Ed imdur

Could endothelial dysfunction lead to VTach?

2024.01.12 04:59 peregrine3224 Could endothelial dysfunction lead to VTach?

Hi! A few months ago I (32F) had a scary cardiac episode (two, actually) and I’m still trying to figure out what it was. But first, some basic info:
Age: 32 Sex: F Ethnicity: White Prior health conditions: Migraines with auras, ADHD Family history: My maternal grandfather had at least one heart attack and some sort of heart-related aneurysm, details unknown. My brother has a heart murmur, which I believe is caused by a “hole in the heart”, but again, details unknown. My mother has recently developed a heart murmur as well. Paternal history unknown. Medications (before PASC): Adderall IR 20 mg and 10 mg once a day each, no cardiac or BP side effects noted Medications (during incident): Same Adderall dosages, guanfacine 2 mg once a day, either sildenafil or Imdur (I can’t remember which I was on at the time) Lifestyle: Non-smoker, no drugs, occasional drinking (1-2 drinks when I do)
Background: So I got COVID for the first time in November of 2022. It was pretty brutal, but I wasn’t hospitalized or anything. I did develop PASC (Long COVID) however. It manifests mainly as endothelial dysfunction, though I did have other symptoms earlier on in my illness that have since resolved.
The primary symptom of my ED is angina with exertion. I’m currently taking sildenafil and metoprolol for it, which helps quite a bit! I’ve also had a significant (for me) increase in heart palpitations with the onset of my PASC. It was worse earlier on, but I still get them from time to time, mostly PVCs and during bouts of sinus tachycardia. I had a 30-day event monitor which showed random PVCs, at least one episode of bigeminy, and episodes of sinus tachycardia. I’ve also had multiple EKGs, an echo, stress echo, and an MRI stress test. Everything was normal except a pre-existing IRBBB and atrial septal aneurysm. I can post my EKGs if desired.
The incident: This happened in early October. I was riding my horse and decided to end our workout with some cross country jumping. We had already been working for around half an hour at that point. We went over a handful of jumps and then slowed down for a walk break. My HR was in the 170s, which isn’t unusual for me when doing high intensity workouts. I also often get random solo PVCs during recovery.
But this time I got hit with a salvo of PVCs that took my breath away. I pulled up my horse and took my pulse. What I felt was back to back PVCs for upwards of 15-20 beats at a time. Then it would revert back to sinus tachycardia for a few beats before another salvo would begin. This went on for about a minute I think, but I wasn’t actively timing it so I could be wrong. But there were several salvos before it stopped for good. My HR recovered normally after that.
We then did another round of jumping and it happened again. At this point I decided to try to make it stop using the Valsalva maneuver (I used to be a powerlifter, so I’m very familiar with it.) It didn’t work. It actually made it a bit worse, if anything.
Then I started to become symptomatic. I began experiencing my typical anginal chest pain which radiated to my left shoulder, nausea, shakiness, and wooziness. I dismounted and we slowly made our way back up to the barn. I don't remember when the salvos stopped that time, but I think it was similar to the first episode. We got to the barn and I began untacking my horse, but I was not feeling well at all. It took 10-15 minutes for me to start feeling normal again, though I had some residual fatigue for quite a while afterwards.
Question: So, what the hell did I experience that day? I'm almost certain that I was having back to back PVCs with a HR in the 150s-170s, which I think fits the definition of NSVT? I know SVT is a possibility too, but the palpitations in my pulse felt exactly like my PVCs do, so I'm not sure. I also realize that it's impossible to say without an EKG tracing from the event, but I stupidly forgot my HR monitor that day so I have no way of knowing. I also (thankfully!) haven't had any more episodes since then, assumably because of starting metoprolol soon after. But that means I also haven't been able to get an EKG of it. If it was likely NSVT, is that something to be concerned about? I mentioned it to a few of my doctors, but no one seemed worried about it. I just don't want to end up having a sustained VTach episode someday and go into VFib or something. Especially since I was recently reinfected with COVID and don't know yet if it caused further endothelial damage. But yeah, any thoughts on what I experienced and if I should try to bring it up with my doctors again would be greatly appreciated!
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2021.06.06 05:46 xilishi 研究發現,犀利士可以用來放鬆雷諾氏病患手腳的血管

犀利士 、威而鋼、樂威壯等治療勃起功能障礙(ED)藥物的藥效原理相同。它們通過抑制PDE5對維持適當的血管暢通這一複雜業務至關重要的酶(5型磷酸二酯酶)來放鬆陰莖收縮的血管。當血液通過擴張的(開放的)血管流入時,陰莖中的海綿狀勃起組織腫脹。腫脹的組織通過壓迫靜脈來維持勃起,使血液無法逸出,從而達到理想的勃起狀態。




在一項研究中,隨機分配18名患有雷諾氏病的人,服用安慰劑藥或犀利士(Cialis),持續4週。經過一周的服藥期後,服用安慰劑的患者改用犀利士,反之亦然。 服用犀利士時,志願者的症狀有所改善,但服用安慰劑時,症狀沒有改善。一些測試表明了為什麼會這樣:該藥物使通過毛細管的血流量增加了四倍。這些發現發表在2006年底的《循環》雜誌上 。 在另一項研究中,有38名患有雷諾氏病的人每天兩次服用10毫克另一種ED藥物樂威壯(Levitra),持續兩週。大約70%的人說他們的雷諾氏症狀得到了改善,而測試表明他們手指中的血流有了很大的改善。這些結果在2007年1月的《內科醫學檔案》中有所報導。 研究很小。當病情是另一種健康問題(例如狼瘡或類風濕關節炎)的結果時,許多參與者患有繼發性雷諾氏病。雷諾德的患者確實有其他選擇。標準建議是盡可能避免受涼。可以開通道阻滯劑或其他可使血管鬆弛的藥物。
不可服用犀利士的人群 無論是任何藥物,都有一定的適應人群,針對犀利士,以下人群應盡量避免服用: 75歲以上人群 心絞痛患者 心臟病患者 胃潰瘍、胃出血患者 腎臟、肝臟疾病患者 對硝酸鹽藥物過敏者 75歲以上男性屬於高齡人群,超過70%的高齡男性在這個年齡階段以上器質老化過於嚴重,藥物對自身的幫助已經不大,並且再考慮到年齡大承受能力各方面的機能較差,所以75歲年齡以上的男性不建議、不可以服用犀利士;心絞痛、心臟病等等患者都不可以服用犀利士,因為犀利士會給心臟與心血管系統帶來一定負擔,這類患者的心臟承受能力較差所以不可以服用犀利士;胃潰瘍、胃出血,有腎臟疾病和肝臟疾病的患者不可以服用犀利士,因為犀利士同樣會對這些器官造成一定負擔;犀利士屬於硝酸鹽藥物如:nitroglycerin(耐絞寧);isosorbide(易適倍);Imdur(寬心持續性藥效錠),如對此類硝酸鹽藥物過敏者不應服用犀利士。本段引用自犀利士藥局https://cialispro.com )文章:犀利士服藥注意事項:切勿併服同類藥物!


但是,在某些情況下服用它可能會造成危險或適得其反。 (1)過量飲酒; (2)觸犯藥物禁忌; (3)其他健康問題; (4)沒有ED健康問題; (5)成分過敏; (6)有明顯副作用副; (7)服藥者並不打算做愛; 延伸閱讀: 犀利士雙效錠都有哪些?效果各方面都一樣嗎? 桑瑞犀利士都有哪些?效果怎麼樣? 印度犀利士官網能買到藥嗎?靠譜嗎?
submitted by xilishi to u/xilishi [link] [comments]

2021.06.02 08:15 xilishi 犀利士服用之後沒有效果?藥師:不是,犀利士是可控性的。


1. 犀利士:勃起功能障礙治療中的第三名

2003年,犀利士 (他達拉非)成為繼威而鋼和樂威壯之後進入市場數一數二的磷酸二酯酶-5(PDE5)抑制劑。 PDE5抑制劑通過阻止稱為環GMP(cGMP)的物質的分解來改善勃起功能障礙的症狀。cGMP充當血管擴張劑,這意味著它可以放鬆平滑肌,擴大血管,使更多的血液流入組織。這也增加了進入陰莖海綿體的血流量; 這些是陰莖內勃起組織的海綿狀腔室,在勃起期間充滿血液。 像其他PDE5抑制劑一樣,服用了犀利士而沒有受到性刺激,陰莖是不會勃起的。這是因為cGMP的初始釋放依賴於陰莖神經和內皮細胞的一氧化氮釋放,這只能通過性刺激發生,使男性仍能完全控制自己的身體。

2. 犀利士:並不總是適合

與所有其他PDE5抑制劑一樣,犀利士會影響身體其他部位的血管和平滑肌,而不僅僅影響陰莖; 這就是為什麼在服用犀利士之前與醫生交談很重要。 勃起是一個複雜的過程,取決於您的大腦,神經,激素和血管的良好協調的相互作用,以取得成功。勃起功能障礙(ED)可能是糖尿病或心臟病等嚴重疾病的早期預警信號。 它也可能是壓力或焦慮的跡象,某些藥丸的副作用,或多發性硬化症或帕金森病等神經系統疾病的早期症狀。吸煙,超重和過量飲酒都會對性功能產生負面影響。這就是為什麼醫生的初步評估如此重要。您的醫生將進行體檢,並可能進行一些測試以試圖找到您的ED的原因。對於大多數男性來說,原因通常是醫學和心理問題的結合。 如果您的醫生隨後建議您不要服用犀利士或任何其他PDE5抑制劑,還有其他有效的ED治療方案。向您的醫生諮詢替代性ED治療方法,或訪問男性健康診所獲取更多專業建議。

3.他達拉非的另一個名字 - Adcirca

犀利士 僅被授權治療勃起功能障礙和良性前列腺肥大(BPH)。然而,還有另一種名為Adcirca的他達拉非品牌,用於治療肺動脈高壓(PAH)。 PAH是一種以高血壓為特徵的病症,其發生的原因是供給肺部的動脈顯著變窄。這迫使心臟更加努力地通過這些狹窄的動脈抽血,最終使心肌變弱,導致心力衰竭。 如果你也在服用Adcirca,不要服用犀利士。


犀利士不應與硝酸鹽一起服用,如硝酸甘油(Nitrolingual),硝酸異山梨酯(Dilitrate-SR,Isochron)或單硝酸異山梨酯(Imdur)。 硝酸鹽擴張(開放)心臟周圍的血管,用於心絞痛和冠狀動脈疾病等疾病。將犀利士或任何其他藥物治療勃起功能障礙與硝酸鹽相結合可能導致血壓大量且可能致命的下降。當與犀利士混合時,諸如戊基或硝酸丁酯等娛樂性藥物也可能具有這種效果。 患有其他心臟問題,肝臟或腎臟問題,眼部疾病,胃潰瘍,陰莖畸形或血液疾病的男性也可能不適合犀利士。任何在服用犀利士後出現過敏反應的人(如面部腫脹,皮疹或呼吸困難),或在性交過程中出現胸痛,頭暈或噁心等症狀的人都應尋求緊急醫療建議。
陰莖勃起機理 勃起 (Erection,臨床上稱為陰莖勃起)是一種生理現象,當中陰莖海綿體的空腔會充血,使陰莖脹大且變得堅硬。它是神經、血管等一系列複雜因素配合後所出現的結果,且常跟性興奮或性刺激有關,不過它也有可能自發性地出現,尤其在青少年中常見(來源於維基百科 )。 一般陰莖勃起是由性刺激喚起(包含視覺、聽覺、觸覺),有了性刺激後,中樞神經系統就會發出性衝動並傳導至陰莖,或直接刺激陰莖使得副交感神經興奮,從而釋放出,作用於血管內皮以及平滑肌細胞,cGMP水平增高,使得陰莖海綿體平滑肌鬆弛,從而使得陰莖脹大勃起。 簡單點來講就是,正常情況下陰莖勃起,是先需要有性刺激,然後動脈供血增加,海綿體平滑肌鬆弛,陰莖逐漸變大勃起,直至堅硬!本段引用自犀利士藥局https://cialispro.com )文章:吃犀利士就能勃起嗎?吃後會硬36小時?看看藥師怎麼說!!
延伸閱讀: 犀利士藥房買藥如何避免買到偽藥?藥師:牢記三點! 服用犀利士無效時應該怎麼做?藥師:可以嘗試這6個辦法!! 威而鋼、樂威壯、犀利士有什麼區別?犀利士有哪些優勢?
submitted by xilishi to u/xilishi [link] [comments]
