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Is she into me or am I reading too deep? [LONG]

2016.09.21 01:30 Eyyyletsthrowitaway Is she into me or am I reading too deep? [LONG]

Hey Cougars and Cubs alike,
I need an opinion.
I work at a sports complex and while I was out working a booth during a sports event our company sponsored, I met this woman, older than I am, who sells sports supplements. She came up introduced herself to my co-worker and I (not respectively she was chatting with me at first) and told us about the product. We tried the stuff, she told us about the product, and we went on our way.
During the event she was picking my brain while I was at my booth (she was at the neighbouring booth). She asked about where I went to school, how I got my job, how old I was, where I'm from, and general kinda stuff. After talking for a while she told me about possible career's with the supplement company and how I could train directly under her if I joined and blah blah blah. I'll be honest, I was pretty seduced/infatuated by her and said I was interested in it all. It was a half truth I liked the model of the company a little bit. All aside, she gave me her business card and information and she told me to keep in touch about the side career opportunity. Fast forward a couple weeks and I haven't texted or called her, but she shows up at our sports complex (didn't stalk we did tell her where to find us in the city) and she was talking about possible partnerships with our company and such. I was working that day and she recognized me right off the bat. Asked about what I thought of the side career opportunity so far, how I was doing and such. Friendly stuff, I would say. Before she left she invited me out with her as her guest to a company get togethecelebration. I had to decline since I wasn't available, but I did tell her I was interested. Anyway, after that second time I saw her, I started texting her and we went back and forth texting about the career.
For the emoji/emoticon analyst she sent ;) faces a couple of times does that mean something?! /s
She asked if I was interested in meeting with her and talking along the beach or grabbing some coffee together and going over the whole details of the company. I was very interested, but had to decline since I wasn't available at the time she was. However, she was adamant about talking with me so she called and chatted a little about the career, but mainly again about my life, how I got into sports, and how I got my job. She asked me my age again and told me hers (she's 52). She tied in her asking my age by saying I was old enough to join the company and how people who joined at my age are so successful now. Idk how her age tied into everything though. We talked a bit more about the career and a little about her life and her career with the company. Before we disconnected she said how badly she wants me to be apart of the team since she takes me for a hard worker (she's not wrong). So a month goes by after the call. I don't know what to say since the next step is joing the company and investing money in the product. (This post is already too long but joining the company is a whole big thing, but sounds like a pyramid scheme if you asked me). Anyway, I reopened communication with her and texted her asking if she still wanted to go to the beach or grab a drink. I wasn't expecting a response, but she wrote back saying Friday or Sunday for lunch together (paraphrasing) or we could go to a company related event and I could go with her as a guest on Friday. I brushed aside the guest opportunity since I couldn't make that anyway and I wasn't much interested in going to an event with a bunch of people. So we settled on coffee this Sunday. Here's the thing... I texted her on a stupid whim, so I have NO idea what we're meeting up for. I didn't even talk about the career my text goes as quote/ish (privacy edits and grammar edits have been applied)
Hi OW, were you still interested in meeting at the beach or grabbing a drink sometime? Friday and Sunday are looking like my most available days.
It can't be business related since all I have to do at this point is pull the trigger and invest some money, she's given me basically all the information on the company that I need to make a decision. I'm not really interested in the career there are other ways I'd rather make money, and I don't have enough funds to even invest in the company in the first place :insert starving college student here: I'm really just digging her, and that's the catch. I feel kind of bad texting her because I just wanted to go out with her alone. I'm thinking about telling her how I feel about everything, but I'm not sure if that's a smart idea... Mainly because I'm not sure if I've taken our entire interaction as she's-into-me-ness rather than friendliness or just doing her job (which is recruiting people). I'm erring towards the former, but it seems rather obvious that I would.
Another catch is that I don't KNOW if she's married. She hasn't mentioned a husband (ex or not), but she has talked about her kids and she does have a huge diamond ring on her hand (yes I shamelessly checked...). I have no idea if saying anything is a bad idea/disrespectful. In the end, the plans aren't concrete I could fudge my way out of things, but at the sametime I do want to see her again.
SO, while I've only gave you the brief highlights of the past months what do you think? From a cub's perspective am I just reading too deep into things? Or from a woman's perspective is she actually interested in me or simply just doing her job?
Any input is greatly appreciated!
submitted by Eyyyletsthrowitaway to CougarsAndCubs [link] [comments]

2013.04.24 13:36 PenguinKillr [Request] Ryan Dunn getting a fork in the eye in the movie Haggard (coffe house scene) and/or gif of him explaining why he is wearing the eyepatch(Hairdresser scene w/Glauren)

Supervisor has been out getting some crazy eye surgery, he is due back in today and will be rocking an eye-patch like a half-assed Pirate. I'd love to have a few of these gifs to add to our SameTime intranet chat as emoticons.
EDIT: I cannot youtube here at work (blocked). I will try to find a link and post it.
submitted by PenguinKillr to gifrequests [link] [comments]

2011.07.06 15:22 azulspectre Got tired of SameTime's emoticons, so I made it more reddit-friendly. (XPost from r/pics)

Got tired of SameTime's emoticons, so I made it more reddit-friendly. (XPost from pics) submitted by azulspectre to fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu [link] [comments]

2011.07.06 15:08 azulspectre Got tired of SameTime's emoticons, so I made them more reddit-friendly.

Got tired of SameTime's emoticons, so I made them more reddit-friendly. submitted by azulspectre to pics [link] [comments]