Graph of people who smoke

People who actively act like a piece of shit

2017.03.14 21:37 panspal People who actively act like a piece of shit

A place to post screenshots or gifs of people acting like a piece of shit. The worst of the worst, people who you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy.

2021.05.01 04:21 GingerNaruto r/ImTheMainCharacter - The Center Of The World

Main Character: People who act like they're the center of the world and worthy of all the attention.

2016.12.18 07:13 TheCats_Bananas People Who Ate The Onion

A subreddit for screencaps of people who failed to see The Onion's articles as satire.

2024.05.14 01:36 Apesma69 I Walked Across Torrance Just for Fun!

I had business to attend to in the early morning near Western & Sepulveda and finished up at 11am. Since I live car-free and it's a nice day, I thought I'd go on a little adventure and attempt to walk to my home in west Torrance from there. First, I walked to the Torrance Bakery in Old Torrance, where I bought a sandwich, which I took to nearby Prado Park. I sat amongst the fragrant roses and ate half (the lite fare sandwich was bigger than I thought!) then started ambling towards Torrance Blvd afterwards. I walked to the Civic Center, where I sat on a bench at the Veterans Memorial and nibbled the rest of the sandwich. Then I moseyed over to the beautiful rose garden and admired and sniffed the blooms. ( )
From there I walked towards Hawthorne Blvd, where I decided to pick up a bus to shave off a couple of non-scenic miles. I regret having done this, as the stop was crowded with many homeless people, a couple of them acting erratically. One man chain-smoked and I had to keep moving around to avoid it wafting in my face. After an uncomfortable and undignified half hour wait, I boarded the bus and got off near my neighborhood and walked the half mile home. All totaled, I walked about 4 and a 1/2 miles. This may not seem like a big deal but for a 54f who suffers from a number of chronic, debilitating conditions ( hEDS, POTS, MCAS) it's a minor victory. I'm just gonna pat myself on the back over here!
I challenge those of you reading this to ditch your car for a day and just walk. And walk and walk and walk. Be a tourist in your own hometown. You will get to know your city in a more intimate way, maybe gain a new appreciation for it, see things you never noticed before like a cool, old historic building or all the towering eucalyptus trees that abound.
submitted by Apesma69 to torrance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:29 filingtaxes_ Stop being inconsiderate. :))

Fellow students, in order to have gotten admitted into an institution such as McMaster we all surely must have a good command of the English knowledge and must have demonstrated the ability to not just read it but comprehend it! Therefore, instead of acting like total inconsiderate uncouth dunces do kindly refrain from smoking on campus (explicitly a non-smoking campus) and indoors (can’t believe that there’s actually people who do this?)🤦‍♀️ it’s not fair for those who have respiratory issues or just don’t want to be inhaling that garbage to have to manoeuvre and take the long routes just so that some grown ass adults who can’t control their urges can get their fix right in the middle of a nonsmoking campus!!
submitted by filingtaxes_ to McMaster [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:25 Phoenix-Rayne Trying to be better.

For the past many many years I have struggled with mental health issues. I have never planned on living long and started planning on ending it at 13ish or so. Multiple times through out the years I kept thinking alright I will give it a few more years and this continued on. This has never really stopped until I met my future wife (we will call her Rayne) at 22 and began to change my outlook to living for her and staying around for her. She also had a rough upbringing and struggles with self doubts like me. So I wanted to "be her rock" and support system.
I decided to stop with and ideas of suicide and we kind of just went with the flow of things for awhile like a normal fresh couple. After about a year or so we decided to move in together to our first apartment. Things were pretty easy going for us. We never really fought or had an argument like we had seen from our parents growing up.
In my past I never would trust anyone and after I would know them for a few months I would lose interest and push them aside for the next fling. I saw a whole new light in Rayne. She changed everything I had ever thought about another person and made me want to be everything I could I for her.
However, I am and was always incredibly manipulative to people I would meet. This is nothing I am proud of by any means but it taught me a lot by testing people's feelings and motives. So I decided to play a string of games on Rayne to test her end game loyalty to me. Ranging from a fake break up to reconnecting with past exes and flings to spark jealously. I would get caught up myself tough in the flirting and find myself drawn into my own game and finding I was fighting temptations.
Which I absolutely would not stand for as I had vowed to myself to never without any possible excuses would I betray Rayne or cheat on her. This would go on for a year or so until we finally would get married once I was sure she was the one. I felt awful for the longest time having played her like this and carry the guilt still. Though we have often discussed the tricking and games and I have never hid who I was to her once this was revealed and our relationship became official. And moving on through the years we would develop a bond like none other we have ever seen. The things I would do for the woman are without comparison. She is and for ever always will be my best and only friend, lover and wife in this and every life we have together. That being said though I still have my past and issues with mental health and self sabotage.
Which I have recently begun seeking out professional help with and have started extensive therapy and medication. However over the years having such a harsh internal struggle I have greatly lost touch with what displays love and compassion for another. As I have mentioned we never fight or have struggles with each other. But lately I have been struggling to just have the energy to smile let alone try and pretend everything is ok in front of her. We will often have a few drinks ever other night to ease the stress and so on to which the most recent occasion has left a scar on my mind. I clearly blacked out and some things happened regarding her phone which reflecting on it seems so silly. I essentially grabbed her phone refusing to give it to her claiming she was messaging someone else. This came as a complete surprise to me when she had told me the next day. I was mortified seeing her expression as she told me what happened and how she explained that I was just plain mean to her. It gutted me that I could ever let myself become like this can treat her so low.
This has left me in a state where I cannot look at myself anymore and need to change drastically. So I have quit all my bad habits of smoking and drinking and am working on weening off THC products. We have both talked many times about the things we would like to do and the places we want to visit and see so I have wanted to stop these things so that we could save more money and just to stop the habits in general.
Long story short..... I am here now looking for peoples input on those moments and experiences that they had where they felt loved and cared for by their partner. I would like ideas on possible dates and inspirational ideas of things we could experiment with and try. Anything would be helpful and great. She had expressed many times before how stressed she is with work but cannot quit and how much she cares for me and loves me but we just cannot find a way to relieve the stress and burden of waking up daily.
submitted by Phoenix-Rayne to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:20 BadCaseOfSugondese Id rather be stupid

You know the saying “ignorance is bliss” well yea. I kinda wish i was dumbed down some.
Context: I recently had my IQ professionally measured and it is 148. And it can be hard because I just feel like I see the world differently than everyone. I dont laugh at the stupid jokes most people do. I cant do small talk for the life of me. And many other things. This has effected me in all areas of life. Especially relationships. I just cant hold conversations with most people. Its honestly like suffering when im talking to someone who just doesnt have what I have. Only my best friend and aspbergers cousin really get it.
So yea. Thats why I smoke a shit ton of weed. To feel dumb
submitted by BadCaseOfSugondese to Gifted [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:18 QuillofNumenor 43 [M4F] #KY #US #Anywhere Chubby geek seeking emotionally intelligent forever person

I'm a divorced guy, starting the next chapter in my life, and I'm seeking my forever person. Pics in my profile. About me:
I cordially invite you to reply if:
Bonus points if any of the following apply to you: you bake, you like ASMR, you're a fan of Tolkien/Lord of the Rings, you play RPGs, you play video games, you like 80s and 90s pop culture, you're a redhead, you wear glasses, you're a dog lover, you have a southern accent, you got a phat booty.
Seeking ladies between 30-50, though that's not set in stone if the connection works. A pic of you in your initial message is highly appreciated if possible.
submitted by QuillofNumenor to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:16 QuillofNumenor 43 [M4F] #KY #US #Anywhere Chubby geek seeking emotionally intelligent forever person

I'm a divorced guy, starting the next chapter in my life, and I'm seeking my forever person. Pics in my profile. About me:
I cordially invite you to reply if:
Bonus points if any of the following apply to you: you bake, you like ASMR, you're a fan of Tolkien/Lord of the Rings, you play RPGs, you play video games, you like 80s and 90s pop culture, you're a redhead, you wear glasses, you're a dog lover, you have a southern accent, you got a phat booty.
Seeking ladies between 30-50, though that's not set in stone if the connection works. A pic of you in your initial message is highly appreciated if possible.
submitted by QuillofNumenor to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 YezzaBezza Is it possible smoking weed has permanently damaged my playing?

Before typical Reddit says the obvious- I know you guys aren’t doctors, I know Reddit isn’t the best place for this question, I know I’m a fucking idiot for smoking weed, I know as someone underage I should stop, I know that I should have thought of this before. And did I mention I know I’m a complete idiot for this? I KNOW you don’t have to tell me lol.
Anyways I started smoking weed around 2 years ago, at some points I have been very very heavy with it at some points not so much. I’ve had this issue my entire trumpet playing where I cannot last very long without breathing again- I’ll give an example. I cannot for the life of me make a continuous 8 bars at eighth notes at 120 bpm. This is horrible lung capacity. This is extremely frustrating. Some people online say playing trumpet doesn’t take very much air OKAY LET ME TRY THAT. Same issue arises. Okay maybe I’m playing to loud so I play quietly, NOPE same issue. Meanwhile some people can play a continuous Clark study over and over like 10 times through. What the actual hell is wrong with me.
I do take breaths from my belly, I try so fucking hard every single time. Initially I don’t think too hard about it and I just play. That doesn’t work so I start thinking about my breathing and taking bigger breaths reading everything online. Trying to open my mouth cavity as much as possible. Wedge breathing, breathing from my stomach, breathing from my chest. I’ve been playing for 5 years in total. Wouldn’t someone who has been playing that long have more capacity than 8 fucking measures???? It’s definitely the weed at this point because I have tried literally everything.
submitted by YezzaBezza to trumpet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:01 MrDaddyMan100 Women been stressing me out lately

As an ugly black man I’m not seen as a person, I’m seen as a joke, a big ogre. a monster. Being ugly is the worst. Worse than death. I am the ugliest man in the world, with undoubtedly the most hated on race so I literally am going through it everyday. No,
I’m not saying all women either because a couple of days ago there was this hot white girl at the donut shop we had a convo and she bought me a free donut. Also my friend “E” is so nice I was thirsty and she let me drink some of her sprite. And she lets me smoke weed with her. Since I don’t got my own rn 😭.
Anyways at work I mind my own business I usually only mess with the dudes at work since I know a woman would feel uncomfortable and just tell HR if I even just stand near her. So I keep my respectable distance and I don’t say a word to them unless they talk to me. But somehow someway. My friends (I’m literally bestfriends with every guy at the jobk) they told me that a girl “doesn’t like me”
What the fuck? What did I do this time? A girl who I’ve never even said a word to doesn’t like me lmao. They tried to say “she’s jealous ppl like you way more than they like her” but I wanna really dissect why she feels the need to talk shit about a person she hasn’t ever crossed paths with? As stupid as that sounds that’s the reality of ugly men, people have a problem with you for just existing. Not the first time this will happen def not the last.
my manager hates me too. My friend fucked her and she admitted to him she gives the ugly guys the hardest jobs and the handsome dudes the easiest ones…. Guess who gets assigned to the hardest job everyday…. Me.
Today They told me to teach a new hire girl how to do something and she looked so scared of me like she wanted to cry. I knew for a fact if I accidentally looked her in the eyes or maybe accidentally get more close than 8 feet I’m probably going to get a complaint and fired. So I asked my woman homie to handle it. Apparently she told me the girl thought I was staring at her boobs even tho I took a glance at her for less than 1 millisecond. I was looking at her dirty ass brown stained shirt but I’m a creep right?
Also one last thing. There’s 2 other girls that I’m friends with who I lowkey have a crush on. They know I have a crush on them and they think it’s so funny to tease me. Telling literally everyone. So embarrassing. Think it’s time for a new job.
I just can’t get over the fact that women online say “all we want is for ugly/ creepy men to stay away from us” and that’s what I’m doing but I’m so ugly and creepy that even if I literally just do my own thing there’s someone hating on me because I’m not attractive. I do want a gf one day but I really want to be left alone and I want to rest, from this endless torment.
submitted by MrDaddyMan100 to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:49 Quix66 How Much Did You Spend

I’m wondering how little I can spend on all new contents of a house that are decent but not luxury quality. I was planning to buy a house and spread its cost out over several years, such as five because I saw advanced decorators on YouTube doing that. And then I saw some who said their houses were finished in a year to 18 months.
I know we all have our own budgets and timetables but I wonder if I’ll get myself in over my head. This question is for people who bought all new houses and miniatures, not second hand.
I’m on a limited budget due to disability. It would seem that I’d have a lot of time to make items but I don’t have the nimbleness in my fingers to do much of that. For instance, I’m better off paying the $5-10 buying ready made books than trying to fold them from card-stock.
I can’t buy secondhand due to sensitivity issues. I’ve had bad experiences, some recent, with items smelling of cigarette smoke or perfume even though the sellers claimed otherwise. I’ve not found deodorizers to work, and they often just add more scent to trigger my asthma.
So if you don’t mind, could you tell me how much costs you to furnish your house including wallpaper, lighting, flooring, and furniture and well as tools and construction materials? Would you furnish your house differently depending on the price or quality of the house alone? I’m trying not to bite off more than I can chew.
Thanks so much for your help.
ETA; per suggestion by thethundersaid I’ll rephrase the question to your overall estimate of how much it costs to furnish your house and were you buying more or less expensive items altogether and not divided by yearly expenditures.
I do have more time than money, and I guess it won’t hurt to try to make some items such as beds or sofas. I’m pretty terrible at art and sculpting but you never know. Doesn’t hurt to try it. Does DIY furniture really save money versus regular neither luxury nor rock bottom items, or does it just add to the enjoyment of the hobby?
Is this doable at $750 USD? $1,000? $1,200? Can’t imaging spending more.
submitted by Quix66 to Dollhouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 Randy_Giles1880 Second time husband has been caught cheating.

The first time, he was on tinder only put pictures with his body showing (he is in great shape) he was on tinder for a year and a half and only met up with one person on the side of the road, at night, going on a run. It took a year for me to ever be intimate with him again. Just recently, these past three months I have finally felt content and I was hopeful for our marriage. I told him I forgive him fully and never loved him more. We have been through a lot of traumatic things together and asked to never hurt me again.
An old friend of mine messaged me a few days ago, with a tinder profile of my husband. This time 7 photos of him fighting and shirtless and in his underwear showing his face. She matched him and she asked about me, he unmatched her. I confronted him he said. That we do not have enough sex and he wanted more and he was only 30% sure he was going to follow through with it and was only on it 4 days before getting caught. He did not try to cheat on me when we had no sex for a year. Suddenly I start having sex with him again and he said it made him want more. I just had a major surgery 4 months ago for a rare compression. I also have more health issues and another medical procedure coming up.
We have a young child together who is very clingy. My husband works 46-50 hour weeks. But we have gotten a lot of financial help from my father’s money who died 3 weeks before my son was born. So he isn’t the only one that contributes to our household. He even had to take my car because he didn’t want to pay to fix his. But still I am grateful and praise him for his hard work. When he gets home, I have eveything taken care of, dinner made so he can just relax for an hour and then we have to get ready for bed. Our child is about to start kindergarten, I told him it will be easier to have some time together then. I also have taught our son to read, write, add, subtract, and he knows his multiplications already before even going to school. I put a lot of my energy into our child. I quit drinking and smoking when I found out I was pregnant and never touched it again. I understand what it’s like to have an itch. I just never acted on mine.
Unfortunately, our sex life is not the greatest. Mostly it consists of oral and hand jobs at most 5 times a week. They are short lived as my son will ask for me. I’m still scared of penetration since he gave me an sti last time that spread to my reproductive organs. But I have had it. I feel like he would cheat regardless, but I still feel at fault. We had a long talk where I got him to stop saying if we had more he would not of looked to cheat, that it was about variety that’s what it was about last time. He also thought if he scratched the itch and actually had a good experience sleeping with other people that he would be able to stop thinking about it. I told him it would do the opposite as when he cheated the last time he had issues getting hard with me.
I feel like an idiot typing this out. He’s a good father. I don’t think I can ever trust him again. Divorce is not an option for me. He now agrees with me and says he is happy he got caught now because he would have made things worse. I can’t help feeling that some of it is my fault though. That I am not giving enough. I asked how much he would need then to not cheat and he said “every day, I don’t know.” And he said it has to be vaginal sex. He can’t even give me straight answers. I don’t think he could have sex everyday with his work schedule and a girl on tinder, but who knows. I don’t know what I’m asking after. Just if anyone can decipher this mess and give me some sort of advice on how to come to terms with this situation.
submitted by Randy_Giles1880 to LifeAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:46 Dr-Rath_Dumbledore I should have just known

Apologize in advance this is extremely long.
So the moral of the story is I finally found a name that actually makes me happy. It's been a few months now, and I am beyond grateful to my friends, especially my teachers.
Now, when it comes to family, it's complicated. It's always complicated when it comes to certain things. I had told my mom first in my family, and she didn't have anything apposing to say about my name. I understand that it would be a lot to transition to because the name wasn't normal by social standards. My name, by the way, is Lafontaine, which fits so well with my middle and last names.
I had tired of telling my brother, but he had laughed it off and just walked away. I tried again, and he just tiredly said okay and walked away again. So I kind of just gave up and didn't think about it much; my brother rarely called me by my dead name anyway.
I was still concerned about how he felt about the name, as much as I was concerned about him knowing I was non-binary. I came out as non-binary to everyone in my family, but was worried about my brother's response, mainly because of his past responses regarding trans people. He had both a lesbian friend and a friend who had been dating a trans woman. He would let his lesbian friend smoke with him and hang out, but the moment he found out that his other friend was dating a trans woman, he dropped them and refused to smoke and hang out with him. He thought that it was "disgusting." So I was on the fence about bringing something up like that, knowing his views.
So fast forwarding to today, we were in the car on the way home, and my mom kept dead-naming me the entire way there. Both days have passed since I first told my mom about my name. Like I said, she didn't seem to be bothered by it; she just understood that it was going to take some time to get used to it. Of all the days that went by, she would only use it once in a way that sounded more condescending when I corrected her, and then she just completely stopped calling me that and just called me a different name, which was pumpkin, something that she called me a lot. But it made me realize that she'd rather call me Pumpkin and never call me by that name, and that made me feel some type of way.
So when I corrected her in the car regarding my name, my brother quite literally gave me a lecture. My mother had hopped out of the car and gone to the store, so she left me alone with him. He practically told me that my dead name is my name, and that's it. My mother birthed me, and she named me, so that's my name. She is also not obligated to use a name that I'm comfortable with, and I shouldn't want to change my name because there's nothing wrong with it. He asked me why I changed my name, and I said just because I wanted to; he said it's deeper than that, and so I told him I didn't like it because it was girly, and I guess I shouldn't have expected him to understand that because he said, Oh, other people have that name too. And just because I like girls, I shouldn't have to change my name.
I was baffled and honestly pissed, because what does my liking for girls have to do with the fact that I changed my name? I and he kept going back and forth, and by the time my mom came back, I was just over it. He was saying how it didn't make much of a difference because we are family, and they're allowed to call me by my dead name, but if it was a stranger, he'd get it. He tried saying that I need to be more comfortable in myself even though I've been trying for 7 years hasn't gotten me anywhere but just suffering in the fact I'm being called something that I hate. He didn't see how that was a problem. He was saying a nickname would have been better, which defeats the purpose completely, because I would still be called my dead name and I wouldn't want to be!!!!
I said how disrespectful that sounded for not just respecting my choices, even when he said he loved me and that he's my brother.
After we arrived home, he was like, I'm not calling you Lafontaine, and I'm not going to call you your dead name. I just told him, Don't talk to me, because if you can't address me as anything, then what's the point of talking to me? And he was like, You know what? I'm just going to call you by your dead name. I gave up and told him just don't talk to me in general if that's the case. My mother hadn't said anything regarding this.
I'm still trying to understand if I'm really the problem if I haven't really been communicating well.. Because when it comes to my mother I wouldn't be pushing so hard if I hadn't already knew the fact that she doesn't take these things seriously, and it hurts my fucking feelings everything I try to express to her it's a joke. It seems like pushing so hard to my brother is being fussy if anything she hasn't even tried. I could give a whole list on why I doubt my mother so much. I wish my brother could have responded differently even if that's his way of saying he loves me I'd rather him not love me at all if this is how he wants to treat me.
I'm happy with my name now, I'm at peace with myself. I shouldn't have to feel like I need to change something for the comfort of others.
submitted by Dr-Rath_Dumbledore to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:35 Amememime Too often is Cannabis considered safe and alcohol the danger...

I have been a long time smoker of cannabis and also drink on occasion. I am no longer smoking weed today, and noticed that there is some double standards with cannabis and alcohol that can be harmful. For my own experience, for example, my own mental disability was arguably caused by heavy cannabis use, causing what is called THC psychosis. I was all in on smoking weed, all day everyday. Then when I picked up drinking on occasion, I noticed there were warnings ad nauseum about avoiding drinking because it is a poison.
Anyway I'm just sort of realizing as I get sober that many people are sort of putting cannabis on a pedestal as some miracle drug, and in fact it is more common now for many users to experience thc psychosis. Still for most people it's a harmless drug, but for me cannabis was the kryptonite to my success in some ways, and solely caused my mental health episodes. I have a psychiatrist who suggested I smoke weed instead of drink alcohol. I understand the general safeness of heavy use of THC, but I'm sort of frustrated that I was led to believe that weed could do no harm.
For myself I see a life trajectory that was clearly altered then I smoked weed, starting in highschool. Anyway I had someone say to me "stay away from the alcohol", suggesting I should not worry about weed use. Meanwhile smoking weed arguably affected my life like a major substance dependency does, and for me an occasional drink is way preferred to cannabis addiction. Anyway I just wanted to get off my chest how THC use can actually be vary harmful as much as it is safe for many to use also.
submitted by Amememime to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:24 Mindless_Context_503 How do I find friends here as kind of a weird person?

I moved here during the pandemic, and I had no one here to meet up with so since getting here I’ve been kind of alone?
I tried dating apps but a lot of the people using them for friendship want FWB or just share no interests with me since I’m not like a big sports fan or a gym rat or a club person
And I don’t know any in person ways to share my hobbies with people at least easily? I’m so tired of online friends, not that I don’t love them, but I do miss face to face friendships. :/
If anyone knows anywhere I can do this stuff with actual physical people or just.. places other ppl who like this shit tend to frequent for fun around here???
Board games (not monopoly and catan though, I don’t love party games- like not alone, sheriff of Nottingham, deception, etc.) Video games like bg3, frost punk, civ DnD!!! This especially.. I want irl dnd so much, the socializing makes me so happy :( Smoking , cozy alt fashion, shit like all this… it feels like there’s so many great people online with all these interests but in person it’s so hard rn cause I just don’t know where to start???
submitted by Mindless_Context_503 to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:03 chromedamian00 Feel like I’m running out of time and a lost cause

What’s cookin my emotional brothers and sisters. I’m 20 m and I was only recently diagnosed with BPD like two months ago by my therapist. He told me to do my own research in my own time and see if I could relate to others with the disorder, which I most definitely did and it was an extremely surreal experience. It STILL is surreal and it’s come with a lot of feelings both good and bad, but honestly mostly bad lmao.
After learning about the diagnosis I pretty quickly quit yet another job (this time a high paying shipyard) and also texted my high school ex who I haven’t spoken a single word to in TWO YEARS a massive embarrassing ramble of emotions (she responded as nicely as you can to that sort of thing though thankfully lol). Some weeks later and Im here now hired for yet another job that I’ll probably stay at for a few months then quit, but I want this to end so bad. I’m so tired and honestly the hope is gone.
I know I haven’t been in therapy long, but already my therapist has missed like three meetings and I don’t know if he can help me even if I did actually meet him every week like I’m supposed to. How can he help me become better just by talking to me when I’m this far gone? I’m thinking about talking to my psychiatrist about trying antipsychotics (especially since I’ve experienced two VERY vivid auditory hallucinations quite recently) but I’ve already tried so many stimulants and anti depressants that have done nothing for me.
I also read many stories about people with BPD and how they can’t find love and how they’re alone and it crushes me. Despite the fact that it’s been over two fucking years, I still miss and obsess over my ex all the time and since she dumped me it hasn’t felt like I’ve been living “life” anymore. It feels like every day I live has been the “aftermath” of that event despite all the times I’ve seriously tried to push her out of my mind with actual HEALTHY distractions over the past two years.
I feel so alone and unloved and that’s because I truly believe I am. The people who don’t hate me I cut from my life anyway subconsciously. I haven’t been able to connect with any of my family members since I was very young, not because they’re bad people or anything but just because I feel extremely anxious around all of them, and that definitely includes both my parents who I haven’t lived with since I was 13. I really only have 3 dickhead guy friends left who I’ve known for a decade, and lately they’ve been unhappy with me too (for good reason). The only person I love and I feel at least remotely loves me back isn’t actually a person but my cat Walt. The only thing I want in life is a real connection with someone. I WANT to work for it but I can’t, I always give up or fuck up somewhere down the line.
I’m just getting worse and worse. I’m addicted to everything and my physical health is taking a nose dive too. Binge eating has become a huge problem lately, and I think I’m starting to get fat which will fucking destroy me since I used to be a fat kid and thinning out was genuinely one of the best things that ever happened to me lmfao. I want to work out from home and get really fit and big which would be extremely helpful for my confidence, but I can’t even START because I know I will probably just give up like before. Time is flying so fast, probably in part because I haven’t stopped smoking copious amounts of pot longer than a week in over two years. I feel like I’m running out of time and even if I do get better or don’t fucking kill myself this week, I’ll have already wasted so much of my life. I’m so alone and depressed and tired and I have so many problems I don’t even know where to begin to even ATTEMPT to try and become happy.
Idk what any of you can tell me, and again I haven’t been in therapy for BPD long so really that’s probably my best bet. If it does help, I hope it starts helping really fucking soon because I think things are really, really bad now. Thanks for reading if you actually read through all this shit, just writing this all down actually made me feel a little better.
submitted by chromedamian00 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:01 Wlcm2ThDrkSd New neighbor

I’m 32(M) renting a duplex and these two girls have moved in next door. One of them is 23 and the other is 22, who seem very nice and friendly. They came over to introduce themselves the other day and we exchanged numbers just in case we needed to be in contact.
Problem is, the older one has been texting me to hangout and go for a walk to smoke a joint. I reply politely but we have yet to hangout. The other problem is I have a loving girlfriend that I don’t think she’s aware of.
I’m having trouble deciphering if she’s flirting with me or just wants to be friendly. I also can’t decipher if I want to hangout with someone as young as she is. I’m a very social person and I like getting to know new people but I’m still confused. Is this harmless if I do hangout with her? How do I go about this situation?
submitted by Wlcm2ThDrkSd to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:57 Old_Intactivist Citizens were randomly hanged and shot: The eyewitness testimony of Alice Campbell and others

Introduction to Chapter 8 ("Heralded by Columns of Smoke: Pee Dee River to Fayetteville, North Carolina"):
"Once across the Pee Dee River, General Sherman's army marched in the direction of Fayetteville.
"Resistance from Confederate cavalry under Generals Hampton, Butler and Wheeler was steady and continuous. Wheeler attacked at Rockingham on March 7, and Hampton surprised and captured Kilpatrick's camp on March 10. But Sherman's army marched steadily on.
"General Joseph E. Johnston, with headquarters at Fayetteville, was following General Lee's first instruction, 'Concentrate all available forces.' He moved his headquarters to Raleigh and directed the assembling of his army to Smithfield.
"Eighty-four years earlier, in January of 1781, North Carolina had suffered another march by an invading army. Lord Cornwallis and his army followed almost the same route on their way to Wilmington. This army had come three thousand miles to put down 'a rebellion'; and to pursue retreating 'rebels' through a wild and thinly scattered country. His army had passed through Cross Creek, which was now called Fayetteville.
"On March 11, General Sherman and his army entered this town. 'We have swept the country well,' he reported. 'The men and animals are in fine condition.'"
"Miss Alice Campbell was President of the Fayetteville Knitting Society when Colonel A. H. Hickenlooper, of Sherman's army, chose her home for his five-day sojourn. Bummers also visited her."
"'Sherman, with his hordes of depraved and lawless men, came upon us like swarms of bees, bringing sorrow and desolation in their pathway. For days we had been expecting them, and our loved boys in grey had been passing through in squads, looking ragged and hungry. We gave them food and clothing, especially shoes and socks, for many of them were bare-footed. The enemy seemed to be pouring in by every road that led to our doomed little town. Our Cavalry were contending every step, firing and falling back, covering the retreat of our gallant little band, Hardee's forces, with General Wade Hampton, Butler, and others -- the scene in our town baffled description, all was consternation and dismay. In less time than I can write this, Sherman's army was in possession of our once peaceful, quiet homes. Every yard and every house was teeming with the bummers, who went into our homes -- no place was sacred; they even went into our trunks and bureau draws, stealing everything they could find; our entire premises were ransacked and plundered, so there was nothing left for us to eat, but perhaps a little meal and peas. Chickens, and in fact all poultry was shot down and taken off with all else. We all knew our silver, jewelry and all valuables would fall into their hands, so many women hid them in such places as they thought would never be found ....
''They went into homes that were beautiful, rolled elegant pianos into the yard with valuable furniture, china, cut glass, and everything that was dear to the heart, even old family portraits, and chopped them up with axes -- rolled barrels of flour and molasses into the parlors, and poured out their contents on beautiful velvet carpets, in many cases set fire to lovely homes and burned them to the ground, and even took some of our old citizens and hanged them until life was nearly extinct, to force them to tell where their money was hidden; when alas! they had none to hide. They burned our factories, and we had a number of them, also many large warehouses, filled with homespun, and dwellings, banks, stores and other buildings, so that the nights were made hideous with dense smoke and firelight in every direction. The crowning point to this terrible nightmare of destruction was the burning and battering down of our beautiful and grandly magnificent Arsenal, which was our pride, and the showplace of our town.
''On our vacant lot behind our home .... were a number of Confederate prisoners who had been captured by Sherman's army, and placed there under guard. They numbered about one hundred, I think. They were hatless and shoeless and ragged ....'
"One of General Howard's young officers chose to stay in the home of Sally Hawthorne whose father and uncle owned two large cotton mills in Fayetteville. General Howard appropriated one of her uncle's houses and his men camped in the surrounding fields and grounds."For five days, Sally, her mother who 'refused to leave her room,' her father, and a houseful of young brothers and sisters and servants were under strict orders from the officers of invasion.
"'Never will I forget,' said the little girl, Sally, whose story follows."
"'Those last days were busy ones for General Sherman and his staff. The beautiful arsenal was destroyed and, as it happened, several private residences also caught fire and burned down, no help being given to save them, and the helpless owners rescued little, thankful to escape with their lives. Also the office of the town paper was blown up, as the editor was an especially obnoxious person in the eyes of the invading army, having waged a bitter fight against the North, and as his office was in the centre of the business part of town, more buildings were burned. (2) Then came the last day of the occupation; the troops were gathering and horses and supplies were being moved. All horses found there were taken along and many in the surrounding country were rounded up. Then there were the warehouses of cotton and rosin. The cotton was brought out, the barrels of rosin piled on them, and all set afire in the street. If houses caught, they burned, and that was all; many did. So a pall of black smoke hung over everything and the people were in a sad state of excitement and nervous exhaustion. As many houses were without a man to help or advise, the men of the family having been killed or being still in the army, the women and children were alone with the servants. The servants, with very few exceptions, proved true to their trust; they had been left to take care of the mistress and children in the master's absence, and though much excited, and sometimes frightened, they looked after the household faithfully. Of course there were some foolish and giddy young men and women who followed the army as it moved on from place to place, but they were the exception, not the rule ....'
"'No spot seemed safe from Sherman's bummers, but homes in the country or suburbs usually suffered more keenly than those in a town or city. The experiences of an unidentified woman who lived near Fayetteville were shared by many neighbors who were visited by the men from Sherman's army."
<< Fayetteville, N.C., March 22, 1865 >>
".... Sherman has gone and terrible has been the storm that has swept over us with his coming and going. They deliberately shot two of our citizens -- murdered them in cold blood -- one of them a Mr. Murphy, a wounded soldier, Confederate States Army. They hung up three others and one lady, merely letting them down just in time to save life, in order to make them tell where their valuables were concealed; and they whipped -- stripped and cowhided --several good and well known citizens for the same purpose.
"There was no place, no chamber, trunk, drawer, desk, garret, closet or cellar that was private to their unholy eyes. Their rude hands spared nothing but our lives, and those they would have taken but they knew that therein they would accomplish the death of a few helpless women and children -- they would not in the least degree break or bend the spirit of our people. Squad after squad unceasingly came and went and tramped through the halls and rooms of our house day and night during the entire stay of the army.'
"At our house they killed every chicken, goose, turkey, cow, calf and every living thing, even to our pet dog. They carried off our wagons, carriage and horses, and broke up our buggy, wheelbarrow, garden implements, axes, hatchets, hammers, saws, and burned the fences. Our smokehouse and pantry, that a few days ago were well stored with bacon, lard, flour, dried fruit, meal, pickles, preserves, etc., now contain nothing whatever except a few pounds of meal and flour and five pounds of bacon. They took from old men, women and children alike, every garment of wearing apparel save what we had on, not even sparing the napkins of infants! Blankets, sheets, quilts, &c., such as it did not suit them to take away they tore to pieces before our eyes. After destroying everything we had, and taking from us every morsel of food (save the pittance I have mentioned), one of these barbarians had to add insult to injury by asking me 'what you (I) would live upon now?' I replied, 'Upon patriotism; I will exist upon the love of my country as long as life will last, and then I will die as firm in that love as the everlasting hills.
''Oh,' says he, ' but we shall soon subjugate the rebellion, and you will then have no country to love.
''Never!' I interrupted, 'never! you and your blood-handed countrymen may make the whole of this beautiful land one vast graveyard but its people will never be subjugated. Every man, woman and child of us will sleep quietly in honourable graves, but we will never live dishonourable lives .....'"
"When Sherman Came: Southern Women and the 'Great March'" by Katharine M. Jones (1964). Chapter 8: "Heralded by Columns of Smoke: Pee Dee River to Fayetteville, North Carolina." New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. Pages 273-286.
submitted by Old_Intactivist to TheConfederateView [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:52 IronMan1238 A Massive Custom Franchise (this is fun to me, lol)

A Massive Custom Franchise (this is fun to me, lol)
The main goal or purpose of this was I just wanted to add in some of the best Baseball players I've grown up with and I wanted to create my own ratings/abilities based on performance/analytics(numbers) over a certain period of time to see how different eras of players stack up and so I started my journey...
HUGE disclaimer - I did this for fun probably spent over 200+ hours offline researching, spreadsheeting, Googling and 100 hour-ish adding/tinkering in game. I didn't think I would ever enjoy something like this as much as I did, but man did I get some immense enjoyment and dopamine spikes partaking, ha. That being said AGAIN this is all just for fun and I tried to rely just on the numbers I've captured and biases aside; SO if you think someone is better than x or if you think this is wrong good for you. I'm just trying to share my experience because none of my friends wanna play with me, haha.
I started by grabbing all my favorite nostalgic players ie Barry Bonds, Strawberry, Thome, Griffey Jr, ARod, Derek Jeter, Greg Maddox, Chipper Jones, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, John Smoltz, etc. After this I just started going through MVPs and All Stars over the last 50 years just to see who was this shit and who wasn't (tried to stay away from 1 hit wonders). I wanted to keep it somewhat narrow, but tried to grab like the best 15 players from each position give or take.
Batters - Main Tab
Pitchers - Main Tab
I started by grabbing about 5-10 or all years of a players main stats categories from FanGraphs:
  • Batter things like = HR, R, RBI, SB, BABIP, AVG, OBP, SLG, wRC+, ISO, wOBA, WAR
  • Pitcher things like = W, L, ERA, SV, K/9, BB/9, FIP
  • Fielding things like = DRS, UZR, Def, ARM(C and OF)
After this I had to figure out how to compare players of different eras that didn't have some of these stats categories above. Some stats categories worked great while others meh, but I'm not trying to waste a ton of time(only like weeks of doing this, ha).
Batter - Actual Stats
So after entering these years(rows) of data for each player into a Excel Spreadsheet I setup many formulas to give me an idea of what was high, avg and low for each stat category I wanted to capture. Example - I took a few of the best years Barry Bonds and Babe Ruth had and figured out what their ISO, wOBA, wRAA, wRC+, Off, BABIP, AVG, BsR, SBs(for speed) was.
(I did the same concept for Pitchers trying to assign different stat categories to ability points ie K/9/FIP = Velocity, BABIP/FIP = Junk, B/9, FIP = Accuracy... Pitchers were much harder to find good stat categories for comparison so take it as it is.)
(Fielding was also difficult, but I found a few stat categories like DRS, UZR, Def, Arm(for both OF and C) that were good at comparing each other and by positions. Then with a little more research on who was winning Glove Gloves, who was throwing people out from the OF, who had cannons, C throwing out baserunners, etc. I was able to get a good idea on how to match my stat categories/ability points to this. I also did the same for Batters/Pitchers, but I will get more into that when I talk about traits below.)
Obviously these stat categories for Barry Bonds and Babe Ruth were all incredibly high for their best years so I had to figure you how to compare others to this, so that is where I got an avg stat category number for each for all players + every year they played.
I created a sliding scale that started with that avg stat category number of that specific stat category equaling 50 ability points. Then I would assign a specific value that would increase/decrease it incrementally to give it a 0-99 ability point value ie ISO for both these players were so high it didn't make sense for those to be max on the sliding scale so sometimes players were wayyy above the max value so it is what it is. I wanted to grab more categories that I could apply to each of the main abilities points ie Power, Contact, Speed, etc. to average this out.
ISO Table
I ended up making 5 different stat categories for Power, 3 for Contact and 2 for Speed. I would say this isn't perfect, but it was fun. Pitching was 2 for each Velocity, Junk, Accuracy. Fielding was 3 for Fielding and a combination of things for Arm depending on your position ie IF, OF and C.
After this I created a Pivot Table with a few more formulas to grab all the Seasons that would be qualified ie Batters had a PA minimum and Pitchers had an IP minimum.
Batters - Pivot Table
And then after this I had my main tabs for Batters/Pitchers that were just a simple ArrayFormula to go grab the best 5 Seasons/years for each ability point category(you can refer back to the Batters/Pitchers - Main Tab Screenshots to see that). I experimented with many different numbers for Seasons/years that would be included, but felt like 5 was the most fair or if at least anything created a little space in-between players.
So my last step was going through all these Batters/Pitchers and doing a few double checking of data points ie researching/Googling best OF/C/IF arms in Baseball, best Pitchers, best CF, LF, etc., best fielders in those positions, clutch players, most RBIs, SBs, HRs in a single season to see if my numbers made sense with what people were saying. After some small adjustments to make those make sense I had my ability points.
So I took this step above also to figure out who was going to get what Trait wise. I looked for Clutch, RBI Hero, Stealer, Elite 4F, Specialist or any Trait that I felt like matched what that player was known for. This is probably the most subjective part and sometimes I just gave them something if they were a top player in that ability point category ie 90+ Power, 90+ Speed etc. I wasn't stingy with these traits either I pretty much gave everyone 2 albeit the strong traits to the better players.
If they weren't an already created Legend I made sure to try to create their look based on a quick Google search of there most ridiculous features ie hair, beefy/ripped, ridiculous batting/pitching stance. I also prefer the announcer says a name rather than just putting in their name via text ie Wade Boggs is Wade Biggs; Derek Jeter is Derek Jeterson.
Examples of Players
I guess last thing would be I created a 32 Team League with some of the already created teams from SML and Legends League and then created a few others I just liked Mascot wise. I picked a funny State and actually divided up Teams based on Regions and tried to match a good Stadium for each.
Created/Generated Teams:
  • Michigan Dive Bombers
  • North Dakota Spiderbears
  • Maine Torpedoes
  • Kanas Dirt Dogs
  • Utah Divine
  • Hawaii Bottlenoses
I think in total of the 800 Players needed for a Franchise:
  • 484 are from the original SML
  • 220 created or updated Legends - 6 Teams of Batters, 4 Teams of Pitchers
  • The rest are either created FAs or 1 offs from Legends Teams
Teams - In Game
Team Names + Stadiums + Misc
I've set it up also so I can add in Players pretty easily(added Acuna Jr and updated Judge, Ohtani 2023 Season/year) just put in the years you want calculated on the stats tab and add them to the main tab and the formulas do the rest!
Hope at least 1 person enjoys! haha. Since I've finally finished I've been running shuffle draft modes constantly so much fun!
submitted by IronMan1238 to SuperMegaBaseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:51 Salt-Creme3782 Brother got 10 criminal charges... just the beginning

Throwaway account. Ok I'm going to try and keep this as short as I can. I am a grown adult with an older brother (in his mid-40s) who has suffered from mental health and substance abuse issues for his entire adult life. To paint a quick profile: tormented the sh*t out of me growing up - non-stop teasing and ridicule, never graduated high school - suspensions, failing, skipping classes, smoking weed at a young age, kicked out of every high school he attended, started with street drugs (mostly opiates) and eventually moved onto prescription drugs, after my parents got divorced when he was 16 he lived with my dad for a while until he couldn't handle him and kicked him out.
He subsequently got kicked out of every place he ever lived, I think I counted 14 places at one point. Never had a job - my dad enabled his addiction by giving him money, giving him pills, driving him around, buying him things, etc. He has been in and out of rehab and various programs over the years but quickly relapsed after leaving or got kicked out before he completed the program for breaking rules, smuggling in substances, etc. I believe he has been diagnosed as bipolar and also as having a narcissistic personality disorder (that word gets thrown around a lot these days but he is a text book definition). He's on several different medications to 'manage' these conditions. I haven't spoken to him in a couple years. More on that below.
In 2017 Dad passed away and left him with a sizeable insurance policy - not seven figures but not very far off either. Everyone knew this was going to be a complete disaster and of course it was. He ignored everyone's pleading to not touch the money (and mocked and ridiculed everyone along the way) and instead endlessly made ridiculous purchases, ordered expensive food on a daily basis, made poor "investments", and in about 4 years he had wasted all of the money and became destitute. On top of that he got kicked out of the place he was living for not paying rent, threatening the landlord, etc. Since then he has been living in his car (which is now sold/gone), living on random people's couches (until he destroyed those relationships as well), in and out of hospitals claiming he needs to be admitted because of mental health issues which never works, and has spent nights on the street or fast food joints or wherever he can find shelter since he's basically homeless now. Of course all of this is everyone else's fault, he claims no responsibility for any of it.
While all of this is happening he has been harassing my mom to no end - sending text messages, voicemails, he also showed up at her door 2-3 times demanding that she let him live there, asking for money, and so forth. He threatens her constantly in vivid, horrific detail in text and voice notes. He has tried this with me as well but I have distanced myself completed by blocking him on every channel he tries to contact me on. He doesn't know where I live and has no other way to contact me. My mom continues to talk to him on a somewhat regular basis since his behaviour is inconsistent. She also has immense feelings of guilt and also fears that if she blocks him completely that it will only enrage him more and that he will come to her house to hurt her. Also, despite his pathetic behaviour she is still his mother. I can't possibly imagine what she is going through with this and it breaks my heart to even imagine it.
Ok so fast forward to a few weeks ago and he has been sleeping in a hospital washroom for several nights and eventually gets confronted by staff and they tell him he must leave or they are going to call the police. In his brilliance he tells them if they don't admit him that he's going to kill his mother (I suppose thinking that such an outlandish statement would get him admitted for mental health reasons and he'll have a place to stay). Instead the staff calls the police. When the police arrive they run his name and discover that there is a warrant for his arrest because a girl he was dating two years earlier reported him for harassment, assault, forcible confinement, and sending threatening messages - 10 criminal charges. The police arrest him and since he didn't have anyone to post bail for him (I refused, my mom refused) he spent about 2 weeks in prison.
He's now out of prison as of a few days ago and is required by the court to reside at a shelter until his court date. He hasn't missed a beat and is again sending my mom threatening messages and now me as well, I realized I hadn't blocked his email.
Ok I could go on but you get the picture. My issue is this - how do I support my mom while she is going through this? If I wasn't hearing about him through her I wouldn't even know what's going on in his life and honestly I wouldn't care much either. I realize that he is beyond help, I wish I could help him but this isn't the kind of person that can be saved, and that is a battle I need to fight within my own mind.
My mom is asking if I can call him and tell him to stop harassing her, just to show him we are a united front and to support her. I want to support my mom but I honestly don't see how this will be of any help at all. It feels like it will only emotionally and mentally exhaust me if I have to speak with him.
Sorry, this was a really long post. Would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you.
submitted by Salt-Creme3782 to DysfunctionalFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:48 Old_Intactivist Citizens were randomly hanged and shot: The eyewitness testimony of Alice Campbell and others

Introduction to Chapter 8 ("Heralded by Columns of Smoke: Pee Dee River to Fayetteville, North Carolina"):
"Once across the Pee Dee River, General Sherman's army marched in the direction of Fayetteville.
"Resistance from Confederate cavalry under Generals Hampton, Butler and Wheeler was steady and continuous. Wheeler attacked at Rockingham on March 7, and Hampton surprised and captured Kilpatrick's camp on March 10. But Sherman's army marched steadily on.
"General Joseph E. Johnston, with headquarters at Fayetteville, was following General Lee's first instruction, 'Concentrate all available forces.' He moved his headquarters to Raleigh and directed the assembling of his army to Smithfield.
"Eighty-four years earlier, in January of 1781, North Carolina had suffered another march by an invading army. Lord Cornwallis and his army followed almost the same route on their way to Wilmington. This army had come three thousand miles to put down 'a rebellion'; and to pursue retreating 'rebels' through a wild and thinly scattered country. His army had passed through Cross Creek, which was now called Fayetteville.

"On March 11, General Sherman and his army entered this town. 'We have swept the country well,' he reported. 'The men and animals are in fine condition.'"

"Miss Alice Campbell was President of the Fayetteville Knitting Society when Colonel A. H. Hickenlooper, of Sherman's army, chose her home for his five-day sojourn. Bummers also visited her."
"'Sherman, with his hordes of depraved and lawless men, came upon us like swarms of bees, bringing sorrow and desolation in their pathway. For days we had been expecting them, and our loved boys in grey had been passing through in squads, looking ragged and hungry. We gave them food and clothing, especially shoes and socks, for many of them were bare-footed. The enemy seemed to be pouring in by every road that led to our doomed little town. Our Cavalry were contending every step, firing and falling back, covering the retreat of our gallant little band, Hardee's forces, with General Wade Hampton, Butler, and others -- the scene in our town baffled description, all was consternation and dismay. In less time than I can write this, Sherman's army was in possession of our once peaceful, quiet homes. Every yard and every house was teeming with the bummers, who went into our homes -- no place was sacred; they even went into our trunks and bureau draws, stealing everything they could find; our entire premises were ransacked and plundered, so there was nothing left for us to eat, but perhaps a little meal and peas. Chickens, and in fact all poultry was shot down and taken off with all else. We all knew our silver, jewelry and all valuables would fall into their hands, so many women hid them in such places as they thought would never be found ....
''They went into homes that were beautiful, rolled elegant pianos into the yard with valuable furniture, china, cut glass, and everything that was dear to the heart, even old family portraits, and chopped them up with axes -- rolled barrels of flour and molasses into the parlors, and poured out their contents on beautiful velvet carpets, in many cases set fire to lovely homes and burned them to the ground, and even took some of our old citizens and hanged them until life was nearly extinct, to force them to tell where their money was hidden; when alas! they had none to hide. They burned our factories, and we had a number of them, also many large warehouses, filled with homespun, and dwellings, banks, stores and other buildings, so that the nights were made hideous with dense smoke and firelight in every direction. The crowning point to this terrible nightmare of destruction was the burning and battering down of our beautiful and grandly magnificent Arsenal, which was our pride, and the showplace of our town.
''On our vacant lot behind our home .... were a number of Confederate prisoners who had been captured by Sherman's army, and placed there under guard. They numbered about one hundred, I think. They were hatless and shoeless and ragged ....'
"One of General Howard's young officers chose to stay in the home of Sally Hawthorne whose father and uncle owned two large cotton mills in Fayetteville. General Howard appropriated one of her uncle's houses and his men camped in the surrounding fields and grounds."For five days, Sally, her mother who 'refused to leave her room,' her father, and a houseful of young brothers and sisters and servants were under strict orders from the officers of invasion.
"'Never will I forget,' said the little girl, Sally, whose story follows."
"'Those last days were busy ones for General Sherman and his staff. The beautiful arsenal was destroyed and, as it happened, several private residences also caught fire and burned down, no help being given to save them, and the helpless owners rescued little, thankful to escape with their lives. Also the office of the town paper was blown up, as the editor was an especially obnoxious person in the eyes of the invading army, having waged a bitter fight against the North, and as his office was in the centre of the business part of town, more buildings were burned. (2) Then came the last day of the occupation; the troops were gathering and horses and supplies were being moved. All horses found there were taken along and many in the surrounding country were rounded up. Then there were the warehouses of cotton and rosin. The cotton was brought out, the barrels of rosin piled on them, and all set afire in the street. If houses caught, they burned, and that was all; many did. So a pall of black smoke hung over everything and the people were in a sad state of excitement and nervous exhaustion. As many houses were without a man to help or advise, the men of the family having been killed or being still in the army, the women and children were alone with the servants. The servants, with very few exceptions, proved true to their trust; they had been left to take care of the mistress and children in the master's absence, and though much excited, and sometimes frightened, they looked after the household faithfully. Of course there were some foolish and giddy young men and women who followed the army as it moved on from place to place, but they were the exception, not the rule ....'
"'No spot seemed safe from Sherman's bummers, but homes in the country or suburbs usually suffered more keenly than those in a town or city. The experiences of an unidentified woman who lived near Fayetteville were shared by many neighbors who were visited by the men from Sherman's army."
<< Fayetteville, N.C., March 22, 1865 >>
".... Sherman has gone and terrible has been the storm that has swept over us with his coming and going. They deliberately shot two of our citizens -- murdered them in cold blood -- one of them a Mr. Murphy, a wounded soldier, Confederate States Army. They hung up three others and one lady, merely letting them down just in time to save life, in order to make them tell where their valuables were concealed; and they whipped -- stripped and cowhided --several good and well known citizens for the same purpose.
"There was no place, no chamber, trunk, drawer, desk, garret, closet or cellar that was private to their unholy eyes. Their rude hands spared nothing but our lives, and those they would have taken but they knew that therein they would accomplish the death of a few helpless women and children -- they would not in the least degree break or bend the spirit of our people. Squad after squad unceasingly came and went and tramped through the halls and rooms of our house day and night during the entire stay of the army.'
"At our house they killed every chicken, goose, turkey, cow, calf and every living thing, even to our pet dog. They carried off our wagons, carriage and horses, and broke up our buggy, wheelbarrow, garden implements, axes, hatchets, hammers, saws, and burned the fences. Our smokehouse and pantry, that a few days ago were well stored with bacon, lard, flour, dried fruit, meal, pickles, preserves, etc., now contain nothing whatever except a few pounds of meal and flour and five pounds of bacon. They took from old men, women and children alike, every garment of wearing apparel save what we had on, not even sparing the napkins of infants! Blankets, sheets, quilts, &c., such as it did not suit them to take away they tore to pieces before our eyes. After destroying everything we had, and taking from us every morsel of food (save the pittance I have mentioned), one of these barbarians had to add insult to injury by asking me 'what you (I) would live upon now?' I replied, 'Upon patriotism; I will exist upon the love of my country as long as life will last, and then I will die as firm in that love as the everlasting hills.
''Oh,' says he, ' but we shall soon subjugate the rebellion, and you will then have no country to love.
''Never!' I interrupted, 'never! you and your blood-handed countrymen may make the whole of this beautiful land one vast graveyard but its people will never be subjugated. Every man, woman and child of us will sleep quietly in honourable graves, but we will never live dishonourable lives .....'"
"When Sherman Came: Southern Women and the 'Great March'" by Katharine M. Jones (1964). Chapter 8: "Heralded by Columns of Smoke: Pee Dee River to Fayetteville, North Carolina." New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. Pages 273-286.
submitted by Old_Intactivist to TheConfederateView [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 Former_Response_2659 looking for new girl friends in durham !

hey guys ! i’m looking to expand my friend group and meet some new like minded girl friends to kick it w / go do fun activities with in ajax / whitby / pickering / oshawa !
a lil detail in case anyone is interested;
i’m 21 , in ajax/pk area but i drive , im more of an introvert at heart and i do love being outside jus not outside like that 👀 yk. im not really a party person n i don’t smoke or drink anymore but if you do im not one of those people who’s gonna look at you sideways / all holier than thou if that’s your thing so dw about that ! i love doing things like going for cute lil nature walks , trying out new restaurants and stores , and thrifting and stuff like that (:
i love my friends dearly and i’ve always wanted to have a lil group do random fun stuff with. like it’d be so fun to be able to call someone up n say ‘hey girl if you’re free do you wanna get some canvases from dollarama and go sit by the lake and paint some stuff’ , random lil things like that lol !
id love to be able to connect w more positive girls who share some of these interests and have a great summer w some new friendships ! (ideally they’d last longer than jus the summer 😭)
i don’t really have socials like that anymore but pm me here or add my discord and we can make a server if anyone’s interested ! 😁 @ ._kp365
submitted by Former_Response_2659 to durham [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:43 FreonKennedy I went from a polite child with a perfect family to living a drug and emotion fuelled nightmare. And I’m currently waking up from it day by day.

This is all short form as I can make it. When I was 15 years old, I was a little skinny skater kid, was bullied a lot. It was my first year of highschool. (Grade 9, Ontario.) I was bullied horrendously. The county kids would golf club shotgun shells at my face while I would skateboard down the hill after lunch break. It bugged me, but I always had the picture perfect mother and father household to return to. I grew up with perfect parents. I was polite, I was determined, I didn’t let anybody stop me. Then my father starts acting strange. He starts acting childish. And while our humour together is immature, this was a grown man acting like a child. It was scary and started kind of suddenly. I come to find he has a brain tumour as my mom tells me. She always would bring me in to help her fold clothes when she had bad news. Anyways, some time goes by. We learn it is a brain tumour. Some times goes by, we learn it is stage 4 cancer. He didn’t smoke, he would only drink during cookouts with neighbours or watching new episodes of the clone wars animated tv show with me on Fridays. Anyways, he progresses, it becomes nightmarish. The man I knew was already dead at one point. It was like his brain cancer was a parasite. I started to become very dark as a person, and detached. He would watch me play Nintendo 64 with his legs shaking violently, not understanding why I was shooting stormtroopers in the game. I told him they are stormtroopers dad remember? The empire? Over time it became a blur from this point. From what I remember that my brain lets me, he was in hospice, sickly, moon faced, like I was watching cancer take over his body and taunt me. I became addicted to crack cocaine , I didn’t take school seriously anymore, I was around violence, meth, constantly partying and hanging with people twice my age or more and started owing debts. I somehow always managed to weasel my way out with sales from my beatmaking hobby. I completely destroy myself for years, stopped attending school, my mother and I were a team, but I constantly worried her. Hard drugs had taken me over. I lost my sense of reality because I didn’t want to think about my father being wheeled out lifeless. Hugging his cold body one last time at the funeral before he was buried. Fast forward, I have been discharged from the phych ward due to a suicide attempt at 18. I still have my cheo bear even though I was old it brings me comfort. His name is Gus. Years of alcoholism follow. Because after my cheo incident weed would make me shake violently. We now come to present day. I am 24. My mother has remarried with a stepfather. He has learned to ease up around us as he grew up a different way. I started adult high-school last year and just passed my math exam. The alcoholism still exists but only once a weekend. It seems I may have developed diabetes from it but it’s not concrete. It’s hard especially with women explaining how you are starting your fifteen year old life at 23-24 but you know what? It’s never too late. Life certainly has a lot more pain in the future as any adult life does. But a life of being a man completely formed by a traumatic event is rough, underneath that is all of the great heart my father taught me. His last words he spoke were “be grape” it sounds silly but that’s his brain cancer. You could tell there was a frustrated man beneath who could no longer express himself. And he meant be great as my mother said. And I will not die until I am. It is never too late, to be great. ❤️
submitted by FreonKennedy to lifeinapost [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:28 AlfrescoDog The Great Wall and Wall Street: Become a Better Trader by Understanding the Perils of 🇨🇳 Chinese Companies on 🇺🇸 U.S. Exchanges

The Great Wall and Wall Street: Become a Better Trader by Understanding the Perils of 🇨🇳 Chinese Companies on 🇺🇸 U.S. Exchanges
⚠️ Attention all traders and holders of Chinese stocks: You should read this if you don’t know what a VIE is. Sure, most of you will be repelled by the great wall of text here (so many words!), but you might want to keep this post nearby.
Hello. You are aware that Wall Street’s bustling bazaar hosts a veritable Forbidden City of Chinese companies draped in ticker tape rather than silk. Today, I will provide background and data on all allowed Chinese companies listed on three of the largest U.S. stock exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq, and NYSE American.
I should note that a bustling troupe of 26 national securities exchanges are registered with the SEC in the United States. Most are owned by the Nasdaq, NYSE, or the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).
Nonetheless, based on data from the World Federation of Exchanges as of August 2023, the NYSE and Nasdaq were the top two exchanges behemoths of the global financial stage, accounting for 42.4% of the total $110.2 trillion in valuation traded across 80 major global exchanges.
🖼️ I had a photo of Wall Street to add here, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
2022 vs. 2023
According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, as of January 8, 2024, there were 265 Chinese companies listed on the three U.S. exchanges, with a total market capitalization of $848 billion. That valuation is down from a year prior—January 9, 2023—when a slightly lower 252 Chinese companies were tracked, but they represented a total market capitalization of $1.03 trillion.
Since January 2023, 24 Chinese companies have entered the spotlight of the three U.S. exchanges, raising $656 million in combined initial public offerings (IPOs). On the other hand, eleven Chinese companies have folded their tents and delisted.
China Securities Regulatory Commission
The American stock exchanges witnessed a springtime bloom of Chinese IPOs in the first quarter of 2023. However, this listing activity came to an abrupt halt as the clock struck March 31, 2023.
Why? The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) implemented a revised approval process for companies going public overseas.
I won’t get into the details, but China has rules to cap foreign investment and ownership in sectors deemed strategic, such as technology. In the past, those regulations have driven several Chinese firms to the legal gymnastics of a Variable Interest Entity (VIE) structure—a clever contrivance that allowed them to leapfrog domestic constraints.
However, under the revised review mechanism, every company, regardless of its corporate ownership structure, must now bow before the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to register its intent to list overseas.
🖼️ I had a photo of the CSRC building to add here, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
The gatekeeper
Therefore, although the CSRC touted this regulation as a necessary measure for enforcing regulatory compliance and preventing fraud (which is true), it also helps regulators act as gatekeepers poised to block any proposed listing they deem poses a risk to their national security or jeopardizes China's national interests.
This process is wide-ranging. For instance, it includes an evaluation of the company’s safeguards against disclosing what the Chinese Communist Party considers potential state secrets. But we’re not talking about top-secret black-ops projects meant to be hidden from international oversight committees. No… any company that collects personal information on more than one million users requires stern data security review mechanisms for its cross-border data flows.
For perspective, TikTok has over 150 million users in the U.S. alone and is not subject to the same scrutiny from the Western nations.
Currently, the CSRC approval process is reportedly taking upward of six months.
Audit inspections and investigations in China
You’re probably unaware of the HFCAA, so let’s start there.
The Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act of 2020 (HFCAA) is a law that requires companies publicly listed on stock exchanges in the U.S. to disclose to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) information on foreign jurisdictions that prevent the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) from conducting inspections.
That law laid down a stern ultimatum: If Chinese authorities kept obstructing the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) from inspecting audit firms in China or Hong Kong for three consecutive years, the companies audited by these entities would face a ban from the bustling arenas of the U.S. exchanges.
Basically, either China allowed the PCAOB to inspect the audit firms, or the companies had to change to another auditing firm within three years.
Then, as 2022 waned to its final days (literally, on December 29), President Joe Biden signed a Consolidated Appropriations Act, which contained a provision that will tighten the noose, shortening future timelines from three consecutive years to only two.
Once they looked under the rock
Finally allowed to conduct full investigations of audit firms in mainland China and Hong Kong after over a decade of obstruction, the PCAOB announced the findings of its first round of inspections in May 2023, identifying deficiencies in seven of eight audits conducted by the auditing firms KPMG Huazhen and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Hong Kong. Audits of Chinese Companies Are Highly Deficient, U.S. Regulator Says
On November 30, 2023, the PCAOB announced fines against three audit firms in China, totaling $7.9 million for misconduct. For perspective, that number included the second and third-largest fines ever doled out by the PCAOB.
Why were the fines so bad?
Those sneaky Chinese accountants
Imagine a gaggle of accountants in the far reaches of PwC China and Hong Kong applying for a U.S. auditing curriculum. But alas, these foreign accountants find the U.S. auditing training tests a trifle tedious, so someone came up with the answers and decided to pass them around like a secret note in a schoolroom.
From 2018 to 2020, over 1,000 of these busy bees completed their U.S. auditing online exams by copying the answers from two unauthorized apps with a fervor that would make a gossip columnist blush.
When confronted with the evidence, PwC China and PwC Hong Kong response: 🤷‍♂️
And let me remind you, this happened late last year. Both firms are expected to provide reasonable assurance that their personnel will act with integrity in connection with internal training and to report their compliance to the PCAOB within 150 days—April 2024.
🖼️ I was planning on using an AI-generated image of Chinese accountants cheating, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
State-owned enterprises
According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, this graph represents the total market capitalization of Chinese companies listed in the three U.S. exchanges.
Market Capitalization of Listed Chinese Companies
The number of listed companies has stayed at around 260. However, all Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have delisted themselves from U.S. exchanges, most of them soon after the PCAOB announced it had secured complete access to Chinese auditors’ records.
Variable Interest Entities (VIEs)
Most traders—and that means you—are unaware that 166 Chinese companies currently listed on the three major U.S. exchanges use a VIE structure.
As of January 8, 2024, these companies have a market capitalization of $772 billion. For perspective, that represents 91% of the total market capitalization of all the Chinese firms listed on the three major U.S. exchanges.
What the hell is a VIE?
It is a complex corporate structure that grants shareholders contractual claims to control via an offshore shell company without transferring actual ownership in the company.
A Variable Interest Entity (VIE) is a bit like a riverboat casino’s cleverest trick, allowing a company to sell its chips on a foreign table without ever letting the players hold the cards directly.
A VIE is a structure used primarily by companies that wish to partake in the financial streams of another country (the U.S. exchanges) without breaking local laws (Chinese laws) that prevent full ownership.
Remember, Chinese companies structured themselves as VIEs to circumvent China’s restrictions—not U.S. restrictions—on foreign ownership in industries the CCP deems sensitive.
Therefore, when you hold stock in one of these Chinese companies, you’re not officially holding any actual ownership in the company. Because if you did, then that company could be breaking Chinese restrictive caps on foreign investment and ownership.
That’s why they set up a façade, or a legal entity, that controls the business on paper, but the true power and profits are funneled back to the company pulling the strings.
Granted, it’s not as shaky as asking a random stranger to hold your shares, but it is crafty, and you should be aware of the risks.
Wait. What are the risks?
You need to understand that there’s a shadow of potential risk looming. Potential. Now, don't mistake me for the town crier of doom; I'm not proclaiming that the sky is falling on these shares. Nor am I declaring that disaster is certain for Chinese stocks.
What I am pointing out, however, is the presence of a risk—a subtle beast that might just catch you off guard if you remain unaware.
And let’s face it: Most of you are completely oblivious to these issues.
There are two sides here: 🇺🇸 & 🇨🇳
Since July 2021, the SEC has imposed additional disclosure requirements for Chinese companies using a VIE to sell shares in the U.S. These requirements include greater transparency about the relationship between the VIE and its Chinese operating companies.
In summary, the SEC aims to push VIEs toward the company behind them to offer more clarity on U.S. investor ownership in the Chinese operating company.
On the other side, Chinese companies that list overseas using a VIE were not required to register their listings with the CSRC, as the VIE is not considered a Chinese company under China’s law. This is the reason VIEs were used in the first place.
However, as I mentioned earlier, after March 31, 2023, the CSRC established requirements for all new Chinese companies to register and receive permission before going public overseas—even those planning to use VIE structures. That’s why there was a boom of Chinese IPOs before that deadline.
Granted, on September 14, 2023, a Chinese auto insurance platform became the first company that received the elusive blessing of the CSRC to list, and it did so using a VIE arrangement, breaking the long, dry spell that had plagued Chinese IPOs when she listed on the Nasdaq four days later.
However, even though VIEs received some sort of recognition from the CSRC, the VIE corporate structures still hold dubious legal status under China’s laws. Remember, VIEs purpose is to avoid being considered a Chinese company under China’s laws.
So… do you see the potential risk here?
Umm… No, I don’t get it.
Think about it. Either country could potentially increase regulations for VIEs, but if the SEC forces them to be more transparent, the VIE would not be able to circumvent China’s restrictions. That’s one risk.
Also, at some point, China’s CSRC might question whether it’s appropriate to recognize a corporate structure that was created to circumvent its laws.
Which leads me to this: What’s keeping the CCP from deciding to start reigning in those VIEs?
The answer is simple: They’re not in a hurry to do so because if misfortune should befall, it’ll be the foreign investors who’ll see their assets deflated like a punctured balloon.
🖼️ I would've added a nice image or two by now, to balance all the text and make this more appealing, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
If a VIE-listed company goes private at a lower valuation, businesses fail, or there’s a valuation discrepancy, the enforceability of a VIE’s contractual arrangements is unproven in Chinese courts. With VIE-listed companies, foreign investors’ recourse in the Chinese legal system is as elusive as a catfish’s whisper.
Yeah, but that’s unlikely…
Sure. Of course, I’m not saying every Chinese stock will have these issues. But it can happen. And it has happened.
The unlucky case of Luckin Coffee
Due to the lack of compliance with international audit inspections, Chinese corporate financial statements’ reliability for valuation and investment is not assured.
Such is the case of Luckin Coffee. In a bold bid to capture Wall Street’s hearts and wallets, Luckin Coffee showed up dressed in finery, flaunting alluring figures of revenue, operations, and bustling customer traffic.
At her grand debut, the stock sashayed onto the Nasdaq at $17, swirling up a storm of interested buyers to the tune of $561 million in capital.
For a fleeting moment, Luckin shimmered like a star over the financial firmament, boasting a market capitalization that soared to a heady $12 billion, with shares peaking just over $50.
Ah, but as the adage goes, ‘Truth will out.’ And out it came—the revelation of those embroidered numbers caused the company's stock to plummet like a stone tossed from a bridge, leaving a wake of investor losses and culminating in a disgraceful delisting from Nasdaq 13 months after her debut. Luckin Coffee Drops Nasdaq Appeal; Shares to Be Delisted
🖼️ I would've added an AI-generated image of a cup of Luckin Coffee jumping from a bridge, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
Well… but that won’t happen to me…
Uh-huh. On April 2, 2020, after announcing that employees—including its chief operating officer—falsified 2.2 billion yuan (about $310 million) in sales throughout 2019, Luckin's shares nosedived -80%.
This is from one of you unluckin bastards: I've lost 240k on Luckin Coffee, all my life savings. Now I'm broke af.
I’m sure many of you might reckon yourselves immune to a similar debacle since you think you’re smart enough to use stops to escape any runaway losses. It's time to wake up and smell the Luckin coffee. Chinese news catalysts often strike like lightning at night, and the stops you set under the sun cannot shield you from storms that explode in the moonlight. Dumbass.
Chinese regulators can be mercurial
Even though the PCAOB is currently able to perform its oversight responsibilities, concerns remain around the possibility that Chinese regulators might backtrack, potentially clamping down once again on the PCAOB's ability to access audit firms and personnel across mainland China and Hong Kong.
If that happens, the PCAOB can quickly declare a negative determination. HOWEVER, this action would only start the countdown under the HFCAA, giving U.S.-listed Chinese companies a window of TWO years to secure services from an auditor in a compliant jurisdiction or face a trading ban. That’s it.
Of course, within that time, Chinese regulators could agree once again to allow access to the PCAOB, thus resetting the two-year countdown without significant consequences.
What lurks in the shadows
Although the risk of PCAOB non-compliance looms over these financial engagements, it is the ghost of potentially misconstrued—or, let's say, creatively presented—earnings reports coming to light that should scare you most. Or, on the flip side, present the biggest opportunity.
I believe it is possible that there are several ghosts out there—ghastly financial figures dressed up a tad too finely—lingering in the shadows, unchecked and unchallenged. If they’re found and unveiled under the harsh spotlight of scrutiny, the fallout would be immediate and severe, leaving investors scrambling.
And if that happens, it’s not about diamond-holding through the plunge since the company might opt (or be forced) to delist from the U.S. exchanges.
🖼️ I would've added an AI-generated image of an attractive young Chinese ghost woman, implying both the allure of Chinese stocks, but also the risk of getting closer. However, I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
You need to understand a crucial concept. Many traders believe that if a company messes up, plunges, and gets delisted, it means the company is basically over—dead. But that’s not the case here. A delisting does not equal death.
I mean, Luckin Coffee is still out there, alive and kicking.
16,218 stores and counting, covering 240+ cities across China.
You would think that a company like that would not be able to cheat on its balance sheet. Yeah, just like you would think PwC China would notice 1,000 accountants cheated their way through the U.S. auditing curriculum.
🖼️ I would've added an AI-generated image of a Chinese accountant dabbing like a boss for getting his cheated accounting diploma, but I'm only allowed to include one attachment.
So… is it too far-fetched to believe more ghosts might come to light, now that the PCAOB can supervise the numbers?
I mentioned a flip side since you could specialize in tracking everything the PCAOB does. If you can get a whiff about increased auditing on a certain company, you might decide to play a short position in anticipation of a potential ghost coming to light. Be warned, though, that it’s not as if they tweet out which companies they’re auditing.
If I were to do it, I would research and join whatever digital saloon young Chinese ledger-keepers convene in. Perhaps I’d stumble upon a post by SumYungGuy or another pleading for advice on how to parley with the PCAOB Laowai making a fuss over his figures. The poor lad's in a pickle, you see, since he cheated the exam and doesn’t know squat.
For the purposes of this table, a company is considered Chinese if:
  1. It has been identified as being from the PRC (the People's Republic of China) by the relevant stock exchange;
  2. It lists a PRC address as its principal executive office in filings with the SEC; or
  3. It has a majority of operations in the PRC, including a company structured offshore but whose value is ultimately tied through a relationship in the PRC.
⚠️ Some Chinese companies that use offshore corporate entities hide or do not identify their primary Chinese corporate domicile in their listing information. This complicates tracing, making it difficult to guarantee that this list captures all Chinese companies registered offshore.
I should also point out that this list does not include companies domiciled exclusively in Hong Kong or Macau.
⚠️ Remember, this list only considers Chinese companies listed on three of the largest U.S. stock exchanges: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Nasdaq, and NYSE American.
Oh, and btw, this isn’t a list I came up with. This info was compiled by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. It’s their methodology and list.
Since the majority is a VIE, I’ve marked the ones that are not registered as a VIE with an asterisk (*). This is determined using the most recent annual report filed with the SEC. A company is judged to have a VIE if:
  1. It explicitly describes using a VIE to conduct all or part of its business operations in China, or
  2. It describes a subsidiary in which it has no direct equity interest but relies on contractual arrangements to exercise control and receive economic benefits from its operations in China.
⚠️ For companies that have been listed for less than a year, information contained in the company’s most recently updated investment prospectus, as filed with the SEC, is used instead.
Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges
Companies are arranged by the size of their current market capitalization. All companies utilize a VIE corporate structure, except those marked with an asterisk (*).
BABA Alibaba Group Holding Limited PDD Pinduoduo Inc. NTES NetEase, Inc. JD, Inc. BIDU Baidu, Inc TCOM International, Ltd. TME Tencent Music Entertainment Group LI Li Auto BEKE KE Holdings BGNE BeiGene * ZTO ZTO Express (Cayman) Inc. YUMC Yum China Holdings Inc. EDU New Oriental Education & Technology Group, Inc. HTHT H World Group Limited * NIO NIO Inc. YMM Full Truck Alliance Co. Ltd VIPS Vipshop Holdings Limited TAL TAL Education Group LEGN Legend Biotech * MNSO Miniso * BZ Kanzhun Limited XPEV Xpeng BILI Bilibili Inc. IQ iQIYI, Inc. HCM HUTCHMED (China) Limited * ATHM Autohome Inc. QFIN Qifu Technology RLX RLX Technology LU Lufax ATAT Atour Lifestyle Holdings * WB Weibo Corporation ZLAB Zai Lab Limited * ZKH ZKH Group Ltd * YY JOYY Inc. GOTU Gaotu Techedu, Inc. MSC Studio City International Holdings Limited * GCT GigaCloud Technology Inc GDS GDS Holdings Limited ACMR ACM Research, Inc. * HOLI Hollysys Automation Technologies, Ltd. * FINV FinVolution Group JKS JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. * DQ Daqo New Energy Corp. * MOMO Hello Group Inc. CSIQ Canadian Solar Inc. * EH Ehang TUYA Tuya Inc. NOAH Noah Holdings Ltd. HUYA HUYA Inc. KC Kingsoft Cloud YALA Yalla *
These are only 51 of the 261 Chinese companies currently listed on the major U.S. exchanges to comply with rule three. I kept the market cap minimum at $750M to allow for some wiggle room.
I mentioned earlier that the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission had 265 tickers, but that was on January 8, 2024. Since then, three companies have been acquired, and the other one has voluntarily delisted.
As you can confirm, the vast majority is structured as a VIE.
I was going to include charts to illustrate how several Chinese stocks—aside from the ones with the biggest market caps—tend to display sudden rallies, followed by after-hours reversals. It is important to recognize them, whether you want to capitalize on them, or avoid them entirely. But I can't add any more attachments, so...
Besides, it's unlikely that many of you have even read this far without images.
Have a good day.
submitted by AlfrescoDog to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]