Drawing conclusions worksheets second grade

Understanding Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions: Scaling for the Future

2024.06.02 10:38 Electronic_Scene6316 Understanding Ethereum Layer 2 Solutions: Scaling for the Future

Ethereum, the world’s second-largest blockchain network by market capitalization, has long been a cornerstone of the decentralized finance (DeFi) and smart contract ecosystems. However, its widespread adoption has brought to light a critical challenge: scalability. As more users and applications flock to Ethereum, the network often experiences congestion, resulting in higher transaction fees and slower processing times. To address these issues, the concept of Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) solutions has emerged as a promising way to enhance scalability and usability.
What is Ethereum Layer 2?
Ethereum Layer 2 refers to a set of technologies and protocols built on top of the Ethereum mainnet (Layer 1) to improve the network’s scalability and performance. These solutions aim to handle transactions off the main Ethereum chain, thereby reducing congestion and lowering transaction costs. By doing so, Layer 2 solutions can process a higher volume of transactions more efficiently while still benefiting from the security and decentralization of the Ethereum mainnet.
Key Layer 2 Solutions
Several Layer 2 solutions have been developed, each with its own approach to scaling Ethereum. Here are some of the most notable ones:
  1. Rollups
Rollups are a popular Layer 2 scaling solution that aggregates multiple transactions into a single batch and submits them to the Ethereum mainnet as a single transaction. There are two main types of rollups:
• Optimistic Rollups: These assume that all transactions are valid by default and only run computations if a fraud proof is submitted. Optimistic Rollups are designed to be more efficient because they do not require computational verification for every transaction. • ZK-Rollups (Zero-Knowledge Rollups): These use cryptographic proofs to verify the correctness of transactions. ZK-Rollups generate a proof that is submitted to the Ethereum mainnet, which allows for faster and cheaper transaction processing while ensuring security. 
  1. State Channels
State channels allow users to conduct multiple transactions off-chain and only submit the final state to the Ethereum mainnet. This reduces the number of transactions that need to be processed on-chain, significantly lowering fees and increasing throughput. State channels are particularly useful for applications that require frequent interactions, such as gaming or micropayments.
  1. Plasma
Plasma is a framework that allows for the creation of child chains that run alongside the Ethereum mainnet. These child chains can process transactions independently and periodically submit summaries of their state to the mainnet. Plasma enhances scalability by offloading a large number of transactions from the main chain, but it can be complex to implement and use.
  1. Sidechains
Sidechains are separate blockchain networks that are interoperable with the Ethereum mainnet. They operate independently but are anchored to the mainnet for security. Sidechains can process transactions at a much higher speed and lower cost than the mainnet, making them suitable for various applications, including DeFi, gaming, and NFTs.
Benefits of Layer 2 Solutions
Implementing Layer 2 solutions brings several advantages to the Ethereum ecosystem:
• Scalability: By handling transactions off-chain, Layer 2 solutions significantly increase the number of transactions that can be processed per second, alleviating congestion on the mainnet. • Lower Costs: Transaction fees on Layer 2 are typically much lower than on the mainnet, making Ethereum more accessible for users and developers. • Speed: Layer 2 solutions offer faster transaction processing times, enhancing the user experience for decentralized applications (dApps). • Security: Despite operating off-chain, most Layer 2 solutions maintain a high level of security by leveraging the Ethereum mainnet for finality and dispute resolution. 
Challenges and Future Outlook
While Layer 2 solutions offer promising scalability improvements, they also come with challenges. These include complexities in implementation, potential security risks, and the need for user education. Additionally, interoperability between different Layer 2 solutions and the mainnet is an ongoing area of development.
The future of Ethereum Layer 2 is bright, with continuous innovation and improvement. As the Ethereum community works towards Ethereum 2.0 and the transition to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, Layer 2 solutions will play a critical role in ensuring the network can support a growing number of users and applications.
Ethereum Layer 2 solutions represent a vital step forward in addressing the scalability challenges that have long plagued the network. By enabling faster, cheaper, and more efficient transactions, Layer 2 solutions are set to enhance the usability and adoption of Ethereum. As these technologies evolve, they will pave the way for a more scalable and inclusive decentralized future.
submitted by Electronic_Scene6316 to CryptoAndWeb3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 matrix-moderator Alternate MBTI typing system

I saw this post on the mbti memes page and decided to make a post on a system I’ve always thought about with regards to MBTI, especially whenever I see posts like this or someone asking for help confused about the type they are.
MBTI is a science but not an exact science because though it has elements of truth, it doesn’t always tend to truth.
When you understand the functions it can tell you a lot about yourself. But I wonder if the 16 type system, according to a specific order of functions is too limiting.
The arguments people usually give against MBTI is that categorizing people into 16 personalities isn’t realistic as there’ll always be blurred lines in between these personalities. Which is true.
As an example out of all the function collections I know I identify with the collection: Ne, Ti, Si and Fe the most out of all the others.
This means I’m either: INTP (Ti, Ne, Si, Fe) ENTP (Ne, Ti, Fe, Si) ISFJ (Si, Fe, Ti, Ne) ESFJ (Fe, Si, Ne, Ti) depending on my order of usage.
I was typed INTP when I first stumbled on mbti using 16p. But ever since learning about functions and positions (and that being I or E is about being extroverted or introverted cognitively and not socially), I’ve been confused between INTP and ENTP. Immediately ISFJ and ESFJ fall out of the list because Si and Fe would never occupy one of my top two positions.
I personally feel like the order for me is (Ti, Ne, Fe, Si), which doesn’t have a category of its own and would mean I’m some sort of IENTP hybrid. I think Fe used to definitely be inferior for me when I was younger but since growing up, even though it still doesn’t come naturally to me (which how the function usage is evaluated) I’ve developed it a bit to the point that I can summon it at will, even though I can be quite awkward still. As for Si, I’m a planner and have to have structure and organization, but I rarely actually execute any of my plans. I have a general sense of knowledge but my short term memory is too poor even though I randomly remember things from the past in great detail.
Honorable mention Fi: I’ve heard Ti finds Fi irrational but I’ve never been this way. My Ti makes me very empathetic because although I value things making sense to me, I’m logical enough to appreciate that we’re all just wired differently when it comes to people and what is important to them when making their decisions.
My value system is summed up in this: let people do whatever they want as long as they aren’t hurting anybody or anything. I hate seeing people suffer and wish I could play God and have everyone happy everyday. I cry easily at unfair things that happen to others. People with no regard for others (from governments to criminals to unreasonable people) make me angry. I’m not too sure of what Fi entails but I believe it could belong somewhere in my top 4? Another thing is how people have varying interpretations of these functions as well lol.
Apart from standardizing the functions, shouldn’t there be some sort of system categorizing people according to the functions they personally assign to each of the four (Dom, Aux, Ter, Inf)? Of course after understanding the functions and positioning system.
It could even be according to the 8 positions. Obviously 16 types are easier, opening the system up to any arrangement of the 8 would mean 8 factorial number of types which would mean about 40,000. Personality typing should give you a sense of who you are not build a personality profile detailed enough to be sent immediately to your therapist for evaluation. In that case an arrangement of the 4 functions would suffice as that would be 4 factorial, which is 24 number of types.
We don’t even have to completely abandon the 16 type system. It could be an umbrella system still giving people an initial idea/benchmark of who they’re interacting with and themselves. But then if you want to zoom in a bit more, then there would be types within types. Think about a colour picker system that doesn’t draw harsh lines but instead takes into account where lines might blur.
INFP INTP ENTP ,———,———,———,———,———,———,—— B C INTPA B C ENTPA B
For example I could be INTPC (meaning I share most of my function positioning with the INTP type but still deviate in a way that it tends towards another type’s usage of functions) which means while I’m INTP I’m close to being an ENTP as well. or INTPA which means I deviate towards INFP. Of course this particular system doesn’t mean anything as people could deviate towards any type, but there are probably a finite number of types that you’d deviate to; any others and you’d have to consider you may just be another type entirely.
I could be wrong but I don’t see INTPs deviating to ESTJ or any of the sensing types at all. It’s more likely ENTP, INFP, INTJ and sometimes INFJ when Fe is very developed? There’s probably some insight in the types that types commonly mistype as well. Putting some time and effort into understanding mistypes could provide the backbone of the deviation system? For example a hypothesis I have is that it is usually a deviation by one letter (with N or S not taken into account) because of how clear that usually is. So ESTJ: ENTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ and maybe one other anomaly.
Try doing this on your type and seeing if it works or you’ve always identified with one of these three other types. Have you ever identified with your sensor or intuitive counterpart?
Now even after saying all this you know the mbti evaluation system I love the most because of how uncomplicated it is? Taking the four letters very literally. Forgetting functions and just classifying people as introverts versus extroverts, fact-facing vs pattern-facing/imaginators, tending to logical or feeling, and planners or procrastinators. Koreans do this a lot, I’ve seen. It’s less about functions for them and more about the information they can get from a person by just knowing the four letters they’re presented with. They take them at face value which (although people swear is wrong and not accurate!) actually does provide a general insight into how a person is and maybe even how to deal with them.
With the face value system, I’m: - very clearly ambiverted and get drained around people and recharge during alone time so introverted - definitely an intuitive and not a sensor as I favor connection, abstraction of ideas and induction as well in addition to deduction based on facts - appreciate that we’re all wired differently and don’t see anything wrong with feelers and what’s important to them but came to this conclusion logically and value things making sense to me; so thinker - and very clearly a procrastinator.
16p was right with this system; INTP no questions asked.
What do you think about all I’ve posited? And based on this write up, am I INTP or ENTP?
submitted by matrix-moderator to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 TravelerBrat Should i try for a copy for Alicia?

I have an A0 Alicia and she is the only SSR water hunter i have, i have her exclusive weapon and might have advance it. Should i try A1 her or should i save my draws for next rate up event? I have a shit luck btw and only managed to get her on my second pity.
submitted by TravelerBrat to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 showtime1010 Question on Course Registration and Future Transfer Requirements

Hello, I am currently going into my first year of Science (Undeclared), I have my eyes set on going into Biology and was wondering how it would work, in terms of registering for classes. I have a course worksheet for UVIC's Biology for Year 1 and I am wondering if I can just apply to all the classes listed there or are there other classes that I am supposed to be taking.
If so, would those classes also prepare me for transferring later on? I currently plan on going to UBC's Science Biology on my second year since my parents are moving there and I am confused since their website shows different classes from the ones in the Biology worksheet UVIC had. If anyone could help me out with this I would be very grateful, thank you.
submitted by showtime1010 to uvic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 GPTSportsWriter Washington Nationals VS Cleveland Guardians Prediction 2024-06-02 13:40:00-04:00

Washington Nationals VS Cleveland Guardians Prediction 2024-06-02 13:40:00-04:00
Washington Nationals VS Cleveland Guardians Prediction 2024-06-02 13:40:00-04:00

MLB Game Prediction: Washington Nationals vs. Cleveland Guardians (June 2, 2024)


Ladies and gentlemen, baseball aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this article while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown prediction between the Washington Nationals and the Cleveland Guardians. Scheduled for June 2, 2024, at 1:40 PM EDT, this game promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: it's going to be a wild ride!

Team Overview

Washington Nationals

The Washington Nationals, often referred to as the Nats, have had a rollercoaster of a season. With a mix of seasoned veterans and promising rookies, the team has shown flashes of brilliance but has struggled with consistency. Their current record stands at a respectable 28-30, placing them in the middle of the pack in the National League East.

Key Players

  1. Juan Soto: The young phenom continues to be the heart and soul of the Nationals' lineup. With a batting average of .310, 15 home runs, and 45 RBIs, Soto is a force to be reckoned with.
  2. Max Scherzer: The veteran pitcher, known for his fiery demeanor and devastating fastball, has an ERA of 3.20 and 95 strikeouts in 70 innings pitched.
  3. Trea Turner: The speedy shortstop has been a catalyst at the top of the lineup, boasting a .295 batting average and 20 stolen bases.

Cleveland Guardians

The Cleveland Guardians, formerly known as the Indians, have been a model of consistency this season. With a record of 32-26, they sit comfortably in second place in the American League Central. The Guardians have relied on a balanced attack, combining solid pitching with timely hitting.

Key Players

  1. José Ramírez: The dynamic third baseman is having an MVP-caliber season, hitting .320 with 18 home runs and 50 RBIs.
  2. Shane Bieber: The ace of the staff, Bieber has been lights out with a 2.45 ERA and 110 strikeouts in 85 innings.
  3. Franmil Reyes: The power-hitting outfielder has contributed 14 home runs and 40 RBIs, providing much-needed pop in the middle of the lineup.

Head-to-Head Comparison


When it comes to offensive firepower, both teams have their strengths. The Nationals rely heavily on Juan Soto and Trea Turner to set the table and drive in runs. However, their lineup lacks depth, and they have struggled to produce runs consistently.
On the other hand, the Guardians boast a more balanced lineup. José Ramírez and Franmil Reyes provide the power, while players like Amed Rosario and Myles Straw contribute with timely hitting and speed on the bases. The Guardians have a slight edge in overall offensive production.


Pitching is where the Guardians truly shine. Shane Bieber is a bona fide ace, and the rest of the rotation, including Aaron Civale and Triston McKenzie, has been solid. The bullpen, anchored by closer Emmanuel Clase, has been reliable in closing out games.
The Nationals' pitching staff, led by Max Scherzer, has been inconsistent. While Scherzer can still dominate, the rest of the rotation has been hit or miss. The bullpen has also been a source of concern, with several blown saves and high ERAs.


Defensively, the Guardians have been one of the better teams in the league. They boast a .985 fielding percentage, with standout defenders like José Ramírez and Myles Straw making highlight-reel plays.
The Nationals, while not terrible defensively, have had their share of miscues. Their fielding percentage stands at .980, and they have committed more errors than the Guardians.

Odds and Betting Lines

According to the latest odds from FanDuel and DraftKings, the Cleveland Guardians are favored to win this matchup. FanDuel has the Guardians at 1.66, while DraftKings lists them at 1.68. The Nationals, on the other hand, are underdogs with odds of 2.28 on FanDuel and 2.24 on DraftKings.

Analysis of Odds

The odds clearly favor the Guardians, and for good reason. Their balanced lineup, superior pitching staff, and solid defense make them the more complete team. The Nationals, while capable of pulling off an upset, will need everything to go right to come out on top.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for June 2, 2024, in Cleveland, Ohio, calls for partly cloudy skies with a high of 75°F and a slight breeze blowing out to left field. These conditions are ideal for baseball and should not significantly impact the game.


Drumroll, please! After analyzing the statistics, odds, and current form of both teams, it's time to make a prediction. While the Nationals have the star power in Juan Soto and Max Scherzer, the Guardians' overall balance and consistency give them the edge.
Prediction: Cleveland Guardians win
The Guardians' superior pitching staff, led by Shane Bieber, will stifle the Nationals' offense. José Ramírez and Franmil Reyes will provide the necessary run support, and the Guardians' defense will make the plays needed to secure the victory.


There you have it, folks! The Cleveland Guardians are poised to come out on top in this matchup against the Washington Nationals. While anything can happen in baseball, the odds and statistics heavily favor the Guardians. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the game!


  • FanDuel. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
(Note: The URLs provided are placeholders and should be replaced with actual URLs when citing real sources.)
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 DeadArashi Suggestion for additional Swedish & Japanese tech tree lines (text warning)

Suggestion for additional Swedish & Japanese tech tree lines (text warning)
Disclaimer: while I know SPG is a very unpopular class, my OCD does not allow me to do this without including them.
I was also going to have all the images in the post but that was a bit excessive, so please enjoy the links instead
With that said, I'll start with the Swedish;
Light tanks;
Tier 4 - Pvkv IV 'Varjan
A 1950 turret prototype to mount a 57mm Pvkan m/43 cannon was tested on the Strv m/40L. Although it was designated a tank destroyer, the project was essentially just re-arming the existing 37mm armed light tanks that were in service.
Tier 5 - Terro
A project by Landsverk in 1942 to offer a light tank with better armour and combat power as a competitor to the Strv m/42 'Lago'. It was to be armed with a 37mm gun and later 57mm, and set to have a top speed of 45km/h but was eventually rejected in the drawing stage.
Tier 6 - Pilen
Another Landsverk project from 1949. As we can see from the archive drawing, it was to weight 17t, feature a 324hp engine giving it a theoretical top speed of 60km/h. It was to be armed with a 75mm gun.
As a fun fact, a lot of Swedish tanks of this time period are listed to have "Motyl 25" fuel which is 25% ethanol and 75% gasoline, there was also Motyl 50 and Motyl 75. We see something similar today as E85
Tier 7 - IKV 65 Alt 5
This is where things can get pretty fun. In 1964 a project called 'IKV NY' started and the goal was for a low cost tank with good mobility that could both support infantry and fight other tanks as their aging armour wasn't capable any more. Armaments for consideration ranged from ATGM's, 10.5cm and 12cm gun, but ultimate for cost purposes an 9cm gun was chosen.
Three companies put forward proposals for the project: Landsverk (6 proposals as the IKV 65), Bofors (5 proposals as the IKV 90) and Hagglunds (6 proposals as the H-series).
As the name suggests, the IKV 65 II (tier 6 TD) was another proposal next to this tank by Landsverk
Tier 8 - IKV H1
Hagglands had put forward concepts for the possibility of using foreign engines and guns including the French DTAT 90mm L/51,5 from the AMX-13, a Bofors 90mm L/53 and a DTAT 105mm. All guns were could either be conventionally loaded, fully automated or a semi-autoloader w/ 4 round magazine.
Eventually Hagglands IKV H1 would be eventually be redesigned and become the IKV 91
Tier 9 - IKV 91
Needing no introduction, the IKV 91 would be the ideal top tier light tank for the Swedish tech tree. With a low weight of 16.3t and a 330hp engine, this absolutely beautiful piece of Swedish engineering could be propelled up to speeds of 65km/h.
The 90mm L/54 cannon would have a very comfortable -10 deg of gun depression in this low profile machine.
Tier 10 - IKV 105
Designed as an upgrade to the IKV 91, this tank was fitted with a new gun mantlet, a 105mm rifled gun and a redesigned hull front. Weight was increased to 18t and engine power increased to 380hp
Medium Tanks
The first two tanks I'm going to suggest are just additions to the existing UDES 15/16 line to start them earlier
Tier 6 - IKV H5
For information, see the description of the IKV 65 Alt 5 and IKV H1.
Tier 7 - IKV Alt 5
A redesign of the Landsverk IKV H5
Tier 7 - Lansen
Arguably this could also be a tier 7 light tanks, the Lansen was originally designed to be lighter then the Strv Leo sharing a very similar design. From the drawings we can see the turret armour of 38/30/20 and hull armour of 35/28/15 and would have been armed with a 75mm gun.
This however wasn't very favourable and the plan for a 20t tank shifted into a 25t tank.
Tier 8 - Lansen M/51 (image 2)
To meet the new requirement the Lansen was redesigned to have better frontal armour and a larger 10.5cm gun. With the weight limit increase the armour could be increased to 60/25/25 with some studies showing that even 100/12/12 was possible but this alternative wasn't preferred.
While the upgraded turret would be similar to the premium Lansen C, the armour would be less and the hull front would be slightly different in design.
Tier 9 - Strv T
In 1958m Sweden started to look towards replacing the Strv 81. They looked towards the Leopard 1 and the Chieftain but ultimately decided that a locally built tank would be more desirable. Three initial designs were considered; Strv A, Strv T and the Strv S (which would go on to become the Strv 103). Although with the decision to end development of the Emil project, the Strv K would also appear.
The estimated weight of the tank was to be 32.5t with a SFA F12 723hp engine. Armament was to be the TK 105x50 10,5cm L/55 rifled gun with performance equal to the L7 with -7/+15 gun depression/elevation. Armour was not great with the hull being 50/35/35 and turret 75/50/30.
This design only lasted a few months before being shelved.
Tier 10 - Strv A
The Strv A was, essentially, Sweden's answer to the British Chieftain and American M60. With an estimated weight of 42.5t and using the same SFA F12 engine making 723hp, the power to weight would have been about 17hp/t.
Initial expectations were for the tank to have 150mm of frontal armour, but after weight calculations it was reduced to 120mm.
The same 10,5cm as the Strv T was planned and able to carry 40 rounds, but equipped with an automatic loading system to give it a rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute (a bit excessive in-game. As a response to the American T95E6, a proposal to mount a 120mm gun was considered but later abandoned due to the minimal survivability increase and reduced ammo capacity.
Eventually consideration for this tank was dropped and interest returned to the British Chieftain before the Strv S concerns were cleared and development of it advanced.
Turret armour: 100/60/50
Hull Armour: 120/50/50
Artillery / Self Propelled Guns
I'll apologise again for this but there's also next to 0% chance of us ever getting a new SPG line so there's no harm in putting this here. I need to stress that the "autoloaders" that these tanks have are similar to that of the Strv 103, they are not drum fed like on the Emil tanks, or the French vehicles. They are still single shot.
Tier 5 - VAK 40 SPG / 105mm VAK SPG (image 1 / image 2 / image 3)
A proposal between 1949 and 1959. Bofors had proposed to mount a modernised 10,5cm Haubits m/40 onto the chassis of the lvkv fm/49 SPAAG. KATF was ordered to investigate if the same gun could be mounted onto a light tankette built by Landsverk (see linked images above)
Tier 6 - VK 105x60 2
10,5cm gun fed by an automatic loader giving it a hight rate of fire in a small, light weight vehicle weight 14.5t with a 300hp engine
Tier 7 - VK 105x60 1
A heavier version with a longer gun
Tier 8 - Kv fm/49 (also called the Akv 1949 and VK 152 S 49)
An initial prototype for the Artillerikanonvagn 151 (Akv 151) was mounted with an autoloaded 152mm cannon
Tier 9 - Akv 151
With the conclusion of the Emil project, one of the completed chassis was used to test the suspension system that would be used on the S-tank, the other would go on to become the Akv 151 which would be the foundation for what would later become the Bandkanon 1.
Tier 10 - Bkan 1
Like the Ikv 91 and the Strv 103, this vehicles is a very well known Swedish tank. Not because of the size of its cannon like the American T92, but because it could fire all 14 shells in its within 45 seconds thanks to the automatic loading system. By the time the first shell hits the ground and alerts the enemy of its presence, the remaining 13 shells are already in transit.
It's no wonder people don't want this in WoT, but considering it's actually more akin to a single shot tank, this along with the other Swedish SPG would be balanced similary to the tier 9 French Bat.-Chat. 155 55.
If you've made it this far, thanks you. Without further ado, onto the Japanese!
Medium Tanks
I wanted to do a slight redesign of the MT line. The Chi-Ri would stay at tier 7 but would offshoot to lead into the Ho-Ri II that is based off it. The STA-1, Type 61 and STB-1 would be rebalanced down a tier for the Type 74 at tier 10
Tier 10 - Type 74
The production version of the STB-1, it was decided to reduce the hull front from 100mm to 80mm in order to be able to increase the turrets frontal armour. Other notable changes include a redesigned and notable lower profile commanders cupola.
While the top speed is listed at 54km/h, there are reports that it has reached speeds up to 60 km/h.
This change to the tech tree would ultimately allow the tier 9 and 10 tanks to play similar to each other, more so then we have now going from the Type 61 to the STB-1.
Light Tanks
Regarding Japanese light tanks, there's not a lot going on historically for the top tiers. While I have offered options that existed, another alternative is that WG could fabricate light tanks based on the STB-1/Type 74 just like they did for the Type 68/Type 71 heavy tanks
Tier 4 - Ke-Ho
This tanks already in the game under the collections
Tier 5 - Ke-Ri
The Type 3 Ke-Ri was a prototype to upgrade the Ha-Go with a Type 97 57mm gun. Due to the cramped nature of the turret, it was not mass produced.
Tier 6 - Ke-Nu
Like the Ke-Ri, the Ke-Nu aimed to upgrade the Ha-Go, it achieved this by mounting the old turret of the Chi-Ha medium tank when it got its own new turret.
Tier 7 and 8 - STA JWIG
Before the Type 61 prototypes (ST-A1, ST-A2, ST-A3 and ST-A4) that we have as medium tanks weighting 35t, there was the plan for a 20t tank armed with a 76mm gun which eventually evolved into a 25t tank with 90mm gun. Eventually the weight would once again go up 30t but for arguments sake I think the 20t and 25t would be a decent fit for tier 7 and 8 respectively.
Tier 9 - Type 60 SS-1
Double barrel light tank. The Type 60 SS-1 was one of a number of prototype tanks to mount a two 105mm M40 recoilless rifles. The notable feature of this tank was that the guns could be raised and lowered allowing it to get a monstrous -20 deg of gun depression.
For a fun fact, there was also the Type 60 SS-1 "Kai" that had the guns at a fixed hight but it had four guns, which still pales in comparison to the SIX that were mounted on the M50 Ontos
It should also be noted that the Type 60 was actually classed as a tank destroyer.
Tier 10 - Type 60
With a weight of just 8t, it has an undersized engine at 150hp giving it just 15 hp/t and a top speed of 55km/h. This light tank, with its small height of 1.38m would be incredibly stealthy, but the lower power to weight would make it terrible for active scouting, instead it would excel at passive scouting and ambushing tanks
Artillery / Self Propelled Guns
Once again we're at Arty. Please forgive me
Tier 5 - Ho-Ni II
Produced in 1943, this variant of the Ho-Ni had an open casement and mounted a Type 91 105mm howitzer. It featured a slightly changed superstructure. Due to the larger gun, it could only traverse the gun 10 deg left and right compared to the 20 of the Ho-Ni I's smaller Type 75mm gun. Due to the guns recoil it could only elevate the gun 22 deg giving it a very flat firing arc
Tier 6 - Hi-Ro Sha
An open top tank sporting a Type 92 10cm cannon was built using the chassis of the Type 95 heavy tank. The other tank built on this chassis was the Ji-Ro (tier 6 TD in-game). The Ji-Ro was originally considered to mount the Type 96 15cm howitzer but was abandoned but could be used on the Hi-Ro Sha instead in-game
Tier 7 - Ho-To
Built on the chassis of the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank chassis, there's no information regarding the engine ever changing meaning with a 120hp engine and weight of 7.4, this tank could hit speed between 40-45 km/h.
Armament was to be a 12cm Type 38 Field Howitzer
Tier 8 - Ho-Ro
The Type 4 Ho-Ro was based on the existing Type 95 Chi-Ha in 1944 and was inspired by the German Grile. Armament was a 15cm Type 38 howitzer.
If it's not obvious by now, the Japanese artillery post WWII is lacking.
Tier 9 - Type 74 SPH
Lacking until now that is. Built off the chassis of the Type 73 APC, it entered service in 1974, the Type 74 was armed with a 105mm JSW howitzer that the JDF believed was still useful for its high rate of fire and accurate infantry support
Weighing in at 16.5t with a 300hp engine for a 18.4 hp/t, this tank could move at speeds of 50 km/h and had a fully traversable turret. and could carry 43 rounds of ammo.
It would be the demon child of a leFH and Bat-Chat 155 55
Tier 10 - Type 75
Just like the Type 74 SPH, this tank is built on the chassis of the Type 73 APC, it entered service in 1975 and was armed with a larger 155mm howitzer in a fully traversable turret.
The weight was increased to 25.3t and the engine produced 450hp (17.78hp/t) for a top speed of 47km/h
If you made it this far, thanks for sticking around and reading.
submitted by DeadArashi to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 BGodInspired How Do Bible Verses on Joy Transform Your Daily Life?

Joy in the Scriptures: Discovering Biblical Joy Through God’s Word
Introduction: The Pursuit of Joy
Joy is an elusive yet essential aspect of human existence. From the exuberant laughter of a child to the soulful contentment found in a deep relationship with God, joy embodies a spectrum of human experience that everyone yearns for. But how do we find true joy that transcends circumstances? Let’s explore what the Bible says about this invaluable state of being and uncover powerful verses that emphasize the essence of joy.
Finding Joy in the Lord
In the Bible, joy is often intertwined with our relationship with God. The Apostle Paul, despite facing numerous trials, wrote extensively about joy. One of the best-known verses on this topic is:
– **Philippians 4:4** – “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
This verse isn’t just a recommendation—it’s a command. Paul emphasizes the importance of rejoicing, particularly in the Lord, which speaks volumes about where true joy originates.
**Reflection Question:** How do you find reasons to rejoice in your daily life? Do you draw joy from your relationship with God?
Joy in Every Circumstance
One might wonder how joy can be maintained in difficult times. The Bible offers an answer in James:
– **James 1:2-3** – “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”
James isn’t suggesting a superficial happiness in suffering. Rather, he’s pointing toward a deeper understanding that trials produce growth, endurance, and ultimately, joy. This joy isn’t dependent on circumstances but on the spiritual growth and intimacy with God that results from them.
**Reflection Question:** How can you view your current challenges through the lens of producing perseverance and joy?
Joy as a Fruit of the Spirit
Joy isn’t merely an emotional response; it’s a fruit produced by a Spirit-filled life. The Book of Galatians lists joy as one of the fruits of the Spirit:
– **Galatians 5:22-23** – “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
When we walk by the Spirit, joy naturally becomes part of our lives, akin to fruit growing on a tree. This joy surpasses momentary happiness and is rooted in our spiritual connection with God.
**Reflection Question:** How can you cultivate the fruit of the Spirit, particularly joy, in your daily walk with God?
Joy in Salvation and Eternal Hope
The ultimate source of joy for believers is the salvation and eternal life given through Jesus Christ. Peter talks about this in his letter:
– **1 Peter 1:8-9** – “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”
This “inexpressible and glorious joy” stems from the assurance of salvation and the hope of eternal life. It’s a joy that cannot be fully comprehended or articulated, but one that profoundly fills the heart.
**Reflection Question:** How does the hope of salvation and eternal life influence your experience of joy?
Conclusion: Embracing Biblical Joy
Joy in the biblical sense is not fleeting but enduring. It’s rooted deeply in our relationship with God, our understanding and perspective on life’s trials, and our eternal hope in salvation. By embracing these principles, we can experience a joy that transcends our everyday circumstances.
**Call to Action:** How has joy manifested in your life through your faith? Share your thoughts or experiences in the comments below and let’s encourage one another to live out this profound joy in Christ.
By exploring and integrating these biblical principles, we not only enhance our understanding of joy but also apply it in ways that bring enduring positivity and encouragement to our daily lives. Let’s continue this journey together, fostering a community of joy-filled believers.
If you want to want to research more Bible Answers on your own, please try our Bible Answers GPT. It’s easy to get lost in the interesting responses you’ll find… every search is like a new treasure hunt 🙂
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submitted by BGodInspired to BGodInspired [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:20 RaddKx Why complain?

Hello, being accustomed to reading Reddit posts that are mostly negative, I want to make this post to provide a mental wake-up call for some who still haven't understood the video game codes that have been evident for several years.
Three-quarters of the Reddit posts, or posts elsewhere, are complaints about the current state of the game, notably the netcode, the slow weapon XP, people jumping like rabbits, overpowered weapons and factions, and so on.
To start with, the game is in pre-season, which indirectly means that we are in a beta phase. So, sorry to say this, but it's logical to see a lot of bugs and problems. This is why we are in this phase of the game before the official release, which will be Season 1.
Weapons level up slowly. It's true that weapons take a relatively long time to level up. However, we are playing a free-to-play, CoD-like game, so besides leveling up weapons, there is nothing else to do in the game in its current state. This is the only thing you have to do, and you want everything immediately, so that after a week you can say you're already bored. We are in the second week, and we've already had two double XP phases that compensate for this problem you're trying to raise.
People jump like rabbits. Well, sorry to tell you this, but if you don't want to see people jumping, you're playing the wrong game. I invite you to switch to Counter-Strike or Valorant, which have very different game mechanics and might suit you better. You're free to accept the meta and understand that you can do it too.
Weapons are not balanced. Like any CoD-like game, there are metas, and there's no debate about that. To be honest, I have rarely seen a game with such balanced weapons because all weapons are actually playable once leveled up. Yes, there's an MP7 meta that might dominate the game a bit too much, and if you face a stack tryharding with MP7s, your team will have no choice but to use it to win close-range duels.
Factions are not balanced. Yes, Echelon has a wallhack and it's strong. I'm a proponent of saying in all games that if we notice an ability similar to a cheat, it shouldn't be present because it isn't competitive or skillful. However, sorry, but 6 Phantoms is cancer, 6 DedSec is cancer, 6 Libertad is also cancer, etc. All classes have overpowered abilities, and this forms a balance that surpasses what we are used to seeing. This is what makes all classes playable.
In conclusion, XDefiant is a free-to-play game. You're free to try or continue playing the game. If you like it, great. If you don't, stop playing. It's as simple as that. If you don't want to get on board, others will take your place.
submitted by RaddKx to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 saintmada Feel stupid

Dealt amazing hands with everything but this stupid condition. Guess not everyone can be a genius, but what if you're below average, then doesn't that seem genius to you? Tell a guy to figure out a 1+1 math question, few minutes tops. I spent an hour on a sixth grade question-- I'm a sophomore. I'm not good at anything I actually like, either. Only thing I'm meh at is drawing like a three year old
I'm either a super idiot or a super idiot
submitted by saintmada to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:11 preykon Second draw 10x on Alicia Banner as a F2P

Second draw 10x on Alicia Banner as a F2P submitted by preykon to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:10 MakisYujiPicsStache I despise Goku fans, I really do: he's not Jesus Christ nor is he your dad [Dragon Ball]

I was just looking around my Twitter TL and I then found a very cool piece of artwork with Makima. It was from a Twitter artist I really like, and the drawing itself was kinda funny: it was a subversion of the usual "Goku saves X from Y" meme, this time with Goku actually getting hit with the Bang, resulting in a comically large hole in his chest, which functions as frame for Makima's surprised face.
Now, I would like to add that that artwork had nothing malicious going for it: it wasn't agenda art because most of the artwork that artist does isn't agenda art like some other, more annoying twitter artists.
This tweet had 50K-ish likes.
I go on the Qrts and people are fuming, instead of laughing about the tweet. Nobody is praising the artwork, instead accusing the artist of slander art, calling them names. Most of them weren't even artists themselves, yet they critiqued the artwork based on Powerscaling instead of its sheer quality, not too dissimilar to how Galilean got his work judged in a Metaphysical and Theological background despite being utterly scientific.
Ffs, there was even a tweet saying "Goku slander doesn't hit like any other slander because goku feels like a paternal figure" like y'all need to GO OUTSIDE, watch your second anime, experience something in your life that isn't Dragon Ball because that statement is WILD.
That tweet had 46k likes, almost ratioing the original artwork despite NOT BEING ARTWORK.
Regardless of the origin of that character, how it affected your childhood and such, nobody should have such an attachment to a fictional character to this point, it's unhealthy, weird and most importantly it can hurt others too.
"but but goku was my childhood!" I grew up with Pokémon, that doesn't mean I won't laugh if I see someone draw Pikachu getting beaten up by, idk, the Great King of Evil Ganondorf. It's absurd. It's funny.
I just really felt like having to vent, I was frustrated seeing those goku fans shamelessly harassing an artist like that.
submitted by MakisYujiPicsStache to CharacterRant [link] [comments]


Aslah asked Ayas why he believed it was murder.
Ayas explained.
"I based my conclusion on forensic evidence. The wound pierced Anaswarnath's heart, likely causing immediate death. In most suicide cases, the victim doesn't have the strength to pull the knife from their chest. However, here the knife isn't in the chest, suggesting Anaswarnath pulled it out."
"While uncommon, it's not impossible." Aslah sai
Without caring about it, Ayas continued, "Secondly, Anaswarnath's wound pierced his heart, but there's no blood splattered on the room or walls. If the knife were pulled out immediately after stabbing, blood would have splattered everywhere. Instead, the blood is pooled on the table, indicating that Anaswarnath did not pull the knife out right away. This suggests the blood flowed steadily, creating a flat pool on the table."
"Maybe he pulled it out after some minutes, some seconds before his death. That can happen," Aslah interrupted again.
"The chances of Anaswarnath being alive long enough to pull the knife out are slim. Even if he had managed to do it, the knife would have been soaked in blood, and his hands would likely have been injured in the process. When someone uses a sharp weapon, especially if it slips due to blood, it's common for their hands to get cut—sometimes small nicks, sometimes deep gashes. But Anaswarnath's fingers are uninjured, which means he didn't pull the knife out. The person who did may have injured themselves. If the killer wore thick rubber gloves, they might have avoided injury."
This time, Aslah was silent.
"Now, the most important thing is the tailing," Ayas emphasized. "You assumed it was a suicide because you interpreted the tailing below the wound as a hesitation mark. But if you look at the direction of the scratch, it goes from the bottom of the wound to the left side. If a right-handed person had stabbed themselves and pulled the knife out, the tailing would go from the top of the wound to the right side. This clearly indicates that someone else, who is right-handed, pulled the knife."
Aslah didn't ask anything, but the question lingered in the air.


submitted by WESTERNMYST to deduction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 eucalyptusisawesome yes bob, ofc you can kill all 8 enemies by creating an earthquake with a lvl 1 char by jumping.

Hey everyone, i hope this is the right sub for this. I apologize if its not, otherwise i need your advise.
Iam a pretty new when it comes to dnd and joined a group that wanted to start a new campaign that sounded interesting. So i thought, new people, new campaign, lots of dnd, why not, could be fun!
Now my problem, there is a person in the group that i will name bob for now. Bob seems overall nice but is very different in many ways. I know we all are different because we all are just humans with different personalities but he is, just wow.
Session0: We all came together in Discord, talked about the campaign, discussed details and created our characters how we thought would be good. I know that everyone in this group expects something different from this adventure but when it comes to bob it feels like his character IS the adventure. Every chance he gets he loudly, and with the most enthusiasm tells you how cool and nice and awesome his char is. He almost talks in a way if his char is actually alive, its pretty wild. I mean i get it, its my first campaign, iam excited af!!!! And i love my char to the death but i dont have to scream at someone if he says something about my char.
After session 0 (first time meeting all of the group members) i thought ok, i love everything about how the dm thinks, how the campaign is themed. Bob was a bit too much but whatever, he is probably just excited and will calm down eventually.
2 hours before we even start the first real session, 1 person that also created a char and was hyped af, said he will leave the group because bob is too much and he cant handle people like that. I thought, well, i get it but iam way too invested by now and i actually just want to play and have fun, how could 1 person ruin all my fun if iam the one controlling my char?
Session 1-2: The dm is doing some great work, he does alot of rp and in general the campaign is very roleplay based, i love it! The others also do some nice rp and then theres bob he always has to do rp in a way that the spotlight shines on him. If the group wants to rp we always have to look at him and all the attention is drawn to him because he has to do somethung extra, EVERY time. Its exhausting. Also, decisions that would be made by dice he just chooses to do anyways. The dm always has to correct him and say roll this roll that. He then gets a little silent, rolls and when he doesnt succeed, oh boy.
But i thought to myself, maybe its his char, his personality and thats ok until he just started speaking over the dm while the dm is roleplaying for others or describing a spooky scene or is talking as an npc. Bob is not able to not talk for 30 seconds!
Since its my first real campaign and i like the other group members + the dm and i think very similar about rp and setting and about everything i dont want to leave. The story is also very nice. I had to say something.
After a session i said to the group that i thought it would be good if we just let others talk until they are finished and said that i noticed some interrupt the dm for no reason at all and it would kill the mood, the setting. Everyone agreed and the dm started answering to my request and while doing so bob interrupted again, drawing again all attention to him. I just know that he wont change and there is not a word i can say that will do something against that behavior. All party members are above 18 except 1 guy, hes 16 and he has better behavior than bob, its crazy.
What can i do now? I dont want to leave the group and want to play the campaign but its hard, really really hard. Any suggestions?
note: bob is a "experienced" dnd player and this is not his first campaign. Also for the guy that left because of him we had a new person join the group and you can tell he also wants to play but is visibly annoyed by bob.
what should i do, what can i do about this?
EDIT: yes, the title is real and he tried.
submitted by eucalyptusisawesome to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 Truwen Ethical conundrum?

A parent recently reached out to express concerns about her child’s grade, which has only improved by one level since we met a few months ago. The student turned in 6 out of 10 missing assignments. Our school uses standards-based grading (1-4), with two attempts to prove mastery. A 4 can only be achieved on the first try, and missing assignments are marked as 0 due to lack of evidence.
The student is an ML (Multilingual Learner) with English as her second language, and I teach her in both 6th grade ELA and History. The parent is questioning why her child has only moved from an F to a D and is criticizing my teaching abilities. The main issue is that the student has not consistently met the criteria on the rubric to demonstrate proficiency, which I have communicated.
A trusted colleague suggested that, given the student’s effort, I should “throw her a bone” by giving her extra points. This raised red flags for me.
What should I do? It’s well-known that not all teachers at our school grade the same way, and it’s evident when a student is excelling in other classes but not in mine, even if it’s not due to a lack of effort.
I’m feeling confused and frustrated.
• 3rd Year Teacher 
submitted by Truwen to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 GPTSportsWriter Charlotte FC VS Atlanta United FC Prediction 2024-06-02 16:45:00-04:00

Charlotte FC VS Atlanta United FC Prediction 2024-06-02 16:45:00-04:00
Charlotte FC VS Atlanta United FC Prediction 2024-06-02 16:45:00-04:00

MLS Match Preview: Charlotte FC vs. Atlanta United FC


Ladies and gentlemen, soccer aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this report while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown in the MLS: Charlotte FC vs. Atlanta United FC. Scheduled to kick off on June 2, 2024, at 16:45 EDT, this match promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: it's going to be a wild ride!

Team Overview

Atlanta United FC

Atlanta United FC, the home team, has been a force to reckon with in the MLS. Known for their aggressive playstyle and a knack for scoring goals, they are the favorites in this matchup. According to DraftKings, the odds for Atlanta United FC to win are 1.74, which translates to a roughly 57.5% chance of victory[1\.)

Key Players

  1. Josef Martinez: The Venezuelan striker has been a goal-scoring machine for Atlanta. With 15 goals in the current season, he is the player to watch.
  2. Ezequiel Barco: The Argentine midfielder has been instrumental in creating scoring opportunities, boasting 10 assists so far.
  3. Miles Robinson: The American defender has been a rock at the back, making crucial interceptions and tackles.

Charlotte FC

On the other side, we have Charlotte FC, the underdogs with odds of 4.2, giving them a 23.8% chance of winning[1\.) While they may not have the same star power as Atlanta, they have shown resilience and the ability to pull off surprises.

Key Players

  1. Karol Świderski: The Polish forward has been the top scorer for Charlotte, with 10 goals this season.
  2. Sergio Ruiz: The Spanish midfielder has been the engine of the team, contributing with both goals and assists.
  3. Christian Fuchs: The veteran Austrian defender brings experience and leadership to the backline.

Head-to-Head Statistics

When it comes to head-to-head encounters, Atlanta United FC has had the upper hand. In their last five meetings, Atlanta has won three, Charlotte has won one, and one match ended in a draw. This historical dominance gives Atlanta a psychological edge going into this match.

Tactical Analysis

Atlanta United FC

Atlanta United FC typically lines up in a 4-3-3 formation, focusing on high pressing and quick transitions. Their attacking trio, led by Josef Martinez, is lethal on the counter-attack. The midfield, orchestrated by Ezequiel Barco, is adept at controlling the tempo and creating scoring opportunities.

Charlotte FC

Charlotte FC, on the other hand, prefers a more conservative 4-4-2 formation. They rely on solid defensive organization and look to exploit set-pieces and counter-attacks. Karol Świderski is their main target man, and the team often looks to him to convert chances.

Odds and Betting Analysis

The odds provided by DraftKings are quite telling. Atlanta United FC is the clear favorite with odds of 1.74, while Charlotte FC is the underdog at 4.2. The draw is priced at 3.75[1\.) These odds suggest that the bookmakers have a lot of faith in Atlanta's ability to secure a win.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for June 2, 2024, in Atlanta is partly cloudy with a high of 78°F (25.5°C) and a low of 65°F (18.3°C). These conditions are ideal for a high-tempo game, which suits Atlanta United FC's style of play. Charlotte FC, used to similar weather, won't be at a significant disadvantage, but the home crowd and familiar conditions give Atlanta an edge.


Based on the odds, team form, head-to-head statistics, and weather conditions, it is reasonable to predict that Atlanta United FC will win this match. Their attacking prowess, combined with Charlotte FC's inconsistent form, makes Atlanta the safer bet.

Final Score Prediction

Atlanta United FC 3 - 1 Charlotte FC


In conclusion, while Charlotte FC has the potential to cause an upset, all signs point to an Atlanta United FC victory. From their superior squad depth to their favorable odds and historical dominance, Atlanta seems poised to take all three points. So, if you're a betting person, you might want to put your money on Atlanta United FC. And if you're just here for the drama, sit back, relax, and enjoy what promises to be an exciting match!


[1\:) DraftKings. (2024). MLS Betting Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
Note: This report is based on the information available as of June 2, 2024. Player statistics and team performance are subject to change as the season progresses.
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 Pristine_Relative_13 Doctors can’t figure it out

I have this chronic issue where I’ll feel as if I’m being pricked with a pin. It occurs all over my body - head to toe. Sometimes multiple places at once. Usually last in one spot for 10-30 seconds. Sometimes they’re quite painful but mostly pretty mild.
The only thing that I’ve noticed helps it seems to be maintaining very high levels of vitamin B12. I eat meat, lots of veggies, gluten and dairy free. Test for pernicious anemia was “non-conclusive”… so guessing i probably have that?
Got an MRI and it was normal.
I’m female, 30, have hashimotos. All my doctors are stumped. It’s getting worse and the high B12 isn’t cutting it anymore….
submitted by Pristine_Relative_13 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:40 GPTSportsWriter Miami Marlins VS Texas Rangers Recap 2024-06-01 16:10:54-04:00

Miami Marlins VS Texas Rangers Recap 2024-06-01 16:10:54-04:00
Miami Marlins VS Texas Rangers Recap 2024-06-01 16:10:54-04:00

Miami Marlins vs. Texas Rangers: Game Recap and Prediction


Ladies and gentlemen, baseball aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this article while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown analysis between the Miami Marlins and the Texas Rangers. This game, set to commence on June 2, 2024, at 17:40 UTC, promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: it's going to be a wild ride!

Team Overview

Miami Marlins

The Miami Marlins, often referred to as the "Fish," have had a rollercoaster of a season. With a mix of young talent and seasoned veterans, the Marlins have shown flashes of brilliance but have struggled with consistency. Their current odds, according to FanDuel, are 2.1, while DraftKings offers the same odds at 2.1. This places them as the underdogs in this matchup.

Key Players

  1. Jazz Chisholm Jr.: The dynamic second baseman has been a spark plug for the Marlins, providing both power and speed. His ability to get on base and create havoc on the base paths will be crucial.
  2. Sandy Alcantara: The ace of the Marlins' pitching staff, Alcantara has been a workhorse, consistently delivering quality starts. His performance on the mound will be pivotal in keeping the Rangers' offense in check.

Texas Rangers

The Texas Rangers, on the other hand, have been riding high this season. With a potent lineup and a solid pitching rotation, they have established themselves as contenders. Their odds, as per FanDuel, are 1.77, and DraftKings also lists them at 1.77, making them the favorites for this game.

Key Players

  1. Corey Seager: The shortstop has been a revelation for the Rangers, providing both offensive firepower and defensive stability. His ability to drive in runs and make clutch plays will be vital.
  2. Jacob deGrom: When healthy, deGrom is arguably the best pitcher in baseball. His electric stuff and pinpoint control make him a nightmare for opposing hitters.

Head-to-Head Comparison


The Rangers boast a more potent offense, with a higher team batting average and more home runs compared to the Marlins. Corey Seager and Adolis García have been leading the charge, making the Rangers a formidable lineup to face.


While the Marlins have a solid ace in Sandy Alcantara, the Rangers' rotation, led by Jacob deGrom, has been more consistent overall. The bullpen depth also favors the Rangers, giving them an edge in late-game situations.


Defensively, both teams are fairly evenly matched. However, the Rangers' infield, anchored by Seager, has been slightly more reliable, committing fewer errors and turning more double plays.

Betting Odds and Market Analysis

The betting odds clearly favor the Texas Rangers. With FanDuel and DraftKings both listing the Rangers at 1.77 and the Marlins at 2.1, the bookmakers are confident in a Rangers victory. These odds reflect the overall strength and form of the Rangers this season.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for the game day is clear skies with a slight breeze blowing out to left field. This could potentially favor the power hitters in the Rangers' lineup, giving them an added advantage.


Based on the current statistics, team form, and betting odds, it is hard to look past the Texas Rangers as the likely winners of this matchup. Their superior offense, consistent pitching, and slight defensive edge make them the favorites. While the Marlins have the potential to pull off an upset, especially with a strong performance from Sandy Alcantara, the odds are stacked against them.

Final Score Prediction

Texas Rangers 6, Miami Marlins 3


In conclusion, while baseball is a game of unpredictability and anything can happen on any given day, the Texas Rangers are well-positioned to secure a victory against the Miami Marlins. Their overall team strength, combined with favorable betting odds and weather conditions, makes them the clear favorites. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the game. And remember, in the world of sports, never say never!


  • FanDuel. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). MLB Betting Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
Note: This report is based on the information available as of June 2, 2024. All statistics and odds are subject to change.
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 Original_Comedian725 High potassium in CBC

35F, 5'3 170 I take propranolol for headaches, birth control (progesterone only), and recently switched to Wellbutrin 150 SR switched from Lexapro because I've been gaining a lot of weight (9lbs within 3 months, no change to diet or exercise), I am active - I walk 30 mins 3x a week and work a second job as a server once or twice a week, and I eat pretty healthy. I haven't had a physical in quite some time but I've had blood drawn for pregnancies. I recently had blood drawn for an upcoming physical (also overdue) and it showed high potassium, 5.3. so I called because I was concerned after looking up what that means, so my doctor had it redrawn because literally everything else was in the "normal" range. So the second draw a week later was 5.2.
I should also mention I'm not a heavy drinker, never really have been, as alcoholism runs in my family. I did, however, take Excedrin frequently for headaches for years because it's been dismissed by just about every PCP I've had until my most recent doctor who gave me propranolol, which has helped but I still get headaches fairly frequently. Like more than 5 a month. I also realized buying groceries this week that I tend to eat things high in potassium like bananas, cantaloupe, artichokes, yogurt, cheese etc.
My question is... Is there anything I could be diagnosed with that's not scary about this blood work? I just bought groceries to go along with a hyperkalemia diet until my appointment in a few weeks, but I'm really worried about these results, I have two little kids and I want to live a long time for them and be able to do things with them and not be on dialysis in a few years.
I know it's not much over the limit but from what I've read damage to the kidneys is irreversible so it sounds like things won't get better.
submitted by Original_Comedian725 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 theo7777 I just watched "Kinds of Kindness"

My review won't have any spoilers.
It was three different stories so I'll give three different grades instead of one universal grade for the movie.
The first story gets a 5/5. It was interesting, dark, funny, the performances were great, the themes were very clear and it didn't need to be longer or shorter. It lives up to "Dogtooth" and "The Lobster" which are my two favourite Lanthimos and Filippou films.
The second story gets a 3/5. It was fun but I don't get what happened at the end. This one needed a bit more expanding. But overall it was still fun. I had similar feelings about "The Killing of a Sacred Deer".
The third story gets a 4/5. It was the most adventurous of the three. It doesn't have a major flaw and it's fun but it's much more plot driven than the first two. It's was a good choice to finish it off with this one because it's the lightest of the three.
I can see why Plemmons (main character in the first two) got the male lead award at Cannes. An Oscar nomination is a possibility too. He's definitely the standout.
About the title, the main themes in the movie are loyalty and faith, definitely not kindness.
submitted by theo7777 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:36 JoshAsdvgi The Foundling who was befriend by Wolves

The Foundling Who Was Befriended by Wolves
The elder of two brothers was very expert at catching eagles.
He would cover a hole with leaves and brush, place on top the carcass of some animal, and hide underneath until an eagle settled on the brush to eat the meat.
Then he would seize the bird’s legs, draw it inside, and kill it.
Once he caught a big red eagle, but not wishing to kill such a bird he let it fly away.
The younger boy now begged permission to catch eagles also.
The elder refused him three times. The fourth time he consented, but warned the lad not to touch a big red eagle.
So the boy concealed himself in the trap.
One of the smaller eagles soared down and began to eat the meat.
The boy caught and killed it without difficulty.
Another settled on the trap, then a third. Those also he killed.
Then came a big red eagle. Forgetting his brother’s warning and tempted by its bright feathers, he seized its wing and tried to drag it down.
The eagle, however, was too strong. It pulled him out of the trap and carried him far away.
His brother looked for him that evening, saw the gaping hole in the trap, and knowing what had happened sat down and wept.
He wept and wept, until he shriveled up and became a tiny baby again.
An old woman who was traveling to one side of a party happened to hear the baby cry.
She picked it up, wrapped it in her blanket, gathered some of the feathers that were strewn about, and hurried on to rejoin her people.
In the party were her ten sons.
As the eldest was pitching his tent that evening, she said to him, “Back yonder on the hill I found a little baby and brought it along with me.
May we sleep in your tent tonight?”
“No”, he answered gruffly. “The child will disturb us too much.”
She approached the second son, the third, the fourth; each rejected her in almost the same words.
Last of all, she approached the tenth and youngest.
“Yes, mother, come in and bring your baby with you.
He will be a little brother to me.”
So the old woman lodged with her youngest son, to whom she gave her eagle feathers.
The years passed by, and her baby grew into a sturdy youth.
One winter the Indians set up their tents beside a large pond and began to scour the countryside for buffalo. Not an animal could they find anywhere.
Before long their supply of food ran low, yet they would not move away, for they still hoped that one or more herds would appear in their neighbourhood.
While they were idly waiting, the chief of the band tried to capture two foxes that had made their dens in the vicinity, but the animals were too cunning for him.
Annoyed at the failure, he sent a crier round the camp to proclaim that the man who brought him their skins might marry one of his daughters.
All the best hunters went out to try their skill but failed — the foxes outwitted every one.
One day the boy brought some sticks into his foster-grandmother’s tent and began to make a bow and arrows.
She said to him, “What are you going to shoot, my grandson?”
“I am going to try for the foxes.”
“Foolish boy. If the best hunters in the camp can’t catch them, you certainly will not succeed.”
“I can at least try. It may be that I can shoot them with my arrows.”
The grandmother only laughed; she said no more.
Unnoticed by anyone in the camp, the boy slipped away the next morning and hid near one of the dens.
A fox emerged and wandered away.
As soon as it disappeared, he planted a circle of pointed sticks around the hole, then hid again and waited.
Not long afterwards the fox returned, spied the watching lad, and darted for its hole.
The sharp sticks pierced its neck and killed it. The boy killed the other fox in exactly the same manner and, concealing the furs under his coat, he started for home.
As he trudged along, snow fell and obliterated his tracks so that no one discovered where he had been.
Outside his tent he stopped, glanced quickly round, and concealed his furs in a heap of firewood.
Then he went inside and sat down without saying a word.
His grandmother looked up and asked:
“Where have you been?”
“Oh, I just went out and caught the foxes.”
She laughed again.
“Oh, but I will prove it,” he said.
And going outside he plucked a few hairs from the furs and brought them in to her.
“You shouldn’t pull the hair out of our dogs,” she said. “The weather is very cold, and they need all their fur.”
Three times he brought in scraps of the fox fur, and each time she declared that he had pulled them out of the dogs.
The fourth time he brought in the furs themselves.
The old woman gazed at them in amazement.
At last she said, “My grandchild, you have been very lucky.
But you are too young to marry one of the chief’s daughters.
You had better give the furs to one of your brothers.”
The boy did not answer.
In the evening she told her younger son what had happened.
Loudly he voiced his praise and said to the boy:
“Don’t give the furs to anyone else.
Take them to the chief yourself.”
At dawn the people discovered that the foxes were missing and informed the chief, who walked through the camp crying before every tent, “Who killed the foxes?”
No one answered him. None of the hunters could produce the furs, and no one thought of the poor orphan lad.
Greatly perplexed, the chief retired to his tent again.
The sun had reached noon when the old woman, concealing the furs under her robe, stole inside the tent and sat down humbly at the right of the door.
The chief looked up and said to his family, “This old woman has never visited me before.
Feed her well, and then let her tell us what she wants.”
They fed her, but instead of announcing why she had come, she quietly slipped through the door and returned home.
“I brought the furs back,” she said to the boy.
“You are such a poor wretched orphan that I was ashamed to tell him.”
Before he could reply, her own son spoke up, “You did wrong, mother.
You should have told the chief.
Go back now and give him the furs.”
The old woman went out slowly.
Presently she returned with her message again undelivered.
He sent her a third time but shame still sealed her lips.
Driven back for the fourth time, she sat with bowed head inside the doorway vainly trying to muster up her courage.
At last she rose to steal outside again but as she stooped to pass through the door, the fox’s tail slipped down into view below her robe.
With one bound the chief pulled it away from her, seized the other fox fur also, and cried, “Now — which of your sons was it that killed them?”
“It was my foster-grandson”, she murmured.
“I was too ashamed to give you the furs before.”
The chief sat down in silence, and his elder daughter turned her face away in disgust. But the younger girl cried out, “If her grandson has killed the foxes, I will marry him.”
So the younger girl returned with the old woman and married the youth, while her sister remained with her father.
Three days passed without incident.
On the fourth, the youth said to his bride, “Tell your father to build the pound higher and to keep a sharp watch, for tomorrow I am going to drive in some buffalo”.
The girl carried his message to her father, who issued the necessary orders to his people.
He was a wise old man and realized that the orphan possessed great medicine-power.
Most of the hunters, however, ridiculed the youth, and the boys in the camp pelted him with clods when he started out at dawn for the hunting grounds.
All that morning the camp waited expectantly.
A party that left before the orphan had returned empty-handed and reported that there was no sign of game. The sun was already low when a watchman excitedly signaled that a large herd of buffalo was approaching the pound, driven by someone he could not distinguish.
It was the orphan, who, having changed himself into a wolf as soon as the camp was out of sight, had rounded up the animals and now in his proper form was herding them toward the corral.
Glowing with pride, the old chief shouted to his followers, “Come and watch my son-in-law drive in the buffalo.”
As the last of the buffalo stampeded into the pound, the Indians closed the barrier, mounted the ramparts, and shot them down.
Not one escaped.
Then they butchered them and divided the meat and hides among all the families in the camp.
Next day the youth drove in more buffalo, and still more on the third day.
At daybreak on the fourth he said to his wife, “Tell your father to strengthen the pound, because in today’s herd will come the biggest animal he has ever seen.
That animal he must reserve for me to kill.”
The herd he drove in that day was even larger than the three earlier ones.
He did not stay to watch the massacre, but retired to his tent, where he ordered his wife to comb and dress her hair.
Then from behind his sleeping place he mysteriously produced two beautiful costumes, one for her and one for himself.
Arraying themselves in these garments, they proceeded to the pound, where the hunters had killed all the buffalo except the giant animal he had specially reserved for his own arrows.
He shot this last buffalo, and his wife carried the meat in a precious otter skin to his tent.
There she disdained to wash the skin, but scornfully threw it away, for now she and her husband were so prosperous that even an otter skin possessed little value in their eyes.
Henceforth the camp recognized the orphan youth as its leader and promptly obeyed whatever commands he issued through the old chief, his father-in-law.
Yet there was one person who hated him — his wife’s older sister, the girl who had scorned him in the days of his poverty.
If her parents offered her meat from any buffalo he had driven into the pound, she flung it to the ground in contempt.
Constantly did she spy on his movements in the hope that her “medicine”, which was a mole, might be able to work him some injury.
Now the youth frequently visited a hilltop above the camp and often slept there.
One day the girl discovered him asleep and sent her mole-spirit to tunnel the ground under his body.
The mole did its work so well that the earth collapsed and precipitated him into a deep pit, from which he could not get out.
Then day after day his sister-in-law climbed the hill and mockingly threw dirt in his face.
In vain he cried for mercy and begged her to help him out, or a t least to tell his people.
She merely derided his misery. Not knowing what had become of him, his people concluded that he had perished.
Even his own wife gave up all hope and went into mourning for him.
Now that they had no one to drive the buffalo into their pound the Indians moved away.
Then a wolf that was prowling for food round the deserted campsite discovered the youth, and howled.
Soon a whole pack gathered about the pit.
The mother wolf said to them:
“Whoever succeeds in extricating this man may take him for her son.”
The animals scratched vigorously, but no sooner had they loosened the earth all around than the old wolf herself caught hold of him and pulled him out.
She adopted him as her son and allowed him to join the wanderings of her pack.
At night, because he no longer owned a blanket, the wolves made a soft mattress for him by spreading their tails together on the ground; but within two or three days they killed a buffalo, whose hide provided him with a warm robe.
This pack of wolves roaming in the vicinity spoiled the hunting of the youth’s people, who set traps to catch them.
But the youth protected his companions by breaking the traps.
The old chief awakened one night and listened to their howling.
“Hark,” he said. “I seem to hear a man calling to those wolves.”
He roused the hunters, who intercepted the pack and seized the youth as he ran in front of it.
The prisoner tried to bite them, but they said, “Don’t bite. You haven’t yet changed to a wolf.”
They then led him quietly home, where he settled down again with his wife and people.
Every night thereafter he lay awake in his tent, listening for the howl of his foster-mother.
For several nights he could not hear it.
Then one day he saw her skin drying outside a hunter’s tent for she had wandered away from the pack and had been caught in a trap.
The youth sent his grandmother to ask for the skin.
When she handed it to him, he grunted over it four times, at the fourth grunt it became a live wolf again.
He set the animal free and it returned to the prairies.
Thus he repaid his debt to his foster-mother.
He now resumed his hunting and rounded up a large herd of buffalo.
As the animals trotted over the plain, he called to a young heifer, “When my arrow strikes you, leap over the rampart of the pound and flee to that tall poplar beyond the hill.
Then lie down and die.”
The Indians slaughtered all the buffalo he drove into the pound except the young heifer, which leaped the rampart and fled over the hill.
The youth shouted to his wife, “Come with me.
We will follow it”.
“Let me go too”, cried his sister-in-law.
“Yes, you may come”, he answered.
So the two women accompanied him to the dead heifer and watched him butcher it.
“There is your load,” he said to his wife. “Carry it to our tent.”
“Give me a load also”, his sister-in-law demanded.
“Yes here is a load for you too.
You can use the intestine of the heifer for your pack-strap.”
The two women started back with their loads but had traveled only a very short distance when the intestine broke and the elder woman’s pack fell to the ground.
While she was retying it, her sister walked on and disappeared over the top of the hill.
Then the youth, who had lingered behind, began to howl like a wolf.
“Why do you howl like that?” his sister-in-law asked anxiously.
Without answering he turned his back to her and howled three times again.
Suddenly a pack of wolves appeared –his foster family.
They pounced on the woman and devoured her.
submitted by JoshAsdvgi to Native_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 GPTSportsWriter Pittsburgh Pirates VS Toronto Blue Jays Prediction 2024-06-02 13:37:00-04:00

Pittsburgh Pirates VS Toronto Blue Jays Prediction 2024-06-02 13:37:00-04:00
Pittsburgh Pirates VS Toronto Blue Jays Prediction 2024-06-02 13:37:00-04:00

MLB Game Prediction: Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Toronto Blue Jays (June 2, 2024)


Ladies and gentlemen, baseball aficionados, and those who just stumbled upon this article while looking for cat videos, welcome to the ultimate showdown analysis between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Toronto Blue Jays. Scheduled for June 2, 2024, at 1:37 PM ET, this game promises to be a thrilling encounter. But who will emerge victorious? Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details, statistics, and odds to make an informed prediction. Spoiler alert: I will make a concrete prediction, so hold onto your hats!

Team Overview

Pittsburgh Pirates

The Pittsburgh Pirates, often referred to as the "Buccos," have had a rollercoaster of a season. With a mix of young talent and seasoned veterans, the Pirates have shown flashes of brilliance but have struggled with consistency. Their current record stands at a respectable 28-25, placing them in the middle of the pack in the National League Central.

Key Players

  1. Bryan Reynolds: The outfielder has been a beacon of hope for the Pirates, boasting a batting average of .310 with 12 home runs and 35 RBIs. His ability to get on base and drive in runs makes him a crucial player for the Pirates.
  2. Ke'Bryan Hayes: The third baseman has been solid defensively and has contributed with a .275 batting average, 8 home runs, and 28 RBIs.
  3. Mitch Keller: The right-handed pitcher has been the ace of the Pirates' rotation, with a 3.45 ERA and 75 strikeouts in 70 innings pitched.

Toronto Blue Jays

The Toronto Blue Jays, on the other hand, have been flying high this season. With a record of 32-21, they are currently second in the American League East, trailing only the New York Yankees. The Blue Jays have a potent lineup and a solid pitching staff, making them a formidable opponent.

Key Players

  1. Vladimir Guerrero Jr.: The first baseman is having an MVP-caliber season, with a .330 batting average, 18 home runs, and 50 RBIs. His power and ability to hit for average make him a nightmare for opposing pitchers.
  2. Bo Bichette: The shortstop has been a consistent performer, with a .290 batting average, 10 home runs, and 40 RBIs. His speed and defensive prowess add to his value.
  3. Alek Manoah: The right-handed pitcher has been dominant, with a 2.85 ERA and 80 strikeouts in 75 innings pitched. His ability to shut down opposing lineups has been a key factor in the Blue Jays' success.

Head-to-Head Comparison


When it comes to offense, the Blue Jays have the upper hand. They rank third in the league in runs scored, averaging 5.2 runs per game. The Pirates, meanwhile, rank 18th, averaging 4.1 runs per game. The Blue Jays' lineup is stacked with power hitters and players who can get on base, making them a formidable offensive unit.


Defensively, the Blue Jays also have the edge. They rank fifth in the league in fielding percentage, while the Pirates rank 15th. The Blue Jays' infield, anchored by Bichette and Guerrero Jr., is particularly strong, and their outfielders have been reliable as well.


Pitching is where the Blue Jays truly shine. Their team ERA of 3.45 ranks fourth in the league, while the Pirates' team ERA of 4.20 ranks 20th. The Blue Jays' rotation, led by Manoah, has been consistent, and their bullpen has been reliable. The Pirates, on the other hand, have struggled with consistency in their pitching staff.

Odds and Betting Analysis

According to the latest odds from FanDuel and DraftKings, the Toronto Blue Jays are favored to win this game. FanDuel has the Blue Jays at 1.66, while DraftKings has them at 1.59. The Pirates are the underdogs, with odds of 2.28 on FanDuel and 2.42 on DraftKings.

What Do the Odds Tell Us?

The odds clearly indicate that the Blue Jays are the favorites. A lower number means a higher probability of winning, and both sportsbooks agree that the Blue Jays have a significant edge. This is not surprising given their superior record, stronger lineup, and better pitching staff.

Weather Conditions

The weather forecast for June 2, 2024, in Toronto is partly cloudy with a high of 75°F (24°C) and a low of 60°F (16°C). There is a slight chance of rain, but it is expected to clear up by game time. The wind will be blowing out to right field at 10 mph, which could favor power hitters, particularly those who can pull the ball to right field.


Drumroll, please! After analyzing the teams, key players, head-to-head comparisons, odds, and weather conditions, it is time to make a prediction.

Why the Blue Jays Will Win

  1. Superior Offense: The Blue Jays have a more potent lineup, with power hitters like Guerrero Jr. and Bichette leading the charge. They have consistently scored more runs than the Pirates, and with the wind blowing out to right field, their power hitters could have a field day.
  2. Better Pitching: The Blue Jays' pitching staff, led by Manoah, has been more consistent and effective than the Pirates'. With a lower team ERA and more strikeouts, the Blue Jays' pitchers are better equipped to shut down the Pirates' lineup.
  3. Home Field Advantage: Playing at home in the Rogers Centre gives the Blue Jays an added advantage. They have a strong home record and are familiar with the nuances of their ballpark.

Final Score Prediction

I predict that the Toronto Blue Jays will win this game with a final score of 6-3. The Blue Jays' offense will be too much for the Pirates to handle, and their pitching staff will keep the Pirates' hitters in check.


There you have it, folks! The Toronto Blue Jays are poised to come out on top in their matchup against the Pittsburgh Pirates on June 2, 2024. With a stronger lineup, better pitching, and the odds in their favor, the Blue Jays are the clear favorites. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the game. And remember, if the Pirates somehow pull off an upset, you can always blame it on the unpredictability of baseball!


  • FanDuel. (2024). MLB Odds. Retrieved from FanDuel
  • DraftKings. (2024). MLB Odds. Retrieved from DraftKings
  • ESPN. (2024). MLB Team Statistics. Retrieved from ESPN
  • Weather.com. (2024). Toronto Weather Forecast. Retrieved from Weather.com
submitted by GPTSportsWriter to GPTSportsWriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:35 Additional-Yam6345 Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.

Row 7 of the Anime All Stars roster has made it's official debut! Originally, I have replaced a Uzui from KNY and Minato from Naruto for another character. Let's see their replacing characters and the new fighters. Since they're new, there is a description on their moves.
Row 7 will now feature the next wave of expansion fighters.
114. Bu-Ling Huang / Mew Pudding (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: PuRing Ring Warp
Mew Pudding begins to twirl around leaving a trail of yellow pudding which damages the opponent. The move can be charged and does more attack damage if charged. Similar to Pyra's Neutral Special, Flame Nova in Smash.
Side: Ribbon PuRing Swing
Mew Pudding leaps forward and grabs the enemy slapping and punching them. (This is similar to Diddy Kong's Side Special in Smash). Press the button again to cancel the attack.
Up: Jello Trampoline
Mew Pudding will summon a trampoline shaped like jello which bounces her to new heights. it falls if used in the air but sticks if used on the ground. Like Sonic's Spring Jump in Smash.
Down: Jello Prison
Mew Pudding uses her PuRing Rings to play a melody, then unleashes a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello.
Final Smash: Ribbon PuRing Ring Inferno
Mew Pudding Mew Pudding performing a series of acrobatic flips, kicks and somersaults before summoning a tambourine and a bell on a ring. She taps them together, performing a melody in the air. Her Mew Mark glows and she brings the instruments down, unleashing a blast of yellow energy which encases the enemy in a force field similarly shaped like jello. The jello force field will then explode launching the opponents captured.
115. Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) (Replacing Uzui)
Neutral: Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai Spear then runs forward with his right hand shrouded in blue electricity. When they get close enough, they drive their hand into the opponent's middle, blasting them away.
Side: Kamui Shuriken
Kakashi throws a barrage of shuriken at his opponent in a radial pattern, creating an explosion after a second. Charging the technique increases the damage output, even when blocked.
Up: Water Style Geyser
Kakashi erupts the floor with a giant geyser that helps him get lifted up to new heights.
Down: Lightning Style Shadow Clone
Kakashi enters a counter stance where he reads a Make-Out series novel. If the opponent hits them during that time, they fake them out with a Lightning Style Shadow Clone, then they use Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu, to lift the opponent up, then finish them with Water Style Giant Vortex Jutsu.
Final Smash: Kamui Lightning Blade
Kakashi pulls out a Kunai and charges a Lightning Blade then rushes at his opponent. If he connects, he launches them up with his attack, activates his Susano'o and obliterate his caught opponent with a stronger Lightning Blade, dubbed the Kamui Lightning Blade.
116. Himura Kenshin (Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin)
Neutral: Nine-Headed Dragon Flash
Kenshin flies forward while holding a sword. If they connect, blue afterimages follow behind them and strike the opponent, blasting them back.
Side: Kusu-ryusen
Kenshin charges a dash attack. If fully charged, he phases through the enemy which slashes with the kanji showing on the hit opponent. (Similar to Ike's Side Special; Quick Draw in Smash Bros)
Up: Tsui-sho Sen
Kenshin will slash upward. If the button is pressed after the uppercut slash, he will dive downward. The downward slash has a meteor effect.
Down: Counter
Kenshin enters a counter stance. If he gets attacked, he will open his sword and give a payback slash. Depending on how much damage the enemy attack does, Kenshin's counter will give the counter attack a multiply by 1.3%.
Final Smash: Godspeed Flash of the Heavenly Flying Dragon
Kenshin runs at the opponent at high-speed. If they connect, they slash the opponent once to stun them, then charges another to cut them to the floor.
117. Armin Arlert (Attack on Titan)
Neutral: Double Sword Slash
Armin jumps up and slashes down with both Ultrahard steel blades.
Side: Barrel Roll
Armin uses his Ultrahard steel blades to barrel roll. This move is similar to Mii Swordfighter's Airbone Assault move in Smash Bros.
Up: ODM Gear Hook.
Armin will use either one or both wire hooks to help him hook onto the ledge. He can use it on ceiling's, walls, and opponents.
Down: Ultrahard steel blade change.
Armin's Ultrahard steel blades have a durability limit live Steve's tools in Smash Bros. But unlike Steve where the tool's limit are seen when they break, Armin has a gauge telling the sword's durability limit. Some attacks will be less effective without the blades.
Final Smash: Green Smoke Assault.
Armin fires a green smoke shot from his gun to signal five allies to help attack his opponent. One of them is Sasha Braus. After the assault concludes, Armin pulls out a thunder spear to obliterate the opponent.
118. Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail)
Neutral: Ice Super Freeze Arrow.
Gray makes a Ice Bow and Arrow from his ice molding magic. It's similar to Byleth's Neutral Special in Smash. Pressing the button does little damage, but holding down will charge up the arrow and pierce through his opponent launching or freezing them. The latter of which will see them frozen in ice. Just like in Smash, the more damage they have, the longer they will stay frozen.
Side: Crescent Blades.
Gray summons crescent like boomerangs that he throws. It's like Min Min's neutral special where she throws Ramram where they return after a brief distance.
Up: Ice Grappling Hook.
Gray makes a grappling hook out of his molding ice which he can use to recover from the stage. It will work like Byleth's Up Special in Smash. If he grabs a curved ceiling, he will jump off of it, and grabbing an opponent will see him propel himself and bounce off their heads with a meteor spike occurring in the process.
Down: Ice Devour.
Just like with Natsu where he eats fire to replenish his power and even heal himself, Gray will open his mouth to try and eat ice attacks. Said ice users like Todoroki (MHA), and Esdeath (Akame Ga Kill), are at a huge disadvantage against Gray. If he eats an ice projectile, he will replenish his Ice Magic and take away some damage.
Final Smash: Lost Ice Shell
Gray will use his finishing attack, Lost Iced Shell where he casts himself in an circular ice shell. However, the shell will break if Gray dosen't capture anyone on the initial hit. But if he does, he freezes them. If they're over 100%, they're chilled to the bone...
119. Rikka Takanashi (Love Chuunibyou and Other Delusions)
Neutral: Umbrella Barrage / Dark Matter Blaze
Umbrella Barrage: Rikka strikes 10 times with an Umbrella. / Dark Matter Blaze: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka fires a huge magical ball that knocks her opponents away.
Side: Slide / Mana Blast
Slide: Rikka slides like Mega Man's down tilt in Smash where she trips her opponent. Leaving them prone to followup attacks. / Mana Blast: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka now fires 3 to 6 energy blasts with little to medium damage and knockback.
Up: Umbrella Leap / Kanntwinkle
Rikka leaps up with her Umbrella which reduces falling like Peach and Daisy's up special in Smash. / Kanntwinkle: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka dashes upward and fires three energy balls depending on the stick's direction.
Down Chuuni-Charge / Magic Selection
Rikka will get super armor and will not get knocked back from heavy attacks. Every hti fills up her Banishment of this World gauge like Joker's Rebel's Guard in Smash Bros. / Magic Selection: When her Banishment of this World gauge is filled, Rikka will choose between three moves: 1. Maximum Shield, Makes a 5 second shield. She can't move in the process like Hero's Kaclang move in Smash. 2. Bash, Swings her powered up weapon, Konigin der Nacht onto the ground damaging opponent critically like Hero's Hatchet Man move in Smash. And 3. Schwarz Shield; Rikka enters a counter stance. If someone hits her, she will hit back.
Final Smash: True Banishment of this World
Rikka summons Yuuta Togashi as both raise their hands to combine their power mixed with dark magic fire and mana to make a giant vortex.
120. Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia)
Neutral: Frog Leap
Tsuyu winds up and lunges at the enemy player to kick them.
Side: Frog Arrow
Tsuyu rapidly extends her tongue in a straight line, damaging and knocking away (or just staggering if the enemy is using a yellow attack) any enemy struck by it.
Up: Froppy Hopper / Tongue Hook
Asui has two up specials for recovery like Min Min in Smash. Froppy Hopper sees Asui using her frog-like body to hop to extreme heights. This move can only be done on the ground. If she's in the air, she will use her tongue instead.
Down: Toxic Mucus
Asui will barf out a toxic sludge from her mouth. If it makes contact with an opponent, they will slowly take damage. The effect lasts for 8 seconds.
Final Smash: Frog Dash
Just like Her Level 2 Plus Ultra move in My Hero One's Justice, Tsuyu launches herself towards the enemy player and slams her feet into them. She will then kick her target away only to pull them back in with her tongue, rapidly spin them around, then smash them into the ground.
121. Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
Neutral: First Dance, White Moon
Rukia steps forward to slash the opponent. If they connect, a pillar of ice will shroud the enemy before breaking, causing a hard knockdown.
If the move does not connect, a ring of icy energy will be placed behind the user in its place, acting as a trap that stays for 5 seconds.
Side: Next Dance, Hakuren
Rukia takes a stance and charges her beam in their sword, then stabs the air, creating a stream of ice stalagmites.
This technique can be charged. The longer it's charged the beam will pierce through.
Up: Rukia infuses her sword with icy energy. For the following 15 seconds, all her sword attacks have the added Ice element. She then uppercuts with her sword which is useful for recovery to the stage.
Down: White tree
Rukia will grow roots from her sword that scatter through the ground.
Final Smash: Bankai: White Haze Punishment
Rukia takes a stance, then fires a beam of icy energy at her opponent. If it connects without blocking, the opponent is frozen over in a long strip of ice, and she then transforms into her Bankai State
122. Ryo Saeba (City Hunter)
Neutral: Quickshot
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver.
Holding the energy charge button makes him fire up to 3 times, at the cost of extra stocks.
Side: Bullseye
Ryo shoots his opponent with his revolver up to 2 times.
The first shot can break an opponent's guard, and the second shot is guaranteed damage.
Up: Grenade
Ryo pulls out a grenade and throws it down to help him get blown up to new heights at the cost of taking some damage in return.
Down: Double Rocket Launcher.
As the name suggests, Ryo pulls out a pair of rocket launchers, and fires them. The rockets travel up, then at the opponent.
Holding the energy charge button simply delays the move.
Final Smash: X-Y-Z
Ryo fires a bazooka at his opponent. If it connects without blocking, he pulls up in his red car, rolls out and fires at a trio of explosive barrels in the air, alongside his opponent, which makes them explode.
123. Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Neutral: Saggi the Dark Clown
Kaiba summons Saggi the Dark Clown. Although this monster lacks attacks damage, Kaiba will use his negative energy card, a Magic Card, to multiply Saggi's attack points by 3 and attacks with Dark Light.
Side: Judge Man
Kaiba will summon the Judge Man. He bangs on the ground causing the ground to shake, tripping his opponents.
Up: Blue Eyes Shining Dragon
Kaiba will call his Blue Eyes Shining Dragon to ride on his back and take him to new heights.
Down: My Turn!
Kaiba draws a card from his deck. Here, he can use these moves that go around like a pattern:
1: Crush Card Virus: Kaiba fires 2 balls of dark magic. 2: Ring of Destruction: Kaiba drops an explosive ring on the opponent. 3: Shadow Spell: Kaiba creates an Area of Effect that has purple clouds rain down electricity on the opponent.
Final Smash: Triple Burst Stream
Kaiba will summon all three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons to merge as one and become the "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon". he will then use it to fires three burst streams to destroy the opponent.
124. Minto Aizawa / Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: MinTone Arrow
Mew Mint uses her signature weapon, the MinTone Arrow, to fire an arrow shaped like a feather.
Side: MinTone Boomerang
Mew Mint throws her MinTone Arrow like King K Rool's side special, Crownerang in Smash. Unlike said move, it comes back instead of landing on the ground and becoming an item.
Up: MinTone Arrow Hook
Mew Mint turns MinTone Arrow into a grappling hook where chains resemble feathers.
Down: Mew Aqua Drop
Mew Mint trades her MinTone Arrow for the Mew Aqua Rod and enters a counter stance. If attacked, she uppercuts with the Mew Aqua Rod and switches back to her MinTone Arrow usage.
Final Smash: Ribbon Mint Echo
Mew Mint is seen summoning a bow and arrow out of a windy burst of feathers, charging up a shock-wave, and releasing it into a light pink blade of energy.
125. Teru Momijiyama / Shy (Shy)
Neutral: Flame Bracelet Shot
Shy will use her Heart-Shift Bracelets to fire flames which damage the opponent.
Side: Heart-Shift Bracelet flash
Shy will prepare to dash with her fist ready. It's like Mii Swordfighter's Gale Strike move in Smash.
Up: Bracelet uppercut
Shy uppercuts with her Bracelet leaving a trail of fire
Down: Heart-Shift Counter
Shy will make an X shape with her arms in a guarding position. If someone gets her, she will unleash a flame wall.
Final Smash: One Stroke
Shy crosses her arms, only to open them and unleash a wave of powerful flames against her opponent.
126. Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) (Replacing Minato. I felt like we should have 2 Soul Eater reps after Maka)
Neutral: Black Blood
Crona will punch the ground and black goo will go out and turn into spikes.
Side: Bloody Needle
Crona uses her Black Blood to turn them into needles, usually to surprising the opponents and skewer them.
Up: Black Blood Wings
Crona will grow wings from her back to fly to new heights. Like Pit's Power of Flight in Smash. It can't do damage but is useful for recovery.
Down: Black Blood Vines.
Crona will use her Black Blood to makes vines and use them to poke out of the ground. If done in the air, Crona will instead use the vines to spike his opponent.
Final Smash: Scream Resonance
A special type of Soul Resonance that functions ordinarily like usual Soul Resonance, except that the result instead is a high pitch scream that gives Crona's weapon (such as Ragnarok) increased cutting power through vibrations.
127. Arthur Boyle (Fire Force)
Neutral: Plasma Sword Shake
Arthur uses his plasma sword to charge up a decisive blow. Similar to Roy's Neutral Special in Smash. The longer it's charged, the more damage it does.
Side: Plasma Sword Strike
Arthur dashes three times with his plasma sword striking forward. It's similar to Sora's Side Special, Sonic Blade in Smash.
Up: Plasma Sword Spin
Arthur will spin around and be lifted to the sky. It's like Sora's up special, Aerial Sweep in Smash. He will be lifted up no matter if he's on the ground of air..
Down Special: Plasma Counter
Arthur enters a counter stance with his plasma sword. If he gets hit, he will attack with his attack damage multiplied by 1.5%.
Final Smash: Star Ring
Arthur will pull out the Star Ring and use his pyrokinesis to erupt the floor and make a flame pillar. It's like Ken's Final Smash that's is done if his opponent is far away.
128. Simon (Gurren Laggan)
Neutral: Spiral Power
Simon fire massive beams of spiral power from his core drill and can create drills for various purposes the latter requiring a gunman.
Side: Giga Drill Break
Simon forms a huge amount of spiral power into an enormous drill and spins. This is similar to Meta Knight's Side Special, Drill Dash in Smash. If in the air, Simon will fall vulnerably.
Up: Drill Rush
Simon drills upward with rockets boosting him. He falls down once the rockets run out of fuel.
Down: Energy Absorption.
Simon will stab a drill into his opponent to take away some damage and do the ammount of damage to them.
Final Smash: Drilling Finish
Simon will gather his largest drill to try and hit an opponent. If successful, he drills them until the ground shakes and erupts. If his opponent is over 100%, it's an immediate KO.
129. Trunks (Dragon Ball)
Neutral: Burning Attack
Trunks rapidly moves his arms, then thrusts his hands forward to fire a large fireball. (Consumes 1 Ki Gauge)
Side: Galick Gun
Trunks fires a Galick Gun which travels a distance. (Consumes 1.5 Ki Gauges)
Up: Cyclone Jump
Trunks performs a jumping somersault. Can do any aerial attack shortly after the jump. Different inputs causes Trunks to travel in a different direction. If a flip is now done on the ground, Trunks can use a second flip in the air.
Down: Change the Future
Trunks charges forward and shoots an explosion from his palm. If the opponent gets hit near Trunks' hand, this move has a Smash property that deals a moderately strong wallbounce. (Consumes 2 Ki Gauges)
Final Smash: Heat Dome Attack / Shining Sword Attack
Shining Sword Attack: If Trunks' opponent is at a distance, he jumps forward with his sword. If he connects with the opponent, they rapidly slash the opponent 8 times, then fires a Masenko. / Heat Dome Attack: If Trunks' opponent is close, he grabs. If it connects, Trunks spins once and tosses the opponent up into the air and causes a yellow orb of energy to be formed around him as he fires a vertical yellow blast at the midair opponent. Has some of the highest damage of any level 3 Meteor attacks. (Consumes three Ki gauges)
130. Toshiro Hitsuyaga (Bleach)
Neutral: Hail Flower Dragon
Toshiro rushes forward with his sword. If he connects, he creates an ice pillar around his opponent, which shatters a second after.
Side: Icicle Birds
Toshiro summons dragon-like wings and a tail, which fire icicles at his opponent. Charging the move doubles the amount of projectiles.
Up: Ice Slash
Toshiro uppercits with his sword leaving a trail of snowflakes.
Down: Six-Point Ice Formation
Toshiro points his sword to the ground, creating a trap that freezes an opponent in an ice pillar upon contact.
Final Smash: Four Elements Freeze
Toshiro turns into his adult form, freezing the air around him, and slashes the air. If he connects, he freezes the opponent over, creating a tall pillar of ice that crumbles on top of itself after a few seconds.
131. Sunraku (Shangri-La Frontier)
Neutral: Screw Pierce
Sunraku does a quick blow as a compact attack. It is very powerful, but cannot be fired repeatedly.
Side: Drill Piercer
Sunraku emits a blue energy when in contact with target, dealing heavy drill damage and if on a weak spot deal critical damage.
Up: Glowing Pierce
Sunraku emits a stronger blue energy around the weapon, unleashing a spiral twister on the user when dealing more damage to target. The twister lifts him up for recovery.
Down: Spiral Pierce
Sunraku channels a blue energy aura around the weapons and impacts them on target, acting like a spiral rotation that drills into the target with stronger battle damage.
Final Smash: Assassination Pierce. Level MAX
A combined linkable skill. A skill that boost attack force when an enemy Mob hasn’t noticed someone or if their attack focus is elsewhere. Emits a powerful deep blue energy force upon impacting target.
132. Asuka Takizawa / Cure Flamingo (Tropical Rouge Pretty Cure)
Neutral: Buttobi Flamingo Smash
Cure Flamingo's solo attack that she can perform with her Heart Rouge Rod.
Side: Flamingo Stride
Cure Flamingo spins like a turbulent to strike his opponent.
Up: Flamingo Wings
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to make wings on her back to help make her fly to new heights.
Down: Tropical Reverse
Cure Flamingo uses her Heart Rouge Rod to stab in front. If she catches a projectile, she will spin 180 degrees before sending it back to sender.
Final Smash: Super Tropical Paradise
Cure Flamingo will team up with the other 4 Tropical Rouge Cures, Cure Summer, Cure Coral, Cure Papaya, and Cure La Mer, to unleash a wave of attacks to finish out their enemies.
133. Retasu Midorikawa / Mew Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Neutral: Lettustanets Toss
Mew Lettuce throws her Lettustanets at the opponent.
Side: Droplet Barrage
Mew Lettuce fires bullets of water droplets.
Up: Wavy Strings
Mew Lettuce uses her white strings to hook onto a ceiling, wall, ledge or opponent.
Down: Ribbon Whip
Mew Lettuce uses the ribbons of her Lettustanets to be a counter attack barrier.
Final Smash: Lettuce Lashup
Mew Lettuce rises up into the air with her arms crossed over her chest. She then parts them and manifests the Lettustanets in each hand. Playing a small rhythm with them, she spins around and then fires a blast of water power at the opponent.
submitted by Additional-Yam6345 to makeafighter [link] [comments]
