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A place to ask simple questions about the law in Australia

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2024.06.02 06:41 Pleasant_Ad104 Finally messaged her to tell her how im feeling

Now its not what it seems like! And sorry for the long post ahead.
Ive been talking/ working out with this girl for the past two months and i find her really hot, we quickly became friends after i approached her one day after workout i had no idea shes into girls, we connected pretty fast and one day after gym i asked her if i could kiss her and she let me, that led to me eating her out several times in the locker rooms obviously not receiving anything back but her kisses would make me soaked. Anyway obviously i was catching feelings so i started bring her presents and i would drop her favourite stuff at her doorstep and bring her breakfast in short i really cared for her. I also clarified that i just want to be her good friend and i know she wasnt looking for anything serious either because shes only here for another 2-3 months. When shes stressed i would give her massages so she could relax, listen to her rants, advise her. Offer her my help which she would never take but atleast i tried continuously.
We would text sometimes but not alot because shes bad at replying. Sometimes she would reply right away and the dissappear for a day and reply the next, she used to like my stories and i would always compliment her on her pictures. Bit then she stopped liking my stories, i would still though, at the gym we would talk normally sometimes she would hug me infront of others and rant about her job (which i know is causing her alot of stress but i had given her soo many suggestions on how her situation can be better but she wouldn’t do it) so i just listen like a good friend i think i / was. So she started replying less n less and i had been asking her to hangout since we met n she would say she wants to but never could make time or suggest a time when we can. I asked her so many times that i started to sound desperate. I still cared for her alot and when she doesnt come to the gym i seriously feel something is missing i dont enjoy those days too much. So because of her jobs nature our timings would change from next week n i am not going to see her at the same time i go. So i was naturally in my feels and was getting frustrated that she never is available to talk even at night? She says she was up all night so she never thinks about me like i think about her?
Anyway i messaged her because i was feeling so depressed and i was missing her n crying. I said ive had this feeling for a while that shes ignoring me, i do understand the nature of your job so i didnt say it earlier, i told her i care for her and have gotten “attached to her” i also said that i knoe she doesnt like when someone gets attached to her she becomes distant she said she never develops feelings for anyone even the girls she dated before. I know so much about her that i knew the answers to everything i was saying/ asking her. I think my message was very heartfelt and sweet or maybe sounded a bit needy but in my defence i told her im pmsing and super emo and im sorry for causing any stress and that i wouldn’t bother her by messaging her again. I had to let these feelings out because i always give others benefit of doubt and disregard my instincts just to keep them a bit longer. But i said all these things because i was at a point where this situationship was causing alot of stress in my day to day life.
So she saw the message a day later and no reply!! I think this is the closure that i needed.
What do you guys think, was i wrong? Or did i do the right thing sort of ending it sooner than later
submitted by Pleasant_Ad104 to WLW [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:40 waterspoutinabush 361 days and I'll keep counting them without experiencing them

My whole world stopped when you left, mom. I had just spoken to you two days before. Everything was fine. That morning, I was irritable about trivial, meaningless things. I should have enjoyed my last few hours of normalcy and peace before I got the call that you were gone.
The thing is, I had already lost you before. Probably more times than I even know of, for how much of my childhood was lost to me, no memories, nothing. I do remember you leaving at the height of your addiction, leaving me behind at 14 with people we barely knew for more than a few months. Was that the height of your addiction? I don't know. There's no one else to turn to with these questions. It was just you and me.
I forgave you, it was so easy. You got sober, and of course, I forgave you. I watched you work so hard on your sobriety, claw your way out of that place, hit milestones and share the excitement. Like when you financed the Camry, all by yourself. When you got into nursing school, and then when you'd call to tell me you passed exams you were doubtful about. When it was hard to get ahold of you while you were working two jobs and doing Lyft between, I trusted you.
When you let your ex move back in to make rent easier, I trusted you.
When I needed someone, I had you. Now I can't turn to anyone. You know dad's side of the family. And our side is so small. Without you, it feels exponentially smaller. I didn't ever stop to think of how much space you held in our family. In the weeks after you died, a couple of times I accidentally got called your name. It felt crazy because I will never live up to the presence you had. You were... well, you. And I am not.
So I've spent the last 361 days not really experiencing life. It's like I am on autopilot. I thought I was doing better for a while, but I realized it was just that I made myself shut it all off. I can't look at my bookshelf, because my eyes might stray to your urn, and that can't happen. I can't look at it because I'll start thinking about how you're in it and that is an indescribable pain. I tried dusting off your urn a while back, it felt disrespectful that it was so dusty. I ended up in bed all day sobbing hysterically. I guess I'm not making as much progress as I thought I was.
Everything just feels so empty, except for the moments when I feel like I am drowning, and my throat gets all tight like I need to scream but I can't. Then I get anxious and feel like I need to run, run far away, like if I run fast enough and far enough I'll eventually find you and everything will make sense. I can ask you the questions, and I can keep mending the broken childhood.
That's the thing that keeps getting me, I mean I can't feel angry at you, but I almost do when I think about how I wasn't ready. The fact is that your addiction impacted my childhood and we were untangling things. I forgave you, but we had work to do. We were mending the bridge.
And then you overdosed.
It feels like some sort of sick joke - after you got sober, whenever I asked myself what the worst thing that could happen was, it was always losing you again. And now I am 24 and you are gone. I feel so disconnected. I go to work, I feed myself, I shower, I brush my teeth, I even go see my friend. But I am not experiencing it. I feel like I am watching myself go through the motions. I'm just so tired. I miss you. I don't know how to be without you, mom. I needed you here.
submitted by waterspoutinabush to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:40 I_Sleep_In_Pajamas I hate starting conversations on Snapchat.

I am a male and need help. There have been numerous girls that I know were probably interested in me, but I’m just always so opposed to starting a conversation if it’s on Snapchat. It feels so awkward starting a conversation with a girl on Snapchat out of the blue and feels kind of embarrassing. This one girl added me a few days ago and I kinda like her. The only way I would be able to talk to her right now is over Snapchat, but Im too embarrassed to ask any sort of question on snap. It just feels pushy and uncalled for. The main thing is that I don’t want to make it too obvious that I like her, but it seems like that’s just what has to happen when starting convos on snap. If I’m in person with a girl I can talk easily but something about starting a conversation on Snapchat is really weird and awkward to me. I know this is probably a cliche problem and that I just need to do it, but does anyone have the same issue as me, or any advice?
submitted by I_Sleep_In_Pajamas to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:40 XXLCHICANOENT *Title:** "I spent 6 months preparing for the perfect proposal... and she proposed to me first. AMA"

Title:* "I spent 6 months preparing for the perfect proposal... and she proposed to me first. AMA"
Hey Reddit,
I never thought I'd be sharing this, but here we are. For the past six months, I've been meticulously planning what I thought would be the perfect proposal. I had everything lined up: the ring, the location, even the photographer hiding in the bushes. It was going to be epic.
But life has a funny way of flipping the script on you. Last weekend, just as I was getting ready to pop the question, she got down on one knee and proposed to me. I was stunned. In shock. Speechless. (And yes, I said YES!)
Now I have this epic proposal plan and a ring that I guess I'll just save for our future dog? 🤷‍♂️
Ask me anything about the proposal, our relationship, or just share your own unexpected proposal stories. Let’s talk!
Edit: Wow, I didn't expect this to blow up! Thank you all for the awards and love. Here's a quick FAQ:
  1. Did I still propose? Yes, I did! Later that evening, I told her about my plan, and we had a good laugh. I still got down on one knee and gave her the ring I had picked out.
  2. What about the photographer? Well, they got some great candid shots of my shocked face!
  3. Do we have a dog yet? Not yet, but now we have a ring ready for when we do.
Keep the questions and stories coming!
submitted by XXLCHICANOENT to xxlchicanoentertain [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:40 Sufficient-Print-836 How to resolve lack of communication in a first time relationship with me (18M) and gf (17F)?

Hi thanks for clicking in, I appreciate your time. My gf and I have been together for around 6 months and we are long distance. This is my first relationship but not hers (not that it matters how many she's been in, I just want to say that I don't really know the best way to handle this because its my first time) There really hasn't been any large issues until quite recently and we've gotten together really well with frequent calling if not texting. I'm talking more than reasonable response times and prolonged conversations about any topic really.
However, there has been a reoccurring issue in which I need some help. You see, there has been a lack of communication - yes the bane of all relationships.
To be specific over the past two months:
YES, I have told her about how I felt. I expressed how I felt abandoned and left out recently and how I would appreciate it if she could take just 2 minutes out of her school day maybe during lunch to shoot me a quick text or in the morning and tell me about the important events.
The time in which she will not respond to me is from 12:00 am to around 6:00 p.m. as she says that during school time she would like to spend her time with friends rather than call me, which tbf is a valid thing to want. I get it you can lose your bf/gf but your friends will always be there for you. But since school ends around 2:30, there is still a lot of time before she even checks to see if I said anything, which is odd because I know she doesn't have anything currently.
the reasoning she has used for the lack of communication is that she is very busy catching up on school work as she was away for around 2 days and thus she needs time to focus and lock-in. However, when school work was 'important' as it counted for university she still found a lot of time to text me back then. Right now the school work doesn't even count for anything besides not failing (she has good grades so she won't fail) but can't find the time to tell me anything. In addition, there is just no shot that it has taken her nearly 2 months to 'catch up' but she still isn't. Like it doesn't even make sense, I know she goes out to hang out with her friends late into the night as well, but you're telling me she doesn't have the time to take 2 minutes to text me? throughout any point of the day?
Sorry, I realize I was rambling on right at the end and saying more about my feelings than facts. I had told her a few weeks ago about this communication issue, but really nothing has changed and it might have gotten worse.
I have talked to my friend (guy) about it and honestly it makes me feel so much better as I feel supported by him. He is a good friend for listening to me ramble on. I appreciate you man <3.
If you have any advice for me, please let me know :)) I'm sure there are things I can improve on as well and I thank you for reading my yapping session.
submitted by Sufficient-Print-836 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 ResponsiblePanic398 Looking to buy a BMW

I don't want to spend a lot of money. I mainly want a nice 3 series maybe or 4.
Here's some info Income - 122k(base) the rest is stocks I don't count rent -> 2000
I have 30k cash I'm willing to spend. The rest I'll finance if it makes sense.
I was looking at this car -> https://www.carfax.com/vehicle/3MW89FF07P8D53741
Was looking to get advice as this will be my first car I buy. I was reading on not buying new cars cause they depreciate fast.
Do you guys think this price is reasonable or should I be buying a 2022. Any insight would help. I am doing research myself but wanted to ask people who own bmw's or have experience with them
submitted by ResponsiblePanic398 to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 Whatswrongwithman How can I know my SQL is improving?

I try to solve questions as many as possible, but I feel lost especially when I compare my code to another.
Firstly, I rely on CTEs to solve some complicated ones while others don't need it.
Secondly, mine is always longer ... to some point looks so amateur.
I never took any course, just learned it myself with real data from my previous job ( stop working now) and continue to learn on some websites.
For example, the first one is mine and the second one belongs to another guy on Datalemeur
It's like I don't know all the syntaxes. Of course, I know how to search Google but I think at least I should know its existence ( like the LAG below)
Do you think this is caused by lacking experience? or does my logic have a problem?
And how to improve it? How good is good?
  1. Mine:
    WITH yoy_cte AS ( SELECT product_id, SUM(spend) AS total_spend, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) AS curr_year, CONCAT(product_id,(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date))) AS curr_id, CONCAT(product_id,(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) + 1)) AS prev_id FROM user_transactions GROUP BY product_id, curr_year ORDER BY product_id, curr_year )
    SELECT a.curr_year AS year, a.product_id, a.total_spend AS curr_year_spend, b.total_spend AS prev_year_spend, ROUND((a.total_spend - b.total_spend) / b.total_spend * 100.0,2) AS yoy_rate FROM yoy_cte AS a LEFT JOIN yoy_cte AS b ON a.curr_id = b.prev_id
  2. The other
    SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) AS yr, product_id, spend, LAG(spend) OVER ( PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY product_id, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) ) AS last_year_spend, ROUND( (100*spend / LAG(spend) OVER ( PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY product_id, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM transaction_date) ) ) -100, 2) as difference FROM user_transactions ORDER BY product_id, yr;
submitted by Whatswrongwithman to SQL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 Curious-apple-3732 Divorce on the horizon?

Trigger warning: spousal addiction, depression, and anger
I’m struggling. I’m a (F)30’s married to a M(30’s). We’ve been married for four years and we have a 3 year old daughter and are thinking about having another one.
The only problem is that I’m completely checked out of our marriage because of my husband’s addiction, depression, and anger issues. All of these issues surfaced after we got married and he lost his mom. Let me tell you, it is WEARING on me. I’ve been in therapy every week for almost 2 years, we’ve been seeing a marital counselor once a month for over 2 years, he’s been actively in therapy for over 2 years, and he has been participating in OA for 6 months. The only thing I’ve seen an improvement in is his anger… and even that is questionable.
His main addiction is food, he has been diagnosed with a binge eating disorder on top of it. It became apparent that he was an addict about 6 months ago when I caught him lying about drinking 2 days in a row. He was obviously drunk after being home alone for a few hours and lied about it. Turns out he drank a fifth two days in a row within a few hours. I brought it up in therapy and we came to the realization that he was an addict and had a history with cocaine, alcohol, weed and food.
I question if he’s even going to OA meetings because he will not admit that he is an addict. The first step to working the program is admitting you are an addict and the addiction controls you. He only admits he has a problem with food and says he’s “kicked” other addictions. Side note: he lied about alcohol use 2 weekends ago and recently admitted that when we met he was binging on adderall and has been lying about that for 6 years. He told me he didn’t tell me because he knew I would break up with him. I feel duped, I would’ve never married an addict if I had known.
I don’t enjoy spending time with him because he is chronically negative and complains about everything. Last weekend we got into a huge argument because of his negativity. I straight up asked him if he was ever happy and he said “no, not most of the time.” Since he was diagnosed with depression a few years ago and still has that feeling I told him he needed to go on depression meds for his daughter and I. He told me no and “that’s just the way I am, you knew this when you married me.” Note- I did not.
As I mentioned before, he also has anger issues. He often flies off the handle over small things. Luckily, he no longer gets loud and scary, but he still cannot accept any sort of criticisms or requests to do anything. If I even so much as ask him to clean up his beard hair in the sink he says I’m “coming at him.” To help the situation, I’ve been working on my tone in therapy. My tone is a trigger for him. The other day I asked him to help me clean and he told me my tone for the request was good, but I was still coming at him. I can’t win.
We do not get along, we are probably only happy 5% of the time. We don’t have sex. Honestly, I dread spending any time with him because we are constantly fighting. I told my therapist I was fantasizing about divorcing him and she said I have every right to. She wants me to talk to him during our next therapy appointment about the toll everything has taken on me and my considerations for divorce, but I feel like this conversation has been a broken record with him. We constantly talk about this in marital therapy. Things are good for a few weeks after, then they go to shit again.
Despite all of these issues we are dealing with, he’s great dad and we are VERY financially stable. I’d like to give my daughter a sibling… he’s a vet so any kids I have with him will have free college and free healthcare until they’re 26. But again, the issues above have me COMPLETELY checked out of our marriage.
Even if we don’t have another kid, I’m concerned about the long term implications for my daughter. We both are clearly not in love and I’m afraid that’s going to negatively impact her. At the same time, I’m worried that if I divorce him I won’t be able to keep tabs on his addictive behaviors around her. He’s very good at lying and often throws the “I’m a disabled veteran” at people to gain sympathy. If any active addiction concerns ever came up in custody or care discussions I know he’d lie about it.
I’ve asked him to participate in a marriage intensive but he refuses. He says he needs to work on his own crap in therapy and that our monthly marriage therapy is enough. I’ve also communicated that if he does not get help and does not actively seek addiction treatment I’m out, but I never put a date on it. I’m so close to filing for divorce. What would you do in this situation?
submitted by Curious-apple-3732 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 Automatic_Beach_3660 Better make this as r/hornyindia

So, whenever I see a post getting suggested to me it's either about relationship, marriage or am I good? Do they like this?
All the personal useless stuff where they want to get validation for something that is useless.
Better name this sub into hornyindia rather than AskIndia isn't this sub supposed to discuss about problems that are useful?
When someone asks "I'm planing to do this for my career is it good?" Or "what are some good destinations to travel in India?" The post doesn't even get any response But when someone goes like
"Why the girl I'm in love doesn't show me affection??" "Is sex a good thing? Hoe often you do it?"
Then a incel goes like this
"Why are Indian women like this? They only want toxic guys who have money blah blah not nice guy's like me?"
Really getting tired of this sub.
Get to some other sub ya'll horny people.
This place is no place to have validation about your life this is a fucking social media "WHERE YOU CAN TALK SHIT AND GET AWAY WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES THE VALIDATION YOU GET HERE IS NOT GONNA HELP IRL." This is not a venting sub too 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
submitted by Automatic_Beach_3660 to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 BoxTasty6307 First Gulf Oman Scam?

So my parents were at the avenues mall and they were approached by some travel agent looking people asking them questions like 'what is the capital of south africa' and whatnot, then they tell my parents that they won some gift for which they have to go to the shah nagardas building (al khuwair) where their main office is, they go there and they basically explain them that they can own some resort/unit in turkey which they can stay in 7 days a week (every year) but have to pay monthly installment. I believe they gave a final amount of 3460 omr of which my dad already paid 1400 of. They even gave him some vip card saying that it will give them discounts on booking flight tickets, getting visas. I have no idea why they even thought this was legit and didn't even call me to check the legitimacy of these scams. I'm here in the west stressing the hell out. These were the same people who would make sure where every single baiza they earnt went and today this happens. Please help me regarding how we can escape this .
submitted by BoxTasty6307 to Oman [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:38 ChampionshipRoyal406 Udiscovermusic

Hi guys!!! One little question, i want to pre orden a vinyl that's son coming up and I've only found it on the Udiscovermusic website, I wanted to pre order but ive seen a lot of good and bad reviews about the shipment quality of this Page, so i just wanted to ask if you guys recommend me to buy it on that Page or should I wait to look it on other website???
submitted by ChampionshipRoyal406 to vinyl [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:38 rbronzan Needing input from marine biologists on this one

Needing input from marine biologists on this one
Question for the marine biologists and cetacean experts on here. A friend of mine posted a video that Ocean Ramsay originally posted asking her to explain how she got this shot.
From my friend’s post: “The bubbles that are trailing [Ocean], which knowing your experience with sharks isn’t a normal behavior for you. It was actually the orcas’ behavior that kept me up at night. Again, NOT A SCIENTIST, but the fact that all three of the most highly evolved keystone predators are swimming straight down feels like fear. It does not look consensual, which would mean they are still captive in this interaction. Ocean please tell me…that you didn’t have the captain drop you on top of the orcas and then post about protecting them?”
So the question is, anyone who is familiar with the behaviors of these cetaceans, is this a normal thing, or does it seem like she dropped (basically) on top of these orcas?
I feel like someone like Ocean Ramsay, who is so influential online, should do everything they can to be truthful about what they do, considering so many people follow her direction and advice. That said, I also don’t believe in false accusations. Thanks for any and all help!
submitted by rbronzan to marinebiology [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:38 Cvlt_ov_the_tomato Drug brochure questions

I feel like I am studying for the MCAT all over again with these.
Is there a method to the madness?
Normally on the B/B, you could look at the figures and more or less figure out the results of the study they're asking about.
These questions could well give you very deceiving figure that you have to figure and play scientific mind games at the same time, all within 10 seconds.
What are people's strategies for these to cut down the BS?
submitted by Cvlt_ov_the_tomato to Step2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 JustEntertainment472 How can I be less rigid about differences of opinion?

My Husband and I have been together for nearly 15 years. We've basically grown up together, started dating when I was 19 before I even really knew who I was or what my opinions would become.
Now we've got some pretty different opinions on some things. Mostly things that really don't matter ultimately.
For example we have different opinions on politics, but he doesn't vote and his opinions don't affect our lives or anyone else's lives. (Well except for me getting irritated)
I find myself getting really irritated when his opinions are different. It often leads to arguments because I want to get him to see my side and he doesn't.
I want him to care about the same things I care about and share the same opinions that I share. I want him to believe what I believe and he simply doesn't in a lot of situations.
He finds it trivial that I'm even upset about the things I'm upset about because he doesn't understand why they matter to me. Example: Trump running for president even though he's a felon now and said in 2016 that Hilary shouldn't even be running because she might have gotten into a felony trial. I called out the hypocrisy and though my Husband agrees that it's hypocritical he just says "People can change and when Trump said that he himself hadn't been in a situation where he had been convicted yet." it's a shrug and a lack of care + confusion why I even care.
And I do really see his side, at the end of the day does it really matter? Do my opinions really need to be so fueled by anger, passion, frustration? Is it benefiting me at all to let these things occupy my mind? No. Probably not.
Which is why I'm here. Asking you guys, how do I just let it go that we think differently?
Side note: I'm Autistic and I'm pretty sure he also is but different side of the spectrum.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by JustEntertainment472 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 Spare_Essay4147 Thinking of quitting my Delhi job but scared about consequences. Need advise.

Context : I (26 F) shifted to Delhi 5 months back with a new job from my hometown. I actively sought out opportunities in Delhi NCR because doing my MBA online, and then WFH for 2 years completely drained my learning, social life and job readiness. My friends, extended family and partner are all based out of Delhi so I took a job here. I thought I could be happy here but it feels like things have gone horribly South. Being from a small town, for me happiness means having a decent source of income with job stability and satisfaction. I want to have a job that pays my bills and a little extra for my savings and future financial goals, and I want to have time for myself to spend with my friends, family and personal interests.
A Little about me and my current job : I graduated with an MBA in marketing during covid and got a decent package and worked a marketing manager for 2 years in an Ed tech company. My current job role (education industry) , when I interviewed was supposed to be on the same line, however as soon as I joined, on the first day the role was changed and it has become a completely sales and target driven role. It is a role that involves entering a new market outside of India and I am the only one working in this role. I thought about it for a while and decided to continue because I thought that it will be new and challenging and I will get to learning curve and growth will be holistic. However, it has turned out to be exactly the opposite. There is zero guidance I receive from my boss and there is an intense pressure to meet the targets every month. If there is no guidance, then at least there should be an openness to experimenting and failing at an organisational level. I feel like there is neither currently and nor is it going to change. Last week I was randomly called to a meeting and put on PIP as my numbers were not met. My boss is rude, unsupportive and doesn't listen. I did not get a chance to even speak or make my case. My motivation to work in this role and this company has completely vanished and I don't even like the product that I am selling. Only my gaps are being pointed out but when over the last 5 months I have constantly gone to ask for help, I was told off saying that my boss doesn't have the time. At a self confidence level I am at an all time low, and so the money that is coming in at the end of the month, feels like it doesn't even matter. I have been working 12-15 hours a day including weekends and it feels like the work is never ending and I am getting nowhere. Oh and to top it all off, I recently found out that I am one of the lowest paid person in my team (comparing this only with folks who are my age, have the same kind of experience as I do and also don't even have an MBA). I am thinking of quitting this to find something more suited to my education, interest and skill set - but that takes time and there is a lot of uncertainty involved. There is also no guarantee that the next job will be worth it as well.
Advise I need : 1. Given that my fixed expenses are about 50k per month (including rent, bills, food and EMI payment for education ), and I have about 2 lacs in savings, should I quit and search for better full time opportunities? While I am going on the job hunt, I do want to spend some time doing a bit of soul searching - take part in NGO work (part time), doing part time coaching for school kids and work on my art projects? 2. Am I over-reacting on this whole thing? I need somebody to tell me the truth. Is corporate life just like this no matter which company I go to? I have also thought about the fact that my experience is worse because of the whole culture shock and completely different way of life. I sometimes cannot understand why Delhi folks, especially in the business world, say something but always mean something different. Where I come from, people say things how they are. Should I just gulp my aspirations down and go about it for some time till I get my confidence back and have a little bit of more financial backing? 3. What is the chance that after a bit of career break, I will be able to join the workforce again and start off with a decent pay hike?
I am wracking my brain over this for the last couple of months and now I have reached a tipping point. What do I do? Please advise.
submitted by Spare_Essay4147 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 FCKANX Will the final winners of the Aria Scavenger Hunt contest by Opera ever be announced?

My girlfriend and I participated in this contest by official Opera on X and AI Aria:
My girlfriend won $500 from it and already received an email to fill out biodata, bank account, etc., for the prize distribution process. However, it has been more than a month, and there's no further announcement about the final winners (for the big prize) and no update on the $500 prize. They were supposed to announce the winners on April 23rd, but there's still no information until now.
Should I just forget about this contest by Opera? Or can I keep asking them for more information? Cause I participated the whole contest and answered every quiz question, I'm quite invested in this contest. Is this the kind of contest they held just for engagement, expecting the participants to forget about it? Please help...
submitted by FCKANX to operabrowser [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 SYT_Delta What would be people's ideas on a "Frank Horrigan" build?

Just a random question on my mind since Bethesda finally processed my Atom Shop support ticket after 12 days. (I assume the support team is overloaded due to the massive influx of new players.)
How would you guys make it? I'm considering making one. Full-health power armor, most likely, but that's all I got so far since his weapons from F2 don't have easy substitutions and fully maxed out special point values are impossible.
submitted by SYT_Delta to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 Maximum_Dentist5175 AITA for being openly grossed out by smoking?

Hi yall, I didn't see myself as a judgemental person, but my friend is making me kind of feel like an ass for how she's been reacting to what I've been saying recently. I(19f) don't care that people smoke. However, I personally find it gross and am cautious of the effects of smoking because of my grandma who has a pacemaker. My friend(19f) picked up a habit of vaping and smoking in college. No problem, I don't even care if she vapes around me occasionally. However, she recently made a joke while on a road trip about bumming a cigarette off of a guy, so I told her she would have to take another shower if she does because we had to share a bed that night. she asked why and i said that it's because I cannot stand the smell of cigarettes, I think it's disgusting. She then goes quiet for the rest of the car ride back to the airbnb and mutters that she feels extremely judged when we get inside. Our other friends look confused so I told them that she seem upset that I said smoking is disgusting. They were confused as well and said that everyone knows it's bad for you and not the healthiest habit, some people just choose to anyways. I told her later that I don't think she is personally disgusting, just that the habit grosses me out and that everyone has weird or gross habits. She seemed glad to hear that but then continued to be distant from me the rest of the night. I'm just confused on why this one comment makes her feel so disgusting, but I can't feel a bit uncomfortable about her habits. She tells me she wants me to be honest, but any confrontation is met with weeks of needing validation that i don't hate her and that I don't tell anyone her secrets. It's obvious she's been through a lot but I don't think I should be responsible for that.
So, AITA or overthinking?
submitted by Maximum_Dentist5175 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 666devilsdaughter Pain Clinic

I’m in a pain management clinic for severe chronic pain of my lower back due to a herniated disc and also degenerative disc disease/spinal arthritis etc. these doctors are the only ones I feel safe with. Not only do they treat my pain but not once have they ever asked if I’m “up to date” on my pap nor have they randomly tried to insist I get one etc they never even ask if I ever have had one. When my issue first started and I needed the referral to even go to them the annoying primary care doctor I was assigned to by my insurance was like “low back pain? You’ve never had a pap we definitely have to make sure it’s not your vagina” and I’m siting there like uhhhh well I know the difference between my lower back and vagina so you’re definitely not violating my body to treat my back pain at that point I’ll take my back pain and march out of here. So I’m super happy to report that I’ve never been bothered about it since even though I’m sure the doctor was petty and notated I refused her to violate my vagina with her fingers and tools. Never had one never will. I don’t know what I would do other than suffer if it was a requirement for pain medication/the pain clinic
submitted by 666devilsdaughter to Wedeservebetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:37 Subwayscooby1 Nursing into real estate?

Hi guys, I am currently a nurse and want to do real estate, if I’m being honest I’m not really sure what it is either I just always wanted to sell houses and remodel them and sell them. I thought it’s best for me to post and ask where to start too? Where I do start? How will I be making money?
submitted by Subwayscooby1 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:36 jmwisc Sort of free subscription

For anyone on the fence you can basically get a free subscription for relay on Android. Just download the Google opinion rewards app. I've had it for years and have literally made hundreds for just a few seconds every few days. Just be sure to actually read the questions and at least answer somewhat truthfully. Especially early on they will ask questions multiple times to make sure you answer the same.
submitted by jmwisc to RelayForReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:36 Big_Affect2195 My (28M) boyfriend (M32) is using Bumble "only to make friends". Should I trust him?

I have been dating my boyfriend for just over 2 years. Aside from our relationship, neither of us have a whole lot of friends. I like to think I'm his best friend, as he is mine.
So today, he was telling me about a new friend he met online - some guy in his 40s with a wife and kids. That raised a few questions on my end, and he told me he uses Bumble to make friends and specifies on his profile that he is in a relationship. He had several other contacts - all guys - who he admitted to talking to as well. It strikes me as a little suspicious, but I don't want to press him on it to avoid being overbearing or toxic. I shouldn't be telling him who he can and can't talk to. Overall, our relationship is pretty great, but sometimes feels a little off. Any advice? How should I approach this?
submitted by Big_Affect2195 to askgaybros [link] [comments]
