For men does hcg show up in blood work

Tattoo Designs

2011.11.26 03:58 lorenlogan Tattoo Designs

This sub is for sharing and discussing tattoo designs, whether it's your own tattoo, work you've done, or asking for opinions about a tattoo you want to get. All tattoos must be by a professional unless you're asking how to cover up a past mistake, scratching/unprofessional tattoos aren't welcome here.

2010.04.29 15:38 pspspsspspsp Street Photography: photos in the streets, freaks in the sheets.

A subreddit to share your street photography work and discuss the technique, gear and philosophies behind shooting street.

2013.08.14 15:08 andreasw Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!

A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles.

2024.06.02 07:29 Electrical-Ad1820 Guide to Willo: Part 2- Talents

So it’s quite the well-known fact that of Willo’s talent: Blastflower, is Willo’s best talent, at least statistically it does well. I won’t say it’s not because it is just that much better than her other two talents. But there’s a huge “why?” to it. In general, the factors of why talents are good or bad when compared to one another come from three factors: Their actual upsides, their actual downsides, and how they make someone play.If anyone takes a look at most talents in the game you’ll notice that most don’t list a downside, the “downside” of taking Darkstalker is the fact he’s not using either of his other talents, that and my technicality certain cards don’t work the same as they would if they were on a chained Netherstep and so this example sucks and I didn’t want to change what I had written, but that’s not the point. All talents have this drawback- the fact they’re not other talents. Some talents in their upsides come up short of their peers. Sometimes they’re not even a problem and it’s that one talent overwhelms the others with its sheer power- I’m not saying Blastflower needs to be nerfed even if the bar graphs are showing that (though it should on principle), that’s not what I’m saying.
The final issue is the playstyle that is incentivized by both Nightshade and Scorn actively making them contrast with their intended and more effective playstyles, I should say that Nightshade is less egregious than Scorn thought it still has problems.
They yellow/gold represents a increase in a stat, The red represents a decrease the red spots represent a potential decrease. Top left is the default.


By increasing the damage Nightshade does you make it an easy-to-land damage tool, in the previous guide I mentioned that Nightshade doesn’t have falloff, and that makes it incredibly useful for helping new players land it, however, it also gives the impression that you should use deadzone for dueling, which you shouldn’t since you’re now no longer using it for Area Denial or Crowd Control, however, if you don’t use it to fight squishies and just use it as normal you end up risking the chance you effectively have a non-talent since unless you save it for only hitting targets you might end up never taking the shot at all, that mixed with Deadzones cooldown makes it incredibly hard to use effectively for a reward that’s more or less able to be caught up with via Blastflower, even with a specialized build for Nightshade, my best advice for when to use this (outside of never) is to use it on TDM where the lack of tanks and objective gives plenty of room to use this for deathmatching.A side note, Nightshade is considered ability damage which ignores AP and instead can only be stopped by flat DR or AW.
In conclusion, in the case of Nightshade, risks, by its incentivised damage amp rewarding using it for fighting targets rather than stopping healing, means it possibly loses out on the area denial, however, it still is capable of doing this job even if the reward of the talent may be lost, so the red isn’t a full stop, though the talent also risks not using the damage however, you will rarely not gain value from deadzone denying heal, and if you use it on a tank or a shield, that damage still exists so it won’t be losing out on its value since you still have use cases of Crowd Control, and Ensuring kills where you’d have used the ability in the same way regardless.


Willo’s meta talent, and by a large margin as it gives Willo the means to duel enemies more easily (without using deadzone to do so) gives her more damage against health pools and generally has no real downsides. It’s to the point it’s more or less self-explanatory but I shall elaborate regardless. Blastflower as a Talent works regardless of whatever else you have going on, by the nature of it being attached to her primary attack with no special gimmicks beyond just hitting the same person multiple times, this and its ability to consistently get this stacking damage even with splash damage (though increasing 125 damage by 90% still doesn’t kill anyone any time soon so still aim at target) means you can easily ramp up damage and land the absolutely lethal 900 damage, while normally these guides won’t be used for balance discussion I will say that they should reduce the max stacks by 1, capping Willo’s damage to 800, to allow for duels, and some tank shredding while at the same time not doing 900 goddamn damage. Since I genuinely believe any attempts at balancing Nightshade in its current state are hopeless and giving her scorched earth (perhaps at a weaker value or without the cooldown reduction to not entirely gut point tanks with a single ability no matter how little uptime it has) it’s hard to advise people about Blastflower beyond just hit your shots.


Okay so while I personally never looked at Scorn beyond it being just a weirder weaker version of the already weak accelerant, it was Snake (the person who does my math for me and helped me make this guide via his time on Willo) who made me realize the problems with it. We’ll talk about the positives first, it’ll be quick.
  1. It does over 3500 damage if all seedlings hit
  2. It’s easier to use aggressively
  3. They are considered ability damage like Nightshade so all the same benefits apply.
And we’re done, the issue with Scorn is that by the nature of seedlings, they’re inconsistent in where they land, and the possibility of them spreading too far out or being evaded (they are only reduced by 0.5 seconds means while they are easier to use aggressively they still aren’t doing anything for a decent while, and this means certain techniques that can be done with normal seedlings become much harder on Scorn. This and using them for area denial can end up being pointless since while they still last for 1.5 seconds they disappear sooner which means you can drop your shields sooner, and go on through sooner.They make area denial harder for the incentive of killing a default AFK Barik in 1.5 seconds, which anyone with a brain can easily mitigate the damage they take and make space, and even with decks that focus on spamming seedlings, shields easily eat up the damage they offer and without these builds you end up with a similar long cooldown issue that Nightshade faces without the use cases to use the cooldown on actually mattering since you’re throwing them in hoping for the best. Oh, and you feed Terminus’ siphon more than throwing normal seedlings at him already does which you know… they won’t complain about.
Tommorow I'll make a post about Willo's best and worst cards, and further elaborate on builds.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 DustImportant434 Can you/how do you heal a broken relationship between your sibling and your dad?

I would first like to say that I’ve never made a post on here, so I apologize if I word anything badly or leave something important out (or leave something irrelevant in).
My family consists of broken apart parents, a full blood brother, and 9 (alive) half brothers. The sibling I’m referring to in the title is my second oldest sibling, “Phillip”, he’s 23 and he’s my dads kid, but not my mom’s. For years, my father was in and out of prison and jail. During this, he worked up a debt on his child support to Phillip’s mom. He has said repeatedly that he’d get the court to drop the child support to my father, but never has. He has asked for money, saying he’d pay our father back but never has.
Here is where getting them to agree again is hard; within the past year, Phillip has sugared multiple of my dad’s vehicles, and even threatened my full blood brother. My father runs a tree service, and needs these vehicles to get to work. When my brother did this, my father got lost in debt, mostly to Phillip’s mom since he was behind a lot in child support as is. They used to be close when I was a kid, but now they seem to have pure hatred for one another. This is the main thing that has happened, but allow me to explain him threatening my brother, “Liam”.
For years, (approx. 5), we were not allowed to see our dad. Last year, around October or so, Liam started seeing our dad without our moms permission. (Possibly relevant, especially if there’s any questions) In November, I started to see him again as well, and our mother found out. We stopped seeing him for a bit until my mother got locked up and we’d go with him anytime he was in town (our grandmother started looking after us at our house). My grandmother constantly got into arguments with Liam, and eventually, he just started living with my dad all the way.
My dad owns two “shops”. One is a store, the other is basically like a garage for anything he may need here or at the house close to it. My dad and Liam were at the garage before Phillip came down there without permission. Phillip walked over to them and everything went as follows:
(Not exact words but nonetheless. D is dad btw)
D: “What are you doing here?” P: “I thought I’d come see Liam.” D: “You didn’t ask to come, Phillip. You know you’re not allowed here, especially without permission.” Phillip and him started to get into an argument and Phillip pulled out a gun. P: “Why can’t you just be a good dad? You favor one of your kids over the rest!” D: “Phillip, I have done so many things for you and haven’t got anything back. I don’t favor any of my children, I just actually talk to the ones that talk to me and treat me with respect. What, are you jealous?” P: “Of Liam? Because honestly, yeah! He has the dad I never had!” After he said this is when Phillip pulled out a gun and pointed it at Liam. My dad immediately grabbed his arm and head butted him.
After all of this is a blur since we both got rather scared, and the police came and took our dad away(he refused to tell the police anything about what Phillip did - he refuses to snitch on anyone) With all of this being said, does anyone think this relationship can even be salvaged?
I apologize for this post being so lengthy, I just really want to try and fix my family piece by piece and I doubt I can with everything that has happened. Feel free to ask for anything you may need if you believe it’ll help you give better advice and I’ll answer as best as possible. Thank you for your time.
submitted by DustImportant434 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:21 RedditIsTrashLma0 Just beat this game. My thoughts.

I thought this game looked pretty generic at first. I saw a few youtube videos propping up the game up but I was still sceptical. I was also tired of roguelikes in general by this point and was convinced that it is a mediocre genre that is plagued with fodder mobs and repetition. But a week ago I saw that it was on sale for only about £4 so I thought "sure why not?".
The introduction at the museum felt slow. Then I started my first few runs. I wasn't used to the lack of inviniciblity frames when you get hit for one. I also found it a bit uncomfortable how scarce gold was. But then I played again and again until the newness wore off and I finally adjusted and got into a flow state with this game.
And all I can say is....
HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I was NOT expecting this level of peak. This game has singlehandedly rejuvenated my faith in the entire genre. Heck, in video games as an entire medium. Video games like this are why I live. This game is objectively a 10/10 and I will eat anyone who says otherwise.
First off, the difficulty feels brutally honest. Fair but honest. Unlike 99% of games you can't just abuse invincibility frames to back away from enemies when you get hit. You have to make sure you don't put yourself into a situation where you can get hit. This move alone was extremely bold on the devs part but it made all the difference in making the combat feel exciting and difficult to players who enjoy a challenge.
Mobs are very smart, strong, fast and all around ruthless. The basic enemies aren't much of a problem but the beefier realm exclusive soldiers usually have a trick up their sleeve like the wind knights evading your attacks and instantly teleporting behind you or the earth knights unexpectedly guarding your attack. Or enemies with reflect shields. Or that asshole cyclops enemy who can stunlock you into losing like half your health with his laser. You have to constantly stay on top of them and be aware of your surroundings(nearest escape route, positioning yourself away from pits, etc) and your cooldowns because one slip up can lead to you being stunlocked into losing half your health. Mobs move very fast and can even teleport around you, forcing you to stay on the move and make quick decisions on the fly. The fact that you do not always have access to any given spell in your arsenal due to the cooldown system makes you hyper cautious of every decision you make during combat as well as you might need access to a certain spell if you get cornered, further reinforcing this intense, razors edge feel to the combat. Mobs are brutal but at the same time they aren't damage sponges. This is probably the biggest problem I have with some other roguelikes like Warm Snow, Astral Ascent and to an extent Hades. In order to compensate for how busted your damage output can get due to the chaotically unrestrained progression in those games, they design the mobs to get exponentially tankier(without as much of a buff to the aggressiveness and damage output) as the run progresses to the point where most fights you're just mashing the same attack buttons and going through the motions until you reach the next boss. This game nailed mob design and other games should take note.
The bosses are phenomenal. I think the wind and lightning boss were kind of cheap but still very enjoyable. What really sets the bosses apart in this game from other bosses is similar to what makes the mobs great. They have relatively low health but have relentless attack patterns that are hard to dodge and move fast, making battles feel exciting rather than just drawn out and tedious. You can clear out each boss in about a dozen seconds if you're skilled enough but you risk losing a lot of health if you go on the offensive more.
I think part of what allows the combat to be so great is how balanced the progression is, both in and out of runs. This isn't one of those roguelikes where you can easily come across broken upgrades or string together broken synergies and just steamroll everything. It's almost impossible to do that with how low the stat buffs are across the board for relics. For example, if you choose the relic which increases max health, you get 50 points of health, increasing it from 500 to merely 550. In Hades(which in all due respect, is relatively balanced for roguelike standards), your health increasing keepsake increases your health by about 50%. There's also the fact that your average damage buff relic only increases by about 10%, sometimes even lower. At most during any given run you can expect about 30-50% of a damage buff maximum whereas that percentage increase number escalates into the hundreds if not thousands(Warm Snow, i'm looking at you!) in other roguelikes. The currency(Gold) is also handed out very scarcely, pushing the player to make careful decisions with how they spend their money. These are just a few examples, I could spend all day comparing how balanced WOL is with other roguelikes.
As for meta progression, it's basically just collect new spells and relics to equip for your run. You don't level up your health, damage, speed or anything like that. The way I see meta progression in roguelikes is a two edged sword. On one hand there is a feel of instant gratification to using points acquired during your run to make yourself overpowered, allowing you to sweep through encounters that were difficult beforehand. But on the other hand this sort of undermines the point of playing roguelikes. You aren't really getting any better that way. You aren't getting more skilled at the game and making use of trial and error to overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable. This is what I love about WOL. It doesn't spoil you. It doesn't let you just "cheat" through the campaign. You have to EARN your victories through blood, sweat and tears and it feels ever so rewarding when you finally make a breakthrough with your own skill and hard work, nothing more. That type of satisfaction is far greater than the cheap, visceral thrill of activating nodes on a skill tree.
Also last thing, I think the level design is great. It feels like the perfect blend of arena and exploration style roguelikes, it seamlessly blends between these two modes with little to no hangup. One second you're fighting off a horde of knights and within the next dozen seconds you're in a shop carefully deciding which relic or arcana to buy with the limited amount of gold you have. There are certain areas in a stage which gets walled off and you are trapped with a horde of enemies but the gate opens and closes in about a split second so it feels so seamless. I also think stages are just about the right length. Long enough to get yourself immersed in, but short enough so that they don't seem to be endlessly dragging on. I like that you can challenge the stage end miniboss as soon as you find the "gate" and just progress to the next stage, even if you only clear out like 20% of the stage. This adds somewhat of a risk/reward element to the game where you may miss out on gold, gems and arcana/relics from shops but you dont risk losing health. Players can engage with the levels as they see fit.
I've rambled a lot here but anyway, my overall point is this game is unashamedly nintendo oldschool brutal and I am all here for it! It just shows that roguelites can be god tier games when they don't coddle the player with pathetically weak mobs, broken synergies and meta-progression that trivialises the need to actually git gud and learn how to beat the game through trial and error.
This game is undoubtedly the king of roguelikes. As much as I love Hades, Rogue Legacy 2 or Dead Cells as the next person, this game is just undeniably the GOAT and it is criminal how obscure it is and how it isn't mentioned in the same conversation as those aforementioned roguelike hits.
submitted by RedditIsTrashLma0 to WizardofLegend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 FinancialSurprise300 My dad says he is ready to die but he is physically healthy

My dad is 82 and I am the only child; I live several hundred miles away. My mother passed away over 20 years ago. Even before covid he was more and more homebound and only interested in TV. (The same shows over and over, or 24hr news channels.) And he talked about death a lot, saying that he’s ready to go and wanting to talk about his possessions and what I will inherit.
From his mid-70s on, he has been increasingly isolated and not invested in living life, in general. He has a blunt personality that also got more antisocial, where he found himself saying things out of impulse that hurt others, which made him more and more isolated, even from family members who were previously close.
During covid all of this accelerated. Now he is so rigid he eats exactly one thing: frozen Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls. And he stopped bathing, stopped cleaning out his cats’ litter box regularly. He makes jokes to cover up, that he “can do what he likes!” But nobody wants to live in an unclean home—he never has before.
In the past year he had dramatic cognitive decline — no diagnosis yet but he can no longer drive, manage his finances, or manage his medications. He sleeps about 16 hours a day. And he is convinced that he will die “within the next year.”
Because of this I have been staying with him 2-3 weeks each month, and have gotten him back in to see doctors. His physical showed that his vitals are all good: perfect blood pressure, all blood work is normal, etc.
I am caring for him as he clearly has some sort of dementia. But I admit I have had little to no effect on his behavior. I lower his anxiety, I think, by being there. But he refuses to do anything to care for himself, and even refuses to leave the house with me, even to take a short drive. When I have hired caregivers to work in the house while I am gone he has shut the door in their faces.
Clearly he is deeply depressed and has cognitive issues that are accelerating.
So I have three questions:
submitted by FinancialSurprise300 to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to Intuitiveguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to SoulAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to MeowTarot [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to PaidTarotServices [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to professionaltarot [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 rubygrey2021 50% Off All Readings On My Etsy!

Hi there! You can call me Ruby, I've been reading for under a year but found tarot as I was going through my own spiritual journey and picked it up rather quickly. My readings center around self reflection and a tool for insight rather then a way to predict the future. I never sugarcoat my readings and I'll always tell you how I see it in the cards. I love using tarot as a tool to help people, to show them areas they need to work on or giving advice or using it to help understand a person or situation better and giving guidance. It does occasionally take me a few days to get the reading out but I work two other jobs so I'm very busy and want to take my time with my readings because I like to go in depth! Right now I'm offering a special where you can purchase any in depth reading for 10 dollars 5 dollars!
I have other readings available as well and all my other prices are listed below in CAD so if you're american the prices will be lower then what I have listed (including the 10 dollar 5 dollar special). <3 If you don't see anything that suits your needs feel free to message me and we can work something out! Thank you for checking me out and I look forward to hopefully reading for you!
One Card Reading: $2.50 $1.25
Three Card Any Topic/ Relationship Reading: $10 $5
Celtic Cross Reading: $25 $12.50
In Depth Relationship Reading: $30 $15
Self Read Oracle Cards: $1+ $0.50+
Rush my reading (24 hour is likely but if not 24 hours you get pushed to the front of the line and it's guaranteed to be as soon as I can) $15
Yes/No Questions: $0.50+ $0.25+
For those interested I'm also offer various different charity tarot readings for Ukraine from anywhere from $4.50 $2.25 for a one card reading to $40 $20 for an in depth relationship reading. The majority of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing from the ones I have listed so please feel free to check out that listing if you're interested. <3
submitted by rubygrey2021 to TarotReadersOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 TheAbsoluteBread Project Octopath Traveler 3: Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2

Hey Everyone! I came to realize pretty quickly that I did not have as much of this chapter planned out as I thought I did. Which explains why it took a little long to come out, but in the end I managed to create something that I was satisfied with. You may notice one key change, being that Oukirii’s Companion no longer has a defined name! You’re free to name it whatever you wish.
(Completed Chapter 2s: Thearnt, Taland, Pascal, Harmony, Crowson, Asherah, Oukirii)
Next Chapter 2: Orlando the Starseer
Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2: Recommended Level 26
(The Journey So Far…)
Events along Oukirii’s first hunt created damage in her family.
Her father came to realize that she had no intention of become a strong hunter on her own.
Even if she knew that, Oukirii couldn’t answer the question “Then what do you want to be?”
One evening, she had a dream of world’s destruction. A prophet came by the following day and told her of the beasts she saw that night.
Oukirii volunteered to hunt the beasts down, in hopes that this journey would reveal her true purpose to her…
Oukirii and Her Companion set foot in Evercold. The first thing Oukirii notes is the cold air of the snowy region. “You alright boy?” She crouches down and pets her companion on the head. It makes a joyful cry. “Hansel should be around here right?” Oukirii continues “He probably knows where we should go to look for Snow Gem!”
She takes a few steps forward, “This town is— very different from Oakbright…” Oukirii looks down. “Alright, Let’s go find Hansel!”
You’d be prompted to look for Hansel
“Heave Ho Suzie!” Someone’s voice calls out. Blanche, the owner of the Beast Ranch would be pulling on a large wagon filled with heavy crates. She’d look over at Oukirii.
(Blanche’s Dialogue will change depending on if you’ve visited the ranch prior. “You look familiar”/”Who’re you? A hunter?”)
Blanche would go on to explain that she’s here to pick up supplies. She notices Oukirii’s companion and hands her a bag of food before grabbing onto the wagon again. Suzie would give Oukirii a nod as they leave.
As Oukirii puts away the bag, She notices Hansel standing near the path that Blanche and Suzie went along. Oukirii runs over to Hansel and tells him that she’s ready to take on Snow Gem.
Hansel is glad to hear it. He would tell Oukirii that this beast has been terrorizing the citizens of Evercold for a long time. “Hunting Snow Gem is not only important for our own sun-saving mission. It’s for the relief of all these people right here.”
“Well I’ll have to do my best then!”
“I believe in you Oukirii. I really do.”
Oukirii would walk away from Hansel and you’d head further into town. Oukirii suddenly hears the sound of someone shouting “No, Not again!” Her companion points his nose in the direction of the shouting and a curious Oukirii runs over to find a girl standing outside of her home. She asks if something’s wrong and the girl tells her that she lost a book she borrowed from the town’s library.
Oukirii volunteers to help look, the girl just laughs loudly “It’s nowhere I can find, best of luck to you kid!”
“Hey!” Oukirii shouts. “I’ll find that book… Just you wait…”
Before leaving, she asks for the girl’s name. She answers “Valerie, why do you need to know?” Oukirii says that it’s just in case she wrote her name in the book. “Suppose I– Fair point?” Valerie responds.
You’d Entreat Valerie’s Book from a customer by Evercold’s Night Market.
Oukirii returns to Valerie and hands her the book. Valerie acts surprised as she flips through the pages. She sighs and puts the book away, saying she needs a tea break, she invites Oukirii to join. Sheaccepts and the two would enter Valerie’s home.
Oukirii’s companion lies down on the floor. Valerie apologizes for acting like she did, and Oukirii forgives her immediately. She notices some tools on the wall and asks what those are for. Valerie says those are for her toolsmithing job. However, she wonders if that job is something even worth continuing. “Just doesn’t feel like my ‘right thing’.”
Oukirii gets to thinking. Being so young, she doesn’t fully understand what Valerie is saying. But she gets a better understanding by connecting it to finding her own purpose. It's hard to tell if she did the “right thing” by fleeing to complete this mission…
A Flashback occurs, A young Oukirii sits waiting in the living room while her mother and father try to make her look her best. The door opens, and somebody walks inside. Antànor Solana, Oukirii’s Grandfather. Dimitrius happily greets him, Antànor doesn’t say anything, But does the same to his son. He shakes Catalina’s hand and pats Oukirii on the head while facing away from her. He and Dimitrius walk forward, chatting about their hunts. Oukirii tries to shout something to her grandfather, but he doesn’t hear her…
After she and Valerie finish talking, Oukirii says that she’s off to hunt a beast. She describes Snow Gem to Valerie, who says “I’ve never heard of anything like that before…” Valerie tells Oukirii to wait up and grabs a hatchet from the wall, she says that she’ll be coming to hunt this thing too. She won’t let someone like her fight a beast unsupervised.
Road to Deepshiver Cave, Danger Level 26
As Oukirii and Valerie walk, The ground begins to shake. They stop and stand still, Valerie asks “Did you feel that?” Oukirii wonders if the rumbling came from Snow Gem. Suddenly, the ground cracks underneath them. Sending Oukirii and her companion falling underground.
Oukirii is lying on the ground in a patch of snow. Her companion tries to wake her, Oukirii jolts up and looks around. “Thank the sun! Where’s Valerie?” Oukirii stands up after petting her companion. “This… Snow Gem… It must be…” She shakes her head.
Deepshiver Cave, Danger Level 27
Further into the cave, Oukirii would run into Valerie. Who is revealed to have taken the normal way in. Slightly further to the end of the tunnels, They get their first look at the “Snow Gem” beast. A large quadruped creature with blank eyes and a strong shell covered in ice and snow. Oukirii is shaken at the sight of it. Valerie calls out “What is that thing!?”
“Stand back Valerie!” Oukirii and her companion step up, ready to confront the beast. “This is what I was made for… I won’t let you bring destruction to this world! Come on Snow Gem– It’s all over now!!”
BOSS: Snowradillo
(Boost Dialogue: “Here goes nothing!”)
Valerie dashes in and finishes off the beast with a large chop. It creates a strong wind as it fades away into nothing… “We did it!” Oukirii quietly says “That’s one down…” Valerie asks if Oukirii is alright, She says that she doesn’t know and explains that “I… I wish I could have known more about it. They say a hunter is supposed to read the hearts of all creatures they hunt. Is there something wrong with me?”
“Read the heart of it or not, you hunted that thing like a champion! Maybe you’re not looking in the right place kid, you could consider the idea of being a traveling hunter…”
“A traveling hunter?” Oukirii asks. She gives it some thought, before her companion reminds them that they need to head back to the town.
In Evercold, Oukirii and Valerie run into Hansel again. Oukirii tells him of the good news, and asks “Does it matter now if we take down the other two? That dream had three of them together, if one is gone then–”
“It doesn’t work that way Oukirii…” Hansel replies “Destruction could still spell even if only one was still around… Our mission was to take down all three. The next target will be Red Spirit, I’ve found this creature to be in Redwater.”
Oukirii accepts to continue the mission and keep seeking her purpose. She and her companion excitedly leave town towards the next adventure.
Hansel and Valerie watch as they leave. Valerie says “I hope she finds her purpose out there. But there’s something I don’t quite understand. She seems like she doesn’t want to be strong. But then, why accept a mission that requires her to fight powerful monsters?”
“She wants to prove herself capable, and it’s a job only she can do. I’m grateful that she did accept, Otherwise the fate of the world might still be uncertain…”
(Ending Text)
Oukirii succeeds in her hunting of the first beast. Snowradillo of Evercold.
Two monsters remain as a threat to the world.
She keeps her heart optimistic, yet still finds herself troubled. With no definite answer to the question of her purpose…
With the guidance of the sun, Oukirii sets out to Redwater.
And prepares for a confrontation with Red Spirit…
Oukirii the Hunter: Chapter 2, End.
submitted by TheAbsoluteBread to octopathtraveler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:08 DickBiggums69 I realized why the Pip Boys are all different versions, made by the same company, but look very different

This post likely won't get many up votes, and will die in new. I might check back in a week or two when I remember it
Anyways, I had looked at the wiki for Fallout 3's Pip Boy, and read that the dial was on the left side. That got me thinking, why would RobCo release a Pip Boy that's not ergonomic? Why it have different versions? It would be like it Apple sold the Iphone 4, Iphone X, and Iphone 15 or whatever we're on in different regions. INB4 Bethesda / Black Island didn't design them earlier, so Rob Co couldn't make them. I also haven't played 1, 2 so I'm going off the wiki. Lore wise, Vault Tec took decades to make the vaults. So Rob Co had time to keep developing them, if the war ended they'd get sold as a product (The House really does always win, I guess. Vault Tec would have made useless bunkers for a war that didnt happen with experiments that were evil, and Rob Co would have a wearable computer that's a terminal you wear) But the main vaults of the games would have influenced the design and usage of every Pip Boy Rob Co gives you. For my explanations, I'll refer to the experiments as "pranks" because it's funny
Fallout 1, 2, 76: The Pip Boy 2000 being the big bulky early version Rob Co wouldn't want to sell to the public. Vault Teks pranks were broken water chip for Fallout 1, Start in the village for Fallout 2, and Fallout 76 opens early. I think Fallout 1's vault wasn't intended to be opened, but they wouldn't bother to upgrade their devices across a hundred vaults. For 76, if you're going to open it early, why bother to give them a recent version. Eventually they had Radios, Geiger Counters, Tape Decks, all kinds of stuff surface dwellers need. The life data sensors wouldn't needed for if the vault gets opened, because how do you even collect that data then
Fallout 3, New Vegas: The Pip Boy is less bulky, but has the dial on the left side. Considering your right hand controls the dial, it blocks the screen. Most importantly, the Biometric lock. For whatever reason, 10 year olds get them. They wouldn't be fully grown, so their arm size wouldn't make that work long term. There must be some way to open it, like Doctor Mitchell did to switch out the foam, rubber inserts or whatever is in there. But, Vault 101 was never intended to be opened. Vault Tec would want them to have them on as often as possible, in order to gather data. To make then inconvenient to discourage constant usage, they move the dial. That keeps people doing whatever you do in a vault instead of messing around on their wrist mounted computers
Fallout 4, and TV Show: They both use the same model 3000, but one has a paint job. However, Vault 111 only had a single one. Since that vaults purpose was to freeze people, they didn't need everyone. Since Vault Tecs prank for that vault was freezing people, and then locking like 8 in there without much food or water, the Pipboy was only in there for the scientist to close the door. Even the overseer didn't get a Pip Boy. That brings up something I forgot to mention. Admin vs Regular versions. The scientists Pip Boy would be a version with fully unlocked capabilities, for opening doors and such. Vault Tec would hate for any vault dweller to be able to just open the door and kill everyone from radiation. For other vaults, maybe it's the areas that Vault Tec decides what version that would best suit the experiments? Obviously its beceause Bethesda wants to make only one Pip Boy model instead of making multiple for random people. In the show, everyone has a silver metal looking Pip Boy. If I had to guess, that's probably next to final version Rob Co would have designed. At that point, they'd have perfected something they could sell to the public. Once the swapped out the Geiger counter for, a flash light or something. The average Vault dweller could play Holotapes, check the radio, stuff like that. Certain ones would be equipped with the door key,and they would have a secret stash of admin Pip boys somewhere (Please don't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the show)
Fallout 5: Bethesda seemingly has perfected the Pip Boy. Aside from a flash light, I can't think of much else they'll need. Walkie Talkie Voice Chat maybe? Well, a key board would probably be something Rob Co should add if it's going to be a computer instead of a highly advanced heart beat monitor. I read a good idea somewhere, a traveling salesman who sells you different versions from the games that work as the player menu. But that would mean he had been traveling across the entire country, and has a way to keep finding Pip Boys
Edit: I realized what Rob Co could swap out. Since it wouldn't always be needed, that white plug thing on the back. Or maybe that plugs into a keyboard while you just remember the words you typed. Or it could flip the screen sideways to make it easier to read.
submitted by DickBiggums69 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:06 HostileMeatloaf AITA For waiting for my gf (25f) to show me some embrace?

I (32m) had my gf (25f) over at my place for a few days. She wasn't super affectionate in the morning and just acting a bit off. She gets pretty depressed sometimes, so I just attributed it to that.
So she wakes up again and I asked her if everything was okay and she said it was. So I said okay and dropped it. She wasn't really talking much. I had to go to work soon so I told her I was going and I gave her a kiss. I didn't receive a kiss though. I typically do. Thought that was weird.
I forgot my leftovers at home, I let her know. I didn't ask her to bring it over but she said she was going home earlier and my work is on her way. I figured she'd probably be down to bring me my food. I didn't ask, but I told her I would appreciate it. She does. I'm stoked to see her and she doesn't stay long so I go in to give her a hug goodbye and it just felt...weak.
I go home, take care of a few things around the house. Some laundry. I told her when I'd be heading over and I get passed maybe 30 minutes of that time cause I was playing video games and she texts me if you don't feel up to coming over you don't have to. I said that I indeed do want to see her and I always do. Her place is like an hour drive so it's not close to me.
I told myself I wasn't going to show affection first. Just figured she would do it at some point. She still seemed off when I saw her. I went to sleep cause she was being short on her responses and figured she'd touch me at some point in the night.
Not once all night. She asked me what's wrong and I calmly told her that the things from yesterday made me think you didn't want me around and I'm just waiting for you to show me is all. She got defensive immediately and said "well now I really don't want to" and I said okay, that's fine. I'll wait till you're ready if you're upset, I don't mean to make it a big deal it's just my feelings are hurt. She turns her back to me and just goes on her phone for hours. It gets to a point where I ask if I'm just gonna get her back all day. She just shuts down and says yeah. She said she really didn't want to bring me my food (and I could tell) but she did it anyway cause she cared about me. I shouldn't be upset about all this. Cause she still brought it. She said she was self conscious of her breath and she hadn't showered in days (I gave her a toothbrush and fresh towels to use, she didn't shower).
I told her those were valid reasons but it would have been great if she just told me that during the time it was happening. I again just told her I would love for you to show me that you want me around. She never did. She asked me to leave. Ends with her back to me again, puts in a headphone to listen to music, and just ignoring me. I stood by her side and just asked her to show me she wants me around. Nothing.
I know my gf has undiagnosed BPD. We have so many arguments like this. While I've painted her as unaffectionate here, she usually really is. I eat it up, so when it's gone it is noticeable.
submitted by HostileMeatloaf to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:01 631x What questions to ask?

My mom has heavily smoked most of her life. She drank too. She developed a horrendous cough this past winter and chalked it up to a cold. Took her to the Caribbean for her 60th and the cough was still persistent months later. She was supposed to fly in and visit for Memorial Day but cancelled her flight due to extreme pain.. it ended up being kidney stones. She passed one so far.
A few days ago, she went to the ER because of more pain, and they did a CT scan which showed cancer in her lung and it looked like it had spread to her back bones, ribs, and most of her whole left side.
An oncologist scheduled her first appointment for Monday.
My mom currently doesn't have health insurance. She is still in shock and I think has the paperwork to apply for insurance through the state.
All that aside, what are the questions you asked, or forgot to ask, or wish you asked? What should be asked? I started researching and now I'm spiraling with so much to take in. I need some kind of guidance here.
  1. What does genetic testing do?
  2. How do you pick a good oncologist / hospital?
  3. Radiation vs chemo, when and why?
  4. What questions should I be asking?
  5. How does all of this work?
  6. What is the normal process?
  7. ??? I think I'm spiraling again
submitted by 631x to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:00 AuroraScars AITA For How This Relationship Ended?

I (29F) was in a 7/8month relationship last year and I'm just trying to process what the heck happened bc he (25M) made it seem like I'm the asshole and I'd like to know if I am, so I can work on it and not carry it over to future relationships.
It started with a reckless night. I'm studying overseas and he and I met on a d&d discord server. He happened to live where I was going so we planned to meet and he offered to help me with my first day of getting stuff done. We'd been close friends by the 5th month of me being there. I had just ended an online relationship that was overwhelming me and my family was coming to visit so I took him on a fancy night out where I paid as like a thank you in advance for driving me and my family around when they visit thing. After dinner we went to his place and I - now recognise as mistakenly - allowed uh intimate activity bc I was vulnerable and he made the first move. And it just kept happening.
Eventually, he started to ask for more despite me saying that I didn't think I was ready for a relationship. And he pulled out an ultimatum - relationship or nothing. I was torn bc at that point he was my best friend, my closest friend, in a country where I had no family. So I gave in and agreed. He said I have to be willing to do the work on myself and our relationship bc I have a lot of issues. So I promised that I would put in the effort to work on myself and be better.
Now in retrospect, I recognize I was afraid of being abandoned. But at the time, I thought myself in love, and that he cared about my wellbeing so deeply. I mean, he did spend hours listening to me talk about all the pain and trauma I'd experienced. So he must have truly wanted me to heal.
But once we got together, we stopped going on dates. We'd hang out at his place, occasionally meet his friends. I usually didn't go out bc I'm more of a homebody - I enjoyed my private space and doing my solo things. Then things started to bother me.
Like the state of his home - you could barely see the floor, the kitchen was a disaster area. And he didn't even have a proper bed. But I'd acquiesce and make a random comment (not often, just sporadically).
I personally just don't drink bc I don't enjoy it like most people do and I don't enjoy taking care of people who are super drunk (I'll do it anyway bc no one else does it but it actually really bothers me and I kinda hate it)
I like PDA but I don't like extreme proclamations back to back to back.
My ex used to get drunk around his friends and throw affection my way. He had no control over his liquor and every 5 mins would yell out that he loves me. Then he'd get very clingy bc I get uncomfortable in big groups sometimes and I try to hide or get some space. I don't like being touched or kissed by someone who's drunk (or when I'm pissed at someone) and that always bothered him. The overaffection was just overwhelming and he had a body odour thing every time he drank which just made it worse bc my nose is sensitive. It just brewed like a sense of resentment bc I'd communicate it to him and he'd just claim I'm trying to control him but honestly, I'm just trying to tell you that it doesn't make me feel good and maybe it can be a thing you do without me around.
And everything started piling up and I was pissed but I wasn't ready to talk about it bc I know I was overwhelmed and I just needed to sort through the things to try and give myself perspective and decide if I was overreacting or if I had legitimate things to be mad about. But he kept badgering me over and over and over while I was still mad. And I tried to not explode (successfully) but he started getting mad at me when I had explicitly told him I'm not ready to talk about it.
(I can't remember specifically what happened after, but we had a big fight. A very big fight. And he wanted to pull the plug. All because I wasn't ready to talk about it bc I didn't want to fight over what could potentially be nothing)
Eventually, he forgave me when I apologized for... well I don't remember what I apologized for. And we were good. I made sure to cook food that he could pack and take to work if he was staying over. Helped him plan some finances. We talked about how the next year or so would go. I had a little mental health struggle but he urged me to see a doctor and such and asked me to get on birth control.
There was then, an incident, totally not his fault. We both got carried away. I had to be celibate for a month and we got heated and when he almost broke the celibacy, I had a breakdown. I didnt know that would be a trigger, but he went on a shame spiral and started getting upset with himself so I consoled him. And we were okay. Didn't really speak about it again after that.
He had arranged for me to join an in person d&d campaign with his friends and I had a hard time keeping up bc I had classes and assignments so I had to miss a few sessions. When I got there and played a session, I did something wrong and everyone - including him - were upset with me. I apologised for it and said I wouldn't repeat that. Two weeks later, we had the next session and his friends kept making comments about the previous session throughout the 4 hours we were playing and... it started to get to me. I lashed out and told them to build a bridge and get over it.
When my ex was dropping me home, I expressed that I didn't like being treated like that, my friends don't do that to me. And he got mad at me bc he said and I quote "You're not taking responsibility for what you did. They've made fun of so many embarrassing things I've done, you don't see me getting affected by it". I didnt immediately respond (also bc I don't remember what I said) I do remember thinking "You can accept that kind of abuse from your friends if you want to, it doesn't mean I have to". When I got out of the car, I just said I am upset but I love you and I'm really tired. I didnt give him a kiss that night.
(For context, that was a Friday night. He had spent the entire week at my place bc he was sick and didn't want to be alone so I was taking care of him and feeding him)
On Saturday (3 days before my lease ended and we'd agreed I would move in with him temporarily), he asked how my house hunting was going. I told him the market is crappy rn and I can't find a decent place but I'm trying to. He said you really need to focus on that right now. I told him I am and I'll update you if there's a place, I love you. And he couldn't say it back so he said we need to talk.
He said I told many small white lies (example: I cut my finger, I ask for a tissue - bc bleeding - he asks if I'm bleeding, I say no) and it was overwhelming him and exhausting him. He said he knew its bc of how I grew up but he had mentioned it before (I don't remember if he did but he could have and I forgot) and I didn't work on it like I was supposed to.
He said ( based on the argument on Friday about the d&d game ) that I didn't take accountability for my actions and he couldn't trust me bc it showed that I was an untrustworthy person.
I said let's sit together and talk about this, these are things I can work on, we can tackle them as a couple and talk through them.
He then said I just don't love you anymore. I've talked to my family and friends and I think I mistook what I felt for you and thought it was love.
I tried to fight for him but I knew that I can't make someone love me so I was heartbroken, almost homeless (if not for some friends that had a spare room) and I had an exam in 2 weeks.
He said there's no good time to break up with someone and I didnt wanna drag it out (which I suppose was his form of mercy)
Its taken a year to process... for me bc he blocked me from everything after I returned his stuff. And it made me feel like the asshole? Then I rationalised that I did everything I possibly could, but did I? Maybe I didn't address his needs well enough? Maybe I didn't listen to his concerns enough? Maybe there's more I could have done to make him feel secure or sure? Maybe I was too headstrong and it overshadowed him?
I keep going round and round about it in my head. My therapist says it wasn't a loving and caring relationship. But like I remember a time when it was? But I also remember feeling so exhausted by it. Was it my fault? Am I the asshole? What could I have done better?
submitted by AuroraScars to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:55 mikeramp72 Endgame #10

10th: Jessica “Sugar” Kiper 1.0 (Gabon - 3rd)

oh yeah, jessica kiper from gilmore girls
Sugar has had such a weird history when it comes to her reception among the fandom. It feels like she either didn't get the respect she deserved, or was super misunderstood. I think she has one of the best journeys throughout the entire show, it's almost unparalleled. She goes from being a seemingly insignificant member of Kota, to becoming so much more scrappy on Fang, showing her truly entertaining personality and how she doesn't take shit from anyone. She's even pretty intelligent, and reads people well, something that is CRUCICAL throughout the season in terms of the strategy. I also really appreciate how the show doesn't shy away from showing her emotional moments, as someone who is the same way I think it's super relatable. She's also just got so many quotables, it's ridiculous, even more than Crystal if you ask me. All in all, a near-perfect character who goes toe to toe with Randy in terms of being my favorite on Gabon.
Like with Shane, I really wonder how Sugar passed her psyche evaluation to make the cast, but I’m so grateful she did. Sugar is contention for having one of the best stories of all time, filled with religious metaphor, deep story moments, and just plain old simple “fucking hilarious scenes”. Sugar simultaneously gives too many fucks and not enough fucks at any given point, and she’s able to balance both mindsets at any point to a literal perfect degree.
I’ve seen some takes that praise Sugar for single-handedly making the narrative of Gabon about herself, and while I do think the story does revolve around her, I do want to pushback just ever so slightly since I think there is sometimes a soft implication that Sugar might be acting. I think it sometimes is not acknowledged how fragile of a state Sugar really was in this game and how truly emotionally devastating the events of the game were. It’s especially notable in her relationships this game with Ace, Kenny, and Bob, and how tight she is with all three of them and how betrayed she ends up feeling by the first two. There is just a natural spontaneous energy within her as she wrestles with her actions and what she needs to do to make peace with herself and it’s just so engaging.
u/Schroeswald had an amazing write-up that I recommend everyone read when you all get the chance. I’d love to add my own deeper thoughts on her as well, but I’ll just leave it at this for now. So glad she made it back to Endgame.
Overall Rank - 11/821 ~
I’m not the biggest fan of Gabon. I’ve made that clear throughout the rankdown. But one thing I will say about the season is that Sugar is absolutely incredible and singlehandedly saves the entire thing from being an overly negative and pessimistic slog. She wears her heart on her sleeve, plays with her emotions first, and creates a lot of fun chaos both intentionally and by accident. She’s spectacular. Simple as that.
Sugar, Sugar! Sugar is a woman of many characters, but more importantly the main character of Gabon. Sugar’s emotional outbursts can be a lot, but I think they are tied very nicely to the story about her playing for her father, and it creates a variable season like Gabon that thrives off of its emotions and allows people to be themselves. Her relationships with Crystal, Bob, Matty, and Ace were incredible, and the pin-up model, one that would expect to be underestimated, eventually ran the season like the Marines, though in a chaotic way to the end. Love her, when I rewatched Gabon she flew to my endgame.
Personal Rank: 13/821. 10/10.
Sugar is unique, as there is multiple ways to look at her story. She could be the girl out there dealing with her emotions and managed to grow as a person, someone who was dragged along and once had power abused it to get her way, or many others. No matter what way you choose to interpret Sugar, there's something interesting about each perspective of her and is another person that helps make Gabon as great of a season as it is.
Sugar Kiper 1.0:
Sugar, a substance often known as sweet, good to the taste, bad for the health. Does sugar taste good in the moment? Yeah, but overtime it rots the teeth, becoming a negative presence on your life. Had good intentions and felt good but too much hurts.
You know exactly who this definition also applies to… Sugar Kiper.
Sugar has one of the top 3 best stories in the history of Survivor. Period. Paragraph. Her complete control of the game, while being a complete mess made for some of the most complex emotional gameplay ever seen on the show. Every single person she interacted with, had a relationship with her and usually was betrayed by her due to her emotions getting in the way of her gameplay, and I absolutely love it.
At the start, she's just seen as this pin-up girl, but as the game goes on, she becomes more and more wrecked with her emotions and doesn’t even play for herself. She wants to play the hero, by letting all of the good guys get to the end while blowing up her own game, but when she tries to play hero we get everyone else seeing her as “evil”. Becoming one of the most emotional and well told stories of the downfall of a person who was ultimately grieving and trying to play to help others.
We almost never see a hero get a downfall arc, because what is there to give, they are the selfless ones they should always be on the rise. But the great thing about Gabon, is that when someone is a hero, everyone else sees them as a villain because everyone is the villain and they feed off each other.
She throws everything away, her relationships, her game, and even her morals to make sure that the bad guys don’t win and someone she likes does. She will do anything to let that happen. And what makes it so tragic is that she doesn’t get rewarded for it ultimately, she is panned and driven to breakdowns over the feelings everyone else has for her. She was trying to make everyone feel good but it doesn’t work out because of the way she does it, and it’s a dark story but it’s what makes her so amazing.
This is present all throughout her story allowing for her to build as she goes, making it so deep. With her idol find on Exile Island and then her relationship and eventual betrayal of Ace. The premerge does a great job of setting her up, while not having a particular breakout moment. We see how her emotions and grief are impacting her and how it just gets worse and worse as the game goes on. While her story and overall memorability ultimately ramps up a lot at the merge. The premerge sets up a really good tone for the post merge portion to follow.
You can tell she has such good intentions and a big heart but just doesn’t know how to show it and is struggling with grief at the same time. She wants to be loved, and give everyone else the best chance they can get and have an optimal outcome but she can’t do that without pissing everyone off. You know it’s not coming from a place of malice, while her comments towards people like Corinne, Randy, and Crystal were negative, they weren’t wrong, they were bullies, and she called them out on it and sent them home so the nice people like Susie, Bob, and Matty could all get to the end.
That’s what makes her rivalries with these people so legendary, especially Randy obviously. While she has great dynamics with everyone on the season, and we see them explored to their fullest potential, by far her most notable ones are with 6 people, YES 6 PEOPLE! That’s how damn good her influence is that she single handedly in a key point in 6 peoples stories. (7 if you include Ace pre merge)…
Bob, Matty, Kenny, Crystal, Corinne, and Randy. So much of these people’s stories revolve around Sugar and her antics. Every single one of them is legendary, through either her grief, her quips, her heart, or her strategy she makes these stories what they are, none of these people would be the same without her.
Bob and Sugar’s relationship is the seasons close. Her seeing him as her father, after her father had just passed before she came out, is such an impactful and honestly kind of beautiful storyline. It’s riddled with darkness but you see a light there, that she sees him in that light and throws away everything to pave the way for him to win and take control over his moves so he could win in the end. I’ll go into this moment later but one of my favorite scenes in the whole show is when Sugar is about to cry as her vote for Matty is read at the final four vote. It’s just perfect.
Another one of the good guys just like Bob. They were close out there and you could see a family bond growing between them. Like brother and sister, and they dictated so much of the game together when Crystal and Kenny started to be too big for their britches. Her having to vote him out at the final four vote is tragic, powerful, beautiful, and symbolic of everything Sugar had done up to that point. You can feel her heart being cut in half after Matty loses, it’s like choosing between her father or her brother, and she completely breaks. The music in the background as Matty loses, knowing it was at the hands of Sugar, someone who he thought he could count on as a best friend and wouldn’t hurt him like that, it’s definitely in my top 10 favorite scenes of Survivor. It just sums up the season in a more impactful way than I have seen anything ever do prior or since.
Ah Kenny, what’s there to say about Kenny and Sugar. Their relationship is complicated, and that is probably an understatement, but damn is it good. Ken in a way, manipulates Sugar, often in her head about what to do and trying to play for the underdog. She knows what he is trying to do, but her heart won’t let her break away from it until the final 6 where she puts her foot down and flips on them. She realizes he’s a villain but doesn’t want to break his heart until he just gets too powerful to where he’s interrupting her journey, her path, her game to make the good guys win, and she can’t have that happen.
Her idol play was more of an act rather than a play. She wanted everyone to see that Kenny was evil and that she was doing this for the greater good. Now did everyone else see it like that, no, and that’s what makes it so great, she has great intentions, but it just doesn’t come off that way. Kenny is ultimately left heart broken and felt entitled to her heart, and for her to take that away from him left him pissed. To where we get a very funny one on one end but also a very telling jury speech from Kenny explaining his feelings for Sugar and how she took away his heart.
Sugar is the reason for Crystal’s downfall. Her relationship with Kenny just got too big for the game and were intruding on Sugar’s perfect story of getting the good guys to the end. Her jury speech to Sugar also represents Sugar’s mishandling of her emotions and calling out Crystal as a bully did not help that. Crystal was somebody on Sugar’s side and laughed with her at Randy’s misfortunes, being turned on definitely left a bad taste in her mouth, just crumbling Sugar’s mental state further and further. Showing how she’s pushing away everybody, even the ones who she aligned with and kept with, because of her motive and her grief.
Before I start I just want to say, fuck Corinne. Okay, now that is out of the way, Corinne is actually really good for Sugar’s story. Corinne is a bitch, a bully, and a terrible person, no bullshit, that’s who she is. However, she really plays up Sugar’s role on the season, being this opposition to her and everything she does. Someone who just has pure hate at the heart that owns it. She underestimates Sugar, until Sugar flips the game on its head for her and is all “woe is me!!” It’s really funny. She falls at the hands of Sugar and it is oh so satisfying.
Of course though what else could I bring up other than her jury speech. It’s awful towards Sugar, and one of the worst things ever said to somebody on the show. However, it really sums up Sugar’s story, with everyone’s opinions on her, her emotions, and her heart just trying to be full while being stomped on at every corner. I hate it as a moment for Corinne but as a moment for Sugar, it’s really works and is a dark way to bring Sugar’s story to a close but it was the only way that was gonna close.
This is THE relationship of the season. Their rivalry is one of the most iconic of all time. It’s a lot like Jane and Marty where they just hate each other, do anything to bring out the worst in each other, and do not hold any personal punches back. Randy’s boot episode is in my top 10 favorite episodes of all time because of these two. The auction shenanigans where Randy gets pissed because of Sugar. Then, she tells Bob to give Randy the fake idol, and then laughs after Randy plays it. It is the funniest episode of all time and it’s not close.
They are so iconic together, it’s why Gabon is looked at the way it is today, because of these two and their relationship, or lack thereof. I mostly adore it for entertainment reasons but it also greatly lifts up both of their stories as well. Randy is a grumpy old man who has very little in his life and just spews his hatred out on others, and Sugar doesn’t see it as a lonely old man, she sees him as a complete asshole and someone who just has too much pure vile for no reason. He plays up her role of the “protector” and she plays up his role as “the old ass”. It works perfectly for the season both from a story perspective and especially an entertainment perspective, it’s T.V GOLD!
Sugar’s Final Tribal
I mentioned it previously, but her final tribal is the summation of her character and all the things she did during the game. She has a huge heart and is struggling so much with her emotions and breakdowns, to where this is just the huge snowball crashing into the tree. She is absolutely panned and it’s tragic, dark, but the perfect and most satisfying way to end her story. She is mentally broken at this point being out there for 39 days and just to be beaten down again and again for her chaos even if she had the heart behind it. It's sad but it’s serious and the way it should end.
Final Thoughts
Sugar is an absolutely phenomenal character. Her struggle with grief vs emotions vs game is an iconic story that has never been done as well ever in the history of the show. She genuinely has no faults as a character and has so many of the iconic moments that make Gabon what it is. She has such a sweet soul but it became damaging overtime as too much of her antics intruded on others peoples games.
In any other season, Sugar would be loved, and appreciated and supported, but in Gabon she’s hated and that’s why her dynamics are what make Sugar, Sugar! She works off everybody around her perfectly making some of the most iconic storylines ever seen. She’s such a deep and complex person that anybody that she interacts with is automatically made into a great story because she just has these relationships that feed into her emotions and her grief that are shown and told fantastically by the edit.
I adore Sugar, she is easily in my top 10 of all time and will always be there. She has a story unparalleled by anyone else and for that, I appreciate both her and the edit for being able to pull off one of the best stories of all time. Just like sugar, Sugar is a sweet character but one that has side effects but I still love her anyways.
SMC0629: 12
DryBonesKing: 10
Zanthosus: 8
Tommyroxs45: 5
Regnisyak1: 10
DavidW1208: 17
ninjedi1: 14
Average Placement: 10.857
Total Points: 76
Standard Deviation: 3.394 (5th Lowest)
Won Tiebreaker
submitted by mikeramp72 to SurvivorRankdownVIII [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:53 phroytW YouTube is hiding the majority of its videos.

So for a good while now, I have been unable to find proper good deep content on this platform that we all know so well: YouTube.
This is not only because the recommended page has been repetitive and superficial, but it is also because when I search for something in the search bar, (for example "languages"), I seem to be shown the same channels and videos over and over again no matter how far down I scroll. And then I scroll right to the bottom (it will take only a couple of minutes) and it says "no more results" even though what it has shown me has barely scratched the surface of the iceberg of YouTube. I know that it has barely scratched the surface because of how many videos and channels are on there. I have also noticed that on Google it no longer tells you the number of search results that have been found from your search (it used to tell you the exact number just under the search bar after you searched). I assume they don't tell you the number because they are hiding the vast majority of internet search results from you. They only way I can find a specific video or channel is if I know the exact name and video title, and that maybe might not work sometimes too, I'm not sure. But to find new content and browse properly, it is now impossible (for some people at least. This is very strange indeed.).
This got really bad only in the past year. It's the same with Google searches. The things it shows after the first few results in some cases are not even at all relevant to the search term. This is really bad, and it is ludicrous. By doing this, Google, and possibly some other companies (if they are doing it too), are hiding, censoring, and malignantly curating the internet from the public, or possibly just some sections of the public. This should be taken seriously, and taken up to the governing bodies, because the internet is supposed to be the font of knowledge and learning and the archive of culture, communication, literature and art for the public to access and browse, and use for many useful purposes. That's what it was created for, in the 20th century.
I must mention that, in my search results, I get shown some random videos with No views (I assume to make it seem like they are giving diverse search results), but it's strange to get a video with No views in the top few search results, when I only used a very general search term: "languages." Then, when I reach the limit at the bottom of the results, the second last video has over 6 Million views, which is next to the last video, which has No views.
This is very strange, and it's a real problem that will have to be dealt with sooner or later. Because the public are going to find new ways of learning and sharing and creating if it is not dealt with. It always does. It's just a shame because these corporations and institutions have grown evil and a huge archive of learning and content is being lost, and will have to be left behind, when the public finds a new way learn, share and create.
Now, if some of you say that you're not having any problems, and others of you agree with me that it is affecting you, then that is very strange, because what that means is that they must be only hiding the internet from certain people or a certain portion or section of society, and that's when it gets funny.
But anyway, thankyou for reading, and I just hope this post does not get mysteriously deleted, censored or filtered by anyone or anything.
submitted by phroytW to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 chocolatecauldrons Part II: The Anthology - An Analysis of Each Track

Thank you guys for all your nice comments on my previous post! Here's my followup post walking through the anthology - I apologize for the delay, but I wanted to sit with this half of the album a bit longer. This analysis will be slightly different: first I’ll go through themes present throughout the anthology, and then walk through each song individually, since it’s not as consecutive of a story as the first album. As with my first analysis, I tend to also stay away from literal details as proof that a song is about a certain subject or muse – to me, it’s easier to understand the album when you think first about what the song’s overarching meaning is, rather than getting caught up in literal details (and I think Taylor often throws these in as red herrings). Moreover, it’s important to note that it’s likely that the literal detail she’s thrown in is one that only she and the muse will understand (i.e. her referencing a lilac skirt in imgonnagetyouback is unlikely to be one we’ve ever seen her wearing in public, so it’s useless to paternity test based on that detail!).
Firstly, the word anthology means a collection of assorted literary works. As a result, I think there are more themes scattered through this album, and it’s meant to be a little harder to parse than the first one. I think this album is what TTPD would have been before it crystallized into a tighter theme – similar to the 3 AM tracks for Midnights, the majority of which were written prior to the standard edition’s tracks.
There are a few themes throughout this album. From a romantic context, to me, this album is primarily about Joe. I’ll walk through why I believe that, but this album feels less muddled to me in terms of its muses, and I think that is in part due to the fact that her self-described mania from the standard edition is not a theme on the anthology. This work also covers her own relationship to celebrity and fame, and how that affects her romantic relationships and her personal life in general. And finally, I think the final theme throughout this collection is the idea of childhood, of formative experiences, and how our author goes about processing events that happen to her.
The Black Dog
What happens when you intimately know someone, when you share every aspect of your life with someone, and then it's over? Six weeks after their breakup, she’s barely holding it together (“I move through the world with the heartbroken”). She even tried to rebound her pain away (“I took the miracle move on drug, the effects were temporary”), and wasn’t able to succeed. Meanwhile, she sees him go to a bar, and she has the sudden realization that he may be able to do what she failed to do – he might be able to move on, with someone new. Reckoning with that realization is horrifying. If he is able to pull it off, what does that mean about the love they shared? When he had told her for years that he was who he was for her, and her alone?
You said I needed a bravе man
Then proceeded to play him
Until I believed it too
And it kills me
How could they go from being so intimate that they shower together, that she’s aware of his every move, to being so distant from each other that she wonders if making her fall in love with him was a hazing? And the cruelest part of it is – she doesn’t want either one of them to be able to move on, and give validity to the fact that they weren’t right for each other, even though she knows they have to. Moreover, she’s already *tried* to move on at this point, and failed – she tried to manufacture a counterfeit version of their intimacy, but what if he’s able to perfectly replicate it? And to really drive in the knife, what if it’s with someone younger than her?
And you jump up, but she's too young to know this song
That was intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming
Given that a theme throughout the first album was her feeling like she’d given him so much of her youth, so much of her childbearing years, with nothing to show for it, what does it feel like to know that he can essentially reset time, by being with a younger woman, but she’ll never be able to get that time back?
We know that her and Joe took a break or two while they were together (see: Hits Different, The Great War, in addition to PR articles). To me, this song is about when you do take that break from your partner, and you’re trying to make a point to them that they’re not going to find anyone better than you (I can tell when somebody still wants me, come clean) – the two of you are too intimately intertwined to find a suitable replacement. You know what to wear, what to say, what to do to bring them back to you:
I, I hear thе whispers in your eyes
I'll make you wanna think twice
You'll find that you were never not mine
This song also has a lot of similarities to So Long, London, which is why I attribute it to Joe. To me, it provides a deeper story to some of the lines she touches on in So Long, London:
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out
I founded the club she's heard great things about
And to some of the lines in Hits Different:
I washed my hands of us at the club
You made a mess of me
I pictured you with other girls in love
Then threw up on the street
Bet I could still melt your world
Argumentative, antithetical dream girl
imgonnagetyouback is a story of one-upmanship – of trying to out-jealous your partner, of proving to them that nobody knows them better than you do. And maybe this time when they’re both playing this game, it works:
Push the reset button, we're becomin' something new
Say you got somebody, I'll say I got someone too
Even if it's handcuffed, I'm leavin' here with you
We broke all the pieces, but still wanna play the game (Oh)
Told my friends I hate you, but I love you just the same
Pick your poison, babe, I'm poison either way
The spacing to me is a deliberate red herring (the 1975 very famously made a song called fallingforyou), and a way to illustrate that the subject of the song wants space from her – but she’s not going to give it to him. This is another theme that calls back to Joe – in So Long, London, she describes him as constantly pulling away (Pulled him in tighter each time he was driftin' away). Matty didn’t pull away – he was all in for two weeks, until he chose to ghost her, and leave abruptly. There was no slow death, no push and pull to her relationship with Matty – it was a meteoric rise and fall.
The Albatross
This song feels like a sister song to “peace” – she describes what it’s like to love her. It’s a little more twisted, however, as she describes her love for her partner as both a danger, and a rescue from the danger she’s imposing on him by being involved with him:
Wise men once said
"Wild winds are death to the candle"
A rose by any other name is a scandal
Cautions issued, he stood
Shooting the messengers
They tried to warn him about her
She’s described herself as wind and liquor in her relationship with Joe previously, in Mastermind:
I'm the wind in our free-flowing sails
And the liquor in our cocktails
She has empathy for the narrator, but disdain for herself. There’s also acceptance though: she knows that she tried to prevent it, and tried to warn him about the danger she posed. In the end though, he chose this life with her, and he chose the danger – there’s only so much she can protect him from.
The devil that you know
Looks now more like an angel
I'm the life you chose
And all this terrible danger
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
This song feels like another sister song to The Black Dog – how does she cope with the idea that her long-time partner might move on? How does she cope with the fact that if she chooses to leave, she also chooses the future in which they both move on? A future in which they don’t know each other? It also touches on her wondering if she should move on with Matty, and how feasible it would be to know someone else instead of her partner:
If you want to tear my world apart
Just say you've always wondered
This song, more than anything else, illustrates that moving on with Matty was nothing but a way to move past Joe – what she really wants, more than anything, is a response greater than indifference from Joe:
As the decade would play us for fools
And you saw my bones out with somebody new
Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school
And you just watched it happen
There’s also the realization that Joe may never love who she is now – who she was at the beginning of their relationship will always be who he prefers:
If you want to break my cold, cold heart
Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'
She’s trying desperately to find some way to make up for the fact that she had to leave Joe, that there was nothing she could do to stay – she tried changing everything about herself, but still, the need to leave him eventually caught up with her:
I changed into goddesses, villains and fools
Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules
All to outrun my desertion of you
And you just watched it
And she wonders whether despite his indifference, and the distance between them, she should still stay:
Could it be enough to just float in your orbit
Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses
Cooler in theory but not if you force it
To be, it just didn't happen
But now, they are merely ghosts of who they once were – it’s not possible to force the relationship anymore.
How Did It End?
When a long-term relationship ends, you can point to the factors that led to its demise: a difference of opinions on money, on marriage, on children, and so forth. It is easy to determine the “what” and the “why” of an ending. But what is harder to diagnose is how you both became the versions of yourselves that weren’t on the same page, that were unable to discuss these topics, that couldn’t move past these dilemmas. That is much, much harder to pinpoint, and this is the question Taylor asks in this song. She knows what killed them:
We hereby conduct this post-mortem
He was a hot house flower to my outdoorsman
We were blind to unforeseen circumstances
We learn the right steps to different dances (ohh)
And fell victim to interlopers' glances
Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?
But what she still doesn't know is how it happened – how did it end? She also finds the empathy from the media and from the public to be false and selfish – they only want to know what happened to feverishly spread the news like wildfire.
Come one, come all
It's happenin' again
The empathetic hunger descends
We'll tell no one
Except all of our friends
We must know
How did it end?
Soon they'll go home to their husbands
Smug 'cause they know they can trust him
Then feverishly calling their cousins (ohh)
Say it once again with feeling
What the feeding frenzy wants more than anything is gossip, and they don’t care that she is utterly lost – lost as to why this happened, and lost physically and mentally:
Guess who we ran into at the shops?
Walking in circles like she was lost
How does she give an answer to quell the empathetic hunger, when she herself doesn’t understand exactly how it happened?
So High School
In an album that touches so much on feeling like she’s running out of time to have the future that she wants, and running out of youth to give the various men who come into her life, it is interesting and heartwarming that the song about Travis on the anthology is one that describes being with him as regaining her youth:
The brink of a wrinkle in time
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
Moreover, another detail to note in this song is the difference in how she describes alcohol and drugs – in nearly every other song on TTPD, alcohol is a vice she uses in her moments of despair, and drugs are what her previous partners turn to in their moments of strife (she also describes the influence of drugs on her partners as something she detests – “sinking in stoned oblivion” and “you needed me but you needed drugs more”). With Travis, she’s not imbibing in any substances – instead, his thoughts and jokes are enough for her:
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high
From smoking your jokes all damn night
Travis is giving her back her youth, making sober promises, and the impression that we get is that they’re building this dreamlike reality together – it’s wholesome, all-American, and high-school-inspired, yet still grounded in something tangible, unlike the promise of fate and destiny, which powered her relationship with Joe and her entanglement with Matty.
I Hate It Here
More than anything, I think this song illustrates how Taylor sometimes uses escapism and maladaptive daydreaming to ignore the reality of the situation she’s dealing with. She recognizes that it’s not possible to stay where she is, locked inside this prison of stagnation and boredom:
If comfort is a construct
I don't believe in good luck
Now that I know what's what
She recognizes that this isn’t what she used to be, and that she never intended to choose this life of secrecy, perhaps alluding to all those years she spent “locked inside her house”:
You see I was a debutante in another life but
Now I seem to be scared to go outside
She describes herself as finding hope in the places her mind creates (seemingly alluding to her creation of characters and places for folklore and evermore):
I hate it here so I will go to
secret gardens in my mind
People need a key to get to
The only one is mine
I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child
And her escapism into her past, and imaginings of what could have been:
I hate it here so I will go to
Lunar valleys in my mind
When they found a better planet
Only the gentle survived
I dreamed about it in the dark
The night I felt like I might die
All throughout the song, there’s recognition that she doesn’t want to be here – she doesn’t want to feel as if the only place she can be free is in these imaginary worlds she creates. But there’s also concession – is she perhaps only destined for an eternal consolation prize? For loneliness? For imagined romanticism? For the fantasy of how she imagined her life and her love to be?
I'm lonely but I'm good
I'm bitter but I swear I'm fine
I'll save all my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on
This place made me feel worthless
Lucid dreams like electricity, the current flies through me,
and in my fantasies I rise above it
And way up there, I actually love it
​​thanK you aIMee
This song, along with a few others in the latter half of the anthology, discusses the loss of innocence she felt in key moments of her life. This one quite obviously alludes to Kim Kardashian, and their infamous feud. I will make a separate post on this, but I think people describing this song as petty may not remember the depth of the hate aimed at Taylor in 2016. Kim and Kanye organized a revenge porn music video for Famous, and held a museum exhibit so that people could take pictures with the naked dolls. The night the snapchat videos were released, every Kardashian family member descended upon social media to gleefully celebrate the #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty. The amount of hate Taylor got was so unprecedented that Instagram actually built their comment filtration system because of this incident. It really was that bad.
And every baby step Taylor took (for example, even just posting that she had a good 2017 was met with immediate media backlash) was quite literally mocked across the internet. People thought the reputation era was cringey, that she was over, and that she deserved everyone’s ire because she was “proven” to be a liar. She describes this in the song:
Each time that Aimee stomped across my grave
And then she wrote headlines in the local paper
Laughing at each baby step I'd take
And it was always the same searing pain
But the whole time, despite the pain and blood, she was dreaming of the day that she would heal, and dreaming of the day that she would climb her way back to to the mountaintop:
And our town, it looks so small from way up here
So I pushed each boulder up that hill
Your words were still just ringing in my head, ringing in my head
What still irks her though, is that this bully who created this entire hate train and organized her downfall will pretend as if it never happened – she will undoubtedly reframe things to make our subject seem overdramatic, petty, and unable to move past the incidents of years ago. Taylor, however, has always been clear about one thing: sometimes, no amount of time can heal you from something that deeply traumatized you.
I Look in People’s Windows
This song to me feels like a sister song to The Black Dog, but a few months after the official end of a relationship. A sub theme that runs through Taylor’s songs about the Joe breakup is the loss of being understood – when you are no longer with a long-term partner, how do you cope with the fact that you move the world knowing everything about this person, but at the same time, not knowing them anymore? Would you peek into their windows just to get a glimpse of what their life looks like now? As anyone who has gone through a breakup knows, the hardest part is often not being privy to the mundane details of that person’s world – their dinner parties, their wine, their friends, and so on.
I look in people's windows
Transfixed by rose golden glows
They have their friends over to drink nice wine
I look in people's windows
In case you're at their table
What if your eyes looked up and met mine
One more time
The Prophecy
The prophecy is devastating. More so than any other song Taylor has ever written, it is full of desperation and longing. All she asks for is to be known, to be understood – to not be perceived as an idea of a woman, or a starlet with no humanity:
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want money
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo
The prophecy?
It’s striking especially considering how much she laments that leaving Joe means she’s giving up being known – it’s also striking given the fact that in the epilogue poem, she states that neither Joe or Matty ever truly knew her:
He never even scratched the surface
of me.
None of them did.
What she desires beyond fame, beyond notoriety, beyond money, is to be loved and to be known. The song also alludes to her being in therapy, and to finding some sort of consolation that she will find someone to share her life with:
I'm so afraid I sealed my fate
No sign of soulmates
I'm just a paperweight
In shades of greige
Spending my last coin so someone will tell me
It'll be ok
This track is a sister song to ​​thanK you aIMee, and continues exploring the theme of fraught public womanhood we see in Clara Bow and Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me. In this song, Taylor discusses how the validation of women is never publicized in the way that the crucifixion of them is:
When the first stone's thrown, there's screaming
In the streets, there's a raging riot
When it's "Burn the bitch, " they're shrieking
When the truth comes out, it's quiet
Moreover, when women speak up about an issue, they’re often viewed as overdramatic, and unserious. Cassandra, in Greek mythology, was cursed by Apollo to always predict the future accurately, but never be believed. We see this happen every day to women in politics, in the media, and in pop culture:
So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst
And tried to tell the town
So, they set my life in flames, I regret to say
Do you believe me now?
And for Taylor, it’s reminiscent of all the times she’s been the first to speak out about something in the industry – for example, against Scooter Braun and his well-established pattern of bullying, or of the exploitation of artists on streaming services – but never been supported broadly by her peers. They believe her later, but at that point, very few people give her the credit for speaking up in the first place. It’s reminiscent of the Kimye scandal. When the news broke originally, the hatred she received was widespread. But when she was acquitted by the long-form video that leaked, it didn’t receive anywhere near the level of coverage that the original scandal received.
Peter is another song that touches on both the male muses for this album, and in turn, on the promises various men have given her over her life (we’ll circle back to this in The Manuscript!). It also touches on the theme of waiting that’s seen throughout this album, especially on her songs about Joe – how much time is enough time to give?
Both Matty and Joe were 25 when they met her, and it’s abundantly clear that both men made promises to her: promises of marriage, of children, and of a future. But how long can she wait for these promises to be fulfilled? To Joe, she gives six years of her life and youth, and to Matty, she gives him a chance to prove that he was reformed from the time she knew him last: both men eventually fail. Neither man is ready to give up their childish whims, and she has no choice but to lose hope that either of them ever will.
And you said you'd come and get me but you were 25
And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired
Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life
Forgive me Peter, please know that I tried
To hold onto the days when you were mine
But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light
Another thing to note is the interesting double meaning of the song title. To peter also means to diminish gradually – much like her faith in both men’s promises.
The Bolter
A lot of the songs Taylor has written about Joe in this album deal with the question of “when is the right time to leave?” When you know that things are stagnant, and you know that you’ve given everything you have to a relationship, you know that you have to leave – but it’s easy to convince yourself if you have a history of “leaving before you get left” that you should ride out this wave, and that this pain might just be temporary.
The Bolter, to me, reflects on Taylor’s history – it seems like she prided herself on being able to see the warning signs, and being able to get out in time.
She's been many places with
Men of many faces
First, they're off to the races
And she's laughing drawin' aces
But, none of it is changin'
That the chariot is waitin'
Hearts are hers for the breakin'
There's an escape in escaping
It’s relevant to TTPD, because likely, she saw not bolting as a sign of growth and maturity. You know that you’ve grown as a person when you don’t abandon ship at the first sign of trouble, but what if there are so many signs of trouble that the truly mature thing to do would be to leave?
Robin leads into this theme of childhood and innocence that we see further in The Manuscript. The track name is also the name of Aaron Dessner’s child. She ponders how beautiful and sweet it is that we work so hard to protect childhood naivete:
Strings tied to levers,
slowed down clocks tethered,
all this showmanship
To keep it, for you,
In sweetness
And there’s an element of wistfulness to it – don’t we sometimes wish that we could also be protected from the worst the world has to offer?
You have no room in your dreams for regrets
You have no idea
The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean
You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline
But now we'll curtail your curiosity
The Manuscript
This song is perhaps the most climactic song on the album. It covers her romantic history up until that point, and starts at the moment she feels everything went awry – and it predates Joe and Matty. Instead, it calls back to the first time she experienced a proper heartbreak, and the first time she lost her childlike innocence in the world – her relationship with Jake Gyllenhaal (a time she described as her transition from childhood to womanhood). She describes how they compared licenses, and how he told her that if they had sex, and it was as good as the conversation was, then they would get married, and have a family. He was the first man to make her these promises:
He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was
Soon they'd be pushin' strollers
But soon it was over
He tells her that it’s ok that they have an age gap, because she’s so advanced for her age:
She thought about how he said since she was so wise beyond her years
Everything had been above board
She wasn't sure
While dating him, she desperately wants to be older, and starts emulating his behavior:
In the age of him, she wished she was thirty
And made coffee every morning in a French press
And when it’s over, she regresses, and turns back into a child – unable to sleep alone without the comfort of her mother, and unable to eat anything substantial besides the sugary cereal of her youth:
Afterwards she only ate kids' cereal
And couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed
She forces herself to date boys her own age, to not rely on the maturity of an older man to guide her through adulthood, but she can’t help but feel disappointed in their youth:
Then she dated boys who were her own age
With dart boards on the backs of their doors
Finally, as she creates the All Too Well short film, she recognizes the damage he did to her, and how the consequences of that affair have shaped her life since:
And the years passed
Like scenes of a show
The Professor said to write what you know
Lookin' backwards
Might be the only way to move forward
Then the actors
Were hitting their marks
And the slow dance
Was alight with the sparks
And the tears fell
In synchronicity with the score
And at last
She knew what the agony had been for
Everything calls back to this first man, and these original promises – everything she’s been chasing since is reminiscent of this first scar. And just like how releasing All Too Well transformed and healed her, she hopes that by releasing this additional manuscript into the world, it will heal her again. As she describes in the epilogue poem, she is entering all her thoughts, emotions, and pain into evidence – she now asks the audience to process it with her, and thus conclude this process of healing.
The only thing that's left is the manuscript
One last souvenir from my trip to your shores
Now and then I reread the manuscript
But the story isn't mine anymore
If you read all of this - thank you! I enjoyed writing it, and I'm excited to discuss with you all in the replies :)
submitted by chocolatecauldrons to TaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 mrawaters Pressurized Reaction Chamber won’t take hydrogen or biofuel

So I had a HDPE set up going but shut it off for a while cause I was working on other stuff. Went to go back and turn it on again and the PRC won’t accept biofuel and also won’t take in hydrogen. What’s weird is that even when I click on recipes in the machine nowhere does it show a recipe involving hydrogen or biofuel, but I know that is what is required for substrate, as that was the set up I had before (as well as it saying very specifically that in the quest tab. I can’t get the recipe to pull up anywhere in JEO either. Any clue what’s going on here?
submitted by mrawaters to allthemods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:51 futurebannedacct Choices

Hello, everyone. I'm out of my hibernation with another important message for you all and I know that just makes you so fucking happy and excited.
I wanted to remind everyone to check out my blog, which is one of the last bastions of free speech that is left in this god-forsaken place.
Alright, now that I have officially tongued my own asshole to the point where pleasure turns to dysphoria, allow me to present to you: total bullshit!
... and some other things.
Let's talk about choices. We make them everyday; life is all about them. This is a somewhat true statement - because life is really all about making sure you don't wake up - and choices play a significant role in this operation. Probably not so big a role as language, however, because language is the most deceptive tool in the arsenal of the ones with the power, so it is important that we choose our words wisely.
For example, I keep hearing the phrase "forced vaccinations" or "mandatory vaccinations" being thrown around conspiracy forums, and this phrase, in itself, is an example of the deceptive power of words. We need to be honest with ourselves - because through honesty the truth is exposed - and the truth is the most well hidden part of this experience because the ones in power work to keep the truth hidden at all costs... because the truth will "set you free". But I digress. No one was forced to get vaccinated - not yet, anyway - so let's be honest about this: you might have chosen to take the jab, in order to keep your job, or you might have chosen to take the jab, in order to participate in society. This is a choice that you are making. Perhaps the stakes are high and you had a lot to lose if you chose not to take the jab; but until they are breaking down your door, holding you down, and sticking that needle in your arm - until that time - you are giving your consent to take the jab.
This distinction is an important one to discern because we should be paying attention to the parts in life that are forced upon us and the parts in life that we are choosing to consent to. For example, no one forced us to wear masks for an entire year, but we all (for the most part) consented to doing so, in order to participate in society. We all chose to stand on the circles on the floor, in every checkout line, of every store. We made this choice for many different reasons - but in this community - many of us simply did this for other peoples "perceived well being". In other words, we were catering to the people that make up the majority and aren't as far along in the process of "waking up" as we are... although, many people seem to be choosing to remain asleep - for many different reasons - far from the most insignificant being "fear based programming".
Allow me to share my perspective: for an entire year, we all wore masks in public: an action which is gradually weakening our immune system. Also in public, we practiced "social-distancing": an action that is also gradually weakening our immune systems. Many people - the drooling masses - took this social-distancing b.s. very seriously, for their own "perceived well being" (while virtue-signaling online that they were doing it for everyone else). So, the government asked us to all make a choice: to wear masks and social-distance for a year and - oh - almost forgot! Hand sanitizer - all over, suddenly - some so strong that it seems to be pure rubbing alcohol - killing all germs - and, well... gradually weakening our immune systems! The government had us all compromising our immune systems and overall health, in preparation to get vaccinated with something that sounds... frankly, batshit insane. Do you think this was all an accident? An innocent faux-pas on the part of our dear leaders? I think this was done intentionally. I've also prepared this meme, to help illustrate the conspiracy in question:

The inspiration for this actually came from a post in that was written by someone who is, by no means, an anti-vaxxer, and overall still happy to be vaccinated... because the debilitating side-effects, self-replicating spike proteins is nothing compared to the constant onslaught of fear-based programming.
"Trust the science". That's the last thing I think I'll do; thank you very much. Science is a bullshit factory specializing in limiting beliefs, which uses language to support any point of view that it chooses to support... and of course the point of view we are inundated with, in excess, is that of the ones in power. So please know that if you choose to educate me in the comments, about why the science behind social distancing, face masks and hand sanitizer is to our benefit then I'm either going to think you are being intentionally deceitful, or I will feel sorry for you because you have sincerely become this invested in the wrong direction of practices that are to your benefit.
The moral of the story is that the words we use need to be chosen carefully, because when we choose words such as "forced" and "mandated", we are only working to deceive ourselves further away from the truth. The truth is that we are consistently bombarded with propaganda and manipulation, from the many resources available to the power structure, with the goal of getting our consent. The internet has been a great resource for the power structure to use for minimizing the power of consent. We must constantly "agree" to the terms and conditions that are made to be intentionally agonizing to read and understand. We are being trained to believe that consent is of little value or importance - consent is nothing more than a single click - in order to get to the prize on the other side. The truth may be that our consent is far more valuable than we realize: our consent is one of our most valuable assets.
We need to pay attention to the effect that our consent has on our shared reality - because if there is one thing I learned, after experiencing psychosis - it's that the greatest sin is often committed by very kind people: the kind of people who are timid, helpful, and generous to a point where others take advantage of their kind, benevolent nature. Everyone knows someone who is in a relationship with a manipulative, controlling narcissist that walks all over them. Everyone knows someone who is kind, meek, and respectful of others... because they have no backbone. Someone who has lived a life of avoiding any and all conflict, at all costs, and chooses instead to allow others to take advantage of them. When you habitually allow others to walk all over you, this is your consent that "it's ok for others to do this to me". You are a worse person that the one who is violating you, because you think that it is ok for this to happen to you.
Alright - that was just to set the mood for the actual post - which will begin..... ........ ......... now.
In the spirit of (shudder) "the most free country on Earth" we're going to (I had a bad reaction to typing that just now, I find the idea to be suffocating and repulsive) talk about choices in red, white and blue. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that much about topics like "color programming", or the exact science and reasoning behind it; I just know that this color palette is used with enough frequency and in a way where there is likely some intent behind it. Perhaps it's as simple as feeling patriotic about democracy, constitutional rights, and other deceptive concepts that are total bullshit - or maybe - the meaning behind it goes far deeper, into the psychological manipulation that is induced by this particular color palette. When I saw that the magnet shared the same red/blue color palette, I realized that these colors are likely being used in order to put each individual into a state of polarization.
Games are fun. Games are based in conflict. Manufacturing reality by making conflict the biggest source for entertainment.
Being alive involves the near constant activity of making choices. We are indoctrinated with the idea that having more choices is desirable. The power construct that is manufacturing reality has recently gone into overdrive in the manufacturing of choices. As the information age progresses through time, the amount of choices is becoming an ever increasing burden on the collective consciousness. The choices are presented using many different angles. A popular example is beliefs, which are currently being exploited by the manufacturers of choices more than any other time in the collective memory... which is always followed closely by the collective amnesia. Choices are deeply rooted in the DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy, an all time favorite of the power construct. Choices are now being utilized in another favorite strategy for maintaining control: ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. Choices have an important role in the MANUFACTURING OF CONSENT, which is highly valued by the power construct. Consent is the oil that keeps the reality machine running smoothly, which is why so much effort is put into the illusion that consent has very little value. This illusion is concealed very well within the fabric of the intangible idea of reality that is overlaying the physical, material reality and has been so successful that consent is given almost instantaneously and without a second thought. Meanwhile, the illusion of value that has been given to currency is as strong as ever: remaining in its long-held position as one of the "pillars of control", which supports and maintains the power construct. The other pillar of control: the illusion of legitimacy, which several institutions within the power construct rely on, has been under maintenance, as a new version is being installed. While the anticipation for this new update slowly builds, the grand master illusion behind the power construct: FEAR BASED PROGRAMMING, - that's it - I'm giving up on this now. They're fucking plastic robots that hit each other until one of their heads... pops a boner?
A theme that seems to always accompany color-based choices emerges: everyone on the outside, looking in, sees an absolutely pointless rivalry. These dudes are victims of mind control.
Well, after choice # 1 resulted in a train wreck of disjointed abstractions trying way too hard to be deep, meaningful observations, I am troubled by the thought of how many readers have probably given up on this. I want everyone that is still with me to know that, due to irrational fears about what anonymous online profiles might think about me, I will now focus primarily on "fitting in" and being likeable, by employing a strategy of trying very hard to not express any more ideas that might be considered "out there". Obviously, this is just the result of growing up poor and uneducated in the ghetto. I mean, who is crazy enough to actually believe that this is somehow connected to other rivalry's that use... very similar hues of red and blue. I mean, they are two of the most popular colors out there - both primary - and... realistically, there aren't that many colors; especially that complement each other like red and blue... ahh, blue and red: the colors of rivalry. There's no deep conspiracy here. Obviously, these guys wear these colors so they know who their enemies are... because, otherwise, there is no reason to kill each other. This is all about the colors. It would be completely pointless otherwise and these guys would probably get on well and hang out in each other's back yards... and then the cops would have nothing to do, which would be a waste of tax payer dollars. Can't have cops just standing around eatin' donuts and getting fat.
Coke & Pepsi. A classic rivalry that makes me proud to live in a free country, where great ideas like capitalism can flourish. I know that they are made by the same company, but I don't really think that matters, ya know?
We are presented with choices. Our choices shape our opinions. So, if I choose red - I mean - Coke, then I will get along with others who choose Coke and we will agree that we chose correctly and that the people that prefer blue - I mean - Pepsi, chose incorrectly. Well, the people that chose blue think they chose correctly and that it is, in fact, the red people that chose incorrectly. This is a conflict of interests, and conflicts create division. People who are divided require a non-biased mediator so that order can be maintained and, because this mediator cares about the safety of both the red and the blue groups, it only makes sense that they should be given the authority to decide what is ok and is not ok for both groups. This is the most rational and logical option because the authority isn't biased towards red or blue, which means they will know what's best for everyone's interests. The police are there to make sure that all red and all blue people are all following all of the all-inclusive rules, mandated by the mediator, and all this is done for the greater good of society. I - I'm gonna get all choked up over here, just thinking about how nice the government is to do all that it does for us. They protect us from those fucking freaks that drink Pepsi. God I fucking hate those sub-human blue-tards! Red people generally have more money and are more successful, which means they are smarter. What started as a small neighborhood feud between Coke and Pepsi is actually how the gang warfare between the Bloods & Crips originated. That's right, they got the colors from Coke and Pepsi, which obviously is a lot more likely than a vast conspiracy involving powerful people manipulating reality in order to maintain control and power over the uninitiated masses. Fuck poor people. Oh, and how about those people that make their preference for Coke or Pepsi an aspect of their personality? They don't seem to understand that the color of the can is the only fucking difference. That's why I stick with Tab Cola, for those unmistakable metallic flavors and the uncomfortable, sticky feeling all over my body the next day.
They're the exact same store except for the fact that one is red and one is blue... and yet, you have a preference for one over the other. You made up some reasons for why they are different in your head, because you are under an immense amount of mind control.
Ahh... consumerism: the arena of pointless choices. Why does only one company manufacture all the different brands of eyeglasses? Perhaps... to have control over the market? No - to have control over you, stupid - and no: this isn't a joke. It's a desperate plea, urging you to wake up and see this shit for what it really is, while you have this opportunity - this window - into the illusion. You see, they are getting desperate - and lately, the world seems like it has gone mad - which is part of their strategy, which is preventing you from seeing it. Why do you think there are suddenly twenty new M&M's flavor combinations? All these new Reese's Peanut Butter Cup's with minor alterations of essentially the same fucking thing? Let me guess: they're just having fun... right? Trying to stir up interest in candy bars? Or maybe for profit... right? This is just a business strategy to get your money... right? No... no... I'm afraid you're thinking way too small... with your logic and reason and all the other LIMITING BELIEFS that you have been - and are being - indoctrinated with: every fucking day! These are all pointless choices (brought to you by consumerism) that are trying to keep you distracted. Trying to keep your mind occupied. Why is Netflix trying to induce option paralysis? Why are the high-tech gadgets we use for entertainment purposes bombarding us with a constant onslaught of ads, new articles, stories, and a maddening amount of pointless bullshit?!?!?! They want you to be overwhelmed; they want you to freeze. They want you to have no sense of identity. They want life to overwhelm you with an endless list of pointless shit that has to get done in order to maintain... in order to maintain... to maintain what? THE ILLUSION, IDIOT. Ok: that was uncalled for. I don't think you're an idiot. I think that you know, in the bottom of your cold, gray heart , that the crazy shit I am saying sounds right (for some reason). They are manipulating reality in order to keep you under their power and control. I don't exactly know why, but I do know that they care a lot more about you being distracted than they care about worthless green paper. You know what? I bet the 1% doesn't give a shit about money: they simply have all of it just to piss you off. Why is all this corruption in the news all the time? The next fucking scandal that everyone can talk about? WHY is the news telling us to wear masks, get vaccinated and then, the following week, admitting COVID-19 is a bio-weapon? TO KEEP YOU DISTRACTED. THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO THEM. Oh, and Walmart and Target's LOGOS both contain some occult symbolism. Yep: Target's logo is the astrological symbol for the sun and Walmart's logo is the Star of David... with the hexagon in the middle. The hexagon is symbolic of the cube. Once you understand that you can't not see the cube. It's fucking weird - but also a conversation for another time - when we can discuss why all of these well-known corporate LOGOs are symbolic of Saturn:
You know what? I think I should devote a large portion of my life to watching a bunch of overpaid, mentally compromised, grown-ass men chase a ball around. I also think I should be passionate about the team that is closest to me in geographical proximity. This is not mind control, but as a conspiracy realist, I do like to point out that MK Ultra really did happen, and the CIA really did experiment with mind control back in the 1950's, but the program ended decades ago. I like to go on online conspiracy forums, and help people understand the reality of conspiracy theories, so they don't get sucked into lies like Q-anon or lizard people or THIS POST, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY THE WORK OF A MENTALLY UNSTABLE INDIVIDUAL.
Watching sports makes me feel safe, and comfortable, because it distracts me from all the bullshit of everyday life. It's good to have a nice distraction - and fill my mind with useless sports stats - or talk endlessly with the bro's about individual players strength's and weaknesses - in a boring, monotonous tone of voice - while I sip domestic piss-water beer. I don't want to think too deeply about things because it starts to make me really uncomfortable when I have to confront reality. I'd rather just not worry about it and see what happens. Who am I but a lowly speck of insignificant, worthless dog shit in this giant, scary universe, where I am completely powerless to do anything but take whatever beating the world feels like dishing out to me that day? I dunno. Maybe Jesus will come back and good will win out in the end. Good always wins in the end - that's just the way it works - so I don't really have to worry about anything. God is good. My little brother doesn't like sports at all. He likes to put on girls makeup, and is always depressed and confused and obsessing about some dumb shit. We're lucky to live in the modern age, with advancements in science that will allow my brother to medically transition into the woman that he always should have been - and always truly was - on the inside. Some assholes don't think that trans women are women. They just don't understand how science works, and don't care to learn. They are just misogynistic, transphobic assholes. That's right: if you don't think that you can be born a man and then change into a woman that means you are transphobic. You hate trans people because you don't want to believe that a man can change into a woman. Anyway - that's my brother -not me. I like guy shit... because I'm normal.
CHOICE # 666

The choice of the beast
Oh NO! Everyone hates politics - which is why I hid it at the end - because I know nobody is still reading this. I've alienated myself from the audience, with all the confusing switching between dialogues of seemingly different people and JUST BECAUSE I BET there will be some DIP-CLIP that says "voting is how we get things done around here." HA! Nice try, but this isn't about politics; this is a meta-analysis of WHY it's NO POLITICS. The short answer is that participating in this is as pointless as those people above, participating in gang warfare against their fellow man. "THOSE PEOPLE?" What do you mean, those people? Black people? THIS GUYS RACIST. No, even worse: HE'S INTOLERANT. The human race has become far too soft, weak and emasculated by the pesticides and environmental toxins that get dumped all over us, every day! GET VACCINATED for other people, you SELFISH CONSPIRACY THEORIST. This is why we aren't going to reach herd immunity and we will have to deal with COVID-19 for years to come: because of people like you. WHY WOULD I trust a RANDOM, intolerant asshole on Reddit, who watched a YouTube video about lizard people, over EXPERTS who WENT TO SCHOOL for years to become indoctrinated, believe everything the MSM tells them, and completely LACK the ability to critically think?! All my life I heard that I "need to go to college", and today I couldn't be happier that I am not of a "higher education" because, from what I've gathered, they are some of the most CLOSE-MINDED people on the planet. LIMITING BELIEFS. That's what trendy these days.
I'm not done yet! Yes, I'm gonna talk about the donkey and the elephant: not only are politics bullshit; those who participate in politics are participating in a terrible, evil practice. Why would you affiliate with a political party and tell people what you think they can and cannot do? Can't you see that's the crux of the problem? I know things are fucked when the majority of people are of the opinion that we need to FIX the government (change it, drain the swamp, bureaucracy, etc.) They don't get it - we don't need to change the government - we need to END the government. Government is the single biggest threat to humanity. "But they protect us from the BAD people." Guess what? "The bad people" are there because of the government. The government needs the bad people to be there, in order to maintain their "illusion of legitimacy" (credit - Jim@EOI) and make themselves seem needed. THE BAD PEOPLE are the people who protect us. The sooner you understand that, the better off you are. And people are still talking about election fraud because they think that Trump is GOOD. Can't you see the mind control? How are these people this BLIND to reality?
Manipulation of reality.
Look... it's the superpowers. The greatest countries in the world! But why do they have the exact same color scheme as all the pointless choices? How can they be united? This is the divided states and the divided kingdom, and they have conquered. DIVIDE & CONQUER. Oh, wait... some patriots went off to find a new home and fight for freedom from the oppression of the taxation of the royal bloody palace? Only to go and make a new country even more oppressive and with higher taxes, some two-hundred odd years later? Are you SURE that it wasn't actually to commit GENOCIDE against all the indigenous BROWN PEOPLE, whose genetic makeup allowed them to have a far deeper understanding of spirituality? CoUlDn't bE Th@T....
I am so sick of the average Redditor - who thinks they're smart because they're an atheist who understands science - arguing with me, using all their SUPER-BELIEVABLE LIMITING BELIEFS. I know on Reddit it's hard to tell who is real and who ... isn't real - but these people are seemingly the majority now - and they're fucked. They don't even actually understand what science is. Science isn't chopping off your dick to be a woman. Let's talk about the actual scientist who performed many series of actual scientific experiments to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people are able to control material reality with only the use of their minds. Why doesn't anyone ever want to talk about THAT science?
What it seems is that every thing in this world - every institution, religion, and academic study - has been corrupted to keep us under control. The people that are in control of this world have access to esoteric knowledge that they have hidden from the masses to keep for themselves. This knowledge involves the ability to manipulate reality, which they use for power and keeping the rest of us down and powerless. From what I can tell, the thing they don't want us to know is that we are powerful beings, with capabilities that have been hidden and unused. Every person needs to understand that they are a powerful being that doesn't need any help or anyone to save them. WE have the power to control our own destiny. If the majority would start believing in their power and themselves, we would have a chance at ending this shitty reality manipulation and living as non-dual beings of love - as the true source of creation made us - powerful, independent beings with everything we need, and no need to evolve or learn shitty lessons about suffering. Unfortunately, it seems like most people would prefer to keep their creature comforts, believe that this isn't as bad as I am making it sound, and remain here, in the safety of familiarity... away from the fear of the unknown. And that makes me so fucking sad that it brings tears to my eyes.
submitted by futurebannedacct to CoronavirusCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:46 mansplanar 20 Hinge Prompts to Help You Get a Response

I think “my simple pleasure” is the best prompt. If used right it’s a good way to say things you like. For example mine was- thrift stores, new tattoos, Philly sports and R&B. Really depends how you write it
As a woman, I’d advise men not to use “I won’t shut up about,” as a prompt.
Woman constantly complain about men dominating verbal conversations. Saying you “won’t shut up about…” just reinforces that you might be one of those guys.
I think if you actually have a good travel story, that prompt can work. That is to say, I think that the "tiers" really fluctuate a lot from person to person, and your qualifiers ("this works if you're funny") are kind of proof of that.
For example, I have two pretty good stories about coming face to face with sharks, and one less good story about coming face to face with a shark. I think that the shark thing is just crazy enough that it intrigues most people. But you have to have a genuinely good story for it to work.
Also, someone else said they need to get rid of prompts - I disagree. It's really annoying if you try a new prompt and then can't go back to your old one.
I think “my idea of a good Sunday” is a great prompt bc if guys include it and they say “church,” I’m 95% more likely to like them.
THERE'S AN ART to curating your Hinge profile. If you're looking for quality matches, don't be the guy with a barren profile who sends a mildly-enthused "hey, how's it going" to every potential partner. Hinge offers a feature called prompts: conversation starters that let you show yourself off and spark more substantive conversations—and you should use them to your advantage.
Choosing the right Hinge prompts—and writing good answers those prompts—will help you scan the many fish in the sea to find those most suited for you. It might sound like a daunting task to craft the perfect profile, but at least you're an expert in the subject matter: you.
Best Practices for Crafting Your Hinge Prompts
Having an air of mystery may seem hot in movies, but it's just a waste of time in real life—especially when it comes to dating apps, where determining what's real and what's not is so much more difficult than it is in person. "Being coy may seem like a safer way to interact on apps, but it doesn't yield fruitful results," Engle says. (No one's swiping right on a bio that says "I suck at writing bios.")
So nix those coy answers and get specific when you fill out your Hinge prompts. The more specific you get, the likelier you are to match with people that are similar to you. That means you'll really have to think about yourself and want you want.
Be specific when discussing what you're looking for, too. Vagueness won't help narrow your options. For example, don't just say you're looking for "someone with a lot of personality" (is anyone not looking for someone with a personality?); say you're looking for "someone with a lot of energy, and who enjoys being active and trying new things" (or whatever that personality looks like to you). Be honest, both with yourself and in your profile. Don't say you're "super into the gym" because you want someone with a six-pack, when in reality you haven't been to gym in six months and have no intention of starting again.
Add a variety of prompts to paint a full picture of yourself. If all of your prompts are jokes, that doesn't reveal a ton about you. But, if all your prompts are serious, you might come off as a little intense—and you won't be revealing much about your day-to-day life.
The 20 Best Hinge Prompts to Help You Get You a Response
Here are 20 Hinge prompts to get you off the apps and into real relationships.
I'll pick the topic if you start the conversation...
Starting a conversation isn't easy, and with this prompt, you're meeting them halfway. It creates less of a barrier to entry for the person doing the messaging. Pick a topic you're interested in or care about, and "be as specific as possible," Engle says.
What you can say:
The best bands to come out of the 90's.
The worst holiday traditions.
The best and worst concerts you've seen.
The last time I cried happy tears was...
"Consider the things that really make you YOU," Engle says. Mentioning things you care about "will allow you to engage with like-minded people who share similar likes and interests."
What you can say:
When they showed Jason Kelce ripping his shirt off at Travis's touchdown against the Bills.
At the closing scene of All of Us Strangers.
When I PR'ed my back squat (the boys didn't see).
The one thing I'd love to know about you is...
It's always nice to see someone on a dating app be interested in you, even if they haven't seen you yet. Put that energy out there with this prompt. People might feel more comfortable responding when it's something about them, since they know themselves the best. Find a topic that's important to you, and let your potential match take it from there.
What you can say:
What would you do for a living if money weren't a factor?
What's your go-to coffee shop order?
Were you a Nickelodeon or Disney kid?
Let's make sure we're on the same page about...
The great thing about this prompt is you can make your answer as lighthearted or as serious as you want. If you have something that's a deal-breaker for you (like wanting an open relationship), you can insert that here. It also works if you have something a little less serious that still plays a role in your life (like putting pineapple on pizza) and you want to get that out there.
What you can say:
Not wanting kids.
The ending of Game of Thrones.
The shape of Earth.
This year, I really want to...
This prompt is an excellent way to open up potential first date options, or show how you want to work on yourself in this upcoming year. Want to get more creative, more fit, or try something new? Maybe someone out there wants to do the same—and wants a partner to do it with.
What you can say:
Try a ceramics class.
Drink less.
Find the best burger in town.
I'm looking for...
If you already know what you're looking for, you may as well lay it all out there. That being said, don't nit-pick or be judgmental in your answer. Don't be too vague either, or you won't narrow down your options for people best suited to you.
What you can say:
Someone who will get along with my family.
Someone comfortable with being in an open relationship.
A good time, not a long time.
My simple pleasures...
You're probably looking for someone with similar interests as you (at least, we hope you are). "Prompts serve as conversation starters, so consider your interests, hobbies, and skills and lead with those," Engle says. Odds are someone shares them with you.
What you can say:
The smell of fresh cut grass.
When Debbie from marketing brings in banana bread.
Open sunroofs.
I go crazy for...
Another easy way into talking about the things you like—but make sure it's something you can carry conversation on. "Focus on answers that you can go into detail on," Engle says. "Talk about interests, hobbies, and goals outside of romantic relationships to give potential partners a full picture of the person you are."
What you can say:
Planning my next trip before the one I'm on has even ended.
Barry Keoghan. Obviously.
Reruns of Pimp My Ride.

You should leave a comment if...

This is another way to discuss what's important to you, with a call to action for the other person. You can pull in your hobbies, hopes for the future, or interests—the world is your oyster here. But remember: specifics, specifics, specifics (don't just put down "you like sports").

What you can say:

A shower thought I recently had...

Balance your prompts by throwing in a lighter option here and there. A shower thought is a great way to show off your humor and how your mind works. Get creative.

What you can say:

Green flags I look for...

Get a little deeper into what you're looking for in your person by hinting at characteristics you want to see in someone. It's better to be open and honest about what you're looking for in a potential partner then have to do the dirty work of talking to a bunch of people only to find out you don't actually see a future with them.

What you can say:

We're the same type of weird if...

Have some nuance interests that you want to get out there? Here's your chance.

What you can say:

I hype myself up by...
Everyone gets nervous when it comes to online dating. Confidence is hot, but most of us aren't 100-percent confident all of the time, and that's okay. This shows you're nervous, too, but can hype yourself up when need be.

What you can say:

I feel most supported when...

Dating app prompts aren't all about making the right joke or being overly funny. You'll want to layer in some real prompts, too, to show potential partners you can get deep. This prompt is a great way to do that without getting too vulnerable before you're ready. Plus, it reveals a little bit about what you want out of a relationship.

What you can say:

A fun fact about me is...

An oldie but a goodie. To mix in a lighthearted prompt with some deeper ones, stick with what you know and toss in your go-to fun fact from freshman seminar in college. Don't over think the "fun" part—just pick something you think is unique about yourself!

What you can say:

Teach me something about...

Want to learn something new and find a partner at the same time? This is also a great way to show an interest in potential partners by making your answer something related to them. Like we said, people are always more comfortable talking about themselves because it's the one thing they know everything about. People love talking about their passions... maybe someone out there has the same one as you. This is a great way to find out.

What you can say:

I know the best spot in town for...

Hate the phase of online dating where you message back and forth forever and never actually get to a first date? Us, too. This prompt can help speed up that process by getting you out of the app, and meeting in person. Suggest something you'd want to do for a first date.
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What you can say:

First round is on me if...

Another prompt that gets you out of the app and right into the first date. Plus, you can pose a characteristic you really want to see in a partner: a win-win. PSA though: If it translates, you do actually have to pay for the first round.

What you can say:

My typical Sunday...

This gives a little snippet into your every day life. You're probably looking for someone who lives a similar lifestyle to you (if you're a "sleep until the afternoon every weekend" kind of guy, you're probably not looking for a "6 a.m. half marathon on a Saturday" kind of girl), and this is a great way to give them that insight.

What you can say:

Give me travel tips for...

Have a trip coming up? Hit two birds with one stone: get some travel recommendations and start up a conversation with a potential special someone. It's an easy entry to talking, and you can quickly branch to "well, where else have you traveled to recently?" Even if you just put down your neighborhood—there's nothing like a little stay-cation.You should leave a comment if...
This is another way to discuss what's important to you, with a call to action for the other person. You can pull in your hobbies, hopes for the future, or interests—the world is your oyster here. But remember: specifics, specifics, specifics (don't just put down "you like sports").

What you can say:

A shower thought I recently had...

Balance your prompts by throwing in a lighter option here and there. A shower thought is a great way to show off your humor and how your mind works. Get creative.

What you can say:

Green flags I look for...

Get a little deeper into what you're looking for in your person by hinting at characteristics you want to see in someone. It's better to be open and honest about what you're looking for in a potential partner then have to do the dirty work of talking to a bunch of people only to find out you don't actually see a future with them.

What you can say:

We're the same type of weird if...

Have some nuance interests that you want to get out there? Here's your chance.

What you can say:

submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:45 deafening-pickleball Roll Call Poll: Have you ever worked a service job? Do you think "living wage" surcharges are acceptable?

Don't overcomplicate this.
  1. Have you ever worked a service job? Let's define "service job" as front line, directly interfacing with customers face-to-face (restaurant staff, barista, cashier, retail sales, front desk reception, etc.). Not remote customer service or most "professional" jobs. Dealing with end customers directly is always challenging, but handling these by phone or online is just different from interacting in person. Let's set three months at 12+ hours a week as the baseline. I don't think you have to do a lot of time in the industry for it to affect your point of view more broadly, but also working two 2-hour shifts at your parents' country club pool won't do it.
  2. Do you think it's acceptable for restaurants to add service/wage surcharges that go directly to ownership? Try to pick yes/no, even if there are caveats. Which do you most agree with? Note this does not include mandatory gratuity. These will show up as "living wage fee," "Seattle fee" or similar.
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submitted by deafening-pickleball to WestSeattleWA [link] [comments]