Nancy silk

Conhece os artistas da Festa do Avante 2024

2024.05.17 11:49 AntonioMachado Conhece os artistas da Festa do Avante 2024

Conhece os artistas da Festa do Avante 2024 submitted by AntonioMachado to Avante [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 18:47 Lord_Long_Rod Terrifying Appalachian Paranormal!

Well sir, way back round bout ohhh, 1953 er so, I dun reckon, we had us a dadgum real problem here in these rugged, deep and dark woodland of them thar Great Smoky Mountains here in these old lower Appalachian Mountains. They were frightful critters, they were. They dun up and struck fear in the hearts of us tried and true, diehard southern Appalachian mountain folks. We is am hardy bunch of folks with a bloodline going back to the old country of Scotland, and deep into the medieval times. To be sure, we ain’t scairt of sheeyit!
Now here in these old and ancient Appalachian mountains, we’uns been livin side by side with all sort of critter. We got them thar great old big bigfoots, both of the ape-man and caveman varieties. We got them thar werewolves, but today they is called “dogman”. We got us them Snallygaster sumbitches, giant hogs, and even a mothman that looks like both a moth and a man, and which will zap yer mind! We got witches, and spirits, and ghosts, and goblins, and vampires, and zombies, and space aliens, and Jason Voorhees, and the Stoneish Giant, and The Thunder Brothers, and Hillary Clinton, and The Thunder King, and the Coyote King, and the Death Cat, and The Vampire Lestat, and the Raven Mocker, and the Wildman, and The Wampus Beast, and them thar Devil Dogs, and Nancy Pelosi, and the Lizard Demon, and the Hellhound, and Cthulhu, and Tyler Perry, and the Far Dragon, and the Shadow Creature, and the Batman, and them cave creatures, and that sumbitch Bloodless Howler, and the Fire Ape, and The Cherokee Devil, and The Cherokee Liar (a/k/a Elizabeth Warren), and The Ash Man, and The Michelin Man, and the Swamp Creature, to name jest a couple. But we’uns here are tough nuff to live side to side with sech critters cuz we periodically kick them in the balls and shows ‘em who am boss of these here woods!!
Them thar good old boys from West Virginia, who are all experienced, tried and true, red white and blue, hunters and trappers, and American heeroes, knowd bout kickin sech beasts in thar balls to keep em in check. Them good old fellers are sum of the roughest, tuffest mountain monster hunters round! Why, good old Trapper John is such a mean sumbitch that he can bite the testicles off a 12’ tall Sasquatch right in the middle of saying the American Pledge of Allegiance, and never skip a beat! If’n the AIMS Team cain’t beat it, then you is fucked.
So, back to our problem back here many years past, and agin the backdrop of what I jest laid out fer ya, we had us a real bad problem here. And if’n us ancient race of Appalachian mountain folk cain’t a’handle it, then ya know how bad it twas. If’n these critters had ever leaked outside of our old mountain range then the whole world would have been devastated.
I am talking about dongs. And not just any dong. You can get them thar pussified dongs the rich bitches use, or the ones used by them thar girlie city boys who’s hands are smooth as silk, or the French. No sir! I is talking bout them old Mountain Monster Demon Dongs! Them sumbitches are ALIVE and possessed by demons! Sum are attached to possessed men with corrupted minds. Sum be attached to fearsome critters, like Sasquatch and Dogman, and sum are disembodied dongs possessed by restless and malevolent spirits, and they glow in the dark and float around in the woods at night!
Most impotently, them thar dongs are looking to PENETRATE any sort of orifice they can. They ain’t necessarily homofied, but it mainly be menfolk in the woods. They get all up in thar and jest go and go and go til yer innards are black and blue.
It dun got so bad back thar then in 1953 that sum us wuz all a gettin violated 2-3 times a day. So us mountain folk got together with out guns and dogs and cuttin implements and staged an uprising against the dongs.The murderous violence and mayhem that ensued became known as The Great Dong War of 1953. Many dongs were kilt in that damn war, and many good men lost thar rectums. The fight lasted what seemed like an eternity. It wuz long and hard. But in the end we managed to push Dong into the dark abyss!
Ever since then we have lived relatively dong free in these here old mountains. But now the dongs are coming back. I don’t rightly know why that be the case jest yet. It may be a niche critter. Or there may be more assholes now. But one thang is fer sure: the dongs are becoming more and more numerous in these here hills. Hell, I is always having to fish out dead dongs from my mash pots.
I shore do hope them good old boys from West Virginny can hep us out here. By God, If’n anybody can do it, it’s the AIMS Team!!
submitted by Lord_Long_Rod to Sasquatch_Jihad [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 18:15 Lord_Long_Rod Appalachian Paranormal - Demon Dongs!

Well sir, way back round bout ohhh, 1953 er so, I dun reckon, we had us a dadgum real problem here in these rugged, deep and dark woodland of them thar Great Smoky Mountains here in these old lower Appalachian Mountains. They were frightful critters, they were. They dun up and struck fear in the hearts of us tried and true, diehard southern Appalachian mountain folks. We is am hardy bunch of folks with a bloodline going back to the old country of Scotland, and deep into the medieval times. To be sure, we ain’t scairt of sheeyit!
Now here in these old and ancient Appalachian mountains, we’uns been livin side by side with all sort of critter. We got them thar great old big bigfoots, both of the ape-man and caveman varieties. We got them thar werewolves, but today they is called “dogman”. We got us them Snallygaster sumbitches, giant hogs, and even a mothman that looks like both a moth and a man, and which will zap yer mind! We got witches, and spirits, and ghosts, and goblins, and vampires, and zombies, and space aliens, and Jason Voorhees, and the Stoneish Giant, and The Thunder Brothers, and Hillary Clinton, and The Thunder King, and the Coyote King, and the Death Cat, and The Vampire Lestat, and the Raven Mocker, and the Wildman, and The Wampus Beast, and them thar Devil Dogs, and Nancy Pelosi, and the Lizard Demon, and the Hellhound, and Cthulhu, and Tyler Perry, and the Far Dragon, and the Shadow Creature, and the Batman, and them cave creatures, and that sumbitch Bloodless Howler, and the Fire Ape, and The Cherokee Devil, and The Cherokee Liar (a/k/a Elizabeth Warren), and The Ash Man, and The Michelin Man, and the Swamp Creature, to name jest a couple. But we’uns here are tough nuff to live side to side with sech critters cuz we periodically kick them in the balls and shows ‘em who am boss of these here woods!!
Them thar good old boys from West Virginia, who are all experienced, tried and true, red white and blue, hunters and trappers, and American heeroes, knowd bout kickin sech beasts in thar balls to keep em in check. Them good old fellers are sum of the roughest, tuffest mountain monster hunters round! Why, good old Trapper John is such a mean sumbitch that he can bite the testicles off a 12’ tall Sasquatch right in the middle of saying the American Pledge of Allegiance, and never skip a beat! If’n the AIMS Team cain’t beat it, then you is fucked.
So, back to our problem back here many years past, and agin the backdrop of what I jest laid out fer ya, we had us a real bad problem here. And if’n us ancient race of Appalachian mountain folk cain’t a’handle it, then ya know how bad it twas. If’n these critters had ever leaked outside of our old mountain range then the whole world would have been devastated.
I am talking about dongs. And not just any dong. You can get them thar pussified dongs the rich bitches use, or the ones used by them thar girlie city boys who’s hands are smooth as silk, or the French. No sir! I is talking bout them old Mountain Monster Demon Dongs! Them sumbitches are ALIVE and possessed by demons! Sum are attached to possessed men with corrupted minds. Sum be attached to fearsome critters, like Sasquatch and Dogman, and sum are disembodied dongs possessed by restless and malevolent spirits, and they glow in the dark and float around in the woods at night!
Most impotently, them thar dongs are looking to PENETRATE any sort of orifice they can. They ain’t necessarily homofied, but it mainly be menfolk in the woods. They get all up in thar and jest go and go and go til yer innards are black and blue.
It dun got so bad back thar then in 1953 that sum us wuz all a gettin violated 2-3 times a day. So us mountain folk got together with out guns and dogs and cuttin implements and staged an uprising against the dongs.The murderous violence and mayhem that ensued became known as The Great Dong War of 1953. Many dongs were kilt in that damn war, and many good men lost thar rectums. The fight lasted what seemed like an eternity. It wuz long and hard. But in the end we managed to push Dong into the dark abyss!
Ever since then we have lived relatively dong free in these here old mountains. But now the dongs are coming back. I don’t rightly know why that be the case jest yet. It may be a niche critter. Or there may be more assholes now. But one thang is fer sure: the dongs are becoming more and more numerous in these here hills. Hell, I is always having to fish out dead dongs from my mash pots.
I shore do hope them good old boys from West Virginny can hep us out here. By God, If’n anybody can do it, it’s the AIMS Team!!
submitted by Lord_Long_Rod to Sasquatch_Jihad [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 02:20 karenvideoeditor A Curious Visitor

A Crossroads Hotel story
Almost two years ago
This morning when I woke up and left my bedroom, there was a large, shiny arrow made out of spider silk pointing to my art room.
That might distress you, but rest assured, I was much more concerned about what the arrow was pointing toward than what created it. That was because it had been spun by Alex, the spider that lives in my apartment, who always politely keeps to high ceiling corners, and who I gave a gender-neutral name because, considering they came from another dimension, I didn’t even know if they had genitals.
There are hardly any things in the hotel that affect my living space, and I’m pretty sure that’s by design, to the extent that the oddities are possible to control. There are five permanent residents, including me, three other staff, and the owner. So, particularly since many of us work long hours, coming upstairs after a tiring shift to otherworldly chaos would not make for productive employees. Like if, say, a stream of water had been pooling on my bed for six hours, or an animal I didn’t recognize had built a nest in the middle of my living room.
Those probably sound like odd examples for me to come up with, but I work at The Crossroads Hotel and Diner, a semi-sentient crossroads that serves as a sort of international airport equivalent for what I refer to as ‘nonlocals’. Along with the eccentric people who come through on purpose, animals or other random stuff can leak through by accident. Or who knows? Maybe they’re not all accidents, and that bird-pig-dinosaur really did think the boiler room was a great nesting place for her eggs. It was warm, after all.
Large enough to be intimidating if spotted but small enough to squish under my shoe (although I would never!) my tenant Alex the spider is mostly yellow, the lower half of their thorax a pale lavender. Fyfe and Andrea both have a spider as well, though Nancy told me she declined the offer of a tiny tenant. I thought the deal was awesome, considering the alternative of a standard Earth house spider.
The offer was pest control in exchange for living quarters (and regular meals of course), except with a spider that understood boundaries. In the few months I’d worked here, despite my occasional small talk, Alex had yet to attempt communication, so the arrow was new. Mostly I forgot they were there. I wasn’t even sure if they could speak English, but I read somewhere that talking to yourself when you lived alone wasn’t a big deal. It’s when you hear people talking back that’s the real issue, I’d reckon.
As for the arrow, it served its purpose of catching my attention immediately, shining in the light of the hallway bulb I flicked on. I stopped before I turned to enter my bathroom, looking at it worriedly. In hindsight, it was probably Alex’s best strategy. Attempting to wake me would likely have resulted in instinctive and fatal consequences, and at their size, making noises would’ve taken extraordinary effort. I know spider silk is strong, but I don’t think Alex can bench press much, so even flicking a light switch would’ve been difficult.
Warily heading down the hall and stopping in the doorway of my small art room, I flicked on the light for the overhead ceiling fan. Nothing jumped out at me, figuratively or literally, as I scanned the room. I took a few steps in, taking a closer look. Nothing moved, but something caught my eye. A large leaf clearly being held by its stem behind an easel near the wall, maybe eight by six inches, that was obscuring someone or something underneath.
“Hello?” I asked.
As much as you might think I’m venturing into horror-movie territory here, there’s no way to work at the Crossroads that doesn’t start with a crash course, and I wasn’t too concerned. Hospitality is rule one, for both guest and employee, so fights and injuries, and especially murders, on the premises are exceedingly rare. Plus, my boss wards our apartments against malevolent intent, for extra security.
The leaf didn’t so much as twitch, and I tilted my head, taking a moment to consider the situation. “I felt like there’s someone in here. Do I…have a visitor?” No movement. “It would be rude for someone to come into my home uninvited, especially my art room, but…” I let me voice trail off thoughtfully. “If they were just curious, I would forgive them. Just this once.”
Honestly, I’d forgive, but I wouldn’t forget. I did need my apartment to be the one place I knew was mine. Uninvited guests were common at the hotel, and I dealt with them, but I really didn’t want work to start following me home. I’d ask my boss to make sure it didn’t become a regular occurrence. It just felt like an overreaction to get angry at one tiny intruder, especially since my predecessor Patricia had lived here for something like forty years. For all I knew, she hadn’t been able to say goodbye to this visitor.
The leaf twitched the slightest bit and moved just enough for me to see a reddish face and an eye that belonged to an anxious expression. Considering the size of the eye and the curve of the face, it was apparent that there was a comical disproportion compared to human bodies. That being, its head was most of its body.
“Deepest apologies,” spoke a barely audible voice that might have belonged to a young man if I’d heard it without a visual reference. “You are…the new Manager.”
The tone and demeanor of the creature made me think of an insect that used camouflage and was now attempting to reclaim his blown disguise by being quiet and still. “I am. Did you mean to come here to visit Patricia?” I asked.
“No. I came…I came to see your home.”
Pausing to see if he’d continue, I eventually asked, “Did you have questions for me?”
“Not…really. I was just dreadfully curious of this room.”
“Oh,” I remarked. “My painting?”
I smiled and looked around at the mildly organized mess, a few projects completed, a few in progress. “Do you like them?”
“Very much,” he whispered.
“Did you…want me to paint you?”
The eye widened in terror. “No-no-no-no-no,” he breathed in a rush. “No-thank-you.”
Smothering a grin, I nodded. “Okay. Well…is there any other reason for your visit?”
The little creature hesitated before asking, “We traded with Patricia. Would you like to trade? For fish?”
That was curious. I slowly lowered myself to the ground, which prompted him to flinch back a few inches, and I folded my legs under me. “I have pretty much everything I need,” I said honestly, “and a whole lot of what I want. Did you have something in mind?”
“You…like paint. We live in forgotten places, with forgotten things. But we haven’t forgotten them. Long ago, there were pigments made from minerals and clays. Kings and queens paid ransoms for them and they had portraits done that cost fortunes. The paints you have are many and varied,” he whispered, the eye flicking around the room for a moment, “but I could bring you the paints of old. Humans like those things, don’t you? Old things. Precious things.”
My lips parted in surprise. The childlike wonder in his voice made me think that he liked those things just as much. Every culture has things that it values, going back centuries or even millennia, and I realized whatever he was, his species’ culture must be the same. Especially considering he was talking about his people, the ‘we’ he spoke of, knowing of paints from hundreds of years ago.
“That would be lovely,” I told him.
And I meant it. Sure, I could literally get any pigment I wanted off the internet these days, even if some of them were pricey, but this was different. It felt special. This was paint that had value beyond a price tag. Paints like lapis lazuli, a blue used as far back as 7,000 B.C., were more than simple paint. When I saw art that had been created with it a hundred years ago, it felt like that long-cherished blue rock connected me to artists from the beginning of time.
“Would that be a fair trade?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Just fish? How much? And what kind?”
His expression, what little I could see if it, changed from anxious to subdued delight. “Sea chestnuts are my favorite. We also like king crab, and salmon roe. Not too much. I’m stronger than I look, but I am not that strong.”
I nodded slowly, committing them to memory as best I could. “Okay. Could I leave it on a plate outside my room?” I asked. “Humans…we like our private space. And this apartment is my home.”
He drooped a bit. “Many apologies for violating your space. We will cease our visits.”
“Thank you.” I gave him a half smile. “I’ll leave you a treat the first chance I get.”
“Many thanks,” he whispered. At that, he backed up, looking wobbly, and blurred against the air with a soft glow before disappearing.
Standing up and stretching, I repeated, “Sea chestnuts, king crab, salmon roe,” as I took a pen from nearby and a bit of scrap paper. Then I stopped and looked over to where the little guy had been. “Wait…cease our visits? How many times have you been here? And how many of you even are there?
Read the Crossroads Hotel stories on my Patreon
Amazon Author Page
submitted by karenvideoeditor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 02:12 karenvideoeditor A Curious Visitor

A Crossroads Hotel story
Almost two years ago
This morning when I woke up and left my bedroom, there was a large, shiny arrow made out of spider silk pointing to my art room.
That might distress you, but rest assured, I was much more concerned about what the arrow was pointing toward than what created it. That was because it had been spun by Alex, the spider that lives in my apartment, who always politely keeps to high ceiling corners, and who I gave a gender-neutral name because, considering they came from another dimension, I didn’t even know if they had genitals.
There are hardly any things in the hotel that affect my living space, and I’m pretty sure that’s by design, to the extent that the oddities are possible to control. There are five permanent residents, including me, three other staff, and the owner. So, particularly since many of us work long hours, coming upstairs after a tiring shift to otherworldly chaos would not make for productive employees. Like if, say, a stream of water had been pooling on my bed for six hours, or an animal I didn’t recognize had built a nest in the middle of my living room.
Those probably sound like odd examples for me to come up with, but I work at The Crossroads Hotel and Diner, a semi-sentient crossroads that serves as a sort of international airport equivalent for what I refer to as ‘nonlocals’. Along with the eccentric people who come through on purpose, animals or other random stuff can leak through by accident. Or who knows? Maybe they’re not all accidents, and that bird-pig-dinosaur really did think the boiler room was a great nesting place for her eggs. It was warm, after all.
Large enough to be intimidating if spotted but small enough to squish under my shoe (although I would never!) my tenant Alex the spider is mostly yellow, the lower half of their thorax a pale lavender. Fyfe and Andrea both have a spider as well, though Nancy told me she declined the offer of a tiny tenant. I thought the deal was awesome, considering the alternative of a standard Earth house spider.
The offer was pest control in exchange for living quarters (and regular meals of course), except with a spider that understood boundaries. In the few months I’d worked here, despite my occasional small talk, Alex had yet to attempt communication, so the arrow was new. Mostly I forgot they were there. I wasn’t even sure if they could speak English, but I read somewhere that talking to yourself when you lived alone wasn’t a big deal. It’s when you hear people talking back that’s the real issue, I’d reckon.
As for the arrow, it served its purpose of catching my attention immediately, shining in the light of the hallway bulb I flicked on. I stopped before I turned to enter my bathroom, looking at it worriedly. In hindsight, it was probably Alex’s best strategy. Attempting to wake me would likely have resulted in instinctive and fatal consequences, and at their size, making noises would’ve taken extraordinary effort. I know spider silk is strong, but I don’t think Alex can bench press much, so even flicking a light switch would’ve been difficult.
Warily heading down the hall and stopping in the doorway of my small art room, I flicked on the light for the overhead ceiling fan. Nothing jumped out at me, figuratively or literally, as I scanned the room. I took a few steps in, taking a closer look. Nothing moved, but something caught my eye. A large leaf clearly being held by its stem behind an easel near the wall, maybe eight by six inches, that was obscuring someone or something underneath.
“Hello?” I asked.
As much as you might think I’m venturing into horror-movie territory here, there’s no way to work at the Crossroads that doesn’t start with a crash course, and I wasn’t too concerned. Hospitality is rule one, for both guest and employee, so fights and injuries, and especially murders, on the premises are exceedingly rare. Plus, my boss wards our apartments against malevolent intent, for extra security.
The leaf didn’t so much as twitch, and I tilted my head, taking a moment to consider the situation. “I felt like there’s someone in here. Do I…have a visitor?” No movement. “It would be rude for someone to come into my home uninvited, especially my art room, but…” I let me voice trail off thoughtfully. “If they were just curious, I would forgive them. Just this once.”
Honestly, I’d forgive, but I wouldn’t forget. I did need my apartment to be the one place I knew was mine. Uninvited guests were common at the hotel, and I dealt with them, but I really didn’t want work to start following me home. I’d ask my boss to make sure it didn’t become a regular occurrence. It just felt like an overreaction to get angry at one tiny intruder, especially since my predecessor Patricia had lived here for something like forty years. For all I knew, she hadn’t been able to say goodbye to this visitor.
The leaf twitched the slightest bit and moved just enough for me to see a reddish face and an eye that belonged to an anxious expression. Considering the size of the eye and the curve of the face, it was apparent that there was a comical disproportion compared to human bodies. That being, its head was most of its body.
“Deepest apologies,” spoke a barely audible voice that might have belonged to a young man if I’d heard it without a visual reference. “You are…the new Manager.”
The tone and demeanor of the creature made me think of an insect that used camouflage and was now attempting to reclaim his blown disguise by being quiet and still. “I am. Did you mean to come here to visit Patricia?” I asked.
“No. I came…I came to see your home.”
Pausing to see if he’d continue, I eventually asked, “Did you have questions for me?”
“Not…really. I was just dreadfully curious of this room.”
“Oh,” I remarked. “My painting?”
I smiled and looked around at the mildly organized mess, a few projects completed, a few in progress. “Do you like them?”
“Very much,” he whispered.
“Did you…want me to paint you?”
The eye widened in terror. “No-no-no-no-no,” he breathed in a rush. “No-thank-you.”
Smothering a grin, I nodded. “Okay. Well…is there any other reason for your visit?”
The little creature hesitated before asking, “We traded with Patricia. Would you like to trade? For fish?”
That was curious. I slowly lowered myself to the ground, which prompted him to flinch back a few inches, and I folded my legs under me. “I have pretty much everything I need,” I said honestly, “and a whole lot of what I want. Did you have something in mind?”
“You…like paint. We live in forgotten places, with forgotten things. But we haven’t forgotten them. Long ago, there were pigments made from minerals and clays. Kings and queens paid ransoms for them and they had portraits done that cost fortunes. The paints you have are many and varied,” he whispered, the eye flicking around the room for a moment, “but I could bring you the paints of old. Humans like those things, don’t you? Old things. Precious things.”
My lips parted in surprise. The childlike wonder in his voice made me think that he liked those things just as much. Every culture has things that it values, going back centuries or even millennia, and I realized whatever he was, his species’ culture must be the same. Especially considering he was talking about his people, the ‘we’ he spoke of, knowing of paints from hundreds of years ago.
“That would be lovely,” I told him.
And I meant it. Sure, I could literally get any pigment I wanted off the internet these days, even if some of them were pricey, but this was different. It felt special. This was paint that had value beyond a price tag. Paints like lapis lazuli, a blue used as far back as 7,000 B.C., were more than simple paint. When I saw art that had been created with it a hundred years ago, it felt like that long-cherished blue rock connected me to artists from the beginning of time.
“Would that be a fair trade?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Just fish? How much? And what kind?”
His expression, what little I could see if it, changed from anxious to subdued delight. “Sea chestnuts are my favorite. We also like king crab, and salmon roe. Not too much. I’m stronger than I look, but I am not that strong.”
I nodded slowly, committing them to memory as best I could. “Okay. Could I leave it on a plate outside my room?” I asked. “Humans…we like our private space. And this apartment is my home.”
He drooped a bit. “Many apologies for violating your space. We will cease our visits.”
“Thank you.” I gave him a half smile. “I’ll leave you a treat the first chance I get.”
“Many thanks,” he whispered. At that, he backed up, looking wobbly, and blurred against the air with a soft glow before disappearing.
Standing up and stretching, I repeated, “Sea chestnuts, king crab, salmon roe,” as I took a pen from nearby and a bit of scrap paper. Then I stopped and looked over to where the little guy had been. “Wait…cease our visits? How many times have you been here? And how many of you even are there?
submitted by karenvideoeditor to storiesbykaren [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 23:33 ralo_ramone An Otherworldly Scholar [LitRPG, Isekai] - Chapter 100

“Every member of the Rosebud Fencing Academy is an orphan from the city; we don’t carry out any kind of selection process,” Elincia said, her voice carrying over the music and the guests' chatter.
Lord Osgiria’s expression remained unchanged, but thanks to [Awareness], I noticed the hints of an arrogant smirk tugging his mouth.
The nobles joined heads, murmuring and exchanging furtive looks, but I pretended not to notice. We were in trouble. The revelation might have come too early. The humble origin of the Rosebud Fencing Academy wasn’t a secret, but I wanted the nobles to have a general idea of my kids' competence before the big reveal. Without having anything to show in terms of achievements, Prince Adrien’s patronage was our only lifeline.
“A team of orphans… how picturesque. Just make sure the Aias kid doesn’t turn them into little thieves,” Lord Osgiria said as he stood and elegantly put the chair aside. Without saying a word, he turned around and left our group. That was enough for half of the nobles to leave us.
My blood froze.
Lord Osgiria was an intelligent man, tortuous but intelligent. Without resorting to violence, he had managed to undermine my character. I memorized the faces of the nobles who abandoned our group. If anything, I knew those under the influence of the Osgirian faction.
I turned around to face those who had stayed: high-rank soldiers, wealthy merchants, and members of the low nobility. Most of them seemed unsure if they should stay or follow Lord Osgiria.
“So, Prince Adrien is interested in a team of orphans. Quite intriguing if you think about it more than a second,” Lord Vedras said as he glared at Lord Osgiria’s back. “I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, Robert Clarke.”
I silently thanked him. No one in the party would risk their reputation for a no-name Scholar like me. However, Lord Vedras’s presence seemed to reassure my audience.
“Sorry, I got caught up,” Elincia whispered under her veil.
“Don’t worry about it. They weren’t our target audience in the first place,” I replied, putting my hand on hers. There was nothing we could’ve done. Lord Osgiria was out of our weight class. He was Prince Adrien’s problem.
I fixed my jacket and focused on Lord Vedras across the table.
The duke was the real question mark at the party. I wondered if he was on board with Prince Adrien's plan or just interested in what I had to say; the new trade route would greatly favor Vedras dukedom. I looked around, searching for Sir Janus, but the man was nowhere to be found. If I had to guess, he should be hiding from his old classmates in one of the rooms annexed to the ballroom.
“Now that Negative Nancy is gone, I would like to know more about the Kingdom of Connecticut,” Lord Vedras said, summoning the flying tray for the sixth time that night and grabbing a glass of amber-colored hard liquor.
Unlike Prince Adrien, Lord Vedras seemed utterly out of his element at the party. He was drinking too fast and seemed to be counting the seconds for the party to finish. If I had to guess, Lord Vedras was an outlier. All important nobles were combatants while he was a crafting class.
“Show them the cars!” Elincia said, interrupting my thoughts.
“We’d love to hear about cars,” a young woman sitting a couple meters from us cheered. She wore a white and red dress with a necklace of the red falcon catching a fish—the symbol of Ducal House Jorn, the northmost territory of the kingdom. Her skin was pale, and a hastily made hair bum held together by a wooden stylus crowned her head.
Compared to the rest of the nobles, her outfit was sloppy, as if she had put it together in a rush.
“So, cars…” I said as I channeled my mana.
Without realizing it, Elincia had put me in a tight spot.
Despite the Silence Pact between the System and me being erased, that didn’t mean telling the whole truth would be safe. Any sane noble would want to replicate the technology of my world to have an edge over the competition, and I wanted to avoid any forceful attempts to get that knowledge from me. I decided to go vintage.
“Cars are interesting but not as useful as a cart with a good horse,” I replied, summoning the illusion of one of the early cars constructed, a little more than a tricycle with a small engine strapped to the back.
With a hand movement, I expanded the illusion to match the actual size of the antique car. As clunky as I tried to make the movement look, it still surprised the nobles. Elincia seemed bored, which wasn’t a surprise, considering she was used to another level of speed. I gave her an apologetic look.
“Do you mind if I draw a sketch?” The young woman from House Jorn asked.
“Please, be my guest, Lady…” I replied. Then, I realized I didn’t know her name. I hoped my words didn’t come out offensive. After Lord Osgiria’s demonstration of contempt toward the orphanage, I had to be careful not to jeopardize the opinion of the other nobles.
“Jorn, Lady Jorn,” she casually replied, pointing at the necklace.
I couldn’t tell if she was making fun of me. Like Prince Adrien, her expression was indecipherable. [Awareness] couldn’t tell me if she was playing or being serious.
“Silly me,” I replied, trying to play it cool.
Lady Jorn pulled out a sketchbook and a charcoal pencil and started drawing with a fast and steady hand. I couldn’t tell if she was letting the System assist her, but I could tell she was good. The car seemed to come to life on the yellowy page. Soon enough, Lady Jorn was wholly absorbed in the activity.
Crisis averted.
Elincia elbowed my shoulder, not subtly enough for the nobles not to realize and just violently enough to prompt a few laughs.
“We are waiting,” Elincia said.
“Right, let’s continue with the lesson,” I replied without skipping a beat. “Next slide. Wright Brothers’ first glider. Probably the most important thing that has ever come out from Ohio.”
I looked across the room at the nobles fluttering around Lord Osgiria. If he wanted to compete for attention, I was down for a fight. I shrunk the car and left it near Lady Jorn so she could finish her sketch in peace. Then, I made the glider grow until it was half the size of the original. Several guests turned their heads around to watch the mysterious contraption.
“This is one of the first versions of the Wright Brother’s glider. Who can guess what this hulk does?” I asked with my best teacher's voice.
“Glide, evidently. Nomads of the Sahnar Kingdom have similar vehicles they use to glide through salt flats,” Lady Jorn replied without raising her head from her sketchbook. I had taught enough know-it-all kids to recognize one. I wondered if she was a Scholar.
“Good instinct,” I replied, making the glider take off and fly over the heads of the dancers towards Lord Osgiria’s group. Then, the glider turned around and returned to our table, catching the attention of most of the nobles.
“It glides through the air!” an old, bald Baron said. “These would’ve been useful during the Sky Pirate era.”
“And without any mana involved,” I replied to everyone’s surprise.
Lady Jorn gave me a suspicious look before resuming her scribbling. She hurried to finish with the car to start the sketch of the glider. After the initial reluctance to engage with my demonstration, the nobles slowly put their reservations aside and started asking questions. I tried to dance around hard physics, claiming that all the gadgets I had shown them were mere experiments of famous Tinkerers without real use in everyday life.
Other than Lady Jorn, the audience seemed to buy my lies.
Elincia raised her eyebrows, judging me for the river of blatant lies that was coming out of my mouth. It was better to keep it that way; just entertaining enough to keep them focused on my illusions but not enough to leave nobles wanting to develop aeronautic warfare.
Lord Osgiria and his clique watched my illusions across the ballroom, but as curious as they were, none dared come near to examine them more thoroughly. I lost the notion of time as I amazed the guests with my illusions. I felt like a fair charlatan showing eye-catching yet useless gadgets to the unsuspecting bystanders. Gradually, as the night progressed, my audience thinned. As interesting as my illusions were, nobles had much more to do.
[Awareness] fed me with snips of conversation at the nearby tables. Trade agreements, exchanges of favors, marriage lobbying, promises of military aid, and much more were happening around my humble illusion. A kingdom was moving, alliances changed, and I was trapped as a circus monkey.
After several hours of illusions and dozens of invitations to have dinner during the week, I was left alone with Lord Vedras, Lady Jorn, and Elincia.
“It is surprising you kept their attention for so long,” Lord Vedras said as he sipped from the umpteenth glass of wine of the night. I would’ve expected the man to be more inebriated, but I noticed he took sips from one of his potions occasionally.
An anti-drunkenness potion sounded pretty handy.
“Aren’t you going to join them, My Lord?” I asked, hoping for the wine to have loosened his tongue.
“Let’s say that after months in the front line, I’m glad to be among fellow non-combatants,” he replied, lost in his drink.
Lady Jorn left her sketchbook for the first time in the night. She had moved to our table at Lord Vedras' request, so I assumed she was highly positioned in the kingdom’s politics. She had to be closely related to Duke Jorn.
“For combatants, war is a sport. The more you kill, the more you improve, the more powerful you become. That only serves to make combatants vacuous, murderous muscle-heads,” Lady Jorn complained, seemingly ignoring that ninety percent of the party and most of the high nobility were combatants. “If support classes ruled, the kingdom would be in a way better standing.”
Lord Vedras raised an eyebrow, and I refrained from making any comments.
“Are you an Alchemist too, Lady Jorn?” Elincia broke the awkward silence.
The young woman shook her head. “I’m a Scholar… and I don’t want to bring Victor Osgiria back to the conversation, but I also find it hard to believe that someone who became a Scholar at twenty-two is better than someone with seven years of experience. Even with all your previous instruction, there are things you can only accomplish with a Class.”
My hunch was correct. Lady Jorn was a Scholar, which was fairly obvious in hindsight, considering she was omnivorous and insatiable for knowledge. No matter what I showed them, she sketched, took notes, and asked dozens of questions. Everything while maintaining her smarty-pants aura.
“It’s rude to force others to show their Personal Sheets, Lyra,” Lord Vedras scolded her. “Even more if you are a noble putting pressure on commoners.”
The girl wasn’t having any of it.
“Personal Sheets are something to be studied, not hidden away. You, as an Alchemist, might want to keep your recipes hidden, but we Scholars wear our titles like badges of honor,” she replied, unapologetic.
Then, with a gesture of her charcoal pencil, a System prompt appeared from thin air.
Name: Lyra Jorn, Human. (Bright) Class: Scholar Lv.28 Titles: Insufferable, Jorn Heir, Crush on Mentor, Copper Scholar, Adept Orator, Adept Investigator, Journeyman Mathematician, Novice Ecologist. Passive: Riding Lv.3, Eidetic Memory, Mana Manipulation, Awareness. Skills: Identify, Magical Ink, Minor Illusion, Ward, Silence Dome, Invigoration.
I felt like I was seeing something I shouldn’t. Lady Jorn, however, was unfazed, at least on the surface. Her titles weren’t half bad for someone as young as her.
“I have nothing to hide. If the System decided to put all of that into my Personal Sheet, then I shall not be embarrassed,” she said, despite her cheeks catching a slight shade of red.
Considering Lord Vedras and Elincia’s expression, the girl was totally making a fool of herself. I took a long sip from my glass of wine. The secondhand embarrassment was getting to me, but she remained stalwart, showing her Character Sheet to everyone who turned their heads to our table.
“I have nothing to be ashamed of,” she muttered, turning redder by the second.
I fought not to hide my face beneath my hands as I wondered why people suddenly decided to put themselves in that situation. Lady Jorn’s chances to save face were almost nonexistent unless any of us reciprocated. I sighed and summoned my own Character Sheet.
Name: Robert Clarke, Human. Class: Scholar Lv.15 Titles: Out of your League, Hot for Teacher, Confidant, Classroom Fiend, Researcher of the Hidden, Favorite Teacher (97), Father Figure (2), Master Tutor, Headmaster, Silver Scholar, Delinquent Reformer (5), Stalwart Mentor (7), Making the Difference, Role Model, Expert Mathematician, Expert Physicist, Adept Historian, Adept Linguist, Journeyman Biologist, Novice Chemist, Novice Orator. Passive: Lv.5 Swordsmanship, Mana Mastery, Awareness, Master of Languages. Skills: Identify, Stun Gaze, Intimidate, Minor Illusion.
Lady Jorn gawked at my Character Sheet with wide-open eyes.
“Curious. Both of you—” Lord Vedras said.
“It’s a Scholar thing. Everyone knows it,” Lady Jorn quickly replied.
The table fell into an awkward silence. Despite Lord Vedras and Lady Jorn being part of important ducal families, they had little to no chemistry. They exchanged brief news from their relatives –Lady Jorn’s father was serving in the army, and she hadn’t seen him in a couple of years- but the conversation died out before I could learn anything about the high spheres of the kingdom.
“You should be teaching at the Imperial Library,” Lady Jorn said.
“Are you attending classes there?” I replied, but my question seemed to put her in a difficult position. Lady Jorn’s mask showed a slim crack for the second time in the night. My teacher’s intuition told me Lady Jorn was hiding something.
“Something like that,” she sparsely replied, grabbing her sketchbook and shielding herself from further questioning.
For an instant, she looked as young as Firana.
People of this world took around three years to hit level twenty and the first ‘softcap’. Lady Jorn was Lv.28, which meant she should be in her early or mid-twenties. On the other hand, the [Bright] trait might have significantly boosted her progress. At least in appearance, Lady Jorn didn’t seem to have reached drinking age yet.
Asking Lady Jorn about her academic problems might have been overstepping the boundaries of our non-existent relationship, but I couldn’t help but feel worried. If anything, Lord Vedras was the one who should be asking. If I had followed the conversation correctly, they were distant relatives. The man, however, was more interested in Elincia’s explanation about the local alchemy ingredients.
Suddenly, Lady Jorn’s eyes shot wide open, and her face became paler than usual. A shiver ran down my spine. Standing beside me was a massive man with blonde, almost white hair. His coal-black eyes stood out against his red and white silk surcoat with a red falcon catching a fish embroidered on his chest. The bird was so realistic that it seemed about to flutter off the fabric. He had made no sound, nor had my [Awareness] detected a single mana particle coming from his direction.
The charcoal pencil fell from Lady Jorn’s stained hand and broke over the table.
“Hello, father. It’s been a while, uh? Two years? I’m a Scholar now,” she said with a trembling voice. Her whole body trembled.
“I just had a conversation with Preceptor Holst about your third year at the Imperial Library,” Lord Jorn said softly. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on its ends. I had never heard such a calm yet menacing voice. “He told me you were expelled during the first semester.”
“I swear to the System it wasn’t my fault,” Lady Jorn said, her expression overrun by panic.
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submitted by ralo_ramone to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 17:03 santiterry Names of babies recently born in Görlitz district (Lower Saxony, Germany)

Names of parents in brackets.
submitted by santiterry to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 19:49 pinkygonzales Complete List of Portland Bands & Artists

When I started PDX Presents, I had a very hard time finding a comprehensive list of Portland-based artists that resembled anything current. After a year and a half of personal research, and with the help of a few local club bookers and the tremendous support of the portlandmusic community, I have assembled the list below in order to help others better navigate the local music scene.
A fully searchable, sortable, and filterable version, including Instagram and Spotify links, is now live at
To suggest changes and additions, please feel free to DM me, post a comment below, or use the contact form on and I will continue to keep the list current to the very best of my ability. I cannot thank everyone here enough for your help and support in putting it together.
This list and directory linked above were last updated 5/17/24

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submitted by pinkygonzales to portlandmusic [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 17:29 Boooooooooo9 Help required for an index of historical romance books involving a main character with physical disability

It’s one of our goals, in HistoricalRomance, to help people find books they will love, including diverse book. That’s why we’re currently working on a community resource showcasing diversity! As a part of this project, I searched all the historical romance books that feature a main character with disability.
Taking this into account, it’s not always easy to know what’s really in a book without having to read it. That’s why I make this post, asking for everyone in this community to help me. I have made a list of historical romance involving a main character who has a PHYSICAL DISABILITY. This is important because the word disability can include a lot of things, but as of now, this list and the help I need from you is only about physical disability (the disability doesn’t need to be visible, but it needs to be classified as a physical disability). Even if scars can be dishabilitating, they’re not included in this list either. This list also won’t include things like selective mutism since it’s not caused by anything physical, but this will be included in the final result.
What is exactly the help I’m looking for? Well, if I made any mistakes in this list, let me know. Any precision about the disability featured in a book listed is welcome. Any CW important to mention is welcomed as well. If the character is no longer disabled by the end of the book, it’s also something important to mention. And lastly, if you know a book that would fit in this list but it’s not mentioned, let me know the title, the author, the character who is disable and what exactly is the disability of this character.
I know this is a lot, but I want to offer to this sub the most accurate and helpful list possible. Thank you very much for your help!
PS: while I’m trying to not use any inappropriate terminology, it’s possible that I made some mistakes, if that’s the case, please let me know so that I can edit my post!

The list is ranked by alphabetical order of the author’s name:
- Alexa Aston, Devoted to the duke (FMC has a limp)
- Alexandra Hawkins, Till dawn with the devil (FMC has partial blindness)
- Alexis Hall, A lady for a duke (MMC uses a cane)
- Alice Coldbreath, Her bridegroom, bought and paid for (MMC is blind from one eye)
- Alissa Johnson, McAlistair’s forturne (FMC has a limp)
- Alysson Jeleyne, The solemn Bell (FMC is blind)
- Amanda Quick, Deception (MMC has one eye missing)
- Amanda Quick, Reckless (FMC has a limp)
- Amanda Quick, Surrender (MMC has a limp)
- Amanda Quick, The girl who knew too much (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Amelia Grey, Wedding night with the earl (FMC has a limp)
- Ann Barker, A gift for a rake (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Anna Harrington, How the duke saved Christmas (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Anne Gracie, Gallant Waif (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Anne Gracie, The summer bride (FMC has a limp)
- Arlem Hawks, The steadfast heart (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Audrey Harrison, The captain’s wallflower (MMC is blind)
- Barbara Devlin, The accidental duke (MMC has a missing arm)
- Barbara Hazard, The guarded heart (MMC has a limp)
- Barbara Metger, A loyal companion (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Beth Williamson, Lee (MMC has a missing arm)
- Bonnie Dee, The hearing heart (MMC is deaf)
- Brenda Joyce, After innocence (FMC has a limp)
- Brenda Joyce, The conqueror (FMC has amblyopia)
- Brenda Joyce, The perfect bride (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Brooke Stanton, Serena’s silence (FMC is mute)
- Callie Hutton, A prescription for love (FMC has asthma)
- Candice Hern, Fate strikes a bargain (FMC has a limp)
- Carla Kelly, Reforming lord Ragsdale (MMC has a blind eye)
- Carla Kelly, Summer campaign (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Carla Kelly, The admiral’s penniless bride (MMC has a hook instead of a hand)
- Carla Kelly, The wedding ring quest (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Caroline Linden, It takes a scandal (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Carrie Lofty, What a scoundrel wants (FMC is blind)
- Cassandra Austin, Wait for the sunrise (MMC is blind)
- Cat Sebastian, The queer principles of Kitt Webb (One of the MMC has a leg impairment)
- Cat Sebastian, The soldier’s scoundrel (One of the MMC has a leg impairment)
- Catherine Anderson, Annie’s song (FMC is deaf)
- Catherine Anderson, Velvet touch (FMC has a limp)
- Catherine Coulter, Moonspun magic (FMC has a limp)
- Celeste Bradley, The charmer (MMC has an impaired arm)
- Celeste de Blasis, The tiger’s woman (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Charlotte Featherstone, Temptation and twilight (FMC is blind)
- Cheryl St. John, Sweet Annie (FMC uses a wheelchair)
- Christi Caldwell, A season of hope (MMC has a missing eye)
- Christi Caldwell, Seduced by a lady’s heart (MMC has a missing arm)
- Christi Caldwell, To redeem a rake (FMC has a limp)
- Christina Britton, A duke worth fighting for (MMC has a limp)
- Christina Dodd, Candle in the window (FMC and MMC are both blind)
- Christine Merill, Lady Folbroke’s delicious deception (MMC is blind)
- Christine Sterling, The farmer’s bride (MMC has a prostetic leg)
- Claire Devon, The blind duke’s ward (MMC is blind)
- Claudia Stone, Proposing to a duke (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Colette Cameron, Bride of falcon (FMC has a limp and MMC has missing fingers)
- Danelle Harmon, Taken by storm (MMC has a limp)
- Danelle Harmon, The beloved one (MMC is blind)
- Dawn Mactavish, Prisoner of the flames (FMC is blind)
- Deana James, Seek only passion (MMC has a blind eye)
- Deborah Simmons, The companion (MMC suffers from a limp)
- Delilah Marvelle, The perfect scandal (FMC has a missing leg)
- Diana Palmer, Midnight rider (FMC has asthma)
- Diane Gatson, A lady of notoriety (MMC is blind)
- Dinah Dean, The cockermouth mail (MMC has a knee injury)
- Donna Fletcher, Highlander unchained (FMC is mute)
- Donna Lea Simpson, The guilded knight (MMC has a limp)
- Edna Maye Manley, Agatha (FMC has a limp)
- Edie Harris, The corrupt comte (FMC has a speech impediment)
- Eilen Dryer, Never a gentleman (FMC has a limp)
- Eilen Putman, The dastardly duke (FMC is deaf)
- Elisa Braden, Ever yours, Annabelle (MMC uses a cane)
- Elisa Braden, The taming of a highlander (MMC has a missing eye)
- Elisabeth Fairchild, The silent suitor (FMC is blind)
- Elisabeth Hobbes, The saxon outlaw’s revenge (FMC has a leg impairment)
- Eliza Knight, The highlander’s gift (MMC has a missing arm)
- Elizabeth Cole, A winter’s knight (MMC has a missing leg)
- Elizabeth Everett, A perfect equation (MMC has seizure as a child)
- Elizabeth Hoyt, Dearest rogue (FMC is blind and MMC uses a cane)
- Elizabeth Mansfield, The phantom lover (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Elizabeth Rolls, The unexpected bride (FMC is blind)
- Ellen O’Connel, Without words (FMC is mute)
- Eloisa James, How the beauty tamed the beast (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Eloisa James, Fool for love (FMC has a limp)
- Eloisa James With this kiss (MMC become blind)
- Emily Bascon, Major Westhaven’s unwilling ward (MMC has a missing leg)
- Emily Larkin, The baronet’s bride (MMC has a missing arm)
- Emily Larkin, The spinster’s secret (MMC has missing fingers)
- Emma Jensen, Entwined (MMC is blind)
- Emma Linfield, His blind duchess (FMC is blind)
- Emma V. Leech, To tame a savage heart (one of the MMC has a missing leg)
- Emma V. Leech, Truly, madly, daring (MMC is blind)
- Erica Ridley, My rogue to ruin (FMC is partially deaf)
- Erica Ridley, The major’s faux fiancée (MMC has a missing leg)
- Erica Ridley, Never say duke (MMC has a limp)
- Erin Knightley, The baron next door (MMC has headaches due to spinal injury)
- Eva Devon, My wild duke (FMC has a limp)
- Eve Silver, Dark prince (FMC has a leg impairment)
- Felicity Niven, When ardor Blooms (MMC has a limp)
- Gabrielle Car, Designing his duchess (FMC has an earing impairment)
- Gayle Callen, Surrender to the earl (FMC is blind)
- Gayle Callen, The viscount in her bedroom (MMC is blind)
- Gayle Wilson, Bride by engagement (MMC is blind)
- Gayle Wilson, His secret duchess (MMC has a limp)
- Gayle Wilson, Lady Sarah’s son (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Gayle Wilson, The gambler’s heart (MMC has a blind eye)
- Gayle Wilson, The heart’s desire (MMC has a limp)
- Georgette Heyer, An infamous army (MMC has a missing arm)
- Georgette Heyer, The convenient marriage (FMC has a speech impediment)
- Geralyn Dawson, The wedding ramson (FMC has rheumathism)
- Grace Burrowes, How to catch a duke (MMC uses a cane)
- Grace Burrowes, Morgan and Archer (FMC is partially deaf)
- Grace Burrowes, The virtuoso (MMC…)
- Grace Burrowes, The MacGregor’s lady (FMC has a limp)
- Gwyneth Atkee, Innocent Deceptions (MMC has a prostetic leg)
- Hannah Howell, Highland savage (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Heather Blanton, To love and to honor (MMC has a missing leg)
- Heather Boyd, Broke, (FMC has chronic pain)
- Heather Cullman, Bewitched (MMC has seizure)
- Heidi Cullinan, A private gentleman (One of the MMC has a speech impediment)
- Holly Bush, Reconstructing Jackson (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Isabelle Bradford, A wicked pursuit (MMC has a leg impairment)
- J’nell Ciesielski, Beauty among ruins (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Jane Feather, Valentine (MMC has chronic headaches)
- Janette Oke, Love finds a home (MMC has a missing arm)
- Janice Graham, The tailor’s daughter (FMC is deaf)
- Janna McGregor, Rules for engaging the earl (MMC has a limp)
- Jeanne Savery, Taming Lord Renwick (MMC is almost blind)
- Jeanne Savery, The Christmas gift (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Jennifer Horsman, With one look (FMC is blind)
- Jennifer Monroe, Whisper of light (MMC has a limp)
- Jenny Holiday, The miss Mirren mission (MMC has a missing hand)
- Jess Michaels, The silent duke (MMC is mute)
- Jessica Coutler Smith, To kiss a lord (FMC has a limp)
- Jill Barnett, Just a kiss away (MMC has a missing eye)
- Jill Barnett, Wild (MMC is becoming mute)
- Jill Marie Landis, Blue moon (MMC has a missing eye)
- Jillian Hart, Homespun bride (FMC is blind)
- Jo Beverly, Hazard (FMC has a limp)
- Jo Goodman, More than you know (FMC is blind)
- Jo Goodman, My heart’s desire (MMC has an arm impairment)
- Joan Johnston, After the kiss (MMC has an impaired hand)
- Joan Wolf, The edge of light (MMC has chronic headaches)
- Joanna Bourne, The spymaster’s lady (FMC is blind)
- Joanna Chambers, The first snow of winter (MMC has a missing leg)
- Joanna Lowell, Dark season (FMC has epilepsy)
- Joanna Shupe, A notorious vow (MMC is deaf)
- Joanna Waugh, Blind fortune (FMC is blind)
- John C. Houser, The door behind us (One of the MMC has a missing leg)
- Josi C. Kilpack, Love and lavender (FMC has a limp)
- Judith A. Landsowne, A devilish dilemma (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Judith Ivory, Beast (MMC has a blind eye and a limp)
- Judith Ivory, Untie my heart (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Julie Garwood, Castles (MMC has a limp)
- Julia Justiss, A most unconventional match (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Julia Justiss, The rake to reveal her (MMC has a missing arm)
- Julia Latham, Taken and seduced (FMC has a limp)
- Julia London, A princess by Christmas (MMC has a deaf ear)
- Julia London, The dangerous gentleman (MMC is blind)
- Julia Quinn, First comes scandal (FMC has asthma)
- Julia Quinn, The duke and I (MMC has a speech impairment)
- Julia Quinn, The sum of all kisses (MMC has a limp)
- Julia Quinn, Dancing at midnight (MMC has a limp)
- Julianna Gray, How to tame your duke (MMC has a missing arm)
- Julie Klassen, The silent governess (FMC is mute)
- Julie Moffett, The thorn and the thistle (MMC has an impaired hand)
- K.A. Mitchell, An improper holliday (One of the MMC has a missing arm)
- K.J. Charles, An unsuitable heir (MMC has a missing arm)
- K.J. Charles, Think of England (One of the MMC has a impaired arm)
- Karen Hawkins, How to entice an enchantress (MMC has a limp)
- Karen Hawkins, The seduction of Sara (MMC has chronic headaches)
- Karen Ranney, Tapestry (MMC has a blind eye)
- Karen Ranney, The lass wore black (FMC has a movement impairment)
- Karen Robards, Scandalous (FMC has a limp)
- Karen Witemeyer, To win her heart (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Karyn Monk, Once a warrior (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Kat Martin, Night secrets (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Kate Bateman, The princess and the rogue (MMC has a deaf ear)
- Kate Noble, The summer of you (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Kate Pearce, loving Michael (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Katherine Hale, The curse of the Redmonts (FMC has a limp)
- Kathleen Baldwin, Mistaken kiss (FMC is nearly blind)
- Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, A rose in winter (MMC has a limp)
- Kerrygan Byrne, The duke with the dragon tattoo (FMC has a limp)
- Kerrygan Byrne, The highwayman (MMC has a blind eye)
- Keta Diablo, Land of falling stars (FMC is blind)
- Kimberly Bell, A scandal by any other name (FMC has spina bifida)
- Kit Morgan, The healing touch (MMC is blind)
- Kris Tualla, The discreet gentleman serie (MMC is deaf)
- Lacy Williams, A cowboy for Christmas (FMC has a missing arm)
- Laura Kinsale, Flowers from the storm (MMC has medical condition after a stroke)
- Laura Kinsale, The prince of midnight (MMC has a deaf ear)
- Laura Landon, Cast in the shadows (MMC has seizures)
- Laura Landon, Shattered dreams (FMC has a leg impairment)
- Laura Landon, Silent revenge (FMC is mute)
- Laura Lee Gurke, His every kiss (MMC has tinnitus)
- Laura Renken, Heart of the Condor (FMC is blind)
- Lauren Smith, Her wicked proposal (MMC is blind)
- Laurie Grant, Love’s own crown (FMC is blind)
- Laurie Grant, Lawman (MMC has a blind eye)
- Laurie Grant, Maggie and the Maverick (MMC has a missing eye)
- LaVryle Spencer, The gamble (FMC has a hip disability)
- Lecia Cornwall, Beauty and the Highland beast (FMC has a limp)
- Lecia Cornwall, What a lady most desires (MMC is blind)
- Leigh Greenwood, Violet (MMC has a missing arm)
- Lenora Bell, Love is a rogue (FMC has palsy)
- Lily George, Captain of her heart (MMC has a missing leg)
- Lily Maxton, Enchanting the earl (MMC has a missing leg)
- Lindsay McKenna, Lord of Shadowhack (FMC is blind and MMC has a limp)
- Lisa Kleypas, Again the magic (FMC has a limp)
- Lisa Kleypas, Devil in spring (FMC has a deaf hear)
- Lisa Kleypas, Devil in winter (FMC has a speech impediment)
- Lisa Kleypas, Midnight angel (MMC has a missing hand)
- Loretta Chase, Miss Wonderful (MMC has a limp)
- Lorraine Heath, She tempts the duke (MMC has a missing eye)
- Lorraine Heath, Surrender to the devil (MMC is losing his eyesight)
- Lorraine Heath, The lady and the outlaw (FMC is blind)
- Lucinda Brant, Dair devil (FMC uses a cane)
- Lucy Ashford, The major and the pickpocket (MMC has a limp)
- Lyn Stone, The highland wife (MMC his deaf)
- Lynn Kurland, This is all I ask (MMC is blind)
- Maddison Michaels, The bachelor bargain (FMC uses a cane and a wheelchair)
- Madeline Martin, Mesmerizing the Marquis (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Maggie Robinson, Redeeming lord Ryder (FMC is mute)
- Manda Collins, How to romance a rake (FMC has a limp)
- Margo Maguire, Brash (FMC has a limp)
- Margo Maguire, The bride hunt (MMC has a missing eye)
- Marie Higgins, Love comes blindly (MMC is blind)
- Marjorie Farell, Miss Ware’s refusal (MMC is blind)
- Martha Waters, To woo and to wed (MMC uses a cane)
- Mary Balogh, Always remember (FMC uses a wheelchair)
- Mary Balogh, Dancing with Clara (FMC uses a wheelchair)
- Mary Balogh, Lord Carew’s bride (MMC has a limp and an hand impairment)
- Mary Balogh, Only enchanting (MMC has a brain injury that caused him to forget things, to have a speech impediment, etc.)
- Mary Balogh, Red rose (FMC has a limp)
- Mary Balogh, Silent melody (FMC is deaf)
- Mary Balogh, Simply love (MMC has a missing eye and a missin arm)
- Mary Balogh, The arrangement (MMC is blind)
- Mary Balogh, The escape (MMC almost has missing legs)
- Mary Balogh, The proposal (FMC has a limp)
- Mary Balogh, The suitor (MMC is blind)
- Mary Jo Putney, Silk and shadows (FMC has a limp)
- Mary Jo Putney, Veils of silk (MMC has a missing eye)
- Mary Spencer, The vow (FMC has a speech impediment)
- Maya Banks, Never seduce a Scot (FMC is deaf)
- Melody Thomas, The perfect kiss (MMC has a limp)
- Merry Farmer, His perfect bride (MMC has legs impairment)
- Merry Farmer, The Scandal of a perfect kiss (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Merry Farmer, Under his lover’s wing (MMC has a deaf ear)
- Michele Sinclair, The Christmas knight (MMC has a missing eye)
- Michelle Willingham, A match made in London (FMC has a speech impediment)
- Michelle Willingham, Good earls don’t lie (FMC has difficulties walking after a medical condition)
- Michelle Willingham, Tempted by the Highlander warrior (MMC is mute)
- Michelle Willingham, The warrior’s forbidden virgin (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Michelle Willingham, The warrior’s touch (MMC has hand impairment)
- Mimi Matthew, Appointment in Bath (FMC has a speech impediment)
- Mimi Matthew, The lost letter (MMC has a blind eye)
- Mimi Matthew, The winter companion (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Mimi Matthew, The work of art (MMC uses a cane)
- Minerva Spencer, Selina (MMC is blind)
- Miranda Davis, The duke’s tattoo (MMC had a leg impairment)
- Miriam Minger, Wild roses (FMC has a limp)
- Monya Clayton, The pirate and the puritan (FMC is mute)
- Nadine Miller, An unlikely angel (MMC has a limp)
- Nancy Butler, The prodigal hero (MMC has a missing hand)
- Nancy Butler, Prospero’s daughter (FMC uses a wheelchair)
- Norma Lee Clark, Lady Jane (MMC has health issue that stopped him from growing and other things)
- Paige Cameron, The duke’s blind temptation (MMC is blind)
- Patricia Grasso, Tempting the prince (MMC is blind)
- Patricia Ryan, Silken threads (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Patricia Verian, Never doubt I love (MMC has a prostetic leg)
- Patricia Verian, The Mandarin of Mayfair (FMC has a limp)
- Paty Jager, Doctor in petticoats (MMC is blind)
- Renee Bernard, Blind Aphrodite (FMC is blind)
- Renee Bernard, Passion wears pearls (MMC is losing his eyesight)
- Robin Lee Hatcher, Chances are (MMC has a blind eye)
- Robyn DeHart, The secret of Mia Danvers (FMC is blind)
- Rosalyn Alsobrook, Wild western bride (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Rosalyn West, A man’s touch (MMC is blind)
- Rose Gordon, The perfect lady Worthe (FMC uses a wheelchair)
- Rose Lerner, Sweet disorder (MMC uses a cane)
- Ruby Moone, The heat of the moment (one of the MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Ruth Ann Nordin, Loving Eliza (MMC is mute)
- Ruth Ann Nordin, The reclusive earl (MMC has a lisp)
- S.M. LaViolette, The footman (FMC has a limp)
- Sabrina Jeffries, A notorious love (FMC has a limp)
- Sabrina York, Hannah and the Highlander (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Sally Vixen, The blind duchess and her rakish duke (FMC is blind)
- Samantha Garver, One night to be sinful (FMC has a limp)
- Samantha James, Every wish fulfilled (FMC has a limp)
- Samantha Kane, Defeated by love (one of the MMC has a missing eye)
- Sarah Brophy, Midnight eyes (FMC is blind)
- Sasha Lord, Across a wild sea (FMC is blind)
- Shana Galen, Sweet rogue of mine (MMC is blind)
- Sharon Cullen, Sutherland’s secret (FMC is mute)
- Sharon Page, Engage in sin (MMC is blind)
- Sheri Humphrey, A hero to hold (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Shirlee Busbee, Scandal becomes her (FMC …)
- Shirley Kiger Connolly (MMC has a limp)
- Sophia James, One unashamed night (MMC is losing his eyesight)
- Sophie Jordan, How to lose a bride in one night (FMC has a limp)
- Sorcha MacMurrough, The model master (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Stacy Reid, My darling duke (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Stacy Reid, The duke and I (FMC uses a cane)
- Stacy Reid, The marquess and I (FMC is blind)
- Stace Reid, When the earl met his match (MMC is mute)
- Stella Cameron, Bride (FMC has a limp)
- Stella Riley, The parfit knight (FMC is blind)
- Susan Carrol, Winterbourne (FMC has a foot impairment)
- Susan King, The heather moon (FMC has an hand impairment)
- Susan Spencer Paul, Beguiled (FMC has difficulty to speak because of damaged vocal cords)
- Susan Wiggs, Halfway to heaven (FMC has a foot impairment)
- Susannah Carleton, A twist of fate (FMC is hard of hearing)
- Suzanne Enoch, A lady’s guide to improper behaviour (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Suzanne Enoch, England’s perfect hero (MMC has a limp)
- Suzanne Robinson, Lod of the dragon (FMC has a limp)
- Tami Dee, Innocent deception (MMC has a speech impediment)
- Tanya Anne Crosby, On bended knee (FMC has a limp)
- Taylor Chase, heart of night (FMC has a hand impairment)
- Taylor Ryan, Beauty and the beast (MMC uses a wheelchair)
- Teresa Medeiros, Yours until dawn (MMC is blind)
- Terri Brisbin, His ennemy’s daughter (FMC is blind)
- Terri Brisbin, The highlander’s substitute bride (FMC has an impaired arm)
- Tessa Dare, A night to surrender (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Tessa Dare, Romancing the duke (MMC is blind)
- Tessa Dare, The beauty and the blacksmith (FMC has asthma)
- Tessa Dare, Three night with a scoundrel (FMC is deaf)
- Tessa Dare, Twice tempted by a rogue (MMC has impaired fingers and leg)
- Theresa Romain, Fortune favors the wicked (MMC is blind)
- Theresa Romain, It takes two to tangle (MMC has an arm impairment)
- Vanessa Riley, A duke, a lady and a baby (MMC has a missing leg)
- Victoria Holt, Menfreya in the morning (FMC has a limp)
- Viola Grey, His hellion ward (MMC has a leg impairment)
- Virginia Heath, A warriner to rescue her (FMC has a leg impairment)
- Virginia Heath, How to woo a wallflower (FMC has a limp)
- Vivienne Lorret, This earl is on fire (FMC has a limp)
submitted by Boooooooooo9 to HistoricalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 07:22 itsallalittleblurry2 An Ever-Winding Road 4

And Bronson, from that day forward, was no longer Bron, but “Johnny Torch.” He didn’t seen to care for it. Which was irrelevant. WE did, which was the point.
We all acquired new names as time passed, I suppose. Or most of us. One could come about in any number of ways.
Say, in general: it might be a combination of a play on a name and perceived state of morality. A lass by the name of Maybelline might be called “Maybe”, while her more adventurous sister Delfinea is “Definitely.”
You begin to see how it works.
A new name might derive from one or more physical attributes. There was one young man, a dear friend of mine, who was of singularly unwholesome countenance. So naturally, to us all he was “Ug.”
It might have to do with unanswered questions. A whirlywind came through our tent city base camp in the desert once. Many things became airborne. Only four casualties, though. A broken leg from a falling tent pole, someone clipped in the head by a flying folding chair (we all knew at least He’d be all right), and two individuals who’d chosen an unfortunate moment to visit the row of portapotties a short distracting from the camp. None of them were happy.
But a pair of boxer drawers had been caught on an unuprooted tent guy line. Black silk, with small white whales cavorting upon them. With tiny, beady red eyes.
They went unclaimed, though a certain young Lieutenant we had fell under some scrutiny and suspicion.
Now, I had nothing at all against a good pair of silk boxers. In fact, I had at that time two pairs of my very own. I had found them, years before, to be quite comfortable, and to help prevent chafing. But mine were one pair each of Marine Corps green and red. There were limits. So I chose to not disclose that information out of personal pride. It would be immediately assumed that these were mine, and I wouldn’t want it thought that I had such embarrassingly garish taste.
So the identity of “Nancy” will remain forever unknown but to Nancy himself. Christened in absentia.
Or a given name might come about due to perceived character defect. “Brown nose buddy-fucking rat bastard sonofabitch!!” is probably self-explanatory. That young man was one of the Clumsiest individuals I’ve ever known. He fell down a lot, and was forever running into things. I have no explanation.
My own given name at Parris Island in the now distant past was “Shitforbrains.” I was christened quite early. Still in the olive drab green womb, as it were. For reasons that I choose at this time to not disclose.
But you know, I came in time to take great pride in it. I thought I might as well, since everything I did seemed only to reinforce the opinion. If you’re going to do something, then by George do it right! Don’t hold back. I have never been anything if not thorough and consistent. My Senior told me so. Myself personally. Often.
But suffice to say, when ordered to sound off with it, do not become confused from confusion, lack of sleep, and hereditary befuddlement, and then stand there in silence as time passes as slowly as sands through an hour glass, as in these the days of our lives, and try to remember: “What IS my last name?”
If you forget your old one, you then will be given a new one, and you may or may not like it. But own it, for it is now yours. You will be required to answer to it, and thereafter with it to yourself refer. So that you are never tempted to forget just what an idiot you really are.
submitted by itsallalittleblurry2 to FuckeryUniveristy [link] [comments]

2023.12.31 12:29 yawningvoid28 Turner Classic Movies (U.S.) Daily Schedule for January, 2024.

(1:00AM) Fear of a Black Hat (1993/1h 23m/Comedy/Rusty Cundieff)
(2:45AM) The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977/1h 30m/Comedy/John Landis)
(4:15AM) Murder by Death (1976/1h 34m/Comedy/Robert Moore)
(6:00AM) Gojira (1954/1h 19m/HorroIshirô Honda)
(8:00AM) Godzilla Raids Again (1955/1h 18m/HorroMotoyoshi Odo)
(9:30AM) Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964/1h 30m/HorroIshirô Honda)
(11:15AM) Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964/1h 25m/HorroIshirô Honda)
(1:00PM) Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965/1h 33m/HorroIshirô Honda)
(2:45PM) Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966/1h 27m/HorroJun Fukuda)
(4:30PM) Son of Godzilla (1967/1h 26m/HorroJun Fukuda)
(6:15PM) Destroy All Monsters (1969/1h 28m/HorroIshirô Honda)
(8:00PM) Monkey Business (1931/1h 17m/Comedy/Norman Mcleod)
(9:30PM) Horse Feathers (1932/1h 10m/Comedy/Norman Mcleod)
(10:45PM) A Night at the Opera (1935/1h 36m/Comedy/Sam Wood)
(12:30AM) A Day at the Races (1937/1h 45m/Comedy/Sam Wood)
(2:30AM) Room Service (1938/1h 18m/Comedy/William A. Seiter)
(4:00AM) At the Circus (1939/1h 27m/Comedy/Edward Buzzell)
(6:00AM) Children of the Damned (1964/1h 30m/HorroAnton M. Leader)
(7:45AM) The Incredible Mr. Limpet (1964/1h 42m/Comedy/Arthur Lubin)
(9:30AM) 7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964/1h 40m/HorroGeorge Pal)
(11:15AM) The Night of the Iguana (1964/2h 5m/Drama/John Huston)
(1:15PM) A Hard Day's Night (1964/1h 32m/Musical/Richard Lester)
(2:45PM) Murder Most Foul (1964/1h 30m/Mystery/George Pollock)
(4:30PM) Viva Las Vegas (1964/1h 26m/Musical/George Sidney)
(6:00PM) Sex and the Single Girl (1964/1h 54m/Comedy/Richard Quine)
(8:00PM) Out of the Past (1947/1h 37m/Film-NoiJacques Tourneur)
(9:45PM) The Big Steal (1949/1h 11m/Film-NoiDon Siegel)
(11:15PM) His Kind of Woman (1951/2h 2m/Film-NoiJohn Farrow)
(1:30AM) Angel Face (1953/1h 31m/Crime/Otto Preminger)
(3:15AM) Where Danger Lives (1950/1h 24m/Film-NoiJohn Farrow)
(4:45AM) The Racket (1951/1h 28m/Crime/John Cromwell)
(6:30AM) Crossfire (1947/1h 25m/Suspense/Edward Dmytryk)
(8:15AM) Macao (1952/1h 20m/Adventure/Josef Von Sternberg)
(9:45AM) Second Chance (1953/1h 22m/Film-NoiRudy Maté)
(11:15AM) The Locket (1946/1h 26m/Film-NoiJohn Brahm)
(1:00PM) Undercurrent (1946/1h 56m/Film-NoiVincente Minnelli)
(3:00PM) Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939/1h 25m/Comedy/W. S. Van Dyke II)
(4:30PM) Andy Hardy Meets Debutant (1940/1h 28m/Comedy/George B. Seitz)
(6:00PM) Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble (1944/1h 47m/Comedy/George B. Seitz)
(8:00PM) It Happened One Night (1934/1h 45m/Comedy/Frank Capra)
(10:30PM) The Awful Truth (1937/1h 30m/Comedy/Leo McCarey)
(12:15AM) You Can't Take It with You (1938/2h 0m/Comedy/Frank Capra)
(2:30AM) Man's Castle (1933/1h 6m/Romance/Frank Borzage)
(4:00AM) The Belle of Broadway (1926/55m/Drama/Harry O. Hoyt)
(5:00AM) Broadway Musketeers (1938/1h 2m/Drama/John Farrow)
(6:15AM) He Couldn't Say No (1938)/0h 57m/Comedy/Lew Seiler)
(7:15AM) Kid Nightingale (1939/0h 57m/Musical/George Amy)
(8:15AM) Miracle In The Rain (1956/1h 47m/Romance/Rudolph Maté)
(10:15AM) My Favorite Spy (1942/1h 26m/Musical/Tay Garnett)
(11:45AM) So Big (1953/1h 41m/Romance/Robert Wise)
(1:30PM) A Kiss in the Dark (1949/1h 28m/Comedy/Delmer Daves)
(3:00PM) The Body Disappears (1941/1h 12m/Comedy/D. Ross Lederman)
(4:15PM) The Doughgirls (1944/1h 42m/Comedy/James V. Kern)
(6:00PM) Johnny Belinda (1948/1h 42m/Drama/Jean Negulesco)
(8:00PM) The Power of Film (Episode 1) (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(9:00PM) A Place In The Sun (1952/2h 2m/Drama/George Stevens)
(11:15PM) The Power of Film (Episode 1) (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(2:30AM) City Lights (1931/1h 27m/Silent/Charles Chaplin)
(4:00AM) The Great Dictator (1940/2h 9m/Comedy/Charles Chaplin)
(6:15AM) Snow Birds (1932/0h 10m/Short/Jules White)
(6:30AM) Melody Cruise (1933/1h 16m/Musical/Mark Sandrich)
(8:00AM) King of Hockey (1936/0h 57m/Drama/Noel Smith)
(9:00AM) It’s A Pleasure! (1945/1h 30m/Musical/William A. Seiter)
(10:45AM) Ice Antics (1939/0h 9m/Short/David Miller)
(11:00AM) The Ice Follies of 1939 (1939/1h 23m/Musical/Reinhold Schunzel)
(12:30PM) Ice Aces (1948/0h 8m/Short/David Barclay)
(12:45PM) Silver Skates (1943/1h 15m/Musical/Leslie Goodwins)
(2:15PM) Suspense (1946/1h 40m/Suspense/Frank Tuttle)
(4:15PM) The Hunted (1948/1h 7m/Jack Bernhard)
(6:00PM) Ice Castles (1978/1h 49m/Drama/Donald Wrye)
(8:00PM) Moonstruck (1987/1h 42m/Comedy/Norman Jewison)
(10:00PM) The Apartment (1960/2h 5m/Comedy/Billy Wilder)
(12:15AM) Crossing Delancey (1988/1h 37m/Romance/Joan Micklin Silver)
(2:00AM) Sunday in New York (1963/1h 45m/Comedy/Peter Tewksbury)
4:00AM) The Clock (1945/1h 30m/Romance/Vincente Minnelli)
(6:00AM) The Mayor of 44th Street (1942/1h 26m/Musical/Alfred E. Green)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: Senor Droopy (1949/0h 8m/Animation/Fred “Tex” Avery)
(8:09AM) Believe It or Not #1 (1931/0h 8m/Short/?)
(8:18AM) Chile "Land of Charm" (1937/0h 9m/Short/?)
(8:28AM) Father Is A Prince (1940/0h 57m/Drama/Noel Smith)
(9:30AM) BUCK ROGERS: Bodies Without Minds (1939/Serial/Ford Beebe and Ray Trampe)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: Dizzy Divers (1935/0h 7m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:08AM) Action in Arabia (1944/1h 12m/WaLeonide Moguy)
(11:30AM) Dark Shadows (1944/0h 21m/Short/Walter Hart)
(12:00PM) Dames (1934/1h 30m/Musical/Ray Enright)
(1:45PM) Stars in My Crown (1950/1h 29m/Western/Jacques Tourneur)
(3:30PM) Cast a Dark Shadow (1955/1h 25m/Film-NoiLewis Gilbert)
(5:00PM) Detour (1945/1h 8m/Film-NoiEdgar G. Ulmer)
(6:15PM) Going in Style (1979/1h 37m/Comedy/Martin Brest)
(8:00PM) Dominick and Eugene (1988/1h 51m/Drama/Robert M. Young)
(10:00PM) Rain Man (1988/2h 20m/Drama/Barry Levinson)
(12:30AM) Pickup (1951/1h 18m/Film-NoiHugo Haas)
(2:15AM) This Is Spinal Tap (1984/1h 22m/Comedy/Rob Reiner)
(4:00AM) Eddie and the Cruisers (1983/1h 32m/Drama/Martin Davidsom)
(6:00AM) Snowed Under (1936/1h 3m/Comedy/Raymond Enright)
(7:15AM) Having Wonderful Time (1938/1h 11m/Comedy/Alfred Santell)
(8:30AM) One More Tomorrow (1946/1h 27m/Romance/Peter Godfrey)
(10:00AM) Pickup (1951/1h 18m/Film-NoiHugo Haas)
(11:45AM) If Winter Comes (1948/1h 37m/Drama/Victor Saville)
(1:30PM) The Sandpiper (1965/1h 56m/Romance/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:45PM) The Gazebo (1960/1h 40m/Comedy/George Marshall)
(5:45PM) Deathtrap (1982/1h 55m/Comedy/Sidney Lumet)
(8:00PM) History Is Made at Night (1937/1h 37m/Romance/Frank Borzage)
(10:00PM) Cluny Brown (1946/1h 40m/Comedy/Ernst Lubitsch)
(12:00AM) Bardelys the Magnificent (1926/1h 29m/Silent/King Vidor)
(2:00AM) The Vanishing (1988/1h 47m/HorroGeorge Sluizer)
(4:00AM) Insomnia (1997/1h 39m/Crime/Erik Skjoldbjµrg)
(6:00AM) Make Me A Star (1932/1h 10m/Comedy/Illiam Beaudine)
(7:45AM) A Star Is Born (1937/1h 51m/Romance/William A. Wellman)
(9:45AM) Dance, Girl, Dance (1940/1h 30m/Musical/Dorothy Arzner)
(11:30AM) Swing Time (1936/1h 45m/Musical/George Stevens)
(1:30PM) The Constant Nymph (1943/1h 52m/Romance/Edmund Goulding)
(3:30PM) Humoresque (1946/2h 3m/Romance/Jean Negulesco)
(5:45PM) Lust for Life (1956/2h 2m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) The Johnstown Flood (1926/1h 0m/Drama/Irving Cummings)
(9:15PM) Annie Laurie (1927/1h 40m/Silent/John S. Robertson)
(11:00PM) Film: The Living Record of Our Memory (2021/2h 0m/Documentary/Inés Toharia Terán)
(1:15AM) America America (1963/2h 57m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(4:15AM) Wanda (1970/1h 41m/Drama/Barbara Loden)
(6:00AM) Broadway Rhythm (1944/1h 54m/Musical/Roy Del Ruth)
(8:00AM) The Singing Marine (1937/1h 45m/Musical/Ray Enright)
(10:00AM) Living in a Big Way (1947/1h 43m/Comedy/Gregory La Cava)
(12:00PM) Holiday in Mexico (1946/2h 7m/Musical/George Sidney)
(2:15PM) Three Little Words (1950/1h 42m/Musical/Richard Thorpe)
(4:00PM) My Sister Eileen (1955/1h 48m/Musical/Richard Quine)
(6:00PM) Merry Andrew (1958/1h 43m/Musical/Michael Kidd)
(8:00PM) River of No Return (1954/1h 31m/Western/Otto Preminger)
(9:45PM) Man With The Gun (1955/1h 23m/Western/Richard Wilson)
(1:30AM) The Lusty Men (1952/1h 53m/Drama/Nicholas Ray)
(3:30AM) Blood on the Moon (1948/1h 28m/Western/Robert Wise)
(5:15AM) Rachel and the Stranger (1948/1h 33m/Western/Norman Foster)
(7:00AM) The Wonderful Country (1959/1h 36m/Western/Robert Parrish)
(8:45AM) The Way West (1967/2h 2m/Western/Andfrew V. McLaglen)
(11:00AM) The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969/1h 31m/Comedy/Burt Kennedy)
(12:45PM) MGM Parade Show #16 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(1:30PM) Designing Woman (1957/1h 58m/Comedy/Vincente Minnelli)
(3:45PM) Now, Voyager (1942/1h 57m/Romance/Irving Rapper)
(6:00PM) The Philadelphia Story (1940/1h 51m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(8:00PM) Gilda (1946/1h 50m/Suspense/Charles Vidor)
(10:00PM) Born Yesterday (1950/1h 43m/Comedy/George Cukor)
(12:00AM) You Natzy Spy (1940/0h 18m/Short/Jules White)
(12:30AM) On The Waterfront (1954/1h 48m/Drama/Elia Kazan)
(2:30AM) Ride Lonesome (1959/1h 14m/Western/Budd Boetticher)
(4:00AM) The Caine Mutiny (1954/2h 5m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(6:15AM) Seven Seas to Calais (1962/1h 42m/Drama/Rudolph Maté)
(8:15AM) Young Cassidy (1965/1h 50m/Romance/Jack Cardiff)
(10:15AM) The Glass Bottom Boat (1966/1h 50m/Comedy/Frank Tashlin)
(12:15PM) Train Robbers (1973/1h 32m/Western/Burt Kennedy)
(2:00PM) The Liquidator (1966/1h 44m/Suspense/Jack Cardiff)
(4:00PM) Sunday in New York (1963/1h 45m/Comedy/Peter Tewksbury)
(6:00PM) The Time Machine (1960/1h 43m/Science-Fiction/George Pal)
(8:00PM) The Power of Film (Episode 2) (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(9:00PM) Citizen Kane (1941/1h 59m/Drama/Orson Welles)
(11:15PM) The Power of Film (Episode 2) (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(12:15AM) Network (1976/2h 1m/Drama/Sidney Lumet)
(2:30AM) The Miracle Worker (1962/1h 47m/Biography/Arthur Penn)
4:30AM) Casablanca (1942/1h 42m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(6:15AM) The Saint in New York (1938/1h 12m/Mystery/Ben Holmes)
(7:45AM) The Saint Strikes Back (1939/1h 4m/Mystery/John Farrow)
(9:00AM) The Saint in London (1939/1h 12m/Mystery/John Paddy Carstairs)
(10:30AM) The Saint's Double Trouble (1940/1h 8m/Mystery/Jack Hively)
(11:45AM) The Saint Takes Over (1940/1h 9m/Mystery/Jack Hively)
(1:00PM) The Saint in Palm Springs (1941/1h 6m/Mystery/Jack Hively)
(2:15PM) The Saint's Vacation (1941/1h/Mystery/Leslie Fenton)
(3:30PM) The Saint Meets the Tiger (1943/1h 10m/Mystery/Paul Stein)
(5:00PM) One Sunday Afternoon (1933/1h 10m/Romance/Stephen Roberts)
(6:15PM) The Strawberry Blonde (1941/1h 37m/Comedy/Raoul Walsh)
(8:00PM) Bullitt (1968/1h 54m/Crime/Peter Yates)
(10:00PM) Singin' in the Rain (1952/1h 43m/Musical/Gene Kelly)
(12:00AM) The Tale of Zatoichi (1962/1h 35m/Action/Kenji Misumi)
(2:00AM) Eyes in the Night (1942/1h 20m/Suspense/Fred Zinnemann)
(3:30AM) Night Song (1947/1h 42m/Drama/John Cromwell)
(6:00AM) On the Town (1949/1h 38m/Musical/Gene Kelly)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: A Rainy Day (1940/0h 7m/Animation/Hugh Harman)
(8:08AM) Believe It or Not #2 (1931/0h 7m/Short/Robert L Ripley)
(8:16AM) Czechoslovakia on Parade (1938/0h 9m/Short/?)
(8:26AM) Pirates of the Prairie (1942/0h 57m/Western/Howard Bretherton)
(9:30AM) BUCK ROGERS: Broken Barriers (1939/Serial/Ford Beebe and Ray Trampe)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: Adventures of Popeye (1935/0h 7m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:09AM) The Affairs of Annabel (1938/1h 15m/Comedy/Ben Stoloff)
(11:30AM) Don't Talk (1942/0h 21m/Drama/Joseph Newman)
(12:00PM) Cabin in the Sky (1943/1h 38m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(2:00PM) Knights of the Round Table (1953/1h 55m/Romance/Richard Thorpe)
(4:15PM) Knute Rockne: All American (1940/1h 38m/Drama/Lloyd Bacon)
(6:00PM) Up Periscope (1959/1h 51m/WaGordon Douglas)
(8:00PM) Mississippi Burning (1988/2h 5m/Drama/Alan Parker)
(10:00PM) Stealing Home (1988/1h 38m/Drama/Steven Kampmann)
(10:15PM) The Boston Strangler (1968/1h 56m/Suspense/Mystery/Richard Fleischer)
(12:00AM) I Died A Thousand Times (1955/1h 49m/Film-NoiStuart Heisler)
(2:15AM) Raging Bull (1980/2h 9m/Drama/Martin Scorsese)
(4:30AM) The Set-Up (1949/1h 12m/Film-NoiRobert Wise)
(6:00AM) Dead Ringer (1964/1h 55m/Suspense/Paul Henreid)
(8:00AM) A Stolen Life (1946/1h 47m/Romance/Curtis Bernhardt)
(10:00AM) I Died A Thousand Times (1955/1h 49m/Film-NoiStuart Heisler)
(12:15PM) The Clock (1945/1h 30m/Romance/Vincente Minnelli)
(2:00PM) Theodora Goes Wild (1936/1h 35m/Comedy/Richard Boleslawski)
(3:45PM) The Mating Game (1959/1h 37m/Comedy/George Marshall)
(5:30PM) Gypsy (1962/2h 29m/Musical/Mervyn Le Roy)
(8:00PM) Baby Boom (1987/1h 43m/Comedy/Charles Shyer)
(10:00PM) Father of the Bride (1991/1h 45m/Comedy/Charles Shyer)
(12:00AM) For Heaven's Sake (1926/0h 57m/Silent/Sam Taylor)
(12:00AM) Grandma's Boy (1922/0h 56m/Silent/Fred Newmeyer)
(2:00AM) The Golden Coach (1953/1h 41m/Comedy/Jean Renoir)
(4:00AM) The Rules of the Game (1939/1h 53m/Drama/Jean Renoir)
(6:00AM) A Warm December (1972/1h 39m/Romance/Sidney Poitier)
(8:00AM) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967/1h 48m/Comedy/Stanley Kramer)
(10:00AM) In the Heat of the Night (1967/1h 49m/Suspense/Norman Jewison)
(12:00PM) A Patch Of Blue (1965/1h 45m/Drama/Guy Green)
(2:00PM) Lilies of the Field (1963/1h 34m/Comedy/Ralph Nelson)
(4:00PM) The Defiant Ones (1958/1h 37m/Drama/Stanley Kramer)
(6:00PM) No Way Out (1950/1h 46m/Drama/Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
(8:00PM) King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis (1970/2h 33m/Documentary/Sidney Lumet)
(11:15) I Am Not Your Negro (2016/Documentary/Raoul Peck)
(1:00AM) Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment (1963/0h 58m/Documentary/Robert Drew)
(2:00AM) Freedom on My Mind (1994/1h 45m/Documentary/Connie Field)
(4:00AM) Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist (1979/Biography/Saul J. Turell)
(4:30AM) Song of Freedom (1936/1h 15m/Musical/J. Edgar Willis)
(6:00AM) She's Working Her Way Through College (1952/1h 41m/Musical/Bruce Humberstone)
(8:00AM) Kismet (1955/1h 53m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(10:00AM) Lovely To Look At (1952/1h 45m/Musical/Mervyn Le Roy)
(12:00PM) Two Weeks with Love (1950/1h 32m/Musical/Roy Rowland)
(2:00PM) Easy to Love (1953/1h 36m/Musical/Charles Walters)
(4:00PM) Tea for Two (1950/1h 38m/Musical/David Butler)
(6:00PM) Annie Get Your Gun (1950/1h 47m/Musical/George Sidney)
(8:00PM) The Story of G.I. Joe (1945/1h 49m/WaWilliam A. Wellman)
(10:00PM) The Enemy Below (1957/1h 38m/WaDick Powell)
(11:45PM) Anzio (1968/1h 57m/WaEdward Dmytryk)
(1:45AM) The Longest Day (1962/3h 0m/WaKen Annakin)
(4:45AM) Till The End of Time (1946/1h 45m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(6:45AM) One Minute to Zero (1952/1h 45m/WaTay Garnett)
(8:45AM) The Angry Hills (1959/1h 45m/Suspense/Robert Aldrich)
(10:30AM) Rampage (1963/1h 38m/Drama/Phil Karlson)
(12:15PM) Kim (1951/1h 53m/Adventure/Victor Saville)
(2:15PM) Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book (1942/1h 49m/Adventure/Zoltan Korda)
(4:15PM) Captains Courageous (1937/1h 56m/Drama/Victor Fleming)
(6:15PM) Soldiers Three (1951/1h 27m/Adventure/Tay Garnett)
(8:00PM) Lawrence of Arabia (1962/3h 46m/Adventure/David Lean)
(12:00AM) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977/2h 15m/Science-Fiction/Steven Spielberg)
(2:30AM) Taxi Driver (1976/1h 52m/Drama/Martin Scorsese)
(4:30AM) Funny Girl (1968/2h 35m/Musical/William Wyler)
(7:15AM) The China Syndrome (1979/2h 2m/Drama/James Bridges)
(9:30AM) Force of Arms (1951/1h 39m/Romance/Michael Curtiz)
(11:30AM) Operation Pacific (1951/1h 31m/WaGeorge Waggner)
(1:15PM) Cry 'Havoc’ (1944/1h 37m/WaRichard Thorpe)
(3:00PM) Homecoming (1948/1h 52m/Romance/Mervyn Le Roy)
(5:00PM) The Best Years Of Our Lives (1946/2h 52m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) The Power of Film (Episode 3) (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(9:00PM) The Big Lebowski (1998/1h 57m/Comedy/Joel Coen)
(11:15PM) The Power of Film (Episode 3) (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(12:15AM) Paths of Glory (1958/1h 26m/Drama/Stanley Kubrick)
(2:00AM) A Night at the Opera (1935/1h 36m/Comedy/Sam Wood)
(4:00AM) Modern Times (1936/1h 27m/Silent/Charlie Chaplin)
(6:00AM) Jalopy (1953/1h 2m/Comedy/William Beaudine)
(7:15AM) Earthworm Tractors (1936/1h 3m/Comedy/Raymond Enright)
(8:30AM) Fast Life (1932/1h 24m/Comedy/Harry Pollard)
(10:00AM) Excuse My Dust (1951/1h 22m/Comedy/Roy Rowland)
(11:30AM) Flying Down to Rio (1933/1h 29m/Musical/Thornton Freeland)
(1:15PM) The Bride Came C.O.D. (1941/1h 32m/Comedy/William Keighley)
(3:00PM) Tugboat Annie (1933/1h 27m/Comedy/Mervyn Le Roy)
(4:30PM) The Old Dark House (1963/1h 26m/Comedy/William Castle)
(6:00PM) Corvette Summer (1978/1h 45m/Adventure/Matthew Robbins)
(8:00PM) Best in Show (2000/1h 30m/Comedy/Christopher Guest)
(9:45PM) The Kennel Murder Case (1933/1h 13m/Mystery/Michael Curtiz)
(11:15PM) It's a Dog's Life (1955/1h 26m/Comedy/Herman Hoffman)
(1:00AM) The Black Marble (1980/1h 53m/Comedy/Harold Becker)
(3:00AM) Hold That Kiss (1938/1h 15m/Comedy/Edwin L. Marin)
(4:30AM) My Pal, Wolf (1944/1h 15m/Drama/Alfred Werker)
(6:00AM) City for Conquest (1940.1h 41m/Drama/Anatole Litvak)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: Officer Pooch (1941/0h 8m/Animation/Joseph Barbera)
(8:09AM) Believe It or Not #3 (1931/0h 7m/Short/?)
(8:17AM) Egypt Speaks (1951/0h 8m/Short/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(8:27AM) Arizona Legion (1939/0h 58m/Western/David Howard)
(9:30AM) BUCK ROGERS: A Prince in Bondage (1939/Serial/Ford Beebe and Ray Trampe)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: The Spinach Overture (1935/0h 8m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:09AM) After Office Hours (1935/1h 15m/Mystery/Robert Z. Leonard)
(11:30AM) Double or Nothing (1939/0h 18m/Short/Roy Mack)
(12:00PM) Rock 'N' Roll High School (1979/1h 33m/Musical/Allan Arkush)
(2:00PM) Blackboard Jungle (1955/1h 41m/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(4:00PM) Every Which Way but Loose (1978/1h 54m/Comedy/James Fargo)
(6:00PM) The Late Show (1977/1h 34m/Comedy/Robert Benton)
(8:00PM) Tea And Sympathy (1956/2h 2m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(10:15PM) The Gypsy Moths (1969/1h 50m/Drama/John Frankenheimer)
(12:15AM) Stage Fright (1950/1h 50m/Film-NoiAlfred Hitchcock)
(2:15AM) Hangmen Also Die (1943/2h 11m/WaFritz Lang)
(4:30AM) Fury (1936/1h 34m/Drama/Fritz Lang)
(6:15AM) When The Boys Meet The Girls (1965/1h 50m/Musical/Alvin Ganzer)
(8:00AM) Get Yourself A College Girl (1964/1h 26m/Musical/Sidney Miller)
(10:00AM) Stage Fright (1950/1h 50m/Film-NoiAlfred Hitchcock)
(12:15PM) Idiot's Delight (1939/1h 45m/Romance/Clarence Brown)
(2:15PM) I Know Where I'm Going (1945/1h 32m/Romance/Michael Powell)
(4:00PM) A Life of Her Own (1950/1h 48m/Drama/George Cukor)
(6:00PM) Nora Prentiss (1947/1h 51m/Drama/Vincent Sherman)
(8:00PM) Twentieth Century (1934/1h 31m/Comedy/Howard Hawks)
(10:00PM) The Heiress (1949/1h 55m/Drama/William Wyler)
(12:00AM) Too Many Kisses (1925/1h 0m/Comedy/Paul Sloane)
(12:00AM) Spring Fever (1927/1h 0m/Silent/Edward Sedgwick)
(2:00AM) Babette's Feast (1987/1h 45m/Comedy/Gabriel Axel)
(4:00AM) Au Revoir les Enfants (1987/1h 44m/Drama/Louis Malle)
(6:00AM) China Seas (1935/1h 30m/Adventure/Tay Garnett)
(7:30AM) At The Circus (1939/1h 27m/Comedy/Edward Buzzell)
(9:00AM) House of Wax (1953/1h 28m/HorroAndre De Toth)
(10:45AM) The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936/1h 56m/Adventure/Michael Curtiz)
(1:00PM) The Face of Fu Manchu (1965/1h 36m/HorroDon Sharp)
(2:45PM) Convicts 4 (1962/1h 45m/Drama/Millard Kaufman)
(4:45PM) The Thief of Bagdad (1940/1h 46m/Adventure/Ludwig Berger)
(6:45PM) Man Alive (1946/1h 10m/Comedy/Ray Enright)
(8:00PM) The Producers (1967/1h 28m/Comedy/Mel Brooks)
(9:45PM) Sophie's Choice (1982/2h 37m/Drama/Alan J. Pakula)
(12:30AM) Klute (1971/1h 54m/Mystery/Alan J. Pakula)
(2:30AM) The Times of Harvey Milk (1984/1h 27m/Documentary/Robert Epstein)
(4:15AM) Paragraph 175 (2000/1h 21m/Documentary/Robert Epstein)
(6:00AM) The Eyes of Orson Welles (2018/Documentary/Mark Cousins)
(8:00AM) F for Fake (1973/1h 25m/Documentary/Orson Welles)
(9:30AM) Catalina Caper (1967/1h 7m/Comedy/Lee Sholem)
(11:00AM) Pirate Party on Catalina Isle (1935/0h 19m/Short/?)
(11:30AM) You Said A Mouthful (1932/1h 15m/Comedy/Lloyd Bacon)
(1:00PM) Murder on a Honeymoon (1935/1h 14m//Mystery/Lloyd Corrigan)
(2:30PM) The Impossible Years (1968/1h 38m/Comedy/Michael Gordon)
(4:30PM) You're Only Young Once (1938/1h 18m/Comedy/George B. Seitz)
(6:00PM) The Glass Bottom Boat (1966/1h 50m/Comedy/Frank Tashlin)
(8:00PM) The Night of the Hunter (1955/1h 33m/Suspense/Charles Laughton)
(9:45PM) Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957/1h 47m/Adventure/John Huston)
(11:45PM) Thunder Road (1958/1h 34m/Adventure/Arthur Ripley)
(1:30AM) Two For The Seesaw (1962/2h 0m/Comedy/Robert Wise)
(3:45AM) Not As a Stranger (1955/2h 15m/Drama/Stanley Kramer)
(6:15AM) My Forbidden Past (1951/1h 21m/Drama/Robert Stevenson)
(7:30AM) She Couldn't Say No (1954/1h 29m/Drama/Lloyd Bacon)
(9:15AM) Home from the Hill (1960/2h 30m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(12:00PM) The Sundowners (1960/2h 13m/Drama/Fred Zinnemann)
(2:30PM) Holiday Affair (1949/1h 27m/Romance/Don Hartman)
(4:00PM) Desire Me (1947/1h 31m/Romance/George Cukor)
(5:45PM) Bells Are Ringing (1960/2h 7m/Musical/Vincente Minnelli)
(8:00PM) Gandhi (1982/3h 8m/Biography/Richard Attenborough)
(11:30PM) Philadelphia (1993/1h 59m/Drama/Jonathan Demme)
(2:00AM) One False Move (1991/1h 45m/Drama/Carl Franklin)
(4:00AM) The Last Emperor (1987/2h 43m/Drama/Bernardo Bertolucci)
(7:00AM) Night into Morning (1951/1h 26m/Drama/Fletcher Markle)
(8:45AM) Days of Wine and Roses (1962/1h 57m/Drama/Blake Edwards)
(10:45AM) A Star Is Born (1954/2h 56m/Musical/George Cukor)
(1:45PM) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958/1h 48m/Drama/Richard Brooks)
(3:45PM) Two Weeks In Another Town (1962/1h 47m/Drama/Vincente Minnelli)
(5:45PM) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966/2h 11m/Drama/Mike Nichols)
(8:00PM) The Power of Film – Episode 4: Heroes and Villains (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)
(9:00PM) Shane (1953/1h 58m/Western/George Stevens)
(11:15PM) The Power of Film – Episode 4: Heroes and Villains (2023/Documentary/Doug Pray and Laura Gabbert)

(12:15AM) Psycho (1960/1h 49m/HorroAlfred Hitchcock)
(2:30AM) King Kong (1933/1h 40m/HorroMerian C. Cooper and Ernest Schoedsack)
(4:15AM) Mildred Pierce (1945/1h 53m/Drama/Michael Curtiz)
(6:15AM) The Wagons Roll At Night (1941/1h 24m/Drama/Ray Enright)
(8:00AM) The Hard Way (1942/1h 49m/Drama/Vincent Sherman)
(10:00AM) The Sky's The Limit (1943/1h 29m/Musical/Edward H. Griffith)
(11:45AM) Rhapsody in Blue (1945/2h 19m/Musical/Irving Rapper)
(2:15PM) Janie Gets Married (1946/1h 29m/Comedy/Vincent Sherman)
(4:00PM) Two Guys From Milwaukee (1946/1h 30m/Comedy/David Butler)
(6:00PM) Repeat Performance (1947/1h 33m/Drama/Alfred Werker)
(8:00PM) Nichols and May: Take Two (1996/2h 0m/Documentary/Phillip Schopper)
(10:15PM) A New Leaf (1971/1h 42m/Comedy/Elaine May)
(12:15AM) Mikey and Nicky (1976/1h 46m/Drama/Elaine May)
(2:15AM) Ishtar (1987/1h 45m/Comedy/Elaine May)
(4:15AM) Kaleidoscope (1966/1h 43m/Comedy/Jack Smight)
(6:00AM) Village Of Daughters (1962/1h 26m/Comedy/George Pollock)
(8:00AM) MGM CARTOONS: Hound Hunters (1947/0h 7m/Animation/Fred “Tex” Avery)
(8:08AM) Believe It or Not #4 (1932/0h 8m/Short/?)
(8:17AM) In Old Amsterdam (1949//0h 9m/Documentary/Ralph F. Donaldson)
(8:27AM) Lawless Valley (1939/0h 59m/Western/David Howard)
(9:30AM) BUCK ROGERS: War of the Planets (1939/HorroSerial/Ford Beebe and Ray Trampe)
(10:00AM) POPEYE: Vim, Vigor & Vitaliky (1936/0h 6m/Animation/Dave Fleischer)
(10:08AM) Alias a Gentleman (19 48/1h 16m/Comedy/Harry Beaumont)
(11:30AM) Heavenly Music (1943/0h 22m/Short/Josef Berne)
(12:00PM) Shoah (1985/9h 26m/Documentary/Claude Lanzmann)
(9:45PM) Filmmakers For The Prosecution (2021/0h 59m/Documentary/Jean-Christophe Klotz)
(11:00PM) Nuremberg (1948/1h 18m/Documentary/Stuart Schulberg)
(12:30AM) Woman In Hiding (1950/1h 32m/Drama/Michael Gordon)
(2:00AM) The Children's Hour (1961/1h 47m/Drama/William Wyler)
(4:00AM) Two Loves (1961/1h 40m/Romance/Charles Walters)
(6:00AM) Rich and Famous (1981/1h 57m/Comedy/George Cukor)
8:15AM) Just the Way You Are (1984/1h 35m/Comedy/Edouard Molinaro)
10:00AM) Woman In Hiding (1950/1h 32m/Drama/Michael Gordon)
(12:00PM) Love Crazy (1941/1h 40m/Comedy/Jack Conway)
(2:00PM) Gay Purr-ee (1962/1h 26m/Musical/Abe Levitow)
(3:45PM) Silk Stockings (1957/1h 57m/Musical/Rouben Mamoulian)
(6:00PM) Jezebel (1938/1h 44m/Drama/William Wyler)
(8:00PM) Why Be Good? (1929/1h 21m/Comedy/William A. Seiter)
(9:30PM) The Scarlet Letter (1934/1h 10m/Drama/Robert G. Vignola)
(10:45PM) Success at Any Price (1934/1h 14m/Drama/J. Walter Ruben)
(12:15AM) Sparrows (1926/1h 49m/Silent/William Beaudine)
(2:00AM) Conflagration (1958/1h 38m/Drama/Kon Ichikawa)
(4:00AM) Being Two Isn't Easy (1962/1h 28m/Comedy/Kon Ichikawa)
(6:00AM) Should Ladies Behave? (1933/1h 27m/Comedy/Harry Beaumont)
(7:30AM) The Common Law (1932/1h 15m/Drama/Paul L. Stein)
(9:00AM) Ex-Lady (1933/1h 5m/Drama/Robert Florey)
(10:15AM) Third Finger, Left Hand (1940/1h 36m/Comedy/Robert Z. Leonard)
(12:00PM) Biography of a Bachelor Girl (1935/1h 25m/Comedy/Edward H. Griffith)
(1:30PM) Live, Love and Learn (1937/1h 18m/Comedy/Geo. Fitzmaurice)
(3:00PM) The Girl from Jones Beach (1949/1h 18m/Comedy/Peter Godfrey)
(4:30PM) Adventure in Baltimore (1949/1h 29m/Comedy/Richard Wallace)
(6:15PM) The Light Touch (1951/1h 33m/Crime/Richard Brooks)
(8:00PM) Children of a Lesser God (1986/1h 50m/Drama/Randa Haines)
(10:15PM) Bonnie and Clyde (1967/1h 51m/Crime/Arthur Penn)
(12:15AM) Shampoo (1975/1h 49m/Comedy/Hal Ashby)
(2:15AM) The Caine Mutiny (1954/2h 5m/Drama/Edward Dmytryk)
(4:30AM) Black Legion (1937/1h 20m/Suspense/Archie L. Mayo)
(6:00AM) MGM Parade Show #16 (1955/0h 25m/Documentary/?)
(6:30AM) West Point (1928/1h 31m/Silent/Edward Sedgwick)
(8:30AM) They Died with Their Boots On (1941/2h 18m/Western/Raoul Walsh)
(11:00AM) West Point on the Hudson (1942/0h 8m/Documentary/James A. Fitzpatrick)
(11:15AM) Rosalie (1937/2h 2m/Musical/W. S. Van Dyke II)-
(1:30PM) Flirtation Walk (1934/1h 37m/Musical/Frank Borzage)
(3:30PM) The West Point Story (1950/1h 47m/Musical/Roy Del Ruth)
(5:30PM) The Long Gray Line (1955/2h 18m/Drama/John Ford)
(8:00PM) The Grass Is Greener (1961/1h 45m/Stanley Donen)
(10:00PM) Cape Fear (1962/1h 45m/Suspense/J. Lee Thompson)
(2:00AM) Farewell, My Lovely (1975/1h 37m/Film-NoiDick Richards)
(3:45AM) Ryan's Daughter (1970/3h 26m/Drama/David Lean)
(7:15AM) The Yakuza (1974/1h 52m/Crime/Sydney Pollack)
(9:15AM) Going Home (1971/1h 37m/Drama/Herbert B. Leonard)
(11:00AM) The Wrath of God (1972/1h 51m/Western/Ralph Nelson)
(1:00PM) Tarzan, the Ape Man (1981/1h 52m/Action/John Derek)
(3:00PM) Tarzan And His Mate (1934/1h 45m/Adventure/Cedric Gibbons)
(5:00PM) Mighty Joe Young (1949/1h 34m/Adventure/Ernest B. Schoedsack)
(6:45PM) The Gorilla (1939/0h 59m/Comedy/Allan Dwan)
(8:00PM) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000/2h 0m/Action/Ang Lee)
(10:15PM) Something's Gotta Give (2003/2h 3m/RomCom/Nancy Meyers)
submitted by yawningvoid28 to movies [link] [comments]

2023.12.27 14:34 Monkster2002 When Queen toured w Lynyrd Skynyrd

When Queen toured w Lynyrd Skynyrd
Saw this article and thought it a funny quote and story. Roger claims that Skynyrd’s record company even had shills in the audience with signs that said “Queen Sucks”!
submitted by Monkster2002 to queen [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 07:37 KamenRiderSekai [ANALYSIS] The Key Narrative Themes of each mainline Rune Factory entry.

[ANALYSIS] The Key Narrative Themes of each mainline Rune Factory entry.
Time for another tl;dr analysis from yours truly. The contents of this thread / post / analysis contains spoilers but they'll be tagged appropriately. The discussion is not a question of which RF game has the best writing in my opinion but, it's simply an objective (and to some extent interpretive) analysis of the themes and core aspects each game has introduced so far, whether through its gameplay, narrative elements, or symbolism that is strewn about. Without further ado...

Rune Factory 1 - "Living in harmony with the Earth".
The entry that started it all. The theme discussed here is far more straightforward than the rest on this list but it provides a clear outline of the overarching motifs the rest of the series offers. The name of this theme is something I took from Ivan's quote to Raguna during the ending of RF1. This is also embodied in the Native Dragon representing 1, Terrable, whose breath breathes not destruction but life as shown when they razed through the Sechs Empire's invading tank force by short-circuiting its wires with vegetation and growth.
The gameplay loop of 1 reflects this as well during the earlier dungeons where players may not have immediate access to crafting/cooking or affording enough for HP/RP healing items. You need to clear a dungeon/cave's Sechs Empire-made monster summoning generators and all of its monsters in one run. The game intends for players to plant crops throughout the dungeon as they discover new patches of land while slowly exploring and progressing through it on different days until they can achieve an ideal run where crops ripe for harvest emit rune energy players can use to replenish RP during their "final" run to clear a dungeon, hence the name of the series "Rune Factory".
RF1 introduces to us the premise of the series and its main location so far, the Kingdom of Norad, which has been described by the Official Memoirs as a magic society whose traditions and rites are deeply intertwined with the Native Dragons, in comparison to the Sechs Empire's more technological and militaristic aspects.
Kardia is seen as a very rural town, even for the series standards. You have NPCs such as Camus, who alongside his father, Edward - are immigrants from the Sechs Empire with the former showing disdain for the country life and a desire to return to the big city. Bianca, the first bachelorette of the series' De Saint Coquille lineage, shares the sentiment - finding life in rural Kardia boring to the point that players can't even woo her using normal gifts on the basis that as somebody from a place of wealth - she can easily buy what she wants. Kardia is surrounded by nature and fauna of all kinds, being nestled between different caves, mountains, caverns, and ruins as a border town not too far from the then Sechs Empire. The archaic feel of Kardia as well as the rustic color schemes that were most present in this entry embody a truly quiet and peaceful existence without much incident for the town's locales save for the brewing events of the game.
Rune Factory 1 is an RF game that truly put the Factory into its Runes.
Rune Factory 2 - "Cycles of Generations".
The second entry of the series, Rune Factory 2 is the only mainline game that has a dual generation system and it plays an integral aspect to the narrative elements of the game. RF2 is set in the Maritime Port town of Alvarna in the Kingdom of Norad. Our protagonist, Kyle, arrives at Alvarna without a single shred of his memories. Eventually, he adapts to life in his new home, falls in love, gets married, and raises a family. Throughout his life in Alvarna, Kyle has the next generation in mind as his friends all get married and have children of their own. This prompts his initiative to build Alvarna's first academy. Mana's dream to be a teacher is fuelled by a desire to educate the next generation, so much so that despite being the "canon" bachelorette of the game, she won't marry to pursue her dreams. However, Kyle disappears one day, leaving his 8-year-old son or daughter: Aaron / Aria, to follow their father's trail and ascertain the truth as to why he came to Alvarna and for what purpose.
As a late 2000s DS game, Rune Factory 2 is a noticeable step up from 1 in terms of its visual fidelity. Spring is now embodied with Alvarna's vibrant cherry blossoms, in the place of caves / caverns / dungeons are seasonal areas that represent the four seasons ranging from icy mountains to a temperate summer island. Generations and cycles are a key aspect to Rune Factory 2's narrative themes and gameplay mechanics. The trials that Kyle goes through are different from Aaron and Aria's. The player spends most of generation 1 building their lives in Alvarna up, having Kyle make friends and irreplaceable memories, start a family, and eventually incentivize the construction of a school in Alvarna. Generation 2 is focused more on a child-like sense of wonder as Aaron or Aria daringly explore their father's old hunting grounds while seeking to find further answers. As previously mentioned, the second generation also comes with the children of bachelorettes and rivals, providing the town of Alvarna with this organic sense of evolution. We see characters who were once aggressive or abrasive tools like Jake or Barrett having softened up at this point - with the latter playing a key role in 2's story.
The narrative of generations and cycles is also prevalent with 2's Native Dragon, Fiersome. Fiersome's objective was that every time it awakened from its seal or slumber, it was said to lay waste to the world with its merciless flames - bringing forth destruction to start the world anew. At some point between Generations 1 and 2, Kyle remembered why he came to Alvarna - to venture deep within Palermo Shrine (a structure presumably named after the Capital of Norad as highlighted in 5 or the other way around) and renew Fiersome's seal by tethering himself to the Forest of Beginnings to keep the apocalyptic Native Dragon of flames at bay. The idea of generations and passing on the cycle to the next is further emphasized in the RF Official Memoirs Guidebook, which highlighted that Kyle's Earthmate powers are relatively weak but his children bear the strongest aspects despite Earthmate qualities not being hereditary.
Considered a diamond in the rough, RF2 provided key framework that RF3 would refine afterwards.
Rune Factory 3 - "Unity and Diversity"
RF3 is the mainline entry considered by both the series staff and fans to be a "turning point" of the series, as it established core gameplay mechanics that would be used as the foundation for RF4 and RF5. The theme for RF3 is unity and diversity. This is not just reflected in the differences between Sharance and the Univir Settlement, but also through the former mentioned town. Sharance in the RF Official Memoirs Guidebook was situated in a region of Norad that was compared to the historical Silk Road trading route. Many of Sharance's residents are colorful, diverse, and eccentric in their ways - something that the game's half-human and half-Wooly protagonist, Micah, dryly noted upon a few days living in his new hometown. In addition to their quirks is Sharance's diverse cast. The Miyako Inn is run by a family from the East with an adoptive mermaid daughter, the De Saint Coquille branch of Sharance is comprised of two opposite-speakers and a young woman who uses food to craft her fashion, the apothecary is managed by a family of witches, and the general store is run by a mother and daughter duo who couldn't be any more of polar opposites, etc, etc. However, this harmonious unity is contrasted by the communal distrust of Sharance's residents towards the Univir Settlement.
Upon arriving in town as an amnesiac and being discovered in front of the Sharance Tree by Shara, Micah is immediately welcomed with open arms in town. When Micah later recovers part of his memories and ability to transform into his Wooly form, Micah is met with either pets and cuddles, slight annoyance, or flat out disdain from its townspeople. This signals to our protagonist that "hey, maybe telling everyone I'm half-Wooly will have me driven out of town". Micah later finds out the feeling is mutual with the Univir Settlement's Elder, Kuruna, having nothing but disgust for humankind. When the Unity Festival happens late into the game, both sides realized that they had nothing to fear about each other from the start. Characters such as Marjorie admit to Kuruna that she was taught and raised to fear and hate the Univir and she never taught for herself when it came to judging them. Most of Sharance's residents grew to accept Kuruna, Ondorus, and Zaid; and all it took for them was to talk. The Unity Festival highlights how generations of suspicion, segregation, and mutual fear drew people apart for little to no reason. This also aligns with the goals of RF3's final boss, Aquaticus, who sought to use Micah to their advantage in making sure the Sharance Flowers bloomed over the land once more through the unity of both groups.
Although it is not the most complex theme that has been discussed in the series so far, I believe 3 did an effective job in conveying its narrative motifs through the town, its diverse cast of characters, and its fluffy protagonist.
Rune Factory 4 - "The fleeting winds of life".
The fourth mainline entry, Rune Factory 4, is the final game of the Four Native Dragons saga and the last of the 3DS era.
In both the original 3DS and Switch remaster, Yoshifumi Hashimoto and Shiro Maekawa advertise the game's core themes as playing as royalty, engaging in sweet romance, loving relationships, and a fluffy married life. This is enunciated with the boyfriend/girlfriend dating phases introduced to the series, where instead of going from friends to spouses, a dating phase is present. RF4 goes full out, including various locations for dates, numerous lines of dynamic dialogue and options depending on the affection level, and a robust trend of lengthy character arc events that act as prerequisites for marriage.
However, I believe RF4 has a key theme that some people may overlook and that is the beauty of life's ephemeral nature. RF4 in my view is a game that is first and foremost, loss, mourning, and coming to terms with the fleeting aspects of life. RF4 has this scattered throughout a huge chunk of its main story campaign and bachelobachelorette character arcs. Loss, mourning, regret, and the meaning of life are deeply explored in 4. While 4 does not convey its themes through its town, environment, or gameplay - it does so from a narrative lens.
In the main story, Ventuswill is a long-lived Native Dragon who has witnessed centuries of her subjects sacrificing their kin to become Guardians as a means of sustaining the stability of Runes throughout the lands. It had gotten to a point that Venti would rather die than let another one of her friends sacrifice themselves for her sake. In Act 2, Ethelberd during a power-high rants and rambles about his maddening envy towards Earthmates, hailing them for the potential their powers hold - questioning why Lest or Frey don't go to greater height. This is until Venti shuts him up, letting him know that to her - the fact that life is temporary, that seasons come and go is what makes everything around her precious. In terms of character stories, there are numerous examples. Margaret at some point in her relationship becomes fearful as she knows that she will outlive her significant others one day, Dolce is hesitant to accept Jones and Nancy as family in fear of forgetting her family - one who nobody in Selphia remembers at this point except for herself and Pico, Leon becomes hesitant in letting go of his past at some point in the protagonist's relationship with him, Arthur's story revolves around his late mother and the words she left behind, etc.
Loss defines a number of RF's key narrative arcs but it is through the acceptance of that loss and life's fleeting nature that characters in this game grow and move forward. Although, I personally have a number of qualms with how Act 3 was handled and how it botches the main story's narrative elements but I've made a thread on that already so whatever.
Rune Factory 5 - "The Clashing Ideals and Beliefs of Justice"
The first RF mainline to come out since 4 in 2012-2013. Rune Factory 5 is set decades after 4. The theme of justice is mostly highlighted by the organization that Ares and Alice become a part of, Seed. Missions or quests in the game often involve peacekeeping duties, monster wrangling, or daily quests that serve the interests of Rigbarth's citizenry.
With it came historical and geopolitical implications regarding the setting's overall world building. During the time frame between RF4 and RF5, several more wars between Norad Kingdom and the Sechs Empire (or what remained of its influence) broke out. This led to several economic crises, famines, instability in Norad, and rumors of a revolution/coup against the Duke of Norad's corrupt government. Meanwhile, the peacekeeping organization Seed, was established in response to disorder, anarchy, and havoc that reigned in disputed territories and border towns that spilled over from the different wars between both of the Adonean Continent's two superpowers. The main antagonist, Gideon, is implied to be either a victim or military veteran of the wars that spilled over between Norad and the Sechs Empire. The losses he suffered and the tragedies he witnessed are what drive his more extremist elements, aiming to create a world free of injustice and corruption. RF5 is the first game in the series that doesn't just paint Norad in the light of "the good guys" as it showcases its more imperfect and corrupt aspects up close, especially during a time of crisis.
The themes of personal justice are also reflected in the ways that Rigbarth's denizens and other key characters operate. At some point, Ares and Alice become unsure of whether they're doing the right thing or not but eventually, choose to act in a way that embodies the interests of others as opposed to that of solely an organization. Scarlet is a strict enforcer of the law, a lawfully good or lawfully neutral agent of Seed who eventually softens her approach in her story. Beatrice's views on justice focus on the common welfare of her people and resolve to serve their interests as opposed to the corrupt nobles of Norad's royal court who seek to merely fill their pockets at the expense of the rest. Reinhardt characterizes his own brand of justice through his chivalry and loyalty to his Kingdom. Murakumo's sense of justice I interpret as a form of social or communal welfare justice - where he's known to give leeway to customers even if it means putting himself in the red - something that Misasagi often chastizes her younger brother for as others may take advantage of his philanthropy. Terry operates as a sleuth outside of Seed but also takes commissions from them, highlighting how even official organizations to perform greyer or "under the radar tasks" that aren't made public.

Well, that's that. There may have been some narrative or thematic aspects I've overlooked from each mainline game but overall, what do you think?
submitted by KamenRiderSekai to runefactory [link] [comments]

2023.12.06 17:00 Scartxx Mesopotamia (a tragic subversive poem) - that needs a better name

Sunrise in Mesopotamia of unknown date at the dawning of man
a beast released from fertile gardens to the brutal barren sands
the alien plains inhospitable, clean water was rare and required
his resource and skills were but pitiful, his back and his heart broke and tired

Instinct prompted action and his first thought was to kill
and so he set to hunting, his mind inclined that blood be spilled
did he consider the cost of his action, taking a life and consuming the death?
the beast he attacked barely fought back and had soon breathed its last breath

As it were before the advent of the spark
and fire hung beyond his reach in the afternoon sky
he gnawed its fresh flesh and drank of its blood
and once sated he collapsed and then cried

It appears I am the animal, a flawed and flailing fiend
by morning I'll be hungry and this death will seem obscene
he cleaned the skin and dried the bones, carrying remnants of the carcass home
to the shallow cave on the dusty land in a wind whipped world of drifting sand

His mate was amazed at the bounty of the hunt
a fur for a tunic and a little meat for lunch
he hung and dried the entrails and then wove it into twine
a snare to snatch a savage child to domesticate in time

With wooden bits he'd saved soon he built a sturdy cage,
a shiny rock's allure as lure, and caught a boy to keep as slave.
it was different in those days for there were 2 kinds of man
the big brow brutes in birthday suits and some not so simple chimps
who's eyes burned bright with plans

The cave child grew and as he matured he'd learned to use some civil words
yes and no, to stay or go and how to tend the herd
of course they didn't know it but 14 cycles round the sun
brought his nature into focus, he contemplates his caveman son

Thank you for your service you've worked hard and behaved
but the economy is down and we can't afford to keep a slave
tomorrow it's to market and you'll get a brand new home
we'll walk the flock to town and I'll journey back alone

When he didn't understand he was taken by the hand
lead to his straw thatched bed to sleep among the sheep and lambs

Shaken awake to the sound of cocks crowing
the master insistent, it's time we got going
there is danger on the road so we have to make haste
three hours to the village, the auctioneer is never late

Out came the sled to load the spring lambs
it's too far to drive them but you've got those strong hands
so on went the harness even though the youth resisted
under strain he got to moving as his master had insisted

He was sweating profusely while dragging the sled
a hard job compounded, as wheels weren't invented yet
when the way was too narrow leaving no space to pass
if opposed on the road he'd pull off on the grass

On the way there'd be trouble, you knew it was coming
shall we get to the conflict and hit the ground running?
on the path up ahead there milled a group of men
the ridge above their eyes meant you didn't mess with them

As he slowed to a crawl he shared an awkward glance with master
he knew the man was thinking but he wished that he'd think faster
all at once they turned their gaze and let it settled on the boy
some hostile grunts were shared between that he did not enjoy

He took note of the menacing men, a glance confirmed there were three
a father, a son, and an old battered brute less a leg below the knee
as his master stepped forward and offered them his little money
with crinkled up faces they leaned in to look
consulting each other with snorts of displeasure
then the legless neanderthal threw his left hook

Boy didn't know what happened next as master rolled for cover
like a docile spell was lifted his strength doubled and redoubled
he stepped to the man who had assaulted his keeper
stomped squarely on his good leg and the put him in a sleeper

One down, two to go, he released his vice like grip
he reconsidered briefly and re-grabbed him by the wrist
a foot for leverage on his neck and then he wrenched it with a twist
eyes flew open for a moment as the tensioned tendons ripped

He didn't know what had inspired agile anger in his heart
so virtuosic in its violence and now the boy was armed
his master plays dead in long brush beside the road
he holds aloft the severed limb for his comrades to behold

No words need be spoken, as they take the partial man
they would meet the same fate if they came face to face again
boy climbs back in the harness and pulls the skid back on the road
steadily striding due west toward the town where he'll be sold

To keep the tale brief we'll skip past the walking,
the rugged terrain and long heart felt talking
in the distance, puff of dust, a horse and rider coming east
master says put down that arm and let me talk, now hold your peace

The figure on the stallion wore a black cloak and a hood
he spoke softly to the master and by his face it wasn't good
when the whispers found an edge he saw his keeper nod
"Boy, take off the harness and come and meet this man of God"

Beneath the hood he saw a sour dour sullen stinking man
who's eyes belied a tragic end to his childlike esperance
when boy slowly approached he was offered a hand
with a grip strong as steel that implied impure demands

The powerful clamp of the mans insistence
was unneeded as boy heeded and proceeded without resistance
he was gripped by the chin and forced to open his mouth
his teeth were inspected and made to stick his tongue out

A deal was struck between the master and the man
and in a short span they could be on the road again
the stranger led the puzzled boy beneath a tree to shade
rapidly removing robes in earnest as more mortal mistakes were made

The rough rope belt caught a low hanging branch,
his cloak wrapped round his head as he started to dance
his coin purse spilled as he whirled to get free
and its strong leather lanyard twisted tight round his feet

The rope held the weight as his body collapsed
and with a thick pulpy pop boy heard his neck snap
it appears his fears unfounded and he considered, should he flee?
but returned to his protector and left the man beneath the tree

The master waits pacing as the boy brute returns
he apologetically shrugs as accusatory eyes burn
still he gathers the coins and climbs up on the horse
They've got livestock to sell and so they'll go forth

As Boy redons the harness and struggles to get moving
the older mans mood rises it seems his luck's improving
he'll come back with twice the money and impressive mount to boot
yet so far he's been delayed and must get back on the route

He he had half considered tethering the horse
to instead pull the sled and ease the boys strain
but this was too fine an animal to be treated so coarse
besides he was older and his back had a pain

Soon the hamlet destination was visible in the distance
pungent smoke from the pyres where the workers burned the dead
the boy trudged onward blissfully ignorant of conditions
as his patron dismounted, the older man said . . .

"Keep your mouth shut and be silent, behave as you're told
do what they tell you, don't try to be bold
no matter what happens, just keep your head down
don't worry about the others, it's why you've all been brought to town"

A bell rang in the market, the masters moved toward the stage
right now they'll sell the livestock and then move on to slaves
"First up the fowl for food, we've got layers, we've got cookers
free range birds freshly procured from Esmeralda's house of hookers"

A street vendor bought the lot and put the layers in his tent
cleaver in hand he'd prep the cookers there and then
as they were dispatched, boy observed without a word
he was unconcerned (at first) cause he was not a bird

when father brought his lambs up front
and that same vendor started bidding
he'd shared his food with the ewe of the brood
and could not face the chance of him winning

As it turned out another man bought the lambs
and lead them out of town on a rope with gentle hands
next up was swine and in no time they'd sold the last of pigs
seven score of squirming squealers and several sows all round and big

And as they marched up people, chained by ankle, bound by wrist
Boy couldn't help but notice that they all had brows like his
at fathers insistent prodding he'd joined the grand procession
desperately clinging to the arm as it was his sole possession

The master stood close just in case that he ran
when the crowd hushed to silence by the entrance of a man
the jailer judge and jury jingled gently as he walked
with the preachers steed and saddle he approached the auction block

All eyes on him the crowd pushed in, save a few folks running off
eyes went wide, no place to hide, the law cleared his throat with a cough
crouched low, father forced the coin purse into his servants sweaty grasp
"stay mute young brute, less we dance the rope" he exhaled in a gasp

"All hear ye! In this town now there is a killer and a thief
who's slain the passing preacher, left indecent in a tree
this fine saddle as reward for the rider of this beast
only when he swings will our community find peace"

As he spoke the crowd parted, isolating the master
his hubris having hastened this unmitigated disaster
his protests unheard, the crowd wouldn't be tamed
and at the scaffold in the square his end finally came

The boy had obey'd, he sat mute through the proceedings
he gave coin to the vendor and had some chicken he was eating
in the purse there was the money from the sale of the lambs
all those little lives became this weight within his hand

Should he go home alone? It was clear he was unwanted
still he harnessed up the sled and set to walking back undaunted
heading eastbound he left town catching glimpse of a shape
a slender sexy silhouette cloaked in a fur fringed cape

You need a neander-Nancy is what his master used to say
as a joyful jesting jab when normal girls would run away
she beckons him playfully to abandon his burden
to return to her family and it seems so certain

That her father and mother will take him in with open arms
to the cave where she grew up in the mountains near the farms
fate, alas it came to pass with his limited intellect
our newly rich protagonist, our brutish boy could not expect

They approached the cave and she called to her kin
but as mother came out to welcome them in
she wore a face of concern and quickly they learned
that her father's been injured and he's had a bad turn

"Go in and say farewell, he's passing out and fading fast
as these few and fleeting moments will most likely be his last
tell him of this boy you met and try to help him rest"
she reluctantly draws the drape and leans in close with bated breath

If you know my work, you can see where we're going
behind the curtain it's certain crimson blood will be flowing
and beneath the carnage and gratuitous gore
is a one legged man that he's met before

Mother says her brother and his son are gathering men
but they'll be back for their supper and you'll get to meet them then
so he sat upon the couch in the back of the cave
contemplating the silk pouch and the mess that he'd made

Just how many gold coins is a life worth ?
well, less for a chicken and more for a horse
submitted by Scartxx to KeepWriting [link] [comments]

2023.11.28 18:18 DeadByDaylight_Dev 7.4.0 Chucky

7.4.0 Chucky

7.4.0 Chucky

Release Schedule

The 7.4.0 Update and the Dead by Daylight: Chucky Chapter will be available starting at 12PM ET. (This is an estimate and may very from platform to platform.)

PTB Developer Update

To catch up on everything new since the last PTB, click here:

Developer Update November 2023 PTB - BHVR possibly the last time this year, we’re back with another Developer Update, a series of posts covering everything coming to Dead by Daylight. This time around, we have a pint-sized post focusing on all the changes being made after this past Public Test Build (PTB). The Good Guy We were thrilled to see Chucky receive…📷


New Killer - The Good Guy

Killer Power

The Good Guy has two separate modes he can switch between; Normal Mode and Hidey-Ho Mode. Due to his short height, The Good Guy also has a fixed third-person camera positioned above and behind him, giving the player a better view of his surroundings. He is also much shorter than other Killers making him very stealthy, however he leaves fading Footfalls behind as he walks.

Special Ability: Hidey-Ho Mode

Press the Secondary Power button to enter Hidey-Ho Mode for 14 seconds. While in this mode the Killer is Undetectable, and "distraction" Illusory Footfalls and audio are spawned all across the map.

Special Attack: Slice & Dice

While in Hidey-Ho Mode, press and hold the Power button to charge up a Slice & Dice Attack. When fully charged, you automatically dash forward at high speed, triggering an attack at the end. The Power button can be released during the dash to perform the attack early.

Special Ability: Scamper

While in Hidey-Ho Mode, when you are near a vault or pallet, press the Interaction button to scamper through it quickly without breaking it.


  • Hex: Two Can Play
  • Anytime you are stunned or blinded by a Survivor 4/3/2 times, if there is no Hex Totem associated with this Perk, a Dull Totem becomes a Hex Totem. While the Hex Totem stands, Survivors who stun or blind you get blinded for 1.5 seconds.
  • Friends 'Til the End
  • When you hook a Survivor that is not the Obsession, the Obsession becomes exposed for 20 seconds and reveals their aura for 6/8/10 seconds. When you hook the Obsession, another random Survivor screams and reveals their position and becomes the Obsession.
  • Batteries Included
  • When within 12 meters of a completed generator, you have 5% Haste. The movement speed bonus lingers for 1/3/5 seconds after leaving the generator's range. This perk deactivates when all the generators are powered.

Killer Updates - The Trickster

  • Movement speed increased from 4.4 m/s to 4.6 m/s.
  • Removed recoil for throwing knives.
  • Blade-ready movement speed: removed per-throw movement speed reduction.
  • Increase laceration meter from 6 to 8.
  • Main Event Updates:
    • Decrease the number of Blades required to access Main Event from 30 to 8 Blades.
    • Decrease Main Event duration from 10 sec to 5 sec.
    • Pressing the Secondary Power button within 0.3 second of activating Main Event does not cancel it.
    • Add 0.5 second to the next Main Event for each combo score level reached.
    • Combo Score Levels (consecutive hits with thrown Blades increases the combo):
      • E: base time + 0.5 sec
      • D: base time + 1 sec
      • C: base time + 1.5 sec
      • B: base time + 2 sec
      • A: base time + 2.5 sec
      • S: base time + 3 sec

Trickster Add-on Updates

  • Memento Blades
  • Increases throw speed by 5% (new functionality)
  • Inferno Wires
  • Increases duration of Main Event by 40% (was 25%)
  • Ji-Woon's Autograph
  • Increase the time before a combo ends by 10% (new functionality)
  • Tequila Moonrock
  • Increases duration of Main Event by 60% (was 50%)
  • Fiz-Spin Soda
  • Increase the time before a combo ends by 15% (new functionality)
  • Death Throes Compilation
  • Reveal the aura of Survivors hit during Main Event for 6 seconds (new functionality)
  • Iridescent Photo Card
  • For each consecutive Blade hit, gain a stackable 1% Haste status effect, up to a maximum of 7%. (new functionality)
  • This bonus is lost when missing a Blade or when injuring a Survivor by any means. (new functionality)

Killer Update - The Nemesis

  • There is a new animation for when Survivors use Vaccines on themselves.

Perk Updates

  • Made For This
  • This perk activates while you are in the injured state. after you finish healing another Survivor, gain the endurance status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. While affected by Deep Wound, you run 3% faster. (added deep wound condition for haste effect)
  • Stranger Things Perks - now that the Stranger Things DLC is available once more, the following perks will no longer be in the bloodweb unless you own the DLC:
    • Surge - Demogorgon perk (was Jolt)
    • Mindbreaker - Demogorgon perk (was Fearmonger)
    • Cruel Limits - Demogorgon perk (was Claustrophobia)
    • Babysitter - Steve Harrington perk (was Guardian)
    • Camaraderie - Steve Harrington perk (was Kinship)
    • Second Wind - Steve Harrington perk (was Renewal)
    • Better Together - Nancy Wheeler perk (was Situational Awareness)
    • Fixated - Nancy Wheeler perk (was Self Aware)
    • Inner Strength - Nancy Wheeler perk (was Inner Healing)

Map Updates

The largest Maps in the game, The Mother's Dwelling and The Temple of Purgation of the Red Forest Realm, have been reduced in size. This will help both roles enjoy a play area that is consistent with the other maps. While we were making adjustments to the Red Forest Realm, we also did a pass on the gameplay of the tiles and improve the navigation and the readability of the map.
The Garden of Joy also benefited from a gameplay pass. The house has been revisited to find a better combination of obstacles and reduce the strength of some of the windows. A pass on the tiles has also been done, since the visibility was making it hard for players to enjoy a better navigation in the map and bring the focus on the chase, loops and all interactions. The Killer Shack was also very crowded around the walls and made the collisions known through all realms hard to run consistently, we have cleared the area.
PTB Feedback for the House in Garden Of Joy, we noticed that the position changes of the breakable walls, made it more difficult to deal with the Windows. We have removed the breakables, the structure of house is still problematic it is noted and will be part of a future pass on the building.
Autohaven Wreckers will be more festive this year with added holiday decorations in a few places within the maps.


Graphics Update

  • Added support for FSR 1.0 on all platforms.

Player Profile and Customizable Player Cards

Players can now expect to find their level and grades on a new screen - their Player Profile! Select the badge in the top right (of most menus) to open it. The Player Profile is where players can customize their Player Card.
Players now have a Player Card and can earn collectable banners and badges to customize it! New banners and badges come in a variety of rarities and appearances and can be earned from Tome and Archive rewards as well as Events. Players will be able to see their new customized player cards in a variety of menus including the end-of-match tally screen where they can show them off to other players.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where The Wraith could earn progress towards the Tome 6 Ripple of Violence challenge when hitting a healthy survivor with the Blind Warrior - White add-on. This unintended.
  • Fixed an issue where the Green Glyphs were not spawning after the challenge requirement was completed.
  • Fixed an issue where the pallet break animation was out of sync while the Killer player was under the effect of the Orange Glyph.
  • Fixed an issue where a hooked Survivor player could earn progress on skill check related challenges during the hooked struggle phase. This was unintended.
  • Fixed an issue where visual elements of the Core Memory: Stray Thoughts challenge were visible after the shard despawned.
  • Fixed an issue where the shards of the Core Memory: Stray Thoughts challenge could spawn inside environment assets.
  • Fixed an issue where the High Skill challenge can gain progress from hook struggle skill checks.


  • Specific voice lines' subtitles should now match the audio more accurately.
  • Fixed various VO issues on The Good Guy.
  • Fixed an issue where The Good Guy could hear the illusory footfalls.
  • Fixed an issue where some killers were lacking the SFX when snuffing a totem.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong music was playing for Jake Park's Lucky Stroll Outfit.
  • Fixed an issue where the Blast Mine explosion was muffling the audio on the Survivor who installed it at any range.
  • Fixed an issue where the perk "Spies from the Shadow" caused the loud noises to be too loud.
  • Fixed an issue where Memory Shards were lingering after despawning.


  • Bots are better at handling the Undetectable status of a Killer.
  • Bots no longer struggle to repair a Generator on a specific tile on The Game.
  • Fixed multiple crashes that could occur when playing with Bots.
  • Bots in the Tutorials have been slightly nerfed to improve new player experience.
  • Bots have figured out how to access a particular corridor of the Hawking National Laboratory.
  • Bots have figured out how to access a particular corridor of the Raccoon City Police Station.
  • Bots have figured out how to fall off a specific ledge on Lampkin Lane.
  • When a Killer approaches while being healed by another player, Bots are now more willing to run away.


  • An animation of Mikaela Reid pulling out a book in the menus has been fixed to correctly hide the book at the end.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the animation for grabbing a Survivor from a Locker to not play properly when playing as The Nurse in a Trial.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the hook animation of the Nurse to not play properly when hooking a survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple animations to clip during specific interactions as The Hag.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivors right arm to appears broken when performing the self-unhook animation
  • Fixed an issue that caused the The Hillbilly to be able to see through a Locker when starting the Use Chainsaw.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Break pallet animation to be out of sync when breaking a pallet as the Killer while under the Orange Glyph status effect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Nicolas Cage to plays ‘failed skillcheck’ animation when using Styptic Syringe.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hag camera to moves briefly when returning to idle after an attack.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trapper and The Pig to be missing their traps in the Lobby
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivor Nicolas Cage's chin to clip through his collar during the pointing animation.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivor The Nurse's weapon to snaps back into idle position after an attack miss.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hag's arm to be invisible when having the Sugared Claws equipped during multiple actions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to be misplaced during the Moris as Renato Lyra and equipped with his legendary outfit.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Hag or The Nurse camera to be able to clip inside of the locker until they move, when searching an empty locker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Blight's camera to be able to clip through locker while using chain dash.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Trickster's camera to drops to low, when landing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors right arm to appear broken when performing the self-unhook animation while holding certain items.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Trapper to be able to farm Bloodpoints and stack Haste bonuses by spamming the Set Trap ability on Maurice's hooves.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Demogorgon's FOV not to increase while using the Shred ability.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legion's add-on Julie's Mix Tape not to replenish the Feral Frenzy cooldown when pallet stunned.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when the Deathslinger reeled in a speared Survivor.


  • Fixed issues related to the navigations of Bots in the The Underground Complex
  • Fixed an issue in the realm of Crotus Prenn where the pallet in the shack was clipping in the ground
  • Fixed an issue where Victor could not jump through a window of the Grim Pantry building
  • Fixed an issue on the Suffocation Pit where the player could land on top pf assets
  • Fixed an issue in the Coal Tower maps where player could land on top of pallets
  • Fixed an issue with the collision of a car asset in the Badham Preschool.
  • Fixed an issue where you could see the edge of the map in the vistas on The decimated Borgo.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Xenomorph's tail attack not to inflict damage on Survivors in the shack in the Red Forest maps.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Xenomorph's tail attack to hit multiple invisible collisions in the Underground Complex map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind to not be able to use his power around a sliding door in the Underground Complex map.


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused successful skillchecks from the Merciless Storm perk to count as failed.


  • Fixed an issue with purchasing Auric Cells on the Microsoft Store version of the game.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on PS5 while in menus.


  • Buying a node on the Bloodweb for an "item" that is part of the active preset right before the beginning of a match will lead to that "item" to be correctly consumed and shown on the Tally screen.
  • Legendary Cosmetics Killers with a unique name (such as The Trapper's Naughty Bear) will now have that name correctly display across all menus.
  • Players can switch between Archives visual lore entries while in fullscreen.
  • Fixed a missing word in the Player Stats tab
  • Fixed an issue where the screen blurs when canceling the Naughty Bear Mori preview while loading.
  • Fixed an issue where the spending pop-up above the Bloodpoints wallet doesn't appear when using bonus Bloodpoints.
  • Fixed an issue where texts are overlapping in the Loadout menu on the Nintendo Switch.
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips do not scale with the UI Scale option


  • Killswitched Cosmetics can no longer be brought into a Trial.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when starting a match with an empty loadout.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to run in place when the Killer disconnected from the trial.

Public Test Build (PTB) Adjustments

New Killer - The Good Guy

Killer Power

  • Pallet Scamper - 1.4 seconds (Was 1.2 seconds)
  • Slice & Dice dash duration - 1.2 seconds (Was 1 second)
  • Slice & Dice miss speed adjusted to be more in line with other similar Killers


  • Batteries Included - adjusted to deactivate after all generators are completed.


  • Good Guy Box - Decrease Slice & Dice hit blade wipe by 7 %. (Was 15%)
  • Power Drill - Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown reduced by 15% after hitting a Survivor with Slice & Dice. (Was 20%)
  • Electric Carving Knife - Decrease Slice & Dice miss cooldown by 5%. (Was 10%)
  • Jump Rope - Increase duration of Slice & Dice by 8%. (Was 30%)
  • Flaming Hair Spray - Reduce the amount of time consumed by M1 attacks in Hidey-Ho Mode by 20% (Was 12.5%)
  • Automatic Screwdriver - Missing a Slice & Dice attack reduces Hidey-Ho Cooldown by 10%. (Was 15%)
  • Portable TV - Slice & Dice duration increased by 70% once the Exit Gates have been powered. (Was 100%)
  • Silk Pillow - Terror Radius is reduced by 6m in Normal Mode, but Slice & Dice charge time is increased by 50%. (Was 4m and 75%)
  • Iridescent Amulet - Hidey-Ho Mode duration increased by 50%. M1 attacks immediately end Hidey-Ho Mode. (Was 100%)
  • Yardstick - Performing a Scamper reveals Survivor auras within 12m distance for 5 seconds. (Was 20m)
  • Running Shoes - Gain 2% movement speed after performing a Scamper for 5 seconds. (Was 4% and 3 seconds)
  • Rat Poison - While performing a Slice & Dice, the auras of survivors within 12m of you are revealed for 5 seconds (Was 8m)

Killer Updates - The Trickster

  • Increase Main Event blade requirement to 8 (was 6).
  • Revert time between throws to 0.33 sec (was 0.25).
  • Addons:
    • Ji-Woon’s Autograph: Increase the time before a combo ends by 10% (NEW EFFECT).
    • Fizz-Spin Soda: Increase the time before a combo ends by 15% (NEW EFFECT).
    • Waiting for You Watch: Increases the duration of Main Event by 0.4 seconds for each Blade hit while it is active. (was 0.25)
    • Death Throes Compilation: Reveal the aura of Survivors hit during Main Event for 6 seconds (NEW EFFECT).
    • Iridescent Photocard: Remove the Haste bonus when injuring a Survivor (instead of the dying state).


  • Bots will now think twice before doing a fall from a higher floor into the Killer's arms.
  • Bots are now more likely to loop clockwise and anti-clockwise around certain loops, rather than fixed to one direction.
  • Bots are now more accepting of being healed, particularly while fully downed.
  • Bots are more likely to leave an unsafe loop after getting hit.
  • Bots can now attempt to dodge dash actions.
  • Bots can now vault a specific pallet on the Mother's Dwelling Map.
  • Bots can now fall out of a specific window on the Lampkin Lane Map.
  • Bots can now vault a specific pallet on the Raccoon City Police Department Maps.
  • Bots' looping behaviour has improved, preventing them from turning around mid-loop in certain edge cases.
  • Bots are once again self-unhooking, having been disrupted by the anti-camp measures.

Bug Fixes


  • Queueing as a certain Killer for a regular game then switching to a custom game no longer locks you to play the Killer you queued as in the regular game.
  • Fixed The Demogorgon's Perks being available to Chucky without prestiging the former.

The Good Guy

  • The Good Guy's voice lines can overlap and cause the Slice and Dice yell to be silent
  • When destroying a Pallet as The Good Guy, the animation is now correctly centered in the direction of the Pallet.
  • The Good Guy's camera sensitivity is no longer affected when getting stunned during a Slice and Dice dash.
  • Activating the Hidey-ho mode no longer results in an increase in server latency and potential rubberbanding
  • The Good Guy can no longer hear Illusory Footfalls spawned around survivors
  • After vaulting a Pallet or a Vault, The Good Guy's Slice and Dice vignette no longer remains visible
  • The Good Guy's Chain Scampers are now more resilient in high latency network conditions
  • Survivors no longer remain on the floor during The Good Guy's pickup animation
  • The Good Guy now correctly play voice lines when entering Hidey-Ho Mode
  • The Good Guy can no longer body block hooked survivors from being unhooked
  • The Good Guy's Pallet Scamper and Vault Scamper are now the same duration
  • Breaking a pallet with The Good Guy's Hard Hat Addon now correctly triggers Chemical Trap, Thwack!, Game Afoot and Spirit Fury perks
  • The Good Guy now correctly plays voice lines when a Survivor escapes a Trial
  • The Good Guy's Slice and Dice ability no longer consumes 2 tokens of the Play With Your Food perk

The Trickster

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Haste bonus from the Iridescent Photocard's add-on to not be lost when hitting a Survivor with Endurance.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Haste bonus from the Iridescent Photocard's add-on to not be lost when grabbing a Survivor.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the perk Resurgence not to work after unhooking yourself.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the perk Dying Light to gain a stack when hooking the Obsession while having the perk Friends 'Til the End equipped.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Status Effects from the Friends 'Til the End perk not to transfer to the new Obsession when triggered by Obsession transfer perks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the perk Hex: Two Can Play to not be dimmed when all totems were destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the perk Hex: Two Can Play not to gain a charge when a Survivor wiggled out from the Killers grasp.
  • Fixed an issue that caused various Haste bonuses not to stack when applied to the lingering bonus Haste of the perk Batteries Included.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur on the Microsoft Store version of the game when moving around menus.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on Nintendo Switch after consecutive matches.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur on loading into certain maps.
  • Fixed a server crash that could occur when playing with Bots.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hag's add-ons that reveal Survivor auras when a trap is triggered not to work.
submitted by DeadByDaylight_Dev to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2023.11.26 04:39 Willow_Winters It’s great for my muscles 💪

It’s great for my muscles 💪 submitted by Willow_Winters to SpicyRomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2023.11.17 02:14 J4v3Lin4 Parachute Silk Tablecloth & Set of 8 Napkins

Parachute Silk Tablecloth & Set of 8 Napkins
WWII Parachute Silk Tablecloth & Napkin Set?
New to this sub! I have some items that I don’t know much about, and I am posting here in the hopes that someone can tell me more information about what I have. I’m in the USA and this item is known to have originated in the USA.
My mom passed away suddenly last year at age 50 from a heart attack. The last time I saw her before she died, she gave me this tablecloth and set of 8 napkins, which she had gotten from her paternal grandmother during a recent visit to see her. This is what she told me about them:
This set was used in my parents’ wedding, loaned to my mom by her grandmother. They are supposedly made from silk recovered from parachutes made for WWII prior to the adoption of nylon for use in making parachutes. She also told me that this set has a twin; an identical tablecloth was supposedly used by Nancy Reagan for some White House dinner or other event during her time as First Lady.
They do appear to be made from real silk, but I can’t substantiate anything else that she said. I don’t know enough about parachute silk to know if they really are made from that, and I definitely don’t know how to verify the claim about the twin set used by Nancy Reagan. If anyone who is knowledgeable about parachute silk or has expertise concerning Reagan-era presidential artifacts, I would appreciate any insight you can offer.
Mostly, I am just curious about whether these claims could be true — but of course I would also like to know if I have something valuable to collectors, or which deserves to be preserved in a museum somewhere. I’m unlikely to ever sell them because my mom left behind very few keepsakes when she died, but if they should be preserved by historians I’d really like to make sure they’re in the right hands.
Thank you in advance to anyone who comments with more info! PS: sorry for not unfolding the entire tablecloth when I took the pic. I was trying to minimize exposure to cat hair, etc. It’s roughly six feet long and would probably fit a small to medium size dinner table.
submitted by J4v3Lin4 to Antiques [link] [comments]

2023.10.26 10:08 Nolesman357 I beat Spider-Man 2 and loved every second of it

This game was everything I hoped it would be and then some. The story was amazing, the combat and traversal was so fluid, and the technological upgrades from the first game made this such a cool gaming experience. I managed to avoid spoilers thankfully and also didn’t see what the general public thought. Then when I beat the game I came here to see all the negative nancies nitpicking nonsense in the game. Is that game perfect? No. But it’s still a fantastic game and I for one loved it.
As far as how the game improved, the boss fights were like actually boss fights, not just cool spectacles. Don’t get me wrong, the first game has great boss fights but they’re all so easy. This game had lots of fights that weren’t too challenging but still much tougher (I played on normal). Also, the addition of my arch nemesis in gaming: parrying, added a fun wrinkle to the combat.
It’s hard for me to be critical of Spider-Man. I love all the movies, especially Spider-Man 3, so I have a hard time caring about the criticisms of the game. I’m grateful for Insomniac and all that they’ve done with Spider-Man. I am also very excited to see where they go from here.
There will presumably be DLC, maybe another spinoff, and then of course the final installment of the trilogy in Spider-Man 3. Perhaps they’ll make more games after that but as far as I know it’s a trilogy. The first game didn’t set up its DLC, but I’m hoping that Spider-Man 2 did. I’d love a Carnage DLC, as I’m sure lots of people would. I think that would make the most sense. The people would love it. It would feel underwhelming to have a chain of side missions setting up Carnage only to never show Carnage in his full glory.
A spin-off would presumably be about Venom or perhaps Silk. Miles Morales was nice because it formally introduces you to Miles as Spider-Man. If there is another playable character in Spider-Man 3, then perhaps that’s the route they’ll go if they do make a spin-off. If it’s just Miles and Peter, which I kind of hope it is. 3 playable characters is a lot. Plus, if they don’t make a spin-off they can focus more on Spider-Man 3. It’s hard to imagine Insomniac topping Spider-Man 2, but I trust them to do so. I only know Green Goblin from the movies, so I imagine Insomniac’s depiction will make him even more nefarious. The games have pretty much run through all the other villains I know so I look forward to meeting new Spider-Man villains. Kraven was one I only knew of, but didn’t know what he was all about.
I do want to address two nitpicks from the game. The first one is Kraven killing off villains offscreen. Listen, I understand they’re staple villains, but Insomniac has no more use for them and I doubt they wanted to animate entire cutscenes that ultimately don’t matter. To us these are iconic villains; to Kraven they are trophies. The second nitpick is that the ending was too rushed. This I can agree with, but I can also easily look past it. The first game has a pretty rushed ending too. I feel like by the time the end rolls around all of the emotional beats of the story have been hit and there is only the world to save so there’s not much else to do other than go take down the big bad villain.
My biggest nitpick of the game is that Mysteriums could only be completed by Miles. Peter should’ve been able to do them too. It’s ok though because these were so much easier than the Taskmaster challenges which for some reason I just had to get Ultimate.
Spider-Man 2 is a top 3 game for me. I loved it so much. Got the platinum for it, and I’m sure I’ll play it multiple times over. I can’t wait for Spider-Man 3 but for now I’ll relish in Spider-Man 2.
TL;DR: I liked Spider-Man 2 a lot.
submitted by Nolesman357 to SpidermanPS4 [link] [comments]

2023.10.22 23:10 DINC2003 Deon WIP

2203 words
Deon felt a pleasant warmth wash over his body and a smile curl on his face. He felt weightless as though no floor were beneath him. “Is this what astronauts feel like?” he pondered. A piercing ray of light touched his eyes, but he did not mind. He was hearing a continuous tone flow through his ears that sounded peaceful and content. All felt right in the world.
“Deon, do you hear me?”
That voice. He felt as though he had heard it before, but he could not place it.
“Yeah?” Deon said, the smile reflected in his voice.
“Everything is ok, Deon.”
Deon found that odd. He felt ok. Better than ok, in fact.
“Ok” Deon replied.
“I’m going to tell you something and I would like you to know that regardless of what I say, you are safe.”
Deon thought that this sounded very comforting. Being safe is good, he thought. Deon liked being safe.
“Deon Spires, you are dead.”
“No” Deon thought, “That’s not right.”
“Do you remember, Deon?”
Deon started to remember things. He thought of his wife’s face. Beautiful. He thought of his family. His father, mother, and sister appeared in his mind.
Then something clicked in Deon and he remembered other things from his life. He started to remember the pain he suffered and the pain he caused. He remembered the feeling of anger and the feeling of guilt. He remembered who he was and though he still felt a warmth over him and he still felt weightless, the warmth became hot. The weightlessness began to feel as though he was falling. The light that shone through his eyelids became unbearable to look at. The sound in his ears became high-pitched and irritating.
And his smile was gone...
Deon sat in his car and screamed the lyrics to a booming, intense song. As the song faded out and he stopped slapping his steering wheel to the rhythm, Deon looked at his watch and saw that it was 18:55. He turned off the car and stepped out carrying his bag and his water bottle. He traversed the parking lot until he reached the entrance of the town’s community center. Inside, it was almost completely empty with only a few employees talking amongst themselves. The doors slid open for him, and he walked in. The employees looked toward him. One was a short brunette with about a pound of makeup on while the other was a tall, chiseled guy with a perfect jawline. They were wearing the same, dull, sand-colored uniform with a logo sewn on the front and blue jeans. They were a little younger than Deon; likely seniors in high school.
“Hey. Could you point me towards the group therapy...thing?” Deon asked.
In response, the short girl pointed to a sign posted up reading “DEPRESSION GROUP THERAPY ROOM 11” with an arrow pointing toward a hallway to Deon’s left.
“Thanks” Deon said sheepishly while wearing a fake smile.
As soon as Deon started walking in the direction of the room, the two employees began talking as though he had never interrupted them in the first place. At the end of the hallway, he saw a door propped open which had the number 11 painted over it. Before he entered, he peeked inside and noticed 8 foldable chairs in a circle like an AA meeting. The room was about as large as a classroom and in the corner was a table with a coffee maker and a box of donuts sitting next to it. An older lady with blonde hair and a slightly sunken face. When she noticed Deon standing in the doorway, a toothy grin spread across her face.
“Hi! Are you here for the meeting?” she asked in a whispery voice.
“Uh...yeah. I’m not the only one here, am I? Deon asked, confused.
She looked at the clock mounted on the wall and looked back at Deon.
“So far. You’re pretty early.” she remarked.
“Early? Doesn’t it start at 7?” Deon asked while looking at his watch.
“No. Actually, it got changed to 7:30 because of some time conflict with the heroin support group.” she replied. “Since you’re here, care to help me set up?”
Deon made the coffee and placed Styrofoam cups on the small corner table while the blonde lady put up a sappy motivational poster in a blank space on the tan wall. This only took about 10 minutes, however, so Deon was forced to wait until the rest of the group came. The room was completely silent until the blonde lady spoke up.
“I’m sorry. I forgot to ask your name. Mine is Carla.” she said as she held out her hand.
“Deon.” he replied as he grabbed her hand and shook it gently.
“What brings you in, Deon?” she asked, retaining the plastered smile on her face.
“Well, I’ve had depression for years. At least, I think I have. It’s hard to tell what was depression and what was just teenage hormones.” Deon explained.
At this point in time, Carla’s face transitioned from a fake smile to a fake look of concern.
“Did you go through any trauma as a teenager, Deon?”
“ I’ve had a pretty normal life as far as I’m concerned. Had both parents. Both love me. I’ve got a sister. I’ve never even had money problems except for very recently. Depression just kind of hit me out of the blue.” Deon explained.
As soon as Deon finished talking, a group of 7 walked in the room one by one. Each of them were much older than Deon and some of them looked much worse off than him.
“Oh boy” Carla said. “Let me go grab another chair.”
All of a sudden, the room grew very loud. They all talked like they knew each other. “Hey Bob” “How’s it going, Nancy?” “Haven’t seen you at a meeting in a while, Donna”. None of them even acknowledged Deon, but he was okay with that. Talking with strangers wasn’t one of his strong-suits. Eventually, everyone grabbed their coffee and donuts and sat down in the chairs. Carla came back with the last chair and sat down with a clipboard and a pen with one of those novelty erasers that’s shaped like a dog.
“Alright, everyone. For those who have been with us a while, welcome back. I want to introduce everyone to the newest member of our wellness journey. Go ahead and introduce yourself.”
“ name is Deon. Thanks for having me.” Deon proclaimed and waved his hand.
“Awesome. Thanks for coming. So, who wants to go first?” Carla asked as she looked around the circle.
An older man with a graying beard and a receding hairline raised his hand. He was white, but his forehead was sunburnt, and his hands were calloused. He was wearing a blue button-up and a black tie with khakis.
“Go ahead, Alexander.” Carla said as she folded her legs.
“It’s nice to see you all.” Alexander uttered quietly. His voice was hoarse, and he didn’t look at anyone when he spoke.
“Next month is Brandon’s birthday. He would have been 26. He’s been gone for so long and yet, every time I come home, I expect to see him lying on the couch watching those cop shows we liked. He’s the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing before I go to sleep. All I can think of is what I could have done to help him. I saw him suffering...and I couldn’t do anything about it.”
Alexander cried and Deon could barely look at him. By the time Alexander finished, a couple people were crying with him. Deon sat in his chair leaning forward and staring at the ground. One by one, everyone told their stories. Bob had been homeless for over a year. Nancy had been abused by her foster parents when she was still a pre-teen. Donna was raped in an alley when she was 15. Deon sat and said nothing while these people poured their hearts out.
Eventually, everyone had told their story, but Deon and then Carla looked over at him expectantly.
“How about you, Deon? Why don’t you tell everyone what you told me?” Carla asked.
“No, I don’t think so”
Yesterday was hectic and scary, but Deon was over the moon. He stayed next to Michelle and although she was in pain, Deon couldn’t help but wear a toothy grin until his cheeks ached. When he got home at 4 in the morning, however, that feeling of nervous excitement had vanished and turned to disgust and nausea. Michelle hadn’t come out of the bedroom or even made a sound since they returned from the hospital.
Deon sat in his chair and stared blankly at the tv screen while occasionally bringing a glass of whiskey to his lips. The show he found himself watching was some BS low-budget garbage. A family show. The husband and wife were on a camping trip with their kids. The first scene was the dad trying to set up the tent. They took a slapstick approach to it. The dad was hammering the pegs into the dirt until he the hammer found his thumb and he had a silly, cartoon reaction.
In the next scene, the family was eating lunch.
“Man, I love me some turkey and swiss, mom.” the little boy said in a funny voice before a laugh track played in the background.
Deon couldn’t tell if that was supposed to be a joke or not.
“Well, son. Make sure you get nice and full because I’m going to need another man to help me finish setting up the tent” the dad said in an equally fucking stupid voice.
Then the father and son set up the tent together and surprise surprise, it turned out to be too small. Hilarious. Deon drifted off while the next episode played out and though he had fallen asleep, he was still watching the show. In this episode, the family had come back home with their brand-new baby.
“Let me know if you need anything, honey.” the dad said as he wheeled the mom into the bedroom and helped her on to the bed.
“Thanks, dear. I think I’m ok for now. Can you make sure Tommy is doing ok? You know how kids can get jealous when another baby is around.” the wife said all while smiling.
“Of course, sweetheart.” he said as he exited the room and went back down the stairs.
The son was sitting on the sofa and watching a cartoon with robots and mutants and superheroes. The dad sat next to him and saw that he had a sad face.
“What’s the matter, Tommy?” the dad asked. “Worried about not being the favorite anymore?”
“No, it’s not that dad. It’s just...the neighbors down the road were having a baby, but when they came back home from the hospital, they looked all sad.”
The dad looked puzzled until he realized what the son was talking about. After that, he stopped using a sitcom dad voice and talked normally.
“Well, Tommy. Sometimes when a woman is having a baby, it doesn’t come out right and it dies.”
“But our baby came out right, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, she did. Lots of things can cause a baby to not come out right. Sometimes the mom smokes or drinks and that hurts the baby. We loved the baby so much that it came out of your mom perfectly”
“But I’ve never seen Mrs. Spires drink or smoke ever”
“Well, they probably didn’t love it enough”
Deon stepped through the brightly lit hallway and through the bedroom door to see Michelle lying seductively on the bed in his favorite of her silk robes. A smirk instantly formed on Deon’s face as he sat on the edge of the bed and ran a hand down her leg.
“What’s the special occasion? It’s not our anniversary already, is it?” Deon asked.
Michelle sat up and inched closer to Deon before planting a kiss on his lips and whispering four words into his ear:
“Let’s have a baby”
Deon instantly felt an excited jolt in his heart and butterflies in his stomach.
“A baby? You want to have a baby now?” Deon asked whilst still retaining his upbeat demeanor.
“Yeah, why not? We love each other and you’ve always told me you wanted kids.”
“Yeah, I do. It’s just...are you sure it’s not too soon?”
“Listen...I’m going to lay in this bed with my robe on and you can join me if you like. If not, there’s a couch right out there in the living room with your name on it.” Michelle declared as she jumped under the sheets. “Well, what’s it gonna be, party pooper?”
Deon, without much thought, made his decision and joined her under the covers. After a couple hours, they lay face to face and lips to lips.
“Well, what do you think the baby will be?” she asked.
“Human, I hope.” Deon stated sarcastically.
“Shut up, asshole. You know what I mean.”
“Honestly, I don’t care either way.”
“Good answer.”
submitted by DINC2003 to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 05:22 Birdyline Revealing the Origins of my Pet Names (end of contest)

Its been a while but I’m back to announce that we had a winner for the pet names contest/giveaway. I asked if anyone could guess the origins of my book-themed pet’s names and I was actually super impressed by how well everyone did! The ones in bold are the ones that NO ONE guessed… but here’s the reveal:
-Claire Morning, Gabriel Silk, Benjamin Brown, Zelda Dobinski, Olivia Vertigo, and Emma Tolly are ALL from the Charlie Bone series by Jenny Nimmo
Emlyn Moon is from a spin-off series of the same author as Charlie Bone. He’s named after the book “Emlyn’s Moon.”
Crow Warbler, Ava Fathom, and Claire Morning are all from the Unwanted series by Lisa McMann. Thisbe Stowe is named after a character from the Unwanted spin off series.
Nancy and Drew are from Nancy Drew. I was surprised at how few people got that.
Jupiter North and Hawthorne Swift are from the Nevermoor series by Jessica Townsend. (I think I might name a Webkinz raven Morrigan Poe after her and Edgar Allen Poe? Would that be a good name)
Villanelle and Sestina are poetry terms, they have a third room mate named Haiku who was too obvious a guess for the first post.
Igraine and Melisande are from Igraine the Brave by Cornelia Funke.
Ok now all of the duplicates are out of the way, here’s the rest of them!
-Edmund - from Narnia -Midnight - Cinderella. No one got this one?! -Genesis Vertigo- yes her last name is Vertigo but that’s just because she’s the big kinz version of my Olivia Vertigo. She’s named after the book of the Bible. -Yelnats - From “Holes” by Louis Sachar -William Montague - William as in Shakespeare, Montague as in Romeo. -Atlas - from mythology —————————————— Hard guess (double the points) -Pinky - Pinky Pye by Eleanor Estes -Shelby Jayne - Circle of Secrets by Kimberly Griffith Little -Chopper- to be fair, I knew no one would guess this one. He’s named after the cooking scene in Ella Enchanted. Because I was reading Ella Enchanted and wanted a chef. Chopping just is something you do to cook. -Scruffy - refers to Hagrid because he’s hairy lol -Juline Squall - named after people from the Keeper of the Lost Cities Series by Shannon Messenger -Piper McCloud - from The Girl who Could Fly -Elizabeth - Pride and Prejudice -Princess - Princess is named for three different books. First is the Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. Second is The Princess Test by Gail Carson Levine. Third is The Princess Bride. The Little Princess was a common guess and I gave those people a point too though I have a Sara Crewe separately. -Jasmine Jasmine is named after the lion in Secondhand Lions because she’s a lion fish. It’s technically a book but most people only know the movie so this one is understandable why no one got it. -Jack Perrault - I gave one person a point for this but the full explanation is that his name was inspired by The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer (yes, from Glee.) he’s named after Jack from “Jacks and the beanstalk” and also Charles Perrault who did NOT write Jack. He wrote one adaptation of red riding hood, and that is the other character he’s named for. -Minnie Mae - named after Diana Barry’s little sister in Anne of Green Gables NOT to be confused with MILLIE Mae from The Girl Who Could Fly which was a popular guess due to having named Piper off of that book. - Fairy - Titania from a Midsummers Noght Dream by Shakespeare -Darling - Wendy Darling -Robert Mallard -named after the author of “Make way for ducklings” in the book the ducks are called Mrs and Mr Mallard.
Thanks for the participation! Let me know if you want me to post any photos of the pets you guessed for.
submitted by Birdyline to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2023.09.09 19:56 Birdyline Competition: Can you guess the origin of my pets’ names?

I’m curious, so I want to give a prize of any item from my trading rooms to whoever guesses the meaning of the most of my pets names. They’re ALL names named after books or authors or poets or writers or some sort of literary thing. Some are obvious, some are not. I will write a list here and then also put some hints in the comments to help with the trickier ones. DM me if you want to try. Whoever gets the most correct wins! Because I have a lot of pets, I removed the “easy guessed” from this list as most everyone would get them.
———————————————————- Medium Guesses: -Claire Morning -Crow Warbler -Villanelle -Sestina -Edmund -Midnight -Gabriel Silk -Zelda Dobinski -Olivia Vertigo -Genesis Vertigo -Jupiter North -Hawthorne Swift -Nancy -Yelnats -William Montague - Ava Fathom -Thisbe Stowe -Atlas
——————————————— Hard guess (double the points) -Midnight -Pinky -Shelby Jayne -Chopper -Scruffy -Juline Squall -Piper McCloud -Benjamin Brown -Elizabeth - Emma Tolly -Drew -Princess -Igraine -Melisande -Jasmine -Emlyn Moon -Jack Perrault -Minnie Mae - Fairy -Butterfly -Darling -Robert Mallard
I’m going to post some hints on the comments for ones I think people will get confused. Uhhh I hope y’all want to try!
submitted by Birdyline to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2023.06.19 18:51 dingyametrine [US to US] [Perfume] [Sell] Alkemia, BPAL, Hex, Laurel & June, Luvmilk & More

[US to US] [Perfume] [$4.50 shipping]
Here's the full destash spreadsheet with more information. Thanks so much for looking!
The FS I have:
Savor Soap * Hot Buttered Oatmeal, $4 (Hot cooked oats, melted butter, a touch of maple, and sweet sugar.)
The Strange South * Skeeter Eater, $8 (Essential oils of rose geranium, marigold, eucalyptus, cedar, lemon balm, and cinnamon, scented with wild berries and vanilla.)
The samples I have:
Alkemia * Arcanum Experiment #7 (2021), $3 (Medieval saffron honeycake, black cardamon, nutmeg, Scottish oatcakes, Saxon lemon tart, penydes, and a splash of mead) * Arcanum Experiment #4 (2022), $3 (Gingermint julep, fresh muddled berries, lemon verbena, botanical gin) * Arcanum Experiment #6 (2022), $3 (Strawberry incense, boozy black cherries, labdanum, frankincense, rock rose, black amber) * Bayberry Alchemy (November 2021), $3 (A blend of the unique piney-spicy aroma of bayberries with chai tea, nutmeg, Ceylon cinnamon, treacle, and cozy firewood to bring the delights of the season to heart and home.) * May Queen Alchemy (May 2022), $3 (Soft ozonic spring breezes rippling through a braided crown of fresh spring flowers, peach nectar, purple plums, bramble berries, hawthorn blossoms, birch leaves, rowan berries, and sweet woodruff wine.) * Nephilim, $4 (A dark, earthy union of aged iron distilled patchouli and black oud with a mineralistic accord of gypsum flower and brimstone.) * Aurora, $3 (A luminscent skin-but-better aurora of soft cashmeran, orris root, cardamon infused coconut milk, white amber, white musk, white violet, white ginger, lotus flower, and a touch of honeyed cream.) * Black Iris, $3 (Royal purple iris, Queen Elizabeth orris root, Nimbostratus rainclouds.) * Black Roses, $3 (Voluptuous, midnight-black roses blended with precious black Arabian oud and black Indonesian musk.) * Carnival of Illustrious Hearts, $3 (A glitteringly gourmet gala of French sugarcreams, candied orange blossoms, raspberry cotton candy, rosewater torte filling, and Bourbon vanilla amber.) * Green Carnation, $3 (A subversively mysterious philtre of carnations, dianthus, absinthe, green patchouli, and bay rum.) * Hippie Spirit, $3 (A bohemian love-fest of resinous head shop incenses, sexy skin musk, slightly dirty patchouli, groovy champa blossoms, and flowering cannabis.) * Mystery Sample, $2 (???) * Sun Dried Laundry in a Summer Rain, $3 (Stonewashed linen and clean, sun-dried cotton billowing gently on an old fashioned clothesline spattered by the first gently ozonic drops of a Maine summer rain.) * Tulips & Chimneys, $3 (An urban springtime of rainy aldehydes, wet asphalt, industrial steam engines, farmer's market bouquets of fresh tulips, Toulouse violets, mint pastels, and a warm touch of clove viburnum.)
Alphamusk * Owviously, $2 (Silkened red oud, crushed feathers, sparkling moon musk, elemi, frankincense, trail stones, Buddha wood, amyris, rosewood, tolu balsam, sweet patchouli buds, campfire ash.)
Astrid * Ebb & Flow, $2 (Honeysuckle, frankincense, Argentine lemon, and sage.) * Pink Umbrella, $2 (Spring rain accord, lily of the valley, pink rose, pear, carrot seed, gardenia, cherry, and vanilla.)
Black Hearted Tart * Brighter than Sunshine, $3 (Opens with the scent of mouth watering lemon bars with enticing notes of gooey lemon curd, buttery shortbread crust, and sprinkles of powdered sugar. Orange blossoms blended with mandarin and wild honey add a soft floral element. Sun brewed sweet tea accord adds a refreshing spritz of herbaceous freshness to this sunshiny blend. Sweet amber and golden vanilla create the base.) * Piece of My Heart, $3 (inspired by the intoxicating aroma southern Magnolia trees release into the hot humid summer air. Magnolia tree accord made with lemony floral magnolia blossoms and waxy green tree leaves. Sugar cane adds sweetness, while cardamom and pink pepper add spice. The vanilla bean base is complimented with sandalwood and a dash of bitter almond.)
BPAL * Aelopile, $3 (Glowing amber and citrus, labdanum, verbena, cedar, and oud.) * Anubis, $2 (His scent is a blend of holy myrrh, storax, balsam, and embalming herbs.) * Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, $2 (Bottled happiness. Helps reverse misfortune, brings light and laughter to even the most troubled and discordant place, and aids in alleviating the stress and discontent that accompanies so many of life’s daily trials.) * Chaotic, $3 (A whirling mélange of multicolored musks with wasabi, rooibos, heliotrope, and mastic.) * Faustus, $2 (An infusion of incalculable power and irresistible temptation. Truly an exercise in megalomania and self-gratification: frankincense and cinnamon, darkened by violet.) * Has No Hanna, $1 (Brings a rush of good luck, lifts the spirit, and helps alleviate depression.) * Mary Shelley, $3 (The scent of absinthe, lightning, stormclouds, and laudanum crashing through a veil of soft Victorian perfume.) * Othello, $1 (Arabian musk with two roses and a bevy of Middle Eastern and Indian spices.)
CocoaPink * Bobbing For Apples, $2 (Orchard peaches, Honey Crisp apples, glowing Jack O' lanterns, pumpkin flesh, and layers of creamy vanilla with just a touch of the warm patchouli fragrance of Witch's Brew.) * Fear of Pumpkins, $3 (Sweet pumpkin entombed inside soft pale cupcakes topped with whipped buttercream frosting next to a frightful blend of sugared pralines and pumpkin bread.) * Opera Ghost, $3 (Candlelight reflected on rosewood; an elegance of myrrh and amber; dainty macarons; a cloak as dark as black chocolate; a single perfect rose.) * Telekinetic, $3 (Mysterious star jasmine, paperwhites, Italian bergamot, white wild rose, sensual balsam, fresh tobacco leaves, spicy pink peppercorn shocked with an ambergris accord.) * Turqoise Elfcup, $2 (Sea breezes and fresh salt spray, a shore of deep mosses starred with tiny blue freesias and a sweet juicy pear accord with a touch of skin musk.)
Death & Floral * My Whole Life Is A Delicate Cycle, $1 (Bubbly Laundry soap, the metal clink of change in machines, a cotton bra with an unknown owner.)
Drop Down Dew * Lamentations, $1 (Moroccan argan, coffee, frankincense, myrrh, warm vanilla)
Forelsket * Sommer, $4 (Dry grass, super sweet corn, a juicy peach, hyacinth, and the well-worn wood of a picnic table)
Fyrinnae * Warlock of Centaurus, $2 (Sharp black pepper and powdery amber resin dominate, followed by warm, sweet acacia wood, hints of patchouli and saffron, with a note of soft suede)
Haus of Gloi * Milkmaid, $2 (Flushed, but demure. Fresh milk, clean linens, pale musk and pink sweet pea blossom.) * Snow Flower, $2 (Hawthorn and heliotrope blossoms, softly falling snow, cold winter air and crystalline musk.)
Hexennacht / Mr. Hex * Baccarat Mews, $3 (Citrus, jasmine, saffron, sage, ambergris, oakmoss, cedar) * Butterbeer, $2 (Sweet, golden, drippy butterscotch, rich vanilla ice cream, hot buttered rum) * Freddy Loves Nancy, $2 (Dreamy, pillowy, torched marshmallows, and strong black coffee.) * Mossypeach, $2 (Peach, sun-warmed meadow, cedar, sandalwood, vetiver, tree moss, oakmoss accord.) * Red Berry Trifle, $3 (Vanilla madeleines, custard, strawberries, raspberries, whipped cream. Contains natural strawberry & raspberry isolates.) * Spirit Mews, $3 (incense, pink pepper, bergamot, cedar, ylang-ylang, Bulgarian rose, jasmine, vanilla, benzoin) * Strychnine, $3 (Egyptian musk, orange blossom, osmanthus, amber, vanilla, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli.) * Take Me To Church, $3 (Ultra-premium amber accord, vanilla, tonka, bois d'encense, frankincense, olibanum coeur, myrrh, benzoin, peru balsam, roasted labdanum.) * Vice, $3 (Lascivious crimson musk, crumpled velvet, leather, amberspice accord, animalic accord, suede, over-ripe figs, rum, raspberry, cognac, smeared red lipstick, tobacco, silken underpinnings, florid skin, cocaine accord, smoke.)
Laurel & June * Blue Tropic, $3 (Blue velvet, honeyberry, pineapple, pikake flowers, white amber) * Heaven's Season, $3 (Honeysuckle, jasmine and wisteria vines dancing in the warm spring breeze with touches of vetiver, white musk and rosewood.) * I Shall Not Live in Vain, $3 (Mid-spring's delights of bright greens, tulips, irises, heather, pink jasmine and passion flower with a base of woody amber) * Only Gods Know, $2 (Coconut cream, ambrosia, honey, vanilla bean. *) * Sensual Sweetheart, $3 (Powdery soft roses and violets, soft skin, silk sheets) * Voluptuous Vulpine, $3 (Lavender, cedarwood, balsam, golden amber, ginger, bergamot, vetiver, basil*)
Luvmilk * Enchanting Blood, $3 (Lime, lemongrass, grated ginger, and green tea. BODY SPRAY) * Little Devil, $3 (Light marshmallow, osmanthus, aged bark, sweet resin, and juicy red pomegranate. BODY SPRAY) * Rabbit Cafe, $3 (Fried dough, strawberry ham, gardenia, jasmine, vanilla, coconut musk, and white amber. BODY SPRAY) * Mother Bee, $1.50 (Sweet honey, creamy vanilla, and lightly toasted marshmallow. BODY POWDER.) * Child King, $3 (Strong black coffee, a scoop of coffee ice cream dusted with cocoa powder, clove, and a splash of dark rum.​) * Heart Breaker, $3 (Rich butterscotch, warm graham crackers, faint notes of cinnamon and brown sugar, and a drizzle of caramel.)
Poesies * Amaterasu, $3 (golden sandalwood incense, rice milk, bright cardamom, amber, dry wheat, and sunflowers) * Green Girl, $3 (pistachio, wildflower honey, oatmilk matcha latte, heliotrope blossoms, marshmallow musk.) * Villa Diodati, $3 (rosemary, pine, lake water, and dark vanilla.)
Possets * Hop Head, $1 (Coffee in its most perfectly beautiful form is dropped into five ambers which range from sweet to dry. This combination will give you a nosegasm. Gourmandy and very beautiful.) * Mandorla, $3 (The freshness of a new spring grass with fern, a hint of spearmint, a small tot of bitter galbanum and a bit of one of the coldest African Musks.) * The Moon, $2 (White long silky spun threads of three white musks combined with an almost creamy insinuation of white beeswax carrying a very sophisticated edge. Not a foody blend despite the sweetness of beeswax.)
Pylies * Faerie Offering, $1 (A humble outdoor offering for the fae featuring pome fruit, fresh baked bread, and cows milk.) * Honey Cakes, $1 (Golden corn cakes, spiced honey butter, bee pollen, and orange zest.) * Is It Fall Yet?, $2 (Pumpkin incense, stale gingerbread, a drop of honey.) * Pastel Pony, $2 (Strawberry syrup, boxed white cake mix, buttercream frosting, vanilla wafer musk.)
Sixteen92 * Lafayette Cemetery No 1, $2 ((Fall 2020 Cemetary Tour) White mandevilla, sooty dragon’s blood, wild datura, wrought iron gates, muddy clay, living moss, chicory root, bone dust, chalk) * Psychokinesis, $2 (Toasted vanilla bean, espresso, sweet myrrh, roasted pecan, honeyed wheat, citrus zest.) * Rei, $3 (Opening notes of aldehydes, ozone and rose oxide are layered atop crisp bergamot, yuzu and the smallest touch of buttery smooth gardenia, with a base of dark labdanum, vetiver, fossilized amber resin and opium.) * Strigoi, $2 ((Fall 2021) Freshly exhumed funerary boxes, a circle of salt, cold iron stake, heavy stone, stinging rain blood and fire.)
Smelly Yeti * Jimmy Stewart has Stolen the Moon, $2 (Made specially to be a soothing bedtime scent. Lavender and lilac blossoms, mint, vanilla, with a hint of citrus and pine needles.)
Stereoplasm * Boho Cat, $2 (Book-pressed roses, freshly picked rosemary, dusty charcoal, linseed twine and soft jasmine incense.) * Enjoy Your Waffles!, $1 (A welcoming breakfast of homemade waffles with plenty of maple syrup, coffee and fresh-squeezed orange juice.)
The Strange South * Abe Lincoln: Ancient Astronaut Expert, $2.50 (Damp corners with boxes full of stained notebook paper. Burned out halogen bulbs, an otherworldly fog, and the remains of this morning's breakfast: cinnamon and sugar toast. Blended with our unique base, The Ancient One.) * Banshee's Holler, $2.50 (Moonflower, wilted carnations, white musk, birch bark, and decaying leaves.) * Burning Rain of Death, $2.50 (Damp wood and stone, ginger, pink peppercorn, cardamom, snuffed smoke, and wormwood.) * Darling, $2.50 (Violet, bitter pomegranate seeds, marshmallow fluff, and frost.) * Follow the Crows, $2.50 (Blueberry, moss, quicksilver solution, and mandrake root.) * Glamour, $2.50 (Violet, kudzu, cedar, black pepper, and warm rain.) * Nightjar, $2.50 (Peach blossom, honeysuckle, sage, fern, tuberose, dragon's blood, clove, and smoked vanilla.) * Before the Drop, $2 (Peppermint, green tea, marshmallow, heather, violet, and evening rain.) * Magnolia, $2 (Solinote.) * Wisteria, $2 (Solinote.)
Whisper Sisters * Turnip, $1 (Myrrh, walnut, clove, Tunisian patchouli, maple, nag champa, apple wood, red cedar.)
submitted by dingyametrine to IndieExchange [link] [comments]