Who is the girl on esurance

Girls You Know in Real Life

2015.06.15 20:23 swoopdoop Girls You Know in Real Life

Welcome to IRLgirls (In Real Life girls), a subreddit that celebrates the girl next door rather than the famous celebrity or influencer that you follow. Here you will see girls or women who appeal to traditional gender norms with the allure of purity, simplicity, and charm with natural, modest, and effortless beauty. Enjoy the community while keeping up with the rules and announcements. Note: We are not affiliated with anything outside of this subreddit, whether it is on Reddit or outside of it.

2012.11.01 03:43 VeggiAttack Life pro-tips for girls and women.

This subreddit was created for women and girls to request tips and share discoveries to aid others in daily life. A survival guide of "life pro-tips" for the everyday female. Post away!

2010.01.05 04:34 A place for gamers who also happen to be women, probably

A delightfully polarizing term for women who game. This is a community space for ladies to hang out, talk about gaming, and game together. We also discuss topics around women in geek culture and debrief about experiences that occur as a result of their gender. Or you know, just post some bad ass makeup tutorials inspired by video games. We like that stuff here! Folks of all genders and identities welcome to join discussions here! FAQ -https://www.reddit.com/GirlGamers/wiki/index

2023.01.29 09:12 Spacious_Floppa Another Post About My Opinion on NSFW Art

Last post on this subject: https://www.reddit.com/zootopia/comments/wxsc6a/whats_your_opinion_on_nsfw_in_the_fandom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
I'm not here to force my opinion onto you. I want to express how I feel to this community and hear what other people have to say. I don't want drama. If there's anything I want from the responses to this post, it's that they are civilized and we can have a little healthy discussion. Whether you agree or disagree, I'd love to hear other opinions expressed so long they're respectful and civilized.
This picture represents how I feel: https://www.deviantart.com/mewtwo3291/art/Fanart-self-search-840427679
Suzi Quatro - If You Can't Give Me Love
Beatles - You Can't Do That
Bon Jovi - You Give Love a Bad Name
I understand there's some trouble with mods here taking down suggestive artwork here. I'd like to say I don't agree with that sort of behavior, because I am 100% in support of NSFW art. David Cronenberg spoke of censorship in his home state of Ontario and how "they take your picture, they take every print, and they cut it, they hand it back to you, and they say 'this is your new movie,' they keep the pieces they have taken out, and you go to jail for two years if they are projected if you put the pieces back." From what I understand, NSFW is a label which basically means it's content that is disturbing or graphic. And there's A LOT of art that can be definitely classified as NSFW. Filmmakers such as Stanley Kubrick or David Cronenberg are filmmakers known for the disturbing/graphic subjects/imagery in their films. I would be one to encourage more disturbing or graphic imagery in a story depending on how it's implemented and how it benefits the story. To use Brian De Palma's Carrie as an example, the explicit female nudity during the opening shower scene is used to not to sexualize women or to turn on the audience but to normalize female maturity because the protagonist is a teenage girl who experiences puberty. You can show any absence, shocking, disturbing material to an audience so long it has a point. It can't be shown for any superficial reason or on arbitrary whim. If you're going to show me excessive gore, or sex, or any absence-disturbing material, then show me when it's needed. John Carpenter's The Thing wouldn't have been as scary or as suspenseful if we wouldn't see the grotesque and gross appearance of the alien. Even to a small degree in family films, like, Mulan (1998), or The Secret of NIMH, or in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, just seeing a little bit of blood will do so much to make an audience become more invested in the story. We can all agree The Fox and the Hound would've been better if Chief died from the train instead of somehow just getting an injured leg, right? I am definitely no conservative who wants the most sanitary and safe content. I absolutely would encourage elements of graphic/disturbing material in art depending on it's implementation and it's necessity for the story. So, no, I don't have any issue with art that is NSFW. I would encourage it. However, the NSFW art in the fandom is for the most part pornography and no real meaning. While no one can deny their skill and talent for drawing, it isn't art. Yes, people like S1M, Carrot, Qupo, RobCive, etc. produce nice looking art, but art is more than technical competence. Art in the sense it's a drawing? yes. Art in the sense it's emotionally powerful and resonant? No. I won't say all NSFW here is bad, but most NSFW artists in the fandom only draw blatant grotesque porn, because their ape brain goes "mE So HoRnY." A tweet by Siroc really stood out to me. I don't think I can link the tweet since his account is NSFW, but on November 12, 2022 (yes, I scrolled though his twitter just to make sure I knew the tweet... The things I've seen...), what he tweeted was "Personally, I enjoy horny comments on my work." And reading that I thought, "so, you don't actually want people to think critically and judge your art? You just want blind non-critical praise and get your ego stroked for what is just blatant pornography?" And people in the comments just eat it up. The only people who praise and like those posts are people who only react to the sexual explicitness of it. I distinctly remember someone replying to a post by Qupostuv and just complimenting the way the semen looked on Judy. Clearly people who draw it and people who look and like it aren't at all interested in producing and seeing something that is actually artful or have any real merit. They look at it and go "Me So HoRnY." Everyone in that comment section just marveled at the explicitness of the drawing. They only draw because they get a kick out of it and people flock to ego stroke them in the replies, nothing critical or analytical. It's porn, not art. They're undoubtedly talented and skilled at drawing, but art is more. You need to have something more than graphics. The only thing that makes each NSFW artists in this community stand out is their own respective art styles and nothing else, they all make the same sort of excessively graphic, grotesque, salacious, smut. They are nothing more than just another NSFW artists in a twitter timeline. Byron Howard said himself in Imagining Zootopia, "Everything we do at animation is in service to story. Every lighting decision, every emotion that we play out on screen is all in service to telling a better story... because if your story isn't working, then the most beautiful shots in the world, the most beautiful animation in the world won't save that film." Art needs to have more than graphics, and depicting graphic sex and cringey sex dialogue just because it's "hot" or "spicy" doesn't cut it. "Nobody is ever going to read a page that you wrote and say to themselves 'damn, I'm glad I read that!' It's just fucking popcorn. You write the mental equivalent of popcorn." Art isn't superficial. I am firmly of the opinion you can make a story about anything and has the potential to be good. If an artist has an idea for Zootopia that involves sexual ideas/themes/imagery then I'm all for it, but it needs to be understood the artist needs to perform a tightrope act when doing that. An artist needs to stay true to the original material and respect it, and not stray too far off from it otherwise it will alienate people who know the material cough Velma cough. I find it unethical for an artist to treat any piece of material in a arbitrary way -- "I want to do this to the characters because that's what I want" -- disrespectful to the original material. If you aren't going to respect the characters or the material, then don't use those characters or that material. Make up your own. "I think it really depends on the tone of the film, it depends on what the film is trying to do. I mean, I have been offended by violence in movies, but primarily because, I can't think of a specific instance, but because, let's say, the violence is completely gratuitous within the context of the movie. That is to say every movie has its own rules and you can really set up any game that you want, but once you do that you really have to play that game otherwise the audience feels, uh, they know something is wrong and something is not working." There's been plenty of instances where fandoms have bended the media they follow into what they want, which often ends up ruining that medias reputation: Rick and Morty, Fnaf, Undertale, My Little Pony, Steven Universe. I hope people can understand the concern I have for Zootopia becoming synonymous with a horny fanbase and that negatively influencing general perception of Zootopia. I saw SaberSpark's recent video on Samsung Sam and he brought up a previous video he did on Erin Esurance. He explained he eventually received an anonymous email from someone who worked for the company and they confirmed Erin Esurance was retired as the company's mascot because of the oversaturation of rule 34 of her. So, yeah, my concern for Zootopia's reputation isn't being quelled.
There's a lecture Don Bluth gave to a class of college students. He lectures between 9:48 - 15:57, "... I want you to sit in the chair and focus on something besides graphics, and the only thing I can think of here is a story, a plot, a point of view. A character on screen that is so fantastic, it creates a curiosity within you. It's the character you're after. To hell with how he's drawn. You don't want to know he's drawn. You want to think he's there and he's a alive. The word to animate means to give life. To quicken. To imbue with qualities of life. That's what to animate means. The word cartoon, and this is not to put it down, but cartoon means to exaggerate, to caricature, to go far beyond, to reach into the world of silliness. Y'know, and illustrate or oversimplify something to the point to where you can put across the point. Like, political statements. If you want somebody to see a political idea that you have, you'd draw a political cartoon, and you're going to make is a cartoon because you want someone to look at the political cartoon, to look at it and go 'ah, isn't that funny?'... But you can look at a political cartoon in how long? One minute? half a second? You can see it like that. Nobody has to sit in a chair. You can just see it. But if I said 'sit in the chair and look at the political cartoon for two hours.' You can't. You can't. So, we have one category over here which I'll call classical animation where the artist use a style which hides him. Uses style which is semi-realistic, but it's not really realistic. It's romantic realism. Make it beautiful, make it titillating, make the audience bathe in that experience. Make them just enjoy it."
Not to imply I discredit political cartoons as art or I see political cartoons equal to porn. I'm using this quote to make the point of how much more resonant and long lasting carefully crafted art with meaningful messaging is. Don's first three films -- The Secret of NIMH, An American Tail, and The Land Before Time -- all are films with great, well-defined characters, great story, and morals/themes. These films were made to engage the audience and give them a real experience. Art stays with you. After seeing The Secret of NIMH, it made me want to look more into the film. More about the people who made it. How do people regard it? What do other people think? What more meaning can be taken away? Works of art, like, NIMH are more than just pretty animation and drawings -- graphics -- it's a genuine emotional experience that stays with you, and the more you watch it, the more you see in it, the more you notice, and the more you appreciate it. That is what art is. A NSFW drawing by someone, like, Meesha gets a lot of likes and upvotes, but how long do people look at it? One minute? Half a second? You can see it just like that. No one has to sit in a chair. You can just see it. If I asked you, "sit in a chair and look at Sirocistan's 'Hospitality' for 2 hours." You can't. You can't. Now, sit in a chair and watch John Carpenter's The Thing. You'll get it's theme of fear, isolation, mistrust, and paranoia. The Thing's depictions of gore isn't shown out of whim, it's shown with purpose. It's not shown because the director thought "how cool it is to showoff these bloody, violent effects. I feel like constantly showing these effects because I think they look cool" cough The Thing 2011 cough. And if your Emplemon, you can interpret the grotesque appearance of the alien as a metaphor for the ugliness in political ideologies. The Thing is a film that can be watched, dissected, analyzed, and appreciated over, and over, and over again. The Thing is a genuine piece of art that speaks about man's irrational paranoia. RobCive made a comic where Judy and Nick have sex at the Mystic Oasis... Anything artistic or meaningful about that comic? "I wAtCh PoRn FoR tHe PlOt." To quote Byron Howard: "I can go see a comedy and appreciate it as a comedy, but the films that really last for me are ones that I walk out of the theater and go 'I feel enlightened a little bit. I feel better about myself or about what my world is because of what that piece of storytelling taught to me."
Here's another quote by Don Bluth: “What we in the animation world are doing is presenting symbols that are reflective of real life. If you show the dark moments, then the triumphant moments have more power. And if animators don’t understand that, I don’t think they’re animating. What they’re doing is drawing.”
"if you can't inspire, well, then what are you doing?" - Don Bluth
I would like to say to any NSFW artist in this fandom, make actual art and not porn or smut. Produce something to make gears in people's heads turn and make something genuinely meaningful. Something someone will look at take actual meaning from it. If you're using already existing material for your art, respect that material. Don't think you can do whatever you want with it. Don't produce smut/porn just because it's easy clout and an easy following and you then become full of yourself because all you want to see are horny comments salivating over your horny drawings. What did Don Bluth say between 17:28 to 19:16? Take it from someone who catered to a specific audience for a brief moment only to then realize the negatives of that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHXhzxWIspg
submitted by Spacious_Floppa to zootopia [link] [comments]

2019.05.22 01:39 throwaway13243546465 A subrogation firm is trying to get me to pay $1,800 after an incident with my neighbors’ habit of parking illegally in my building’s private lot. (Ny)

Warning: long and long
Last year I lived in a building with a private lot that cost $60/mo for a permit. Next door was a house owned by the same property management company and their parking lot was connected to the one for my building. The house contained 4-5 male college students who would regularly throw parties and habitually park in my building’s lot, sometimes filling it completely. I emailed my landlord in October of 2018 and complained about the lax in lot regulation because I was often coming home from work & couldn’t park my car where I had paid to. She told me that it was my right (and apparently my responsibility) to call to get cars ticketed and towed if I found them in the lot, as she couldn’t provide enough surveillance. She said she would contact the tenants at the house and remind them that they aren’t allowed to park in that lot. Nothing changed. I continued to email my landlord, at her request, whenever I found someone parking illegally, and even though it was massively inconvenient to get home from work at 10:30-11pm and call the cops to ticket a bunch of college kids, I was just poor and bitter enough to do it a few times. I called a tow truck once but the vehicle in question’s owner rushed out before they hooked his car. Heard him call me a c*nt as he and his friends walked back inside but that’s beside the point- to put it bluntly I was at a drastic loss of patience. The illegal parking and disregard of my investment continued.
I got home from an errand midday in May and found two more cars parked illegally and I snapped and scratched an X on each vehicles’ driver side door. Apparently one of my neighbors had put up trail cameras to watch MY building’s lot (I later found out that someone else’s car had been damaged and thought it happened in this lot, or that was what I was told) and this camera captures images of me approaching one of the two vehicles. The police were called, I was questioned and I fessed up, saying that I was at the end of my rope after trying for months to get these people to stop parking in my lot through every proper channel. The vehicle owners (two girlfriends of two of the guys living in the house) said I could/should have gone to the front door to ask them to politely move their cars. Luckily the officers said that wasn’t my responsibility before I could say “yes, me, a 22 year old, 5’3” female is going to approach a house of often wasted college boys to ask them to please move their cars out of my building’s lot”
We came to a civil agreement at that point that they would take their cars to a mechanic and get a fair estimate of the damage and I would pay for the damage I caused to be repaired. If I refused to pay, they could take me to court over it. It was all I wanted- to put it behind me. The one girl, who I’ll call A, sent me a huge estimate at first, around 1,400$, a search of price estimates for the repairs ranged widely based on size and severity, and I knew what I did wasn’t severe. I told her that I didn’t trust her estimate and was not able to pay that amount, and asked if she could please find another. She was annoyed but I assured her I wanted to make it right, but that I simply couldn’t afford the amount she presented me. A month later she went to another mechanic and got an estimate around $400. I thanked her for understanding, paid the mechanic over the phone, and told her again that I was sorry for the trouble. I spoke with her father over the phone and apologized to him as well, and he was very kind and understanding.
The other girl, B, and her father, D, presented me with an estimate of almost $3000, saying that out of the 4 mechanics they took the car to, that was the “lowest estimate” they could get. I responded that I absolutely did not accept that as an honest estimate and that I was wholly unable to pay that amount. Again ensuring that I wanted to make right on my mistake, but not pay for any additional damage that I didn’t cause. There was no way a scratch on a door could cost $3000 to fix, even at the highest estimates I found for the most severe damage. After a lengthy text argument between myself and D, in which he was able to get the mechanic to knock ~$500 off the estimate somehow, I ended up telling him that the absolute most I could afford to cough up was $1245, and that was at the time more money than I had to my name. He abruptly stopped responding.
A few months later I got a letter from a subrogation firm saying that they picked up a claim from Esurance for $1285 plus a $500 deductible. It was- you guessed it- B & D. I contacted the company to try to determine how they came up with that amount, what happened, etc. It was incredibly difficult to get in touch with someone and by this time I was about to move out of my old apartment. When I finally spoke with the woman handling my case, I asked her if we could postpone our conversation for a month or two until I was settled in my new place. She agreed and said she would contact me in a few months. She never did until around this past winter. I didn’t respond because I wasn’t getting any answers, I was suspicious and am now almost certain that B&D are guilty of insurance fraud, and frankly I assumed they forgot about me so I did the same.
Today, I received an email saying I owe such-and-such an amount, for this claim for Esurance and “In order to ensure proper credit and stop further processing of this claim, please remit payment via check or money order immediately.” No threat of a lawsuit or any legal action against me, but obviously a sense of urgency as I’ve been given 10 days to comply. I want to respond to their email explaining the situation, my suspicions, and my intent to accuse B & D of insurance fraud. I have all conversation between myself, B & D, the original police report which states the damage, the agreement and the terms surrounding it, and an itemized, loose estimate of the damage I’m responsible for (in total, ~$600 for both doors and the camera, which I did take down out of disgust). I have the conversation between myself and A, her estimates and the invoice from B & D’s mechanic. I want to fight this now because I know they tried to take advantage of me and I want this ass-ache to be over.
Do I have enough to make a case for myself?
TLDR: I damaged a car that was parked illegally in my building’s lot and am now being harassed by a subrogation firm after my attempt to make up for my mistake was abused and taken advantage of by the aggrieved.
Edit: I know I was in the wrong and I did a bad thing because I was salty, the point is I tried to settle this with the aggrieved for a long time, and I have every intention to make this right, but I am being charged for far more damage than I caused and I want to know what my options are.
submitted by throwaway13243546465 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2018.08.18 03:38 tmac4lyfe Got rear ended in Chicago, I have car insurance but no medical insurance due to lay off

Hi everyone,
I just got rear-ended in Chicago by a woman who clearly was on her cellphone, didn't stop while in traffic. The impact made me hit the car in front.
We have filed a claim through esurance, have a police report where the girl admitted to rear-ending me but claimed "she tried to stop but didn't in time".
The issue is that I have just been laid off my job at the end of July and have no medical insurance at this time. I have a sharp pain on my shoulder and where my spine is. It is sore and can barely lift anything with my left arm. My wife who was in the back wearing seat belt feels pain in her back. My daughter who was in a car seat is perfectly fine (she has All Kids insurance as of now).
I was wondering what the best course of action is. If my wife and I go see a doctor will the lady who rear-ended us, will her insurance pay for it all? Will I have to pay up front and wait for reimbursement?
Should I apply for state COBRA or just do Medicaid and then go to the doctors? I don't know how long it'll take but probably need to see a doctor asap.
If we need rehab that's another question. Please help! Thank you in advance!
FYI I am actively applying for full-time jobs.
submitted by tmac4lyfe to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2017.10.10 06:35 LordPsyWook The slum lord

There are a few things in this world that you actually cannot do. I prosue those that they say you just can’t, take for example breaking down linguistic bareors to the point where I enter a town everyone knows who I am and what I am doing. Catching the oponents proceptional checks and noticing how they react, you build a map. Take the worst case sinario, you are placed on this planet in a major city with nothing but clothing and 10$. the fastest way to build up would be to find opiats and stalk a heroin addict until he was withdrawing and sell him more to get him up for 10$ a hit, 5-15$/gram for heroin, find a needle( careful ) and make 100$, do this quickly and you could have enough for a motel room in three days. Once you have a supplyer and three to five regual customers you could probably invite them into your room to den, you have to watch this very closely and monitor your flawk to keep them healthy. At this point you should consider selling the flawk to a larger dealer on a cell phone, simply sell a phone of addicted customers to a dealer and he brings them to his den, cellphones are 30$, prepaid cards are 25$, one time use cellphone. Sell the phone for what you would make in a month, no traiding. The idea is that you want to get off of street as fast as possible, street makes money, but it is EXTREAMLY DANGEROS, you will need a make name, think about advertising and affileation, the idea is that you want to sound like something you can play off of, you should always be trying to have the upper hand when on the street by ANY means possible. At night you are ____. But in the day you ABSOLUTLY MUST maintain the most clean and profssional apearence, you must also never touch the drugs you sell ever. If you start dosing you will burn away to fast to catch yourself, period. There is black magic of the street of course but that is later. Once you cant afford a cheap house and keep it up every month you should take two or three of the followers of the needle and have them work to pay for rent and keep up their addiction on the low key, at this point you must be working, and mantaining your body, apearence is everything and female junkies are easier to deal with unless they aren’t. So once you have the house save up as much as you can as fast as you can legit while still selling non-directly on the side, buy a burner once a week, new drop locations, only sell to dealers or dens. Once you have saved up enough to fully separate from dealing with addicts you have a few choices; you could go green which may or may not be your thing, you could do everything by yourself and sell on the deep web. Or you could climb the monstorous social circles. I highly sugest you do all of the above so I will discribe how to do so. First, social circles. To master the art of people is to almost become godlike, you are able to controle situations far beyond that of at normal individual, after you have been through the street you should be swept up by the wind once you enter the club sceane. Prepare for alchohal, blow, and pricks with girls. Blow can make you money fast but not as a street drug, you would need to buy by the ounce and cut it then sell it to a dealer or two. You need to find pure coke. Thats goal #1. you can always turn coke into crack to test its purity. Coke is a great social tool, its is usefull for getting people addicted to you and if you did the street thing you will understand thing. You have to have a slight alchohol tolerance in order to be able to keep up and learn about the games. Once you start understanding the middle class and upper class games you will need to start planning power plays to manuver yourself deeper into their world and away from major cities. A suburban home will cost far too much too pay for each month this early, instead you must consider buying a house on a small piece of land. If you decide to play the social game you will mant to make sure it is presentable for your demographic, else any house away from people on a piece of land large enough to house some small projects. At this point you should really be focusing on establishing an identity you will have needed an ID, a birth certifacate a SSN, a laptop, and a gun. Life is #1 always. OK, so you have stability, deep web time, the idea is that you are trying to reach key turn level underworld setups so you can simply float like a power god above society and do whatever you want. The deep web is where you go to start making big moves, this will have its own part entirely but the idea is you accuire drop spots for packags, send bulk to yor self, store it up, tell no one, and start monoplolizing either the dealer game locally or use marketplaces to sell like stock. If you establish a digitaltrade rout eventually you could automate everything so you just make purchases and assign people to them, move while living a normal life. You can always go green and smoke pot to get into the samer street level groups, these groups go all the way to the top. Smoke pot to smoke get high for a few weeks in a row then move to every day, then every hour. Start working out to build massive amounts of willpower else you will slack and become lazy. Find people who do acid and msuhrooms, once you find these people you should be able to step your shit up a few notches, teens love weed and psychs. 500$ a sheet, 10 a tab. Mushrooms 150$ an ounce, 15$ gram. Once you have one million dollars in dirty cash start finding ways to invest it in crypto curency, I sugest ethererium and BTC, the idea now is to ride and flood the fastest changing market in the world maybe start a tumbling business or a crypto bank. The thing to remember is that the market will die as soon as the quantum computer industry takes off. Once you have anchored into the heights of capitalism you will become aware of literaly everything, the world is a terrerium, an active chemical exparament in the next 100 years the oceans will die do to toxin in the waters, the ocean is what provides most of the oxegen for the world, when it dies the world becomes costic and all life dies. People need to servive. I sugest you find a few like minded individualsand teach them literally everything you know and have them help you do the same thing…like work towrds a common goal of servival, I highly sugest forming comune-like states where you have basically a government-style system and the land is seen as a country. The top priority is esuring that the speacies lives on.
submitted by LordPsyWook to drug [link] [comments]

2015.08.25 00:17 carinsurancewoes Help with picking our car insurance for the first time

Hi all. I am a recent grad from graduate school who is being removed from under my parents' wings. I just got my first post-grad job, which unfortunately does not have a post grad salary ($26,688 pre taxes). I have about $38k in student debt, and am starting my payments of $480/month in November. Basically I have a small salary and need help picking out car insurance, because I am not totally sure what I actually need.
My parents bought me a new Subaru Forrester in 2010, so I own it outright. I have had one speeding ticket in the past 3 years. My new job is 16 miles round trip, and I do not drive that much in general. I am also 24 and a female, if that affects anything. I am currently on my parent's plan, but they have the premium plan, which I cannot afford. I am hoping to spend around $60-70/month for insurance, and stumbled across this plan from esurance. I was hoping that someone could take a look at it and tell me if it is enough or if I am missing something. Thanks for helping a clueless girl out.
Edit: I also live in Texas, in the DFW area.
submitted by carinsurancewoes to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2015.08.20 19:45 VanDroombeeld Father Dearest

Denyse carefully jotted down the last few names down on a small slip of parchment. She gently pursed her lips together and blew at the ink, drying it almost instantly. She glanced up towards Emmison, who had read the names on the list over her shoulder.
"No one is to know who is on this list. Or else."
Emmison curtly nodded, and esured Denyse of her silence. Denyse did not have to worry thoug, Emmison was loyal to a fault, and knew how to keep her mouth shut. All of her handmaidens knew how to keep their mouths shut, and where more then loyal, but Emmison. It was so much more. Denyse had known of the girls small crush on her for quite some time, and it was a valuable tool to have.
Deynse rolled the slip of parchment up and slipped it into a pocket. She handed Emmison a separate slip of parchment with a separate list of names. Those names would be the targets the handmaidens would be spying on, while Denyse was out, Oakheart, a Lannister, and ...
She left her handmaiden, and made her way over towards her fathers new office. She wore a purple silk brocade top, with a purple ruffles for the skirt. It was much more Reach style, then what was commonly found in Kings Landing but it was new and just had it delivered that day. Her long pale blonde hair was done up in a fancy long braid that she wore to the front. There was a Guard standing outside of her fathers office, but she gave him a look, and he did not say a word as she knocked, then did not wait for a response, and let her self in.
submitted by VanDroombeeld to IronThroneRP [link] [comments]

2013.04.10 01:35 higgimonster Should I take the money or take it to a shop? [auto insurance]

1997 Mazda Miata
Almost a year ago a woman backed into my car and took off. I got a police report and eventually found out who it was. But Esurance just kind of dropped the ball and couldn't get her name from the report. Fast forward many months and she brings her car to my shop for a state inspection. Now I got all her info. So I resubmitted the claim today for damage to my right front fender. All it needs is a new fender.
I swear, not minutes later I go out to my car and see someone has hit my left front fender. I find the girl and we get all the info and things are going smooth. I know all I need is a fender for that side, too. Nationwide called me and offered for me to bring the car to one of their body shops where they will fix it. Or to take it to their adjuster to cut me a check.
What I want to do is get some money from both claims and buy and install the fenders myself ($300 total parts bill). And hopefully have enough left over to repair a bad rust spot on the rear fender. And paint the whole car.
So, will Nationwide see this other bad fender (and rust spot) and determine my repair is worth less and pay me less?
Should I delay them until I hear from the other claim? They were quite persistent to get me to decide today.
I don't want to have only one fender painted when I really will need a whole car repaint soon anyway.
How much money can I expect from Nationwide for a fender replacement and paint? (i know exacts are impossible, but can I expect $500 or $2000?)
Thanks everyone!
submitted by higgimonster to Insurance [link] [comments]
