Recommendation letters for medical assistants

If your day doesn't start until you get peed on, this is the place for you!

2011.08.26 02:36 If your day doesn't start until you get peed on, this is the place for you!

/VetTech is a place for veterinary support staff to chat, share and grow. Please check the sidebar for CE and answers to common questions. Medical advice is strictly forbidden.

2008.03.25 00:30 Reddit Parenting - For those with kids of any age!

/Parenting is the place to discuss the ins and out as well as ups and downs of child-rearing. From the early stages of pregnancy to when your teenagers are finally ready to leave the nest (even if they don't want to) we're here to help you through this crazy thing called parenting. You can get advice on potty training, talk about breastfeeding, discuss how to get your baby to sleep or ask if that one weird thing your kid does is normal.

2013.07.15 23:27 mo_bio_guy Medical Laboratory Science

Medical Lab Scientists Medical Lab Technicians Cytogeneticists Cytotechnologists Histologists Phlebotomists Lab Processors

2024.05.14 20:31 ReferendumAutonomic Whistleblower retaliation


"In medicine, whistleblowers face institutional denial, stonewalling, retaliation, and other kinds of reprisal. They expose coercive recruitment practices, conflicts of interest, weak protocols, and missing consent." I'm a whistleblower against long island jewish northwell monopoly's False Claims Act insurance fraud since October 2005 and especially 2014+. For example July 2019 lydia pemberton chemically restrained 5 times including a needle to my neck, to obstruct a police report of racism and rape threats.

helicopter parenting

depression, "felt stifled by parental expectations. Despite family support, Ms. A perceived a lack of autonomy in decision-making, which aggravated her feelings of frustration." I have strict tiger parents.


"federal investigation alleges the state (rhode island) has kept children in state care hospitalized at Bradley Hospital, an acute-care psychiatric facility, for longer than necessary by not providing them with the services they need outside the hospital."

patient's bill of rights

"May 14, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., 7 News Detroit is going to be streaming a virtual roundtable about your rights in a psychiatric hospital on our website."
britain, "4. Right to safe medical products and their safe and rational use." Definitely unsafe chemicals.

sexual harassment

china, "13.8% (n = 151) of the psychiatrists reported SH, with 5.8% reporting it once, 4.4% reporting it twice, and 3.6% reporting it three times or more."

treatment over objection

massachusetts, "he was denied the assistance of counsel when his lawyer was denied the opportunity to make a closing argument. For the reasons discussed below, we vacate the commitment."


"‘Are they mentally stable enough to go to a wisdom tooth extraction right now?’ An elective surgery thing or something where they can both give consent and can cope with an unexpected event...journal Transgender Health found that 58% of the transgender population had at least one psychiatric diagnosis." Some of these doctors' argument is mentally ill people cannot consent to becoming trans. "WPATH’s Global Education Institute (GEI), Knudson said that while it varies “case by case,” schizophrenic patients can consent to cross-sex procedures."

personal experiences

May 13 6 PM mother said psych wards aren't prisons.
submitted by ReferendumAutonomic to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:31 NateScorpion105 True "Canon" FNV Ending based off of the TV Show

Spoilers for Fallout TV Show.
This is what I think happened based off of the TV Show and what I think most people chose for the ending. Aswell as what I chose for one of my endings. Please don't attack me, this is my opinion. Also I do like the theory that the Legion assimilated into the Brotherhood.
Other: President Kimball is Alive General Oliver is Alive Legate Lanius is Alive Mr House is disconnected but Alive
Intro And so the Courier, who had cheated death in the cemetery outside Goodsprings, cheated death once again, and the Mojave Wasteland was forever changed.
Hoover Dam Victory The Courier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the picture, the remaining Securitrons on The Strip were hard-pressed to keep order. Anarchy ruled the streets. When the fires died, New Vegas remained, assuming its position as an independent power in the Mojave.
The Courier Preferring neither the best of the NCR nor the worst of the Legion, the Courier was the man responsible for a truly independent New Vegas. He had removed Mr. House from power over the Strip and broken the influence of the NCR and Caesar's Legion in the Mojave Wasteland.
Black Mountain Tabitha and Rhonda went east, through Caesar's land. Occasionally tales of their exploits found their way back west, though few believed them. Eventually the stories concerning the duo were collected and published, and proved to be quite popular with children.
Raul Alfonso Tejada Invigorated by his travels with the Courier, Raul once more took up his guns in memory of his lost Rafaela. Soon after, the Mojave was filled with tales of the ghost-vaquero who hunts down those who prey on the weak.
Boomers Though the Wasteland became anarchic after Hoover Dam, the Boomers' display of power dissuaded fortune seekers from attempting to penetrate Nellis.
The Brotherhood The Brotherhood used the battle of Hoover Dam as an opportunity to retake HELIOS One, and came to control the area between it and Hidden Valley. With no organized opposition, their patrols began monitoring trade along Interstate 15 and 95, seizing any items of technology they deemed inappropriate.
Veronica Santangelo Veronica put her moral sensibilities aside and supported the Brotherhood's new campaign of aggression as best she could. Yet deep down, she understood that it meant their end would surely be soon to follow
The Fiends Their leaders destroyed by the Courier, the Fiends scattered throughout the wasteland. Without the organization of Motor-Runner, Cook-Cook, Violet, and Driver Nephi, they were easy prey.
Followers of the Apocalypse After the Courier ensured New Vegas remain free, the Followers found that Independent New Vegas was even more unstable and violent than before. Old Mormon Fort became excessively burdened by the influx of patients, struggling to provide even the most basic of services
Arcade Gannon Arcade was tending to the locals of Freeside when he learned that Caesar's Legion had been defeated and NCR was being pushed out of New Vegas. Though he found that independence for New Vegas was not all he hoped it would be, Arcade did his best to help the locals govern themselves
Goodsprings With New Vegas' independence formally declared, Goodsprings thrived. More travelers stopped by Goodsprings on their way to and from the Strip, and the locals grew prosperous from the traffic.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy I The slaughter of the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan caused no end of trouble for NCR back West. Already struggling, NCR's supply lines suffered further as the two caravans withdrew support until the "massacre in the East" was resolved
Rose of Sharon Cassidy II Cass lived to see the Courier bring down three armies and by her count, that was three more than she'd expected. She'd kept quiet about that, though.
The Great Khans During the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Great Khans quickly evacuated Red Rock Canyon and headed north and east into the plains of Wyoming. There, they reconnected with the Followers of the Apocalypse and rebuilt their strength. Bolstered by ancient knowledge of governance, economics, and transportation, they carved a mighty empire out of the ruins of the Northwest
Jacobstown Thanks to the Courier and Lily, a cure for the nightkin's schizophrenia was found shortly after Doctor Henry's experiment concluded. Nightkin and other super mutants in the wasteland flocked to Jacobstown, and the town became known as a haven where a mutant could find peace
Lily Marie Bowen Encouraged by the Courier to take her medication regularly, Lily's mind eventually attained a semblance of clarity. Her memories dulled by the pills, she cast aside the recording of her grandchildren, no longer remembering its significance.
The Kings Following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Freeside came to be known as one of the more stable areas in the region. Ironically, NCR refugees found Freeside safer than most of the rest of New Vegas, where resentment still lingers.
Rex With the transplant of Lupa's brain, Rex gained all of the donor's experiences traveling with the Legion. These melded well with his own memories of the Legion, and his new mind quickly adjusted to the myriad memories
NCR - The Misfits Shaped up by the Courier's advice, The Misfits distinguished themselves during the Legion's attack on Camp Golf. Mags was finally promoted to Sergeant, and the rest of The Misfits received an official commendation. They continued to serve with distinction for many years.
Novac Though Novac was a low-priority target for the Legion, many of Novac's citizens died in its defense. In the weeks that followed, several Bright Followers returned to Novac to help restore its defenses, allowing it to remain independent of the NCR.
Craig Boone Though NCR was withdrawing from the region, Boone remained in New Vegas, finding work as a security guard and caravan scout along the highways. While he might've preferred rejoining his old unit, Boone couldn't bring himself to abandon the city where he'd met his wife.
Powder Gangers - NCRCF After Hoover Dam, the leaderless Powder Gangers at the Correctional Facility vanished into the wastes, leaving the prison empty. The Correctional Facility became another abandoned ruin in the wasteland, its carcass occasionally picked over by enterprising prospectors.
Powder Gangers - Vault 19 After the majority of the Vault 19 Powder Gangers joined the Great Khans, the weaker members scattered throughout the Mojave Wasteland. Though a few managed to erase their pasts, most never survived the journey.
Primm After Hoover Dam, Sheriff Meyers runs Primm with his own style of frontier justice. He deals with most folks fairly, but now and then someone winds up dead with little to no evidence against them
ED-E With its logs cleared and its systems upgraded ED-E remained a vigilant and constant companion to the Courier. The Brotherhood used the information recovered from ED-E to create a small army of Duraframe eyebots.
NCR Rangers Due to the Courier's intervention, Chief Hanlon abandoned his plan to sabotage the defense of Hoover Dam. The rangers assisted the troopers admirably during the Legion's ill-fated attack. Though the Courier snatched victory from NCR, only General Oliver was blamed for the loss of Hoover Dam. Hanlon, exhausted after a lifetime of service to the NCR, stepped down from his position in the rangers and retired to his ranch in Redding.
The Remenats After their bold arrival at Hoover Dam, the Remnants disappeared as quickly as they came. Legends of their power spread throughout the southwest, a reminder of why people once feared the sight of vertibirds in the sky
Conclusion And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. In the new world of the Mojave Wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. Because war... war never changes.
As for what happened after, The Courier tried to help Vegas as much as he could, but with no Army Vegas was anarchy. Then the tunnelers arrived. Courier Six asked for NCR help but they failed. The Courier ashamed with themself left Vegas, never to return.
submitted by NateScorpion105 to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:27 adityaram-2003 Learning from Rejections and Crafting a Stronger Profile: Improvement Strategies Needed

Learning from Rejections and Crafting a Stronger Profile: Improvement Strategies Needed
Hi all,
Seeking advice for my upcoming Masters applications after facing rejections from several dream programs. I've been turned down by NYU, UWM, UIUC, and others for Fall 2024. However, I've secured admission at NYU Tandon for MSCE and NEU for MSIS. While grateful, these programs don't align perfectly with my background in Computer Science. I'm considering postponing my application cycle to bolster my profile with more experience.
After taking some tough hits and enduring pain, I want to be honest without boasting. Even though I think my profile is mediocre, I'll explain my achievements thoroughly to really understand where I stand.
Here's a breakdown of my current standing:
  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
  • GPA: 8.9/10 from a Tier-3 University (Estimated 3.7/4 by Scholaro)
  • Internships: Completed three online internships, each lasting a month.
  • Work Experience: None at present, but I have an offer from an Indian MNC, where I'll gain 3-4 months' experience as a System Engineer at the time of applying. I'll note this in my applications, projecting one year of experience by the time of resignation.
  • Projects: I've undertaken nine projects, with three standout ones. One was a college-funded one, recommended by the Head of our Department, focusing on Core-ML with various algorithms. Another involves IoT and serious hardware, published in Scopus. The rest are smaller projects, completed within a month.
  • Publications: Four publications to date, including three in E3S and one in a local journal. I'm currently working on IEEE papers and anticipate having at least two by application time (August-September 2025).
  • IELTS: 7.
  • GRE: 327 (Test at Home), considering a retake at the center as taking it at home probably lowered my profile.
  • SoPs and LoRs: Concerned about my Statements of Purpose, but have secured five Letters of Recommendation from professors, including the Head of the Department.
  • Extracurriculars: Limited involvement outside of academic achievements. Awards for being a two-time class topper and multiple certifications (e.g., Stanford via edX, others via Coursera). Currently working on securing research internships and participating in hackathons.

If there's anything I've overlooked in my profile, please let me know :) I'm committed to addressing any gaps and enhancing my profile. I'm open to any suggestions that could strengthen my application, as this is my final shot at it.
Additionally, I've prepared a shortlist of potential universities categorized into four tiers: Safe, Medium, Ambitious, and Dream. Dream options are nearly out of reach for me. However, I'd like to consult with experts to see if I have any chance of getting into them. Open to other STEM programs beyond MSCS, including MSDS or MSIS/MSIM and any other ones that align with CS background, especially at ambitious universities within the Top 30-40 range.
Any feedback or advice is greatly appreciated as I aim to max-out my profile for the next application cycle. I'm open to corrections and earnestly seek out any mistakes I may have made. It's crucial for me to get this right; I can't afford any missteps this time. This has been a long post; I thank you immensely for your time and consideration.

submitted by adityaram-2003 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:24 adityaram-2003 Learning from Rejections and Crafting a Stronger Profile

Learning from Rejections and Crafting a Stronger Profile
Hi all,
Seeking advice for my upcoming Masters applications after facing rejections from several dream programs. I've been turned down by NYU, UWM, UIUC, and others for Fall 2024. However, I've secured admission at NYU Tandon for MSCE and NEU for MSIS. While grateful, these programs don't align perfectly with my background in Computer Science. I'm considering postponing my application cycle to bolster my profile with more experience.
After taking some tough hits and enduring pain, I want to be honest without boasting. Even though I think my profile is mediocre, I'll explain my achievements thoroughly to really understand where I stand.
Here's a breakdown of my current standing:
  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
  • GPA: 8.9/10 from a Tier-3 University (Estimated 3.7/4 by Scholaro)
  • Internships: Completed three online internships, each lasting a month.
  • Work Experience: None at present, but I have an offer from an Indian MNC, where I'll gain 3-4 months' experience as a System Engineer at the time of applying. I'll note this in my applications, projecting one year of experience by the time of resignation.
  • Projects: I've undertaken nine projects, with three standout ones. One was a college-funded one, recommended by the Head of our Department, focusing on Core-ML with various algorithms. Another involves IoT and serious hardware, published in Scopus. The rest are smaller projects, completed within a month.
  • Publications: Four publications to date, including three in E3S and one in a local journal. I'm currently working on IEEE papers and anticipate having at least two by application time (August-September 2025).
  • IELTS: 7.
  • GRE: 327 (Test at Home), considering a retake at the center as taking it at home probably lowered my profile.
  • SoPs and LoRs: Concerned about my Statements of Purpose, but have secured five Letters of Recommendation from professors, including the Head of the Department.
  • Extracurriculars: Limited involvement outside of academic achievements. Awards for being a two-time class topper and multiple certifications (e.g., Stanford via edX, others via Coursera). Currently working on securing research internships and participating in hackathons.
If there's anything I've overlooked in my profile, please let me know :) I'm committed to addressing any gaps and enhancing my profile. I'm open to any suggestions that could strengthen my application, as this is my final shot at it.
Additionally, I've prepared a shortlist of potential universities categorized into four tiers: Safe, Medium, Ambitious, and Dream. Dream options are nearly out of reach for me. However, I'd like to consult with experts to see if I have any chance of getting into them. Open to other STEM programs beyond MSCS, including MSDS or MSIS/MSIM and any other ones that align with CS background, especially at ambitious universities within the Top 30-40 range.
Any feedback or advice is greatly appreciated as I aim to max-out my profile for the next application cycle. I'm open to corrections and earnestly seek out any mistakes I may have made. It's crucial for me to get this right; I can't afford any missteps this time. This has been a long post; I thank you immensely for your time and consideration.
submitted by adityaram-2003 to MSCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:22 Effective_Ad_5664 what exactly should i be doing here?

okay so, i started to apply for disability a little over a year ago, i got denied, which i knew was going to happen, but was still surprised since they had to have multiple letters to even cover all the shit they had to look through to deny. at that a point i was homeless and living in shelters + my car. I submitted my appeal in JAN, it is now MAY, and there still doing the medical review for my appeal. I moved out of homelessness and into a transitional living program for youth, which supplies my housing in a apartment building owned by the org, but that program ends this summer when i reach the age limit. Ive tried working, even if i do get hired with my accommodations, which has only happened twice in the 4 years ive been trying, i end up getting fired beacuse i cant make it to work, since im hospitalized at least once a month for weeks at a time. ive tried vocational rehab, i cant get into housing for disability because im not on SSI yet, and they require you to have it already. I have no friends to live with, and no family to rely on, im drowning in medical debt and im barely making it by in the current program im in. I have rhuem, pulm, cardiology, vascular, immu, ENT, lipedema specialists, genetic doctors, im in lymphedema therapy and physical therapy, YET IM STILL FUCKING WAITING FOR SSI???!? what am i supposed to do when my program is up?? rot away and wither?? my case worker has no clue and is out here searching for housing which requires ssi, but im not on it and i dont have hope that i will be anytime soon. zero idea what im supposed to be doing right now....
submitted by Effective_Ad_5664 to disability [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:21 Ecstatic_East_8491 Why do we need AI as a financial advisor?

Highlight the following benefits: This is my personal opinion, but you may disagree with me!
Budget Planning: AI analyzes your spending habits much more deeply than you might on your own. This leads to tailored recommendations and insights you wouldn't uncover manually. In addition, it can process massive amounts of financial data, like budget plans, spending analysis, and savings suggestions, in seconds.
On a separate note, I want to mention the fight against impulse buys. AI eliminates emotional spending triggers often associated with human budgeting. It sticks to the data, promoting financial discipline.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Create a budget template that will work with my income and spending habits. I want something I can easily track and modify." 
Accounting and Tax Compliance: Modern platforms track changes in tax rules and legislation in real-time, alerting you to updates that could affect your life and work. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties. If you set up your assistant intelligently, you may even be able to prevent problems in some cases.
And, unlike a real financial advisor, AI platforms are noticeably cheaper and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Explain the key financial ratios and how to calculate them. Provide examples of how to use them to assess my business health." 
Investment Management: AI is increasingly important in trading, as financiers make trades using algorithms. And if the best experts are using it, why shouldn't we? AI platforms are trained on vast amounts of data, allowing us to identify patterns humans might miss. This helps ensure the integrity of financial data and reduces costly errors.
In addition, some platforms can assess risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions to generate customized portfolio management recommendations.
Here's a prompt you can use:
"Summarize the current economic climate. Highlight key indicators (e.g., inflation, interest rates, GDP) and their potential impact on my investment portfolio." 
These points add to a common conclusion regarding one fundamental advantage: data-driven automation. AI can quickly handle routine and time-consuming tasks, allowing us to make more educated decisions or free up time for more enjoyable activities.
submitted by Ecstatic_East_8491 to OpenAssistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:19 UndercoverJuggalo Question regarding a strange letter I recently received from Discover

I checked my physical mailbox today and in it was a letter claiming to be from Discover. It seems legit and had a "Presorted first-class mail US postage PAID dfs" disclaimer in the stamp spot. The letter said "Thank you for your interest in Discover Personal Loans" and it continued "We are writing to you to let you know that we could not approve your loan request at this time because: Too few accounts in current status, requested loan amount is too high, high ratio of open bank revolving accounts to total open accounts."
Thing is, I DIDN'T APPLY FOR A LOAN. I don't even have a Discover card. I used to be an "Authorized User" on my ex's Discover card, but I thought I had gotten all of that taken care of. As far as I know, I haven't been an authorized user on that card since like 2018 or 2019. That card still shows up on my Credit Karma account, but it always reads $0 and doesn't appear to affect my score. My credit scores are pretty good (over 780), and I only have 2 credit cards including a store card, both of which I pay off regularly. Could this be my ex attempting to apply for a loan? Regardless, what do y'all recommend my next steps be? Should I do a written response to the address provided in the letter from "Discover"? Should I freeze my credit? Change my passwords?
submitted by UndercoverJuggalo to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:15 idontwanttobeheard Honestly

It's been a while since I talked about this. I can not relate with most of my family when they want to know about depression. The way I describe it is just very basic. I tried explaining that for me it's always felt like nothing is there when I should be feeling some emotion. That's just the start though, sometimes it feels like a cup filled with water and if I have a spurt of angehappyness/sadness/ etc.. that all of a sudden the cup is empty. I've felt that way, the cup being empty, for weeks and sometimes even months at a time. I would occasionally feel "normal" but I always had the feeling it was not going to last. I had certain warnings that let me know when the next bout of depression was coming. I never had an exact idea but it was like watching a storm on the horizon. You can see the dark clouds start to move in and you know that it's going to be bad. I never felt like anyone could tell it was going to happen or that they noticed if I was different. Then one day my roommate and friend stopped me while I was heading out to work and asked me if I was ok. Honestly I was not, I said "no but I can manage" all the while I was stifling tears. It feels weird to be seen as not okay when you have spent so much time trying to convince others and yourself you are. My first visit with my primary doctor it had a questionnaire about depression and I filled it out. I was crying while thinking about just being open about having depression. So when I finally got to talk to my doctor I was a mess. The doctor helped me out immensely, they got me on medication and recommended a therapist to whom I have been talking to since. Honestly though I have been afraid that I am going to fall back into depression like I used to. It's the fear of that happening that keeps me accountable. My younger brother recently told me he had the same issues and he was afraid to talk to someone. My heart broke because I felt like I should have been the only person to suffer through that. I never want anyone to feel as helpless and lost as I did. I hope this makes it through. Sometimes I want to be heard.
submitted by idontwanttobeheard to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:12 tgoddess What to do about mom

This is gonna be a long one…
History in a nutshell: my mom(84) has been living with untreated anxiety and depression issues since she was a teen. It was difficult growing up with her (I believe she “loves” me, but it’s been clear she doesn’t like or respect me) and my dad was the “stable” one. Dad passed 11 years ago at 77, and since then, mom’s issues have just multiplied.
Brother, sister and I tried our best to be understanding of her challenges for the first couple years, but it became too much for any of us. On the third year, I basically told her that helping her deal with her grief, anxiety and depression was “above my pay grade,” and she REALLY needed to seek professional help. She did this for about a year and the. Was complaining that the medications they had her on made her “feel like a zombie,” so she stopped taking them and stopped seeing the therapist.
For my own mental health, I have had to disengage quite a bit from her and minimize and plan when I spend time with her.
Over this time, her one outlet (going to the gambling boats) disbanded mostly due to Covid and that the other folks on the trips were 5-10 years older than she is, so they all started dying off, too.
She hasn’t made any attempt at any other interests, except solitary ones like putting puzzles together, playing on her iPad or watching tv. For the past year, she rarely leaves her bed when she’s home. She has no real friends, because frankly she’s always been mean and overly judgemental with people, so she’s pushed most people (including her children) away.
Cut to this past month: in April, she fell (I suspect due to a lack of muscle strength and bone mass because she doesn’t really get out for ANY exercise) simply walking into the house when returning from the grocery store and broke her hip.
She had surgery over a month ago, spent 10 days at one rehab, where she made no progress, but had at least 2 panic attacks.
We ended up putting her in a DIFFERENT rehab for another two weeks where she seemed to be faring better.
They sent her home and we made it clear that once the doctor said her hip was healed, she should be fine (nursing home/assisted living are currently out of the question with her—she refuses to leave her house). Between my siblings and I, we have covered the last two weeks staying with her.
But this can’t be a permanent solution; all of us have our own homes and families.
My sister is there now until Friday and after that, we’ve said she’s got to decide what happens. She is PHYSICALLY okay with being alone. She has a walker and can get around and even manage the small number of stairs in Her house when she WANTS to. 90% or more of all of this is her emotional state. She works herself up into heaving, gagging crying attacks over the SMALLEST things (like asking her to make simple decisions or when she can’t find her tv remote).
My brother (and I) thinks she’s trying to force once of us to move in with her and there is zero chance of that.
We could find her someone who could come in during the days, 5 days a week to help her with some things around the house or drive her to appointments and even (hopefully) encourage her to eat better, get some fresh air and just get out of bed during the day.
The only issue is that the decision about WHO That is has to be up to her, otherwise she will use it as an excuse why no one will be “good enough.”
TLDR: aging mother is putting her kids through the wringer with her emotional issues and we’re at our wits end after dealing with it for 11 years.
submitted by tgoddess to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:12 noahcantdance Need $35 for groceries and gas to last until payday

Hello all, I'm currently working on getting back on my feet. I have a paycheck coming Friday. My car just had work done which cost a bit more than I had budgeted and I've had some unexpected medical bills so things are tight
I could use $35 for some groceries and gas to get to and from work (~20 mile commute round trip) until I get paid on Friday. $
I have cash app and venmo. $15-20 will go towards groceries and the rest will go towards gas. Thank you to anyone who may be able to assist.
submitted by noahcantdance to Assistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 Ok_Anything_8293 Can a stepchild challenge a stepparents' will?

This is a hard question for me to put into words.
My mother died in July of last year with dementia, survived by her two children (5 grandchildren), her husband, and two stepchildren (her husband's children). She had been married to her husband for 15 years, both my brother and I were adults when they met and married. They lived in Oregon, my family lives in California, my brother's family in Washington. When my mom and I talked about her end of life planning, she told me that they had an agreement that eventually their shared wealth would be split among their four collective children. My stepfather approached my brother and me separately a few weeks prior to my mom's death to ask if it would be okay if he would explicitly disinherit his son, include a larger share for his daughter, and add his assistant at work and his elderly siblings as beneficiaries. No mention of amounts during this conversation, though he did ask me not to mention it to my mom, he didn't want to worry her in her final days. Both my brother and I said, "Of course, thanks for filling us in." He wasn't sure when he would get it finalized with a lawyer.
It turns out that my mom and her husband had a joint will naming each other as the inheritor of their shared estate when one of them died.
A few weeks after my mom died, my stepfather had a medical scare and he was worried that his son would have a claim against his estate if he didn't have something in writing. He texted me a copy of a handwritten will dividing his entire estate between his siblings, his daughter, and his assistant, with a provision leaving $5 to his son as a sweet FU. My brother and I were not mentioned in this will, even to account for my mom's items, like family furniture, jewelry, photos. This is not at all what I was expecting, and I asked to talk with him about it. He refused, saying there was nothing to talk about, the people he named needed the money and my brother and I didn't. My stepfather and I stopped talking, though he did occasionally send me things he thought I should keep, especially photos of my mom's family.
I was furious that he refused to hear me out, and that he was so obviously going against what my mom would have wanted. She doted on her grandchildren (and on her kids) and wanted to do anything to support them and their growth. That my stepfather did such a 180 from her values with no regard for our feelings in the wake of her death... I'm still furious about it.
This April, my stepfather committed suicide, shortly after the death of his daughter. His will divides his estate between his daughter, his assistant (who was named executor), and his siblings. There is a small gift ($5k) to each of my mom's 5 grandchildren. The estate is estimated to be worth about $1M, and that includes all of my mom's possessions. She had some beautiful stained and blown glass collections, family heirlooms of furniture, art and jewelry, and loads of items that don't have any significant monetary value but lots of sentimental value as I grew up with them in my home. Probate will be a mess because his daughter's death leaves her two young children in a custodial gray area.
I've talked with the executor and she outlined a process where everything in the house would be liquidated, and the proceeds divided to the beneficiaries. If there was anything of sentimental value that I would like to keep I could buy it from the estate before auction. I've talked about it with my family, and I won't be buying anything from the estate. My family can't afford the expense at this point in time (3 kids all eying college) and the items themselves would be charged with all these bad memories and anger. I've asked if I could come up to the house to photograph her collections and tag anything that may be easier to just give to me than sell for pennies on the dollar. I'm getting run around from her on scheduling something because she would have to be on site at the house while I went through things.
I don't particularly want to engage in this legal mess, but I do want to know. Would I have a claim on his estate? I'm curious about financial benefits and property. It just seems so unfair. She trusted him and would never have approved of her husband leaving out her family like this.
Thank you for your time and your thoughts.
submitted by Ok_Anything_8293 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:05 Cdillllly Broken hip, surgery, and now hospice..

Long read but here it goes..
90 y/o gma fell last week at the A.L. (Apparently a staff member wasn’t paying attention, opened a door that bumped her and she fell and completely fractured her hip). For reference - gma was placed less than a month ago in this place for her worsening Alzheimer’s dementia/wandering. My father (her son) has POA, and it’s been a joint effort keeping her at home until her placement recently. She was immediately taken to the hospital, where the ER doc seemed to really push a total hip replacement. He warned that without the surgery she wouldn’t last but 6 months. I am an RN so I do have some medical knowledge there, and understand that risk. I tried warning my dad it’s not always recommended to place these types of patients under anesthesia and to really think about our options. My big concerns about doing this surgery was also quality of life afterwards. She will be able to get up and bear weight..sure, but she is past the point of skilled therapy. My dad chose surgery and surprise surprise gma is significantly worse. They deemed her ineligible for skilled therapy due to the dementia, she hasn’t ate or drank since last week, she can’t speak or sit still and has fallen twice since her discharge from the hospital this weekend because she can now get back up (her baseline before the fall was ambulatory with a walker, had good days and bad days with her memory, but able to do a lot for herself still). We got her admitted to hospice yesterday and today they started the liquid morphine. I feel so defeated and angry..I guess if you are reading this far.. thanks..and to top this week off I have been 9 months pregnant..gave birth on Saturday, and I have not got to see gma since after her surgery last Wednesday.
If you have words of encouragement please share.
submitted by Cdillllly to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 VisibleProgress9997 Attempting to stop a massive, multimillion $$ drug trafficking ring

I am looking for advice, tips and tricks, tactics and techniques, suggestions, gadget recommendations, surveillance advice, contacts, information on damn near anything even mildly related, programs or software that could be helpful. Just about anything.
I have floated through many departments and a handful of units over the last decade+. The state is so afraid of getting sued or making sure the wifi is strong for the inmate’s tablets that they are putting far too little effort into combating the growing drug problem.
Let me just jot some random things down and if any of you have any input to combat these issues, even if its a long shot, i would be very grateful.
Texas prison system. Difficult to find staff that is both trustworthy as well as good at their job and has time to dedicate to do a little extra. I have enough contacts to allow me some sort of access to just about anything and everything but they will not contribute 1 penny nor will they provide assistance but they will however allow me to do whatever i want whenever i want and however i want so long as its legal and documented in the way that they have me documenting my activities.
So how would i battle:
Drones drop things into units. Black drone, lights off, pilot not in sight by the pickets, drop may be a single cell phone or a light bag of rolling tobacco or even a small amount of meth.
Road-side drops. A grocery bag that contains narcotics+contraband literally tossed out of a car while driving and at seemingly random times, likely at night. Inmates sneak out and run to the pre determined spot and then run back. Many of the units near a road can be JOGGED to and back inside within 4 minutes if they know the exact drop location. Other units take longer but it still happens.
Visitation exchanges. Girlfriends, siblings, spouses, even parents and children (typically adult children of the convicts but sometimes minors too and minors cannot be pat searched) will bring small things in. Hidden in their vagina, anus, mouth, under their breasts or stomach folds. Places that are sometimes searched on the convicts’ body but not visitors or volunteers. Oh yeah volunteers bring stuff in too.
Laced paper: K2 (Spice, synthetic marijuana), fentanyl, pcp. The dogs don’t seem to catch it but neither can I most of the time. The DEA tells me that they are having trouble combatting and even identifying consistent ingredients for K2. Lately the rumor is that they are using wasp and/or roach spray.
Cell phones and other devices. These are often smaller than a typical android or iphone and they are unregistered numbers. They are even in the units with cellular reception blocking towers. Staff cannot get a signal but the inmates are speaking freely whenever they want. Various rumors include hidden hot spots within walls or pipe chases that have a strong enough signal to allow outbound and inbound calls.
Dirty staff. This one is ridiculous and i even found out that the woman that trained me when i first started was prostituting herself to both inmates and staff. Other than this they will bring items in but so far the drops contain the largest quantity at a single time.
submitted by VisibleProgress9997 to PrivateInvestigators [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 twiddledee31 6 Common LLC Setup Mistakes You MUST Avoid!

Starting a new business involves important decisions that can significantly impact the future of your venture.
Setting up your LLC is one of these areas.
Failure to navigate this process effectively can result in costly setbacks, both in terms of time and finances.
Here are six crucial mistakes to avoid:

1. Choosing The Wrong Entity

Selecting the appropriate type of LLC lays the foundation for your business's financial and operational framework.
Single-member, multi-member, and S-Corp classifications offer distinct advantages and considerations.
A single-member LLC provides simplicity in paperwork while ensuring liability protection.
Conversely, opting for an S-Corp designation entails different tax obligations, potentially offering tax-saving opportunities for higher earners.
Understanding the nuances of each entity type is paramount.
Seeking guidance from seasoned professionals can illuminate the optimal choice tailored to your business needs and goals.
NOTE: The LLC service I recommended that gives the most hands on assistance with this is ZenBusiness, (affiliate link). The team there are great for giving advice on exactly how to navigate the various steps to forming your LLC, or S-Corp.

2. Incorporating in the Wrong State

Deciding where to incorporate your business involves weighing legal, financial, and administrative factors.
While certain states like Delaware and Wyoming offer enticing legal and tax incentives, they may not be conducive to the needs of smaller enterprises or solo entrepreneurs.
Incorporating out of state may lead to increased paperwork, fees, and regulatory complexities, offsetting potential benefits.
Prioritize practicality and compliance by assessing the requirements of your home state and consulting legal counsel to navigate any jurisdictional considerations effectively.

3. Forgetting to Keep Your LLC Compliant

Establishing an LLC marks the beginning rather than the culmination of your compliance obligations.
Maintaining regulatory adherence safeguards against risks such as piercing the corporate veil and personal liability exposure.
Vigilance in areas such as using the business name consistently, fulfilling annual reporting requirements, and segregating business finances from personal funds is imperative.
Engage with legal professionals or regulatory authorities to stay abreast of compliance obligations and fortify your business's legal standing.

4. Incorporating Without Required Licenses

Securing requisite licenses and permits is a prerequisite for conducting business lawfully in many industries and jurisdictions.
Failure to obtain mandated licenses can result in penalties and operational disruptions.
Whether at the local, state, or federal level, thorough due diligence is necessary to identify and fulfill licensing requirements pertinent to your business activities.
Prioritize regulatory compliance by proactively acquiring the necessary licenses and permits, thereby mitigating legal and financial risks.

5. Failing to Get the Right Kind of Legal Assistance

While self-filing an LLC may suffice for straightforward cases, complex scenarios demand expert legal guidance.
Collaborating with legal professionals ensures comprehensive understanding and adherence to legal obligations, particularly in multi-state operations or partnership arrangements.
The upfront investment in legal counsel can yield invaluable dividends by preempting potential disputes or regulatory oversights.
Explore avenues for legal assistance, such as specialized services or legal consultations, to safeguard your business's legal integrity and mitigate future liabilities.

6. Using Random Legal Documents Found Online

The proliferation of online resources offers convenience and accessibility in various facets of business management.
However, indiscriminate adoption of generic legal documents poses inherent risks.
Templates sourced from the internet may lack specificity or fail to address unique circumstances, potentially leading to contractual ambiguities or disputes.
Exercise prudence by scrutinizing online templates and supplementing them with professional legal review when necessary.
Customizing legal documents to align with your business's specific requirements enhances clarity and mitigates legal uncertainties.
submitted by twiddledee31 to LLChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 Toadyback Help! (Eye lid) I’ve been to the Doctor 3 times

Help! (Eye lid) I’ve been to the Doctor 3 times
I went to the dr about 4 months ago and was told contact dermatitis. I was given desonide ointment and it cleared up. I went back because it came back and was given 0.05% desonide cream. That works very well but when I stop using it, it comes back.
Unrelated I had an eye exam and the dr mentioned it could be blepharitis and to try eye lid scrubs. I’ve been doing that but it seems to be irritating it. Aquaphor, as recommended helps with the irritation but not the swelling and flaking. The only thing that clears it up is that desonide cream but I don’t want to use that long term for eye health risks. I’m also out $400 in medical bills and not trying to go back unless I need to.
Should I continue to use the cream even after symptoms stop? If so, how long? Should I use something else?
I do have a history of psoriasis but have not had flares in many years. (Entire scalp and back of calves as 2 outbreaks. Each were resolved within 1 month of consistent treatment)
submitted by Toadyback to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:00 Legal_Carpet_7978 Orthodontist From Hell: Failed Palatal Expansion

I’m reaching out to share a cautionary tale about my recent experience with orthodontic treatment gone wrong. I want to shed light on my situation, and seek advice on how to navigate this current situation.
I received orthodontic treatment from Dr. Nancy Phan in San Jose CA. During our initial consultation, she was pressed for time and sped through the explanation of my treatment plan. All I understood from her rapid explanation was that she recommended a palatal expander to widen my upper & lower jaw. However, what followed was a nightmare that left me with damaged teeth and a mountain of dental bills.
Dr. Nancy Phan has a practice called Care Orthodontics, where she has a bunch of watered down assistants doing her job for her. It's literally a pump and dump orthodontist place where they try to manage as many patients as possible. As a result, Dr. Nancy Phan doesn't have any assistants helping her while she's treating you. She literally holds the vacuum, water spray, and drill all at the same time... To me, this is the equivalent of a nurse giving you surgery, or the surgeon is performing surgery without any assistants nearby.
The Problem:
During the installation of the palatal expander, my orthodontist failed to properly assess the condition of my molars. One of these molars had a pre-existing fracture, which my orthodontist was aware of but chose to ignore. As a result, the appliance was placed in a way that directly impacted the roots of two of my molars.
The Consequences:
Within weeks of having the palatal expander installed, I started experiencing excruciating pain in the affected molars. A visit to my dentist confirmed the worst: both molars had sustained significant damage to their roots and required immediate intervention. I underwent root canal treatments followed by the placement of crowns on both molars, not to mention the emotional and physical toll of dealing with such dental trauma.
Legal Considerations:
Now, here’s where things get tricky. It’s clear that my orthodontist’s negligence led to the damage to my teeth. They failed to obtain clearance from my dentist before proceeding with the treatment, and they disregarded crucial information about the condition of my teeth. This raises serious questions about the standard of care provided by the orthodontist.
How to Proceed:
This experience has been extremely traumatic and sad for me. Has anyone faced a similar situation? Seeking advice on navigating the denial and addressing the dental damage.
submitted by Legal_Carpet_7978 to orthotropics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:00 ladyLucia00 I was shamed for not going to the grocery store with my mother ONE time (Sorry long read)

She never goes anywhere without me, I'm never left home alone. I never go out anywhere. The only time I have outside the house is when she goes to the store for groceries and me and the baby go along. Thats the most of my social interaction for the next few months until we need more groceries.
She hates that I put on a small amount of light eye makeup and half way decent clothes while she doesn't want to put effort into her look. ("No im just going to the store and I sweat too much who cares nobody is looking at me i want to dress comfortably") ("look at you looking nice and im here in sweat pants and messy hair in a bun but you just have to let me leave the house with me looking like this while you look like that")
So she's started this thing where she makes me aware we're leaving only 10 minutes before our ride comes to pick us up. Thats not so bad right? No, I have to pick out clothes for her as well as dress the baby and dress myself all in those 10 minutes. So I run out the door sweaty and stressed and looking an awful mess.
Now imagine my 5'0 self waddling, huffing and puffing holding a comically large diaper bag, her comically large purse, a 45lb toddler in a large car seat. It's heavy all together and every time we go out I get looks from strangers like "This poor young mother" Shes my sister. While her actual mother walks blissfully beside me not a thing in her hands. Once she's in the cart I get the groceries and so on until we get home where I take in the bags with "Hurry the baby is crying" in my ear every 2 minutes.
Her back hurts because of her weight, my back hurts because of two injuries I never went to the hospital or at least a doctor for because her reasoning is "If there's no visible bone you're fine" even though I had government health assistance so my visits and medication and treatment would have all been free up until I turned 19.
So everytime I have to leave the house carrying heavy items i can hardly support, I mess up my back tremendously. It's the most painful thing and I'm just meant to go about my chores and such because her pain is obviously much worse than mine and im only 20 so im faking and that's that. I'm doing so much damage to my back now that it makes me afraid for when I'm actually suppose to be in pain later down the road. Most days I can hardly move but I have to.
Going anywhere is so stressful with the heavy bags and the heavy baby, much less the store with all the groceries too.
So this time I told her I didn't want to go. She told me her back would hurt if I don't go. I told her I'd stay with the baby at home because I simply did not want to go. Not to mention everyone in town is sick rn and none of them can keep their grubby fingers to them selves around a small child. She was grumbling and giving me looks and asking if I was SUUURE I wanted to stay home. I stayed home.
While at the store she was texting me that she's in so much pain having to put the heavy items in the cart. And all this walking she can't get all the things we need and she was coming home early. And she can't stand to go any further. She's around 400lbs if I had to guess so she's always had back and feet pain. She's completely mobile when she's having fun coincidentally.
When she got home I went outside and usually the person and passenger who give us the ride help with the bags. Its much different carrying them then wheeling them around. But this time when they opened their doors to help she said "No don't help her. Don't help her. She can do it. Don't you help her." With a tone only a mother can make. So they just stared at me while I took the bags in by myself and I was a little embarrassed. She said don't help she didn't say WATCH me.
They wouldn't open the doors for me either so I was having to crawl into the van through the trunk to get the bags in the back seat. It really was embarrassing. When I was finally done she got off and was walking around the house excitedly telling me the stuff she got.
And I'm here sitting on the floor typing this surrounded by groceries im putting away.
Im out in the middle of nowhere two towns away from anything, no car, no neighbors, just me here losing my mind. Sorry for the rant. I'll delete this tomorrow like I always do.
submitted by ladyLucia00 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 FrederickMecury Tall Kid, S.M.A.L.L Town secures a T20 (and turns it down)

6’5 mf from bumfuck nowhere COOKS
Intended Major(s): Aerospace Engineering, MechE for places that didn’t have Aero
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
  1. Internship (12)- Research Lab at T25, Helped create STEM classroom curriculum
  2. Debate (11,12)- Team Captain, Top 10 at states in first year (got 2nd place in state after apps 🫠)
  3. Scholastic Bowl (9-12) - Team Captain, led team to regionals for first time in years
  4. Tennis (10-12) - Team Captain, raised some money
  5. Engineering Club (8-12, yeah it’s weird) - VP, member of competition teams
  6. Athletic Advisory Board (11-12) - Represented on behalf of academic teams and did community service, raised some money
  7. After-school STEM club/daycare? (12) - Voluntarily chaparoned kids, got offered and accepted real job
  8. Powerlifting (9-12) - On varsity team in 10 and 11 before it got deleted, started training before and continued after
  9. Beta Club (10-12) - Didn’t do much but that’s mostly the officers’ and sponsor’s fault
  10. Mentor (11-12) - Mentored other students in magnet school program
  11. additional info - Got Best Delegate at my first Model UN competition after apps as a side quest/practice for debate, mentioned on deferral and waitlist replies later
List all awards and honors submitted on your application.
  1. Collegeboard Rural/Small Town National Recognition
  2. AP Scholar
  3. AP Capstone Diploma
  4. Magnet School Diploma Seal (Regional)
  5. School award for achievement in Aerospace Engineering class
Letters of Recommendation
Counselor: 7/10. New hire right before my senior year so not much rapport but spoke to her somewhat frequently
History Teacher: 9/10. Bsf. Had him for class in 9th grade and I was the only one who answered during Zoom classes, was my Scholastic Bowl and Debate coach in years following. His writing is not the best tho so not a 10/10
Engineering Teacher: 8/10. Had him for 3 years and was part of his club for all of them. Can speak to my abilities super well. He moved districts before my senior year so didn’t see him for a bit but still pretty good regardless
Professor: 9/10. Interned under him over the summer and he trusted my capabilities a lot. Wrote lots of LORs before and even asked me what I wanted in it.
Common App: 9/10. Displayed my ability to set really high goals and never be discouraged by failure. Reviewed by friends at Princeton and Stanford, as well as former CMU admissions officer and highly praised
MIT supps: 9/10. Some of my best work. Reused for so many other schools and scholarships because god damn were they beautiful pieces of writing.
General supps: 7/10. Mixed bag. Some really good, some just ok. Spent a decent amount of time and was pretty happy with all of them
Final record of 9-1-1 (yay!)
Genuinely shocked by CMU waitlist because former admissions officer loved my personal and my supps. Was probably due to lack of insane math talent (displayed on apps that is).
Didn’t really get huge aid from anywhere but was able to cover most of the cost through existing savings and external scholarships (apply for lots of them, especially local ones!!!!)
Start early!! Going EA was super helpful. If you need to miss a school assignment or 2, you can make that up. Sometimes to have to have to wager your present for the sake of your future. This process can really suck at times but it’s manageable in the end.
submitted by FrederickMecury to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 EmeraldRain003 Private Tutor Jobs

I'm moving back to Shanghai for a long while due to family reasons and I'm been lurking on this sub for quite a while. One thing I do see mentioned is how lucrative private English tutoring is. I'm currently working from home at a medical organization (more PT chart/surgery/billing related, not as a Doctonurse) and hope to continue to do so in Shanghai as well (I've already trialed the VPN etc). I know that it's illegal to do private tutor jobs on the side, especially due to visa reasons but that's not a concern for me as I'm a Chinese national with Shanghai registration (was born here). I'm fluent in both Mandarin / Shanghainese and English.
I'm hoping to possibly expand my network and maybe transition to more opportunities and private tutoring seems like an interesting direction for me. While I don't exactly have the background, no teaching experience or certificates, I'm hoping my other skills and the fact that I graduated from a good Uni in USA could help. I also recognize that me not being ethnically white could potentially be a detriment (by how much I'm not sure).
Unfortunately I'm a bit out of the loop on how to garner private tutor jobs as from what I've mostly read on the sub and in chinalife, they are sourced mostly from current students who were already being taught or straight up ESL teaching jobs. I'm hoping someone can give me some tips or insights into how I would tap into the market.
As a side note, I'm also looking into other jobs through the various sites recommended here, especially in the medical field like Jiahui health.
Any help is greatly appreciated and I'm so looking forward to being back in Shanghai. Haven't been back since I was like 5.
submitted by EmeraldRain003 to shanghai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:56 Loitch470 Anxiety and High Blood Pressure

I’m newly pregnant (4 weeks) and had a quick question. I’ve always been worried about preeclampsia and I think that’s impacting me a bit.
I’ve always had low BP -110-115/70. Today I went in for an odd mole and was worried and got a 126/80. They said it was still normal but offered to retest. I think I got a full adrenaline rush between the first and second test and went up to 138/90. They said they’d disregard that and just put in the first test result. Went home and my levels were back down to 115/70.
As I go in for future appointments and get my blood pressure checked do folks have recommendations for staying calm during tests? I have some medical anxiety and always am a bit on edge in the doctors. Is spiking blood pressure alone diagnostic for preeclampsia?
submitted by Loitch470 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:52 JTWilson_ Canadians with ADHD that take Vyvanse - If you don't have insurance please read

If you're struggling to pay your Vyvanse prescription please read below.
I recently got switched to Vyvanse from Concerta and it has helped me a lot. The only problem I was facing is that its so expensive! I currently don't have insurance as I finished school in April and didn't work much this year. After talking to my doc they recommended I give Takeda (the company that makes Vyvanse) a call. They have assistance programs that can help reduce the cost of your prescription.
Here is their information:
I called them recently and got a 1 year virtual card which covers 100% of the cost. The call was about 15 minutes. I had to answer some personal questions like how much I make, where I live, if I have dependants or a spouse, etc.
I'm sure there could be something similar for Americans and people in Europe, I just haven't taken a look.
I would recommend anyone that's in a similar situation to mine to give them a call. Even if you don't qualify for 100% there's a good chance you qualify for some savings.
submitted by JTWilson_ to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 __Calm Company won’t pay for returns cost of misadvertised product

I recently purchased a table from daals (
Short story:
Company misadvertised the colour of the table in my opinion and it has turned up in two shades with one much darker than the pictures online. They won’t cover the cost of return and we’re looking at a £95 return cost for the two heavy boxes it comes in. Their support team have been useless.
Long story:
The photographs on the website make the table look like a light natural shade of wood. When the table arrived it was flat packed in two boxes and half of the pieces matched the images but half of them (including the table top) were a darker more orange colour. Not what we wanted.
I wrote back to the company expecting a pretty straight forward returns process but their support team were adamant that the product had not been misadvertised and that it was just a change of mind for us. I sent pictures with side by side shots of the different coloured parts that clearly showed the differences.
Everyone I have shown the different colours of the pieces to thinks it’s so obvious it isn't right and my friend who was a carpenter was convinced they'd sent parts from two separate tables.
Given the item doesn’t mention anywhere that the table comes in two colours and I followed the process for ‘Item not as described or advertised’ on their returns page ( I felt it was going to be straightforward.
After making no progress with their tactless and unhelpful support team is their anything I can do? Or does anyone know a specific ombudsman that can assist? It’s not a life changing amount of money but I know they can literally swoop in and pick the table up as they’ll be delivering stuff to people in my area every other day. The table itself has great reviews which might not be helping the situation either
Any help or recommendations appreciated.
submitted by __Calm to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]