can hopefully help some other TI plan for and counteract some of it. Knowledge is power.
Before I start, here are some general truths for newcomers:
-V2K (voice to skull) is real
-Thought implantation (I hate to use the term mind control) is real
-They can create closed eye visuals almost as clear as day (although not always)
-Directed energy weapons are real
-They can induce emotions (although, usually it is pretty obvious when the emotion is out of place, especially when you're put into a repeated scenario with the same people)
-Building on the previous point, they can prevent sleep until they get bored of toying with you
I'm sure most of you knew this already, but there may be someone new lurking here.
For those that don't know me (as it pertains to this post):
-I work in a warehouse with a small group of people (around 10ish)
-I watch a decent bit of anime, but not excessively so.
-I drink more than the average person
-I believe that they have failed in their one opportunity to get me to kill myself, now their only option is to annoy me until I die
-I used to browse 4chan quite a bit and saw my fair share of gore
Now onto the tactics (I'll try to separate them into old and new, as well as provide some context. If you want specifics, leave a comment):
OLD: Repeated phrases through V2K
I think they are up to like 15-20 that they have on a soundboard or something at this point. Most occur in the exact same tone, with the same voice modulated, lasting for the same amount of time. Some of the highlights this week include: "Alcoholic", "I respect you for that one" (In the most condescending tone you can imagine), "Frustrating, isn't it", and the others I covered in my previous thread. Sometimes, it won't make any sense in context. Sometimes, it'll be incredibly benign.
OLD: Thought implantation
Recently, this is mostly used to put seedy thoughts or slurs into my head. The individual it was pointed at (or if they're not listening, the regular group) calls me out on it, when it's not my thoughts in the first place. It's always some simplistic dumb shit like "nice ass" or "nigger", since they can't implant more than a sentence or so for whatever reason.
OLD: Emotional manipulation
They can literally make me feel an emotion. It's almost always anxiety, sadness, or listlessness. It sometimes follows the thought implantation.
OLD: Name calling / general negativity
Usually done just within earshot. Sometimes whispered as I walk by them. I've tried calling them out on it, and they usually get unrealistically aggressive, even when you approach them in a calm and respectable manner. Highlights for this week: "Autistic", "Stupid" (especially when asking questions at work), and "I hate you".
OLD: Thought blocking
They make it so that I can't think of certain words when I use them on a daily basis. I'm sure some of this can be attributed to sleep deprivation, but a lot of the time it's simple stuff like "respectable", which I used earlier in the post.
OLD: Hammering on one topic for hours
Imagine all the iterations of "you watch so much anime". Now have people say that in your ear for three hours at a time while you try to sleep. It's happened before with different subjects.
OLD: Withholding information
Usually used to make me make errors at work. It's not as bad since I got my DWI though. (I'm skipping over some of the significance here, since it would take too long, suffice to say, it irritates me).
OLD: Sleep deprivation
Pretty self explanatory. I get like 3-5 hours of sleep on weeknights. Sometimes none. I used to be a pretty heavy sleeper who was lights out after 20ish minutes.
NEW: Use of gore/violent imagery/Incest shit
In my truths section, I talked about how they were able to create closed eye visuals. Well, they hit a new low last night. They spent a solid ten minutes while I was attempting to sleep playing quick montages of anime gore (spliced with real gore) and violence. I guess I should be ready for things like this since one of them thought it would be OK to broadcast a 5ish second clip of CP to my head a while ago. In addition, they also sent me a 2ish second clip of my mother spread trou, although I think that one was spliced together.
I mean, I've inadvertently seen a lot of gore in the past, but it still makes you uncomfortable when it comes out of nowhere.
As a side note: plenty of the scenes shown looked like they were done by professionals (AKA anime, and subsequently gore that I haven't seen before). This is not something I dreamed up since 1. I am not the creative type 2. I would remember particularly violent scenes in most things that I watch
Semi-new: Acceptance of tasks then reneging on the acceptance
I very rarely ask my co-workers to do anything for me, besides answer questions. There's a few people that I ask to do things for me when I can't get to them during the day. They'll put them off until the day I get back, inconveniencing the customer in order to annoy me. (I only ask people that are at my approximate position, and I never purposely dick around during the work day).
NEW: Use of hot and cold emotional states
My coworkers now bounce from very friendly to very cold throughout the span of a day. It's like I'm all of a sudden working with a bunch of bipolar people even though I've known most of them for years (even prior to when the gangstalking started).
There's more to this, but I'm tired, and don't want to write a longer essay than I have to. I hope this helps someone.
submitted by geerab to Gangstalking [link] [comments]

2016.07.15 02:31 Previent DayZ - CoRe Kid Crying :((

Kid Writes a letter to core:
Today, on July 13th I was banned from the clan CORE for disrespecting a leader and figure of authority in the clan. I had been acting hostile towards him for three days prior, as I had felt a lot of hate and resentment coming from him. However it was no excuse to disrespect him and hold myself above him. I hope by writing this letter it can give me one final chance in the clan, with which I could change my behaviour around and help the clan develop and grow stronger. Prior to the ban I had been in penalized for the way I had conducted myself in game, I was messing around and did not realize when enough was enough. I believe however that I can change and show you that I can be a mature member of the clan.
Firstly I want to discuss the events that lead up to the ban, every little detail that got me in trouble beginning with the Replay incident all the way to my ban. When I got on the teamspeak, I joined a channel with about 5 others, replay was one of them. Throughout the half hour I was in there he was coming off as annoying and he was getting on my nerves. So I logged on to his server, at our base and proceeded to troll him by pointing my gun at him and body blocking him. I ended up getting carried away with this and continued to do it even after I was asked to stop. Eventually, when Replay had had enough he killed me in game. This created a big situation and wasted a lot of time that the higher ups would have rather spent playing the games. In the end I walked out with my rank taken away and a penalization. However it was not enough to wake me up and make me realize what I was doing was wrong. About a week after that incident, there was a large group of us down in Cherno, before we were going to PvP Johnny was making us all the same arm bands to prevent team kills. He had all the arm bands arranged in a barrel to allow all of them to be dyed at once. I went in the barrel, not realizing what it was for and I began to put stuff I did not in it. He then asked me to stop messing around with his barrel but I didn't listen so he gave me a warning shot in my arm. He ended up making me bleed and ruining my only bandage so I went back in the barrel, and took the bandage that I had put in there to use, he then came up and shot me in the head. I didn't think much about it, as even RedRum had agreed it was fair, but that event on top of what he had been doing in the teamspeak leading up to it (using soundboard for allahu akbar sounds and other annoying things) had made me think of him as immature and childish, which caused me to not respect his rank as I did not believe that he deserved it. The next couple days he was hostile towards me in the teamspeak and we went back and forth with insults, but at the time they seemed more of a joke to me so I didn't mind much. But only July 10th, he took it to far, being racist towards replay, and calling me a n***er when I joined his channel. At that point I was debating bringing it up to a higher rank but decided against it because I did not want to waste your time, as I was not sure if he was still joking or not. About four hours later, he joined the channel while me and 4 others were pvping and began to harass me, telling me to kill myself and that “I was a joke like my parents who ran out on me”. After this he began poking a player who was in game with me, and started laughing and then I saw the player point his gun at me in game so I ran away and got off for the night since there were no other higher ranks on the teamspeak. The next day I come on, and tell Home what happened and he brings it to prev who says he will deal with it when he gets home. After that I try to avoid Johnny completely and it worked for yesterday. However when I got on today, I went in a channel he was in to talk to someone. That player was very angry when I joined and replied to my question with hostility. I went back to the previous channel, and Johnny joined and began to talk to the other player in my channel. He kept leaving and coming back and I told the other player just to mute him because he was annoying and had been harassing me. Johnny then penalized me and kicked me from the channel, when I joined back he moved me into round table and told me never to mute him again, then sweet joined and asked what was going on. I told sweet and she told me that Johnny was trying to ban me, but she had told him not to. Right after that I was banned permanently by Johnny.
I take full responsibility for everything I did that caused the people to take the actions that they did. I was antagonistic in both cases, as well as disrespecting other Core members, who were both much higher ranks than me. Even after two meetings of higher ups repeating over and over to respect all Core members I acted without taking into account their advice. The way I acted was selfish, immature and just plain stupid. It did not hit me that I could be severely punished for my actions until I was banned by Johnny, which was when I started to worry. I worried that I could end up losing friends who i've known and grown closer to for over a year. I worried that I would be exiled from the clan I had spent so much time with. It is sad that it took me so long to realize this but now I understand that my actions will have consequences.
I believe that I should be unbanned from the clan, because I can still contribute to it by both improving what we have already and by adding more to Core. I believe that I can improve the clan by creating a more friendly environment that welcomes all members of the clan, as well as making sure all players are respected by one another, especially the higher ranks. I also think that I can add to the clan by bringing in even more recruits, in the past week alone I have brought in 13 players, for both DayZ and CSGO, unfortunately the CSGO players did not stay because I was not able to get enough for a solid branch. I also am asking for one last chance so that the friendships that I have built up with certain players over my time here is not lost, as some of them have become close to me. If I am unbanned from the clan I understand that I would be on a one strike situation, and that if I ever caused trouble I would be gone. However, I know I can change and show you a mature, respectful and honest player.
conversation with a member shortly after
Reddy: i didnt even know you were on my server lol i turned it off be cause i was switching servers 3:16 PM - Reddy: go ahead take wehatever you want man 3:16 PM - Reddy: you dont know dick 3:17 PM - KID: wanna bet? 3:18 PM - Reddy: sure 3:19 PM - KID: there this thing called tent esp 3:19 PM - KID: its pretty cool 3:20 PM - KID: shows me where all the tents and barrels are 3:20 PM - KID: oh and player esp 3:20 PM - KID: thats fun as well 3:20 PM - Reddy: thats cool bro. sounds fun 3:20 PM - KID: ya man 3:20 PM - KID: ur gonna need to get a new server now 3:20 PM - Reddy: take your shit out on me i had nothing to do with it and you are just being a dumb little bitch 3:21 PM - Reddy: fuck off and get a life bro i dont care about your dumb shit 3:21 PM - KID: youre a fucking jew
Another Member Convo:
KID: i have a girl KID: she gives the fucking best succ KID: unlike u, who no one wants to go near ur tiny hairy muslim dick KID: if you going on a banning spree KID: may as well go for ny KID: since he told me how much he hates you KID: since he told me how much he hates you KID: cya KID: fucking nigger muslim KID: go bomb some fucking kids KID: pussy you didnt post it lol KID: its not here you fucking moron KID: such a pussy KID: its just a base? KID: why is the server down KID: dumb ass muslims KID: good job man your 30 years old playing video games leading players like this
submitted by Previent to DayZDiscussions [link] [comments]

2013.06.13 03:28 3rd_Throwaway_Today I set 2 good friends up and am terribly bitter over it.

Some story: I have a good friend (best actually) that I have known for over half my life. I have a good friend that I have known for a year. I introduced these two under the pretenses of a friend trio, but secretly I wanted to play match maker. Well, it worked. During their courtship, I ended up leaving my girlfriend of 2 years. I left her before they started showing their affection publicly.
Now: It's been 2 weeks since I left my girl. My two friends like to hangout with me as a trio. I am so fucking bitter that they're so god damn happy, I'm miserable, and both (the happiness and miserableness) are completely my fault.
I don't fucking wanna hangout with you two! You're in a relationship and enjoy eachothers company. I'm glad you like to hangout with me, but I can't stand all of this. I'm petty and I hate that you're happy. But it would be wrong of me to tell you this so I allow you to goad me into hanging out with you in all of my free time, and come bitch to a subreddit because they're the only sounding board I have because you two, my main soundboards, are the issue. Fucking fuck fuck god damnit bitch ass nigger fucking cunt sucking asswipe. Ugh!
submitted by 3rd_Throwaway_Today to confession [link] [comments]