Mobilgear 630

Which lubrication oil to pick for the linear ways and slides of a chinese 1325 CNC Mill?

2020.01.04 16:24 ijon_cbo Which lubrication oil to pick for the linear ways and slides of a chinese 1325 CNC Mill?

Dear /AskEngineers,
I recently got a Chinese 1325 CNC Router for wood and plastics, very similar to this machine:
It looks like it has HIWIN 20 or HIWIN 25 linear glides. All linear rails and guides are centrally lubricated with two manual oil pumps. The machine came with full tanks, now we've used them nearly all.
Thing is - the manufacturer never stated what Oils to use. I looked up the guides of the manufacturer of the linear rails (HIWIN), I found this:
My issue: I dont know what is important and the values seem so different.
7.3.1 Standard applications
  • Load ratio: max. 15 % of the dynamic basic load rating
  • Temperature range: -10 °C … 80 °C
  • Speed: < 1 m/s
  • Speed coefficient: < 120,000
Recommended oils:
  • Klüber Klüberoil GEM 1-150 N
  • Mobil Mobilgear 630
  • Fuchs Lubritech GEARMASTER CLP 320
I am not even sure if we are using the "7.3.1 Standard applications" or the "7.3.2 Heavy-duty applications"
What I found out is that the recommended oil have viscositys between 150 and 320 ISO VG. We are using the machine in a space, that can go up to -10°C in the coldest winter nights. So I guess a more liquid and less viscose oil is in order? So should I go for lower numbers or higher numbers?
What am I missing? What oil should I get?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Cheers ijon
submitted by ijon_cbo to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

2017.02.27 19:27 LukeGCX What's the difference between input and output RPM?

What's the difference between input and output RPM? submitted by LukeGCX to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]