Tribute services retirement

Investing and planning for retirement without all the excitement

2013.05.22 05:22 Investing and planning for retirement without all the excitement

Fan-run community for discussion of Fidelity's financial and investment products. For official support, please use FidelityInvestments.

2011.08.26 02:07 ubboater Individual Retirement Assessment and Planning

A subreddit dedicated to discuss planning for retirement. Please note any referrals to services where the poster benefits monetarily/spam will be removed.

2019.05.10 04:05 whaleknives The Mechanics of Retiring

work_at_nothing, The Mechanics of Retiring, is for those planning or entering retirement. Topics include the economy, investing, Medicare, saving, Social Security, and taxes. Others as the spirit moves us.

2024.05.19 15:31 APSGospel Part 231 of our Sunday service series with The Late Dr James McConnell Preaching on "The Modern Day Church"

Part 231 of our Sunday service series with The Late Dr James McConnell Preaching on
Part 231 of our Sunday service series with The Late Dr James McConnell Preaching on "The Modern Day Church"
Available in full on YouTube @ Or Also available in full on Odysee @
Also, there is a YouTube channel, dedicated to the Ministry of the late Pastor James McConnell, by his family, which is also now available @
Further, Help is available @
APSGospel Facebook Page, YouTube & Odysee Channel
Facebook @
YouTube @
Odysee @
submitted by APSGospel to u/APSGospel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:09 rt7022 Broke NC to tell uBPD mom that her ex husband died. It did not go well.

About 3 years ago, my uBPD mom had an affair with her neighbor (gross) and she and my stepdad got divorced. My stepdad was basically “Dad” to me, so he, my sister, and I were very close. He passed away rather unexpectedly a couple of days ago.
I was NC, and my sister was VLC, but we thought it the lesser of two evils was to FaceTime her and tell her he died verses her finding out through the grapevine. The conversation started with her waking up from a drunken slumber, and her being sickly sweet to us because “both her girls” were FaceTiming her. When we broke the news, she of course made it all about her and said “I didn’t need this today!” and (more angrily) “You’ve just dropped a bomb on me!”, and in the same breath “This is a blessing he died. He didn’t have any savings or retirement”.
Like WTF? We should look at his pain, suffering, and death as a blessing? Simply because he had no RETIREMENT??? We literally watched this vibrant, wonderful man die. He had reassurance and peace about where he was going after death, but before he lost consciousness he was determined to beat this. He was not ready to go yet.
Due to the affair and the BPD nastiness surrounding that, and the fact that his kids obviously did not want them there, I told her and her husband that they were not welcome at the memorial service. Of course they could not understand why 🧐
The conversation ended with her repeating how she just didn’t need this news, me being sarcastic and saying I’m sorry his death was an inconvenience for her (my bad), and her getting mad and hanging up on us. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by the direction this conversation went, but damn… The statement about this being a blessing is 100% her secretly being glad he died so she could stop feeling guilty about what she did.
The whole thing is just gross, sad, and disrespectful. Sorry this post was so long, but I just felt I needed to get it off my chest!
submitted by rt7022 to raisedbyborderlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:18 minisixx Today marks 86-year-old Brian Pullman’s final day at Chelsea after over half-a-century as a press steward. 💙

Today marks 86-year-old Brian Pullman’s final day at Chelsea after over half-a-century as a press steward. 💙
From the Chelsea FC Twitter account:
Joining the Blues in 1968 as a steward, Brian soon took on the press-liaison role and has been key to the operation of our media facilities, welcoming journalists to our pre-match press conferences at our Cobham training ground, as well as stewarding the East Stand press room on matchdays.
Over his time at Chelsea, Brian has served up biscuits to 30 different Chelsea managers, with the most recent of course being Mauricio Pochettino.
His first game on duty was against Nottingham Forest with a Bobby Tambling goal earning a draw. Brian of course went on to see us win it all! 🏆
There have been 2,996 competitive men's games played since he started working for us, with 1,468 of these coming at our home: Stamford Bridge. 🏡
A die-hard Blues fan since 1948 and on the staff for 56 seasons, Twickenham-resident Brian will always be part of the Chelsea family.
On the final day of the 2023/24 season, Brian will receive a special presentation from Mauricio to thank him for his incredible service to our football club.
Thank you for everything, and happy retirement, Brian. 👏🫶
submitted by minisixx to chelseafc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:16 mSonnino [Tag Heuer F1]Just received this very sentimental gift

[Tag Heuer F1]Just received this very sentimental gift
Thought I’d share the story of this watch.
My father and his brother (my uncle) used to be great F1 / MotoGP fans (and so am I), I guess it runs in the Italian genes. They were also great watches enthusiasts.
During the late 80s early 90s when the original Tag F1 came out they were still in their 20s and couldn’t really afford it, but this really bacame their dream watch.
In 1993, the year I was born, my father was killed during service. This was of course very difficult for everyone but especially so to my uncle since they were only 1 year apart in age and were always best friends.
So a few years after my father’s death my uncle decided to “just go for it” and buy the watch for himself, and also as a kind of a tribute in memory of my dad…
A few days ago I was talking to my uncle, showing him the new tag x keith collaboration, and I told him how much I like these old school and iconic looks and how cool I think they are… then yesterday we met again and he just gave me his watch!
I think everyone here appreciates a good watch, but when you receive something like this, with a real story and family history behind it, it’s always so much more special.
This is definitely a gift I will cherish forever.
submitted by mSonnino to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:13 Top-Pack-6255 paris sportif bookmaker

paris sportif bookmaker
Cotes sportives
Les cotes sportives sont une partie essentielle de l'expérience de paris en ligne et des paris sportifs en général. Elles représentent les probabilités associées à un événement sportif spécifique, que ce soit une partie de football, de tennis, de basket-ball ou toute autre discipline. Les cotes sportives indiquent aux parieurs les gains potentiels en cas de succès de leur pronostic.
Il existe plusieurs types de cotes sportives, notamment les cotes décimales, les cotes fractionnaires et les cotes américaines. Les cotes décimales sont les plus couramment utilisées en Europe. Elles représentent le montant total que le parieur recevra s'il gagne, en incluant le montant misé. Par exemple, une cote de 2,00 signifie que le parieur recevra deux fois sa mise initiale en cas de victoire.
Les cotes fractionnaires sont davantage utilisées au Royaume-Uni. Elles sont exprimées sous forme de fractions, par exemple 1/1 pour une cote égale à 2,00. Enfin, les cotes américaines sont basées sur un système de cotes positives et négatives. Les cotes positives indiquent les gains potentiels pour une mise de 100 unités, tandis que les cotes négatives représentent le montant à parier pour gagner 100 unités.
Il est essentiel de comprendre le fonctionnement des cotes sportives pour maximiser ses chances de succès dans les paris sportifs. Les parieurs chevronnés étudient attentivement les cotes proposées par les bookmakers afin de prendre des décisions éclairées et rentables. La maîtrise des cotes sportives est donc un élément clé pour tout parieur souhaitant optimiser ses gains et son plaisir de parier sur son sport favori.
Pronostics foot
Les pronostics foot font partie intégrante de l'univers du football. Que vous soyez un fan passionné ou un parieur expérimenté, les pronostics foot peuvent ajouter une dimension supplémentaire d'excitation à chaque match. En analysant les statistiques, les performances passées des équipes et d'autres facteurs pertinents, les pronostiqueurs peuvent tenter de prédire l'issue des matchs à venir.
Les pronostics foot sont populaires parmi les amateurs de football, mais aussi parmi les parieurs professionnels. En effet, en misant de l'argent sur les résultats des matchs, les parieurs peuvent espérer réaliser des bénéfices intéressants. Cependant, il est important de noter que les pronostics foot ne sont jamais une garantie de succès et que le hasard reste un élément clé dans les paris sportifs.
De nos jours, de nombreux sites internet et experts proposent des pronostics foot pour aider les parieurs à prendre des décisions éclairées. En utilisant ces informations, il est possible d'améliorer ses chances de succès, même si les surprises restent monnaie courante dans le monde du football.
En résumé, les pronostics foot sont un moyen excitant d'ajouter du piquant aux matchs de football. Que vous les utilisiez pour pimenter votre passion pour le sport ou pour tenter de gagner de l'argent, les pronostics foot continueront d'attirer de nombreux adeptes à travers le monde.
Paris en direct
La ville lumière, Paris, est souvent considérée comme l'une des plus belles villes du monde. Avec son histoire riche, ses monuments emblématiques et sa culture unique, Paris attire des millions de visiteurs du monde entier chaque année. Mais que se passe-t-il réellement en direct dans cette ville dynamique et passionnante ?
"Paris en direct" est une expression qui fait référence à la vie quotidienne de la ville. Des événements culturels aux manifestations politiques, en passant par les festivités locales, il se passe toujours quelque chose d'intéressant à Paris. Les habitants et les visiteurs peuvent suivre l'actualité de la ville en temps réel grâce à divers médias, réseaux sociaux et applications.
Les parisiens ont l'habitude de vivre dans une ville en mouvement constant. Entre les cafés animés, les boutiques à la mode, les marchés colorés et les parcs verdoyants, il y a toujours quelque chose à explorer à Paris. En se promenant dans les rues de la capitale, on peut sentir le pouls de la ville et découvrir sa véritable essence.
Que vous soyez amateur d'art, de gastronomie, de shopping ou de vie nocturne, Paris a de quoi satisfaire toutes vos envies. Chaque quartier de la ville a sa propre atmosphère et son charme unique, offrant une expérience différente à chaque coin de rue.
En conclusion, "Paris en direct" est bien plus qu'une simple expression, c'est un mode de vie à part entière. Que vous soyez un habitant de longue date ou un simple touriste de passage, vous serez sûrement captivé par l'énergie et la diversité de cette ville extraordinaire qu'est Paris.
Bonus bookmaker
En tant que parieur en ligne, vous avez peut-être entendu parler des bonus offerts par les bookmakers. Ces bonus peuvent être une incitation intéressante à s'inscrire sur une plateforme de paris sportifs en ligne. Les bonus bookmaker peuvent varier en fonction du site web et des offres promotionnelles en cours.
Les bonus bookmaker sont généralement offerts aux nouveaux joueurs lors de leur inscription sur le site. Ces bonus peuvent prendre la forme de paris gratuits, de remboursements en cas de perte ou de bonus de dépôt. Ils peuvent également être assortis de conditions, comme le fait de devoir miser un certain montant avant de pouvoir retirer ses gains. Il est donc important de bien lire les termes et conditions liés à ces bonus avant d'en bénéficier.
Les bonus bookmaker peuvent être un bon moyen de maximiser ses gains potentiels et de tester une plateforme de paris sportifs sans prendre de risques financiers importants. Cependant, il est conseillé de ne pas choisir un bookmaker uniquement en fonction de ses bonus, mais également en fonction de la qualité de ses cotes, de son service client et de sa réputation sur le marché.
En conclusion, les bonus bookmaker peuvent être un avantage appréciable pour les parieurs en ligne, à condition de les utiliser de manière responsable et de bien comprendre les conditions qui leur sont associées. Il est toujours recommandé de comparer les offres promotionnelles des différents bookmakers avant de faire son choix afin de trouver la meilleure offre adaptée à ses besoins et à ses préférences de jeu.
Stratégies de paris
Les stratégies de paris sont souvent utilisées par les parieurs pour augmenter leurs chances de gagner lorsqu'ils misent de l'argent sur des événements sportifs, des courses de chevaux, ou d'autres types de compétitions. Il existe différentes approches et techniques que les parieurs expérimentés emploient pour maximiser leurs gains et minimiser leurs pertes.
L'une des stratégies les plus populaires est la gestion de la bankroll, qui consiste à gérer de manière responsable la somme d'argent consacrée aux paris. En fixant un budget strict et en ne misant qu'une certaine partie de celui-ci sur chaque pari, les parieurs peuvent éviter de dilapider inutilement leurs fonds et optimiser leurs gains sur le long terme.
Une autre stratégie courante est la recherche approfondie et l'analyse des paris avant de prendre une décision. Les parieurs avisés étudient les statistiques, les performances passées des équipes ou des concurrents, ainsi que les conditions de jeu pour évaluer au mieux les risques et les opportunités de gain.
Certains parieurs exploitent également les cotes et les fluctuations du marché des paris pour repérer des opportunités de value bet, c'est-à-dire des paris où les chances de gain sont estimées supérieures à ce que les bookmakers proposent.
Enfin, la discipline et la gestion des émotions sont essentielles dans les stratégies de paris. Savoir rester calme en cas de perte et ne pas se laisser emporter par l'euphorie en cas de gain sont des aspects cruciaux pour préserver sa bankroll et faire des choix éclairés.
En conclusion, les stratégies de paris sont un outil précieux pour les parieurs souhaitant améliorer leurs performances et maximiser leurs gains. En combinant une approche réfléchie, une analyse approfondie et une gestion rigoureuse de l'argent, il est possible d'optimiser ses chances de succès dans l'univers des paris sportifs et de divertissement.
submitted by Top-Pack-6255 to u/Top-Pack-6255 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:13 anginky Depressed- need action plan to pull myself out of this cycle

I have been depressed for many years. I have identified the things in my life where I am lacking and want to improve those things in the hope of being happy/content. However, there are so many areas that i feel like I need to address that it seems overwhelming and I do not know where to start. I'm looking for advice on how to tackle these issues. Perhaps start with one thing at a time but I do not know where to start or what to do. Please provide any feedback ideas.
My question is where do I start and what do I do to turn these above things around.
Thank you!!
submitted by anginky to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:04 NandyRewmans Got this code with a controller but doesn’t with active users so yeah enjoy lol

Got this code with a controller but doesn’t with active users so yeah enjoy lol
submitted by NandyRewmans to XboxSeriesS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:33 Whole-Cheesecake7848 Limagito alternatives?

For a bit of context - we are big supporters of the Limagito service and have kept up on renewals on our single server license for over 15 years.
We realise we would financially be a small customer for them, however since we generate almost no support tickets, we were surprised by their recent reply around our query: if they could make a license exception and reissue the single server license (prior to the next renewal) for us to move to a newer server.
We actually would have been ok if the answer was just a no. However instead we were told that if the discounted renewal price (which we have just paid a month earlier) doesn't make it worth it to spend/invest in their tool - that we shouldn't bother and it's not the type of user they want.
To be clear, we still think they are the best file mover application out there - and we highly recommend the tool and tech support. However as we are planning to consolidate a couple older servers into a larger one, our filemoving requirements have shrunk significantly, and they hinted that it would make sense for them to remove the Single+ license from their website, we would like to know if anyone has alternative suggestions?
In summary, all we need: - Windows based - Copies from multiple S/FTP locations to AWS S3 - Runs multiple file copy rules at once on various schedules - Generates log files and can email failures - Retires failed files
Although we could now run a bunch of scripts using a tool like rclone, we are really looking for a Windows Service with GUI.
Any thoughts on what else to consider?
submitted by Whole-Cheesecake7848 to filemover [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:48 Dangerous-Ad-4583 Quitting Soon

I genuinely hate this job so much. I think I’m not cut out for any job that is heavy on customer service. I hate retail, fast food, and any other entry level customer job. Yesterday my manager got mad at me for a list of reasons that made no sense to me as all I was doing is what I was trained to do.. I apologized and took in the lecture, but she didn’t believe me. Then she got mad at me for talking to a friend for like 10 minutes straight (which I do understand and know it was wrong of me but I’ll get to that later), but right after, like not even joking. Some random older lady customer came over to her like they are besties, and they stood their talking in front of me for 10+ minutes after I just got lectured and threatened to be written up if I spoke to my friend. The reason I completely gave up and just broke the rules without care to talk to my friend is because the manager sucks and so do a bunch of my co workers. They all ignore me :/ Anytime I try to talk to the some female co workers around my age, they genuinely interrupt me or ignore me no matter the topic of convo. The managers are old women who act like regular unhinged out of touch elders over 50 acting like they’ve never worked as an entry associate. Lastly, the reason I stopped giving any f*** is because every 20 minutes, I kept using my walkie to ask for help with the fitting room racks. It was a Saturday evening and it was SO BAD. Both me and my coworker in Jewelry (who is nice btw) kept asking over walkie for help or to bring an extra rack to fitting room. For 4.5 hours straight, my manager deliberately ignored me and never once sent me help. They would literally hear us ask for help, then go “Hey name, how many cards do ya have? Haha” and like random talk? I’m so done with this job man. I’m quitting in 2 weeks and leaving for a 3 month vacation to Greece, Japan, and Korea so yeah f*** you —insert manager name--. Die alone and rot at TJ Maxx as you can’t afford retirement old b****. :)
submitted by Dangerous-Ad-4583 to TjMaxx [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:34 powderappreciate Nearing the end

Nearing the end
Just a quick sharpening post for fun. The shorter the pencil the more difficult it becomes to sharpen with a knife, but I tried my best 😉 This Blackwing has also donated its ferrule to a Hackwing, making it even shorter. I will probably let it retire from its service when this point is written down 😂
submitted by powderappreciate to pencils [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:55 Otherwise-Ad-4934 If you could get a skater to do a tribute program for another skater. Which skater would be the doing tribute and which skater it would be for.

Please also say which program and which song Any era can be crossed with no rules you could even get a retired skater to do a tribute to another retired skater.
submitted by Otherwise-Ad-4934 to FigureSkating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:49 Sweet-Negotiation642 casino games

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰 casino games
Machines à sous en ligne
Les machines à sous en ligne sont des jeux de hasard extrêmement populaires sur internet. Contrairement aux machines physiques que l'on trouve dans les casinos traditionnels, les machines à sous en ligne offrent de nombreux avantages aux joueurs. Tout d'abord, ils sont accessibles depuis n'importe quel endroit et à n'importe quel moment, ce qui signifie que les joueurs peuvent profiter de l'excitation des machines à sous sans avoir à se rendre physiquement dans un casino.
De plus, les machines à sous en ligne offrent une variété de thèmes et de fonctionnalités qui sont souvent plus avancés que ceux des machines physiques. Les joueurs peuvent choisir parmi une large gamme de jeux, allant des machines classiques à 3 rouleaux aux machines à sous vidéo plus complexes avec des dizaines de lignes de paiement et des fonctionnalités bonus passionnantes.
Les machines à sous en ligne offrent également des taux de redistribution souvent plus élevés que les machines physiques, ce qui signifie que les joueurs ont de meilleures chances de gagner en ligne. De plus, les jackpots progressifs disponibles sur de nombreuses machines à sous en ligne peuvent offrir des gains massifs aux joueurs chanceux.
En résumé, les machines à sous en ligne sont une façon amusante et pratique de profiter du frisson du jeu depuis chez soi. Que vous soyez un joueur occasionnel ou un passionné de machines à sous, les options en ligne sont vastes et offrent une expérience de jeu immersive et excitante.
Jeux de table de casino
Les jeux de table de casino sont une catégorie de jeux de hasard très populaires parmi les joueurs du monde entier. Ces jeux se jouent sur une table spéciale, généralement animée par un croupier professionnel, et offrent une expérience de jeu immersive et excitante.
Les jeux de table de casino les plus courants incluent le blackjack, la roulette, le poker, le craps et le baccarat. Chacun de ces jeux a ses propres règles et stratégies, ce qui les rend uniques et intéressants pour les joueurs de tous niveaux de compétence.
Le blackjack, par exemple, est un jeu de cartes dans lequel les joueurs tentent de battre le croupier en obtenant une main dont la valeur est la plus proche possible de 21 sans la dépasser. La roulette, quant à elle, consiste à parier sur le numéro ou la couleur sur laquelle la bille atterrira lorsqu'elle tourne sur une roue.
Les jeux de table de casino offrent non seulement la possibilité de gagner de l'argent, mais aussi un divertissement de qualité supérieure. De plus, ces jeux sont souvent accompagnés d'une atmosphère élégante et sophistiquée qui rend l'expérience encore plus plaisante pour les joueurs.
En conclusion, les jeux de table de casino sont une excellente façon de passer du bon temps tout en défiant sa chance et ses compétences. Que vous soyez un débutant curieux ou un joueur chevronné, il y a toujours un jeu de table de casino qui saura vous divertir et vous enthousiasmer.
Paris sportifs en ligne
Les paris sportifs en ligne représentent une activité en plein essor, offrant aux passionnés de sport la possibilité de vivre leur passion de manière interactive et divertissante. Avec l'avènement des plateformes virtuelles dédiées, il est désormais facile et pratique de parier sur ses équipes favorites et de suivre les événements sportifs en temps réel.
Les parieurs en ligne peuvent accéder à une vaste gamme de sports, de compétitions et de types de paris, allant des matchs de football aux courses de chevaux en passant par le tennis et le basketball. Grâce à des interfaces conviviales et intuitives, ils peuvent placer leurs mises rapidement et en toute sécurité, tout en bénéficiant de cotes attractives et de bonus incitatifs.
Les sites de paris sportifs en ligne proposent également un grand nombre de fonctionnalités, telles que le cash out, les statistiques en direct, les paris en direct et les promotions spéciales. Les parieurs peuvent ainsi optimiser leurs stratégies et maximiser leurs gains en fonction des performances des équipes et des joueurs.
Il est cependant essentiel de parier de manière responsable et de se fixer des limites de mise afin de prévenir tout risque d'addiction. En choisissant des plateformes de paris réputées et régulées, les parieurs peuvent profiter pleinement de cette expérience ludique tout en s'assurant de son caractère éthique et équitable.
En conclusion, les paris sportifs en ligne représentent une opportunité unique de vivre sa passion du sport de manière interactive et immersive, tout en bénéficiant de services et d'avantages exclusifs.
Bonus de bienvenue au casino
Les bonus de bienvenue au casino sont des offres alléchantes proposées aux nouveaux joueurs qui s'inscrivent sur une plateforme de jeu en ligne. Ces bonus sont conçus pour attirer les joueurs et leur offrir un avantage supplémentaire lors de leur première expérience de jeu. En général, les bonus de bienvenue peuvent prendre différentes formes, telles que des bonus de dépôt, des tours gratuits ou même des crédits gratuits.
Les bonus de dépôt sont l'une des formes les plus courantes de bonus de bienvenue au casino. Lorsqu'un joueur effectue un dépôt initial sur son compte, le casino lui offre un pourcentage supplémentaire de ce dépôt sous forme de bonus. Par exemple, un casino peut proposer un bonus de bienvenue de 100% jusqu'à 200€, ce qui signifie que si un joueur dépose 200€, il recevra 200€ supplémentaires en bonus.
Les tours gratuits sont une autre forme populaire de bonus de bienvenue. Les joueurs peuvent se voir offrir un certain nombre de tours gratuits sur des machines à sous spécifiques, ce qui leur permet de jouer et de gagner sans risquer leur propre argent. Les crédits gratuits sont également courants et peuvent être utilisés sur une variété de jeux de casino.
Il est important de noter que les bonus de bienvenue au casino sont soumis à des conditions de mise, ce qui signifie que les joueurs doivent parier un certain montant avant de pouvoir retirer leurs gains. Il est donc conseillé de lire attentivement les termes et conditions associés à chaque bonus de bienvenue pour éviter toute mauvaise surprise. Au final, ces bonus peuvent être un excellent moyen pour les joueurs de démarrer leur expérience de jeu avec un coup de pouce supplémentaire.
Expérience de jeu en direct
L'expérience de jeu en direct est une tendance croissante dans l'industrie du jeu en ligne. Elle offre aux joueurs une immersion totale, similaire à celle d'un casino physique, en leur permettant de jouer en temps réel avec de vrais croupiers et d'autres joueurs du monde entier. Cette forme de jeu offre une expérience plus authentique et interactive, car les joueurs peuvent interagir avec le croupier et les autres participants via un chat en direct.
Les jeux de casino en direct les plus populaires incluent le blackjack, la roulette, le baccarat et le poker. Les joueurs peuvent profiter de l'excitation et de la tension d'un jeu en direct tout en restant confortablement installés chez eux. De plus, la technologie de streaming avancée garantit une qualité audio et vidéo optimale, créant ainsi une atmosphère immersive et réaliste.
L'expérience de jeu en direct offre également un haut degré de transparence et de fiabilité, car les joueurs peuvent voir les cartes distribuées ou la roue de la roulette tourner en temps réel, éliminant ainsi tout soupçon de tricherie. De plus, de nombreux casinos en ligne proposent des offres promotionnelles et des bonus spécifiques pour les jeux en direct, ce qui ajoute une valeur supplémentaire à cette expérience unique.
En conclusion, l'expérience de jeu en direct représente l'avenir du jeu en ligne en offrant une combinaison parfaite entre la commodité des jeux virtuels et le réalisme des casinos physiques. Les amateurs de jeux de hasard trouveront leur bonheur dans cette forme de divertissement innovante et captivante.
submitted by Sweet-Negotiation642 to u/Sweet-Negotiation642 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:25 asdfzbruster New Grad Looking for Advice and Guidance!

Hello! Long-time lurker and a reader of the subreddit’s wiki page. But I am looking for more individualized advice on my situation. To give some context, I am 23 years old, and I recently graduated last year. I just got a job this past March and will be getting a promotion or raise in August.
I currently live at home and pay no bills outside of personal debts and luxuries. My parents have allowed me to do this until I complete my PhD, which is not for another 5ish years.
My personal finance strategy is to invest $1,000 of my next paycheck into my Roth IRA to max out the yearly contributions. And then I started to build up my emergency fund to around $9,000, which is a six-month emergency fund to pay off my monthly bills. Afterward, I will continue to invest in my brokerage account, diversifying my portfolio.
My investment strategy for my brokerage account is 70/30 in VTI/growth stocks (MSFT, APPL, GOOG, and AMZN). My 401k has a target date fund. And my ROTH IRA is 100% in VOO.
If there’s anything I should start looking into or fixing, please let me know because I am brand new to this and I want to be financially responsible! Thank you in advance.
Personal Finance:
Pre-Tax Income: $48,000
Checking: $2,000
Savings: $1,000
Credit Score: 763
Monthly Credit Card Statement: ~$200-400
Monthly Car Payment: $807.71
Monthly Student Loan Payment: $278.59
Car Loan: ~$40,000 with 6.87% APR for 60 Month Term
Student Loans: ~$27,000 with 2.50 - 5.00% APR (Public Service Loan Forgiveness)
401k (5% Full Match): $780
ROTH IRA ($6000/$7000 Yearly Contributions): $6200
Brokerage Account: $16,900
Crypto: $1,000 (BTC/ETH)
submitted by asdfzbruster to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:59 Pretty-Avocado4914 Is it Possible to Claim PTSD my Civilian Job caused when retaliating for my Military Service

Hi All, long time lurker, just wrote up a post but somehow it vanished while typing. I used the search and the sub knowledge base but didn't see my question. Looking for some guidance/advice or a success story.
I recently went to a Veterans Center to see if I was eligible for counseling. While there, I shared some traumatic experiences over my 30 year Army Reserve career. The Advisor encouraged me to file a claim for PTSD/Anxiety/Depression.
I retired from the Army Reserve in 2013. In 2008, I was promoted and, that summer, received orders for a 6 week qualification course for my new position. When I returned to my civilian job, my supervisor and manager retaliated in every way possible, making the workplace and life a living hell. My primary care doc knew what was going on and prescribed antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds just so I could get through the workday and not harm anyone or myself. In Jan 2010, my supervisor and manager did something that caused me to have a total stress breakdown. My doctor took me out of work and referred me to the outpatient psych clinic. I was in a really bad way and remained out of work and taking meds and getting treatment for almost 2 years. I won't bore you with all the details, but I was pissed that I burned all my vacation and sick accruals for something they could have prevented. I filed a worker's comp claim which my employer challenged and I won. The judge wrote in the decision, "There is disparate treatment... because she serves in the Army Reserves...She was singled out and harassed due to her military service... her supervisor retaliated against her because she took military leave in 2008... (she) was exposed to a pattern of harassment and retaliation due to her Army Reserves service and an increased level of stress..."
I have a load of civilian medical records related to this, and I believe the psychotherapist (PhD) that I saw for 3+ years would write a nexus letter for me but according to everything I've read, I'm not sure I have a "nexus" to connect PTSD to the military. I was IN the military, and what happened at my job was because I was fulfilling my military obligation, but can I actually make a "service connection" if the stressor occurred at the hands of my civilian employer and not actually the Army? How might that read?
I had stress in my military position-- I lost a deployment opportunity and my records landed in front of a retention board and they were going to chapter me out because of my psych profile, causing me to fear I'd lose my Army career and pension. I was stressed out all the time worrying that I'd be asked to do any additional or special duty outside of drill weekends (my position required a lot of travel) due to fear of how my civilian employer would react or retaliate if I presented orders. When confidentiality was broken and my psych profile/issues were revealed to Soldiers not in my reporting chain, that led to a lot of embarrassment probably other things I'm forgetting.
Is there any hope I might be able to make a nexus-worthy connection between my service and my PTSD/Anxiety/Depression diagnoses when the stressor(s) actually primarily occurred in the civilian workplace?
Thank you!
submitted by Pretty-Avocado4914 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:08 merrystem [question] Think USPS lost my watch, how to prove value for insurance claim?

Only watchmaker within 100 miles retired, so I sent my Rolex Date for service to the place originally purchased via USPS Registered Priority Insured. It's been listed as "processing" at the destination post office for a week. I've opened a trace inquiry but at this point assume I'll need to make an insurance claim.
Apparently they require proof of ownership and proof of value, but everything seems written around a new purchase.
I have the original receipt from 2007, but it's doubled in value and was insured for a realistic (honestly slightly low) replacement cost.
Anyone been in this situation before? Do I just submit screen captures from reputable used retailers, or is there like a NADA/KBB value guide for luxury watches?
submitted by merrystem to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:02 kkkan2020 how long do you think scotty lived in the 24th century or beyond ?

so we know scotty is born 2222 ( or at least according to the wiki)
he served in starfleet beginning in 2244
retired 2293
disappeared on his way to norpin 5 in 2294
reappeared in 2369 crash landed on a dyson sphere rescued by the enterprise-D so keep in mind scotty is 72 years old here.
As of 2382 Captain Scott was in command of the USS Challenger) which had become a personal engineering project for him. He commanded the ship during an investigation of the derelict NX-class Intrepid) where he and his crew also discovered evidence of a new type of propulsion technology called Trans-slipstream. Scott was severely injured during an attempt to recover the Intrepid after it was stolen by Mission Specialist Berlinghoff Rasmussen and his partner, the Ferengi Bok. The Challenger was able to rescue the crew of the Intrepid; however, the ship was unable to be recovered and was lost. Due to his injuries, Doctor Alyssa Ogawa informed Scotty that he would no longer be able to command the Challenger as he did not meet the minimum health requirements for starship command. Before he could be removed he retired from his position and recommended that Geordi La Forge replace him as the Captain of the Challenger. age 85
As of 2383, Scotty was still aboard the Challenger as a civilian mission specialist working in Engineering. Scotty was aboard the ship when it was assigned to investigate the recently discovered Trans-slipstream wake. After the Challenger was pulled into the galaxy NGC 4414, Scotty was severely injured and was unable to continue his 48 hour required cellular regeneration treatments due to the damage to the Challenger. When the USS Hera) was discovered, Scotty agreed to lead the away team to the vessel to ascertain its status and to protect his Captain from the emotional consequences of such a mission. During this Scotty became more and more frail due to the damage caused to his heart by being suspended in the transporter system of the Jenolen for so long - which was the reason behind his regenerative treatments. Upon the away team's recovery it was already too late for the Captain to resume treatment. Knowing he did not have long to survive, Scotty returned to the Challenger in order to seal the rift preventing the Challenger crew and the IRW Tomalak's Fist from returning to the Alpha Quadrant. Using the Challenger to seal the rift, Scotty disabled the drive systems of the ship and opened the doorway for the other vessel to return home. He was last seen on the bridge of the Challenger as the vessel was crushed inside the closing rift. A memorial service was held in his honor aboard the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic)
in star trek 2009 spock mentioned that scotty created the transwarp beaming formula and spock by the time he left to back to 2258 was 2387 in his time. scotty would be 90 years old in 2387
In the year 2422, the Montgomery Scott Engineering Sciences Building opened on the grounds of Starfleet Academy on the date of Scotty's 200th birthday. Scotty himself was present, and cut the ribbon. (ST novel: Engines of Destiny) aged 125?
so this is all i can find alpha/beta cannon but how long do you think scotty lived until ?
submitted by kkkan2020 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:24 StonksNbiz OCS/TBS/EWS Count Towards Retirement?

Hello. Currently a SGT in reserves with 4 years of previous active service. I’m trying to calculate reserve retirement and hoping to commission within the next 2 years (after degree is obtained). Just confirming, that all entry level schools and PME will count as AD time for retirement right?
My confusion mainly comes from hearing that boot marine reservists don’t automatically qualify for thing like GI or VA unless the do 180 days of extra active service.
Thank you.
submitted by StonksNbiz to USMCboot [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:53 bananacreamp13 Lowballed myself in an interview, wondering how badly I screwed up

Recently found an opportunity for a salaried position related to my skills and interests, but not my professional experience. Since dropping out of college in 2020, I've primarily been stuck in low paying customer service jobs, and never received a salary before. I was able to get an interview through a friend-of-a-friend's referral, and spent an approximate total of 30 hours over the course of several days researching and creating examples of the work I would be doing to prove my ability to do it, despite not having the direct experience in that particular field. They seemed very impressed by this, and I was told I would fit in very well with the team. However, I made one faux pas: the interviewer asked me my expected salary range and I stated 40-45k.
Now, understand that with what I currently make, this would still be life-changing money for me. I have been in the red each month for the past 4 months on basic essentials alone. I have previously calculated that approximately 42k a year is how much I would need, bare minimum, to pay rent, eat, pay off debt, and save for retirement with enough wiggle room to not feel like i was constantly crunching myself. I did research on the median salary for this field in my area and thought this to be a fair offer given my lack of experience. I could tell by the face she made after I made my offer that I had messed up immediately. The rest of it went fine, but I was certainly nervous after that.
After the interview, I had a conversation with the person who referred me to ask about how they enjoyed their time there, and mentioned this error on my end. They informed me the last person in my position started at 55k and moved up to 60k after 6 months.
I worry that this makes me appear insecure (I am, but I was very careful and procedural in projecting as much confidence as possible), and how that may affect my chances. I also worry that should I be given an offer, I've now locked myself into lower pay.
I am now aware that what I should've said was "what's your budget?", so that I know for the future not to make that mistake again. But for this particular position, I am unsure of the best way to proceed forward or if I'm worrying myself too much.
submitted by bananacreamp13 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:31 bheemanreghuu Bribe mafia sabotaging online services; vigilance investigation with shocking findings

Bribe mafia sabotaging online services; vigilance investigation with shocking findings
This is prevalent in local and self-governing departments. The vigilance investigation found that the ground is being set for this by refusing to issue the necessary certificates and insisting that the applications be submitted directly. This is often facilitated by deliberately compromising online systems. Poor quality of software also gives shade to bribery mafia.
Private agencies and retired officials
Vigilance had found that land reclassification involved a mafia consisting of private agencies and retired officials. Huge scams in the Food Safety Department had also come out the other day. Not all services are online in 1666 village offices. The Local Government Department has an Integrated Local Governance Management System but it is not full-fledged. The mafia is taking advantage of this.
There is punishment!
According to the Right to Service Act, which came into force in 2012, the service should be provided within three to 15 days after receiving the application. Officials have to pay a fine of Rs 500 for every day of delay. The punishment under the Prevention of Corruption Act is three to seven years in prison. There is also a penalty proportionate to the loss due to corruption.
Online service instructions
• Everything including money transactions should be made online.
• Software defects must be fixed within 24 hours.
• Internal vigilance should ensure timely delivery of services
• Rejection of applications should be known to the Head of Office.
• Action should be taken against undue delay.
• Middlemen should be avoided
Read more :
submitted by bheemanreghuu to Kerala [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:10 SchemeKitchen Is a Pension or 401k better longterm even with a pay cut?

Pension vs 401k
I’m in an unique position where I’ve thought about going into firefighting as a career change. I’m currently a paramedic and make 120-150k a year with heavy amounts of OT. My retirement is based on 401k with an 8% employer union match and I am able to save generously because I split rent with my partner. I have a presenting opportunity to become a firefighter with my local county which provides 75% of highest 5 paychecks averaged paid out biweekly after 30 years of service with 2.5% increase to combat with annual inflation. If I were to accept the job I’d take a 50% pay cut and make approx 65k a year but raises per year. What do you all think is the better financial picture long term and overall? Anyone experienced in pension plans with public sector?
submitted by SchemeKitchen to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:04 Uncle_Snake43 Questions regarding Direct Hire 2210 - GS-12

Hi everyone,
This is a fresh Reddit account, but I have been around here a LONG time. Got locked out of my old account. Anyways - I have some questions regarding a job offer I just got.
I am a veteran of the USAF -3C072 when I left service. I’ve been doing IT for over 20 years. I left my previous job in banking because the stress was literally killing me. Anyways I digress….I left at the end of January this year. I live in San Antonio and went to a USAF job fair a few weeks back. It was a zoo as expected and I just dropped a couple resumes, thinking nothing would come of it. Well lo and behold, I got a bite, and a supervisor emailed me about a GS-12 position at Randolph. I really was/am not looking for government work, as it just doesn’t pay enough. However I told him I was interested because I’m unemployed and turning down a possible 6 figure job is dumb regardless.
We set up a call for last week. He and I talked, but you could hardly call it a job interview. It was really me and him shooting the shit, with a little bit of the job description thrown in. He told me he had a few more interviews and if I didn’t hear back from him by the end of this past week I didn’t get it. Cool. Between then and today, I also got another job offer in the private sector making $72.00 an hour, but it’s just a contract position with the possibility for permanent hire as it goes on. I went ahead and accepted. Thursday I got a call and he told me I was his choice for the job, and gave me a verbal offer. Also, he was able to put me up to GS-12 Step 5. I accepted this one was well.
I cannot find a legit source for how much I will make as a 2210 GS-12 Step 5 in San Antonio. Can someone please help me out?
After receiving a verbal offer from the supervisor how long does the whole process take? What should I expect? It is long and drawn out? Is it odd for it to go down like it did for me? I found it very informal, which is not a bad thing.
I’m leaning towards taking the government job for the job security and the ability to retire relatively soon due to my AF service. What would you guys do if you were in my position?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Uncle_Snake43 to fednews [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:55 DocBasher Feeling defeated and hopeful

I don’t really know where the story of my alcoholism begins, though I only admitted I was an alcoholic about one month ago, and as of the time I’m writing this, I’ve only been sober for about 30 hours.
I never remember drinking in any meaningful capacity until I enlisted into the Marine Corps at 18, directly following high school. I’d rather not go into much detail about my service, but I remember many times partying with fellow Marines on the weekends or on leave and getting absolutely shitfaced, but it was never a regular occurrence, and I never drove drunk, got caught by my superiors, or ever really thought about anything other than the horrible hangovers I would get.
After getting medically retired, and moving back home, this is where I believe it slowly began. I started processing the unaddressed traumas of not only military service, but as I reconnected with family for the first real time in adulthood, I began to realize how my family had adversely affected my formative years, and how the mental, verbal, and sometimes physical abuse began to come up to the surface of my daily reality.
But even still, I was a cigarette smoker and would very seldom do things like smoke weed. Drank socially and rarely to excess.
Between 2012-2014, I believe, is where things began to start escalating, though still slowly. I had a horrible relationship end horribly. Got fired from my first job. Had to drop out of school. I was quickly going broke (due to said lost job). I got fortunate in mid 2014 to land a cool healthcare job. I worked nights. I began to notice I would come home every morning and drink 2-3 VERY stout martinis. And it got worse on my off days. That is until I discovered bourbon.
I loved everything about it. The history. The process of making it. The diversity. The taste. I found myself going out more and more to bars, distilleries, etc. Buying, collecting, building a network of friends who also enjoyed bourbon. Talking about bourbon to fellow coworkers.
In 2017, following multiple break-ups/get back togethers with my girlfriend at the time, I found out she was pregnant, and I had just started working for a very busy EMS system while also in school. The relationship was not stable, and shortly thereafter, I had the final falling out with my family after their despicable behavior in the final months of pregnancy and when my girlfriend delivered my beautiful daughter.
Due to an absolute shit work schedule (24 hour shifts), a hectic school schedule (typically 2 school days and at least two clinical days), an unstable relationship, and new parenthood, I believe this to be the turning point. I remember not wanting to come home. I remember wanting, needing to drink. I remember my anxiety and depression beginning to unfold rapidly. But somehow, it still never reached a critical mass. When my daughter was 3 months old, I broke off the relationship, we moved to our own places, and decided to coparent.
As time moved forward, I began collecting and consuming more bourbon. At first, I was very good about not drinking much or anything at all on my days with my kid. I started working a lot of overtime, sometimes working 2.5 shifts (60 hours) straight, because money I guess. But this added stress on my body and mind and the constant exposure to the ugliest of illness and injury, trauma and despair drove my need to drink, my anxiety and my depression even further.
I began driving tipsy. Getting in stupid arguments with my next partner and leaving to go on a bourbon “hunt.” I began working more because I was spending insane amounts of money on allocated bourbons. And I would be surprised and somehow prideful that I’d put down a half bottle of rare, high proof bourbon the night before, but ignoring the fact I couldn’t remember shit about that night until my partner reminded me of how much of an asshole I’d been.
That relationship eventually ended. In truth we weren’t good for each other for many reasons on both sides, but on my side, my drinking got way out of hand. I drove tipsy or drunk regularly. We got in an argument one time downtown and I left her there because she didn’t want to be in the car of a drunk driver. My drinking, among other things, caused me to become emotionally abusive and an emotional roller coaster.
After it ended, I found a new version of myself after a long period of severe depression and anxiety and got back in to many of the passions I’d neglected for years. But I still drank. Heavily.
I left EMS to work in the ER for better hours, pay, more professional support, etc. It was a godsend. Or so I thought.
Then I met my new partner, my current one. We’ve been together for over 3 years. We both struggle with depression and anxiety. But I’m the only one who still struggles with alcoholism. And as it has gotten worse as each new relationship begins and ends, I’ve found that in this one it’s reached the absolute critical mass.
I’ve gotten so drunk that I had a massive panic attack and held a gun to my head. Thankfully my former best friends were also there to talk me down (I say former because I recently had a bender where I kicked them out of my life).
I’ve gotten so drunk that I’ve continued to drive drunk, and that has resulted in my flattening a tire on my car, and backing into a parked care at a Mexican restaurant. The latter generated a county sheriffs deputy to come out for a police report and I somehow did not get a DUI.
But I continued.
Countless drunken fights. Countless times of us fighting and me kicking her out of my house, for her to drive 35 mins back to her house and for us not to talk for a few days.
And then the past month.
I drank so much over a few days that I was suicidal, so much so that my partner couldn’t get through to me, it turned mildly physical (from what she said, me grabbing her arm, which I’d never in my life done before), and ended up leaving my house and calling crisis, and because I was also making threats and am a gun owner, it generated a SWAT response in my neighborhood. Somehow SOMEHOW, I was never pulled out of my house and taken to get committed.
I stopped drinking entirely after that. Went through moderate alcohol withdrawal for three days. And then started drinking again after six days following a very mild disagreement with my partner that set off my anxiety. And, me being the idiot I am, didn’t realize that drinking would make it worse.
I managed to not drink liquor for roughly two weeks following that argument, but drank beer instead. Never really got drunk or even tipsy, but was still drinking. I was “cutting back.”
Then this past Monday, another bender lasting 48 hours. Back in the bourbon. Started by a mild argument that escalated, and quite frankly almost ended us due to a breach of trust (I was at fault). She needed to take a day to process and I got pissed and went out and bought $130 worth of bourbon and finished a 1.75 liter bottle of 101 proof bourbon in 24 hours. She came over, we fought, she left. She came back over, we fought, tried to leave and I physically wouldn’t let her, she left, she came back.
I ended up stopping, but not until I began having quite literally the worst pain, located in my lower abdomen, that I’ve ever experienced in my life. She forced me to go to the ER we both work at. I wasn’t acting drunk, but people, my coworkers knew. I wasn’t admitted because my abdominopelvic workup was negative. But at least now I understand why people get addicted to opiates. And after the truckload of IV Dilaudid (hydromorphone) I received, and the horrible constipation that has followed, I don’t ever want any of that shit again.
And now, today, I don’t ever want alcohol again.
I’m so tired of not remembering. Of having intimate moments with my partner and not remembering them. Of missing sunrises because I can’t get up before 2 pm. Of being fooled that I’m drinking to cure my anxiety and depression when, in fact, it makes it so much worse. I’m 35…I don’t want dementia when I’m 50 because I’ve damaged my brain so much. I’m tired of the person that alcohol makes me.
I had myself convinced for so long that I was a happy drunk, a fun drunk. And maybe I was in the past. But I was still an alcoholic. And while I may always be, I don’t have to be addicted to it anymore.
I have a long road ahead, and I hope to not fall down again. I realize I may, due to the stressors of life and parenthood and relationships and my job. But I can choose to not stop at the liquor store before I go in to work tonight so I can drink tomorrow morning after my ER shift. I can choose to not drink when my partner and I go out to eat Monday evening for our weekly Mexican food. I can choose each day to be sober.
And I’m gonna try.
—-If you read this entire post (long I know) I hope you realize the two things I’ve realized in my very brief period of not drinking:
That, one, alcoholism is such an insidious, sneaky evildoer that tricks you into believing you’re not guilty while also tricking you into using it to calm your depression and anxiety, even though it exacerbates them. It shifts the blame and convinces you that it isn’t the problem, much like a partner or employer might gaslight you.
And, two, that me telling my partner I’m an alcoholic and trying every day to stay clean, while only being in the second day has been simultaneously the most defeating and hopeful feeling I’ve felt in a very long time.
My second day. I hope for many more.
submitted by DocBasher to stopdrinking [link] [comments]