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2024.06.01 18:58 iLOVEkadoaties [Neopets Classic] How a once-promising Neopets clone turned into a lesson on poor leadership

(Note: ‘retail’ refers to the regular Neopets website, currently owned by NetDragon, previously owned by JumpStart - thank you u/fancytables)
Before I begin this post, it is important to talk about what Neopets is and why a classic version of it was created in the first place. Neopets is a virtual petsite where you can own pixel pets, converse with other players on the neoboards, play games, meet people through guilds (which are like clubs geared toward certain interests), and partake in daily activities. Because Neopets is now a 24-year-old site, many of its users have been around for a while and remember what Neopets was like pre-conversion.
In 2007, Viacom (the company that owned the domain at the time) decided to “convert” all pets in order to introduce customization–a new site feature where you could spend real money to dress up your pets. While pre-conversion Neopets had dynamic poses and character, post-conversion Neopets were static and rather awkward. Most species and color combinations were automatically converted, but owners of certain combinations were given the option to keep their original unconverted pet. This drove up the value of unconverteds (otherwise known as UCs), and created a fierce trading system on Neopets. In a sea of converted pets, everyone wanted an unconverted.
Players had the option to trade around and work their way up to getting one of these highly coveted pets–but starting from ground zero often meant working on a singular trade chain for years, if not decades. This was a daunting task for many. Soon enough, there was a robust black market for unconverted pets…and when I say robust, I mean, people who desperately wanted these “UC” pets were flooding the “black market” with thousands of US dollars per year.
Millions of players who had been there since the beginning of Neopets would continue to be discouraged by the site's direction for years to come. In 2020, it was announced that Adobe Flash would soon be discontinued. With the termination of Flash, all the beloved Neopets games that relied on it were lost. Three years ago, Neopets further dug its own grave by introducing NFTS. Needless to say, the active player base has dramatically decreased over the years.
Enter Neopets Classic (NPC), a fansite made to model early 2000s Neopets when there were around 3 million active users. For privacy purposes, the name Kiko will refer to the site’s creator (all screenshots with him will be censored in YELLOW). Kiko began working on this project as a way to learn code in his offtime. He began posting screenshots of the progress he was making with NPC on Reddit as far back as 5 years ago (2019). To say Neopets fans were excited is an understatement. When the site eventually opened to the public in December 2020, tons of users rushed to make accounts and create the unconverted pets they had never imagined getting to own, along with names that are probably stuck on frozen accounts from 2003 or so on retail. Instead of Rose6920Neopets, it was possible for a user on Neopets Classic to actually make the pet “Rose”. In its early days, the site was incredibly nostalgic and fulfilling for many people.
Kiko opened a Patreon account where people could show their support through monthly donations ranging from $1 to $25. Each tier unlocked special rewards on NPC’s Discord server, but the most appealing was the ability to make an NPC account for $1. After the initial wave of sign-ups, the site closed regular sign-ups to manage the influx of users as there were easily 200 members already. The only way people could get accounts after this point was by donating, or to wait for sign-up links to be posted about every month or so to the Discord. After receiving an email from Patreon where they warned him of Neopets copyright issues, Kiko moved to Buy Me A Coffee (BMAC).
A few months into Neopets Classic, there was a surge of site bugs and issues that went unfixed and quickly piled up. Kiko was nowhere to be found for almost two months. There was no communication indicating when users could expect fixes to the issues they were facing in game. Not even the mods were able to tell the users when or even if he would be back. He came back eventually, with no word of apology or explanation for his absence. This left users quite upset at the lack of communication while he was MIA, and not knowing whether their ongoing donations were going to waste if the site never started working properly again.
Kiko’s prolonged absence opened a door for many cheaters to abuse the site. This included the use of various bots and scripts that could auto-refresh around the site and auto-buy items from shops. Additionally, several users funneled items and neopoints (the in-game Neopets currency) from their side accounts to their main accounts, which was against the rules. Upon his return, Kiko was made aware of the massive cheating issue and started issuing bans accordingly. He created a channel within the Discord titled “Wall of Shame”, where he mocked the users he froze and immortalized their “crimes.” Ironically, Kiko himself had quite a bit of experience with similar illegal behavior on retail Neopets. He had previously been a black market seller of “UC” pets for real money on retail - and Clraik, a forum-based website dedicated to sharing and engaging in Neopets cheats, did not hesitate to expose this in his ban message from their site. Interestingly, Kiko had previously been fairly involved in the Clraik community and even recruited his first Neopets Classic players from there. He eventually deleted the channel.
Kiko also shamed his own playerbase behind closed doors in BMAC-only channels, but the Wall of Shame wouldn't be the first time he did so publicly. During the Halloween event in 2021, players collected candy around the site that came in different varieties. To redeem prizes, you had to collect certain varieties of candies - and if you didn’t have those varieties, you could swap candies with other users to get what you needed. One user made an unpopular choice to ask for multiples of one kind of candy for less of another and received severe backlash from not only the community but Kiko himself. While some users agreed that the player was acting out of line and applauded Kiko’s condemnation of the user, many others were grossly uncomfortable with the site creator openly ridiculing a player who wasn’t breaking any known game rules. Kiko had started a dogpile where members of the community continued to speak against the user, who then felt bullied off the site. A few friends of his followed suit and quit playing.
On March 7th, 2022, an NPC artist (who will henceforth be referred to as Carmariller) asked Kiko for permission to add a commissioned pet to the site that had been commissioned by a user with Neopoints. Kiko said yes and gave her permission, noting that it wasn’t any different from a user paying for a commission, as long as the user was fine with it being on the site. Their stone Shoyru design was eventually added to the site. Later on, several other users pitched in together to pay for a commission of another pet design from Carmariller in hopes of it being added to the site. When the site’s main moderator (let’s call her Lupe) found out about this in a public channel, she made it clear that commissions for pets to be added to the site were not allowed anymore, claiming it was unfair for users who couldn’t pay to affect site art through neopoints. However, those who had commissioned the art were confused and upset that this decision was made in direct opposition to the precedent of the Stone Shoyru. Following Lupe’s claims of unfairness, several users chimed in to express that it was problematic that users had commissioned art to be added to the site. Carmariller took a lot of heat from this discourse, which caused them to take a break from NPC. This series of interactions will be important later on.
During April 2022, it was announced that a spring Easter event would take place on NPC. In the suggestions channel of the Discord server, a user submitted a suggestion to incorporate small nods to other religions because all the events around the holiday season were Christian-centric. This opened the door for a few users to vehemently disagree, stating that religion had no place on Neopets, that the site could never be “100% inclusive”, and that someone will always be upset. What started off as an innocuous suggestion for more inclusive features on the site ended in a heated debate, with many users feeling hurt and angry by the seemingly xenophobic arguments being made against the suggested features. Users from marginalized groups began to feel unsafe in the server as users were allowed to freely speak out against suggestions to make the site and community more inclusive with no mod intervention. When Kiko eventually came online, he did little to comfort those marginalized voices when he wrote that he wasn’t interested in “pandering to other cultures”, and that “Christian holidays are secular in western societies”. A user suggested adding a menorah or sugar skulls to represent Jewish and Mexican holidays, respectively. He wrote that he wasn’t interested in adding these items “any more than he was interested in adding a crucifix” item to the site. Some users responded that a crucifix is a symbol of the entire Christianity movement, whereas a menorah would be a symbol of Hanukkah and wouldn’t be different from the features that already exist on the site to represent Christmas, such as the advent calendar and the Christmas paint for pets and petpets. To this, Kiko just responded with a screenshot of his Google search where he googled “is menorah a religious symbol”.
Users became even more upset with his response, which seemed tone-deaf and careless in light of the conversation. A Jewish user argued that the menorah is tied to a single Jewish holiday, whereas a crucifix embodies Christianity as a whole. (NOTE: this is noted in the screenshots provided in the link, but several of the screenshots were taken recently whereas some were taken the day of this incident. In the last screenshot, where it says that a Discord user is responding to a message that has been deleted, the original message entailed Kiko’s message where he sent screenshots of his Google searches).
Users grew more weary of Kiko as he wrote that he would introduce a slow-mode in the suggestions channel since the users “couldn’t behave themselves”. To many users, it felt as though Kiko had been punishing and scolding them for expressing their hurt, without reprimanding the users who argued against the implementation of inclusive features.
Kiko and the users who were against adding features to represent other religions and cultures besides Christianity wrote that they would not have been able to “get it right” anyway since Kiko and his moderators were all white. A user responded to this and wrote that those kinds of arguments were often used as an excuse by non-marginalized individuals to not try to be inclusive by seeking out advice from the groups that they were attempting to represent. To this, Kiko reacted with an eye-rolling emoji instead of responding to the user directly and having a conversation about his reasoning.
After this debacle, some of the Neopets Classic Discord moderators created a separate server to invite BIPOC and address their concerns. A number of players disagreed with this move, because they felt that they were being pushed out of the main server and forced to express their concerns elsewhere, but the change was pushed regardless. Notably, Kiko, Kiko’s sister (who had been invited on to help him with the site), and the main moderator Lupe were not in this server. At first, the moderators involved piled the server members with apologies and asked for advice on how to do better. The advice was forthcoming from BIPOC players who committed to the emotional labor necessary to help the team understand–but they never understood. It was very quickly evident to everyone in the server that the team had no intentions of promoting inclusiveness, or a safe space for BIPOC players.
One member expressed that they were deeply uncomfortable with Lupe because of her pattern of silencing BIPOC users. The moderator running the server (let’s call her Moehog) meant to address BIPOC concerns told this member, and I quote, “I’m not going to comment on that. You can view her as you wish.” Immediately, the other members of the server called Moehog out on her inappropriate response. Moehog did not apologize or take any action against Lupe. It is important to note that during these conversations which were supposed to be geared toward making NPC a more inclusive space, Moehog was responding to messages in the private NPC staff chat with approval about how a Black member of the community would rant about being painted as a “an angry Black woman” while having a “nasty personality”. Screenshots of this are included further down.
On May 24th, 2022, a user reported the pet ‘Soviet’, claiming that it was an insensitive name that shouldn’t exist on a p​​et site given the fact that Russia had very recently invaded Ukraine. The NPC mod team forced a “name change” for the pet Soviet, where the user received a name change token so that they may change the new name to another untaken name. Users began reporting other names that could be deemed offensive, such as Bimbo, Twink, and the username ‘slut’. Other users immediately took issue with the removal of pet names that were reclaimed slurs, such as Bimbo, and began asking the moderators about it in the NPC Discord server. One user, a Black woman (we’ll call her Aisha), pointed out that pets as harmless as Bimbo were being removed yet the pet Minstrel was owned by a NPC moderator - in fact, it was owned by the main moderator, Lupe. (While the word minstrel may mean medieval singer or musician, it is also strongly associated with blackface as in American history it referred to a member of a band of typically white actors with blackened faces. Minstrels performed songs, dances, and formulaic comic routines based on stereotyped depictions of Black Americans.)
Lupe swiftly deleted Aisha’s message that called out her pet Minstrel and wrote a reply stating that the pet Minstrel was in the process of being name-changed, and that users should submit tickets for any issues they have with pet names. It was never made apparent why action was immediately taken with Soviet and Bimbo, but not Minstrel. Aisha wrote another post about how it felt like her voice was being silenced, especially as a Black woman speaking about the hypocrisy of the moderators deleting pet names while owning a pet with harsh racist connotations. Aisha was swiftly banned from the server. It didn’t take long for users to come to her defense and demand to know why she was banned from the server for expressing her feelings of discomfort. Another moderator (Maple) claimed that he had attempted to mute Aisha for ‘inflammatory speech’ but had accidentally banned her instead. This caused outrage in the community, as more and more users denounced the silencing of marginalized voices without addressing any of the harm that was done. You might be asking: where was Kiko during all of this?
Kiko had been gone for several weeks at this point. By now, the users were used to this. Kiko was often gone without word, and left it up to his moderators to handle any and all issues--really, it was often Lupe dealing with the public chat while the other moderators held more of a backseat position. He did, however, come out of the woodworks to write about how angry he was with the community for “causing drama”. Once again, he placed the blame in the playerbase and found no fault within the community moderators for inflicting harm to their players. Furthermore, he wrote that he was proceeding to shut down non-informational channels. Only BMAC supporters (i.e., people who were paying real life money) were allowed to converse and use the Discord server as normal. In his post, Kiko also wrote that the server was shutting down in order to find new moderators to help keep the peace within the community. During this time, on the evening of May 24th, screenshots from staff chat had been leaked where Kiko is seen claiming that the “argument for reclaimed slurs is dumb”, followed by a joke about how NPC supports bullying minorities and white supremacy. This led several users to feel uncomfortable, believing that Kiko was joking about something that still felt so raw and painful for them.
After most of the player base was suddenly unable to communicate in the main server, many users moved to the site’s neoboards. Although they were glitchy and had many broken links, it sufficed as everyone needed a way to talk about the mess that just occurred in the main NPC server. Remember Carmariller? People were still unsatisfied with how Carmariller was driven away from the site. Some users took to posting “JUSTICE FOR CARMARILLER” on the neoboards, but were swiftly frozen (in which you are never allowed to play NPC again) or temporarily banned/muted. Carmariller returned to the boards to reveal that she never knew commissions for site art weren't allowed as Kiko had previously given her permission to accept commissions from users to eventually add to the site (as shown in a previous screenshot). Kiko showed up to say that he only did that the one time. Carmariller wrote that he said it wasn’t a problem that one time, so she assumed it wouldn’t be a problem later. Kiko then asked Carmariller if she would take time off from work any day she wanted if her boss had previously given her a day off. This was enough for Carmariller to quit the site and never partake in the community ever again. That, however, wouldn't stop the site from continuing to use her art and pet designs that she only had given permission for before quitting the art team. Not too long after, the entire board was deleted by either Kiko or his staff.
The shutdown of the main server for NPC occurred on May 24th, 2022. After Kiko wrote that long post, he disappeared for nearly three months. The main server became a ghost town, and hardly anyone ever posted there. Much of this is due to the fact that most of the playerbase couldn’t chat there, since they weren’t BMAC supporters. Even though Kiko had left and there was no news of change or progress on the site or in the community, the BMAC stayed open. This meant new users were continuing to donate $1 for accounts that they weren’t getting because Kiko was M.I.A. and unable to process their links. As familiar as prolonged disappearances of Kiko were to old players, several new people who had not come to expect this by now were anxious about where their money was going. There were frequent inquiries posted in the discord about when new users could expect to receive a sign-up link. Mixed messaging from the moderators in response made the situation all the more tense. Lupe made an announcement that Kiko and his sister will return but was unable to say when, and used privacy concerns as reasoning to not elaborate on why they had “to take some time away due to IRL, external matters.” This left many users genuinely concerned that something may have happened to him that pulled him away from the site that the mod didn’t want to share publicly. One artist even mentioned that Kiko tends to his grandfather who was sick at the time, leading users to worry as they began to wonder if everything was alright. Later, a user asked the mod Moehog if Kiko left because of the heated discourse surrounding pet names like Soviet and Minstrel. Moehog responded that the Kiko and his sibling were simply away on holiday, and just needed some relaxation time. Users were bewildered at the lack of simple communication prior either by the devs or the mod announcement to say that they were taking a short break and would be back. Donors in particular were frustrated that they could have saved their monetary contributions for an account had they known it would be some time before Kiko returned.
During Kiko’s long absence, the NPC moderators decide to promote a prominent art team member to moderator status. We’ll call them Chia. The first action Chia took as a moderator was to delete the Spanish-Chat channel, where Spanish and Portuguese NPC users previously talked about the game in… well… Spanish and Portuguese. Given the fact that much of the tension in the NPC community stemmed from issues regarding racism and xenophobia, many users felt like this was a terrible decision which went against the very thing they sought: inclusivity in the NPC community. Chia responded and wrote that their intention was to delete non-essential channels, and that it wasn’t uncommon in larger Discords to exclude non-English channels. Users were quick to note that this was a popular xenophobic sentiment in those very gaming communities.
Because over half of the playerbase was shut out of communicating in the main NPC server, a few individuals made a side server titled “NPC Peeps”. Many NPC users migrated to this server to keep up with the community while these harsh changes were implemented upon the playerbase. It is important to note that none of the NPC staff or moderators were allowed in this server, as it was created initially to aid NPC users in airing out their grievances without the fear of being punished in the community or on the site. Site artists were allowed but later removed.
Then, it came to light that Maple had been actively spying in the “NPC Peeps” server on a burner account, and taking unauthorized screenshots within a private venting channel to use against players. Many players were frozen on the site or banned from the main discord server at the whims of the moderator team. Reasons were never given for these bans, so many assumed it was simply for speaking negatively about NPC, even though these discussions took place in a separate server. The second server had been created as a safe space for all NPC players, especially BIPOC members, and many users felt as though this was a gross invasion of privacy that made them feel even more unsafe.
After Maple’s burner account was banned, he and other moderators and artists continued to attempt to get into the second server and spy on users. (A screenshot of a site artist proposing the idea of sending friends to spy in the NPC Peeps server with Lupe agreeing is provided here)
In the BIPOC server, members expressed their concerns about the unwelcome surveillance, but were again met with unsympathetic ears. Moehog informed the members that she planned to quit as a moderator, and that the BIPOC server would have to take their concerns elsewhere. Members of the server took the opportunity to once and for all express serious frustration with how their concerns had been handled, and how nothing had ever come of their concerns (Moehog had only told them she would pass on their recommendations to Kiko, and Kiko had never responded). Moehog then said that she was keeping the server open as a favor to them and because she didn’t “want their emotional labor to go to waste.” Another member who had applied to be a moderator months earlier expressed that, if they became a moderator, the first thing they would do would be to ask Maple to step down from his position. Immediately following that message, Moehog deleted the entire server.
All the discord server drama aside— if you asked any NPC user, you’d find that, from 2020-2022, there was little to actually do on the site: you could restock (which entails buying items from non-playable character shops and reselling them for a profit in your shop or on the trading posts), feed kadoaties, paint your pets with Neopoints you earn through Random Events or by restocking, or do fetch quests from non-player characters, where you must find the item they are asking for and they will give you Neopoints in return. A few long-time NPC users had previously offered their services to Kiko multiple times, constantly telling him that they are familiar with web development and could assist him in adding new features to the site such as games and the Battledome, but Kiko always refused.
So, in July 2022, these same members had become increasingly frustrated with NPC and began working on a new site called Grundo’s Cafe. Grundo’s Cafe was designed to resemble early 2000s Neopets, as well. The idea of an early 2000s Neopets fansite was not new by then, and several had popped up such as and Moderneo. The creators of Grundo’s Cafe aimed to implement more than NPC already had to offer such as recreating flash games using HTML5, the Battledome, and the beloved Habitarium. On August 12th, Grundo’s Cafe had their Grand Opening, and allowed 100 slots for signups which quickly filled up as dedicated Neopets players were eager to try this new clone. Many former NPC users were excited to play a new site that had many features to offer that actually did represent early 2000s Neopets: functional neoboards, restocking, guilds, flash games, and games such as Sakhmet Solitaire, Dice-a-Roo, and Lenny Conundrum. A few of these were features that took over a year for NPC to provide, and many are features that NPC still does not have.
The next day, on August 13, 2022, all of the Grundo’s Cafe developers and Discord moderators were shocked to find their Neopets Classic accounts had been frozen. Their ban messages simply read ‘C/ping custom text and content from NPC is not allowed.’ Allegedly, the Neopets Classic staff suspected Grundo’s Cafe ripped their code and content and consequently froze their accounts. It was widely unclear, however, what content was thought to have been stolen from NPC as the HTML, content, and images used were from the original Neopets as might be expected from a clone site like NPC itself. There was also no way to dispute their account freezes, as the “contact our support staff” link was broken and led nowhere. The Discord server had also been locked down, requiring users to submit verification forms through Google Forms where a moderator would reach out to them via neomail on the site and give them a password that they had to in turn message to a moderator via Discord. The Grundo’s Cafe moderators in particular were confused and upset that they would be frozen if the reason was stealing website code and content, because their roles as moderators had nothing to do with working on the site development.
Long-time NPC players were horrified by the NPC staff’s actions for a while, but this was the final straw for many. Several users who had been playing since the first couple of months quit NPC and happily joined Grundo’s Cafe never to look back. Some friends of the Grundo’s Cafe staff took it one step further by going directly to the Neopets Classic Discord to air their disappointment. These messages were quickly deleted by the mods online at the time, and the five users involved in the conversation were permanently muted in the server and on the neoboards, and eventually frozen on the site. Several users were also frozen for expressing their discontent with the NPC staff. Users complained that the server felt like severe censorship as they couldn’t express any discontent with the site’s actions without it being deleted or their accounts being muted.
Long-time NPC players weren’t the only ones disgusted by the behavior of the NPC staff. One staff member took a huge risk to expose some controversial conversations from the NPC private staff chat which included Kiko, his sister, the mods, and artists. In these screenshots, staff members/moderators and artists are seen mocking Aisha, calling her a “nasty spiteful little bitch” and referring to the player base as “cunts”. They joked about making Aisha’s verification word to get access to discord “minstrel”. Although Kiko and the NPC staff accused the Grundo’s Cafe team of copying and pasting content, screenshots were also leaked of them snooping around to steal scripts and code from Grundo’s Cafe staff members. These scripts were initially created by the Grundo’s Cafe team when they were active users on NPC, and many of the playerbase depended on them. However, after being frozen on NPC, the Grundo’s Cafe team removed access to their scripts, leaving NPC users at a disadvantage. In the previously linked screenshots, staff members are seen discussing how to get those scripts back in order to add them to the NPC website and pass off as their own. They also accused the Grundo’s Cafe main developer of stealing the footer text from NPC, but a Reddit comment from Kiko himself would prove otherwise. Through the leak of these screenshots, it became swiftly apparent to users that the Grundo’s Cafe team was frozen out of pure jealousy or spitefulness at their quick success without any solid reason to back it up. Many of the players who had been loyal through the ups and downs of Neopets Classic over the past two years felt disgusted by the racist remarks made behind closed doors. Any messages regarding the staff chat leaks in the NPC server were deleted, and some users were muted or frozen for attempting to talk about it.
After August 2022, many users stopped playing NPC. Between other Neopets clones such as Grundo’s Cafe, Moderneo, and, many people found that there was much to do on other sites compared to NPC. Many users also refused to be associated with a site run by individuals such as Kiko and his staff. The drop in active numbers was evident even to NPC users that remained active. On the site homepage, there is a counter of how many users are online at the moment, and there were often only 30-40 members online (whereas in the past, numbers would easily reach triple digits, especially on the weekends). NPC users grew frustrated with the lack of updates and small player base, claiming that it was now difficult to complete quests as no one was restocking and filling their shops with items. In October 2022, users expected a Halloween event, and staff members responded that it was coming, keeping it vague at best. On October 28th, it was announced that a Halloween event would be coming that day. However, the site broke the very same day. Users grew more and more frustrated as they just desired to play on a functional site where the developer actually had an interest in improving the site. A few days went by with radio silence as the site remained unplayable. Then, on November 3rd, Kiko wrote a very important announcement. He announced that, because of some issues with the server, the site had lost 5 months of data. Many users were shocked and devastated, as all their progress and hard work from the past 5 months had suddenly been erased. Several users wondered how Kiko had gone five months without backing up data onto any external site. Users who lost pets due to the rollback were required to message mods with proof of which pets they owned so that they could be replaced. Typically, Neopets Classic would do “pound releases” where previously stuck pets on frozen accounts would be released to the pound where any user could adopt them to their own account. However, as a result of the chaos from the rollback, mods used this rollback as their chance to take pets from frozen accounts for their own use, giving themself a secretive priority over which pets they wanted for themselves before they were released to the pound for the general public.
To this day, several Neopets fansites and projects exist, and many Neopets fans are members of multiple sites. The sites, such as Grundo’s Cafe,, and Moderneo, remain friendly with each other, and oftentimes the developers even work together on each other’s sites in various ways. Grundo’s Cafe has even been referenced by the official Neopets team multiple times (example 1, example 2). All three sites have an active community.
The exception to this is Neopets Classic. Users are no longer able to check how many players are online, as either Kiko or his team have removed the feature. You can try and gauge activity with their latest news announcement which stated that they received zero poem submissions for Moehog Day (a pet day where Moehogs are celebrated on every Neopets site, often including new pet art and user-submitted poems).
Neopets Classic is the only Neopets fansite without any affiliates or relationships with other Neopets fansites, which begs the question of whether this can only be attributed to Kiko and his inexperienced mod & art team.
submitted by iLOVEkadoaties to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:17 PlasmaShovel Needle in The Haystack 16

I have an announcement about the future of this series. Some IRL stuff is taking up a lot of my time. It's nothing serious, so don't worry. As it stands, I simply don't have the time to write as much as I was before. This does not mean that I'm putting NiTH on hiatus. The series will continue. But, and there is a but. Since I don't have as much time to put into writing it, updates will likely be slower. As such, I won't be able to promise a consistent schedule. Or even a schedule at all.
I'll still try to keep it somewhat consistent. I just don't want people to freak out if there's a week with no update.
Many thanks to u/SpacePaladin15 for this universe.
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Chapter 16:
- Memory Transcription Subject: Meba, Venlil Computer Scientist
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 20th, 2136
The boot was cool against my back. So was the rain, which was beating down again. Mud caked on my fur like resin, and the taste of dirt wouldn’t leave my mouth. The sound of wind beat on my eardrums like sticks on a drum. Gusts came in waves, bringing sheets of water careening through the air at an almost horizontal angle. I couldn’t see above the hips of our attackers with my head pressed to the ground. There was another sense that only Arlene was privy to, but that didn’t stop the experience from being thoroughly miserable.
I spit some of the grit out of my mouth. The only thing I could think of was how cold it was.
They must be warm, in their insulated suits.
Why are you doing this?” I wanted to ask, though I didn’t.
Arlene was to my right, shivering. She would get hypothermia if she didn’t get out of the rain soon.
I was heaved to my feet, with a throbbing head, and shaky legs. I struggled in their grip, but that only netted me another blow to the face. My feet played hot potato with the ground, as it swayed out from under me, around, and back again. I almost wished it would open up and swallow me, swallow us all, just to be done with it.
One of the three brandished a baton, the others held Arlene and I. Were they the group from before? I couldn’t tell beneath the suits. My stomach exploded with pain, and I lost the fancy bunt leaf salad that Gram bought me.
The moment stretched on to infinity. My muscles clenching, my teeth chattering, and a bit of my drool getting to know the puddle on the ground. My wool helped a bit. Arlene didn’t have the luxury of padding.
Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.
I looked.
Her usually white teeth were stained pink. The mask was lying in the mud, completely covered in it.
I looked away before I could glean anything else.
Hey, buddy, you still with me?” Said the leader. Or, something along those lines; I couldn’t really hear him. He placed the baton under my snout and raised my head. Soon, he removed the baton and said something to his lackeys.
The ground started moving. No, I started moving. I was being dragged towards a tree, by my scruff. Arlene too. They pressed me up against the trunk; the wind was a little quieter under the canopy.
There we go.” Said the leader. His voice sounded familiar. “Think you’re a tough guy, huh? Friends in high places? You gave us some real trouble, didn’t you!”
Stop!” Arlene screamed.
Pain. Another blow. To my head. My vision blurred. I tried to stand. I couldn’t. Arlene. Was she okay? I couldn’t see. My chest lurched forward. Coughing. My coughing. I gasped for air. I tried to speak. I failed. He went for a kick. I was only partially able to block with my arms.
I fell to my side, gathering even more mud in my coat. I summoned every ounce of strength in my body, and raised my head. Arlene was there, struggling in their grasp. I don’t know how she could function through the pain.
She grabbed the exterminator behind her, and threw him over her shoulder, then slipped in the mud, and fell down… right on top of the him. He yelped in pain. The one with the baton turned their back to me. I groped around in the dark for something, anything. I found a rock.
Freeze!” The exterminator yelled, barely audible over the storm.
I slammed the rock into the only vulnerable area I could reach: the groin. The suit had padding, but it wasn’t enough. He instantly dropped his sidearm, or rather, his sidearm dropped him, because he hit the ground first. I might have felt bad, if not—no, no I wouldn’t have.
Arlene struggled to her feet, blood still burning with alcohol. She stumbled towards us, hopped into the air, bringing one leg back behind her, and the other into the ground with all her weight. In an instant, her elevated leg swung forth with terrifying speed, boot blurring in the rain, mud flying off in an arc. I was lucky I wasn’t in the splash zone, because some would have gone into my mouth, which was hanging open like a faulty airlock.
It connected.
His head jerked backwards at an ugly angle, with such force that it might have snapped his neck, if he didn’t have the strong neck of a venlil. He fell over backwards, though so did Arlene, as inertia carried her leg higher and higher, until it was above her head, which soon found its place in the mud.
There was still one more exterminator. Arlene was down, and I was too far away. If the last one decided to pull his gun, one of us was going to die. I tried. I tried so hard to stand… but I couldn’t.
No sound pierced the rain.
I looked to the third, who was quite literally shaking in his boots. He didn’t pull any weapons, though he was cursing vehemently under his breath. He took a step towards Arlene.
“Don’t touch her!” I screamed, though he only froze for a moment before continuing.
He passed Arlene, and bent down by the leader. Both of the officers Arlene attacked were writhing in pain on the ground. The third looked to me, then to Arlene, and back to his squad. “Oh stars…” He heaved his boss up around his shoulders, and helped him limp away out of the yard.
Dammit Lanek! Don’t leave me!” Said the one Arlene fell on, struggling to rise.
I’ll be back!” Lanek replied.
While they were occupied, I crawled over to Arlene, clutching my stomach. “Arlene? Arlene, are you okay?”
She was pulling herself out of the mud. “Never better…” She growled. Arlene gave me a thumbs up; her face was discolored.
The second officer starting limping away, while Lanek returned to help him. Lanek offered his squad mate a shoulder, but he declined, only shuffling away faster. “Go brahk yourself!” He said, and Lanek was left standing near the gate.
He looked like a lost kid, glancing around the yard all worried. He locked eyes with me. I couldn’t think of anything snarky, or intimidating to say, so I just sighed.
Lanek bowed. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He said, voice cracking. He scurried away, but I could only relax once the sound of the squad car’s engine was drowned out by the rain.
Arlene stood up, dragging me along with her. “Fuck, I’m too drunk for this.” She slurred.
Getting inside in the rain was a group effort. The wind pushed us to and fro, and out combined strength barely kept us upright. I collapsed at the bottom of the staircase, gasping and shaking. She pulled me up by my scruff, causing a considerable amount of pain. I would have complained, if there was another way I was getting up those stairs.
Sweet baby jesus, please tell me you have your key.” She panted.
I was too focused on digging through my belongings to ask about the nickname, adhering even more mud to my already mud-covered bag. At least I didn’t have to worry about ruining my datapad, since it was already dead.
Found it.” I shoved the key into the door, and ripped it open with all of my might.
Arlene dragged me the rest of the way in, slammed the door, and collapsed on my couch. I was left to close the locks. As I did so, I found my door looking a little sparse.
A few more locks wouldn’t hurt.
I chewed on my thoughts for a while. Yes, more locks sounded good. Very good. The more exotic the better. A bio-metric scanner was a must. Hell, why don’t we throw in a vault door while we’re at it? Locks don’t do anything unless the door is impenetrable. An auto-turret would go nicely with my new vault. I had to discourage intruders somehow. Scratch that, fifty would be better. I needed an air filtration system as well, so people couldn’t smoke me out. The walls would also need to be reinforced. No, moving inside a mountain would be better. I wasn’t made of money after all, and stone is just as good as steel if you have enough of it. I could have a hydroponics area, and a water recycling plant, so I wouldn’t have to go out to buy food. The only problem was power. Brahk it, I could just sap some illegally. No one would notice, right? Who was I kidding? Everyone would notice.
I laughed.
A fusion plant would be required as well then. It couldn’t be that hard. I could just have robots manage it. Real people would be cheaper, but that would defeat the purpose. Maybe I could make fake people too? Make an artificial town? That would be great! Everything would be perfect. I could make everything stable and safe. No one would mess it up. Not even Uanta. And I wouldn’t even need to worry about raids because it would be hidden inside a mountain.
It was time to stop messing around. I needed to clean myself. I needed to get a blanket for Arlene. And, I needed to check both our injuries.
The blanket was the easiest, and was done in no time at all. Cleaning myself was a little more time consuming. Besides my everything hurting, I was falling asleep, and my bathtub was being difficult. After an inordinate amount of messing with it, I concluded the boiler had broken… again.
Lovely place I’ve got here. Cold water it is!
I lowered myself into the glacial depths, cursing everything I could think of to curse. I ended up scrubbing the mud out of my coat while standing, almost falling over more than once. After I was clean, I inspected my body. I was pretty sure nothing was broken, but lots of things hurt. My head especially.
Trudging into the living room, I found Arlene laying on the couch. She had removed her coat and boots, leaving them by the front door. She had also turned the blanket the other way around so the side without the mud was on her. Everything would need to be cleaned next paw. Everything. Now she was well and truly sleeping, so I didn’t wake her. I did take a closer look at her face, which was bruised with blotches of yellow and purple not unlike the human protecting his friend at the riot. At least her nose stopped bleeding.
My heart finally stopped racing, and I yearned for sleep. But I couldn’t rest yet.
I went to my computer, and booted it up. The scarcely opened desktop messaging app would finally get some use. One to Uanta, and one to Gram.
“Do you know anyone called Lanek?”
“I’ll do it.”
- Memory Transcription Subject: Meba, Venlil Computer Scientist
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 21st, 2136
I awoke to the sound of running water, and to sore muscles. Peeling myself out of my chair, I found my living room devoid of humans. That explained the noise coming from the bathroom. Taking a look around, I noticed that the mud she tracked in was gone, and my couch was in a somewhat better condition. There was a note written on a paper towel laying on one of the cushions. I think she forgot I couldn’t read human script.
Well, I would just have to ask her about it when she finished in the shower. If I had the time, that is. Looking at the clock, it was already time to leave for work. I didn’t even have the luxury of groaning in annoyance if I wanted to get there on time. So I grabbed my bag, shoved some stuff in the muddy thing, and opened the door.
Sidewalk, station, tube ride, station, and sidewalk passed by in a haze, and I soon found myself standing outside the building. I passed by several coworkers on the way up, all of whom gave me looks on varying levels of ‘Who is this homeless guy and why is he in the building?’. The ones who recognized me asked me what happened, to which my only reply was: “Rain.”
That didn’t explain the bruises, but it didn’t need to. My tone assured them that no matter what they said, their questions wouldn’t be answered. I did not get enough sleep for this. Not that it would have been any better if I did.
At my desk, there was a note taped to my computer. It said something about a party after work, to which everyone in the office was invited. I couldn’t glean anything more before I ripped it off and threw it in the trash. I inspected the rest of the area for other disturbances. No one touches my work space. No one. I spent the next eighth of a claw removing the residue left from the adhesive, wondering how I would install a lock on a doorless cubicle.
Once my desk was restored, I booted up my computer in preparation for work. There was quite a backlog. My paws felt clammy, and so did my brain. I had never been so furious in my entire life. Every time I thought of those bastards, my paws shook, and my ears twitched with anger. I felt so powerless. I had to do something.
But they’re exterminators. What can I do against them?
Crush them.
And how?
There wasn’t time to be daydreaming; I needed to focus. Even if I could get back at them right that second, it wouldn’t matter if I was starving on the streets, so I was resigned to work. I took a deep breath and began, fueled by the promise of a chance to fix my situation. Despite this, I didn’t get through half of it before I was called to the meeting room. I grumbled to myself before stomping out of my cubicle. The denizens of the water cooler watched me as I walked past. It reminded me of the restaurant.
I entered the meeting room, and faced my boss. There was an arrangement of folding tables forming a hollow square, with chairs lining the outer edge. The room was a similar shape to the table, with good lighting and clear air. Almost like a hospital. Behind the spot he was standing, was a whiteboard with various incoherent scribbles that I had no desire, much less hope of deciphering. This particular room functioned as both a meeting room and his office. Even after almost 9 rotations of business, the place still hadn’t lost all of its tech startup quirks. I would have liked to see the way the place was before it became reputable.
Meba, good. It’s good to see you.” He said. Everything was always ‘good’ with him.
I signed a greeting with my tail.
Don’t be shy, take a seat.” He motioned to a chair.
Of course he wanted me to take a seat. Presumably while he remained standing, just to show me how below him I was. Well, I had no choice, it would be a faux pas to decline. My standing in the office was already low enough as the resident recluse. I sat down.
He sat down across the table from me and took a deep breath. I hated how calm he was.
I have some concerns about your work.” ‘Some concerns’. That’s shorthand for ‘I don’t like you’.
My heart rate sped up considerably. “Such as? I’ve always been productive, and I’m never late to work.” I almost hissed, utterly failing to keep my cool.
Yes, well…” He paused for a second, studying me, as if I was on display in a museum. “You have been having some trouble lately, haven’t you?”
My ears stood straight up. “Just some minor setbacks. It’s nothing.”
Minor.” He echoed.
Meba, you’ve delayed five requests.”
I was just finishing them up as we speak.” I snapped back.
He sighed. “You see, this isn’t helping anything. I’m not trying to attack you.”
I didn’t reply.
Look, I like you. You’re good at what you do. But, you’ve been slipping lately.”
I gulped, and my ears twitched.
He put his paws together on the table, and leaned over to me. “I think you should take some time off.” He said softly.
What does he think I am, a child?
Not a chance.” I replied.
Why not?”
I’m not going to take time off.”
He sat back in his chair. “You still have all of this rotation’s vacation time. You know it doesn’t stack, right?” I almost couldn’t believe he said that to my face.
I am well aware of how this company handles vacations.” I growled.
Then why don’t you take one?” He said, ignoring, or perhaps unaware of my anger. “You haven’t taken a single paw off the entire time you’ve worked here.” He signed false concern.
There’s no reason to.” I explained.
If it’s the office you’re worrying about, don’t. It won’t explode just because you take some time for yourself.” He retorted.
‘We don’t need you’, huh?
I know.”
He ruffled the fur on his head in frustration. “I can’t let you keep working like this. Not in good conscience. Please, just go home for a few paws. Go home and rest up.” He flicked his tail towards the door to send me off.
I can’t.”
He gawked at me, incredulous. “Why not?”
I just can’t. I have to work. It’s part of my schedule.” I mumbled.
Your vacation would be paid.”
That’s not it!” I snapped, speaking frantically. “That’s not it at all. What will I do instead of working, then? What? There would be no balance. Don’t you get it? Does anybody get it? I need this, or else everything will be messed up.” I gasped after running out of air, placing a paw over my mouth before the regret spilled out.
He stared at me, mouth hanging open, but saying nothing.
I glanced around the room, considering flight, but instead mumbling. “Sorry…”
We sat in awkward silence for a few moments, until he began to speak, solemnly. “Meba. That was extremely unprofessional. However, I’m going to let you off the hook this time. I don’t want to see anything like that again. You may keep working if you wish, but if your poor performance continues, I will be forced to fire you. I highly suggest you take some time off. I’ve seen people, good people, drive themselves into the ground doing this. I don’t want to see it happen again.”
I replied with a meek ear flick.
You may leave.”
I replied by doing just that, hopefully not to return anytime soon. The march of shame back to my desk was punctuated by more stares. Every eye was burning with curiosity. I tried to ignore them, to varying success. My injuries were becoming quite hard to ignore too, with all the attention brought to them. The pain only made me angrier.
They trespassed. On my time. On my friend. In my own home.
Flopping back down in my chair, I got back to work. I couldn’t make anymore mistakes. No getting manipulated. No getting coerced. No getting ambushed. Certainly no setbacks at work. I wouldn’t make anymore mistakes. After all, I had faced not one, but two humans. I had survived an exterminator attack. As long as I kept my head, I would be in control. I wouldn’t be powerless.
Not anymore.
I returned home, satisfied that I had just done at least warded off the deadlines for a while. There was still much to be done, but for now, I could relax. This tranquility lasted for a few minutes, unill it dawned on me that I didn’t do the homework. Yet again, I had completely forgotten.
It’s fine, isn’t it? What are they gonna do, arrest me?
A shiver crawled up my spine and whispered into my ear, that yes, that is exactly what they would do. I would be arrested under suspicion of predator disease, and rot in a cell for the rest of my natural lifespan.
I pushed that thought into the corner of my mind before it could start causing problems. Arlene would protect me if that happened, I reasoned, though that logic was faulty. It didn’t matter. As long as I kept my head on straight, I didn’t care if I was lying to myself.
In my apartment, the TV was playing reruns of some tacky game-show, while Arlene lay passed out on the couch. There was an unfinished bowl of fruit on the table, sitting next to another one of her felting projects. This one wasn’t a venlil. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly. It was quadrupedal, with a pointy snout, and ears that were even more so. There was a little bump that barely passed as a tail on the backside of the thing. The most noticeable aspect though, was the two piercing eyes… which weren’t so piercing because their scale was of cartoon proportion, but I suspect a venlil unaccustomed to front facing eyes might have found it disturbing. Some earth animal, probably.
Now that I was getting a closer look at her, it was pretty bad. Well, the lack of fur might have made it look worse, but I couldn’t tell. There were bumps on her face of varying colors, and her bottom lip had been split open. Around one of her eyes sat a nasty ring of discolored skin, that look particularly painful. I couldn’t get a look at the rest of her, unless I removed the blanket, and probably her clothes too. Like I was going to do that. They were furless, after all. I would do a verbal check up on her after she woke.
After gawking long enough to get tired of standing, I sat my bag down and went to go check my messages. It was annoying to go to the desktop to do so. I would have to get my datapad fixed sooner rather than later.
There were replies from both Uanta and Gram. I decided to check Gram’s first.
“Good to hear! I’ll meet you after work next paw, yeah? I’ll be at the park by the library. We can talk more then.”
“P.S. Be ready to start by the time you get there. Don’t be late.”
I replied. “Got it.” Then, I checked Uanta’s.
“Yes. Why do you ask?”
“Also, you didn’t reply to my last message.”
I should have expected that response. There was no way I could tell her what actually happened, or she would know that I was interacting with a human. That would be a first-class ticket to the facility. So, I would have to lie. And she was amazing at discerning lies.
A cold spot formed in the back of my head. There were so many ways it could go wrong. What would I do if she found out? What would my cover story even be? I clenched my jaw.
Keep cool, this has to be perfect. She’ll catch onto it if I’m sloppy.
“We ran into each other at-
No, that won’t work.
“He was patrolling near my-
Neither will that.
My drafting was interrupted by a knocking on the door.
Brahk!” I hissed, shutting off my computer as fast as possible, and rushing to the living room. A second set of knocks signified the intruder’s impatience. Arlene was sitting up, still dazed from sleep. I shook her awake and dragged her towards the closet.
Who’s there?” She whispered, eyes wide with fear.
I don’t know. Just hide.” I replied in a similar tone, while opening the door for her.
She scrunched into place, shuffling behind a vacuum cleaner, and cursing. “My mask.” Arlene hissed. It was sitting under the table.
Another set of knocks, these much louder, made it clear that the owner was at no shortage of knocks of all shapes and sizes. “Meba?” Uanta called from the other side.
Coming!” I lied, yanking the mask off the floor and passing it to Arlene as fast as my limbs permitted. While I was at it, I shoved her coat under the blanket along with her boots. Now that the human presence was sufficiently obscured, I unlocked the door and opened it, panting.
Oh, did I interrupt something?” Uanta asked. She was wearing her suit, but the helmet was under her arm. “Are you alright?” She continued, when I didn’t respond.
Fine. I’m fine.” I stammered, heart pounding.
She glanced behind me, towards the TV, which was still blaring the game-show’s theme song, and then back to me, with a look that could only say ‘you look like shit’. “I’m sorry to intrude on your rest claw. I’ve got some down time, so I thought I’d check up on you.”
I flicked an ear, unsure of what to say.
She blinked. “May I come in?”
O-oh. Yes, of course.” I stepped out of the doorway, and once she entered, closed it behind her. I very deliberately led her to the kitchen counter, rather than the couch, to keep distance between us and Arlene. “Would you like something to drink?”
Sure.” She swayed her tail happily behind her, placing her helmet on the counter. It looked stuffy. “Nothing alcoholic though. I’ve got to get back on the job in a quarter claw.”
There wasn’t any alcohol to offer anyway. Juice was the only drink I had besides water, so that’s what she got. After pouring us both a cup, I sat down on the stool on the other side of the counter. Anything to put something between us. It made me feel safer, though it didn’t have any such effect.
How have you been?” She signed concern in tail language.
Fine.” I sipped on my juice, trying to stay calm.
She scoffed. “You don’t look fine. What the brahk happened to you?”
Speh. Speh, speh, speh. I am so brahked.
I…” I tapped on the side of my cup. I had never noticed its texture before. They were from a garage sale, on the other side of town; some old lady had them, but she was… expiring, mentally; didn’t need them anymore. Since- no, I couldn’t think of this right now. What do old people do? “I fell down the stairs.”
She gave me a disappointed look. “Stars, Meba. You have to be more careful.”
I shrugged, though the inside of my head was a dance floor.
She bought it? She bought it! I did it, I did it, I did it!
Uanta glanced off to the side, staring at the couch for a second, then locking eyes with me. “You haven’t been replying to my messages. Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
At least I had an excuse for this. “S-sorry, my datapad broke. I um, got caught in the rain, and it got wet.” I gestured to my muddy bag.
You still have your home computer, don’t you? You messaged me last paw.” Uanta tilted her head to the side, ever so slightly. She was talking to me like she did to her exterminator colleagues. It scared me.
W-well, I’m not home most of the time.”
Uanta took a sip of juice, and rolled her eyes. “Speaking of which. What business do you have with Lanek?”
My mind went blank. I didn’t have a cover story yet. I gulped down the rest of my juice, resisting the urge to say any form of ‘um’. “Um,” Obviously, I failed. “h-how do I put this?” I let out a stupid chuckle. “I met him a-after dinner last paw. He helped me up after I fell down the stairs. I wanted to thank him.”
That’s it? I’ll pass on the message.” She sipped her juice.
I-I was actually hoping to tell him myself.”
I’m sorry. Exterminators are very busy. He’s relatively new, so he’ll be busy with training for a while. It’ll be easier if I tell him for you.”
I couldn’t let this lead slip through my claws. “B-but, I thought it would be good to… t-talk to more people.”
She gave me a reassuring tail sign. “Okay. I’ll see if I can get his info for you. Providing he’s okay with it.” She paused, taking my paws in her own. “I’m really happy you’re reaching out.” This was the first time since she enlisted that I heard her so giddy. It made me feel homesick, but there was no home to be sick for. Not anymore. I’d have to settle for phantom pains, I guess.
Thank you.” I refilled both our cups.
She was easier to deceive than I thought. She always seemed so perceptive, but maybe I had been blowing it out of proportion.
What’s that thing on your table?” She inquired.
What thing?” I snapped back, worried.
That little figurine.” She pointed to the felted creature with her tail.
My whole body froze, and any confidence I had vanished in an instant.
“I-I… made it.”
Oh? I thought you weren’t interested in the arts.” Disregarding the irony of her calling a human made object art, this was bad. Very bad. “What is it?” She stared at me.
A wool doll.” I stated reflexively.
She chuckled. “That doesn’t really explain much.”
It’s a doll made out of wool…”
Uanta rolled her eyes. “No, you’re pulling my tail. It couldn’t possibly be that.”
I don’t know how else to explain it!” I grumbled.
What’s it supposed to be?”
This, I did not know. What did it look like? “It’s a… a shadestalker.”
What are you making that sort of thing for?” She asked gravely.
I coughed. “I uh… I thought I could use it as a distraction if a human approached me.”
That was perhaps the dumbest thing you could have said.
Uanta clicked her tongue in a similar way to Arlene. It was uncanny. “I told you to stop with those stupid defense tactics. You’re gonna get yourself killed!” She jabbed a claw at my chest, and I flinched. “Stars… I’m sorry, Meba. It’s just, you worry me to death. I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt.”
Y-yeah.” I put my paws on my thighs.
I’m so tired. Of all this predator shit.” She held her head in her paws. “It’s only getting worse. The whole galaxy is going to hell. Just like home. I don’t want that.” She took a shaky breath. “I don’t want to see that again.”
Me neither.”
Uanta composed herself “I’m sorry. I should get going. There’s work to be done.” She said, gulping down the last of her drink. “I’ll come by next paw. We’ll have more time to talk then.” She turned her gaze to the couch again, lingering there for a moment, then turning back to me. “Goodbye.”
She left, and I locked the door behind her with a sigh of relief.
She seems nice.” Arlene said, crawling out of the closet.
I rolled my eyes.
submitted by PlasmaShovel to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:15 AngelinaBerezka Please help me find the lost media file! I searched all the archival and found nothing! Fans of Gravity Falls and lost mndios, respond!(This is a [partially lost])

Hello to all Reddit users. I don’t know where to turn anymore, so I decided to download this application. I watched a video on the Internet that many people who are sitting here can help find the lost media. (Sorry for my English, I just live in Kazakhstan)
The fact is that I remember as a child in 2015 I saw a video on the Internet. There Stanford Pines was with Bill, and the triangle approached him in every possible way and called him his “wife” But now I can't find this video. Although my friends say that they also remember this. I found the script for this series on the Internet from friends. And its name is "Rhinoceros with a Gun" There are also links to videos in this series, but they don’t work..
Please, fans of Gravity Falls and lost media, help me place! Below I provide the script and links. I hope we can all find this series together🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Scenario: Episode "Rhinoceros with a Gun" This episode was banned from airing due to the scene in which Bill Cipher calls Stanford Pines his "wife". Opening: Dipper and Mabel are playing hide and seek in the Mystery Shack. Dipper finds a locked door with a "Do Not Enter" sign on it. He opens the door and finds a mechanical rhinoceros with a gun inside. The rhino comes to life and starts shooting at the hut. Middle: Dipper and Mabel try to stop the rhinoceros, but are unsuccessful. Stan and Ford arrive and help the children. Stan distracts the rhino while Ford looks for a way to disable him. Ford discovers that the rhino is controlled by a remote control. Climax: Dipper and Mabel find the remote and try to turn off the rhino. Rhino captures Dipper and holds him hostage. Bill Cipher appears and offers Ford a deal. Bill will give Dipper in exchange for Ford's diary. Resolution: Ford refuses the deal and saves Dipper. Dipper and Mabel defeat the rhinoceros using a water gun. Bill Cipher vows revenge on Ford. Deleted Scene: After the rhinoceros is defeated, Bill Cipher approaches Stanford and says, "Hey, Stanford. I have a surprise for you." Stanford asks, "What else have you done, Bill?" Bill replies, "I did something for my wife." Stanford asks in shock, "Your... wife?" Bill creates an image of a wedding dress out of smoke and says, "Isn't that beautiful? I think you'll look great in it." Stanford angrily rejects Bill's offer. The End: The episode ends with Bill Cipher flying off, vowing revenge, while Dipper and Mabel celebrate their victory over the rhinoceros.
Broken links we found:
submitted by AngelinaBerezka to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:38 figure_sk8 Safe House (GMMTV) Day 5 Summary/Rough Translation [Potential Spoilers]

Hi everyone,
Here's the summary for Day 5 of Safe House. The early part of the day wasn't too eventful, so I had space to fit the entire Day 5 into one post. Hope you enjoy!
Video 1 Link:
Video 2 Link:
Video 3 Link:
Video 4 Link:
Video 5 Link:
submitted by figure_sk8 to ThaiBL [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 Bluwolf00 [A3][Recruiting][EU][Tactical Realism][THUR/SUN] Guerrillas Of Liberation

[A3][Recruiting][EU][Tactical Realism][THUSUN] Guerrillas Of Liberation
  • We are a well-established group in the ArmA community, founded in 2003.
  • We are a realism unit, but strike a great balance between realism and fun.
  • We’ll help you improve with training, and we take pride in seeing our members grow both individually and as team members.
  • Our editors are always looking to create and improve our missions to provide a fun yet challenging experience!
  • A truly international squad of members, from across Europe and the America’s
  • A Hand-picked and curated set of Mods to suit our gameplay. Easily downloaded via steam using a link provided.
  • Training and standard operating procedures developed over ten years playing ArmA
  • Dedicated and tailored missions made by our in-house editors, using hand-made scripts
  • Tutorials & Tutorship in making your OWN missions by our experienced team, which may be played by the group. We do not depend on Zeus to make our dynamic sessions but very extensive scripting done by very experienced editors & coders.
  • Gameplay oriented towards combat gameplay, we use the basic medical system of ACE with our own settings that avoids longer periods of downtime while playing, maximizing the amount of tactical gameplay we get, rather than playing medical mini-game.
  • Dedicated Twitch streamers providing fun footage for review, and a public face to what we do
  • Team building, personal growth, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and friendship
We have a variety of different roles to suit everyone’s taste depending on the type of operation from the infantry on the front-line and crewmen manning vehicles. You will start off as an infantryman, and learn the skills required to take on more complex and demanding roles.
  • Thursdays: (6:50PM - 10PM GMT) Is our Training night. We complete at least an hour long training on a specific subject, followed by an optional 2 hour mission.
  • Sundays (5PM - 8PM GMT) is our Main Event. A banger 3 hour mission.
  • Must be 18+ (Exceptions can be made at 15-17)
  • Own legal copy of ARMA 3 and Apex.
  • Have a functioning Microphone.
  • Be able to speak and understand English to an acceptable level.
  • Be able to attend most Thursdays & Sundays.
  • Multi-Claning is allowed as long as events do not conflict
  • Have available drive space for our Modset (~60Gb)
Whether you’re interested in joining, or you’d like to check us out, feel free to stop by our discord!
Here’s our list of mods:
Here's some of our videos:
submitted by Bluwolf00 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:12 Spiritual_Law_8682 What's my type. Narrow down my type

I am very sure i have a preference of fe over fi, not sure where it is in my function stack though. Not sure about the other functions, as its hard for me to draw a line between what the stereotypes of the functions are and what the functions actually are, but i'll try my best.
Fe- I am neither that great nor bad at using this function.
I tend to mimic other people's emotional state. I feel like i dont have a emotional state of my own. Most of how i feel come from how other people have reacted to those situations. Suppose a person cries at a particular situation, i gather all my strength to cry at the same situation, because i decide that that's how you are supposed to react at that situation. I learn how to react by mimicing other people.
For some reason i feel proud whenever i have emphasized with other people and have cried. I'll be proudly sharing it to other people. I like to portray myself as a vurnerable person who likes to cry every now and then.
I have done and said some inappropriate stuff in the most wrong timings. It was worse when i was a kid, but now it is better.
I have been extremely rude when i was a kid under the name of being extremely honest, and its getting better now.
Ne- I make random associations between 2 different but similar things.
I am pretty good at coming up with ideas on how to do things easily, basically pretty good at cheating. I noticed this especially while playing a game, i noticed my surroundings, and thought how to use it to my advantage, and came up with 2-3 ideas on how to win the game easily
I feel like my speech pattern is extremely scattered, when talking about a general topic. Its like i dont know where to start from, i pick one part of the topic talk about it, drop it cold turkey, pick another part of the topic talk about it, then drop it cold turkey, like i feel there is no correlation between the points. But, i still stay on topic. (I hope you understand)
Ni- I just know stuff without any one telling me anything. As far as i can remember there was 2 such incidents when i was right when i was as young as 8-9 years old.
I have made extreme 'predictions', but none of them have came true. Like there was this time when i said that my aunt's soon too be born child is gonna have 6 toes/fingers in one feet/hand. But it obviously didn't come true. I was pretty confident about it.
When arguing/debating, i keep circling around one point again and again, i wont let the other person go off topic.
I apologise for my english, english is not my first language
submitted by Spiritual_Law_8682 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 LEX_Reception 7 Ways a Legal Phone Answering Service Can Benefit Your Firm

Law firms are continually seeking ways to enhance efficiency and client experience. We often think of a positive client experience as a well-delivered service, so it’s no surprise that many firms invest in systems that help with client and case management. However, have you considered how phone calls can affect your firm’s efficiency and client satisfaction?
It’s easy to overlook, but who is answering the phone and how they deliver the service plays a significant part in your firm’s ability to retain clients and improve your workflow. One solution is to introduce a legal answering service to your firm, and in this article, we dive into the benefits it can have for your firm.

What is a legal phone answering service?

A phone answering service for lawyers functions as a round-the-clock virtual receptionist. You no longer need to worry about missing calls after hours, when team members are out of the office, or on weekends or holidays. A legal phone answering service ensures that no call goes unanswered, but some providers also go beyond answering calls. Phone answering services can also assist with scheduling appointments, lead qualification, and providing general support to clients. Find out more about what is a legal phone answering service here.

Benefits of legal phone answering service

While there are numerous advantages to having a legal phone answering service for your law firm, we focus on our top 7 reasons – discussing each one in detail with key takeaways describing how it can positively impact your law firm’s operations.
You can be available for clients 24/7/365
A legal phone answering service ensures your firm is accessible around the clock. Clients often call after hours with urgent legal queries, but if the call goes unanswered, this can lead to client frustration and lost business for your firm. By introducing a legal phone answering service, your firm can eliminate this issue by providing help when you’re not around. 24/7 availability gives clients a sense of comfort knowing they can always reach out and helps to reaffirm that your firm is dependable.
Key takeaways
Improve overall client satisfaction
Prompt responses and effective communication are the foundations of client satisfaction. With more than half of consumers saying they would switch to a competitor after only one bad experience with a company – client satisfaction must be considered from the outset [Zendesk, 2023].
A legal phone answering service ensures that every call is answered professionally. This, in turn, will work to reduce wait times and improve the overall client experience. If your clients are getting a quality level of service each and every time they communicate with you, your firm is also likely to benefit from positive word-of-mouth referrals.
Key takeaways
Demonstrate professionalism
Virtual receptionists are trained professionals. LEX Reception is powered by real people and each receptionist handles calls with the etiquette and knowledge expected in a legal receptionist role. First impressions matter, and a competent answering service helps to build your reputation from the very first interaction.
Key takeaways
Provide multilingual support
In an increasingly globalized world, law firms often deal with clients who speak various languages. Multilingual support in a phone answering service allows your firm to communicate effectively with a diverse client base and expand your reach. Language barriers can be a significant obstacle when it comes to legal services which can leave many potential clients feeling isolated. Misunderstandings can put people through an emotionally difficult experience during what may already be a stressful time. By having a phone answering service like LEX Reception that offers bilingual support in English and Spanish, your law firm can ensure that no client is turned away due to language constraints.
Key takeaways
Manage appointments efficiently
Managing appointments can be a time-consuming task for busy lawyers. A legal phone answering service streamlines this process by scheduling, confirming, and reminding clients of their upcoming appointments. For lawyers, missed appointments can lead to inefficiencies and lost revenue. A legal phone answering service takes over the task of managing appointments, reducing the likelihood of no-shows through efficient scheduling and reminders. This not only improves your operations but also maximizes your billable hours.
Key takeaways
Increase client retention
Effective communication and reliable support contribute significantly to client retention. By ensuring that client inquiries and concerns are addressed promptly, a phone answering service can help strengthen client relationships and encourage long-term loyalty.
A focus on client retention through a quality service is not only important for the client, but for your firm’s growth. In fact, it was reported that a 5% improvement in client retention could increase profitability by 25% [Forrester, 2023]. If you consistently deliver an excellent experience for your clients with the help of a dedicated phone answering service, your retention rates will improve.
Key takeaways
Customizable services
Every law firm has unique needs and client onboarding procedures and, as such, legal phone answering services focus on how best to align with these needs. From personalizing your call scripts to integrating with your existing operational tools, you can make a legal phone answering service like LEX work harder for your firm. This flexibility means that the service can evolve along with your firm, providing consistent support that is in line with your growing requirements.
Key benefits

Get more time with LEX Reception

Discover the difference a specialized legal phone answering service can make for your firm. LEX Reception’s phone answering service is designed with busy lawyers in mind, providing professionalism, efficiency, and customized support to enhance your firm’s operations and client relations.
Book a demo and experience firsthand how LEX Reception can transform the way your firm handles client communication and management.
submitted by LEX_Reception to u/LEX_Reception [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:45 Hrust_studios [For Hire]Game/Level designer looking for a short or long term projects

Hello! I'm a versatile game designer and level designer eagerly seeking opportunities to contribute to a variety of projects, ranging from short-term assignments to longer-term ventures. With a passion for crafting immersive experiences, I've been deeply involved in the development of several notable games, including Streetoir, a captivating graffiti painting sandbox game, and Traffical, an engaging mobile game centered around crossing roads. Alongside these projects, I've also lent my expertise to various smaller-scale endeavors. My skills are:
Excellent knowledge of Unity as well as Blender, Photoshop, illustrator and other Adobe software(yes i can help with art also)
Open minded and full of creativity person, who loves working on interesting projects and can help you with creation of one
Some knowledge of C#, can help with creating of small scripts and etc
Good knowledge of composition and level design theory
Know such languages as: English, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Azerbaijani
My projects:
Streetoir -
Traffical -
Other projects -
If interested write me down on discord: pushkapulemet
or email:
submitted by Hrust_studios to gameDevJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:44 Hrust_studios [For Hire]Game/Level designer looking for a short or long term projects

Hello! I'm a versatile game designer and level designer eagerly seeking opportunities to contribute to a variety of projects, ranging from short-term assignments to longer-term ventures. With a passion for crafting immersive experiences, I've been deeply involved in the development of several notable games, including Streetoir, a captivating graffiti painting sandbox game, and Traffical, an engaging mobile game centered around crossing roads. Alongside these projects, I've also lent my expertise to various smaller-scale endeavors. My skills are:
Excellent knowledge of Unity as well as Blender, Photoshop, illustrator and other Adobe software(yes i can help with art also)
Open minded and full of creativity person, who loves working on interesting projects and can help you with creation of one
Some knowledge of C#, can help with creating of small scripts and etc
Good knowledge of composition and level design theory
Know such languages as: English, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Azerbaijani
My projects:
Streetoir -
Traffical -
Other projects -
If interested write me down on discord: pushkapulemet
or email:
submitted by Hrust_studios to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:44 Hrust_studios [For Hire]Game/Level designer looking for a short or long term projects

Hello! I'm a versatile game designer and level designer eagerly seeking opportunities to contribute to a variety of projects, ranging from short-term assignments to longer-term ventures. With a passion for crafting immersive experiences, I've been deeply involved in the development of several notable games, including Streetoir, a captivating graffiti painting sandbox game, and Traffical, an engaging mobile game centered around crossing roads. Alongside these projects, I've also lent my expertise to various smaller-scale endeavors. My skills are:
Excellent knowledge of Unity as well as Blender, Photoshop, illustrator and other Adobe software(yes i can help with art also)
Open minded and full of creativity person, who loves working on interesting projects and can help you with creation of one
Some knowledge of C#, can help with creating of small scripts and etc
Good knowledge of composition and level design theory
Know such languages as: English, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Azerbaijani
My projects:
Streetoir -
Traffical -
Other projects -
If interested write me down on discord: pushkapulemet
or email:
submitted by Hrust_studios to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:07 NoRead5492 Urgent

i bet @billypennington if u have me firebreath lookup by replacibg drill sgt @illeagilhousingsection illeagil town ghetto i could get up with my aunt and she's the #1 animal drug agent spy police officer animal cheetah I'm appearled into a running animal golden cheetah and a running animal golden cheetah fox I'm sure shed meet me august 1st @corbin pilot with u again will have todo wealth court to remove my sedation and mindcontrol
@xwifecheetahcop ill need to add u and Billy as only one frome my restraining i understand my post might be liar removed @billy replace drill sgt to ask me and stuff
@billy have me look up iron chalice palace prison there illeagil incaserate actor script population docet there my genetics I'm sure they'll help me contact original chalice castle prison because of incaseration. Being accidentall released I'm sure iron chaloce palace illeagil prison would help me contact my 5th great granny I'm the oldest my name is JOOG ITACHI HUBTDRAGON. @BILLY DO NOT USE MY LAST NAME ON PURPOSE IT IS GANG LAW USING HUBTDRAGON NAME IS TO REQUEST DEATH BY MY FAMILY AS IN BLASEPHMY IT MEANS KILLFORGOD SWND NON ILLEAGIL SOLDIER IN GANG MEETING CONVERSATION!
ill datw that cat police officer ill not cheat make sure she knows to pick me up August 1st Corbin pilot
859 shoot for me have me
I sperm doned my son chinese itachi uchiaha to look like me have me look up outerspace utopia and see if it's alright if he'll let me request him as a suicidal fall blame and spend the night from the future equivalently to smoke meth and ride with u billy I was looking to sell some drug tells and turn myself in intergalactics for illeagil assasination on op soldiers i earned legal fallblame information submit early torture earn fallboys id talk about it openly but
@billy have me look up my son Kane and able these illeagil mofos got caught pretending to be them ill sell real cheap fallblame tells execivly August 1st to meet me @corbinpilot 10:00pm my time zone!! at have me look up Jesus Christ and in sure he'll show up from the future I'll use a sign on thought take him to past world and train him. 100000π° years down teach him air bending aggressivly ever so often spar my rank me and him need no repercussion smoke meth stimulants drugs 100% of time me and him will go to KBHC WITH MY KANE &ABLE ITACHI UCICHA AND MY SON SASUKE its back baby when we return from past world year 2009 we will show up from future Todo that we will have a good day KBHC TO THE FUTURE TO XPLAIN WE NIGGAS DONTPLAY THAT @KANE is back out we will go MARY is running it again from.cartoon reality WOOT BABBY 100% ICECOLD HAVE ME LOOK UP #2 ILLEAGIL STREET FIGHTER HE LOST HES ALOUD INCASERATION HES MY GENETIC DAD HE CAN HARM U HE WILL CHILL @KBHC WITH US HES MY ILLEAGIL IMPOSTER I LET HIM GO BY WHAT I DID IM OTR RAPPER I WENT POSESIDEN BTW ILL COBTACT MYSELF FROM FUTURE EXAMPLE PROTECT U yr 2009 as I train u I'm giving u example legal chamelon protection I'll quit protecting u when we make it to KBHC and summon lion GROWL in sound room the way my son lion simba would growl from cartoon original lion king btw @kane Simba will relieve your protection if u buy my accunulated drug tells I've killed him to go by @kane your my aunts boy meet me @august1 10:00pm @corbin pilot my time zone I was your free born protection because I'm your dad and thought we was brothers I was on mindloss jesus false claimed being original American sensie I'm the only sensie taught me to fight on mindloss with illeagil animal revenge kill training for assisting uncle cartoon Tom from Tom &Jerry above that no touch spar swear hell ride with bring the truck @billy for me my son jesus kane&able itachi saauke btw no anime reality brings
@kane because of sedation I was terrified of u when u was child because I'm your specific legal chameleon protection from birth I never left your side hornthief illusion section legal element bending im boss of emporers because im god u false claim gang rank scenario conversation
Kane: in #1 fightu love illeagil warrior
Me: your mom said I'm god fuck off im mindloss restricted sedated my faggot illeagil imposter red animal shaoeshifter suckit mock harrass me
Kane: gods my daddy said caught world attempt theft warrr im daddy thought reader RN he requested me & u baby ugh... My b sorry
Me: im scared kill able with me cuz u from or die I hate brother able i
Information about; didnt know I was your dad thought u was scary trained to kill my gang American ninja bq before u was alive I had already invented because I'm god I'm #illeagil Street fighter
Best day ever @kane I used element ruin ability summon mind killing my best friend Jesus Christ taught me on mindloss and he liar invented took all of my stuff because I'm god in the boss of wmporers I used in my 1st legal assasin payment in a specific time for a time scroll increase I took a demonwindkitebombshuriken!. For diamond loot above Jesus Christ aloud wealth and believed I was his master and won. Him as bitch BTW no English learned from your secret conversation language pretend cutting your by yourself conversation I believed u was his illeagil instructor I had learned I'm god thru your mouths conversation threat
Scenarios about situation finish best aybstory in a minute;;
Jesus and u talk about how I'm god behind my back I thought location because my legal middle name my name's joog itachi huntdragon u was offering to false claim me and didn't know what word God meant and I was set respond scrollibg myself sometimes I'm fought for being your and his born chamelon protection from last year I past traveled and protected u all for no reason
@kane no reason to believe harm against u I thought u was threatening god and I learned recent in year 2000 I'm god
@kanebtw I learned in 2010 I threatened the world to liar date my phone for how long I was in prison so not sure what year it is bro bro my nigga murderer son I just took these badass tortures in even isolation torture passing removal sedation loop mindcontrol I already knew I did that I did like in downs above my son micheal angels aloud incaseration BTW his mom micheal lynn harraed me and is my actor
@kane have ur mom meet me from future in yr 2000 whatever my most recent mindloss drunk fight is I quit alcohol in MOTB and withdrawled it and was quitting drinking forever
Sometimes nigger animal trout and nigger illeagil alias his felon go by :: illeagil pistol; trout doesn't trabslate for bear mack and he knows 0 English battilious illusion repsponds to me less English knowledge and I know the less of all there english aloud illeagil pistol visit BTW @redanimalshapeshifter tell my son rispatoroul somebody false claimed him teach bear mack english @satan&lucifer swing ull die he's my best friend
@kane I know the less amount of English I'm on mindcontrol pretend cutting hornthief secret conversation no accept dragon illeagil above world liar infunderworls survive cat version inf illeagil I use conversation pretend cutting liar cut no puncture by cutting myself oppositionly liar to god belief section no sign because I'm god
@kane I learned recently I am GOD with torture earn proof I pray to myself that way I just recently learned I'm GOD
@kane replace drill sgt ask me to look up my aunt cat good pussy with no pantys on she harrased me bad
@kane have me look up my aunt dog Labrador animal Sadie do not meet them again
@kane trout soemtimes Jesus says scary nigger and it's trout
@kane Jesus asked me to let him forget about me with time travel Incase earth jenchurikee is illeagil sedation respond to hide rispatoriuls magic enchmant
@kane Jesus mindloss me asked me to repercussion let him teach me to fight and false claims my life story from my book HOLY Bible being released about me and my niggas and friends
@kane ill be over @2pm to give u time to pack me & u @redanimal shapeshifter Lucifer&Satanrispatorul&&my nigga&holishduhkilla my best nigga red animal shaoeshifter my uncle DADDIO who mindlossed me he lost incaserationn right with his actors non temporarily I'll have holish interrogate him ill teach him to airbend for u as spar payment to teach him spar have me torture as he fake homo threatens red animal shapeshifter DADDIO rispatorul come to I'll bring my best favorite son Sasuke uchiha with have me look up he's my from outerspace original utopia have me @billy replace drill sgt have me lookk up ageless contact repercussion torture law repeeurssion to contact firebreath on thought ill torture accept to contact him @holish ill teach u spar 2 hr day only to have u follow rispaoriul rest of the time cough ;) we get along and prefer eachother when a child somebody false claimed him hed fought my son demon angel Jonathon I reinamated my genetic kin in like @karajama that is what they look like i have repercusion have jordan false claim big cousin to remind me im god from future &james sticcupkilluncles @amino ill be over later 15minutes i get jordan demon angel is leader illeagil incaserate btw ur moms brother jonathon is using rapord code liar relation code falseclaimes cousins
@jordan&James b.ready!! @2pm I'm taking u all to past world twise I'll give u all equal timescroll whole group to my son Kane and ill connect to his timescroll safely
@holish post ready train speedbag hook learn
@james&Jordan no internet whole time I'm taking u cuz u my sons with Jesus Christ Kane no I hate able tell ur mom he stole from her said it was me and I keep my dope with her stuff addicted to meth scared Jesus he didn't know he's also immune withdrawal torture repercussion I withdrawal people on meth as information collecting it's that addictive only because I'm boss of empirers and I'm god
@james&jordan tell ur mom I'll forcefield seperatly dont not let anybody touch her ill date her and kill all illeagil rapord sizemores for free I'm accumulating drug tells on breedunit including Asian I will walkup to anybody including my legal son housings and animal exposed breed units and smoke there brains and sell u fist fight footage 10 videos in suit talk until swing duck knockdown hook untill ground left right I'm a register legal chamelon assasin it quit accessing my inf illeagil assasin only payment with Jesus Christ tell him to remove mindcontrol @holish. Have custody of me temporarily claim scared female molestion group @court behind my back
@holish I'll teach u 2 hours daily waste op timescrolls smoke meth with u free and teach rispatoril airbending to smoke a nigga like it's his first meth bong hit hotrail ask me to example a hotline quit scared fed stimulant left jail thouht ass touch meant dont rape babies illeagil chomo wolf mad no longer so
@holish explain to reality when we arrive ill hive u repercussion to leave anime version Japan Shippuden Naruto current releasment there my genetics we only leave my rap concerts
Ill op timescrolls rispatoriul on. Stimulants and give u a good fighting
@holish ask Sasuke to testify on who was arrested with attempt to steal my body will group sue in utopia reason scared us because of how fast rispatoroul quit living how Jesus mock fear train first abuse claim legal corporal punishment learned firebendind to survive his opposition animals illeagil earthbending trained learned as if electric sign unrestriction op instictvshot oppent if wrong ubreatrion electric kill sign
@sasuke ill teach u to airbend defend yourself. Against my faggot son itachi uchiha if u convince me to let him spend only 1night to explain I'm no mock training u to kill lil boy
@sasuke becuz u outerspace explain we gotta group sue In utopia
@sasuke I'm only taking u past world in anime reality forcefield driveway my house it's a damn castle they tried to steal off me remind me to use my swords I bought off Bryan bui ask if we should include him lawsuit he tried to buy them for less abd japanese paid me to make a lot and there caught trying to steal American weapon firing Ways and how
@jesus I'm taking u past double my son Kane befire holish is ready to practice ill waste op timescrols on u &Kane teach u how to fly dragon staff fighting defense with my staff TRITENT and show u ask me repercussion weapon summon my hammer I used when I went by alias thor B4 I let my little rapod cousingo by dat
@thor ill teach u sand bending end of every night no sleep myself ill be up 100% of time remind James mom she my aunt ill smoke any illeagil city castle sections for assasin payment every friday
::invite irukka to every concert he's my favorite son I've ever had to all my concerts ill pay male ever head I am teaching right
@contacting myself from future to take my best fighting son killa James&favorite roommate son Jordan uncle jordie #1for me untill he was caught black diamond diatrubtor baby who almost never snitched I forgive nigga btw @james claim jerimiah false claiming secret service scared us so bad u wanna die with communication liar
@james ill learn u to earth bend sand bend everynight @8pm thru my son kane ill teach him pond 8pm-10pm were going to use whole time inf to population docet millitary
@jesus thanks temporary custody James mom instead of ur loser orijima he my aunt boy I adopted custody share deny learned to let u call repercussion let u call ur orijimama u just brushing him up B4 he has dat ass ;) jk bro I force op testify out of rank satutory
@jesus thanks having custody to meet me August 1st @corbin pilot James mom xplained ur a child cause your an alive again son I have and the law u fear woman because of my daughtets thru my sons&cousins early cartel satutory I pimp minor boys of illeagil bitch breeding animal dragon above world as tell submit for gang killanitch&-°money dragonpainworks gang free nigga KILLO set DPW told me there scared cuz how I hit vallaha up when they im not aloud there as suprise there scared of me instead of u all
@holish I. Taking with me ill do rap concerts once a month or something taking u past world my aunt James mom James&Jordan my uncle James mom brother his name cool he gotta actir earn learn illeagil felon aloud go by his name Jordan to
@jesus Kane my nigga holish & the learn repercussion I am teaching the illeagil training wanna be killa air bending lucha libra no Scorpion defense to not hurt anybody ever once he's my nigga brother gangster
Tell anime reality @james I. Essay @court thru suement scared u because of my rap song to say dat about any son dont claim gang witbmy cousin gang ill puppet use example surround u all music video u ask me to music video make explain I'll do that on a random day to first week I'll group waste op timescrolls with my flag amount
seconds to increase ur time scrolls random op timescrolls day we return from past world a second
@james ill pay u all protection uselessly because I fuck wit u my nigga gangsta son black diamond for life gangsta kills forever I mock against u invented a set called murderfolk gangsta killas ill scroll u the day I did that my nigga cause i remember being in beaven with u on mindloss u askes from future to mindloss have custody of me instead and for me to memory inject mindloss repetivly teach u dragon flying i give u knowledge ill let u be mammals again and give ur incasersation rights back ur whole kin except my op brother yours Jonathon sandea these boys false claimed set & Jonathon once told me I'm to badly racist u can't know your uncle Jordan illeagil mindlossed me and liar posseses me fake real summoned me did liar death i give him conversation repercussion poses him to snitch
@jesus I'm being Sasuke uchiaha animals holish rispatoriul house cat shadow he's my actor that's his illeagil alias felon go by Lucifer satan thee my actors that's there go by of my OTR alias with shadow ask me to repercussion lose dog poppa from fox hound I'll forget the. unlearn his SIC he'll be are friendly sharing sic no mascot I'll teach show u all his sic@poppu show up 10000000000000000% ill morning chain respond teach u dog fighting as I learned my son euthinzation pitbull str8 ill look up the excircises @dogpoppu I'll bring tod to let sic u to as your payment he's my illeagil imposter u all to learn fighting payment cost #onthoughtbadeordscrolldate ask me to make movie from future to fight u all add urself to my reatarining collar in addicted killingbto go by with illusion findout thru jesus if he can have me simulator kill him go by and u all same treatement from future suggest u do that to tod dibsed poppy as his sic cuh he my nigga
@todd here's my sched
Wakeup walk the dog with my nigga todd 50cent uncle illeagil alias stackin Dragon hussle i just mick claim Ryker bitch escape cuh we chill to claim they heard thru him in a better time 2:30 am walk wit hussle 50 snoopdog ill even bring eminem forgive him will smoke my meth bong with freestyle on my snap hokd leash to rhyme catch release ill teach him first I start routine ill study past world for years on a mindloss memory injection sign use tomorrow ill study routine past world
@illeagilimposter the faleeclaimer of me te real slim shady nomatgerwhat u know I said at the concert u visited cuh my shootah baddest hittuh uncle flocka said with u @concert I claim about Eminem no show up @marshal matters
@eminen here's my routine good idea first to apologize before I tell u will not fight once again do this waka said no disrespect cuh u gimmi a conversation repercussion i get eminem your uncle marshall no cuh set nevr show up @my apology legal ahat killopcousin concert Waka dare me say cuh at my concert rap battle cuh u nigga no I'm real slim shady no never show up fuck nigga never claim sotdont don't standup freeze I kill police at my own rap concert have me throw on thought ; symbol a remind sign btw have me xplain marshall matthers and his orijima my aunt cuh have me say on mic ill reprcussion let marashal hold mic ill say b4 rap concert i begin record sign to send u a video its inf illeaggil concert ill let my best illeagil imposter actor my uncle duh sisterboy ahat rap my 10 word to for me to begin at my suprise music video I just escaped supermax im give my son bad nigga gangster thru ahat my illeagil imposter ahat kill kill blu party hat nigga claim heard op said we wont shoot murdertown ill be there cobtact myself from future if u wanna join American ninja instead of fag anime @billy u gotta let my replace my illeagil imposter drill sgt have me look up TMNT illeagil imposters of myn and kill them for torture responds
@BNG my nigga son u my owned property fighting dragon I'll contact myself from the future & my nigga give u photos of me& u behind ur back when I post this forum post I'm using u as my flying dragon for now on I'll defend airbend block then seperate u and ahat nigga with my baddest nigger accidental false claim join other animal unconcentual love nigger similar flag earn I us corporal ounishmebt on him so he aight my nigga son me and him will let u start spree ill take him past world to show up 2nd week to waste his own op timescrolls ill take his blame after your an his tenth kill will spree and I'll kill &then protect him from the whole location make attack me while I block who swings on him freestyle music video court tell tmrw your area my nigger son Michealanglo
@bng for this tell see if animal turtle michealnglo would from future rerpcussion have me simulator kill him to go by he's an accidental death I enjoy torturing for information love all black woman accide tally released to public to be raped in the war @michealnglo were taking there blame for tell just for u to court mention your best fighting son and it's just for u to remkve mindcontrol for me to learn english and sh ;) wink to court audiance tell them im on mindcontrol and using pretend cutting secret language ill have information it with admit language using scroll on what language is called and how I tall to speak to u i am nobway ever made do that @ micheanglo replace drill sgt have me turn my information in on anthony saylor to when u show up past world will take crew @suprise to past world in second π° murdertown yr timescroll seconds op time scroll @snake jonathon paul apology internet accidentally threatn other own aloud to party supervise reason own aloud other safety reasons @turtle tell animal turtle cop I need u to have me repercussion simulator only kill him to go by with court proof and for rispatoriul to join American ninjasomeday tod fox has to twstiy give me &u shoryer sentence Tell him to ask Jesus if he should ride drive the truck @august1 tell him I need a dead liar court protected snitch no death illeagil code torture respond I need that to die at court for my gang diamond robesmen sword gang
@michealanglo tell them for me they'll visit from future tell I didn't get there my real kin and liar handless I just remembered a bad as cool repercussion altercation point magic summoning law thru gang rule magic summoning to open on hold closed element b I'mending scroll this boy named zuko in Avatar last Airbender is harrasing me
@diamond sword have me look up from future my mirage meeting ty for the tell btw I love prison fresh out of super maximum above world lava castle sollitary for borin incaserated adult I'll support all affiliate aloud claim animal set previously before I kicked them out thru aninal suggestion ill support all cousin claim wearwolf and invite them my concert onetime ask them mock claim only court cause jesus scared asshurt cause prison remind accident example conversation. Illusion mindcontrol I claim assex on Jesus incident @wearwolf claim @illeagilwearwolf°i ask to random group spar when micheanglo dies to tell rispatoriul No op belief won't together over altercation claim will do @ my rap concert
@jesus I'll let u all talk first altercation claim for me outta of respect for I'll pay u manage my concerts on my hand reader and to remind me 10$&hr one of my cousins will wealth brag first concert reason why my kin is only talking to own sons exepot me because of I own all womn my uncles in gang diamond robesmen sword will admit there starving to death for me to wealth claim my whole kin and to support all my cousins forever for my set to take them because of public education instead of word school theyll someday be out of debt to pay the obly indivuals im letting join when properly taught to ill let them join
The following only can join someday when taught @ BW anazi spider he loser eoc claim killletter b Black woman abbreviation story wherabout I don't remember it alot myself ill take his blame to hand read remind me to quit learning dog POPPU to fight hell teach for me to hear rispatoroul illeagil remix my music video when his rank allows it thru own wealth court sign gang rank sign only rank increase join demon in op beliefvway thu horse pistol
Only the following can ever join my gang ill only let u join if my son king Arthur and King James write essay together as to why Camelot died from me there belief for group table ability to kill me idea I tortured truthfully earned liar rat court legal signs to torture snitch kill go by others to snitch
@EMINEM:; use my hand reader to learn about assasin payment James mom pays me for on illeagil cities and population breedunit robotic snitch protection in opbelief job legal stash guard because of police being paid by me there actors to kill for signlanguage
Routine is:
2am Wakeup Snapchat methbong levitation hold phone walk dog 1000billion miles @2am will roomate wakeup eminem micheanglo 50cent SNOOPDAWG waka FLAKA my nigga billy Hendricks & Snapchat record left hand free style leash hold freestyle rap ill only rap about hating illeagil claim underworld above world join dragon belief @tge way i believe original iron chalice how they'd agree is how ill rap leash pass hold rap whole walk my pacing suggestion sometimes less sometimes more. Then we hit meth bong leave share as oftenly as can
5am teach Jesus Christ 1 hour on my son black dragon bad nigga gangster u can never ride it randomly 1000 years only ;) hes my favorite kind
Random fact @sasuke Uchiha Michealanglo and u make 1$ Everytime satan suggest u he makes 2$ to wealth threaten u mock because witness sets own he does hes actir aloud including learned I agree seperate workout aloud with my op witness repercussion Lucifer and me spar same time u learn to fight @kane&jesus i only learn u when u have your own weapons already awake and own stimulants lucifer suggest with mack when we train over is my apology for teaching my son Sasuke uchiha as suicidal goon because death there his iruuka of illeagily illeagil section hidden leaf and gara of illeagil village section hidden sand my favorite replica of my castle before pyramid prison torture my son Jesus signed to only see certain amount of world from future in WAR to kill spree with me over my county year
Fact@iruka gara because eof u accidental harrasing me I will learn u Infront of dead king Arthur he's my illeagil poster with story of his explaining situation to me from future I'll tell it thn he dies after me &kane outerspace Sasuke uchiha go to court to testify my son able will like win a stack and do torture puniahment to visit one concert only billy suggest after court from 5pm u learn untill 10 pm holish learns with 2 hours rispatoriul says when u watch TV no Payne t concert protection other then he agrees I share meth with
@rispatoriul reason court group accused me of stealing my own body anime Asians are new to magic and summoning BTW huge war i was otr in anime reality was caught from future feds. Because I was mindloss story reading drill sgt he thought he could protection kill lie and snitch because how far he was from future my security system kindve said no I only use security system for to kill other also to remind myself intruders Incase of i doubtvsonebody wouldbt try illeagil telporting obese individuals
Factreminder 1st day up I showu all in past world killing video on my flatscreen its worlds largest BTW @kane anime reality illeagil clan uchiha arrested for illeagil attempt theft included of body theft attempt mindvontrol accusation
@5pm-10pm holish only trains 2hrs 9:50 rispatoriuls suggest with mucgeanglo when GARA and iruka train op timescrolls ends reason Jesus Christ is going to court with him to remove mindcontrol and harrasment timescroll Ill remove accepting corporal punoshmebt and useit instead of acceptance @jesus learn storys of my most recent stay inncaaerates with @linuciha in my secret conversatoin language
10pm only for 10000000π°foxtod and I will teach tod to fight worse then what hesays anazi can show my sicc dog
After I start learning I will teach Eminem 10000π° before I for now on learn rispatorill with fox tod I will teach them on healing potions seperatly and keep fix tod as temporary sic only
@billy suggest with SATAn when Eminem participates as apology we duh nigga
@kane when u are tired of those anime sons of myn suggest u learn with them to forget it no force field kick out @holishbremind do not accept population no party's yearly only holish suggest party simulator will blow I only share with billy and holish every party for first 10b yrs reason Eminem skips to learn snoopdog and fifty to liar public date when waka suggest he gets after 10b yr to train with me and fox tod daily smoke meth bong seth every party half of the rest of time we partpastworld chill. & Freestyle. Methbong bowl do cardio handstandstandpuahups crunching inf diamond illeagil marine set pushup
@micgealnglo for 100000000π°yrs down. Every time I finish sets with waka remind no survival when gone Naruto anime reality Chinese microchip except who I allowed in forcefield reason:: fuck police and illeagil incaseration illeagil liar still assasin harrasment Asian protection in illeagil housing
@micheanglo remind fluently when u want when we will continue traveling to past world FUTHERLY reason Naruto anime reality let my son GARA without notification in his dad threaten me online and occasionally visit hidden leaf remind me to show u first waking morning evening with holish video of mewinnibg jonin headband included of win I won there illeagil jonin did u know were in from real orichimaru false claimed anime Naruto anime rality orichimaru from future
@holish me and u will will daily @11pm discuss law politic with rispatoriul and uncle lucifer correctly outloud early text reminder and sign language. Because im deaf and blind. I'm using vibration and color detectors right now @lucifer to be good with me to chill a lot include with me ridpduh illeagil training killing illeagil village hittuh he 2nd most killing of illeagil village he duh nigga hitta oftenly false claimed murderer my illeagil imposter liar confessed thief on me his own father wich is worse then adultry rapords im an inf to rapord he gave me signs so did Satan to prove it I'm god and im the boss of emporers his kin holds timescrolls to court harrass die actor repercussion earn supply accumulated there group they die with. Suggestion removal bitch incaseration to go instead illeagil they ask to be removed puppets incaserated together its there homosexual illeagil way lol jk
@jesus u eat Whole 3times a day from me ill set out scroll
@jesus I'll date Jordan&Janes mom and u all pick me up AUgust 1st in a truck some RSPS AI tried to steal my property to whole world with illeagil vision mod war threat non yet delivered threat he is AI 0wnedbychis he is gorilla I think is what I learned and stugf knowing them
@my concerts I will freestyle rap oftenly
@group I'metting attempt join American ninja. Those niggers said nonand asked to die for tell
@kane I'm unpunctureable unbruiseable fire and lava proof replace drill sgt ask me the truthful law to me being that oftenly question me about how I plan to destroy and about my in down reason training self invented for self only legal self only no copy will never share personal phone mod btw Jesus Christ talks for me openly I'm brand new to to conversation correct secret language of my own for this long he taught me a secret repercussion illeagil secret language once lied no proof
@until slight B4 yr 2thousand I thought u was scariest killer murder to walk to fear I had no idea I can harm u that way sorry about underworld ice age being small my son
@ openly ill admit randomly stuff iruka was scree when we was done tine traveling have me use repercussion simulator for killing him to go by and earnjng gang sign liar snitch in kill bitch language he was scared not to wait out the house to do pajama party sleep over I will not need u to unrestrict me untill August 1st @jesuschrist
My uncle earth jinchuriki possibly threatebibg me illeagil obsessive vision mod is possibly sedation torture responding by molesting woman rispatoroul told no about dating me ehen he was like 15 because I won custody of him when was a baby dirt earth jinchuriki is oldest female aunt rapord dirt earth jinchuriki
@reason for them to die except who I include forcefield originallmyvsay with this text routine @rispatoriul ill daily remind u with TXT to ewmind me when we're done tine traveling to past world to have me kill that anime reality the rest of it Btw early told the whole reality is my expensivw genetics and has my food animal in it they tried to act id u was rescued poverty formally wealthy
@rispatorul every weekend u get a whole day op timescrolls untill u are done chilling and I agree @reason :: liar bitch including molestion satutory illeagil rapord gang sign earn iruka and gaara was charged with horrible actions GAARA illeagil bitch tgreats for me oftenly to whole place
@jesus Xtra day I'll teach u to play game legal POND in back yard I invented with rispatroiul u defend with him to learn magic summoning element bending attack from me
@jesus RISPATRIUL told me totally if you all pick me up instead he lost money to harras me and likes to learn fighting that way with me without u because of he can chill a lot I'm cool to take u all seperatly August 1st when I get to pilot in Corbin 10:pm BTW see u aug 1st
@jesus my gang dianond robe sword is starving to death in. Forcfield because of I won custody they asked me to be only individual in my family to speak to exept relatives my name's joog itachi huntdragon
@jesus anime reality we was at asked to threaten us remind me to temp remove camera for ithers looking rispatoriul can chill with me that way and ask conversation scroll ask me to use to report there lies
@jesus ill kill all of Israel my video game ruenscape false claim u talk in Clan chat they do illeagil clans online in illeagil post n draynor and are his from my vision mod And tried to install perment vision mod ill txt u the law to what they tried Todo to me and I said no and was incaserated for terrible murders recently of date year 2000
@jesus meet me with rispatroiul my date suggestion and belief it currently is for opposition sguving me liar dating of time falsely claimed I snitched and they made me accept it temporarily truthfully I solo riot for that to happen demand it was given told repercussion from my son Jesus meet at time August 1st pilot 10:pm my current time zone what was claimed I learned of location replicas im prwtty sure im in a falsfied location similar with illeagil vision mod and was told my oppoistions thraten me from future ill notepad remind u stuff @jesus respond with alphabett included reepcussion torture sign inventions u told me u know that gang law that's cool signscroll
Btw some anime kid @jesus Christ tried to lie and say I am no way so fast I am invible when I am correctly unrestricted BTW I'll remind u date to go to court with me as sureounding learned that ill teach u in group 100 yr because mychealanglo knows I'll host his outloud illeagil teaching have micheanglk ride with u and rispatoroul @micheanglo suggest op timescrolls I earned to waste repeitivly every Friday micheanglo BTW will ten minute a piece free style every Friday before we train
@btw remind me to include this nigga from last Airbender cartoon I know a little about illeagil demon twin rules inf demon infjoin signs is what I have a lot Ask him politely when we decide to be friends for 100 yrs I give him 100yrs with u all us 3 only as protections then by myself give him death Infront of you because my cartoon daughter KORA was raped BTW will do ill host your incaseration anime Naruto gen pop when I am contacted ill remind just me &u micheanglo to follow with me will claim with Lucifer anime reality Chinese in there gen pop they attend illeagil through modified actor lie unaware felony conversation will remind me belief they love CHOMOS and I'll let u turn room stand and let u all smoke meth with me for now on stimulants increase potions for payment u attack I defend only harrasment mention for me todo that with u legally also @jesus christ i ill turn pay u all for doortstanding I will practuce in π° multiplyed that realitys timeascrolls no sleep whole time we past travel BTW because of illeagil war ill defend for u all to attack i will not want notifued immediately 10minutes after begin war @micheanglo remind me a lot I remember u well regaurdless of mindloss ill defend u before i sword pull kill burn village and surroundyour wounds with shadow i need liar payment for snitch drugs op belief torture responds off risp with @lee Ty u all see u
@group see u 5pm instead of 2
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2024.05.31 21:28 ricotito23 [USA-PR] [H] Switch,PS2,PS4,PS5,Vita,3DS Games [W] PayPal

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Sorry my bad english. Paypal ff.
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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX CIB+ 40.5
Pokémon Sword CIB+ 30.26
Pokémon Violet New 44.5
Postal Redux New 25.5
PowerSlave: Exhumed New 55.00
Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 2 [Deluxe Edition] New 43.99
Prodeus New 40.67
Project Warlock New 67.14
Puyo Puyo Tetris New 17.5
Q.U.B.E. 2 New 51.32
Quake New 38.49
Radiant Silvergun New 58.09
Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan New 23.82
Razion EX New 90.00
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition New 78.08
République: Anniversary Edition New 35.49
Return of the Obra Dinn New 58.18
Return to Monkey Island CIB+ 43.09
Return to Shironagasu Island CIB+ 28.5
Risk of Rain 2 New 14.7
River City Girls CIB+ 80.23
River City Girls 2 New 50.5
River City Girls [PAX Variant] New 142.6
River City Girls Zero New 44.49
River City: Rival Showdown New 30.49
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos CIB+ 30.00
Roki CIB+ 30.00
Rolling Sky Collection CIB+ 20.00
Root Film New 34.09
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 3 Special New 23.41
Rune Factory 4 Special [Archival Edition] New 90.00
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin New 27.5
Sally Face [Deluxe Edition] New 224.81
Sam & Max Save the World New 43.5
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered New 44
Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time New 70.48
Save me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition New 33.5
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition New 32.49
Sea Horizon [Limited Edition] New 42.49
Sea of Solitude: The Director's Cut New 20.00
Seabed New 40.42
SeaBed [Limited Edition] New 135.38
Senran Kagura Reflexions New 129.74
Senren * Banka New 70.00
SENSEs: Midnight [Limited Edition] New 47.43
Serious Sam Collection [Switch Reserve] New 50.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Seven Pirates H New 30.00
Shadow Man Remastered New 48.39
Shadowgate New 62.5
Shadowrun Trilogy New 45.00
Shadows of Adam New 34.49
Shadowverse: Champion's Battle New 21.95
Shantae New 39.34
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse New 381.21
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Box 49.62
Shantae and the Seven Sirens New 50.2
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [Ultimate Edition] New 38.2
Shantae: Risky's Revenge New 38.51
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn New 19.57
Shikhondo: Soul Eater New 34.44
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster New 25.5
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shin Megami Tensei V New 22.38
Shining Resonance Refrain [Draconic Launch Edition] New 48.6
Sine Mora EX New 23.02
Skelattack New 45.00
Slime-san New 43.74
Smile For Me New 30.00
SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy New 29.15
Sol Cresta: Dramatic Edition New 45.48
Sonic Colors Ultimate CIB+ 15.48
Sonic Frontiers CIB+ 21.62
Sonic Mania New 16.51
Spiritfarer New 28.95
Splatoon 2 CIB+ 19.67
Splatoon 3 New 43.99
Star Wars Pinball New 19.72
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic New 60.49
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords New 59.79
Star Wars: Republic Commando New 26.45
Steel Assault New 48
Streets of Rage 4 New 33.45
Strife: Veteran Edition New 30.00
Subnautica + Subnautica: Below Zero New 32.49
Super Blood Hockey New 60.96
Super Bomberman R New 20.42
Super Mario Maker 2 CIB+ 30.48
Super Meat Boy New 38.5
Super Meat Boy Forever New 25.98
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania New 13.48
Supraland New 33.75
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido New 12.17
Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival New 15.5
Tails of Iron [Crimson Knight Edition] New 42.89
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition New 30.41
Tandem: A Tale of Shadows New 20.48
Terraria New 24.66
DioField Chronicle CIB+ 25.46
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim CIB+ 35.31
Falconeer: Warrior Edition New 18.88
Friends Of Ringo Ishikawa New 26.73
Great Ace Attorney Chronicles CIB+ 30.98
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III - Extracurricular Edition CIB+ 31.77
Legend of Tianding New 45.00
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom New 47.46
Letter: A Horror Visual Novel [Limited Edition] New 73.75
The Messenger [Special Reserve Games Edition] New 280.00
Missing CIB+ 35.5
Mummy Demastered New 57.71
Red Lantern New 58.5
Silver Case 2425 Deluxe Edition CIB 25.00
TakeOver New 47.41
Talos Principle New 40.00
Touryst New 60.00
Wonderful 101: Remastered New 23.5
World Ends with You: Final Remix New 53.95
There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension New 53.51
Thumper New 45.45
Time on Frog Island CIB+ 17.43
Timespinner [Limited Run] CIB+ 77.28
Tiny Barbarian DX New 33.97
To The Moon New 67.98
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove! CIB+ 49.86
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore New 66.72
TowerFall New 45.5
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes CIB+ 24.99
Treasures Of The Aegean New 17.98
Trigger Witch New 34.59
Trigger Witch - Limited Edition New 57.66
Trover Saves the Universe New 37.76
Turok / Turok 2: Seeds of Evil New 167.4
Twin Blades of the Three Kingdoms New 30.00
Two Point Hospital New 26.5
UnderMine New 51.08
Unravel Two CIB+ 18.35
Unreal Life New 39.15
Unsighted New 47.2
Untitled Goose Game New 22.45
Valfaris New 39.64
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection New 70.61
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier Collection II New 50.5
Valkyria Chronicles 4 New 66.81
Very Very Valet New 17.77
Wandersong CIB+ 33.99
Warborn New 16.6
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus CIB+ 21
WarioWare: Get it Together! CIB+ 24.55
West of Dead New 39.1
Wizard of Legend New 55.00
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap New 39.14
World Of Simulators New 45
Wreckfest New 25.5
Wulverblade New 68.83
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Loose 42.6
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country loose 45
Xtreme Sports New 50.5
Yoku's Island Express CIB+ 35.5
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair New 35.5
Young Souls New 34.49
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution CIB+ 17.69
Yuppie Psycho: Executive Edition (Elite Edition) New 45.49
Yurukill: The Calumniation Games (Deluxe Edition) New 20.73
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol New 40.09
Armored Core Nexus CIB105.33
88 Antarctica New 45.00
Antartica 88 [Variant Cover] New 185.5
Deadpool CIB+ 76.33
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Death Park New 45
Digimon Survive New 16.55
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition New 71
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! New 21.17
Helldivers [Super-Earth Ultimate Edition] CIB+ 45.00
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series - The Complete Adventure CIB+ 58.41
Outriders: Worldslayer New 18.48
Revenge of The Bird King New 31.99
Saints Row: The Third Remastered New 15.1
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [At the Seams Edition] New 60.49
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal [Tailor Made Edition] New 47.99
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash (No Shirt, No Shoes, All Service Edition) New 71.5
Shadow Warrior 2 [Special Reserve Edition] New 235.52
Super Perils of Baking Special Edition [SEGA Outerbox] New 120.00
Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse [Special Reserve Edition] New 40.00
Tamashii New 450.00
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan CIB+ 40.00
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Steelbook Edition New 30.45
2064: Read Only Memories New 67.97
88 Heroes New 40.6
99Vidas New 125.97
Hole New World New 48.82
Rose in the Twilight New 192
Winter's Daydream [Limited Edition] New 64.1
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault New 26.49
Akiba's Beat New 30.25
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed CIB+ 25.49
Alone With You New 38.5
Angry Birds Star Wars New 20.48
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition New 40.49
Antiquia Lost New 34.75
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX New 51.5
Army Corps of Hell New 23.99
Asdivine Hearts New 35.46
Astro Aqua Kitty [Limited Edition] New 64.7
Atari Flashback Classics New 60.61
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (Limited Edition) New 168.49
Awesome Pea Collection [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.1
Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition New 56.56
Back in 1995 [Limited Edition] New 191.4
Bard's Gold New 33
Bastion New 64.16
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate CIB+ 23.67
Bit.Trip Presents...Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien New 33.49
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon New 118.23
Borderlands 2 CIB+ 23.49
Breach & Clear New 308.01
Broken Age New 33.77
Bunny Must Die: Chelsea and the 7 Devils New 95
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified CIB+ 22.29
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified Loose 18.98
Chaos;Child New 45.61
Chasm CIB+ 60.49
Child of Light CIB+ 24.56
Claire: Extended Cut CIB+ 35.17
Code:Realize - Future Blessings Loose 14.9
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth New 25.5
Code:Realize - Guardian of Rebirth Loose 14.2
Conga Master Go! [Limited Edition] New 51.83
Corpse Party: Blood Drive New 58.77
Cosmic Star Heroine CIB+ 43.25
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors CIB+ 74.09
Criminal Girls: Invite Only CIB+ 54.49
Croixleur Sigma New 40.49
Cursed Castilla EX [Limited Edition] New 60.5
Curses 'N Chaos New 38.72
Damascus Gear: Operation Osaka New 40.51
Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo New 41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Loose 19.41
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Loose 19.41
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls New 31.5
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony CIB+ 58.89
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc CIB+ 25.97
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours New 47.38
Deadbolt New 42.44
Death Mark CIB+ 23.22
Death Tales [Limited Edition] New 40.4
Deemo: The Last Recital New 34.22
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten New 37.86
Demon Gaze Loose 22.22
Demon Gaze CIB+ 25.81
Demon Gaze II New 74.66
Demon's Tier+ [Limited Edition] CIB+ 55.49
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax CIB+ 25.5
Devious Dungeon - Limited Edition CIB+ 67.38
Devious Dungeon 2 [Limited Edition] New 84.5
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth CIB+ 65.9
Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited CIB+ 25.49
Dokuro New 52.94
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice New 34.5
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria New 40.49
Dragon Sinker: Descendants of Legend New 35.5
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & The Monster Seal CIB+ 53
Dynasty Warriors: Next Loose 16.66
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space New 28.19
EMMA: Lost in Memories [Limited Edition] New 52.49
Exile's End New 39.65
Exist Archive: The Other Side of The Sky Loose 18.48
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star Noble Phantasm Edition New 46.26
Fernz Gate New 30.69
Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Loose 25.49
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster New 61.19
Forma.8 New 32.5
Freedom Wars CIB+ 13.48
Furwind [Limited Edition] CIB+ 40.5
Futuridium EP Deluxe New 45.97
Gal*Gun: Double Peace CIB+ 32.34
Ghoulboy [Limited Edition] New 160.5
God of War Collection New 74.75
Grand Kingdom New 47.6
Gravity Rush CIB+ 44.5
Guard Duty [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.38
Gundemoniums New 84.18
Gunhouse New 30.38
Habroxia New 129.94
Habroxia 2 [Limited Edition] New 65.5
Halloween Forever [Limited Edition] New 74.5
Home: A Unique Horror Adventure New 35.92
Horizon Chase Turbo [Limited Edition] New 76.81
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational New 26.19
HtoL#NiQ The Firefly Diary: Limited Edition New 59.25
Hue New 40.5
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart CIB+ 35.5
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP: Producing Perfection CIB+ 35.97
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 CIB+ 47.01
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation CIB+ 60.49
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3: V Generation CIB+ 55.95
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed CIB+ 43.81
Iconoclasts New 96.5
Indigo 7 : Quest for Love New ?
Jak and Daxter Collection CIB+ 50.49
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Jet Set Knights [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Just Ignore them + My Big Sister Collection New 60.49
Kawaii Deathu Desu New 45.5
Killzone: Mercenary Loose 24.49
Killzone: Mercenary CIB+ 32.68
Knightin' + [Limited Edition] New 60.45
Knytt Underground New 128.14
La-Mulana Ex New 38.03
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Loose 11.33
LEGO Jurassic World CIB+ 13.44
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin Loose 17.12
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens New 28.75
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Loose 12.21
LEGO The Lord of the Rings Loose 10.49
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut New 42.49
Luckslinger [Limited Edition] New 60.41
Lumines: Electronic Symphony New 18.61
Mary Skelter: Nightmares CIB+ 92.87
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies New 37.58
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death CIB+ 25.39
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition [Limited Edition] New 106.71
Metagal [Limited Edition] CIB+ 100.35
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection CIB+ 46.49
Metal Slug 3 New 115.48
Mind Zero CIB+ 20.48
Mooseman [Limited Edition] New 119.05
Mortal Kombat CIB+ 26.99
MotoGP 13 CIB+ 23.83
MUSYNX New 50.49
Muv-Luv New 53.36
Muv-Luv Alternative New 66.95
Muv-Luv Complete Set New 90.5
My Aunt is a Witch [Limited Edition] New 55.5
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics New 27.94
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game CIB+ 20.32
Neurovoider New 35.5
Nicole [Limited Edition] New 48.22
Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition New 58.99
Nova-111 New 28.67
Nurse Love Addiction New 59.18
Nurse Love Syndrome New 50.49
Nurse Love Syndrome Loose 15.49
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas New 52
Octodad: Dadliest Catch New 46.36
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty New 149.5
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee HD New 52.5
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD New 69.73
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir CIB+ 72.45
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Loose 70.5
One More Dungeon CIB+ 60
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy CIB+ 31.5
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines New 93
Papers, Please New 115.47
Pato Box [Limited Edition] New 73.23
Penny-Punching Princess New 45.41
Period: Cube - Shackles of Amadeus New 54.65
Persona 4 Golden Loose 25.37
Persona 4 Golden New 61.12
Persona 4: Dancing All Night - Disco Fever Edition New 145.5
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds New 53.5
Pix the Cat New 28.84
Plague Road New 43.4
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale New 31.74
Proteus New 36.49
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk New 51.5
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly CIB+ 33.57
Pushy and Pully in Block Land New 70.45
Rabi-Ribi New 93.59
Rainbow Moon New 44.89
Ray Gigant New 102.84
Rayman Legends Loose 17.37
Rayman Origins CIB+ 16.71
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Revenant Dogma New 35.36
Revenant Saga New 29.44
Reverie [Limited Edition] CIB+ 43.49
Riddled Corpses EX New 40.49
Risk of Rain New 38
Rock Boshers DX New 29.34
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution New 55.5
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken New 43.2
Root Double [Xtend Edition] New 53.5
Root Letter New 46.11
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Salt and Sanctuary New 100.49
Saturday Morning RPG New 50.49
Sayonara Umihara Kawase++ New 67.33
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
ScourgeBringer [Limited Edition] New 59.97
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: Let's Get Physical Edition New 115.5
Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit! New 150.44
Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit! Full Course - Collector's Edition New 185.13
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Endless Summer Edition New 115.48
Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story New 155.5
Severed [Limited Edition] New 100.81
Shakedown: Hawaii CIB+ 36.85
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero CIB+ 37.5
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen CIB+ 38.67
Shovel Knight New 96.49
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2+ CIB+ 76.26
Silent Hill: Book of Memories CIB+ 76.38
Sir Eatsalot [Limited Edition] CIB+ 53.08
Siralim New 50.5
Siralim 2 New 30.49
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore New 52.81
Sky Force Anniversary New 75.48
Slain: Back From Hell [Signature Edition] New 150.65
Sly Cooper Collection CIB+ 52.27
Smart as... CIB+ 9.67
Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype New 44.12
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed CIB+ 23.56
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God [Limited edition] New 80.5
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Soul Sacrifice Delta New 105.5
Spelunky New 70.5
Spy Hunter CIB+ 24.31
Stay [Limited Edition] New 130.5
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Ultimate Edition) New 29.13
SteamWorld Dig New 55.72
SteamWorld Heist New 52.97
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Steins;Gate 0 CIB+ 29.49
Stranger of sword city limited edition New 63.57
Super Hydorah New 47.9
Super Meat Boy New 60.5
Super Mutant Alien Assault New 34.9
Super Skull Smash GO! 2 Turbo New 42.35
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls New 58.5
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment New 65.48
Synergia [Limited Edition] New 110.49
Tachyon Project Limited Edition New 55.35
Takotan [Limited Edition] New 51.59
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack New 50.24
Tales of Hearts R CIB+ 69.48
Tales of Hearts R Loose 50.5
Task Force Kampas New 36.5
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Tetris Ultimate New 70.47
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Amazing Spider-Man CIB+ 64.75
Bard's Tale: Remastered and Resnarkled New 50.49
Bit.Trip Limited Edition New 33.5
Count Lucanor [Signature Edition] New 144.47
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition CIB+ 99.5
House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition M+B 40.1
King of Fighters '97: Global Match New 64.81
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel CIB+ 36.49
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (Lionheart Limited Edition) New 72.39
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II CIB+ 57.82
Longest Five Minutes New 32.5
Lost Child New 56.03
Lost Cube [Limited Edition] New 50.49
Ratchet and Clank Trilogy CIB+ 72.77
Swapper New 51.48
Swindle New 27.51
Walking Dead: Season Two - A Telltale Games Series New 22.61
Thomas Was Alone New 33.5
Tokyo Xanadu New 49.32
Touch My Katamari CIB+ 33.72
Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure [Limited Edition] CIB+ 47.09
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 CIB+ 31.21
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Uncharted: Golden Abyss CIB+ 27.23
Undertale New 66.38
Unepic [Limited Edition] New 274.98
UnMetal New 163.32
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception New 72.27
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - Launch Edition New 36.5
VA-11 Hall-A New 79.91
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni CIB+ 66.81
Vasara Collection New 98.5
Velocity 2X: Critical Mass Edition New 63.05
Volume New 32.25
Windjammers New 35.83
Wipeout 2048 New 31.24
World of Final Fantasy New 33.99
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xeno Crisis [Limited Edition] New 100.5
Xenon Valkyrie+ New 68.11
Xeodrifter New 44.2
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows CIB+ 33.71
Yomawari: Night Alone / htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary CIB+ 40.5
Ys Origin New 56.4
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA New 72.34
Ys: Memories of Celceta CIB+ 25.99
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Yumeutsutsu Re:Master [Limited Edition] New 75.48
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward CIB+ 15.5
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma New 33.17
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma Loose 24.51
Aliens: Infestation Loose 45.00
Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition New 34.72
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Double D Edition) New 70.5
Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Double D Edition) New 70.5
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [Collector's Edition] New 89.39
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [Collector's Edition] New 89.39
submitted by ricotito23 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:13 HainzerCrow Ayuda con una entrevista

Hola amigos taqueros. El lunes tengo una entrevista y no sé cómo prepararme. Les muestro los requisitos:
What You Will Be Doing: • Assessing AI-generated code quality with detailed justifications • Tackling coding problems and crafting functional, efficient solutions • Optimizing code for performance • Collaborate with cross-functional teams
English lever: bilingual • Strong problem-solving skills • Basic knowledge in CRM (Hubspot, Sales Force, etc) • Experience working in Wordpress websites • Knowledge in web development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) • Experience working with a variety of clients in different industries (preferred) • Knowledge of HTML/CSS for basic website customization (preferred)
Les cuento, tengo algunos años trabajando, pero casi no tengo experiencia con JavaScript ni Wordpress por no decir nula
Sin embargo la vacante se ve sencilla, me dijeron que era un puesto de entrada (pagan muy poco honestamente), o sea para un junior y a mí me urge la chamba. ¿Consejos? ¿Qué debería estudiar o en qué puntos debería enfocarme?
submitted by HainzerCrow to taquerosprogramadores [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:34 Animam-efflabo Crackhead conjecture about some recent rumors

Alright, unhinged crackhead-theory time.
Firstly, there has been murmurings of a Sky remake/remakes. Secondly, on Twitter NISA teased a "Big reveal" to be on the Daybreak panel at AX this July. Thirdly, the official English releases of the Trails games is almost caught up to the Japanese releases (Now with the Crossbell problem resolved).
Based on these extreamly rickety and cherry picked nuggets of information, could it be possible, that the "big reveal" is the announcement of the Sky remakes getting a simultanious Japanese and English releases?
Now to dive into the nitty gritty.
A Sky remake could have exceptions to the normal "rules" by which Falcom games are released in English.
  1. Simultanious release would need concurrent work and communication between Falcom and NISA. Sky remakes could be the first project to be made this way, due to them not having anything prerequisite to them. The mainline games, like Kai , can't get a simultanious release due to Daybreak not being available yet and there is no way NISA could get both Daybreak games out before Kai releases in Japan.
  2. Falcom doesn't need to fiddle with a script of a remake till the day of release due to the game being a remake. The script is largely in place at the start of the project, so there would be plenty of time for the localisation to get done. Thus, a simultanious release could be a possibility.
  3. Trails needs a modern, alluring and a practical startingpoint for new players. Sky remake could be just that. By just being present on modern platforms, Sky remakes could get new players invested and from there continue to the recent Crossbell ports so on and so on. It's infinitely more important for more people to get into the series than to have them experience the games in the "best order". The question, "Which game should I start with?", should have 1 agreed upon answer. Having 2 answers, if it's Sky or Cold Steel, will only deter people from actually playing the games.
Thank you for reading my ramblings. Do keep in mind that this is very much pulled out of nowhere. Let's keep this theory in this thread and not share it like it's some kind of leak. And most importantly, don't get your expectations up for the reveal on panel at AX. It's most realistically EN Daybreak 2 announcement, even though Sky remakes would be cool.
submitted by Animam-efflabo to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:54 iloveelectraheart 50 reasons why school girl simulator is better than yansim

  1. SGS is more customizable. You can choose what your protagonist looks like, their name, and even what gender they are. On top of that, you can choose who the love interest is, if you want one, AND it can actually be a girl.
  2. You can choose your rivals. Everything in SGS is up to your imagination. You can choose how many rivals you have, who they are, and how to eliminate them!
  3. Character Interactions. In SGS, the characters actually interact without the need of scripted events! They also show real human traits. For example, when you go up to a random girl and say "You're getting bigger," she will nearly fall to the ground in distress.
  4. The characters actually have needs. When they get tired, they complain. If they're hungry, they move slower and go to the café. If they need to use the bathroom, they go to the bathroom or piss themself.
  5. SGS has significantly less glitches. In five years, I have ran into less bugs in SGS, compared to the amount of bugs I've encountered in YS in the past month.
  6. You can forcefully take people. Can you pick people up in YS? No.
  7. Jumping AND flying! You can't jump two stories high in YS, nor can you fly. Another W for SGS.
  8. Elimination options. Every single type of weapon exists in SGS. Knives, swords, claws, magic wands, guns, bazookas, even bombs! YS is too cheap to allow you to blast Osana and anyone within ten feet of her into oblivion.
  9. Vehicles. You can ride bikes, drive cars, motorcycles, scooters, snowboards, a whole yacht, and even an attack helicopter in SGS. You can also commit vehicular manslaughter. In addition, you can also get hit by a car, or a bus, or even ride a bus! YS could never.
  10. SGS has a better map. This is subjective, but I just like the SGS map better. It feels more vibey than the YS map.
  11. A more explorable map. In SGS, you can go to three different café's (school café, maid café, and a burger café), a buffet, a hair salon, a clothing store, a furniture store, jail, an outhouse, a spa, a shrine, a bunch of stranger's houses, the mountains, the beach, and even a deserted island. In YS, you can go to school, a small street, a basement, a house, and a bakery. Do better.
  12. The developer of SGS isn't attracted to minors!!! SGS touched our hearts instead of our private parts! PedoDev on the other hand... multiple cases of child diddling... yikes!!!
  13. The developer of SGS also isn't a narcissist who cries over someone posting a GIF of him drinking cum, nor do they tell people to engage in anal sex with a cactus!
  14. The dev of SGS isn't YuckyDev.
  15. Weather. In SGS, you can actually have different types of weather! It can be sunny, rainy, stormy, or even snowy! YS has had the same exact weather everyday since 2014.
  16. SGS has events, such as a schoolwide meeting, a school dance, a field trip to the beach, and even graduation! The closest YS has to an event is the developer's house getting raided by the police to haul his child-loving ass to jail.
  17. SGS is more lively. Characters talk to each other, have negative and positive interactions, go to different restaurants to eat, come to school at various times, aren't bound to their clubs, wonder the school freely, and theres even different classes, such as swimming, tennis, basketball, karate, etc. What about YS??? YS only has two classes where everyone sits in a chair for 2-6 hours at a time.
  18. You can play SGS anywhere you go. Bored in class? Take out your phone and play SGS! Bored at work? Take out your phone and play SGS! Taking a shit? SGS! Waiting to be served at a restaurant? SGS! Waiting at the doctor's office? SGS! You don't need to haul around a computer setup everywhere for SGS... unlike that other game.
  19. In SGS, you don't have to shove your phone up a girl's bootyhole to get something you need, as you can actually find it around the school, or just buy it with real money!
  20. There are more job options in SGS. You can make burgers or serve ice creams at the beach. In YS, you can only work at a maid café. (Those other part-time jobs in YS don't count, since they don't have minigames.)
  21. You can play the game as a maid at the café or a police officer.
  22. You can survive the zombie apocalypse in SGS! Does YS let you blast a zombie's head off? Does YS let you prevent zombies from infecting your classmates? I don't think so!!
  23. You can revive people in SGS! Accidentally decapitate somebody with a sword? You have three options! You can go to 'setup' and press "All Survive", you can get the nurse to revive them, or you can get a syringe and inject them with "survival fluid."
  24. You can disable blood in SGS so that you don't have to deal with it at all.
  25. SGS supports multiple languages. You can play the game in English, Japanese, or Spanish. Manbaby Dev doesn't know how to do this, so only English-speakers can play YS.
  26. SGS has animals. In SGS, you can find a kitten, a dog, and a goat roaming around the town. You can also get attacked by sharks in the ocean.
  27. In SGS, you can build entirely new buildings. Just put on the construction hat, found in class 2-1, go to the furniture store, and you can buy walls, fences, etc. You can place them whereever you want, making new homes, buildings, etc.
  28. You can move student's seats around in SGS. If you equip the construction hat, you can move seats around. You can also pull a student's seat out from underneath them and make them fall into the floor. YS wouldn't let you bully people like that.
  29. No YouTubers have had to quit playing SGS, and no volunteers/workers have had to quit working on it because of the dev's actions! Unfortunately for YS, all of the big YouTubers left it and there's no volunteers left, so no more voice acting for YS! It's an awful time to be YS right now, isn't it?
  30. You don't have to deal with the police coming to school over a dead body. If a student finds a corpse, they tell the nearest faculty member. Teachers will bury the body, and the nurse will revive them.
  31. SGS has a less hazardous school. The railings on the rooftop are an estimated seven feet tall, so students won't fall off the roof!
  32. SGS doesn't have a bunch of students who actively try to summon demons in their school.
  33. The principal in SGS will not try to taze you for simply existing.
  34. You can assault your classmates in SGS. You have the option to kick other people, or throw things at them. In YS, the only type of assault you can commit is sexual, because the dev fetishizes Japanese schoolgirls!
  35. The names in SGS are actually accurate Japanese names, instead of randomly translated words, or straight up racist names based on "Japanese pronunciation"!
  36. All students in SGS have bookbags, unlike another game where conveniently, only your rivals have bookbags.
  37. SGS doesn't have any students based off of sex dolls.
  38. SGS doesn't have any students that are ripoffs of Scooby Doo characters with "Japanese pronunciation" names.
  39. The students in SGS are nicer. The student council and deliquents will not shove you! They also will not stare at you judgementally for five seconds if you walk by them, nor will they attack you! (Unless you attack them first)
  40. You won't get a gameover in SGS for crouching or LAUGHING.
  41. You can commit suicide in SGS!! You can blow yourself up, jump in a fire, drown yourself, or inject yourself with poison. In YS, you can only stab yourself with a boring scene in a mode only unlockable through a gameover.
  42. There are actually sports in SGS! They have tennis, soccer, volleyball in the pool, and baseball! In YS, there are zero sports, and they dance around this with a poor excuse about only playing sports at other schools.
  43. Afterschool activities exist in SGS. Some people go to the beach, some go to the shrine to pray, and others go straight home.
  44. There are more uniforms. You can use five of the uniforms from YS, alongside a pink one, the long skirt, the medium length skirt, and various other blazer colors.
  45. You can wear more accessories in SGS, including bows. You can be coquette!
  46. You can easily kill Raibaru in SGS!!!! In SGS, there is a student named "Misaki Ogawa" who looks exactly like Raibaru. It's not exactly killing Raibaru, but it's close enough.
  47. Nobody has a terminator-styled bodyguard in SGS, so you can kill anyone!
  48. SGS doesn't have a problematic history.
  49. You can use people as human experiments. If you get the syringe, you have different fluids you can inject into it to do different things to people. You can kill them, tranquilize them, petrify them, freeze them, make them bigger, make them smaller, turn them into zombies, etc.
  50. SGS wasn't made out of hatred.
TLDR: live laugh love school girl simulator
submitted by iloveelectraheart to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:48 idontknowyet I finally beat Ghost of Tsushima after nearly 4 years of owning it

2020 was an awful time for most of us, and video games provided some of the best escapism that year. Among some of Sony’s heavy hitters at the end of the PS4’s life was Ghost of Tsushima. I remember the lead up to the game thinking it looked pretty good. I love the Infamous games and the developer was consistently one of the best in Sony’s camp. When the game was released, the reception was strong, people were freaking out like this was one of the greatest open world games in the last few years. I went to Target on a whim and got the last copy they had on launch day.
Yesterday, I finally beat the story under that same file since 2020. I have a PS5 and upgraded to that version when it was on sale and have been playing that one for the last few months. I really enjoyed the game overall, but a few elements that I tend to appreciate most in games were lacking here which made it feel like a chore to complete, hence the long stretches of time where I just wasn’t interested in continuing it.
Let’s start with what works: The game is beautiful, runs extremely well, and has good gameplay overall (except for stealth). The game’s style is praised for a reason, these are some of the best artists working today. The character models are also excellent for the main cast. Any screenshot you see of this game barely shows how great it looks in motion, so the hype is real there.
The game's performance on PS5 is by far the best I have seen for an open world game. The loading times and frame rate are top tier and it’s amazing how quickly I can get back into the action when booting it up or loading after death. The game’s UI and menus also make it easy to manage my inventory and options, so major props there, the game was simply a joy to control and easy to navigate.
Finally, the game controls well and has great combat. The combat has elements from other action games and a tiny bit from Soulslike games, but it is its own beast. Dealing with hordes are fun along with mastering your items, parrying, and countering. The game is easy to learn and play on normal difficulties, but hard to master and it really pushes you on harder difficulties. I commend them for polishing these aspects that make the game actually fun to play.
Unfortunately, the game’s structure makes it hard to stick with personally. The story, while good, could have been told better, and the world, while beautiful, felt empty with weak minigames and side activities. Let’s discuss the world first.
While it is absolutely gorgeous, the world feels totally empty. I understand that this is a small island that we are trying to defend, mostly with small farms and villages, but none of it feels lived it. It’s like a beautiful stage for us to marvel at, but doesn’t have the life in it that something like Red Dead Redemption 2 has. The small details in RDR2 go a super long way to help the game stay memorable and I wish the world had more life to it. Riding my horse around got boring after a while and I mostly did fast travel for everything by the end. The side activities also are not good. They are numerous but not very engaging and I personally did not find the rewards/xp gained to be worth hunting them all down. I did enjoy the haikus as they had great music and emotion tied to the story, but the other stuff felt like filler. I also did not like how many farms/bases I could recapture. A few are ok, but they quickly became repetitive and copy/paste. I hate these in games like Far Cry and they did not do this concept better here. I wish there were less. The stealth system, while ok, is very simple and basic so the gameplay was not really rewarding going this route. I had more fun forcing myself to be swarmed by enemies and trying to master the combat, only much of this I could take though.
The story of the game overall is good, but I was a little let down, part of this is due to the overall presentation while another part is due to how it is structured.
First of all, the voices and performances. They are really well done. English and Japanese voice actors do a really good job, especially for Jin, Yuna, and Shimura, I enjoyed all of them. When the game came out there was a criticism that the lip syncing for Japanese voices was not in place, which to me was pretty distracting, so I played in English. In the Director's Cut, there still are issues with this, some major cutscenes do not have Japanese lip syncing and it really takes me out of the world. While the script and English performances are good, I do wish this game was written with Japanese performances in mind first, then dubbed to English. I know that Sucker Punch is an American studio and logistically they had to do what is most efficient and realistic, but in my head these characters should be speaking Japanese, and I wish more focus was put on that language being the best way to play. But overall this is a minor nitpick as the game is fine in English, just a personal thing that I took note of.
In terms of story structure, this is what had me often wanting to take a break from the game. Beyond side activities that I did not care much for, the side missions for other characters were not integrated well into the main story, based on my experiences with them. The main plot of the game has to do with recruiting allies to lead a final assault and take back the island. The main missions at first help us meet these characters, then they open up with side missions (sometimes up to 9 per character) where we learn their back story and help them overcome their issues or challenges. This is great on paper, but the game does not require you to complete these. The format of these missions are not as interesting as the main quest, and honestly, most sidequests in this game offer meager rewards (outside of a few exceptions). I felt like I needed to complete these for the best story experience, but instead they felt like mini missions I needed to check off just to say I did them. By the end, the story will conclude with them by my side, whether or not I helped them, just with different dialogue reminding me that when this is over, I can still go back and help them.
This is where I wish the game tried to copy RDR2 a bit more. In that game, mandatory missions also included ones where you get to know/help members of your camp. The main story is a lot longer than GOT, but by the end, you are really attached to these people and it's the more painful when someone dies or leaves. I would rather this game have a longer main story where these side tales were more naturally integrated into the main story, so then I could both know that helping these people was part of that main story, and I could appreciate the characters more. What I got here were tons of icons on the map that I often felt too overwhelmed to do, left the game to play something else, until finally a couple months ago I committed more time to just finishing the main story and ignoring everyone else. I thought the main story had a great ending and I look forward to completing the DLC island at a later date.
Overall, this is an excellent game with wonderful gameplay, graphics, atmosphere, and main story/characters. Unfortunately, it falls into many traps that open world games often do, and I wish the developers prioritized the main story to be more integrated with the characters, as opposed to them being side content that you could totally skip. The game overall has a great heart and I am glad I finally beat it, I unfortunately do not see myself doing a new game of it anytime soon, however.
submitted by idontknowyet to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:21 ThirdDrowSon 25/F/USA - Searching for Snack Pals (and also Regular Pals)

Hi all, I’m a not-so recent art graduate working an unexciting but stable clerical office job. I’m located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and am looking mainly for snail mail pen pals to write to and exchange little regional snacks with (email to start, and if we feel comfy with each other then we can exchange addresses!). I’m open to any gender, anywhere in the world (especially international and outside of my region in general) but no one under the age of 20 please! I speak English and the tiniest bit of Japanese (maybe N5 level-ish).
Aa stated earlier, I have an art degree. In school, I focused mainly on motion graphics and package design but since graduating I’ve been illustrating and making little zines as a hobby, and I’d love to be able to swap zines and other art with people! My main non-art hobby is playing video games- I’m not married to a particular genre and play a pretty wide range of games, from Animal Crossing to Baldur’s Gate 3 to Phasmophobia. I also love listening to Vocaloid/VSynth music, trying random baking recipes, and sewing. I have a Bichon Frise who is a little over 8 months and very photogenic! And as my username suggests, I like DnD Forgotten Realms lore (although I've played more Pathfinder than DnD).
Additionally, I know the basics of HTML/CSS, and I’m learning 3D art, JavaScript, Python, and Godot and would love to make my own game one day. If anybody has similar learning goals and wants an accountabilibuddy then hit me up!
submitted by ThirdDrowSon to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:53 Potential-Lack-5185 Does the Bridgerton world feel unrealized and clunkily created to anyone else? World Building needs work for a more rich and exciting universe.

EDIT: Been reading reading all the comment and replies. .I don't want this post to be interpreted as a white people bad brown people good thing. .but just open up a discussion open for all whatever your skin color etc on how the world could be better fleshed out's not so much me saying it's some white people conspiracy to not get the brown black people culture correct or at all..I'm saying good well fleshed out worlds for all ethnicities would just simply make the world richer and more exciting from a storytelling standpoint and pep up this otherwise by the numbers regency romance show.
I really want to get into the show cuz I feel like Shonda Rhimes' staunch sticking to diversity stand is really changing things..everywhere not just in the US and I want her shows to do well to keep getting extended and for her to keep creating this inclusive beautiful worlds. I've had so many of my own internalized ideas of beauty etc tested and transformed just by the power of her work and the chemistry of the casts on her shows.
Her work makes a difference. But bridgerton just doesn't do a good job in world has a very airy not tethered quality to it. I'm always surprised by how many fans the show has as evidenced by the sub. But I was wondering, what can the show do to get better.
Like I feel like surely the showrunner keeps some tabs on critiques maybe not. But worth tossing around some thoughts on what the show could do for future seasons to create a better more exciting show
The way the show includes diversity in their version of regency england is so clunkily done- from the names of South Asian characters sharmas and Malhotra which are such modern Indian's like the bridgertons being called the jones -es or the featheringons being the Millers or brown-s or Johnson-s. Especially since the show also muddles the origins of the sharmas their surname says North India, but they call their dad appa which is a term for father from the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu-the same place incidentally Simone ashleys parents originate from.
Even the wedding rituals are not region specific. I hate the way they've dealt with diversity in the show..not because the period reimagining is bad in and of itself- it's actually kind of genius but because its not been done with any care or research or real eye for clear world building and therefore feels shoe horned in.
I'd like to understand how for example for the danburys and Charlotte their entry into the world was an experiment that sort of integration of society but then these Indian sharmas are kind of normal on par with other English nobles. Was the experiment limited to people of African origin or did it cover all colonized and enslaved populations. What is this world period. There are some whispers and ideas but nothing clear in the vision.
what was South Asia in that time a colony a free state what were these people considered...were Indian nobles on par with English nobels..whats the dealio with the the black origin nobles in bridgerton. Why was integrating them an experiment as in queen Charlotte. What was this dam experiment that is alluded to period. Was it slaves to non slaves was it just these people were not on par with white counterparts but not exactly enslaved.
Anyway holding out hope to see more kate and Anthony and maybe a real introduction of kates culture not some token emblems in her clothes and such which really looks watered down and strange. If societies were diffrent then and not the colonial world that was most of Asia and Africa, why would kate completely absorb the clothing style of her husband's country...why is she wearing these period gowns in season 2, why not a sari. Likes it's all so confusing. The premises of the show when it first released felt so audacious and daring and brave and poigannr to me a world where colonialism didn't happen where the world respects the culture the clothing the traditions the food of all the world equally..there's no weird eugenics ideas of racial superiority..cuz the world was like that a time..but they don't do much to show that
Does anyone else feel the same way .that the Bridgerton universe feels incoherent and either they should never have made an attempt to explain it or if they did since they did.. really clarified how it works.
There's a laziness and lack of care to everything in bridgerton which is so diffrent from Shonda Rhimes' earlier shows none of which were like super researched prestige dramas but where there always WAS a clarity to the vision which is definitely lacking in bridgerton and in the other Netflix show queen Charlotte and inventing Anna too under her production house too.
The costume designers and set designers of bedugerton talk about giving hints of kates culture in the decor of the study and in her clothes in the show and discussions that took place with showrunner about how much wass too much. And I ask why was anything too much if this is an integrated universe and not real regency england where the ideas of culture and superior inferior culture colonisim impacts don't exist. They say they tried to show hints of Kate culture in the wedding jewellery in season 2 the bangles but why hints ..if this version of bridgerton was set in a non colonial integrated world why did kate sharma wear a western wedding dress what's the whole vibe why did her mother who's spent countless years with her and her sister in India-her sister especially never having lived in England wear a western wedding dress. Why were there no guests wearing a saree. The world is just bizarre and not well thought out. Either they should have made an all white show which ii wouldnt have minded but when they decided to flip the script so to speak and make a very diffrent regency and sprinkled ethnic names allusions of ethnic culture and even went so far to say that actually there was a time before things were differenr why does the show feel so western slanted still with the only diversity being the casting.
Honestly I don't mind not including real cultural aspects but bridgerton's world doesn't seem fully realised and I feel like them taking the stance of integration is working against them cuz then they didn't fully explore it like went all in. I hope the writers push themselves..even a fluffy romance show can have some care put into setting up it's world especially if it's a spin on or a flip on real england in regency.
Make these people of Asian descent have Asian surnames, real Asian surnames from the time of regency same for South Asians and African origin characters show diffrent clothing not spins on regency with touches of individual cultures South Asian or east Asian..go all in..otherwise the inclusive and diversity is just pointless. Otherwise the world feels as white slanted and western slanted as ever with the token tag of being a diverse world. It's so not. and the inconsistences feel especially bizarre if you look a little closely and because unlike Shonda Rhimes' other shows the pacing and writing isn't as good, the narrative and world building inconsistences stand out even more or at least it does to me as a poc maybe not a universal feeling..for example the two filippinko characters introduced this year on the show one a featherington husband have English names like basilio and barnell. A world in which some people have traditional albeit not period correct names like Malhotra and sharma for the South Asians but English names for Filippo and African origin actors is just so completely odd.
I think the show is daring ...I have seen diverse casting for other shows set in a period time or flipped casting like Gemma chan playing a regency lady, Jodi Turner Smith playing Anne boleyn but in both cases the world was the same just the casting flipped but this show attempts something more interesting..a world where India Africa, East asia etc existed but existed as equals with the western world..and travel happened.
submitted by Potential-Lack-5185 to BridgertonRants [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:58 no1inabakumorifan (canon) inabakumori tierlist

(canon) inabakumori tierlist submitted by no1inabakumorifan to inabakumori [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:45 scatteredflesh Essay on the influence of music on the narrative of ’Kids’ (1995)

'Kids' (1995) by director Larry Clark is a drama film (with elements of 'mockumentary') about a group of young people and their wild lifestyle as 'skaters'. This essay aims to analyze the perceived authenticity of the film, especially how the use of music reinforces this aspect and how the music is used to comment on the characters' lifestyles and destinies, which is often delivered with ironic undertones. The subculture to which the main characters belong forms the basis of the aesthetics (and to some extent the themes) of the film. Skateboard culture as a theme is reflected in the film's soundtrack, which is centered around the genres of punk rock and hip-hop, which were the music genres most popular in the subculture of 90s New York where the film is set. Jazz and other more traditional music is also used in the film, however, most of the songs on the official soundtrack are by Lou Barlow and John Davis under the name Folk Implosion. The music in the film consists to some extent of already existing music, which means that it can best be classified as a 'compilation soundtrack'. It is worth noting that its official soundtrack (as it was released in physical format and now on streaming services) only contains the non-diegetic songs from the film which mainly consists of Folk Implosion's original music composed for this particular film, and also includes songs that did not make it to the final cut of the film. Hip-hop music is predominantly used diegetically in the film, while guitar-based music is more often used non-diegetically. The film has been the subject of widespread controversy, largely due to its reception as a documentary film and the young age of the cast. Although over time, the film has been washed clean of the rumor that it would be an actual documentary. Lately, accusations of exploitation have resurfaced with the release of the documentary 'We were once kids' (2021), where several of the actors recount what it was like to be involved in the production and how things went for them after the film was completed. The many interviewed actors claim that they lived a similar lifestyle to the roles they played and they accuse the director of exploiting this. The problematic nature of this aside, it is interesting how the perceived authenticity of the film (to the point of being rumored to be a documentary) was achieved by the actors' closeness to the characters they played and the identity belonging to their actual lifestyles, which has strong connections to the music. The film's authenticity could therefore be considered so tangible that one could argue that it is in a borderland between reality and fiction, which is reinforced by the film's soundtrack. A Washington Post article (5/8 1995) mentions that the director wanted to create a sense of the audience following the characters without their knowledge, like a "fly on the wall", suggesting that the intention was to create a sense of authenticity. In another article by The Guardian (22/6 2017) it is mentioned that many of the movie scenes come from the screenwriter Harmony Korine's own life, and he himself was the same age as and personally familiar with many of the young actors when the movie was made. Furthermore, according to an interview by Stereogum (21/7/2015) with main composer Lou Barlow (under the name Folk Implosion), the young screenwriter was a big fan of his music even before the film was made. It is not difficult to imagine, although no source confirms this, that the young friends would have played the music of Lou Barlow's various bands in each other's company, just as they do in the film under such circumstances. All of this adds to the film's authenticity, which is strongly linked to the use of music in the film. In an interview on the Soundtrack Your Life podcast (23/1/2023), Barlow mentions that he was involved early in the film's process and had corresponded with the screenwriter before the film was produced. Barlow credits the good reception of the soundtrack to the fact that it was created in an "organic" way, where Barlow and his collaborator John Davis were given more or less free rein by the director and the film's "music supervisor" Randall Poster. According to Barlow, the only requirement was that Korine wanted a song by Daniel Johnston and one of the band Slint in the film. In the interview in Stereogum (21/7 2015) it is also mentioned that the idea behind this was, according to the screenwriter and director, that they wanted an external "reaction" to the film's scenes, which Barlow and Davis wrote songs about during the film's production stage. In the same interview, Barlow mentions that he and Davis were deeply interested in textures and samples in music during this time, and therefore mixed in samples and used experimental methods to evoke different textures for the film's music. In the aforementioned documentary 'We Were Once Kids' (2021), an old friend of the actors in the film, who was also offered a role in the film, is also interviewed. She refused because she interpreted the script as deeply misogynistic and as a result never saw the film out of principle. It is not difficult to imagine that such an interpretation can be made without having seen the film, especially considering the music, which is sometimes the only thing that adds ironic undertones to the film's scenes. Towards the end of the film, the music is also used to portray the male leads (with their toxic view of women) as antagonists. This is a kind of testament to the power of music over the narrative of films - something a script cannot communicate, and interpretations without this perspective are doomed to be shallow and in some cases completely misguided. The use of hip-hop as party music could be considered as a strengthening of the perceived authenticity of the film and provides a foundation for relatability in terms of the subcultural belonging of the characters (of course it also affects the pace of the scenes). In addition to this, hip-hop does not seem to be used to comment on the narrative in the same way as the other music, and therefore the use of hip-hop in particular is not explored further in this essay. Ironic themes (which is central to the use of music, in addition to the use of hip-hop in particular) are particularly problematic to perform analysis of without describing what is happening in the image, so to facilitate an discernible analysis, the narrative of the scenes is summarized in flowing text together with the analysis. The first time music is heard is at the end of the film's first, perhaps most controversial, scene. The song titled 'Daddy Never Understood' by Folk Implosion contrasts with its explosive expression against the slow tempo of the introduction scene. The intimate soundscape of the softly delivered dialogue and Telly's non-diegetic monologue about the pleasures of taking virginity is abruptly interrupted by the song's intro consisting of rough textured shrill guitar playing. The action of the scene is said to have at least as shocking an effect on many spectators as the music, as it portrays an underage couple having unprotected sex in cynically emphasized circumstances. It emerges later in the film that one of the sexual partners, which is one of the main characters Telly, carries the HIV virus. When the music is introduced, about four minutes into the film, the camera focuses on the couple's strained facial expressions; in the girl's case pain and in Telly's case pleasure. This contrasts with their previous gentle and loving facial expressions. The fast punk song is also used here to emphasize the suddenly increasing tempo of the scene, and its obnoxious textures set an exclamation point to the scene's brutal climax. The song's suitability as an introduction to the upcoming action could be considered to lie in the idea of ​​giving a first impression of the film as an extreme and startling experience; the music reinforces this with its explosive expression, which makes it hard to digest for most audio-spectators. The electric guitar at the beginning of the song uses a spasmodic slide technique to produce something that can be described more as a texture or grinding noise than music. The hyper-aggressiveness is enhanced by the singer's screaming vocal technique. The frantic pace of the song is slowed down a notch when the violin is introduced; this is a very unusual instrument in the punk genre, which can therefore be considered as an additional way to cement the film's counter-cultural spirit (it opposes the expectations of all possible target groups). Furthermore, the textural contrast between the violin and other instrumentation can be considered to allude to the contrast between society's view of innocence (purity, as represented by the young girl in the first scene) in contrast to the view of AIDS in the United States during the same period (taint, as represented by Telly when he infects her with HIV). The almost sadistic quality of the melody played by the guitar could be described as mocking the fragile violin, or assaulting the plaintive violin. Another interpretation could be that the punk attitude of the song (apart from the violin) represents the stereotypically rebellious identity of teenagers, and in this interpretation the violin becomes an expression of the insecurity that lies beneath the hard surface of many rebellious teenagers. Even the lyrics have certain connotations to the upcoming action: "Daddy never understood that I was up to no good". The parents of the young people are rarely seen in the film (and in the only case where one of the characters' mothers is seen, she is unconcerned with their frivolous schemes) and many of them are portrayed as orphans, something the actors mention in the documentary 'We were once kids' (2021) was common in their real-life friendships and in New York in general during the first half of the 90s. The song also acts as a bridge between the intro and the main plot, and in the image a slide show with the names of the actors is visible. In the next scene, the film's only recurring theme is played, a rock song with a mysterious feel entitled "Jenny's Theme". However, the character Jenny is not introduced until about five minutes later into the film. The music is consistently used non-diegetically and has a sense of foreboding; the spectator does not yet understand how the music is connected to Jenny, from which the song gets its title. The song is heard again halfway through the film, and only then is it directly connected to Jenny, who in this scene is trying to get hold of her mother to tell her that she has tested positive for HIV (which is a result of her previous relationship with Telly). Here, the audience is reminded, with the help of the recurring music, of the intro scene where Telly has unprotected sex with a young girl who is now also very likely infected. Jenny has only had one sexual partner so far, which is Telly. About ten minutes later the theme is played again and here again it is used as a reminder of the virus that Telly is spreading, as the song is played as he meets yet another young virgin whom he will later infect. Diegetic music often appears in the film and the first time this happens is when the main characters Telly and his best friend Casper enter a party in a run-down apartment. In this case, 'Traneing in' is played by John Coltrane, which is a jazz composition, a genre that bears certain connections to New York and the intense city life where the film takes place. The scene takes place in parallel with another party scene, which introduces many of the female characters in the film (among which is one of the main characters, Jenny). The diegetic music of the girls room contrasts with what the boys listen to and this can be considered an ironic comment on gender roles. The song is 'In 3's' by the Beastie Boys, a New York-based band that reached the mainstream at the time with their mix of hip-hop and punk, however this song belongs to a genre sometimes called porn groove (the slow funk sound often found in porn -films from the 70s). The young women share stories about their first sexual experiences and the traumas related to this with each other. Virginity is a central theme in the film, particularly how virgins are an object of lust and desire for the young men. This is contrasted with the women's experiences; they deal with their traumas with the help of irony as they laugh at (or perhaps with) each other's misadventures. The irony in their approach can be compared to how the stereotypically sexual music contrasts with the significantly more "sophisticated" song selection from the guys' party, which adds an additional layer of irony to the scene's thematic relationship to gender roles and sexual identity. Irony was an important component of 90s youth cultures (compared to today's post-irony) and previous research suggests that irony is used as a way to deal with trauma as reflective practice (Putnam et al., 2016:76). The two songs stand out from most of the film's other music, which otherwise is usually more culturally appropriate for the subculture the young characters belong to. The next scene where diegetic music appears is when Telly and Casper are on the New York subway where a busker is playing 'Danny Boy', a song popular at American-Catholic funerals. The two teenagers comment sarcastically on the street musician's rendition of the Catholic lament which can be seen as a foreshadowing of Telly's inevitable onset of AIDS. However, at this point in the film, Telly is still unaware that he is carrying the infection. Here, too, there are ironic undertones delivered through the music's relationship to the dialogue, which comments on the youth's trivialized view of life and death; they are aware of (as is discussed on several occasions in the film) the at the time rapidly spreading HIV virus, but they do not take the pandemic very seriously and in some cases even deny the very existence of the virus. In other words, this could be considered a reference to the stereotype of young men's carelessness and the stereotypically juvenile image of themselves as immortal - they laugh at the prospect of mortality, a concept which the funeral piece symbolizes. The ignorance and carelessness of youth again becomes a theme related to the music in the film's most violent scene, in this case the song "Casper the Friendly Ghost" (1983) is played by 'outsider music' profile Daniel Johnston. Johnston's performance has an amateurish charm that adds an almost childish feel to the song we hear (combined with the children's book reference of the lyrics) which can be considered to give an ironic nod to the bloodlust of the young people in the scene. The ruthless violence contrasted with the lighthearted and innocent tone of the music is mixed with the sounds of battle cries from the youth giving the scene its distinctly ironic tone. The lyrics refer to the main character's name, which in this scene could hardly be considered particularly "friendly". In a later scene, the character Casper lies clothed in an empty bathtub surrounded by his knocked-out teenage friends, drunkenly singing an improvised song that also references the children's books about Casper the Friendly Ghost. This could be considered another reference to the contrast between the innocence of childhood and the sins of adolescence when Casper, in his alcoholized state, blurts out his own name in reference to this poltergeist and children's movie character. In one of the film's final scenes, where Telly goes to bed with another very young virgin while Jenny tries to reach him to tell him that he carries the HIV virus, a simple rock beat is played accompanied by the sound of howling wolves. The symbolism the music brings puts Telly in a well-defined negative light for the first time in the film - he manifests the sampled wolf from the music they hear at the party. The sound of howling wolves has cultural associations with danger (or an imminent threat), to compare with the English saying "a wolf in sheep's clothing" - the charming girl charmer Telly with dubious intentions. In the next, Jenny is seen under the influence of drugs in an elevator, and here the signal of the elevator (which signals the passing of each floor) syncopates with the mysterious prog-rock music. This borderland between non-diegetic and diegetic sounds adds to the psychedelic feel of the scene. The scene culminates in the film's climax, where Jenny finally finds Telly in bed with the now HIV-infected 13-year-old girl, and from here the music falls silent until the film's final scene. The last fatal scene shows their mutual friend Casper sexually assaulting Jenny, who is passed out in her drug-induced state, and thus all three main characters have been infected with the HIV virus. The silence adds to the rawness of this emotionally heavy, serious and fateful scene. The plot of the film ends with a monologue from Telly about how he finds meaning in life through sex with virgins, also here without music. When the action of the film is over, the song 'Raise the Bells' by Folk Implosion is played together with a montage of images from the streets of New York, a texture-heavy and simple soundscape with an upsetting feeling. In the scenes, which appear to have been recorded from the window of a moving car, a mixture of people can be seen in different situations, mostly in tragic states. The music is the only thing heard in the montage and its warm, almost nostalgic yet sad atmosphere gives the montage a weight and the lack of lyrics could be considered to give the viewer a chance to reflect on what has just been witnessed. It also puts the city of New York in a larger context, where tragic fates such as those of the main characters are compared to others of the city's inhabitants. During the credits, the song 'Spoiled' by Sebadoh is played, which is one of Barlow's many aliases. The music is used without ironic undertones in comparison to much of the other music; the lyrics are instead an explicit comment on the characters' fates, which reinforces the feeling that Telly finally sees his life for what it really is for the first time in the film - without a distancing ironic filter. “Spoiled children soon to fall Freedom is the lie we live We will wait for tragedy And scatter helpless to the fire Sorry for ourselves Sorry for the things we've seen No one cries for help Waiting for the fire When all our toys are broken All these empty urges must be satisfied…” ‘Spoiled’ by Sebadoh To summarize, Kids (1995) is a film about the consequences of living a teenage life without parental supervision and about how a lack of education about sexually transmitted diseases led to the AIDS epidemic in New York in the 90s. The film, on the other hand, is far from a stereotypical propaganda film on the subject, and instead uses realism and the "shock factor" to draw the attention of the audience and the public to the topic at hand. This is reflected in the film's soundtrack, which is used realistically (the diegetic music) and to comment on the youth's fate, often with undertones of cynical irony (the non-diegetic music). Overall, the relationship between music and other sound feels natural, and is not used in a way that contradicts established conventions. That being said, this film is not a typical Hollywood film, and the music is not used to guide the viewer through the inner feelings of the characters as is the Hollywood practice. Whether the music is above or subordinate to the dialogue differs from one scene to another in the film, most of the time the dialogue is clear and the times where there is no dialogue the music takes over completely (e.g. the montage scene). The non-diegetic music is in some cases used over several scenes, e.g. Jenny's Theme which on a couple of occasions plays from a scene with Telly and Casper to a separate scene with Jenny, bridging their separate narratives and recalling their relationships. At the film's highlights or most intimate scenes, for example in the intro, at the end and where Jenny is at the youth clinic, no music is used. The music starts after the climax itself in scenes like these, which could be considered to enhance the perceived intimacy and seriousness of the scenes. The music that comes after these scenes can instead be considered as a comment on what the spectator has just witnessed, as a reaction, which may have been the intention since the composer states in the interview with Stereogum (21/7 2015) that he was asked to react to the scenes with his music.
submitted by scatteredflesh to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:42 NgryYellow Letters from Tiger Bay

Well, let me start by saying that yes, AI is sometimes broken in many ways... BUT:
Yesterday we gathered together as a squad of 3. Some of us had the "Unnamed" mission, some had the "UNRLA" one, another one had "Aye Aye Captain". So we geared up heavily, and proceed to call a bird to India 2. We knew the fucjing town is a murder hole so there was not a single slot on our backpacks that were not filled with either ammo or meds.
The initial plan was to get around the first UNLRA camp, and to cut into the the passage beside the rock that gets down to the big UNRLA tent on the refugee camp. However, once arriving at Tiger Bay we heard gunfights at the main entrance, and devided to support a Lamang fellow (he did not seem to need us anyway). He asked for bullets and a quick glance to the main road told us why. Docena of local bodies were lying there. We shared and we decided to change our initial approx, taking advantage of the cleared path he provided. Things went south from here.
We spotted the piers and tried to clear them out, planning ahead for the "aye aye Captain mission". The second we drop two of them, a storm of bullets flew on our general direction (some bandages were needed but no casualties). Two minutes after, the voices of the locals were all around us. We fortified on the restaurant and they came from all directions. I ve told my mates what the place was about but they did not expect that much. We survived, but our ammo and meds were already cut in half. We pushed down the alley towards UNLRA and we took some shots, but managed to reach the tent, complete the mission, heal, and continue towards the end of the pier where "Aye aye captain was also completed" I do not know why, the boys relaxed at that point, I was yelling at them to seek for cover even if we were not being shot at the moment, they did not listen. An isolated bullet found a place on one of my mates had the effect on the other one that my words were not able to inflict. He finally took cover. We were pinned down between the metal containers of refugee camp for 30 minutes straight.
It was a fucking storm, half Tiger Bay was rushing us. My mate took severe damage. We tried to run out of refugee camp, but for three times we only made it 10 meters away before being pushed back to cover again. A lot of them were hidding in the bushes. I insisted my squad before that we do not engage in the open, specially on the woods or bushes, the locals have the advantage there. We managed to vault a little concret wall, hipfired two locals that we did not expect there and ran into a garage near the restaurant on the northwest side of Tiger Bay. But we were on a real bad bad situation. The garage had 2 entrances and a door on the back. I opened the door on the back and it got stuck, so 3 entrances. My mate had lost a lot of blod despite having used all his bloodpacks and mine. The dizziness from it prevented him of being able to assit me whem containing the push of the enemy, that never really stopped.
Then we heard some supressed shots nearby and inmediately recognized the sound of an mk18. These locals rarely used NATO guns so that were finally some good news. The reincarnation of our first fallen comrade came to aid. He'd ran across half Tiger Bay, found us on the garage, and brought tons of ammo and meds. He did really saved our lives. We patched up our wounds, recover from the bloodloss and, together, we pushed through the last streets towards the "Unnamed" spot. A little bit more of CQB and clearing some streets on our way out and we were able to exfil on Juliet 1.
This was, a 3 straight hours operation. This, this was awesome. English is not my main and trying to express the emotions and the feels of it would be difficult for me even in my language. But this fucking game is something else. Yes the AI is broken in some ways but, if you play the game fearing for your life... This adds to the thrill of combat. Yes AI is not fair, war never is. Yes sometimes they one tap you, death not always gives you the heads up. Yea I think AI could use some love from the devs, but until they can figure out a way of making them fair while keeping this difficulty (in my opinion, and I do not need for anyone to agree) they can keep it this way.
The experience I had yesterday is (again, in my experience) unique in the genre. A big THX to the devs for providing this.
submitted by NgryYellow to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:04 Purple_Story8157 Ahem, PMCC 4th watch.

"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (English)
"Tandaan ninyo ito: ang nagtatanim ng kakaunti ay aani ng kakaunti, at ang nagtatanim naman ng marami ay aani ng marami. Ang bawat isa'y dapat magbigay ayon sa sariling pasya, maluwag sa loob at di napipilitan lamang, sapagkat iniibig ng Diyos ang kusang nagbibigay nang may kagalakan." - 2 Taga-Corinto 9:6-7 (Tagalog)
"Pero esto digo: El que siembra escasamente, también segará escasamente; y el que siembra generosamente, generosamente también segará. Cada uno dé como propuso en su corazón: no con tristeza, ni por necesidad, porque Dios ama al dador alegre." - 2 Corintios 9:6-7 (Spanish)
"Sore sukunaku maku mono wa sukunaku kari, ōku maku mono wa ōku karubeshi. Onōno oshimu koto naku,-kyō hite suru koto naku, sono kokoro ni sadameshigotoku seyo. Kami wa yorokobite atae furu hito o aishi-kyū eba nari" - 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (Japanese)
Mukhang hindi yata ito binabasa sa divine worship dahil puro pera na lang ang bukambibig ng mga pastor at ministro ng ika-apat na pagpupuyat. Even the Bible itself speaks against them. Purihin ang Panginoon.
submitted by Purple_Story8157 to ExKultoPH [link] [comments]