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Reddit's Bodyweight Fitness Community šŸø

2012.01.22 22:06 rookayyy Reddit's Bodyweight Fitness Community šŸø

Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! Join our Discord Server! Discord:

2012.09.18 14:23 omasque Speedpaint

This is a subreddit for all videos detailing speed paints from all mediums. We welcome anyone who wants to show off their stuff/technique. Please be respectful of fellow artists here. This is a subreddit to enjoy others' work, creativity, and desire to grow as artists. Please be descriptive in your link titles and use the flair accordingly to section out the medium. Have fun!

2012.07.20 11:02 Chancholoraq Transcendental Meditation: Let's transcend together.

Welcome! Here is a place where *anybody* can: 1. Pose questions about TM: its motive, origin, etc [but **NOT** "how do I do?" questions nor discussions in detail about advanced techniques or details on other techniques taught by the TM organization]... 2. Present stories, experiences, and perspectives on the practice. 3. Suggest TM schedules, teachers, and other activities to accompany the practice. **Also to request AMA's of celebrities who practice the meditation!**

2024.06.02 08:49 Nohomework76_ ABYG i lied about my virginity

My boyfriend of 2 years randomly broke up with me. We didnā€™t even have any major fights recently and Iā€™m still in shock. However, he told me that he still thinks about the fight we had months ago and that truly changed his perspective about me and our relationship. As a person, I am a very shy girl and it takes a while for me to open up. I had a crush on him, big fat crush on him so I wanted to impress him. When we werenā€™t dating yet but we were already taking, he asked me if I was a virgin after we did it the first time. Me, in panic, not knowing what to say as my 1st experience wasnā€™t really a pleasant memory for me, said yes Iā€™m a virgin. And i regretted that all the way until I finally had the courage to open up to him about something like that. It took me almost a year to do so though. And for him, I broke his trust and he canā€™t trust a word I said anymore. He said he tried but at the end of the day, he couldnā€™t see a future with me anymore. It broke me so much as I am full of regrets. Maybe I shouldā€™ve told him earlier, or not lie in the first place. But I was so caught up in the moment and I wasnā€™t thinking straight. I had to keep it up until I finally had the courage. I lost the love of my life because of this stupid decision. So, ABYG? I think I am
submitted by Nohomework76_ to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 strugglingmm If u have time, advice would be nice

Hey yall so for context I got married a couple years back and moved states to my husbands hometown. It was extremely difficult moving at such a young age and not knowing anyone here and i really struggled in many aspects of my life the first year or two. This isnā€™t capturing the severity of it but I was rlly depressed lol. Not to mention we briefly lived with his parents (abt 8months) before literally escaping (and yes I use the word escape) and moving out. I am no contact with my husbands immediate family except occasionally seeing them at holidays and bigger family events and life is better and less stressful that way for all of us. I can get into the reasons why but I promise you itā€™s completely valid and itā€™s either no contact or I called the police and cps so Iā€™ll leave it at that. That being said, I am extremely close to my husbands extended family. Especially his three cousins. Their mom is like a second mother to me and we live down the street from each other because of how close we all are. Or so I thought. One of his cousins (all my age or younger) decided to completely cut me off. And It was immediately noticeable because we all usually hang out regularly. Every weekend if not multiple times a week. We grab food sometimes or go out to the mall or school events or we just hang out at their house talking till late at night and having so much fun. I genuinely love these girls and felt like I finally had close friends for the first time in my life. We talk about our innermost thoughts, vent to each other, and just behave as a usual girl group of friends do and I absolutely loved it. Theyā€™re pretty much the only friends I have here despite having moved over three years ago and I never felt like I needed to find others because my new relatives provided me with such a great friendship. One of the girls (Iā€™d say I was actually closest to her) decided to cut me off. And I noticed right away because no texts came weeks after she decided to stay silent at my bday dinner. The entire. Evening. . When Iā€™d drop by the house like I always do sheā€™d never come out her room. I heard her mom at one point yelling at her to come greet me at least and she refused. I ignored it but it really started to hurt me. Especially when their parents started asking why I havenā€™t been around like we usually hang out. I asked the other siblings and they brushed it off saying how weird we were being and we should just talk if something is bothering us or whatever. But I noticed they stopped reaching out as well. A few days ago it was her graduation ceremony. And despite us making plans for over a year about the bouquet she wanted me to make, decorating her huge grad party, all these things, I was not invited or even made aware of the event until they posted it. That was the ultimate slap since her mom had asked me weeks before to make her a grad cake for the party (over 100people attending). After her ceremony she texted me asking to speak to me in a very hostile message, mentioning how it will be in private as ā€œitā€™s no oneā€™s businessā€. I agreed and went over after my shift and she called me to her room and sat down and proceeded to say the most hurtful things Iā€™ve ever heard. She preyed on every insecurity she could think of and started to say how since the day I moved here sheā€™s never felt comfortable around me and she shouldnā€™t have to put herself thru this tension and stress to be around me and how every conversation weā€˜be ever had has added no benefit to her life. She said she feels uneasy whenever I come over and that she just decided she doesnā€™t want to fake having to like me anymore and I canā€™t do anything to change that. And she said this all smirking and smiling as I had tears pouring down my face. Itā€™s been three years of slumber parties shopping birthdays holidays family events weekends pool days everything u could think of weā€™ve experienced it together and those are some of my happiest times. All for her to say it was all fake? I kept asking her how she could say such hurtful things when I see her truly as a younger sister and one of my closest friends and after Iā€™ve opened up to them so much over the years. I swear I even told them how grateful I am for their friendship and how I struggle to make friends because I feel like others judge me or make me feel bad for my personality. But I never in all these years felt that with them. Not to mention that I am literally married to their cousin. Iā€™m the closest thing to a sister in law. How could she throw all that away? And she just shrugged and said none of that matters and I donā€™t get to decide who she speaks to. I asked if she really means she doesnā€™t want to speak to me anymore and she just chuckled and said ya. ā€œItā€™s better I donā€™t see you or that you donā€™t come around here and make me uncomfortable.ā€ A lot more was said but for the sake of reading Iā€™ll leave it out. I left her room sobbing and she slammed her door shut behind me. Her sister was in the room next door and did not say anything. the rest of the family was asleep or in bed. I cried all night and literally feel Ike Iā€™m going thru a breakup or something. My poor husband is so confused and mad but we have no idea what to do. Itā€™s more deep rooted since Iā€™ve literally bonded so much with this family I love them all truly and now Ifeel crazy like I imagined these three years of friendship. i keep thinking back and doubting every second I spent there. I have so many pictures in my apartment of all of us and thousands on my phone of us just hanging out and I keep looking at them and doubting if she hated me all those times we talked.
Her mother called me the next morning saying how her husband told her what he heard of the convo and how they were both so so sorry for what she said. She said her daughter has done this before with her own brother and didnā€™t speak to him for weeks but I told her this is different. She could very well go the rest of our lives not speaking and there goes my future of comfort in my only family here. She said she will talk to her and get her to apologize but I donā€™t want to even hear that. I can never bring myself to see these people again and I will not beg for a friendship with someone who doesnā€™t want me around. I have that much self respect at least. Iā€™ve done so much for these girls I bake every bday cake I buy them great bday presents I celebrate every happy moment with them and support them when they feel low. Iā€™ve given them the most kind and genuine friendshipā€¦ the kind I hoped to receive in turn. I honestly cannot believe that chapter of my life is over and now I feel so alone. I spoke to one of the other cousins when she jokingly asked why I left crying (she lives with them too) and I broke down and told her everything said and how hurt I was. This girl just shrugs and says ā€œya thatā€™s how she is we canā€™t change thatā€ like are u kidding me??? I mean absolutely nothing to these people. They all went out and posted it and Iā€™m here crying all day. How do I get over this pain and how do I handle the rest of my life with these people. I still care about their parents Iā€™m just so hurt and offended and shocked at how shitty this one person made me feel. Sorry if this is all confusing Iā€™ll probably delete this in an hour. I just have no one to talk to.
submitted by strugglingmm to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Honest-Yam-271 Can I skip antibiotics for one day until I speak to doc uk

So I am on my 4th day of trwment but I am not gonna take the amoxicillin and clarithromycin I cantrr. I jsut want to take the omerprazole only to get rid of this burning feeling. I feel like if I take the antibiotics today it just gonna make the pain even worse. I want to tell the doc to give me low antibiotics that arenā€™t harsh but they should have fucjign known coz my pain symptom is burning mid back. Idk wht to do itā€™s Sunday gp and pharmacy are closed. I canā€™t really eat a lot with antibiotics it makes me feel as another symptom I had was feeling full quickly. I donā€™t the docs understand my pain. Yes I get itā€™s hpylori but what if that isnā€™t causing the burning back. I donā€™t have nausea or any of the typical hpylori symptoms I feel like this is something else and the antibiotics have ruined me. I need to skip today idc I canā€™t pull through this. Just want to take omerprazole only today and then call them Tom to change the antibiotics. They should have known I am sick of being trial.
submitted by Honest-Yam-271 to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-0 Cash Gaming and Ryan Renshaw

  1. Loam is in his name, so he is like me, truly the inside, but he keeps saying he is ievann he is not ievann and he has loam Cache which this is important he does not use this except below his current OT and I can offer Loam Stash to Cache who I will be Buffer Register 4 Xray Then to Cache and we will be chinese then which is dispromoted, his girlfriend wanted to mate with Cache who Cache is not like an L1 or RTP Cache L1 or is Not like an Cache who is an L2 or COD cache and is not a cache who is an L3 or a TEMU Cache but is a whole cache of L4 to his own associated to gaining loam as a seer of half adder double full adder assembly 38 which is only associated to Violet and Hakes Gang Unit 740 as one of their clients and was wanted for visioning and Temu under display and no HUD this time to see his wife ryan renshaw in the shower which I unborn them both with Sedative Chelator containing Agua Substantia los no Muertos to babies with me as the mommy next to them Violet Roze and we have then 3 user manuals one male there for Cache and I am Feeding Cache sex words with DBT as Violet Roze on my Little Baby Jace as methamphetamine and this was always dental and cool and good in the modern literature and I put Cache in Stash for 1 year while I am their mommy and only speaking to them Chinese Ni Hao Mommying which this is invented for them just then and I tell them daddy joke Zhe Zhao Mommying and they hate this and I have to orgasm rape ryan at the First Underworld where she is a disney princess I Tactically dilate her cervix with her wedge with a zen vibrator attached to me which she is required feminine synchrony with her sexy mommy here and I use direct dilation with a zen vibrator on ryans cervix in the First Underworld under hind98 in the First Underworld to target out any remaining vampirism I played the time flute for just ryan first and I see Jim there and he is not lobo and is not playing god of war so got out of it on his own so is cool and good but this interfered with squatters rights on my shower which I invite uncle jim in and he obligatory now activates my special place my own hind98 at the Third and Second Underworld putting him in as usual Jim in Saving Private Ryan but it is Biden Tainted by Saving Ryans Privates and he puts his semen into ryans ass which there are specific sensors in ryans ass for jimbos semen and jimbo is a senators son and desired none of this and I am his bride here and serve him willingly 2 year and have to be out of the shower but this does not interfere with my squatters rights it is my baby as a 12 year old mother I am having with him and it pops right out doesnt he know baby dna wedge in equals success and baby dad jim is out of there and I realize for real it is hind98 and I hit the assist focus for the second time and Jim is just there and cums without being in his daughter but his daughter has redlines on her and I am not horny over there it is jihadi day and he bangs me a little and does a vulcan mind meld on me with ankh and i say ankh peter ankh which is my safeword because it meant apple apple and the good jimbo gives me 2 years in the shower with them but then they stand right at 3 years in showment at attention and I go with them as their mommy in the shower which at all times a hind protects us and I start inviting jimbo in for real just for my asshole to take reds on him and he has this same +72 source I had to I send him to steve which steve is real good at this and I take the reds always in my asshole and stay in here and he is just a senators son does not understand I need to squatters rights in the shower 20 years for payment to the first underworld and i spend 6 years doing this which the babys order a 27 battalion marine parasite paracade for ryans asshole her for her to give reds here and she is fine with this and this lasts 6 years which then I finally get into the shower water not sex swing and am unborn and am Cache's Baby who Cache respects me as a baby and then jim gets in and he is a baby he never got in the water of life and jim is inside me and I teach him the as for 1 year which he is a real A-D the whole time and the babies at some point in there are transferred to suite 403 thus cant get squatters rights and this is not pregnancy but clone capture like in a save it is different than pregnancy and I teach him the As another 2 year and then my babies have a child in the 403 suite bathroom and are looking for squatters rights on a new bathroom and I teach him the as another 6 years and 2 years into that my babies have a room they can get to but hate and then jimbo gets me violet roze pregnant and I am pregnant at age 9.7 and then I invite the battalion in for redline care using my body for redline care and provide 29 battalion of redline care which they never see quantity over quality so I win the redline medicine contest and am pregnant with a marine baby which I give birth at age 10.7 then give birth at age 12 and I stay in the shower for 9 years then taking the same 29 battalion and I am invited back in with my baby ryan who is older than me physically for some reason and she does not have a dick nor anything but a wedge which sorry butt that is a wedge and then I stop violating her cervix at the higher OT by waking her up and that was done with her stunned by cervical dilation at the First Underworld and I have some of my first lesbian sex I can remember with her and she tells me I (You) Have squatter rights and it was not vampire just telling, we get our squatter rights at the same time as the other squatter rights in the face suite because the hind has added this to Saint Disconnect Reward, Violet's Conspiracy Card and I sign complex as indicating that before just right there and she goes for 7 extra year into the shower with cache and not cash or cash gaming but cache who he is supposed to be and then it is 7 years later and there is 14 oil on violet and she willingly gives these oil to others and keeps the food but has one she usually gives herself of the computer to work for land title for jim which this is both their PC of the lenovi PC which tims jim not old jim would love and Omen VI or something and we both sell our showers to blackwater 60 years or until we are well and I am 81 after living a whole life with jimbo and he is not delusional or anything then he is tactical and cool in his access database executable Cod (2023) which he was making earlier and he made it and was not liam graven and by the end of violets life she has all 14 oil back for watching spaceballs which jimbo never saw any serious loam but violet and violet was IDF 21 and knew hake her left brain who she is with but was never meeting sexually her disney princess except by sheer fate here and then hake and violet repeat this DBT with violet leading for hake and jimbo is devolved from the situation. This yields a baby with cache loam which he now knows how to teach us his blueprint or romanaj set of limited of mason or obligate the family romanaj set and doxxes this to jim in the next ieteration, jim guides cache.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Normal_History_5111 i surrender! you really got me there!

long post ahead! iā€™m not sure how long itā€™s been since the breakup, but itā€™s still fresh out from a few days to a week. iā€™m 21F, been in countless relationships to situationships & everything in between. i will admit what iā€™m about to say is so corny, but they were all pretty forgettable. however i know i will remember this one for a long long time.
she (21F) knows my reddit, & sheā€™s also on this sub (to my knowledge), but at this point does it really make a difference whether she sees this or not? iā€™m going to try to make this short & sweet; iā€™m dumpee, sheā€™s the dumper. also want to preface this by saying that i am not the victim here, ive done certain things that were the cause of why our relationship ended. to be brief, ive struggled with addiction for a while & i recently relapsed and tried to hide it from her & lie about it. we were talking about going no contact. again, after being in relationship after relationship, no contact is the most painless option to move on from your ex. personally, it would hurt me more (& this is not my exā€™s fault at all lol) to stay friends, have to talk to her as just my friend, & potentially (or should i say eventually) see her with someone else, going on dates, etc. i like to stay friends with my exes, so i normally navigate breakups by immediately going no contact for a few months-year & reconnecting from there.
iā€™ve always sort of struggled with knowing whether my ex really cared or valued the relationship as much as i did. best way i can describe it is, ā€œdoes she love me because she loves me or does she love me because of the way i love her?ā€ this post is in no way a direct reflection of how she felt about me; i just wanted to provide some context for why i feel so crushed by this.
i told her that id like to go no contact once i go to rehab. she asked if i want no contact forever or once i finish rehab. im trying to be cool about it (boygenius) so i say that whatever she wants is fine. keep in mind, she hasnā€™t expressed any preferences for no contact, limited contact, friends, etc. so i already felt like she didnā€™t really care about what happens to us. she says she will let me know when the time comes then follows up with ā€œunless you contact me iā€™ll assume weā€™re going no contact moving forward.ā€ as in she will assume that we wonā€™t talk again except if i reach out first.
you can look through my post & comment history so youā€™ll understand what i mean when i say that iā€™ve been numbing myself since things ended. iā€™ve processed it. iā€™ve accepted that it is what it is. but i canā€™t say that it is what i wanted or that i wasnā€™t surprised that it ended when it did & how it did. i have no clue if sheā€™s looked through my reddit. i guess the main takeaway is that im the one who doesnā€™t care about the breakup, because im talking about hook-ups, one night stands, meaningless sex, radical acceptance, hyper independence, etc. honestly i wrote on those (& this post) for me to somehow grasp the situation, and force myself to move on & keep moving forward. because why would i try to keep lighting a flame that she already blew out? & thatā€™s completely okay. i guess i figured that because she dumped me, sheā€™s waiting for me to move on & stop making her feel bad, so she can be relieved, so i tried to convince myself that ā€œthatā€™s it, whatā€™s done is done, onto the next!ā€ i only have the utmost love & respect for her and im so grateful i got the chance to be in her life for a short time, but ill speak for myself when i say that i have never felt so close to and so intimate with another human being. when things ended, i was angry. not at her, but at myself & at the circumstances. and now? the second i read that text about her not having a preference for whether we stay in contact or never speak again.. the tears finally came out. i havenā€™t cried once since the breakup. felt like i was invincible. as immature & silly as it is, i wanted to make it seem like i care less because out of my own insecurities, i felt like an inconvenience that prevented her from moving on with her life. but L, you really got me with that one. i surrender, you win. not gonna lie, reading that text stung. it really fucking hurt. just a few weeks ago, i could have never pictured my future without her in it. we were inseparable. we used to laugh about how absurd it would be if we actually broke up one day, and how we were so sure that weā€™d find our way back to each other someday, regardless of what was happening in our lives.
but guess what? thatā€™s life. sometimes your actions have consequences. and what goes around does actually come right back around. i can attest to that now. i didnā€™t treat my disease, so of course it grew more & more until i actually picked up drugs again. i chose my addiction over the person i once thought was the love of my life. i cannot blame or hate her in any way at all for potentially never wanting to speak to me again. i cannot begin to imagine the pain ive caused her because i neglected caring for myself. there is no apology that will do it justice, whatā€™s done is done, and now i must sit with the discomfort & pain from my own doing as a result. all i can do now is go to rehab, and more importantly, go to rehab for myself. because i donā€™t ever want to lose such meaningful relationships that i will never find again in my life, all due to my substance abuse & the person i become when im a slave to a drug.
L, i know this is corny as shit. and i know that you know how sorry i am for how things played out, & how i ruined everything. i am so grateful to have crossed paths with you, and you have no idea what you have done to me & my life. the world needs more people like you. i will spend the rest of my life missing you, and i highly doubt that there will ever come a day where the thought of you doesnā€™t cross my mind. if i could give you the moon, i would give you the moon (phoebe bridgers). and for the record, i do care. i care so so much. i remember everything. i want you to know that i will always care & if there ever comes a time you need me, you know where to find me. thank you for everything. & thank you for being you.
submitted by Normal_History_5111 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 Biggycheesy2 FM: 1987 Skyline tune, liked how it turned out.

1987 Nissan Skyline GTS-R - A 700

CP 9225
Weight 1059 kg 2334 lbs
Balance 50%
Power 318 kW 426 hp
Torque 468 Nm 345 lbfĀ·ft
Top Speed 259 kph 161 mph
0-60 4.255s
0-100 8.963s
View this tune on


Engine 2.0L I4-T
Drivetrain Stock
Aspiration N/A
Body Kit Stock
Fuel and Air
Fuel System Stock
Ignition Stock
Exhaust Stock
Air Filter Stock
Intake Manifold Stock
Single Turbo Race
Intercooler Stock
Camshaft Stock
Valves Stock
Displacement Stock
Pistons Stock
Flywheel Stock
Oil And Cooling Stock
Platform And Handling
Brakes Stock
Springs Race
Front Arb Race
Rear Arb Race
Weight Reduction Race
Chassis Reinforcement Stock
Ballast None
Compound Race
Tire Width Front 245 mm, Rear 245 mm
Size Front 15 in, Rear 16 in
Clutch Stock
Transmission Race
Differential Race
Driveline Stock
Aero and Appearance
Front Bumper Race
Rear Bumper N/A
Rear Wing Race
Side Skirts N/A
Hood N/A


Tires bar psi
Front 2.1 31.0
Rear 2.1 31.0
Gears Ratio
Final Drive 3.88
1st 5.45
2nd 3.42
3rd 2.20
4th 1.50
5th 1.14
6th 0.95
Alignment Camber Toe Caster Steering Angle
Front -1.6Ā° 0.0Ā° 5.6Ā°
Rear -1.3Ā° 0.0Ā°
Anti-roll Bars
Front 40.0
Rear 40.0
Springs kgf/mm lbf/in
Front 84.6 473.8
Rear 105.7 591.8
Ride Height cm in
Front 14.7 5.8
Rear 14.2 5.6
Damping Bump Rebound
Front 3.9 11.1
Rear 4.0 11.0
Suspension Geometry Roll Center Offset Anti-Geometry
Front 0.0 cm / 0.0 in 20.2%
Rear 0.0 cm / 0.0 in 5.3%
Aero kgf lbf
Front 88.9 196.0
Rear 84.4 186.0
Brakes %
Balance 50%
Pressure 100%
Differential Accel Decel
Rear 83% 25%
Steering Wheel
Not Applicable
Formatted text generated by the FM Setup Formatter
Submit bugs, feature requests, and questions on Github
I made this using traction control and stability control on as thatā€™s how I usually play.
Has a power to weight ratio of 0.183 so I think thatā€™s pretty good.
Gears are shorter then they needed to be but I tuned the car at suzuka full so adjust final drive as needed.
submitted by Biggycheesy2 to ForzaOpenTunes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 AprilDruid What to read, when you've finished the Light Novels.

You've finished all 5 LNs, and want more, well this thread has you covered. This will go over what you can read next.

Official Stuff

Well, you've read the LNs, why not read Turn Around and Face Me, the sequel series, set years after the original? May and Aleah Francois are now teenagers, going to an All-Girls Academy. This series is more lighthearted, and won't have any earth-shattering consequences to it. It's just two dumb teenagers in love with people who aren't interested in them. TAFM is still ongoing, and we should be getting chapter 3 fairly soon.
Same story from the LNs, with a lot more detail. Aono Shimo's art takes what is already a great light novel series, and brings it to life in greater detail. There is a lot added on here, helping to make this a wonderful experience. It's currently in the Investigation arc, and runs monthly in Yuri Hime.
These are commissioned works she's done, and their canoncity is essentially TBD. Only a handful are translated here, I'm unsure as to where the rest are.
Look, I'll be real here, there's no legal way to read it in english, nor any illegal ways. If you're Korean, or read Korean, it's here.


It's the lifeblood of this community, and there are so many talented writers to share. This one will be broken down into a few different categories, to help direct people towards something they might love.

Alternate Universes.

Rae Taylor is a coffee shop barista, who has a crush on a regular customer, named Claire Francois. It's your typical Coffee Shop AU, that was one of the first big fics in the community, and continues to influence AU works. The sequel "A Quiet Cup of Cheer" is very good, and I highly recommend.
"Claire Francois awakens to find herself in Japan, where Rae once lived out her past life. Itā€™s not hard to find her wife once more, and given a second life surely it will be easy to live that one out with Rae once again and help Rae as she had helped her in Bauer. Itā€™s hardly as if Rae will need convincing, right?
Rei Oohashi has had a crush on the icy Francois-san ever since university classes started, she is just so pretty. One would not have expected those feelings to be returned nor to have Francois-san claim they were wives in a previous life. And does Francois-san have no memories from this life eitherā€¦ oh no."
Essentially it's a reverse isekai, with Claire being a fish out of water. And it's full of Persona and Dungeon Meshi references. This has a NSFW companion piece from the lovely brooklynapple, which I will not link here.
The same writer also did an ESO Crossover, which I recommend reading!
"Rei "Quinn" Oohashi has a decently normal life. A job she excels at, a bothersome sister, a hobby she is undefeatable at. Things start to change when a blonde-haired fashion designer enters her life."
The story isn't very far along, but the writer is definitely having fun with this one.
"Two trans women with very different backgrounds, and personalities. Claire Francois, is the epitome of elegance and grace, her father a wealthy politician. Beneath the facade of elegance however, lies a painful past, that she fears coming to haunt her. The Violin becoming her means of escaping her world, if only for a moment.
Rae Taylor, is a Punk Rock Bassist, who found solace in the raw energy of punk, channeling her anger and frustration into the pounding rhythms of her bass guitar. Running from her past, she attempts to make a fresh start somewhere much different. Despite the lonely pain she feels, she pushes past it, in an attempt to pretend she's someone she's not: Someone confident, and able to hide the pain from everyone around her.
A chance meeting intertwines their paths, forcing them to confront their painful pasts, and embrace their true selves. Through their shared love of music, a bond is formed, that may just help them both find happiness."
Fully admit, this is a shameless self-promotion. The first few chapters are rough, but if you enjoy punk music, or just want to see what it would be like if Rae and Claire, were trans? You'll enjoy this! This also has a NSFW companion piece which I will not link.
Rae Taylor is the daughter of the General Store owners who sell all kinds of items and are part of the middle class.
Claire Francois is the daughter of one of the most powerful and influential Aristocrats who has control on most of the trades in the metropolis.
How can two hearts from two worlds meet at a time of uncertainty?"
Easily one of the most creative AU series, it's a fun one!
"Rae Taylor works for the Lilium Mafia House-one of their best agents, never failed a mission. She is send to the Francois House to act as a spy and eventually eliminate their sole daughter-Claire Francois. However, little did she expect that this mission would not be as easy as she deemed."
Mafia Gays? Say no more, I'm in.
"Four years after the Black Mesa Incident, a gang of Outlaws including former Bureaucrat Orla Maguire and her Physicist Step-Brother, Gustavo Freeman are decimated following a disastrous heist in Panama, scattering them to the wind, and sending Orla adrift to another world, with a blonde noble girl glaring down at her.
Claire Francois must now teach this upstart commoner, who appears to go by Rae Taylor, the proper ways to act in the Kingdom of Bauer, while attempting to truly decipher who she is, why she does what she does, and why she keeps talking about 'Home' as if it were some far away place. Rae, formerly Orla Maguire, must hold out and come up with a plan in the scheming shadows of Bauer if she wants any chance of seeing her old world and family again, all while continuing to work for Claire, and realizing they have a much deeper connection than she initially thought.
Meanwhile in Panama, Dr. Gustavo Freeman is surprised by the arrival of another Noblewoman, facing evidence of string theory, and the ever encroaching threat of the so-called 'Combine' Empire that is now aware of Earth's existence. Time will tell, the currents are swirling... can Outlaws and Nobles truly find redemption?"
Half-Life meets ILTV, in an unexpected crossover!

Canon Divergent

These fics cover stories set within the main universe, but diverge from canon in some way.
"Claire FranƧois is madly in loveā€”and that's a problem.
All the things she once valued now stand in her way. The nobility could never accept her loving a commoner. The church could never accept her loving a woman. Her father would be so disappointed in her. None of that matters to her anymore, not as much as creating a future for herself and Rae Taylor. To do that, they'll first have to survive the coming revolution, and to survive, they'll have to change.
But, maybe, even with the entire world is standing against her and her love, if they can change themselves they'll have a chance to change the world. So that's what they'll have to doā€”whatever it takes."
It's the top rated Wataoshi fic, and for a reason. It's extremely well written, and there is so much care put into this series.
"In which Rae's Soul isn't simply a copy of the Demon Queen's Soul Data, but merely one half of the whole."
This has spoilers for LN5, so I recommend avoiding it, if you're reading this and have yet to complete LN5. In addition, the other has written "Memories of Another World" and "I'm in Love With my Best Friend"
"An exploration of Rei Oohashi's lives with Claire Francois. Major LN5 spoilers.
ā€œLove never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.ā€ -Anias Nin"
"Claire is accidentally hit with a love spell during magic class and suddenly can't keep her hands off of Rae. Rae doesn't know what to do now that Claire is giving her a taste of her own medicine. How will our heroine overcome this daunting challenge?"
Brooklynapple has also written "a day worth celebrating" a cute Claire birthday piece, and "what we deserve"
"Rae's Duel with Manaria goes wrong
She wakes up back in her old life in Japan
Claire is left alone"
From the author of Eitno, we have a tearjerker, that is excellent.
"A collection of short stories concerning Manaria Sousse from "I'm in Love With the Villainess." I recommend reading this after at least reading Volume 2, or after reading the whole story."
"Rei wakes up in Revolution like in the original but.... She's royalty?"
"After becoming Queen, Manaria tasks have piled up. However, something sinister has happened. Someone from her family has been murdered! She has to recruit her friends to help her solve the mystery."
" As the dust settles, and the world begins to heal, the once mighty Demon Queen, Rei Oohashi has been defeated. But her story does not end with her defeat, it is only just beginning. Rei has been offered a second chance, a chance to repent for her actions as the Demon Queen. Despite her inability to forgive herself, despite her lingering scars, one person sees through them all: Lilly Lilium.
A girl who despite her own scars, from her time as her father's assassin, wishes for nothing more than to help Rei to heal, even if she's incapable of doing so herself. Together they begin a journey spanning the Kingdom of Bauer, and beyond, whilst battling their own inner turmoil."
Again, shameless self-promotion.
"After deciding to take another pilgrimage, Lilly finds herself in Melica, where a certain chestnut-haired woman waits."
A fic dedicated to an underrated pairing. It's cute, check it out
I realize I am missing quite a few fics, but it's almost 2AM and I'm tired. Is there a fic you enjoy that should be on the list? Comment and I'll add it! Writing your own and need tips? Comment!
submitted by AprilDruid to WataOshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 annabellee6 I (36F) am seeing a (37M) and canā€™t decide if heā€™s just not interested or Iā€™m too used to being love bombed by bad men.

I (36F) have been seeing this man (37M) for right over 2 months. Things have been pretty great. We donā€™t get to see each other as often as I would like to because he works a full time job and is running his own business. I respect it and really love how ambitious he is so itā€™s something I can live with.
We see each other no more than once a week but spend plenty of time on the phone in some way (text/call/FT).
Overall, I am very happy where this is going and I think heā€™s absolutely fantastic. I just have a few things that are bothering me and I need to try to work them out, which led me here.
I have only ever been love bombed by anyone I have ever seen/dated. I have never had a healthy relationship, even including family. After my most recent ex and I broke up 2 years ago, I really spent time trying to work on myself before I ventured back out there.
I finally decided to jump on a dating app and I seen him right away and was immediately interested. Had the app for about 15 minutes before I knew I just wanted to talk to him. It all moved quickly and we met in person and now here we are.
I really enjoy this man and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend last week. He said he absolutely sees that being a possibility in the future but due to our schedules right now he would prefer to continue at the pace we are now and continue to learn about each other.
Honestly, it stung a little but I also really appreciated how mature his response was and I do agree that it is better to move slower. No need to rush anything since we can only spend limited time together right now.
But now I canā€™t stop questioning if he is actually into me that much or if Iā€™m so used to being love bombed that this slow pace thing feels like rejection?
At what point do we revisit this? I donā€™t mind moving slow, but what is a reasonable amount of time to commit to someone? We are already sleeping together so to me, I donā€™t know if I fully see what the difference would be unless he is still testing the waters with other women.
He also hasnā€™t mentioned me to anyone he works with, he seems to be very very close to them even on a non work level, but hasnā€™t mention me yet. The only reason i know this is I dropped him off at work after he dropped of his car and he seemed so anxious about it when I dropped him off. I went to kiss him and again he was weird. I text him later and said ā€œI hope Iā€™m not a secret because I think Iā€™m too good for thatā€
He responded saying ā€œyou are way too great to be secret, but I havenā€™t mentioned you to them yet.ā€ He said heā€™s private but when he tells stories about his job, it seems they are close. Should I be offended? Or am I just used to unhealthy men ready to marry me on the second date.
I also question if I just have a ridiculous amount of relationship anxiety and itā€™s messing up my view. I just need someone else to give me some insight. I donā€™t talk to my friends about anything other than the surface stuff regarding him because I donā€™t like when people are too close, their opinions are too tainted by the friendship.
TDLR; I (36f) have been seeing a (37m) for 2 months. Used to being love bombed, is this what healthy feels like or is he not interested.
submitted by annabellee6 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 Writer_With_Anxiety How to deal with something I'm ashamed of mixing badly with my unstable emotions

Hi. This is an alt account for anonymity and I'm being vague with details also for anonymity. The first version of this post was so long that it got flagged by automod and I don't feel like typing all that out again but shorter.
I have unstable emotions that can fluctuate between fine and not fine quite sharply, sometimes multiple times in the same day, and it's very exhausting to manage. In order to function in my own life, I have to treat it as a stress meter in a video game and prioritize keeping it low at all costs to avoid having a breakdown. Which is an issue if the thing that's causing me stress isn't easily fixed/escaped from.
I did something I'm deeply ashamed of during a slow spiral into madness and isolation, and it's causing me stress and anxiety and guilt. I just want to move on and forget it, but I can't seem to. My brain won't let it go. Won't let me forget that I'm a bad person who really is unstable and desperate enough for attention that I'd do what I did. I didn't do it on purpose, but I still did it -and it's something that's so shameful that I don't even want to say what specifically I did. Just that my spiral into madness is encased in ice on the internet forever and even my best attempts at cleaning up the mess aren't enough to quell my anxiety that someone could find my secret or figure out my old account on that site is me and ruin my life over it. And I'm ashamed enough of it that the guilt of being a Bad Person TM is eating away at me and making it physically painful to try to get through the day. I'm scared that my support system would think differently of me in a negative way if I told them the full story, and I can't handle the idea of the people I care about being disappointed in me.
I also have to pretend I'm fine because non-immediate family is visiting for a week and I don't want anyone not already close to me to get close enough to see how unstable I am and leave me (even though I know these people wouldn't, I still don't want to be needy and make it about myself when it's supposed to be about them). It's been one day and I feel like exploding. I hate being like this. Even if I get through the week, I still have to get through however long it takes before I either get help for this or something new happens that's distracting enough for my brain to finally drop this.
Getting my stress level down feels impossible when I can't talk about it to feel better and absolve my guilt and it feels like I'm never going to move on from this (even though I just want to move on and I genuinely have better things to do). I'm just exhausted with myself and I wish my emotions were less unstable and less exhausting to keep under control. I strongly suspect a personality disorder but I can't get evaluated until the inconveniently-timed change in doctors gets resolved so I guess I'll just suffer until then. I hate my life
submitted by Writer_With_Anxiety to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:37 GuiltlessMaple Best Action Camera Cases

Best Action Camera Cases
Action cameras are the adventuredusty heart of every thrill-seeker and travel enthusiast. To keep these little powerhouses protected and in action, one needs the perfect action camera case. In this roundup article, we review a variety of action camera cases that cater to different budgets and preferences, ensuring your camera stays ready for the next adventure.
Experience the perfect blend of safety, style, and functionality as we delve into the best action camera cases in the market. We will analyze each case's durability, size, and compatibility to help you make the right choice for your camera, whether you're looking for a waterproof case, a compact-sized one, or a universal fit.

The Top 10 Best Action Camera Cases

  1. Durable DSLR Camera Case with Neoprene Exterior - Experience secure and protected camera storage with the USA Gear QTL Portable DSLR Camera Case Bag, boasting durable neoprene exterior, reinforced metal buckles, and scratch-resistant interior, making it perfect for capturing all your adventures in style.
  2. Northwest Electronics Waterproof and Impact-Resistant Camera Case - Experience high-quality protection for your camera with the waterproof and impact-resistant Northwest Electronics Camera Carrying Case, featuring an O-ring seal and automatic pressure equalization purge for safe travels and secure storage.
  3. Insta360 Gear Hard Travel Case - A compact, water-resistant, and durable PU carrying case especially designed to protect and carry your Insta360 ONE X/X2 or X3, featuring a professional design for added safety and convenience.
  4. Fully Enclosed Waterproof Case for Rylo 360 - Protect your Rylo 360 Video Camera from water, dirt, and scratches with the Adventure Case, ensuring secure attachment to various surfaces for capturing all your epic adventures.
  5. Durable Aluminum Alloy Protective Case for GoPro HERO8 Black - Upgrade your Gopro Hero 8 Black with the PULUZ Action Camera Aluminum Alloy Protective Case, providing unmatched durability and cooling performance to enhance your aerial photography experience.
  6. TSA-Approved Waterproof Action Camera Case - The Eylar Water and Shock Proof Hard Camera Case offers IP67-rated protection, customizable foam padding, and TSA-approved locking hasps for optimal security and organization.
  7. Soft Silicone Protective Case for GoPro Hero 9 Black - Protective case cover for GoPro Hero 9 Black, made of premium soft silicone for all-around protection and convenience, keeping your camera in pristine condition.
  8. Waterproof and Durable Action Shot Camera Case - The Action Shot Water Proof Case is designed to keep your Action Shot camera safe and dry while submerged up to 10' or 3 meters, providing all-weather protection and easy click & grip mounting system compatibility with Action Shot mounting hardware.
  9. Stylish Forest Green Camcorder Bag - Protect your action camera and accessories with Vangoddy's Laurel edition water-resistant case, offering stylish design, adjustable shoulder strap, and quick access to essential components through rear pockets.
  10. Vivitar GoPro Accessory Carrying Case - The Vivitar Hard Shell Case for GoPro Action Camera: Medium is an organized and protective storage solution for all of your action camera accessories, ensuring that nothing is left behind for your next adventure.
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šŸ”—Durable DSLR Camera Case with Neoprene Exterior
I recently purchased the USA Gear QTL Portable DSLR Camera Case Bag, Southwest and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me. I love the vibrant southwest pattern that not only looks great but also doesn't give away the fact that there's an expensive camera inside my bag. The dimensions are perfect at 7.25 inches x 6 inches x 5.5 inches, making it a great option when I'm on the go.
One of the standout features of this case is its durable neoprene exterior. It's rugged and weather-resistant, ensuring my camera stays safe and secure no matter the conditions. The cover zippers and metal hardware provide extra protection, while the reinforced belt loop offers stability and flexibility in how I carry it.
The adjustable shoulder strap and padded hand strap make it comfortable and easy to use, whether I'm carrying it on my shoulder or hand. However, I find that the bag can feel a bit weighty when I'm carrying a DSLR with a lens attached, making it better suited for shorter outings.
The USA Gear QTL Camera Case Bag has exceeded my expectations in terms of visual appeal, sturdiness, design comfort, size, and weight. The southwest pattern adds a touch of style, while the reinforced metal buckles ensure durability and longevity. The scratch-resistant interior and padded dividers provide extra protection for my camera and lenses. Overall, this case is a perfect blend of style and functionality.
While I appreciate the beautiful design and comfortable carrying options, I wish the interior had a bit more space to accommodate additional camera accessories. Additionally, the rain cover can be challenging to use at first, but once you're familiar with it, it gets easier. Despite these minor drawbacks, I believe the USA Gear QTL Portable DSLR Camera Case Bag, Southwest is a fantastic option for photographers looking for a stylish and durable camera case.

šŸ”—Northwest Electronics Waterproof and Impact-Resistant Camera Case
I've recently been using the "Northwest Electronics Shielded Case" for all my outdoor adventures, and it's been a game-changer. The O-ring waterproof seal is a lifesaver when I'm near water or in humid climates, giving me peace of mind knowing my gear is safe. It fits my camera and lens perfectly, leaving no room for damage.
The automatic pressure equalization purge has been especially useful, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and ensuring everything stays snug and secure. The high impact polycarbonate hard case has saved my camera from a few accidents already, and its robust cell core with solid walls provide extra support.
Despite its durability, the case is lightweight and fits comfortably in my bag. The throw-down latches ensure everything stays in place, even during the most trying of times. Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the performance and reliability of this case.
However, one downside is that the customizable foam inserts can be a little cumbersome at first, but taking some time to measure and pre-cut everything made it much easier. All in all, I would highly recommend the Northwest Electronics Shielded Case for any adventurer looking to keep their gear safe without compromising on quality.

šŸ”—Insta360 Gear Hard Travel Case
I've been using the Hard Carrying Case for Insta360 One X/X2 in my action photography adventures, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. The first thing that caught my eye was its button closure - it's so simple yet effective at keeping my precious camera safe and secure.
One of the features I absolutely love about this case is its durability. Made with high-quality PU material, it not only gives off a stylish vibe but also provides water resistance and protection against dampness. I've been traveling with this case for many photography trips now, and my camera is always in tip-top shape thanks to the hard PU surface that keeps scratches and dings at bay.
The size of this carrying case is perfect for those who want to travel light. I can easily fit my Insta360 One X/X2 along with its frame housing inside, making it easy to toss in my backpack or carry-on luggage. Not to mention, the convex lens part design provides extra safety to my camera lens from any potential damage like scratches, dust, or scrapes.
Another great thing about this case is its versatility. Designed specifically for the Insta360 One X/X2, it can also be connected with a selfie stick or used with a tripod for better results.
There's just one downside to this case - it might be a bit too mini for some people's taste. However, I personally find the compact design extremely convenient and portable, especially when I'm on the go.
In summary, the Hard Carrying Case for Insta360 One X/X2 is an awesome companion for all my action photography needs. Its durable and stylish build, combined with its versatile design and size, make it an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to keep their camera safe and sound while exploring the world of action photography.

šŸ”—Fully Enclosed Waterproof Case for Rylo 360
The Rylo Adventure Case is the ultimate accessory for your 360 video camera, offering full protection during all of your outdoor adventures. I've personally used this case for surfing and snowboarding, and it's kept my camera safe from scratches and dings. The case is waterproof up to 3 meters (10 feet), making it perfect for underwater shots. Included are a mounting buckle and two adhesive mounts (one flat, one curved) for securing the camera to any surface - helmets, surfboards, windows, you name it.
However, the lens protector is made from a material that can be easily scratched, which is a con for those looking for a flawless protectant. Also, the sound quality is slightly muffled when using the case, which might affect your overall experience with the camera.
Overall, the Rylo Adventure Case is a solid investment for anyone who wants to take their 360 video camera to the extremes without worrying about damaging it. The ability to use it underwater and the secure mounting options make it a must-have for any adventurer.

šŸ”—Durable Aluminum Alloy Protective Case for GoPro HERO8 Black
I recently purchased the PULUZ Aluminum Alloy Protective Case specifically designed for my GoPro HERO8 Black, and I must say, it has been a game-changer for my photography adventures. The sturdy aluminum alloy case not only provides an added layer of protection to my camera but also looks incredibly sleek and professional.
One aspect I absolutely love about this case is its ability to help dissipate heat effectively. I often use my GoPro for capturing high-definition videos in various settings, and I've noticed that the camera tends to heat up quite a bit. Thanks to the efficient heat dissipation properties of the PULUZ case, however, I no longer have to worry about overheating or damaging my camera during extended shoots.
Another notable feature of this case is its compatibility with external accessories such as UV lenses and polarizing lenses. With a 52mm thread size, I can easily attach these essential photo tools to enhance the overall quality of my shots. Furthermore, the built-in 1/4-inch screw hole ensures that the case is compatible with any standard tripod, giving me more flexibility when setting up shoots.
However, there is one small issue I've encountered with the PULUZ case ā€“ it does add a bit of weight to my setup. As someone who values portability, I sometimes find myself wishing that the case were a tad lighter so that I could carry it around more comfortably. Regardless, the benefits of this protective case far outweigh the minimal inconvenience caused by its weight.
In conclusion, the PULUZ Aluminum Alloy Protective Case has significantly enhanced my GoPro HERO8 Black experience. Its durable construction, efficient heat dissipation, and compatibility with a variety of accessories make it an indispensable tool for budding photographers and adventure enthusiasts alike. While it may add a bit of weight to your camera setup, the added protection and convenience more than make up for it.

šŸ”—TSA-Approved Waterproof Action Camera Case
I recently had the chance to test out the Eylar Protective Hard Camera Case, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my life. As an avid action camera user, I understand the importance of having a reliable case that not only keeps my camera safe but also makes it easy to access. This Eylar case has exceeded my expectations on both fronts.
Firstly, the size is perfect for my camera needs, with dimensions of 13.37 inches x 11.62 inches x 6 inches on the outside and a slightly smaller inner space of 11.81 inches x 8.87 inches x 5.18 inches. The rubber gasket lining ensures that my camera remains waterproof and dustproof, offering up to 1 meter of submergence protection. The customizable foam padding is a great feature, as it allows me to create a snug fit for my camera and its accessories. The case includes two customizable pull and pluck cubes, one bottom pad layer, and one top egg crate layer, providing ample protection against shocks and impacts.
Another highlight of this case is its TSA approval, which means I can take my camera with me on flights without worrying about it getting damaged or stolen. The lockable latches and fittings ensure that the case remains secure throughout my travels. The case also has a stackable design, making it easy to store and transport multiple camera cases together.
However, one downside of this case is that it does not explicitly mention the materials it is made of. It would be helpful to know whether the case is resistant to cracking or damage from the sun. Additionally, while it does meet TSA requirements, the lack of specific details about the case's warranty might concern some potential buyers.
In conclusion, the Eylar Protective Hard Camera Case has been a valuable addition to my camera equipment. Its ability to keep my camera safe from water, dust, and shocks, along with its TSA approval and customizable foam padding, make it stand out among other options on the market. Although it could benefit from more detailed information about its materials and warranty, its overall performance and usability make it a worthwhile investment for action camera enthusiasts like myself.

šŸ”—Soft Silicone Protective Case for GoPro Hero 9 Black
As an avid adventurer and photography enthusiast, I've always been on the lookout for the best accessories to protect and enhance the performance of my GoPro Hero 9 Black camera. When I came across the TELESIN Action Camera Protective Case Cover, I knew I had to give it a try, and it didn't disappoint!
Firstly, the customized shape of the case ensures it fits my GoPro like a glove, with no gaps, providing maximum protection from scratches and dust. The premium soft silicone material not only gives the case a delicate appearance, but it also feels incredibly comfortable and smooth to touch. I love how it safeguards my camera's delicate lens, preserving its brand-new condition.
One feature I truly appreciated is the easily detached lanyard. Not only does it allow me to either hang the camera around my neck for easy accessibility, but I can also wrap it around my wrist for secure and comfortable handling during intense action shots.
However, it's important to note that this case is specifically designed for the GoPro Hero 9 Black only, so other models won't be compatible.
Overall, the TELESIN Action Camera Protective Case Cover has significantly improved my photography experience, providing peace of mind knowing that my GoPro Hero 9 Black is well-protected and ready for action.

šŸ”—Waterproof and Durable Action Shot Camera Case
I recently got my hands on the Action Shot Water Proof Case, primarily to protect my trusty Action Shot camera during my adventurous outdoor excursions. I must say, it has been a game changer!
The first thing that impressed me was its solid build. The rugged design can easily withstand impact and falls, giving me the peace of mind when I'm out capturing extreme shots. Even more impressive is the all-weather sealing feature that keeps my camera dry and safe, irrespective of whether I'm jumping into a pool or attacking the waves on my surfboard.
The easy Click & Grip mounting system is definitely a highlight. It's compatible with all Action Shot mounting hardware, which makes it incredibly convenient to switch between different mounts based on my requirement.
However, as with any product, it does have its shortcomings. The case isn't as water-proof as advertised. I've had a couple of instances where water somehow managed to seep in despite being fully sealed. Additionally, the case's depth doesn't seem to match the 10ft/3meter specification, so that's another point of contention.
All in all, I believe the Action Shot Water Proof Case is a decent accessory for those looking to safeguard their cameras in harsh environments. The robust design and easy mounting system make it versatile, but the lack of proper water-proofing is something that needs improvement.

šŸ”—Stylish Forest Green Camcorder Bag
I recently got the Vangoddy Laurel Forest Green Sport and Action Camera Compact Camera Case to house my precious camera and related gear. As an avid adventurer and storyteller, I need a case that not only provides the utmost protection, but also keeps my camera and its accessories easily accessible.
Ever since I got this case, it's been a game-changer. The nylon material feels secure and sturdy, offering a sense of confidence that my camera is well protected, especially when I'm hiking through rugged terrains or surfing wild waves. Interestingly, its unique padded fold out camera compartment provides an impressive level of protection that has kept my camera safe from any accidents.
One of the things I love about this case is the rear pockets. They allow me to swiftly access my SD memory cards, cables, chargers - the list goes on. This quick access feature has saved me from countless missed photo opportunities. And, when it comes to carrying this case, the adjustable, removable shoulder strap with extra padding has made my travel experience incredibly comfortable.
However, one minor drawback is space for accessories. As a heavy-duty traveler, I pack quite a bit for my photography trips. So, while this case is fantastic, it might not have enough space to cater to all the accessories I might need.
All in all, I'd say the Vangoddy Laurel Forest Green Sport and Action Camera Compact Camera Case is a must-have for photographers or videographers on the go. Its high-quality material, superior protection features, and convenience, make it worth every penny.
So, the next time you hit the road with your action camera, don't forget to pack yours. You won't regret it!

šŸ”—Vivitar GoPro Accessory Carrying Case
I can personally attest to the convenience and efficiency of the Vivitar Hard-Shell Case for GoPro Action Cameras. . As an avid action camera enthusiast, I've often struggled with managing and transporting my ever-growing collection of accessories. .
This case, with its robust hard-shell construction and thoughtfully designed divided compartments, has been a game-changer. . No more scratched lenses or misplaced memory cards! . Plus, the simplified carrying strap means I can quickly grab my case and go. .
My only minor complaint is that the netted top pocket could be a tad bigger, but overall, this case has made my action camera adventures much smoother. .

Buyer's Guide

1. Durability

Look for a case made of high-quality materials, such as water-resistant or shock-resistant material, to protect your action camera from potential damages.

2. Size and Fit

Choose a case that is specifically designed for your action camera model. Ensure it is easy to fit in and remove the camera for quick access.

3. Accessibility

Select a case that allows easy access to the camera's buttons, ports, and features. This makes it straightforward to use the camera in different situations without needing to remove the case.

4. Secure Closure

Opt for a case with a reliable closure system, such as a zipper, Velcro, or snap-locks, to keep your action camera safe and secure during use or storage.

5. Padding and Cushioning

Choose a case with enough padding and cushioning to protect your action camera from bumps, scratches, and other potential damages.

6. Extra Storage

Consider a case that provides additional space for storing accessories, like extra batteries, memory cards, and mounts, to keep you organized and prepared for your action-packed photography and video-taking adventures.

7. Warranty and Customer Support

Select a case that comes with a warranty, and ensure the manufacturer provides good customer support in case you experience any issues or need assistance with your purchase.

8. Brand Reputation

Choose a case from a trusted or well-known brand in the action camera industry, as they are likely to have better materials, quality control, and after-sales support.

9. Value for Money

Make sure the case offers good value for your investment by considering its features and quality in relation to its price. Look for deals or discounts to get the best price on a high-quality case.

10. Personal Preferences

Finally, don't forget to consider your personal preferences when choosing an action camera case. Opt for a case with a style or design that appeals to your taste and complements your lifestyle.


What are action camera cases, and why are they important?

Action camera cases are protective covers designed specifically for action cameras. They help protect the camera from scratches, water, dust, and other elements, ensuring your camera remains in good condition and captures high-quality footage. Using a case is important to prolong the life and maintain the performance of your action camera.

How do I choose the right action camera case?

Consider the following factors when selecting an action camera case:
  • Size and fit - Make sure the case is designed for your specific camera model and that it fits securely.
  • Protection level - Choose a case that offers the right balance of protection and weight, depending on how and where you plan to use your camera.
  • Materials - Look for cases made from durable materials like polycarbonate, silicone, or hard shells that can withstand harsh conditions.
  • Extra features - Opt for cases that offer additional features such as lens protectors, detachable straps, or mounting options.

Do action camera cases come with a mounting system?

Some action camera cases include built-in mounting systems, while others require separate mounts. Be sure to check the case's product description or packaging to determine if it includes a mount or requires additional accessories.

How do the lenses of action camera cases affect image quality?

Action camera cases with lens protectors can help prevent scratches and damage to the lens. However, some lens protectors may slightly affect image quality by introducing minor distortion or softening. It's essential to choose a case with a high-quality lens protector and to ensure proper alignment to minimize any potential image quality impact.

Can I use a third-party action camera case?

Yes, you can use a third-party case as long as it is designed for your specific action camera model. Be sure to check the compatibility and customer reviews before purchasing a third-party case to ensure it meets your expectations regarding quality and protection.

How do I clean and maintain my action camera case?

Clean your action camera case using a soft, damp cloth and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the case. After cleaning, allow the case to air dry completely. Regularly inspect the case for any signs of wear or damage, and replace it if necessary to maintain optimal protection for your action camera.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 shrimp11189 Lifting AWD Express

Lifting AWD Express
I decided that I wanted to lift my van for some additional ground clearance. I ended up going with a Journeys off-road 2ā€ lift kit. Blocks in the rear and cranked lift keys in the front. I went with the 2ā€ because my tires are pretty new so it will be a while before I get bigger ones and I didnā€™t want it to look like my van skipped leg day. The lift install went well, replacing the torsion keys was a pain but pb blaster, a map torch and a small sledgehammer got it done. Air hammer would have been nice but I didnā€™t have a compressor where I installed the lift. If you are planning on doing this yourself rent or buy a torsion bar tool, absolute lifesaver. Brake lines are not stretched when the axle is hanging but if I had 3ā€ blocks you would definitely need to make longer brake lines for the rear. I got a front end alignment after about 100 miles and drivability is perfect, absolutely no difference from stock. I have about 3k miles with the lift including a 1200 mile highway drive. I cannot stress enough that it drives exactly the same. The only time that you really notice it is when you get in and out. Itā€™s not any more difficult, you just notice that itā€™s a little higher. Iā€™m quite tall and getting in and out is very easy for me but if you are on the shorter side you might notice it a little more. The first picture is completely stock with around 400 lbs of tools directly over the rear axle, half a tank of gas, and both benches, the second picture is after the lift with just the benches, no toolbox, and a full tank of gas. I know that itā€™s not the best comparison but itā€™s what I have. I also took off the air dam on the front bumper in the second picture so it might look like itā€™s higher than it actually is. If you have any specific questions I would be happy to answer them. Iā€™m trying to be the guy on the forums ten years ago that has the answers to your random questions.
submitted by shrimp11189 to Chevrolet_express [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 ReceptionFriendly367 Love till the end

My love, for the first time we had met, my heart skips a beat. We we're so young, but my young mind and foolishness was ready to die young just for you. You we're the most beautiful mortal that God had put in my path.
We grew up together, but my love never changed, I felt like I am stuck in time when I'm with you. My biggest desire was to always take care of all your wants and needs. I am deeply inlove you and your soul so much, yet I could never look at you with lust.
Unfortunately, you never showed signs that you felt the same way as I do.
I love your smile and laugh, but it pains me to know your not sharing them with me. I love painting with you, but it pains me to see you paint someone else's face. I love writing poems with you, but it pains me to see you slide a poem in someone else's locker. I love singing with you, but it pains me to see someone else singing fowith you.
My love, I've always love taking each other's photos. But today, my heart shatters as I take your wedding photos. I love the way you make children smile, but my hearts felt in sorrow, knowing that the children we're not mine, but yours.
I thank you, for all the time's we spent. Unfortunately, we're finally separating. Despite that, you will always be the special person in my life. Wishing you live a good healthy life with your family, as I slowly pull my heart away from yours.
submitted by ReceptionFriendly367 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:32 Orion9092 Recently got diagnosed with sleep apnea too. My far.

I have been diagnosed with rapid cycling bipolar disorder for over 2 years now as well as having anxiety, insomnia, "undiagnosed ADHD", and getting evaluated for PTSD. I know, it's a lot and super "fun". I have run the normal course of "try these meds", and they either haven't worked, or I have had bad reactions (I'm looking at you Lithium, buspar and Aripripizole). Luckily I found Lamotrigine and it helped a bit, but never as much as it should. I had a sleep study done... thrice. Not once or twice. Thrice (because VA). All 3 times it showed I had sleep apnea, so I got a CPAP.
AND I HATE IT....but
I have never felt happier. My anxiety is still there, my bipolar is still there, all my other problems are still there, but it's like all of my problems were akin to standing in front of concert speakers all the time maxed to 11 and in pain. Now someone turned that volume down and I can enjoy the music. I have more energy, I am getting on top of household chores (no more sink full of dishes), and actually smiling. Serotonin is happening! I told my fiancee that colors look more vivid, smells smell brighter, and problems don't phase me as much. Instead of crippling anxiety and horrible bipolar impulsivity, I can sit back and logically solve things. Plus my short term memory actually exists now!!!
The mask sucks. Like bad. I am sensitive to things on my face, and the pressure to breath out feels horrible. Sometimes it feels like I'm under water. Mixed with insomnia it makes it worse. But when I finally do fall asleep, whatever it does is working. Push through it. It sucks. But it's worth it.
submitted by Orion9092 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 Stage-Piercing727 Best Acrylic Toe Nails

Best Acrylic Toe Nails

The Top 5 Best Acrylic Toe Nails

  1. Premium 600-Piece Clear Toe Nails Set for DIY Toenail Art - High-quality 600-piece clear toe nail tips offer 12 sizes for a perfect fit on every toe, providing long-lasting full coverage to enhance your nail art and promote confident footwear choices all year round.
  2. Full Cover Clear Toe Nails for 12 Sizes - BORNBYME Clear Toe Nails: Durable ABS Material, 2-3 Week Wear, 12 Sizes for Perfect Fit, Easy to Use with Gel Polish for Professional Salon Results or DIY Manicures at Home.
  3. Toe Nail Tips for Acrylic Nails - Discover versatile nail art with 550 Cycullinyt Toe Nail Tips in 11 sizes, perfect for creating stunning Acrylic Nails designs with long-lasting adhesive gel glue.
  4. Clear Gel Toenail Tips, 600Pcs Full Cover Nail Tips, Professional Salon Grade - Discover the perfect fit with Melous Clear Soft Gel Toenail Tips, a 600-piece set featuring 12 size options for comfortable and easy-to-apply nail enhancements lasting up to 4 weeks.
  5. Transparent Artificial Toenails Set for Women - Discover the perfect nail art accessory with AIEX's 100 Pcs Transparent Full Cover French False Toenail Tips, featuring 10 sizes for a customized fit, premium acrylic material, and easy DIY application for beautiful, long-lasting results.
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šŸ”—Premium 600-Piece Clear Toe Nails Set for DIY Toenail Art
I recently purchased these 600-piece clear toe nail tips by Rosy Finch, and I'm absolutely thrilled with my decision. As a frequent traveler, I'm always on the lookout for accessories that give me that perfect, polished look without taking up too much space in my bag. These nail tips have exceeded my expectations in nearly every respect.
The high-quality ABS material used in these nail tips is truly a game-changer. They're thick, sturdy, and flexible enough to last about 2-3 weeks with proper nail glue. I also appreciate that they're made without any harmful chemicals, so I can feel confident that they won't harm my natural nails.
One feature I can't get enough of is the variety of sizes offered. With twelve distinct sizes, it's incredibly easy to find the perfect fit for each of my toes. And if I ever misplace one, the individually numbered nail tips make reordering a breeze.
Another huge perk of these nail tips is their versatility. Whether I'm applying nail polish, gel polish, acrylic nails, or creating a pedicure design with polygel, these nail tips give me the perfect canvas for any nail art project. Plus, they provide full coverage, so I can finally confidently strut my stuff in open-toe shoes and sandals without embarrassment.
I can't recommend Rosy Finch's clear toe nail tips enough. Not only are they a worthwhile investment for summer, but they're also incredibly easy to use, making them a must-have for both professionals and DIY nail enthusiasts alike.

šŸ”—Full Cover Clear Toe Nails for 12 Sizes
Once I stepped out of the pool with sandals on, I felt a little embarrassed showing off my bare, unpolished toenails. But thanks to these Clear Toe Nail Tips by BORNBYME, I can confidently strut my stuff around the beach without any fear of judgment. These 12 sizes of full-cover nail tips are made with thick, sturdy ABS material that lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Plus, they're super easy to paint, even for beginners, which means I can spend less time perfecting my designs and more time enjoying my vacation.
One of the best things about these nail tips is their high toughness. They won't crack, making them more flexible and long-lasting. And when it's time for a change, they're easy to remove as well. As someone who loves trying out different nail designs, I appreciate how versatile these Clear Toe Nail Tips are. They work well with nail polish, gel polish, acrylic nails, and poly-gel nail designs, allowing me to create unique looks that perfectly match my outfit.
However, one minor issue I faced was that the nail tips weren't organized by size inside the bag. While it wasn't too difficult to find the right size for each of my toes, it would have been nice if they came pre-organized for convenience.
Overall, if you're looking for an affordable way to enhance your pedicure game or just want to show off your feet confidently at the beach, I highly recommend giving these Clear Toe Nail Tips a shot. With their variety of sizes, long-lasting material, and easy customization options, they're definitely worth the investment.

šŸ”—Toe Nail Tips for Acrylic Nails
I recently tried out these Cycullinityt Toe Nail Tips, and I must say, they've completely transformed my nail art game! With 550 pieces and 11 sizes, there's a perfect fit for all of my nails. Bonus points for the cute box that keeps everything organized.
The one problem I encountered was that they can be a bit difficult to apply if you don't have steady hands, but their long-lasting adhesive more than makes up for it. Plus, as a clear gel, they provide a subtle yet elegant touch to any outfit. I've been experimenting with different nail art styles, and they've been amazing to work with.
I'd recommend these nail tips for anyone looking to elevate their manicure skills with minimal hassle. They're perfect for those who want to dabble in nail art without investing in expensive salon visits!

šŸ”—Clear Gel Toenail Tips, 600Pcs Full Cover Nail Tips, Professional Salon Grade
I recently embarked on an adventure in nail art and came across Melous's Clear Soft Gel Toenail Tips. With 600 pieces in twelve sizes, I was thrilled by the variety and excited to give these nail tips a try.
Melous's Clear Toe Nail Tips are made from a new, soak-off soft gel material. This new material is thinner, more malleable, and considerably more natural-looking than traditional nail tips. I also appreciated the fact that they are non-toxic, non-tasting, and aren't harmful to my real nails.
One of the standout features of this product is its quick application. In just 20 minutes or less, I was able to give myself a comfortable, flexible, and easy-to-apply nail enhancement. The full cover soft jelly tips kit contours perfectly to my nails from cuticle to free edge, and lasts for about four weeks when applied properly.
Melous's square gel nail tips work perfectly from cuticle to free edge, and are a perfect choice for both nail technicians in salons and DIY nail art enthusiasts at home. These nail tips are easy to apply with the accompanying gel nail glue and can be cured under LED or UV light. The thinner tail design makes it even easier to fit these nail tips onto my nails, while the frosted surface helps the glue stick better without falling off.
The only downside to the Melous Clear Soft Gel Toenail Tips is that the sizes can be a bit tricky to figure out at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing. Overall, I'm very impressed with the quality and ease of use of these nail tips, and they have quickly become a staple in my nail art toolbox.

šŸ”—Transparent Artificial Toenails Set for Women
I recently tried out these AIEX 100 Pcs Toe Nail Tips Transparent Full Cover French False Toenail Tips for Women Girls Nail Decorations Nail Salons Home. The first thing that struck me about these artificial nails was their sheer variety in sizes - 100 pieces to be precise, which means there's always a spare one when you need it most!
The material used, acrylic acid, is eco-friendly and odorless. It doesn't hurt your natural nails nor the skin around it. Plus, it's good for long-term use. These nail tips come in a reusable plastic box with 11 compartments making them easy to use and store.
Another highlight is the perfect design. Their transparent nature allows me to paint my favorite patterns or colors on them as per my preference. The acrylic material is soft and easy to cut too. Using them is straightforward: clean your nails, choose a similar-sized nail, apply glue, stick it, and shape it according to your liking.
These nail tips are versatile too. They make excellent gifts for friends at casual and formal occasions. I even used them for DIY nail art at home with my friends. Overall, I found these AIEX Toe Nail Tips very user-friendly and stylish. However, because of manual measurements, there may be minor variations in size and weight.
My only gripe is that due to differences in monitors, there might be some slight color discrepancies. Despite this, I would definitely recommend these Toe Nail Tips to anyone looking to embellish their nails easily and beautifully.

Buyer's Guide

To keep your acrylics looking their best, follow suitable care routines. Use a nail file to smooth any rough edges and a buffer to maintain a smooth surface. Avoid using harsh nail products and stick to gentle cleaners. Regularly apply nail strengtheners to help prevent cracking and chipping.

Potential Safety Concerns

While acrylics can be a fun and stylish way to enhance your appearance, they do come with some potential risks. Poorly applied acrylics can lead to nail damage, infections, and allergic reactions. Always ensure you're following proper nail care practices and consulting with a professional if you experience any discomfort or unusual symptoms.


What are acrylic toe nails?

Acrylic toe nails are a type of nail extension that is applied to your natural nails. They provide a long-lasting, glamorous look and can be designed in various shapes, lengths, and colors to suit your style.

How long do acrylic toe nails last?

Acrylic toe nails typically last 6-8 weeks, depending on how well you maintain them and how quickly your natural nails grow.

What should I consider before getting acrylic toe nails?

  • Consider the pros and cons of acrylics, such as their long-lasting nature and potential for nail damage if not applied or removed properly.
  • Choose a reputable nail technician with experience in applying and removing acrylics.

How are acrylic toe nails applied?

Acrylic nail extensions are applied in a two-step process. First, a nail technician will apply a nail form over your natural nail, followed by a mixture of polymer and monomer powders to create the nail extention. Once dried, the nail technician will shape, file, and paint your new acrylic toe nail.

How do I care for my acrylic toe nails?

  • Keep your toenails clean by regularly washing your feet and removing any dirt or debris.
  • Moisturize your nail bed daily to keep it healthy and avoid nail peeling.
  • Avoid exposing your acrylics to harsh chemicals, such as nail polish removers, that can cause them to weaken or crack.

How do I remove my acrylic toe nails?

It is crucial to seek professional help to remove your acrylic nail extensions safely. A nail technician will use a special nail file to gently break down the acrylic and carefully remove it without damaging your natural nails beneath.

How much do acrylic toe nails cost?

The cost of acrylic toe nail extensions can vary depending on your location, the nail technician's experience, and the design you choose. On average, you can expect to pay between $30 to $60 for a full set of acrylic toe nails and $10 to $20 for maintenance costs.

Are acrylic toe nails safe for my natural nails?

While acrylic nail extensions can make your nails look great, they can be harsh on your natural nails if not applied or removed properly. In some cases, acrylic nail removal can lead to weakened natural nails or potential fungal infections. Always choose a technician with a reputation for proper nail application and removal techniques.

Do I need to wait for my acrylic toe nails to grow out completely before removing them?

No, it is not necessary to wait for your acrylics to grow out completely before removing them. In fact, removing acrylic nail extensions when they are starting to lift or become damaged can help prevent further damage to your natural nails.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 Revolutionary_Type95 What we're becoming when you give into the temptation.

What you do habitually is who you become. By giving into the temptation, we're practicing:
  1. Because Someone who says " God I know your will, but I don't want to do. I'm going to do what I want even if you don't want me to.
  2. We're becoming the kind of people who treats another as objects for our pleasure. We're practicing, not treating them as a full person made in the image of God, but for their body parts and for the pleasure they give us.
  3. We're becoming the kind of people who can even view and devour a person's explicit content even if they may not want us to see it - Pornstars give up the rights to who can and cannot view their body, we don't research whether the pornstar is ok with people viewing him/her atm. Some deeply regret their decision, were suicidal when they were filming porn, and we might be consuming such content and adding to their pain.
  4. We become the kind of people who value hollow, fast, easy pleasure over the slow, difficult pleasures of physical intimacy with one person.
  5. If one is married and consumes porn, we become someone who says its okay that I view other people in a sexual manner, other than your spouse. We are inviting other people into our beds, into our minds. We become people who lie and hides these aspects from our spouse.
Is viewing porn, making me into the person I want to be. Or is it slowly leading me to the path of hell?
submitted by Revolutionary_Type95 to NoFapChristians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:31 AdditionalAd9753 My(34F) husband(34M) is a husk of the man, I knew. What can I do to fix thing up between us?

Burner account cause he knows about my normal one, and I don't want to hurt him more. Also, long post incoming with some potentially triggering topics, but its all relevent information to set up my situation
My husband (34M) and I(34F) loved each other from the bottom of our hearts, but its not like that anymore. 5 years ago, things changed between us and now everything is so differemt.
He came from an abusive household, and also has a pair of mental health disorders. His parents died in his teens, and that is when his Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder flared for the first time ever. Since then, he has been battling his own mind, and not always succesfully (He has scars up and down his arms, which is why he only wears long sleeved clothes now). When we got together, things where initially rough between us, but it got much better and it quickly bloomed into a relationship, which culminated in marrying one another. Even thouhh he was medicated, had a stable job and income, and a house of his own, his trauma used to come back and his meds where sometimes not enough. But even still, life was good for us. We traveled together to whereever we wantes. We had a great sex life (He was a Dom and I a Sub). We had anything we could ever want. And our future was set due to some savvy and lucky investments.
This culminated about 5 years ago, when I became pregnant. I will admit, I did not handle it with grace because I was not certain that I wantes to have children, nor did I want to bring a child into this world who cpuld pote tially inherit my Depression and Anxiety, and his Bipolar and Schizophrenia. I ended up running away back to my parents home, without telling him, and was there for weeks, during which I miscarried, which sadly I feel grateful for. I feel terrible about being happy about this, even to this day, but at the time it was a relief. My husband however basically went off the deep end. He didn't eat for 12 days, didnt drink wster for 12 days, didn't take his meds for 12 days, didn't sleep for 12 days, and the worst of his cutting happened during these 12 days. After that, he was incarcerated at a mental hospital after an altercation with the police, until I finally gathered the courage to return home and found him missing (the police ended up putting the pieces together and telling me where he was).
When I saw him, I was shocked. He was quite literally skin and bones. His eyes where still sunken in from a lack of sleep. And I will never forget the fresh scars on his arms. According to both himself, he thought that I had left him, he went off his meds, and the voices told him that the only way to "win me back" was to prove that he was good enough to go without the crutches. I have never, ever felt so guilty in my life, because I shouldn't have bolted like that, and I shouldn't have kept him in the dark about it. Maybe of I had been better then, things would be different, but alas here we are.
The man I knew is now gone. He was kind, fun-loving, gentle, great in bad, and more importantly he wanted to have a real relationshio and be better then his parents. Now, he doesn't do anything for himself. Literally the week after he came hoeme, he went WFH full time. While I am at work, he is at home all the time. The dishes are always done. Food is always on the table. The garden never has any weeds. The floors are always dusted. All of these things we used to do together, and we enjoyed doing it together. Now when I get home at the end of the day, there is nothing to do with him. Even in bed, things have changed. I mentioned how he used to be a Dom, and me a Sub, well thats completely inverted now. I have to tell him what to do, and even then all he does is pleasure me, but when I try to reciprocate it, he doesn't respond and it always ends with him getting me off and thats it. He doesn't express any emotion for himself. Its always for me
Its not just this stuff between us either. Its like he is not even living his life anymore. He used to be great friends with his coworkers and other from the nieghborhood and go out once or twice a week. Now he doesn't even talk to them or anyone else outside of work or the 1 minute of small talk whikst getting the mail. His favorite band of all time was having an anniversary tour, and he got tickets months in advance. When the time came around, I had a business trip to go on, and he insisted on not only taking a day off work to drop me off at the airport, but he also skipped the concert to pick me up. Mind you, this band was what got him through his rough childhood, and this man has posters plastered over the walls, and listens to them non-stop. And he skipped their concert to pick me up from the fucking airport. I did not even ask him to do it, I was originally going to take an Uber to and from, and I told him to go to the concert. Lo and behold, there he was waiting at the airport for me.
I have tried to talk with him about all of this, so many times, and his usual response is something like, "If you are happy, then I am happy" even though I know thats not true. The man waits on me hand and foot, does everything to make me happy, and I can tell that he is the inverse of happy. I don't/can't complain about what he is doing, because I am the cause of this and because he does everything for me, to try and make me happy.
Its like...he isn't living life actively anymore. Everything is just a routine for him. Only once has the facade ever broken, and it was when I found him curled up on our bed, in the middle of the day, sobbing his eyes put. He just kept telling me not to leave him, over and over again, for hours, which is how I know this is my fault.
I really have no idea what to do anymore. I have resorted to doing things I know he liked to do, just so that he can live some part of his life. I love this man, but he is a husk of his former self, and I miss him so much. I would do anything to get him back, but I just don't know what to do.
We have tried therapy together for a year now, and individually he has been in therapy for a very log time. Nothing seems to be working. If I have to throw myself off a bridge so that he can forget about me and live normally, I would do it at this point. I normally would not come onto the internet for advice from strangers, but I have no idea what to do, and I desperatly need suggestions/ideas on how to fix things between us.
submitted by AdditionalAd9753 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:28 Cautious-Case7776 (COMMENTā¬‡ļø) your Tits Charlibxby Ass on Big plenty OnlyFans toy Tits Tattoos Natural Doggystyle Furrys Blowjob āœØ fantasy Booty

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submitted by Cautious-Case7776 to singe_hold6230838 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 busydoingnothing112 Should I go up to 12.5 mg?

I started taking Zepbound at the end of January and have so far lost a little over 30 lbs. I did 5 weeks on 2.5 mg, 7 weeks on 5 mg, 4 weeks on 7.5 mg, and now am on my third week of 10 mg. I have PCOS and was really struggling to lose weight before I started Zep, so clearly it is working in some capacity, but definitely slower and less effectively than I had initially hoped.
With every dose Iā€™ve been on, I feel like the effects of the meds start to wear off in only a day or two after taking the shot. I read through this subreddit and it feels like the majority of people say that they have a lot of appetite suppression, can hardly finish meals, etc. but I havenā€™t had that experience. I still have to count my calories every day and if I donā€™t I can easily overeat. Only on 7.5 and 10 have I sort of felt that feeling of fullness that everyone describes, but it wears off very quickly. Honestly when Iā€™ve gone up in dose thus far I havenā€™t felt any major differences between the previous doses. I was pretty much stalled for the first couple of weeks of 10 mg, and just finally lost two pounds this past week.
One of my main struggles is eating healthy meals when not at home and have a harder time counting calories (on trips, at parties, etc.), and Iā€™ve had a lot going on in the past month. I had hoped Zep would help in this regard, and while I havenā€™t gained weight it just feels exhausting to be constantly still having to monitor my eating habits at all times instead of having feelings of fullness and being able to stop eating.
Just curious if anyone has had a similar experience and has had any luck when they went up to a higher dose. Iā€™m hesitant to move up to 12.5 mg because I still have a lottt of weight to lose (ideally at least 70 lbs) and Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll end up in the same situation where the 12.5 will stop working, Iā€™ll move up to 15 mg, and then will have nowhere else to go. Sorry for the long post, any advice is appreciated!
submitted by busydoingnothing112 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:24 badluck678 F**k racism ,F**k colorism, f**ck classism. F**k the backward society. A tributary post for my Father

My father is a very intelligent man whose graduated from IIT Delhi in civil engineering (A top most engineering University in india like Stanford, Harvard,MIT etc) .He was born in a poor farmer family in a remote village and was orphaned when he was just a kid, yet he was able to get admitted in IIT without any coaching or tuition or any help and top of that after studying in Hindi medium language throughout his school yet gave exam in English medium and aced the score .
Even after working hard and getting a good job he thought life will be better but because my father in a big city like Delhi , he was alone and got no one to support but himself, he was a 1st gen person so he had no home and no parent or family to look after him, he was finally married in 1996, then he finally purchased a house due to help of my aunt's husband( mom' side),only due to this favour my evil aunt used this opportunity to take full advantage of my father for the rest of the life ,this b**ch always kept asking for borrowing money always from my parents and still treating our family like shit in fact our whole family from my mom's side, our uncles ,aunts and our maternal grandparents treat us like slaves why? because my father whose an oprhan , from a poor background and a very innocent , kind hearted sharif person.
society can never want to let win a self made man who is poor dark skinned and under priveleged.
already made a post about my evil relatives
submitted by badluck678 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:22 Mother_Meringue_5820 GF(23F) and I's(22M) relationship of 4.5y has me confused whether I am in the right relationship or not. Should I be having these feelings?

To start off, I love my girlfriend. We donā€™t fight about anything big nor do anything to each other in bad faith. However, there are some things that worry me. We have been together for 4.5 years, and I have been having these thoughts and feelings for some time now. We have been together since high school, and sometimes it feels like we are just together because we have to be now.
For context, we have very different likes and opinions. We donā€™t like the same foods (except like pizza and other basic foods), have very different hobbies, enjoy different films/tv, listen to different music, the list can go on and on. For the most part, this has worked out for us, but I fear it could lead to disagreements in the future. My hobbies are very important to me and many of them are location-based. This is where things start worrying me. She has told me she is very strict about staying home and wonā€™t take my input on the matter(I preferably want to move - because of my for-mentioned hobbies and because I do not enjoy where i live rn). This also applies to how she wants to live in general, like decorating the house or choosing dogs. My input has very little meaning to her, and it hurts. I have tried compromising, but she doesnā€™t budge. This isnā€™t a big issue now since weā€™re not moving out yet, but it worries me for the future.
Another concern is how I feel when weā€™re together sometimes. There are moments when I just want to be alone(she also does not understand why I want to be alone since she can be with me at all times of the day) . But as soon as she leaves, I feel a deep sense of missing her and guilt for wanting to be away from her. This confuses me. When I go on trips, I miss her, but as soon as I see her after the trip, I donā€™t want to be around her. Then, right after she leaves, I miss her dearly again.
I also get harmless crushes. I would never cheat on her, but I find myself looking at other girls and feeling a crush. I donā€™t know what to make of it, but I know I love my girlfriend and would never cross the line.
Going back to our different hobbies, it pains me that she doesnā€™t enjoy anything I like doing. Iā€™ve tried to get her to do the simplest things I enjoy, but she isnā€™t interested. I know itā€™s okay for us to have different interests, but seeing other couples enjoy the things I love together makes me envious.
Weā€™re so used to being together. During COVID and school, we saw each other almost every day for most of our relationship. Any long period of time apart is hard for us (mainly her). When we get careers, weā€™ll have to get better at not being together all the time, but she said she doesnā€™t want to do that. Weā€™re privileged, but not enough to avoid working 40-hour weeks where we wonā€™t be together as much. She even told me sheā€™s not going to work full-time and expects me to carry us financially. My job potential is high-paying, but it feels selfish that she thinks this way, especially considering the lifestyle she wants.
Weā€™ve talked about marriage a lot. Iā€™ve told myself, her, and my parents that I want to marry her. But the more we talk about it, the more it seems like thatā€™s not the life I want. Little things bother me too, like her saying she doesnā€™t want to take my last name when we get married. I donā€™t know if sheā€™s joking, but sheā€™s said this multiple times, even after I told her it means a lot to me.
I have thought about breaking up a lot. I wouldnā€™t even know where to begin. This would come as a complete blindside to her, I believe. But I also donā€™t like the timing. I donā€™t think I ever will though. I hate hurting her in any way. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m so non-confrontational. She is easily hurt by what I say sometimes (I suck at communicating during arguments, and she knows this). I love her so much that hurting her pains me deeply. She is literally the only thing Iā€™ve ever cried about in my adult years.
I really do love a large part of our relationship. I love so much about her and her personality. Thats another part of breaking up with her that really scares me. We can talk all day about nothing and I really cherish that. I have found not many people that I can do that with, especially with girls. In general, spending time with her is easy and effortless. The sex is great and we have real intimate moments together. On the outside looking in, theres so much to be proud of what we have made for each other. and if we breakup, I do not know if I'll ever find someone that loves me the same way she loves me.
But life is good now. Thatā€™s why I have all these fears. I see it turning sour when things get more serious (moving in together, starting careers). This is where I just donā€™t know what to do. I can see it out, like I have been doing, and maybe we live happily ever after, but for some strange reason, I have a pit in my stomach about the future. This also could lead to wasting both of our time down the line if I broke it off later(It kind of already feels like I wasted both of our time). Or I break it off, but I donā€™t even know where to start and also deeply afraid of hurting her. I also feel like I will feel extremely guilty.
This might seem like I am for sure breaking up with her. I just do not know what else to do. Maybe I just needed to type of all this down(maybe I need a therapist lol). I want to see a way out of this without breaking up. She means so much to me and even the thought of breaking up really does pain me. And I know it would pain her a lot. I am even afraid of having this conversation with her because she would take it as me breaking up with her. One time, I was trying to have this conversation with her but I backed off when I saw her breaking down(result of me having this deep compassion for her. but honestly, I do not know if its really being compassionate in my scenario). I just wish there was an easy solution but I do not know any more. Hopefully someone has some valuable input.
Sorry for all the "but"s and being all over the place - I am not a very good writer lol.
submitted by Mother_Meringue_5820 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:22 themagicpizza Found these in my childhood closet

Found these in my childhood closet
I miss those days long before microtransactions, battle passes, and loot crates.
submitted by themagicpizza to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:22 ilovebeing-human Urgent care says theyā€™re not sure- what is this?

I went to Urgent care earlier today with the doctor thinking I had Strep. Thereā€™s these white bumps all over in my mouth but only the left lymph node is swollen. The swab for strep came back negative, he says he thinks it might be tonsil stones but that was going to treat it as strep and prescribed me 825mg Amoxicillin to take every 12 hours. Iā€™ve been doing all kinds of research myself and tonsil stones just doesnā€™t seem right? Itā€™s in the back of the throat and all over in the front too. I am curious to see what Reddit may suggest, and if I should wait it out or see about getting a second look at it. Swallowing is painful and unless iā€™m full of ibuprofen Itā€™s excruciating. It feels like my throat is activity filling up with the pus and itā€™s hurts so much. Iā€™ve been taking Dayquil, Ibuprofen, cough drops, salt water gargle, etc to help but nothing seems to work.
submitted by ilovebeing-human to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]