Ruler in cm/mm on a worksheet

r/Tropico: Vote El Presidente or Else

2011.07.11 08:35 XmarkstheNOLA r/Tropico: Vote El Presidente or Else


2013.01.29 00:24 aelendel Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

Dedicated to identifying mysterious rocks and minerals.

2009.02.23 00:05 Maskawanian /r/winnipeg

Honey Dill for the Soul

2024.03.31 19:02 HH912 Marantz 6100 new hinge replacement

Marantz 6100 new hinge replacement
Marantz 6100 cover hinge repaireplacement
I have had my new to me marantz for a while but just got around to setting it up and installing it to be my new main table. It’s pretty much mint, but was missing hinges.
I saw a lot of threads looking for new hinges and wanted to share my solution:
On eBay they have these hinges for less than $15 each.
They looked close enough to originals at a fraction of the cost (saw some going for over 85!!), and thought I’d take a chance. The posts fit the cover perfectly! The holes don’t align perfectly, so I mounted it to the two existing that did fit to see how the lid closed, only to find it binding.
I need to go up a little higher. To make sure everything lined up, the easiest approach was to take a ruler across the top of the wire guards and scribe a line just above where the existing holes were (maybe 1/2 a cm?). Then I marked where to drill, and made new holes there. Test fit was good so I drilled a 3rd hole where the top mount of the hinge lined up and boom.. new hinges.
The lid closes well in the front, and only sits a little higher in the rear off of the deck by a few mm. The lid can be removed easily from the hinges since that part is an identical design to the original. Oh - and the screws need to be #4.
submitted by HH912 to turntables [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 19:48 boealrik Neck reset?

Neck reset?
Hi, I am building my first guitar. It is an acoustic martin OM type guitar.
I have a butt-joint neck joint.
Before applying the finish, I decided I wanted to check my guitar.
I put a temporary nut and bridge. I noticed there were severe problems. For insurance all the frets were in tune except for the nut. So I filed the end of the fretboard and the intonation is now perfect.
The neck angle was way off though. When I put a straight ruler on the fretboard, there was a gap greater than 1 cm between the bridge and the ruler.
So I sawed the neck joint and corrected the neck angle, which was easy since I have a butt-joint.
It played almost good. The only problem is that the first fret buzzes. The space between the fretboard and the strings is the smallest at the 12th fret.
The space between the ruler and the bridge is ca. 2-3 mm. And I think over time the string tension is going to correct itself, since I have a poor neck joint.
Should I do a neck reset?
submitted by boealrik to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 19:04 Loremasterivyvine TN x Pocketmod weekly planner

TN x Pocketmod weekly planner
I fell down a Pinterest hole and learned about 'PocketMod's, a system where you fold a paper so you end up with a single 8 page booklet. It boasts being a 100% recyclable planner and 'the most organized peice of paper'. has instructions on how to fold a PocketMod, they even have templetes to help you design and print personal setups. I used the site once, but my printer is a butt so I've found it easier to use a ruler, pen, and x-acto knife.
I've been playing with the concept for a few weeks and i think I've figured out a really solid system.
1.) I find a 7 day planner with 1 page of goals(pic 1), or a 2 page week spread with 6 days(Saturday and Sunday combined) are my prefered setup.
2.) Printer paper will barely last a week, even with a protective cover. Cardstock will let you use fountain pens and markers without too much bleed through freeing up the back/inside for notes, lists, habit tracking(pic 2). Plus the extra thickness helps papebinder clips and tape grip the page without tearing.
3.) Obviously placement of days matter. By starting your week in the center of the PocketMod( spaces 2&3 or 6&7, i call these the 'paddle pages') you can hold the first paddle under an elastic(pic 6) and easily access the inside pages by flipping the other paddle up(pic 8).
4.) Paddle pages are great for stashing extra paper(pic 3). I keep some halved index cards in mine, but business cards and receipts fit too. By taping the very top and bottom of the inside pages (pic 8), the paddle pages can be made secure enough for holding a bit of cash.
The TN cover is just a single peice of cardboard from the back of a paper pad cut to be a bit bigger than my PocketMod. A colored peice of paper is glued on the back, wrapping around to the inside of the cover.
4 holes are pricked in the spine, 2 on the top, 2 on the bottom, each set is placed a few mm from the edge of the cover with about a cm between the holes.
A length of round elastic is run through the holes, and a line of paper tape is placed over the back of the spine to secure the elastic and reinforce the edges( because those holes are waay too close to the edge)
I haven't seen anyone combining these two systems and i've really fallen in love with this. Heck while typing all of this out i realised i can throw an extra note on the second smaller elastic, like an index card folded in half.
I hope i explained this well enough to help someone who is looking for their own system and if i didnt let me know!
submitted by Loremasterivyvine to Travelersnotebooks [link] [comments]

2024.02.06 22:15 DoctorX11 More height calculations: First cursed, then legit.

So I couldn't help but notice when looking for character heights in Undertale that people generally seem fine settling for things like "the average height of a child" or "the average height of a doorframe". I of course could not stand by this, so I went looking for a more definitive point of reference.
Groove Coaster happens to feature music and characters from Undertale, and had a trailer made for it featuring Sans DJing a mix of the soundtrack. He pulls out multiple "CDs", flat and directly next to his head.
Sans wearing oversized \"earmuffs\" holding up a red \"CD\"
If we presume that this is not a Micro CD, we can go with the standard width of 12cm (4.72 inches). The scale of the screenshots just so happens to be 1pixel per mm, so we can just go ahead and draw a ruler across Sans.
The center of the disc cut and compared to the forehead of Sans
This measurement clearly shows that his head is almost exactly the same width as 1.5 CDs (18.1cm or 7.13 inches). Now we can take this battle sprite measurement and apply it to the overworld sprite for an accurate full-body measurement.
Sans has an overworld sprite with a head that is 17 pixels wide. If we divide his head width by 17, we get our definitive pixel length. The result is that each pixel in the overworld represents 1.065cm, and because Sans is 30 pixels tall, he is actually canonically 31.94cm tall, or 1 foot and half an inch. You're welcome.
But let's not kid ourselves, this is probably some bogus comical scaling we see all the time. So it's time for me to get serious. Grr.
Pop'n Music UniLab is another rhythm game! This time we've got human people, and some of these people have canonical height measurements!
Marika Yamagata, 154cm.
Marika is one of the few characters in this game with a canonical height. I chose her to compare with Sans because she is the only one of these with a confirmed height who stands upright.
Sans, canon like you've never seen him before.
Here we can already see what we all suspected; Sans is short.
Marika next to Sans.
In this screenshot resolution, Marika is 216 pixels tall. Knowing 216 pixels = 154 centimeters, we can simplify that to 0.71296296296 cm per pixel. Applying this to all 192 pixels of Sans gives him a meticulously measured approximate height of 136.89cm or 4' 5.89" (I refuse to round up imperial measurements). Congratulations gang, Sans is 4' 5"!
Returning to the overworld's 30 pixel Sans sprite height that we are all familiar with, we can divide his height in centimeters by his height in pixels to get our rough conclusive pixel scale of 4.56cm per pixel, or 1.78 inches per pixel.
Here is the logic being applied to a list of main characters in descending height order:
(Unfortunately because of the disparities between overworld and battle sprite ratios, we have to rely on the lower resolution overworld sprite measurements, and thus there are chunks of height which are now theoretically impossible to measure exactly. Perhaps some other day I'll look into doing something like applying different overworld part measurements and then applying those to the battle sprites for a set of predictions which I could average out. That day is not today.)
Using the condensed formula (((154/216)x192)/30) x Pixels = Height (cm) :
Character Name Pixel Height Metric Height Imperial Height
Asgore 54 (61 with horns) 246.4cm (278.34cm) 8' 1" (9' 1")
Mettaton Ex 52 237.27cm 7' 9"
Toriel 50 (52 with horns) 228.15cm (237.27cm) 7' 5" (7' 9")
Undyne 47 (54 with ponytail) 214.46cm (246.4cm) 7' (8' 1")
Mettaton 46 209.9cm 6' 10"
Papyrus 42 191.64cm 6' 3"
Muffet 35 159.7cm 5' 2"
Napstablook 33 150.58cm 4' 11"
Alphys 31 141.45cm 4' 7"
Sans 30 136.89cm 4' 5"
Frisk 29 132.33cm 4' 4"
Mad Dummy 28 127.76cm 4' 2"
Monster Kid 27 123.2cm 4'
Flowey 21 95.82cm 3' 1"
I hope you like my working here, feel free to suggest amendments or improvements. Thank you for reading :)
submitted by DoctorX11 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 10:40 An_OId_Tree Already got an angry parent email on the first day. Did I go too hard?

At the start of the year I always am a bit "meaner" to pull the rowdy students in line, but this year I starting to think I may have taken it a bit too far. So in the morning I had a year 9 class, and this year level last year was hell, so I was ready for it. I made them line up in silence before going in, and then enforced a no talking rule, which worked for about ten minutes, until the (first) incident happned.
I was walking around the room towards the front with a ruler and the room was quiet, when a student began whispering to another student. I hit the ruler on her desk (far from her) which startled her a bit and said "What about no talking don't you understand?". The class was quiet after that.
Towards the end of class they were handing up worksheets as they were finishing them, when Johnny (not real name ofc) came up to my desk with his sheet and hesitated and sorta turned around halfway. Now, I probably could have dialed down the tone of my voice, but I smacked the desk and shouted "Here!".
The rest of the class proceeded smoothly. Well tonight I received an angry email from a parent of the girl about how I was "invoking terror" in the students, mentioning the ruler and smacking incident, and that they would be informing the principal. I haven't responded yet.
I didn't think my actions were that harsh, let alone "invoking terror". What should I do?
submitted by An_OId_Tree to AustralianTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 14:35 Shajirr Rulers in Affinity suite are still garbage and are not designed for human use

I have already written about this on their forum, but it seems to have been largely ignored.
Over a year had passed, a whole new version of the whole suite was released, yet mm rulers still remain largely unusable. I run into this pretty much every time I use Affinity programs, and its infuriating.
Here is an example, lets say you want to set a guide on 15mm.
In any normal program, you would zoom in until 1 delimeter would be equal to 1mm, then find 10mm mark, and 15mm would be the 5th delimeter after it, and it will be highlighted with a longer line, so you can find it instantly.
But not in Affinity!
First of all, there aren't any zoom levels where the difference between 10 and 20mm will be 10 delimeters. It will be 20 instead, so each one would equal 0.5mm, never 1mm. You can get it to be 1mm if you zoom out so that instead of 0, 10 and 20mm you get 0, 20, and 40mm. By itself this might not be a problem, but there is more!
Now, we can ignore this and just use the central point which will still be highlighted with a longer line, the central one between 10 and 20, and would indicate 15mm, right? WRONG! Central point is not highlighted at all! The ones which are highlighted with longer lines are: 12, 14, 16 and 18mm So, to find a center, you need to go to the 2nd highlighted delimeter - 14mm, and from there 2 regular 0.5mm delimeters to the right, and that would be 15mm..........
But wait, it gets worse! Lets say you did zoom out so that 1 delimeter = 1mm, and you have 0, 20, 40, etc. points marked with numbers. Now, you need to find 27mm. Should be easy enough, first highlighted point after 20mm should be 25mm, so 2 points to the right would be 27mm, right? WRONG! First highlighted point is 24mm instead of 25, so the usual logic which relies on the rulers being marked properly would get 26mm instead of 27mm. 30mm is also not marked in any way btw By Affinity logic, you would need to go to the 2nd highlighted point, which would be 28mm (why? who knows), and go 1 point to the left from that to get 27mm
But wait, it gets worse! How could it possibly get any worse you might ask? Easy - it appears that the devs already have a proper ruler marking scheme, if you choose cm instead of mm as measurement units! It still doesn't highlight the central point between numbered delimeters, so that between 1cm and 2cm, 1.5cm point is not highlighted at all, but otherwise its way better. So the devs deliberately chose to use a much worse scheme for mm rulers, and then to ignore user feedback about this for years
Examples in images:
As a mental exercise, try pinpointing 53mm on Affinity ruler without counting every delimiter 1 by 1 from either 40 or 60mm. Keep in mind that none of those highlighted delimeters with longer lines are 50mm, 50mm point is not highlighted in any way
submitted by Shajirr to Affinity [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 21:09 Euphoric_Natural1032 Common Terms in Physical Device Manufacturing

Hey all, have spent some time in different manufacturing industries (consumer electronics, automotive, IoT, energy) as a PM and engineer. One thing I always found challenging was the amount of terms and acronyms that were being thrown around in meetings. Hoping the list below is helpful as I've created a list terms with short descriptions which were useful to me in my personal journals.
Supply Chain
Industrial Design
Following the rules of this sub for posting content like this on a saturday, if you enjoy this type of information feel free to check out here for more. Im trying to document a series of structured posts for life in the hardware product development and manufacturing space as I feel there's not nearly enough vs developing software products.
submitted by Euphoric_Natural1032 to manufacturing [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 21:02 Euphoric_Natural1032 Glossary of common terms in HW Product Development

Hey all, took some time out to create a list of common aconyms and terms from different companies I've been at in the past. If you're curious these are from automotive, consumer electronics, IoT, and aerospace. Feel free to use as a cheat sheet.
Supply Chain
Industrial Design
As posted before, if you enjoy this type of information feel free to check out here for more. Im trying to document a series of structured posts for life in the hardware product development space.
submitted by Euphoric_Natural1032 to PhysicalProductMgmt [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 22:09 FederalAttitude9361 My Pen Storage

My Pen Storage
tl;dr - I made some pen trays for a mini desk chest of drawers. Scroll to the bottom for SOTC and the finished article.
I wanted my pen storage to be in simple drawers that weren't Toyooka craft expensive or poor quality random things off amazon. I eventually found some cute little bamboo sets of 3 drawers drawers that weren't just the right depth for the length of a pen and only 5cm high for each drawer (4 cm would be ideal but no one seems to make drawers that shallow):

two mini chests of drawers. about 16cm (6.5\") high, deep and wide. from £15 each I think
I lined them with a bit of chunky bubble wrap as a temporary measure which showed that 7 pens was just slightly too cramped. I needed some trays to go inside. The Toyooka trays are nice but very expensive and the wrong size. The is a company in the US that makes plastic trays you can trim to size but they don't ship outside the US.
Someone here linked to which was exactly what I needed!
So 6mm (1/4") wooden dowels, foam board, PVA glue, glue gun and spare glue sticks - about £20 from The Works on the high street but I've plenty left over.
Felt from hobby craft (£1 per A4 piece I think).
Plus you might already have: scalpel, cutting board, sharp scissors, cheap kids paintbrush, ruler, small hand saw sandpaper (I used 40 and 70 grit but I'm not sure if that's not just a UK or EU standard?):

cut the 304mm dowels into two 152mm pieces. 7 pieces per tray.

sand off the sharp edges at the ends of the dowels

cut three A4 foam boards into two 152x144mm pieces each and draw guide lines 23mm apart with a bit of margin on the edge

hot glue the dowels onto the foamboard. one at a time, glue onto the board, then place the dowel on it. If you try to do two then the glue hardens before you can get the dowel in place. About one glue stick per board was needed.

Cut the A4 sheet of felt lengthways into a 300x152 mm piece to be the top layer of the tray. Cut the remainder into twelve 17x152mm strips per drawer (so 12x6 = 72 strips in total!). spread PVA onto the foam board and stick a felt strip on. Repeat to make it double thickness - work FAST else the glue sinks in before you can spread it.

Stick the top layer of felt on starting from one side with a bit of excess. Its about 200mm long so they'll be about as much again hanging off the other end. Do one 'groove' at a time then press into place around the dowels (I used spare dowels to do this and really get into the corners) and hold it there whilst you do the next strip.

Apply a bit of pressure while the glue sets. I found 3 stacked dowels nicely pushed the felt into the corners. Leave it to dry thoroughly then glue the edges down. Leave to dry again and then trim all 4 sides. It should go round the edge dowels but not round the board (or it won't fit in the drawer)

The result!
It takes a bit over an hour for each tray (double that for the first one!) plus some glue drying time. It is by far the best craft things I've ever done (I'm better at rebuilding cars rather than arty stuff!). The biggest pain is cutting the felt as it doesn't cut (very sharp very new scissors would help) and you can't draw a guide line on it because it's black already.
As it stands my entire collection of 'normal' pens perfectly fills my storage. Except for the iro-utsushi dip pen which is too long anyway. Plus I have two pens in the post (Petrol and ink-house green collaboration Lamy Safaris) but I also have 3 pens that I've retired to come out (the Parker Sonnet has a split section and leaks, the Silver trim Waterman Hemisphere has a poor nib, the Gold trim Hemisphere is a bit battered after 10 years of being my only/daily pen. I'd retire the Allure as well as it's a bit nasty to use and dries up too fast to be usable)
The pens are Faber Castell Hexo (2), Waterman Allure, Lamy Aion (4), Lamy Safari (3), Lamy Studio (5), Lamy Al Star (13), Platinum Prefounte, Otto Hutt Design 01 (2), Pilot Metropolitan, Diplomat Traveller, Scrikks 78MB, Parker Sonnet (2006 ish), Waterman Hemisphere (2 2008 ish).

submitted by FederalAttitude9361 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.01.04 17:41 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide]New Items. PR@DA, B@lenciaga, B*V, Y*Pr0ject, Cr@ig Gre3n, VC@, C@rtier, M@rtine R0se, Lem@ire, Supr3me

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, Cashapp, or Apple Pay only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day if possible.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


PR@DA Men's Tech Jersey Mock-Neck Shirt
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Adjustable, Brand New
Made by Earlytom. Smooth and stretchy.

B@lenciaga Swim Oversized Logo Tee
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size XS Oversized fits like size large, Used worn three times.
Made by Sixi, Used worn three times. Breathable material that can go into the water.

Supreme The Killer Trust Photo Tee Bloody Twins
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Large, Brand New
Made by Heat, best Supreme maker. Only available to VIP customers.

Supreme Raekwon Photo Tee
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Large, Brand New
Made by Heat, best Supreme maker. Only available to VIP customers.

Balenciag@ BB logo Tee
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 2, fits like size medium/large, brand new.
Made by Early Tom

B0ttega Venet@ Green Contrast Stitch Heavy Cotton-Twill Jacket
$old, SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Brand new
Made by a quan. Best on the market. Real/rep comparison included in album. about 24 inches pit to pit for boxy fit. short length with long sleeves.

Cr@ig Gr3en Black Laced Worker Cotton twill Jacket
$109 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Slightly oversized fits like size large, Used worn three times.
High quality old rep purchase for over $160+. Jacket can be fully deconstructed by removing the lace. Structured material thats soft to the touch.

Y Pr0ject Button Back Strap Blazer
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
High quality old rep. The back fully opens up with three straps which you can customize to look the way you want or can be worn as a regular blazer by removing the straps.

Lem@ire Wool Cropped Jacket
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Slightly oversizedBrand new.
Made by Painter Made. Black colorway was only offered to vip customers. Super high quality thick wool. 23.5 inches pit to pit. Fits like medium/large.

$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Used worn 3-4 times.
Made by Painter Made. High quality rep that versatile for everyday wear.

Lem@ire Dry Silk Stand Collar Shirt
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
Made by Turn On My Own, best in the business. Made of actual dry silk to my knowledge, 76% Silk & 24% Polyamide. Hand wash only. Worn once. can be worn as stand collar or normal collar. Hard to photograph due to lighting so I included a seller's photo to better show the material. Oversized fit. 23.5 inches pit to pit fits like regular size large. Turn also made the pants if you are interested in wearing it as a set like the model.


VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
*Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.*

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold/Diamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Diamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra SilveDiamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Silver Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Green/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Silver / Diamond Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold / Diamond Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

L*V Big Monogram Plate Cuban Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on Plate and the clasp with plain cuban links.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 9, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 08:07 daisyandrose Family history of Birt Hogg Dube, first bump

Hi, I’m 23 F. I have had my gallbladder removed (2020) and have gastroparesis, and take miratazpine for my GP (2022). I also have around 38 fibroandemias, the largest being about 3 cm. My sister also has had her gall bladder removed (16) and was diagnosed with GP at 12. My uncle has intestinal scarcoma (PECOMA? Idk the difference) and my cousin has EoE. (This is all maternal side)
So, my grandfather had both agent orange poisoning and was diagnosed with Birt Hogg Dubé (diagnosed mid 00’s). We are unsure if it was a random mutation or if his mother had it (she died young). My uncle above also has BHD (2012). My mother and her identical twin show no symptoms and if they do have it, are asymptomatic. For the longest time my family just referred to BHD as agent Orange, as my pap felt shame that he passed this disease on (any health issue we had he blamed himself).
Whenever I found the bumps in my breast, I told my grandmother, who decided to inform me of BHD. I asked if there was any testing that could be done on the samples they took of the tumors and they didn’t really do anything other than confirm they weren’t cancerous. I did do a saliva test online for it, which only confirmed I don’t have the same variant (1733delC), but not if I do have a mutation, and only a 70% accuracy.
I noticed a bump on the end of my nose in July. I assumed that it was a blackhead, since I’m 23 and still get acne. It still hasn’t gone away, nothing comes out if I try and squeeze it. It’s the same color as my skin, about 2.5 mm wide (best I could measure with a tape ruler), doesn’t hurt. I don’t want to bring this up to my family as we just lost my grandfather back in November and it would stress them out.
Should I go to a dermatologist and/or geneticist to get it checked out? It looks similar to some of the bumps my grandfather had, but also chloracne messed his skin up pretty badly. I only see the one bump as well, none others. I can’t imagine any of my diagnoses health issues would cause a bump of 5 months. Can Fibrofolliculomas form without BHD?
submitted by daisyandrose to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.21 16:09 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] B*V, Balenciag@, M@rtine R0se, Lem@ire, VC@ Bracelet & Necklace, C@rtier Rings & Bracelet, L*V Necklace & Bracelet, Supr3me Bags

Vouched seller. Venmo, Cashapp,or Apple Pay only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


B0ttega Venet@ SS21 Wool Cropped Jacket
$109 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 48, Used worn once About 23.5 inches pit to pit
Made by Painter Made. High quality thick wool material. Cropped body with long sleeves. Fits like size medium/large. Only available through preorder.

Wack0 Mari@ Ghost Print Shirt
$35 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Oversized fits like size large, Brand New

$35 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Small, Oversized fits like size large, brand new.

Balenciag@ x Adid@s Cap
$25 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Adjustable, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1

Lem@ire Dry Silk Stand Collar Shirt
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
Made by Turn On My Own, best in the business. Made of actual dry silk to my knowledge, 76% Silk & 24% Polyamide. Hand wash only. Worn once. can be worn as stand collar or normal collar. Hard to photograph due to lighting so I included a seller's photo to better show the material. Oversized fit. 23.5 inches pit to pit fits like regular size large. Turn also made the pants if you are interested in wearing it as a set like the model.


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 16 Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 9, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 4 3 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 6, 9, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​​

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra AmbeGold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2 1
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 16:11 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] Prad@, Balenciag@, Suprem3 x N0rth F@ce Jacket, M@rtine R0se, Lem@ire, VC@ Bracelet & Necklace, C@rtier Rings & Bracelet, L*V Necklace & Bracelet, Supr3me Bags

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


Wack0 Mari@ Ghost Print Shirt
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Oversized fits like size large, Brand New

Balenciag@ BB logo Tee
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 3, fits like size large, brand new.
Made by Early Tom

Suprem3 x The N0rth F@ce Trekking Convertible Jacket
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Brand new with tags. About 24 inches pit to pit
Made by Heat. Best on the market. Only available with preorder and its sold out. Removable sleeves. Hood hidden inside the collar.

$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Small, Oversized fits like size large, brand new.

Balenciag@ x Adid@s Cap
$25 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Adjustable, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2

PR@DA Men's Tech Jersey Mock-Neck Shirt
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Adjustable, Brand New with small defect
Made by Earlytom. Item was received with a small defect on the bottom of shirt as shown in the photos. It's a small hole that is not noticeable when worn, and cant be seem when worn tucked in like the model. Price due to the small defect.


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 16, 17 Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 9, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 4
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 6, 9, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra AmbeGold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Big Monogram Plate Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on Plate and the clasp with plain cuban links.

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3 2
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 13:50 Phuego Joining two small irregular pieces of ply/laminate wood

I have a handle made of ply/laminated wood where a part has broken off. This has previously been attempted repaired by gluing using glue unknown. The repair failed most likely because the parts to be mated were not fitting tightly enough and too much glue was clumped between. I have tried to gently remove the glue, but now have two pieces of irregular wood that need to be mated together with some gaps. What do I do to get it to bond together strongly AND fill the gaps AND hold it together while curing?
I have uploaded some pictures here:
Red circles are the parts to be joined. Yellow circle marks the only flat(-ish) surface to reference off of. Picture marked “A” shows how the 2 pieces are supposed to fit together. The ruler seen in some of the photos is in cm (minor markings are mm). There is a thin strip of black material running through both pieces (eg. visible in picture E and G) which seem to fit snugly together.
My initial idea was to CA glue the pieces together using as little CA as possible- maybe only on the small black strip. After that cured then perhaps attempt to fill the gaps with (thinned?) wood glue. But is seems a bit sketchy and I am not sure the glue would fill the gaps properly. I also worry that the handle wouldn’t have enough strength afterwards to be held/sqeezed tightly.
Mods: Please note that this post shouldn’t break rule 5 as the pictures only show laminated wood and the question is only about how to join small irregular pieces of ply/laminate that have previously been attempted glued.
submitted by Phuego to woodworking [link] [comments]

2023.11.25 20:10 morelbolete some beetle pest in our house

some beetle pest in our house
We are located in Austria. Our house is infested with these little bugs. The ruler on the picture is with mm/cm.
We often find them on the floor, in the bed and around the bed.
They seem to be fan of bed linen so we are washing them the whole time. We also vacuum often but these two things alone don't seem to make sure they are killed and out of our house. On a side note, squashing them gives an insulin smell...
Now we figured that if we knew what kind of bug it is we can arm ourselves better against these little rascals.... Please reddit, help us out.
Edit: sorry for some reason it didn't have the pictures in the initial post.
submitted by morelbolete to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2023.11.20 17:21 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] Lem@ire, VC@ Bracelet & Necklace, C@rtier Rings & Bracelet, L*V Necklace & Bracelet, Supr3me Bags

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


Lem@ire Dry Silk Stand Collar Shirt
$69 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
Made by Turn On My Own, best in the business. Made of actual dry silk to my knowledge, 76% Silk & 24% Polyamide. Hand wash only. Worn once. can be worn as stand collar or normal collar. Hard to photograph due to lighting so I included a seller's photo to better show the material. Oversized fit. 23.5 inches pit to pit fits like regular size large. Turn also made the pants if you are interested in wearing it as a set like the model.


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 17 Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 9, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 6, 9, 10, 11, Brand New
Quantity Available - 4 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Green/Gold Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra AmbeGold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Big Monogram Plate Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on Plate and the clasp with plain cuban links.

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.11.17 14:14 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] Lem@ire, ​B@lenciaga, VC@, C@rtier, L*V, Supr3me Bags

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


Lem@ire Dry Silk Stand Collar Shirt
$69 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
Made by Turn On My Own, best in the business. Made of actual dry silk to my knowledge, 76% Silk & 24% Polyamide. Hand wash only. Worn once. can be worn as stand collar or normal collar. Hard to photograph due to lighting so I included a seller's photo to better show the material. Oversized fit. 23.5 inches pit to pit fits like regular size large. Turn also made the pants if you are interested in wearing it as a set like the model.

B@lenciaga Hand Drawn Logo Tee
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Large, Brand new
Made by cola made. Best on the market. The print is very delicate so do not machine wash.. Proper branding and tags.


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 17 Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 9, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 7, 9, 10, 11, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
*Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.*​

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Green/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra AmbeGold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Blue/Gold Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Big Monogram Plate Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on Plate and the clasp with plain cuban links.

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.11.14 12:41 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] B@lenciaga, Lem@ire, VC@, C@rtier, Pr@da, Supr3me, L*V

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


B@lenciaga Sporty B Oversized Tracksuit Jacket with Removable Shoulder Pads
$79 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 1, Brand new
Made by Painter Made. Best on the market. Removable shoulder pads. Comparison photos by the seller included in the album. Size 1 fits like regular size medium jacket with exaggerated shoulders and cropped length.

Lem@ire Dry Silk Stand Collar Shirt
$69 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
Made by Turn On My Own, best in the business. Made of actual dry silk to my knowledge, 76% Silk & 24% Polyamide. Hand wash only. Worn once. can be worn as stand collar or normal collar. Hard to photograph due to lighting so I included a seller's photo to better show the material. Oversized fit. 23.5 inches pit to pit fits like regular size large. Turn also made the pants if you are interested in wearing it as a set like the model.

B@lenciaga Hand Drawn Logo Tee
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Large, Brand new
Made by cola made. Best on the market. The print is very delicate so do not machine wash.. Proper branding and tags.

Pr@da Mini Logo Tee
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Brand new with tags
Nice and soft tee with subtle logo. Proper branding and tags.


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 16, 17 Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 9, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 7, 9, 10, 11, Brand New
Quantity Available - 4 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
*Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.*

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Silver Lasered Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Green/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra AmbeGold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Blue/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Big Monogram Plate Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on Plate and the clasp with plain cuban links.

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.11.11 11:20 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] VUJ@ DÉ, L0ewe, B*V, Lem@ire, VC@, B@lenciaga, C@rtier, Pr@da, Supreme, L*V, V1vienne Westw0od

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.

Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size medium, Brand new
Made by deeds. Best batch on the market. Real YKK zips and hardware. Thick material with a nice flare. Fits size 31-32 waist, adjustable.

L0ewe 23ss Logo Knit Sweater
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Brand new with tags
Made by painter made. Real/rep comparison included in album. Very soft knit sweater. Oversized fit as intended. about 25.5 inches pit to pit for oversized fit.

B0ttega Venet@ Green Contrast Stitch Heavy Cotton-Twill Jacket
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Brand new
Made by a quan. Best on the market. Real/rep comparison included in album. about 24 inches pit to pit for boxy fit. short length with long sleeves.

Lem@ire Dry Silk Stand Collar Shirt
$69 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Oversized fits like size large, Used worn once.
Made by Turn On My Own, best in the business. Made of actual dry silk to my knowledge, 76% Silk & 24% Polyamide. Hand wash only. Worn once. can be worn as stand collar or normal collar. Hard to photograph due to lighting so I included a seller's photo to better show the material. Oversized fit. 23.5 inches pit to pit fits like regular size large. Turn also made the pants if you are interested in wearing it as a set like the model.

B@lenciaga Hand Drawn Logo Tee
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium & Large, Brand new
Made by cola made. Best on the market. The print is very delicate so do not machine wash.. Proper branding and tags.

Pr@da Mini Logo Tee
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Brand new with tags
Nice and soft tee with subtle logo. Proper branding and tags.


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 16, 17, 19 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 9, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 7, 9, 10, 11, Brand New
Quantity Available - 4
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
*Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.*

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Silver Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Green/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra AmbeGold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Maroon/Gold Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Blue/Gold Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra White/Gold Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold/Diamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Diamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra SilveDiamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Big Monogram Plate Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on Plate and the clasp with plain cuban links.

L*V Monogram Charms Silver Necklace
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace. ​

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.

V1vienne Westwood Pearl Chocker Orb Necklace
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 15 inches from end to end. Shorter style necklace. Properly branded. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 4 3
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.10.31 23:41 TheSkatesStayOn HS students don’t know how to use a ruler

I teach biomedical science and the last few years I am shocked at how many students are illiterate at measurement. I understand that in the US we don’t use the metric system as often but it is always used in science. I remember learning metric units often in both math and science frequently. Easy conversions! Our first lab of the year they simply have to measure a blood sample by holding a ruler up to a tube. They use a common classroom ruler with cm markings on one side and smaller tick marks for mm. I put a test question on the exam that was literally “how many mm is this?” We practiced it during labs, then on the test, 70% of them got it wrong. This is a weighted rigorous course with many AP students taking it. Students were mad at me that I just expected them to know how many mm were in a cm, even though they had a ruler for the exam. My only guess as to why it is this way is that our districts elementary schools don’t heavily teach and practice it, and the middle school science classes use standard units🤷🏻‍♀️
Edit: meant to say imperial or whatever it is we use in the US, not standard or SI.
submitted by TheSkatesStayOn to Teachers [link] [comments]

2023.10.27 23:48 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] VC@, B@lenciaga, C@rtier, Pr@da, Supreme, L*V

Vouched seller. Venmo, Cashapp, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 17, 19, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 16, 17, 19 Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 7, 10, 11, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold/Diamond Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Diamond Bracelet
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra SilveDiamond Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Monogram Charms Silver Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2 1
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace. ​

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


B@lenciaga Hoodie
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Oversized fits like size large Brand new
Color is off due to lighting. it is light blue. thick blank. Oversized fits like size large

B@lenciaga Hand Drawn Logo Tee
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Large, Brand new with tags
Made by cola made. Best on the market. The print is very delicate so do not machine wash.. Proper branding and tags.

Pr@da Mini Logo Tee
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Brand new with tags
Nice and soft tee with subtle logo. Proper branding and tags.


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 5
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2023.10.24 13:31 milfydonna [FS] [USA] [Worldwide] VC@, B@lenciaga, C@rtier, Pr@da, Supreme, W0oyoungmi

Vouched seller. Paypal F&F, Venmo, or Apple Pay Only. I've sold over 3000 items on here in the past three years.
Price includes shipping with full tracking within the US. Worldwide shipping with full tracking available starting at $9.49 for Canada and $11.99 for the rest of the world.
Items paid before 2PM PST will be shipped out the same day.
Timestamp and tagged photo:


C@rtier Love Bracelet Gold
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Size 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Brand New
Quantity Available - 6 5
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Bracelet Silver
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Size 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Brand New
Quantity Available - 5 4 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart in the album if you are unsure about your sizing. Comes with same color screwdriver to open and close the bracelet. Please tighten the bracelet properly or else it may fall off during wear.
Using a length of string or ribbon, wrap it around the base of your wrist. To ensure a comfortable bracelet fit, we recommend measuring the thickest part of the wrist, usually the wrist joint.With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.Measure the string in mm or inches with a ruler.Use the size chart at the bottom of this page. Look for the size you found with the tool in the 1st column (“wrist circumference”) to then find the right size by Cartier collection.

C@rtier Love Ring Gold
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold US size 6, 10, 11 Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

C@rtier Love Ring Silver
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver US size 6, 7, 10, 11, Brand New
Quantity Available - 5
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Please refer to the size chart at the end of the album if you are unsure about your sizing.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold/Diamond Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Diamond Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra SilveDiamond Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Worn by many male celebrities recently as they are unisex bracelets now. Approximately 7.5 inches/19CM from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Bracelet
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Approximately 7.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Gold Lasered Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Gold Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Gold, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green.

VC@ V@n C1eef & Arpe1s Alhambra Black/Silver Necklace
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 4 3
About 18.5 inches from end to end. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. ​

L*V Monogram Cuban Bracelet
$49 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 1
About 8 inches / 20 cm in length. Please measure your wrist before purchase. Properly branded with engraving on the clasp. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Monogram on one side and plain on the other

L*V Monogram Charms Silver Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 2
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace. ​

L*V x N1go Duck Necklace
$45 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length. The ring in the middle can be taken off the necklace.

L*V Tiger Pendant Necklace
$39 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New
Quantity Available - 3
From Louis Vuitton X Nigo collection. Perfect for the year of the tiger this year. Properly branded with engraving on the inside. Made with stainless steel and wont tarnish or turn green. Adjustable length.


B@lenciaga Hand Drawn Logo Tee
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Large, Brand new with tags
Made by cola made. Best on the market. The print is very delicate so do not machine wash.. Proper branding and tags.

Pr@da Mini Logo Tee
$40 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size Medium, Brand new with tags
Nice and soft tee with subtle logo. Proper branding and tags.

W00YOUNGMI Flared Pants
$old SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Size 46, Used, Worn twice
Made by Deeds. Fits size 30 waist for me. Adjustable flare with straps on the bottom. Fully branded with custom tags. Much better than the Holyshit batch. ​


Suprem3 SS17 Black Backpack
$55 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 5
Approximate dimensions: 19x11x7 inches. Fits up to 15/16 inch Macbook Pro in laptop compartment. Would fit everything you need for work/school, even for day trips. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Olive Green Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Green, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 3
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 FW22 Silver Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Silver, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Black Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Black, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 1
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.

Suprem3 SS18 Beige Shoulder Bag
$29 SHIPPED WITHIN THE US, Beige, Brand New with Tags.
Quantity Available - 2
Can be worn as bum bag or waist bag. Adjustable strap length. UTX hardware and YKK zips.
submitted by milfydonna to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]