Leathal dose of baclofen

Baclofen question about side effects and dosage

2024.05.02 15:55 Tequilaforrealya Baclofen question about side effects and dosage

This was my response to someone on another post, but it works as a post anyway.
Idk how anyone takes such high doses of baclofen without getting seriously ill. I sometimes feel kinda sick on 40-60mg… 250mg/day would put me in the hospital even though I know they use it for alcoholism.
Also, is it abnormal to sometimes feel like your heart rate is elevated on this medication? I have a few sides so I’m thinking of lowering to 10, 10, 10 for 30mg total per day but 10mg just doesn’t kill the pain the way 20mg does (I’m prescribed 20mg 3x/day.
I’m not usually sensitive to medication and used to take 3,000-3,500mg of carisoprodol per day, which is sometimes more than double the prescribed dose. Besides mild drowsiness I had zero side effects from it, and came off cold Turkey and felt fine other than a little bit of rebound anxiety and insomnia, which resolved after about a week of abstinence.
I guess now that my withdrawal concerns have been assuaged, I’m now kind of concerned about some of these baclofen side effects. I read most people have a lower heart rate if anything on it, yet I still feel so much less anxiety, and because my pain is relieved my old personality returns. Always a double edged sword with meds for me :/
submitted by Tequilaforrealya to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:57 Affectionate-Fly2139 Baclofen + Subs w/ no tolerance

I occasionally take 30mg of Baclofen for my back pain (like once or twice a month). I have a leftover suboxone script (haven’t taken in a year) and wondering if it’s safe to take 1mg along side this dose. I understand there is a risk for respiratory depression, but will these doses be relatively safe in combination?
submitted by Affectionate-Fly2139 to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 12:26 Tequilaforrealya Question about potential baclofen withdrawal from the oral route. Thank you

Hi there, I was recently prescribed baclofen for a chronic nerve pain condition that is extreme enough to warrant my doctor to prescribe 900mg of pregabalin a day, up from the recommended max of 600mg per day.
To my surprise baclofen is really helping and I’ve noticed that I have more energy, motivation, better concentration, less depression, far less anxiety, can help with sleep, but I find that it kind of agitates me if I take it too late at night (unless I’m really flared up).
Anyway, my doctor says I’m fine taking it long term, but we all know doctors are better at putting you on medication than they are at taking you off. I’m prescribed 20mg 3x day so 60mg oral baclofen is my prescribed dose for pain.
I’ve been on it for about 2 weeks now, and the relief is still equal to day 1, and even though I don’t have social anxiety or phobia, I cannot believe how good this medication is making me with people. It’s like a socially savvy medication and even my skin looks better. However, I’ve read about that withdrawal syndrome from this and it definitely doesn’t seem worth it even though the benefits have been significant and have greatly improved my quality of life.
I’ve read it’s the intrathecal route that causes the most dependency, but oral can too obviously as it’s changing my brain chemistry, albeit in positive ways minus the bedtime agitation. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. My doctor who first prescribed me benzos said I can take it long term, so forgive me for my lack of trust in the American healthcare system. Thank you.
submitted by Tequilaforrealya to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:59 Tequilaforrealya Question about potential baclofen withdrawal (oral route)

Hi there,
I was recently prescribed baclofen for a chronic nerve pain condition that is extreme enough to warrant my doctor to prescribe 900mg of pregabalin a day, up from the recommended max of 600mg per day.
To my surprise baclofen is really helping and I’ve noticed that I have more energy, motivation, better concentration, less depression, far less anxiety, can help with sleep, but I find that it kind of agitates me if I take it too late at night (unless I’m really flared up).
Anyway, my doctor says I’m fine taking it long term, but we all know doctors are better at putting you on medication than they are at taking you off. I’m prescribed 20mg 3x day so 60mg oral baclofen is my prescribed dose for pain.
I’ve been on it for about 2 weeks now, and the relief is still equal to day 1, and even though I don’t have social anxiety or phobia, I cannot believe how good this medication is making me with people. It’s like a socially savvy medication and even my skin looks better. However, I’ve read about that withdrawal syndrome from this and it definitely doesn’t seem worth it even though the benefits have been significant and have greatly improved my quality of life.
I’ve read it’s the intrathecal route that causes the most dependency, but oral can too obviously as it’s changing my brain chemistry, albeit in positive ways minus the bedtime agitation. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. My doctor who first prescribed me benzos said I can take it long term, so forgive me for my lack of trust in the American healthcare system. Thank you.
submitted by Tequilaforrealya to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 21:21 AsparagusSad7598 trigeminal Neuralgia peeps

Hi folks! First post here. 32, female. I have had MS since my mid 20s. It has honestly not been that much of an issue. A few flairs here and there I have RR. I'm on Vumerity. It works so far. However, since January I have had some bouts of TN. My neuro calls it atypical TN, have not confirmed by an MRI. Just symptoms and I'm responding to the medication. My question is how many of you have this? I'm on the TN forums but that scares me more than having MS. The pain at times is unbearable. Some good days with the medication. Gabapentin high dose, baclofen & carbamazpine. How common is this with people with MS? I see my neuro next week and I'm counting the days.
submitted by AsparagusSad7598 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:21 AssistancePretend668 Short term options while in triggering situations

Has anyone had any success with something such as baclofen to avoid drinking in triggering situations? For me those are primarily flying/lounges and when I'm bored. If I can better manage those, the relapses are very rare.
I have extensive experience with naltrexone at this point, and I can best explain it as it removes the brakes (slow down "ahh finally" feeling) but then the gas (the party has begun) feeling becomes a LOT stronger, almost making drinking more fun.
My dr and I tried Lyrica as a harm reducing drinking alternative with mixed results, but it was mostly ineffective. Plus a couple days of Lyrica on a flight and I get this nasty depression for a week or so after.
I can't emphasize how difficult it is for me to get through flying especially. I don't get anxious at all either, I love flying! It's more this feeling of freedom and like it's time to party like nobody's watching and while there are no responsibilities. And alleviating the non flying related anxiety of life in the process. In other words, a benzo for the flight doesn't solve the problem for me.
Baclofen has been of interest to me because I tried it years ago (at a lower dose) for sleep issues. It did sort of what I was seeking, in that it took the edge off of life and gave a bit of a buzz, without leading to bad decisions.
Only thing with considering baclofen, is that I've heard mixed things about it causing sexual dysfunction. That's something I simply can't live with; the fear alone of that causes enough anxiety for me to drink.
Wishing naltrexone had been the magic bullet for me but doesn't seem it is. I know under all this I need to treat the urge to seek something mind altering, but we haven't gotten there via therapy quite yet :/
submitted by AssistancePretend668 to Alcoholism_Medication [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 20:32 RadFraggle Side effects of increased salt and water

I'm wondering if anyone has experienced side effects from increased salt and water intake (beyond just peeing a lot). My doctor recommended I do this while I wait for referral to confirm diagnosis of POTS and EDS. After that, I started to get bad headaches, an increase in TMD, and an increase in inflammation in my c-spine causing it to be stiff, painful, and pop with any movement (I have experienced this before at times of my condition flaring up badly so it's not 100% new). I asked my doctor if it could be related to the the salt and water increase and she didn't think so. She prescribed me baclofen, which resulted in significant improvement for a couple weeks. I'm trying to keep it to one dose at night so I'm not making my craniocervical instability worse by relaxing the muscles I need to stabilize it during the day. It's been helping, but I'm seeing a resurgence and I'm also finding my body resistant to the salt intake. Like I feel like it's not what my body needs/wants and I'm having trouble getting enough of it into me.
I'm still communicating and following up with my doctor about this. Not asking for anyone to diagnose me or anything. But I am a little concerned that my doctor didn't give me any warnings of side effects to look out for with the increased salt intake, given how much we're all programmed to think everyone gets too much salt and we should all be reducing it.
Does anyone know if there's anything I should be looking out for that would merit pushing for a quicker second opinion? Do others experience side effects like this related to salt and water increases? I'm going to continue following up and talking to specialists, but that all takes time and I'm concerned about the spinal inflammation and the intensity of the headaches. I really like my doctor and I'd like to just follow up at our next appointment in a couple weeks if possible. I don't think she'll be dismissive. But I've also gone through a lifetime of undiagnosed illness trauma and I'm hyper-aware of the possibility that if I appear too concerned, or push too hard, or complain too much, I could end up setting off red flags for the "it's all in your head" crowd. So I'm trying to figure out the right balance here.
submitted by RadFraggle to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 00:51 MysteryMeerkat528 Abrupt baclofen cessation - what to know?

37F, 5’6” ish and 112 pounds ish, no alcohol but tobacco smoker of approximately 15 ish cigarettes a day, no illicit drugs
Pre-existing woes for the auto mod - acquired asplenia, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ, dyshidrosis, PMDD, anxiety and depression, GERD, allergies to everything, to-be-diagnosed episodic seemingly endocrine issue that strongly mimics hyperthyroidism but I had a normal TSH even with a swollen thyroid… I got a lot going on here
Meds - nortriptyline 10mg for anxiety and depression since summer ish 2010, baclofen 15mg TID for TN since spring 2016, melatonin 3mg for insomnia, diphenhydramine 25mg for insomnia worsened by baclofen and also allergies daily. Occasional and sporadic use of naproxen 220mg and Charlotte’s Web CBD oil for pain flare ups as needed. Was prescribed norethindone to replace Yaz for PMDD due to my age and smoking but I stopped taking it due to psychosis-like side effects and haven’t quite figured out how to tell my primary the replacement did NOT go as anticipated
Current woe - I run out of baclofen tomorrow or Sunday depending on how I take what’s left. I had my pharmacy contact my primary earlier this week for refills after finding out their automated text system that I’d used to try to have them request refills last week didn’t actually submit it. They have yet to hear anything from my primary (and I called the practice yesterday right before they closed to see if I could push that along, front desk essentially told me that it would get dealt with eventually) and the practice is now closed for the weekend. In my state (North Carolina if it matters) pharmacists are allowed to do an emergency refill of pre-existing prescriptions of non-controlled substances as long as they let the provider in question know, but if that doesn’t happen… what do I need to know? Obviously, I’ll be in considerable pain with nothing for my facial nerves and the twitches and spasms it suppressed so well will come back, but what else? I only took 10mg three times today to try to stretch it out with the extra half a tablet per dose going to tomorrow, but I have 3.5 pills left. I’ve wanted to go off nortriptyline for a while (and intended to talk to my primary about at my last appointment but then she stunned me with the whole no more Yaz issue) and I sort of know what to expect with that (though I’m not entirely sure how to go about the tapering down) but baclofen is sort of the most important of the medications I have left, so I can’t say I ever envisioned not taking it…
submitted by MysteryMeerkat528 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:00 AsparagusSad7598 Finally relief

Hi there. I've been dealing with TN2 from my MS for a few months off & on. This time around it hit me like a train and was some of the worst pain with ZERO relief from gabapentin even though my dose was tripled.
I finally caved and took carbamazepine that they prescribed months ago and baclofen. I've been on baclofen before for MS so I wasn't worried about that. But I've heard some things about carbamazepine and I was worried. So far no major side effects but I'm only on 100mg twice a day. I am thinking of adding in a third dose because I can tell when it's getting close to my next dose I have some pain. But today for the first time I had the majority of the day pain free. Or so little pain I didn't even think about it.
I am not sure how some of you guys have dealt with this on and off for decades. It is so painful and no one in my life understands.
So far my triggers are high sodium/processed food. So I am eating very clean, drinking a ton of water and I even cut back on caffeine. (Not all the way) I don't even drink alcohol so the thought of no coffee gives me no will to live.
submitted by AsparagusSad7598 to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 17:27 Geordieduck87 Magnesium bisglysignate experiences

TLDR: What are your experiences with magnesium bisglycinate? Does it relax you or make you anxious? I'm trying not to take baclofen but really need to for muscle spasms, stiff neck and Trigeminal Neuralgia. Possible MS and/or fibromyalgia.
Iwas taking baclofen for my Trigeminal Neuralgia but stopped cold turkey two weeks ago until I can get it prescribed (look at my post history for more context) It helps so much with my TN which is likely caused by a trapped nerve in my neck (it could be either that or caused by dental work, it was definitely made worse by dental work as I had a root canal the day after I injured my neck and the dentist was pushing on my jaw really hard. I've had loads more dental work since which turned out to be unnecessary as it was neuralgia all along which has progressed to TN) and muscle tension in my jaw. I also have TMD/TMJ. I'm having an MRI scan and I'll be having loads of other tests for underlying health conditions causing nerve issues else in my body. I'm in constant pain all over. I've been put on gabapentin now and it is helping with the TN pain but not completely, and not at all for my sore muscles. I have to stop taking the amitriptyline I was put on originally and that's causing withdrawal symptoms already just from halving my dose. My neck and shoulders are SUPER tight and sore, my jaw is killing me and I really could do with a baclofen to ease it all but I don't want to undo the last two weeks of withdrawal I went through. I ordered some magnesium bisglycinate and they landed a few days ago. People on here have said to get some and it says on the tub it helps calm the CNS and relaxes muscles but I've seen other people say it sent them into a panic attack. At one time I'd have just taken it without a care in the world but now I have health anxiety and I'm scared to take anything I've not had before. Baclofen taught me a lesson. I'm hoping to get a prescription for baclofen at my medication review in three weeks so I can take it without worrying about running out. I only ever took 10mg at night and would probably only take it as needed. So all that to say, what are your experiences with magnesium bisglysignate? Also, if I've had no baclofen for 15 days would I be able to take one and not get withdrawal symptoms the next day?
submitted by Geordieduck87 to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 21:33 MysticCatMom Hard fall & no relief

Hi there- I took a hard fall on 4/8 from a 2 ft into a hardwood floor. It was a fairly violent (I can’t fall gracefully and roll) and loud landing on my side/back/butt? Who knows. Could barely walk then and can barely walk now. The pain move around but primarily it’s in low back and travels to butt and glutes after sitting (back gets worse too). I get no relief sitting standing lying down nothing. I have done flexeril, steroids, baclofen, Motrin, topical diflocinac. I also tried gaba but a small dose. Literally nothing eases the pain. Dr says pt and more Motrin with my past history of an ulcer. I’ve been doing gentle stretches and nerve glides since day 4. Am I missing anything? (I have been in pt before for low back soreness so I know the exercises but this is incapacitating.
submitted by MysticCatMom to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 03:47 paralyzedpimp Nerve pain and spasms

Just curious what other people take for nerve pain and spasms? Been thinking about trying some different stuff that may cut out some of the side effects. Right now I take baclofen (10 mg in morning and 20 mg at night), pregab/lyrica (150 mg morning and night), and gabapentin (300 mg morning and night). I used to be on significantly higher doses as well as three times a day but of own personal preference to reduce the side effects such as drowsiness and coherence weaned myself down to my current doses but I can't really go without the nerve pain and spasms being too bad to deal with
So just looking for alternatives that I can take with less side effects but please share everything even if it has side effects, like I said I'm open to ideas and curious what others are taking. Thank you.
submitted by paralyzedpimp to spinalcordinjuries [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 18:36 Dazzling_Priority186 A question for those of you that have used baclofen to aid in phenibut withdrawl.

So I have been using roughly two grams of phenibut in the form of zaza silver for about two months and want to stop. I have gabapentin and came across three 10 mg baclofen, my question is and I know you guys can't give medical advice, but when would the appropriate time to start taking baclofen be in y'all's experience? I'm thinking of waiting until the withdrawal gets to the point to where I just can't stand it and then taking them, but would breaking them in half and using a 5 milligram dose be at all effective? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Dazzling_Priority186 to phenibutwithdrawal [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 10:56 EtchedNoted Best Supplements, etc to take alongside of Baclofen.

I've been prescribed Baclofen for a little while now, 1—1.5 years for nerve complications that affect a muscle in my left hip/high leg area. I have also decided to take it after talking to my psychotherapist because of its Gaba properties & Dopamine relief quality (Mixed with Caffeine & Modafinil) It hasn't been too easy to handle at times, & I am not taking that much...20-30mg a day using 10mg per dose...I was wondering if any of you guys had any ideas on proper supplements to take with it that could help relieve the morning 'hangovers' that last for 15-20 minutes. & supplements to take alongside of it to smooth everything out. Baclofen is the only muscle relaxer that agrees with me, all the others make me woozy & feel spaced out. I wouldn't call it mania but I can get into a state of deep focus & production with Baclofen, but I still run into a little trouble when waking up & when it comes to digestive issues. I don't want to have to take more than 30, maybe 40 if need be a day, so if there are any supplements that can help me maintain the appropriate doses, balance me out overall & help me in the morning—Please share. I learned the hard way that I have to keep myself hydrated & make sure I eat well. Really want to get it all sorted out because I believe that when I go back to the doctor, I am going to go from 30 to 40mg a day so I can have an extra 10mg when I need it. Any feedback will be appreciated. Thank you. & take great care!
submitted by EtchedNoted to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 07:57 speedmankelly I just tried sleeping on my own without a sleep aid for the first time in probably years and it was horrible

I was pretty tired early so I thought fuck it let’s try to sleep when my body feels like sleeping and see how that goes. I’m never doing this again. At least with benedryl, unisom, and Xanax I get into full sleep. But from 10:30pm to 1:50am I was in a half-sleep where I was watching a really fucked up dream, it’s not like the bad dreams I get from benedryl or unisom (usually don’t get them from Xanax) this was way different. It was like a movie screen projected onto my closed eyelids. It was like this the entire time of that “sleep” and I still feel dead tired. I’m going to take benedryl and hopefully get some actual rest cause this sucked. I really fucking hated this a lot.
Note: I also have suspected narcolepsy as well as central sleep apnea from taking moderate doses of CNS depressants at night (any of the sleep aids, percocet, baclofen, Lyrica, all prescribed and unfortunately necessary). Though I’m tapering off of Lyrica now which helps absolutely nothing because of the withdrawals.
submitted by speedmankelly to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 00:39 Agile_Instruction444 Dystonia

Hi Looking for some assistance for my father with PD. He has severe left foot dystonia. Primarily toes 1-3, sometimes into the ankle. Dystonia is dopamine responsive, but he has limited relief between Rytary doses. Any kind of dopamine “enhancement” has caused psychosis- Amantadine, entacapone, Mirapex ER, etc. No relief with Baclofen or Zanaflex. Botox done x2 with no relief- two different MDS injected. Klonopin provides some limited relief in conjunction with the Rytary. Aspercreme and heat also provide some minimal relief.
Anyone try anything else with success?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Agile_Instruction444 to Parkinsons [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 17:54 Kristian43210 Need help with MTHFR and COMT

I had a gene sight test done at my psychiatrist and my results also showed that I have a Heterozygous MTHFR C677T and a Homozygous met/met COMT mutation. Ever since I started looking into this, it's explained so many of my symptoms. I've done extensive research but it's been difficult to figure out what to take and dosing properly. It seems that taking too much of some things can cause me to just shut down? I'll go ahead and give my routine, any help would be so appreciated :)
L-Methylfolate 1mg B12 Methylcobalamin 2mg D3 2mg Vyvanse 20mg (ADHD) Celecoxib 200mg (I have constant lower back pain and the rheumatologist thinks I have arthritis, going to stop taking this and baclofen soon) Baclofen 10mg Riboflavin (b2) 100mg Creatine 3.5g Magnesium Malate 100mg Glutithione 500mg Glycine 3g (also take before bed)
Overall my routine does have me feeling better, but I'm definitely still not where I'd like to be. I'm still dealing with anxiety, stress, brain fog, and fatigue. I had labs done a while ago, and my D3 level was 23ng/mL. My folate and B12 levels were in optimal range. Folate: 8.6 ng/ml, B12: 456pg/ml. Also the only thing besides D3 that showed out of range was globulin at 1.9L.
There are some things I've taken that cause me anhedonia and fatigue. Not fun at all. It seems that taking more than 1mg of methyl folate does this to me. 2mg is kind of all right, then 3 is just anhedonia and feeling like crap. I also took SAMe at one point, I took half of a 400mg capsule, so 200mg, then I felt this way for the rest of the day. Maybe over methylation?
Figuring out my bodies methylation is so tricky, and I'm about to just quit taking everything and start figuring it out one by one. The only thing with that is I won't be able to get any of my schoolwork done, and that's an issue. I'm going to see a specialist at some point, so that will help hopefully.
If anyone could help, you would be so much appreciated! This really will help my quality of life, as well as my mom's. She also deals with a ton of anxiety and stress.
submitted by Kristian43210 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 16:38 Geordieduck87 Reinstate or keep going?

A few of you have probably seen my endless comments on posts on here over the last week but now I'm literally at the point of not knowing what to do. I'm on day seven of essentially a cold turkey withdrawal from between 5-10mg of baclofen over the course of seven weeks or so but mainly the last two weeks before stopping. I was only taking 10mg here and there at first for nerve pain, but then I started taking 10mg a night for about a week then another week of 5mg a night when my nerve pain (now diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgia) got really bad. Honestly though, I was getting so smashed off just a 10mg that I can't be sure of how much and how long I was taking them for. So let's just say three weeks of solid use of between 5-10mg with the occasional night of not having any. I counted and I've taken 30 x 10mg altogether since getting them. There was one day I took three. I didn't realise I was becoming dependent on them but I was waking up super early with a pounding heart and feeling super depressed and crying non stop. Totally emotionally unstable. I realised I had become dependent on them and looked at all the horror stories. So I thought I'd be ok to stop at the dose I was on without prolonging the agony since I'm not prescribed them and only have a certain amount of tablets. Now I've gone a full week and I'm not getting any better, sometimes I feel like I am then I get worse. I'm already dependent on benzos so I've been trying to use them to cope but they're not touching it, even if I triple my dose. Now I've gone so long without taking them I'm scared to take another one and set myself back. Is it too late to reinstate and taper? If you were in my position what would you do? I'm losing touch with reality a bit. A total nervous wreck. Weirdly though, I was able to sleep through the first few nights and I'm tired all day but the last couple of nights I've been restless. I take amitriptyline and mirtazapine at night but the amitriptyline seems to just add to my dazed and confused state through the day. I have access to gabapentin and pregabalin, although the pgs are at least two years old as they weren't mine and I never take them or gabapentin. I'd take gabapentin if I thought it'd help but would that just eventually wear off and I'd still be in baclofen withdrawal? I'm gonna end up getting sectioned at this rate. The neurologist prescribed carbamazepine but I've been advised not to take them as they'll mess with my methadone, diazepam and mirtazapine, so I'm going to the doctors next week to hopefully get put on gabapentin which is what I needed all along really but ended up here through self medicating. I need to be able to function, I literally can't do anything at the minute. I can't let my family see me like this and my brother is coming home to visit soon. I've been in recovery from heroin and crack for five years and was almost off diazepam and now I've gone and fkd it all up. Surely seven days later I should be starting to feel better?
submitted by Geordieduck87 to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 13:58 Low-Lemon-9805 Bowel movement is pretty much my only trigger now.. But I can't relieve it.

I have been taking low dose baclofen and amitriptyline 5mg and 10 mg respectively a day which has helped a lot of. My symptoms.
However I can have a good day near pin free all day but one averagely strain bm. Completely wrecks me.
The issue is amitriptyline cusses constipation so I'm not sure how this is going to work.
I eat lots of fibre drink more flax seeds etc, yet when that pressure I the rectum comes I need to go.
Sometimes I barely strain at all, but I get a tight feeling in my lower abs.
For about 5 minutes it feels OK.. Then suddenly the pain hits tight feeling all around the pelvic floor and pain referred all over the place.
If I could just get rid of this trigger I'm sure it would be 90% better, but what the hell do I do.. I can't not go. 😞
submitted by Low-Lemon-9805 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:04 Hotwheels303 Do gabapentin or baclofen cause an increase in leaking

I’m prescribed pretty heavy daily doses of both (3600mg/ day gaba and 60mg/ day baclofen) and I often take a fraction of each since it generally does the job and I don’t want to be a zombie all day. Lately I’ve been having an increase in nerve pain and spasms especially at night so switched to higher doses before bed. I’ve noticed a corresponding increase in bladder leaking but when I cath am at significantly less than my normal volumes. I first thought it was a UTI that was causing the leaking and spasms but the test came back negative. Has anyone noticed an increase in dosage of either causing more frequent leaking? Thanks!
I’m complete so can’t feel any sensation or urge to pee
submitted by Hotwheels303 to spinalcordinjuries [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 03:39 Chiller-Than-Most Blacked out on 90mg

I took 90mg of baclofen and blacked out. I threw up multiple times and was basically sleep walking as I don’t remember anything. I turned all the lights on in the house at 3AM and was pacing around. I have no memory of the whole night.
Please be careful with this drug, it’s really powerful stuff in higher doses!!!
submitted by Chiller-Than-Most to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 08:54 willethekorv Migraines

last week i had the worst migraine of my life. For 3 days straight just splitting headaches. Vision distortion, nausea, nerve pain inside of my face. Real grim stuff.
This is isnt the only time. I can only take small doses for muscle relaxation, 62.5 mgs a day. If I take a little more for anxiety relief I get atleast a small migraine every time(last 5-7 times). Ive had atleast 10-12 migraines from baclofen since I started 2 years ago.
Its sad because it might be one of my favorite substances of all time. Really functional and It helps me with all kinds of mental and physical health issues.
Am I the only one? Ive had the same experience with phenibut. Guess Im gonna have to switch medication
submitted by willethekorv to BACLOFEN [link] [comments]
