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2024.06.02 09:21 sodumbfounded Was I (F29) emotionally abused by my ex husband (M35)? Or more?

Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, so please let me know if there's a better sub for this, but I wanted to ask for multiple different opinions on this because I've been so confused about it. I might still be in denial? Hold on tight, this one is a doozy. And I'll probably delete it after a couple days or so.
So I was in an online relationship with this man for a couple years until we met in person in 2016, then married in 2019. I'm counting all 7 years as the whole relationship, but we were only married for 1. Some background information about him is he was abused as a kid. By his dad physically, and by his neighbor (SA). Now he was also in an accident involving a semitruck, which ruptured a couple disks in his back I believe? And this is why he told me he smoked marijuana. For his back, for medical reasons. I was ok with that. It was whatever. None of this seemed to truly bother him, so he seemed pretty easy going.
Fast forward to the marriage. (For informational purposes related to the story, I'm christian and don't believe in living with a man before marriage so I was unaware of a lot.) About 3 months in, he stops doing the marijuana and things go downhill fast. He only stopped because he knew I never really liked him smoking, but again, I was fine with it because his was for medical reasons. I told him this. He didn't want to smoke it again. Okay.
He starts taking up drinking instead to dowse the pain (he never went to the doctor for it and refused), but then some other issues started rising. He told me he wasn't drinking much, but I'd find empty bottles of alcohol stuffed into the couch, under the bed, behind the dresser, etc. It just didn't add up to the amount of times I saw him drinking. I told him we couldn't afford his alcohol, he kept buying it anyway.
Another point: I was the only one working and paying bills majority of the time. He couldn't hold a job and stayed home doing nothing I guess. No cleaning, no anything. I didn't know it was going to be like this before we got married. He seemed like he knew his priorities with saving money and getting bills paid and keeping things organized. That's what he told me anyway. But everything was always a mess when I got home and I was the only one making sure anything got paid.
Anyways, he also said he started seeing this... demon figure? Or something. In our apartment. It bothered him and freaked him out. I never saw it, but he'd sometimes see it in the closet or going from room to room or in the corner, and he even told me its name was Seth. One time we were arguing and he yelled out BEHIND me to "SHUT UP." And... to clarify... he made sure I knew he wasn't talking to me, but the thing behind me. There was no thing behind me. It was just us. So that periodically was happening through this entire ordeal.
Now when he started drinking, he started having these "episodes." They happened maybe once a week, once every other week? He seemed to get really frustrated about his past or something related to it, and he'd get so angry. So angry that he'd start punching things like the wall. And during these episodes he seemed like a completely different person. I NEVER saw anything close to this side of him before marrying him. Nobody warned me of this. None of his family. I didn't know what was going on. I'm not even sure if his family knows??? He just went on a rampage. I just tried my best to console him quietly for the longest time until he seemed somewhat normal again. Then he was ok in the morning again. These episodes only seemed to happen at night. Over the course of the next few months, these episodes only got more frequent to the point where they were happening pretty much every night (I think the alcohol just helps trigger it along) and more aggressive. I stayed around each time to try and calm him down, but it never really worked. So I just ended up losing sleep over it in the long run.
I mentioned several times that we/he should see a therapist or counseling or something, but he refused. He told me he was fine and that all he needed was me. He didn't believe in therapy... which sucked for me because he needed it majorly.
During these months while he was jobless, he'd find some way to fracture his fingers, whether it be punching a wall, or just... hitting something? Idk. I legit can't count how many times he had to put his fingers in splints. Idk if he was accident prone, or if he REALLY wanted to get out of finding a job, liked being the victim and getting me to feel sorry for him (which I did a LOT), or all of the above. He needed babying a lot, let me just say. When I said he needed a job to help me with the bills, he wanted me to come with him to this temp ageny place I went to to get a job, so I agreed. But every time I came home from work and asked to go, he said "tomorrow," or "next week." Always coming up with excuses of not feeling good or he fractured another finger, or something. Idk.
(Warning, sexual topic here) Another thing was happening during these months as well. During my sleep, he'd finger me in my sleep (and then proceed to try to put himself in me). At like 1am, when I had to get up at 4:30am to go to work and needed sleep (keep in mind, all his nightly episodes were ALSO happening still, so 1am is probably not too long after I ACTUALLY went to sleep. He kept me up a lot). I told him no several times but he wouldn't stop. This happened multiple times. I was exhausted. His excuse? "You were wet." Yes, because my body naturally reacted to stimulation. It took maybe 5-10 minutes or so until he gave up.
(More sexual topic) Whenever we DID have sex was fine. But obviously there were times where he wanted it and I didn't, and when I did and he didn't. The issue came when he wanted it and I didn't. If I said no, I had to say no several times. And eventually he'd stop. Everything. Stop cuddling, stop talking, stop everything, turn his back to me and just... lay there silently. The cold shoulder. Idk what else to call this but it seriously hurt. I didn't treat him that way. If he didn't want to, I'd accept it and stay cuddling. Over time this really messed with my thinking on whether or not he really loved me or just wanted to use me as a live in sex doll.
I made all the excuses in the book for his actions. His past abuse for one. I guess I felt like he needed me? Or I couldn't leave him? Idk.
There was one night where I stayed up for 5 hours straight, from 10pm to 3am, trying to stop him from punching holes in the walls. I stayed up trying to help him so often, it wore me out to the point where sex was off the table completely for aboouutt the last 4 months of our marriage I believe. I was drained mentally and physically. Frankly I was losing my emotional attachment to him. Then he started claiming I was cheating, because I didn't want sex with him, so I had to be "getting it from somewhere." Lol I went to work and came home. What cheating?
Also, suicidal thoughts. He had those too. He'd say things like "I don't deserve you. I'm better off not here. You deserve so much more. I'm a failure." frequently. I reassured him every time. Eventually I got tired of this too.
Towards the end I was speaking seriously with him. I bluntly told him things would need to change and he'd need a therapist or I'd be divorcing him. And I wouldn't throw that word around if I didn't mean it. I was on my last straw because I couldn't help him and he was dragging me down into depression avenue too and making me lose tons of sleep on top of everything. He didn't take my words seriously.
The last night that made me leave was the worst. Now, it started off with me going to bed because I had work in the morning. He wanted sex again. Surprise surprise. I said no, I need to sleep. He went quiet for a minute. My anxiety went up because I felt like something was going to happen, and sure enough....... he suddenly pops off the bed and says he can destroy his Pokémon cards to prove his love. What kind of insanity is that?
Firstly, this is the 3rd time he'd attempt to destroy his cards. Secondly, I knew how much they meant to him so I stopped him from doing that both times before. Thirdly, haha these were original Pocket Monster backed cards. Yay. Fourth... I didn't give a crap anymore and let him destroy them. He took them out of the closet and to the bathtub. He just submerged them all in water. I finally got out of bed and went "here we go again..." and went to go watch him so he wouldn't hurt himself. Idk. I couldn't stop him. I was dead tired.
After he successfully ruined all the cards, it's like a switch flipped and he was suddenly yelling "what did I do?!?!" Over and over again. He was in the tub with the cards and was throwing the cards up in the air. He was angry with himself.
This was around 12am. He decides to throw the cards in a trash bag and take them out to the dump at the front of the complex... now. Like he couldn't wait. (I also want to mention I hated when he stayed up later than I did because he always forgot to lock the doors even if I reminded him, so I always felt like I had to stay up. I woke up one morning with our porch door just... open. Not even closed. I couldn't trust it after that.) He also mentioned offing himself again, and then stuffed one of our glocks in his pocket while taking the bag (yes, stupid to have guns in this situation, I know). He claimed it was for protection while he went to the trash. While I believed that, I wasn't going to chance anything, so I managed to get the gun from his pocket and unload it. Then I quickly stashed it next to mine on my side of the bed.
Obviously he wanted to get it back, so I was wrestling him the whole way. Managed to keep him from it, so he got angry and punched the wall behind me, causing his knuckles to bleed. (This triggered me because by this point, I already cleaned up his blood numerous times before. Walls and my shirt because he flung his hand and it sprayed both) So I start crying and asking to take him to the bathroom to clean him up so I don't have to clean up anything else. I was tired, I wanted to go to bed and sleep so I could just get up for work. He refused, but I managed to push him there. Where... he proceeded to fling his hand and the blood splattered across the bathroom wall instead. sigh
This is when we hear a knock at the door and "POLICE." The neighbors called in domestic violence on us because we were so loud. I never had any run ins with police, so I got scared to open the door, but he opened it. I stood beside him. I had blood on my shirt from him pushing me aside and he had blood on him obviously. It didn't look good.
The police asked if they could come in and it was like another switch flipped in my ex's head (because he never acted like this around anybody else but me) so he started acting almost normal again instead of whatever his hysteria was. He told them it was completely fine and they didn't have to come in. But in that moment, my ex scared me so bad by that one flip of his personality that I told the police to come in. I was just glad to be able to speak to someone sane.
When they questioned us, they quickly realized I was the only one capable of answering their questions coherently and spoke with us separately. Eventually it ended with them waiting for me to gather my things and walking me out to my car so I could drive to my parent's house. Meanwhile my ex legit told the police "it's your fault we're separating." And I just told him that it wasn't, and walked out.
He later claims the police had to hold him back from going after me but I never saw this and don't know how true it is after his lies. He lied about his bills to me over the phone when we were still online dating. He also held back information about "almost sleeping with a random woman" when we were online dating. They "got naked" and "didn't do anything" and claims he didn't know we were dating at the time, but still felt guilty about it and told me about it after we got married?? Idk. And I still forgave him on the spot. Maybe that stuff doesn't matter so much, but still. Yes, I got tested. Clear.
I never went back. I was too scared. I still don't know what to make of it to this day because a lot of things were nonsense (a lot of craziness still left out, but this was the main stuff). I realize his past may play a major part of this, but I still feel messed up from it. (Yes I probably need to go to a therapist myself, but I've also doing forms of positive self therapy exercises as well for the time being until I can actually go. I'm MUCH happier now, don't worry.)
What are your opinions on this, if you actually made it this far? I'm just struggling to call it abuse maybe because he was abused himself? Or was this even abuse? What are your outside perspectives on it?
Tl;dr: Abused ex husband becomes enraged at night, punching holes in walls, causing me to lose sleep and sanity.
submitted by sodumbfounded to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 HelpDearGodHelpMe My mental state is weakening and I don't know if I can't keep it all up anymore

This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's way to long but I needed to get this out.
Trigger warnings: sa, suicidal ideation, physical abuse (kinda), neglect, stalking,
(These topics are mentioned but not explored deeply)
I (m19) have been losing everything it seems since I was 11 I think.
Off the bat I have autism, ADHD, a learning disability, and a bad family dynamic I think (this is apart of it), due to this and growing up in a town that's not very open minded I quickly became suicide. When I started therapy in middle school I would score as severely depressed every 2 weeks when the test was done. Along with talking to councilors, therapists, resurch and how life has been going I think I might have developed BPD and Narcissism.
Right before middle school I met S, they where my best friend and first "love". The day I met S I feel hard, and over the next 7 years my feelings would deepen. Our relationship dynamic was very toxic, we'd yell and scream at each other then the next day say we loved each other but if I didn't want to be there friend they wouldn't care and they'd echo this sintament in a million different ways that would userally come at the end of our fights. S would say things like "if I'm so mean then why are you still friends with me" or "that's a you problem" when I'd bring up a way they would make me feel, once they said "no wonder your dad doesn't love you" (this was years ago so I'm not sure if that's exactly what they said but the last 4 words where still in there) just to give you an idea of the kinda things they'd say.
On the other side, I would constantly make my personal episodes there problem, call them a bad person, accuse them of intentionally hurting me, I'd be extremely controlling of there relationships and just controlling in general. I'd also ask them to berate me, and call me any terrible thing they could think of, like a good friend they only did this a few times at first but then stopped. All this would be going on while I act like the guy best friend with feelings, I'd confess to them on avrage once a year in bigger and grander ways.
Other then S, there have been a lot of other unwell people I'd have to deal with. The actual scary ones where a couple rapists and one person who'd brag about sending there boyfriends on suicide watch. The rest where all either bullies or "crazy" people, either way I didn't care much, I was just happy I could live out a heros fantasy. Even though on paper I was a good guy, I only did it to feed my ego and feel secure. So even though I was hurting people who where hurting others it could have very easily been the other way around and a few times it was. I would stalk people in school, I'm not proud of it but it happened, ive also struggled with homosidle tendencies. One more thing, I was sa'd twice my freshman year which the school did nothing about, you could probably imagine how I feel.
My home life wasn't much better in my opinion, my autism crated a huge divide between my family and by existence everyone else. Out of my whole family I'm the most severe and most of us have autism (this is all my opinion) my mom has taken tests and is open to the idea but my brother (m20) doesn't see what I do, It would also make since for my dad but I don't know. This is important because my needs and acomedations are seen as to much for my family, and then when I went out into the world I didn't understand the social difference between my autistic family and the rest of the world. Whatever I learn out here is hard to communicate to my family and what I learn from my family isn't the best out here.
More specificly my brother would beat me up not super often but often enough for it to be a thing I was scared of for a long time. to be fair I did use to bite him when we where little which is what he mentioned when I brought up the times he'd beat me up, he also denied doing this to the extent I mentioned and said "all brothers fight". He has been teaching me about emotional intelligence recently because of my issus with being very defensive, this was after he stopped beating me up for a while so I think he's changed. But he still says things like "why do you look like that" or "you smell" as a joke, I've asked him to stop but he's never stopped. He also makes jokes about sexualizing animals, children, and even made incest jokes just because I have a funny reaction. I've told him to stop because it makes me uncomfortable but after high school I gave up, he hasn't made these jokes in a while and thankfully the ones about kids are ferthar in the past then the others. When he didn't stop I told him I would tell my friends that he made these jokes and he said that he wouldn't care.
Other then him, my mom recently called me to yell at me about the traffic being bad, the phone called ended with me throwing my headphones and yelling about killing myself in a school building. To be brief.
My dad was just super neglectful, nights I'd go hungry, he cooked only 2 times for me and my brother. Once I had to take him to the bathroom because he was to drunk to know he wasn't in the bathroom. This should be enough.
In modern day.
I'm in college for acting and writing, I haven't lived with my dad for years and he recently took out a EBT card under my name. I got in a car crash a year ago, in the same week I got it, my mom yells at me to drive and yells at me to not drive without insurance, she yells at me for not being prepared wile packing my bags for college for me wile not letting me do it on my own. My mom offers help but then complains about everyone catering to me and yells at me about every single unplanned step. My brother is trying to help me but he doesn't except that I'm disabled or that the issues I bring to him are as bad as I say they are, he buys me fast food almost everyday I'm home though. All the other freshman in my college ghosted me at once after the car crash (for real, I get back from the crash, everyone's int he commons, one person asked if I was okay, the other people from the crash show up and everyone flocks to them and I still don't understand why), this caused rummers about me to be created and at the end of the year it got so bad that a group calls me a pedophile. Even though all the shit I've had to deal with just at school I found someone, F. F is super caring and kind because they really do care. Simply put, niceness is transactional, your nice to someone you expect them to be nice back. F just gives all away and expects nothing in return, they've been helping me with my family and school issues along with the mental shit and their just all around a good person.
Even though things are better and I have someone I like, I feel miserable. Everyday it gets harder and harder to keep myself from letting go and do fucked up things to people just because I see something I like or that I'm intereged in, I have a need to feel power and to know everything I can out of insecurities which I've mentioned in this post. I also wanna break up with F but because I know I will hurt them like everyone else in my life, and I'm not sure if I'm with then for them because there the only person who supports or if it's all the free weed. And like the Annabelle movies, my obsession over S isn't and probably won't ever go away as it gets stronger and more annoying.
So after all this I don't know if I should keep fighting until I can't anymore which feels soon, or finally kill my self which I don't think is likely but if not me then I'm scared of who it could be one day. I will continue to try and work though this anyway unless I make a decision, then I'll try to make an update.
Also please let me know if this is violating the Staying on topic rule.
Thank you.
submitted by HelpDearGodHelpMe to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:16 Significant-Tower146 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

Get ready to explore the innovative world of AGM Rattler Battery Pack! This roundup article will take you on a thrilling adventure of discovering the latest and greatest features of the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. From its cutting-edge technologies to its seamless performance, we'll dive deep into what sets this battery apart from the competition. So buckle up, and get ready for a journey that will leave you energized and excited about the future of battery technology.

The Top 19 Best Agm Rattler Battery Pack

  1. High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles - Experience reliable power delivery and peace of mind with the WSB1275 75Ah Agm Sealed Lead Acid Battery from Wayne Water Systems, designed for optimal performance and safety.
  2. High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery - Reliable, rugged, and versatile, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery is perfect for constant voltage input and electric start generators, making it a top choice for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.
  3. Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications - Experience exceptional performance, reliability, and longevity with the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah Replacement Battery – the ultimate companion for your Die-Hard Portable Jump Starter 1150.
  4. 12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height - The Mighty Max ML9-12NB 12V 9Ah NB Terminal Rechargeable Seal is a high-performance 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery, perfect for any position, resisting shocks and vibrations while providing long-lasting performance in high and low temperatures.
  5. Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection - The Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter, boasting a high-output AGM battery, offers powerful performance with multiple charging options and safety features, making it a reliable and easy-to-use jump starter for all your starting needs.
  6. Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance - The ACDelco M24AGM Professional AGM Voyager Battery offers top-tier performance with maintenance-free design and innovative technologies, ensuring safety and durability in your vehicle.
  7. High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance - Experience unbeatable power and superior quality performance with the Xs Power D3400 12V AGM Battery, featuring maximum 3300A output and an unmatched combination of durability, reliability, and modern design.
  8. Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use - Experience hassle-free powersport adventures with the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS, featuring 12V 18Ah, 290 CCA, spill-proof AGM construction, and factory activation for immediate, maintenance-free use with ATVs, motorcycles, and more.
  9. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution - Upgrade to the advanced AGM Super Cycle Battery from Victron Energy, offering superior performance and longer lifespan, while maintaining a compact and lightweight design.
  10. Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit - Experience ultimate performance with the Interstate Batteries SLA1146, a maintenance-free and spill-proof 12V 26Ah battery featuring AGM & VRLA technology, perfect for a wide range of applications.
  11. Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery - The Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery offers maintenance-free AGM technology, ensuring optimal performance and durability, with a quick charging speed and long cord length for flexibility.
  12. Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery - Upgrade your energy storage with the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), featuring excellent recharge performance, high discharge efficiency, and reliable absorption, making it a versatile and efficient choice for your needs.
  13. Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery - Energize your devices with the Mighty Max 12V 100Ah SLA Battery (ML100-12) - a rechargeable, maintenance-free, and durable option for all your power needs.
  14. Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices - The Mighty Max Battery ML15-12 is a long-lasting, rechargeable 12V 15Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) battery designed for a variety of applications, offering wide operating temperatures, high discharge rate, and deep discharge recovery.
  15. High-Quality Sealed Battery for Rattler 110 and More Models - Keep your Rattler 110, Kymco People 50, Honda Elite, and other compatible bikes charged and efficient this winter with the high-quality, off-branded Prima Battery 12V TX5L-BS, featuring sealed construction and easy-to-use acid cartridges.
  16. AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit for NVG Night Vision Goggles - Extend operational time of night vision goggles and securely attach to helmets with the AGM G50 External Battery Pack Kit, perfect for those who demand reliability and convenience.
  17. Expert-Tested Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery for Durability and Performance - Experience enhanced durability and reliable performance with the Bass Pro Shops Power Series Deep-Cycle AGM Marine Battery, perfect for both cranking/starting and deep-cycle usage in any marine environment.
  18. Factory-activated spill-proof battery with 12 volts and 6 amp-hours - Experience the power of Power-Sonic PTX7LBS-FS, a fully sealed, spill-proof battery offering advanced technology for unparalleled performance and protection in any harsh weather condition.
  19. Portable Powerful 2000 Peak Amp Agm Battery Jump Starter - Schumacher DSR157 ProSeries Jump Starter - Powerful 2000 peak amps for large engines, reverse hook-up warning, and portable charging options for all your devices.
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🔗High-Capacity 75Ah AGM Sealed Lead Acid Battery with Easy Carry Handles

Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery in my basement sump pump. This maintenance-free, sealed lead-acid battery pack has made my life easier and more worry-free, thanks to its 75Ah capacity and 12V voltage. With its handles making it easy to move around, I am now free from the hassle of constantly monitoring and maintaining the battery levels.
One of the most impressive features of this battery is the consistent power supply it provides, ensuring that my backup sump pump remains ready to kick in at a moment's notice. This reliable performance has given me peace of mind, especially during the recent storms that have brought about power outages in my area. The battery also charges quickly, so I'm always prepared for any situation.
However, there is one drawback I've encountered. While the battery works reliably, the instructions provided for installation are quite complicated and could have been simplified. Additionally, I did notice that the battery's capacity can sometimes be slightly less than advertised, which might require an adjustment in your expectations.
In summary, the Wayne Water Systems WSB1275 battery offers a top-quality, reliable solution for my basement sump pump needs. With its impressive charging capabilities and consistent power supply, I highly recommend this product for anyone looking for a reliable and easy-to-use battery pack for their sump pump system.

🔗High-Performance 12V 160 CCA Thunderbolt Magnum AGM Battery

I recently tried the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery, and I must say, it has some impressive features. What stood out to me is the rugged design and the versatile top-mounted terminals that make it a suitable choice for various generators, including those made by Predator.
While using this battery, I found it to be quite efficient in providing constant voltage input, which is crucial for an electric start generator. It successfully powered both my generator and an ATV without any issues. The battery's compact size made it convenient to install and mount on the generator.
However, one downside I encountered was the reversed polarity terminals. It took me a bit of time to figure out the issue during installation. Additionally, some customers mentioned facing difficulty in finding replacements for this battery, as most other units do not fit the same specifications.
Overall, the Thunderbolt Magnum 12V 160 CCA AGM Battery has proven to be a reliable and functional option for powering electric start generators. But be aware of the possible reversed polarity terminals and the difficulty in finding compatible replacements.

🔗Extreme Heavy-Duty 12V 22AH SLA Battery for Demanding Jump Starter Applications

Imagine a situation where you're stuck on the side of the road, and your car isn't starting. You pull out a small device, no bigger than a pencil box, and within minutes, your car roars to life. That's the magic of a portable jump starter.
The Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a versatile device that serves as a replacement for your Die Hard Portable Jump Starter. It's a maintenance-free 12V 22AH Sealed Lead Acid battery, known for its spill-proof nature and high discharge rate. This battery is designed to handle a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for use in both high and low temperatures.
One of the most impressive things about this battery is its ability to resist shocks and vibration. It can be mounted in any position, making it a convenient option for those who are always on the move. And let's not forget the bonus of having a long service life and the ability to recover from deep discharge situations, which is particularly useful in emergency situations.
Now, let's talk about my personal experience with the Mighty Max Battery. I've used it to jump-start my car during a surprise power outage, and it worked like a charm. It's compact, which made it easy to store in my glove compartment, and it fits perfectly into the port on my Die Hard jump starter.
However, there were a few drawbacks. The product doesn't come with a wire harness or mounting accessories, which means you'll have to purchase those separately if you don't already have them. Additionally, the battery's weight might be a concern for some, but for me, it wasn't a deal-breaker.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery 12V 22Ah is a powerful and reliable option for anyone in need of a portable jump starter. It's easy to use, long-lasting, and has a compact design that makes it a convenient option for those always on the go. Despite the minor inconvenience of not having all necessary accessories included, the Mighty Max Battery more than makes up for it with its performance and durability.

🔗12V 9Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery with 2.56" Depth and 3.94" Height

In my quest for a reliable battery, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery ML9-12NB. At first glance, the size may seem smaller than expected, but don't let that hold you back. This little guy is a force to be reckoned with!
Powered by a 12V 9AH Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) rechargeable maintenance-free battery, it effortlessly outperforms its counterparts in various conditions. UL certified and ready to take on any position, it resists shocks and vibrations with ease while maintaining its long-lasting high performance.
The best part? It's spill-proof and boasts a high discharge rate, wide operating temperatures, and an extended service life. And the deep discharge recover? A true game-changer when it comes to battery efficiency.
Despite its small stature, the ML9-12NB holds its own in the big leagues, proving that good things often come in unexpected packages.

🔗Schumacher DSR114 DSR ProSeries Jump Starter: High-Performance AGM Battery Pack with Easy Charging and Reverse Hook-up Protection

I've been using the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter in my daily life for a few months now, and I must say it's been quite the reliable companion. When I needed to jumpstart my car the other day, it took me just a few minutes to get everything connected and running smoothly. The 525 cranking amps and 350 cold cranking amps really make a difference in those crucial moments.
One thing that really stood out to me was the easy-to-read digital display and ON/OFF switch. They made it easy for me to keep track of the battery life and to ensure I wasn't draining it unnecessarily. However, I did notice that the 60-inch cable length wasn't quite long enough to reach my car when it was parked in the driveway, so I had to make a few adjustments.
I particularly appreciate Schumacher's safety features like the reverse hook-up safeguard alarm, which makes sure that the clamps are connected to the battery correctly. Having this safety feature has given me peace of mind when jumpstarting my car or helping friends in need.
This jump starter is well-built and seems to be quite durable. It's a little bit heavy to carry around, but it's certainly sturdy enough to handle the job. The 2.1-amp USB port and 12V DC outlet added bonus features that I've come to appreciate during my camping trips and other outdoor activities.
In conclusion, I highly recommend the Schumacher DSR ProSeries Jump Starter. It has proven to be an invaluable addition to my daily life, and I know I can always count on it when I need to get my car back up and running.

🔗Long-lasting AGM Voyager Battery for Enhanced Deep Cycle Performance


The ACDelco Professional AGM Voyager battery has been a game-changer in my daily life. With its maintenance-free Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) technology, I no longer have to worry about water spills or leaks. The deep cycle performance has been outstanding, and the leak-proof pressurized valve system ensures safety and longevity.
However, there's one minor downside: the battery warning in California can be concerning. Overall, this premium aftermarket battery has exceeded my expectations in terms of fit, form, and functionality.

🔗High Output 12V AGM Car Battery for Superior Audio Performance

I've always been a fan of the XS Power D3400 12V AGM Battery. It's been my go-to power source for my car's audio system. I could definitely feel the difference in the quality once I switched to this battery. The absorption glass mat technology really works wonders!
One of the best things about this battery is its high output. With a max of 3,300 amps, it really powers my speakers. The M6 terminal hardware which comes alongside also adds to the convenience. The battery is classified for OE fit and runs on a wide range of watts, making it versatile for different audio setups.
However, the packaging of the battery wasn't as satisfactory. The battery box came damaged and there were instances where the label peeled off. As far as the terminal hardware, it seems some customers found it missing from their package.
Despite those minor issues, I'm still impressed with this battery's performance. It's durable, reliable, and has definitely elevated the audio quality of my ride. Overall, I would say it's a great power source for any serious audio setup.

🔗Maintenance-Free Powersport AGM Battery for ATV, Motorcycle, and Outdoor Use

I had the chance to test out the Power Sonic Battery PTX20LBS-FS in my motorcycle, and I must say, it made quite an impression. This 12-volt battery with 18 ampere hours and an impressive cold cranking amperage of 200 proved to be extremely convenient to use. The best part? It's spill-proof and completely sealed, ensuring maximum safety.
The maintenance-free aspect of this battery was a game-changer for me. With no need for acid handling during activation, I could worry less and focus on my riding adventure. Just like the product description stated, all it took was to pop it into my motorcycle and I was good to go!
However, I noticed that it wasn't the most durable battery I've ever used. The lifespan of this battery wasn't as long as I hoped for. Despite this, the Power Sonic Battery still worked perfectly for its intended purpose and provided plenty of energy for my powersport vehicle.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery: Long-Lasting, High-Performance Solution


The Victron Energy BAT412025081, also known as the 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5), has been a game-changer in my daily life. I've had the opportunity to use this battery in numerous scenarios and I must say, I can't help but share my experience.
Firstly, the AGM Super Cycle technology is truly remarkable. Unlike traditional batteries, these super cycle batteries can handle occasional or frequent partial discharges without any issues. Their smaller size and reduced weight make them an attractive choice for those who are particular about the battery size.
However, there are a few drawbacks that I noticed too. While the battery is designed to prevent sulfation during deep discharge, one has to be careful with frequent deep discharges, as it could reduce the battery's life span. Also, the slightly higher voltage during recharge can strain some battery connections.
Overall, I am quite impressed with this battery's performance. It has proven to be reliable, easy to use, and quite efficient, even with the occasional drawbacks.

🔗Interstate 12V 26Ah AGM Battery with Nut and Bolt Terminal for Universal Fit

I've been using this Interstate Batteries 12V 26Ah SLA/AGM battery in my daily life for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer! . Not only does it fit perfectly in my vehicle, but it's also incredibly reliable and long-lasting. The AGM technology ensures it's maintenance-free and spill-proof, making my life so much easier.
However, it's worth mentioning that the battery is quite heavy, which can be a bit of a hassle when transporting it. Overall, I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient battery replacement.

🔗Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Maintenance-Free AGM Replacement Battery

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery. As someone who relies on jump starters frequently, I was excited to see if this one would live up to the hype.
The battery itself is a maintenance-free AGM technology, which means I no longer have to worry about adding acid or water. I found this to be a huge time-saver, especially when I was in a rush. Additionally, it was important to note that this is a replacement battery and not a complete starter pack, so I had to use my existing cables and hardware.
One standout feature of this battery is the charging speed. It quickly charges and then switches to maintain mode, protecting the battery from overcharging. This was particularly helpful when I was using it on a daily basis.
The sturdiness of the battery was also impressive. It had a nice heavy case that gave me confidence in the battery's durability. The cords were long and easy to manage, which was a nice bonus when I needed to reach the back of my vehicle.
Overall, the Schumacher Electric DSR ProPSJ-2212 12V 18Ah Jump Starter Replacement Battery performed well and I was very pleased with my purchase. Its sturdiness, charging speed, and convenient maintenance-free technology make it a great addition to anyone's tool kit.

🔗Victron 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Battery

I have been using the Victron Energy BAT412025081 12V/25Ah AGM Super Cycle Batt. (M5) for quite some time now, and I must say, it's been a game-changer. One of the main highlights I've experienced is the ability to handle repeated 100% discharge without any worries. The Super Cycle battery's new paste in the positive plates allows for slightly less sensitivity to softening.
Another aspect I appreciate is the significant reduction in sulfation during deep discharge, thanks to new additives in the electrolyte. However, I have noticed that the weight of this battery seems to be fractionally more compared to its standard Victron counterparts.
In terms of downsides, the battery's dimensions and weight are slightly larger and heavier than the standard Deep Cycle AGM batteries, which might be a concern for those with limited storage space or weight restrictions. Overall, the Victron Energy BAT412025081 has proven to be a reliable and efficient solution for my needs, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

🔗Affordable, Portable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery

The Mighty Max battery has been a game changer in my experience. I switched to this sealed lead-acid battery when my old one started causing issues, and I have not looked back since. I use this 12V, 100Ah SLA battery to power my outdoor devices, and the consistent power supply it provides is quite impressive. The rechargeable feature is definitely a plus, allowing me to use the same battery multiple times without worrying about constantly having to replace it.
One of the aspects that I appreciate the most about this product is its durability. Despite being subjected to various outdoor conditions, the Mighty Max battery has been quite rugged and held up well. The spill-proof feature is a welcomed addition as well, ensuring that my device never gets damaged due to accidents.
That being said, there are a couple of minor downsides to this product. One of them is the weight; it is a bit on the heavier side, which may pose inconvenience when transporting it. Additionally, while the battery offers a decent amount of capacity, the performance under heavy load conditions can be somewhat inconsistent at times.
In summary, the Mighty Max battery, despite its minor flaws, has been a reliable and long-lasting addition to my device setup. Its portability could be improved slightly, but overall, I am quite pleased with my purchase.

🔗Mighty Max ML15-12 12V 15AH SLA Battery for Rechargeable Devices

I've been enjoying using the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 in my daily life. With a voltage of 12V and a capacity of 15Ah, it's been a reliable power source for my various needs. I especially love how it's compatible with many devices, like the Goal Zero Escape 150 Power Pack and the Razor Dirt Rocket SX500.
One of the highlights is the battery's spill-proof design, which ensures that it can be used in any position without worrying about leaks. It's also rechargeable, which makes it an eco-friendly option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
However, one downside I've noticed is the battery's weight, at 8.78 pounds, which can make it a bit cumbersome to handle. Additionally, it can be challenging to locate all the necessary mounting accessories as they are not included in the package.
Overall, the Mighty Max Battery Ml15-12 has been a trusty companion for my power needs. With its various compatibility options and spill-proof design, it's a reliable choice for those in the market for a high-performance battery with a long service life.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting the right AGM Rattler Battery Pack for your needs, there are a few important factors to consider. This guide will help you understand these factors and make an informed decision.


Important Features

  1. Capacity: The capacity of the battery pack is measured in ampere-hours (Ah). A higher capacity battery will need longer to charge and provide power for a longer period, but it will also be heavier.
  2. Voltage: AGM Rattler Battery Packs are typically rated at 12 volts. Ensure the device you intend to use with the battery pack is compatible with the pack's voltage.
  3. Lifespan: Lithium batteries generally have a longer lifespan compared to other types of batteries. Check the manufacturer's specifications for the expected lifespan of the battery pack.
  4. Size and Weight: Consider the size and weight of the battery pack, as well as the space and weight limitations of your device. A lighter, smaller battery might be more convenient for specific applications.


  1. Intended Use: Determine the primary use for the AGM Rattler Battery Pack. For example, if you need a reliable battery for powering outdoor equipment, you may require a different type of battery than if you were using it for indoor electronics.
  2. Charging Requirements: Check the charging requirements for the battery pack, such as the charging time and the type of charger required.
  3. Environment: If you plan to use the battery pack in extreme temperatures or harsh environments, make sure it can handle those conditions.


General Advice

  1. Read the User Manual: It's essential to read and understand the user manual for your AGM Rattler Battery Pack before using it. This will help you avoid any potential issues and maximize the battery's lifespan.
  2. Keep the Battery Pack Clean: Keeping the battery pack clean and free of debris will help ensure its proper performance and prolong its lifespan.
  3. Store the Battery Pack Properly: Store the battery pack in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its optimal performance and prolong its lifespan.



What is the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is a set of premium automotive AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries designed to provide reliable and long-lasting power to a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, cars, motorcycles, and RVs. These batteries are known for their durability, maintenance-free operation, and exceptional performance in extreme temperatures.

What makes the Agm Rattler Battery Pack different from other automotive battery packs?

The primary difference between the Agm Rattler Battery Pack and other automotive battery packs is the type of technology used in the battery cells. The Rattler utilizes absorbent glass mat (AGM) technology, which offers several advantages over traditional flooded lead-acid batteries. These advantages include: * Increased power output and reliability
  • Longer service life and fewer replacements needed
  • Lower internal resistance for faster charging
  • Higher safety levels due to improved venting and sealing systems
  • Better performance in extreme temperatures and higher humidity environments


What is the warranty on the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack typically comes with a warranty of at least 24 months, depending on the manufacturer. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship, ensuring that the customer receives a high-quality product and peace of mind when making the purchase.

What is the size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The size of the Agm Rattler Battery Pack can vary depending on the specific product and the type of vehicle it is designed for. However, most Rattler battery packs have dimensions ranging from 9.5 inches to 10.75 inches in length, 6.9 inches to 7.5 inches in width, and 7.7 inches to 8.3 inches in height. It is essential to consult the product specifications or manufacturer's website to determine the exact size for a specific battery pack.

What are the maintenance requirements for the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is designed to be maintenance-free, eliminating the need for regular checking of the water level and acid levels. You should still periodically check the battery terminals and cables for any corrosion, as well as the overall condition of the battery. Proper charging and handling of the battery are also essential to maintain its optimal performance over time.

Can the Agm Rattler Battery Pack be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is primarily designed for automotive use, supplying power to vehicles' electrical systems. However, it can also be used as a secondary power source for various electronic devices, especially in emergency situations. It is essential to ensure that the battery pack's capacity and voltage output meet the requirements of the device to prevent damage to either the battery or the device.

Are there any environmental concerns when using the Agm Rattler Battery Pack?

The Agm Rattler Battery Pack is made of lead, which can pose environmental concerns when the battery is disposed of improperly. To minimize environmental impact, make sure to recycle the battery at an appropriate location or facility. Check with your local recycling center for more information on proper battery disposal.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 Otium-w-dignitate First time in Ireland, Public Transport Questions

My wife and i will be touring Ireland in August without a car (we don’t drive). We have some questions about travel that we are hoping someone here can help us with.
I know that our itinerary is a bit cliche, but it’s our first time visiting and we needed places that we could easily connect and that would allow us to take some day trips (which we are still looking into).
Our trip is: Dublin - Aug 10-14 to Cork - Aug 14-17 to Limerick - Aug 17-19 to Galway - Aug 19-23 to Dublin Airport - Aug 23
General questions:
We are thinking of getting the regular LEAP card (can’t use on inter-city trains, right?) and then buying individual tickets online for most inter-city travel, but we are wondering if the Explorer Rail Only Pass (5 days unlimited travel out of 15 consecutive days) would make more sense? We haven’t planned our day trips yet, but there will be a few.
Is train or bus a better option for each leg of the journey (considering cost, ease and reliability)? We presume that train is best option for most of these, but we figured it is better to ask.
Specific question: If we take the train from Cork to Limerick (colbert station) via the Limerick Junction (in Tipperary), it looks like we have to transfer from platform 1 to platform 2. Is that an easy transfer? Will 15 minutes between the two trains be enough time? Do these trains run reasonably on time?
Thanks very much.
submitted by Otium-w-dignitate to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:09 crucifiedfaith Deciding on the best route: OCS or FLEO

I am going to preface this by acknowledging that only I can make this decision for myself. I am facing a bit of a fork in road, if you will. A quick overview of who I am:
36 male, GT 121, AFQT: 84, OPAT: HEAVY, two bachelor's degrees, 4.0 GPA, passed my BN board early part of May, without any reservations. Awaiting for the results of the June 14 USAREC board.
USBP called me yesterday with a final job offer with a list of locations and gave me 72 hours to decide or to turn down the FO and reapply.
I did not think BP would get back to me so quick on a job offer and I am mauling it over on which career path I wish to go. I have always wanted to serve my country and becoming an officer has always been my goal. Even more so as a particular family member of mine could benefit from tricare.
So, I am at bit of a crossroads and attempting the best course of action for myself and my family. Has anyone else been a similiar spot? What are your thoughts if faced with a similar dilemma? I could wait for what USAREC says, but BP is offering me a job now, whereas I am not sure which direction USAREC will go with my packet. The reserves are already filled up until FY25, so there is additional wait time if I do not get a slot for AD.
Decisions, decisions..
submitted by crucifiedfaith to ArmyOCS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 FancyInvestment397 SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]

SkyCrown Casino Review [Updated June 2024]
SkyCrown Casino is a platform dedicated to providing the ultimate gambling experience. After signing up, we received a massive welcome bonus of up to €500 with 225 Free Spins. They also have a Live casino bonus, including a collection of weekly and special promos to use on selected games.
What we like
  • Instant VIP incentives
  • No payment fees
  • Excellent choice of payment methods
What we don’t like
  • Many country restrictions
  • No live chat

Casino info

Country Available: AU, CA, NZ, AT, SE
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
No. of slots games 7,000+
Owner Hollycorn N.V.
Licenses Curacao Government
Min. Deposit: $30

SkyCrown Casino

Elevate Your Wins with These Bonuses and Promotions

SkyCrown is a relatively new gaming site that was launched in 2022. As such, this site seeks to entice players with exciting bonus promotions, including a welcome match deposit bonus, high roller bonus, reload bonuses, and more. Let’s unbox these promotions one by one.

First deposit bonus

We started our journey at SkyCrown by claiming the 100% match bonus, reaching $150. This platform also added 100 free spins to the match deposit bonus. They specify that the free spins can only be played on John Hunter and the Mayan Gods by Pragmatic Play.
Remember, you must deposit at least $30 using the SKY1 bonus code to claim this first deposit bonus package. Also, this bonus is unavailable for cryptocurrency, Neteller, and Skrill deposits.

Bonus percentage per game

Although you must meet the 40x wagering requirement on all games, the game contribution varies when fulfilling this requirement. According to SkyCrown, slots contribute 100% towards the bonus wagering except for a few listed games. For example, if you wager $5 on qualifying slots, the entire amount will be subtracted from the wagering requirement.

Claim even more bonuses

As a loyal player, SkyCrown keeps you occupied with a variety of bonus packages to choose from. However, most bonuses are available after depositing a specific amount using a promo code. We’ll explore all of them in this SkyCrown Casino review.

Second and third deposit bonuses

After bagging your first deposit bonus, the site invites you to deposit at least $30 using a SKY2 bonus code to claim the 50% match bonus up to $300. In other words, you’ll receive an amount half your real money deposit but not exceeding $300. This package also comes with 50 free spins on Thunderkick’s Pink Elephant.
The royal treatment continues with a third deposit bonus of 75% up to $300. To claim this reward, you must deposit at least $30 using a SKY3 bonus code. Like the first and second deposit bonuses, this promo also features 75 free spins on Pragmatic Play’s Gates of Olympus. If this game isn’t available, you can play BGaming’s Gold Rush with Johnny Cash.

Live casino welcome bonus

Are you a fan of live dealer games? Play your favorite titles and claim a 1% welcome rakeback on wagers not exceeding $1,500. The maximum weekly rakeback is $1,500 after depositing at least $75. Keep in mind that the rakeback is paid in actual money, meaning you don’t have to meet any wagering requirements.

High roller bonus

SkyCrown has a 50% up to $2,000 high roller welcome bonus for those who like playing big. This bonus is only available on your first deposit of at least $1,000 using the HIGH5 promo code. But there’s a catch. You must meet a 40x playthrough requirement within five days of receiving the bonus.

Friday cashboost rally

This site promises to reward you with 20% cashback on your weekly deposits to have even more fun. You only need to top up your account from Monday to Thursday to receive the 20% cashback up to $1,000 every Friday. Note that the deposit amount during the specified period must be $200+. You must also meet a 40x rollover rate before cashing out.

SkyCrown freespin spree

SkyCrown also offers a Free spin package that allows players to earn bonus spins every week after wagering at least $500 on any 3oaks or Redgenn games from Tuesday to Wednesday. Remember that your bonus spins will increase with a bigger bet amount.
  • Wager $500 to $999 to get 25 free spins
  • Wager $1,000 to $1,499 to get 50 free spins
  • Wager $1,500 to $1,999 to get 75 free spins
  • Wager $2,000 to $2,999 to get 100 free spins
  • Wager $3,000 and more to get 200 free spins

Crypto cashback

This platform allows you to deposit funds using multiple cryptocurrencies. If you’re a crypto player, you can claim 10% cashback of up to 1,000 USDT on net losses recorded on live dealer games and slots. The cashback bonus is calculated from Tuesday 00:00 UTC to Monday 23:59 UTC and is paid out every Tuesday at 18:00 UTC. Also, this bonus doesn’t have any wagering requirements.

Regular live casino bonus

Keep playing your favorite live dealer games and stand a chance to claim 10% of your losses in no-wagering funds every Wednesday. This cashback bonus is calculated on your losses from Wednesday 00:01 UT to Tuesday 23:59 UTC. However, you must use your live casino welcome offer to claim this reward.

50 Free spins every Monday

Start your week off with a bang! Every Monday, you can deposit at least $30 with a SKY1 code to pocket 50 free spins on Gamebeat’s Witch Treasures slot. This bonus is available if you made at least a single deposit the previous week and must have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%.

50% Friday bonus

SkyCrown invites you to deposit at least $30 on Fridays to claim the 50% match bonus up to $150. To qualify for this weekly bonus, you must deposit funds using an SK5Y code and have a withdrawal-to-deposit ratio exceeding 70%. Also, you must meet a 40x rollover requirement to withdraw this bonus.

Huge Sunday bonus

Lastly, you can enjoy a super Sunday at this casino with 50 free spins after depositing at least $30 with an S50 promo code. The free spin winnings have a 30x wagering requirement, and the bonus is applicable on the following games:
  • Bonanza Billion
  • Alien Fruits
  • Gold Rush with Johnny Cash
  • Gemhalla
  • Wild Wash
  • Aloha King Elvis

Our Journey with SkyCrown's Loyalty Program

SkyCrown treats you like royalty with its multi-level VIP program. In this promotion, each $15 bet you make will earn you a single loyalty point. After collecting 150 points, you’ll unlock the first level, with 300 points unlocking the second, and so on. Each level comes with different prizes, including free spins and bonus money.
Besides collecting game credits, becoming a VIP here also comes with these privileges:
  • 24/7 personal assistant
  • Access to individual gaming services and mechanics
  • Special gift box
  • Prioritized withdrawals
  • Exclusive bonuses
SkyCrown allows you to become an instant VIP without going through the pain of collecting points. Verify your phone number and deposit at least $1,000. A personal manager will contact you within 24 hours.

Get Started: Sign Up for an Account Now

If you’re impressed by the bonus collection at SkyCrown Casino, go ahead and sign up to claim these offers. They have a straightforward sign-up process as you’ll find out in the steps below:
  1. Visit SkyCrown Casino on your mobile or desktop browser.
  2. Now tap the blue Sign Up button at the top-right corner.
  3. On the Sign-Up form, enter your email and password.
  4. Confirm your age and accept the T&Cs.
  5. Tap the Sign Up button to register.

Explore SkyCrown Casino's Diverse Games Library

Very few Canadian gaming sites can compare to SkyCrown’s game-rich library. At the time of writing this SkyCrown review, we counted over 7,000 games from leading game developers such as Netgame, Gamebeat, BGaming, Mascot, and more.

Below are the game categories:


As expected, slot machines are the main offerings at this casino. You’ll find so many real money slots from BGaming, Reflex Gaming, Gamingcorps, and other software developers. The slots are available in varying categories, including Bonus Buy, Megaways, Books, Mythology, Expanding Wilds, and more. This should help you find your preferred slot machines easily.


SkyCrown has hundreds of jackpot slots to play if you’re after those extra-large jackpot wins. Some trending jackpot titles include Fortune Circus by Fugaso, Fortune Dreams by Lucky, Gold of Maya by Gamzix, and more. Games with progressive jackpot networks have a “JP” banner.

Table games

If you feel like taking a little break from slots, we advise you to check out their wide selection of table games. You’ll find numerous titles and variations for Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Poker. They also offer several Andar Bahar, Pai Gow, and Craps titles.

Instant games

Instant or arcade games have become fan favorites due to their fast-paced and rewarding gameplay. You’ll find several crash games, including Spribe’s Aviator, Aero by Turbogames, JetLucky 2 by Gamingcorps, and more. You’ll also find Plinko, Mines, and Dice titles.

Live casino

Live dealer games provide a unique table game experience in a real casino setting. SkyCrown ensures this by offering 300+ live dealer games from ALG, Bombay Live, Better Live, and TVBET. Sadly, we didn’t find any live titles from Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play Live.

Must Play Games at SkyCrown Casino

We understand that finding the best titles to play can be time-consuming and confusing. So we have done all the hard work to help you settle in quickly with these five titles:

SkyCrown Bonanza – BGaming

This is one of those custom-made slots you can only play at SkyCrown Casino. It’s a highly volatile slot designed by BGaming to offer a classic fruit-themed experience with an explosive 15,000x win potential. It delivers a simple design with relaxing music and bright icons to make it stand out from other fruit machines on this gaming site.

Sun of Egypt 3 – 3oaks

Launched in 2023, Sun of Egypt 3 is the third installment of this popular slot series. It’s a highly volatile slot that maintains the tradition of bringing the rewarding Hold and Win Jackpot and a decent 10,000x win potential. To boost your chances of collecting the jackpot, this game will reward you eight free spins after landing enough scatters with a retrigger option. You’ll also find a wild symbol that pays 12x the stake.

Vikings Go Berzerk – Yggdrasil

Despite launching in November 2016, this slot machine from Yggdrasil has maintained its position as one of the best Viking-themed slots. In this game, you’ll accompany brave and daring Vikings in their mission to fill up the rage meter and collect rewards. This game packs fun bonus features, including the Treasure Chest, Free Spins, and a 4,000x jackpot.

Story of the Samurai – Spinomenal

Story of the Samurai is a 2021 slot that takes you to challenge the Samurai warriors and claim big wins. It’s an exciting 5×3 slot packed with bonus features like Bonus Wheel, Mystery Symbols, Free Spins, Expanding Wilds, and Sticky Wild Respins. This game also has a friendly RTP potential of 96.71%.

Aviator – Spribe

If you haven’t played this instant game by Spribe, then you’re missing out. Launched in 2019, this game has become trendy among players due to its reliability and simplicity. The propeller airplane will take off, creating a multiplier curve representing your possible winnings. The sound effects of this game are also classy and relaxing. Enough said already!

Payment Methods Available at SkyCrown Casino

Banking is just as important as any other service an online casino offers. SkyCrown knows this, hence providing a list of 30+ secure banking methods. You can transact using online wallets, credit/debit cards, and cryptocurrencies. The minimum deposit for all payment mediums is $30, whereas the maximum depends on the selected method.
Here is a table to summarize the payment services:

Note that you will be subject to a KYC (Know Your Client) process before approving any withdrawal request. This is a standard procedure in all regulated casinos to verify your identity, location, and source of income. You must submit a copy of your identification paper, such as your ID/passport/driver's license, and proof of local address, like a bank statement/utility bill. The verification can take up to 24 hours.

Navigating the Casino: User Experience Unveiled

Everything about this casino oozes simplicity, class, and efficiency. The website is well-designed, using a minimalist and user-friendly approach. They also use an eye-friendly black background and sharp graphics, making it an excellent platform if you value those long gaming sessions.

We encountered no delays when loading up the website’s pages and games. Everything was instant and smooth, with most titles having a demo version. Finding our favourite game titles was also a breeze thanks to the intuitive search tool, although we would have preferred more game filtering options. In short, the developer did a solid job of providing a fulfilling touch when exploring the platform.

Mobile Compatibility

SkyCrown Casino works smoothly and seamlessly on mobile platforms. We tested the site on our Android and iOS smartphones and didn’t experience any disappointing lag or freeze.
As for the gaming difference, the experience is identical on iPhone and Android. You’ll find a menu icon at the top-left side of the screen, allowing you to access services like banking, account verification, loyalty program, and more. Below the menu, you’ll find game categories like Slots, Live Casino, New, Hot, and Jackpots. All in all, the mobile version is user-friendly and intuitive.

Safety and Security Measures in Place

SkyCrown Casino is a well-protected website with clear privacy policies. They are very transparent and make you aware of all the information they will collect from you. For example, this operator doesn’t rent or sell player data to third parties and is bound by strict legal provisions to protect your private data.
We can confirm that SkyCrown uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology from Let’s Encrypt. This is the standard data protection measure most Canadian casino sites use to secure your information from hackers and scammers. Another thing, you can set up 2-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your account.
We also did our checks to see if we could find any red flags on platforms like Trustpilot and Reddit. Most bad reviews were about players who couldn’t withdraw funds after failing the KYC test. Provide the requested documents, and you won’t have any payment complaints.

Customer Support

Unfortunately, customer support is an area where SkyCrown Casino needs to improve. As a registered member, we found no live chat support, which is disappointing. Instead, they let you speak to an agent via email at [support@skycrown.com](mailto:support@skycrown.com). You can also complete the online contact form on the “Support” page.
But before contacting the support team, it’s worth checking if your concerns have been addressed on the FAQ page. Here, they list and answer some of the most common questions regarding account registration, payments, safety, bonuses, and more. If you’re new to crypto gambling, there is also a helpful page to read.
You can contact their support team in the following languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German

What's the Verdict?

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2024.06.02 09:01 Count-Daring243 Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

Introducing the ultimate solution for your storage and transportation needs, our roundup of adjustable bungee cords is perfect for keeping your items secure while on the move. Don't settle for a less flexible option; explore the best choices in today's market and discover the perfect bungee cord for your needs.

The Top 19 Best Adjustable Bungee Cords

  1. Stretchy Adjustable Bungee Cords for Secure Straps (4 Pack) - Secure heavy objects with ease using the adjustable, long-lasting premium rubber bungee cords from Houseables, perfect for stress-free handling and smooth transportation.
  2. Adjustable Heavy Duty Bungee Cords for Versatile Cargo Holding - Experience the durability and reliability of the 24-inch Keeper Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord by Hampton Products, with professional-grade hooks, superior rubber construction, and a design that adapts to your cargo needs.
  3. Adjustable Bungee Cord with Patented Adjustable Hook - Monkey Fingers Adjustable Bungee Cord - Innovative, simple, and incredibly durable, this bungee might just become your trusted companion for all adventures and projects!
  4. Versatile Premium Bungee Cord Multi-Pack - Experience unparalleled durability and versatility with this 12-piece assorted bungee cord variety pack, featuring premium long-lasting rubber and corrosion-resistant hooks for your most demanding tasks.
  5. Versatile and Safe Bungee Cords for ATV, Truck, and Outdoor Accessories - Take the risk out of securing your cargo with the Loop Rope bungee cord tie down system - the safe, adjustable, and versatile solution for all your storage needs.
  6. Versatile Adjustable Bungee Cord with UV Protection - The Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord is a versatile, eco-friendly option made in the USA, offering a secure grip for various outdoor activities with a 6"-48" unstretched length range and UV protection.
  7. National Hardware Adjustable Bungee - The Ultimate Cargo Securing Solution - National Hardware's Adjustable Bungee Cords with interchangeable carabiners and innovative slip-resistant securing system provide the perfect solution for all your cargo securing and organization needs.
  8. Versatile and Durable Adjustable Cargo Net - Ideal for Outdoor Use and All Weather Conditions - Experience the ultimate flexibility and durability with The Perfect Bungee's Adjustable Flex-Web Cargo Net, crafted from UV, Chemical, Fuel, and Oil Resistant FlexaPURE material, perfect for any weather and load.
  9. Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords with Strong Steel Hooks and UV Protection - SmartStraps SmartStraps 508 is a versatile and super strong premium 2-2/3 ft adjustable bungee cord that simplifies tensioning and is UV and weather resistant, eliminating the hassle of multiple lengths and offering ultimate protection without scratching.
  10. 25 ft. Round Stretch Adjustable Bungee Cords - Secure and transport your cargo safely and easily with Haul-Master's 25 ft. Round Stretch Cords featuring adjustable hooks for optimal tension and length.
  11. High Quality Orange Adjustable Bungee Cords (36") for Durable Hold - Keeper Super Heavy Duty Bungee Cords provide 2x tension and professional-grade durability for all demanding situations, with weather-resistant hooks.
  12. Durable Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee Straps for Camping and Outdoor Use - Experience versatility and durability with the Axemax Bungee Cords Heavy Duty 32 Pcs assorted sizes, offering color-coded straps and a reusable storage bag for convenience.
  13. Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for Versatile Luggage Support - MOLADRI's Adjustable Bungee Cords, featuring a 60% increase in pulling force, exceptional rebound force, and 2 metal hooks for durability, offer limitless uses for camping, picnicking, and securing luggage, making them a versatile and essential accessory.
  14. High Strength Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks - Marine-grade Monkey Fingers bungee cords offer unparalleled durability, strength, and versatility, making them the perfect choice for any outdoor or home use.
  15. Heavy-Duty Assorted Sized Flat Bungee Cords - LuckyStraps' heavy-duty, UV-protected assorted flat bungee cords offer easy adjustment and unparalleled max break strength for all your outdoor needs.
  16. Adjustable Black and White Bungee Cords with Hooks - Experience the versatility and durability of the Joyeyou Bungee Cords with Adjustable Hooks, featuring heavy-duty construction and secure connections for a variety of outdoor and indoor uses.
  17. Extra Stretchy Bungee Cord for Versatile Storage Solutions - Upgrade your bungee cord game with Micagos' 48-inch blue/black adjustable bungee cord, featuring extra wide steel hooks and premium quality rubber for superior strength and elasticity.
  18. Versatile Adjustable Bungee Net with Durable Straps - Experience unmatched versatility and durability with the fully adjustable FW36-6NG Bungee Net, designed for all weather conditions and versatile applications.
  19. Multi-Purpose Adjustable 6-Arm Bungee with Nylon Hooks - Experience the ultimate versatility and durability with the FlexWeb Adjustable Web Cargo Net - a perfect, all-weather solution for avid outdoor enthusiasts!
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🔗Stretchy Adjustable Bungee Cords for Secure Straps (4 Pack)

The Houseables Bungee Cords with Hooks have become a trusty companion in my daily life. Their 48-inch length ensures that I can secure even the heftiest objects without having to worry about them slipping away. The premium-grade rubber construction adds durability and resistance to stretching, guaranteeing these cords will stay strong for a long time.
The most impressive feature is the stretch capacity of these bungee cords, which can extend from 4 feet to a remarkable 10 feet. I've found that the extra length allows for better shock absorption, making it easier to manage heavy loads and maintain a smooth and safe transfer.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the adjustability of these cords. They can be easily manipulated and tightened to hold large items in place, while also being simple to release when needed. The flat hooks are a game-changer, as they lie better and create a more reliable attachment point compared to traditional round ones.
However, there is one minor drawback to these cords - the bright yellow color may not be to everyone's taste. Some may prefer a more subdued hue. Despite this, the overall performance and convenience of the Houseables Bungee Cords with Hooks make them a great choice for anyone in need of reliable and versatile straps for securing heavy items.

🔗Adjustable Heavy Duty Bungee Cords for Versatile Cargo Holding

The Hampton Products Keeper 06180 Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord is a versatile and dependable product that truly stands out in the market. With its premium rubber lining on the inside, it has an impressive 10% more rubber content than conventional cords, ensuring optimal performance and long-lasting durability.
One of the most prominent features of this bungee cord is its professional-grade construction. The dichromate steel hooks at each end provide outstanding resistance against bending under pressure and are resistant to corrosion. Moreover, the material is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and UV rays, making it perfect for outdoor use.
Another excellent aspect of this bungee cord is its expansive adjustability. It stretches excellently for your cargo needs, making it a versatile and convenient choice for securing various items. The durable design ensures that the cord stretches perfectly over your cargo without compromising its strength.
However, like any product, there are a couple of cons. While the bungee cord is well-constructed, it can be a bit tricky to adjust, which might cause some inconvenience during use. Additionally, the steel hooks can be a bit sharp, which might require some extra care while handling.
Overall, this Hampton Products Keeper 06180 Heavy-Duty Bungee Cord is a remarkable product that is perfect for securing cargo and making your life easier. Its premium-quality construction, durability, and versatility make it a standout choice in the market. So, if you're in the market for a reliable and robust bungee cord, look no further than this exceptional product.

🔗Adjustable Bungee Cord with Patented Adjustable Hook

The Monkey Fingers Bungee Cord has been an absolute game-changer in my daily life. As an avid adventurer, I've had to deal with various tie-down situations, and this adjustable bungee cord has made my life so much easier. The unique, patented adjustable hook is not only practical but also makes it the last bungee cord I'll ever need to buy.
One of my favorite features is the ease of use and adjustability. Whether I'm working on a DIY project or going on a boating trip, this bungee cord can be quickly adjusted to fit my needs. Its length can be adjusted from 6 inches to 60 inches, and the marine-grade rubber core ensures it's strong and durable enough to handle any task.
However, there is one downside - it only comes in one size. I wish they offered a longer size for even more versatility. Overall, the Monkey Fingers Bungee Cord is a reliable, easy-to-use, and adaptable tool that has become an essential part of my outdoor adventures.

🔗Versatile Premium Bungee Cord Multi-Pack

I recently tried out the Keeper Bungee Cord Variety Pack, and I must say, it's been a game-changer in my daily life. This pack of 12 different bungee cords offers a wide range of options, ensuring you have the perfect cord for any situation. The 25cm, 46cm, 60cm, 80cm, and 90cm cords make it versatile and useful for various tasks.
But what really stood out for me is the premium quality of the cords. They are made from top-tier, long-lasting rubber that ensures they won't snap or lose their strength over time. The protective coating is a thoughtful feature that resists corrosion and won't chip my paint. Plus, the heavy gauge steel hooks are dependable and easy to use.
However, one downside I faced was with the mini cords. They were a bit too small for my needs, so I had to use them sparingly. But overall, the Keeper Bungee Cord Variety Pack was an excellent investment, providing me with a range of high-quality cords that have made my life easier.

🔗Versatile and Safe Bungee Cords for ATV, Truck, and Outdoor Accessories

As an avid camper, I found the Loop Rope Campers Pack to be a game-changer. Say goodbye to those pesky bungee cords that always seem to wear themselves out and end up with an unsightly mess. This Loop Rope system is not only safer, but also incredibly easy to use. The loops evenly placed on the rope eliminate the need for complex knots, while the double sided stainless steel clips secure your cargo perfectly.
I appreciate the versatility of this product. No matter what you're trying to secure, whether it's a boat, a mattress, camping gear, or even drying clothes, this Loop Rope system does the job with ease. The different lengths of clips make it even more suitable for various applications.
However, as with all products, it's not without its small drawbacks. The clips can be a bit difficult to attach at times, and it might take a bit of force to stretch the rope to the desired tension. Despite this, the pros certainly outweigh the cons, making the Loop Rope Campers Pack an indispensable addition to any camper's gear.

🔗Versatile Adjustable Bungee Cord with UV Protection

Using the Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord has been a game-changer in my outdoor adventures. The adjustability feature allows you to set the length to your preferred range, from 6" to 48" unstretched. Its durability is evident with the UV-protected hooks and bungee, ensuring longevity and protection against the harsh elements.
One of the things I appreciate the most is the versatility of this product. It can be used in various settings, such as boating or camping, without any hassle. The option to swap out Bungee cords for 5/32" - 3/8" diameter ropes or parachute cord makes it even more adaptable to your needs.
Despite its great features, there's one downside: the Danik Hook Adjustable Bungee Cord can be a bit challenging to tighten the bungee cord and adjust the length. However, once you get the hang of it, it becomes a smooth process.
Overall, this Made in the USA adjustable bungee cord has made my outdoor experiences more convenient, and I highly recommend it for those seeking a strong, customizable, and adjustable bungee cord for their adventures.

🔗National Hardware Adjustable Bungee - The Ultimate Cargo Securing Solution

When I'm out exploring, I like to have a bungee that can handle anything thrown my way – and that's exactly what National Hardware's Adjustable Bungee offers. With carabiner hooks that can be used as tie-down straps or in place of ratchet straps, it's the only bungee I'll ever need.
The adjustable length from 9-in to 60-in allows me to secure my cargo without worrying about it shifting or being tossed around. The slip-resistant securing system and easy-to-use mounting feature also make it a reliable option for garage organization and securing sports balls on shelves.
One of my favorite features is the interchangeable carabiners – I can swap them out for S-hooks or quick-links depending on what I need to secure. Plus, the product comes with two adjustable bungees, which is double the amount of security for my adventures.
Overall, this bungee is a must-have for any explorer. It's easy to use, secure, and versatile, making it the perfect addition to any vehicle or outdoor excursion.

🔗Versatile and Durable Adjustable Cargo Net - Ideal for Outdoor Use and All Weather Conditions

I recently got my hands on the Flex-Web Adjustable Cargo Net, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This 72-inch net ensures I can safely secure my gear while on the go.
The unique feature of this net is its six adjustable arms, secured to a central powder-coated ring. It allows for a full adjustable net, perfect for those unpredictable cargo changes. The ABS plastic hook ends are a fantastic addition, as they prevent scratching surfaces and stay secure during transportation.
One of the things I appreciate most is the ability of each arm to stretch twice their length, making it easy to accommodate various cargo sizes. And with its UV, Chemical, Fuel, and Oil Resistance along with waterproof properties, this net is built to withstand all kinds of weather conditions.
While it's made in the USA since 2008, it's designed to be versatile, suitable for ATVs, motorcycles, UTVs, trucks, trailers - basically, anything you'd need a secure cargo net for. It's truly a fantastic product, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and reliable bungee cord.

🔗Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords with Strong Steel Hooks and UV Protection

I've been using the SmartStraps Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for a while now, and they've served my needs pretty well. The super strong cord is definitely more durable than the standard bungee cords I've used in the past. The adjustable feature is a game-changer, eliminating the need for multiple length cords. All you need is one bungee cord that can adapt to various situations.
However, I did notice that the cord's elasticity might degrade over time, especially in extreme weather conditions. Also, the steel hooks are not the best when it comes to scratch-resistance on delicate surfaces. But overall, these bungee cords are pretty convenient and useful for various situations.

🔗25 ft. Round Stretch Adjustable Bungee Cords

The Haul-Master 25 ft. Round Stretch Cord with Adjustable Hooks has become quite the life saver in my day-to-day activities. It's like having a superhero sidekick who's always there to help you secure and manage your cargo. Whether it's tying down a floppy hot tub tarp or securing a trailer cover through the winter, this bungee cord is the perfect tool for the job.
One of the most impressive features of this product is its adjustable length. It's like having a chameleon that can change its size on command. With the simple twist of a hook, I can easily adjust the cord to reach any length I need. This flexibility has turned what could be a cumbersome task into a breeze.
However, there's one downside I've noticed with this bungee cord. Despite its durability and easy-to-use design, the outer jacket seems to have a slight tendency to fade over time. Sure, it's not a major issue, but I would love to see a product that can withstand all the elements, not just some.
Overall, the Haul-Master 25 ft. Round Stretch Cord with Adjustable Hooks is a fantastic product. Its adaptability and strength make it a versatile tool in my arsenal, and I'm sure it will continue to come in handy for many projects to come. Despite the minor flaw, I would highly recommend this bungee cord to anyone in need of a reliable tie-down solution.

🔗High Quality Orange Adjustable Bungee Cords (36") for Durable Hold

As someone who's had the pleasure of using a set of Keeper Bungee Cords, I must say, they're a game changer. The vibrant orange color sure catches the eye and makes it easy to spot in any environment. And boy, do they live up to the "durable outer jacket" claim. I've left them out in the sun for days, and not once have they shown any signs of wear.
The industrial-strength design is quite impressive too. The hooks are definitely larger than your average bungee cord, which means fewer scratches on my belongings. I particularly appreciate that they're corrosion-resistant, ensuring they'll last a lifetime.
However, there's one thing I wish was different - the thickness. At 0.374 inches, it can sometimes be a bit too thick for certain tasks, making it a bit cumbersome to use. But overall, the Keeper Bungee Cords are a fantastic investment for those who need a reliable and sturdy solution for securing their goods.

🔗Durable Heavy Duty Adjustable Bungee Straps for Camping and Outdoor Use

I recently gave Axemax's Heavy Duty Bungee Cords a try and have to say, they impressed me. The color-coding feature made it a breeze to organize my belongings, and I loved the variety of sizes they offer. The durable rubber and cross-woven latex material held up to some rough use, and the UV resistance means these cords will keep their color even after spending time outside.
On the downside, I found the hook design could be a bit more robust. A couple of times, I had issues with the hooks breaking or loosening under pressure. However, this issue was outweighed by the convenience of having a carry bag for easy storage and retrieval of the cords.
All in all, these adjustable bungee cords make a useful addition to any outdoor adventure or work situation, providing flexibility and durability. I'd definitely recommend them to my friends!

🔗Premium Adjustable Bungee Cords for Versatile Luggage Support

I recently tried out the MOLADRI Black Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks Set, and I have to say, they've become a lifesaver in my daily life. These bungee cords are incredibly versatile, offering multiple uses such as securing luggage to the roof of my car or holding down a picnic tablecloth during a windy outdoor meal.
One striking feature that stood out to me is their adjustability. The length of these cords can be easily adapted to fit a wide range of situations, making them an essential item for anyone on the go. The flat, heavy-duty design also impressed me, as it not only absorbed shock from bumps and turns but also evenly distributed the load, improving the safety of my cargo.
However, while the flat design is a plus for securing heavy objects, it does make it difficult to use these bungee cords for less substantial items. Additionally, the metal hooks at the ends of the cords add extra durability, but they can be a bit tricky to untangle when storing them.
Overall, the MOLADRI Black Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks Set has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, thanks to their versatility and durability. Despite the occasional struggles with untangling the hooks, the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences, making this set a wise purchase for anyone in need of a reliable and adaptable bungee cord.

🔗High Strength Adjustable Bungee Cords with Hooks

I recently tried out the Monkey Fingers Adjustable Bungee Cords, and let me tell you, they're a game-changer for anyone who needs to keep their cargo secure. The bright red color definitely stands out, making it easy to see even in low-light situations. The 2-pack is perfect for keeping one in the car and one on your boat or ATV.
The adjustability of the bungee cords is truly a lifesaver, letting me quickly switch between lengths depending on the load at hand. The hooks are sturdy, making it easy to secure even the heaviest loads, and the bungee cords themselves are incredibly durable, withstanding harsh sun and salt water without any issues. My only complaint is that the hooks could use a slightly larger size for securing cargo on ATVs.
Overall, these are the best bungee cords I've ever tried, and I highly recommend them! .

Buyer's Guide

Adjustable bungee cords are versatile and practical tools that can be used for a wide range of purposes. They come in various widths, lengths, and capacities, making them suitable for different applications.

Important Features

1. Stretch Capacity

The stretch capacity of an adjustable bungee cord is the maximum distance it can stretch without breaking. This is an important consideration when choosing the right bungee cord for your needs. For smaller loads, a lower stretch capacity will suffice, while for heavier loads, a higher stretch capacity is required.

2. Diameter

The diameter of an adjustable bungee cord affects its strength and flexibility. A wider cord is generally stronger, but more inflexible, while a narrower cord is more flexible but less strong. Choose a bungee cord's diameter based on the load it will be supporting and the angles it will need to stretch at.

3. Coated or Uncoated

Adjustable bungee cords can either be coated or uncoated. Coated cords are more resistant to wear and tear, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications, while uncoated cords are more flexible and lightweight, making them suitable for light-duty applications.

4. Quality and Durability

To ensure the longevity of your adjustable bungee cord, choose one made from high-quality materials and built for durability. Look for reinforced end fittings and sturdy construction.


Considerations Before Buying

1. How You Will Use the Bungee Cord

Consider the specific application for your adjustable bungee cord. Will it be used to secure a load to a vehicle, to hold two objects together, or for stretching exercises? Understanding how you will use the bungee cord will help you choose the right one with the appropriate stretch capacity and diameter.

2. Budget

Adjustable bungee cords come in a wide range of prices, depending on their size, strength, and quality. Determine your budget before making a purchase, and consider the bungee cord's expected lifespan and suitability for your applications. Remember, cheaper options might not always be the best value.

3. Brand Reputation

Some brands have better quality control and produce more durable adjustable bungee cords than others. Research the brand's reputation before making a purchase, and look for positive reviews and experiences from other users.

General Advice and Precautions

1. Always Read the Instructions

Before using an adjustable bungee cord, always read the manufacturer's instructions for proper handling and usage. This can help you avoid accidents and damage to your load or the bungee cord itself.

2. Avoid Overstretching

Do not overstretch your adjustable bungee cord, as this can cause it to snap and potentially cause injury. Make sure to secure the bungee cord appropriately and only stretch it as far as it is designed to stretch.


3. Keep the Cord Organized and Tangled-Free

A tangled or knotted bungee cord can be difficult to deal with and can even damage the cord. Make sure to keep your adjustable bungee cord organized and untangled to extend its lifespan and maintain its strength and flexibility.

4. Choose the Right Bungee Cord for the Job

Using the wrong bungee cord for the job can lead to accidents, damage to your load, and even personal injury. Always choose the appropriate bungee cord based on your load's weight, the distance it needs to stretch, and the angles involved in the stretching.


What are adjustable bungee cords?

Adjustable bungee cords are elastic ropes that can be adjusted in length, making them ideal for various purposes. They are often made of durable materials like polyester or rubber and typically come with hooks or loops for easy attachment.

What are some common uses for adjustable bungee cords?

  • Securing items to vehicles or trailers
  • Organizing cables and wires
  • Holding up tents or canopies
  • Attaching signs or banners to surfaces
  • Stretching across gaps that need to be covered

How do I choose the right adjustable bungee cord for my needs?

Consider factors like the length of the cord, the weight it needs to hold, and the material it's made from. Look for adjustable bungee cords with strong hooks or loops for secure attachment. Additionally, high-quality materials will result in longer-lasting products.

What are some tips for using adjustable bungee cords?

  • Check the maximum load capacity before applying tension to ensure safety
  • Properly attach the bungee cord to prevent slipping or detachment
  • Inspect the cord for signs of wear or damage before each use
  • Store bungee cords in a dry place to prevent mold or mildew growth

How long should adjustable bungee cords last?

The lifespan of adjustable bungee cords depends on the quality of the materials and how they are used and maintained. High-quality bungee cords made from durable materials like polyester or rubber can last several years if taken care of properly.

Are there any safety concerns when using adjustable bungee cords?

Yes, it is essential to use adjustable bungee cords safely. Always check the maximum load capacity before applying tension, properly attach the cord to prevent slipping, and inspect the cord for signs of wear or damage before each use. Proper storage (in a dry place) can also help prolong the life of the bungee cord and ensure safe use.
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2024.06.02 08:59 Impressive-Trust7672 Experienced Postictal Psychosis for the first time after a grand Mal seizure

A few weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night (roughly 2:30am) in a full blown panic, heart racing, and was under the impression that someone broke into my house. I flew into fight or flight (flight in this case), jumped out of bed (in just my tank top and underwear), grabbed scissors, hopped on my desk in front of my bedroom window on the first floor, opened my window, sliced the screen, and jumped out. I was then running down the street in my underwear, stumbling all over the place and scared out of my mind that there was an intruder, and that I just needed to find a place to hide immediately. After a block or two I jumped and hid in a bush and called 911 (somehow I remembered to grab my phone lol). I told them what I thought was going on and thought my roommates were possibly dead because I left without them. I remember they kept asking what my address was and I could not remember it for the life of me, something I now realize was a symptom after having a seizure.
Cops eventually find me and I beg them to let me in their car and they drive me home (about 3am at that point). My roommates are already standing outside worried out of their mind and I run and hug one of them immediately because I thought they might have died from the "intruder". At some point I think they start putting bandages on me because I had abrasions all over me from stumbling and falling on the sidewalk and scratches from jumping in a thorn bush. I also call my mom to come pick me up and bring me home because my uni is about 2 hours away from my parents house.
I end up sleeping in one of their beds because I was still terrified but never actually fell asleep. I think I got up around 5 or 6am because I felt like throwing up so I went to the bathroom to do so and lie on the ground to get some shut eye. Soon after, I call my mom again to see if she's on her way (can't remember what she said) and then lay back down to try and sleep.
Suddenly I remember emt's walking me to the door and putting me on one of those pull out things you lie on and I'm getting in the ambulance. They told me I had a seizure (later find out my roommate witnessed me have a very short one in her bed and in the bathroom) and that's why I'm going to the hospital. My mom meets me at the hospital and we're there for around 4 hours and eventually go home.
That was the best summarized story I could give. I've been diagnosed with grand mal seizures for 6 years now and I've had a total of 5 seizures since being diagnosed (including this one, but counting the clusters as only one). Also my first time experiencing a cluster of seizures, it's usually just one and done. I've also never experienced postictal psychosis before and that was probably one of the scariest moments in my life and made me worried to be by myself, scared it might happen again and I might do something rash. Although my roommates were extremely caring and understanding of that traumatic night, and have known I have a seizure disorder, I was extremely embarrassed that they experienced me not being in the right space of mind. One of my roommates described me as looking like a scared puppy who wouldn't get out of the police car.
I had never heard of postictal psychosis until recently from my neurologist. I've kind of been in a continuous state of worry that this might happen again after experiencing it and I just don't know how to tell myself it's okay. Also forgot to mention that I missed my meds (keppra) the day before (and that morning) and I didn't go to sleep until 2am, so lack of meds and sleep deprivation definitely played a role in it all. They have now upped my dose and I take it in the evening now instead of the morning when I wake up (which ranged from 10am to 2pm, and would even take it around 4pm when I forgot all together). Fortunately, I am always awake in the evening so I am very timely with my pills now.
Additionally, I had recently gotten into smoking weed as of 3 months ago and was doing it pretty often the last month or so, around 2-4 times a week. My psychologist says that I should stop smoking completely because it might make it more likely that I experience postictal psychosis again (that is, if I have another seizure again).
I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone wanted to add their thoughts on my situations. Or tell me more information on postictal psychosis, grand mal, or even your own stories. I hope to hear from this community because I've never been able to relate with anyone about this kind of stuff before. So sorry I wrote a lot of this out of order, I hope it's legible :))
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2024.06.02 08:41 flubb98 Toxic parents never change

To preface, I am a 26 year old female, alot of the events that I'm going to talk about occurred when I was a child, some will be more recent, but as I keep low to no contact with my parents now, there wouldn't be much to tell.
As far back as I can remember, my mom would say and do things that made me feel like I wasn't as important as my brother(s). Before my younger brother (22M) was born, if my older brother (29M) broke or damaged something, he'd blame it on me. She always believed him. Sometimes he'd pinch himself, run to our mom crying and say that I pinched him for no reason and I'd end up getting punished. If he wanted to use the PS1 (for those who remember that) and I was using it, I'd be forced to get off so he could have a turn, regardless of how little time I had been using it. The same applied to the family computer. Anything he wanted, he got.
After my little brother came into the picture I assumed my older brother would be forced to share the game systems, computer, toys etc. But I was mistaken. Instead, my mom began to spoil them both, giving them whatever they asked for. Citing their recent autism diagnosis as the reason for the special treatment. "You're the only normal one, you have to compromise on these things for your brothers because they're special." "You have to be mature and responsible because they can't." Were essentially the messages I was fed for years.
I was often the one left in charge if my parents went out, not my older brother. If I wasn't in charge, they would have our oldest brother, (32M) who was adopted by our maternal grandparents, my mom's parents, watch us. Unfortunately, he was also spoiled rotten, but by my grandparents in an attempt to make up for the fact that my mom didn't raise him. Which only fueled my older brother's need for the latest and greatest toys/games at the time. So they got into arguments all the time and I'd end up being the mediatoone in charge regardless. I always had to keep a close eye on my little brother regardless of who was left in charge also, he's not as self sufficient as my older brother and lacked the understanding that most kids his age had, so he needed constant supervision or else he'd end up getting hurt. Which happened a few times, but surprisingly only while my parents were the ones watching him.
When I was 10, my dad lost his job after a seizure (he's an epileptic) caused him to slam his face into a coffee table. He wasn't able to immediately return to work due to the damage, and was fired as a result. We were then evicted from our apartment and were forced to move in with my maternal grandmother. My grandfather had passed a few years prior so it was just her, my uncle and my oldest brother living in the house at the time. My grandmother didn't want us there, to put it simply. My uncle is the one who kept bothering her about how my mom was going to lose custody of us if we didn't have somewhere to go, and she eventually caved. But she wasn't discreet about how little she enjoyed having us there.
At 13, we were still living with my grandmother, my dad had gotten a new job and I finally got a cell phone. Not my own, but my Dad shared his with me after he'd get off work. So from the hours of 4pm to 10pm, I was a regular teen with a phone, which felt nice. One day, I had to text a friend about something related to school, so I asked my mom if I could borrow her phone to text this friend. As I was getting the info on the assignment that I needed, a text came across the screen. It was from my mom's ex Jay. Jay was the father of my two older brothers, (29M & 32M) he was also physically abusive towards my mom when they were together. I admit I shouldn't have gone through her messages, but as far as our entire family was aware, Jay wanted nothing to do with my mom or my brothers, so I was curious as to why/how my mom had his number saved, let alone why they were speaking. To my horror, my mom was flirting with and sending very explicitly worded messages about how much she wanted him and how terrible my dad was. I'll admit, neither of my parents were perfect, my mom had her favoritism of my brothers, while my dad was verbally and physically abusive towards me and my older brother, but never my little brother. My dad also cheated on my mom with a coworker shortly after I was born. Which my mom made common knowledge to us kids by the time I was 7. So our relationship as a family, was tumultuous to say the least. Nevertheless, I brought the texts to my dad, who then confronted my mom. I mean, I was a kid, I had no idea how to navigate that. So I brought it to an adult, as I thought I was supposed to. But boy, I had no idea that things would turn they way they did. My mom essentially told my dad, who barely understands technology, that the texts he thought she sent, her ex sent and that I was just trying to break them up because I hate her. He believed her. This affected me for years because she'd always use it as leverage to accuse me of lying. "Well you lied about those texts, so obviously you'd lie about this too!" I was branded a liar and to this day, despite her admitting that she was lying back then, everyone in my family just sees me as a melodramatic liar and I've come to accept that will probably never change.
At 14, one of my best friends died in a train accident. I wasn't allowed to go to his funeral because my parents had booked a vacation to see my dad's family. My parents knew that telling me no before we left would result in me sneaking out and going to the funeral anyway, so they lied to me, saying that they'd think about it and let me know in the morning before we'd leave, saying it with that tone they use when you know they're going to say yes just to make me think I'd be able to go to the funeral and avoid having to look for me. They've admitted to all of this which is even more chilling to me. The next morning, they'd already packed my luggage in the car by the time I had woken up. My dad sat down and told me in no uncertain terms that I was not going to the funeral and that I was going with them, regardless of what I thought or did. I kicked, screamed, cried, bit, everything I could possibly do to get my dad to put me down. But in the end he turned on the child safety locks and he threw me in the car with my younger brother, we left and spent 3 days with my dad's family. All the while I was made fun of and mocked for crying constantly on what was "supposed to be" a happy vacation according to my parents. My older brother didn't want to go, so he didn't have to. But apparently that only applied to him. To this day I still haven't forgiven them for that.
At 15, I was kicked out of my grandmothers house, and only my dad was against it. But in the end, I had to go live with my boyfriend because I had nowhere else to go and nothing my dad said changed the minds of my mom or grandmother. Until I turned 18, my mom would get me $100 in groceries a month, to keep me alive. (I think she was just afraid I'd report her for abandonment if she didn't atleast feed me) Even then, she would say that she couldn't afford the $100 sometimes and I'd have to get a month of food out of $50 or less.
At 18, I became pregnant. My dad was very unhappy. I had my first born and I thought we were on the road to mending our relationship.
At 21, my parents invited me and my child to their house for dinner, they also invited my boyfriend but he was unable to join us because he was tired from work, but these dinners had become a regular occurrence at this point. Unfortunately, my older brother (29M) still lives at home with them and my younger brother, so I was forced to interact with him. He ended up saying something like "Mom and Dad only put up with you because they want to see your kid." It struck a nerve with me, because it had already felt that way to me for awhile, and my parents were right there, but didn't deny what he said and I started to cry. I excused myself outside but I wasn't calming down.
For some context, back when I lived at my grandmother's house, I had regular breakdowns. My parents were constantly yelling at me or hitting me for one thing or another. I didn't have a room or a bed back then, I slept on the couch in the living room from the ages of 10-15. So when my dad would go off, he'd repeatedly slam me down into whatever surface was in the room if I tried to get up or leave the room we were in. So the couch if it was the living room, my parents bed if we were arguing in their room, etc. My mom never stopped this. Sometimes it would go on for hours, and it'd get to the point where I'd either freak out and get physical with my dad or I would start to rip out my hair and beg him to leave me alone. I was regularly laughed at by my mom or older brother and called dramatic for reacting that way during these screaming sessions.
But in that moment l, as I was crying outside, I felt like that kid again. I was small and meaningless. I wanted to go home. So I collected myself as best I could and walked inside, grabbing my son as I walked up to my parents at the dining table. I told my mom that I was sorry, but we're going home. She got as far as saying, "But we're about to have di- ." before my dad began to scream at me like I had never heard him scream before. My mom took my son into another room as soon as she saw that I was caught off guard by my dad's outburst, and locked him in my uncles bedroom. For over an hour my dad berrated me, as I could hear my son wailing for me from the other room. He kept pushing me and getting in my face, not letting me leave the dining room, he almost slapped me but for whatever reason, didn't. My mom and older brother, just like when I was a kid, stood there and laughed at my reactions. Eventually, he stopped because I said something that made him really mad, so he charged outside and left. My uncle came out of his room with my son soon after and he drove us home. I sent them a long message afterwards stating that I'm going no contact. That lasted about three years, and we've since reconnected in the past 2 years, my dad hasn't pulled anything like that, seemingly because he knows I'm serious when I say I will never speak to them again. My mom on the other hand is back on the "she's out to get me" "she hates me" train again. Anytime I ask her something, even simple yes or no questions, she sends me a novel detailing her yes or no answer. If she's saying no, she always phrases things like I'm this unhinged person who goes crazy over being told no and that she's just an innocent victim to my rage? Which is funny because regardless of what her answer is my response is always "Okay." Or "Okay, thank you." And any question is prefaced heavily with "You really don't have to if you don't want to." "It's totally fine if you cant." "It's fine if you say no, I can figure out something else if need be." I don't want to be a burden and I don't like exerting more energy than absolutely necessary, so I have no reason to try to argue with her. It's gotten to the point where we have so little contact, she has to blow up small misunderstandings that happen when we do converse. My uncle sent me a screenshot from my mom to him, which was her saying I needed to do something, I honestly don't remember what. But whatever it was, apparently my dad and my uncle were the ones who wanted me to know that, not her. Which honestly doesn't matter either way to me. But I guess she took whatever I said in response as an attack despite only saying okay or alright as a response, and I had to deal with her and my dad spamming my phone in the middle of the night trying to make this literal non issue, an issue. So I ended up replying that I have no idea why or how this had devolved into what it did, but I have nothing to do with this, and to stop messaging me about it. Surprisingly they did. Finally the most recent thing was that I had talked to my parents, in front of everyone at their house, including my boyfriend and our kids. I told them I wanted to start looking for a job and was wondering if they'd be willing to watch my now two kids for a couple of hours on some of the days that I work, just until we save enough for the down payment at a daycare for them. My main driver for this was that my mom and dad had been pushing for my kids to stay ovespend time with them so i figured if we could do that while I also work that'd really help. Nowhere in my mind do I think I am entitled to my parents help, I just thought that if they were pushing to spend time with them, that this was a perfect opportunity to do so. My parents agreed initially, but when I called them to make plans about it because I had an interview lined up, my mom said she never agreed to anything like that and that she "wasn't going to raise my kids for me." In the end, it wasn't worth an argument and I just said that she could have just said no the first time I brought it up, and I would have just started looking at alternatives for childcare. Pulling this hurtful stunt was unnecessary and cruel. And we haven't spoken much since.
Honestly I doubt they'll ever actually change, which is why I keep them at an arms length. Sorry for the rant, I just needed somewhere to put all of this.
submitted by flubb98 to toxicparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:34 ilearnsecrets Before the 90 Days - in real life: a dream on pause

Before the 90 Days - in real life: a dream on pause
Hi all, this is my first post.
My name is Jenny. I'm 40, from Michigan. My fiance's name is Janko. He is 45, from Germany. I've debated telling our story here for a while as I'm usually more comfortable being an onlooker in this area. I've been shamed so many times for asking for help in my life, I've developed a bit of PTSD. I decided it's time to tell it because I don't see enough attention given to those who, practically speaking, fall through the eligibility cracks.
Aside from that, I am disabled with multiple chronic, serious health issues including bi-polar disorder, gastrointestinal issues, back injuries and as-yet undiagnosed pain issues. I also have a broader autism phenotype - it's not exactly the same neurologically but manifests in many of the same maladaptive behaviors and coping mechanisms. Generally speaking, it's difficult for me to focus and remain on task. If it's not my mind distracting me, it's pain. Life hasn't been kind to me, and honestly, I wasn't very kind to myself until I met my fiance.
We met on Instagram and, me being the culture whore I am, I started learning German immediately when I found out he didn't actually speak any English and was using Google translate. He was so patient and encouraging (and still is!) and we discussed a vast array of things, but not one of them was anything physical. Just about our lives, opinions, hopes and dreams.
Janko is... Well, he's a salt of the earth type... The kind that restores your faith in humanity with his good sense and personality. He's hard working, tenacious, and resilient. And patient! And romantic (though he'll flat-out deny that one). He's also disabled, from an accident he got riding a bike he was testing out for a kid in the afternoon program he volunteered for. His left knee was destroyed and he lived the first 5 years after that with multiple operations and an implant that was not able to bend at the knee. Just last year, he had it replaced with one that bends and is still in physical therapy with a usage degree to 70° without assistance. On top of this, he is a diabetic and has chronic stomach issues that leave him hospitalized at very random intervals. Sometimes it's months between attacks and other times it's only days. Because he is a diabetic, any vomiting or retching causes severe stress to his system.
We both collect disability and supplemental incomes from our respective governments. If he were to move here, he says he can keep all his money but must return there every 2 years for assessment. If I were to move there, I would lose my disability pay but not the supplemental income acquired through past work experience.
Here's the hard part. I do not have enough assets on my own to support his petition for a K1 or K3 Visa. In fact, he last attempted to travel here in 2022 and was sent back at customs for having insufficient funds and insufficient strong ties to his country of origin. He, by authority of the customs and border patrol, will never be allowed to re-enter the United States without a visa. A tourist visa may be denied for the same reason - insufficient money and/or ties to homeland/origin. Since he is not a skilled laborer and is disabled, paired with his difficulty in learning English, he is ineligible for a work visa.
My parents, despite having the assets, will not sponsor him, nor will they get him a lawyer. They did buy my sister a house several years ago, and themselves a new car recently, but still are disallowing me from having a home helper in this hoarded, moldy, filthy home... and not helping me search for my own place in any way except to take me to a case manager. Needless to say, there are many complex issues there that I really do not want to focus on. Long story short, my relationship with my parents is not a healthy one and they refuse to help. If I could do it alone, I would, but my organizational, focus, and mental limitations render every attempt alone fruitless. It's frustrating to be told I just don't want it bad enough when I know that's definitely not true. I just don't know what else to do.
I do have one friend who has offered to sponsor him but she's not in the best financial situation either and I feel guilty just knowing that, even though she offered. Truly, I wish I did not have to ask this of anyone but it's the only option... I'm not going to ask here directly. I trust if anyone feels they should help me, they will. If not, it's not meant to be that way.
What can I do to get my story "out there"? I feel as if I'm just screaming into the void, desperate, wondering why money has to be the only answer, the one thing I hate more than being apart from my partner. Am I destined to just die alone as I always believed I deserved?
Photo from 2021, Janko visited my family and I. My family let him stay here. He tried to help me clean up the house, took the dogs for walks, got to know the local culture a little... And got called by the pension office for a meeting to come in five days later. 28 days into his trip, a planned 88 days... Had to reschedule flights, cost hundreds of dollars we didn't have. My parents loaned it to me.
The trip he got turned around on.. also a loan. All in all, his interview with CBP cost us over $5,000. Apparently, I'm still paying it back. Yes, that's right - my folks are taking payments on it. And my mom is my representative payee for my case. All my money must go through her. I receive 2/3 of my funds every month from her.
What am I supposed to do? Just give up because I'm broke and my family doesn't see it as worthy? If I haven't got love... Life's not worth it. I love myself enough to know I deserve to be loved, not kept away from it.
Apologies for the hellaciously long post... I struggle to get to a point and decide which one. It all feels important to mention.
submitted by ilearnsecrets to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 Personal_Cow_4162 My son has been estranged on and off for over 5 years

Just wondering why it’s the new thing for it seems people to cut off their parents. I get severe abuse but while I wasn’t perfect by any means I raised my son from being 18 years old worker super hard went to school dealt with physical and mental abuse from his father so much so he went to jail. Fast forward, he finds someone in his early 20s and ends up paying for everything while working and going to school with my money as well. I don’t say much just ask the normal questions that concerned parents have when monetary questions come up and other minor things but only to him. Very minor things. I help with two degrees, rent, cars everything. Suddenly, after being with her he has a different beliefs on everything and while I get people evolve to this level and extent was definitely concerning. Ended up in counseling with him for a year while I am getting sick really sick I just ask for a chance with him - yet I feel this entire time I don’t bring up religion or politics which to be fair I never did before I would just go over things like I do think he is and was starting to just 100% be about her which is fine but so many changes so many of us being slowly distanced from but was happy to take any financial help from me so did she. Fast forward helped her with job didn’t exactly work out I was upset - meanwhile I never said anything to her only to my son. The were just living together but I understand not the best but I did it just like I feel many parents are concerned or can get frustrated esp since I was still helping financial and she went through career and jobs and everyone else was toxic and she was not speaking to her parents for years. He never cuts off contact from dad ever he is good guy the one that refused to help him his entire life, picked drugs and beating me over his son and helped his new kids with everything. He resumes contact with me after even cutting off my parents that treated him like a son even when my dad is sick just zero. Has over and over again said I don’t make her feel welcome or accepted oddly I have never felt the same I went out of my way besides a few statements about work to him only been humble and nice and helped them always with nothing expected. His dad introduced them. After I found out he got married from social media, I did lose it - we had been talking maybe once or twice a month and he always was scared to talk to me once he got near her being around and moved out of state. I knew something must be going on when I was crying and asking why he said I was being a victim that I am reactionary a lot of therapy speak but no apology just basically not a big deal and she doesn’t feel accepted I said what can I do I have apologized, send notes prior, acknowledge holidays zero worked. He said we all need therapy I agreed even though last time there were incidents he said happened that didn’t happen like I made fun of him at a birthday dinner by saying he was too serious at 16 was abusive. I still apologized. When I was blocked again after 5 years and spending less time than 3 hours with him in person I lost it - I did write emails about how I’ve been begging and walking on eggshells to gain acceptance and if this and a lot more but I had held in everything for years just pretending I am a horrible parent all her words btw - when I agreed to therapy he blocks me again and nothing makes sense unless it’s her even is own dad says it is. He is being 100% controlled by her and it’s rough being cut off. I am so depressed and my treatments are barely helping because of the chronic depression and anxiety - his dad still around so are her parents. I have apologized, letters emails calls and then left it alone for a year before he would send a birthday card or note or flowers or Mother’s Day he sends his two siblings Amazon cards only two weeks late. Barely speaks to them or my parents - doesn’t acknowledge me at all no cards no emails zero contact. I wrote a letter one of many to her no response.
I pray every day that my son will accept me for someone that can never be perfect but estrangement is so devastating I don’t diminish serious cases of abuse but that isn’t the case here. No parents are perfect they can try. I don’t understand why I can’t even get something back just hope nothing more. For children, please consider how devastating and depressing it can be to erase the person that gave you their all and sacrificed whatever you needed. I am not perfect again but I know in my heart I do not deserve no contact. It is like grieving a death and begging knowing I have zero ability to change it I even asked please if you can just let me know if there is a chance you will forgive me and speak to me no response- my dad is sick and I am sick - for kids that are thinking this is the only way it’s super hard. Beyond devastating.
Anything I can do?
submitted by Personal_Cow_4162 to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:25 Downtown-SelloutN00 Nope, not that easy.

You act like I grow tired, I'm literally just getting started. When I said I wouldn't ever give you up or quit on you I meant it. Especially with everything I've come to known. I have no problem blowing up your spot. I WILL make heads fucking roll. They aren't taking you. What's most pathetic to me is your barely out up a fight. But I'm the problem right? Haha sure. Not like you didn't get yourself into this thinking that running was the best course of action. You ran into something much more worse. Do you even remember anything? You've always been susceptible to this shit, we LITERALLY PREDICTED THIS HAPPENING, WAKE UP!!! This is everything we were always against! You are fighting yourself this entire time! Ever wonder where the flashy cars and connections came from? They came to you as everything you ever wanted, and believed your fucking sobstory. You fell for it. They aren't witches you fool, they are THHHHAT which you RUUUUNNNING FRM. u really think you'd just run the streets and find some type of good out of that? You are getting ate the fuck up and im the only one that knows and sees it. Get your head right right now AQ and I'll actually make you royalty. Not some stupid made up shit that they spoonfed to you to inflate your ego but not even give you any knowledge. And after everyone I've met that's similar situation, I know I'm not crazy. Youd love to think that, it helps you cope. You can't lie to me or your mom though. I'll bet she knows too. Your in there somewhere... Until then see u whenever I care enough to. Right now I'm busy saving your soul
submitted by Downtown-SelloutN00 to UnsentLettersRaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:22 dolladollarama Mk7/7.5 GTI/R DSG/man

I’ve had a Mazda CX-5 for a few months now and the seats are killing me. I like the car; the usable size, the AWD and the confidence I have in its general reliability. However I’m looking for a change, for seats that offer more support. My biggest hesitation is giving up the reliability of a Mazda. That in mind, which route should I go? The Golf R Mk7.5 seems like the nicest option of the bunch, but also likely will have the most headaches. For that reason, I wonder if the best route might be a Mk7 manual GTI and just acknowledge that the money I save in purchase will be used in upkeep.
submitted by dolladollarama to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:20 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Acr Resqflare

Best Acr Resqflare

Welcome to our comprehensive review of the Acr Resqflare, a product designed to ensure safety and efficiency in various industries. In this article, we'll take you through an in-depth examination of its features, performance, and user experience, offering valuable insights for potential buyers. Buckle up as we delve into the world of the Acr Resqflare, and explore the reasons why it continues to gain popularity among its users.

The Top 14 Best Acr Resqflare

  1. Reliable, LED Distress Flare for Safe Navigation - The ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag is a certified alternative to traditional pyrotechnic flares, providing long-lasting, 360-degree visibility and meeting US Coast Guard requirements.
  2. ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare Kit for Maritime Safety - The ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit provides a safe, reliable, and US Coast Guard-compliant alternative to pyrotechnic flares for maritime safety.
  3. Premium Extend-A-Fender Flares for Ultimate Tire Coverage - Bushwacker 20971-02 Extend-A-Fender Flares, boasting a sleek factory-style design, complement your vehicle while providing superior protection against chips and road debris, with their extra-wide construction and durable Dura-Flex 2000 ABS material.
  4. Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style UV-Protected Fender Flares - Bushwacker's 20100-02 Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares offer superior tire coverage for larger trucks and SUVs, with ease of installation, durable Dura-Flex 2000 material, and a customizable, off-road style design.
  5. Versatile 3/32" Thick Acrylic Sheet for Bulk Purchase - Cast Acrylic Plastic Sheet - 3/32" Thick, Versatile, and Weather-Resistant Acrylic for Tanks and Windows!
  6. Clear 1/4 Inch Thick Acrylic Sheet for Glass Window Replacement and Various Applications - SourceOne.org's Premium 1/4 Clear Acrylic Plexiglass Sheet offers superior strength, lightweight construction, and excellent resistance to outdoor elements, making it a versatile and easy-to-manipulate sheet for various applications.
  7. Bushwacker FF Extend-A-Fender for Chevrolet: Premium Protection and Stylish Flare - Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares offer unparalleled protection and style for oversized tires, with exclusive Dura-Flex 2000 material for durability and flexibility, and resisting chalking, cracking, and warping.
  8. Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Strong Plastic Panels for Multiple Applications - Enhance your DIY projects and create stunning displays with the versatile and durable Umootek 3 Pieces Acrylic Sheet Clear Cast Plexiglass, offering exceptional clarity and versatility across various applications.
  9. Ferrero Collection Premium Advent Calendar 2023 - Unwrap the holiday spirit with the Ferrero Collection Advent Calendar, featuring a premium gourmet assortment of hazelnut milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and coconut almond truffles, perfect for sharing and savoring the variety of unique delights.
  10. EPA-Approved R600a Refrigerant for Refrigeration Systems - Experience the EPA-approved R600a refrigerant for optimal refrigeration performance, featuring pharmaceutical-grade 99.7% purity and adhering to strict quality standards.
  11. Clear Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Durable Glass Alternative - Experience clarity and strength with our versatile clear acrylic sheets, perfect for various applications from shelves to tabletop designs.
  12. Cricut Acetate Sheets for Cutting Plotters: 12x12cm Transparent Sheets - Upgrade your Cricut cutting experience with these versatile Acetate Sheets, enabling you to emboss, stamp, and paint for unique effects while enhancing your office presence.
  13. Powerful Honda-Engine Aerator for Lawn Maintenance - The Billy Goat PL1800H Mechanical Reciprocating Aerator with a powerful 118cc Honda GX120 Engine and easy-to-use features is the ultimate tool for a lush, green, healthy lawn.
  14. Versatile Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets for Creative Projects - Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets: 9 Packs, featuring 54 durable 12"x12" sheets, ideal for crafting, embossing, and stamping, and perfect for creating card overlays, gift box covers, and more!
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🔗Reliable, LED Distress Flare for Safe Navigation

As a boater, I've always been wary of traditional pyrotechnic flares for safety reasons. That's why, when I came across the ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag, I knew I had to give it a try. This innovative device has been designed to provide a safer, more reliable alternative to traditional pyrotechnic flares and can even be carried in lieu of them.
What stood out the most was the 360-degree visibility from over six miles away. Not only did it provide excellent visibility during emergencies, but it also had a significantly longer burn time than traditional flares. Its lightweight, compact size, and floatability made it incredibly easy to use – all while being fungus, corrosion, and water-resistant.
The ACR ResQFlare also comes with a distress flag, which, when carried together, qualifies as a replacement for traditional pyrotechnic flares. It's a perfect addition to any ditch bag, especially considering that it doesn't go out of date, saving me time and avoids the hassle of replacement.
One downside I faced was the lack of a lanyard attached to the device. While it floats upright in water, there are better options available that might be more visible in daylight compared to the ACR ResQFlare. However, as a safety device, the ACR ResQFlare still gets the job done without the risk of fire or injury.
In conclusion, the ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare & Flag is a great addition to any boater's safety arsenal. It's easy to use, safe, and provides excellent visibility during emergencies. Its longevity and added convenience make it a worthy choice as a replacement for traditional pyrotechnic flares.

🔗ACR ResQFlare Electronic Distress Flare Kit for Maritime Safety

As someone who spends quite a bit of time on the water, I've often found myself worried about carrying traditional pyrotechnic flares due to their potential hazards. That's why I was thrilled to try the ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit. This handy device is an excellent alternative - it's compact, easy to use, and most importantly, safe.
One of the features that stood out for me was its daytime distress flag. This flag is bright and noticeable, ensuring that I could be seen even in daylight conditions. Carried together with the ResQFlare, they meet the applicable U. S. Coast Guard requirements, making them a reliable safety tool to carry on my boat.
Of course, like any product, there are a few aspects I would have liked to see improved. The ResQFlare could benefit from a more durable design, as the plastic casing feels a bit flimsy. Additionally, considering the cost, I would have expected the kit to come with more than just one distress flag.
Overall, the ACR ResQFlare E-flare and Drybag Safety Kit has become an essential part of my boating gear. It provides a safe and effective way to signal for help in case of an emergency, and I feel more confident knowing I have it on board.

🔗Premium Extend-A-Fender Flares for Ultimate Tire Coverage

I recently added the Bushwacker 20971-02 fender flares to my car, and let me tell you, they looked pretty good on there. These flares are a bit on the thin side but once I installed them, they felt pretty sturdy.
The biggest downside was the rubber weather-strip, it kept falling off and seemed to be made of a poor quality material. I ended up having to call Bushwacker and they sent me a replacement part.
Overall, I'm happy with the product, but I wish the rubber weather-strip was of higher quality.

🔗Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style UV-Protected Fender Flares

I've had the pleasure of trying out the Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares, and I must say, I'm impressed! These bad boys add an extra 2.25 inches of tire coverage from the wheel well, which is perfect for my truck's bigger tires and wider wheels. The aggressive off-road style they bring to the table is truly one of a kind.
The fender flares install easily right out of the box, and they're built tough with Dura-Flex 2000 material. It's wrap-resistant and boasts added durability and flexibility on the trail, thanks to its thick construction. Despite their rugged appearance, these fender flares are a piece of cake to install without any drilling, and they blend in seamlessly with the rest of my truck's bodywork.
Sure, there can be a few minor hiccups in painting them to match your ride, but overall, the Bushwacker Max Coverage Pocket Style Fender Flares are an excellent investment for truck and SUV owners looking for enhanced tire coverage.

🔗Versatile 3/32" Thick Acrylic Sheet for Bulk Purchase

I recently got my hands on a 3/32" thick Cast Acrylic sheet, measuring 6" wide and 6" long. As someone who appreciates the unique blend of function and aesthetics, this product was a delight to work with. With its optically clear nature, it allowed me to create projects that were visually pleasing while maintaining strength and durability.
Despite being quite small, this sheet still served its purpose well in a variety of applications. Its moisture-resistant properties ensured that my work kept its clear edge even in humid conditions. The fact that it's thin made it lightweight to handle and easy to cut, making it a favorite for my DIY projects.
However, it's worth mentioning that while the product is strong, it might not be ideal for projects requiring extreme durability or heavy-duty usage. Additionally, if you're planning larger projects, you might find that ordering these sheets in bulk would be more convenient.
Overall, this Cast Acrylic sheet proved to be a reliable and versatile tool for my crafting needs. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, this product could have a place in your toolbox.

🔗Clear 1/4 Inch Thick Acrylic Sheet for Glass Window Replacement and Various Applications

I recently gave the SOURCEONE. ORG Premium 1/4 Clear Acrylic Plexiglass Sheet a try in my home renovation project, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. I used it for my kitchen window replacement, and it offered the perfect balance of durability and style. The clear 1/4 inch thick acrylic was incredibly easy to work with - I was able to saw, route, drill, form, bend, and even cement it without any hassle.
The result? . A stunning, sturdy window that has held up great against the outdoor elements. The best part? .
It's lighter and stronger than glass, making it an excellent investment for any outdoor application. Highly recommend! .

🔗Bushwacker FF Extend-A-Fender for Chevrolet: Premium Protection and Stylish Flare

Just a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares. I had been looking for a durable and stylish fender flare for my Chevrolet truck. With Bushwacker's reputation for quality and performance, I decided to give them a try.
First of all, installing these flares took no more than 10 minutes, even for someone like me with minimal car modification experience. One look, and I was sold on their sleek and modern design, perfect for my truck.
What stood out the most were the materials used. Dura-Flex 2000 material offers durability, flexibility, and built-in UV protection. It's safe to say that these flares have become an integral part of my truck's exterior, and the 2.25-inch tire coverage is just an added bonus.
But what sets them apart from other flares on the market is the fact that they resist chalking, cracking, and warping. I've had several cars and trucks over the years, and this is the first time I've found a product that genuinely stands up to wear and tear.
However, one downside I noticed was that the flares' finish seemed to get a little scuffed during the installation process. But since they're sold in an OE matte black finish, it blends in quite nicely. If you're someone who likes to personalize their look, you could always paint them to match your vehicle's color scheme.
All in all, I couldn't be happier with my purchase. Bushwacker Extend-A-Fender Flares have been a game-changer for my car's overall appearance and performance. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade the look of their vehicle.

🔗Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Strong Plastic Panels for Multiple Applications

Recently, I stumbled upon the Umootek 3 Pieces Acrylic Sheet Clear Cast Plexiglass 12 x 12 Inches Square Panel 14 Thick (6mm) Clear Plastic Plexi Perspex Plate Panel. Fascinated by its unique design, I decided to give it a try in my daily life.
What stood out to me the most was its strength and durability. As someone who loves DIY projects, I appreciated that this product could be heated and shaped without breaking it. It was also incredibly easy to cut through it, leaving no traces of cracking.
The transparency of this acrylic sheet was exceptional, and its light transmission properties made it perfect for displaying delicate objects. In fact, its smooth surface and high hardness made it an ideal replacement for glass, allowing me to create a custom protective cover for my aquarium.
However, one downside I noticed was the thickness of the acrylic sheet. While it was strong and durable, it also made it a bit cumbersome to handle during certain projects. But overall, my experience with this acrylic sheet was pleasant, and I appreciate the versatility it offers for various applications.

🔗Ferrero Collection Premium Advent Calendar 2023

Oh, the Ferrero Collection Advent Calendar! . It makes me reminisce of my childhood.
Every morning, I would eagerly anticipate which Ferrero Rocher confection awaited me behind the door - was it Raffaello or Rondnoir today? . This advent calendar is a delightful countdown to the holidays, and every piece is made from premium chocolate and the best ingredients.
But don't think these treats are just for kids. The sophisticated combination is perfect for adults to enjoy.
Just looking at the elegantly crafted chocolate gifts is like savoring the promise of indulgence that awaits each day until Christmas. Each piece, from the decadent milk chocolate to the divine dark chocolate, is a testament to Ferrero's dedication to quality.
Overall, a perfect advent gift to share with loved ones or to indulge in a little mid-day treat.

🔗EPA-Approved R600a Refrigerant for Refrigeration Systems

I recently came across the R600a refrigerant, a life-saver when it comes to refrigeration units that require this specific type of refrigerant. The size of 14.8 ounces or 420 grams made it perfect for my needs, fitting nicely in my refrigerator.
The EPA's approval of R600a and its adherence to the regulations in 40 CFR Part 82.17 provided me with peace of mind. Using it as per their guidelines gave me confidence in the product.
One of the standout features for me was its purity, boasting a 99.7% pharmaceutical-grade quality. This high purity level ensured the efficient functioning of my refrigeration unit, and it didn't disappoint.
However, there was one downside that I encountered during my use. Despite the decent amount of refrigerant provided, it didn't last as long as I desired, and I had to make more frequent replacements than expected.
Overall, while the R600a refrigerant did its job in keeping my refrigerator cool and maintaining a consistent temperature, I wish it lasted a bit longer.

🔗Clear Acrylic Sheet: Versatile and Durable Glass Alternative

I recently gave the Fab Glass and Mirror Plexiglass Sheets a try, and I must say, they've been a game-changer in my daily life. These sheets provide a clear and sturdy alternative to glass, and I've found that they're ideal for a variety of applications. Whether I'm crafting a DIY photo frame or creating a chic welcome sign, the plexiglass sheets never fail to impress.
The most impressive feature is their durability. They've withstood quite a few knocks and scrapes without showing any signs of wear and tear. And the best part? They're just as effective outdoors as they are indoors, making them an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. The clarity of these sheets has also proven to be a major selling point. They allow light to pass through effortlessly, making them perfect for display cases and signage.
That being said, I did experience a minor drawback. The sheets do tend to attract dirt easily, which can be a bit of a hassle when it comes to cleaning. Overall, however, the pros far outweigh the cons, and I'd definitely recommend these plexiglass sheets to anyone in need of a clear and sturdy material for their projects.

🔗Cricut Acetate Sheets for Cutting Plotters: 12x12cm Transparent Sheets

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Cricut Acetate Sheets, and let me tell you, they did not disappoint! I was working on a project that required some extra-clear stencils, and these sheets were the perfect solution. The best part? They worked perfectly in my Cricut machine without any issues.
The acetate sheets were incredibly easy to use, and the stencils I made came out looking flawless. I especially loved the protective film on both sides of the sheets, which kept them looking pristine until I was ready to start cutting. The acetate itself was crystal clear, making it a great choice for any project where a clean and precise cut is essential.
However, I did notice that the acetate can be a bit fragile if not handled with care. I had a few accidents where the sheets scratched or got a few small dings, but luckily, they were easily fixed with a bit of polishing. Overall, I'm thrilled with the Cricut Acetate Sheets and will definitely be using them in future projects. Highly recommended!

🔗Powerful Honda-Engine Aerator for Lawn Maintenance

My first experience with the Billy Goat PL1800 Mechanical Aerator was nothing short of impressive. The powerful Honda GX120 engine, offering up to 118cc, makes short work of those pesky aerating tasks, clearing up to 22,000 sq ft with ease. Its foldable handle truly comes to the rescue when it comes to transporting this beast between jobs, as well as providing a compact storage solution when not in use. I was amazed at how effortlessly it maneuvered over rough terrain, thanks to its 12-inch semi-pneumatic tires that add not just stability but ease of operation as well.
However, there were a couple of cons I noticed too. The maintenance aspect, although easy with one-piece removable covers, could be more convenient with a bit of tool-free access. Also, this behemoth could do with some noise reduction – a feature that would be welcomed by any lawn-loving neighbor. All in all, it's no wonder why this PL1800H model is the go-to choice for many lawn enthusiasts. Yes, it's a bit noisy, and the maintenance might be slightly tricky at times. But the power, the maneuverability, and that green, lush lawn it provides? Worth every penny.

🔗Versatile Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets for Creative Projects

These Cricut Clear Acetate Sheets were recently making a major splash in my daily crafting routine. Perfect for stamping, embossing, or cutting, these sheets have become indispensable for my creative projects. Not only have they found their way into crafting gift boxes, they also came in handy when I was making custom window cards for friends' birthdays. One of the key selling points of these sheets is their anti-scratch film, ensuring that the product remains in prime condition till the very end. With their ability to work seamlessly with Cricut machines or any other sturdy crafting machinery out there, I knew I had stumbled upon a product that would become a staple in my craft room for ages to come.
The user-friendly aspect of these sheets was definitely a standout feature. Not only were they easy to use, but they also made my project look so much better in an instant. In terms of drawbacks, there was a minor issue with the sheets potentially scratching easily especially after the protective film was removed. However, with a bit of extra care during handling, this was something entirely manageable.
My experience with these sheets was absolutely fantastic! They have been the perfect addition to my crafting arsenal. Their versatility never ceases to amaze me. No matter what project I throw at them, they always seem to pull through with flying colors. I highly recommend investing in these sheets for your next project, no matter what it may be.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the buyer's guide for Acr Resqflare products. In this section, we will discuss the crucial features and considerations to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an Acr Resqflare. We will also provide general advice on how to choose the best Acr Resqflare product that suits your needs.

What is an Acr Resqflare?

An Acr Resqflare is a versatile, portable signaling device that can be used for situations requiring rescue signals, such as avalanche danger or emergency situations. It comes with various light signals, including audible and visible alarms, making it easy to locate or communicate in distress.

Key Features to Consider


Types of Signaling

There are several types of signaling options available with Acr Resqflare products, including flashing strobe, audible alarm, and steady-burning light. Consider your specific needs and choose a product that suits your requirements best.

Power Source

Acr Resqflare products can have different power sources, such as disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries, or built-in batteries. Consider the product's life expectancy, battery consumption, and ease of battery replacement. Choose a model that is compatible with your desired power source.

Durability and Weather Resistance

Acr Resqflare should be durable enough to withstand outdoor conditions and inclement weather. Look for products that are built to be waterproof, shock-resistant, and able to operate in extreme temperatures.


Size and Portability

Consider the size and weight of the device, as well as its portability, when making your purchase. Smaller, lighter devices may be easier to carry when you are in a rush or need to move quickly.

General Advice

When purchasing an Acr Resqflare, it's essential to research the different models available and read customer reviews to get an idea of their performance and reliability. Determine your specific needs and choose a model that delivers the right features and functions for your situation.
Don't forget to check the device's compliance with any relevant safety standards and confirm its compatibility with any accessories or mounts you might need.


Acr Resqflare products offer a variety of features and considerations to help you find the right device for your needs. By familiarizing yourself with the key features and general advice, you can make a well-informed purchase and trust that your chosen product will perform reliably in any distress situation call.


While we strive to provide accurate and helpful information about Acr Resqflare products, nothing in this guide constitutes professional advice. Always consult with a qualified expert or professional in the specific field or context where the device will be used.


What is Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare is a high-quality rescue flare designed for professional and recreational use. It provides excellent visibility, making it an ideal choice for emergency situations.

What are the key features of Acr Resqflare?

  • High visibility
  • Robust design for long-lasting use
  • Easy activation
  • Can be used as a distress signal


Who can benefit from using Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare is suitable for various individuals, including:
  • Marine professionals
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Outdoor enthusiasts
  • Search and rescue teams

Is Acr Resqflare easy to activate?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is designed to be easy to activate. It has a user-friendly pull tab that enables quick activation in times of emergency.

Can Acr Resqflare be used for signaling in low visibility conditions?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is highly visible, making it an effective tool for signaling during low visibility conditions, such as at night or during foggy weather.

What is the lifespan of Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare has a lifespan of up to 30 minutes after activation. This ensures that it will remain visible for an extended period, making it more effective as a distress signal.

Is Acr Resqflare environmentally friendly?

Yes, Acr Resqflare is environmentally friendly. It is made with non-toxic materials, and it doesn't release any hazardous chemicals when activated. This makes it safe for use in sensitive environments.

Are there any additional safety measures I should be aware of when using Acr Resqflare?

Yes, it is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use. Keep the flare away from open flames and store it in a cool, dry place when not in use. Also, be sure to inspect the flare before each use to ensure it is still in good working condition.

How can I purchase Acr Resqflare?

Acr Resqflare can be purchased from authorized dealers or online retailers that specialize in marine and outdoor safety equipment. Be sure to buy it from a reputable source to ensure its quality and safety.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:13 KiaraKawaii Guide: How to play FIRST STRIKE Nami

TLDR enclosed for each section directly under their respective subheading in bolded font


Having originally posted this on NamiMains, I have come forth with a rune page that has been rising in popularity on enchanters: First Strike. Not only is this applicable on Nami, but on a lot of other enchanters who have decent range
The following guide has been split into these sections: - 1. CONTENTS - 2. Credentials - 3. So how/why does it work? - 4. ITEMS - 5. RUNES - 6. Core Mechanics of Nami W - 7. Final Words
Due to the length and detail of this guide, I can understand if some fishies don't wish to read everything. In which case, I have included TLDRs in this post. For ease of access, here are some formatting guidelines for the TLDRs of this post:
The following guide has been split into sections for easier navigation, if u are in a hurry for a specific section, scroll down to find the specific subheading that u need. Each explanation is also lengthy, but if u want a brief TLDR of each section, it will be enclosed for each section directly under their respective subheading in bolded font

2. Credentials

I know that some people really care about credentials, so I am leaving this here. Feel free to skip this section and jump straight into the content if it does not concern u
I am a Master tier enchanter main with over 2.8mil points on Nami. I am by no means a perfect player, I still make mistakes and have plenty of areas to improve on
So, please note that the following information serves as a recommendation and general guideline. It was compiled based off of my own personal experience. Said information is not concrete, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine. My only intent here is to share information that some players may find helpful

3. So how/why does it work?

TLDR (for this section): - Take First Strike vs matchups you outrange - Nami E on allies procs First Strike - The new Jack of All Trades rune should be utilised (see below for how)
Before I get into the specific build, I first need to explain how and why this whole setup works. First Strike is mostly taken as a gold-accelerating rune vs matchups that u outrange, ensuring that u get the "first strike" onto enemies consistently. With the changes to First Strike giving more base gold on the initial hit and less gold on subsequent hits compared to before, it pairs really well with a lot of enchanters' poke patterns. Usually, we have one poke spell and not much followup. The current First Strike matches this poke pattern perfectly (think Nami W, Sona E, Seraphine passive-empowered autos etc), allowing us to get an extra 15g per proc on top of our support item gold
On Nami specifically, we have an additional way to proc First Strike, since Nami E on allies actually procs First Strike! The best part of this interaction is that ur ally can be hit by enemies with ur E buff, but bc it wasn't you being hit directly, u will still retain the First Strike bonuses if ur ally hits enemies back with ur E buff despite being hit first! A common issue raised with this point is "what if my ADC is bad and doesn't use my E buff?" Don't worry, I got u covered too! So, whenever u empower an auto or ability that is still travelling middair towards the enemy, if u E urself or ur ally during said auto/ability, the slow and bonus dmg from E will still apply on impact. So, if u notice that ur ADC has cast an auto or ability onto the enemy, try to E them while this auto/ability is still travelling towards the enemy. Not only will this maximise E duration, give enemies minimal time to react to the slow and extra dmg, but it will also ensure that u proc First Strike due to E buff, as well as Manaflow Band and other item effects
This also works on ur own autos and abilities, and chaining abilities tgt like this will also help to cancel Nami's lengthy spell animation for more efficient trade patterns, hence better First Strike usage. Since W is our most consistent poke ability, we ideally want to start with this ability when trying to proc First Strike. This differs slightly from the regular Aery setup where we want to auto -> E ourself while our auto is still middair travelling towards enemy -> W enemy -> bubble/ult or let the bounceback heal retaliate enemy dmg. Instead, we want to W -> E ourselves while W is still middair travelling towards the enemy -> auto -> disengage with bounceback heal or bubble/ult
I'm able to come out of lane with 300-400 gold fairly consistently. Pair this with free boots or Cash Back, and u can essentially double this amount of gold. Since enchanters tend to be quite item-reliant, having this extra gold generation allows us to reach our item spikes a lot faster, further increasing the snowball potential

3.1. Jack of All Trades

Supports are actually able to utilise the new Jack of All Trades rune surprisingly well. Our support item alone already covers 3 of the 10 stats required. Here are the list of stats that we will generally be able to obtain on supports: - AP - HP - Health Regen - Mana Regen - Haste - Movespeed - %Movespeed - Heal/Shield Power - Armor - Magic Resist - Mana (?) - Magic Pen (?)
In order to get these stats, we will need our support item which gives HP, health regen, and mana regen. Most items will cover the haste component. Boots for the movespeed stat. Ardent will give us the %movespeed as well as heal/shield power. But if we don't need Ardent, then we can split this into any other heal/shield power item + Shurelya's. Armor + magic resist can be optained from Locket or Wardstone. Alternatively, if we don't need armor + magic resist, we can instead trade these stats for magic pen + mana instead (will also explain this in further detail below)
As you can see, the items required for Jack are situational items. It is important to identify during champ select if said items, particularly Ardent/Shurelya's + Locket/Wardstone, will be built for this game. Altho, these items will be applicable in most situations anyway
If u don't need these items for that particular game, or if u don't feel like u'll be able to reach all these stats for whatever reason, then Cosmic Insight is always a great staple. Lower summ cds for lower Flash and Heal cds, notoriously long-cd spells, as well as item haste. Item haste works on non-active item cds such as Dream MakeCelestial/Solstice/Zaz'Zak's cds, Mandate mark cds, as well as lowering trinket cd etc.


TLDR (for this section): - Skip paragraphs to see builds under their respective subheadings (4.1. Defensive Build and 4.2. AP Build) below - Each individual dot point reperesents one individual item slot
Alright, now that all the theory work is out of the way, we can finally move onto the specific build (what everyone is here for). There are two main builds to go about this. Each individual dot point reperesents one individual item slot:

4.1. Defensive Build

This build is run in situations where u need the defensive stats from Locket or Wardstone vs harder comps or matchups, with Locket being particularly good vs AoE and/or burst dmg. This build will also cover all the stats from Jack of All Trades (see list from previous section)
Ardent is the most efficient item for Jack due to it providing mana regen, heal/shield power, and %movespeed, all in one item. This will free up an extra item slot where we can buy a situational item, like antiheal, or if it's not needed then Dark Seal into Mejai's is always a great alternative for cheap AP (Nami has good AP ratios), or any other alternative item that u may need. Just make sure to buy Ardent before this situational item in order to max out Jack
However, it may not always be an Ardent game. In situations where it isn't an Ardent game (non-autoattack-reliant comps), u will need to split the %movespeed and heal/shield power stats into 2 separate items. Typically, Shurelya's + any other Forbidden Idol item will cover this. You can also go for any other item that gives %movespeed, but I find Shurelya's the most consistent. The main downside is ofc, the build being quite rigid if u go for this option (no room for antiheal or other situational items)

4.2. AP Build

This is a more AP-focused build in situations where u don't need to be so defensive. We omitted the armor and magic resist from Locket/Wardstone for mana (Archangel's) and magic pen (Sorc Shoes). Nami E on allies uses her own magic pen, hence Sorc Shoes here

4.3. Support Item Upgrades

While I'm on the topic of items, I also wanted to take this opportunity to explain the support item upgrades:


The more specifics to optimise ur runes to their respective builds:

5.1. Runes for Defensive Build

Omitted free boots for Cash Back. Since this is for the defensive build, we will need to rush Lucidity boots vs hard matchups. Not only are Lucidity boots a cheaper option so it gives a faster spike in movespeed vs skillshot-heavy lanes, the lower Flash cd will be good vs engage lanes. Jack vs Cosmic has been explained in previous sections
Manaflow + Transcendence is default. For in-depth explanation:
Manaflow is essential for defensive build. Only go Absolute Focus in situations where enemies lack poke, allowing u to maintain the HP threshold for the AP. Transcendence is a good default, when unsure u can always default to this due to Nami's long cds. Pair both these with double adaptive minor shards option. Celerity if u need the movespeed vs heavy-skillshot comps (pair this with the 2% movespeed minor shard option)
I personally don't recommend Scorch with the First Strike setup due to the scaling nature of this build. However, Scorch is typically good with early-game ADCs or matchups where u have early pressure. Scorch also barely adds any bonuses to First Strike, especially as the game progresses. Avoid Scorch if enemies have sustain, as they can easily outheal or outshield that bit of Scorch dmg. When unsure, or in any other situation, go Gathering Storm

5.2. Runes for AP Build

Due to the more expensive nature and higher scaling potential of this build, go free boots so that u can focus on rushing items. Since we go Archangel's with this build, we won't need Manaflow. For maximum scaling, I recommend Absolute Focus + Gathering Storm (also the greediest option). Otherwise, Transcendence as explained prior

6. Core Mechanics of Nami W

TLDR (for this section): - More than 100AP -> subsequent bounces heal/dmg MORE - Less than 100AP -> subsequent bounces heal/dmg LESS - W has slightly longer range when self-cast
Smth absolutely crucial to these First Strike builds, as well as any other AP Nami builds, is understanding her W bounce mechanic. I often get asked why AP Nami, so I will just include this section here as well. For the fellow fishies who already about this, please feel free to skip this section
The reason why AP Nami is a thing is bc of the way her W scaling works to begin with. We unironically heal more with AP builds than enchanter builds. Allow me to explain:
Patch 14.6: 'The damage and healing value is modified by *-15% (+7.5% per 100AP)** each bounce.'*
Patch 14.7: 'The damage and healing value is modified by *-10% (+10% per 100AP)** each bounce.'*
Before I explain how to get crazy heal/dmg numbers on Nami's W bounces, I first need to explain her unique scaling on W. Unlike most other enchanters who benefit from heal/shield power, Nami's W has a unique scaling where subsequent bounces become weaker pre-100AP, and become stronger post-100AP. This threshold was at 200AP before the most recent changes on her, so they buffed it significantly by lowering the threshold down to only requiring 100AP instead of 200, making AP builds even more potent now in terms of healing and dmg. As such, Nami benefits more from stacking AP than heal/shield power
To give some perspective, previously if I had 200AP my W bounces would be equally as strong as each subsequent bounce. However, with these changes, with 200AP our W is now amped by 10%, and will continue amping by 10% for every 100AP. Getting 400AP on AP Nami builds is very doable with the right setup, buffing our subsequent bounces by 30% per bounce. This means our second bounce will be 30% stronger than the first, and our third bounce will be 60% stronger than the first bounce, which does not need further explaining as to why this is absolutely obnoxious when it comes to dmg and healing values
These changes also mean that a lot of Nami players will need to learn to prioritise their bounces according to what they need. Before, some enchanter builds struggled to reach the 200AP threshold, so we could just autopilot the first bounce without giving it much thought. Now, bounce prioritisation will actually become a prominent part of her kit
To explain how to alternate W effectively with an example, if my primary target (the one I want to dmg/heal the most) is A and my secondary target (less priority target) is B, then I will alternate my W bounces as follows:
And ofc, if u have Mandate then make sure to use E before W to ensure ur W bounces do even more dmg and proc Mandate c:
Did you know?
If you hover over Nami's W, you may notice multiple rings. The outer ring indicates Nami's W range when self-cast, meaning that the ability has a slightly longer range when you cast it on yourself bouncing towards an enemy (25 more range) rather than casting it on an ally to bounce or straight onto an enemy. So if u ever need to W urself first, or need just a bit of extra range, make sure to utilise this. To execute this most effectively, I recommend using alt+W for self-cast

7. Final Words

I really hope this helps out some fellow supports. This build can be a bit difficult to grasp at first, and will take some time to learn and get used to. But always rmb that when unsure u can always go back to Aery as it will always remain the most consistent option overall
I'm also aware that First Strike is being nerfed next patch from 15g -> 10g. Personally, I think it could still be situationally good. Also, I apologise for any typos that may have been made, as the post was quite lengthy and was done on phone (so I may have missed some typos while proofreading) 😭😭
This is also my first time making a post to this this degree of length and detail, so if there are any formatting errors or discomforts, please feel free to leave feedback below for me to improve on! For those who stayed til the end, I genuinely want to thank u and appreciate ur time and support 🥺🩷🩷
**Disclaimer:* In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings, please note that the above information serves as a recommendation and general guideline intended to explain the phenomena. It is based off of my own personal experience, as well as research of other players. Thus, said information is by no means perfect, nor is it a law that you must follow. You are entitled to your own preferences, playstyles, and opinions, which may differ from mine* ®
submitted by KiaraKawaii to supportlol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:03 idekmydude1 Advice on car purchase for a noob

I don’t know much about cars and have never owned one before but due to my new job location I have to get one. Initially the plan was I’d take my dad’s 2015 Toyota and he’d buy a new car for himself but that’s unlikely now. I’m also moving to the US for this job and don’t want to deal with the paperwork for registering a Canadian car or whatever.
Other useful information: I’m poor af, my job will pay about 61k/year, although I’ve never owned a car I’ve gotten by by using my parents’ and sibling’s cars or renting when required, driven for +10 years, my job is 510km away from my parent’s house and I’ll be travelling there once or twice a month if possible, I’m starting work in 2 weeks.
I have no preference for car makes or models - as long as it takes me from point A to B safely. Main goal is to get the best economical car at the earliest possible time
I know my options are financing, leasing, or buying a use car but not sure what to do. I could also do long term rental until I figure it out. Based on the info I’ve provided above which one would you guys recommend?
submitted by idekmydude1 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:01 Count-Daring243 Best Accordion Folders

Best Accordion Folders

Are you tired of dealing with bulky binders that take up too much space on your desk? Look no further than accordion folders, the sleek and space-saving solution to all your organization woes. In this roundup, we're bringing you the best accordion folders on the market, each one designed to help you keep your important documents neatly organized and easily accessible.

The Top 5 Best Accordion Folders

  1. Expandable File Organizer with 13 Pockets for Coupons, Cards, and More - Stay organized with LAKIBOLE's 2 Pack 13 Pockets Accordion File Organizer, featuring expandable and weather-resistant design for storing cards, receipts, and coupons.
  2. Expandable A4 Letter File Organizer with 13 Pockets - Organize your papers and documents with the Enday Accordion Folder with Pockets - a stylish and efficient solution for a neat mind and productive life.
  3. Expanding Accordion File Folder with 5 Pockets in Pink - Skydue's expanding pink A4/Letter file folder organizer, offering solid color design, high-quality non-toxic and PVC-free construction, and 5 expandable pockets, creates an efficient and stylish organizing solution for both personal and professional use.
  4. Expanding 7-Pocket Accordion File with Water-Resistant Plastic Construction - Staples' black 7-pocket expanding accordion file with clear tabbed dividers provides a water-resistant, tear-resistant, and versatile solution for organizing letter-size documents in your office or cubicle.
  5. Thick and Durable ThinkTex Accordion File Organizer with 26 Pockets and A-Z Tabs - Efficiently organize your papers with the ThinkTex 26 Pockets Accordion File Organizer, featuring an open-top design, A-Z multi-colored tabs, and full-size expansion for easy access to your letteA4-sized files.
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🔗Expandable File Organizer with 13 Pockets for Coupons, Cards, and More

I recently tried the Lakibole 2 Pack Accordion File Organizer. It's a compact and functional solution for organizing my miscellaneous papers, like receipts and coupons. The accordion-style design of the file organizer allowed me to easily add and remove items whenever needed. The durability of the Polypropylene material was impressive, as it withstood daily use without showing any wear and tear.
The front flap with its elastic string and button closure kept my papers secure and prevented them from falling out. As someone who frequently traveled for business, this feature was a game-changer. The organizer was small enough to fit in my bag, making it perfect for on-the-go essentials. However, I noticed that the file organizer did not include any labels for organization purposes, which would have been a helpful addition.
Overall, the Lakibole Accordion File Organizer is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and practical way to keep their papers organized. It offers a functional design without being too bulky and ensures that your items stay secure during storage or travel. Despite the lack of labels, this little organizer has made a big difference in my daily life.

🔗Expandable A4 Letter File Organizer with 13 Pockets

Incorporating the Enday Accordion Folder with Pockets into your daily routine feels like a dream come true. With its beautiful purple hue, this organizer instantly adds a splash of color to any workspace. I used it to hold all sorts of documents, from receipts and important papers to event tickets and name cards.
The accordion design made it easy to expand and contract as needed, while the 13 pockets provided ample space for everything, including 350 A4 letter-sized sheets! . I appreciate the transparent name card slot and the small label slots to help me categorize files efficiently.
Plus, the nifty compact design made it a breeze to transport, yet it remained sturdy and securely closed with its water-resistant lid and elastic band closure. I highly recommend adding this Enday Accordion Folder with Pockets to your cart to elevate your organization game! .

🔗Expanding Accordion File Folder with 5 Pockets in Pink

One sunny day, I decided to try out the Skydue letter A4 paper expanding file folder. As I opened it up, I was immediately struck by the vibrant pink color and the charmingly solid design. The expanding file folder has 5 expandable pockets, which made it easy to identify and access documents quickly.
Made from high-quality non-toxic and non-radioactive polypropylene material, this file folder is sturdy and lightweight. It's also waterproof, tear-resistant, and acid-free, perfect for long-lasting safe storage. I appreciate the button closure that provides added security, ensuring my files won't fall out when moving.
While the Skydue expanding file folder is ideal for various settings, like home, office, or school, the shooting light and screen settings on my computer occasionally led to slight color mismatches. Nonetheless, this didn't hinder the overall appeal and functionality of the file folder.
Overall, my experience using the Skydue letter A4 paper expanding file folder was delightful. It's a versatile and stylish organizer that makes managing documents a breeze.

🔗Expanding 7-Pocket Accordion File with Water-Resistant Plastic Construction

A few weeks ago, I was in search of a portable document storage solution for my home office, and this Staples black seven-pocket expanding accordion file was my answer. The accordion file features seven pockets that make it easy to sort paperwork, and the tabbed dividers help me stay organized by day of the week or subject.
The plastic construction of the file is sturdy, and it's even resistant to water, which is a bonus feature I didn't expect. My only complaint is that it's not as big as some other accordion files, but it still fits letter-size documents with ease.
Overall, this Staples black seven-pocket expanding accordion file is a great addition to any organizing space.

🔗Thick and Durable ThinkTex Accordion File Organizer with 26 Pockets and A-Z Tabs

The ThinkTex accordion file organizer has been my trusty sidekick in keeping my important documents in check. With 26 pockets, it provides ample space for all my files, and the full-size expansion feature allows it to adapt to growing stacks.
The open top and colorful A-Z tabs make coding my files a breeze, and the upright, free-standing design means it stays put in my drawer or cabinet. Made from sturdy polypropylene material, it's ready to serve as my daily partner for organizing. Just remember to balance the file organizer to avoid tipping when filling bulky files.
Overall, this accordion folder is a budget-friendly and practical solution for my filing needs.

Buyer's Guide

Accordion folders are a versatile and practical storage solution for various documents, files, and materials. These folders offer a unique design that allows users to easily access and organize their items while maximizing space. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features to consider when purchasing an accordion folder and provide general advice to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features

1. Material

Accordion folders come in various materials, such as plastic, metal, and leather. The material you choose depends on your specific needs, budget, and the items you plan to store. For example, plastic folders are lightweight and inexpensive, but they may not be as durable or resistant to wear as metal or leather options.

2. Size

When considering the size of an accordion folder, think about the number and type of documents or items you want to store. Measure the items to ensure you choose a folder with enough capacity and width to accommodate them comfortably. Additionally, consider the folder's thickness, as thinner folders may be more suitable for flat documents, while thicker folders are better for holding three-ring binders.

3. Locking Mechanism

Some accordion folders come with a locking mechanism to keep your items secure. If you need to keep your documents or files confidential or want to prevent them from opening accidentally, a folder with a locking mechanism could be a good choice.

4. Adjustability

Some accordion folders offer adjustable settings, allowing you to customize the space between each section to accommodate documents of varying sizes. This can be especially useful if you plan to store a mix of paper sizes in your folder.


5. Durability

Accordion folders should be able to withstand daily use and occasional mishandling. Look for sturdy construction, reinforced hinges, and materials that are resistant to wear and tear.

General Advice

1. Determine your needs

Before purchasing an accordion folder, consider the specific items you need to store and the frequency with which you'll be accessing those items. This information can help you choose the right size, material, and locking mechanism for your needs.

2. Compare prices and features

Shop around for the best deals on accordion folders that meet your requirements. Compare the features, materials, and prices of various options to find the best value for your money.

3. Read reviews and ratings

Check online reviews and ratings from other users to get an idea of a folder's quality, performance, and durability. This can help you avoid purchasing a poorly designed or poorly constructed accordion folder.

4. Choose a reliable retailer

Make sure to purchase your accordion folder from a reputable retailer that offers a warranty or return policy in case of any issues with the product.

5. Consider the environment

Some accordion folders are made from recycled or eco-friendly materials. If you're environmentally conscious, consider selecting a folder that aligns with your values and reduces your environmental impact.
Accordion folders are versatile and practical storage solutions for various documents, files, and materials. By focusing on essential features and general advice, you can make informed decisions when selecting the perfect accordion folder for your needs and budget.


What are Accordion Folders?

Accordion Folders are a type of file folder that is designed to organize and store papers and documents in a compact, space-saving format. The name comes from the way it folds, resembling an accordion when closed, and offering easy access to files without taking up too much room.

What are the benefits of using Accordion Folders?

  • Space-saving design
  • Versatile storage for various document sizes
  • Easy access and organization
  • Durable construction for long-lasting use

What are the different materials Accordion Folders are made of?

  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
  • Polypropylene
  • Leather or faux leather

How do I choose the right size of Accordion Folder?

Choose an Accordion Folder based on the size of your papers and documents. Most folders come in standard sizes like A4, A5, or B4, but you can also find custom sizes to fit specific needs. Consider the volume of papers you need to store and the space available on your desk or in your office.

Are there any eco-friendly options of Accordion Folders available?

Yes, some eco-friendly Accordion Folders are made from recycled materials or sustainable and biodegradable materials such as bamboo and wheat straw. Look for folders with certifications like FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) to ensure they come from responsibly managed forests.

How do I clean and maintain an Accordion Folder?

Clean the exterior of the folder with a damp cloth or mild soap and water. Dry it thoroughly before use. Periodically check the hardware to ensure it is functioning correctly and tighten any loose screws. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the folder, and store it in a dry area to prevent damage or mold growth.

Are there any waterproof Accordion Folders available?

Yes, some waterproof Accordion Folders are made from materials like PVC or polypropylene, which are resistant to water and moisture. Look for folders with certifications such as IP65 or IPX7 to ensure they provide adequate water resistance. These folders are ideal for outdoor use or areas prone to humidity.
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2024.06.02 07:55 FauxWolfTail I earned the title "Evilest DM in Town".

Long story, but let me give a quick explanation; I am part of a local D&D group for a small town, where I currently run 3 different capaigns, one for a group of preteens, a group of adults, and a group of seior citizens who have been playing their campaign since 1st Edition (I was offered to take over when their DM passed away in '21, and I fear this campaign will keep on going until I am in the retirement home). This story is from the Adult group.
Now, a while ago, I read a reddit post that explained how a DM was using gummy bears and candy as monster pieces, treating the players who deal the final blow with eating said piece of candy. Inspired by this, I added into my gameworld a chaotic god who is corrupting the land, turning people and creatues into evil twisted candy, that the party needs to either save or put down.
Earlier in May, I got my hands on something special, one that I know the party would lilove to tear into.
Now, the party (Ancient Paladin, Totem Barbarian, Life Cleric, Assasin Rogue, and Divi Wizard(the poor victim)) are all lvl9, but they are right on the edge of reaching Lvl10. Their current mission: reach the bottom of an ancient temple that may hold a weapon that once sealed the chaitic god. However, they are aware that the corruption has reached this temple, as they fight thru hordes of gummy worms to the center of the temple, where they find the big boss: a corrupted Guardian Naga, represented by a literal 1-foot long gummy worm I found online. And yes, it nearly did take up a good portion of the table, but every player was ready to claim that bounty.
The fight was mostly even, but about an hour into combat, the players visions of sweet victory were turning sour due to bad rolls: The Paladin was out of smites, the Cleric was out of healing spells, the Rogue was on their third death saving throw (2 success, one failed), the Wizard was out of spells, and the Barbarian was eaten by the Naga, and was slowly both drowning and taking acid damage. Everyone was under 10HP. The Wizard's turn was up, and after him, was the Naga's.
He turned to me, and asked "May I do a Rule of Cool?", which I have as a homebrew rule where if they believe they need to do something drastic that breaks the core ruling, but it would be so cool and lifesaving, I might allow it, with a monkey's paw consequences. "May I cast Wish?"
Now, due to complications of the plot, the party earlier got a hold of a Wizard's book that contained Wish, however he was way too underlevel, plus he was already out of spell slots. "Now why would I allow that?" I asked, putting on the best snarky judge look that I could muster.
"Well, my character is in desperation, the party may be doomed if I cannot stop this Naga here and now, at least two of my friends will die. My character will pay anything- hell, I will do anything for even that small chance to save them!"
Now, I took a quick look over the ruling of Wish. Written in the 5th edition, Wish does state "State your wish to the DM as precisely as possible. The DM has great latitude in ruling what occurs...", plus his character had that Wish spell for a few sessions, so theoretically he could try.
"Alright, tell me your wish, as best and clear as you can, and I may grant it. However, there will be consequences..."
"I Wish... that the Naga loses all of its magic and becomes just a regular gummy worm!"
Nice wish. I nod slowly, and stay quiet for a minute as the rest of the table chatters amongst themselves. I roll 2d10s behind my screen (a 8 and a 9), and I let out a soft sigh.
"As you make your wish... you feel every last bit of arcane energy surge inside of you, a hidden font of power that you have never felt before. And as all of your energy floods into the large Nage Gummy, the gelatin jiggles, wobbles, then falls, the Naga Gummy... now dead."
The table cheers in victory, the Barbarian handing the wizard the gummy worm for first bite. "However..." I stop him, grinning evilly. "As the rest of the party celebrates, you, Wizard, now feel yourself changing. You start to shrink in size as the party watches you vanish under your robes, leaving your gear and clothing in a pile on the ground."
"Wait, am I dead?"
"Oh no~ much, much worse~ You see, the consequences for your actions of using a powerful spell without proper safety measures and training resulted in some magical backlash~ And what has become of the Naga..." I reach down under the table, and pull out a fresh little gummy worm, handing it to him with the rest of the party staring in absolute horror "... has now been graced upon you~ You are now a sentient gummy worm~"
"Oh that is messed up!"
"No, you know whats messed up??" I show him the page I had kept the Gummy Naga's health tracked, revealing the Gummy Naga was at 3 HP left. All he needed to do was a simple Fire Bolt spell and he would of probably killed it. I, of course, laughed like a villain as the session winded down, and we ended for the night.
By the end of the week, Everyone in town heard about what I did to the Wizard, and now even the other groups are giving me shit for it. I'm not mad about it, but damn, now I can't even buy groceries without the local grocery clerk slipping me a free coupon for more gummy worms. And yes, I am now known as the town's "Evillest DM", and I am not even sure if its earned. But now, I think I will buy a few gummy Rats for an upcoming session...
submitted by FauxWolfTail to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:54 Embarrassed-Pear589 I'm working on a hunter x hunter themed ttrpg system and wondering what others think about it (super long)

So this originally started as an idea to use chat gpt to run a DND 5e campaign for me to use to test different character builds, then I started to wonder if I could incorporate hunter x hunter into the game. Using a really really long chat gpt prompt I wrote it actually ended up going really well so I decided to try to make it an entire system that you could kinda hopefully incorporate into any version of DND or other ttrpgs to have your own personalized hunter x hunter campaign. Now this whole thing is really messy but that's just because it's easier for my weird brain to work with. Anyway here's what I have so far 1. Primary Race: Human - The primary race is human, reflecting the "Hunter x Hunter" universe. However, players can customize their characters with unique physical traits or abilities, reflecting the diverse range of human appearances in the series.
  1. Alternative Race: Chimera Ant
    • As an alternative, players can choose to be a Chimera Ant, which allows for a mix of human and animal traits, offering unique physical and sensory abilities. This race would have its own set of strengths and vulnerabilities.
  2. Classes
    • Hunter: The main class, with sub-classes based on Hunter types (e.g., Beast Hunter, Treasure Hunter).
    • Assassin: Focused on stealth and precision, with techniques like those of the Zoldyck family. Sub-classes could be based on different assassination styles or tools.
    • Criminal: A class for those who operate outside the law, like the Phantom Troupe, with sub-classes based on criminal expertise (e.g., Thief, Bandit, Mercenary).

Nen System Integration

  1. Nen Types and Abilities
    • Each class develops Nen abilities based on their Nen type, with unique Hatsu abilities.
    • Assassins and Criminals might have Nen abilities that complement their class skills (e.g., a Thief might be a Transmuter, changing the properties of their aura to aid in stealth).
  2. Aura Points (AP)
    • This system replaces spell slots. Using Nen abilities consumes AP, which can be restored with rest.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Nen Training and Character Progression
    • Character leveling involves improving Nen control and developing Hatsu abilities.
  2. Combat and Nen Conflicts
    • Combat includes standard D&D mechanics and strategic use of Nen.
    • Nen-enhanced attacks and defenses: Characters can use AP to enhance physical attacks or bolster defense, adding an extra layer to combat strategy.
  3. Quests and Adventures
    • DMs craft campaigns within the "Hunter x Hunter" world, allowing exploration and interaction with familiar and new elements.

Balancing and Adaptation

  1. Balancing Races and Classes
    • Chimera Ants might have natural advantages (like enhanced senses) but also specific weaknesses (such as susceptibility to certain Nen types).
    • Each class and sub-class should offer unique advantages and playstyles without overshadowing others.
  2. Adapting Nen Abilities
    • Nen abilities must be balanced in power and utility, encouraging creative use without making them overpowered.
    • Regular player feedback and DM discretion will be essential for maintaining balance.
  3. Skill and Ability Checks
    • Incorporate Nen in skill checks, where appropriate, to allow creative problem-solving using Nen abilities.
This hybrid RPG would blend the detailed world and power system of "Hunter x Hunter" with the structured gameplay of D&D 5e, offering a rich and dynamic role-playing experience. Players can explore the complexities of Nen, engage in strategic combat, and embark on diverse quests, all while navigating the morally complex and vibrant world of "Hunter x Hunter."
Merging the power system and world of "Hunter x Hunter" with the fundamentals of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) 5th Edition could create a unique and exciting tabletop RPG experience. Here's a basic framework for how it could be done:

Character Creation

  1. Races and Backgrounds: Stick to D&D's system for races and backgrounds, as these provide rich lore and diversity. However, incorporate elements from the "Hunter x Hunter" world into the backgrounds, allowing players to come from specific regions or organizations within that universe.
  2. Classes: Replace D&D classes with "Hunter" as the primary class. Sub-classes could be based on the different types of Hunters in "Hunter x Hunter" (like Beast Hunter, Treasure Hunter, Blacklist Hunter, etc.), each with unique skills and quests.
  3. Ability Scores: Use the standard D&D ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). These will influence the character's physical and mental capabilities as usual.

Nen System Integration

  1. Nen Types: During character creation, players determine their Nen type (Enhancer, Emitter, Manipulator, Transmuter, Conjurer, Specialist). This could be chosen or determined randomly, as in the series.
  2. Nen Abilities (Hatsu): Players develop their unique Hatsu abilities, guided by their Nen type. This replaces the magic/spellcasting system of traditional D&D. Balancing these abilities would be key to ensure gameplay remains challenging and engaging.
  3. Aura Points (AP): Similar to spell slots in D&D, characters have Aura Points. Using Nen abilities consumes AP, which can be restored with rest.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Nen Training and Challenges: Incorporate Nen training into the leveling-up process. As characters level up, they gain more control over their Nen, unlocking new capabilities or strengthening their Hatsu.
  2. Quests and Storytelling: The DM crafts adventures within the "Hunter x Hunter" universe, allowing players to explore familiar locales and encounter characters from the series, while also introducing original plots.
  3. Combat and Challenges: Integrate D&D's combat system, but with modifications to incorporate Nen abilities. This includes Aura defense, Nen-enhanced attacks, and strategic use of Hatsu abilities. A nen user may choose to enhance their Attack power, Speed, or defense, by covering their bodies or weapons with aura. Enhanced Attack- Choosing to put 1 or more AP into enhancing attack will grant +2 to damage for each point.
Enhanced Defense- Choosing to put 1 or more points into defense will subtract -2 points of damage taken for each point.
Enhanced Speed- Choosing to put 1 or more AP into speed will grant +5 movement speed, +1 to attack bonus, and +1 to AC for every two AP, because enhancing speed is much more difficult and usually only one who's ability allows for it can enhance their speed efficiently.
Enhancing such abilities uses AP but does not deplete it. tho prolonged use of aura will cause it to weaken over time. through training this can be overcome.
  1. Nen Conflicts: Introduce Nen battles, which are more about outsmarting opponents with clever use of Nen abilities than just overpowering them.

Balancing and Adaptation

This hybrid game would offer the depth and complexity of D&D's role-playing and combat systems with the unique and intriguing Nen system from "Hunter x Hunter," creating a fresh and engaging experience for players familiar with either or both worlds.
In "Hunter x Hunter," each Nen user has an affinity for one of six Nen types: Enhancer, Emitter, Manipulator, Transmuter, Conjurer, and Specialist. We can assign a key ability score to each Nen type for calculating Aura Points (AP) and other Nen-related mechanics. Here's a suggested assignment:
  1. Enhancer
    • Key Ability: Strength or Constitution
    • Rationale: Enhancers focus on reinforcing their natural physical abilities, making Strength or Constitution a natural fit.
  2. Emitter
    • Key Ability: Charisma
    • Rationale: Emitters project their aura away from their bodies, requiring force of personality, represented by Charisma.
  3. Manipulator
    • Key Ability: Intelligence
    • Rationale: Manipulation requires precision and understanding complex systems, aligning well with Intelligence.
  4. Transmuter
    • Key Ability: Dexterity
    • Rationale: Transmuters alter the properties of their aura, requiring finesse and control, which Dexterity represents.
  5. Conjurer
    • Key Ability: Wisdom
    • Rationale: Conjurers create objects out of their aura, requiring insight and strong mental discipline, qualities associated with Wisdom.
  6. Specialist
    • Key Ability: Wisdom or Charisma
    • Rationale: Specialists have unique and varied abilities that don't fit into other categories. Wisdom or Charisma can be chosen based on the nature of the Specialist's unique ability.

Aura Points (AP) Calculation

Using the Key Ability Score

This system ties the Nen type to specific D&D ability scores, enhancing the role-playing aspect by encouraging players to consider their characters' strengths and weaknesses when choosing their Nen type and developing their abilities.
Removing traditional spellcasting and replacing it with a Nen-based system is a significant change that can fully integrate the unique aspects of "Hunter x Hunter" into your D&D game. Here's how you can adapt the Aura Point (AP) system to completely replace spellcasting:

Revised Aura Point (AP) System for Nen Abilities

1. Aura Points as the Sole Power Source - All supernatural abilities, including those that would normally be spells in D&D, are now Nen abilities powered by AP. - Characters do not have spell slots but instead use AP to activate and sustain their Nen abilities.
2. Nen Ability Categories - Classify Nen abilities into tiers, similar to spell levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master. - The AP cost for using an ability depends on its tier: Basic (1-2 AP), Intermediate (3-5 AP), Advanced (6-8 AP), Master (9-12 AP).
3. Learning and Developing Nen Abilities - Characters learn new Nen abilities as they level up. The number and tier of abilities they can learn and use are based on their level and key ability score. - Characters can also develop custom Nen abilities in consultation with the DM, tailored to their character's development and story.
4. Aura Point Recovery - AP is fully restored after a long rest. Half of the maximum AP is restored after a short rest. - Certain items or actions in-game could also restore AP.
5. Overexertion Risks - Using more AP than the maximum can lead to overexertion, causing fatigue, reduction in maximum hit points, or other penalties. - Severe overexertion could lead to more drastic consequences, like temporary loss of Nen abilities.
6. Nen Training and Advancement - Include quests or training sessions for characters to increase their AP maximum, reduce Nen ability costs, or learn new abilities. - This system allows for character growth and the pursuit of mastery over Nen.
7. Nen-Based Defense and Attacks - Allow characters to use AP to enhance physical attacks, defense, or to perform feats like enhanced jumps, bursts of speed, etc.
8. Balancing Nen Abilities - The DM should ensure Nen abilities are balanced within the game, avoiding overpowered combinations. - Regular feedback and adjustments may be necessary based on gameplay experience.
With this revised system, Nen becomes the central mechanic for all supernatural and extraordinary abilities in the game, deeply immersing players in the "Hunter x Hunter" universe while maintaining the strategic and role-playing elements of D&D. This approach requires careful planning and balance but offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. for the HUNTER class, the features include
Creating detailed class features and proficiencies for each Hunter class and its subclasses in a D&D 5e format requires a comprehensive approach. I'll provide a basic outline for the "Hunter" class and one subclass, the "Beast Hunter," as an example. You can use this format as a template to develop other subclasses.

Hunter Class (General Features)

Hit Points - Hit Dice: 1d10 per Hunter level - Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier - Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Hunter level after 1st
Proficiencies - Armor: Light armor, medium armor - Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons - Tools: None - Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence - Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Survival, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth
Equipment - (a) a longbow and 20 arrows or (b) any simple weapon - (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack - Leather armor, a hunter's token, and a dagger
Let's define each feature of the Hunter class in the context of a "Hunter x Hunter" and D&D 5e hybrid game:

Level 1: Nen Sensitivity

Level 1: Hunter's Expertise

Level 2: Nen Training (Basic Techniques)

Level 3: Hunter Archetype

Level 3: Nen Ability (Hatsu)

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

Level 5: Extra Attack

Level 6: Archetype Feature

Level 7: Nen Training (Advanced Techniques)

Level 8: Ability Score Improvement

Level 9: Indomitable (1 use)

Level 10: Archetype Feature

Level 11: Improved Nen Ability

Level 12: Ability Score Improvement

Level 13: Indomitable (2 uses)

Level 14: Archetype Feature

Level 15: Nen Mastery

Level 16: Ability Score Improvement

Level 17: Indomitable (3 uses)

Level 18: Archetype Feature

Level 19: Ability Score Improvement

Level 20: Hunter's Pinnacle

These features combine D&D 5e mechanics with "Hunter x Hunter" lore, offering a comprehensive and thematic progression for characters in this hybrid game.
Each subclass within the Hunter class would have similar structure, with unique abilities and features tailored to their specialization, such as Sea Hunter, Gourmet Hunter, etc. This approach keeps the balance and progression familiar to D&D 5e while integrating the unique elements of the "Hunter x Hunter" universe.

Beast Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Beast Tracking - Gain proficiency in Survival. If you already have it, double your proficiency bonus for Survival checks related to beasts. - Learn to track and identify creatures by their tracks, noises, and other signs.
Level 6: Primal Communication - Ability to communicate on a basic level with beasts and understand their intentions and emotions.
Level 10: Beast Companion - Bond with a beast you encounter, which becomes your faithful companion. - Use the Ranger's Companion feature from the Ranger class as a reference for rules and stats.
Level 14: Predator's Instinct - Gain advantage on initiative rolls in natural environments. - Can't be surprised by beast-type creatures.
Level 18: Master of Beasts - Gain the ability to temporarily control or influence the behavior of beasts through Nen.

Sea Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Aquatic Adaptation - Gain the ability to breathe underwater and a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. - Gain proficiency in Athletics. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus for Athletics checks related to swimming.
Level 6: Deep Sea Knowledge - Advantage on Nature and Survival checks related to aquatic environments. - Can identify aquatic creatures and plants and their uses or dangers.
Level 10: Pressure Resistance - Gain resistance to cold damage and ignore the effects of deep and cold water pressure.
Level 14: Master Navigator - Can never be lost at sea. Gain proficiency in Navigation tools. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus.
Level 18: Call of the Depths - Ability to summon and communicate with sea creatures, possibly enlisting their help or guidance.

Treasure Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Artifact Lore - Gain proficiency in History. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus for History checks related to artifacts and treasures. - Can identify and appraise artifacts and relics.
Level 6: Trap Sense - Gain advantage on saving throws against traps and spells that protect treasures. - Can detect the presence of traps within a 30-foot radius.
Level 10: Dungeon Delver - Move at normal speed while stealthily exploring ruins and dungeons. - Resistance to damage from traps.
Level 14: Ancient Secrets - Can decipher ancient languages and codes. Gain advantage on Intelligence checks related to ancient texts and puzzles.
Level 18: Treasure's Boon - Once per long rest, can locate a significant treasure, artifact, or hidden place within a 10-mile radius.

Music Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Harmonic Awareness - Gain proficiency in a musical instrument of your choice. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can detect mood and intentions of others through their tone and choice of words.
Level 6: Soothing Melody - Can use music to calm emotions, dispel fear, or inspire courage in others.
Level 10: Sonic Resonance - Gain resistance to thunder damage and charm effects. - Can use music to communicate simple ideas to creatures that don't speak any languages.
Level 14: Echolocation - Through focused listening, can sense the location of objects and creatures in complete darkness within a 60-foot radius.
Level 18: Symphony of Power - Once per long rest, can play a powerful melody that grants temporary hit points, cures one condition, or boosts one ability score for the duration of the performance.

Gourmet Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Culinary Expertise - Gain proficiency in Cooking tools. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can identify edible and medicinal plants and creatures, and the best ways to prepare them.
Level 6: Enhanced Taste - Can detect poisons and potions by taste. Gain advantage on saving throws against ingested poisons.
Level 10: Exotic Cuisine - Can prepare meals that grant temporary hit points or other minor benefits.
Level 14: Iron Stomach - Gain immunity to poison and disease from ingested sources.
Level 18: Culinary Masterpiece - Once per long rest, can create a meal that acts as a Greater Restoration spell or provides a significant buff to the party.

Blacklist Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Investigative Skills - Gain proficiency in Investigation. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can gather information and track targets in urban environments more efficiently.
Level 6: Interrogation Expert - Gain advantage on Insight and Intimidation checks when interrogating.
Level 10: Criminal Network - Can establish contacts and gather information from criminal sources. Gain advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with criminals.
Level 14: Expert Tracker - Gain the ability to track targets over long distances, even across different terrains.
Level 18: Master of Justice - Once per long rest, can discern the truth of any statement or determine the location of a person or object related to your investigation.

Medical Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Medical Knowledge - Gain proficiency in Medicine. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can stabilize a dying creature as a bonus action.
Level 6: Herbalist - Can identify and create medicinal herbs and potions. Gain proficiency in Herbalism Kit.
Level 10: Healer's Touch - Can use a pool of healing points to restore hit points equal to 5 times your Hunter level. As an action, can touch a creature to restore any number of these points.
Level 14: Disease Resistance - Gain immunity to disease and advantage on saving throws against effects that cause illness.
Level 18: Lifesaver - Once per long rest, can perform a healing action that acts as a Resurrection spell without needing material components.

Archaeological Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Ancient Lore - Gain proficiency in History. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can identify and interpret historical artifacts, ruins, and texts.
Level 6: Ruins Delver - Gain advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps and natural hazards in ancient ruins and dungeons.
Level 10: Relic Hunter - Can sense the presence of significant historical artifacts within a 1-mile radius.
Level 14: Cryptographer - Gain the ability to decipher ancient codes and languages, and unlock magical inscriptions.
Level 18: Guardian's Favor - Once per long rest, can invoke ancient powers for protection or insight, granting advantage on a series of checks or resisting a powerful magical effect.

Information Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Network of Contacts - Gain proficiency in Persuasion. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can establish a network of informants to gather information more effectively.
Level 6: Codebreaker - Gain advantage on Intelligence checks to intercept and decipher secret messages and codes.
Level 10: Eavesdropper - Gain the ability to listen in on conversations or sounds from great distances or through barriers.
Level 14: Master of Disguise - Can create disguises that allow blending into almost any environment or society. Advantage on checks made to maintain a disguise.
Level 18: Omnipresent Knowledge - Once per long rest, can gain detailed knowledge about a person, place, or object that is not commonly known or easily accessible.

Lost Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Expert Tracker - Gain proficiency in Survival. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can track creatures and people across various terrains, and can discern the passage of time since their passing.
Level 6: Urban Tracker - Adapted to tracking in urban environments, can navigate and gather information in cities efficiently.
Level 10: Sixth Sense - Gain a limited ability to sense the direction of a sought person or object within a 5-mile radius.
Level 14: Path Finder - Can create shortcuts or find the most efficient paths through natural and urban landscapes.
Level 18: Find the Lost - Once per long rest, can locate exactly a lost person or item, regardless of distance or barriers, as long as they are on the same plane of existence.
These subclass features provide specialized skills and abilities that align with the unique roles and expertise of each type of Hunter, allowing for a rich role-playing experience within the "Hunter x Hunter" and D&D 5e hybrid framework. Players can choose a path that best suits their interests and play style, diving deep into the diverse world of "Hunter x Hunter." . If anyone has any suggestions or questions please let me know. Also if you want the full chat gpt prompt you can DM me
submitted by Embarrassed-Pear589 to HatsuVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:54 Significant-Tower146 Best AC Recharge Kits

Best AC Recharge Kits

Are you tired of constantly replacing your AC's Freon? Our AC Recharge Kits are here to save the day! In this roundup, we'll explore the best options available, making it easy for you to choose the perfect kit that fits your needs and budget. Say goodbye to expensive service calls and keep your AC running smoothly all year long!
Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a busy homeowner, our comprehensive guide will help you navigate through the world of AC Recharge Kits. From identifying the right kit for your specific AC model to learning the proper recharging technique, we've got you covered. Get ready to experience a hassle-free, cost-effective solution for your cooling needs!

The Top 20 Best AC Recharge Kits

  1. R-134a A/C Recharge Kit - The Sub-Zero SZ345 1 Refrigerant Kit recharges and enhances a vehicle's A/C system, seals leaks, and extends system life with Cool Boost technology and R-134a refrigerant.
  2. Multifunctional A/C Diagnostic Manifold Gauge Set with 5ft Hoses - Professional 3-way A/C diagnostic manifold gauge set, compatible with R134A, R12, R22, R502 refrigerants, comes with 5ft hose, precision valves, and all necessary adapters for efficient and accurate AC charging work.
  3. 18 oz EZ Chill Refrigerator Recharge Kit with Leak Sealer - The EZ Chill 18oz is a complete solution for your A/C needs, featuring a charging hose and pressure gauge that restores lost refrigerant and oil, while sealing common leaks in rubber hoses, gaskets, and O-rings.
  4. Avalanche R134a Refrigerant Recharge Kit - The AC Avalanche R134a Refrigerant Recharge Kit prevents overcharging with Smart Clip Technology, utilizes a Hybrid-Safe formula, and features a system-safe chemical additive to stop leaks and extend compressor life.
  5. A/C Pro R-134a Refrigerant, 12 oz - Efficiently restore cold air to your vehicle with the Ac Pro R-134a Auto Air Conditioner Refrigerant, a certified, additive-free solution designed for R-134a compatible systems.
  6. Recharge Arctic Freeze R134a for Your A/C System - Revolutionize your vehicle's air conditioning performance with the Arctic Freeze Ultra-Synthetic Recharge Kit, offering a comprehensive solution for lost refrigerant, leaks, and improved cooling efficiency.
  7. R-134a Recover, Recycle, Recharge Machine for AC Systems - Efficiently recover, recycle, evacuate, and recharge R-134A mobile A/C systems with the Robinair 34288NI, boasting a high-performance multilingual display and automatic features for precise and easy service.
  8. R-134a Charging Hose with Metal Fittings for RV or Car A/C Service - Upgrade your A/C with the premium, all-metal MB-134A Charging Kit, boasting easy installation and a custom touch on your vehicle.
  9. #1 Top Off Kit for R1234YF Systems - 2 Cans of 8oz HFO-R1234YF & Can Tap with Gauge - ZeroR Top Off Kit #2: Recharge your vehicle's R1234YF system with 8oz HFO-R1234YF refrigerant, a brass can tap, and gauge for hassle-free DIY maintenance.
  10. R134A Refrigerant with Trigger Valve and Pressure Gauge - Big Freeze R134A Refrigerant - A high-performance, easy-to-use A/C system recharge solution featuring a trigger valve, pressure gauge and useful instructional fill chart for maximum results in larger vehicles.
  11. 12 oz R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant by AC Avalanche - Cool off with the AC Avalanche R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant - a 12 oz can replete with additives for up to 30 degrees colder air, leak stoppers, and seal conditioners, perfect for a comfortable ride.
  12. AC Pro A/C Recharge R-134a for Extreme Conditions (6/12oz) - Interdynamics ACP210-6 ACP EXTCNDT R-134a RCHRGRFL 6/12oz
  13. Automotive AC Gauge Set - The VEVOR 4 Way AC Gauge is a portable, precise, and easy-to-operate refrigerant filling and testing equipment compatible with R134A, R22, R12, and R410A refrigerants, perfect for automotive, household air conditioning, and refrigerator maintenance.
  14. R-12 to R-134a Retrofit Parts Kit - Upgrade pre-1976 vehicles and some late-model imports with the Interdynamics Certified AC Pro Car Air Conditioner; its conversion kit includes 2 adapters, retrofit label, and comprehensive instructions for seamless R12-to-R134a transition.
  15. R-1234yf A/C System Recharge Gauge and Hose - The certified A/C Pro CERTYF102-4 Recharge Gauge and Hose effectively checks air conditioning system pressure, making recharging quick and error-free for R-1234yf auto systems.
  16. A/C Pro R-134a Recharge Hose and Gauge - Experience professional-grade A/C recharging with A/C Pro R-134a Recharge Hose and Gauge, featuring a reusable extra-long braided hose, easy-to-read gauge, and quick snap-lock coupler for a hassle-free recharge process.
  17. Automotive A/C Recharge and Leak Seal - A/C ProHigh Mileage Refrigerant, 12oz: Easily recharge, seal leaks, and optimize performance for older vehicles (75,000+ miles) with UV dye and proprietary additives, for a cooler, more comfortable ride.
  18. Interdynamics AFK-11CS Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic Recharging Kit - Comprehensive Interdynamics AFK-11CS Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic Recharging Kit: Safely recharge your air conditioning system with leak-sealing and UV dye technology, while enhancing cooling efficiency.
  19. Easy DIY Cat Cage Enclosure with Hammock - EZ Chill R-134a Auto AC Recharge Kit with Leak Sealer Plus effectively seals common AC leaks, extends AC life, and ensures easy, accurate recharging for a comfortable driving experience.
  20. R-1234YF Refrigerant Recharge Hose with Gauge and Coupler - High-performance Weitron R1234yf Charge Hose with Gauge and Coupler for precise, professional-grade air-conditioning refrigerant recharging, suitable for car and home systems.
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🔗R-134a A/C Recharge Kit

As someone who frequently travels with their family, the Sub-Zero SZ345 1 Refrigerant Kit has been a game-changer. My children and I were constantly sweaty and uncomfortable, even with the air conditioning running full blast. I heard about the Sub-Zero kit from a friend who said it had helped cool down their vehicle.
I decided to give it a try and picked up a can at my local auto parts store. Using the kit was incredibly easy, thanks to the included recharge hose and gauge. The Cool Boost technology in the refrigerant helped my vehicle's air conditioning produce colder air in no time.
One of my favorite features of this kit is its ability to seal common leaks in rubber components and extend the life of the A/C system by eliminating acid and moisture buildup. I noticed that after using the Sub-Zero kit, my vehicle's AC stayed consistently cold, even during long drives in hot weather.
However, there was one downside to the product – the relatively short hose. It made it difficult to attach the kit to my vehicle's AC port in certain situations. Nonetheless, the Sub-Zero SZ345 1 Refrigerant Kit has greatly improved the comfort of my car, making it a must-have for any driver experiencing a lackluster AC system.

🔗Multifunctional A/C Diagnostic Manifold Gauge Set with 5ft Hoses

I've recently started using a multifunctional AC gauge set - an automatic air conditioning diagnostic manifold gauge set - to keep track of my car's air conditioning system. The set is compatible with R 134A, R12, R22, and R502 refrigerants, perfect for checking, charging, evacuating, and recovering work.
One thing that really stood out for me was the extra large and color-coded dials. They made it super easy to read the pressure, even in bright daylight. The sight glass design allowed me to see the liquid refrigerant flowing, which helped me keep track of everything while I charged the system.
The set also came with four extra long, 5-foot high impact hoses, each with a precise valve core depressor and 45-degree bend for easy access. These hoses are rated at 600 psi max working pressure and 3000 psi burst pressure, so I feel confident using them with my car's air conditioning system.
However, there are a few things that could be improved upon. The upgraded gauge shell is a nice touch, but I found that some of the metal parts were slightly difficult to maneuver. Additionally, it would be nice if the gauge shell were a bit more robust, as it's not as durable as it could be.
Overall, I've found the multifunctional AC gauge set to be a useful tool for managing my car's air conditioning system. I appreciate the extra large and color-coded dials, as well as the sight glass design, and the hoses are a nice touch as well. However, I do think there could be a few improvements made in terms of the gauge shell's durability and the ease of use of some of the metal parts.
One day, while driving to work, I noticed that my car's air conditioning system wasn't working as well as it used to. I decided to give the multifunctional AC gauge set a try, to see if it could help me pinpoint the problem.
I started by connecting the hoses to the appropriate points on the gauge set and on my car's air conditioning system. I then turned on the system and observed the pressure readings on the gauge set's dials.
To my surprise, I found that the pressure was much lower than it should have been, indicating a leak in the system. I used the gauge set to track down the leak and was able to repair it with a little bit of effort.
After the repair, I used the gauge set again to check that the system was working properly, and I was happy to see that the pressure readings were now within the normal range.
Since then, I've used the multifunctional AC gauge set on a number of occasions, and I've found it to be a valuable tool for managing my car's air conditioning system.

🔗18 oz EZ Chill Refrigerator Recharge Kit with Leak Sealer

As someone who frequently takes road trips, especially during hot summer days, I know the importance of having a well-functioning air conditioning system in my car. So, when I came across the EZ Chill 18 oz recharge kit, I decided to give it a try, and boy, am I glad I did!
The first thing that really struck me about this product was its convenience. It came with a self-dispensing can that had a built-in filling hose and a low-pressure in-line gauge, which made the whole process of recharging the AC a breeze. The fact that the gauge is reusable also means that I can easily monitor the pressure in my system in the future, without having to rely on any guesswork.
Before trying out EZ Chill, I had been dealing with a slightly underpowered AC system for quite some time, and honestly, it was starting to get on my nerves. But, as soon as I connected the hose to the low pressure port on my vehicle's AC system and started recharging, I could feel the difference almost instantly. The AC was much colder and more effective in cooling down the car, which made my road trips much more comfortable, especially during long drives.
However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, as there were a couple of aspects of this product that could use some improvement. First of all, while the instructions provided on the can were relatively easy to follow, they could have been a bit more detailed and helpful for beginners. Additionally, I found the valve on the can to be a bit sticky, which made it difficult to control the flow of refrigerant.
Overall, I would highly recommend the EZ Chill 18 oz recharge kit to anyone who's looking for an easy and cost-effective solution to their underpowered AC problems. While there are a few minor drawbacks, such as the need for more detailed instructions and a sticky valve, the convenience and effectiveness of this product make it a solid choice for anyone looking to improve their driving experience during the hot summer months.

🔗Avalanche R134a Refrigerant Recharge Kit

I recently purchased the AC Avalanche R134a refrigerant recharge kit, and I'm happy to report that it has significantly improved the performance of my vehicle's air conditioning system. The Smart Clip Technology was a real game-changer for me, as it made it incredibly easy to monitor the refrigerant charge and prevent any potential overcharging issues.
The digital pressure gauge included in the kit was another highlight, allowing me to recharge the system based on both temperature and pressure for a safe and accurate result. I appreciated its ease of use and readability, as it worked seamlessly with any R-134a refrigerant can.
Another feature that stood out was the Hybrid-Safe Formula, which allowed me to use this recharge kit with both my regular vehicle and my hybrid without any issues. The re-useable recharge hose with a self-sealing valve type was also a nice touch, ensuring that everything was securely connected throughout the recharging process.
Finally, the system-safe chemical additive mentioned in the product description has been incredibly effective at stopping leaks in o-rings and other rubber components, helping to prolong the life of my air conditioning system.
However, there were a few minor drawbacks that I encountered during my use of the kit. The hose provided with the kit was a bit short for my personal preference, making it somewhat challenging to work with in certain situations. Additionally, while the product description claims that the refrigerant formula can improve the a/c's cooling capabilities, I didn't notice a significant difference in that area.
All things considered, I would still highly recommend the AC Avalanche R134a refrigerant recharge kit to anyone looking to improve the performance of their vehicle's air conditioning system. Its ease of use, safety features, and effectiveness at preventing leaks make it a worthwhile investment for any car owner.

🔗A/C Pro R-134a Refrigerant, 12 oz

I recently found myself in need of a car air conditioner recharge, so I decided to try out the Interdynamics 12 oz R-134a Refrigerant. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to use and how effective it was in restoring cold air to my vehicle.
The self-sealing can was a major plus for me, as it meant I didn't need to worry about any extras or additives. The EPA compliance is also a great feature, ensuring that I'm using a product that's safe for both my car and the environment.
However, there were a few cons that I encountered while using this product. Firstly, the instructions on the can were not very clear, which could lead to some confusion for first-time users. Additionally, I found that I had to purchase a separate recharge hose, which added an extra cost to the overall process.
Overall, I would recommend the Interdynamics 12 oz R-134a Refrigerant to anyone in need of a car air conditioner recharge. The ease of use, safety features, and effectiveness make it a great choice for those looking to save some money on a professional recharge.

🔗Recharge Arctic Freeze R134a for Your A/C System

As a car owner, I've experienced my fair share of air conditioning issues. That's why when I came across the Arctic Freeze Ultra Synthetic Recharging Kit with UV Dye & UV Light, I knew I had to give it a try. This all-in-one solution not only replaces lost refrigerant and oil in my car's A/C system, but also seals common leaks in rubber hose, gaskets, and o-rings, while the UV dye helps identify and prevent future leaks. One of the best features is how quickly it cools down the air - 50% faster than other similar products!
One aspect that really stands out is how easy it is to use. The reusable trigger dispenser comes with a gauge and temperature dial indicator, making it incredibly simple to monitor the pressure and temperature of your A/C system. Plus, the elimination of moisture and acid ensures that your system stays in tip-top shape.
However, one con is the price. The kit only comes in a two-container package, which may be more than what some users need, especially if they already have a pressure gauge. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of the product and its ability to quickly locate leaks make it worth the investment.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with the Arctic Freeze Recharge Kit. It has made a significant difference in the performance of my car's air conditioning. Highly recommended!

🔗R-134a Recover, Recycle, Recharge Machine for AC Systems

The Robinair 34288NI is an absolute game-changer for anyone who needs to maintain their vehicle's air conditioning system. This nifty tool efficiently recovers, recycles, and recharges R-134A mobile A/C systems in a matter of minutes. Not only does it boast excellent performance, but it's also incredibly easy to use.
One of the standout features of the 34288NI is its automatic oil drain, which not only drains the oil but also provides a visual representation of how much needs to be re-injected back into the system. Additionally, the automatic air purge feature eliminates damaging air without the need for continuous monitoring or manual valve opening.
Another highlight of this product is its impressive display, which includes a 4.3-inch color graphics screen and even supports multiple languages. The built-in programmable vacuum function is also incredibly useful, with a default setting of 15 minutes and the ability to be programmed up to 99 minutes, complete with a "remaining time" display.
While the Robinair 34288NI may not be the most compact or lightweight model on the market, its high-quality performance and user-friendly design more than make up for its size. Whether you're a professional mechanic or a DIY enthusiast, this recharge kit is definitely worth considering for your A/C maintenance needs.

🔗R-134a Charging Hose with Metal Fittings for RV or Car A/C Service

I recently got my hands on the Interdynamics MB-134A Charging Kit with Metal Fittings, and I must say it has been a game-changer for my vehicle's air conditioning system. The all-metal construction and quick-connect coupler make it incredibly easy to use, even for someone like me who is not particularly mechanically inclined.
One of the standout features of this kit is definitely its durability. The high-quality materials used in its construction ensure that it will last through countless AC recharges. Plus, the sleek metal design adds a custom touch to your vehicle that you won't find in other charging kits.
However, there is one downside: the price. While I believe the quality and efficiency of this kit justify the cost, it's worth noting that you can find similar products online for a slightly lower price.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and would recommend the Interdynamics MB-134A Charging Kit with Metal Fittings to anyone looking to give their vehicle's A/C system a much-needed boost.

🔗#1 Top Off Kit for R1234YF Systems - 2 Cans of 8oz HFO-R1234YF & Can Tap with Gauge

Let me tell you about my experience with the ZeroR Top Off Kit for my car's AC system. I'm not a professional mechanic, but this kit made recharging my AC a breeze! It comes with two cans of R1234YF refrigerant, which is enough to fill most systems. The kit also includes an R1234YF HD Brass Can Tap with a gauge, so I could easily see when my AC was properly charged.
One of the things I appreciated about this kit was how easy it was to use. The cans were self-sealing, which means I could save any unused refrigerant for future use. Plus, the gauge on the hose made it super simple to see when I had the right amount of refrigerant in my system.
However, there were a few cons worth mentioning. First, the hose has a left-hand thread, which wasn't immediately obvious to me. It would be nice if the manual included a clearer explanation of how to connect the hose. Second, the refrigerant is flammable, so it's important to follow all safety instructions carefully.
Overall, I would highly recommend this Top Off Kit to anyone looking to recharge their AC system. The performance was excellent, and it made a complicated process much easier for a DIY enthusiast like me.

🔗R134A Refrigerant with Trigger Valve and Pressure Gauge

My air conditioner was on its last leg, making my summer commute miserable. I decided to give the Big Freeze R134A Refrigerant a try, and boy, am I glad I did! The instant relief from the sweltering heat was a godsend.
The easy-to-use trigger valve and pressure gauge made filling up the system a breeze, even for someone like me who's not exactly car-savvy. The 22 oz size was more than enough to get my car's AC back in tip-top shape for the scorching summer months.
The only downside I encountered was that the product labeling could be clearer. I found myself searching online for more detailed instructions. However, after a little research, I was able to get the job done with no issues.
All in all, the Big Freeze R134A Refrigerant has been a game-changer for my car's AC system. If you're tired of sweating it out in your vehicle, give it a shot - you won't regret it!

🔗12 oz R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant by AC Avalanche

The AC Avalanche R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant has been a game-changer for me. Its unique formula provides up to 30-degree colder air while stopping leaks and conditioning seals, making it the best choice for recharging my vehicle's air conditioning system. I've noticed that I don't need to run the engine at higher RPMs to get that refreshingly cold air, which is a big plus during scorching hot days.
One con that I have to point out is that it requires an EPA compliant adapter or charging hose, which isn't included in the package. I initially faced some issues using it with my old hose but eventually managed to get an adapter and everything worked smoothly after that.
The price of the AC Avalanche R134a Air Conditioner Refrigerant is on the higher end compared to other retailers, but considering its performance and efficiency, I believe it's worth the investment. Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with this product and will definitely recommend it to anyone looking to recharge their vehicle's air conditioning system.

🔗AC Pro A/C Recharge R-134a for Extreme Conditions (6/12oz)

I recently used the Interdynamics ACP210-6 ACP Extreme Conditions R-134a Refrigerant Refill to recharge my car's air conditioner, and I must say, it was a game-changer. The 12-ounce can was easy to handle and came with a precision dispenser that allowed me to control the amount of refrigerant I added.
The first thing that caught my attention was the robust lubricant combination in this product, which is designed to withstand extreme temperatures and high usage. Living in a hot and humid climate, my car's air conditioner gets a lot of wear and tear, so this was a welcome feature.
Another great thing about the ACP Extreme Conditions Refrigerant Refill is the inclusion of 2x cooling boosters, which noticeably improved the cooling power of my car's air conditioner. The advanced AC leak sealer was also a huge plus, as it helped to revitalize rubber components like hoses, gaskets, and O-rings, extending the life of my AC system.
However, one downside of this product is the price. While it certainly delivers on performance, the cost may be a deterrent for some users. Additionally, the can's capacity is only enough for one recharge, so those with larger vehicles may need to purchase multiple cans.
Overall, I would highly recommend the Interdynamics ACP210-6 ACP Extreme Conditions R-134a Refrigerant Refill to anyone looking to improve the performance and extend the life of their car's air conditioner.

🔗Automotive AC Gauge Set

I recently purchased the VEVOR 4 Way AC Gauge to help me with routine maintenance of my car's air conditioning system. From the get-go, I was quite impressed by its portable design. It's compact enough that it doesn't take up too much space in my garage, yet robust enough to include everything I need for any job. Plus, the built-in ergonomic handle made it incredibly easy to transport from car to car.
As for performance, it surpassed my expectations. The high-precision gauges were incredibly accurate, especially when handling sensitive refrigerants like R134A and R410A. Each gauge had a sturdy construction, giving me confidence when using them on heavy-duty equipment.
One small issue I encountered was that the hoses were a bit longer than necessary, which made storage a bit cumbersome. However, this is a minor inconvenience compared to the manifold set's overall efficiency and ease of use.
Since its purchase, I've used this set on multiple vehicles and had no issues with compatibility or performance. In fact, it's made troubleshooting air conditioning issues so much simpler! I'm definitely planning to use this product in the future and would recommend it to anyone looking for a reliable AC manifold gauge set.

🔗R-12 to R-134a Retrofit Parts Kit

The Interdynamics Certified AC Pro Car Air Conditioner is an essential tool for anyone looking to retrofit their vehicle's air conditioning system from R12 to R134a. This convenient kit includes two adapters - one for the low side (. 44 inch port) and one for the high side (. 38 inch port) - designed to cater to pre-1976 cars and some late model imports. The step-by-step instructions provided and the included retrofit label make it all the more easy to use, even for individuals new to this process.
While using this product, the most notable feature that stood out was its compatibility with numerous vehicles, owing to the multiple adapter sizes it comes with. This meant it was versatile and suited to varied needs across different vehicle models. However, one aspect that could be improved upon is the seal quality of the built-in caps. A few users reported leakages, which might require extra caution or even a separate cap purchase.
Overall, the Interdynamics Certified AC Pro Car Air Conditioner is a well-rounded product, benefiting from its versatility, ease of use, and the detailed instruction provided with it. Its positive customer reviews, as evidenced by its 4.5-star rating, further attest to its efficiency in fulfilling its purpose.
However, it's essential to note that these results vary from vehicle to vehicle, so thorough research and potentially seeking expert advice might be necessary for the optimal use of this product. Despite this limitation, the AC Pro Car Air Conditioner stands out as a reliable and efficient tool for anyone looking to retrofit their vehicle's air conditioning system.

Buyer's Guide




1. What is an AC Recharge Kit?

An AC Recharge Kit is a device designed to refill the refrigerant gas in a vehicle's air conditioning system, which may be lost over time due to leaks or normal usage. It helps restore cooling performance and improve overall comfort inside the vehicle.

2. Can I use an AC Recharge Kit on any vehicle?

Yes, but it's crucial to choose the correct kit compatible with your vehicle's make and model. Always refer to your vehicle's manual or consult with a professional technician to ensure proper usage and compatibility.

3. How often should I recharge my vehicle's AC system?

Typically, you won't need to recharge your vehicle's AC system more than once every couple of years or so. However, this depends on factors such as driving habits, climate, and overall system maintenance. If your AC performance deteriorates, it might be time for a recharge.


4. Are there any safety precautions I should take when using an AC Recharge Kit?

  1. Ensure that you wear gloves and safety goggles to protect your hands and eyes during the process.
  2. Make sure your vehicle's engine is turned off and the air conditioning system is inoperative to prevent any gas leakage or electrical hazards.
  3. Follow the instructions provided with the kit carefully to avoid damaging your vehicle's AC system or causing harm to yourself.

5. How do I know if I need to recharge my vehicle's AC system professionally?

If you're unable to complete the recharge process yourself or suspect there might be a more severe issue (e. g. , a major leak), it's best to seek professional assistance. A trained technician can accurately diagnose and address any problems with your vehicle's AC system.

6. Can I recharge my vehicle's AC system myself, or do I need a professional?

While some individuals may feel confident recharging their vehicle's AC system on their own, it's essential to have a basic understanding of the process and follow all safety precautions. If you're unsure about your ability to recharge your AC system safely and effectively, it's recommended to consult a professional technician.

7. What should I do if I discover a leak in my vehicle's AC system?

If you suspect a leak in your vehicle's AC system, it's best to stop using the air conditioning and schedule an appointment with a qualified technician to inspect and repair the issue. Using an AC Recharge Kit on a leaking system can lead to further damage and may be ineffective in restoring proper cooling performance.

8. How much refrigerant gas should be added during an AC recharge?

The exact amount of refrigerant gas required for an AC recharge depends on your vehicle's make and model. Always refer to your vehicle's manual or consult with a professional technician for accurate guidance on the specific quantity needed.
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2024.06.02 07:48 GuiltlessMaple Best A2 Handguard

Welcome to our comprehensive review article featuring the latest and greatest in A2 Handguards. In this roundup, we will be taking a closer look at some of the top products on the market and sharing our insights on their features, performance, and overall value. Join us as we explore the world of A2 Handguards and help you make an informed decision on which one suits you best.

The Top 18 Best A2 Handguard

  1. Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance - Experience optimal strength and stability with the Aero Precision Atlas S-One Handguard, featuring Aero's Taper Lock Attachment System in a sleek, lightweight design for your AR-15 setup.
  2. Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard - Midwest Industries' Night Fighter M-lok Handguard provides a sleek and durable design for your AR15, with a black finish and MI-NF10 compatibility.
  3. Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles - Experience ultimate precision with the Midwest Industries Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard, meticulously designed for AR rifles and backed by its exceptional quality and reliability.
  4. Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology - Enhance your precision and durability with Mission First Tactical's MFT Extreme Duty 10" MLOK Carbine Rail System, featuring an anti-rotation technology, IR anti-reflective coating, ultra streamlined appearance, and a steel non-timing barrel nut.
  5. Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard - Experience unparalleled durability and adaptability with the Strike Industries Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE handguard, designed for avid shooters of all skill levels.
  6. Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish - Experience the perfect match with the Q QSERT Handguard - The Fix 15", seamlessly combining top-notch compatibility and innovation for your ultimate handgun enhancement.
  7. Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection - Touratech DEFENSA Handguards offer robust protection and comfort for your bike's levers in a lightweight, durable design, featuring a modern matte finish and various customization options.
  8. Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard - Experience the sleek and durable design of Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Handguard, now in black, perfect for enhancing your firearm's performance.
  9. Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green) - Protect your ride with Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, featuring advanced 'Bright Durable Polypropylene' technology for unbeatable color and durability, tailored specifically for Enduro races.
  10. UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector - UFO Ho03638-001 Handguard Black: High-quality, authentic replica handguard in black, offering durability, Italian craftsmanship, and easy installation.
  11. Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection - JFG Racing Motorcycle Aluminum Hand Guards provide ultimate hand protection, reduce fatigue, and fit all handlebars.
  12. UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile - Experience superior handling with the UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard, featuring a custom fit for AR15s, lightweight construction, and a continuous mounting platform.
  13. MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches - Experience the top-rated MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK for your AR-15 carbine, featuring a durable black finish and A2 handguard, backed by a solid 5.0 rating and two positive reviews.
  14. Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability - The Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, with its lightweight yet sturdy design, features four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels, making it the perfect choice for mounting scopes and accessories on your 1913 mil-spec firearms.
  15. Midwest Forearm 2-Piece Drop-In Gen2 Handguard - Durable and lightweight, the Midwest Industries Gen2 Two Piece Drop-In Mid-Length Handguard is a reliable choice for any gun, featuring four anti-rotation QD sockets and high quality 1913 mil-spec rails.
  16. AR-15 Foundation Handguard for Rigid Accessory Mounting - Bowden Tactical's J23007 Foundation Handguard offers a 1.3-inch I.D., MAGPUL-compatible MLok slots, and a robust 4140 steel barrel nut for exceptional durability and accessory compatibility in your AR10 & AR15 builds.
  17. The Fix 11" Anodized A2 Handguard - Upgrade your weapon with the sleek and durable Q QSERT Handguard The Fix, perfect for A2 Handguards and featuring The Fix's innovative Q SERT mounting solution.
  18. Probend A2 Handguard Bar Pack - Enduro-Style Protection - Experience unparalleled protection and comfort with the high-quality, injection-molded Cycra Probend handguards, featuring integrated composite bumpers and CNC-machined 6061 billet aluminum Probend bars.
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🔗Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance

I recently gave the Aero AR15 Atlas S-One a spin, and let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. The slim profile of this handguard makes it a great choice for those who prioritize size and weight. It packs a punch when it comes to strength and stability thanks to Aero's durable Atlas attachment system.
And let me tell you, the Aero Taper Lock Attachment System (ATLAS) is both functional and visually stunning. The mirrored tapered locking nuts evenly distribute the clamping pressure, and the ratcheting detent makes the design secure while providing a positive registration during installation. Oh, and those hardware mounting parts? .
They're included, which makes life all the more convenient. Overall, it's a winner in the looks department and certainly does its job.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard

The Midwest Industries Night Fighter handguard is a sleek and durable accessory for your firearm. I've been using it for a few months now, and it definitely fits the bill. This handguard adds an extra layer of grip, making my firearm even more comfortable to handle in different environments. The black finish not only looks striking but also provides protection against wear and tear.
However, I did face some minor issues recently, like the occasional loosening of the attachments after continuous use. But overall, this product has proven to be quite reliable. Using it with my AR-15 felt smooth and seamless, with no discomfort or hindrance in my shooting experience. For someone who's looking for a tactical and handy attachment, this M-lok handguard is worth considering.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles

As a seasoned shooter, I can hardly imagine finding a better handguard for my AR rifle than the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25". This sturdy product not only adds a striking aesthetics but it also serves the essential purpose of keeping my AR rifle safe and secure, especially during nighttime operations.
I particularly appreciate its durability, attributed to its high-quality construction featuring M-lok technology. The design is thought well, ensuring a perfect fit and impeccable balance for my AR rifle. However, I must admit, it weighs a bit more than anticipated, which makes handling slightly challenging at times.
One negative experience I had was when I tried to assemble it all by myself and struggled a bit in the beginning. However, once I got the hang of it, it started to make sense.
Overall, while it may not be the lightest tool in the shed, the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" provides a secure hold to my AR rifle. I would recommend it to someone with a knack for tactical rifle gear.

🔗Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology

As someone who's had the chance to use the Mission First Tactical Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System, I must say - it's a game-changer for AR-15 enthusiasts. This 7-sided M-LOK rail system is sleek and stylish, with an anti-rotation tech that makes it incredibly dependable.
The anti-reflective coating is a thoughtful feature, reducing glares and reflections that could be a nuisance in various lighting conditions. The steel non-timing barrel nut adds durability to the mix, and the ultra-streamlined appearance just seals the deal.
Of course, like any product out there, it's not perfect. The only downside I noticed was the need for some minor adjustments during assembly, which might be a bit of a hassle for first-time users. But overall, this MFT Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System is a reliable and stylish addition to any AR-15 setup.

🔗Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard

Just recently, I had the chance to give the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE a try, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. This handguard, crafted by the skilled team at Strike Industries, is designed to stand the test of time, thanks to its top-notch components.
During my time with the rail, I found myself impressed by the sturdiness and precision it offered. The MLOK system was particularly noteworthy, providing a secure and streamlined connection to my firearm. On the downside, I did notice that, despite its durability, the rail could be heavier than some other options on the market.
Overall, the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE proved to be a reliable addition to my arsenal. Its robust construction and user-friendly design make it a solid choice for shooters of all skill levels.

🔗Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish

As I delved into using the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15", I was impressed by how seamlessly it compatible with the Fix system made by the same brand. The sleek black anodized finish perfectly matched my firearm's aesthetic, making it a stylish addition that blended in well.
However, I did encounter a few minor hiccups during the attachment process. It wasn't as straightforward as I had hoped, which resulted in some frustration at first. On the bright side, the sturdy construction of the handguard provided a strong grip, offering a great improvement to my firearm's stability.
In conclusion, the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15" proved to be an adequate solution for someone looking to upgrade their grip while maintaining their firearm's elegant appearance. With time and patience, it could be a great addition to your arsenal, but don't expect it to be a walk in the park.

🔗Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection

I recently tried the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars for my KTM/Husqvarna. This handguard gave me a sense of security on my rides, providing durable protection for both my levers and myself. The high-strength aircraft-grade aluminum exoskeleton structure was forged for maximum impact resistance, making it a reliable choice. Plus, the sleek, textured matte finish complemented the modern angular design, giving the bars a stylish touch.
On the other hand, I found that the plastic shields could be more securely attached. Sometimes they would slide out of place, which was inconvenient during my rides. However, the optional integrated plastic shield structure, known as Defensa Expedition, did provide added protection and comfort. This feature was definitely a highlight, as it shielded me from rain and cold air on cooler rides.
Overall, the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars provided me with a balance of protection and style, making them a solid choice for adventure motorcyclists.

🔗Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard

The Samson SXT 9" M-LOK handguard is a sleek and sturdy addition to any firearm. It seamlessly attaches to the gun's barrel, thanks to the M-LOK system, and gives the gun a modern touch. The black finish complements any gun it's mounted on, giving it a professional and tactical look.
One of the things that really stood out to me during my experience with this product was its ability to stay secure even when facing recoil. I've had other handguards slip or loosen during firing, but not this one. It just stays put, firmly attached to the gun.
On the downside, I did notice that it's not as lightweight as some other options out there. Its sturdiness comes at a cost, I guess you could say. But overall, I think it's a small price to pay for the added security and durability it provides.
In summary, if you're looking for a reliable and sturdy handguard that can withstand a good amount of wear and tear, the Samson SXT 9" M-LOK is definitely worth considering. It may not be the lightest option on the market, but its solid construction and M-LOK system make it a great choice for those who value security and stability.

🔗Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green)

The Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, a Green gem designed for motocross enthusiasts, has become a staple for those seeking tough and reliable protection. Handcrafted with their patented Bright Durable Polypropylene technology, this bad boy boasts impressive durability, color retention, and UV ray resistance. The bolt holes are perfectly pre-drilled for the ultimate fit. The plastic pieces feature a high gloss finish and an on-target color palette that truly captures the soul of the original part.
However, installation isn't quite a walk in the park. You'll need to get crafty with drilling accelerator tubes and ensuring a snug fit that won't interfere with your controls. Radial master cylinders and ASV clutches may struggle with the tight fit, raising concerns for potential pinching and seizing. In the end, though, this protective handguard excels in offering robust protection against those inevitable spills, even if it takes some elbow grease to make it work.

🔗UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector

I recently had the chance to try out the UFO Handguard, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. First of all, I was drawn to its original factory shape, which matched the look of the genuine model perfectly. It blends seamlessly with the rest of my gun setup.
The durability of this handguard was a pleasant surprise. I took it for a spin off-road, and it held up like a charm. UFO's use of high-quality plastics produced in Italy definitely paid off.
Another thing I appreciated was the wide range of colors available. While I opted for the classic black, I've seen photos of others in vibrant hues that really make their guns stand out.
The installation process was a breeze, too. The plastics are drilled ready for easy mounting, and the flex and lightweight design made it feel incredibly comfortable while in use. With the 100% Made in Italy guarantee since 1977, I had no doubts about the longevity and performance of this handguard.
A quick note though: the images provided are more of a suggestion rather than a perfect representation of the actual product. But overall, my experience with the UFO Handguard has been top-notch. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade their gun setup.

🔗Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection

I had the opportunity to try out these JFG Racing Motorcycle Universal Handguards a couple of weeks ago, and I must say, they've been a game-changer for me. Riding off-road ATVs always comes with its fair share of hazards, and these handguards have been a lifesaver in protecting my hands from brush, rocks, mud, and cold wind.
The combination of PP Plastic and Aluminum Alloy used in making these handguards brings a robustness that I've never come across in other handguards I've tried in the past. They offer a substantial shield, giving me the confidence I need when tackling the roughest terrains.
One of the best things about these handguards is the extra room they provide. It's been a blessing for me, allowing easy access to brake cables and other devices without having to worry about cramming them in.
However, despite all the positives, there is one drawback I've observed. They aren't as streamlined as I'd like them to be. While protection is vital, aerodynamics have their importance, and the added bulk to these handguards does make a difference, albeit slightly.
Overall, with their robust design, ample space for additional devices, and their effective protection against off-road elements, these JFG Racing Handguards make a compelling choice for any adrenaline junkie out there.

🔗UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile

The UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard is a must-have for your AR15, fitting seamlessly with standard delta ring assembly, barrel nut, and round handguard cap. Its lightweight, slim tubular profile offers improved handling and a top rail that extends to the upper receiver provides a continuous mounting platform.
The removable two 2-Slot and two 4-Slot rail sections allow for customization at various 3, 6, and 9 O'clock positions, while precision machining from aircraft aluminum and black anodizing ensures durability and a sleek finish. The simple installation process makes it easy to upgrade your AR15 without the need for gunsmithing.
The positive reviews from users highlight the product's value, ease of installation, and impressive features, making it an outstanding choice for anyone looking to enhance their AR15 experience.

🔗MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches

The MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK has been my trusty companion for the past six months as I've been enjoying my time at the range. The anti-rotating tabs have provided a secure and steady grip, ensuring that my rifle remains sturdy and aligned. Its sleek, black finish has never failed to impress and has added a touch of class to my setup.
One downside I've noticed is that it's somewhat heavier than the standard A2 handguard, but the modularity offered by the M-Lok system has been a lifesaver. The ability to switch out attachments has provided me with the freedom to customize my rifle to suit my preferences.
Overall, I've been quite pleased with my experience using this handguard. The combination of its durability, aesthetics, and flexibility has made it a reliable and essential piece of my gear.

🔗Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability

I recently had the chance to try out the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, and I must say, it has become a solid addition to my daily carry kit. The Gen2 design with four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels is quite impressive and has made switching between accessories a breeze.
One of the most noteworthy features that I appreciated was the incredibly lightweight construction while maintaining a robust lock-up, thanks to its monolithic continuous top rail. It has allowed me to mount scopes effortlessly and has made the overall experience incredibly smooth.
The high-quality 1913 mil. spec rails, T-marked for location, are a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into this handguard. Constructed from 6061 aluminum with a hard coat anodized finish, it has held up exceptionally well and continues to look as good as new even after prolonged use.
Compatibility-wise, the G2 Drop-In Handguard has proven to be versatile, working seamlessly with most gas piston systems. The 100% Made in the USA aspect also adds a nice touch of authenticity to the product.
While there were no significant cons during my experience, I did find the installation process to be somewhat tricky, which might be a cause for concern for some users.
Overall, the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, durable, and adaptable handguard for their firearms.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for A2 Handguards. In this section, we will cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an A2 Handguard for your firearm.


A2 Handguards are typically made from durable materials such as aluminum, polymer, or carbon fiber. These materials offer different levels of strength, weight, and heat resistance. Consider the environment in which the handguard will be used, and choose a material that suits your needs best. For example, aluminum handguards might be a good choice if you'll be using the firearm in a damp or humid environment, as they are less prone to corrosion compared to polymer.

Size and Compatibility

Make sure to check the size and compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase. A handguard that is too small may not provide adequate support, while a handguard that is too large could interfere with your ability to use the firearm comfortably. Some A2 Handguards are designed for specific models or calibers, so be sure to choose the appropriate handguard for your firearm.

Design and Aesthetics

Aesthetics play a role in the overall look and feel of your firearm. Consider the style and design of the handguard, keeping in mind factors such as the material, texture, and any additional features, such as integrated slings or rail systems. Choose a design that not only looks good but also functions well for your needs.


Installation and Maintenance

Ease of installation and maintenance can greatly impact your overall satisfaction with the A2 Handguard. Look for handguards that come with clear installation instructions and are compatible with your existing mounting system, such as Picatinny or Weaver rails. Additionally, consider the overall durability of the handguard and the ease of cleaning or replacing components if needed.


Lastly, consider your budget when selecting an A2 Handguard. There are handguards available at various price points, with different features and materials. Determine the balance between cost and functionality that best suits your needs.
Choosing the right A2 Handguard can greatly enhance your firearm's performance and comfort. By considering factors such as materials, compatibility, design, installation, maintenance, and budget, you can make an informed decision and find a handguard that meets your specific needs.



What is an A2 Handguard?

The A2 Handguard is a type of mounting system designed specifically for firearms. It provides a secure and sturdy platform for attaching equipment, such as tactical lights, laser sights, and bipods, to the firearm.

What is the difference between an A2 Handguard and other handguards?

Other handguards may differ in design, materials, and features such as rail systems, weight, and compatibility with specific firearms. The A2 Handguard is made for specific firearms, ensuring a proper fit and optimal functionality. Make sure to check the compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase.


What are some of the benefits of using an A2 Handguard?

Is an A2 Handguard easy to install?

Yes, an A2 Handguard is generally easy to install, as most of them come with detailed instructions. However, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and use the appropriate tools to ensure a proper installation.

What materials are A2 Handguards made from?

A2 Handguards can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, polymer, or a combination of both. The choice of material depends on the desired weight, durability, and appearance of the handguard.

Are A2 Handguards compatible with different firearm models?

While A2 Handguards are primarily designed for specific firearms, there might be some compatibility issues with aftermarket accessories or customizations. Make sure to check the manufacturer's compatibility guidelines before purchasing.

How do I clean and maintain an A2 Handguard?

To clean and maintain your A2 Handguard, use a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive materials, which can damage the finish. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the life of your handguard and keep it looking great.
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2024.06.02 07:48 GuiltlessMaple Best A2 Handguard

Best A2 Handguard

Welcome to our comprehensive review article featuring the latest and greatest in A2 Handguards. In this roundup, we will be taking a closer look at some of the top products on the market and sharing our insights on their features, performance, and overall value. Join us as we explore the world of A2 Handguards and help you make an informed decision on which one suits you best.

The Top 18 Best A2 Handguard

  1. Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance - Experience optimal strength and stability with the Aero Precision Atlas S-One Handguard, featuring Aero's Taper Lock Attachment System in a sleek, lightweight design for your AR-15 setup.
  2. Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard - Midwest Industries' Night Fighter M-lok Handguard provides a sleek and durable design for your AR15, with a black finish and MI-NF10 compatibility.
  3. Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles - Experience ultimate precision with the Midwest Industries Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard, meticulously designed for AR rifles and backed by its exceptional quality and reliability.
  4. Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology - Enhance your precision and durability with Mission First Tactical's MFT Extreme Duty 10" MLOK Carbine Rail System, featuring an anti-rotation technology, IR anti-reflective coating, ultra streamlined appearance, and a steel non-timing barrel nut.
  5. Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard - Experience unparalleled durability and adaptability with the Strike Industries Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE handguard, designed for avid shooters of all skill levels.
  6. Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish - Experience the perfect match with the Q QSERT Handguard - The Fix 15", seamlessly combining top-notch compatibility and innovation for your ultimate handgun enhancement.
  7. Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection - Touratech DEFENSA Handguards offer robust protection and comfort for your bike's levers in a lightweight, durable design, featuring a modern matte finish and various customization options.
  8. Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard - Experience the sleek and durable design of Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Handguard, now in black, perfect for enhancing your firearm's performance.
  9. Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green) - Protect your ride with Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, featuring advanced 'Bright Durable Polypropylene' technology for unbeatable color and durability, tailored specifically for Enduro races.
  10. UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector - UFO Ho03638-001 Handguard Black: High-quality, authentic replica handguard in black, offering durability, Italian craftsmanship, and easy installation.
  11. Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection - JFG Racing Motorcycle Aluminum Hand Guards provide ultimate hand protection, reduce fatigue, and fit all handlebars.
  12. UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile - Experience superior handling with the UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard, featuring a custom fit for AR15s, lightweight construction, and a continuous mounting platform.
  13. MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches - Experience the top-rated MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK for your AR-15 carbine, featuring a durable black finish and A2 handguard, backed by a solid 5.0 rating and two positive reviews.
  14. Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability - The Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, with its lightweight yet sturdy design, features four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels, making it the perfect choice for mounting scopes and accessories on your 1913 mil-spec firearms.
  15. Midwest Forearm 2-Piece Drop-In Gen2 Handguard - Durable and lightweight, the Midwest Industries Gen2 Two Piece Drop-In Mid-Length Handguard is a reliable choice for any gun, featuring four anti-rotation QD sockets and high quality 1913 mil-spec rails.
  16. AR-15 Foundation Handguard for Rigid Accessory Mounting - Bowden Tactical's J23007 Foundation Handguard offers a 1.3-inch I.D., MAGPUL-compatible MLok slots, and a robust 4140 steel barrel nut for exceptional durability and accessory compatibility in your AR10 & AR15 builds.
  17. The Fix 11" Anodized A2 Handguard - Upgrade your weapon with the sleek and durable Q QSERT Handguard The Fix, perfect for A2 Handguards and featuring The Fix's innovative Q SERT mounting solution.
  18. Probend A2 Handguard Bar Pack - Enduro-Style Protection - Experience unparalleled protection and comfort with the high-quality, injection-molded Cycra Probend handguards, featuring integrated composite bumpers and CNC-machined 6061 billet aluminum Probend bars.
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🔗Durable AR-15 Atlas S-One Handguard for Enhanced Performance

I recently gave the Aero AR15 Atlas S-One a spin, and let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. The slim profile of this handguard makes it a great choice for those who prioritize size and weight. It packs a punch when it comes to strength and stability thanks to Aero's durable Atlas attachment system.
And let me tell you, the Aero Taper Lock Attachment System (ATLAS) is both functional and visually stunning. The mirrored tapered locking nuts evenly distribute the clamping pressure, and the ratcheting detent makes the design secure while providing a positive registration during installation. Oh, and those hardware mounting parts? .
They're included, which makes life all the more convenient. Overall, it's a winner in the looks department and certainly does its job.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter M-lok, Fits AR-15, Black Handguard

The Midwest Industries Night Fighter handguard is a sleek and durable accessory for your firearm. I've been using it for a few months now, and it definitely fits the bill. This handguard adds an extra layer of grip, making my firearm even more comfortable to handle in different environments. The black finish not only looks striking but also provides protection against wear and tear.
However, I did face some minor issues recently, like the occasional loosening of the attachments after continuous use. But overall, this product has proven to be quite reliable. Using it with my AR-15 felt smooth and seamless, with no discomfort or hindrance in my shooting experience. For someone who's looking for a tactical and handy attachment, this M-lok handguard is worth considering.

🔗Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" Handguard for AR Rifles

As a seasoned shooter, I can hardly imagine finding a better handguard for my AR rifle than the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25". This sturdy product not only adds a striking aesthetics but it also serves the essential purpose of keeping my AR rifle safe and secure, especially during nighttime operations.
I particularly appreciate its durability, attributed to its high-quality construction featuring M-lok technology. The design is thought well, ensuring a perfect fit and impeccable balance for my AR rifle. However, I must admit, it weighs a bit more than anticipated, which makes handling slightly challenging at times.
One negative experience I had was when I tried to assemble it all by myself and struggled a bit in the beginning. However, once I got the hang of it, it started to make sense.
Overall, while it may not be the lightest tool in the shed, the Midwest Night Fighter 9.25" provides a secure hold to my AR rifle. I would recommend it to someone with a knack for tactical rifle gear.

🔗Premium Carbine AR-15 MLOK Rail System with Anti-Rotation Technology

As someone who's had the chance to use the Mission First Tactical Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System, I must say - it's a game-changer for AR-15 enthusiasts. This 7-sided M-LOK rail system is sleek and stylish, with an anti-rotation tech that makes it incredibly dependable.
The anti-reflective coating is a thoughtful feature, reducing glares and reflections that could be a nuisance in various lighting conditions. The steel non-timing barrel nut adds durability to the mix, and the ultra-streamlined appearance just seals the deal.
Of course, like any product out there, it's not perfect. The only downside I noticed was the need for some minor adjustments during assembly, which might be a bit of a hassle for first-time users. But overall, this MFT Extreme Duty Carbine Rail System is a reliable and stylish addition to any AR-15 setup.

🔗Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE Handguard

Just recently, I had the chance to give the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE a try, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. This handguard, crafted by the skilled team at Strike Industries, is designed to stand the test of time, thanks to its top-notch components.
During my time with the rail, I found myself impressed by the sturdiness and precision it offered. The MLOK system was particularly noteworthy, providing a secure and streamlined connection to my firearm. On the downside, I did notice that, despite its durability, the rail could be heavier than some other options on the market.
Overall, the Strike MLOK Rail 13.5 FDE proved to be a reliable addition to my arsenal. Its robust construction and user-friendly design make it a solid choice for shooters of all skill levels.

🔗Blackhawk Handguard Fix 15" Anodized Finish

As I delved into using the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15", I was impressed by how seamlessly it compatible with the Fix system made by the same brand. The sleek black anodized finish perfectly matched my firearm's aesthetic, making it a stylish addition that blended in well.
However, I did encounter a few minor hiccups during the attachment process. It wasn't as straightforward as I had hoped, which resulted in some frustration at first. On the bright side, the sturdy construction of the handguard provided a strong grip, offering a great improvement to my firearm's stability.
In conclusion, the Q SERT Handguard The Fix 15" proved to be an adequate solution for someone looking to upgrade their grip while maintaining their firearm's elegant appearance. With time and patience, it could be a great addition to your arsenal, but don't expect it to be a walk in the park.

🔗Stylish Blackhawk Handguard for Motorcycle Protection

I recently tried the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars for my KTM/Husqvarna. This handguard gave me a sense of security on my rides, providing durable protection for both my levers and myself. The high-strength aircraft-grade aluminum exoskeleton structure was forged for maximum impact resistance, making it a reliable choice. Plus, the sleek, textured matte finish complemented the modern angular design, giving the bars a stylish touch.
On the other hand, I found that the plastic shields could be more securely attached. Sometimes they would slide out of place, which was inconvenient during my rides. However, the optional integrated plastic shield structure, known as Defensa Expedition, did provide added protection and comfort. This feature was definitely a highlight, as it shielded me from rain and cold air on cooler rides.
Overall, the Touratech Defensa Silver Handguard Bars provided me with a balance of protection and style, making them a solid choice for adventure motorcyclists.

🔗Samson SXT 9" M-LOK Precision Handguard

The Samson SXT 9" M-LOK handguard is a sleek and sturdy addition to any firearm. It seamlessly attaches to the gun's barrel, thanks to the M-LOK system, and gives the gun a modern touch. The black finish complements any gun it's mounted on, giving it a professional and tactical look.
One of the things that really stood out to me during my experience with this product was its ability to stay secure even when facing recoil. I've had other handguards slip or loosen during firing, but not this one. It just stays put, firmly attached to the gun.
On the downside, I did notice that it's not as lightweight as some other options out there. Its sturdiness comes at a cost, I guess you could say. But overall, I think it's a small price to pay for the added security and durability it provides.
In summary, if you're looking for a reliable and sturdy handguard that can withstand a good amount of wear and tear, the Samson SXT 9" M-LOK is definitely worth considering. It may not be the lightest option on the market, but its solid construction and M-LOK system make it a great choice for those who value security and stability.

🔗Durable Enduro Handguard Kit - Polisport Touquet (Green)

The Polisport Touquet Handguard Kit, a Green gem designed for motocross enthusiasts, has become a staple for those seeking tough and reliable protection. Handcrafted with their patented Bright Durable Polypropylene technology, this bad boy boasts impressive durability, color retention, and UV ray resistance. The bolt holes are perfectly pre-drilled for the ultimate fit. The plastic pieces feature a high gloss finish and an on-target color palette that truly captures the soul of the original part.
However, installation isn't quite a walk in the park. You'll need to get crafty with drilling accelerator tubes and ensuring a snug fit that won't interfere with your controls. Radial master cylinders and ASV clutches may struggle with the tight fit, raising concerns for potential pinching and seizing. In the end, though, this protective handguard excels in offering robust protection against those inevitable spills, even if it takes some elbow grease to make it work.

🔗UFO Handguard Black - High-Quality and Durable Off-Road Plastic Protector

I recently had the chance to try out the UFO Handguard, and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations. First of all, I was drawn to its original factory shape, which matched the look of the genuine model perfectly. It blends seamlessly with the rest of my gun setup.
The durability of this handguard was a pleasant surprise. I took it for a spin off-road, and it held up like a charm. UFO's use of high-quality plastics produced in Italy definitely paid off.
Another thing I appreciated was the wide range of colors available. While I opted for the classic black, I've seen photos of others in vibrant hues that really make their guns stand out.
The installation process was a breeze, too. The plastics are drilled ready for easy mounting, and the flex and lightweight design made it feel incredibly comfortable while in use. With the 100% Made in Italy guarantee since 1977, I had no doubts about the longevity and performance of this handguard.
A quick note though: the images provided are more of a suggestion rather than a perfect representation of the actual product. But overall, my experience with the UFO Handguard has been top-notch. Highly recommended for anyone looking to upgrade their gun setup.

🔗Universal Handguard for Motocross and ATV Protection

I had the opportunity to try out these JFG Racing Motorcycle Universal Handguards a couple of weeks ago, and I must say, they've been a game-changer for me. Riding off-road ATVs always comes with its fair share of hazards, and these handguards have been a lifesaver in protecting my hands from brush, rocks, mud, and cold wind.
The combination of PP Plastic and Aluminum Alloy used in making these handguards brings a robustness that I've never come across in other handguards I've tried in the past. They offer a substantial shield, giving me the confidence I need when tackling the roughest terrains.
One of the best things about these handguards is the extra room they provide. It's been a blessing for me, allowing easy access to brake cables and other devices without having to worry about cramming them in.
However, despite all the positives, there is one drawback I've observed. They aren't as streamlined as I'd like them to be. While protection is vital, aerodynamics have their importance, and the added bulk to these handguards does make a difference, albeit slightly.
Overall, with their robust design, ample space for additional devices, and their effective protection against off-road elements, these JFG Racing Handguards make a compelling choice for any adrenaline junkie out there.

🔗UTG Pro Model AR-15 Super Slim A2 Handguard - Lightweight & Slim Tubular Profile

The UTG Pro Model 4/15 Car Length Super Slim Drop-in Handguard is a must-have for your AR15, fitting seamlessly with standard delta ring assembly, barrel nut, and round handguard cap. Its lightweight, slim tubular profile offers improved handling and a top rail that extends to the upper receiver provides a continuous mounting platform.
The removable two 2-Slot and two 4-Slot rail sections allow for customization at various 3, 6, and 9 O'clock positions, while precision machining from aircraft aluminum and black anodizing ensures durability and a sleek finish. The simple installation process makes it easy to upgrade your AR15 without the need for gunsmithing.
The positive reviews from users highlight the product's value, ease of installation, and impressive features, making it an outstanding choice for anyone looking to enhance their AR15 experience.

🔗MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK AR-15 A2 Handguard - 18 Inches

The MFT EXT Duty Free Flt RL MLOK has been my trusty companion for the past six months as I've been enjoying my time at the range. The anti-rotating tabs have provided a secure and steady grip, ensuring that my rifle remains sturdy and aligned. Its sleek, black finish has never failed to impress and has added a touch of class to my setup.
One downside I've noticed is that it's somewhat heavier than the standard A2 handguard, but the modularity offered by the M-Lok system has been a lifesaver. The ability to switch out attachments has provided me with the freedom to customize my rifle to suit my preferences.
Overall, I've been quite pleased with my experience using this handguard. The combination of its durability, aesthetics, and flexibility has made it a reliable and essential piece of my gear.

🔗Mil-Spec A2 Handguard for Optimal Stability and Durability

I recently had the chance to try out the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard, and I must say, it has become a solid addition to my daily carry kit. The Gen2 design with four anti-rotation QD sockets for push-button swivels is quite impressive and has made switching between accessories a breeze.
One of the most noteworthy features that I appreciated was the incredibly lightweight construction while maintaining a robust lock-up, thanks to its monolithic continuous top rail. It has allowed me to mount scopes effortlessly and has made the overall experience incredibly smooth.
The high-quality 1913 mil. spec rails, T-marked for location, are a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into this handguard. Constructed from 6061 aluminum with a hard coat anodized finish, it has held up exceptionally well and continues to look as good as new even after prolonged use.
Compatibility-wise, the G2 Drop-In Handguard has proven to be versatile, working seamlessly with most gas piston systems. The 100% Made in the USA aspect also adds a nice touch of authenticity to the product.
While there were no significant cons during my experience, I did find the installation process to be somewhat tricky, which might be a cause for concern for some users.
Overall, the Midwest Industries G2 Drop-In Handguard is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, durable, and adaptable handguard for their firearms.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide for A2 Handguards. In this section, we will cover important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision when purchasing an A2 Handguard for your firearm.


A2 Handguards are typically made from durable materials such as aluminum, polymer, or carbon fiber. These materials offer different levels of strength, weight, and heat resistance. Consider the environment in which the handguard will be used, and choose a material that suits your needs best. For example, aluminum handguards might be a good choice if you'll be using the firearm in a damp or humid environment, as they are less prone to corrosion compared to polymer.

Size and Compatibility

Make sure to check the size and compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase. A handguard that is too small may not provide adequate support, while a handguard that is too large could interfere with your ability to use the firearm comfortably. Some A2 Handguards are designed for specific models or calibers, so be sure to choose the appropriate handguard for your firearm.

Design and Aesthetics

Aesthetics play a role in the overall look and feel of your firearm. Consider the style and design of the handguard, keeping in mind factors such as the material, texture, and any additional features, such as integrated slings or rail systems. Choose a design that not only looks good but also functions well for your needs.


Installation and Maintenance

Ease of installation and maintenance can greatly impact your overall satisfaction with the A2 Handguard. Look for handguards that come with clear installation instructions and are compatible with your existing mounting system, such as Picatinny or Weaver rails. Additionally, consider the overall durability of the handguard and the ease of cleaning or replacing components if needed.


Lastly, consider your budget when selecting an A2 Handguard. There are handguards available at various price points, with different features and materials. Determine the balance between cost and functionality that best suits your needs.
Choosing the right A2 Handguard can greatly enhance your firearm's performance and comfort. By considering factors such as materials, compatibility, design, installation, maintenance, and budget, you can make an informed decision and find a handguard that meets your specific needs.



What is an A2 Handguard?

The A2 Handguard is a type of mounting system designed specifically for firearms. It provides a secure and sturdy platform for attaching equipment, such as tactical lights, laser sights, and bipods, to the firearm.

What is the difference between an A2 Handguard and other handguards?

Other handguards may differ in design, materials, and features such as rail systems, weight, and compatibility with specific firearms. The A2 Handguard is made for specific firearms, ensuring a proper fit and optimal functionality. Make sure to check the compatibility of the handguard with your firearm before making a purchase.


What are some of the benefits of using an A2 Handguard?

  • Additional mounting points for attaching tactical equipment
  • Secure and sturdy platform for your equipment
  • Easy to install and remove
  • Improved ergonomics for better grip and control

Is an A2 Handguard easy to install?

Yes, an A2 Handguard is generally easy to install, as most of them come with detailed instructions. However, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and use the appropriate tools to ensure a proper installation.

What materials are A2 Handguards made from?

A2 Handguards can be made from various materials, such as aluminum, polymer, or a combination of both. The choice of material depends on the desired weight, durability, and appearance of the handguard.

Are A2 Handguards compatible with different firearm models?

While A2 Handguards are primarily designed for specific firearms, there might be some compatibility issues with aftermarket accessories or customizations. Make sure to check the manufacturer's compatibility guidelines before purchasing.

How do I clean and maintain an A2 Handguard?

To clean and maintain your A2 Handguard, use a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution. Avoid using abrasive materials, which can damage the finish. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the life of your handguard and keep it looking great.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]
