Mitosis vs. meiosis venn diagram

Core Monk Techs Venn Diagram

2024.06.02 06:20 watermullins Core Monk Techs Venn Diagram

Core Monk Techs Venn Diagram submitted by watermullins to aoe2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:37 musclesmicah If you know, you know

If you know, you know
Hoping to reach my fellow overlappers in this Venn diagram of fandoms
submitted by musclesmicah to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:08 disayle32 I'm old enough to remember the REEEEEEEEs after Rittenhouse walked.

I'm old enough to remember the REEEEEEEEs after Rittenhouse walked. submitted by disayle32 to walkaway [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:27 Smart-Influence429 OK proof that the Venn Diagram of the relationship between Matty and Taylor’s friend group is a circle. Going way back..Matty and Cara, Matty and Alana Haim, Matty and Esta Haim,Taylor Going to a 1975 concert, Matty and Phoebe, Matty Phoebe and Jack, Matty Taylor and Florence..

OK proof that the Venn Diagram of the relationship between Matty and Taylor’s friend group is a circle. Going way back..Matty and Cara, Matty and Alana Haim, Matty and Esta Haim,Taylor Going to a 1975 concert, Matty and Phoebe, Matty Phoebe and Jack, Matty Taylor and Florence.. submitted by Smart-Influence429 to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:08 samuryan89 2018 Golf R automatic interior lights don't work. Dealership service thinks its an issue with a module but they say its "backordered" for 8+ months now. So now I'm trying to find a "J519 module" on my own, am I on the right track?

This is a super long winded post, so I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it and can help me figure things out!
Since I got my 2018 Golf R (used), it has never had working automatic interior roof lights (as in, lights on roof turn on when door is opened and then turn off with doors closed). You can turn on the interior lights with the button, but the automatic part doesn't work, so you open the doors at night and its just darkness. Seems like a trivial issue, but it's one of those things that frustrates you more and more the more you try and live with it. I've been going around and around with trying to get this fixed with the dealership. The first time they claimed that I had the wrong buttons pushed in. The second time they actually looked into it. Here's what they said:
Found that lights were set to the off position on the button for door control in the roof console. However, when changing the light position to the setting where the lights come on with the doors open, it was determined that they do not time out and shut off like they are supposed to. They will shut off when the alarm is armed but do not shut off when driving or when sitting with the doors closed. Checked for any tech tips or service bulletins regarding this issue and found none. Scanned and found no related faults. Suspecting the vehicle may not be seeing all contact switches in the closed position, checked measure values of all vehicle door positions including the hood and trunk latch (trunk also has a pre latch). Watched all positions while opening and closing each door and verified the control module is correctly recognizing all positions. Swapped in a known good roof console with lights and had the same results which rules out the light panel itself. Removed the trunk light in case it may be back feeding and had the same results. Inspected wiring diagram and found the signal comes straight from the J519. Signal always present at light connection point in console. Vehicle is getting constant signal from J519 and a new module will be needed.
After having waited 8 months, I'm ready to start trying to figure things out on my own. I've called the dealership multiple times over that period, and the answer is always that they have no estimate. I figured if I could try and acquire the part on my own then I could take it in to be swapped out. I did a bit of research into what a J519 module, and it looks like it's the Cent. Elec. module? I have a VCDS cable and plugged that in and got some info from various locations in VCDS, this is what I think is most relevant:
Address 09: Cent. Elect. Control Module Part Number: 5Q0 937 085 BN Component and/or Version: BCM MQBAB MNA H36 0253 Misc. Hardware number: 5Q0 937 085 BF 
I found some places where I can order parts, but there's a lot of parts that start with 5Q0937085B, and either end in N or F or G or P and so on. In the VCDS output above, it mentions both the N and the F, and I'm not sure if it matters which one? Additionally, I see things like this one:
which shows one ending in P but mentions the N in the "Supersession" line:
Part Number: 5Q0937085BP Supersession(s): 5Q0-937-085-BP; 5Q0937085BN 
Are these functionally equivalent? Or does it need to be exact?
This one shows a G but mentions the F. It's also $426 vs the $60 for the previous one.
Any help shedding some light on all of this would be super appreciated!
submitted by samuryan89 to Golf_R [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:43 Libertytree918 This is perfect

This is perfect submitted by Libertytree918 to Conservative [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:24 StillChillTrill Men in Black and Marvel SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements

Men in Black and Marvel SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements
Hello and thanks for reading.
Recently, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna mentioned she was "men-in-blacked". I find the MIB to be fascinating as a peripheral phenomenon to UAPs. Not only do they produce absolute bangers, but they are also one of the most obscure elements of this whole thing. Everyone appears to disagree on what they are (which is by design), it's even more interesting when you consider how long MIB sightings have occurred and the fact that it's not a US centric phenomenon. Many others have done extensive (and grounded) research into the MIB phenomenon and have arrived at interesting conclusions (paraphrased):
It becomes evident that encounters with the Men in Black can be broadly categorized into two types. The first implies interest from government entities in gathering information from witnesses and ensuring silence. The second type of encounter tends to manifest promptly after a UFO sighting. Numerous documented cases substantiate this distinction, suggesting a blend of both types of encounters. Once again, the UFO phenomenon appears to highlight its connection with our consciousness.
I don't know what the MIB are, I've never met one. But I think OP of this post is probably correct in that it's many things all at once. Funny how our perception creates that conundrum in all areas of our lives huh?! A user asked an interesting question months ago:
Is it possible that these men are working for the DoE (Department of Energy)?
I thought this was a fascinating theory, especially since you have people like Jonathan Weygandt stating that DOE was present at the Peru 1997 Crash. I know some have pointed toward CIA Office of Global Access, they've also said it's ex-military members employed by private aerospace, others have said it's the US Airforce Special Operations, some say JSOC is involved, at this point, who isn't?
I don't purport to know who the MIB are, but I think we can arrive at a mutual conclusion. In reality, it could be any entity with the capability of purchasing suits and hired guns if a need arose? The boogieman already exists, why not use it if you needed to? Truthfully, it aligns with the tactic utilized most often in this topic: Hide things in plain sight by adding to the discourse.
I had no idea MIB was one of Marvel's first big successes. I find it fascinating that recent documentaries and rumblings have many parallels to Marvel's Hydra story about Nazi's running a shadow government in the US. This Netflix documentary is called the Octopus Murders. In the Marvel universe, this is the fictional evil Nazi org Hydra's logo:
Post WWII, Operation Paperclip injected Nazi scientists/military/businessman into many positions of great authority across America.
The easiest example to highlight is Werner Von Braun, one of the developers of the V-2 Rocket. He eventually got an awesome job at NASA, and helped design the Apollo Saturn V. According to his Wikipedia Page. He worked with Walt Disney on a series of films, which popularized the idea of human space travel in the U.S. and beyond from 1955 to 1957. Would it surprise you that the military and intelligence community consult on media projects from time to time?
I wonder if he ever shared any multiverse ideas that sat in Disney's idea vault until the Marvel purchase?
As I dug into the history of some institutions, there appeared to be a significant amount of overlap between individuals implicated in the UFO coverup and Nazism. I also find it interesting that some of the content creators close to the UFO/UAP/NHI topic are beginning to speak on this specific aspect: Nazism in the early days of America's Intelligence apparatus and MIC.
My first question when I began to look into this topic was, "How on earth could they fund this?" no pun intended. Then I remembered how ridiculous of a question that was. We may not know where the money is, but somebody does. And it's a lot of money. When I say "a lot," I mean literally tons and tons of money. When I began pondering the avenues for funding based on the implied economic scale, I felt that it would need to be more complex than just misappropriations of funds.
This would have to involve points in time where people knowledgeable of the program had total control over the legislation that's passed. This would enable smart people to alter the financial, legal, and tax environments over time in a way that facilitated this funding. Grusch said the Manhattan Project framework was used for the UFO reverse engineering program. The primary architects of the Manhattan Project seem to be in close proximity to UFO related incidents during that era. Read this post for more information on the tendrils the high-ranking members of the Manhattan Project had in all thing's nuclear development post WWII.
The Manhattan project is the easiest example to point to when people challenge the possibility of secrets at scale. It cost billions, employed hundreds of thousands, and was funded without the general populace knowing what was going on. Most people think of the Manhattan Project because of the bomb, but when I think about the Manhattan Project, I think about public utilities (TVA) declaring eminent domain on land that was identified as the build site for Oak Ridge National Laboratories.
It's been long said that these secrets were buried in nuclear power legislation, but from my perspective, it appears that the government has actually been picking apart this onion from many angles. Alot of the fun stuff has been going on since the early 2000's. According to the Justice Department, False Claims Acts are a serious issue. There is quite the Venn diagram of companies implicated in UFO claims over the years, and some of the companies that have FCA settlements. Just last year, the Dept of Justice busted Booz Allen Hamilton in one of the largest procurement fraud cases ever.
Defense contractors' partner on business all the time. Defense contractors sometimes cheat the system when they partner like that. It's extra serious when government employees are involved, like the ones identified in that link. According to that article that was last updated September of 2014, The Justice Department's total recoveries in False Claims Act cases since January 2009 exceeded $7.8 billion.
That particular SAIC case changed the game:
"The SAIC case also raised the issue of how to apply the False Claims Act’s scienterstandard to corporate entities. A person can be liable under the statute for making false claims only if one has knowledge of their falsity. Under the False Claims Act"
Later in that link:
The False Claims Act does not impose liability on those who make innocent mistakes or are simply negligent. However, when dealing with corporate defendants, drawing the line between “negligence” and “deliberate ignorance” of information can be difficult. As the SAIC court recognized, there may be situations where corporate managers have intentionally structured their organizations so that certain employees will not learn certain information, allowing the corporation plausible deniability against charges of fraud.
Here's SAIC settling for 5.75 million in 2013. Here's 11.75 million more in 2013. It was a busy time, they had a lot going on with the company splitting into Leidos and SAIC. Here's SAIC getting dinged another 6 million in 2020. They have been involved in quite a few of these types of settlements. It certainly makes you wonder what the DOJ is investigating SAIC for this time.
The company's first contract was to analyze nuclear weapons.
SAIC was founded in 1969 with less than half a dozen employees and a $10,000 capital injection. SAIC grew to be one of the largest employee-owned companies in America. Beyster revolutionized business by building a company based on a wild premise, it would be owned by it's employees, not it's investors. Allowing little external oversight in how funds we're being used. No earnings calls, no need to disclose what's being worked on. He even wrote the book on employee-ownership. He popularized terms like "radical transparency". Robert Beyster (SAIC's founder) was really interesting, he wasn't a traditional CEO in many ways. He didn't believe in long-term planning.
Instead of wasting time with multi-year roadmaps and PowerPoint presentations, Beyster relied on his instinct and that of his workforce. When a promising business opportunity came along, SAIC would open a temporary new office close to the clients to help a division win the business. If all went according to plan, the office would become permanent. If not, it would be dissolved, and its people would start hunting for new opportunities on fresh ground.
When Beyster left in 2004, the progressive culture went with him. Within 18 months, SAIC went for an IPO. It was transformed into public company; its entrepreneurial and ownership culture — the key driver of success for all those years — was dismantled.
Robert Beyster was a huge proponent for Nuclear Energy. The University of Michigan's Nuclear Engineering Laboratory facilities are dedicated to his legacy. It's difficult to find much online about his pre-SAIC days but maybe someone has time to visit these archives and see what's there. Here's a few paragraphs from this link.
As he prepared to graduate from high school, the United States entered World War II, and he enlisted in the Navy. He was sent by the Navy to the University of Michigan, where he was enrolled in the V12 Officer Training Program. He was commissioned as an ensign, and eventually served on a destroyer based in Norfolk, Virginia, before leaving the service six months later. He received his BSE in engineering and physics (1945), and master’s (1947) and doctorate (1950) degrees in physics, from the University of Michigan.
In the early 1950s, Dr. Beyster worked briefly for the Westinghouse Atomic Power Division on the company’s nuclear submarine program. He soon followed many of his college associates to New Mexico to work as a research physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he met his wife to be, Betty Jean Brock. The couple were married in Austin, Texas, in September 1955. In 1957, Bob joined General Atomic in La Jolla, as chair of the Accelerator Physics Department, where his research on neutron thermalization led him to co­author the book Slow Neutron Scattering and Thermalization (with D.E. Parks, M.S. Nelkin, and N.F. Wikner; Addison Wesley Longman, 1970).
In 1969 Dr. Beyster raised money to start SAIC by investing the proceeds from selling stock he had received from General Atomic, combined with funds raised from the early employees who bought stock in the young enterprise. Initially, the company’s focus was on projects for the US government related to nuclear power and weapons effects study programs. As SAIC grew, Dr. Beyster fought to preserve the values that had made the young company successful—employee ownership, entrepreneurship, a flexible and decentralized organizational structure, technical excellence, high standards of ethical conduct, and a firm belief in customer service.
He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the American Physical Society, and served the US Strategic Command Strategic Advisory Group. He also served as chair emeritus of the board of directors of the UC San Diego Foundation. The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) designated Dr. Beyster an Honorary Program Manager for his distinguished contributions to the agency over his career.
Men in Black and Marvel
Operation Paperclip brought Nazis to America. They infiltrated high-level positions in the government, military, and intelligence apparatus, and then they used their authority to obfuscate information, consolidate power, and ultimately direct the development of technology, industry, and economy in this country. Disney and Werner Von Braun worked together to shape American understanding of space. I find it interesting that Marvel also founded the MIB franchise.
SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements
Employee-owned companies like SAIC allowed facilitation of R&D without exposing financial information that would raise eyebrows. ESOP would allow enough obfuscation to be able to hide things internally since the financials don't need to be reported, as a private company. They even admitted that design was intentional for that exact reason in court. When they went public, they started being hit with the FCA cases.
submitted by StillChillTrill to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:26 bratbats Psychological and thriller vs splatter and slasher? Which subgenre group do you prefer and why?

Was having an interesting discussion with a friend today and thought I'd pass it by you guys.
I've been a huge horror fan for years - but the catch is that I don't enjoy being "actually" scared. I enjoy horror content that is gory, uncomfortable or makes others squeamish but I don't like feeling actually panicked or in dread of something. Most psychological and paranormal horror movies have that effect on me and as such I don't enjoy them or even sometimes find them boring if they aren't scary haha. I mostly watch 80's-90's cult classics like slashers or exploitation/splatter. I enjoy extremely corny, objectively "bad" movies like Body Bags (1993) or Dead Alive (1992) as well as classic series like Friday the 13th, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Evil Dead, etc. Something I really find enjoyable about horror is the visual effects so when a movie is entirely CG or doesn't involve much of the visual degree I usually find it quite boring unfortunately :(
My friend on the other hand enjoys movies like The Thing, The Hitcher, Jordan Peele's stuff, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, etc, just more "psychological" or "objectively" well received movies that feel more highbrow/involve less visual effects and blood. I do like some of these movies/they're a good one time watch for me but there's just something about an 80's B-movie that feels way more engaging for me vs, say, Silence of the Lambs. I've only seen The Shining once but I've watched Re-Animator and Texas Chainsaw 2 dozens of times.
We can literally never agree on a movie to watch since our tastes are just so at odds. I noticed a lot with other horror fans that people usually swim in one camp or the other with a few people in the middle, like a big venn diagram. So, where on that spectrum do you think you are, and why? I'm curious!
And for those of you who are like me, what do you think draws us so much to these cult classics, even if they're objectively pretty bad movies?
(For reference, for me, nostalgia has nothing to do with it. I'm 23 and was raised in a home that didn't let us watch The Little Mermaid, let alone a horror movie.)
submitted by bratbats to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:02 nugzalore I've become bitter

Some of the offers around my rather smaller size town have gotten so bad that I have to switch to by time during rush due to the traffic, sitting at lights, so I can at least make my $12 to $15 an hour. And as we all know, the zero tippers usually get passed up by all the by offer drivers, and routed drivers working by time. Well I had I thought...
I just want you to look me in the eye and give me that zero tip.
Lock eyes with me for a second.
Look at my piece of s*** car. Listen to my famous GM 3.8L lifter tick.
See how I'm struggling to make my life work.
Just look me in the eyes.
I'll move my vehicle out to public property, which I usually leave it out there anyway cuz it's an oil leaker.
Your typical zero tipper has a suburban home, front door clearly visible from the street. I'll complete my order. Even turn around so my driver side faces their door. Your typical zero tipper lives 5 to 8 mi away from the restaurants so I'm in no danger of getting a new one, unless it's a really bad offer. And I just look at the front door. Usually they'll send an emissary, a child, sometimes a toddler who's only barely figured out how to walk to retrieve their food for them. Sometimes they'll come out but physically shield their eyes from me. Sometimes they come out angry, cursing obscenities, threatening to give me a bad review. Which believe me sir, with my other 98 five-star reviews, won't hurt me. I take a pic of these a******* just in case they decide to claim it never arrived.
But sometimes, and these are the most delicious sometimes, they sit, peek through the blinds occasionally, fully aware of their own a****** behavior, and let their delicious meal languish in the shaded portion of their step, gently cooling to just above ambient.
My record is 45 minutes.
Enjoy your six meals from Costa Vida, where I patiently waited for your food because they can't do anything in a timely manner, use my own food bags which I had to purchase for myself (unbranded bags are super cheap though, and they do come in DD red) drove 8 mi out to your house, and not slowly or with any side trips, left them still hot as to still be aromatic, so you could probably smell them through the door. It's right there guys, just come and get it!
Edit: I understand social anxiety or agoraphobia. But the Venn diagram between agoraphobics and people with not enough social skills to tip an order must be very, very small.
submitted by nugzalore to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 Direct_Article4538 VSV subjects seem easier than my campus ones. Bad sign?!

Does anyone know how VSV students are scaled or how they alter the curriculum? Are their SACs and study scores scaled down? Has anyone here gotten a 95+ ATAR with fully or mostly online units? Currently stressing out for my entire future! 🤗
I have been doing 2 of my 5 1/2 units via VSV and I'm getting a bit worried! Both are subjects that my school isn't running this year due to numbers. However, I developed a health condition mid last year that's doing anything but improving, + i'm extra busy/stressed from commitments outside of school (working and caregiving responsibilities.) Right now it's looking pretty likely that, due to all these factors, I'll have to go fully online for 3/4. When I enrolled I was assured by my school and VSV that as long as I keep my focus I'll get the same standard + amount of work as I would currently. I was a bit worried because of how secretive they are with their study scores ect but I didn't have much choice.
However... Both subjects are clearly easier than the standard that friends from other 'in person' schools receive. I'm always getting 97-100% on SACs for both subjects, even though I don't go to their glorified powerpoint reading online classes and typically complete all my weekly work for the subjects in a few hours. The marking + feedback for weekly work is useless too. You don't get a grade, only a 'satisfactory' or not, and you can resubmit if you don't pass. My feedback is always "This is far above VCE level, well done! Keep it up!"... It's really not. What I'm submitting is the level that I would do on campus if I want mid 80's. Oh and just to clarify, I'm obviously not some child genius so hopefully this doesn't sound as absolutely pretentious as it does to me. Sorry everyone. I'm always good with Lit, but I usually need to put some elbow grease into the other ones if I want to achieve high marks. At my private, but by no means academic school, I've always done well (ok apart from GM; lets just say my emotional support calculator and I have clawed our way to 'firmly unremarkable' status) but I have to study hard and push myself to stay up there in marks. Essentially I'm just not used to getting full marks on a silver platter for a SAC that I submitted at 4am, after 1 hour of sleep-deprived and unmotivated work. I submitted that fully prepared for my average grade to drop pretty dramatically. Very much a 'fuck it, fuck this' submission. When I saw my mark I was honestly offended(?). That mark at my current school would've been the result of a week in self isolation and a rapidly approaching vitamin D deficiency. I really don't deserve it at all! I almost want them to take it back!!! It doesn't mean anything like this.
I always have to email them to ask for useful feedback (I BEG them to tell me areas I can improve on.) Even then I get the same response, or a very surface level message that doesn't seem to have much thought put into it. All very generalised stuff. The SACs aren't even well regulated. My submission didn't load properly once so I ended up submitting two days late; they didn't even mention it!? Once I was told I didn't have to worry about proper referencing for an essay. I have started going through the standard text books (VSV told me I wouldn't need one because the content is "all found in the weekly work" yea nah ) + doing all the work that a friend from another school gets. All because I'm terrified that they aren't teaching me the level they should be. I've even started trying to do double the effort that they ask for so I'm not stressing about getting behind without knowing it. It's getting tempting to submit crap without even editing it first, but I'm trying so hard not to fall into that rabbit hole... Yet.
Not to be dramatic but that chic, sultry 99.95 ATAR™ 😮‍💨🤩 has been tantalising me since my little brain could intellectualise it, so I'm really scared for my results if I have to go fully online next year. I don't have family pressure for results, but my self worth and academic results venn diagram is a circle. Before you ask, I'm not willing to move to a local-ish school with all my subjects because it will make things harder for my family. The one good thing about vsv subjects is that I have more time at home for those responsibilities + I can stop working so much because it's a public school. Sorry for this mini breakdown that nobody ever asked for or needed, but please please please, if anyone has ANY info on how it will effect my results or experience with getting a good ATAR at vsv, let me know. Or confirm my fears that my life is over.
submitted by Direct_Article4538 to vce [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:57 mathematical171 Three sand rings puzzle

Was shown a math puzzle that I can't seem to solve help! It says "The first sand-rings puzzle requires 8 shells to be arranged inside the circles, so that 4 shells appear inside circle A. 5 shells appear inside circle B and 6 shells appear inside circle C. The overlapping of the circles shows that the shells can be counted in 2 or 3 circles." The puzzle uses three circles in a venn diagram. 18 combinations
submitted by mathematical171 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:55 mathematical171 Three sand rings puzzle

Was shown a math puzzle that I can't seem to solve help! It says "The first sand-rings puzzle requires 8 shells to be arranged inside the circles, so that 4 shells appear inside circle A. 5 shells appear inside circle B and 6 shells appear inside circle C. The overlapping of the circles shows that the shells can be counted in 2 or 3 circles." The puzzle uses three circles in a venn diagram. 18 combinations
submitted by mathematical171 to PassTimeMath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:46 DarkDragonDemon I want to share my view of the latest video about adaptation

I want to share my view of the latest video about adaptation
Hi all! I follow HG channel for almost a year and constantly learn and try new ideas from. Before I found his channel, I was diagnosed with depression from 17 (now I am 25). Did not took treatment for money reasons. Nowadays, I feel a lot better. Huge thanks to Dr. K to make a difference in my life!
I did not post much, but want to share with you my idea and understanding of Recent video on HG channel. Video about lack of adaptation in modern society. In simple words, he is talking that we are seeking for ideality because there are so much things or possibilities that may fit us, so we don't really need to adapt as we served with "ready food". And huge amount of it weakened our possibility to adapt for new things or actions. So... I made this small diagram explaining my thoughts. This is not science! It is for visualization of my own thoughts only!
Generalized diagram of comfort zone vs actions out of it
Why Comfort Zone and Comfort Shift Zone separate? Shift zone representing "I am ready to try / change", while possible zone is "try and see". Shift zone will eventually become a comfort and easy to do. Can Risk of giving up be grater than Fail risk? Yes, it can. In this situation it moves to danger zone, until it is lower than Fail risk. Than your decision on Fail risk + risk tolerance and take action if ready to. Fail risk is unpredictable / constant, while risk tolerance depends strongly on your mood, experience or knowledge in the moment of taking action and after it. Why Danger Zone is not 100%? It is very close to it. Did not reject, successfully take extremely difficult action and do not abandon it at the same time similar to winning two lottery tickets in a row. You can do it, but it soooo unreliable and may never happen (feeling lucky today?) What happens if direction of action is abandoned? For example, you tried a lot of times and failed? In this situation conclusion of "it is not for me" may be made. Fail chances are same, your tolerance is too low or may be blocked by this conclusion How to "unabandon" the direction? Simply try again and... adapt for this direction. You may also need to accept something
Basically, everything that we say we "cannot do" is in danger zone we are not ready for. Here is some examples from my life:
  1. It was impossible to start learning because I cannot achieve what I see. So I've forced myself to take 5-15 minute-action every day and get around 3 months of mental pain, burn out and even lower self-esteem than it was in depression state. Now, I can see that what I want to achieve - in danger zone and moved very close to possible zone but not close enough to actually do. Not enough experience yet (high expectations, possibly)
  2. Starting new games was really hard, so I've watched videos and gameplays, get familiar and than tried it. Now, its moderate ~ easy. Look for correlation of lines on graph to understand me better
  3. I cannot find a job, rejected everywhere and time from time editing and adapting a CV to find more jobs. Expanding job hunt out of main career. Now I understood why and waiting for new listings
So. I slowly adapt myself for failure tolerance, difficulties of learning and possibility of success. Yes, removing 0 and 100% chances, represented in diagram and video
In conclusion, you cannot move "A" from danger zone, but you can move your zones to make "A" possible by trying and practicing. Simply, "A" will not move, but you can move towards it.
Sorry for bad english and feel free to ask if confused or give a correction. Do not take me too seriously and stay positive :p
submitted by DarkDragonDemon to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:24 kerj Middle ground between Crew Fiber, HdF Quicksand and HdF Claymation?

I find Fiber to be too shiny/oily for my hair. I like the natural finish and feel of Hanz de Fuko Quicksand, but could use more hold. Claymation goes a bit too far with the hold, it usually seems like it clumps and just feels... Too much. It's not easy to apply.
Is there something I can try that is the middle of this Venn diagram? My hair is pretty thick and straight (my stylist actually asked if I have Asian heritage [I do not]).
submitted by kerj to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:54 mamacass24 The Inkey List Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick (+ Salicylic Acid and Shea Butter)

The Inkey List has a new product that puts chemical exfoliants into a deodorant-esque stick form. I'm not sure how many people will benefit from this... maybe others like me who fall in the middle of the Venn Diagram between KP and ADHD.
I am super excited about this because I cannot stick to a routine for the life of me (so applying special KP lotion to my body after taking a shower, for example, doesn't happen), I'm always late for things (and don't have time to slather myself in lotion post-shower morning routine), and putting wet lotion all over my body and then putting clothes on is a sensory nightmare for me. I hate it.
This product solves a lot of those issues. It's quick, I don't have to rub it in, and it looks like my deodorant, which prompts my brain to remember to use it when I put actual deodorant on. Just wanted to share in case it can help anyone else. I can't comment on the efficacy yet as I just started using it, but it contains 7% glycolic acid AHA, 0.5% salicylic acid BHA, and 10% shea butter (plus The Inkey List products are always nice and reasonably priced, comparatively).
"Multiple concerns, one targeted solution. The INKEY List Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick is the answer to targeting and visibly improving body skin concerns which 9 out of 10 people experience. Powered by chemical exfoliation, this specialist treatment delivers deep, effective exfoliation and is proven to tackle stubborn concerns including KP bumps, ingrown hairs, rough skin, and body breakouts in as little as 7-days*.
The powerful formula combines familiar skincare actives including 7% Glycolic Acid to exfoliate surface dead skin cells and help smooth rough, bumpy texture together with Salicylic Acid to help unclog oily pores and improve body skin that’s prone to breakouts and ingrown hairs. The addition of deeply nourishing Shea Butter helps to instantly soften, soothe, and comfort skin.
Presented in an easy-to-use, solid stick format to enable precise application, Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Body Stick can be used as part of the AM or PM routine. Apply directly to areas of concern with no need to rinse off, just glide and go.
Attest Survey of 500 people, 18-45 years-old, August 2023 / *4-week consumer study of 100 people"
Targets: - KP Bumps - Ingrown Hairs - Dry and cracked heels - Breakout-prone skin - Underarm/Bikini Line Discoloration - Rough elbows and knees
Proud to be: - Cruelty Free - Carbon Net-Zero - B-Corp - Fragrance Free - Recyclable - Vegan - Gluten Free - Silicon Free - Alcohol Free - Clinically Tested
"KP Bumps: Use up to 2X daily on affected areas to help exfoliate keratin buildup which contributes to rough, bumpy skin."
Key ingredients:
7% Glycolic Acid: An AHA (Alpha-Hydroxy Acid) that effectively exfoliates surface dead skin cells to help smooth rough, bumpy texture. It's resurfacing action also helps to visibly improve hyperpigmentation and reduce the appearance of razor bumps.
0.5% Salicylic Acid: A powerful BHA (Beta-Hydroxy Acid) exfoliant that helps to unclog oily pores to target and reduce the appearance of breakout-prone skin and ingrown hairs.
10% Shea Butter: A nourishing emollient to help moisturize and protect dry, rough skin, as it's being exfoliated, to leave it feeling instant softer soothed and comforted.
Full ingredient list: Ocytyldodecanol, Coco-Caprylate/Caprate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Wax, Glycolic Acid, Ozokerite, Cetearyl Alcohol, Water (Aqua/Eau), PEG-100 Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Salicylic Acid, Cocamidopropyl Dimethylamine, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Tocopherol, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil
submitted by mamacass24 to keratosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:29 Immediate_Set_5242 Venn diagram

Hello there!
I am finishing my phD and I need to make a Venn diagram with 10 samples, can anyone help me with how to do this? I know it can be done using R, but I don't know how to use this software. Does anyone know an easier way? Like an online tool
submitted by Immediate_Set_5242 to AskStatistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:28 Immediate_Set_5242 Venn diagram

Hello there!
I am finishing my phD and I need to make a Venn diagram with 10 samples, can anyone help me with how to do this? I know it can be done using R, but I don't know how to use this software. Does anyone know an easier way? Like an online tool
submitted by Immediate_Set_5242 to mathematics [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:23 FrequentTheory8162 Blursed_Venn_diagram

Blursed_Venn_diagram submitted by FrequentTheory8162 to blursed_videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:01 ClimateShitpost The Venn diagram of that sub and r/csp is vore

The Venn diagram of that sub and csp is vore
Bottom text
submitted by ClimateShitpost to ClimateShitposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:23 Kikikikikimz Bio lovers pls help me with this cell problem

So i have been studying Biology in advance since I am a STEM student, about to enter 12th grade in a few months.
I watch vids on youtube for better visualization of the topic and I came over one lesson that gives me so much pain in the ass—meiosis.
I have a lot of questions about it since i came across a vid that says due to the cross-over process in the (Prophase I or Metaphase I??? i forgot) in Meiosis, siblings can have different looks and traits despite having the same biological parents. So i thought maybe Meiosis occurs when the sperm cell and egg meets (fertilization), but I was wrong(?)!! Because I read on google that MITOSIS occurs once the sperm fertilizes the egg to create the embryo 🤨
Additionally, it is said in a few videos that during a phase in Meiosis, a mother's chromosomes gets paired with the father's chromosomes—which identifies the traits of the offspring.
  1. Does Meiosis occur before fertilization or after fertilization?
  2. How does the offspring of 2 people get their genes?
  3. A video also said that Meiosis occurs during the creation of gametes, and in one of its phases, the mother's chromosome is paired with the father's chromosome. So my mother's cell's DNA ls filled with my grandfather and grandmother's DNA?? Which is passed unto me? So do i have my grandparents' DNA?? I feel soooo dumb writing this
Pls correction me if i got all the information mixed up. I am VERY new to bio since we didn't have that subject in our school and im trying to learn all by myself
submitted by Kikikikikimz to ScienceNcoolThings [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:18 Brilliant-Cheek4944 Class 10 Biology

So my dear juniors, I thought of helping y'all with the diagrams that you need to practice for boards. They are just some diagrams that you need to pay attention to and if they don't come in the exams, don't come back at me saying I'm the same as that mausi wala 😭😭
  1. Structure of Chromosome**
  2. Mitosis (all phases)**
  3. Plasmolysed Cell
  4. Turgid Cell
  5. Structure of chloroplast**
  6. Structure of stomata
  7. Structure of RBC**
  8. Structure of WBC (all types)**
  9. Structure of Platelets**
  10. Structure of Heart (LS)**
  11. Structure of Artery**
  12. Structure of Vein**
  13. Structure of Kidney (LS)**
  14. Structure of urinary system**
  15. Structure of renal tubule**
  16. Malpighian Capsule**
  17. Nerve Cell**
  18. Reflex Arc**
  19. Structure of Brain
  20. LS of Eye**
  21. Structure & Correction of myopic eye**
  22. Structure & Correction of hyperopic eye**
  23. LS of Ear**
  24. Location and structures of all endocrine glands**
  25. Male reproductive organs (all)
  26. Female reproductive organs (all)
  27. Structure of human sperm**
  28. Structure of ovum**
  29. Tubectomy**
  30. Vasectomy** [** very important diagrams] YOU CAN RELY ON ME, I SCORED 99 IN BIOLOGY!! (still took pcm lmao)
submitted by Brilliant-Cheek4944 to ICSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:29 esshtuur help with dm mock 11 medify

help with dm mock 11 medify
first statement: I was thinking that even though 'all circuits with two or more paths are parallel circuits', doesn't mean 'a circuit with one path cant be a parallel circuit'. in a Venn diagram, 'parallel circuits' would be a big circle that could contain a circuit with only one path, as well as a circuit with two or more paths.
am I thinking of this in the wrong way?
submitted by esshtuur to UCAT [link] [comments]