Write a going away note


2008.05.08 04:15 Graffiti

Graffiti for graffiti culture. No ‘street art’ No drawings

2012.05.01 16:11 cezinho Job Search Hacks

Forget traditional job searching - improve your odds with good tips, tricks and tactics that help you stand out.

2010.02.04 00:14 subtextual Neuropsychology: Links, Resources, and Discussion

Neuropsychology is both an experimental and clinical branch of psychology that aims to understand how cognitive functions (memory, attention, etc.) and behavior are related to brain structure and functioning. Although the focus is typically on how injuries or illnesses of the brain (i.e., pathological functions) affect cognition and behavior, it also includes the study normal (i.e., non-pathological) functioning, cognition, and behavior.

2024.06.02 08:42 Drayzha Nasty Nosedive last night

I just wanted to put this out there because I know some people have probably been experiencing some irregularities with the new Firmware - I have had my GT for about a month and never had any problems until just recently after the update - Be extremely careful coming near that top end, I went 19.1mph and without warning or pushback the board just dropped into the pavement and threw me off right onto my side and my head - I cracked my helmet and scraped some skin off on the pavement - but I walked away very lucky, so I hope all of you will stay safe out there and be careful when pushing your boards into those higher speeds especially with this new update with torque headroom (not duty cycle🤦‍♂️) I wasn’t trying to push through anything or go super fast in this situation I just leaned a little bit more to the side to pick up a little more speed gradually and it just straight dropped. Absolutely 0 warning - today I got back on it and my last top speed wasn’t registering at all after my first ride to work in the morning - it was just stuck on the 19.1 mph from the night before like a painful reminder - I had to shut off the board when I got back home and restart the app to get it to start recording my last top again - be careful out there.
submitted by Drayzha to onewheel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:42 ISamAtlas How to keep going despite being afraid and finding people like-minded

I mean looking at it since I was a young lil lad, and even now when I should be figuring out what I wanna do in life it's still present... Of course it's not guarenteed this will even work out but I do want to do this. Most of my friends have moved on from this sort of thing, and are out of this sort of phase but, I'm genuinly confident I can get somewhere with this. I have a doc with notes, accumulated ideas and scripts, and whether or not it's at the fore front of my mind, it still looms over me.
I've gotten in touch with some people who I thought I could do stuff with, but it was more like they approached me rather than I them. I've also tried to get some friends in with this stuff.
I realize that what I really want is to go in this with someone else like minded, someone who cares as much as I do. It's scary going in it alone. I've had a video blow up but after that I was so scared to post anything to potentially interrupt my growth. It was eight months after I learnt that no matter what you post the algorithm would try to boost it because of previous success.
I feel as if everytime I make a video I get better and better than before, the ideas get more fun and stupid, I've remade almost all my thumbnails into better versions but I don't know, I'm just sort of scared to continue?
I want to know, how do I do this on my own? How do I find the people to pursue this with?
submitted by ISamAtlas to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:42 silentthrownaway I'm in a downwards sprial

I have gotten to a point where living day to day is excruciating. I'm in a constant state of dread and anxiety that will not calm down no matter what I do. And that constant feeling of being on the edge has left me stagnant and hopless. I have been trying for months for get a steady job after my first job (a job I really enjoyed and had decent pay) went bankrupt. And then I got another job but the boss was so terrible that me and half the staff quit. And since then I have been applying everyday to all sorts of places but I would never hear back from them after applying. Or I will hear back, then I'll go to an interview, sometime 2 or 3, only for me to never hear back from them afterwards. Or I get rejected when they actually have the decency to send an email saying so. So I don't have a job and I'm not in school cause I took a gap year to work and save money, only for my plans to fall through. And now I'm on my second year away from school because I had to deffer my acceptance into university because I couldn't pay my tuition even with my scholarship.
On top of all of this, I have only one friends, I'm not in a relationship, and my family is very toxic and draining. Especially my eldest brother, who used to use me for free labour when i was young and would always act like he had authority over me because he was older. He would be completely dismissive of my feelings and would often rage at everyone in the house over the smallest things. Yet he would also always try to cling to me and try to "hang out" with me even though not even an 10 minutes ago he was screaming and my mom or my other siblings. He's always been the type of person to hold grudges against people who did him wrong but if anyone did the same to him, he would cry or scream or threaten to kill himself. And he is honestly a really big part of the trauma I think I have. Because just being around him makes me feel unbelievably anxious and unsafe. But I can't do anything about it cause I dont have the money to move out.
I just feel so alone and so trapped and I have no idea how to get myself out of it and I'm scared. I'm scared that at 16 I felt so terrible all the time. I would have panic attacks before going to school then I would cry myself to sleep when I got back home. I wrote a lot of suicide note then too. It was a way to get the feelings out. And one day I felt so terrible that I set a death date for myself. I promised myself that if things didn't get better by then, that would be my out. And the closer I get to that date the more it looks like the most viable option.
I'm just so sick of feeling helpless and terrible. It's so hard to breath most days. And all the stress has made it hard to sleep or eat in a healthy way. And it feels like all my emotions are messed up. I've lost interest in everything that isn't scrolling through tik toks for hours. And when I'm not depressed and anxious, I'm angry and annoyed. Which has led me to ignore or be snappy with my best friend and my family. And I hate that side of myself. I don't like taking out my frustrations on them cause they didn't do anything. And I don't even know why I'm so angry. I was never this angry l, I didn't use to be this person. But I also don't know who I was before the regret, the guilt and sadness. I feel like myself but also like I have no idea who the hell I am most days.
And no one understands this. I don't have anyone who is there for me or who I can confide in. My family won't get it. I use to be a high honor roll student, was in student government and played sports and everything. They have such high expectations of me and they won't understand my inability to be how I once was. They wouldn't get it if I told them about how I can barley function now or do anything other than rot in my bed. And don't ask me to "try to talk to them cause they are family". Because I have multiple times and everytime was they told me the same things; "you'll get through it." Or "Everyone goes through stress." Or "its not that big a deal."
I can't go through the same sweep it under the rug pep talks they always give. I think if I hear the words "you're going be okay" again I might explode. Nothing about how I feel is okay. Nothing about my life is fine and im tired. I'm just so fucking tired. I only have a couple more months of trying before the date I set is here. Hopefully I will feel relief then.
submitted by silentthrownaway to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 altforrant_ Remove Boogie Bombs

They’re more than ridiculous. Multiple games I’ve lost because of them, and just overall, they aren’t fun to go against.
Especially since you have no way to counter them and once you get a chance to shoot back, you’ve already gone down, or they just spam you because you can hold up to 10 of them, such a broken item.
Plus, I don’t know if anybody else has been dealing with this, but there’s been a bug where sometimes I have to get shot more than once to have the effect go away, or another player I’ve boogie bombed. Is it not one damage, and the effect goes away?
I seriously don’t know why Epic comes up with these broken items, then proceeds to implement them, and there is obviously no way they’re play-testing them.
submitted by altforrant_ to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 Anonymouslycrushed Is my best friend not a good friend?

F(26) ’m going to try to keep this short, I’ve recently fell into a pit of sadness and I think it’s because I’m slowly realizing my friend f(26) isn’t that good of a friend.
I recently became bedridden ill for about four months, during that time I rarely saw my best friend. Granted, I was in a controlling relationship at the time, M(41) and he was my “caretaker” but looking back on it (3 months later now) I feel deep betrayal that she wasn’t really there for me … in fact her and her bf m(30) ganged up on me (jokingly) always asking “so where ya been lately?!” Uh, I was dying. (Not quite literally - but basically)
After this, I broke up with my boyfriend (once I no longer needed a caretaker, honestly I still couldn’t bathe alone and resorted to my mother washing my hair but told my parter he was affecting my friendships and I had to go
Now this is where it gets complicated, my best friends boyfriend works for my ex I speak of, as I’ve been healing, Both physically and emotionally my best friend and her man visit their boss- my ex (best friend doesn’t work) regularly.. they even started a side business together.
I saw her tonight and she mentioned again how she feels like we are becoming disconnected … I am moving an hour away because the 3 of us (her bf, her, and I were planning on getting a house together) but her bf pulled the rug out from under me only 2 months before moving date because “we aren’t close like we used to be” and “I didn’t fuel the fire of his and I’s friendship. She wasn’t happy about it but didn’t want to upset her man and basically said “it has to be a joint decision”.
So, with moving an hour away now that makes things more complicated… she never offered to help me move (and I didn’t ask)
To top it off I visited her today and noticed some new art hanging on her wall… I mentioned how beautiful it was and she said yeah my new friend Shelly gave it to me … she had a bit of a strange tone in her voice
I asked who it was and she told me it was my exes new gf. I just feel awful. Part of me feels like whiny teenager that is jealous but another part feels like maybe my feelings are valid.
We’ve been friends since elementary school, I’ve gotten to know and have grown close to her bf over their 5 year relationship as well.
Lately I feel like I’ve been tossed in the trash without warning.
submitted by Anonymouslycrushed to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 kittensprincess Food “Aggression”

I hate using the word aggression because there has to be intent behind it, and obviously a baby doesn’t intend to be aggressive. I just don’t know what better word to use.
Rambling, so here we go.
Ever since we’ve started with purées (and eventually solids), my LO makes this grunting noise that just gets under my skin whenever he sees food/anyone eating & it lasts the entire time there isn’t any food in his mouth.
This is the only time he makes the noise and I genuinely just wish it would stop. It’s so unbearable. 😩 Has anyone experienced/is experiencing this? How do you combat it? I’m 100% it’s his way of saying “more,” but low noises that vibrate (his grunting) really hurt, like I feel it in my body, and it just makes me feel not good at all.
Side note: I’ve been doing teaching him ASL as well from day 1.
submitted by kittensprincess to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Expat_in_JP1122 LF: Last 10 to complete National Dex. FT: See pics

LF: Last 10 to complete National Dex. FT: See pics
LF: These guys in the first pic FT: Pokemon in pics 2-5.
Note: -Shinies underlined in yellow I got through trades, so there is a possibility that they are genned/cloned. Everything else is self-caught in games or PoGo.
-Legendaries in pic 3 are caught in apriballs or luxury balls
-I’ve named some of these guys so let me know if you want me to rename them prior to trading.
This is my first time initiating a trade, so hopefully I’m doing this right!
submitted by Expat_in_JP1122 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Dangerous-Try4797 I'm so lucky to have someone as special as her like me, but...

It Just dawned on me that I am not particularly in shape, aside from biking 4 miles every day. How am I supposed to stick up for us if someone physically fit and strong and attractive hits on her? I kind of don't have a lot going for me other than plans.
I lack upper body muscle. I have plenty in my legs from years of heavy biking, but from what I understand, the only attractive things about me is my personality, and I guess my cute face as she puts it.
Iight be looking too into it, but she has a lot going for her. Even though she is very often overwhelmed, she already has a career, and plans that are active. I moved 5 hours away from my family and her, before we started dating. I did this to pursue my hobbies and interests.
That isn't exactly viable, and I am supposed to be impressing her family. I have job opportunities that can get me on track to retiring at 40, but I can't take any actions until my lease is up.
Either way, I need to start proving myself soon. I would like to start working out. There is a gym at my apartments, but I am uncomfortable working out around other people. I have 10lbs weights that I could use, but I honestly lack discipline to get it done.
I am getting exactly what I wanted, but now I need to keep it up. I need to make sure, she is reminded that she didn't chose me just for my temperament and ability to listen and learn and grow.
submitted by Dangerous-Try4797 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Stinky_bwut I need help. My gf F14 might have cheated on me M14. What should I do

Me and my long distance girlfriend started dating about 8 months ago. When I tell you I've never been more in love I mean it. This girl is the woman of my dreams and I had no doubt in my mind that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life before this. To give some context around our half year mark she had started to treat me differently. She went from a loving and comforting person to someone who was constantly hurting me. I'm a very insecure person I've lived my life constantly being ridiculed by friends and other people in my life. This girl had finally made me confident in myself but she switched up and would tease and make fun of the things I was most insecure of after I told how much it was hurting me. One day she did something that hurt me so bad I got off all social media and completely disappeared for about a week. After I recovered I got back online to talk to her again and told her that I wanted to change. I didn't want to be who I was. I wanted to be less insecure and all in all better. So we started distancing away from each other so we could focus on ourselves. But did NOT breakup. We still talked just not nearly as much. After about a month and a half I decided that I wanted to go back to how we used to be and start talking frequently again. We were both very happy to do so. This was yesterday. Today I was on TikTok when I got an anonymous message telling me she had cheated on me. My heart immediately sank because she had a past of talking to multiple guys at once. So I confronted her. She immediately admitted that yes she was talking to a guy. This would normally be okay but she hadn't told me about him. She had also told him she was single. This immediately made me feel just as insecure as I was before if not worse. She told me that after we started talking again she told him she had a bf. He then got upset and blocked her number. She won't tell me anything else and I fear she might have cheated. Please help me I don't want to break up with her but I'm too hurt to even talk to her. (Also sorry for making this longer than it needed to be )
submitted by Stinky_bwut to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Jrshoot Retaking A levels...

hihi, just got rejected by NUS and NTU... not feeling great about my results either(CCC/B+B) I had my doubts tbh, but I'll do better, hopefully.
I want to know if I retake A levels with 3H2s, GP is compulsory right? I'm wondering if I have to take the new syllabus or if it's possible to offer the old syllabus which I took(and that said, is it possible for me to just "throw" the paper since I already got a B?)
Additionally, are there any outlets that I can seek help from if I'm not looking to go for tuition? I'm currently looking at notes online, as well as my own school's notes, and possibly contacting my own tutors.(but it's abit paiseh to bother again...)
Any advice for this NSF...?
submitted by Jrshoot to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 s_mason4 PC Build Request for s_mason4

1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games (ex: resolution, FPS, settings) or programs you will be using.
Multi-use. Mainly Solidworks, Davinci Resolve, Photoshop, Asseto Corsa, and then having 45 Chrome Tabs open.
2. What is your maximum PRE-TAX budget before rebates and shipping?
$2000 CAD
3. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
End of Summer
4. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ex: toweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
5. If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? How old are they? Brands and models are appreciated.
Corsair Mouse and Keyboard. 1080P/FHD ACER monitor. May replace with something 4k down the road, Id like to have the ability to run 2 or 3 monitors.
6. Will you be overclocking (ex: CPU/GPU/RAM)? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line?
If its something simple and done in the background sure.
7. Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, VR, VirtualLink, tensor cores, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)
BT/WiFi and maybe a 2tb SSD. Also a C Drive over 250 GB for the love of God. Nothing too fancy beyond this.
8. Do you have any specific case preferences (ex: mITX/mATX/mid-towefull-tower sizes, styles, colours, window or not, LED lighting, etc.), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
The smaller the better within reason and nothing flashy. It will be hidden away so no need for LEDs.
9. Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? Note: some post-secondary students can get Windows 10 for free.
I can order this through work if needed.
10. Will you be upgrading this PC in the future (ie: will you swap out better parts later on or will you build an entirely new tower later)? If so, when?
Id like it to last for 3-5 years without upgrades. I will eventually swap out parts as needed if possible.
11. Do you have a brand preference? (ex: AMD/Intel for CPUs, AMD/NVIDIA for video cards, etc)
12. What are the specs of your old PC / laptop? Do you want to see if it can be upgraded instead? If so, paste its build from PCPartPicker here.
Something Dell Vostro with a mid-tier i5 and a sad GTX660.
13. Extra info or particulars:
Just looking for info on something that will be a solid PC, that is all about performance and not looks.
Of note: I am absolutely fine buying used gear where it makes sense, and I generally buy high/top tier products from the last 2-3 years for other areas of my life. Not sure if this translates with computers. Also, I have no idea if I need a watercooled system but they do concern me for fear of a leak happening.
submitted by s_mason4 to bapccanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 AprilDruid What to read, when you've finished the Light Novels.

You've finished all 5 LNs, and want more, well this thread has you covered. This will go over what you can read next.

Official Stuff

Well, you've read the LNs, why not read Turn Around and Face Me, the sequel series, set years after the original? May and Aleah Francois are now teenagers, going to an All-Girls Academy. This series is more lighthearted, and won't have any earth-shattering consequences to it. It's just two dumb teenagers in love with people who aren't interested in them. TAFM is still ongoing, and we should be getting chapter 3 fairly soon.
Same story from the LNs, with a lot more detail. Aono Shimo's art takes what is already a great light novel series, and brings it to life in greater detail. There is a lot added on here, helping to make this a wonderful experience. It's currently in the Investigation arc, and runs monthly in Yuri Hime.
These are commissioned works she's done, and their canoncity is essentially TBD. Only a handful are translated here, I'm unsure as to where the rest are.
Look, I'll be real here, there's no legal way to read it in english, nor any illegal ways. If you're Korean, or read Korean, it's here.


It's the lifeblood of this community, and there are so many talented writers to share. This one will be broken down into a few different categories, to help direct people towards something they might love.

Alternate Universes.

Rae Taylor is a coffee shop barista, who has a crush on a regular customer, named Claire Francois. It's your typical Coffee Shop AU, that was one of the first big fics in the community, and continues to influence AU works. The sequel "A Quiet Cup of Cheer" is very good, and I highly recommend.
"Claire Francois awakens to find herself in Japan, where Rae once lived out her past life. It’s not hard to find her wife once more, and given a second life surely it will be easy to live that one out with Rae once again and help Rae as she had helped her in Bauer. It’s hardly as if Rae will need convincing, right?
Rei Oohashi has had a crush on the icy Francois-san ever since university classes started, she is just so pretty. One would not have expected those feelings to be returned nor to have Francois-san claim they were wives in a previous life. And does Francois-san have no memories from this life either… oh no."
Essentially it's a reverse isekai, with Claire being a fish out of water. And it's full of Persona and Dungeon Meshi references. This has a NSFW companion piece from the lovely brooklynapple, which I will not link here.
The same writer also did an ESO Crossover, which I recommend reading!
"Rei "Quinn" Oohashi has a decently normal life. A job she excels at, a bothersome sister, a hobby she is undefeatable at. Things start to change when a blonde-haired fashion designer enters her life."
The story isn't very far along, but the writer is definitely having fun with this one.
"Two trans women with very different backgrounds, and personalities. Claire Francois, is the epitome of elegance and grace, her father a wealthy politician. Beneath the facade of elegance however, lies a painful past, that she fears coming to haunt her. The Violin becoming her means of escaping her world, if only for a moment.
Rae Taylor, is a Punk Rock Bassist, who found solace in the raw energy of punk, channeling her anger and frustration into the pounding rhythms of her bass guitar. Running from her past, she attempts to make a fresh start somewhere much different. Despite the lonely pain she feels, she pushes past it, in an attempt to pretend she's someone she's not: Someone confident, and able to hide the pain from everyone around her.
A chance meeting intertwines their paths, forcing them to confront their painful pasts, and embrace their true selves. Through their shared love of music, a bond is formed, that may just help them both find happiness."
Fully admit, this is a shameless self-promotion. The first few chapters are rough, but if you enjoy punk music, or just want to see what it would be like if Rae and Claire, were trans? You'll enjoy this! This also has a NSFW companion piece which I will not link.
Rae Taylor is the daughter of the General Store owners who sell all kinds of items and are part of the middle class.
Claire Francois is the daughter of one of the most powerful and influential Aristocrats who has control on most of the trades in the metropolis.
How can two hearts from two worlds meet at a time of uncertainty?"
Easily one of the most creative AU series, it's a fun one!
"Rae Taylor works for the Lilium Mafia House-one of their best agents, never failed a mission. She is send to the Francois House to act as a spy and eventually eliminate their sole daughter-Claire Francois. However, little did she expect that this mission would not be as easy as she deemed."
Mafia Gays? Say no more, I'm in.
"Four years after the Black Mesa Incident, a gang of Outlaws including former Bureaucrat Orla Maguire and her Physicist Step-Brother, Gustavo Freeman are decimated following a disastrous heist in Panama, scattering them to the wind, and sending Orla adrift to another world, with a blonde noble girl glaring down at her.
Claire Francois must now teach this upstart commoner, who appears to go by Rae Taylor, the proper ways to act in the Kingdom of Bauer, while attempting to truly decipher who she is, why she does what she does, and why she keeps talking about 'Home' as if it were some far away place. Rae, formerly Orla Maguire, must hold out and come up with a plan in the scheming shadows of Bauer if she wants any chance of seeing her old world and family again, all while continuing to work for Claire, and realizing they have a much deeper connection than she initially thought.
Meanwhile in Panama, Dr. Gustavo Freeman is surprised by the arrival of another Noblewoman, facing evidence of string theory, and the ever encroaching threat of the so-called 'Combine' Empire that is now aware of Earth's existence. Time will tell, the currents are swirling... can Outlaws and Nobles truly find redemption?"
Half-Life meets ILTV, in an unexpected crossover!

Canon Divergent

These fics cover stories set within the main universe, but diverge from canon in some way.
"Claire François is madly in love—and that's a problem.
All the things she once valued now stand in her way. The nobility could never accept her loving a commoner. The church could never accept her loving a woman. Her father would be so disappointed in her. None of that matters to her anymore, not as much as creating a future for herself and Rae Taylor. To do that, they'll first have to survive the coming revolution, and to survive, they'll have to change.
But, maybe, even with the entire world is standing against her and her love, if they can change themselves they'll have a chance to change the world. So that's what they'll have to do—whatever it takes."
It's the top rated Wataoshi fic, and for a reason. It's extremely well written, and there is so much care put into this series.
"In which Rae's Soul isn't simply a copy of the Demon Queen's Soul Data, but merely one half of the whole."
This has spoilers for LN5, so I recommend avoiding it, if you're reading this and have yet to complete LN5. In addition, the other has written "Memories of Another World" and "I'm in Love With my Best Friend"
"An exploration of Rei Oohashi's lives with Claire Francois. Major LN5 spoilers.
“Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.” -Anias Nin"
"Claire is accidentally hit with a love spell during magic class and suddenly can't keep her hands off of Rae. Rae doesn't know what to do now that Claire is giving her a taste of her own medicine. How will our heroine overcome this daunting challenge?"
Brooklynapple has also written "a day worth celebrating" a cute Claire birthday piece, and "what we deserve"
"Rae's Duel with Manaria goes wrong
She wakes up back in her old life in Japan
Claire is left alone"
From the author of Eitno, we have a tearjerker, that is excellent.
"A collection of short stories concerning Manaria Sousse from "I'm in Love With the Villainess." I recommend reading this after at least reading Volume 2, or after reading the whole story."
"Rei wakes up in Revolution like in the original but.... She's royalty?"
"After becoming Queen, Manaria tasks have piled up. However, something sinister has happened. Someone from her family has been murdered! She has to recruit her friends to help her solve the mystery."
" As the dust settles, and the world begins to heal, the once mighty Demon Queen, Rei Oohashi has been defeated. But her story does not end with her defeat, it is only just beginning. Rei has been offered a second chance, a chance to repent for her actions as the Demon Queen. Despite her inability to forgive herself, despite her lingering scars, one person sees through them all: Lilly Lilium.
A girl who despite her own scars, from her time as her father's assassin, wishes for nothing more than to help Rei to heal, even if she's incapable of doing so herself. Together they begin a journey spanning the Kingdom of Bauer, and beyond, whilst battling their own inner turmoil."
Again, shameless self-promotion.
"After deciding to take another pilgrimage, Lilly finds herself in Melica, where a certain chestnut-haired woman waits."
A fic dedicated to an underrated pairing. It's cute, check it out
I realize I am missing quite a few fics, but it's almost 2AM and I'm tired. Is there a fic you enjoy that should be on the list? Comment and I'll add it! Writing your own and need tips? Comment!
submitted by AprilDruid to WataOshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 Starrylake Does anyone else get really sleepy when they remember the bad things?

If I start thinking about them, my brain completely shuts down and I get so tired I feel like I can go to sleep.
It's difficult, because it happens even I'm trying to write pre or post therapy notes. My eyes literally start closing.
I used to be able to talk about the bad things that happened to me but now my brain is just totally disconnected from them.. And I can't think at all..
submitted by Starrylake to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 annabellee6 I (36F) am seeing a (37M) and can’t decide if he’s just not interested or I’m too used to being love bombed by bad men.

I (36F) have been seeing this man (37M) for right over 2 months. Things have been pretty great. We don’t get to see each other as often as I would like to because he works a full time job and is running his own business. I respect it and really love how ambitious he is so it’s something I can live with.
We see each other no more than once a week but spend plenty of time on the phone in some way (text/call/FT).
Overall, I am very happy where this is going and I think he’s absolutely fantastic. I just have a few things that are bothering me and I need to try to work them out, which led me here.
I have only ever been love bombed by anyone I have ever seen/dated. I have never had a healthy relationship, even including family. After my most recent ex and I broke up 2 years ago, I really spent time trying to work on myself before I ventured back out there.
I finally decided to jump on a dating app and I seen him right away and was immediately interested. Had the app for about 15 minutes before I knew I just wanted to talk to him. It all moved quickly and we met in person and now here we are.
I really enjoy this man and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend last week. He said he absolutely sees that being a possibility in the future but due to our schedules right now he would prefer to continue at the pace we are now and continue to learn about each other.
Honestly, it stung a little but I also really appreciated how mature his response was and I do agree that it is better to move slower. No need to rush anything since we can only spend limited time together right now.
But now I can’t stop questioning if he is actually into me that much or if I’m so used to being love bombed that this slow pace thing feels like rejection?
At what point do we revisit this? I don’t mind moving slow, but what is a reasonable amount of time to commit to someone? We are already sleeping together so to me, I don’t know if I fully see what the difference would be unless he is still testing the waters with other women.
He also hasn’t mentioned me to anyone he works with, he seems to be very very close to them even on a non work level, but hasn’t mention me yet. The only reason i know this is I dropped him off at work after he dropped of his car and he seemed so anxious about it when I dropped him off. I went to kiss him and again he was weird. I text him later and said “I hope I’m not a secret because I think I’m too good for that”
He responded saying “you are way too great to be secret, but I haven’t mentioned you to them yet.” He said he’s private but when he tells stories about his job, it seems they are close. Should I be offended? Or am I just used to unhealthy men ready to marry me on the second date.
I also question if I just have a ridiculous amount of relationship anxiety and it’s messing up my view. I just need someone else to give me some insight. I don’t talk to my friends about anything other than the surface stuff regarding him because I don’t like when people are too close, their opinions are too tainted by the friendship.
TDLR; I (36f) have been seeing a (37m) for 2 months. Used to being love bombed, is this what healthy feels like or is he not interested.
submitted by annabellee6 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 Give_More_Take_Less C4C! Need fish clicks

As of this posting, I have all Temu clicks to trade EXCEPT farm.
Pls ADD ME FIRST by searching my code, then let me know in the comments:
If you’re on a tight timeline/countdown and need a click back right away, be sure to ask me whether I still have an eligible click for your game before adding me.
Otherwise, if I’m out of clicks for your game when you add me, you’ll go in my “add back” queue. I keep a written list and am very diligent about adding folks back in the order they added me - even if it takes a few days 😊
My username is je7, or sometimes I show up as Temu User e6a3a (Te3a).
submitted by Give_More_Take_Less to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 Max_Cleary My girlfriend has done a bit of modelling

Me (17M) and my girlfriend (17F) how been together for 3 months. We have been friends for a few years now. We were in the flirting stage for 5 ish months before we officially started dating. She’s not just my girlfriend, she is my soulmate. She says the same thing too. We really believe that we have found each other and that we will grow old together. Now, on a holiday to Europe last year, she just so happened to get scouted by a modelling photographer on the tube in London. Very random, he came up to her, complemented her on her cheekbone oddly enough, and they did two shoots in the time she was there. She’s hasn’t done any modelling for money, only one agency. Anyways, today she showed me a few photos from the shoots and holy god on earth is she the most stunning woman in the world. Yes I’d like to say I’m somewhat on the muscular side, but I’ve never thought of my appearance as appealing. I’ve always had some issue with self love and now being with someone who was random asked to become a model in a foreign country, I can’t help but have a massive feeling of jealousy. I hate it and I don’t know how to make it go away. Yes she consistently says that I am her one true love, but my jealousy is really affecting me. I love you so so much and don’t know what I while do without her. This feeling is killing me. I obviously haven’t told her. I nearly threw up today because of it. It’s affecting my school work and I am afraid it will affect our relationship. What’s wrong with me and what can I do?
submitted by Max_Cleary to retroactivejealousy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 starwipelover is anybody else curious?

keith and zach, as owners of 2nd try, hosted a fundraiser livestream that raised $500k in 4.5 hours, and $1.5 million overall. throughout the stream, they and the other creators have explicitly said the words "palestine" "israel" "genocide" and "zionist". the set was decorated with palestinian-related items including the flag. zach started the stream with a personal note saying that standing up for the palestinian people is not antisemitic. one of the organizers, caprisunnpapi, is palestinian-american and he was featured heavily throughout the stream. they interviewed the president and founder of the PCRF. the stream ends with them saying "free palestine" and the description of the livestream VOD ends with this phrase as well.
these were all explicitly anti-zionist, pro-palestine actions and sentiments. there were no "free the hostages" "israelis are not their government" "peace for both sides" fence-sitting bullshit. this wasn't a stream to raise money for some apolitical charity, it was for charities specifically founded to help palestine.
but is anybody else curious what exactly is their relationship going to be with lewbergehughie stone fish moving forward? i assume they're not going to feature lewberger in future 2nd try content anymore, even just for the sake of taking in audience feedback (both about how lewberger isn't funny AND how the audience don't want to see a zionist), but i assume zach put his foot down and banned hughie from appearing in more content. i really am just curious how keith and hughie went about this. i know a lot of people in this sub have said "adults can disagree and still be friends" but in this specific scenario... can they? can they really? even if keith is willing to stay and try to change hughie's mind, i just can't imagine a zionist like hughie stone fish, who is a full-grown adult in his mid 30s set in his ways, would just change his mind in the span of a few months for the sake of keeping a friendship. i also can't imagine him wanting to be friends with someone who hosted a fundraiser where they've condemned israel multiple times.
i don't follow keith, hughie, or lewberger on any social media, so maybe i've missed something. i really just want to know what you guys think, either pure speculation or your observations based on their social media.
submitted by starwipelover to TheTryGuysSnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 reprieved20 Keep male-failing all of a sudden and I don’t know what to do

Keep male-failing all of a sudden and I don’t know what to do
I’ve been on HRT for 5 months now and I’ve only come out to a handful of people at this point. My dysphoria is a total Dick and I still see nothing but a slightly femme looking male in the mirror but over the last few weeks, and especially the last week, I’ve started to malefail almost daily…
Anyway, the picture on the left is from a group photo from thanksgiving last year. My family has traditions for thanksgiving and 4th of July, it’s when all of my extended family makes a point to all gather together. Family from all over the country (big Italian family). To give you an idea, that group photo had 38 people in it including myself.
Well 4th of July is coming up, and even MORE people usually make it for that (looking at 50+ family members and close family friends) of which the ONLY person I’ve come out to is my mom…. A month is enough time for even more significant physical changes to happen at the rate I’ve been feminizing, yet no where near enough time for me to build up the courage and speak with everyone individually.
I have never missed a single one of these events in my living memory, and for me to not show up, is definitely not going to go unnoticed, and to outright lie to them (especially so many of them) really doesn’t sit well with me. I also don’t like the idea of just showing up nearly unrecognizable. (and I think it’s safe to say I can’t just write it off as a shaved face and longer hair at this point)
So that’s my current predicament anyway, if anyone has some advice I would be hella grateful. I’m feeling so flooded by a mix of panic and euphoria all at once 😂🫣
submitted by reprieved20 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:38 sigma_male_steve Down dating app review - is Down legit.. Or a TOTAL SCAM?

Down dating app review - is Down legit.. Or a TOTAL SCAM?
Welcome to the Down dating app, where you're supposed to swipe your way to love or a casual fling, but you might end up swiping your patience away instead. Let's dive into why the Down app might not be your best bet for finding romance or a quick hookup. In this scam dating site guide, we're going to explore why Down might leave you feeling, well, down.
For those who don't want to read the entire guide, a much better alternative to Down is Ashley Madison. Unlike Down, Ashley Madison actually has millions of members and doesn't use shady tactics to scam you. Check it out here.

Scam 1: Unresponsive User Base

One of the most significant issues with Down is its inactive user base. Many users report that despite the app's simple and appealing interface, getting matches is nearly impossible. You can swipe up or down all you want, but if no one is actively using the app, you're not going to get any responses. This makes the whole experience feel like a ghost town.

Scam 2: Limited Free Features

While Down is marketed as a free app, the reality is that the free version is extremely limited. You're restricted to seeing only 10 profiles per day, which drastically reduces your chances of finding a match. To unlock more features, such as unlimited profiles and seeing who liked you, you need to pay for the premium membership, which can feel like a rip-off considering the lack of active users​.

Scam 3: Glitchy Features

Users often complain about glitches in the messaging and photo verification features. These technical issues can make an already frustrating experience even worse. If you can't reliably send messages or verify profiles, it undermines the app's functionality and your confidence in using it​.

Scam 4: Poor Match Sorting

Another common complaint is that Down doesn't allow you to sort matches based on distance effectively. While the app may show that a match is nearby, it could actually be over 100 miles away. This lack of precision can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you're looking for local connections.

Scam 5: Misleading Premium Features

Down offers a range of premium features, but many users feel they don't deliver on their promises. For example, paying for a profile boost or a subscription that promises more matches often results in minimal improvement. It's like paying for a fast lane only to find out there's still a traffic jam.

Scam 6: Expensive Subscription Model

The cost of Down's premium membership is another sore point. At $19.99 per month, it’s not cheap, and given the app's other shortcomings, it can feel like you're throwing money into a black hole. Many users find the price unjustifiable given the low success rate in finding matches.

Overall Verdict and Recommendation

Down might not be a scam in the traditional sense, but it certainly feels like one given its inactive user base, limited free features, glitchy functionality, poor match sorting, misleading premium features, and high subscription costs. If you're looking for a legit hookup app, try Ashley Madison.
Ashley Madison has millions of real members, no shady bot tactics, and an upfront and clear cost of membership. People have been using it for years for hookups. You can get a free trial for Ashley Madison using the link on this page.
Good luck, and may your swipes lead to something more fulfilling!
submitted by sigma_male_steve to OnlyTheCoolest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:38 Give_More_Take_Less C4C! Need fish clicks

As of this posting, I have all Temu clicks to trade EXCEPT farm.
Pls ADD ME FIRST by searching my code, then let me know in the comments:
If you’re on a tight timeline/countdown and need a click back right away, be sure to ask me whether I still have an eligible click for your game before adding me.
Otherwise, if I’m out of clicks for your game when you add me, you’ll go in my “add back” queue. I keep a written list and am very diligent about adding folks back in the order they added me - even if it takes a few days 😊
My username is je7, or sometimes I show up as Temu User e6a3a (Te3a).
submitted by Give_More_Take_Less to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:38 AlenaCheryo Im almost 20 and have never dated anyone…

I turn 20 in Sept and im literally the only one who hasn’t gone on a date, not to mention been in a relationship. All the ppl i know/i knew, my peers, my mom when she was at my age (lol), they all have had some background in dating, atleast (!!) going on dates, having a first kiss, that kind of stuff A bit about me: im a shortie 5,3, to my shame, im not as skinny as i used to be due to my severe ED that started with restrictions and led to anorexia and for these past 2-3 years ive gained not intentionally 25-30 kg which is an awful lot for me, both aesthetically and physically, and ofc takes a huge toll on my mental health. Im pretty sure im an introvert but the one that can be loud and chatty af as long as i feel comfortable, im heard and appreciated. It so happened at my age I don’t have a single friend (my mom doesn’t count lol!), i did have two bfs but we ended up cutting ties and have never talked since - not like there’s some drama, a fist fight or some stuff to compete over lol. But generally, im kinda closed off, i do look at my mom and realize how different we are cause how easy she meets/approaches ppl and they easily and with pleasure approach her. In my case, even before my weight gain and my mental health going down so bad (it’s an understatement), the opposite sex did not wanna have anything to do w me (back in school i had 2 guys i was sort of friends with but they didn’t like me like that and i didn’t like them romantically and one of them was gay lol) Also i love joking & having a good laugh, still love attention, have always been a good listener I do feel like ive never been mentally ok, like never, but it js doesn’t show like im a freak or psycho, basically only ppl im closed with, like my mom, know what ive been dealing with. And no, ive never sought therapy, don’t have any diagnosis in terms of mental health. Tho it’s safe to say im an extremely anxious person and a professional overthinker, i do realize there’re quite some times i missed the boat cause i was freaking out and there’s so much overthinking and what ifs going on And i have got a problem that has been bothering me since my school years but it feels like i can do nothing about it even tho i try to, every time if a guy kinda looks at me (tho never approaches!), no matter if he’s fat or literally sitting next to me in a bus, my heart starts racing, it feels like im gonna either pass out or throw up, i do not make eye contact, even when there’s kind of a slight urge to look at them. When i couldn’t avoid making eye contact, my face or face muscles (?), they start acting up, as if im getting paralyzed or something, im pretty sure my eyes start twitching and looking weird as a whole too. I had something like that even with a female (!)teacher, she pretty much hated me for no reason. But generally, that shit happens only in cases when there’s a guy on the horizon, especially if he’s kinda to my liking! Not long ago i started longing for a companionship, for my first and preferably healthy relationship but idk what to do…Even tho im overweight, ppl say im pretty (my moms def biased so i don’t trust her lol) but even her colleges who saw me on ig or even irl. Because of my weight, cellulite, belly pouch, def not a snatched waste and objectively fat legs, i just can’t call myself beautiful but my face is def not the worst, guys be falling for it once they see me on socials (i don’t use photoshop and use minimum cosmetic products so it’s not cakey) Any suggestions, anything??? Id be interested and grateful to hear both sides. And sorry if some mistakes were made while i was writing this long ass text, English is not my first language. Thanks:)
submitted by AlenaCheryo to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 Acceptable_Swan_9474 School Transfer

I got an offer to transfer to a better high school with a better level of volleyball I'm not sure if I should transfer or not the high school is better but I don't want to go through the issue of new teachers, students, and coaches just for me to regret it. But going here would improve my skills a lot the only issue is that I'm not sure I could live up to the coaches expectations because I played with the varsity players and played pretty badly (I was also stressed out at this time) and even then he still asked me to transfer. I'm not sure what to do because I feel like I might let the coaches down but should I let this opportunity go away?
submitted by Acceptable_Swan_9474 to volleyball [link] [comments]
