Sodium phosphate monobasic

Chocolate Drink

2014.03.25 06:45 Ghostbuster180 Chocolate Drink

Yoo-hoo is an American brand of chocolate beverage that was developed in New Jersey in 1926; it is manufactured by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. This is a community dedicated to this drink.

2024.06.02 06:13 speshoot Multi-Vitamin enough?

I’m getting more serious as far as daily vitamins and stuff .. but I already take a multivitamin, is all these sufficient enough? maybe add some vitamin D3 etc.?
submitted by speshoot to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:00 Few-Love5936 HOCL shelf life problem

[Chemistry/Math problem at end] I've been making homemade HOCL(hypochlorous acid) and it doesn't last very long. I've been trying to find a way to prolong the shelf life, beside the obvious store in opaque PET container away from direct sunlight. (which by the way I have it in a spray bottle... I don't think the straw or sprayer mouth is PET, does that matter?) One potential solution is adding phosphoric acid to act as a preservative and at the same time lowing the pH to my desired pH. Another is adding hydrochloric acid to lower the pH and then adding a phosphate buffer like sodium phosphate to act as the preservative.
Now my question is, which solution would leave me with a cleaner or more stable product, and how much of each product do I need to add?
Say I have 6 liters of HOCL at a 6 pH how much mL phosphoric acid do I need to add (and does it need to be 85% phosphoric acid?) To stabilize it at 5 pH. (explanation and formula would be greatly helpful for my future reference to calculate myself)
Now say I have 6 liters of HOCL at 5 pH (thanks to the hydrochloric acid) (from advice another told me that phosphoric acid does not mix well with hydrochloric acid and should not be added but instead a phosphate buffer) how much sodium phosphate should I add to have the same preservative effects of phosphoric acid (and does that affect the pH?)
Can I do add multiple preservative steps to prolong the shelf life more without tampering the HOCL pH and ppm ?
submitted by Few-Love5936 to chemhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:59 Few-Love5936 HOCL shelf life issue

[Chemistry/Math problem at end] I've been making homemade HOCL(hypochlorous acid) and it doesn't last very long. I've been trying to find a way to prolong the shelf life, beside the obvious store in opaque PET container away from direct sunlight. (which by the way I have it in a spray bottle... I don't think the straw or sprayer mouth is PET, does that matter?) One potential solution is adding phosphoric acid to act as a preservative and at the same time lowing the pH to my desired pH. Another is adding hydrochloric acid to lower the pH and then adding a phosphate buffer like sodium phosphate to act as the preservative.
Now my question is, which solution would leave me with a cleaner or more stable product, and how much of each product do I need to add?
Say I have 6 liters of HOCL at a 6 pH how much mL phosphoric acid do I need to add (and does it need to be 85% phosphoric acid?) To stabilize it at 5 pH. (explanation and formula would be greatly helpful for my future reference to calculate myself)
Now say I have 6 liters of HOCL at 5 pH (thanks to the hydrochloric acid) (from advice another told me that phosphoric acid does not mix well with hydrochloric acid and should not be added but instead a phosphate buffer) how much sodium phosphate should I add to have the same preservative effects of phosphoric acid (and does that affect the pH?)
Can I do add multiple preservative steps to prolong the shelf life more without tampering the HOCL pH and ppm ?
submitted by Few-Love5936 to AskChemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:37 Owlie_6 Angel food cakes

Angel food cakes
I saw someone post the mini cake shells and wanted to share these as well. 120 calories for a 45g cake (the cake shells I found in Canada were are 75 for 1 cake/23g) so these work out to being better macros (split in half and you get the same size etc). I turned it into a delicious 150 cal snack that got all the cravings I was having. Mixed 0% high protein yogurt with SF chocolate jello. Added some strawberries and boom. Damn good and don’t feel any guilt about this one.
submitted by Owlie_6 to LowCalFoodFinds [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:18 Cautious-Gas-838 Low PTH-Related Protein?

31m 6'0" 250lbs, former smoker, no drinking, dx w/IST(Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia) which is well controlled without medication, currently taking Lisinopril 20mg for hypertension.
So I've had some labs done and I'm curious and a bit terrified to see the PTHRP low <5pg/ml. My endocrine kept saying we run this test to check for any malignancy. Google is of no assistance as you all know but I can't get away from it. Could any doctor here shed any form of advice on the situation. Please any advice on these labs would be appreciated. Thank you.
I will share the whole lab:
PTH-Related Protein PTH-RP <5 L Reference Range: 11-20 pg/mL
CBC (INCLUDES DIFF/PLT WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 12.0 H Reference Range: 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 5.50 Reference Range: 4.20-5.80 Million/uL
HEMOGLOBIN 15.2 Reference Range: 13.2-17.1 g/dL
HEMATOCRIT 46.2 Reference Range: 38.5-50.0 %
MCV 84.0 Reference Range: 80.0-100.0 fL
MCH 27.6 Reference Range: 27.0-33.0 pg
MCHC 32.9 Reference Range: 32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW 13.8 Reference Range: 11.0-15.0 %
PLATELET COUNT 364 Reference Range: 140-400 Thousand/uL
MPV 9.7 Reference Range: 7.5-12.5 fL
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 8220 H Reference Range: 1500-7800 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 2352 Reference Range: 850-3900 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 1044 H Reference Range: 200-950 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 312 Reference Range: 15-500 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 72 Reference Range: 0-200 cells/uL
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel GLUCOSE 96 Reference Range: 65-99 mg/dL Fasting reference interval
UREA NITROGEN (BUN) 16 Reference Range: 7-25 mg/dL
CREATININE 0.86 Reference Range: 0.60-1.26 mg/dL
EGFR119 Reference Range: > OR = 60 mL/min/1.73m2
BUN/CREATININE RATIO SEE NOTE: Reference Range: 6-22 (calc) Not Reported: BUN and Creatinine are within reference range.
SODIUM 137 Reference Range: 135-146 mmol/L
POTASSIUM 4.7 Reference Range: 3.5-5.3 mmol/L
CHLORIDE 99 Reference Range: 98-110 mmol/L
CARBON DIOXIDE 30 Reference Range: 20-32 mmol/L
CALCIUM 9.6 Reference Range: 8.6-10.3 mg/dL
PROTEIN, TOTAL 7.5 Reference Range: 6.1-8.1 g/dL
ALBUMIN 4.4 Reference Range: 3.6-5.1 g/dL
GLOBULIN 3.1 Reference Range: 1.9-3.7 g/dL (calc)
ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO 1.4 Reference Range: 1.0-2.5 (calc)
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 0.3 Reference Range: 0.2-1.2 mg/dL
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 49 Reference Range: 36-130 U/L
AST 20 Reference Range: 10-40 U/L
ALT 33 Reference Range: 9-46 U/L
Magnesium 2 mg/dl
submitted by Cautious-Gas-838 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 Leap-store The Importance of Electrolytes for Hydration and Exercise Performance

Staying adequately hydrated is a fundamental aspect of maintaining overall health and supporting optimal physical performance, especially during exercise. Electrolytes play a crucial role in hydration by helping regulate fluid balance and facilitating various physiological processes in the body. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the significance of electrolytes, their role in hydration, and how they impact exercise performance.
Understanding Electrolytes
Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and are essential for various physiological functions. The major electrolytes in the body include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and bicarbonate. These minerals are present in bodily fluids, such as blood and urine, and play a pivotal role in maintaining the balance of fluids both inside and outside cells .
The Role of Electrolytes in Hydration
1. Fluid Balance:
Electrolytes help regulate the balance of fluids in and out of cells, tissues, and organs. Sodium and potassium, in particular, play a crucial role in maintaining proper fluid balance .
2. Nerve Function:
Electrolytes are essential for nerve impulse transmission. Sodium and potassium ions contribute to the generation and propagation of nerve signals, influencing muscle contractions and other physiological processes .
3. Muscle Function:
Proper muscle function relies on the balance of electrolytes. Calcium and sodium are involved in muscle contraction, while potassium helps in muscle relaxation .
4. pH Regulation:
Electrolytes contribute to maintaining the body's acid-base balance, which is vital for optimal cellular function. Bicarbonate, for example, helps regulate the pH of bodily fluids .

Electrolytes and Exercise
When you engage in physical activity, especially intense or prolonged exercise, your body loses fluids through sweat. Sweat is not just water; it also contains electrolytes. The loss of these minerals can impact hydration status and potentially hinder performance. Here's how electrolytes influence exercise:
1. Hydration Status:
Electrolytes help the body absorb and retain water. In the absence of sufficient electrolytes, the body may struggle to maintain proper hydration, leading to dehydration .
2. Preventing Hyponatremia:
Hyponatremia is a condition characterized by low blood sodium levels, often associated with excessive fluid intake during prolonged exercise. Adequate sodium intake helps prevent this imbalance .
Ensuring Electrolyte Balance During Exercise
To optimize hydration and performance, consider the following strategies:
1. Stay Hydrated:
Drink fluids before, during, and after exercise to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Water alone may be sufficient for shorter durations, but for prolonged or intense exercise, consider beverages that provide electrolytes .
2. Electrolyte-Rich Foods:
Include foods rich in potassium (e.g., bananas, oranges) and magnesium (e.g., nuts, seeds) in your pre- and post-exercise meals to support electrolyte balance .
3. Sports Drinks:
For prolonged or intense exercise, especially in a hot environment, consider sports drinks that provide a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes to fuel energy and replace losses .
4. Individual Needs:
Recognize that individual electrolyte needs vary based on factors such as body weight, sweat rate, and environmental conditions. Adjust your intake accordingly .
Electrolytes are essential for hydration and play a pivotal role in supporting various physiological functions, especially during exercise. Maintaining proper electrolyte balance is crucial for preventing dehydration, muscle cramps, and other issues that can compromise performance. Whether through dietary choices, hydration strategies, or sports drinks, prioritizing electrolyte balance is key to unlocking your full potential during physical activity.
Incorporating electrolyte-rich foods and beverages into your routine, understanding individual hydration needs, and staying mindful of electrolyte losses during exercise can contribute to a well-hydrated and high-performing body.
submitted by Leap-store to u/Leap-store [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:29 throwingthisaway2235 Supplements Pregnancy

Hey you guys,
my first pregnancy was unplanned, I wasn’t taking good care of myself before finding out and had a rough pregnancy. My daughter thankfully is very healthy (she turned 3 recently) but this time I would like to be as healthy as possible (assuming I get pregnant, planning on starting to try soon).
So I did a lot of research around supplements during pregnancy. Maybe too much, I tend to get obsessive with these things!
I was thinking about taking Thorne Basic Prenatal but the very high levels of folate and b12 deter me.
So I was thinking about taking a moderatly dosed prenatal and add some supplements to that. Now I’m wondering if those higher dosed single supplements I’m planning to add could deplete some other nutrients. Like, would 200 mcg of selenium result in low b12 levels or something (I completely made this connection up), like are there any interactions that I’m not aware of that could have an adverse effect? Are there supplements that shouldn’t be taken together in higher doses?
Thorne Basic Prenatal has EVERY nutrient super high so it would still be a balanced multi supplement.
Buying all these supplements might also be expensive, something I’ll have to consider, too, but I would like to have the perfect combination on paper before deciding what I will be able to afford. Hehe
Thanks so much in advance!
nutrient quantity
vitamin E 20 mg (α-TE)
vitamin A 200 µg (RE) (retinyl acetate)
vitamin K 75 µg (menaquinone-7)
vitamin d3 800 IU (cholecalciferol)
vitamin c 100 mg (calcium ascorbate)
niacin 15 mg (NE) (nicotinamide)
pantothenic acid 12 mg (calcium d-panthothenate)
vitamin B6 2,8 mg (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)
riboflavin 4,2 mg (sodium riboflavin 5-phosphate)
thiamin (Vitamin B1) 3,3 mg (thiamine mononitrate)
folic acid 400 µg (5-methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt)
biotin 100 µg (d-biotin)
vitamin B12 12 µg (hydroxocobalamin + methylcobalamin)
zinc 6,8 mg (zinc bisglycinate)
manganese 0,5 mg (manganese gluconate)
copper 0,3 mg (copper gluconate)
molybdenum 25 µg (sodium molybdate)
chromium 20 µg (chromium picolinate)
selenium 50 µg (selenium yeast)
iodine 150 µg (potassium iodide)
THESE ARE NUTRIENTS I’M THINKING ABOUT ADDING (the amino acid blend I would like to add because I don’t eat meat):
nutrient quantity
calcium 250 mg
magnesium 125 mg
iron 14 mg (bisglycinate + lactoferrin + vit c)
zinc 15 mg ((mix zinc bisglycinate, zinc citrate, zinc gluconate)
chromium 50–100 µg
omega 3 2000-3000 mg (epa 609 mg, dpa 157 mg, dha 1158 mg)
vitamin d3 5000 IU
k2 60 µg
selenium 100-200 µg (sodium selenite)
q10 100-200 mg (ubiquinol)
creatine 3 g (creatine monohydrate)
carnitine 500 mg (acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride, L-carnitine L-tartrate)
taurine 750 mg
glycine 10 g
rapeseed lecithin 20 g = 800 mg phosphatidylcholine
submitted by throwingthisaway2235 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:28 throwingthisaway2235 Supplements Pregnancy

Hey you guys,
my first pregnancy was unplanned, I wasn’t taking good care of myself before finding out and had a rough pregnancy. My daughter thankfully is very healthy (she turned 3 recently) but this time I would like to be as healthy as possible (assuming I get pregnant, planning on starting to try soon).
So I did a lot of research around supplements during pregnancy. Maybe too much, I tend to get obsessive with these things!
I was thinking about taking Thorne Basic Prenatal but the very high levels of folate and b12 deter me.
So I was thinking about taking a moderatly dosed prenatal and add some supplements to that. Now I’m wondering if those higher dosed single supplements I’m planning to add could deplete some other nutrients. Like, would 200 mcg of selenium result in low b12 levels or something (I completely made this connection up), like are there any interactions that I’m not aware of that could have an adverse effect? Are there supplements that shouldn’t be taken together in higher doses?
Thorne Basic Prenatal has EVERY nutrient super high so it would still be a balanced multi supplement.
Buying all these supplements might also be expensive, something I’ll have to consider, too, but I would like to have the perfect combination on paper before deciding what I will be able to afford. Hehe
Thanks so much in advance!
nutrient quantity
vitamin E 20 mg (α-TE)
vitamin A 200 µg (RE) (retinyl acetate)
vitamin K 75 µg (menaquinone-7)
vitamin d3 800 IU (cholecalciferol)
vitamin c 100 mg (calcium ascorbate)
niacin 15 mg (NE) (nicotinamide)
pantothenic acid 12 mg (calcium d-panthothenate)
vitamin B6 2,8 mg (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)
riboflavin 4,2 mg (sodium riboflavin 5-phosphate)
thiamin (Vitamin B1) 3,3 mg (thiamine mononitrate)
folic acid 400 µg (5-methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt)
biotin 100 µg (d-biotin)
vitamin B12 12 µg (hydroxocobalamin + methylcobalamin)
zinc 6,8 mg (zinc bisglycinate)
manganese 0,5 mg (manganese gluconate)
copper 0,3 mg (copper gluconate)
molybdenum 25 µg (sodium molybdate)
chromium 20 µg (chromium picolinate)
selenium 50 µg (selenium yeast)
iodine 150 µg (potassium iodide)
THESE ARE NUTRIENTS I’M THINKING ABOUT ADDING (the amino acid blend I would like to add because I don’t eat meat):
nutrient quantity
calcium 250 mg
magnesium 125 mg
iron 14 mg (bisglycinate + lactoferrin + vit c)
zinc 15 mg ((mix zinc bisglycinate, zinc citrate, zinc gluconate)
chromium 50–100 µg
omega 3 2000-3000 mg (epa 609 mg, dpa 157 mg, dha 1158 mg)
vitamin d3 5000 IU
k2 60 µg
selenium 100-200 µg (sodium selenite)
q10 100-200 mg (ubiquinol)
creatine 3 g (creatine monohydrate)
carnitine 500 mg (acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride, L-carnitine L-tartrate)
taurine 750 mg
glycine 10 g
rapeseed lecithin 20 g = 800 mg phosphatidylcholine
submitted by throwingthisaway2235 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:26 throwingthisaway2235 Supplements Pregnancy

Hey you guys,
my first pregnancy was unplanned, I wasn’t taking good care of myself before finding out and had a rough pregnancy. My daughter thankfully is very healthy (she turned 3 recently) but this time I would like to be as healthy as possible (assuming I get pregnant, planning on starting to try soon).
So I did a lot of research around supplements during pregnancy. Maybe too much, I tend to get obsessive with these things!
I was thinking about taking Thorne Basic Prenatal but the very high levels of folate and b12 deter me.
So I was thinking about taking a moderatly dosed prenatal and add some supplements to that. Now I’m wondering if those higher dosed single supplements I’m planning to add could deplete some other nutrients. Like, would 200 mcg of selenium result in low b12 levels or something (I completely made this connection up), like are there any interactions that I’m not aware of that could have an adverse effect? Are there supplements that shouldn’t be taken together in higher doses?
Thorne Basic Prenatal has EVERY nutrient super high so it would still be a balanced multi supplement.
Buying all these supplements might also be expensive, something I’ll have to consider, too, but I would like to have the perfect combination on paper before deciding what I will be able to afford. Hehe
Thanks so much in advance!
nutrient quantity
vitamin E 20 mg (α-TE)
vitamin A 200 µg (RE) (retinyl acetate)
vitamin K 75 µg (menaquinone-7)
vitamin d3 800 IU (cholecalciferol)
vitamin c 100 mg (calcium ascorbate)
niacin 15 mg (NE) (nicotinamide)
pantothenic acid 12 mg (calcium d-panthothenate)
vitamin B6 2,8 mg (pyridoxal-5-phosphate)
riboflavin 4,2 mg (sodium riboflavin 5-phosphate)
thiamin (Vitamin B1) 3,3 mg (thiamine mononitrate)
folic acid 400 µg (5-methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt)
biotin 100 µg (d-biotin)
vitamin B12 12 µg (hydroxocobalamin + methylcobalamin)
zinc 6,8 mg (zinc bisglycinate)
manganese 0,5 mg (manganese gluconate)
copper 0,3 mg (copper gluconate)
molybdenum 25 µg (sodium molybdate)
chromium 20 µg (chromium picolinate)
selenium 50 µg (selenium yeast)
iodine 150 µg (potassium iodide)
THESE ARE NUTRIENTS I’M THINKING ABOUT ADDING (the amino acid blend I would like to add because I don’t eat meat):
nutrient quantity
calcium 250 mg
magnesium 125 mg
iron 14 mg (bisglycinate + lactoferrin + vit c)
zinc 15 mg ((mix zinc bisglycinate, zinc citrate, zinc gluconate)
chromium 50–100 µg
omega 3 2000-3000 mg (epa 609 mg, dpa 157 mg, dha 1158 mg)
vitamin d3 5000 IU
k2 60 µg
selenium 100-200 µg (sodium selenite)
q10 100-200 mg (ubiquinol)
creatine 3 g (creatine monohydrate)
carnitine 500 mg (acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride, L-carnitine L-tartrate)
taurine 750 mg
glycine 10 g
rapeseed lecithin 20 g = 800 mg phosphatidylcholine
submitted by throwingthisaway2235 to ScienceBasedParenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:37 ace_hospital_pune How Thyroid Disorders Impact Kidney and Urinary Tract Health ?

How Thyroid Disorders Impact Kidney and Urinary Tract Health ?
In the complex and interconnected world of human physiology, the thyroid gland holds a place of great importance. This small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development. While the thyroid's role in these processes is well-known, its impact on other organs, particularly the kidneys and the urinary tract, is often overlooked. In this blog, we will explore the intricate relationship between thyroid disorders and kidney and urinary tract functions, highlighting the importance of holistic healthcare approaches in managing these conditions.
Understanding the Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland produces two main hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones influence nearly every cell in the body, affecting metabolic rate, heart function, digestive health, muscle control, brain development, and bone maintenance. The production and release of these hormones are regulated by the pituitary gland, which secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
Common Thyroid Disorders
Thyroid disorders are relatively common and can significantly impact overall health. The two primary types of thyroid disorders are:
Hypothyroidism: This condition occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. Symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance, depression, and slowed heart rate. Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder, is a common cause of hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism: This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Symptoms include weight loss, rapid heartbeat, sweating, nervousness, and irritability. Graves' disease, another autoimmune disorder, is a common cause of hyperthyroidism.
The Thyroid-Kidney Connection
The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering blood, removing waste products, balancing electrolytes, and regulating blood pressure. Thyroid hormones influence kidney function in several ways, and disruptions in thyroid hormone levels can have significant effects on kidney health.
Hypothyroidism and Kidney Function
Hypothyroidism can lead to several kidney-related issues, including:
Reduced Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR): GFR is a measure of how well the kidneys filter blood. Hypothyroidism can reduce GFR, leading to impaired kidney function and decreased clearance of waste products from the body. This can result in the accumulation of toxins and fluids.
Hyponatremia: Hypothyroidism can cause an imbalance in sodium levels, leading to hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood). This condition can cause symptoms such as headache, nausea, confusion, and seizures. Proper sodium balance is crucial for maintaining kidney function.
Fluid Retention and Edema: Hypothyroidism can cause the body to retain fluids, leading to swelling (edema) in the extremities. This fluid retention can put additional strain on the kidneys and exacerbate kidney dysfunction.
Hyperthyroidism and Kidney Function
Hyperthyroidism can also affect kidney health, leading to issues such as:
Increased GFR: Hyperthyroidism can cause an increase in GFR, which may seem beneficial but can lead to increased renal blood flow and potential damage to the glomeruli (the filtering units of the kidneys).
Electrolyte Imbalances: Hyperthyroidism can cause imbalances in electrolytes such as calcium and phosphate, which are essential for proper kidney function. Elevated calcium levels (hypercalcemia) can lead to kidney stones and impaired kidney function.
Proteinuria: Hyperthyroidism can cause protein to leak into the urine (proteinuria), which is a sign of kidney damage. Chronic proteinuria can lead to further kidney damage and a decline in kidney function.
The Impact of Thyroid Disorders on the Urinary Tract
In addition to their effects on the kidneys, thyroid disorders can also impact the urinary tract. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, and it is responsible for the production, storage, and elimination of urine.
Hypothyroidism and the Urinary Tract
Urinary Retention: Hypothyroidism can cause urinary retention, a condition where the bladder does not empty completely. This can lead to increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder dysfunction.
Decreased Bladder Capacity: Hypothyroidism can reduce bladder capacity, leading to frequent urination and an increased risk of UTIs.
Hyperthyroidism and the Urinary Tract
Increased Urine Output (Polyuria): Hyperthyroidism can lead to increased urine production, a condition known as polyuria. This can result in frequent urination and dehydration if fluid intake is not adequately increased.
Increased Risk of UTIs: Hyperthyroidism can increase the risk of urinary tract infections due to changes in urinary patterns and possible alterations in immune function.
The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Comprehensive Treatment
Given the complex relationship between thyroid function and kidney and urinary tract health, early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of thyroid disorders are essential. Healthcare providers should be aware of the potential renal and urinary complications associated with thyroid disorders and take a holistic approach to patient care.
Diagnosis and Management
Diagnosing thyroid disorders involves a combination of clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and imaging studies. Common diagnostic tests include:
Thyroid Function Tests: These blood tests measure levels of TSH, T4, and T3. Elevated TSH and low T4 indicate hypothyroidism, while low TSH and high T4 indicate hyperthyroidism.
Antibody Tests: These tests detect antibodies associated with autoimmune thyroid disorders, such as anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies in Hashimoto's thyroiditis and thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSIs) in Graves' disease.
Imaging Studies: Ultrasound and radioactive iodine uptake tests can help evaluate the structure and function of the thyroid gland.
The management of thyroid disorders involves a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and regular monitoring. Treatment strategies include:
Medication: Hypothyroidism is typically treated with synthetic thyroid hormone replacement (levothyroxine). Hyperthyroidism may be treated with anti-thyroid medications (methimazole or propylthiouracil), radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery.
Lifestyle Changes: Maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management can help support thyroid function and overall health.
Regular Monitoring: Patients with thyroid disorders should undergo regular monitoring of thyroid function tests to ensure that treatment is effective and to adjust medications as needed.
Addressing Kidney and Urinary Tract Health: Patients with thyroid disorders should also have their kidney function and urinary health monitored regularly. This may include blood tests to assess kidney function, urine tests to detect proteinuria or infection, and imaging studies if necessary.
The Role of Specialist Care at Ace Hospital
At Ace Hospital, we understand the intricate connections between thyroid health, kidney function, and urinary tract health. Our team of specialists in nephrology, urology, and endocrinology work together to provide comprehensive care for patients with thyroid disorders. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of a patient's health are addressed, leading to better outcomes and improved quality of life.
The relationship between thyroid disorders and kidney and urinary tract health is complex and multifaceted. Understanding this connection is crucial for providing comprehensive care to patients with thyroid issues. By recognizing the potential impact of thyroid disorders on kidney and urinary function, healthcare providers can take a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
At Ace Hospital, we are committed to providing expert care for thyroid, kidney, and urinary tract health. Our team of specialists is dedicated to helping patients manage their conditions and improve their overall well-being. If you have concerns about your thyroid health or its impact on your kidneys and urinary tract, contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experienced team.
submitted by ace_hospital_pune to u/ace_hospital_pune [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:22 Long-Engineering-537 Are these normal results?

Mch high didnt fast
submitted by Long-Engineering-537 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:12 YardAccomplished5952 The Creation of Life In The Universe & The Creation of Life On Earth

The vast reservoirs of carbon dioxide, silicon dioxide, oxygen, water, methane, and ammonia
molecules, present on the early Earth, would have been manufactured, sorted, combined and
refined by the planet itself; and would later serve as the raw materials for the planet-wide
production of more complex compounds, such as sugars, amino acids, fatty acids and other complex
carbon-containing compounds. In other words, on the early Earth, many of those inorganic chemical
compounds and the molecular structures they form would serve as the container (or beaker and
petri dish), fuel source (or Bunsen burners), reactant, catalyst and reagents for various complex
reactions (or syphoned-off, closed-off, pressurized and temperature controlled reactions) used for
the production of many basic organic compounds. Essentially, the natural convection and
geochemical mechanisms of the planet would only need to get certain specific light or gaseous
elements confined within certain reaction channels, pockets, or cavities, at or just below the Earth’s
surface, in the presence of certain natural catalysts and reagents, to start to create the very first
chemical permutations for biological life. This is because, spectroscopic analysis of organic
compounds and biological molecules (such as sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids) shows that, in
their most basic forms, all organic molecules comprise of some combination of just 11 specific light
elements, all of which would have been abundant within the lower atmosphere and upper crust of
the newly formed Earth.
Essentially, because of the specific chemical composition and energy orientation of the early Earth,
all variations of carbon-based life, at the molecular level, mainly contain six elements: oxygen,
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, with trace amounts of another five elements:
potassium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. Which is why, the experiment conducted by
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey, in the 1950's, where they tested if organic molecules readily form
from simple inorganic compounds, used a closed system of gases, thought to be abundant in the
atmosphere of the early earth (namely, H2O, N2, NH3, and CH4). Importantly, for the main energy
resource, to aid or ignite the chemical reactions, they chose to simulate lightning by sending sparks
of electricity through the mixture. Then, after letting the experiment run for a week, Miller and Urey
found that various types of amino acids, sugars, fatty acids and other organic molecules emerged
within the mixture. However, no natural catalysts (such as clays minerals, metallic substances, or
phosphates) were used and as a result, no large complex polymer chains, such as proteins or RNA,
were formed within this mixture, but the experiment demonstrated that, at least, some of the
building blocks for life could form spontaneously from simple inorganic compounds, using
reasonable quantities of energy.
Therefore, in nature, the sequences of compounds, made from those 11 elements, that did not
immediately overheat and decompose back to their individual inorganic or elemental components,
and were able to remain stable, long enough, to merge into complex polymer chains, to become
proteins and lipids, would mark the start of bio-coherency on the planet. Where, under this notion
of bio-coherency the reactant for the newer reaction would mainly be comprised of the organic
compounds or strings of organic chemical information that were manufacture in the previous
reactions, microseconds earlier. This is because, the emergence of the first set of protein molecules,
would also make the arrival of enzymes, as well; as most enzyme are proteins that would allow ever
more complex polymer chains to be engineered or manufactured, and would allow more chemical
information and chemical energy to be stored within increasingly more complex chemical mixtures
and chemical systems. Additionally, these newly formed enzymes would be able to act as natural
catalysts (or Extremozyme), and thus would help many complex reactions to occur at much lower
activation energy levels, than they otherwise would in nature (as, enzymes are known to be able to
catalyse more than 5,000 biochemical reaction types), even at extreme temperatures. As such, the
emergence of life and biological complexity would about not only the quality and quantity of
chemical ingredients, but it would also be about energy availability, reaction activation levels,
chemical durability, and catalytic integrity, as well.
Furthermore, introducing a catalytic component to these mixtures would allow for faster and more
efficient reaction, and would allow for a more streamline ordination of the reactions that need to
occur in sequential order (or even concurrently). Essentially, the organic molecules or polymers that
emerged to take the place of inorganic mineral catalyst would quickly elevate the complexity and
efficiency of those enclosed mixtures, as they would not have to rely on constant outside refuelling
of catalytic components, instead they could simply make their own, in the right proportions, as
needed. As such, any protein or other polymer structure that reliable meet, those functionalities
would quickly attain significant dominants within the burgeoning mixtures. Which is why, ribonucleic
acid (or nucleotides) and amino acids (or peptides) became an indomitable part of all functioning
bio-chemical mixtures at the molecular level, as they are the chemical that possess the ability to
preserve both chemical information and catalytic information, within their overall arrangement and
overall molecular structural framework, shape, and orientation. Furthermore, ribonucleic acid, as a
polymer of nucleotides, functionally act as the sequencer that facilitates the polymerization of
amino acids into specific proteins. As such, the set of RNA molecules that possesses catalytic
properties to optimize (or that are able to recall and preserve the exact steps and components need
for) the production of organic compounds such as proteins would serve as the first type of genetic
code (or as a means of storing the chemical and catalytic identity of an enclosed mixture).
Consequently, the emergence of the first set of enzymes, which are the type proteins or other
polymers that can catalyse the creation of protein molecules, would facilitate the emergence of the
very first closed loop autocatalytic chemical mixture, which would represent a mixture containing
reactant and catalysts that were synthesized by and within the mixture itself. Additionally, the
existence of this catalyst-filled mixture running on reaction autopilot would facilitate or allow ever
more complex polymer chains to be engineered, or manufactured, within minutes if not seconds of
each other. Essentially, this would allow vast quantities of chemical information, or chemical energy,
to be stored within these increasingly more complex compounds, or chemical systems. Such that,
these chemical mixtures or chemical systems would conduct organic chain reactions on overdrive, as
the chemicals contained within them would be either the main ingredients and/or the means of
lowing the activation energy for future reactions, which would exponentially increase the likelihood
of specific types of reaction taking place. Therefore, the constituent parts (or catalytic substances
and substrates) within these dynamic mixtures would quickly evolve into more complex and large
polymer structures, which would allow them to acquire more functionalities, as well as more
physical properties, shapes and traits.
Importantly, it should be noted that given that unlike most inorganic catalyst, catalytic enzyme
cannot function in open / unprotected environments; as such, the emergence of lipids (which are
the complex polymer chains, or molecular chains, of fatty acids), would represent the emergence of
the very first partially insoluble molecular shells or membranes, that could enclose or wall-off
mixtures. Thus, the many little spherical pockets or oily bubbles create by lipid molecular shells
would serve as the very first maze-like multi-chambered multi-layered structures that could fully
enclose and insulate various chemical systems, or mixtures, of ongoing molecular reactions that
contain both catalytic enzymes and proteins. So, many of the reactions that were being catalysed by
proteins and enzymes would readily be protected from being directly exposed to the harshness of
the outside environment, like they would be if those reaction were solely occurring in underground
vents, rock channels and closed rock cavities (or in lakes or stagnant pools of water). As such, the
concurrent emergence of the carbon- containing compounds, or chemicals, known as proteins,
enzymes, and lipids would mark the point where new portable diffusion gradients, reaction
pathways, along with new pressure and temperature gradients could form on the early Earth.
Therefore, within those moments, thousands of new reaction types, or chemical combinations,
would start create fully functional Molecular Machines, designed to complete specific chemical and
physical tasks, while others would become Discrete Data storage units, designed to store specific
kinds of chemical information, within the 3-dimensional structure of their physical molecular chain.
Thus, some of these organic molecular machines and molecular structures would represent fully
functional sequences, or pockets of chemical information and they would preserve the accumulated
lineage of the chemical information once only held within the system that created them, while
others would preserve the properties, functionalities, chemical pathways, rules, protocols, and
syntax unique to those systems. As such, these units or pocket biological coherency, could be
defined ostensibly as an enclosed set of localized mixtures (or as a mesh of compounds) that exist
collectively to follow an existential set of algorithmic permutations (or axiomatic source codes),
written in, written on, or stored within carbon-based molecular compounds, or chemical molecules.
Where, those compounds would not only possess the ability to store information by virtue of their
arrangements, configurations, reactions, and interactions, but they would also possess the ability to
functionally read, compile, execute, and utilize, the multiplicity of chemical information, or chemical
energy, stored within the other molecules they come in contact with (or interact with). Therefore,
the life-like structures would represent bounded units of stored chemical information working
together in unison with or within various mechanical and chemical microsystems; where, catalytic
enzymes and lipids would actively, or continuously, help to reduce the activation energy levels
needed for certain reaction to occur, and to prevent premature halting caused by excess heat or
other external environmental pressures.
As such, with these lipid enclosed chemical pockets, reactions that once took days or even millions
of years to unfold naturally would now reach completion within microseconds; and, this jump in
complexity, and efficiency, would result in the creation more complex chemical entities such as
viruses, which toe (or straddle) the line between the living and non-living world. As, viruses are
portable chemical structures that are simply messenger catalysts / enzymes and proteins (or
chemical information) physically and chemically fused to, or encased within, a lipid shell (and can
simultaneously be view as nest of biological functionalities, or as inert chemical molecules stuck
together). However, unlike the limited chemical information and functionalities or properties stored
within individual lipids, proteins and enzymes, each virus’s amalgamated molecular structure would
possess a lot more functionalities and a lot more stored chemical information, when compare to the
basic polymers or organic compounds, or progenitors, that preceded them. Therefore, viruses would
represent one stratum up in the lineage of chemical structures manufactured by a concurrent
amalgamation of chemical mixtures that actively use energy to sequence and store information, and
that protect and insulate these pockets of chemical information from the inorganic world, or outside
Additionally, the syntax or sequences of chemical information (proteins, enzymes and catalytic RNA)
held within these viruses, would have the added functionality of being able to hijack the resources,
mechanisms and chemical infrastructures of other chemical systems, to derail, interrupt, or interfere
with many of their natural protocols and tasks. As, viruses would be able to chemically, or
genetically, introduce some of their own chemical information, catalytic instructions, RNA code and
mechanical sequences into other structures and mixtures, specifically through the existing chemical
pathways of the lytic and lysogenic cycle, which is the universal chemical syntax shared by all
biological entities. Which would allow viruses to functionally transport and actively facilitate the
exchanging of genetic material and catalytic tasks among the many lipid bound microsystems that
happen to be in close physical proximity to each other, or that possess very structurally similar lipid
membranes and can attract and attach to each other. Therefore, viruses would be the means
through which some isolated lipid bound chemical mixtures would place, preserve or package
segment of their existing catalytic information or catalytic instructions into portable pockets, for
later use by them or by other larger systems to make newer, more complex, or more elaborate
permutations or arrangements of polymer chains.
Consequently, on the newly formed Earth, before the formation of the first true single cell
organisms, viruses and some loosely held together proto-cells that resemble lipid bound organelles
would be the main stores of biochemical information and catalytic instructions. However, the cross
membrane interactions among these wide array of organelle like structures or viruses (or proteins
stores of chemical information protected by lipid shells) and enzymes (or functional catalytic
proteins), would quickly lead to the creation of the first true single-celled prokaryotic organism.
Which would represent one of the most significant leap in the complexity of shared and stored
chemical information (and would take the form of a concentrated energy enriched mixture of
proteins, enzymes, and various dissolved organic and inorganic substances, protected by or encased
with a semi-permeable lipid mesh). Additionally, even though, at first glance, a prokaryotic organism
would appear to be very similar to a virus, or would appear to be a virus that simply happens to be a
lot more hydrated (or that happens to have retained a lot more water and dissolved chemicals); it
would, actually, represent a gigantic leap in biological complexity. This is because, prokaryotes
would be able to install within themselves organelles or molecular structures such as Ribosomes,
which comprise of many set of catalytic molecular machines, that would serve as the site of
biological protein synthesis; and would represent a set of structures that no virus would be complex
enough to possess. As, these ribosomes would have the ability to link amino acids together, in the
sequential order specified by the instructional templates, or data, stored within the physical
structure of the molecules such as messenger RNA molecules.
However, much like viruses, many prokaryotic entities would possess the ability to either hijack,
and/or have its own internal mechanisms infiltrated by, other prokaryotes due to the similarity
among their internal catalytic structure, proteins and enzymes, or because of the shared
commonalities of syntax used within certain aspects of their membranes and lysogenic chemical
pathways. Subsequently, this process of endosymbiosis would allow two or more prokaryotes, (or
one prokaryotic entity and a multiplicity of viruses), to merged or to coalesce within a share physical
structures. Which would permanently merge the molecular, chemical or catalytic lineage of these
different chemical structures, or sources of chemical information, and would represent a key step in
the evolutionary process of cellular structure; as, it would lead to the creation of the first set of
eukaryotes, which are the entities that are one fractal stratum above prokaryotes in biological
complexity. Which means that, eukaryotes are the results or by-products of a multiplicity of
prokaryotes and viruses hijacking or co-opting each other’s genetics and catalytic chemical pathways
via forceful membrane intrusion and through the lysogenic cycle. Thus, the double-membranebound mitochondria, with its very own strands of circular DNA, found in the complex structures of
most eukaryotic cells, may have originally been a prokaryotic entity that had its own internal
mechanisms hijacked or overwritten by another; where, one entity utilized the lysogenic cycle to
forcibly splice its own chemical instructions, or genetic information, into the other.
Overtime, depending on the level of exchange, integration or interaction amongst these prokaryotic
entities, there would soon emerge more reliable ways to attain mobility or to acquire energy, more
efficient ways of storing chemical information and catalytic instruction, or more reliable ways for
recording or storing genetic information and instruction, etc. As such, congruent to this exponential
growth in complexity would be the emergence of DNA (which are nested fractal molecular folds of
cumulative codes or polymerized RNA), from which more expansive protein synthesis can be
harness, when pair with extensive clusters of ribosomes, and more proficient ways of storing or
extracting power or energy within the cell. In addition, some microcellular organisms would develop
or acquire new say build, generate or repair their membranes and the specialized membranes would
create separate species that are able to defend against unwanted genetic material or chemical
resources, chemical energy, and chemical information intrusion, or defend against viruses and other
intrusive external pockets of genetic code or catalytic information. Which would ensure that only
specific type of chemical information would be absorbed or incorporated into their existing chemical
system, without causing significant changes to, or disruption within, the system. Therefore, this
would allow for the assimilation, upgrade and installation of entire chemical systems, and this would
mark the first sign of true biological evolution.
Essentially, these prokaryotes would exist as unique individually and not necessarily direct clones or
replicas of each other, but since they would not be able shout to each other nor shine a flashlight to
display the unique qualities, they would only be able to communicate or show their distinct
personalities through means of physical contact or through direct chemical exchanges. Which would
allow them to transfer catalytic enzymes, proteins, or genetic information, within their local
ecosystem. As such, it is through these cross membrane (or intermembrane) means of
communication, regulated by the share syntax of lysogenic cycle, where techniques and chemical
procedures would have occasionally gotten distributed, amongst the population, without invasively
destroying or completely overriding existing information. Which would serve as a new multiplicative
or additive way for organisms to develop or refine their previously individually developed ways of
performing certain tasks, and would allow them to adopt or develop many new traits,
functionalities, or techniques, to add to, or replace, all the ones that they came up with in isolation.
Furthermore, this continued growth in complexity amongst all these populations of biological
entities, where information from external sources could get continually, continuously and seamlessly
added to existing nucleic acid / RNA or DNA, rather than causing the host cell to be destroyed, would
allow for a seamless elevation in overall biological complexity across the entire planet.
In general, this lysogenic exchange or sharing of chemical information and catalytic instructions, via
physical and chemical mechanism, would be a process that predate the development of any multicelled entities, and predate any firm classification of living entities in any known domain, kingdom,
phylum, class, species, or even gender mechanisms. Thus, it would have been the continued
absorption and replication of new or existing genetic information (or physical chains of chemical
information, chemical instructions, chemical instruments, and chemical energy) through those
chemical exchanges that would have led to the emergence of, the stratum of microbial complexity,
known as eukaryotic entities. As such, the distinct organelles or structural features and physical
characteristics present within a eukaryote would have originally been in a separate and distinct living
entity that somehow got absorbed and chemical or genetically fully integrated into this much larger
biochemical composite structure or system. Therefore, in general, eukaryotes are, undoubtedly, the
entities within which many viruses and prokaryotes voluntarily (or forcibly) passed on their catalytic
data, RNA and DNA, during their life cycle, and their combined genetic code or combine catalytic
information, which got preserved by the larger hosts, before being passed on to future generations,
of the new hybridized entities.
As a result of this, the first eukaryotic entity to exist on the planet, ostensibly as an interconnected
net of subjugated prokaryotes, would have emerged with the collective chemical knowledge or traits
of the many strata of entities whose merged genetics and functional chemical codes helped to make
it in into a full functional being. Such that, even the cell nucleus of a eukaryote and the nucleolus of
this nucleus, would been acquired via some version of this absorption or integration process.
Essentially, the precursor to the nucleus may have been an entity that was able to proficiently
control and assemble ribosomes, was able to allocate a vast array of catalytic enzymes to alter
transferred RNA, or was proficiently able to sense intracellular stresses, which allowed it to co-opt
many of the chemical traits of the entities that it encountered. As such, while maintain its own
position of dominance, the nucleolus within this precursory entity was able use its extensive
repository of DNA, RNA and proteins to create a new network of cognition, logic modules, and
chemical data pockets, much like the catalytic data utilized by enzymes to subjugated many other
entities, while ensuring that its own structure remained intact.
Therefore, once the subjugated chemical systems have been fully integrated and is now a part of its
collective, the nucleus and its nucleolus would be able to pass information these organelles (or
subjugated prokaryotes), and the internal infrastructure of these organelles would follow the
catalytic information in the data pockets they received. Where, most of the instructions given for
each subjugated prokaryote would no longer come from chemical sequences recorded on circular
genetic code, or a maze of functional RNA or catalytic enzyme, floating within its structure, instead
most instructions would come from the nucleus and the enzyme and proteins it produce, which
would mimic the syntax of the original prokaryote. Consequently, these structures would only use,
bind, fuse and combine the existing finite number of polymerized molecules whose existence and
functionalities got deemed valuable by the intracellular network, controlled by the nucleus. Thus,
most of the hybridized structures within a eukaryote would not aim to create or catalogue all 10 to
the 21 power peptide bonds (or protein combinations) that are possible, or all possible chains of
billions of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen that can make the most lavish genes, instead they
would simply do the tasks assigned to them. Which is why there is not currently an infinite number
of random permutations, combinations, or arrangements of mismatched proteins, peptides, and
genes, instead only a stable syntax of very consistent and very steady arrangements of proteins,
peptides, and genes now exist, shared across most classification of biological life forms, on the
Furthermore, in addition to their very stable, organized and well control intracellular system,
eukaryotic entities would have been the first entities to emergence with cognitive functionalities,
such as the ability fully perceive their surroundings, ascertain ideas, understand correlations, and
make logic based decisions about allocating resources, as well as using precedent and prioritization
to make correct choices. Essentially, eukaryotic entities would be able to use computational logic to
interpret any stimuli acquired from the outside environment, related to vibrations,
electromagnetism, temperature levels, PH, hydration levels, etc. This is because the centralized
nucleus or main organelle of the eukaryote would have been an entity that originally specialized in
many of those functions as well as sensing the chemistry of the outside world or ecosystem. Which
allowed it to be the entity that successfully co-opted the catalytic function other entities, to merge
with them catalytically or genetically, and to construction a fully functional ecology made entirely of
subjugated molecular structure and chemical data. Therefore, in general, microscopic life on the
early Earth would have been less like a "pitch patch" mesh of random chemicals stuck together, and
would more be like refined self-contained amalgamation of micro-machines or self-contained microecosystems.
Which is highlighted in the existence of the mitochondria, as it is an organelle that possess its very
own remnant genetic material, its own lipid membrane, is able to divide at its own independent
rate, and is able to take nutrients and breaks them down, to the creates energy rich molecules for
itself and the eukaryote within which it resides. Which means that, the mitochondria too is perhaps
yet another organelle that may have originally been an entirely separate prokaryotic entity, whose
entire structure and genetic information were absorbed, interpreted and incorporated into a much
large system of chemical chains and sequences. So, in general, microscopic symbiotic system built
from an integrated set of recursively synthesized, recycled and replicated structures built made of
sugars, acids, proteins, enzymes, viruses, RNA and DNA all confined with a variety of lipid
membranes are the things that would together create life and pre-life or life-adjacent systems or
chemical mechanisms. Such that, complexity, or higher-level functionalities would emerge in nature
only through those types of symbiotic relationships or genetic mergers amongst catalytic, viral,
prokaryotic and eukaryotic microsystems. Thus, the development of new higher-level traits such as
logic, computation, cognition, consciousness, and self-awareness, would all relate to those types of
mergers and interactions amongst microbial entities, and this would help those systems to attain the
ability to proficiently solve problems and make decisions about themselves, their environment, and
their acquired resources.
However, as the bridge between the living and non-living world, viruses at their core would not be
conscious and would possess no notion of good or bad intent, they simply would exist as pocket of
data or as pockets of catalytic instruments that can relocate from one biological microsystem to the
other. In other words, virus would mainly serve as hardware to upload and install new genetic data
into and existing bio-computers or cells, without necessary overriding all of the existing stored
chemical data that was stored in the form of polymerized molecular strings or sequences.
Consequently, the concurrent emergence or existence of a collection of two or more viruses,
prokaryotic entities, and eukaryotic entities, regardless of their size, regardless of their relationship
to each other, and regardless of their relative physical distance to each other, would constitute the
existence of first true sign of ecological biodiversity, on the planet. However, these entities would
either have the ability continue to exist as separate entities, or to have their genetic information
chemically further co-opted by one or more of the other entities. Where, although the acquisition of
a stable pool of genetic and catalytic information would be important, if this information is unable to
help the organism to acquire raw material, ingredients, and energy (or chemical resources), in the
form of sugars and/or ions, to prevent the its chemical death or thermal decomposition, then the
information acquired would be functionally useless.
Consequently, as these entities continue to interact physically, chemically and genetically, they
would either all maintain the ability to acquire energy directly from physical inorganic resources; or
only some would continue to possess this ability, and the others would become symbiotic or
omnivorous to acquire readymade pockets of chemicals such as sugars, amino acids and fatty acids
from the others. Essentially, one or more of these entities would recognize the other biological
entities as portable pockets of energy or as food and fuel, which would start a food chain mechanism
to convey energy resources to themselves. As such, the food web that would emerge would be an
offshoot of the lysogenic and lytic battle amongst these viruses, prokaryotes, eukaryotes and other
microbes. Where, some cells would consciously choose to reinforce their infrastructure to protect
themselves and to acquire the life sustaining resources from the inorganic world; whereas, another
group of cells would consciously choose rip open other cells to get their resources (and the remnants
of this choice is evident in the distinction between plant cells and animal cells).
Alternatively, one of the entities may have overly selecting for specialization in lysogenic defence by
way of lysogenic offence, such that it would develop the cognitive ability to detect and capture all
lipid bound or protein producing entities within its vicinity. Where, once captured it would break
down their structure to it prevent its own genetic or catalytic control from being corrupted,
changed, overwhelmed, and over time this fight or flight mechanism would turn entity into the a cell
that can envelop, breakdown, consume or digest other cells, and conduct the absorption of their
chemical remains. As such, eukaryotic plant cells possess chloroplasts, which are organelles that
convert light energy into relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process. By doing
so, they provide diverse metabolic activities for plant cells, including the synthesis of fatty acids,
membrane lipids, starch, and hormones. While, animal do not contain any energy producing
organelles, but they possess lysosome, which is a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains
digestive enzymes; where, lysosomes destroy invading viruses and bacteria and break down excess
or worn-out cell parts, back to their non-living constituent parts. Therefore, the entities at the
bottom of the food chain would be the entities that were able utilize the energy that come directly
from the Earth or directly from the sun (sunlight), and were able to make direct use of the inorganic
and non-living chemical energy resources that came from metallic salt ions, hydrogen ions, carbon
dioxide, sulphur, sulphate, etc.
Beyond this, the unexplained and overwhelming innate drive that most organic entities have to
reproduce and replicate themselves, would also be an offshoot of the lysogenic and lytic battle
amongst viruses, prokaryotes, eukaryotes and other microbes. This is because, the story of life is a
story about captured energy, that happens to be temporarily held or confined within very organized
chemical pockets on the surface of the Earth; and without this captured energy there would be no
organic chemistry, and no organic chemical reactions on the surface of the Earth. Consequently, the
main self-sustaining goal that all living organisms would have is to breathe and feed, or to take in
both simple and complex organic and inorganic compounds, as well as to find ways to use energy to
sustain their internal repository of biochemical resources, or to prevent it from collapsing and
reverting to simplest individual non-living inorganic compounds. Therefore, many of the main
characteristics of living things, at the base level, are functionalities that arise as a lysogenic byproduct of the encounters or interactions amongst microscopic cells or that arise as a means to
cause or prevent natural chemical energy resources from being continually co-opted, transmuted,
transformed, and transferred.
Importantly, the emergence of multi-cellular organisms would be a natural progression in biological
complexity once eukaryotic entities have acquired enough catalytic data (or are unable to readily
merge with new external entities), and cognitively start to recognize or compute that they can
construct towers of themselves to strategically specialize in specific task, in order to benefit their
interconnected unit parts. Essentially, a multi-celled organism would represent a nested set of
Turing machines (or computers) that achieved collective synchronicity across the lysogenic network.
Where, each cell or specific sets of cells would have certain task to carry out based on the specific
instructions held within their internal cellular matrix (or their internal mesh of proteins, enzymes
and translated genes). Furthermore, the cross-membrane communication amongst the different
cells within the network would allow certain catalytic functionalities to be on or off (or specific
protein synthesis or polymerization processes to be active or inactive), where this selective cell
specialization would improve the efficiency and sustainability of the collective. Therefore, the
lysogenetic transfer or cross-membrane transmission of protein, enzyme and other forms of
chemical information, amongst these physically conjoin collection of cells, would allow certain cells,
from very early on in their lifespan, to possess certain specific traits, perform certain specific tasks,
or to conduct certain specific functions.
Essentially, these towers or columns of cells from the same eukaryotic entity, would communicate
via the lysogenic network (where, chemicals molecules would be the data and enzymes or the signal
receivers and transmitters in the inter-cell and intra-cell network); and this would mark the arrival of
the first set of multi-cellular biological stratum on the planet. Furthermore, as the level of
instructional data held within these collection of cells continue to grow, and each group of cells
become substantially better at the specific specialized task, then this would eventual cause the
emerge of stem cell, organs and systems. Where, these organs and systems would be stacks,
columns or rows of cells or groups of cells assigned to certain tasks or specialized functions (or
cluster of specialized cells operating within an inter-group co-operative that share data or
information and instructions across the lysogenic network). As such, the specifications of the
specialization would come from the instructions held within genes, but could also come through the
action of protein, enzymes or other chemical units.
Nevertheless, if the different traits, tasks and functions assigned are good to the organisms overall
wellbeing, and are passed on, then the generational longevity of these traits would be noticeable
genetics of future generations. However, if the organism’s death was due to the lock of functionality
brought about by these traits then they would not attain any genetic longevity, as most biological
units with the population with those traits would eventually die off. Unfortunately, another byproduct of any malfunction within this specialization process would be mutations within individual
cells, and any sustained collective breakdown process could cause the entire lysogenic or catalytic
cycle across an entire collection of cells to start to perform incorrect task, which would be cancerous
or carcinogenic, and could cause the biochemical death of the organism, as well. Essentially, cancer
cells are the cells that have some level of chemical amnesia and have had their catalytic processes
(or the controls and parameters of their operating system) changed to the wrong settings (or
corrupted), relative to the collective that they are a part of. As such, these cells would continuously
synthesize the wrong set of protein, enzymes, or lipids, because they continuously receive the wrong
instruction, or started to interpret the syntax of the instructions they receive incorrectly.
Additionally, this would have the additive effect of preventing new instructions from getting into the
cell, due to the infrastructure and catalytic machines (or proteins and enzyme) being preoccupied
with the wrong tasks, which would reduce the overall functionality of the cell in service to the
overall goals of the other cells in the collective. Therefore, cancer cells are simply cells that have
corrupted operating systems or cells that can no longer read, compile or decipher the syntax of the
existing chemical codes from its own genes, or its own intercellular polymer, catalytic enzymes or
protein chains (and thus, fail to maintain the specific traits, task and functionalities they were
selected to specialise in).
submitted by YardAccomplished5952 to CreationNtheUniverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:09 Cautious-Gas-838 Low PTH-Related Protein?

31m 6'0" 250lbs, former smoker, no drinking, currently taking Lisinopril 20mg for hypertension.
So I've had some labs done and I'm curious and a bit terrified to see the PTHRP low <5pg/ml. My endocrine kept saying we run this test to check for any malignancy. Google is of no assistance as you all know but I can't get away from it. Could any doctor here shed any form of advice on the situation. Please any advice on these labs would be appreciated. Thank you.
I will share the whole lab:
PTH-Related Protein PTH-RP <5 L Reference Range: 11-20 pg/mL
CBC (INCLUDES DIFF/PLT WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 12.0 H Reference Range: 3.8-10.8 Thousand/uL
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 5.50 Reference Range: 4.20-5.80 Million/uL
HEMOGLOBIN 15.2 Reference Range: 13.2-17.1 g/dL
HEMATOCRIT 46.2 Reference Range: 38.5-50.0 %
MCV 84.0 Reference Range: 80.0-100.0 fL
MCH 27.6 Reference Range: 27.0-33.0 pg
MCHC 32.9 Reference Range: 32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW 13.8 Reference Range: 11.0-15.0 %
PLATELET COUNT 364 Reference Range: 140-400 Thousand/uL
MPV 9.7 Reference Range: 7.5-12.5 fL
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 8220 H Reference Range: 1500-7800 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 2352 Reference Range: 850-3900 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 1044 H Reference Range: 200-950 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 312 Reference Range: 15-500 cells/uL
ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 72 Reference Range: 0-200 cells/uL
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel GLUCOSE 96 Reference Range: 65-99 mg/dL Fasting reference interval
UREA NITROGEN (BUN) 16 Reference Range: 7-25 mg/dL
CREATININE 0.86 Reference Range: 0.60-1.26 mg/dL
EGFR119 Reference Range: > OR = 60 mL/min/1.73m2
BUN/CREATININE RATIO SEE NOTE: Reference Range: 6-22 (calc) Not Reported: BUN and Creatinine are within reference range.
SODIUM 137 Reference Range: 135-146 mmol/L
POTASSIUM 4.7 Reference Range: 3.5-5.3 mmol/L
CHLORIDE 99 Reference Range: 98-110 mmol/L
CARBON DIOXIDE 30 Reference Range: 20-32 mmol/L
CALCIUM 9.6 Reference Range: 8.6-10.3 mg/dL
PROTEIN, TOTAL 7.5 Reference Range: 6.1-8.1 g/dL
ALBUMIN 4.4 Reference Range: 3.6-5.1 g/dL
GLOBULIN 3.1 Reference Range: 1.9-3.7 g/dL (calc)
ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO 1.4 Reference Range: 1.0-2.5 (calc)
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL 0.3 Reference Range: 0.2-1.2 mg/dL
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 49 Reference Range: 36-130 U/L
AST 20 Reference Range: 10-40 U/L
ALT 33 Reference Range: 9-46 U/L
Magnesium 2 mg/dl
submitted by Cautious-Gas-838 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:32 Life-Psychology-9935 Over the counter skincare

Over the counter skincare submitted by Life-Psychology-9935 to Psoriasis [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:30 No_Cellist_1217 cool

cool submitted by No_Cellist_1217 to WOCKYTALKIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:58 Wegovy_semaglutide Wegovy® (semaglutide) injection 2.4 mg Medication Guide

Wegovy® (semaglutide) injection 2.4 mg Medication Guide submitted by Wegovy_semaglutide to u/Wegovy_semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:02 pharmtutor_ Daily NAPLEX Math Question

Daily NAPLEX Math Question
Patient Profile:
  • Name: Mr. Smith
  • Age: 60 years
  • Gender: Male
  • Weight: 70 kg
  • Height: 5 feet 9 inches
TPN Order:
How many kilocalories (kcal) from dextrose would Mr. Smith receive over 6 hours if the TPN is running at 120 mL/hr? (Answer should be numeric; round to the nearest WHOLE NUMBER)
View Poll
submitted by pharmtutor_ to NAPLEX_Prep [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:02 ReturnOfTheFox Finally tried Immi ramen and it didn't disappoint. 310 calories, 22 grams of protein

Finally tried Immi ramen and it didn't disappoint. 310 calories, 22 grams of protein submitted by ReturnOfTheFox to vegan1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:44 TransAspie Shrinkflation disguised as a Bargain at Loblaw's

Shrinkflation disguised as a Bargain at Loblaw's submitted by TransAspie to shrinkflation [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:23 intradaycycles Town & Country Pharmacy in New Jersey - Tirzepatide 7.5 mg

Town & Country Pharmacy in New Jersey - Tirzepatide 7.5 mg
I received my Tirzepatide 7.5 mg, nice cold packaging from Town & Country. This will be my 5th week on 7.5 mg - 4 weeks on 7.5 mg compound and 1 week on zepbound. My opinion is, I noticed reduced side effect of weakness/fatigue on the zepbound injection, however the food suppression was identical on both compound and zepbound. I'm switching compounders to Town & Country to see if the weakness/fatigue side effect can be alleviated.
submitted by intradaycycles to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:54 Material-Jelly5455 Hmart Find

Hmart Find
Hey everyone! I saw this in Hmart today (Asian grocery store) and am wondering if anyone here has tried this before? Is it just regular seitan that I can marinade and use as a mock meat?
submitted by Material-Jelly5455 to seitan [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:53 rob71788 Find the expiration date

Find the expiration date submitted by rob71788 to FindTheSniper [link] [comments]