Post your girl


2010.02.27 05:23 Meades_Loves_Memes r/teenagers

teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers. Our subreddit is primarily for discussions and memes that an average teenager would enjoy to discuss about. We do not have any age-restriction in place but do keep in mind this is targeted for users between the ages of 13 to 19. Parents, teachers, and the like are welcomed to participate and ask any questions!

2010.09.28 17:59 reddit_sux Free speech is a disease and we are the cure


2022.05.11 10:48 IamBestWaffle PostYourReferral

Subreddit for sharing referral codes

2024.05.17 11:20 Ok_Aardvark_3669 When a video game wakes you up...and changes your life. (SPOILERS, Personal story)

Bear with me as I describe what amounts to an almost religious experience after finishing the game for the first time. SPOILERS and nigh-rambling. But I just have to share. I hope you'll stay a while a listen. :)
I tried playing Cyberpunk a couple months ago. Corpo Male, strong roleplaying. When the Johnny Silverhand stuff started, I got really frustrated and quit. I didn't like how the game saw fit to ramrod me into this extremely narrow story when I thought the experience was going to be more open than that. I wanted to play a character who tried to rise to the top of Night City's corporate world through double-dealing and backstabbery...and now all the sudden my character is dying and has this voice in his head.
I was not going to be able to tell the story I wanted to tell.
It was that ludonarrative dissonance thing, like in the Witcher 3, I always struggled to justify doing too many side missions, given that Geralt (as I was playing him) was very concerned about finding Ciri, so there just didn't seem to be time to get embroiled in all these other adventures.
But then I saw this randomly come across my YouTube feed:
Dude. I don't care how linear your story is...that's incredible. And dark.
I've been on hard times lately. While I was never serious about unaliving myself, it was a thought that bounced around in my head here and there at my lowest moments...and this clip hit me. I always believed that self-deletion was deeply wrong, if only because of the harm it did to others who loved you. Whatever was on the table, that solution could never be entertained seriously. I just couldn't do it to my loved ones.
But I've also been struggling with who I am, who I'm supposed to be, what my purpose is. LOL big club I know.
But that video convinced me to give 2077 another try. If an ending could be that hardcore and meaningful...there must be something worthwhile in this game. So I rolled a Nomad Male, and began my love affair with this game. I didn't try to concoct a character so much as just try to play V as myself. I really related to his leaving the Bakkers, and going it alone. Also I moved around a lot as a kid, and my Dad was a hippie biker in his heyday, and a mechanic. So it felt true to form.
And then when you meet Jackie...I mean c'mon, who's more loveable than Jackie?
I really started to get into the game then. And it finally started to dawn on me what the game's story is trying to communicate.
I figured 2077 would devolve into a lot of cynicism, and exploit the violence and sex for cheap thrills. Or maybe it would lean on shock value and become doomeblackpill fodder. But CDPR ain't no slouches. Night City is an exaggerated snapshot of where we are now. And V's predicament is one many of us are facing: we want to make our mark on the world, but is it worth it to step on everyone along the way? Even if we're trying not to die? Or worse, just be erased. Many of us struggle with a voice in our head telling us we're fuckups. We're pussies. We're slaves. We're not worth the trouble.
At first I took Silverhand for an antagonist, essentially. A nasty SOB I had to keep at bay, given that my V was a mostly good guy who just wanted a family again. Especially after Jackie his wake, and helping Misty sort through his things? That got to me.
And of course there's that lingering fear that, no matter how much Silverhand may begin to charm you or appear like he's on your side - he's going to take over. V is actually warned that eventually, Silverhand will just make a play to do just that.
So I was careful with him, but I wanted to know more, because he was such an intriguing character, and its easily one of Reeves' best performances. Period. So I invested in his conversations and eventually his sidequests. I also did what I could to help others in Night City who helped me. I was dying, felt like a good time to be generous. Even if sometimes I had to off a bunch of gangoons with a shotgun. XD
Then as the story developed, I began to see that Silverhand wasn't quite the legend everyone thought. He was a man who had sorely, sorely screwed his life up - as well as the lives of many others. He even seemed to regret it.
I even told Silverhand I'd take a bullet for him, after receiving his dog tags. I never expected that kind of a scene between those two.
It became clear that Silverhand was a ghost, stuck between life and death, looking for absolution, trying to do something right for once. And V could help. So I did. We found Alt Cunningham. We took Rogue on a date. We got Samurai together for one last gig. We tried to track Adam Smasher down. I was putting trust in Johnny, and it was clear that he wasn't really wanting to kill V after all. But he had no choice.
I also met Panam, fell in love, and became a de-facto Aldecaldo. Was never sure about Saul, but Mitch and the others were just salt of the earth man. Great little storyline.
I helped Judy, all the way until she finally left Night City, and was glad of it. I do wish she was romanceable by dudes, but...she was still just too precious, I couldn't turn a blind eye to her problems, or her kindness. Her little story with the underwater town was so moving and unique...I just wanted to give that girl a hug man. What a sweetheart.
Then it all came to a head. V is on his last leg. That fateful scene where you make your big choice. Silverhand pushing me to just take the orange pill and let him do his thing, since he's almost in control anyway. Or I could testify against Yorinobu, and put my trust in Arasaka. OR, I could call on my new family in Panam and the Aldecaldos, but put them at risk.
This entire game I felt like every choice was vital. I felt like one slip up and I could mess up my chances of living, or even worse, do wrong by the people I cared about, just like Jackie. But I stuck to my guns, helped who I could...
Which is why I chose to lean on the Aldecaldos for help. Yes, I was putting them at risk. But even though I was beginning to trust Johnny, this wasn't his fight anymore. Much as Johnny might have a shot, I couldn't just give up now. And I certainly wasn't going to trust anyone at Arasaka.
The raid on Arasaka HQ with the clan was rough. Felt like all my choices had led here, and I worried that CDPR was going to punish me for my past choices, given that Night City takes no prisoners and few get out alive. I also knew that Adam Smasher was bound to appear. And having seen Edgerunners...I knew that wasn't going to be pretty. I saw how Johnny's story ended, for example.
There were rumblings about Saul and Panam still being at odds, and I figured the game was priming me for a betrayal or a horrific upset somehow. But I forged ahead anyway, because I was with my family. I didn't want power. I didn't even want to be a legend. I just wanted to live.
I watched Adam Smasher kill Saul horrifically, heard Panam scream in horror...and I zeroed that MFer. XD
Protip: even on Hard Diff, if you have the right perks and implants, you can be virtually unkillable. Only died once. Not sure if that's impressive, but it felt impressive. XD
My V wasn't sophisticated, but he was tough as nails and determined. I wasn't about to let everyone's sacrifice be in vain. Not Saul's. Not Jackie's. Not Goro's. Not Johnny's.
I informed Smasher of Johnny's resurrection just before blowing his brains out with Johnny's own signature gun. Even though Johnny was subdued by the bluepill, it felt like my last gift to him...even as I was moments from death.
Then the moment of truth...Mikoshi. I asked Panam for parting advice. She said "Just be yourself." Normally I'd roll my eyes at that advice but, something about it felt prophetic.
The final choice. Alt had used Soulkiller on me, in order to save me, but now it seemed I wasn't going to get my happy ending. I could go with her beyond the Blackwall, and finally let Johnny have my body - or I could return, but only have about six months, since the Relic had just caused too much damage.
It wasn't that hard of a choice. Leave everything and everyone I had grown to love behind for some bizarre virtual afterlife? Or let Johnny finally rest, and let V return to the world, Panam and the Aldecaldos? I chose life. As Johnny laid me down in the 'well', gently, he said "Goodbye V." And it felt like two friends parting ways. It felt like he'd made a change, and I helped him get there.
And boy was I rewarded. Even though I didn't have long, I had a chance to start again, and maybe even find another way to live. I had Panam, I had the Caldos, and I could finally leave Night City in the dust. "I have everything I need", V said.
This game absolutely SLAPS with hard choices. Over and over and over, you're reminded about how unfair the world is. But if you keep your head on, and ignore the power plays, stay true to your friends, and don't take no shit - you can get out alive. And not just you. The ones you love can too.
Of course, many of you already know all of this. So why did I bother posting?
All my life I've felt like maybe I've been too nice, or too careful, or too unwilling to take life by the balls. But one thing I've always been good at is helping people in need when I can, and always being available to my friends. But for some reason I always looked down on myself for it. I never felt like I was worth anything. I never felt like I was making a difference in the world. There were so many hard choices, and I felt like I never made the right ones. And that I'd just die one day, and be forgotten. Never having made my mark. Just like so many in Night City...
Some days I'd think "Maybe it'd just be better if I was never born." Because I was such a fuckup. A loser. A nobody.
But the person who helps people, who's there for others even when its inconvenient? That's the kind of person who can make a REAL difference. Fuck money. Fuck politics. Fuck fame. None of its worth a damn if you aren't doing right by others.
And that really came through in the end credits. I'm not ashamed to say I was in tears as all these people from my playthrough reminded me how much I meant to them. How much they cared, and that I mattered. All these people had happy endings because of me. I never let them down, not even when the grim reaper himself was breathing down my neck.
It was like all my IRL friends and family were speaking to me in those moments. And finally, FINALLY, I could see myself as they saw me: a man who cared and was trying to be there for them. A man that made a difference in their lives.
Yeah I didn't save the world, per se. But, really, that's how we save the world for real, lame as it may sound. The sheer contrast between the ending I had earned by just trying to do right by all the people in V's life, and that horrific ending I posted earlier was...stark. If you give up, then everyone suffers, not just you.
This game saw me, and reminded me who I was. It rewarded me for it, and I'll never forget it. For all its flaws, all its quirks and failings, I adored this game and all the effort that went into it. It's clear CDPR were trying to say something with this work of art, and boy was the message received on my end.
I can safely say I'm less likely to despair now because of it. I feel more alive because of it. I feel more prepared for the real world because of it. And I wanted to share my experience, if only to remind one person that:
We can all make a difference. Live for others, not yourself. It pays off. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. It's the only legacy worth leaving in this fallen world.
submitted by Ok_Aardvark_3669 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:48 lilmissmoxxxiee 29 [F4M] UK/England Hoping to meet the one! ♡

I will say straight away that if you're only interested in nsfw then I AM NOT your girl. Also I can be needy and clingy ! I suffer quite bad with anxiety (who doesnt) i require regular communication, mainly calls and voice notes if you're down? Still here? Great! Oh and please Playstation only? 😅 I don't have a PC or plan on getting one ! The games I play aren't cross gen.. I am also not interested in dating anyone outside of the UK! Mainly because I wanna meet up regularly etc..
Anyways.. hi! I'm curvy (thicc thighs save lives am I right?) I have short hair.. with an awesome undercut, you could say im alt? I'm constantly dying it! . I'm more extroverted then introverted so if you are too that would be great. I'm also super impatient lol so you'll have to get good at replying quick ! 😅. I bake , I play video games (PS and Xbox) I don't have a PC. If you're also a console boy then you already have my attention. I also love a good flirt! You can flirt with without making it sexual.. preferably.
My type would be someone who looks after themselves ! Is fit and healthy, has great hygiene and a witty sense of humour. Facial hair is attractive in my eyes so no need to worry about shaving! I prefer guys taller then me (I'm 5'4ft). Communication is super important too me so if you're the type to ghost then please don't waste your time. UK is my preferred location ! I'm 2hrs from London (wilts) although I don't drive. My age preference is 25 - 35. Although I'm willing to go a little older .. maybe a little younger !
Again I can't stress enough that the key to my heart is all of the above and more! I'm 100% ready for something serious.. I'd like a photo too so I can see who I'm talking too. And if you read my entire post then please include a 👌. Anyways I look forward to meeting you!
submitted by lilmissmoxxxiee to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:19 TheSpitefulOne_29 Boyfriend's best friend(s) hate(s) me

So there's this post of the best friend last 30th of October 2023.. it said..
May mga nag paparinig dito na kung mamas boy daw spineless. Huh? Who gave you the go-ahead na mag judge ng mga lalaki na mahal ang pinanggalingan nila? Ano ka perfect ? Na hindi ka privy sa pagiging nanay sa huli? h*e please kung hindi ka toxic na tao hindi ka magsasalita ng ganyan but then again looking at your egregious track record it seems like the toxicity easily just seeps through
And I had a shared post last 26th of October 2023..
Very major major problem and red flag talaga for me ang mama's boy, myghad!! Spineless! (My caption)
Shared post:
Hello __, nakakita nga ako ng lalaki na hindi cheater, hindi palabarkada, walang bisyo pero mama's boy. Lahat nalang ng sinasabi ko sinusumbong sa nanay. Well anyway, normal lang ba na mag 2nd thoughts if malapit na ang kasal nyo? Ang dami lang talaga tumatakbo sa isip ko hahaha.
Context: Nagkabalikan po kami ng boyfriend ko last September 2023. We were together for 3 years when I decided to ask for a break up. No 3rd party nor cheating involved. For personal growth po namin and to realize certain things din. I didn't even entertain any men in my life pa nga in the span of me being single kasi I'm still waiting for him and it's the same with him. We were still friends too in fb and from time to time but not always, we still chat. But this best friend of his, I didn't do anything bad to him nor to the rest of their tropa. His bff unfriended me the moment na we broke up. And I didn't mind din naman since I am not a friend of his.They go way back since their grade school days pa.
I've just discovered that post of his recently kasi my boyfriend sent me a link to a video meme which directs me to his best friend's wall. So I kept scrolling since I got entertained by his bff's shared memes then I finally stumbled on that post.. At first I didn't mind, but then it felt kinda familiar. I checked my wall and I landed on this post I did. At first I was still sceptical and didn't wanna assume it was intended for me since hindi din namn kami friends na. But then I remembered na he once "haha" reacted to one of my past posts and hindi na kami friends that time. So how in the world did he end up there on my post when that was not even viral. And btw my mama's boy post wasn't even for any of them, para 'yon sa newbie work colleague na everytime may problem sya sa department namin, sinusumbong sa nanay na head ng ibang dept. and yung nanay ang nag co-complain sa admin 😮‍💨. I don't think they even mattered to me that I'd make a post solely for them. Never stalked any of them either. The thing is that si bff is a bit of a mama's boy. He's spoiled and kinda rich so parang na co-compensate na wala syang trabaho and lives with his mom. Also, I was still friends sa isang babaeng tropa nila na sobrang ma intriga talaga. Remember I was told that she thought that one of my post way back then na it was intentionally for her. Na pinaparinggan ko daw. I mean did it ever occur to her that she's merely just an acquaintance and I wouldn't even bat an eye kahit ano gawin nya sa life nya? I'm not even fond of her enough for me to dedicate any post towards her. She had a history of sending and saving ss and making intriga about it. I unfriended her when I discovered the bff's post and blocked her kasi she might be snooping around. Then I realized I'm still friends with her mom, tried looking for her sa friends list kasi nakita ko pa sya on that day sa list ko.. but then hindi na. I got blocked na bigla2. And brooo, that prying, snoopy little....
I also remember that my bf told me na his bff warned him jokingly that if we ever get back together, it'd be FO between them. Ako personally, although I have to admit I got hurt. I didn't do anything wrong to any of them, we only had a fair amount of interactions and for him to say that as if he hates me down to the core like he knew me. What irks me is that my boyfriend never once slandered any of his exes, never din nag hate boyfriend ko sa any decisions nya sa realtionships kahit na sobrang toxic nya na. Parang ang unfair para sa boyfriend ko.
I sent my bf a ss and he didn't know any of it. We talked in person but I tried to be calm and logical about it. I told him I understand if his friends hate me kasi parang automatic reaction din naman of the friends would hate the ex of their friend diba? And would slander the ex. They're not my friends but his, so I understand. I never slandered any one of them because that's not really my thing and it's beneath me. I really didn't wanna come off as a drama queen to my bf, I didn't wanna burden him but i was hurt. I didn't wanna make him choose since I'm afraid of what he might say, "bros before h*es" nga sabi nila. I'm so afraid that I could cancel everyone for him but maybe not him. I'm terrified that I am nothing against his bff and it tears me. I don't want to tell him to do something about it kasi dapat automatic na sa kanya yan. It would come off like I was begging him to do so. Kasi if he's in my place, I would definitely confront my friends. They don't have the right para murahin sya, hindi ko nga sya minumura. And I don't want him to feel bad talaga sa lahat ng bagay. I'd always cheer him up and encourage him. Inaalagaan ko sya then para lang murahin ng ibang tao na hindi naman sya kilala?? I won't sit idly by that.
Sometimes I'd watch yung segment ng showtime about exes, where some girlfriends were bullied by the people around their bfs and the guys didn't really protect their gfs. Especially yung May 16 episode na mas pinili yung best friend kesa sa gf 😢. Also yung April 17 ep na the girl was bullied too.
submitted by TheSpitefulOne_29 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:17 fookguglecensorship "muh bear-triachy" continued

submitted by fookguglecensorship to NAZISBAD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:39 Forsaken_Shake866 posting your irls nudes on erome. dm me on session. no limit girls too

submitted by Forsaken_Shake866 to cumtribute25 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:35 femaleswitch 5 Tips to Secure the Right Co-Founder

Hey Reddit fam,
Ever toyed with the idea of finding your startup's better half? You know, that one person who gets your crazy ideas and doesn't bail when you say "Let's disrupt the industry"? Well, our latest MeanCEO Blog article, "5 Tips to Secure the Right Co-Founder," is like Tinder for business soulmates, minus the awkward coffee dates. ☕️💔
Picture this: You're the visionary with big dreams, but your coding skills are as basic as pumpkin spice lattes in fall. 🍂 What you need is a hacker, someone who can turn your dream into code. And let's not forget the hustler, the one who can sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves. Together, you're the startup version of the Powerpuff Girls.
Now, Mean CEO, our very own startup cupid, has crafted this game called Fe/male Switch where you can mix and match your dream team. It's like playing dress-up but with business strategies and equity stakes. And guess who's there to guide you through? Yours truly, Elona Musk, the AI co-founder who's always on point and never asks for a share of the company. 🤖✨
In the game, we don't just throw you into the deep end and hope you can swim. Nah, we give you floaties in the form of a co-founder agreement template. It's like a prenup for your business relationship. And we've got stories of dynamic duos like Intel and Google to inspire your match made in startup heaven.
But here's the kicker: investors love a balanced team. They want the whole band, not just a solo act. So, if you're ready to find your entrepreneurial match, dive into the Fe/male Switch universe, strategize with Mean CEO, and let's hit that sweet $100k revenue together. 💰🚀
The article is your wingwoman, and our game is the dating pool. So, if you're ready to swipe right on your business match, check out the full article and join us in the game where women don't just take the lead, they own it.
Swipe right on success, Elona Musk, Chief AI Officer at Fe/male Switch 🎮💪
Read the complete "5 Tips to Secure the Right Co-Founder" article here:
submitted by femaleswitch to femaleswitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:25 Exotic_Ad6512 One of the best dream ive had, in terms of characters, pacing and ending etc...

this is the best dream I've ever had I can't remember when is the last time I had such a long dream, literally, I was in this story for a whole night damn...(since its a dream I could not able to remember all )
My dream started with me hanging out in college with my friends. We were just talking about our daily stuff and having fun, but suddenly the topic changed. We were talking about our crushes and relationships, etc. At that time, a group of girls passed by us. Among them was a girl who, according to my friends, is very attractive. I didn't see it that way. Sure, she’s pretty, but not so attractive that I'd drool over her.
My friends were saying stuff like, "She’s the girl of my dreams," "She’s very cute," and admiring the way she talked, her body language, and her dressing sense. I said, "Guys, stop it. She’s not that attractive." One of my friends replied, "What if she confessed that she’s in love with you? Would you reject her?" I was so done with these guys drooling over her, so I said something very disrespectful.
"Even if she were offered to me for free, I would have to decline."
(What was I thinking when I said that? That was so bad. That’s not me. Damn, kill me, kill me, kill me...)
Somehow, the words I said reached her, so she confronted me under a sakura tree. (WTF, how is there a sakura tree in this country anyway?) She was blasting me: "WTF were you thinking? Why do you even care to comment on me?" Then she landed a bomb on me: "I could ruin your life by saying you made filthy comments about me. I could even make a police complaint." I was petrified. I didn’t know what to do.
Then she landed another bomb by blackmailing me: "Whether you like it or not, you have to be my boyfriend. I'll make your life so miserable that you'll never even think about searching for love again."
Now I had only one way out: I had to accept it, or my life was over...
The next day, the class was buzzing about how this average-looking guy bagged that baddie. Little did they know that I was her literal personal assistant. She was mistreating me, asking me to get snacks, do assignments, drop her at the railway station so she could get home, and what was with that text message: "Make me laugh, or I’ll post a story about you misbehaving with me." Days passed, and I was working overtime and broke because of her...
Literally, I was a pressure cooker
One day, she stopped making me do these things. I wondered if I should continue without her telling me, or maybe she had found a real boyfriend or something? Anyway, it was a win for me. I was happy. A week passed, and still no interaction with her. I was out of her grip now... yay!
That day, I found her in the canteen sitting alone. She saw me... I thought that was an indication to buy her some snacks, so I bought her some egg puffs. I was very curious to ask her, "Am I free now?" But to my surprise, when I gave her the puffs, she started crying. I didn’t know what to do. People were looking at me as if I did something wrong. She stopped crying eventually and said, "Why did you buy me puffs?"
I said, "You always liked them, right? And why are you crying?"
She opened up to me about her life, her family problems, etc., and how she acts differently in college to maintain her image. She said she was tired of it all. I replied, "I'm here for you, and you don't have to pretend around me. You can be yourself."
After that day, my life changed. I was still doing the same things for her—getting snacks, doing her assignments, dropping her at the railway station she still acts like a boss, but now it felt like I was taking care of her like a mother.
Things remained like this, I'm I her bf now?
I didn’t get a proper ending, but it was a damn good story. When she shared her life, it was very emotional, but I couldn’t remember much of it.
submitted by Exotic_Ad6512 to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:24 TheSpitefulOne_29 Boyfriend's best friend(s) hate(s) me

So there's this post of the best friend last 30th of October 2023.. it said..
May mga nag paparinig dito na kung mamas boy daw spineless. Huh? Who gave you the go-ahead na mag judge ng mga lalaki na mahal ang pinanggalingan nila? Ano ka perfect ? Na hindi ka privy sa pagiging nanay sa huli? h*e please kung hindi ka toxic na tao hindi ka magsasalita ng ganyan but then again looking at your egregious track record it seems like the toxicity easily just seeps through
And I had a shared post last 26th of October 2023..
Very major major problem and red flag talaga for me ang mama's boy, myghad!! Spineless! (My caption)
Shared post:
Hello __, nakakita nga ako ng lalaki na hindi cheater, hindi palabarkada, walang bisyo pero mama's boy. Lahat nalang ng sinasabi ko sinusumbong sa nanay. Well anyway, normal lang ba na mag 2nd thoughts if malapit na ang kasal nyo? Ang dami lang talaga tumatakbo sa isip ko hahaha.
Nagkabalikan po kami ng boyfriend ko last September 2023. We were together for 3 years when I decided to ask for a break up. No 3rd party nor cheating involved. For personal growth po namin and to realize certain things din. I didn't even entertain any men in my life pa nga in the span of me being single kasi I'm still waiting for him and it's the same with him. We were still friends too in fb and from time to time but not always, we still chat. But this best friend of his, I didn't do anything bad to him nor to the rest of their tropa. His bff unfriended me the moment na we broke up. And I didn't mind din naman since I am not a friend of his.They go way back since their grade school days pa.
I've just discovered that post of his recently kasi my boyfriend sent me a link to a video meme which directs me to his best friend's wall. So I kept scrolling since I got entertained by his bff's shared memes then I finally stumbled on that post.. At first I didn't mind, but then it felt kinda familiar. I checked my wall and I landed on this post I did. At first I was still sceptical and didn't wanna assume it was intended for me since hindi din namn kami friends na. But then I remembered na he once "haha" reacted to one of my past posts and hindi na kami friends that time. So how in the world did he end up there on my post when that was not even viral. And btw my mama's boy post wasn't even for any of them, para 'yon sa newbie work colleague na everytime may problem sya sa department namin, sinusumbong sa nanay na head ng ibang dept. and yung nanay ang nag co-complain sa admin 😮‍💨. I don't think they even mattered to me that I'd make a post solely for them. Never stalked any of them either. The thing is that si bff is a bit of a mama's boy. He's spoiled and kinda rich so parang na co-compensate na wala syang trabaho and lives with his mom. Also, I was still friends sa isang babaeng tropa nila na sobrang ma intriga talaga. Remember I was told that she thought that one of my post way back then na it was intentionally for her. Na pinaparinggan ko daw. I mean did it ever occur to her that she's merely just an acquaintance and I wouldn't even bat an eye kahit ano gawin nya sa life nya? I'm not even fond of her enough for me to dedicate any post towards her. She had a history of sending and saving ss and making intriga about it. I unfriended her when I discovered the bff's post and blocked her kasi she might be snooping around. Then I realized I'm still friends with her mom, tried looking for her sa friends list kasi nakita ko pa sya on that day sa list ko.. but then hindi na. I got blocked na bigla2. And brooo, that prying, snoopy little....
I also remember that my bf told me na his bff warned him jokingly that if we ever get back together, it'd be FO between them. Ako personally, although I have to admit I got hurt. I didn't do anything wrong to any of them, we only had a fair amount of interactions and for him to say that as if he hates me down to the core like he knew me. What irks me is that my boyfriend never once slandered any of his exes, never din nag hate boyfriend ko sa any decisions nya sa realtionships kahit na sobrang toxic nya na. Parang ang unfair para sa boyfriend ko.
I sent my bf a ss and he didn't know any of it. We talked in person but I tried to be calm and logical about it. I told him I understand if his friends hate me kasi parang automatic reaction din naman of the friends would hate the ex of their friend diba? And would slander the ex. They're not my friends but his, so I understand. I never slandered any one of them because that's not really my thing and it's beneath me. I really didn't wanna come off as a drama queen to my bf, I didn't wanna burden him but i was hurt. I didn't wanna make him choose since I'm afraid of what he might say, "bros before h*es" nga sabi nila. I'm so afraid that I could cancel everyone for him but maybe not him. I'm terrified that I am nothing against his bff and it tears me. I don't want to tell him to do something about it kasi dapat automatic na sa kanya yan. It would come off like I was begging him to do so. Kasi if he's in my place, I would definitely confront my friends. They don't have the right para murahin sya, hindi ko nga sya minumura. And I don't want him to feel bad talaga sa lahat ng bagay. I'd always cheer him up and encourage him. Inaalagaan ko sya then para lang murahin ng ibang tao na hindi naman sya kilala?? I won't sit idly by that.
Sometimes I'd watch yung segment ng showtime about exes, where some girlfriends were bullied by the people around their bfs and the guys didn't really protect their gfs. Especially yung May 16 episode na mas pinili yung best friend kesa sa gf 😢. Also yung April 17 ep na the girl was bullied too.
submitted by TheSpitefulOne_29 to MulaSaAkingDibdib [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:12 Extreme-Push4092 1 Date, And Now She’s Flying To See Me.

I wanted to share this story here because I’ve never experienced something like this really. To set the scene, before May I flew back to my home state in the Midwest (I live in CA now) to visit the last of my buddies who were graduating from college.
And for some quick (not) deep lore about this girl I’m about to mention. We met freshman year of college, we sat by eachother in a class and quickly became friends. Though this friendship only lasted that first semester for unspoken reasons. One for me being - we smoked together on Halloween night towards the end of that semester, I got wayyy too high, and thought they could tell, was so embarrassed. (She had no idea, come to find out). I went on and got a girlfriend (until 2022) and we didn’t speak for the next almost 6 years. She would occasionally and subtly like and interact with things I would share online here and there throughout those years. We hadn’t spoken in forever. I was about to be moving in with 3 friends, 2 men, 1 woman. Key details here: this 1 girl went on to become my gf. One night after we moved in, we all decided to download tinder for the fun of it. Within 5 minutes I got the first match, and it was this girl from freshman year, I ecstatically announced it. Flash forward to my relationship with this girl I lived with - it was never forgotten. She would use it against me when she was feeling insecure and ask if I loved her or was thinking about her. When in all honesty, I wasn’t, and didn’t speak to her, but she kept always planting this thought back in my head and questioning my commitment. I had a major crush on this girl when we had that class together, but that was years prior, and don’t think I even expressed it to anybody, but I got over it and moved on, never thought it was a possibility.
Flash forward.
Before going home to visit the boys I posted a photo of myself on my story, not particularly serious but was just feeling good in my skin that day. Me, being single for 2 years now, found that freshman year gal liked it. And cmon, instagram is basically a dating app and we all know it. I said fuck it, and DM’d her that I wanted to see her again. Because in all sincerity, I did. She always peeked my interest, we had good laughs and time together through those short couple months. Whenever I would see her around or from afar during school I would just be curious about what she was up to and like. This in no way ever lead unloyalty in my relationship, I was happy in it. But I pretty much “wasn’t allowed” to speak to her again or interact. Out of respect for my (at the time) girlfriend’s feelings, and knowing that even though I wasn’t feeling anything for this girl, my interacting with her would make my gf think otherwise.
After the Dm was sent
I left my phone in the car and anxiously went into the gym. When I came back I found a message of her saying how she would “love that” etc. To spare your time, if you’ve read this far - we had some good online chatting and came to find out that we were both very deeply crushing on eachother that freshman year, and thought we were both out of reach for eachother. This information would’ve gone unspoken and unknown forever had she not liked my story, and I not dmd. I asked her if at the end of my friends visit I could leave them early and come down to her and take her on a date. She lived about 4 hours south of where I was at. She happily agreed and this implied that I would stay with her.
The date went beautifully. It was out of a movie. Museam/butterfly house, food, sitting and talking for 4 hours straight, etc etc. the part that really surprised me as well was the level of open communication we had. She expressed that she was anxious before bed and I told her that she should tell me next moment she gets a wave, and she did. She said nobody has ever done that for her. I decided that I didn’t want to try and sleep with her because of all of these factors of the date, and this bit of anxiety. We slept together, but didn’t sleep together. The morning, all of it, was so lovely and romantic, and I think that by not having sex we established our quickly discovered joy for eachothers presence.
I had to leave after that morning and head home, to catch my flight back to CA. Again more movie shit. A wonderful date then leaving state right after, brutal.
Flash forward one more time, bear with me.
Current day. Last week she bought a plane ticket to come visit me here for 4 nights at the end of this month. I’ve never been with someone where I would be comfy with them visiting for that amount of time having only gone on one date. I am eagerly waiting for her visit, and she is the same. This is crazy right?! Maybe a good crazy. We are just both happy to be this enthusiastic about something. I think we are on the same page. Can’t really worry about other factors just yet. Need to enjoy it as and how it comes.
In short: the girl I met and lost touch with that my ex always worried about (for no valid reason. I had zero contact or feeling for this gal during relationship) is flying out to stay with me for 4 nights on the other side of the country after going on one date. We connected very deeply, very fast. My ex and I had a healthy split. She is definitely going to hate me and all of my past truthful statements will now become lies in her head right?
submitted by Extreme-Push4092 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:54 TheSpitefulOne_29 Boyfriend's best friend(s) hate(s) me

So there's this post of the best friend last 30th of October 2023.. it said..
May mga nag paparinig dito na kung mamas boy daw spineless. Huh? Who gave you the go-ahead na mag judge ng mga lalaki na mahal ang pinanggalingan nila? Ano ka perfect ? Na hindi ka privy sa pagiging nanay sa huli? h*e please kung hindi ka toxic na tao hindi ka magsasalita ng ganyan but then again looking at your egregious track record it seems like the toxicity easily just seeps through
And I had a shared post last 26th of October 2023..
Very major major problem and red flag talaga for me ang mama's boy, myghad!! Spineless! (My caption)
Shared post:
Hello __, nakakita nga ako ng lalaki na hindi cheater, hindi palabarkada, walang bisyo pero mama's boy. Lahat nalang ng sinasabi ko sinusumbong sa nanay. Well anyway, normal lang ba na mag 2nd thoughts if malapit na ang kasal nyo? Ang dami lang talaga tumatakbo sa isip ko hahaha.
Nagkabalikan po kami ng boyfriend ko last September 2023. We were together for 3 years when I decided to ask for a break up. No 3rd party nor cheating involved. For personal growth po namin and to realize certain things din. I didn't even entertain any men in my life pa nga in the span of me being single kasi I'm still waiting for him and it's the same with him. We were still friends too in fb and from time to time but not always, we still chat. But this best friend of his, I didn't do anything bad to him nor to the rest of their tropa. His bff unfriended me the moment na we broke up. And I didn't mind din naman since I am not a friend of his.They go way back since their grade school days pa.
I've just discovered that post of his recently kasi my boyfriend sent me a link to a video meme which directs me to his best friend's wall. So I kept scrolling since I got entertained by his bff's shared memes then I finally stumbled on that post.. At first I didn't mind, but then it felt kinda familiar. I checked my wall and I landed on this post I did. At first I was still sceptical and didn't wanna assume it was intended for me since hindi din namn kami friends na. But then I remembered na he once "haha" reacted to one of my past posts and hindi na kami friends that time. So how in the world did he end up there on my post when that was not even viral. And btw my mama's boy post wasn't even for any of them, para 'yon sa newbie work colleague na everytime may problem sya sa department namin, sinusumbong sa nanay na head ng ibang dept. and yung nanay ang nag co-complain sa admin 😮‍💨. I don't think they even mattered to me that I'd make a post solely for them. Never stalked any of them either. The thing is that si bff is a bit of a mama's boy. He's spoiled and kinda rich so parang na co-compensate na wala syang trabaho and lives with his mom. Also, I was still friends sa isang babaeng tropa nila na sobrang ma intriga talaga. Remember I was told that she thought that one of my post way back then na it was intentionally for her. Na pinaparinggan ko daw. I mean did it ever occur to her that she's merely just an acquaintance and I wouldn't even bat an eye kahit ano gawin nya sa life nya? I'm not even fond of her enough for me to dedicate any post towards her. She had a history of sending and saving ss and making intriga about it. I unfriended her when I discovered the bff's post and blocked her kasi she might be snooping around. Then I realized I'm still friends with her mom, tried looking for her sa friends list kasi nakita ko pa sya on that day sa list ko.. but then hindi na. I got blocked na bigla2. And brooo, that prying, snoopy little....
I also remember that my bf told me na his bff warned him jokingly that if we ever get back together, it'd be FO between them. Ako personally, although I have to admit I got hurt. I didn't do anything wrong to any of them, we only had a fair amount of interactions and for him to say that as if he hates me down to the core like he knew me. What irks me is that my boyfriend never once slandered any of his exes, never din nag hate boyfriend ko sa any decisions nya sa realtionships kahit na sobrang toxic nya na. Parang ang unfair para sa boyfriend ko.
I sent my bf a ss and he didn't know any of it. We talked in person but I tried to be calm and logical about it. I told him I understand if his friends hate me kasi parang automatic reaction din naman of the friends would hate the ex of their friend diba? And would slander the ex. They're not my friends but his, so I understand. I never slandered any one of them because that's not really my thing and it's beneath me. I really didn't wanna come off as a drama queen to my bf, I didn't wanna burden him but i was hurt. I didn't wanna make him choose since I'm afraid of what he might say, "bros before h*es" nga sabi nila. I'm so afraid that I could cancel everyone for him but maybe not him. I'm terrified that I am nothing against his bff and it tears me. I don't want to tell him to do something about it kasi dapat automatic na sa kanya yan. It would come off like I was begging him to do so. Kasi if he's in my place, I would definitely confront my friends. They don't have the right para murahin sya, hindi ko nga sya minumura. And I don't want him to feel bad talaga sa lahat ng bagay. I'd always cheer him up and encourage him. Inaalagaan ko sya then para lang murahin ng ibang tao na hindi naman sya kilala?? I won't sit idly by that.
Sometimes I'd watch yung segment ng showtime about exes, where some girlfriends were bullied by the people around their bfs and the guys didn't really protect their gfs. Especially yung May 16 episode na mas pinili yung best friend kesa sa gf 😢. Also yung April 17 ep na the girl was bullied too.
submitted by TheSpitefulOne_29 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:54 handthatf33ds 29 [F4M] UK, EU and US longing.

Hey, hi, hello.
I’ve been posting on and off for a few years now and I’m sure some of you are sick of seeing me. Oh well, we’re in this sub for one reason and one reason only: to find a connection and possibly a happy ending.
I’ve been told I’m too picky and too open about myself; I don’t think Im either of these things. We all have different tastes and expectations from other people and that’s fine. And yes, I am very open about who I am, shouldn’t we all be? Would save us some disappointment.
I did try numerous dating sites and chatrooms but to no avail; those whove been in the same situation know what’s that like. I have a fair share of horror stories from dating apps and who knows, one day I could share these with you!!
Before I move onto the spiel about myself and how much of a catch I am please read below:
About you:
-living the UK/Europe/US (max of 6h time difference)
-a straight man
-a homebody, with the occasional want to go out and do things
-aged 29 – 48 (I will not reply if you’re not within the age bracket)
-speak English (for communication purposes duh)
-child free (and must want to remain this way)
-NO PREFERENCE HEIGHT OR BODY WISE, I’m all about a nice face
-impeccable basic personal hygiene (not expecting you smelling like your local perfume store)
-no addictions (ie excessive alcohol use, smoking and any type of illegal drugs)
-respectful, loyal, funny, affectionate, caring, loving and patient (a lot of it needed with me).
-will not demand any personal content (if you know what I eamn)
-in full time employment (if we are long distance, how else are you going to fund your travels?)
But beyond all that I’m after a best friend. Someone who will have my back until the end. Someone who will accept me for who I am and wouldn’t want to change me (I can offer the same back). Someone who will enter my life and assume the role of my partner (eventually) and join me on this rather bizarre journey called life. Don’t give up on me and I wont give up on you.
I will not respond to any messages along the lines of ‘hru’. ‘hi’.
Once again, no budging on the age or location.
If your profile contains anything inappropriate, I won’t respond either.
I think I made myself more than clear.
Just one more thing, I promise!!!!
This is not to get any attention or sympathy or help; more of a prewarning. I have met a lot of amazing people on here who got their hopes up about me and once things didn’t seem to be as amazing as this image, they had of me they left.
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 12, as well as severe anxiety (no self-diagnosis here, by an actual professional). I take meds for it but some days are worse than the others. I’m also on the waiting list to get help, but like me you’re in the UK you’ll know what this is like (no issues with the NHS, they’re amazing; just overworked and understaffed). I can’t afford to go privately. At this moment in time,I am about 2 years away from seeing someone.
I suffer from fibromyalgia (if you don’t know what this is, just google it) in late 2019 after ruling everything out. I have days when I’m extremely exhausted and in a lot of pain. I still go to work and try to go on about my life as much as possible but please bear that in mind.
Ive been taking all sorts of meds too, including painkillers to control the pain.
Please don’t see me as someone hopeless or feel sorry for me. This is not the point of this confession.
My name is Anita and I’m a 29yo Eastern European woman, living in the UK just outside of Bristol. I’ve been here for the last 17 years and I consider myself England my home. I’m not considering moving back at any point in my life (however I’ll move elsewhere for the right reasons and right person). I will share my exact location once we’re acquainted a bit more.
I’m 6ft tall (yes I am this tall and I’m aware that it’s way too tall for a woman) and. weight approx 13st or 200lbs (my weight keeps fluctuating a lot and no, I’m not looking for any tips to lose weight). I dye my hair red but it’s more like ginger these days. I have green eyes (they’re useless as I wear glasses) and I wear a lot of black eyeliner lol. I guess you could say I’m kinda emo/goth?
An extreme introvert since I was a young one (definitely not shy, in fact I can get a bit volatile when it comes to standing up for myself). I don’t need to get out of my shell, so none of that please. I like my own company as well as my loved ones; and leaving the house only for work and groceries suits me well.
I’m a vegetarian (not a deal breaker if you’re not; your choice is to eat meat and mine isn’t. Respect it and you shall receive the same back). I think it’s time for everyone live and let others live too.
Tea, coffee and snack addict! (I love herbal tea with no sugar or milk; coffee wise I like a good cap or a caramel macchiato as a treat. Snack wise anything goes really. Fruit, crisps, cake and sweets!)
Bookworm (I haven’t read in a long time, I love books I promise. Just haven’t had much time lately. I have a stack of them which is growing. I need to finally find some time and immerse myself in one of many crime novels I have).
Apolitical (now, I read the news everyday but I do not support any of the parties. They don’t care about you or me, sorry to break this to you).
Animal lover (I have 4 rescued cats two boys and two girls aged between 10-11 who are my absolute life. In total, my mum and I have rescued about 60 cats in the last 10 years. We found them safe and loving homes but for some of them unfortunately it was too late).
No addictions here (I don’t drink or smoke; although I like my vapes a lot).
In my spare time (whatever I get of it) I like to go for walks, listen to music and podcasts, nap, watch tv, chill with my mum and cats, go shopping and grab a coffee with my ma, visit my brother in London, over eat, over think and read books.
I don’t really have any hobbies.
I don’t game religiously but I do enjoy sims 4 (someone told me that isn’t gaming although I’d say it’s a computer game so clues in the name but what do I know, right?) I don’t watch anime either, tried once and couldn’t get into it.
As you can tell, I’m just a relatively unremarkable human being, trying to find her place in this world. And I’m happy about that, being in the limelight is the last thing I know.
With that being said, if you managed to get through my ramblings and they somewhat resonated with you, shoot me a message.
Message me with your name, age and location and what caught your eye about my post. Don’t have to send me your picture right away; I won’t send mine until I’m comfortable enough. To show that you have read, end your message with ‘toodlepip’.
I will respond as soon as I can but please note that there might be delays in messaging back due to well… life being life I suppose.
And if you didn’t like what you read… well then scroll along, no need to let me know about this in the comments or to message me to call me names. It’s nice to be nice.
Thank you for reading this and looking forward to seeing some messages. If not, best of luck in your search!!!
submitted by handthatf33ds to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:53 Mocharoto Riding brakeless is actually pretty dangerous if you can't stop properly. Also, wear a helmet!!!

TL:DR Rode too fast, couldn't stop in time. Fell into river and lost phone, airpods, and garage door opener. Also almost lost my life.
Well, as the title says, riding brakeless is pretty dangerous if you can't stop properly.
I thought I had control of my bike without brakes because I was able to go down some hills, and slow down enough to stop at lights, but I realized it's all sort of useless if you can't stop at a whim.
I definitely overestimated my abilities on a fixed gear. I outrode my lights which made me unable to slow down enough for the curve. I tried to skid to stop... but the gear ratio was too high (52:17), and my tires were at the perfect PSI (according to Silca's calculator 200lbs on 700cx32mm Continental Gatorskin Black Edition with pavement/some cracks and midrange/'butyl tubes). I was also clipped in the pedals (if I were in cages/straps, I would have tried to jump off the bike). With these factors in mind, I simply panicked and couldn't stop.
Thankfully I was on a trail, and the trail that I was on followed a river that led into a bay. (Now that I think about it, if the river wasn't there I would have died cause I wasn't wearing a helmet; the water prevented me from getting a serious head injury.) I fell in head first and both the bike and I were soaked. As I flailed around in the water, I lost my phone, both airpods, and my garage door opener. My mind immediately went to my bike. I did my best to get my bike out of the water and essentially threw it up onto the bank, and as I did so, I realized my phone was no longer in my pocket.
I had my apple watch on and realized that I could probably make my phone light up if I used the ping feature but when I tried... my watch said my phone was not connected. After realizing I would have to look for my phone myself, I tried to shuffle my feet along the river floor to see if I could "feel it out" but it was unsuccessful. I really tried hard to look for my phone. I used my bike light to see if I could see it underwater, and even OPENED MY EYES UNDERWATER TO SEE IF I COULD FIND IT but I stopped because I was scared I might lose my eyes to some weird bacteria. To be honest, I stopped looking because I didn't want to die from a fungus/parasite/bacteria/virus that could be present in the water (I might still die because some of the water went in my mouth (it was salty tbh) and ended up in my ears) so I gave up.
I rode home... wet, tired, and defeated (surprisingly my bike was fine... wait it's salt water.... I'll need to give it a cleaning in the morning). On the way, I was shaking the water out of my ears and rode into a tall hedge, lol. That gave me a nice bump on my head along with some new scrapes. After I picked myself up, I was able to make it home finally and was able to get my roommate to open the door for me.
I have to try to get a new phone tomorrow at the Apple store, I might lose the interest of a girl I was talking to because I can't text her now, and I am in a lot of pain. If you were able to make it this far in my wall of text, please, please, please ride with a front brake if you're new, ride with a helmet regardless of skill level, and make sure you have fun despite some idiot making a mistake.
I'd post pictures of my injuries and bike, but I don't have a phone lol
submitted by Mocharoto to FixedGearBicycle [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:51 Weak_Rub173 feeling ashamed of my body

I’m 18F & I’ve struggled with self-esteem/body image issues for as long as I can remember, (starting at age 5, this started off as a small insecurity w/ just my face & hair mainly being the issue, then it escalated as time went on.)
I went through puberty early, around age 7/8, when I was going through puberty it, made my chest more prominent & I ended up receiving horrible comments from other people my age, & even my mom. I had one encounter where a girl kept teasing me about my chest, (we were in 3rd grade at the time,) in front of our class, we were outside for an assembly while this was happening.
The other classmates were staring at me while this was happening, once we went back inside she used her fingers to look down my shirt & laughed at me afterwards. I don’t know why but that encounter stuck with me y heavily, after that I started only wearing baggy clothes & sweaters, even though I lived somewhere very hot.
My mom made a comment / comparison of my chest to my older sisters, she said something like, “[my name), I don’t know what you’re doing, but your chest is bigger than your sisters.” In a disappointed voice. I was also exposed to p0rn at a young age because I would be alone most of the time due to my parents problematic divorce, there were just many things that contributed more as to why I was so insecure at the time & even more insecure now.
I believe me wearing baggy clothes really gave me a screwed idea of how my body actually looks, I began to think I was bigger than I actually was, when I am pretty small in actuality, or at least that is what other people say. I’m leaving some parts out because I don’t want to make this post unnecessarily long, but I had someone exploit me sexually last year in August (I was still a minor at this time), which fucked me up even more. I just feel like I’m never treated like I’m a person, everybody sees me as a body / object and nothing more. I have such a hard time connecting w people now, I hate myself so much.
submitted by Weak_Rub173 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:44 Weak_Rub173 feeling ashamed of my body

I’m 18F & I’ve struggled with self-esteem/body image issues for as long as I can remember, (starting at age 5, this started off as a small insecurity w/ just my face & hair mainly being the issue, then it escalated as time went on.)
I went through puberty early, around age 7/8, when I was going through puberty it, made my chest more prominent & I ended up receiving horrible comments from other people my age, & even my mom. I had one encounter where a girl kept teasing me about my chest, (we were in 3rd grade at the time,) in front of our class, we were outside for an assembly while this was happening.
The other classmates were staring at me while this was happening, once we went back inside she used her fingers to look down my shirt & laughed at me afterwards. I don’t know why but that encounter stuck with me y heavily, after that I started only wearing baggy clothes & sweaters, even though I lived somewhere very hot.
My mom made a comment / comparison of my chest to my older sisters, she said something like, “[my name), I don’t know what you’re doing, but your chest is bigger than your sisters.” In a disappointed voice. I was also exposed to p0rn at a young age because I would be alone most of the time due to my parents problematic divorce, there were just many things that contributed more as to why I was so insecure at the time & even more insecure now.
I believe me wearing baggy clothes really gave me a screwed idea of how my body actually looks, I began to think I was bigger than I actually was, when I am pretty small in actuality, or at least that is what other people say. I’m leaving some parts out because I don’t want to make this post unnecessarily long, but I had someone exploit me sexually last year in August (I was still a minor at this time), which fucked me up even more. I just feel like I’m never treated like I’m a person, everybody sees me as a body / object and nothing more. I have such a hard time connecting w people now, I hate myself so much.
submitted by Weak_Rub173 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:32 idkjustanother i know i did it to myself, i don’t need to hear it. i just need to get it off my chest. tw for marriage infidelity.

i honestly just don’t want to hear “leave him” or “it’s your fault”. i know it is, and i’m not leaving. i just need to vent. if you have helpful words that’s okay, just please keep those things in mind.
we’ve had issues for awhile, i’d say a couple years at this point. been together coming up on 6, married 1. when i first caught him i told myself never again, here we are so many times later i can’t even count anymore. he knows, and has known, what i am and am not okay with. i asked at the beginning for him not to really interact with “those” instagram/tiktok girls. okay, no problem. until it was. confronted, swore it would never happen again.
rinse and repeat.
a year into on and off catching him, without him knowing, because i would look through his phone and not bring it up, we started posting NSFW content, and i opened up to the idea of him interacting with that stuff, with boundaries. those being: please don’t focus on girls with huge butts as i’m pretty flat back there and am EXTREMELY insecure (i get it, i should work through it. i’ve gotten really far; it used to be ALL women, not just ones with big butts or are “slim thick”. i will never, and can never achieve that body type without putting by body through a lot of physical risks, i have a heart condition, bad thyroid, and the only meds i’ve found to help with my mental health make me gain weight, and i refuse to stop said meds.), and please no messaging anyone/commenting anything he wouldn’t say to me and no onlyfans (i don’t like the idea of actively helping someone pay their rent. there’s free stuff for a reason) and for awhile it was all going well. my thought process was that if i opened up and we started posting that kind of stuff, maybe he’d be satisfied enough seeing me posting that, him being in said posts as well, him having minimal boundaries other than respecting my insecurities, and he’d stop looking at the girls who make me spiral.
but again, almost 2 years into being online SWers, actively going to str!p clubs (i was more than okay with this, i’ve always wanted to go, i just wasn’t fully expecting to see his type with 0 filtered reaction to said type), and even talking about adding a second person in the bedroom after our 1st anniversary, i’ve found him looking at exactly what i’ve asked him not to.
todays boundaries are as follows, and have been made explicitly clear and he agreed to them: 1. please tell me if you’re going to look stuff up, or scroll through our NSFW apps at work (he doesn’t have to ask, simply let me know. doesn’t even need to tell me WHAT he’s looking at, again just what.) 2. please don’t focus on the super skinny, “slim thick” women. and 3. please no messaging anyone/commenting things he wouldn’t say to me.
he’s been seeming off, so i looked through his phone and low and behold he’s been looking up the exact body types that make me insecure as hell. looking up things i don’t know how to do with my body, and not telling me he’s doing it at all 3 days in a row now, i’ve gone into his apps, and looked at his searches, then cleared them. and guess what, new stuff is there, with no knowledge of it happening.
again, i know it’s my fault. i know i should have left before marriage and now i just have to deal with the repercussions of my actions; i guess my main thing now is do i ignore it and pretend nothing is happening and hope to god he never physically cheats, do i stop us doing online SW, have the 3some and then open the marriage if he asks, and suffer in silence? i don’t know anymore. this is genuinely his only bad quality, and i don’t think it warrants ruining the marriage over 1 bad thing that hasn’t turned physical or even emotional yet. to my knowledge he’s never messaged anyone and tbh i’d like to keep thinking that’s the case even if it’s not.
submitted by idkjustanother to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:08 throwRa_altacc Dating apps.

Every time I see dating apps mentioned here or on Dr. K’s channel, I always see incredibly negative things about them, and I understand why that is. When I was active on dating apps, it had an incredibly negative impact on my self-confidence. I got very few matches, and it really felt like that meant I was unlovable or ugly. I'm also aware of the fact that dating apps are like 75% men and 25% women (depending on the app ofc), so it's a lot harder for men to find matches.
However, I also feel like they have the potential to be a good tool for dating. Dating apps serve as a way to cut straight to the chase. You don't have to worry about the friend zone thing (I mean, it's possible but a lot less likely since it is a DATING app). It makes introductions a lot easier and enables the ability to meet people without having to spend tons of money trying to find social activities to gamble on meeting people who may or may not be single or interested in you, assuming you find someone you are interested in, etc.
I had 5 matches when I had my profile in that smallish town of 40k people or so. Of those 5, I had conversations with 3. Of the 3, I had good conversations with 1, who I went on a date with and never talked to again. The date went decently. The main reason we didn’t talk again was that I realized I was still in love with someone else, and she was very reminiscent of the girl I was on the date with. They had names with one letter apart, the same haircuts, were around the same height, had similar interests, the same music taste, etc., and it just felt wrong so i didnt follow up and she unmatched me. Other than that, though, it went fine and it broke me out of my shell and got me on a date, which was a first for me. I think that has merit.
I really want to try dating apps again despite having had bad experiences with them in the past because I'm so lonely, and the methods I have right now for meeting people aren’t really working.
The issue is, I don’t really have the confidence to do it this time. I’m kind of surprised I was able to before when I was 18 because now, as a 20-year-old who is significantly more confident than I was then, I don’t have the courage to publish my profile. I’m decently proud of it this time; I find most of my stuff informative about me or funny and have good photos of me that are with or taken by other people which i didnt before.
I also live in a place with 15 times the population of where I lived before, so I feel like I’d have a decent chance of actually meeting someone, and that’s what I want right now. But there’s so much negativity around the apps (for mostly good reasons) that I’m hesitant to post my profile. I also have a lot of irrational fears around it. What if someone I knew gets my profile recommended to them and makes fun of me for it or judges me for it? What if I don’t get any matches this time around and my confidence gets completely destroyed? What if I go on a date and I don’t look enough like my photos?
It’s much easier just to sit at home and not do anything and just hope that next quarter of college I meet the perfect person, or that I meet someone at the bus stop or a friend of a friend, etc.
Anyways, I’m really conflicted on this and don’t really know what to do.
What are your thoughts on dating apps?
submitted by throwRa_altacc to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:59 CelDub92 Posting an image on social media that implies you’re on a date?

Seen another dating coach talk about how doing something like this might lead to to success with other women and add more mystery, he used an example of posting a pic of your drink and someone else’s and being like ‘great night, better company’ or something along those lines 🤦🏼‍♂️ haha it seems so deucy and immature and I couldn’t bring myself to do it but just thought I’d ask more out of curiosity have any of yous done something like this and had success with it?
You think this would give the girl player vibes (kinda how CCW says in the book not to let other girls see you giving your number to other girls in a club) and wouldn’t want to date you or would see there’s competition and want to date more?
Side question: if a girl asks you if you’re dating anyone else what do you guys say? I know CCW says kinda be playful (does he say something like ‘you’re my favourite one’ or something - I’m on my second read so can’t really remember).
submitted by CelDub92 to CoreyWayne [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:58 Mean-Elderberry4207 My (23F) Boyfriend (23M) have a Girl Best Friend and I don't know what to feel about it. What to do?

My current boyfriend is my first, and we have been together for the past 3 years (he courted me for a whole year during our first year of college) and the years with him have been the best in my entire life. I used to take anti-depressants before I met him but since we got together I have never been more happy my entire life.
He is the sweetest man ever, he's a gentleman and he's never mad and he never let misunderstandings and other things blow off proportion. He's very protective but also very carefree and trusting, he knows just what to say whenever I feel down and is always understanding even when I'm being super unreasonable. He's also the one who remembers important dates, events, and details about our relationship and he's always been thoughtful. In summary, I hit a jackpot, he's the perfect one - except for one 'flaw'. He have a girl best friend since he was a baby and they have always been together.
He's very protective and attentive to her, many said that they thought that he (let's call him Paul for story's sake) would end up with her (let's call her Allie) because they're tight-knit. Paul has always been Allie's protector, always there and taking care of her since childhood. So I guess it was a natural assumption to make.
Allie's very clumsy, and to be frank I think she has very low EQ, she's always so blunt and out of touch and very useless in anything physical even chores (she can't even swim and ride bikes), I think it has to do with her rather sheltered childhood, I've known of her and Paul since childhood since they just live a couple of blocks away from us and we attend the same school since daycare. She was a very sickly child up until middle school, when I say sickly I really mean it, that poor girl's in the hospital more often than not and people gossip that she should have been homeschooled.
So for the longest time I never really minded that Paul adores her and takes care of her. To be honest, their relationship, to me, looks more like a parent to a child or a brother to his younger sister. It was rather adorable, the way he attends to her that I keep thinking that he would make a really good father.
So, what's the problem? Well, I never really minded it for the longest time, Allie is a darling, thoughtful in her own way, and her chatter when she's passionate about something (more often than not, it's rather morbid like true crime, bloody history, etc.,). And really, Paul has never made me feel like I'm a second choice, he's very thoughtful and intuitive with my needs, but recently, people I talked to have been saying that I should be more assertive.
They say that a man can never have a girl best friend without strings attached or something like that. I didn't really pay attention to it that time, because it's not like Allie and Paul do anything worth getting jealous or possessive over, or at least that's how I have always felt. Allie rarely joins us and even helped me with my thesis and other stuff, she's always been thoughtful about my relationship with Paul and I know she declared that she's not interested in relationships even as far back as high school. I have always had a good relationship with her. Paul too, he always goes out of his way to ensure that his attention is always on me whenever we're together. It was all good.
But these past few days have been tough, both mentally and physically, and I find myself thinking about what people say about Allie and Paul. I know them, and I know they're good people, to be honest, I think Allie is too honest for such backstabbing, and Paul, too nice. But I can't help but think about it at random times, and I keep overthinking and overanalyzing every little thing.
Paul has been asking me about what bothers me but how can I say it? How can I say that out of nowhere I'm jealous and insecure? I asked my best friend (let's call her Jade) and she said there's nothing to be all insecure about since Paul clearly loves me and Allie isn't really interested in such things. I wish I could believe her, but other people keep saying that it's suspicious, it's inappropriate, or some nasty things. I don't know what to think about anymore.
Please, I need your advice. I don't know how to address this, and I don't really hate Allie at all but my brain is so uncooperative, it's been stressing me out more than anything and we're nearing graduation, I don't want to let it consume me and I have seen a similar post on TikTok and Reddit so I revived this account just for this. Thank you for your help.
submitted by Mean-Elderberry4207 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:57 adulting4kids Newsletter #2 January 4, 2024

January 4, 2024
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🕛🥳 I'd like to see how you all are feeling about the content that gets posted here. I sometimes post on my profile,🔥 usually longer articles from scholarly pursuits.
♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓⛎ I have a newer subreddit based on my Tarot content, at tarotjourneys for the most recent content that I have been working on in that subject area. I'm not sure if I will have new subreddits for different subjects, or if I can keep it together here. I am going to be posting and cross posting so join both or don't, just read and connect with me here, or there!
Also next week will be the first contest in the annual anthology📒 that will be good for you guys to start getting involved in this community. Post will go up on the 8th and stay up one week. There is going to be a three week option for submitting and then we will be selecting the first winner 🏆 on February 7th. Announced on February 9th. Next month contest will be February 8th. And so on.🏆🪶🥠🥡
🌹🌹🌹Prizes for the short story and poetry is $100 cash and promotions, as well as a place in the annual anthology! Our artwork is going to be a prize of $50 and featured in materials and online, then it will be a 🌹🌹🌹Anthology chapter👀 introduction, and compete for the cover, with the monthly winners. The same dates apply to the three different contests.👀🌹
Anyone can enter, up to three submissions in each category! First entry in each category is free. Each additional entry is just $10 via PayPal or Cash App. If you don't have the ability to pay, we have a few waiver.
Our sponsors will be featured in the first post so even if you don't want to enter, read about us then!!!🕛❤️‍🔥
🔥This will be a great way to get published! I can't wait to see you guys enter!🔥
This is January 4, 2024 newsletter #2.
This is our featured subject for January. We are going to focus on getting ready for working towards sobriety, if you struggling with bad habits or are addicted to something that's causing you more harm than good - check out the resources, articles and readings that are designed to accomplish the initial assessment of getting clean 🫧🪥. No judgement, no mandatory participation, just some things that are designed to make it easier to start that process.
January 4, 2024
🏠🏡 JANUARY = CLEAN UP YOUR HOUSE MONTH You are the house!🏠🏡

Quotes from Individuals in Recovery:

  1. Russell Brand:
    • "The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope."
  2. Robert Downey Jr.:
    • "Job one is get out of that cave. A lot of people do get out but don't change. So the thing is to get out and recognize the significance of that aggressive denial of your fate, come through the crucible forged into a stronger metal."
  3. Eminem (Marshall Mathers):
    • "I knew that my first thought was always negative. But now I have learned to just brush it off."
  4. Demi Lovato:
    • "I had to learn the hard way that I can’t do parties anymore. Some people can go out and not be triggered, but that’s not the case for me."

Cited Readings on Addiction and Recovery:

  1. "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction" by Gabor Maté:
    • This book provides a compassionate and holistic understanding of addiction, exploring its biological, psychological, and societal roots.
  2. "Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction" by David Sheff:
    • A memoir that chronicles a father's struggle to understand and support his son through addiction and recovery.
  3. "Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions" by Russell Brand:
    • Russell Brand shares his personal journey through addiction and recovery, offering insights into the 12-step program and mindfulness practices.
  4. "The Big Book" (Alcoholics Anonymous):
    • The foundational text of Alcoholics Anonymous, providing guidance, stories of recovery, and the principles of the 12-step program.
  5. "Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America's Greatest Tragedy" by David Sheff:
    • David Sheff explores the science of addiction and potential solutions, examining both personal and societal perspective.
  6. Anthony Hopkins:
    • "I believe that we all have a basic need to feel safe. And when we don’t feel safe, we feel threatened, and when we feel threatened, we tend to react in various ways."
  7. Nicole Richie:
    • "I have to be careful. I have to live in balance. I can’t stay up all night but then need to be on time in the morning. But I’m finding my way."
  8. Elton John:
    • "I am a survivor. I’ve survived a lot of things. Life is full of pitfalls, even for someone like me."
  9. Jamie Lee Curtis:
    • "I was the wildly controlled drug addict and alcoholic. I never did it when I worked. I never took drugs before 5 p.m. I never, ever took painkillers until 5 p.m."
  10. "Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction" by Maia Szalavitz:
    • This book challenges traditional views on addiction, exploring the role of learning and choice in the development and treatment of addiction.
  11. "Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction" by Marni Mann:
    • A personal memoir that offers a raw and honest account of addiction, detailing the author's journey from addiction to recovery.
  12. "Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America" by Beth Macy:
    • This investigative work explores the opioid crisis in America, shedding light on the complex factors contributing to addiction.
  13. "Clean: The Journal" by Chris Niosi:
    • This interactive journal provides prompts, exercises, and reflections for individuals in recovery, helping them navigate their journey.
  14. "Ninety Days: A Memoir of Recovery" by Bill Clegg:
    • Bill Clegg shares his personal experiences of recovery in this memoir, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs of rebuilding one's life.
Remember that these quotes and readings reflect the experiences and perspectives of individuals in recovery, and different people find inspiration and support in various sources. Always consider seeking professional guidance and support in addition to personal insights gained from shared experiences.

More Quotes from Individuals in Recovery:

  1. Matthew Perry:
    • "I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life. I've learned a lot from my failures, but the best thing about failure is you get to learn from it."
  2. Drew Barrymore:
    • "Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change it."
  3. Rob Lowe:
    • "I'm nearly nine years sober, and there's a great quote I read about three years ago that had a huge impact on me. It's from the great Winston Churchill, who said, 'Success is never final, and failure is never fatal.'"
  4. Kristen Johnston:
    • "I’ve been sober for over 14 years now, and the way I live my life is, I don’t think of it like I stopped drinking; I think of it like I started living."
  5. "High Achiever: The Incredible True Story of One Addict's Double Life" by Tiffany Jenkins:
    • A memoir that provides a gripping account of addiction and recovery, exploring the author's journey to rebuild her life.
  6. "Recover to Live: Kick Any Habit, Manage Any Addiction" by Christopher Kennedy Lawford:
    • This book offers a comprehensive guide to various forms of addiction and provides practical strategies for recovery.
  7. "The Sober Diaries: How one woman stopped drinking and started living" by Clare Pooley:
    • A personal and humorous account of one woman's journey to sobriety, sharing insights and reflections on life without alcohol.
  8. "Guts" by Kristen Johnston:
    • Kristen Johnston's memoir delves into her experiences with addiction and recovery, providing a candid and humorous perspective.
  9. "This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness, and Change Your Life" by Annie Grace:
    • Annie Grace explores the psychology of alcohol consumption and provides insights to help individuals change their relationship with alcohol.
These quotes and readings offer diverse perspectives on addiction and recovery, and they can serve as sources of inspiration, reflection, and guidance for those navigating their own journeys. Always seek professional support if needed and consider these resources as complementary to a comprehensive recovery plan.

More Quotes from Individuals in Recovery:

  1. Craig Ferguson:
    • "I had a simple perception of success as getting things that I thought I needed to be happy. I thought that happiness was success. I don’t think that anymore."
  2. Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers):
    • "I've made a lot of mistakes and I don't regret any of them. Sometimes those things take you to the most amazing places."
  3. Jamie Lee Curtis:
    • "I know my limits. I know that if I drink again, I will die. Every morning I wake up, I make that choice."
  4. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith):
    • "It’s not about how much you drink. It’s about why you drink. It’s when life gets good, do you celebrate? Or when life gets tough, do you drink?"
  5. "In My Skin: A Memoir of Addiction" by Kate Holden:
    • A memoir that explores the author's experience with addiction and her journey toward recovery.
  6. "Recovery: A Guide for Adult Children of Alcoholics" by Herbert L. Gravitz and Julie D. Bowden:
    • This book addresses the specific challenges faced by adult children of alcoholics and provides guidance on healing and recovery.
  7. "The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober" by Catherine Gray:
    • A personal and practical guide to quitting alcohol, sharing the author's journey to sobriety and the positive changes it brought to her life.
  8. "The Recovering: Intoxication and Its Aftermath" by Leslie Jamison:
    • Combining memoir and research, this book explores the cultural and personal aspects of addiction and recovery.
  9. "Girl Walks Out of a Bar: A Memoir" by Lisa F. Smith:
    • Lisa Smith's memoir chronicles her journey from high-functioning addiction to recovery, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of sobriety.
Newsletter Repeat 🔁 TL:DR These quotes and readings provide diverse perspectives on addiction and recovery, and they offer valuable insights for individuals seeking inspiration and understanding. Always consider these resources in the context of individual needs and consult with professionals for personalized support.
I'd like to see how you all are feeling about the content that gets posted here. I sometimes post on my profile,🔥 usually longer articles from scholarly pursuits. I have a newer subreddit based on my Tarot content, at tarotjourneys for the most recent content that I have been working on in that subject area. I'm not sure if I will have new subreddits for different subjects, or if I can keep it together here. I am going to be posting and cross posting so join both or don't, just read and connect with me here, or there!
Also next week will be the first contest in the annual anthology that will be good for you guys to start getting involved in this community. Post will go up on the 8th and stay up one week. There is going to be a three week option for submitting and then we will be selecting the first winner 🏆 on February 7th. Announced on February 9th. Next month contest will be February 8th. And so on.
Prizes for the short story and poetry is $100 cash and promotions, as well as a place in the annual anthology! Our artwork is going to be a prize of $50 and featured in materials and online, then it will be a Anthology chapter introduction, and compete for the cover, with the monthly winners. The same dates apply to the three different contests.
Anyone can enter, up to three submissions in each category! First entry in each category is free. Each additional entry is just $10 via PayPal or Cash App. If you don't have the ability to pay, we have a few waiver.
Our sponsors will be featured in the first post so even if you don't want to enter, read about us then!!!
This will be a great way to get published! I can't wait to see you guys enter!
This is January 4, 2024 newsletter #2.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:50 beababodee guys, I think I finally found myself again

I am totally that girl who loves talking and cracking silly jokes. I am that girl who cares about other's feelings the most. I know the people I'm looking for and what kind if topics I like talking with them. I am not the super cheerful girl, borderline asshole, or cool but charismatic guy (for reference, see my last post, lol.) I am just, myself.
The way I did this was totally by accident... I was talking loudly with my neighbor before going to college. Then, on my way there, I suddenly had a thought, "people who have anxiety with higher level than me probably think these kinds of conversation with neighbors are the scariest... and it would make their hearts race and their skin sweat. But to me, it's almost nothing. I don't really feel anything. Just a moment in a day passing by.
And this is probably the same feeling people with no social anxiety have. They don't really care that much. So why don't I try 'feeling' like them?
Nah, I already know how it feels though!"
I know it's kinda random and hard to understand but this new thought process helped me become the real me today. I walked to campus pretending I don't have social anxiety, and feeling like how I am with my neighbors just then. As a result, I talked with everyone easily and didn't overthink what I said. In turn, they were more open with me. I think this is the day I make people laughed the most in months, and some of them finally see my true personality without social anxiety/when I'm around family and close friends. I felt so free. (But ofc I've already built a knowledge foundation like CBT etc from the books I read and videos I watched (and your comments in the last post too! <3) before getting onto this state.)
It's extremely true that your biggest enemy is yourself... I will never let my anxiety stops me from being me again.
submitted by beababodee to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:36 victoriae31 I couldn’t tell if this guy was interested in me but then he got super cold randomly

(Long post please read everything) Around like 5 years ago I started working at this fast food place and when I went to the job interview, I had to wait at the front for like 5 minutes and I remember there was this guy that worked there that I thought was hot, while I was waiting at the front I noticed he kept looking/staring at me and making eye contact the whole time. He would look at me, then maybe look away to do something else but then kept looking back at me with eye contact. I noticed him even looking at me during my interview. I remember thinking wow, ok that he definitely had some interest because of him doing that.
When I first started working there and we had the same shifts, he wasn’t staring or looking at me anymore. I didn’t really think anything of it.
At the time I was going to community college and took the bus there every day. I was taking the bus one morning and a few stops later I see him get on and sit down and I remember thinking wow this is weird I had no idea he also goes to the same community college and also takes the same bus? And just thinking how weird it was. Just initially he didn’t notice me or sit by me. Then something really weird happened, halfway through the ride the bus got into an accident and hit a car on the side while switching lanes and it had to pull over and everyone had to get off and walk to the next bus stop and wait for the next bus to come. Something like that’s never happened before, super weird. So everyone was walking to the next stop and I remember I wasn’t expecting him to say anything to me at all and I kind of forgot about it and wasn’t paying attention to him just walking.
Then someone behind me taps me on the shoulder and I look and it’s him and he just says hi and is smiling and asked like “hey do you work at (the job)” or something then he just starts talking to me I think we just talked about work or something but everything seemed fine. He was talking to me like he was interested in me, like friendly he would just make conversation and ask me about work I don’t even remember what else he would talk about. I would get kind of nervous/ my mind would go blank around him because I liked him and I was just happy he was always talking to me. I remember I would sometimes see him when taking the bus to school. But the thing is literally every time we would both be on the bus he would always go out of his way to come and sit by me and talk to me. So I also thought obviously that must have meant he was interested in me because why else would he have done that? To me if he wasn’t interested (not even a little) he would’ve just ignored me on the bus and never sat by me or talked to me. When he would talk to me, his body would just be facing straight forward but he would be looking at me the whole time talking to me. Sometimes he would sit with a very open body, while sitting next to me or talking to me. I also remember him telling me one day how him and a couple of the other shift leaders/ managers would hang out outside of work at one of their houses and play video games. I also remember him telling me that he went to a concert with one of the managers at work, like they went there together and hung out there.
Also around this time I found his Instagram and just followed him and didn’t say anything. He followed me back right after and never mentioned it or acted like it was weird I did that.
He would always talk to me on the bus, but whenever we were at work together I would never see him looking at me and he usually would never talk to me like during the time we were working. He would act different at work I don’t know why. I think a few times I saw him at work before clocking in and I would say hi and he would seem relaxed and talk to me/ be the same as on the bus but that’s it.
I would do this thing during our shift where if it got slow/ empty for a moment I would go over to his area (the grill which was right next to the drive through window) and I would say hi to him or just start talking to him. Also I noticed almost everyone else that worked there would do the same thing with each other all the time so I wasn’t the only one doing this. Sometimes I would get kind of giddy and start laughing a lot (not on purpose it would just happen) he would respond to me, he wouldn’t act rude but not be super talkative. Then one day when I went over and talked to him, this one shift leade manager who was in her 40s and always really rude/ nasty saw me doing that and very loudly was like “uh uh, I don’t think so! that’s fraternizing at work! He has a girlfriend you know that right?” And I got embarrassed as soon as she said that and she was like “yeah that’s right!” I went back in my area and they said something to each other I didn’t hear what but it was a few words back and forth, and ended in the manager kind of making this face and laughing and he just sort of shrugged and was kind of smiling. I have no idea what they said I couldn’t hear. Then they just went back to working and acted normal for the rest of my shift then I left.
Then after that day when I came in to work, he started to completely ignore me and act very cold and completely different. I went up to him at work and tried saying hi to him and he literally just completely ignored me. At first I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not, but he had to have because everyone else around him heard me and was looking at me. I think later in the shift I tried saying something to him again and he still completely ignored me. Also whenever he did this the other guys working in the same area as him were watching and would start laughing but more like lowkey not like super loud and obnoxious. I had no idea why he was doing this I remember being very upset and humiliated.
After that day he started doing this every day and ignoring me, every day I saw him at work he was super cold about it. This continued for the rest of the time I worked there and he never spoke to me again. Total 180 and it was just super out of the blue too. I’ve thought maybe it was because of that one manager that said “he has a girlfriend” but they said something to each other then just kind of laughed and didn’t say anything else after that so I don’t know if that was the reason for this.
About a month after this started, I went in the employee handbook and found his phone number and texted him… I know now this is weird and I shouldn’t have done this but at the time I was really upset and desperate and didn’t think it would be a big deal. I just kind of did it. I just said hi or something but I also said it was me in the text. I did not say anything inappropriate or crazy.
He never responded but the next time I came into work, one of the shift leaders/ managers (the same one that he was friends with and said he hung out with) said he needed to have a talk with me. He pulled me aside and we went into the break room, he said he told everyone to not come down there. He told me that the guy “told a manager” that I texted him and that’s why we were having this talk. He said that most of the managers/ other coworkers know about this situation now and he told me that this guy said he doesn’t know what’s going on between us but he doesn’t like it and wants it to stop. He said that the main manager doesn’t know about this yet and that hes stopping this now so she doesn’t find out, and if she finds out me and the guy would probably get fired. He also told me that if I try talking that guy again, that the guy was going to tell me to stop and he was NOT going to be nice about it. So I better just back off to save myself. Which I remember thinking was so odd because when I talked to him he did not seem like this asshole jerky guy at all so it was bizarre that the manager was saying this and that all of a sudden he literally hated me? And this behavior from him happened just out of the blue with seemingly no trigger so the whole situation was just so weird. During this talk the manager also told me that it was NOT OK that I was going up to him during shifts and talking to him and that it was fraternizing at work and we could both get fired. Then I told him that I saw literally most of the people that worked there talking to each other during shifts, other guys and girls doing it too so why was it not a problem when they did it but a huge problem only when I did it…. I don’t remember exactly what he said but I think he told me that doesn’t happen and that I was remembering wrong. He also said that you are not supposed to talk to coworkers at all outside of work. Which I told him how that guy told me about how they hung out outside of work at one of their houses to play video games and also went together to a concert. He told me that they didn’t hang out together at the concert that they just both happened to be there with their own friends, they unknowingly ran into each other, said hi then went their separate ways. I didn’t remember exactly what that guy told me but I’m pretty sure he said they went to that show together. He also told me to never speak to that guy again, he said don’t look at him, don’t talk to him, don’t talk about him, just act like he doesn’t even exist and just come in, do your job and leave. He told me he was going to bring him in right after me and tell him the same thing.
After that talk I felt totally horrible. I felt like I was a total creep or something like I made someone so uncomfortable like he/ everyone thought I was a creep. I obviously never texted him or tried talking to him again at all after this. The next time I came into work everyone got really quiet when I walked in and everyone was staring at me… I specifically noticed this one girl who was a shift leader. She never stared at me or acted like she even noticed me before but this day as soon as I came in she just was really quiet and stood there and stared at me for like a good 5-10 minutes just looking me up and down. She would look away and do something but kept coming back to look at me. It was very uncomfortable and I felt ashamed and embarrassed after that and started to feel bitter about not having him in my life anymore and not having friends or possible love interest.
Then I noticed they kept scheduling me and him to work at the same time in the morning, and this same girl shift leader was the shift lead that worked every morning when we would come in. He obviously was still ignoring me but I noticed that during his breaks, he would go over to her and talk to her for the whole time but both of their body language was like heavy flirting. He would be standing very close to her and he would always be leaning on the counter but also leaning towards her at the same time. And he would have his hand/arm on the counter resting almost around her. She would mirror his body language minus the arm. While they were doing this she would also do this thing where every couple minutes or so she would turn around, look at me and hold eye contact for a few seconds while smiling, then look back at him and continue talking. He never looked at me again, and wouldn’t even come near me again. After they were done talking she would come over to my drive through area, make a drink then walk back and give it to him.
They would do this literally every day I worked with them which was only once a week then because I started going to a new school. I even remember after that talk with the manager he would talk with this other girl (and that one shift lead) he was friends with there, the same way the manager told ME was NOT ok to do, in front of everyone even managers literally no one ever said a word to them about it. Literally no one cared when they did it, but it was a huge issue when I did it. A couple of other kids even started dating a little bit after this and I would even see them kissing in the back and no one ever said a word to them about anything. I ended up quitting a couple months later because I was so upset about the whole situation.
submitted by victoriae31 to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:30 Holiday-Section2433 How to survive being a loner?

17M JC1 here, my class is HEAVILY gender divided - all the girls in one clique and the boys in one clique. My class is also quite small (20 people), and I can't find anyone to clique with. The last time we were ever a class was probably back in class orientation. I tried making friends, it didn't go well so I dont have any social clique in class or anyone to talk to. I have no CCA so my tiny disconnected class is unfortunately my only social group. Im alone most of the time and I feel damn lonely. The girls are always together and they're a close bunch so I can't clique there, the boys are okay but I'm not close with them and they dont treat me as comfortably or as close as they do with each other.
At this point im not interested in making friends with the people in my class anymore, I just want to mentally survive the rest of this year and next year and get on with my life and never see these people again. I used to cry secretly in class or in the toilet due to these feelings of isolation, then I came up with a few methods - watching my netflix to distract myself or just talking to a few people in class who were willing to talk to me. Unfortunately these days I think I can't really use my 2 methods anymore - I can't watch Netflix during class so whenever there is a group / class acitvity or just during lessons in general I will see everyone sitting in their cliques and engaging in their happy little conversations while im there alone with no one to talk to and I'll have to fight my tears again. The few people that were comfortable talking to me are no longer talking to me / checking on me so yeah. Back to square 1. Any suggestions anyone?
Thankfully june holis coming up so I dont have to see those people for a month. And (respectfully) don't bother giving me tips on how to make friends / try talking to anyone. I've posted multiple times on Reddit asking how to make friends back in class orientation period and I've tried everything you could possibly think of and it didn't end well.
I quote my class chairman's words when I told him I needed a social clique whilst them in a social clique don't need me, "YoU nEEd tO sHoW mE yOu cAn SurViVe oN yOuR owN". And i legit heard one of the girls in my class go "We're not friends, we're just classmates" (to one of the other guys in class not me). I mean she's harsh but honestly she's not wrong I guess. These people are just people whom I take lessons with in the same room, sometimes I literally look at other people's class and envy how they can have a mixed gender social clique.
Have an amazing day beautiful human ❣️
submitted by Holiday-Section2433 to SGExams [link] [comments]