Nice way to say goodnight


2022.08.14 23:03 ClickDisDotCom NiceWayToSeeGod

From the Tales of Fuck Around and Find Out comes "That's a nice way to see God"

2013.08.04 09:15 Tulki How did I get here?

In historic art pieces depicting multiple humans, there is a law that at least one of those humans will look like they have no clue how or why they got there. It's like Where's Waldo, except instead of looking for Waldo you're looking for the dude that looks like he just dropped acid.

2017.01.05 18:11 waxpaperclip MTF Selfie Train

Reddit is not safe for LGBT! Because of numerous concerns, we now require ALL users be approved to use MTFSelfieTrain.

2024.06.02 10:10 Consistent_Gap_8255 What is the mental health problem?

This can sound all over the place, but any feedback is appreciated. My whole life my mother, sister and I have seemed to be low energy, low motivation to follow through with tasks and just considered lazy. We all have careers and achievements that say otherwise, but I’m trying to figure out the mental health issue here. I feel as though my mom has always been depressed/ has severe ADHD/ADD. Same with my sister. I am trying to learn what this could be so I can change things, as I fear I’m on the same path. My mother would never admit to health issues/ mental health issues or seek help for them, no matter how many times being recommended. My father has a history of depression, suicidal tendencies and hopelessness for life, my entire life. My sister has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and takes medication for that. Any recommendations how I can get ahead of this/ figure out why my life is absolutely great, but I have always felt the way they do to, no matter how amazing things are. My entire life I always have to sleep more than normal, and am scared of everything (no I don’t really have anxiety, truly). I just want to be higher functioning as I see people doing the things they love everyday, and want that for myself also.
submitted by Consistent_Gap_8255 to psychologyresearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 WarriorNysty Unlock the Future: Cryptocurrency, AI, and Rewards - Grass DePIN

🌿 Discover the Path to Green Grass with the Grass Project!
Are you ready to step into the future with a revolutionary blend of Crypto and AI? Join the Grass project - your gateway to the next big thing in technology!
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submitted by WarriorNysty to btc [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 WarriorNysty Unlock the Future: Cryptocurrency, AI, and Rewards - Grass DePIN

🌿 Discover the Path to Green Grass with the Grass Project!
Are you ready to step into the future with a revolutionary blend of Crypto and AI? Join the Grass project - your gateway to the next big thing in technology!
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🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass!
submitted by WarriorNysty to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 WarriorNysty Unlock the Future: Cryptocurrency, AI, and Rewards - Grass DePIN

🌿 Discover the Path to Green Grass with the Grass Project!
Are you ready to step into the future with a revolutionary blend of Crypto and AI? Join the Grass project - your gateway to the next big thing in technology!
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Questions or Assistance? Reach out to me anytime; I'm here to guide you through.
Learn More: Dive deeper into the project on our Discord channel and explore our website at
🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass!
submitted by WarriorNysty to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 OrcaBoy34 I am devastated about Chem 3580 (Orgo 2) and it is ruining my summer

I have not been on here for quite a while (left in October last year because of people losing their minds over a certain region in the Near East). But I am back to say that I am absolutely appalled by the grading of Chem 3580 this semester. After achieving an A+ in 3570, I thought I was on the path for success this semester—not quite. Despite scoring well above the mean on every prelim, I ended up with a B+ in the class. I was expecting an A, at the very least an A-, and getting what I got has been the single biggest academic disappointment of my two years at Cornell. Nothing else even comes close.
Now I have done the calculations—the raw score that earned me the B+ was just under 86, indicating that there was almost zero curve (since an 86 would equate to a B if non-curved). HOWEVER, doing the same calculation for 3570, I found that the raw score that earned me the A+ was actually just an 88. Think about that—a ~2% raw score gap was the difference of an ENTIRE LETTER GRADE.
A few days ago I contacted Abbasov, which I had to do in order to even know my final exam score, as he never posted them. The score he told me was significantly lower than I was expecting. Since then I have emailed the chemistry department at the course email to request a review of my exam, but I have heard nothing from them. My trust in the chemistry department is broken. This is worse than anything from the days of Stephen Lee, or even 2510 with Kinsland. These people, while perhaps difficult personalities at times, never did anything blatantly dishonest—the grades I received from them were understandable. What has been done here is completely unacceptable.
One aspect that definitely deserves a mention—and if you were in the class you probably already thought of this—was the egregious situation with prelim 3. We can see that, because of prior access to the exam by many people through the fraternity bank, combined with the cheating by certain students, the mean for prelim 3 was skewed—just look at that RAMP of a histogram!! So this resulted in a less-steep curve on that exam, and by extension, in the class as a whole. This is angering for me, as apparently I was quite close to the A- threshold—to think that without Abbasov's flippancy trying get away with reusing an old exam, and the cheaters getting away with their actions, I might at least have an A- right now. I studied over spring break for that prelim, only to be defeated by departmental laziness and cheating frat bros. That wasn't in my notes!
I genuinely loved organic chemistry as a discipline. But I can never see it the same way now. It's insane thinking about how if I had just earned a few more points here or there, I could have a grade I am happy with. Although I probably could have studied better when it came to the final exam, my preparation was still immense, and I walked away genuinely feeling like I had done well. I will do everything I can for an exam review, but I don't know if that will change anything.
Ultimately, the circumstances of this class were not entirely in our control. The prelim 3 scandal revealed the chemistry department's inability to deal adequately with violations, punishing those who were honest instead of the cheaters. And at the end, everyone was screwed over by the bizarrely low curve and total opacity when it came to grading the final. As a bio sci major, chemistry is a core part of the Cornell experience—but if I had known what the department was like here, I may have gone somewhere else.
submitted by OrcaBoy34 to Cornell [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 raulz0r [AD] Great Experience at Patek Philippe AD in Copenhagen

[AD] Great Experience at Patek Philippe AD in Copenhagen
I walked in at Patek Philippe AD a couple of days ago just to see with my average Joe eyes what High Horology watches look up close without getting slapped by someone for starring at their wrist. I gotta say I didn't expect to get entertained by the seller, he had the patience to talk to me about different models from PP, told me about what the "journey" of a PP collector would most likely be, he even turned down a group of 4 Chinese men who wanted to get inside the shop because he was busy with me.
He had patience, he was passionate about watches, it was clear I wasn't buying anything, but he still took me in the back room where he showed me a brand new 5526 Calatrava.
It was nice to talk with someone patient and genuinely passionate about watches, he blew me away, the dealer was wearing a JLC reverso on his wrist.
Ended up leaving with a pleasant experience and a free catalogue. After I left the shop, he took me next door to an independent shop and introduced me to a guy there who showed me some pre-owned grail watches.
Now I just need 30K EUR and I will be returning to buy that gorgeous Calatrava.
submitted by raulz0r to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 supremesomething Are Human Females More Susceptible to Mind Control Technologies than Men?

First of all, I will start by saying that I know everyone is different. Statistics are just that: they make sense only in the context of large populations. So this is not an attempt at dividing any community whatsoever, it's an attempt at cold analysis.
I considered myself, all my life, a lot less masculine than the general men, not only in appearance, but in the way my brain functioned. I was proud to cultivate my intuition, to cherish each emotion, to save all my memories.
With that out of the way, are women more susceptible to mind control than men?
The excrements can remove the ability to feel emotions. Once that is removed, what stands between an enemy, and preserving ones ability to defend him/herself from hijacking?
Only pure memory.
"I remember what you've done to me, even though I no longer care."
In any case, during the last decade, I noticed the following categories of people mind controlled again and again:
On the contrary, I witnessed an attempt of the Mafia at controlling men, even men who knew nothing about what was happening, and those men would reject the attempt, with a physical movement of the body.
Not much of an analysis, I am brain dead. You do the proper analysis, with references to how the human brain works in males vs females.
submitted by supremesomething to IllusionOfFreedom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 Any-Opportunity-9070 C-Drive was filled up mysteriously? [iTunes, Windows 10]

I apologize in advance for all the context I’m going to provide, haha. Honestly, I am at least a little scared that this could be something bad.
I have the latest version or 2nd-latest version of Windows 10 on my PC. I have a 500GB SSD, and before all of this, it had maybe 50-75GB of space remaining. My iPhone 12 Pro had IOS 14.
I wanted to backup my iPhone because I finally had an urgent need to update its IOS, so I installed iTunes on my PC. Then I connected my iPhone to my PC via cable and attempted a backup, and left my PC and phone alone for a while. When I came back, there was a notification in iTunes saying that the backup couldn’t be completed due to a lack of space on my PC.
I opened my Files program to see if I could clear some space. I noticed that the C-Drive indicated that it had less space than when I had checked it last. I clicked on a different folder, then back to the first one. There was even less available space indicated this time. I clicked back and forth repeatedly until there were only a few MB left. Later, it freed up a little, to 5 GB. While this was going on, I attempted to google my problem, but Firefox had stopped loading new pages and my cursor’s loading animation would play while having Firefox open. (After a shutdown, Firefox seems to be working again.)
What bothers me is, why was the value indicating available space changing like that, how did things get where they are now, how bad are they, and how do I fix it? A friend suggested it was iTunes bloatware, but I thought I had already completed its installation on my PC. Is it because I attempted a backup, and the data was taking up space on my drive even though the backup couldn’t be completed? Or is it what I truly fear, that by connecting my PC to my phone with its out-of-date IOS, I had unknowingly transferred some sort of virus to my PC? (I have Malwarebytes Premium on my PC, and a Quick Scan didn’t return any questionable files. I then attempted a full custom scan, but after 4 hours, it was only about 90% of the way through the process, and its rate of checked files per minute had dropped exponentially.) I tried googling my problem, but I probably don’t know how to use it effectively or something.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Any-Opportunity-9070 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 GL261 I feel like i’m getting fired

I can’t shake this feeling. I’ve never gotten fired before, i’ve seen people get fired and laid off and it’s honestly one of my biggest fears, especially in this job market. I truly do not think I can find a job if something were to happen. I have a years worth of emergency funds, but I just don’t want to be in a situation where I’d have to use it.
I worked at a very toxic company before I got to my current company. Anytime I would make a mistake, my boss would take control of the entire project and not trust me with that skill anymore. It made me scared to make mistakes even when his intentions were good. This was also the company that laid people off. I jumped ships after the first round of layoffs. I knew the VP didn’t like me as much, so if i wasn’t in the first round, i’d probably be in the second round of layoffs.
My current company is very encouraging and the environment is truly healthy. The team dynamic is great and we have a good time while working. I just constantly feel like my director doesn’t like me. She’s actually really nice and helpful. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I just feel like she talks behind my back when that’s definitely not like her at all. When I have one on ones with my boss, he tells me that i’m doing a great job, but I just find it hard to believe him. What if he’s just saying it to be nice? He truly is a nice guy, but I don’t know.
I recently had a presentation where i fumbled the bag. I feel like none of my team members liked the presentation and that it had too much mistakes. They pointed it out, but it felt really nit picky. We ended up deleting three slides because we don’t have the answers for it yet. It opened a can of worms in the project I am working on.
After that presentation, I just feel like everyone is looking at me poorly or judging me or talking behind my back. I feel like this would lead to me getting fired. I don’t know how to get rid of this feeling, but it consumes me on a daily basis.
submitted by GL261 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 chillguy7584 Very worried returning to work due to depression and anxiety for 5 weeks

Tomorrow I return to work on phased leave. The office are generally nice but people talk openly and I’m sure it’s been said why I’m off and so I’m very anxious of what others will think and say. Any tips?
submitted by chillguy7584 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Queasy_Meeting_4499 Why don’t you say something?

This question is not just for people from Himachal, but for anyone living in a state where tourism is a major revenue-generating industry. I asked in this community because the sample size would be small and targeted, increasing the chances of getting replies. Additionally, I recently revisited Himachal.
I recently went to Manali again, as going to Himachal is like pilgrimage for me, I do it once every year. After living in a city like Chennai for seven months, seeing Himalayas was really soothing. However, I noticed trash almost everywhere along the sides of the roads (amazing roads now, by the way). Every time I tried to make a vertical bottom-to-top movement reel, the trash ruined my video.
This made me wonder. I've seen the same issue in every tourist state, and I know it's mostly tourists who litter. Why don’t the locals say something when a tourist throws trash like this? I saw a lot of it near roadside stalls. I think it's totally okay to be rude to an outsider in this case. For example, a local in Europe would do this because it’s their home, and they are proud of their province. Being rude to someone can have a huge impact on their mentality; they will remember why their time in Himachal was ruined because a local told them off for littering. Will make them introspect.
So why don't the locals say something? Please tell me.
submitted by Queasy_Meeting_4499 to HimachalPradesh [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 WarriorNysty Unlock the Future: Cryptocurrency, AI, and Rewards - Grass DePIN

🌿 Discover the Path to Green Grass with the Grass Project!
Are you ready to step into the future with a revolutionary blend of Crypto and AI? Join the Grass project - your gateway to the next big thing in technology!
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Questions or Assistance? Reach out to me anytime; I'm here to guide you through.
Learn More: Dive deeper into the project on our Discord channel and explore our website at
🌱 Join us today and let's grow together with Grass!
submitted by WarriorNysty to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Izumi_MidoriyaThe1st AITA for getting my manipulative classmates kicked out of my school?

My entitled classmate thinks I’ll allow him to walk all over me, so I got revenge by getting him kicked out of the school.
Okay now before I start, I’m probably a bit young to be on this app but I don’t care and I have a good feeling people will tell me I’m dramatic since I’m “jUsT a KiD” complaining about school. I need a place to vent when I don’t want to bother my friends.
So I (12F) am a student at a school which I won’t mention the name of for my privacy. I have this classmate, we’ll call him Jace. (Not his real name) Jace and I never got along. In the UK, we have this thing called “transition day” where in our last year of primary school, we would visit the high school we got accepted into. So I saw my high school and I instantly fell in love with the place, I was so excited to start going there and I was so happy. I was making new friends, getting a tour around the place and I learned so many things about the school. Everything was going well.. until I met Jace. From the start, he was always really mean to me. He mocked my voice, my accent and even made it look like I was full of myself. (Which I’m not, I’m actually really insecure about how I looks). He even called me a racial slur because I’m black. I told him to fuck off and that he was paler than his white shirt, which I got in trouble for but didn’t give two shits since I was defending myself. This had gone on up until Year 8 (The year I’m currently in) He kept being racist and this has gone on for a year and a half and I was sick of it. He acted like he owned me and that I was his toy, but enough was enough. I was planning my revenge and oh was it worth seeing his reaction. Me and my friends (Who I’ll call Arianna and Selena for the sake of their privacy) came up with a plan to get him kicked out of the school for good as he had actually been racist to my friends too. Me and Selena are both black and Arianna is mixed race. Since I sit next to Jace in History, we thought it would be the perfect time to record him. I had my phone underneath my desk and recorded as he whispered racial slurs to me as the teacher was talking. I did this for about a month before I finally went to my head teacher’s office and showed her the recordings, she listened and her eyes widened. She then went on to say some bullshit on how she never thought Jace would do something like this as he was “a sweet boy” more like a manipulative devil. Anyways, on his last day, she went on the announcements and was so straightforward I couldn’t help but smile. She said “Sorry students and teachers for interrupting your lessons but I have to announce that Jace (last name) will no longer be attending here at (school name) high school, this will be his last day. Thank you!” Jace’s face went pale, I mean paler than he already was. He glared at me and asked if I had anything to do with this. I said no, innocently. Obviously playing the nice girl game. He had no proof I was the reason of his permanent exclusion. Therefore he couldn’t accuse me of anything. At lunchtime, me and my friends were laughing our heads off and singing in a mocking tone “Goodbye Jace~ This a grace~ we won’t miss you and neither will the class~!” It was probably the happiest day of my high school. Jace left the school on his last day and that was the last time anyone ever heard or saw him. And I never had to deal with a person like Jace ever again.
submitted by Izumi_MidoriyaThe1st to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 BuildingAStartup The Lion King (1994) Rafiki- Who Are You?

Late 80's kid here.
I rewatched The Lion King after years of not seeing it and was in tears multiple times. This was/still is my favourite movie. I watched it like a champion at a young age without emotion... Girlfriend put it on the other night and I cried like a child.
The scene where Rafiki asked "WHO ARE YOU?" and Simba lowers his fucking head and replies "I thought I knew. Now, i'm not sure" killed me because myself and probably most of us can relate to that question. Our younger selves had/still have unlimited ambitions but we have allowed life to get in the way.
Disney, before they got political was a fucking beast. Their ability to relate a message was unbelievable.
We all need a Rafiki to point us in the right direction. If I can be that Rafiki to say you have the unlimited power to chase your dreams, I will die a happy man. I hope everyone who reads this post remembers who they are. The world is at your fingertips, and you just have to reach our to achieve your goals!
Much love
submitted by BuildingAStartup to movies [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 Beginning_Painter689 My aunt is homophobic

Ok wow this is my first post it’s also the reason I got an account on Reddit and I read the subreddits before without an account but now I’ve decided that I might as well vent on here So for context I live in Poland and my mom is polish and my dad is African (that’s all the info I can give I don’t want to give a way to much information) and I’m very very close my aunt from my dads side. And I mean like rlly close we gossip spill tea and all that stuff lol it doesn’t feel like I’m talking to my aunt only an older best freind. But the other day i brought up the topic of Poland being one of The most homophobic countries in Europe next to Russia and Belarus, and then I followed up with (this a direct quote of what I said) „I think that it’s rooted from the fact that Poland is a very catholic country and many people believe that it is a sin to be gay“ and then she responds with it is. And I was like wait what did you say? And she said yes it’s a sin. Needless to say the conversation got quiet from there and I was not really talking to her for the rest of the day. I didn’t say anything to her because it would be a pointless argument in which some way or another the fact that I’m atheist would come out and ofc my dad would find out about it So yea that another problem I’m atheist I just could never wrap my head around religion and my dad is Christian and I don’t even know if he’s homophobic or not (I played girls by girl in red to try to test it out be he didn’t say anything lol so idk) So yea with that in mind I don’t know what to do about my aunt should I avoid her? Or try to convince her otherwise? I think we all know that if a tried to convince her it would spiral into a pointless dumb argument…. I’m just sad to be honest cause I really like spending time with her she’s kind of like an older sister to me….
submitted by Beginning_Painter689 to HomophobicParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 DarkyNeko08 I'm looking for a black-haired boy on a beach at night

I don't know if you are familiar with the term and I hope that people here don't judge me or laugh but I belong to the otherkin community and in another life I was an angel.
The thing is, I have a memory that I can't get out of my head. Let's say I was the kind of curious angel who could stare at humans all day just for fun, other angels got mad about it and basically pushed me out of the place (I'm doing a quick recap).
The next thing I remember is waking up on a beach in the middle of the night. I had my wing broken and a boy who was passing by on a bicycle had noticed me. He was a boy with black hair and blue eyes, he couldn't stop smiling and he usually dressed in a simple way. He came over, took off his shirt and bandaged my wing with it. He is a young boy, in his mid 20s and is not very tall.
If anyone knows him, I'm desperately looking for him, even if it's just I would like to thank him...
submitted by DarkyNeko08 to pastLife [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 hheheeheh I (19M ) dont feel that passionate abt my gf (19F) like i used to.

I am in a relationship for around an year. We have been really nice, we understand each other but i dont know that went down after april. My friends all of them have hinted you are compromising and can get a better girl. It doesnt matter to me but i think it does effect you when your close friends say stuff like that. My girl is the most understanding person and comforts me so much. But nowdays I just dont feel like talking, like when we are talking i start finding excuses to halt the conversation. I look at other girls sometimes and desire them, like i made a bumble account just to see the matches i would get and then didnt chat with any of the matches and deleted the app.
I cant really figure out what am i doing and my girl has been pretty upset past few weeks and is very hurt.
Please give your opinions or if you have experienced this, please be nice.
submitted by hheheeheh to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:07 NewLeafArmand Kittens…kittens tormented me

It wasn’t entirely the kitten’s fault. They were trained by “them” to charge at me in a cute way to stop me from teetering over the edge when I was on the brink of snapping.
I would receive legit torment from “them” until I couldn’t withstand one more speck of torment, then “they” would release the kittens.
This is a legit torture technique. “Breaking” has a purpose. It stops anything else from bothering you. In boot camp, drill sergeants have to be nice to you periodically in order for their punishments to have any effect on recruits.
This was what the kittens were for. They were to keep the torment nearly perpetual.
The psychotic brain has no limits to how low it will go. Implementing kittens to drive you crazy is a really low blow.
submitted by NewLeafArmand to CrazyNicePeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:06 Due-Order3475 Wonderful Precure episode 18 review

Yuki is cold to the others as she drags Mayu away, understandable as from her perspective the two who share a braincell (Iroha/Komugi) have landed Mayu in danger Yes Mayu went by her own accord by Yuki is not aware of that fact and they barely bothered to tell Mayu/Satoru to stay away so their inaction is just as bad.
Yuki and Mayu bonding that Yuki can talk is adorable...
And then Mayu realises she was hugging Yuki far too much... it's okay all cat lovers cuddle their cats nothing to be embarrassed about Mayu.
we can say Cure Nyammy's a precure Satoru? no duh Sherlock (Did he get bumped on the head or something?) if a character has Cure (Title here) here they are a Precure, also Komugi don't lie you didn't suspect Nyammy was a cat...
What does Nyammy want to pretect? Iroha you where in the last episode yes? further evidence Iroha is dumb as a sack off rocks...
more cute bonding between Yuki and Mayu? wonderful :D
the back story on Yuki and her nemesis nice
"Nothing to do with us" Yuki is being cold but she does have a point, by all accounts the GaruGaru are technically the problem off the Nico Garden, while yes the Wonderful Precure purifying them is good, she has a point.
Yuki telling Mayu to stay away for her own protection admirable but we know Mayu will still get involved.
Komugi don't scare the animals unless it's a Cuckoo from Zelda then do it :D
Iroha understands how Yuki feels but still let Mayu tag along before? Hypocrite...
Yuki is abit forceful dragging Mayu away...
Wonderful getting her head stuck in a hole? Hilarious
oh look the 6th Ranger candidates...
Hamtaro is a Garugaru? always knew that thing was pure evil
he knows Bullet seed!
Iroha don't admire the Garugaru...
still the best transformation Yuki
The fighting is wrong is back followed by killing the Garugaru is wrong, valid points the problem is Iroha and Komugi have no proof to prove to Nyammy the Garugaru is a victim, she always seems to leave prioduring the healing move.
"They put you in danger and laugh about it" Yuki is not wrong and they are incompetent at times, and good on Mayu for standing up to her.
next weeks going to be interesting.
7/10 a solid episode
submitted by Due-Order3475 to precure [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:06 johnheldfl Is it normal to work 70-100 hours a week?

I recently graduated college and moved to Texas, at first my job was pretty nice, but then it was not so nice going from 40 hours a week to then 50 now I’m looking more at the 70-100 hours a week. Before I was making 23$ an hour and now I’m on salary of 60,000 ish a year (ish because I don’t know what the bonus is) I feel like I’m being exploited but my family says it’s the way things go when you Graduate college, tonight’s shift was 6:30 am to 3 am, I work tomorrow at 8 am which means I have to wake up at 6:30 am to get ready. Anyways please tell me I’m not crazy for thinking this is not okay.
I do construction (sort of I’ll explain when I have two minutes sometime within the next week) and organization design.
submitted by johnheldfl to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:06 AdLatter8448 What is the best agency to work for?

I'm coming up on a year with VBA and to say it's awful would be grossly understating.
I'm a supervisor and workload is outrageous. I supervise and do the technical work. I'm basically doing two jobs and making it all happen within 40 hours because "if I'm not getting my work done in 40 hours, it's my fault".
No comp time, no RDO (how dare a supervisor even ask), no flex time. But wait, there's more. As supervisors we are making such amazing money we should not need anything else. Just bow at the alter of the Director and take all the garbage that person presents. Any issue we bring, the director finds a way to explain how much worse they have it or turns it around and now it's another task on my plate.
I am good at my job and love supervising. I get stellar reviews from my staff. I just need to get out of this place because it's demoralizing, high stress, and unsustainable. Sitting at my desk working, I find my heart racing, even the Teams ding is stressful.
submitted by AdLatter8448 to fednews [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:06 AveragerussianOHIO Which set of idea groups symbolizes you the most?

Every 5 years of age the maximum amount of idea grouls your IRL character has is increased by 1 till it's the maximum. So 1-5 is 1, 6-10 is 2, 11-15 is 3. Etc.
Translate the idea group names and bonuses to real life. So let's say, court ideas is you being excellent at home management and you finding a way to win in home area and around it. bonuses.
Mine is, in order: innovative, Court, diplomatic
submitted by AveragerussianOHIO to eu4 [link] [comments]