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2024.06.02 08:00 Neldere An unsent love letter

I want you to understand me fully, because I find it immensely difficult to communicate any of this unless it is all laid out as one mindset, for I fear being misconstrued as ill-intended when for me this is an exercise of truth and speaking that truth which I feel. It is an exercise of honesty, and one of humility as I lay bare before your conscious attention the fullness of my feeling.
I have loved and I have lost. A number of times now, in various ways. I have explored depths of despair, loneliness, grief, trauma, and other shadowy sides to myself and after entertaining death itself for years, I have emerged refreshed and cleansed. I choose life and all that this incarnation has in store for me while my lungs continue to take breath and my heart continues to beat.
My orientation to life has long been to clench and grip and grab and tightly hold on to illusions of control and security. To ensnare people with untenable relationship arrangements founded on a lack of self-acceptance and love. To entertain conditional and transactional experiences with other humans, for fear of being taken advantage of. These seeds I have allowed to take root have sprung up many times, as I have continued to water and enrich them with anxieties and fears. No longer. I choose to live and to love. I choose to cultivate a space of love that welcomes and accepts and validates and entertains without the need for gripping and containing those who enter it. And as the space expands the walls of my heart, the incalculable depths of loving potential arise to the surface and saturate my being. I choose to be love itself, incarnate as far as my current form will allow. I honor my limitations and find great serenity in accommodating and challenging them in due course.
One of my core powers is understanding the nature of limitation itself. Thus I recognize that in terms of my love, a limit does not exist that can ever long persist. My love is infinite. As I fall into the space of love, I too am infinite as a whole and no longer feel a need to leave this form, or end things, or to do anything especial to avoid suffering. I am just love itself, and that is enough to satisfy my mind and my heart and my soul. All that exists that may limit the outpouring of this love is the nature of my form, and that blessedly is ever changing—seemingly to the benefit of all, and will ever grow alongside the expansion of my heart.
This space is supremely difficult to remain in forever. But when I am with you dearest, I am always in that space. I am always in that space of love with you. Even right now. I am in love with you. Do you get what I am saying? I love you as a person, a human, a being in general. I adore so many aspects of you. But I am also IN the space of love WITH you. I am in love WITH you. I love you, but I am also in love with you.
I have no fear stating this. How could I be afraid of loving utterly she for whom I hold all desire? How could I fear you, dearest, when your embrace is pure comfort and pleasure? You are divinely saturated in feminine expression and attract every atom of my being like a super-magnet. In fact, you instead take all my fears away and alchemize them into precise and pristinely perfect inspiration for me to cheerfully ingest, effortlessly. You ARE my inspiration, my muse, my lady, my woman, and my lover in my mind and in my heart.
Your laugh is a fountain of music and your speech an enchantment for my ears. Your smile as you grin at me is so wonderfully and delightfully silly, mischievous, cheerful, hopeful, and full of desire all at once. I have never felt my capacity to love so challenged as by you, but neither have I ever recognized just how utterly willing I am and will ever be to fully explore that capacity with you.
The way your eyes sparkle with celestial radiance, and draw me down into their depths is a fantasy ride into the very dreamy undertones of my most private subconscious sensualities. And with a bright unserious laugher bubbling up in the blink of said eyes, you make me go to pieces with chagrin and humility in the best possible way. Often, your glance pierces with icy diamond sharpness, but gives way to pools of the most vibrant tropical paradise blue that are wells of the deepest wisdom; a spring from the mountains that begins a stream that will take a lifetime to meet the sea. I would swim in the depths of those pools forever, were I so fortunate as to be invited closer than the leaves of the trees on the edge of the forest. The Keen-Eyed I name you, for there exists no veil or shroud over me that your gaze cannot penetrate with swift and unyielding overtones of warmth and delight. No shadow can endure that light.
Your skin is taut; your muscles wrought—of strength, and powerful endurance. You make the lands vibrate with joy and excitement as the wind chases your feet as they dance through the world. When it is out, the sun glows dazzlingly, glittering with tiny rainbows of color as it plays across your aesthetic and athletic form, and all the wildflowers yearn in anticipation as you pass—hoping for the glory and chance of being picked and tucked behind your ear—to their greatest delight and honor. Framing the soft expanse of your brow, the tresses of your hair flash with a rare and glorious golden radiance that only the light of the stars glittering in the inky darkness of night could produce. Their glow traverses the infinite emptiness of space only to at long last become ensnared and woven into the soft strength of each strand, to radiate that light anew.
When I hug you, I realize that if I could, I would freeze time and spend an eternity just holding you in my arms, lovingly caressing your hair and back as your soft gentle weight presses into me, comforting me utterly with the honoring of the full humility of my stark humanity. Feeling your acceptance, and validation and encouraging enrichment through holding you makes me possessed by great sorrow, knowing I must let you go, but it also leaves me with a lasting serenity and pleasure, knowing that within the space of this long lifetime, I somehow have been so unbelievably fortunate as to have been graced by so loving of an embrace. Humans go entire lifetimes without ever experiencing such a wondrous experience, and I treasure it every time it occurs.
You will never owe me anything, nor suffer any binding at my hand, save those of your own choosing. I offer you infinite depths of connection and reassurance amidst the wide world, but I do not seek to contain or cage you. You have a path to walk just as I do, but I would have yours lead back to me each moment that it may. I would cherish and love you all the days of my life, and never would I intentionally overstep your boundaries nor subject you to violence. I would uphold your honor and work to emphasize your grace with my own stature and beauty and power. Such that is granted to me by the space of each moment, anyways. There is great potential for mutual growth and fulfillment between us over the length of a lifetime if we are willing to invest in developing a deeper intertwining of our bodies and our souls. I recognize many limits but no limit to the depths we might explore together. The universe is vast, but perfection abounds from the highest highs to the deepest depths, and as long as I have you nearby, I may envision it and establish it in turn, for the benefit of our family, should you choose to spend your time in my company in a home of our own.
And if your choice is to seek a path that follows a diversion from my own, I will accept it with graceful resignation, wishing you only the utmost happiness for all your days. I may strain to understand how any other might love you with greater ardor than my heart is aflame with, but the cosmos does not revolve around me, and I recognize that there persist many potential partners of greater consideration and so I willingly let go of any claim I might try to lay for your hand. Instead I offer only a blessing, that should the universe favor me at long last, that this letter will not fall astray and will arrive to a welcome reception in the halls of your heart. Should it not, I will sit with contentment, recognizing my own bravery and madness in sending it, and regretting not the choice to seek your fancy.
You are a treasure dearest, and I am a treasure seeker. I covet many gems and beautiful minerals and crystals that this wondrous planet has grown and shaped. But no crystal radiates as you do. No crystal has so beautiful of colors. Nor is as delightfully energizing as you are. I find no greater assurance in any rock or stone than I do holding your hands and being within the sphere of your aura. I have faith that I will become as strong or as harmonious or supportive as ever you might wish me to be, if only were the smile in your eyes to wake me from dreamspace each morning alongside the rays of the sun and so inspire me to greatness.
May this wishful boat of heartfelt intention and deep desire sail gently into the cavernous depths of your being beneath the mountainous wall of the outer bulwark of your defenses, and may it receive safe harborage in the twilight pools of dreams that glow like galaxies in the soft glimmer of crystal-laden caves that house your soul. May it meet there the doorway to your heart, and may it pass over the threshold, to begin anew the conjugation of the universe with itself through the vehicle of our mutual love.
For K,
Who never received it, having chosen another lover.
submitted by Neldere to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:45 roadkill7690 Top 10 foods to naturally boost testosterone levels in men

Hey guys,
I’ve been doing a bit of research on ways to naturally boost testosterone levels through diet, and I thought I'd share some of the foods that kept coming up. If you’re looking to give your testosterone a natural bump, these foods might be worth adding to your grocery list:
  1. Eggs - All bodybuilders love this one. They are one of the staples when it comes to a muscle-building diet. They’re a great source of protein and cholesterol, which is essential for testosterone production. Plus, they’re versatile and can be cooked in so many ways.
  2. Tuna - Packed with vitamin D, which is linked to testosterone production. If you’re not into tuna, salmon and sardines are also good options. Apart from vitamin D, tuna and other fish mentioned above are a full source of Omega 3 fatty acids that your body requires to produce anabolic steroid hormones including testosterone and HGH.
  3. Beef - Specifically, beef liver is high in vitamin D. Lean cuts of beef also contain zinc, which is crucial for testosterone.
  4. Oysters - These are famous for their high zinc content. Zinc is essential for testosterone, and oysters are one of the best sources. However, one of the problems with oysters is that they tend to feed at the bottom of the sea which is getting more and more polluted.
  5. Spinach - This leafy green is rich in magnesium, which has been shown to help maintain healthy testosterone levels, especially when you’re active.
  6. Pomegranates - Drinking pomegranate juice has been linked to improved testosterone levels and better blood flow, which is great for overall health.
  7. Garlic - It contains allicin, which helps reduce cortisol levels. Lower cortisol means your body can focus more on producing testosterone.
  8. Honey - Rich in boron, which has been shown to support healthy testosterone levels. It’s easy to add to your diet, too – try it in tea or on toast.
  9. Almonds - These nuts are high in vitamin E and healthy fats, which help regulate hormones. They’re great for snacking or adding to meals.
  10. Ginger - Studies have shown that ginger can help increase testosterone levels. It’s super versatile – you can add it to stir-fries, smoothies, or tea.
I've started incorporating some of these into my diet, and I think it’s making a difference. What about you guys? Have you tried any of these or have other suggestions? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
submitted by roadkill7690 to bodyly [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:41 DahBeeHive Anxiety and Gastro Issues

I was recently diagnosed with IBS but I still have to get an endoscopy and colonoscopy to figure out if there's anything else happening. This is honestly the most frustrating thing because I have health anxiety and many of my gastro symptoms give me tremendous anxiety. Lately, I've been in a flare of something that has made eating very difficult. Every time I eat something I feel worn down and my muscles get really heavy. Sometimes my chest gets tight and it's a little hard to take a full breath. I get such crazy brain fog and fatigue that I have to sit down but sitting down for too long makes me dizzy if I move to get up. Sometimes I feel like I'm having an out of body experience and it's wild. I also get a lot of bloating and gas and I'm definitely constipated and having a hard time actually going lately, but I am still going so things are moving.
I tried looking up what causes fatigue and shakiness after eating and I keep seeing something akin to a blood sugar issues. My problem is that I have most of the symptoms described, but about 2 weeks ago I was in the ER and they ran blood tests and all that and they said I didn't have anything life threatening or even anything out of the ordinary. I was discharged with having a massive panic attack and that was basically it. So, I'm thinking that this is probably just really bad constipation and gas causing this symptoms and I've experienced them before, just not on this level. I'm hoping that's all it is, because I'm so out of it that I don't really know what to do when I start feeling this way.
As I type this I'm starting to sweat and I feel like I can't concentrate but I'm moving around and thinking. It's so weird and uncomfortable.
Any thoughts or advice or any similar experiences? I really gotta figure this out because I'm tired of running to the ER and them telling me that I'm fine. Thank you!
submitted by DahBeeHive to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:40 Original-Ad2678 Who else was in the CPTSD Functional Freeze state without realising?

Male 36
During all my time in the freeze state from 2005 til 2024, I didn't realise I was in it. I knew I had MDD plus I was Autistic on top of that and had undiagnosed + untreated ADHD, but yeah I didn't know that the freeze thing was abnormal. I was unemployed + on the disability pension the whole time too.
Doing anything physically, socially or study-wise was exhausting, and I couldn't do any of it without absolutely forcing it. Extreme sweating, body odour off-putting demenour and complete shutdown of sex drive we're all results. Forcing things to the 100% extreme got me my drivers licence and car, where I forced the driving moves into my muscle memory while being immobile in the drivers seat. Even more so when I was hopeful/deluded enough to aspire to be a professional drummer and actually played live in several bands (while unknowingly looking extremely off while doing so), and I had a good enough natural feel (and force of will) to play songs at a pro-calibre level (provided they were relatively simple arrangements) but that took so much out of me that i just lay in bed or on the couch doing nothing at all for the rest of the week (even sitting up was uncomfortable and forced).
Now that I'm medicated and unfrozen, I've had to learn to socialise (which is what froze me to begin with) in the ventral vagal state all over again, I've been gradually getting my physical abilities back one by one, I've had to relearn boundaries + asserting them, I can't play in live bands anymore and I've had to learn to drive all over again in my natural state. And i cannot drive on high bridges/citylink bridges anymore as a result, it freaks me the fuck out.
It’s gonna take me a long time to completely recover, but I’m curious as to how many others have had a similar journey
submitted by Original-Ad2678 to CPTSD_Only [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:33 Original-Ad2678 Who else was in the CPTSD Functional Freeze state for many years without realising?

Male 36
During all my time in the freeze state from 2005 til 2024, I didn't realise I was in it. I knew I had MDD plus I was Autistic on top of that and had undiagnosed + untreated ADHD, but yeah I didn't know that the freeze thing was abnormal. I was unemployed + on the disability pension the whole time too.
Doing anything physically, socially or study-wise was exhausting, and I couldn't do any of it without absolutely forcing it. Extreme sweating, body odour off-putting demenour and complete shutdown of sex drive we're all results. Forcing things to the 100% extreme got me my drivers licence and car, where I forced the driving moves into my muscle memory while being immobile in the drivers seat. Even more so when I was hopeful/deluded enough to aspire to be a professional drummer and actually played live in several bands (while unknowingly looking extremely off while doing so), and I had a good enough natural feel (and force of will) to play songs at a pro-calibre level (provided they were relatively simple arrangements) but that took so much out of me that i just lay in bed or on the couch doing nothing at all for the rest of the week (even sitting up was uncomfortable and forced).
Now that I'm medicated and unfrozen, I've had to learn to socialise (which is what froze me to begin with) in the ventral vagal state all over again, I've been gradually getting my physical abilities back one by one, I've had to relearn boundaries + asserting them, I can't play in live bands anymore and I've had to learn to drive all over again in my natural state. And i cannot drive on high bridges/citylink bridges anymore as a result, it freaks me the fuck out.
It’s gonna take me a long time to completely recover, but I’m curious as to how many others have had a similar journey
submitted by Original-Ad2678 to AutismCPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 Original-Ad2678 Who else was in the CPTSD Functional Freeze state for many years without realising?

Male 36
During all my time in the freeze state from 2005 til 2024, I didn't realise I was in it. I knew I had MDD plus I was Autistic on top of that and had undiagnosed + untreated ADHD, but yeah I didn't know that the freeze thing was abnormal. I was unemployed + on the disability pension the whole time too.
Doing anything physically, socially or study-wise was exhausting, and I couldn't do any of it without absolutely forcing it. Extreme sweating, body odour off-putting demenour and complete shutdown of sex drive we're all results. Forcing things to the 100% extreme got me my drivers licence and car, where I forced the driving moves into my muscle memory while being immobile in the drivers seat. Even more so when I was hopeful/deluded enough to aspire to be a professional drummer and actually played live in several bands (while unknowingly looking extremely off while doing so), and I had a good enough natural feel (and force of will) to play songs at a pro-calibre level (provided they were relatively simple arrangements) but that took so much out of me that i just lay in bed or on the couch doing nothing at all for the rest of the week (even sitting up was uncomfortable and forced).
Now that I'm medicated and unfrozen, I've had to learn to socialise (which is what froze me to begin with) in the ventral vagal state all over again, I've been gradually getting my physical abilities back one by one, I've had to relearn boundaries + asserting them, I can't play in live bands anymore and I've had to learn to drive all over again in my natural state. And i cannot drive on high bridges/citylink bridges anymore as a result, it freaks me the fuck out.
It’s gonna take me a long time to completely recover, but I’m curious as to how many others have had a similar journey
submitted by Original-Ad2678 to CPTSD_NSCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:31 neon_batman 35 [M4F] #San Diego #Usa - Quadriplegic man seeking connection with the hope of it leading to more

Let's get this out of the way first....I was born with a degenerative muscle disorder and I use a power wheelchair. I have severe muscle weakness throughout my entire body which includes my cardiac and pulmonary muscles. As you can imagine dating is a bit more difficult for me but I have found love on Reddit before so I’m back to find it again.
A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I would definitely call myself an introvert. I'm extremely even-tempered so it takes a lot to piss me off and/or offend me. I'm a good listener and very easy to talk to, I have been described by previous partners as genuine, kind and sweet. In person I can come across as quiet and shy at first but, I just need a little time to get comfortable with someone before I really open up. Me---
Some things I enjoy....
-Making people smile/laugh
-Watching sports(Padres and Chargers)
-The cringiest of puns d4d jokes
-Standup comedy...Tom Segura, Bill Burr, Bert Kreischer, Andrew Schulz, Bobby Lee, Norm MacDonald, Mark Normand, Dave Chapelle, and many more.
-Collecting Batman memorabilia
-Podcasts like YMH, Tigerbelly, Kill Tony, TYSO, 2 Bears 1 Cave, Bad Friends, etc.
-Music...I mostly like Alternative and Classic Rock but I'm into some pop and open to everything really. Foo Fighters, Wet Leg, Cage The Elephant, RHCP, Queen, The Eagles, AURORA, and so many more
-Going to concerts
-Shows...Currently watching Hacks on Max. all time favorite show is Breaking Bad
-Watching movies like horror, thrillers, sci-fi, comedy, and Super Hero stuff is fun Taskmaster!
ABOUT YOU: I’m looking for my best friend and partner, someone who wants a serious relationship. I want someone who is kind and compassionate, trustworthy and genuine. Someone with a sense of (sometimes dark)humor who can make me laugh and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Someone who is not afraid to be silly sometimes. As for location, the closer the better so it's easier to meet up but I don’t mind long distance as long as there is a plan to see each other often. It would be ideal if you could eventually relocate because that is currently not an option for me.
To show me that you’ve read the entire post and are serious please include the word football in your message. If you have any questions regarding my condition please feel free to ask me ANYTHING.
Don’t be put off by my disability, I don’t bite....unless you're into that ;)
submitted by neon_batman to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 alphywalfie Advice specific to bent-knee inverts

Hi, I tried searching if anyone had similar problems, but couldn't find any.
I have a strange problem where my body learned how straight-leg invert from the ground before it learned how to invert with bent legs.
What happened was I was stuck on inverts for 2 years, and one day it just happened and it happened with microbent straight legs - so it feels like my body skipped bent leg inverts.
My issue now is that I'm struggling with aerial inverts, and I'm trying to regress and tell my body to keep bent legs while inverting in the air - but am struggling to keep the tuck position.
I think the advice I'm looking for is what potential muscles I may not be engaging to keep the "tuck" WHILEA inverting - my struggle is that either my legs straighten or my torso and my thighs separate - and it just feels impossible to keep both legs bent while keeping my knees to chest. I'm fairly sure it's not my hip flexors, as when I lift my knees to my chest and simply hang, my hang time is I think decent (~40 seconds on a good day)
I've also tried to simulate the movement by rolling back and forth against a mat, and it's the same - struggle either my bent legs separate from my torso, or my calves separate from my thighs and try to straighten.
Any advice for how to strengthen the "tuck" - especially on how to keep the tuck WHILE moving - would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by alphywalfie to Aerials [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 Original-Ad2678 Who else was stuck in the Functional Freeze state for many years without realising it?

Male 36
During all my time in the freeze state from 2005 til 2024, I didn't realise I was in it. I knew I had MDD plus I was Autistic on top of that and had undiagnosed + untreated ADHD, but yeah I didn't know that the freeze thing was abnormal. I was unemployed + on the disability pension the whole time too.
Doing anything physically, socially or study-wise was exhausting, and I couldn't do any of it without absolutely forcing it. Extreme sweating, body odour off-putting demenour and complete shutdown of sex drive we're all results. Forcing things to the 100% extreme got me my drivers licence and car, where I forced the driving moves into my muscle memory while being immobile in the drivers seat. Even more so when I was hopeful/deluded enough to aspire to be a professional drummer and actually played live in several bands (while unknowingly looking extremely off while doing so), and I had a good enough natural feel (and force of will) to play songs at a pro-calibre level (provided they were relatively simple arrangements) but that took so much out of me that i just lay in bed or on the couch doing nothing at all for the rest of the week (even sitting up was uncomfortable and forced).
Now that I'm medicated and unfrozen, I've had to learn to socialise (which is what froze me to begin with) in the ventral vagal state all over again, I've been gradually getting my physical abilities back one by one, I've had to relearn boundaries + asserting them, I can't play in live bands anymore and I've had to learn to drive all over again in my natural state. And i cannot drive on high bridges/citylink bridges anymore as a result, it freaks me the fuck out.
It’s gonna take me a long time to completely recover, but I’m curious as to how many others have had a similar journey
submitted by Original-Ad2678 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 cchamming Finally Cured after 9 months

I just received my third negative test after having MG for appx 9 stressful months. Sharing this so others will hopefully not lose hope.
I first started getting symptoms around mid 2023 - symptoms was white penis discharge.
I went to a regular GP thinking it might be chlamydia and was prescribed doxycyclene - the symptoms cleared for maybe a week and returned worse than before.
I then went to a different GP specialising in sexual health and was given doxy and moxifloxacin. That didnt work and symptoms returned. I then did two separate rounds of minocycline treatment (first one was incorrect dosage). It's after these treatments I theorise that my strain of MG became macrolide resistant and extremely difficult to cure (my sexual partner who gave me the infection was able to easily treat it with two rounds of antibiotics).
One of the most difficult issues I faced is that most doctors just don't know much about MG and how to treat it. I think in total I visited eight different doctors which becomes expensive and mentally draining.
I was then fortunate to be able to get treated at MSHC, a world leading researcher for MG. I tried multiple different rounds of different antibiotics but eventually they told me I need to live with my symptoms and hope it goes away on its own.
Up until this point I had tried: doxycyclene, minocycline, moxifloxacin, sitafloxacin, metronidazole and lefamulin.
This where things got interesting and also incredibly frustrating. At this point, I should have been treated with Pristinamycin which is recommended for macrolide resistant MG when all other treatments have failed - however, due ridiculous red tape in Australia, no doctor I spoke with in my state was able to get access to it.
So after I was treated for Lefamulin, the symptoms continued (white discharge). As MSHC no longer wished to treat me, I went to a new clinic after a couple of months (of utter discomfort!). The clinic was able to see that after my course of Lefamulin, the MG strain was no longer macrolide resistant!!
I did another round of metronidazole and minocycline - and also did two weeks of doxycyclene that I had laying around. White discharge stopped!
Have been tested now three times over a period of two months and it's all negative!!
As excited I am to be negative, now my body is recovering. All the antibiotics messed with my body and even my skin has suffered. I have acne now that I never used to have, likely from the medication messing with the bacteria on my face. I also get random bloating, occasional discomfort in my gut region and tinnitus in one ear.
To add to that, I wake up now with sticky precum like discharge. I suspect it's related to pelvic muscle issues. All these strong medications have made me anxious about my health and gut microbiome.
My advice to anyone with MG: don't give up. Do your homework especially regarding the medications and dosage,, find a doctor who knows about MG or is willing to learn. A doctor who doesn't know about MG or STIs might risk giving you unnecessary medication that will needlessly mess with you body. Good luck!!
submitted by cchamming to MycoplasmaGenitalium [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:17 Melodic-Grape-7254 Am I naive in thinking that I’ll get significantly more attention if I lost weight?

I’m a M25. Been overweight pretty much my whole life, currently obese unfortunately. I’m about 260 pounds at 5 feet, 9 inches. I consider myself grossly unattractive, almost solely due to my weight. I don’t think my face is bad looking and I finally like my hairstyle, so it’s really just the weight that I find unattractive about myself.
My weight has significantly affected my dating life. I’ve never had a girlfriend and I’m still a virgin. Not many woman is tripping over themselves to try and get with an obese guy like me, and my lack of confidence stemming from being obese and inexperienced stops me from trying to date. The few times I’ve tried, I’ve been let down easy.
I may be totally naive, but I really feel like if I just lost the weight and gained some muscle everything would be okay in my dating life. I’d at least have one. I just want to be like everyone else and actually try to find a partner. And I know overweight people date, but I really just can’t in this body. I’ve tried and I’ll never feel confident in this body and I don’t expect anyone to like me if I don’t like myself.
So am I being naive?
submitted by Melodic-Grape-7254 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 IveDiedTwice Having Odd Symptoms, think it is Covid related (18M)

So it is currently Sunday at 1AM. I just woke up from a nap from 6PM. I’ve felt gross since about Wednesday. It all started when I woke up and my eyes hurt to move far and fast, I had a massive tension headache (still lingered all week to now) and my body felt fatigued. Drank a glass of milk, was supposed to expire in 8 days but it tasted watered down or expired. Great, my taste is gone. Night of Wednesday and Thursday I start having chills and shivers and my skin temperature is VERY hot, 100.4F fever. This lasted until an hour later where I would start sweating or wake up sweating. Shivers died down. Saturday evening a weird rash appeared on my torso. I recently showered and was sitting shirtless and my torso just became itchy. There was several dime sized red blotches and a rash started to appear. It felt like bug bites and looked like them too but in large blotchy areas. I wake up now and the rash is a little on my shoulders and neck. Now the weirdest symptom is every time I move, even as little as lifting my arm or rotating my neck all the muscles burn as if they’ve been stretched about 2 seconds after performing the action.
Is my body slowly rotting? Am I a victim to Covid part 2? What the heck is wrong with me. Symptoms persist I will be going to doctor.
submitted by IveDiedTwice to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 Gracerzzz My OTF journey so far (Started April 2024) - am I trending right?

Hiiiii! Long post ahead... but I wanted to share to see if anyone could relate.
I joined OTF April 1st of 2024 to get back into it. For context, I am trying to lose my pregnancy weight (10-15lbs) - but at this point, it isn't from my pregnancy, I think it's just me (my daughter is turning 3 in end of July lol) so I decided to get back into OTF.
I like OTF because I burn and get a much better workout than going to the gym on my own. So I signed up for elite and did 8 classes to build confidence in April with little change to my diet. Once I felt like I could do more classes physically and timewise with a toddler, I upgraded to premier and did 13 classes in the month of May, supplemented by 5x3km runs and 10 yoga classes in the evening with lots of changes to my diet.
For the first three weeks of May, I was RAVENOUS. I ate A LOT and my average daily protein was 110g. I upped my water from 2L to solid 4-5L. I increased my fats and my fiber and finally chalked it up to a very heavy period. After my period, I was able to break out of that hunger streak.
Since starting, I've gained about 5lbs. I understand my body is going through 2 months of change, I had a high intake month and muscle... this is so disheartening but I know it's a healthy weight gain because it's from nutritious food and exercise.
Call me crazy, but my hands are less round, my double chin is smaller and my neck and shoulders are slimmer. Everything else though... not so much. My waist increased by 3cm, my calf by 1cm, thights by 1.5cm, hips by 2cm.
But I really, really, would like to go back to my pre-pregnancy size by the end of the year. I'm currently a tight size 6 comfortable size 8, and would like to go back to a comfortable size 4. I am a female, 5'4, 35 years old and 155lbs. Prior to pregnancy, I was 140lbs (realistic goal) in 2021, 135lbs (stretch goal when I got married.
I've always been active (ran 3x/week with weights, yoga, or hiking). Did anyone trend upwards before they trended down? If so, how long did it take?!?!
submitted by Gracerzzz to orangetheory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:53 Apprehensive-Bar-848 Just sad about my exercising capabilities

Was very active pre-pregnancy with working out about 3-4x a week. Didn’t work out once from conception to 20 weeks. Finally got back into yoga, F45, and walking from 20-28 weeks, doing at least 2 activities a week.
Third trimester hit hard and took my energy with it. Just did yoga today for the first time in weeks, and I couldn’t believe how out of shape I am. Lost all arm muscle, could barely keep up, was panting. I was jealous of all the fit people in the class, since that WAS me.
Just needed to vent. Very down on my body, and my lack of ability right now. I’m also scared for postpartum. Not only how long it’ll take me to get strong again, but how often will I even realistically get to go to yoga or F45 classes??
submitted by Apprehensive-Bar-848 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:49 Mobile_You_9215 Osteopathic bodywork

I recently went in for a massage where the therapist stated that she performs osteopathic bodywork. Because I've been delving into this technique I was interested in receiving a massage from someone that said that they also do osteopathic body work. I paid $210 for a 100 minute massage. I really felt like the massage was mostly energy work. She did do what she considers cranial sacral work on my neck problems. 10 minutes before the massage was over I was face up and stretched with my arms over my head and my back started to lock up. I stretched and flexed and got the spasm to go away. After the massage was over I asked her which part was osteopathic. She said when she placed her hands on my hips and her fingertips up my occiput that she was doing osteopathic.
When I'm in session I'm going in at the attachment zones and using gentle pressure and it's noticeable that the bones are moving back into alignment as all the rest of the muscles soften.
I'm asking myself now, do I raise my rates? I'm currently charging $120 for 60 minutes $150 for 90 minutes and 200 for 120 minutes. My mind was truly blown that this woman can charge $210 to just lightly put her hands on me.
Is anyone else doing osteopathic body work with massage?
submitted by Mobile_You_9215 to MassageTherapists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:40 N3ko-chan F/30/5'3 [238lbs > 204lbs = 34lbs] (8months) trying to stay motivated

F/30/5'3 [238lbs > 204lbs = 34lbs] (8months) trying to stay motivated
I go to the gym 5 days a week and am focusing on lifting and building muscle while in a calorie deficit for fat loss. The scales hasn't been moving as much as it use too. I'm trying to remind myself that the scale fluctuates and I'm building muscle but I struggle with a history of ED and lost over 70 pounds in the past due to an eating disorder. Lifting has helped my relationship with food a ton as I see it as fuel to help me toward my goals. It's hard to be on this journey with an ED and body dysmorphia that tries to creep up on me but I'm determined to heal and grow strong.
submitted by N3ko-chan to progresspics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 Ipolishuprealnic3 I really keep trying to give them chances

Was listening to the podcast episode with Dr Attia. In about 1 min here are the dumb things that were said by Lauryn and Michael: “I carry stress differently because of my mom. I was raised by my mom who’s half Japanese and we’re just wired different” WE KNOW YOU ARE A QUARTER JAPANESE MICHAEL Lauryn: Michael doesn’t understand why I need dim lights and time to wake up in the morning before he talks to me “feel me up before you fuck me!” Lauryn: “what do you think about people taking Metformin and Semi-glu-ti”
I’m honestly surprised they don’t support GLP1s because peptides are generally pretty good for you and naturally occurring in the body. I would think they would love something that boosts performance. They take colostrum, electrolytes, etc. it’s so strange what they support and don’t. Of course Michael keeps focusing on losing muscle 🙄🙄
submitted by Ipolishuprealnic3 to theskinnyconsnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:34 Chickenwingechicken simple exercises that you can do right now to help you shift

💭₊˚ introduction 💭₊˚

these exercises are to be done at whatever time you can. even if you shift at night, you don't have to focus on shifting in order to do these exercises. in fact, don't. while the end goal of these exercises is to help you shift, that should not be the attempt itself to shift.
just like regular physical exercise, these exercises will take time to get results for. but, they are very useful.

⋆⁺₊🪬 visualization exercise 🪬⋆⁺₊

so, you can't visualize. or you have trouble visualizing. this exercise may help you.
i notice that people tend to over complicate the idea of visualizing. as a general rule of thumb, don't over complicate things. a lot of things that are simple get over complicated by us as humans because of how simple it is. it feels like a 'what? really? that's it?' and we feel the need to search for something more beyond that. the same can be applied here to shifting and more specifically, visualizing.
lie down or sit down. just get comfortable. i want you to close your eyes and try to imagine something. it could be something small like an orange just for now. an orange is simple enough so that you can visualize it with ease.
once you have set your mind on imagining an orange. think about it some more and really analyze it. how bright is the orange? is it very textured. the orange that you are holding peeled or unpeeled? imagine it's smell. then imagine taking a bit out of it and its taste.
once you have used your senses to focus on that orange, move onto the background. before you stop imagining the orange, you should ask yourself; what is behind that orange? what color is the wall. are you holding the orange or is it on a plate or napkin?
without not focusing on the area, think of where you are looking at this orange. are you sitting somewhere? are you relaxing in your room with this orange? take time to focus on yourself and where you are and where that orange is.
do this about twice a day with different things. establishing a routine will give you the best results. when attempting to shift, you should try to visualize an object from your dr in that same way. like a phone.
if you wish to visualize your room, focus on one object and go from there. i find this personally easier than focusing on everything else at once. everything just becomes kinda blurry that way and an imagination instead of a visualization.

᭝ ᨳଓ ՟ detaching exercise ᭝ ᨳଓ ՟

this exercise is made to help you detach from your body. to not feel it. this one, i will split into two sections since there could be two ways to detach yourself.
exercise one
the first detaching exercise just has you focus on your breathing and letting things be. relax all of your muscles. focus on each limb individually starting from your feet and all the way up to your head. once you are completely relaxed, you should try to focus on anything but your body. maybe some scenarios about your dr.
but ultimately, you should be having a calm mind. it should feel empty by the time that you are done relaxing. don't be sleepy, but also don't be too alert of the world around you. if you feel a tingling or heaviness, especially in your legs, just ignore it.
again, do not over complicate it. just let it all be.
exercise two
the second detachment exercise focuses on the feeling of removing yourself from the body. or at least, the feeling of removing yourself from your body. repeat the exact same steps as before. in order for this to work however, your limbs should not be touching; it makes the process easier.
once you have done that, focus on your breathing again. then once your body becomes heavy, try to move parts of your body without moving a muscle. do your best, even if it takes a couple of tries to do.

⭑. 🌌 wake up exercise 🌌 .⭑

unless you take naps throughout the day, you only have the opportunity to do this as soon as you wake up. there is something called a hypnagogic state. a hypnagogic state is a mental state in which you are between sleep and being awake. your dream has just ended or is about to begin. there is a moment of awareness just before you do. try to focus on that feeling.
once you become aware you are in that state, you likely have no feeling in your body. you will quickly shoot yourself out of bed as quickly as you could. don't think too long about it, simply just shoot yourself out of bed.
you can quickly affirm that you are in your dr when you do this, or you could do what is basically astral projection or a self induced out of body experience.

𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ meditation exercise 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒

this one is pretty self explanatory. you are meant to just meditate. you can find a quick one or a long one to your liking. as i said many other times before, meditation is a proven way to calm your mind and body. meditating for a quick amount of time and slowly building up to a longer meditation can help you with shifting and staying in the same place as before.
you should listen to the same or similar meditation so that you can build off of that and have some semblance of familiarity with it.
again, this will need a routine of doing this often. it doesn't have to be once everyday, but it can be every other day within the day. it shouldn't be when you are about to sleep.
if you feel as though there is an outside force preventing you from shifting or view shifting as some puzzle with a missing piece that you can't find, this exercise can help you figure out what it is by tapping into you subconscious mind.

⁺₊🎧 comfort character exercise ⁺₊🎧

this one is similar to the visualization one in some way. put on a guided meditation or an asmr roleplay of that comfort character. close your eyes and imagine yourself getting talked to by that comfort character.
for the guided meditation, imagine them talking to you through that guided meditation. that their voice is helping you relax. this may improve your chances in shifting by being able to focus on that meditation even more.
as for the asmr roleplay, i find that this can help you create a scenario for your dr and something to have a conversation with while you shift.
you can also do both of these just before you shift to motivate you some more. it can also just be a fun thing to do!

୨🪐୧ conclusion ୨🪐୧

i'm a bit tired after writing this. not due to the post itself but just in general, haha. when it comes to these exercises, the goal is not to shift during them, so don't be disappointed if you wake up in your current reality after doing these exercises. as i said before, the goal is to work on certain aspects that people use for shifting that you struggle with. if you feel held back by shifting in some way, these will be a great opportunity to try and figure out what it is.
please be sure to stay safe and happy shifting! ᥫ᭡
submitted by Chickenwingechicken to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:29 thebluudwolf Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained

Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained
Original link-
Repost cause the original was deleted. I'm not OP. OP is
Deleted Theory
Thanks for the Pastebin link.
DISCLAIMER: This theory will go over the entire story of Platinum End, so obvious spoilers ahead.Just a heads up, this theory is posted at the time that only a few episodes of the anime have been released. Depending on how much the anime stays like the manga, details may end up changing. Therefore, the entire theory will be based solely on the manga. I will also leave snippets of the manga with the highlighted text to support my claim. Please be sure to read those as it will help this theory make sense. This theory is completely my own original thoughts. If anyone shares this, please be sure to credit me, Muphenz. Thanks! Hello, my fellow Platinum End fans! If you’re like me, the ending completely caught me off guard and left my head-scratching. Do not worry! I’ve overanalyzed everything and made a theory to possibly explain who god and those beings at the end of the story are, so you don’t have to. Those beings at the end of the manga, chapter 58, are drum roll…humans of the future who have achieved many scientific advancements who existed well before the story of Platinum End takes place and are simulating their own world with fake humans, fake angels, and a fake god. Why are the real humans running this simulation? Simply put, they’re suicidal and no amount of therapy is going to help with that. Why are they wanting to die? In the future, it is predicted by Gaku Yoneda that within 500 years, humans will achieve immortality. Once they achieve immortality, they will eventually master time and space and will be able to do things like teleport, time travel, see the future, etc. And once humans achieve immortality and are able to know all of the future, they will discover that the future cannot be changed according to Dr. Yoneda. Just like Dr. Yoneda’s prediction, the real humans are wanting to die which is why it’s stated by one of the real humans how annoying it is that there is no death. Whatever the process was that made the real humans immortal, it seems that it cannot be reversed to restore one’s mortality. Although it’s not stated how humans will achieve immortality and allow them to control time and space, this will somehow cause humanity’s apocalypse as well, destroying the original Earth. What makes these creatures more human-like than god-like is that they admit they were born on another planet, most likely the original Earth. They are also aware that they too were created by something that is above them. How do we know Dr. Yoneda’s predictions are right? It was stated by Shuji Nakaumi that his past predictions came true. One thing to understand about science is that it’s extremely good at accurately predicting things. Example 1: With Issac Newton’s law of motion, scientists can predict the position of an object at any specific time, past, present, or future. Example 2: In the 1840s, Fitzner astronomer Urbain Le Verrier was analyzing the orbit pathway of Mercury and found that it is changing very slowly over time. With technology limited at that time, it was hard to provide proof. In 1915, the famous German physicist, Albert Einstein was able to calculate the influence of the curved space in Mercury’s orbit. That is 75 years later that science proved its prediction was right. Although science cannot tell future events like a psychic will attempt to, I believe this is what the author was using to help advance the plot for the ending. The real humans already know the future and they’re aware that no matter what they try, death is not a part of that. If they cannot do it, someone else can. That is when these simulations come in. The real humans will create simulated humans. In one of the simulations, the story of Platinum End takes place. This would not be on a computer. This process would involve terraforming an entire planet to support carbon-based life. The planet that the simulated humans live on will be similar to the original Earth as well as the history and advancement of science will be similar to the real humans. As the simulated human’s society progresses, like in Platinum End, they would eventually learn how to become immortal and learn how to control space-time which would lead to them wanting to die just like the real humans. But unlike the real humans, the simulated ones may actually achieve a way to kill themselves once they obtain immortality that the real humans could use. But as we already know stated by the real humans, this specific simulation was a failure. Nothing was created that was capable of killing them. Thus, the real humans will move on to a new simulation. Pay very special attention to this picture. Notice right after all of the humans disappear when the fake god kills himself, the buildings are slowly crumbling away since no one is here to maintain them. According to World Building, it would take an average of 250 years for a building to start to break apart since materials like wood and plastic would be destroyed by the environment if not maintained. Metal would be expanding and no longer able to keep the building's structure in place. This would cause things like windows to fall off and shatter. So after a few hundred years, the real humans return to the planet after the simulated humans disappeared due to the fake god’s suicide. It’s possible that during this time they’re running other simulations on other planets and returned when this simulation was completed. Since the real humans have achieved master over space-time, teleporting to anywhere in the universe would not be out of the question. Since they cannot die, the amount of time it would take for the real humans to travel anywhere in the universe is irrelevant as well. Even though Gaku Yoneda’s predictions about the simulated humanity’s end were wrong, he was technically right. It did come true for the real humans. If Shuji Nakaumi, as the fake god, did not kill himself and wipe out all of the fake humans, they would of most likely learned how to cheat death and to control space-time in the future. Gaku was wrong about the fake god being a product of human belief in order to live. He even admits that the composition of the fake god was wrong. If the fake god required human belief to live, then Shuji would not have erased the memories of those who were not god candidates as it would have affected the fake god's existence if fewer people believed in him. There is one thing that begs the question. Why is a fake god needed to run these simulations? Why do the simulated humans have souls? Why not just create the simulated humans and leave them to figure out how to create an immortal killing machine without the process of a false god? This is because God and souls are actually real and are necessary for life to exist. To clarify, the “God” that Shuji Nakaumi was transmuted into is not the true God that I’m referring to. I’m referring to the first cause of everything, a self-aware creator, a deistic God who existed before time and space who created the universe and does not intervene in its creation. This means no miracles, prophecy, answering prayers, divine revelation, etc. Everything in the universe is governed by physics and these laws cannot be broken. The real humans who are running the simulations are aware that they are a creation made from a creator. However, since a deistic God does not interfere in the universe, the real humans cannot know of him, at least while they are still alive. Considering the real humans can control space-time, I can say for certain at one point, at least one person went to the very beginning of time and saw something that would be evidence of an intelligent designer creating the universe. When the real humans are conversing with each other at the finale, one human suggests identifying what created them and the second one replies that seeking their creator will be a waste of time. If a deistic God won’t intervene in its creation, the real humans would be wasting time by attempting to contact him. Even though they can control space-time, if the creator exists outside of reality, they would not be able to reach this entity. Focusing on figuring out who created them means that time is wasted if they're not figuring out how to die which is why it would take them further away from death. Just as the simulated humans have souls, the real humans also have souls. At some point, the real humans discovered the soul. They are aware that this is needed for life to be sentient. The discovery of the soul could have played a key part in the real humans achieving immortality. The fake god is engineered by the real humans to create souls so that life can be sentient, mimic the universe's deistic God by allowing the simulation to run with no interference, and act as a mod to keep an eye on life with the red and white arrows. The celestial realm was created so the fake god would not be a part of the simulated world. Even though time moves differently in the celestial realm, it is the closest thing that the real humans can engineer to simulate a deist God that is separated from its creation. This fake god does not have the powers of a supreme being. The fake god does not know everything, is not everywhere at once, and does not display any sort of omnipotent ability. There is a lot of things that the fake god admits to not knowing, such as who created him, why are souls preserved, and how long does the merging process take. Although we do see the fake god have the ability to observe humanity, I would say that this is the equivalent of having admin privileges to watch humanity live-streamed on YouTube. The fake god is aware that he is created by someone. The fake god noticed that there are things that had already been created that he was not a part of just by observing everything in the universe. Although he seems to not understand what created him. He even acknowledges the idea that humanity could have created him. All the simulated souls come from the fake god. This is done through a process of emanation, which means to flow from. In the Abrahamic religions, specifically Gnosticism, Jewish Mysticism, and certain sectors of Protestantism, instead of your typical creator being separate from its creation, everything is a spontaneous outflow from God. As pieces of God emanate from him, it becomes less divine, but these pieces will eventually become an individual soul that forms into human spirits, angels, demons, as well as other things that come into reality such as heaven, hell, and the world of the living. Eventually, everything that came from God, will return back to the creator. (If you’re still confused on what emanation is, I would do more research before continuing to read as this will play a key role in understanding who the fake god is.) Emanation is how the fake god created the simulated human and their soul, the fake angels, and the celestial realm. The fake god took a piece of himself and used it to create life. Since everything emanates from the fake god is connected to him, as he is dying, most of the angels are dying too. Due to this connection, when the fake god killed himself, everything that was tied to the fake god disappeared. But because the creation of the fake god is not connected to the physical world, the planet and everything that is not life remained on it. When the simulated human beings die, the soul goes to the celestial realm. This is the returning aspect of emanation. The souls that came from the fake god are returning back to him. You always see all angels, regardless of rank, having the task of carrying the souls to the celestial realm. It seems that the main purpose of the angels is to help with the return part of the emanation process. The more that the emanence is divided, the less divine it becomes. This is why the fake humans are considered sub-celestial in the hierarchy.It appears that there is a certain order to the flow of emanation. The newest creations emanate from the fake god. Kids will be the first in the line for the emanate process and their parents will be behind them. This is why when the fake god committed suicide, the kids were the first ones to disappear, then the adults. All things that emanate from the fake god are returning to the original source in reverse order when the fake god takes his own life. When the fake god merges with a human, this appears to go against the set pattern of the emanation process by breaking the order in which the emanence flows. This is why when Shuji merged with the fake god, it felt like there was something foreign in the fake god's body similar to how an infected person's body acts when the immune system detects foreign bacteria or a virus. The only way to get around it is by the fake god merging with a simulated human and having the fake god take over the new body when the fusion is completed. It is stated by the fake god that it is nothing more than humanity's assumption that God cannot die. This may be true for the deistic God, but not for a fake god. It is already known that the real humans achieved immortality. Although the fake god could have been engineered to be immortal, that would just create another being who would eventually want to die. The fake god was designed to live a long life, compared to humans, that could be extended through the process of merging with one of its emanated counterparts until the simulation was completed. This has been done throughout time in the form of the god choosing process. The fake god confirmed to Shuji that his purpose was to create life. Professor Yoneda confirmed that the fake god was created by human imagination and that its purpose was to end life. On the surface, this may seem like a contradiction. But both of them are right. The fake god’s purpose was to create the simulated humans. God is metaphorically a creation of human imagination. It was not by the simulated human’s imagination as stated by Yoneda, but it was designed and engineered by the minds of the real humans. Since the purpose of the simulation is for the fake humans to achieve immortality and figure out how to reverse it, you can say that the fake god is a part of that process of killing humanity. Right as all of the humans are disappearing, Dr. Yoneda realizes that the composition that makes up the creature is based on a science that the simulated humans have not discovered yet. The composition of the fake god is Aether. In medieval times, a common study among scholars is alchemy, which can be best described as the forerunner for modern-day chemistry mixed with the pseudoscience of metaphysics. According to Charles Gillispie, a historian at Princeton University, in his book, The Edge of Objectivity, An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas, Aether is the fifth element, along with earth, wind, fire, and water, that are the basic building blocks of the universe. During medieval times, Aether is the substance that is believed to connect the physical world to the spiritual one. It was even a common belief that the Abrahamic God was surrounded by Aether and that all of the angels, demons, and souls that dwelled in the afterlife breathed it in as humans breathed in the air. According to Jakob Bernoulli, a mathematician from the 1600s, believed that Aether is what allowed souls to interact with their human bodies. All of these characteristics of Aether match the composition of the fake god. Aether is what allows life to become sentient, connecting all of the simulated humans back to the fake god from the physical world to the celestial realm. It seems at some point, the real humans discover this element. This discovery most likely led to the discovery of the soul. Using this element, the real humans used Aether to construct the fake god needed for the simulations. Everything that is a part of the simulation, the fake god, angels, the soul, the arrows, is made up of this element. The red arrow is what allows the god candidates to make other humans fall in love with them so much that the person who is under the influence of the arrow will do literally anything the person who is in control wants, even die for them. The white arrow has the ability to kill any life while all inanimate objects are unaffected. These were limits placed on the arrows by the fake god. According to Ogaro, the fake god can use the full power of the arrows at will. The red arrow is more than just making someone fall in love. The arrow does this by taking away their free will. The god candidates were limited to using the arrow on 14 people at once for a period of up to 33 days. With the fake god able to use the full power of the red arrow, he can enslave any or all simulated humans with a snap of his finger for as long as he desired. The red arrow also played a role in creating the first simulated life as well. The fake god stated that if life was left alone, it would multiply. The desire of falling in love and wanting to procreate was implanted by the red arrow when life was created. The white arrow is the opposite of the red arrow. This arrow can kill life instantly. The limit that was placed on this arrow is that only one white arrow can be shot at a time. Just like the red arrow, this arrow has a maximum range of 31.6 meters. When cycling the white arrow, there is a cool down period of 0.3 seconds. If these limiters are removed, the fake god can kill all humans with the white arrows with virtually no limit on distance, any number of arrows can be used simultaneously, and there would be no mandatory cool down period. The creation of the simulated humans involves two key ingredients. The first is the soul which comes from the fake god. The second is a physical body for the soul to be attached to. The real humans asked if it was worth planting another seed and another god as those are two separate things. The making of another god is obviously the fake god. But what is the seed? The seed is what makes the physical embodiment of all plants and animals that all emanence is attached to. I.E., souls attached to bodies. According to the fake god, before he created life on the fake Earth, there was some sort of micro-organism. This seed would be that micro-organism, specifically carbon-based bacteria that is capable of evolution. Around 3 billion years ago, the first life on Earth was bacteria. There are two types of bacteria, a classification of anaerobic bacteria that ate other organic compounds and simple sugars to survive. The other kind is autotrophs bacteria which is capable of self-feeding. Anaerobic bacteria would evolve into modern-day animals. Autotroph bacteria would evolve into modern-day plants that still have the ability to self-feed through a process of photosynthesis. It is possible to send bacteria through space. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of Frontiers in Microbiology, bacteria were able to survive in space for three years. If the real humans were able to transport the seed through space in less than 3 years, it could easily survive. Considering they achieved immortality, it is within reason to think this would be a piece of cake for them. At some point, part of the anaerobic bacteria would come in contact with the fake god, who was on the fake Earth at that time to make life, recognized the fake god as food, and attempted to feed off of him to survive. The bacteria that fed off the fake god would eventually evolve into Nasse. The bacteria that did not feed off of the fake god would evolve into more complex forms of life on the fake Earth. Since Nasse was accidentally created from this event, it most likely means that she is the first angel that the fake god created. This means that she could serve as inspiration for the fake god to create angels for the celestial realm. The angels don't seem to share any ability to reproduce with each other. There is never any mention of any family heritage. It means that all of the angels were created around the same time. Since Nasse is the only angel that came from the seed/bacteria, her biological makeup differs from all the other angels. While the majority of her is angel, part of the genetic makeup is similar to carbon-based life. Although I would not say Nasse is an angel-human hybrid, she could be considered a type of Nephilim. Due to this biological difference, Nasse is the only angel that can interfere in both the physical world and the celestial realm. Much research has shown that facial expressions are innate among all animals, not just humans. The same animals that display facial expressions when expressing emotions, lying, determination, etc. use similar muscles in the face as humans do. For example, a Psychologist, Paul Ekman, studied facial expression from hours of film and ventured on to multiple isolated tribes who have very little contact with modern society. He showed them pictures of facial expressions and asked them to interpret them. These people were able to match facial expressions and their meaning with high accuracy. This is one of the many studies that show facial expressions are genetic. Even though Nasse is single-minded, she is able to understand facial expressions due to her biological relationship with the simulated life on the fake Earth. But hey, this is just a theory."
submitted by thebluudwolf to platinumend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:23 VaughnDaVision Caffeine

Quirk: Caffeine

Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Caffeine is an emitter-type quirk that allows its user to absorb energy from their surroundings and convert it into stamina, enhancing their physical capabilities.
Quirk Abilities: 1. Energy Absorption: The user of Caffeine can absorb various forms of energy, including kinetic energy from movement, thermal energy from heat sources, and even potential energy from objects or surroundings. They can draw energy from their environment to replenish their stamina. 2. Stamina Enhancement: Once absorbed, the converted energy boosts the user's stamina, increasing their endurance, agility, and overall physical performance. They can sustain prolonged periods of physical activity without experiencing fatigue or exhaustion. 3. Quick Recharge: Caffeine provides a rapid energy recharge mechanism, allowing the user to replenish their stamina quickly during intense physical exertion or combat situations. They can recover from fatigue or depletion of energy reserves at an accelerated rate. 4. Adaptability: The user can absorb energy from a wide range of sources, making them adaptable to different environments and situations. Whether in urban areas bustling with activity or remote locations with natural energy sources, they can harness available energy to fuel their abilities. 5. Combat Advantage: In combat scenarios, Caffeine grants the user a significant advantage by bolstering their physical prowess and stamina. They can outlast opponents in prolonged battles, maintaining peak performance levels while adversaries succumb to fatigue. 6. Environmental Interaction: Beyond combat applications, Caffeine enables the user to interact with their environment in unique ways. They can utilize energy absorption to navigate challenging terrain, enhance athletic performance, or execute impressive feats of agility and strength.
Quirk Weaknesses: 1. Energy Dependency: While Caffeine offers substantial benefits in terms of stamina enhancement, the user becomes reliant on absorbing energy to maintain their heightened physical capabilities. In environments with limited energy sources or during periods of low activity, they may experience reduced effectiveness. 2. Overexertion Risk: Excessive energy absorption or prolonged use of enhanced stamina can lead to overexertion, causing strain on the user's body and potential negative side effects such as muscle fatigue, dehydration, or heat exhaustion. 3. Energy Source Limitations: The user's ability to absorb energy is contingent upon the availability of suitable energy sources in their surroundings. In environments devoid of energy or with minimal activity, their stamina enhancement capabilities may be severely limited.
submitted by VaughnDaVision to QuirkIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 Additional_Answer298 Tips for weight loss and snatching waist?

I’m 4’11, 22 months pp with second baby. My weight before kids was 92-98lbs. Had some upper abs but always had a bit of fat around belly. Didn’t hate it or love it. I bounced back super quickly and easily after my first pregnancy (csection) but it left me with a bit of a mom pouch though it didn’t bother me much.
Unfortunately gained some unwanted weight due to high stress and poor food choices after I stopped BFing, but started working out and built a lot of muscle + lost fat! I weighed a steady 117lbs but was still not very happy with how my belly and body looked. I def had too much arm muscle and looked more bulky than I liked.
Post pandemic + second pregnancy, went to 120lbs however I lost all my muscle and have a lot of body fat I am super unhappy with. I only recent started trying to change up my diet bc I stopped BFing again (which makes you super hungry). Not currently counting macros or calories but I make it a point to eat less and try to make healthier food choices. My biggest problem area is definitely my belly and I know I can’t spot reduce but I would love to go back to a 24 inch waist and maybe 100-105lbs. (For reference I am currently 117lbs and a 27-28 waist.)
I loved weight training but I find that lifting made me super hungry and difficult for me to stick to a caloric deficit in the past when I did keep track. I am wondering if I should try Pilates instead to focus on my core/snatch my waist or focus more on cardio this time (HIIT, 10k steps, stairmaster)? Maybe I need to work on my caloric deficit first?
What has worked for you? How many calories should I stick to? Any tips are super appreciated!
submitted by Additional_Answer298 to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:13 yeoldgroudon Hi I haven’t been to the gym for awhile as I developed an eating disorder when working out. I went to gym for years and now lost all muscle and now I’m skinny fat or just obese idk I’ve been binge eating. I’m 6ft1 not sure my weight scared to weigh myself 84kg last time I checked

Hi I haven’t been to the gym for awhile as I developed an eating disorder when working out. I went to gym for years and now lost all muscle and now I’m skinny fat or just obese idk I’ve been binge eating. I’m 6ft1 not sure my weight scared to weigh myself 84kg last time I checked
I went to the gym consistently for years but I became obsessed with it where I would hate myself if I ate unhealthy foods with friends, get mad at the scale if I was trying to lose weight, just hating myself and feeling like I was really fat. I had a personal trainer who made me eat 1400-1600 calories and I lost like 10kgs in over a month or something stupid when I could barely do 40kg bench I needed to put on muscle. I haven’t exercised in months and have been binge eating but I’m surfing and running again. Idk if it’s worth it to go back to the gym as well but I’m worried (I have body dysmorphia, eating disorder all that character development) a personal trainer said I’m 15% body fat, people here said I’m 30-35+, I think I’m 25-30% I know I’m fat and out of shape. So is it fine if I don’t go to the gym and surf and run? Or will I stay skinny fat? I wanna be athletic looking in shape I don’t really care for muscle anymore. My lifts were bench 85kg, squat 100kg, deadlift 140kg? Sorry for the long post just giving context. Go to gym or not? Am I really fat obese? Should I lose weight? I could go to the gym but I don’t wanna be obsessed again. I wanna have a better body tho lol. Thanks to whoever reads this. I do think my chest is underdeveloped and fat. Or I could eat at maintnence, I look like I’ve never lifted before
submitted by yeoldgroudon to BulkOrCut [link] [comments]