What can i make with cardboard

What Can I Make With

2012.05.23 21:16 pumper911 What Can I Make With

Only have a few ingredients in your house and don't want to venture out to the store? Ask the "What Can I Make With" community what food items you can make with what you have. Please note, if your suggestions require additional ingredients, please indicate them in your comments.

2011.02.06 02:38 bennybuckethead Superb Owl

For owl lovers everywhere

2011.01.01 18:54 52 Book Challenge

A subreddit for the participants of the 52 Book Challenge (one book per week for a year) to discuss their progress and discoveries.

2024.05.02 23:30 lalaleasha Need help figuring out why my mindset did a 180

I'll try to be as concise as possible but let me know if there isn't enough detail. I wrote paragraphs of backstory but I don't even know if it's required for everyone's understanding so I deleted it. I guess I'll see!
Basically, I'm struggling a ton with work, my health, and a couple personal issues (including monetary). Basically burnout in every aspect of myself and life. After months of feeling this way, I finally caved and asked my boss if we could have a call because I'm having such a tough time. I took a sick day today to give myself enough space to mentally prepare for the conversation and time to recover afterwards.
But then, I got pulled into a situation that I don't think should have been my responsibility. Not only that, but it relates to (and aggravates) every struggle I mentioned above. I had a bit of a meltdown, but wrapped it up quickly, then I figured out how to set a fix in motion with the least amount of effort possible. But immediately after, my desire to talk to my boss about things vanished. And now I don't want to talk to them at all and I am feeling totally blank. When I think about having a call with them it's like there's an immovable obstacle between me and making that happen.
I don't really know what happened internally to make this shift, because I had initially been relieved to finally share what has been going on for me and hopefully figure out some ways to improve things. My current feeling doesn't feel like something I can change, it feels like I'll just have to wait for it to disappear and for me to cycle back through to wanting to share again.
Does anyone else relate to this, or similar circumstances? Or have any idea what's happening in my brain? Any advice is greatly appreciated too.
submitted by lalaleasha to aspergirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:29 happytobeunhinged Free 2of3 setup using HW wallets?

For anyone that got doxed a few years ago by ledger leaks you learnt the importance of not giving up your details to any company in case they got hacked.
Few years on and i see that sponsors to pods / YouTubers offering neat multisig are all subscription based, and while i have no issue paying for a HW wallet or other good tech a subscription to any 3rd party seems risky in itself as these companies eg casa / nunchuck etc become honey pots and their services / staff become a risk.
Enter the search for a free 2of3 multisig setup that i can access via ipad / phone. The closest I have found is Blockstream Green’s 2 of 2 using old ledger or Jade combined with their 2FA set up with multiple yubikeys. While this is ok I realise if Blockstream went away recovery may not be simple.
Soo what am I missing? Seems I cant be the only one looking for something like this? Thought taproot was gonna solve all multisig and make it easy?
submitted by happytobeunhinged to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:28 ZealousidealSun1117 Living situation

I'll try to keep this brief, about 4 months ago I met this crazy evil woman and the bar I worked at recently closed so I was at an all time low. I told a family member this and she told me "you should just come here and start over you can stay with us"
I moved halfway across the country and got a new job within days. I've been here about 4 months now and I absolutely hate it. My aunt's husband is almost 80 years old and he hates me and it's really awkward, I have zero friends and zero social life and this is not at all what I expected. The job I work at is terrible and I make next to nothing.
I now have a chance to go back home for the summer where I can honestly make triple the money and have a social life again. I no longer have feelings for the evil woman I heard she's in jail) so that's not going to be an issue.
The only issue is I feel like I would hurt my aunt's feelings if I left. Her and husband are going to Europe this summer and they're counting on me to watch the animals. She now has an idea that in the fall she wants me to go with her to South Africa. I've tried telling her that I don't know if that's a good idea because I don't have the money and she says "I don't want you to have to worry about paying me back" but I just don't feel comfortable with that. I feel like she won't take no for an answer.
I'm legitimately thinking about packing my things and sneaking out writing a note thanking her but I'm to afraid that she is going to be pissed. Ughhh
submitted by ZealousidealSun1117 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:28 jdbsbshqjdbcbah Do the details really matter?

My (31f) husband (31m) (married 5 years together a decade) seems to not care about details that matter to me, and I think I can finally say I’m not really attracted to him anymore because of it. We haven’t had sex in months.
He frequently wears underwear with huge holes in between his legs, old underwear that are too small, his breath frequently smells, he wears his clothes inside out multiple times a week for a day or two straight (this one really gets to me for some reason), puts his hair up in a ponytail and doesn’t readjust when the hair starts coming out of it, etc. I bring up the underwear, he goes “oh.”, I mention his clothes are inside out and he says “yeah they are”. I’ve been telling him when his breath smells for years! I had to beg him to go to the dentist a while back. It still just smells sometimes even after brushing his teeth and he gets so defensive, I just don’t think he’s doing well with oral care or drinking enough water. I gently asked him to get a haircut for months and months until I finally had to start saying it doesn’t look good. He got sooo defensive every time and I didn’t know how else to explain that long hair requires trimming and care, and long hair that is not cared for will end up looking…well….bad. Wouldn’t a married man want to look handsome for his wife? His desk and shelving are frequently a cluttered, awful-looking mess, he lets pillowcases just slide halfway off his pillows without taking even a second to fix them, leaves his clothes that he’s just taken off sit around various places in the house, gets defensive when I try to throw away (even huge) boxes from purchases we don’t plan to return.
I’ve decorated the entire house—art on the walls, rugs, furniture, curtains, curtain rods, bathroom fixtures and things you’d expect in a bathroom, bedsheets (this has recently been a more cooperative effort), decorations, dressers, the mirror, organizational stuff like boxes and storage solutions, metal racks, the plants on the patio, his own clothing storage, the overstuffed chair… very nearly everything. A lot of the big furniture is from my grandma though so I’m not taking credit for that haha. It’s not like I turn down his ideas, I just do these things, he doesn’t. For years. He even mentioned last month (when I asked again to please get rid of the bedroom TV we dont use) that he doesn’t feel like his identity is in the home. He has never mentioned this or made an effort to rectify this! I even check in with him when I’m buying home stuff to see if he likes it! I just realized if I didn’t make an effort to do any of this, we wouldn’t have it. Whenever our friends want to hang out, they want to hang out at our house. My attention to detail and care is appreciated by others, including my husband.
We had a lot of issues a few years ago when my mental health got bad and I realized he was just…not present. He wouldn’t check in on me, froze and ignored me when I cried, seldom had anything to say about his own emotions and circumstances until i had brought up he’d upset me with something, etc. He’s very repressed. Classic pursuer and avoider shit. We didn’t get help until I set up couples therapy, wouldn’t go for himself until I scheduled therapy for him. I’ve been managing my own health issues for years, and when I needed help, I asked him for help. He wasn’t growing up in a number of ways, I felt alone and our marriage was falling apart. These things have improved IMMENSELY and he’s become my rock, a man I can really depend on emotionally. I bring this up so you can see that we have both made a huge effort to fortify our own mental health and strengthen our marriage. When my med management nurse asked recently “is he depressed” when I brought up what was bothering me lately, it was very difficult to answer because yeah he could be, I guess, but he really doesn’t seem it and we’ve already been through this song and dance before—I can’t make him care about anything and I can’t support what he won’t communicate. I’d like to think he’s open enough with me now to really answer when I ask “how are you feeling right now?”, “what did you think about that?” Or “what’s really bothering you? I love you and I’m here for you.”
Some transparency about myself: I have OCD, lvl 1 ASD (Asperger’s), MDD and anxiety, and have been on various medications for years to keep myself from having panic attacks and meltdowns. I KNOW I can be a lot, I know I focus on little details and know I can be particular. But I try my best to manage my neurosis and have gotten so much better at communicating my needs effectively. I try my best not to sweat the small stuff. This all makes it VERY hard to tell if I’m just “being too picky/overly critical” or if I’m really justified in bringing things up. I want to lift my husband up and support him and make him feel valued, but I also can’t ignore my need for a partner who cares for himself without needing to be reminded and he just gets so defensive about shit. If he said I needed a haircut, new underwear or to floss more, my God I’d be so on that. Of course I would address my ripped up underwear and bad breath, I want to be groomed and put together. I just don’t understand how we’re essentially in a dead bedroom, and he just keeps these awful personal health and grooming habits that I clearly hate. Doesn’t he want me to want him? Why doesn’t he care? Does it matter that he’s getting into skincare and fashion and whatever else if, in our home life, he’s wearing ripped up drawers and his breath stinks? If “decorating” and his personal touch is just a TV we never use that I don’t want in the bedroom, and gaming media.
I can’t even ask “should I bring these things up?” Bc girl I HAVE BEEN. But how do I really get my point across? How do I cut through the defensiveness? How do I make him feel valued and loved while essentially telling him I don’t want to have sex with him? Why am I in this position in the first place? Am I just crazy, picky? Anyone else have experience with this? Please help me, please just see me, hear me.
submitted by jdbsbshqjdbcbah to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:28 Least_Lengthiness_33 Men: help, I'm scaring men and I don't know why

Please dont laugh because I'm being as honest and transparent as I can be so you guys understand. I think I scare the hell out of people and it's making me sad bc I don't want to become somebody else, I just want to be me and find someone who can accept me even if I am strange.
If you can picture a female Cillian Murphy, that's the closest I can get to a description of me. Im quiet and controlled. My mannerisms, my disposition/aura, my eye contact etc. I know I'm considered attractive by many people but I don't carry myself that way or use it to my advantage. I always get complimented on my eyes in particular bc the color and shape, but my eye contact is naturally intense... like looking thru your soul type thing, without trying. I'm trying to look at people for shorter times and not so much in the eyes anymore bc i think they feel intruded upon. Tbh its exhausting trying to change this. My quietness and my Cillian-Murphy type disposition is off-putting and scary to people, I think, or its coming off seductive without me doing anything. Idk wtf is the problem i just want to live my life.
Anyway. There's a guy I kinda started to like at work. We don't talk or work together directly but he's around. I caught myself looking at him a lot mostly when he wasnt looking, and he's noticed. He's calm, cool, laidback, very comfortable socially (I'm not lol). Just a typical cool comfy laidback dude lol. He's only around once or twice a week because he goes between other offices due to his position. He's single, last i heard someone mention. I just think he's cute is all.
After I started to kinda notice him, I noticed he started getting nervous around me a little bit. He said good morning few weeks ago, I made a little conversation with him one morning, and when he left he was awkward but maybe bc I'm awkward, not sure. A couple weeks have gone by and now it's like... full blown he can barely breathe around me. I see he has to mentally make himself try to calm down and breathe around me but he seems like he's going to literally pass out. He walked into the print room not knowing I was there. When he saw me, I felt so much immediate nervousness from him without even looking at him that I just kept my head down to avoid making him uncomfortable, like I barely looked at him at all this past week bc I don't wanna upset him somehow. He forced a "good morning" and I said the same without looking bc I'm really not trying to scare him. I just feel like he is turning into a puddle of nerves around me and that's not like him at all. I never see him nervous, like ever. I mean he can't even breathe.
I did look over in his direction once the same day when he was in the print room, and he looked like he wanted to just faint or run out of there. I cant tell you how uncomfortable he looked. This isn't like him at all its just around me. Yes, men typically get awkward and uncomfortable around me and I know many are attracted to me but this feels so extreme that I don't know if he just doesn't want anything to do with me because I'm scaring him. I scare people naturally (quiet intensity, seriousness, no BS person, don't conform to social norms etc etc).
I will add... several men at work and at church go out of their way to talk about their wives/girlfriend/fiancee when interacting with me, its like they're so terrified of me and it gets to a point where I feel insulted bc is like... what makes you even think I want you or would be interested! I have no idea but it's really sad to me bc I feel isolated so much already being as shy and introverted as i am. I feel like I can't even be myself anywhere and now I'm scaring people I like!
What do I do, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Least_Lengthiness_33 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:28 IceGirl2 Need some figure skating boot advice - which one has the lowest drop?

I'm currently recovering (very slowly) from a foot injury and I find that my feet cramp after about 10/15 minutes. Medically I've got the all clear to keep skating so no worries there.
But, my boots are hurting me. I tried a pair of rentals with a lower heel and suddenly I could skate for an hour obviously I can't progress in boots like that. I've also noticed the same cramp in my feet when I walk in any of my old high heels so I think my feet just can't tolerate anything bar a small heel right now.
Any advice on what skates I can try instead?
I've tried Edea Overtures which I nicknamed torture boots because they hurt like hell. But I absolutely loved the shortness of the blade, the control is superb.
Then I got Risport Pro 3's which were fully fitted to my feet with custom insoles. I kept my Edea Charme blade because I love it. These are comfy for 5-10 minutes before my feet give up so I think the height of my heel is making me struggle.
My first "novice" boot was Jackson but I found the blade too long.
Any ideas anyone? I heard Riedell might work but struggling to find a place in the UK to go and try them on (might make another post about that seperately)
P.S. My skating level: UK Skate Level 6, Can spin, currently trying to master mohawks, starting to get the urge to jump
submitted by IceGirl2 to iceskating [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:27 nuubikanubi By consuming entertainment thought of completely wasting time and harming yourself?

Hey guys. How you handle it consuming entertainemt ( e.g. Tv Shows,movies,social media,anime,manga,fiction books ) and maybe have the thought or you know that this all is time waste even though you enjoy it? Because in long term you don't benefit from it as a whole. Though we know humans can not be productive 24/7 cause they will burnout from it or other serious issues.
Here as example the most want to relax after work and just watch any show or consuming entertainemt. However, it is not better to consume something that is not productive but is still relaxing but still helps you to improve yourself. It would be better to make the most of every day to become even better than before, that is the best thing for you as a person, isn't it? For example, instead of watching a series, you can watch something that is relaxing but still helps you to improve, for example YouTube videos that are a bit more educational. Or do something that is relaxing, for example reading books or drawing.
Everyone can do what he likes to do but i think we can do more about it as we think and many people just using some excuses to contain on the entertainment. I know there is balance and moderation you do about it but i think there is just other solutions you can do that are slightly better in the longterm.
I don't know if I'm exaggerating..we know human life is limited and we should use the time to have fun and joy all that. But this has to be slightly less and can become more if you achieve your goal in life or you are succesfull with yourself. This is my point of view.
Write down you thoughts on it and point of view
submitted by nuubikanubi to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:27 Sufficient_Row_2021 Far from home and need help

Hello all
I "recovered" from cfs a couple years ago. That is, I got to a point where I could actually take a cross country road trip alone.
I had to move again, and I thought because the first time I was able to do so, I could go again.
I could not.
I have crashed at a hotel, with all of my dogs. I have no appetite, and while I'm trying to eat I can't get much food down. The hotel really only has heavy greasy foods which makes me very nauseous. My legs feel very weak, I'm 7 hours away from home I can turn back but...I don't want to get stranded at a rest stop.
I have some bananas and applesauce and gatorade. I can get fluids down, I took a couple aspirin, I've been taking pepto bismol for upset stomach and benadryl to try and sleep.
I'm trying to stay calm, but it's scary. My dogs depend on me and I feel so weak. I have to leave the hotel tomorrow.
What advice would you give? How can I recover tonight? Please help me stop panicking so I don't make things worse.
I have friends who are supporting me. I'm planning on heading back towards home and taking it VERY slowly.
submitted by Sufficient_Row_2021 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:27 Upstairs_Comedian1 [For Hire]- Skilled in Web Development and Graphics Design. Looking to make 50-100 USD per Day.

Hi everyone,
I'm in a tough spot financially and urgently need to find work to make ends meet. Here's what I can do:
Web Development: WordPress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS Graphic Design Canva. Social Media Management.
I'm hoping someone here has a project, even a small one, that I can help with.
Please, if you have anything at all, reach out. I'm truly grateful for any opportunity.
I would greatly appreciate any advice you could offer, even if you don't have any current opportunities.
Sorry if this is against the community guidelines.
submitted by Upstairs_Comedian1 to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:27 4evaDisappointed I keep blaming myself and I don't know how to stop...

My husband (or ex) refused to talk to me on the phone. Told me his psychiatrist stated he can't talk about the future or anything and that he needs space from me so he can focus on his mental health. He would only text me. No calls. I bought him gifts, told him I was proud of him...but no one was allowing me to see him. This went on for a few weeks...
I found out via our phone bill he's talked to this woman and each call was progressively getting longer...I didn't want to trigger him or cause him any trouble so I called to see who she was and she wasn't helpful. Just told me to talk to him and just asked if I was his wife, why aren't I talking to him. I tried to explain he's not in the posistion to answer but I got so nervous as to what she was going to say next. I thanked her for her time via text message and expressed how if she does change her mind, then I'm here.
He told me to stop harassing her. He told me she said I sounded unhinged. He then told me he doesn't want to be with me and I make him miserable and that when he's healed he'll have moved on from me. That's when I went off on him...
I keep replaying this over and over again, that maybe i'm the blame for this. That maybe I shouldn't have called the girl, that maybe I shouldn't have gone off..
I honestly think I may have PTSD...I cared so much for his mental health, but he never asked about mine...
I can't stop crying...
submitted by 4evaDisappointed to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:26 PhotographLife2222 Medical language - don’t understand. Potential brain tumour?

Female, age 72 - collapsed last week and I’ve had a report back I don’t understand (I’m the daughter). From what I understand this indicates a cancerous brain tumour, is there anyone who could decipher this for me?
For context, originally thought it was a stroke but that’s been ruled out. Doctor used the words “malignant disease, probably cancer”.
She fell last Thursday and has since had issues with concentration, focus and mobility. She can talk and a few memory issues. She has just finished a course of radiotherapy for skin cancer found on her breast.
“T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in the bifrontal lobes (predominantly white matter, though there is cortical involvement) , genu of the corpus callosum, left insula and corona radiata thalami (left more than right). Some areas appear to demonstrate restricted diffusion, for example the left insula. Though the predominant feature is facilitated diffusion. There is some swelling of the gyri in the left frontal lobe.
Further patchy T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities in the white matter are noted, which may represent mild small vessel disease.
Prominence of the lateral and third ventricles in keeping with age related generalised cerebral atrophy.
No mass, collection or haemorrhage. No convincing abnormal enhancement post-contrast administration.
Normal flow voids within the major blood vessels.
No pathological contrast enhancement.
Conclusion: 1. Extensive changes involving the frontal lobes, left deep brain nuclei and insula. These appearances are non-specific. The most likely diagnosis is an infiltrative process such as an infiltrating low grade glioma / diffuse glioma / gliomatosis cerebra. The lack of enhancement makes lymphoma unlikely. The appearances are not likely for a viral or limbic encephalitis.”
submitted by PhotographLife2222 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:26 mmeh97 x1e2 - 6 month review

Previous owner of the following - x301, x220 T450 T450s.
About six months ago I needed something a little more powerful. Went the ebay route and found a solid x1 extreme gen 2. Spec's as follows -- i7-9850h with 32GB ram, 1TB nvme HDD, 4k touch screen and 1650 nvidia graphics.
I debated the 15" form factor. I debated the form factor in general - not a fan of the newer sleeker models, but watched some really positive reviews on YT so I took a leap (for comparison I really wished I had found maybe a p53 or something) but I digress.
As you can see from the start of my post, I am a thinkpad person - always have been. Of all my laptops, this seems the least like the classic thinkpad. I dont like this laptop, but I got a good deal, and owning it has allowed me to use ollama more efficiently with the nvidia.

Basically what I heard from everyone is so true, heat and terrible battery performance is an issue. I've loaded Fedora and Debian - tweaked settings and neither OS or any settings have made much a difference. Like I said, I do some ollama local AI computation and the graphics card comes in handy, as does some video games, editing/rendering, but I just dont know if the heat/battery drain are worth the time saved using those tools. I get 2 hours on the battery, maybe more if I cut back on the screen brightness, but because I have the glossy screen, I find myself cranking up the brightness to combat the reflections. My T450s with extended battery, even at 8 years old, would get a solid 6 hours. It never really felt warm nor did it make much fan noise. I loved that machine.

At this point I may consider a p53 or something. Or maybe I'll find a loaded t480? I wish I could keep my t450s and upgrade the internals with the latest AMD chip.... instead I'll consider a t480, a p53 or maybe just go with a 14" with a 16:10 or 3:2 ratio screen. I really think this would make me happy.
One last thing, when picking up my old t450s today I noticed how superior the keyboard felt. The x1egen2 has such a shallow key travel - just not a fan.

submitted by mmeh97 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:26 MagazinePerfect5012 19 and feel sad when alone

I used to enjoy being home alone when I was younger(13-17) and would even feel disturbed if my sister or parents were around me in my “space.” Recently though, I’ve been dealing with health issues and was finally ready to move from my mom’s to my dad’s while in college since my mom is mentally insane. The thing is, my dad is dating someone and he doesn’t have that much time for me as before, and I’m not comfortable?? whenever I’m at his place alone or have to sleep by myself in the house. He’s also leaving on a trip for a month so I will be completely alone in the house for that long, and to be honest, I get sad and worried when I think about it.
I’m able to visit my little sister when my mom is not home, and I even have my friends and cousins, and aunt I can hang with while my dad’s gone. But why do I still feel so lonely, empty, and abandoned for no reason? I’m an adult and should like this independence but instead it just makes me depressed when I used to like being alone:/
I just wonder what it will take for these feelings to go away or improve? I’ve never realized how attached I’ve always been internally to my parents? Can anyone relate or am I just terrible at adulting.
submitted by MagazinePerfect5012 to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:25 Missanthropic2u FTM 38 weeks - anyone else.... scared? Ha.

38 weeks pregnant Today, FTM and just feeling.. anxious. Anyone else? Don't know how to even express the feelings to my support circle as I think you are just suppose to be so excited, and full of anticipation and happiness, which I am, I love her I love the baby, but I am also so scared! First, when I was 19 I witnessed my sister give birth to my nephew, and I mean I was eye level with the doctor, and the experience was probably what sustained me from not having a child until now at 38 years old ha ha, I have never stayed in a hospital overnight so to say I am scared of labor is and understatement, next, I really hope I can be a good mom, what if I mess it up ? What if the baby is sick, or cold or how will I know if they have had enough to eat or drink or sleep ?
I have lived my whole life in one place and my husband is military and we moved out of state just last year, I have a very large support group but they are not physically here which adds to my stress. I know its going to be okay, but I am scared.. thinking about going into labor ANY DAY makes me want to cry, and i don't know if its a good cry or a bad cry or just a terrified cry, but feeling my eyes well up makes me feel guilty. Just wondering if anyone can relate?
Just feeling crazy and needed to rant and be honest.
submitted by Missanthropic2u to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:25 LOTUSBONES Should I take big boi job and risk less freedom and potentially loosening out on my passions.

Context: (28 M) I work Part time for a village. My full time coworker is leaving but I’m the only one who knows. So she has been secretly trying me her entire job so I can potentially slide in when she leaves. She has a weird dual department job.
I think I’d honestly be an amazing candidate as they already know I’m reliable and I know and work well with all of the staff.
This would be an amazing opportunity to finally maybe move out of my parents house and pay off some debt.
Where I’m stuck is I think this job would be not very flexible. And I often time compare to my friends who have high paying flexible jobs. Probably not fare since a lot of them I think dislike there jobs and I actually really like this job.
I think that I would be on call 24/7 and that honestly terrifies me because what I live for is going rock climbing and camping on the weekends and I want no part in losing out on that. My coworkers says that I could probably just tell them which weekends I’m leaving in advance but I don’t always have everything planned out to a T.
If I do get an interview I want to take the straight forward approach but mention how important it is for me to have balance as I am also part of a non for profit outside of work and need to be able to live my life outside work. But that I also recognize being a team player is important. She seems to think mention this would be a bad idea. But like truly what fills me up is doing my circus stuff and climbing outside of work and I think it would feel really sad if I couldn’t do those things. But I worry that this could be a really good opportunity to finally make money but I’m simultaneously torn between money isn’t everything but it would also be really helpful. I want to be able to take of myself but I also don’t want to lose what brings me most joy.
This job really isn’t the best at communicating which is nice because it’s very handoff which I enjoy but difficult to feel safe to communicate. I want to be straightforward in the interview. Should I be honest and risk losing the opportunity or play it safe but then potentially be on call and losing time doing what makes me happy.
submitted by LOTUSBONES to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:25 malware-hater Privacy with Google.

Hey advocates,
I'm stuck in a weird situation with Google right now and need some advice for how to move forward.
For context, I made the switch from iOS to Android to get more freedom with how I use my phone. So far, I'm really loving it aside from a few minor issues. When I initially got my phone, I was using a personal Google account (Used it in the past for email). But after a few months of getting myself paranoid about what Google could be collecting from me with an account tied to my personal identity, I decided to ditch that account and make a new one.
I managed to make this account under an alias and without a phone number. Everything was going good until recently my account was disabled by Google. They said it was due to my account being made with other accounts (a lie) and how it was used to violate Google's policy (it was only used for the Google Play Store).
I now am unable to download any apps without making a completely new account.
In the event that my account gets disabled and I can't get it back. How can I go forward with making a private Google account? Were there some steps that I missed? How can I lower the risk of my next account getting disabled?
I apologize in advance is this is the wrong subreddit for this. Checked out degoogle but they seem hell-bent on removing Google entirely. I don't mind using the Google Play Store but unfortunately, I need an account for that.
submitted by malware-hater to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:24 throwww___awayyy There's a party Saturday. My crush will be there but my friends aren't going. Do I show up or not?

There will be a few people I know but that I never really "make appointments" with. I've partied with them, but my friends were always there, too.
My plan was to get drunk and kiss him. If I go, there won't be time for that, because I don't think I can stay and dance for several hours if my friends aren't there. It's also a 20min bike ride so I can't show up for a short time, that'd be silly.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? What do I do?
submitted by throwww___awayyy to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:24 Throwaway91810Z I was cheated on throughout my entire relationship and I’m still afraid of dating years later

This isn’t the first time I’ve been cheated on but it’s certainly the worst. The first time I got cheated on was in high school. Looking back I can kind of write that off as both of us being unsure of what we even wanted out of the relationship. Regardless, it obviously hurt at the time and scared me away from relationships for a while.
I dated again in college and fell madly in love with a girl. She ended up transferring to her dream school out of state and the distance killed us more than we expected. We still loved each other but she didn’t want to give up her dream school and I didn’t want to give up everything I had here to move there. Had a mutual break up, but this one scared me away from relationships even longer. It feels so horrible to break up with someone when you’re both in love.
Truthfully I didn’t see myself dating again after that. I’ve always been a sensitive person and each time my relationships ended I got really depressed and had serious doubts about my self worth that kept me from dating. After college I had a couple girls interested in me that I rejected because I was just so afraid or getting hurt.
Then one day I met this amazing woman. I never intended on dating her, I thought I just found a best friend. She made me laugh until I cried, smile until my face hurts and brought confidence to me when I was at my lowest. She understood things about me that I didn’t understand about myself and helped me become the person I wanted to be. Then I started noticing how beautiful she was. How kind her heart was. I trusted her. Before I knew it we were dating, and I wasn’t afraid of being hurt.
Each day together was perfect, I had no idea that she wasn’t satisfied for even a moment. Then one day I found a bunch of messages on her phone that left me sick. I’ve been trying to forget about her but it’s so impossibly hard, it feels like I’m missing a person that never existed to begin with. Yet I keep fantasizing about who I thought she was and the life we should’ve lived together. I just feel so stupid.
Years later and she’s in a committed relationship and I’m still hurt. I feel so stupid for letting this affect me so much but I can’t seem to stop. Recently I tried using 7Cups, a website where you anonymously talk to volunteers about your problems. Picked a guy with a high rating and hoped he’d make the pain go away or give me some advice. Then he told me it was my fault because women don’t cheat unless the man does something wrong. Obviously a stupid take but it really rubbed me the wrong way that he thought that was okay to say to me at that moment. So now I’m here just speaking to myself on Reddit. I don’t know. I just want to feel better.
submitted by Throwaway91810Z to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:24 dave_the_dino_65 Phasing Operations

Phasing Operations
Hello again all, back at it today with another article. Let me know what you think so I can get better.


The ability to score battle tactics (or secondary objectives in Warhammer 40K) for factions varies considerably across the board. Some armies enjoy tremendous mobility or killing power or otherwise have a veritable toolbox to consistently achieve their battle tactics. While it is unclear what will happen to "book" battle tactics in AoS 4.0, we do know a fair amount of what is to come for universal battle tactics and grand alliance battle tactics. Today we will discuss how to develop a strategy to achieve these more methodically through the military concept of phasing to develop a scheme of maneuver.
Some members of the Sparkle Motion team will be unveiling an exciting new forum to discuss strategy and several other wargaming topics on a new podcast, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, let's don our tin foil hats to speculate about the new edition, and then conceal that tin foil hat under our Field Marshal's campaign hats so we can retain the initiative with the new edition. Follow us, share, or just talk with your gaming group about what you learned today about phasing and planning a scheme of maneuver.



The ability to score battle tactics (or secondary objectives in Warhammer 40K) for factions varies considerably across the board. Some armies enjoy tremendous mobility or killing power or otherwise have a veritable toolbox to consistently achieve their battle tactics. While it is unclear what will happen to "book" battle tactics in AoS 4.0, we do know a fair amount of what is to come for universal battle tactics and grand alliance battle tactics. Today we will discuss how to develop a strategy to achieve these more methodically through the military concept of phasing to develop a scheme of maneuver.
Some members of the Sparkle Motion team will be unveiling an exciting new forum to discuss strategy and several other wargaming topics on a new podcast, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, let's don our tin foil hats to speculate about the new edition, and then conceal that tin foil hat under our Field Marshal's campaign hats so we can retain the initiative with the new edition. Follow us, share, or just talk with your gaming group about what you learned today about phasing and planning a scheme of maneuver.


The US Army operates by issuing lawful and/or direct orders, that is probably not a surprise. But what you may not have heard of are Operation Orders, or OPORDs. These regimented documents are universal throughout all formations of the Army and give consistent guidance on the commander's vision to accomplish the mission. These OPORDs are also nested within echelons so that they are all working to a common goal and enabling one another for success. There are five paragraphs that appear in every OPORD, in the same order each time. They are situation, mission, execution, sustainment, and command and control. Each of these provide a detailed but concise format to disseminate information throughout an organization in a very rapid fashion. Today we will focus solely on paragraph three: execution.


The third OPORD paragraph begins with the commander's intent, a simple statement that summarizes how the commander wants the battlefield to look when the dust settles. Our commander's intent will vary somewhat on our opponent's capabilities, but generally it will be oriented on scoring as many points as you can while denying points to your opponent. Your intent needs to adjust from matchup to matchup. For armies that are particularly durable, it is generally not worthwhile to destroy them. The only path to victory may instead to not become decisively engaged, retain key terrain to score primary objective points, and achieve battle tactics while you set conditions to make it impossible or at least difficult for your opponent to achieve theirs. Essential to all of this is deploying in a fashion that makes some of the battle tactics easier for you and understanding what is feasible and achievable as the situation develops.
Let's take a look at what we know for sure is coming in terms of battle tactics for 4th edition:
These are three of the promised six universal battle tactics to be released at launch in the upcoming General's Handbook. We see two tactics, Seize the Center and Take the Flanks are spatial in nature but also diametrically opposed. Some armies will have a predilection to one or the other, which is the sort of analysis you need to do when you're developing your commander's intent. Are you an Ossiarch Bonereapers general that has access to (at the time of writing) some of the highest durability and melee debuffing in the game? Spreading out to achieve the Take the Flanks battle tactic would likely not be conducive to your overarching intent of maintaining a tight formation and dominating a concentrated part of the board with your resources. Alternatively, a Tzeentch general may happily pursue both Seize the Centre and take the flanks almost simultaneously because of their ability to rap idly summon durable (or rather, gibbering and splitting wound sinks) units. The point is that without some semblance of a plan, there is a good chance your approach to the game will be disjointed and you'll find that you deployed your forces in such a way that you'll be hard pressed to accomplish what you intend to. Having an idea in mind of which tactics you can aim for each turn as well as alternative branches your plan can take when the situation changes. This plan is called your Scheme of Movement and Maneuver.

Scheme of Movement and Maneuver

We'll refer to this as your scheme. Your scheme is how you plan to array then move your forces throughout the battlefield to achieve battle tactics, control the board, and defeat your opponent's forces. Sometimes defeating your opponent means destroying their units. Other times it is simply a matter of isolating or containing them. Whatever the case is, we take what we learned from our IPOE steps to understand how the environment will impact our operations as well as the enemy.
Let's create an example scenario. We will play as the Ogor Mawtribes army from our previous discussions and walk through how we analyze the battlefield and make a scheme that has tactical flexibility. In the early game, we do not want our forces to be arrayed with a wide breadth because that makes it more difficult to capitalize on our greatest strength: the ability to inflict large amounts of out-of-combat phase damage that gives our opponent even less agency in dictating the fight. We need to be in a position that we can reliably close with and engage with the enemy in melee. That being said, take the flanks in the early rounds is not advisable. Your units would be maybe 50 inches apart or so. That means they are not getting into the fight or are being taken away from valuable screening or attack by fire roles (e.g. your Gnoblars and Ironblaster, respectively).
You also lack information on what the enemy course of action (COA) will be. You have hopefully narrowed it down to a couple of COAs but you likely won't have perfect information. A good rule of thumb is to have one battle tactic in mind for the upcoming turn based on the current board state and at least one other alternative if your opponent takes a more unexpected route. This is why armies such as Kruelboyz (at time of writing) have had some recent success. Their battle tactics are very achievable, flexible, and leave little room for the opponent to interact with them.
This leads into our next point. It is not enough to be pursuing your needs in the scheme of maneuver, you need to simultaneously be disrupting your opponent at every opportunity. It is easy to fall into the mindtrap of solely focusing on what your battle tactics (BTs) will be. Consider the raw points differential of denying battle tactics. If you can achieve a battle tactics while your opponent scores an additional point for primaries, you can start to make up some ground.
RoundBattle TacticPrimaryYouBattle TacticPrimaryOpponent 1224235 2228038 322122313 423172217 523222221 Grand Strat 25 24
In this example, even though your opponent controlled more objectives for 3 out of the 5 rounds, denying just one battle tactic of theirs made it possible for you to win by 1 point. This may not appear to be much at first glance, but let's consider the benefits of going down on primaries for part of the game. Spreading out and controlling fewer objectives allows you to concentrate and mass your forces more while your opponent has spread thin to gain at least one more objective than you. It also allows you to have a specific point in time that you know is your "go turn," where you need to aggressively engage with the enemy to turn the tide. This is our decisive operation, and in this instance it occurs at round 4.


This is what we have been talking about, controlling the tempo, phasing your operations to achieve exactly what you need, no more. This sacrifice of points, trading that space on the battlefield, has given you more time and tactical flexibility to choose your engagements on your terms and ensure that you can set up for battle tactics without making yourself vulnerable. Many times before I have lost sight of the bigger picture in pursuing a battle tactic, not realizing that I did so at the expense of the game. Getting those two points is not worth getting yourself into a bad position. This is why giving away the double turn is so powerful. It keeps putting the onus onto your opponent to get out of position and spread themselves too thin. When you can be in a position that you are indifferent to the double turn and recognize when it is time to capitalize on it to deal a decisive blow, you'll realize that you're doing it right.
Thank you for joining team Sparkle Motion on this part of the journey today. Hopefully you'll leave after reading this article with a better understanding of how to phase your operations, select BTs that allow tactical flexibility, and how to control the tempo of the game. We'd love if you gave us a follow, shared this article with a friend, or gave us any feedback on how to get better information to you. Until next time, stay sparkly.
submitted by dave_the_dino_65 to AoSCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:23 Anxiouspxnda The emotions feel unbearable

As the title says. Emotionally, I'm finding this unbearable.
Me (30F) and what was my fiancé (33m) have accepted we need to break up, there's no finger pointing or blame to one, sometimes life changes even if it's painful. We spoke this evening and understandably will need to remain living together until he is able to move. But the emotions I'm feeling right now are soul crushing. This is someone I saw every aspect of my future with, someone who's been my main source of support, comfort, pretty much anything and everything for the last 7 years, and I have no idea how to prepare for them not to be there at all, :/
I'm currently sat downstairs sobbing because I can hear him snoring, and my brain is somehow getting upset knowing soon, the house will become silent. There won't be anymore moaning about him keeping me awake or those jokes. I'm not really processing this situation. All I know is I'm hurting a lot, emotionally and physically. I feel it in my chest if that makes sense. Everywhere I'm looking in the house is reminders of us, what we made, built and created. How do you accept remaining with so many ghosts in the walls? Because moving isn't a option for me :/
I guess I'm just trying to find someone to tell me while it'll get harder when they leave fully, that I will getting through it abd the hurt does stop? That you're not stuck with these feelings forever? Because if it's this hard when they're still in the home, I don't want to think how it'll be when they aren't :/
submitted by Anxiouspxnda to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:23 NewAgeRetroHippie96 I kinda miss the 30 second context window.

Being able to repeat the chorus is great. But it's too consistent now? I really really liked making songs with chorus' that built up and got more intense through out the song. Now each of my chorus are exactly. Undt exactly the same each time. No matter what the song sounds like before or after.
Is there some tag I could add to make it change? Or do I need to wait on some kind of "context window slider" that can let me decide between 2min to 30 sec.
submitted by NewAgeRetroHippie96 to udiomusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:23 MrPewps New 2022 Toyota Corolla Purchase Experience & Contract

New 2022 Toyota Corolla Purchase Experience & Contract
Hey Guys.
TLDR: First time car buyer in 2022. Came to these subs often for advice. Thought I was prepared and was not. I purchased an extended warranty without realizing it. Returned to the dealer the next day to cancel. Here is my redacted contract in the hopes that it can help anyone like myself who had never seen one before.
I sold my 2005 Corolla (thanks for the car, Grandma) back in June 2022. I went several months without a car, but recognized that I would eventually need one at some point before a temporary cross-country move the next summer. I visited this sub often in trying to decide what to do. I was between the 2022 SE Hatch and a Subaru Impreza Hatch. I eventually landed on the Corolla Hatch because it felt comfortable and I wanted a hatch.
I had never purchased a vehicle before. As I mentioned, my previous corolla had been my grandmother's until she could no longer drive (~2011). We tried to take good care of it, but a 2005 car with several harsh winters in Syracuse, Eastern Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Boston can only last so long. Unfortunately I had always thought differently and did not have a solid "post-car" plan (a 19-26 year old just assumes everything as it currently is - will last forever). I sold the 05 to carmax since they gave me the best price ($1800).
My only experience with car-buying was watching my parents do so when I was a child, so I obviously had no idea what I was doing when I started. I had moved several months prior, so I was living alone in the south. I include this information because I was going to dealerships as a first-time car buyer alone. I'm sure the sales and finance people loved that. I knew the price was unlikely to be negotiable given the supply-chain issues and the fact that I was showing up to dealerships either on my bike or via uber (eventually, a co-worker helped me out).
I wasn't completely inept though, as I understood how the auto-loan (and loans in general) process works. I borrow money from either my credit union or the dealer at x.x% interest and pay them back over 3-5 years.
Despite my best effort to stay on my toes, I fell for the “how much do you want to pay per month” question. Things can happen quick at the dealership and they're GLAD you feel rushed, intimidated, and like you can't ask questions. Suddenly, I was in the finance manager’s office and he was asking a similar question about monthly payments. I unintentionally signed up for an extended warranty. I didn’t even realize what I had done until I got home. I don’t have too much pride to admit that I should have tried to slow things down and asked questions. When he put the extended warranty and service package options in front of me, I didn’t realize that “NONE OF THEM” was an option. I spent some time mulling over what I had just selected and didn’t speak up. It was close to 7 PM and he had already given my a whole spiel about “we use a dot printer here and that means if we have to make any changes, we will be here twice as long sir.” I was intimidated. That intimidation later turned to embarrassment when I got home. How could I fall for that? I thought I was ready to be stern and stick up for myself! My dad reminded me that the intimidating and rush was intentional.
Thankfully, I returned the next day to cancel the extended warranty. The finance manager tried to convince me to keep it by saying “You already signed the contract! You’re monthly payment won’t change!” but I simply said please cancel it and refund me (which was allowed per the contract).
I can admit mistakes I made. I should saved more money prior. I should’ve tried to haggle on price (even just once). I should’ve known they would try to get me with “what do you want to pay per month?” But hindsight is one hell of a drug.
What was initially a 60-month loan at 3.5% essentially became a 50-month loan after I canceled the extended warranty. I recently tried to take a more active approach to my personal finance and decided to pay the loan off more aggressively in 36-40 months. I wasn’t completely ruined by the process, but I did learn plenty that I wish I knew (which is why I'm here 18 months later).
I attached a redacted copy of my contract, I hope this helps anyone who felt like I did. I don’t want to completely repeat advice from car-purchase posts, so I’ll leave it as:
  • Go with someone you trust
  • Don’t go alone
  • Don’t let them talk monthly payment – Talk MRSP, the down payment and the loan amount/term/rate. You’re not being an asshole, you’re just looking out for yourself in a broken industry.
submitted by MrPewps to COROLLA [link] [comments]
