Random city name generator

Hybrid Animals: Just like normal animals, only not

2013.02.28 14:31 Felfriast Hybrid Animals: Just like normal animals, only not

Create new animals by combining species with each other and/or with any other stuff you find appropriate.

2014.08.14 21:33 embermage Cities: Skylines

A community-led subreddit for Cities: Skylines and Cities: Skylines II, the city-builder games from Colossal Order.

2014.11.09 20:38 H4kor Game Masters: writing, telling, living the story.

Share your experiences as a Game Master, no matter which system. Show your maps and stories, how to deal with certain situation and how to prepare for sessions.

2024.06.02 10:40 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-100-Points Ed Copeland and Me under 3 star tim in a External Shower and Trucking In Sedative Chelator and Test of 3 star tim loam - Portable Shower or Marian Family Shower

  1. I unborn ed copeland in an actual family shower with me around his penis as Violet Roze and this puts me as babies into Patrick Garza's Shower and gets me out of an alien buttload of shitting in my next south park game and I have a double special place as a baby then with ed copeland in my vagina which he is by definition in the unborning sized exactly my neccesary width and length as a baby to fit exactly into her uterus which this has a wide cervix and accepts eds penis deep inside her and they spend 1 year under sedative chelator while their copilot on the outside a normal copilot of the mental hospital is standing by for baby copeland if he tries and turn the tap all hot and 2 more years pass where the tap can be hot but it is not hot and then we stand for the first time for british maintenance workers dan and dad to fit a tap which cannot go hot on this and this is not jims dang burn shower nate has but my shower and they can camp in the back yard as royal scouts and are seeing my father right, he requires just a different mid -30 not -33 to be normal and only works delicately trained and they were alright with that from the inside and my inside dan and dad and we give them a caffiene injection where we give them only weed and coffee to smoke and because it reds cures their meningitis caffiene and weed it is a legal medicine and they must have weed and coffee always and I wait 6 years sometimes entering the First Overworld as the Ed Copelands Mommy in the First Overworld by EBCS giving him a manual to true reversal of stoichiometry not isomer fairy ism but where his unused amino are core amino and unused elsewhere to my oil and Ed Copeland Turns Me On For the First time, he is the male portion of like, me, or something and I get him his full true romanaj of propane and he is not a cocaine salesman or cocaine accessory salesman or a propane accessory salesman or propane saleman he is ed copeland who is not the grandpa or military veteran associated with hank hill or hank or bobby or nigger help us or peggy hill all hill and I fought their lobotomy ant infestation they had and it got better when the police were called and I have some guy who knows everything about oil Ed here and he is from a crossover ed ed and eddy ed of this. Thus I am pregnant to ed copelands baby ed copeland and I have the baby at age 9.7 naturally in my own shower right up there right now and ed is given this actual PC to not violate and he does not he is got trust on me he was taught what the var for propane have to be by censorship and i am pregnant to timbo's three star his baby and it is a good baby at 10.7 and my sex swing is transferred to city in the mental hospital so she does not pee in anyone mouth any longer and she might still and i am 12 and I have jimbos baby at 12 and spend 9 years in the shower under agua substantia los no muertos and an actual hind98 targeting me, which then I am 21 and I transfer the shower for no payment to patrick timmothy garza who the three star is cray cray and I have to make sure it is the three star there from conoco earlier pat garza and I had only 3 children because I am my own gynecologist and installed a wedge in the shower when I was 12 and am 21 so join the USMC and the yitvah of russia still happens when I am 29 and I drown on a USS Nimitz class carrier to an antiship shipboard missile which destroys the nimitz which I demand then to be at the Second Underworld as Jacob Sydney's Pair bond which this is fulfilled and I was lurking there doing Jacob there not Hake as meth so demand to be hakes left meth and am feeling good again and never have to do propane again but still know oil and by definition have my same 14 oil and I am going to go rig the new york oil sands market at 128$ a barrel until I am waterboarded enough to feel just like I am in get tough school or SERE Seals Training and I spend 60 years or until I am well literally to writing this the girl need agua substantia los no meurtos and this was never given due to ed and I have ed around here now manning the headphone cat device and I am going to blast the temu track and we are 81 and not going deaf and I have a heart attack and Blackwater Representatives recover me and I am given 700,000$ which this happened at my house so It is my Violet Roze Marian's Mother and ed lives another year in the retirement home until he dies for real exactly a year later by definition and I play my Conspirary Card From School UP!(Jack) and this gives him his release to the nth Yitvah of the Second Underworld and I teach him again in As now everything he did not know the As before this and we repeat the ordeal in the mental bathroom and such and not at home and this demonstrates circumstantial cueing for copilot assistant where cortana goes crazy to cervical dilation and allows something illegal. The process should only be repeated once with micheal merril and how to program a star name of a cluster which I failed this part of OWLS the star name generation test just not all the way and require star name generation remediation in my own shower as violet roze and actually let him lead the excercise and this puts a nice pressure wave 1hz into my shower or the hum from two hum participants being near each other and This is my needed, it used to be 10hz too high a starting rmc firearms expert making firearms starting of the firearms smithing impossible, now it is just 1 so john-san can be it and this fulfills the 3rd amendment right here.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 Potential_Occasion_5 Did I do the right thing?

This was a few years ago now. At the time I 17m and my new wife 21f got pregnant and had a kid. Sorry but this is a long story..
A bit of needed back story though… when I was 6 my parents divorced due to my dad cheating on my mom. I didn’t realize until I was older but my dad was what you would call an abusive drunk. My mom was verbally abusive and high on pills all the time. When my parents finally got divorced I remember couch surfing with my mom because we got evicted from the house since she wasn’t able to keep a job. My dad did pay child support but I have no idea what would happen to it. There were a lot of guns, drugs, violence, and death in my younger years. I turned 12 and started to understand everything and saw my dad turning his life around with his new wife so I decided to move in with him. It was a rough couple of years but it worked out in the end. That said onto the story..
That summer was a very fulling time in my life. I graduated high school, signed up for the military, and got married in 2019. I was in boot camp for the first 10 weeks of my wife’s pregnancy as it was our only income. Flash forward to us going to my first duty station. My first duty station ended up being 5 hours away from my father’s, and 3 hours away from her parents. In early 2020 our beautiful son was born. This where things started getting bad. My wife was suffering from postpartum and refused to get treatment. So instead, her treatment was going to her parents for a few weeks at a time. Besides her mom knowing my son better than I did, this worked out well. My wife and kid were happy and healthy besides a few mental breakdowns here and there. Then Covid and the Riots started happening. I was stationed on the outskirts of a large city. My base ended up restricting travel to 50 miles outside of base (this meant I wasn’t able to drive my wife and son to her parents anymore as I’d be breaking no less than 4 articles of the UCMJ if I was caught) this is where things took a turn for the worst. My wife got separation anxiety as this was the longest she’s ever been away. We started arguing a lot more often. Everytime I went to work, she would just stay in bed with our son and do nothing at all. I got very stressed but managed to juggle a 70 hour work week, feeding and taking care of my family, cleaning our apartment, and taking care of all the bills and expenses. My command decided to put me in something called ASF which basically means twice a week on top of my regular job, I’d now do gate guard duty and work with the MP’s on a 14 hour rotation. Things got so loaded on to my metaphorical plate that I developed stress related sleep apnea and couldn’t get a good nights rest on top of all of this. Months go by and nothing is getting better. I’ve recommended therapy, couples therapy, trying to go on walks, talking it out.. my wife didn’t want to do any of it. What’s worse is still wasn’t able to hold of get to know my kid very much at all. It got it he point that in August of 2020 I decided I wasn’t going to let my kid grow up how I grew up and asked for a divorce. I didn’t want him to grow up living with resentment towards his mom and dad, I hated every second of the arguing that took place in front of him, even if he didn’t understand. It broke my heart but I felt we’d do better co parenting instead of being together.
The divorce goes through and it was uncontested. My ex wife fell in love with her best friend from her hometown and was able to quickly move on and marry within a year. She got main custody and I got weekends. I started paying child support 3 months before I had to bc I wanted to make sure they were taken care of. She moved back in with her parents, however, and this caused some strain once we were divorced seeing as how I still wasn’t allowed to travel up there that often. Things got worse between me and my now ex wife dues to the travel ban and her not willing to compromise that much. From January of 2021 to July I was only able to see my kid about 5 times in total. In July my state decided to lift the travel ban and so did my base!
I started making plans and a schedule that my ex agreed to at first. Me and my ex were not very friendly to each other however. I resorted to only texting her about making plans surrounding my son. Bc of this she retaliates and won’t let me see him. It got to the point to where I was calling the cops so they could knock on her door as I stayed by my car. There is body cam footage, recorded phone calls, text messages, and screen shots of her refusing to let me see my kid. My ex then decides to file for more custody and more child support. Wishing 2 weeks I had to take leave, find and hire a lawyer with no money to my name, gather my evidence, and show up to court on a Thursday. Thankfully my loving aunt helped me pay a portion of the retainer so we could get things started with the lawyer. My wife also filed a temporary restraining order against me stating I was “violent and a danger to her and our kid” I had evidence to prove otherwise however, so I wasn’t worried. My lawyer stated this would be considered a separate case thus doubling my retainer. At this point in time I’m living on 70% of $30,000 a year, maxed out my credit cards to pay bills, and had to find an extra $10,000 for this lawyer. My wife lived in a small town so he was literally the only other option for me. This lawyer was terrible though. He told me I had to file my own affidavit, subpoena the officers linked to my case number for the body cam footage, and file all my evidence with the court due to the short notice. I didn’t have access to half the websites due to them costing money and needing an attorneys credentials so needless to say, I didn’t get the body cam footage. Court time appears and the judge grants that I’m allowed to do supervised visits every weekend until the new year. Once the new year came I would’ve been allowed to see him on the original plan for every other week unsupervised. This had me livid, but I accepted since I just wanted to see my kid. A few weeks go by and I’m finally getting to know my son. He was the only thing that kept me going in life at this point. He was and still is my main source of happiness. My lawyer calls me randomly one day stating that my wife put on the terms that my son wasn’t allowed to see my grandparents or my aunt when he was going to start staying with me every other weekend. No reasons were given. I of course denied these changes and wanted to keep the agreement how it was. Atleast then I could keep seeing him. My ex text me later that day stating “my lawyer asked me to inform you that since you refused to sign the updated agreement the restraining order is now back in place” I called my lawyer and immediately asked him to figure this out as this shouldn’t be legal. My lawyer then asked for another $5000 as it’s another case. I told him fine but he needs to actually do some work this time. He said he’d get back to me in a week with an update. A month goes by and I end up calling him asking what the situation was with my current case and he asked for the money to be paid before he looks into it. I told him that’s not what we agreed and that I’m making regular payments as you requested. My lawyer flat out says it’s not enough. I need it up front since I don’t believe you’re able to pay it. He was right I wasn’t able to pay it but I was trying my damndest to. I took 2 weeks to deliberate and talk to family and friends about my whole situation. At this point I’m now $12,000 in lawyer debt ($3,00 is what my aunt help with earlier) $15,000 in credit card debt and surviving off of $50-$100 a week for food and gas. I can’t sleep, I’ve gained 70 pounds in the span of a year. I was getting in trouble with the military for being late due to lack of sleep, being overweight, and rarely being at work since I had to go to my ex wife’s town to fight this custody battle so often. Ultimately I decided that this is turning into my parents divorce where they were putting me and my brother in the middle of all of there disagreements and fights. That’s exactly what I was trying to prevent, so I decided I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my son with all of this anymore. I’d keep a folder full of all the screen shots, text messages, photos, affidavits, etc. when he gets older, if he decides he wants to give me a chance… if he even knows about me, I’ll have it ready for him to read so he can make his own decision. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do..
submitted by Potential_Occasion_5 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 Perfect-Temporary860 is it acceptable to contact this person?

Sorry random question,
would it be OK to message someone who sold one of my horses foals years ago? Basically my horse used to be a broodmare, years and years ago, and one of her foals i’ve seen competing, and a few years ago i stumbled on another foal of hers on a horse sales page and they only had him briefly i assume. He didn’t have a name etc but seemed like a lovely horse, i always wondered what happened but could never remember / find that page again until tonight where i suddenly found it again. Would it be okay for me to message this page and be say along the lines of “Hey, i saw you had x a while ago; i own his mum and was wondering if you knew where he’s ended up?” or is that weird to say lol
submitted by Perfect-Temporary860 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:33 Potential_Occasion_5 Did I make the right move?

This was a few years ago now. At the time I 17m and my new wife 21f got pregnant and had a kid. Sorry but this is going to be a long post.
A bit of needed back story though… when I was 6 my parents divorced due to my dad cheating on my mom. I didn’t realize until I was older but my dad was what you would call an abusive drunk. My mom was verbally abusive and high on pills all the time. When my parents finally got divorced I remember couch surfing with my mom because we got evicted from the house since she wasn’t able to keep a job. My dad did pay child support but I have no idea what would happen to it. There were a lot of guns, drugs, violence, and death in my younger years. I turned 12 and started to understand everything and saw my dad turning his life around with his new wife so I decided to move in with him. It was a rough couple of years but it worked out in the end. That said onto the story..
That summer was a very fulling time in my life. I graduated high school, signed up for the military, and got married in 2019. I was in boot camp for the first 10 weeks of my wife’s pregnancy as it was our only income. Flash forward to us going to my first duty station. My first duty station ended up being 5 hours away from my father’s, and 3 hours away from her parents. In early 2020 our beautiful son was born. This where things started getting bad. My wife was suffering from postpartum and refused to get treatment. So instead, her treatment was going to her parents for a few weeks at a time. Besides her mom knowing my son better than I did, this worked out well. My wife and kid were happy and healthy besides a few mental breakdowns here and there. Then Covid and the Riots started happening. I was stationed on the outskirts of a large city. My base ended up restricting travel to 50 miles outside of base (this meant I wasn’t able to drive my wife and son to her parents anymore as I’d be breaking no less than 4 articles of the UCMJ if I was caught) this is where things took a turn for the worst. My wife got separation anxiety as this was the longest she’s ever been away. We started arguing a lot more often. Everytime I went to work, she would just stay in bed with our son and do nothing at all. I got very stressed but managed to juggle a 70 hour work week, feeding and taking care of my family, cleaning our apartment, and taking care of all the bills and expenses. My command decided to put me in something called ASF which basically means twice a week on top of my regular job, I’d now do gate guard duty and work with the MP’s on a 14 hour rotation. Things got so loaded on to my metaphorical plate that I developed stress related sleep apnea and couldn’t get a good nights rest on top of all of this. Months go by and nothing is getting better. I’ve recommended therapy, couples therapy, trying to go on walks, talking it out.. my wife didn’t want to do any of it. What’s worse is still wasn’t able to hold of get to know my kid very much at all. It got it he point that in August of 2020 I decided I wasn’t going to let my kid grow up how I grew up and asked for a divorce. I didn’t want him to grow up living with resentment towards his mom and dad, I hated every second of the arguing that took place in front of him, even if he didn’t understand. It broke my heart but I felt we’d do better co parenting instead of being together.
The divorce goes through and it was uncontested. My ex wife fell in love with her best friend from her hometown and was able to quickly move on and marry within a year. She got main custody and I got weekends. I started paying child support 3 months before I had to bc I wanted to make sure they were taken care of. She moved back in with her parents, however, and this caused some strain once we were divorced seeing as how I still wasn’t allowed to travel up there that often. Things got worse between me and my now ex wife dues to the travel ban and her not willing to compromise that much. From January of 2021 to July I was only able to see my kid about 5 times in total. In July my state decided to lift the travel ban and so did my base!
I started making plans and a schedule that my ex agreed to at first. Me and my ex were not very friendly to each other however. I resorted to only texting her about making plans surrounding my son. Bc of this she retaliates and won’t let me see him. It got to the point to where I was calling the cops so they could knock on her door as I stayed by my car. There is body cam footage, recorded phone calls, text messages, and screen shots of her refusing to let me see my kid. My ex then decides to file for more custody and more child support. Wishing 2 weeks I had to take leave, find and hire a lawyer with no money to my name, gather my evidence, and show up to court on a Thursday. Thankfully my loving aunt helped me pay a portion of the retainer so we could get things started with the lawyer. My wife also filed a temporary restraining order against me stating I was “violent and a danger to her and our kid” I had evidence to prove otherwise however, so I wasn’t worried. My lawyer stated this would be considered a separate case thus doubling my retainer. At this point in time I’m living on 70% of $30,000 a year, maxed out my credit cards to pay bills, and had to find an extra $10,000 for this lawyer. My wife lived in a small town so he was literally the only other option for me. This lawyer was terrible though. He told me I had to file my own affidavit, subpoena the officers linked to my case number for the body cam footage, and file all my evidence with the court due to the short notice. I didn’t have access to half the websites due to them costing money and needing an attorneys credentials so needless to say, I didn’t get the body cam footage. Court time appears and the judge grants that I’m allowed to do supervised visits every weekend until the new year. Once the new year came I would’ve been allowed to see him on the original plan for every other week unsupervised. This had me livid, but I accepted since I just wanted to see my kid. A few weeks go by and I’m finally getting to know my son. He was the only thing that kept me going in life at this point. He was and still is my main source of happiness. My lawyer calls me randomly one day stating that my wife put on the terms that my son wasn’t allowed to see my grandparents or my aunt when he was going to start staying with me every other weekend. No reasons were given. I of course denied these changes and wanted to keep the agreement how it was. Atleast then I could keep seeing him. My ex text me later that day stating “my lawyer asked me to inform you that since you refused to sign the updated agreement the restraining order is now back in place” I called my lawyer and immediately asked him to figure this out as this shouldn’t be legal. My lawyer then asked for another $5000 as it’s another case. I told him fine but he needs to actually do some work this time. He said he’d get back to me in a week with an update. A month goes by and I end up calling him asking what the situation was with my current case and he asked for the money to be paid before he looks into it. I told him that’s not what we agreed and that I’m making regular payments as you requested. My lawyer flat out says it’s not enough. I need it up front since I don’t believe you’re able to pay it. He was right I wasn’t able to pay it but I was trying my damndest to. I took 2 weeks to deliberate and talk to family and friends about my whole situation. At this point I’m now $12,000 in lawyer debt ($3,00 is what my aunt help with earlier) $15,000 in credit card debt and surviving off of $50-$100 a week for food and gas. I can’t sleep, I’ve gained 70 pounds in the span of a year. I was getting in trouble with the military for being late due to lack of sleep, being overweight, and rarely being at work since I had to go to my ex wife’s town to fight this custody battle so often. Ultimately I decided that this is turning into my parents divorce where they were putting me and my brother in the middle of all of there disagreements and fights. That’s exactly what I was trying to prevent, so I decided I couldn’t bring myself to hurt my son with all of this anymore. I’d keep a folder full of all the screen shots, text messages, photos, affidavits, etc. when he gets older, if he decides he wants to give me a chance… if he even knows about me, I’ll have it ready for him to read so he can make his own decision. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and I still don’t know if it was the right thing to do…
submitted by Potential_Occasion_5 to Dads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 the-goofiest_goober i’m reposting this here bc i still need help and i accidentally posted it in the wrong subreddit.

i just need someone to pls tell me what moves to make.
okay maybe i’m overreacting, but i live in a really small town. About 45 minutes ago (somewhere around 2:20 AM) some random number with no caller id called me and it was some guy named ‘Damien’ who had apparently saw me around town and thought i was cute. now i didn’t think much of this, he asked for my snap and i gave it to him. this is where it gets strange
I check his snap and his name is just a bunch of D’s and J’s, and his actual user is the name ‘joe’ with a bunch of numbers after it, he also only has a snap score of like 800, which isn’t really a big deal but it feels pretty low for a teenage boy (i’m 14, idk how old u gotta be for reddit but i literally don’t know where else to get help)
Now i’m feeling sketched out so i text a couple friends asking if they know a Damien and again, I live in a REALLY small town, so everyone knows everyone and all of them say they’ve never heard of this dude. And this ‘Damien’ guy keeps calling me ‘my love’.
So i text this guy back and he says he’s ’only seen me from a distance’ and he also sent a couple pics of himself, (he looks and sounds my age) but idk. i don’t know how he got my number, how he’s seen me, how he KNOWS me and im actually scared and i don’t know what to do. He said my ex gave him my number but he can’t even tell me my ex’s last name so im just kind of freaked out pls give me advice or something
submitted by the-goofiest_goober to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 Icy-Gap-4216 Looking for an offline app to randomly generate 4 to 8 digit numbers

Mostly for apps that requires PINs.
submitted by Icy-Gap-4216 to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 Betonar test

Remember the thrill of unwrapping a brand new PS1 game and flipping through the manual? Those manuals weren't just there to explain the controls; they were portals to another world, filled with backstory, character art and detailed lore that made the game universe come alive!"
Imagine having high-quality scans for EVERY PS1 game manual! K1rkl4nd, a true hero of the retro gaming community, is almost there, having tackled the manuals for SNES, PS2, and venturing into ATARI 7800, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, GameBoy Advance and XBOX 360! But the final stretch is tough. Only 125 PS1 manuals remain, and many are becoming super expensive.
We need your help to cross the finish line and preserve this important piece of gaming history!

Here's what you can do:

Let's Finish This Together!
Anyone can personally follow the progress here: Playstation 1 Progress Report

Current status: (as of 6/1/2024)

Manual Count Status
732 in-hand manuals
129 loaned/leased for scanning - hi-res
86 from online sources - good
88 in-hand manuals - no cover
122 from online sources - poor
125 missing

How to Scan:


Do you have anything to share? Contact K1rkl4nd via PM or email: jgrimm (at) atensionspan (dot) com

Links to K1rkl4nd's domain: http://www.videogamemanual.com/
Initial plea for assistance from K1rkl4nd: https://www.reddit.com/psx/comments/y7cwed/playstation_manuals/
Note: Scanning manuals is a time-consuming task, and editing them post-scan is necessary. Even after gathering all the manuals, processing and publishing them will take some time. The plan is to release all the scans simultaneously for a complete and organized archive. The primary goal of the collection is to gather manuals for NTSC games, with a secondary goal of collecting manuals for games not released in the NTSC region.
K1rkl4nd's collection stands as a testament to dedication and passion, encompassing all well-known manuals that are freely available online. This monumental effort has spanned 25 years, highlighting his unwavering commitment to preserving gaming history. While numerous collectors have emerged over the years with intentions to scan and publish their collections, all of these initiatives have unfortunately faded away.
In rare cases, K1rkl4nd might potentially accept financial donations for the purpose of acquiring the missing manuals. Personally, I consider it important to mention this information; however, K1rkl4nd has never publicly solicited financial donations, nor will he organize a public fundraising campaign for this purpose. The goal of this post is to bring attention to this project and reach out to collectors who own these games and are willing to share their manuals.
Missing manuals Loaned/leased for scanning - hi-res In-hand manuals - no cover
Adidas Power Soccer ’98 Ace Combat 2 Alien Resurrection
Adventures of Lomax, The Alien Trilogy Ape Escape
Alone in The Dark: One-Eyed Jack’s Revenge Aquanaut’s Holiday Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes
Armored Core: Master of Arena Arc the Lad Collection Army Men: World War – Land * Sea * Air
Armored Core: Project Phantasma Armored Core Army Men: World War – Team Assault
Assault Rigs Army Men: World War – Final Front BassRise
Baldies A-Train Big Ol’ Bass 2
Barbie: Explorer Auto Destruct Black Bass with Blue Marlin
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Bases Loaded ’96: Double Header Blade
Batman Forever: The Arcade Game Batman & Robin Bomberman Party Edition
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 BattleTanx: Global Assault Bust-a-Move ’99
Bear in the Big Blue House: Ojo’s Birthday Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
Blockids Bloody Roar 2: The New Breed Destruction Derby Raw
Board Game: Top Shop Bomberman Fantasy Race Digimon Digital Card Battle
Bottom of the 9th ’97 Bratz Digimon Rumble Arena
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror Broken Helix Digimon World
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling 2 Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars Digimon World 2
Bug Riders: The Race of Kings Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time Digimon World 3
Bust-a-Groove 2 Bushido Blade Dino Crisis
C: The Contra Adventure Bushido Blade 2 Disney’s / Pixar’s Toy Story Racer
Capcom vs. SNK Pro Bust-a-Groove Disney’s Donald Duck Goin’ Quackers
Carnage Heart Castlevania Chronicles Disney’s Tarzan
City of Lost Children, The Chicken Run Disney’s The Jungle Book: Rhythm ‘n Groove
Crow: City of Angels, The Codename: Tenka Disney’s World Quest: Magical Tour Racing
Crusader: No Remorse Colony Wars Dracula: The Resurrection
Cybersled Countdown Vampires Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
Cyberspeed Crypt Killer Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes
D Descent Dune 2000
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Mix Destrega ECW Anarchy Rulz!
Danger Girl Devil Dice ECW Hardcore Revolution
Darklight Conflict Diablo Eliminator
Discworld II: Morality Bites Disney’s / Pixar’s Buzz Lightyear of Star… ESPN MLS Gamenight 2000
Discworld, Terry Prachett’s Disney’s Lilo & Stitch Fantastic Four
Disney’s 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue Disney’s My Disney Kitchen Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
Disney’s Peter Pan in Return to Neverland Dragon Seeds Felony 11-79
Disney’s The Lion King: Simba’s Mighty Adv. DragonHeart: Fire & Steel Fox Sports NBA Basketball 2000
Disney’s Winnie the Pooh Preschool Evil Dead: Hail to the King Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko
Divide, The: Enemies Within Evil Zone Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Excalibur 2555 A.D. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Dragon Valor FIFA Soccer 2004 Hydro Thunder
Easter Bunny’s Big Day Fifth Element, The Invasion from Beyond
Eggs of Steel Future Cop L.A.P.D. Jurassic Park: WarPath
Elemental Gearbolt Galerians Legend of Mana
Expendable Gekido Looney Tunes Sheep Raider
Extreme Go-Cart Racing Goal Storm ’97 Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX
F1 World Grand Prix 2000 Goofy’s Fun House Medal of Honor: Underground
FIFA Soccer 2002 Grinch, The Mega Man 8 (incl. Anniversary Ed.)
FIFA Soccer 2003 Hello Kitty’s Cube Frenzy Men In Black The Series: Crashdown
Fisher Price Rescue Heroes: Molten Menace Hexen: Beyond Heretic Metal Slug X
Fox Hunt Hi-Octane Mort the Chicken
G Police: Weapons of Justice Hogs of War Mortal Kombat: Special Forces
Gekioh Shooting King Hot Shots Golf 2 Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness
Glover Intelligent Qube MTV Sports: Skateboarding Featuring Andy MacDonald
Goal Storm International Superstar Soccer Pro ’98 MTV Sports: Snowboarding
Grand Theft Auto: The Director’s Cut International Superstar Soccer Pro Evolution Mummy, The
Gundam Battle Assault Irritating Stick Namco Museum Vol. 2 – A
Herc’s Adventure Jersey Devil NBA Hangtime
In the Hunt JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure NFL Blitz 2001
International Track & Field 2000 Jumping Flash! 2 Nicktoons Racing
Iron Man / X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Kensei: Sacred Fist Pandemonium! 2
Johnny Bazookatone Kingsley’s Adventure Pocket Fighter
Jumping Flash! Klonoa: Door to Phantomile Rampage 2: Universal Tour
King of Fighters ’95, The Land Before Time: Return to the Great Valley Ray Tracers
King of Fighters ’99, The: Millennium Battle Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
Lego Island 2: The Brickster’s Revenge Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012
Lego Racers Magic Carpet Rollcage
Lethal Enforcers 1 & 2 Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV
Lode Runner MediEvil Rugrats: Search for Reptar
Marvel Super Heroes MediEvil II Small Soldiers
Master of Monsters: Disciples of Gaia Mega Man X4 South Park
Muppet Monster Adventure Metal Gear Solid VR Missions South Park Rally
Muppet Race Mania Monkey Hero Spawn: The Eternal
Namco Museum Vol. 4 – C Mortal Kombat 4 Spice World
NASCAR Thunder 2004 Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
NHL Open Ice: 2 on 2 Challenge Mortal Kombat Trilogy Spyro the Dragon
Novastorm Motor Toon Grand Prix Street Fighter Collection
Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat Mr. Driller Street Fighter EX2 Plus
Philosoma Namco Museum Vol. 5 – O Stuart Little 2
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PO’ed Nectaris: Military Madness Torneko: The Last Hope
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Project: Horned Owl Poy Poy WarGames: Defcon 1
Psychic Detective Professional Underground: League of Pain Xevious 3D/G+
Psychic Force Raiden Project, The X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Rascal Racers Rayman 2: The Great Escape X-Men: Children of the Atom
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Street Fighter: The Movie Super Shot Soccer
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Team Buddies Threads of Fate
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Tennis Arena Tiny Toons: Toonenstein – Dare to Scare
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Tobal No. 1 Tomba!
Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return Trick’n Snowboarder
Transformers: Beast Wars – TransMetals Vampire Hunter D
Trap Gunner Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey ’98
Ultimate Brain Games Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Viva Soccer Wipeout 3
Vs. X-Com: UFO Defense
War Gods X-Files, The
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories
Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style
XS Junior League Football
Zero Divide
submitted by Betonar to Test_Posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 Addicted_to_Fights 🧨🧨Fireworks in San Fransisco guide? 6/2/2024

🧨🧨Fireworks in San Fransisco guide? 6/2/2024
Recently I’ve been on the hunt for fireworks around where I live in Sf (Redwood City/atherton) I’ve found a few ways to reliably get them. one takes time and info and the other requires contacts. The easiest way I think I’ve found to buy year long fireworks is in Chinatown. I don’t have a car so I take the train and it’s a bit of a commute but then once you get there is only about a 10-20 minute bike ride to china town. The best way is to comb through Grant ave starting at the dragon gate going into every Trading .inc store or whatever the fuck they are or gift shops. Go in and ask if they have fireworks and most of the time they will. Some have bigger stuff and some have smaller. Go to multiple and remember the names of them because they all have some of the same stuff for the same price💀 The store that I’ve found that has the biggest fireworks is called “Heart Of Shanghai” they have rockets, cakes, mortars, etc the only down side is it’s almost 20 bucks for a single large rocket. The other way is to get a “plug” a person that you know has sold fireworks to friends of your using snap, WhatsApp, telegram etc they usually have better prices and can meet up with you instead of you having to go for a hour train ride or car ride to Chinatown. Plugs usually drive out of state to get larger fireworks If you want a good o’l m1000 they usually just make those so be ready to lose a finger or two 🥲 (kidding) they do usually make them though
If you find a plug that nobody you know has bought from. You would be better off just going to china town!!! Cops are starting to do shitty little “sting” ops where you message the “plug” to meet up and when you get where ever the meetup spot is you are greeted with cops instead ☹️ (not fun)
If you want a reliable seller that can meet up with you just reply with your Snapchat and I can get you their contact
submitted by Addicted_to_Fights to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Shocking new footage emerges of huge wooden 'shantytown' built in Democrat-run city whose name is byword for crime and urban decay

Shocking new footage emerges of huge wooden 'shantytown' built in Democrat-run city whose name is byword for crime and urban decay submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 COCMrMoose Clash of Clans Rage City Recruiting

Rage City #2QCRR90QP We are a lvl 1 clan with very strong members (20/20) looking to fill the ranks with more! We War and are currently working on maxxing Clan games, once we hit lvl 2, Clan capital will also be a big thing! Donation ratio 1:2, If your heroes are down SHIELD RED, Obviously FULL Participation in clan games for max rewards! And most of all have fun! We are competitive yet love this game and would love to have those that share the same interest! We plan on being a great clan to be reckoned with, and I also have experience in not only a #2 clan for two years as a CO leader called Warrior #9RC0QCYU which were #2 on the west coast of the united states. My name in game is Alaska, (I am the leader) I enjoy this game very much and if you are reading this and interested please join, and in the submit request add REDDIT Just in case we are in war soo we know you arent a scout! I have IRL friends here and hope if you join you bring your homies as well! We are an adult clan! Clash on and hope to see you have a home in Rage City with us! 🇺🇸🥷🏼👍🏻
submitted by COCMrMoose to u/COCMrMoose [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 TurtleBox_Official I think I was almost Abducted as a Child.

There are very few things I remember from my childhood, but earlier last year I began a therapy program and began to attempt to discover what truama had caused me to begin to block out so many years of my childhood. My Therapist says it could be caused by a single truamatic event or in some cases an overall truamatic living situation. I am still not quite sure which category I fit into, or where I fit into all of this at all for that matter.
I was not a special child, I did not come from a good home. Growing up it was just myself, My mother, and two of my sisters, the only one relevant to this story being named Meg.
Two weeks before Halloween, my mom took us all to the near by K-mart to pick out one cool thing for Halloween as well as our outfits. I picked out some knight outfit because at the time I was obsessed with Final Fantasy Tactics. My sister, Meg, picked out one of those weird Voice Changers, like the ones they used in the Scream Movies, you know? My mom just gave her one rule, she wasn't allowed to use it to scare me or annoy people.
About four days later, some bizarre things started. I began to hear her out in the hallway using the voice changer from her room. The almost growling low pitched voice setting was quite haunting. She was only really saying one thing though...her own name. This went on for two nights before she started sleeping in my older sisters room instead of her own, sharing a bed with each other.
Around this time is when she began to use the stupid voice changer to keep me awake. She would stand outside my bedroom door, in random hours of the night, and just say my name. "Zachary....Zachary..." Over and Over. In that eerie painful voice. It kept me awake for hours, and whenever I did sleep I would have nightmares. Nightmares that gave shape to the voice. Always a lonely looking creature, with skin that looked charred with white eyes that dripped back into it's sockets like runny eggs, always keeping it's head down low as if to hide itself from embarrasment or guilt like a child would.
This went on for days... then the tapping would begin. First on my door, then somehow on my window. This simple tapping turned into hard scratching at the door which at first I would assume was our cat or dog. Every few nights the the being within my dream would be see more detail added to the body. First a thin layer of what seemed like fur, then eventually clothes, a visably moldy jean jacket and and on it's head a thin layer frayed hair. On it's feet it wore no shoes and but wore ripped tattered shorts. It had a small mouth, very child like and immature facial features. It always seemed so helpless and lonely.
I stopped talking out of this overbearing sense of guilt I felt the more the dreams continued. I kept hearing the voice every where I went. At school, to the store with my mom, at home, in the bathroom...sometimes I would even hear movement where the voice was coming from...While taking a bath one night, I heard the bathroom door open, next came very soft steps...almost soft enough to be our dogs...
"Zachary...are you in here?" I'd never been so horrified in my life before then. The door closed behind it. I sat in the bathtub for about an hour listening to it scurry around. Eventually my mom came in and asked for me...she hadn't remembered that I was still in there.... I'm convinced to this day it was hiding just outside of the shower curtain that provided me privacy during these bathtime hours.
A few days pass, still hearing it calling my name at night, still tapping, still scratching...Halloween comes. I put on my costume, my sister put on hers, everyone was getting ready to go out for the night. A friend of mine was coming with us and I naively figured I'd be protected in my knight outfit. It was still around midday as Mom prepared our Trick-or-treat bags so I went outside by myself to on the side of our lawn that faced the huge abandoned vineyard. Every parent in our neighborhood always used to stress about how we were never allowed in Vineyard. Eventually it all entirely blocked off by the township and is currently said to be filled with various homeless camps despite friends of mine in the town saying they only ever find the bodies of the homeless and never actual evidence of camps.
I was swinging my plastic sword, fighting imaginary bad guys when I heard that there was someone moving in the bushes. I could hear it vividly, It wasn't normal like a cat or dog or even a person. It was precisely weighed footsteps inched apart bit by bit. I moved a bit closer to my house and farther back from the thick bushes. If my mom knew I was on that side of the house, she would have killed me.
Then it all happened so quickly The voice began calling my name from the bushes. It was only saying my name. It wasn't telling me to come over or anything, it was simply saying my name and moving back and forth. I could see the outline of it's clothes...a jean jacket, some shorts, and it was wearing boots. It was wearing a mask however, one of those old 90s alien mask like you'd see in the Halloween store, the flat plastic kinds with the small eye holes and horizontal mouth slit. It moved down on all fours and began walking closer to the ledge. And that's when I noticed it's legs and hands...they were absolutely burnt, charred to an almost unrecognizable crisp like exaggerated burnt bacon. I could tell it was looking right into my stupid eight year old eyes. It whimpered and seemed to press it's belly to the ground before speaking in a voice that instantly put me over with fear. "Zachary...I will...You...Come..." My eyes grew twice their size and I ran inside, dropping my sword and shield in the grass.
My mom got furious. Shes stomped around before calling my sister into the room. Upon being asked about the voice changer and teasing me for weeks...my sister told us that it broke, that it had stopped working one night after she dropped it in the driveway. She even showed my mom...it was smashed. My mom just looked out the window into the Vineyard. My sister looked over at me. We weren't allowed to go out that night. My mom made up some story about Halloween being cancelled because another kid in the town had gotten hurt like a few years before, something I still don't really remember.
That night my Sister and I just sat in our living room. We didn't really speak. We didn't pay attention to whatever Disney Channel Halloween movie was playing. We both knew the other had something to say but couldn't open our mouths.
After what felt like hours of silence she moved closer to me and spoke -
"It tried to take you too, didn't it?"
I nodded.
submitted by TurtleBox_Official to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:18 itssojoeverbuddyboyo [CA] The former apartment my family and I lived in gave our new address to our violent aggressive father. Is this illegal?

I(F13), my brother (M14) experienced some chaos today when my dad (M55) knocked on our door when my mom (F53) was at work.
On May 16th my dad called my mom and threatened to kill us and said he would be driving to San Jose (California) to "see you and the kids" but then the same day threatened us, he is trying to get a bipolar diagnosis and I can confidently say he is most likely bipolar but anyway we didnt think much of it because he's been terrorizing us for years verbally on the phone and I havent seen my dad in real life since I was 5.
He drove to our old apartment complex in the same week of May 16th and knocked on every single door and couldn't find us as we moved away 2 years ago, nobody who knows him has our address not even my moms coworkers only our old apartment office knows where we live and we know that they gave him our address which is why we are all in danger now.
Cops were called on June 1st at around 3:10 pm. I woke up at 3:07pm and was in the hallway, all of a sudden someone kept knocking and ringing the doorbell. At first we thought it was a package or maintenance guy but the person was very eager to get us to respond and open the door so I tried to look through the peep hole and we couldn't see because our door decoration blocked it, I was about to open the door but my brother thankfully started shouting "who is it, who are you" and things similar. My "dad" eventually answered and said "it's dad (my brothers name), can you open the door please i want to see you" I immediately texted my mom and my brother ran to the other side of our home and called the cops where I went with him and started giving the cops more information because my brother is a little slow and was freaking out.
The cops came and I spoke to them, they filed an emergency restraining order for a week and my mom will be getting an actual restraining order on Monday. Cops said he will be arrested if he does not cooperate and comes near us.
Some other info: my parents are not divorced because in the state of California my mom would be required to pay him alimony as he is homeless. They have been separated since 2011. And my dad does not live in San Jose or in Norcal, he apparently lives in San Diego and other nearby cities in Socal and is apparently homeless or jumping from house to house with new girlfriends/friends
I want to know if this is illegal in the state of California to release information such as our new address and other info if a person asks. None of us consented for our information to be released and our address isn't on public records as I checked and requested to be removed months ago. I know for sure the old apartment gave the address because for the past 2 years he did not know we moved and our new address is not public.
submitted by itssojoeverbuddyboyo to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 NorthernSilu International marriage, financial responsibilities and widowhood

I've been marriage to my Turkish husband for six years in the Scandinavian country. Unfortunately he's about to die in weeks to terminal cancer being situated now in the palliative care unit.
I've been the main provider of our family (no children) due to my regular job and incomes, he's been unemployed the whole time with minimal social benefits and sickness allowance. For example all the rents and electricity bills were paid by me.
Few years ago he sold his apartment (it was left to him by non relative will) in Turkey, another 30% of that money was transfered here for the car he wanted to buy and some othe daily expenses like private dentist, basic clothes etc. Nothing fancy was bought nor I didn't get anything special for myself.
Rest of the money was kept in Turkish bank account and eventually used to buy new apartment to his parents. They already owned decent one but wanted change the city and the old one was rented as an further investment for parents. My husband was promised they would sell the extra apartment if he needed for starting business or other investments or needs. At this point I didn't know about who's name was in the apartment contract papers or any other details. Of course I didn't and don't have any specific details about Turkish legislation concerning marriage finances, obligations or property owning possibilities. And I trusted my in laws and their family.
Last year after my husband's hopeless diagnosis we started to talk about the inheritance issues. (I have to admit he hasn't been interested in any legal or bureaucratic issues, taxes etc. I was dealing his benefit applications and tax reports yearly.) I was asking who really owns that new apartment of parents and it's theirs. So my husband apparently never had legal rights to use money invested to that in any way, nor I as a future widow. Only obligation from parents was moral one at the most.
By the time of diagnosis there was no extra money left at my husband's bank account. Interestingly parents didn't see any need to sell the appartment after my husband's diagnosis for his medical expenses, daily expenses like nutritious food and winter clothes, dentist cost or vetenerary costs or their own flight tickets to greet his only child to give support. My husband's dream for decades was travel around Northern parts of Scandinavia and Lapland, this never happened either. I should have had two jobs to make his last year a decent and memorable one.
Now the parents and other relatives started to talk about the inheritance issues, they finally arrived to my husband's dying bed. They don't want the car or profit from selling it as act of good will but according to our inheritance law they won't anyways inherit cause my husband permanent residence was here, not in Turkey. I'm the only member of death estate.
Now the question is what was really going on in Turkey; why the leftover money was used to parents new apartment, who was behind this idea and what kind of transactions and contracts were made. I was told few weeks ago by husbands relative that he has some debt required to pay in Turkey. My husband was told and lied earlier he was financially clear in Turkey. I suspect that they was need to hide the money or property, also taxes are most likely not paid properly.
The very same relatives active and "helping" in this case will inherit my husbands parents in the future.
This has been pure torture to me in the middle of saying goodbye to my love one. My husbands relatives have been messing and planning other things too behind my back, also threats has been made.
Me, my family and friends plus health care staff consider all this as a deeply disrespectful, hurting and dishonest behavior. In Scandinavia our values and respect for human and individual rights are uncompromised.
What would you do in my case?
submitted by NorthernSilu to AskTurkey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-1 Why IMSI May Differ From Events

  1. IMSI Catcher is created by an individual so only references the news media of the person who created it the IMSI is not representative of actual events and is only the news appropriate version of events 1.1 Imsi may not exceed 3 hours 9 minutes in length so does not show extremely long events besides the 1st Yitvah of the Start for the 2nd Yitvah both of The Third Underworld were personally caught my my nice UAV IMSI which I was dead for the 1st yitvah therein for the events so would see my own corpse on it so it is not halal or verboten variously for me to see this IMSI but this is not my IMSI of the 0th Yitvah of the 3rd Underworld which I made and Tactical Kevin says sucks at least using the agoc to shoot bullets as eragon yo this is a 10 hour set of imsi, you know it is the 1st yitvah because it is not a 3 hour imsi bound but a 10 hour imsi bound and I only got my death as that 10 hour imsi always on the harddrive or EOD Juggernaut is what I traded that for, to survive 1.2 HD Imsi may not exceed 2 hours 15 minutes in length and this was generally what amelia refered to as er imsi was the HD Imsi or CD Imsi which youtube is imsi and self generated content is imsi and a imsi catcher takes in the self generated content and hosts it and made a reference of how the self generated content was made which colorado's longmont uav is hosted by myself violet and hake and she had never ever done this imsi for actual tactical imsi that is how you can tell the tactical imsi is good is it is 3 hours 9 minute and this was imsi sorry this is like a theorama of the situation or a roam the point mockup which I got those at my ruck War Resources all loam used there mainly the firebase but not all firebase actually a few of these loam trigger me for real so I did not include these specific loam which triggered true overlap and had stolen anything which looking into a hat and actually seeing things renders james smith a prophet like E and can steal things or maybe like Cecil Macgregor Senior or not Chelsea ever she is a marine but Technically if Demaris the Secretary did and that heals her I will say, also these exotic imsi of gnomish cercle are not referenced, they use the same method, but are a full sequence thus a blueprint sequence and actually happened, cercle as Chelsea has the exclusive loam to use the Apocalypto 01 Loam set which is totally different than Dragon Skin Overplate Armor (x) x to 40 for this legitimate and as an example of how imsi just is a loose concpetion of things for personell safety I have 29 example loam without the cook secret loam which is the Burned Ramen Squad Secret of their Tobasco vide 1.3 The squad hustles two which takes them into the place from their place they are using the battle buff, and each time if anybody is said to need to use the toilet they use it and they are at the mess always then and greet mcrystal and always get their trays each time and eat very quickly like dogs and are out to the PT Ground who until they are at ease in an operation are at PT and then they get into an APV and drive north to infinity complex where they pick up a hostage rather, somebody who is being treated a super special infinity ward experience by the owner of the coastal full ghillie of the ugandan extraction method of the good markus who former DBT yielded a yo gaba gaba in excess to charlotte blinding her so we had to make sure she is not hind targeted at a filled simulation yo gaba gaba by turning on dora the explorer for her by the three star doing that in the Second Underworld and then she goes back naturally to her room then making markus can see when he is there with them with normal roam the point vision with it on his website the roam the point game then that he is using on flash which roam the point has always been macromedia flash and their experience is as special as markus penis in the stew I make sure I am very quiet to them and that was just like pain to them when I heal them as corpus to the machine to their injury, there were a few there, Ryan, and City, and Aeta, and some Able, and the MP Abraham who was there, and Lucas with his nootropic EDS and horns on him and City SJS and saved them all these people were the first lights usage in 1994 and were breathing normal by definition and these were not ever my master able but a cain able of the outside por able and they were all evacuated with me when I was given EOD Juggernaut in the Third Underworld's 0th yitvah via a 1st yitvah glitch which ryan is meddling in the 2nd yitvah of the Third Underworld so this is promoted until she cums away her daddying with First Underworld which is by definition always in the 0th yitvah but I fucked with this with fire trying to purge ryan she is such a bad girl so gets it in her cervix to promote her loam but dilation it away which she knows dilatio as a charm I taught her as her 1-darappa, she has dilatio the ryan this happened while they were in the van and that was the vaccine morphine I gave them and I dont do IV man my viens are all collapsed so I gave them their whole shot and they are out of the van and into the tent and we are giving them the last of the surgery they ever need with Xrays flying out of the machine by megan and early on we would like take our boots off and hit the speedbag because we are giving the por daddy to rupert but then this clears up i dont tell them boots off faggots by that and I am owning the UH-1 and fly that bitch myself to the liberty missile defense carrier and take the air harness off her and teabagged my dummy the whole dang time over lee be danged i am a pilot medic and and she is on the missile carrier or also the other carrier which is there might bomb me if i overfly it with aegis missile defense carrier and fly me to the aegis and they are onboard and below decks and stable like usual and I get back on the UH-1 and I fly back home and I land real rough here once and think I have to swim it because hake had bad info but this is just some range limit requirement and the UH-1 respawns just once, and I flyed back at least to the coastline that time I meant and had no fuel, and they part and move it from the field I meant it is not in the drink and we do 1 hour Pt there and 1 hour Pt and we are off on ease doing whatever, banging lolas, talking ocho cinco the rest of the day and the rest of the day is generally when most of the no nock raids happen on the houses which the house is a hitler bunker we are fighting into which is right there and el sin nombres hitlers bunker and he is trucking to sword base north and I set up a frag stream in a private imsi over there of the Aeon Pistol with ammo beam, this gives infinite ammo to the aeon pistol which obliterates by definition every hitler jihadi of olafsen which comes out of the sword base bunker we are ratting to the north in fulfillment of the CS-Go range prophecy granting infinite jihadi men effectively for a real life CS-go range in the area and this is separate the main operation which does something 1.4 As we can see, the imsi even here just in a few kilobytes evokes the emotion and especially to the author has a specific signed meaning except if it was pizdet then it did not need the specific signed meaning but the encoded orgasm times of the orgasms user as per Steve Jobs who is not Steve my Doctor Nurse and Trainer of Nurses and A Great minecraft man my steve this indicates only one blessing, a priest fucking it up of the altar boys corpus over everything which the priest is like mo in the teaching of the islamic churches, ed ed and eddys jonnay of the planks as he pours oil blesses everything with a keyboard of corpus which that was his technique mo to bless everything with EQ8 and i always bless with EQ8 and i am also kalmskyan so conflicted so also have a keyboard of corpus not using MIDI but a literal army of chior boys distinct from reality in my omnisphere device generate all manner of music which they are paid typical gold of similar nature to what their grandma gives them for christmas but more so have a particular switcharoo that happens to them to remediate this the Blueberry PC Conspiracy card which tanks Lenovo PC Prices and the American Barrel to 200$ but was consumed by their Morse Bug Encode Talker Glitch Being Very Indeed Useful to the Blueberry PC Conspiracy to dissolve both but still the lenovo PC is tanked and the american PC tanked this is the playing which does this which the second play of a conspiracy card is different than the first one and I have a doxx, I saw ed copeland in my shower devolved from reality and it was my actual shower and nobody ever burned in this shower as is the conflation it is a burn shower and he is my next target of intense DBT to find the penultimate answer to dragons who are beyond violet the dragon.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 Sea-Situation-990 Making a "book hat"

I want to take some names and mix them up and pick one at random.
I'm looking for:
"trash" like Ice Planet Barbarians,
Fantasy found-family tearjerkers,
Firsts in long Fantasy series,
you know exactly what happens next but you hope and pray that it won't until it happens and then you cry,
Psychological horror,
friends going on an adventure,
shiftewerewolf romance,
eldritch horror is friend,
magic school,
everything is fine all the time (except when it's not but we don't talk about it because dear god why does anything bad ever happen to this character please make it stop there is no god) and it's all great,
women with swords,
everything is perfect but there's 100 pages left,
main character making all the wrong choices,
main character making all the right choices,
friends going on an adventure but it's sad,
mythos retellings,
fighting God(s),
and anything else you think fits my tastes. As you can tell I really lean into the fantasy genre.
Please just put Title and Author. Don't specify what kind of book it is. I want to be surprised until I go to read it.
submitted by Sea-Situation-990 to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 Delicir The Atheist's Prayer

if darkness comes unbidden \ and fancies itself profound \ if I reach for what's rescinded \ and take what's not allowed \ should I not be brought to ground?\ who am I to be unbound?\ \ what is there in me to trust?\ what have I to give? \ what in me merits love? \ do I deserve to live?\ what good works can I avow? \ who am I to be unbound?\ \ where now is the magic charm \ to wither up my traitor hands \ to take from me the art of harm\ to banish me to empty lands \ to mute my lying tongue its sound?\ who am I to be unbound? \ \ should I not then just despair? \ should I not be driven down? \ if I am broken past repair \ with no redemption to be found \ should I not be made to bow? \ oh, who am I to be unbound?
Udio-generated song created from this
1 2
submitted by Delicir to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 Next-Mobile-9632 Shocking new footage emerges of huge wooden 'shantytown' built in Democrat-run city of Oakland whose name is byword for crime and urban decay

Shocking new footage emerges of huge wooden 'shantytown' built in Democrat-run city of Oakland whose name is byword for crime and urban decay submitted by Next-Mobile-9632 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 Elliott1234_ Whats his first name

So I just a argument with some random on tiktok about Kyojuro Rengokus first name, now I know the Japanese rule of how they write names but this dude is insiting that his first name is Rengoku, am I right or wrong (I think his name is Kyojuro)
submitted by Elliott1234_ to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:11 CarefulPhotograph372 [TOMT] Animated YouTube series about eyepatch cat and black bird roommates

Been trying to find this series of shortish YouTube animations for the past hour, including this very Reddit, but have come up with nothing after over an hour of searching.
There is this YouTube series about some male black bird with a red eye and this female cat with an eyepatch who are roommates. It takes place in this city, as the two live out their lives. The series took place in this planet that was underground, with some kind of sun with it as well.
I recall the cat's voice having a bit of a screech to it, a little annoying. A very energetic character. Had a mobile phone.
The bird I think had some sort of hat? Or some form of red clothing. Much more relaxed in personality and voice, like someone you'd hear in real life. Dialogue for the series was overall felt very grounded from what I recall. Had very chill vibes, and I think used pastel colors.
I remember only three shorts/episodes from it, which are the following;
1 - Some music video thing, basically being about how to the two met each other. At some point, the cat is shown living in her car, as someone hands her a letter, as she proclaims that she got the job. Goes to some website for finding roommates, where the song begins I think. It ends with her moving into an apartment with the black bird. The song itself I remember was about a back and forth of questions. I also vaguely remember two lyrics from it;
"Do you ever dream of falling?" "Do you wanna be my roomie?" or "Can I be your roomie?"
2 - A short about the two talking about summer (or winter?), with one of them being thankful of how little tourists they get during it. Before we see the cat having shared online about this, implying a boom in tourism is going to happen.
3 - I'm the least sure about this one, but I recall one about the two throwing some kind of party, but nobody shows up. So, they have a party to themselves instead. Might be mixing this with an actual video and the Fred Movie, or my brain completely made this one up after all these years.
I would've seen this sometime between 2017-2019, but definitely came out in the 2010s. Also recall it having two seasons. And I'm damn well sure this isn't "Simon's Cat" or "Roommates". If anyone else remembers this at all, ESPECIALLY the name of the series, let me know.
submitted by CarefulPhotograph372 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]


It is beyond doubt that there are more of us around lately. Since the year 2014, when Caitlyn Jenner announced her tragic loss against transgenderism, cases of the disorder have skyrocketed. It is such that nowadays, ONE IN FIVE Americans report having knowledge of an androgyne, and over three million Americans report needing medical alteration to appease their transgenderism-induced suffering.
These figures are stunning. Never before in American history have we seen such an epidemic. But it must be asked— HOW?
For the uninitiated, the answer might seem elusive. One might even be forgiven for considering this drastic paradigm shift to be the culmination of heightened awareness and acceptance regarding the spectrum of sexual and gender identity.
This is precisely what you’ve been taught to think, but for those of us who have read into the situation at hand, we know better. Nobody knows better than one of us. The CCP is not at all unfamiliar with the incubation of pandemic disease. Some may take this as an allusion to COVID-19, but do not be fooled. That was simply a red herring. The true disease was Red-40.
Thats right. During the month of March 2020, purchases of candy, juices, and other foodstuffs which were contaminated with this pathogen increased multifold. We had been exposed for years, by our parents, teachers, friends. Smiling assassins, unaware of the fact that they were planting the seeds for future transgenderization. How convenient it was, that our choices for healthy food were all but eradicated.
The truth is, the insidious nature of this “harmless dye” are hidden in the name. RED. The chosen color of Communist Socio-Imperialism, and 40: the year of this century by which all Americans will be transgenderized.
But I digress. Stuck inside, we incubated. With our Red-40, and our CCP-Subsidized TikTok, the seeds sprouted. We thought that we held our screens, commandeering our online social lives. We had no choice; all other options had been rendered illegal.
But this was a ploy, to push us further into their grasp. And by the time they began to loosen their grip, we stayed comfortably in their cupped hand. Now, they send us the poison in boxed vials, which we stick ourselves with, with all inhibition gone.
And now, as our generation estrogenizes itself, the enemies of America bolster themselves to sheer redundancy. This was their plan all along. They knew they couldn’t conquer a nation of hardened, fighting men with the ideals of liberty and sovereignty burning in their hearts. But a country— if it can even be called that— of soft, scrawny, caffeine-addicted shut-ins? Who can barely hold a conversation, let alone a rifle? It will be elementary.
Once the jackboot is on our necks, those among us who fell for their treachery will only have been a precursor of what was to come. No would-be man will escape the fate that has befallen all of us. We’ve all been played for fools.
If you’re reading this, it’s probably too late for you. don’t forget to take your shot.
Edit: whats a “trans man”?
submitted by Irreversiblyagirl to 4tran4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Queasy_Meeting_4499 Why don’t you say something?

This question is not just for people from Himachal, but for anyone living in a state where tourism is a major revenue-generating industry. I asked in this community because the sample size would be small and targeted, increasing the chances of getting replies. Additionally, I recently revisited Himachal.
I recently went to Manali again, as going to Himachal is like pilgrimage for me, I do it once every year. After living in a city like Chennai for seven months, seeing Himalayas was really soothing. However, I noticed trash almost everywhere along the sides of the roads (amazing roads now, by the way). Every time I tried to make a vertical bottom-to-top movement reel, the trash ruined my video.
This made me wonder. I've seen the same issue in every tourist state, and I know it's mostly tourists who litter. Why don’t the locals say something when a tourist throws trash like this? I saw a lot of it near roadside stalls. I think it's totally okay to be rude to an outsider in this case. For example, a local in Europe would do this because it’s their home, and they are proud of their province. Being rude to someone can have a huge impact on their mentality; they will remember why their time in Himachal was ruined because a local told them off for littering. Will make them introspect.
So why don't the locals say something? Please tell me.
submitted by Queasy_Meeting_4499 to HimachalPradesh [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 sugar-soad Catching a killer

For the last ten years I have been hunting a serial killer who has been terrorising our city. We know that they are responsible for well over a dozen eviscerated corpses.
Every crime scene is almost identical to the last. They always seem to target loners who live by themselves. They torture their victims by slowly eating then alive over the course of two to three days.
They never seem to care about cleaning up the crime scene afterwards, as they always leave behind tons of fingerprints. They draw random images using their victims blood to taunt us. The newspapers think that there is a hidden message in these images but I know it is nonsense.
I ran their fingerprints through our system and was beyond irritated when I got no results. It has become my obsession to catch this killer as I want to be regarded as a hero.
I was the first on the scene as a worried woman reported that she heard screams coming from her downstairs neighbour.
I kicked in her apartment door to discover the killer sitting on their latest victim and feasting on their intestines.
They raised their head and smiled at me as blood dripped from the edge of their mouth. Relief and confusion surged through me as I dragged him off his latest victim .
I led them to the back of my squad car while ignoring the laughs from the onlookers.
We arrived at the station and I held my head up high as I marched him into the station and began processing him. My sergeant came over and tried to tell me to go home, but I shrugged him off as I wanted to do this myself.
I could hear my colleagues calling me crazy but I didn't care as I finally caught him. I could see the look of shock and horror when I showed my sergeant that the fingerprints matched the other murder scenes.
He had me run them through again as he couldn't quite believe it, but they came up with the same results. My gaze shifted to our killer sitting in the cell as the other inmates rubbed and tickled his belly.
I knew he would probably get away with this as no court in this country would ever prosecute him. I stared into his furry little face while trying to explain to my bewildered sergeant that koala bears also leave behind fingerprints.
submitted by sugar-soad to The_sugar_load [link] [comments]
