Meniere s adderall sodium

Why salt is crucial ? How much amount of salt you must consume?

2024.06.02 10:49 Itchy-Initial-8749 Why salt is crucial ? How much amount of salt you must consume?

The World Health Organization recommends a salt intake of less than 5 grams( 2gm sodium) per person per day to prevent cardiovascular diseases which is equivalent to 1 tea spoon.

Guidelines from Health Organizations:
World Health Organization (WHO): Recommends a maximum of 2,000 mg of sodium per day for adults while child of 2-15 should adjust level according to energy needed.

American Heart Association (AHA): Suggests an ideal limit of no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults, particularly for those with hypertension.

U.S. Dietary Guidelines: Recommend limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day for adults and children aged 14 and older.

However, most populations consume more than recommended level.
A review of dietary salt intake in eight South Asian countries revealed that the mean salt intake is twice the WHO recommended intake, primarily from salt additions during cooking or discretionary use at table. In case of high -income countries with 75% coming from processed foods and meal prepared outside the house.


Specific health concerns:
Adults may experience various health issues, including blood pressure, mortality, cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary heart disease, renal function, blood lipids, and catecholamine levels.
In children, potential adverse effects include blood pressure, blood lipids, and catecholamine levels.
Although , Iodized salt is crucial for brain development and mental function.

Osteoporosis and kidney diseases :
High sodium intake can lead to calcium loss through urine, bone weakness, and osteoporosis, especially in older adults and postmenopausal women, and can also overwhelm kidneys, requiring careful management.

Food that contain high amt of salt:
Bread and Rolls: Can contribute a significant amount of sodium to your diet.
Condiments and Sauces: Ketchup, soy sauce, and salad dressings can be high in sodium.
Dairy Products: Some cheeses and buttermilk can contain high sodium levels.

Here are some practical tips to help you manage your sodium intake and maintain a healthy balance:

Thank you for reading!!
submitted by Itchy-Initial-8749 to u/Itchy-Initial-8749 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 hashk Wondering if it’s OCD or just anxiety?

I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, GAD, and PTSD. But lately I’ve been wondering if I also have OCD. I keep asking my therapist, but I’m worried I’m not explaining my thoughts enough. (I’ve been in therapy for years but been with her less than 5 months, so we are still learning.)
Where the OCD may come in is usually about relationships. I like to daydream a lot about people I have crushes on, and think about what to do next. And when I lose them I think about again and again what I can do to get them back. I’m not sure if it’s a compulsion but I’ll do tarot readings and also write in my journal a bunch about the situation. I’ll also ask friends what they think on the situation. When I fear someone is mad at me, like if I did a social faux pau, I will worry about it a lot and make sure I have to reach out to the person. Or I will avoid reaching out because I’m too scared they’re angry at me. Recently I had a traumatic incident (unrelated to the previous PTSD diagnosis) and I keep wondering what all those people thought of me during that incident, and if there’s a way I can fix their perception of me. So I have been ruminating on that.
So is this OCD? I don’t do any “checking” besides like checking my IG stories to see if certain people liked it. I don’t have any contamination OCD signs or physical rituals for anything else listed. My room is pretty messy but I’m able to clean it when I’m on Adderall. I’m still confused what intrusive thoughts mean, but I do catastrophize during/after traumatic/big stressor events where I don’t know the outcome. But it’s not like “the world is going to end” it’s more like “if I lose this job, I won’t find another one that I can stand to be at, and then I might have to move back in with my parents and I cannot have that happen.” And lastly when I’m stressed/anxious I’ll bite my nails, but I won’t bite them if they have gel polish on.
So is this just ADHD + Anxiety, or do I also have OCD?
submitted by hashk to adhd_anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:29 Remote-Addendum-9529 That's a lot of innits per minnit

That's a lot of innits per minnit submitted by Remote-Addendum-9529 to BrandNewSentence [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 BevoBot [6/2/2024] Sunday's Free Talk Thread

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2024.06.02 06:39 Curious-apple-3732 Divorce on the horizon?

Trigger warning: spousal addiction, depression, and anger
I’m struggling. I’m a (F)30’s married to a M(30’s). We’ve been married for four years and we have a 3 year old daughter and are thinking about having another one.
The only problem is that I’m completely checked out of our marriage because of my husband’s addiction, depression, and anger issues. All of these issues surfaced after we got married and he lost his mom. Let me tell you, it is WEARING on me. I’ve been in therapy every week for almost 2 years, we’ve been seeing a marital counselor once a month for over 2 years, he’s been actively in therapy for over 2 years, and he has been participating in OA for 6 months. The only thing I’ve seen an improvement in is his anger… and even that is questionable.
His main addiction is food, he has been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder on top of it. It became apparent that he was an addict about 6 months ago when I caught him lying about drinking 2 days in a row. He was obviously drunk after being home alone for a few hours and lied about it. Turns out he drank a fifth two days in a row within a few hours. I brought it up in therapy and we came to the realization that he was an addict and had a history with cocaine, alcohol, weed and food.
I question if he’s even going to OA meetings because he will not admit that he is an addict. The first step to working the program is admitting you are an addict and the addiction controls you. He only admits he has a problem with food and says he’s “kicked” other addictions. Side note: he lied about alcohol use 2 weekends ago and recently admitted that when we met he was binging on adderall and has been lying about that for 6 years. He told me he didn’t tell me because he knew I would break up with him. I feel duped, I would’ve never married an addict if I had known.
I don’t enjoy spending time with him because he is chronically negative and complains about everything. Last weekend we got into a huge argument because of his negativity. I straight up asked him if he was ever happy and he said “no, not most of the time.” Since he was diagnosed with depression a few years ago and still has that feeling I told him he needed to go on depression meds for his daughter and I. He told me no and “that’s just the way I am, you knew this when you married me.” Note- I did not.
As I mentioned before, he also has anger issues. He often flies off the handle over small things. Luckily, he no longer gets loud and scary, but he still cannot accept any sort of criticisms or requests to do anything. If I even so much as ask him to clean up his beard hair in the sink he says I’m “coming at him.” To help the situation, I’ve been working on my tone in therapy. My tone is a trigger for him. The other day I asked him to help me clean and he told me my tone for the request was good, but I was still coming at him. I can’t win.
We do not get along, we are probably only happy 5% of the time. We don’t have sex. Honestly, I dread spending any time with him because we are constantly fighting. I told my therapist I was fantasizing about divorcing him and she said I have every right to. She wants me to talk to him during our next therapy appointment about the toll everything has taken on me and my considerations for divorce, but I feel like this conversation has been a broken record with him. We constantly talk about this in marital therapy. Things are good for a few weeks after, then they go to shit again.
Despite all of these issues we are dealing with, he’s great dad and we are VERY financially stable. I’d like to give my daughter a sibling… he’s a vet so any kids I have with him will have free college and free healthcare until they’re 26. But again, the issues above have me COMPLETELY checked out of our marriage.
Even if we don’t have another kid, I’m concerned about the long term implications for my daughter. We both are clearly not in love and I’m afraid that’s going to negatively impact her. At the same time, I’m worried that if I divorce him I won’t be able to keep tabs on his addictive behaviors around her. He’s very good at lying and often throws the “I’m a disabled veteran” at people to gain sympathy. If any active addiction concerns ever came up in custody or care discussions I know he’d lie about it.
I’ve asked him to participate in a marriage intensive but he refuses. He says he needs to work on his own crap in therapy and that our monthly marriage therapy is enough. I’ve also communicated that if he does not get help and does not actively seek addiction treatment I’m out, but I never put a date on it. I’m so close to filing for divorce. What would you do in this situation?
submitted by Curious-apple-3732 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:49 Agitated_Orchid_5573 Post-Party Mental Hangover

Went to a bridal shower as a bridesmaid for a close friend this afternoon and ever since my adderall wore off it’s just been constant spinning thoughts of all the times I maybe (definitely) overshared, interrupted and just filled the silence with my nonesense. Ugh, sleep won’t come easily tonight.
submitted by Agitated_Orchid_5573 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:22 meowmix1975 Multiple splenules?

31 Female 5’3 116lbs
Non smoker, take adderall 30mg/day,
History of
•Hashimotos •Alpha Gal Syndrome
So kinda weird question, I guess? I was diagnosed with pneumonia. BUT does this ct - mainly what I highlighted mean concerns for anything else? I was told to get follow up scans, normally I WOULD ask a DR but I have had a hard time with the healthcare system I’m currently in. (I still will- looking for an outsiders POV in the meantime).
For historical context: I was seeing multiple specialists who would pass me off to another for suspicion of lymphoma throughout 2023. I had a biopsy that was told as benign, a few DRS have said it’s inconclusive. No further testing until this.
So any input would be great!
✨ I had 2 chest/abdominal CT’s over the past year that haven’t showed any splenule. So that’s mainly what I am curious about.
submitted by meowmix1975 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:17 UsefulCauliflower2 How did you tell people ?

There’s been a lot in my life going on, I graduated HS a year ago and my future with the military basically blew up in my face, I had a loss of a family member unexpectedly, I had a falling out with a really good friend of mine and we haven’t spoken in months. Since then my anxiety has been really bad.Lifting weights and excersie only was doing so much.
Since military isn’t going to happen anymore, I went online and did my research and came across NURX. Got decent reviews, this way it could come in the mail and I wouldn’t have to discuss it with my parents. It would be on my medical record, but obviously I don’t have to tell my parents. My therapist knows too,since I am not a minor she does not have to tell them.
The reason I don’t want to tell parents is because I’m afraid of how they will react. And I haven’t told my friends either because I’m honestly embarrassed. Like I have problems that bad that counseling didn’t do it for me and I have to get on a medication. I also have problems asking for help, so admitting I need help is really hard for me to do.
My friends have noticed especially when I first got on it how gnarly the side effects were. I was super nauseous and even threw up at the basketball game we were at. I was also so very drained. Even got some random dizzy spells which was really concerning to them. I just kept saying it’s not easy for me to talk about. I even got in a bit of a falling out with a friend because she was so concerned as to why I didn’t tell her.
I tried to make an appointment at Labcorp to get some blood work done, just to make sure my liver and sodium levels were up to par. Since the last time I went I was a minor, my mom got the email. So I told her I was concerned about my iron levels, I feel bad lying to her but I’m just not ready to talk about it.
How did you talk to your friends and or S/O about getting on SSRI medication?
submitted by UsefulCauliflower2 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:14 INFJMama Costco hummus has canola oil in it

Costco hummus has canola oil in it
I purchased hummus from Costco to make it easier on myself (I prefer to make it, but we live in a tiny room with no kitchen at the moment). I looked at the ingredients on the box and felt that it was safe, so I bought it.
While eating it today, and I've bought this box twice, something told me to look at the label on the individual tub I was eating out of. It says, "organic sunflower and/or canola oil."
My heart sank. I've been on this journey for 13 weeks, and I feel so betrayed.
Here are the ingredients on the box: - Organic chickpeas - Water - Organic sesame tahini - Organic sunflower oil - Organic lemon juice - Organic garlic - Sea salt - Organic cumin
Ingredients on the individual tubs inside the box: - Organic chickpeas - Water - Organic sesame tahini - Organic sunflower oil and/or organic canola oil - Organic lemon juice - Organic garlic - Sea salt - Organic cumin
submitted by INFJMama to medicalmedium [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:04 Diphenamphetamine666 Sleep deprivation+dxm+dph

I been awake 106hrs I think I’ll just start with 120mg dxm at first to slowly get into it, also when I was buying the shit I musta looked like I was tweaking the cashier asked if I was ok and if I was geeked out 💀💀 it reminded me of one of the first times I did dxm actually I was buying it from the same gas station and me and a friend were checking out and the guy at the cash register asked “what’s the tussin for?” Lmao and my awkward ass said some lame excuse I can’t remember
107hrs took 4 Benadryl, my guitars outta the corner of my eye look like shadowy figures and I’m shadows there’s little glimpses of movement
108hrs I’m now realizing having the trip written en in multiple different places is kinda stupid it’s hard to keep track of different documents oh well tho. Took another 30mg adderall and 200mg.caffeine’s also 4 more coricidin cause wii gaming
submitted by Diphenamphetamine666 to dphghosts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:52 BigDickGrandmother Adderall IR only lasts four hours max

I’m prescribed 20mg Adderall IR twice a day for my ADHD1 symptoms. It works great and I feel like the dose is enough, but it only lasts about 4 hours. By the time the four hour mark rolls around, I’m completely exhausted and can’t stop yawning, which is what led me to seek treatment for my ADHD in the first place. I don’t think I need a higher dose, it’s just that some days I could use a third dose. Will I be able to find a doctor that concurs with me and will prescribe me 20mg three times a day, or should I instead look into switching to an XR medication?
submitted by BigDickGrandmother to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:24 Ok-Issue8284 Does Adderall Affect Psilocybin?

I’ve only micro-dosed before and it’s been a long time. I was going to take some mushrooms tomorrow, but took my Adderall today and yesterday. Since Adderall depletes dopamine, will that have any effect on my experience tomorrow and should I wait until I’ve gone a few more days without Adderall in my system? Or since psilocybin mostly affects serotonin, will it make no difference if I have taken Adderall the day before tripping or not?
submitted by Ok-Issue8284 to Mushrooms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:04 ERCalm Your dog ate what?? Who to call/what to do for toxicity concerns.

You may often find sources online with recommendations for at-home vomiting induction methods in dogs: hydrogen peroxide, salt, soaps, etc. These methods aren't without risk and should only be performed under the guidance of a veterinarian, or are shown to not be recommended at all.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) works by local irritation of the oropharynx and gastric lining, which results in a gag reflex. Only a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution should be used, as higher concentrations can potentially be corrosive to the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa. Adverse effects associated with use of H2O2 as an emetic agent include irritation to the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus/stomach/small intestinal lesions (like ulcers), stomach bloat, and potential for aspiration pneumonia. Therefore, it should only be performed under close recommendations and monitoring of a veterinarian; may be recommended for life-threatening emergencies where immediate transportation to a veterinary clinic is prolonged.
Methods that are not recommended for vomiting induction include digital induction of emesis (using your fingers), syrup of ipecac, liquid soaps, dry mustard powders, and salt. Digital induction of emesis often results in physical injury to the pet owner (dog bite), or injury to the pet’s throat and soft palate. Syrup of ipecac has historically been recommended to induce emesis, but is no longer the standard of care. Its has potential to be toxic to the heart and tendency to result in prolonged vomiting, lethargy, and diarrhea have caused it to fall out of favor in both human and veterinary medicine. Soaps, mustard powders, and table salt are not reliable as induction agents and may be detrimental (e.g., resulting in further complications such as too high of blood sodium levels of the patient).
In veterinary clinics, we have the option of utilizing injectable (or other forms of) veterinary prescription medications that are specifically used to induce vomiting (apomorphine being the most common). During this period we provide close monitoring of your pet to minimize any complications.
If you're ever worried that your pet may have ingested a toxic substance, please contact the centers below for further advisement: * The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) is available for animal poison-related emergencies, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (888) 426-4435. A consultation fee may apply. * The Pet Poison Helpline is available for animal poison-related emergencies, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, call (855) 764-7661. A consultation fee may apply.
submitted by ERCalm to VeterinaryECC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:55 aeast471 medication side effects after stopping taking them

29M, 6'05, 195 pounds, battling anti psychotics side effects after 5 months now of being off the Abilify tablets.
Hi there, I've been allowed off my anti-psychotic from my doctor now. The side effects are getting a lot easier to manage but there are still some I'm battling pretty hard.
I feel like I have nerve damage all over: it's like a nerve stiffness and a bit of pain, my nerves feel restricted (especially in the knees)
I feel like I have a bit of brain damage: I have a lot less thoughts and I can't complete most thoughts (feels like my brain is working at 60% capacity)
I'm still feeling skin, muscle, brain and bone numbness. Especially when I wake up from sleeping.
More problems I'm currently dealing with:
-Forehead veins slightly more visible, some hand veins are very visible (I could never see these ones before: it seems like it's from stress from the medication)
For some reason i feel like a steroid or testosterone injection might help. Or something like adderall? Could you maybe recommend what medications there are that I could get at a store or Over-the-counter pharmacy? Wellbutrin was another option someone suggested.
Running and weight lifting seems to help a lot but I still battle the other problems a lot.
Your help is so much appreciated, I can't work right now because of this problem
submitted by aeast471 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:52 aeast471 Medication side effects after stoping them

29M, 6'05, 195 pounds, battling anti psychotics side effects after 5 months now of being off the Abilify tablets.
Hi there, I've been allowed off my anti-psychotic from my doctor now. The side effects are getting a lot easier to manage but there are still some I'm battling pretty hard.
I feel like I have nerve damage all over: it's like a nerve stiffness and a bit of pain, my nerves feel restricted (especially in the knees)
I feel like I have a bit of brain damage: I have a lot less thoughts and I can't complete most thoughts (feels like my brain is working at 60% capacity)
I'm still feeling skin, muscle, brain and bone numbness. Especially when I wake up from sleeping.
More problems I'm currently dealing with:
-Forehead veins slightly more visible, some hand veins are very visible (I could never see these ones before: it seems like it's from stress from the medication)
For some reason i feel like a steroid or testosterone injection might help. Or something like adderall? Could you maybe recommend what medications there are that I could get at a store or Over-the-counter pharmacy? Wellbutrin was another option someone suggested.
Running and weight lifting seems to help a lot but I still battle the other problems a lot.
Your help is so much appreciated, I can't work right now because of this problem
submitted by aeast471 to psychiatryquestion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:51 aeast471 Medication side effects after medication

29M, 6'05, 195 pounds, battling anti psychotics side effects after 5 months now of being off the Abilify tablets.
Hi there, I've been allowed off my anti-psychotic from my doctor now. The side effects are getting a lot easier to manage but there are still some I'm battling pretty hard.
I feel like I have nerve damage all over: it's like a nerve stiffness and a bit of pain, my nerves feel restricted (especially in the knees)
I feel like I have a bit of brain damage: I have a lot less thoughts and I can't complete most thoughts (feels like my brain is working at 60% capacity)
I'm still feeling skin, muscle, brain and bone numbness. Especially when I wake up from sleeping.
More problems I'm currently dealing with:
-Forehead veins slightly more visible, some hand veins are very visible (I could never see these ones before: it seems like it's from stress from the medication)
For some reason i feel like a steroid or testosterone injection might help. Or something like adderall? Could you maybe recommend what medications there are that I could get at a store or Over-the-counter pharmacy? Wellbutrin was another option someone suggested.
Running and weight lifting seems to help a lot but I still battle the other problems a lot.
Your help is so much appreciated, I can't work right now because of this problem
submitted by aeast471 to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:48 No_Potential_1075 in the first screenshot minecraft is minimized and running at 120fps, in the second it is full screen and running at 34fps, why? Java 1.20.6 on macbook pro and using fabric

in the first screenshot minecraft is minimized and running at 120fps, in the second it is full screen and running at 34fps, why? Java 1.20.6 on macbook pro and using fabric submitted by No_Potential_1075 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:47 flying-neutrino Coping with liquid diet with migraines

I have my first colonoscopy scheduled for later this month. I know it is important to get this done and to follow the prep instructions to the letter, having lost my mom to colon cancer. I’m mentally prepared for the prep!
However, I am a migraine sufferer, and one of my most consistent triggers is hunger. If I skip a meal, or just wait too long to eat, I can end up with a headache. If that’s the price I have to pay for getting this done, fine. I have a triptan prescription, and it’s not like I’m going to be going anywhere anyway, except to the clinic for the appointment. But I would obviously prefer to not have a migraine on top of everything else.
So my plan is to eat a filling (but low-residue) breakfast 26 hours before the colonoscopy and then spend the rest of prep day eating a ton of non-red Jell-O and drinking cup after cup of clear chicken broth. I’ll fill up on ginger ale and clear juices too. But I am curious to hear from other people with similar issues (migraines, but also other health conditions that are exacerbated by even temporary fasting) about whether you were able to feel satisfied and stave off symptoms on the liquid diet. Does focusing on the broth and gelatin help?
I plan to alternate salty and sweet liquids and plain water. If I do this, is there an upper limit to how much broth and Jell-O I can or should consume? Is it better to have less and be hungrier, or to have a lot and just not worry about the sodium levels, sugar content, etc.? And if I do have a TON of gelatin, will I regret it when the prep kicks in?
(I don’t even LIKE Jell-O, but if it’s going to keep me from feeling hungry and having a throbbing temple, I will suck it up and try every flavor on the approved list.)
submitted by flying-neutrino to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:34 milagogold Seems like my dr isn’t working with me, is it my fault?

Context: i (24 f) have diagnosed ADHD, depression, generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks.(I’m also seeing a therapist) I’ve been seeing this dr for a couple years, I believe she is the nurse practitioner equivalent in psychiatrics.
I have tried and failed multiple antidepressants two worked but with bad weight gain side effects. The ones that I’ve failed she kept me on for at least 3 months up’ing dosage with with no effect each time. The ones that I felt very good benefit she took me of each time because I gained weight before 2 months.
Anxiety meds she hasn’t really pursued because my blood pressure fluctuates and the ones she is ok with prescribing were all blood pressure effecting. She said she wasn’t comfortable prescribing any in the same category with Xanax because “they work” (I understand she meant she’s concerned they are addictive) I have no history of abuse of medication in me or my family. I’ve been taking Gabapentin and it’s feels unhelpful but I don’t like failing meds so I haven’t protested however I have expressed that I have experienced no benefit.
Adhd is essentially the same story. I’m taking stretara for 4 months of being dosage, each visit with no affect. The issue is my adhd is truly debilitating my therapist believes it is my biggest issue and preventing me from finishing my education and holding employment. We’ve also been discussing that it’s substantially contributing to my anxiety, and also depression as I cannot pursue activities I enjoy.
I’ve done personal research on Adderall but I feel deeply like a doctor should be the one to inform me on what is best for me. I just feel like she isn’t willing to discus that with me because for reasons unrelated to me personally.
I don’t like to disagree with doctors I’m always inclined to believe they know better then me and my internet knowledge lol. But I also know that more goes into being a dr then just practicing medicine, especially when it come to prescribing certain medications with certain risks. And I’m unsure how to approach the topic without seeming like A: a difficult patient or B:drug seeking.
TLDR:how do I ask my dr about a specific prescription when my dr is already not very open with me?
submitted by milagogold to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:24 Sammybaby789 Can’t stay awake, 70 mg Vyvanse

Reaching out here because I cannot get into any related specialist until OctobeNovember. Every single endocrinologist in my city is booked out until October at the earliest, I called to every place with an endocrinologist.
I’ve been struggling with sleeping a lot for the last several years, but it is getting progressively worse. Started on Vyvanse and a booster dose of adderall in January. I decided to stop the booster dose because I feel there’s more risk for addiction. Now I take 70 mg Vyvanse and have 2-3 cups a coffee a day. I’m a woman, about 110-115 lbs at 5.2 and in my early 30’s.
I just cannot stay awake. I would guess my ideal dose to stay awake from 7 am to 10 pm would be anywhere from 120-140 mg.
Obviously this is not possible with 70 being the max dose.
Currently, I need 10-13 hours of sleep a night. With that sleep, I still nap several times during the day. I’ve had to leave dinner out at 7 pm because I nearly fell asleep at the table.
Today, I’m on vacation. I woke up around 8 am, took the 70 mg, had a coffee and was asleep, riding in the car by 9:30 am. I dozed on and off until 2 pm when I got back to the hotel room and took a 2 hour nap.
It’s very frustrating.
Other hx: I started 100 mg Zoloft in January, same time as the Vyvanse. I take Nexstellis for bc, which is a new type of plant-based estrogen. I do not feel either thing is related d/t timing. I’ve been told I twitch and my body jerks all night in my sleep, maybe this affects the quality? It occasionally wakes me up. Also have TMJ.
7 years ago I was being tested for diabetes insipidus. ADH hormone was basically rating nonexistent. During testing on an MRI, I coincidentally had an adenoma on the pituitary, but on the opposite side for DI. Did not have DI. Was told to follow up in a year for a repeat MRI, which I did not d/t high costs of the MRI with my insurance. Also, I was told this was common, 1/3 the population has an adenoma on the pituitary but doesn’t know it. There didn’t seem to be much concern about this.
In June 2021, my TSH level was 2.63. In August 2023, my TSH hormone was 1.501. I am very, very sensitive to hormone changes. Could this be part of the problem? In August 2023, blood work only showed low vitamin D levels, so I started a supplement.
Now I’m trying to see the endocrinologist again and trying to get into a sleep specialist, which the scheduler told me is necessary before booking a sleep study. I booked my sleep specialist appt in February 2024, they cannot see me until October 2024. Any advice? Starting to lose hope. I’d love to stay awake to read a book, do my hobbies, anything at all.
submitted by Sammybaby789 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:17 Sammybaby789 Max dose of Vyvanse, can’t stay awake.

Reaching out here because I cannot get into any related specialist until OctobeNovember. Every single endocrinologist in my city is booked out until October at the earliest, I called to every place with an endocrinologist.
I’ve been struggling with sleeping a lot for the last several years, but it is getting progressively worse. Started on Vyvanse and a booster dose of adderall in January. I decided to stop the booster dose because I feel there’s more risk for addiction. Now I take 70 mg Vyvanse and have 2-3 cups a coffee a day. I’m a woman, about 110-115 lbs at 5.2 and in my early 30’s.
I just cannot stay awake. I would guess my ideal dose to stay awake from 7 am to 10 pm would be anywhere from 120-140 mg.
Obviously this is not possible with 70 being the max dose.
Currently, I need 10-13 hours of sleep a night. With that sleep, I still nap several times during the day. I’ve had to leave dinner out at 7 pm because I nearly fell asleep at the table.
Today, I’m on vacation. I woke up around 8 am, took the 70 mg, had a coffee and was asleep, riding in the car by 9:30 am. I dozed on and off until 2 pm when I got back to the hotel room and took a 2 hour nap.
It’s very frustrating.
Other hx: I started 100 mg Zoloft in January, same time as the Vyvanse. I take Nexstellis for bc, which is a new type of plant-based estrogen. I do not feel either thing is related d/t timing. I’ve been told I twitch and my body jerks all night in my sleep, maybe this affects the quality? It occasionally wakes me up. Also have TMJ. May be good to note that 3/5 (including me in the 3) immediate family members can go to sleep after drinking caffeine. In fact my dad drinks caffeine at night if he can’t sleep..and it helps.
7 years ago I was being tested for diabetes insipidus. ADH hormone was basically rating nonexistent. During testing on an MRI, I coincidentally had an adenoma on the pituitary, but on the opposite side for DI. Did not have DI. Was told to follow up in a year for a repeat MRI, which I did not d/t high costs of the MRI with my insurance and the fact that 1/3 the population has an adenoma on the pituitary without knowing it. They did not make it out to be too concerning.
In June 2021, my TSH level was 2.63. In August 2023, my TSH hormone was 1.501. I am very, very sensitive to hormone changes. Could this be part of the problem? In August 2023, blood work only showed low vitamin D levels, so I started a supplement.
Now I’m trying to see the endocrinologist again and trying to get into a sleep specialist, which the scheduler told me is necessary before booking a sleep study. I booked my sleep specialist appt in February 2024, they cannot see me until October 2024. I am redoing blood work with my primary next week. Any advice? Starting to lose hope. I’d love to stay awake to read a book, do my yoga, do my hobbies, anything at all.
submitted by Sammybaby789 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:16 live4style Pregnancy with ADHD

I was formally diagnosed with ADHD late last year after I gave birth to my 3rd child & didn’t end up returning to work after that maternity leave. I’ve known I’ve had it for years, but thought okay I finally have time to deal with this now that I’m not working & I’m done having kids. My Dr prescribed an anti stimulant to try first & it was TERRIBLE. I would take it & within 20 mins, I felt like I was about to black out from drinking all night or something. I would barely make it home to lay down. So, I stopped taking that after about a week. My dr was hesitant to prescribe adderall due to substance issues I’ve had in the past. I honestly got so fed up that yet again, I could not get medication I KNEW was effective, so I skipped my next appointment & haven’t been back since. Well, surprise… 9 mos after giving birth I recently found out I’m pregnant again. Does being pregnant make anyone else’s executive dysfunction essentially debilitating?? Had anyone taken medication for ADHD while pregnant & it helped?? Or found any other coping mechanisms that were successful?
TLDR: Does being pregnant make anyone else’s executive dysfunction essentially debilitating?? Had anyone taken medication for ADHD while pregnant & it helped?? Or found any other coping mechanisms that were successful?
submitted by live4style to ADHD [link] [comments]