

2016.09.30 20:28 5gg gabapentin

Welcome to /gabapentin, here we primarily discuss issues pertaining to the medical, prescribed use of Gabapentin, Lyrica and Phenibut, as well as other Gaba related drugs. This IS NOT the subreddit for discussion of how to get high or otherwise abuse GP. If you're looking for information on how to get high or potentiate GP, you'll want to head over to /gabagoodness they'll welcome you!

2024.02.28 20:25 ConstantAnimal2267 QuittingGabapentin

Community for quitting gabapentin safely

2009.04.18 10:29 LisaHellen Fibromyalgia - An Optimistic but Realistic Support Group

An optimistic but realistic support group.

2024.05.14 21:06 butterypanda Two of my cats having an extremely toxic relationship after a over a year of living together.

TLDR: Ember (male) refuses to stop being physically aggressive to Mamba (female) regardless of what we try.
My fiancé and her cat moved in with my two cats and two dogs over a year ago. Her cat, Ember (male), is still extremely aggressive to one of my cats, Mamba (female). We introduced everyone very slowly using many techniques to ensure they'd get acclimated in a healthy way. Ember was at first very confrontational with all of the animals but none of them were reactive to his threats and attacks so things simmered down quickly. He now accepts the dogs and will even speak. rub noses and cuddle with my big orange cat, Olly.
Mamba has definitely been defensive and hissy with him from the start but has never gone out of her way to be aggressive. Ember on the other hand, will actively stalk her around corners, display aggressive body-language and attack her when she's completely unaware. I definitely think their dynamic has to do without they both act towards each other but I know for a fact that if Ember wasn't so aggressive there wouldn't be a single issue. Ember has pushed so many physical altercations with Mamba that we've had to ensure both of their nails are always trimmed so Ember doesn't keep ending up with minor injuries. He keeps LOSING fights he causes and it somehow bolsters his ornery behavior.
I should mention Ember has FLUTD, which makes him a lot more ornery than a normal cat.
We have tried so many different techniques for dealing with this, none of which have worked at all. We've given Ember and Mamba Gabapentin prior to giving them a chance to interact. Ember has been on Amitriptyline for his overall anxiety - hasn't done jack for his aggressive behavior.
We've tried separating both Ember and Mamba in our adjacent MIL suite for a week at a time and re-introducing them. It has helped Mamba be much less reactive and hissy to his presence... it has done nothing but make Ember more aggressive since he senses less resistance from her.
There are times when both Ember and Mamba will be in the living room and neither even so much as hisses. They both keep to their own space - but that's still very rare.
submitted by butterypanda to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:33 slimjim0001 Anxiety medication?

I have a flight coming up and I asked my doctor the risk of taking a benzodiazepine while pregnant, she said the only risk is the baby being dependant on the medication? If that's the only risk taking it twice should be safe?
I ended up asking if gabapentin was a safe more preferred option and she said it doesn't really make a difference, and then prescribed me the gabapentin instead of an ativan anyway?
I'm curious if anyone has heard anything or read anything on this topic so I can make an educated decision on which med to take for my flight! I will be 12w 3d when it comes time to fly. Not asking for medical advice just looking for information 😊
submitted by slimjim0001 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:22 savethewallpaper Controlling Excessive Licking/Chewing at Amputation Site

Controlling Excessive Licking/Chewing at Amputation Site
This is Belle, our 13 year old tortie. Belle parted ways with her rear left leg last July after an ACL tear. Her amputation site healed great, she gets around well, and generally she didn’t really seem to care that she was down a leg until a couple months ago when she started obsessively chewing and licking at the amputation site to the point of drawing blood. We’re talking biting at her side, pulling out hair, and licking the skin completely raw. This behavior began suddenly.
We took her to the vet who suggested she might be experiencing phantom pain and prescribed gabapentin. It helped a little, but generally the meds just made her lethargic and she would still chew at her side, so we turned to the Donut of Shame (more comfortable than the cone). She’s been in the donut for nearly three months now and the compulsion to lick and chew hasn’t slowed down. Her fur has completely grown back, but if we take off the donut she immediately goes for her side and will have a spot down to bare skin and bleeding within minutes. She even tries to chew at it with the donut on but obviously can’t reach it, and she doesn’t hurt herself in any other spot.
We are to the point where Belle’s quality of life is being impacted. She spends very little time outside of the donut unless she can be constantly monitored, she can’t navigate the stairs to get to her favorite snooze spot because the donut restricts her vision, and there’s no way having a pillow around your neck 24/7 is comfy. Bitter spray does nothing, in fact she seems to like the taste, surgery recovery suits don’t stay on well and get soiled since there’s not a second back leg to keep everything in place (and she can’t groom normally with one on), and the gabapentin doesn’t decrease the chewing enough to allow her to be donut-free unsupervised.
Belle is going back to the vet next week, but in the meantime has anyone come up with a way to keep their pet from chewing that we haven’t tried? I’m frustrated, and sad for my cat.
submitted by savethewallpaper to tripawds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:19 helpyouinneed Gabapentin causing incontinence

Hi and thank you for taking the time to read this.
Yesterday my dog was placed on Gabapentin (200mg twice a day) and he weighs around 20 kilos.
He has been very sleepy and hardly moved. After looking it up, that is expected with Gabapentin. One thing that has took us by surprise is that he has been shaking a little while urinating in the house.
Is this something to be expected during the first few days of being on Gabapentin?
Thank you for all the help
submitted by helpyouinneed to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:13 TheLuckyOne02 Is this dosage not crazy high?

Hi, I'm about to take my pup in for a sick appointment and beforehand picked up from the vet some pills for him to take.
So the vet prescribed my dog combination gabapentin and trazodone two administer prior to vet visits (not as a regular thing).
They told me to give him two of each pill, for a total of four pills. The gabapentin is 300 mg and the trazodone is 100 mg. That makes a total of 600 mg of gabapentin and 200 mg of trazodone.
Does it seem typical? This feels like a lot. He does get pretty stressed at the vet, but it's not an unmanageable amount. He doesn't try thrashing or to bite, and I have him muzzle trained as a precaution because I know stressed dogs can do things they wouldn't normally.
He's 60lb, intact & 2 year old dalmatian. I've taken him to the vet on a singular 100 mg trazodone pill (no gabapentin) before and he was woozy then. This dosage just seems like a lot.
Should I actually give him the full dosage? Thanks!
submitted by TheLuckyOne02 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 sarahcarrasco Cat Bite - Hospital or Did I Do Enough To Prevent Infection?

I am a 31 year old female, about 140 lbs. Medications I take are: Lexapro, Seroquel, Ritalin, Gabapentin.
I was bitten and scratched by one of my outdoor cats earlier while trying to break up a fight. I am not worried about rabies as they are vaccinated. I have been hospitalized before for a cat bite infection, the bite went into my finger tendon and I did not wash it for about an hour after I was bitten. That said, I am ultra paranoid and do not want to spend days on an IV drip if I can avoid it.
Here are photos of the wound and here is what I did to care for the wound:
Immediately after the bite I came inside and ran hot water over the wound and used Hibiclens surgical scrub to clean it. I made sure the soap was inside the wounds and washed for about 5 minutes straight. Then I used antiseptic wipes to clean it even further, even squeezing the solution into the wounds. Then I used an alcohol prep pad to do one more wipe over everything before covering everything with neosporin. Then I wrapped it in gauze and soft tape to keep it covered. I also took 500mg of amoxicillin since I had a bottle from a dentist appointment I never used.
SO, do I need to go to the hospital or urgent care still?
submitted by sarahcarrasco to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:40 grimsonders What’s the baseline to flare?

So, probably a stupid question, but since I’ve been recently diagnosed I’m trying to learn more about everything and I’m just trying to figure out what baseline I should be looking for that is not a flare.
Is it pain free days? Cause it’s been five years and I can count on one hand how often that’s happened (three of which were the three blessed days after first trying Gabapentin. I miss those three days…hasn’t happened again since).
Is it just low pain days vs high pain days?
Or is it like “well I can still get through this” vs “why is everything hurting, including breathing”.
Where does my baseline begin and end in relation to a flare?
submitted by grimsonders to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:26 Musicianmommy How long until you found the right treatment?

I have been diagnosed with IC for 4 years. In that time, I have tried elimination diet, pelvic PT, amitriptyline, gabapentin, muscle relaxers, Valium, cystoscopy, installations, and cimetidine. Even through all this, I feel like I'm at square one. Nothing is working.
Has anyone else experienced something similar?
Is there still hope that a magical treatment is still out there for me?
submitted by Musicianmommy to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:13 Dependent_Web6947 Pn developed after a vaginal pudendal nerve block, advice on treatment options

Hi everyone, I have pelvic floor muscle spasms that causes pain at the opening of my vagina. I was referred to a urologist who does trigger point injections in the pelvic floor. She ended up doing a pudendal nerve block along with it. I had relief in the opening from the trigger point injections, but the pudendal nerve block has caused extreme chronic pain. I had a lot of vaginal bleeding after the pudendal nerve block. I have pain in my entire outside pelvic area on the left side, vaginally on the left side, into my butt and anal area. Down my inner thigh and into my foot. It’s been four months and it is not going away. It burns very badly and I have pins and needles. I can’t sit, I can’t use my dilators anymore, vaginal exams increase the pain, trigger point therapy increases the pain. I just lay in bed all day rotting away. I feel like this doctor completely ruined my life. I’ve tried lyrica and gabapentin which increased the burning sensation. I’ve tried half a dozen muscle relaxants with no improvement. Cymbalta, effexor, and amitypitaline unsuccessful. I genuinely have no idea what to do and it’s started to make me suicidal, which is what brought me to this reddit. Please if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by Dependent_Web6947 to PudendalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 cwoissawnt How to determine origin of the issue and further treatments?

Warning: word vomit ahead…
I’ve had provoked vestibulodynia for about 2 years, started pt with dilators about 8 months ago, and started topical medication (lidocaine, gabapentin, amitriptyline) a few months ago. I haven’t been the most consistent with treatment but am getting better with it. The topical cream does relieve virtually all my vestibular pain, but I honestly hate applying it every day, and if I ever don’t use it the pain returns 100%.
I’m wondering if my pain is hormonal vs nerve related, and am curious to try estrogen/testosterone cream as I know that can eventually be applied twice a week rather than every night. Also, if that worked then I wouldn’t have to worry about combining numbing creams with sex, which I am nervous about just in terms of transferring to a partner, oral sex, etc.
If hormone cream doesn’t work, wouldn’t that confirm that the pain is nerve related? Then I could potentially explore oral amitriptyline/ nortryptyline?
I guess what i am wondering is what is the best way to actually get to the root of my problem? My goal is to find the lowest maintenance resolution, even if that is surgery. How do you know when to “stop” looking for further treatments?
Additionally, if you use topical numbing medication, what are your experiences with that and sex? No partner currently, but wondering about the future.
submitted by cwoissawnt to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 BeautyofPoison New GP has major issue with Ambien

Been looking for a new GP since my wonderful doctor retired 1½ years ago, and I saw one yesterday that I'm not too sure about. I take oxycodone (because oxymorphone isn't available) fentanyl and gabapentin for pain, and I get 15 days worth of Ambien every month for my pretty extreme, lifelong insomnia. New GP was immediately really intense about wanting my to stop the Ambien, and first wanted to give me trazadone. I know I've taken it before, a long time ago, and that it did not work for me but I couldn't immediately remember the details. When I finally got him to tell me what type of med it is (why won't doctors ever tell me, I'll just Google it when I get home anyways) I learn it's an SARI and I know that those types of meds really mess me up so I tell him no. Next he wants to get me a sleep apnea study, I say fine. He seemed surprised I said ok, so I don't know what his motivation was if he's not actually wanting me to get this test. Did he think a sleepover was some kind of deterrent?
Because then he changes his mind and wants me to go to CBT for my insomnia, after I told him I don't want a therapist (he just asked if I had a therapist, then if I wanted one... no context) I say fine to that because why not? The only reason I didn't want a therapist is that I haven't had much success with them in the past, and I don't really have any mental health concerns other than very occasional anxiety and the possibility that I have undiagnosed ADHD, which I've been trying and failing to get evaluated for for years. So I asked him about getting evaluated for ADHD and he first was VERY discouraging, saying that everyone grows out of the hyperactivity and has problems with their attention as they age (I'm early 40s) and they'd only give me an antidepressant to treat it anyways. When I told him I wasn't interested in medication for it, but I know there are other treatments to help manage it he was suddenly thrilled and the CBT therapist can evaluate me!
Of course next he tells me the CBT is because he wants to give me DOXEPIN for my insomnia and I have to try a bunch of other things before insurance will pay for it. It's a tricyclic antidepressant, and all my pain meds are more strongly contraindicated than they are for Ambien. I can't imagine why he thinks this is somehow going to be better for me, so I think maybe he's just someone who thinks all pain patients need to be on an antidepressant. To be clear, there's a zero percent chance I'm taking another antidepressant after all the horrible experiences I've had in the past. So if he still wants to push it at my follow-up in 2 months, I'll be looking for a new Dr again. But at least maybe I'll finally get my ADHD evaluation after years of searching.
P.S. He also told me with zero context or questions that the burning pain in the soles of my feet that developed about 1½ years ago is hyperalgesia due to my pain meds. No chance it's another symptom of my chronic illness that causes many assorted neurological symptoms. No test for diabetes or B12 levels. No consideration of any other possibility, it can only be caused by my pain meds. 💀💀💀
submitted by BeautyofPoison to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:04 shake-sugaree Missy is 15 and has bad separation anxiety whenever I go anywhere - any suggestions on how to help her?

Missy is 15 and has bad separation anxiety whenever I go anywhere - any suggestions on how to help her?
I've had her for three years but this is something that's only come up in the past year or so, and gotten a lot worse since I started a new job that allows me to work from home most of the time last fall. Sunday I went and had coffee with a friend and she sat by the front door crying the entire time I was gone. This week I'm stuck at the office every day and it's stressing me out a bit knowing she's at home probably doing the same thing again.
Has anyone else dealt with separation anxiety in a senior cat and can offer some guidance? The vet offered gabapentin but I don't want to be giving her that all the time. I've also been thinking about trying CBD.
submitted by shake-sugaree to seniorkitties [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:00 Odd-Fill-321 Parnate and dopamine question ?

Hey everyone,just a simple question mainly out of boredom but reading parnates basic pharmacology it states it raises all three major nuetotransmitters serotonin norphetdrine and dopamine
My question is like nardil high affinity for gabapentin has anyone read of parnate holds true to high affinity with dopamine on any way or not so much ?
submitted by Odd-Fill-321 to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:44 Gurkenrick123 Best supplements and Meds against pelvic floor pain?

i am suffering from bad post ejaculatory pelvic pain. This pain is very bad when i am having an erection after an ejaculation and makes the erection hurt alot in the pf muscles. This Takes atleast 4-8 hours to go away. Physical exercise shortens the period somewhat.
Sometimes the same pain also comes less intense when having intercourse with no prior ejaculation.
I am planning on talking with a doctor about these options:
Acetyl and propionyl L - Carnitine with 5mg Cialis combined
Doxazosin 4mg daily
Calcium channel blockers
Amlodipine und telmisartan
Supplements: Magnesium glycinate Pelvic Floor pain: Fish oil
As potential treaments for symptoms, has anybody other Ideas or opinions to chime in? Would be of great help.
submitted by Gurkenrick123 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:32 MrTRoyy How to lift heavy luggage while travelling with back pain?

Hey all, I 27M, am diagnosed with L5-S1 disc herniation and disc dessication. I have been experiencing lower back pain since the last 2 months because of this. My doctor has given me some medicines (gabapentin, amitriptyline, muscle relaxant, calcium and vitamin D), physiotherapy, and advised not to lift or carry heavy weights in the near future. I travel alone a lot, and will be shifting to a different city or country soon. Am worried how would I lift or carry heavy luggage with back pain? How do you guys manage? Any advice would be really helpful.
submitted by MrTRoyy to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 canttakethshyfrom_me OTC treatment for mucus blockage in inner ear from upper respiratory infection?

42M, 5'9", 240lb, non-smoker, some history of sinus congestion but no previous eustachian tube issues. Got exposed Thursday at a concert (only time it could have happened), by Saturday night my throat was sore. Only mild sinus issues and not much of a cough, but last night my middle ear filled with mucus and won't drain. Took pseudoephedrine, diphenhydramine, acetaminophen and ibuprofen along with lisinopril, and pain subsided. This morning, naproxen, pseudoephedrine and acetaminophen plus adderall, vilazodone and gabapentin.
No pain to speak of now, and breathing clear through my nose with little pressure in other sinus areas. But pressure in the ear remains and hearing is greatly reduced, no high frequencies. Can hear it sloshing in there when I move my head. Have had hope a couple times that it was about to drain, but still stuck. Been running the humidifier since last night, several times have just stood around breathing in steam from the shower. Treatment recommendations at this point? And what duration or signs would send me to a urgent care or an ENT (I'm American so it'd be a considerable expense).
submitted by canttakethshyfrom_me to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:41 prettybadatreddit Medication for senior boston terrier with anxiety, reactivity, possible sundowners, atypical cushings, and recent cervical surgery.

I have an almost 14 year old boston terrier. He is most definitely reactive. He has a whole host of other issues as well. He has suspected sundowners as he gets very agitated and barks in the evening, worse than the day. He also has general anxiety. He also has atypical cushings. He recently had cervical surgery for a herniated disk. That is important because he started trazadone during the pre and post surgery. Prior to his disc issues he was taking: 100mg gabapentin as needed for pain or as a sedative 0.5 mg of Xanax as needed (usually evening) 15mg Selegiline every day Mitotane one day a week for cushings melatonin and lignans every day for cushings
Pre and post surgery he was on a heck ton of pain meds and other things. They added the trazadone to keep him calm. Now that he is mostly pain free he is not on the pain meds. We brought up with primary what we can do to keep him calm since he can't have as much activity out of risk of re-injury. They suggested adding Prozac. Their current recommendation is to do: Prozac 10mg once a day Selegiline 15mg once a day Xanax 0.5 mg every 6-8 hours
They also said I could give trazodone on a situational basis. The idea of Selegilline and Prozac together is concerning? I've read that is not a good combo? But maybe it's okay? He would also continue the meds for cushings. I hear of serotonin syndrome and I don't know how common it is. I have been hesitant to start the Prozac because Trazadone has seemed to work the best but I know it may not be the best long term. BUT, he is almost 14 and he has never shown his age as much as he has the last few months. I've heard Prozac can take a long time to work and can make things worse before they get better. We've been through hell the past few months and I am scared of a long loading period or making anything worse.
Because of his reactivity and risk of injury we don't go for "normal walks". I have a treadmill that we walk on. I have a fenced in yard for going potty and roaming around. We just have to be careful for neighbor dogs making noise and or bunnies/squirrels. He can't play with most toys because he gets aggressive with them. What I have done is kongs and other puzzle toys with peanut butter and treats but he gets them all so quickly and just barks and barks. I can't give unlimited pb and treats!
Does anyone have experience with this medication combos?
I’ve posed the question of its time multiple times to multiple different doctors lately and none think we are there yet. The thoughts have been creeping more and more though. The main concern is the combination of drugs and the safety to see if they help.
submitted by prettybadatreddit to seniordogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:39 fiestypop How does your Dr manage pain

Basically what the title says.
I’ve been in PT for 5 months, compounded Baclofen 10 mg/Diazepam 2.5 mg/Lidocaine 50 mg suppositories, had an iliac stent placed as well as some vaginal vein treated.
We tried gabapentin, which did nothing. Now trying Lyrica, which also seems to be doing nothing. Now getting monthly nerve blocks that provide relief for a week max and then I’m miserable again.
submitted by fiestypop to PudendalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:26 GTCapone Weightlifting with low blood pressure

Hi askdocs
I've (36M) been dealing with high blood pressure (150/85+) this year and have made a ton of progress through exercise, diet, and quitting drinking/smoking. Lately, I've switched to having low (below 80/60) blood pressure. It's been low enough that I've almost blacked out from standing up and during weightlifting.
I talked to my doctor already and he's having me lower my Losartan dosage from 100mg daily to 50mg and stopping my hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg entirely to start, with instructions to continue lowering the dosage until my systolic is back around 120. We currently think I'll be able to stop the medication entirely.
I've also added protein shakes (muscle milk) to my diet to ensure that I'm not malnourished, since my other medications (listed below) suppress my diet significantly.
My question is: at what point should I go back to weightlifting? It's been 3 days on the lower dose and I'm measuring 100/70 before medication and between 90/60 and 100/70 after medication. I'm still getting dizzy when standing up, though not as bad. I was planning on waiting until either I was done adjusting my dosage, or above 110 systolic, but that may be me making excuses for myself.
  • Venlafaxine 75mg
  • Atomoxetine 40mg
  • bupropion 150mg
  • Aripiprazole 10mg (1/2 a 20mg tab)
  • Losartan 50mg
  • Gabapentin 300mg (as needed at bedtime for nerve pain)
  • Atorvastatin Calcium 20mg
  • Trazodone (temporary sleep aid)
  • Nicotine gum 2mg/3 hours (as needed for cravings)
  • Vitamin D3 5000 IU
  • Ibuprofen and acetaminophen as needed for pain
Diet is almond milk yogurt w/ granola, and a protein shake for breakfast, raw vegetables for lunch, coldcut sandwich for dinner, fresh fruit, nuts and dried fruit for snacks, 2-3L of water and unsweetened tea for fluids (I've been over hydrated per lab results). 30-60 minutes of exercise on weekdays.
My weight is currently 215lbs (97.5kg) at 5'11 (180cm). I've been a 1/2 pack/day smoker for 16 years and an alcoholic for 14 years. No indication of liver or kidney damage, and my chest x-ray was clean. I'm currently 3-months sober and have quit smoking, but I'm still using nicotine gum and pouches. I have significant back, ankle/foot, and joint pain from military service and am diagnosed with GAD, MDD, and ADHD (hence the laundry list of medications). My cholesterol was above 300 as of 4 months ago, but is down to 107 as of a week ago. Sleep is a disturbed 5 hours/night.
I've been back in the gym for 3 months, lifting and walking. Outside of exercise, I'm pretty sedentary.
submitted by GTCapone to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:43 Express-Amount-1413 Gabapentin and Weed

One time a year ago I took my gabapentin to sleep and then ended up smoking weed around the same time and I felt really manic for like 24 hours and then I was back to normal. Has that happened to anyone else and have they mixed since? I’m just curious not planning to test it.
submitted by Express-Amount-1413 to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:28 sunflowahhh Issues with socks?

Anyone else having issues with socks/shoes? I am on my feet for work and find myself having to wear cheap, thin socks, have to take them off to apply biofreeze and then put them back on. It is to the point where I want to wear wet socks in my shoes. I cannot wear flip flops for my job.
Any tips and recommendations? This is so debilitating and annoying. I am already on gabapentin.
submitted by sunflowahhh to Erythromelalgia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:42 VitaLoca8 Desperate for help

I’m at a loss and not sure what’s going on with me, I’ve felt alone on it for too long so was truthfully happy when I stumbled across y’all. It’s a long story and a lot but I’ll try not to make it too boring or too long but I apologize ahead of time- I’m 26 , almost a year ago now last summer in August 2023 I had a painful sensitive reaction to my clitoris. Started as one little painful “bump” that went away over night, & over the course of maybe 2 weeks turned to about 8 painful bumps that appeared and disappear, only on my clitoris. I was tested for everything & noticed after getting one of the bumps swabbed it had turned white before it went away (more on this later). About a week after these bumps, my whole clitoris had a reaction; it got swollen and lumpy and really sore. The reaction lasted for 2 days or so however the nerve pain/sensitivity it left is still something I’m dealing with. My clitoris burned and felt raw for months after this, like someone had literally taken sandpaper and rubbed my clit with it. I couldn’t wear legging or jeans for over 4 months and had trouble sitting down some days because any movement of my clitoris or the hood was too sensitive and kinda painful. It being about 9 months later and still having this sensitivity im being told it’s clitorodynia. A little medical background to the situation- First OBGYN saw me during the 3rd “bump” (almost a week after my first bump appeared and disappeared), told me it did not look like herpes and that it usually doesn’t go away overnight, swabbed that bump and blood tested me for everything and gave me a steroid cream to help if it was a cut- all tests came back negative for STDs. Second visit with OBGYN after my whole clitoris had that lumpy painful reaction, told her that after the swab the one “bump” had turned white and just gone away, she shrugged and told me the tests were fine so maybe its an allergic reaction and assured me the swab would’ve told me if it was herpes, put me on gabapentin for 2 weeks to try and help the pain plus a round of antibiotics (with fluconazole to avoid yeast infection). fast forward maybe 2 months, I was frustrated and went to a different OBGYN who tested and swabbed me again, this time again everything was negative however HHV6 had come up on the bloodwork. This newer OBGYN had no idea what that was but says “seems like herpes”, also told me I had PCOS and that whatever pain I still had lingering was considered vulvodynia, sent me home with a pain cream and oral medication for herpes. Frustrated with a sore clitoris and no answers, I went to a dermatologist. they saw my prior bloodwork and also confirmed from pictures it did not appear as herpes and told me the HHV6 on prior bloodwork was basically just chicken pox from when I was little. answer for my clitoris was fissures from a yeast infection, gave me nystatin. applied that for a few weeks but I couldn’t deal with it anymore and needed help, I went to a holistic doctor. holistic doctor went through all my history and said doesn’t appear as herpes but the nerve pain I still felt with no bumps anymore was interesting. mentioned possibly lichen sclerosis planus, sent me to get more labs done to help her understand and get answers (have not gotten these labs done yet due to finances and truthfully just being over the testing for this). spoke to a close family friend about it and mentioned the lasting nerve pain and HHV6, they mentioned it sounded like nerve pain they had when they went through shingles, recommended I start amino acids (noticed a difference in the nerve pain after maybe a month taking them). The last 3 months I was finally able to start wearing leggings and even jeans when I’m doing good, I still have this weird sensitivity to my clitoris. I haven’t been able to wipe after using the restroom since my first month, been having to pat dry. Last 2 weeks I was able to somewhat start accepting the answer being clitorodynia and maybe keratin pearls. However my worst nightmare occurred in the shower last night when I noticed a white “bump” on my clitoris and on my hood; looking just like the white bump did after the first gynecologist swabbed it. So now I’m alarmed, confused and concerned. I’m thanking God it doesn’t hurt like it did my first few months but can still tell it’s sensitive down there. I’ve been fighting as my own health advocate for almost a year now with this and I just want answers. I haven’t had sex with my boyfriend or even shaved down there since before this all happened even though I’ve been cleared by all doctors to shave or have sex. but because nobody knows what it is or what caused it I’m scared to do anything in fear that the initial pain and sensitivity I felt will come back. So I’ll be going back to get this swabbed and looked at again (swabbed as long as the bump is still there tomorrow) in addition to the holistic doctors bloodwork and I’m truly hoping to find answers this time. I feel like a fraction of the woman I was; I feel so alone in this. Please, if you have any advice I’m more than willing to listen.
submitted by VitaLoca8 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]