Acd vouchers nyc applications

I need to move in and tenant wont leave due to not getting a new place [landlord us-ny]

2024.06.02 06:44 Ariel0289 I need to move in and tenant wont leave due to not getting a new place [landlord us-ny]

Ive been on really good terms with my tenant. If we could keep them i would in a heart beat. They pay on time, dont cause issues, are nice, and keep the place in good shape. My landlord won't renew and i need to move in. I gave them 3 months notice. They were supposed to be out today but havent moved. What should we do?
Ive messaged the tenant. She says she feels bad. Has applied to a bunch of places and isn't having luck. Shes sent me screenshots of conversation about her applications.
We have told the tenant we need to move in a week. I feel they are not taking it seriously. They arent applying to enough places. Havent expanded their search area or accepting they will need a smaller place or something else to move. I have little kids who need their home.
This is nyc
submitted by Ariel0289 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:19 unremarkable_emo Trying to understand the process.

So my county (which rarely opens their wait-list) opened it last week for one day for disabled applicants under 62. This was perfect as my in-laws and their disabled daughter have been trying to find housing that's affordable and accommodate their mobility needs. I helped them apply and they were accepted on the wait-list.
The county explained in their advertisement that this wait-list is formed from drawing 100 random applicants from the pool that applied that day. They didn't say how long it would take to move through the list, but I assume they must already have some vouchers available to want to reopen the list, right? Would it be pointless to call and ask if they have any estimate? We're still trying to move forward with looking for a better place for them as their lease is up soon. But we also don't want to help them move somewhere only to get called up for a voucher, then have to spend money to break the lease and move again to find a section 8 place. How do people navigate their current lease when they are offered their housing voucher and need to move?
submitted by unremarkable_emo to section8listshoppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:57 vlb117 Character Affidavit vs Character Reference?

Hi folks, I'm applying for an NYC CCW permit.
I found this file (\_link) in the google drive linked in the main post of this sub. Today I got this form signed and notarized by 2 of my eventual 4 character witnesses, but after a bit of digging on the sub/discord it seems that this form is actually the character affidavit for Long Island, not necessarily an acceptable character reference form for NYC.
My question is, would the affidavit still fly as an acceptable character reference for the NYC CCW? It cost me $25 each to get those 2 filled out so I'd like to avoid redoing it if possible, but having my application rejected because I used the wrong reference form is obviously a much bigger PITA. Would love to hear your thoughts.
submitted by vlb117 to NYguns [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:54 Anxious_Squid28 I realized that being a Physician (something I actually want, not my parents) is not possible

Two years in a row now, something comes up during important application dates. Last year the day I aimed to submit my application, I was evicted from my apartment and had to move out within 24 hours (my roommate was fighting with the landlord about something really stupid). I eventually submitted but ended up on waitlists because my disability decided to become more severe during my interviews, definitely raising some red flags. Oh and all my waitlists have virtually no movement because of a nationwide FAFSA issue that just HAD to happen this year. Just my luck.
Last week, my parents made me move home. They want to marry me off and I have no interest in doing so. They threatened to stop paying for my brother's cancer treatments and if I was "a good sister and daughter" I would come home. I had to quit my job in NYC, leave my friends, and move to rural Kentucky. Since then my parents have been fighting constantly, and my dad left the house (as he does once a month typically) and I am now taking care of my mother who OD'd. And I'll sound insane for saying this, but since she is a total narcissist, I believe she does that for attention (it has happened multiple times, last time she did that because she got fired and no longer could use her "higher salary" to insult the rest of us).
Anyway, seems like being a physician is out of the question for me again. My life is a series of unfortunate events and it sucks because the people who are on admissions committees would never empathize with because on paper I am just another Asian kid (who was probably forced into medicine) from a well-off family with parents that are legally still married.
submitted by Anxious_Squid28 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:36 RDSne How to get a cap-exempt job?

My STEM OPT ended a few days ago and while I was lucky enough to secure admission into a grad program, it doesn't provide a direct path to citizenship and just postpones the problem instead.
I tried applying for cap-exempt non-profits in NYC around 4 months ago, but 60+ applications led to only 1 interview that was later canceled. For those of you who managed to get cap-exempt jobs, how did you find it? I would appreciate any advice I could get! I probably applied to 90+% of cap-exempt job postings in the city, but I couldn't get to the interview stages even with big tech experience on my resume.
On a side note, if anyone currently works at a non-profit and is willing to provide a referral, I would greatly appreciate it!
submitted by RDSne to h1b [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:43 WeakIndependent6369 UNDETECTED LOL PRIVATE CHEAT

No test keys.
LAUNCHED FEBRUARY 7TH 2023, NEVER BEEN DETECTED NOT EVEN BY RECENT BAN WAVES BY VANGUARD Looking for resellers in the future. Min bulk buy is 1k Looking for investors as well that will have special privilages with the software and a % Gameplay showcase, add on discord for video of gameplay.
PRIVATE - APPLY My discord: denebxz
Built with Security as a focus, no detection since launch
FAQs: Q. Do you support Vanguard Anti-Cheat? A. Yes!
Q. Are you looking for developecan I develop? A. No. We do not offer an API/SDK. We do not plan on adding this in the future.
Q. What servers do you support? A. All RIOT Servers are supported (this includes JP). We do not support KR as of now.
Q. How can I pay? A. We only accept cryptocurrency such as BTC, ETH, XMR, LTC, USDT, ADA and ZEC. Other cryptocurrencies can absolutely be accepted on request.
Q. Can I pay using PayPal or "crypto vouchers"? A. No. We do not accept PayPal or crypto vouchers of any kind. We don't have any resellers, if you're unable to pay using actual cryptocurrency your application will unfortunately be denied.
submitted by WeakIndependent6369 to BypassGX [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:44 Itdoesntmatter200 Tips/Advice from First Time Home Buyer. Good Luck

Not sure if this is helpful at all butI thouht I’d do my part in sharing my experience since Reddit has been a big help.
I helped my folks close on their their first home yesterday up in NY. It was a thrill ride as I never went through the process before so sharing a couple to tips.
  1. Find yourself a GREAT agent. I can’t express how important it is to have someone that’s genuine and decent human being who cares for you not just profit. After going through 2 different agents, I found one who has been incredible in every way with us. You want someone knowledgeable, genuine, truthful especially cut throat as Real Estate. (Let me know if you need a great one for NYC or Westchester area)
  2. The whole process in beginning once your offer is accepted goes freaking quick. And it feels so rushed, but you are in control. Take a step back and do not let anyone rush you. We got offer accepted on a Tuesday, they wanted inspection done as quick as possible which against my initial thoughts we agreed. And we did the inspection the next day Wednesday (all came back good with minor issues which we negotiated to have them fixed/addressed) Then Thursday they wanted the contract to be signed that day ASAP. I drew the line and I said NO. This is a transaction and I am going to take my time to review our contract or we can walk. They backed off agreed and got contract signed the following Monday. Take your time, you are in control as well. You might get cold feet, it happens, my parents did but I sat them down and asked them 2 questions, Do you like this house? And do you see yourself living in the house? If it’s yes to both then nothing to be worried about. Everything can be worked in the end.
  3. If you waive Appraisal Contingency (which we did), ensure you have enough downpayment to cover gaps. Luckily for us we waived it, but we had such a large down payment that the bank didn’t even want to do an appraisal. If your downpayment isn’t as high when negotiating contracts consider adding clause in contract to cover appraisal only if it comes up to max $10k or whatever the amount you’re willing to cover to below the offer amount.
  4. Mortgage Shopping - I thought this would be the most difficult but it wasn’t as much. We went with a big bank Chase, which a lot of people are not too keen on it, but we got a good rate and a great lender credit. You HAVE to negotiate here. If you’re not good or you’re shy, you have to put that behind you and try to negotiate or you will let people walk over you. We got $7500 lender credit. Originally it was only to those who will have an escrow account for taxes and mortgage insurance. I refused and told them i want my folks to manage their own money, not you. Either you give me something good now, or I am wasting my time. They came back gave lender credit without escrow. I then went to signed up, got loan estimate took it to Chase, they matched plus the lender credit, it was a very solid offer. I then took Chases loan estimate to a lot of different banks, online and credit union, non were able to come close aside from NBKC bank. But Chase excelled with lender credit and we went with them. We’ll refinance with NBKC tho they were great help and the rep was amazing.
——— If you do go with big bank such as Chase NOTE the lending advisor you talk too will not be your sole point of contact. I got irritated with this because there was another person from Chase involved, and when I had issues with account technical difficulties had to call the tech department. Point is i got irritated because i didn’t know it was multiple people involved but i went with it and made it work. Advisor is there to deal with the rate locks, loan estimate and then there’s another advisor once application is submitted to help with paperworks, and getting approved underwriter etc.
  1. Review your documents especially your Closing Disclosure. I reviewed mine EVERY time which I found 3 mistakes in regard to amounts. If it wasn’t caught it would have probably costed $3k extra in fees for no reason. REVIEW YOUR STUFF! I don’t care if you have a great lawyer, great advisor, review your stuff.
——— Day before closing our lawyer said to write check for $250 for the closer. I’m a bit shocked and I asked wtf is this. He said it’s for closer, I heard him the first time but it wasn’t on any closing documents and I asked them this is a fucking tip, and if it is I ain’t paying $250 as a fucking tip idc. He said you’re paying all this money for a house and you’re worried about $250. Fuck yeah I am, I’ll be worried for $10. I’ll tip I ain’t tipping $250 idc who they are, and if you have any connections with them. Everyone at that table gets paid, one way or another small or big they get paid. I wrote check for $50, and I didn’t hear a word from him. Do your due diligence, review and question everything.
If you have any questions, shoot them down in comments otherwise best of luck. Your dream house will come.
submitted by Itdoesntmatter200 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:47 brainstormer77 Green Card Holder arriving from international trip question for people in similar situation

A relative is traveling to Raleigh. He is a legal resident green card holder that frequently travels to/from Europe. This is the first time he will arrive directly to RDU. Precious trips have been to NYC, DC, Chicago or Boston. His experience with immigration officers in Boston and Chicago has been less than ideal and sometimes bad, while NYC and DC is a mixed bag but better. Does anyone in similar situation know how immigration officers are in RDU? Hoping the southern hospitality and smaller immigration volume would be applicable.
submitted by brainstormer77 to triangle [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:39 InstructionMiddle596 Long overdue success story.

Hello kids, it's been a long time, but I'm very very happily ensconced in the UK with my lovely wife and a BRP...We began the whole process on 23/11/23 when we first saw a solicitor and began the application process. We returned to the the States on 17/3/24, were wed on the 21st, the solicitor filed the visa application on March 29; premier service. My biometric appointment was April 11 in NYC, and I was scheduled to return to the UK on May 12. I received my passport and vignette on 10th, but because the start date of my visa was the 14th, we had to delay my flight by one day. I arrived at Heathrow on May 14, 2024. It's been a helluva battle, but we're absolutely delighted. One word to the wise, because we started immediately after my arrival it took more than 10 days for my BRP to arrive at the designated post office, but we picked it up the following week with no trouble. It's absolutely wonderful to be be back home in the UK, and to have all this occasionally horrific stress and unexpected expense behind us. The relief is indescribable, which you will no doubt experience shortly. Hang in there, you'll be there soon. We thank Heaven, and the kind people on this site who gave much needed advice. All the best to you, it's all worth it!❤️🌞😉
submitted by InstructionMiddle596 to SpouseVisaUk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:26 Minute_Specialist338 Is Expedited Passport Renewal Reliable?

Hi all, might seem dumb but bear with me. I have an international trip planned for the end of July and I need to get my passport renewed because, in my foolishness, I didn't realize my current passport didn't reflect my current legal name (I had a name change court order in 2018). So I'm filling out a DS-82 form to renew the passport and I just wanted to know if the expedited processing option through the government website is actually as reliable as it claims (2-3 week processing). My trip begins on July 24, is it worth submitting the expedited processing application or would it be wiser to wait and go in-person for a 24-hour processing (I live in the NYC metro area so getting to one wouldn't be a problem). Thank you!
submitted by Minute_Specialist338 to Passports [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:07 leslxeee E-Visa Japan Question

I'm (23F) applying from NYC as I'm from the Philippines and am a permanent resident. I'm going to the Philippines with my bf (US citizen) but we wanted to stop at Japan first. We're traveling for my birthday and to visit family in the Philippines. I submitted my application a week ago, got this email today:
Your application is currently being reviewed, and you are missing/should re-submit the following documents:
-Your modified travel itinerary using our format. *Please review our sample provided in the following link, and kindly indicate at least one tourist destination or area name for each day of your planned visit. Under “accommodation” write the name and address of the hotel. Under “contact” write the phone number of the hotel. *Instead of entering "Tokyo" or "Kyoto", please list the name of tourist destinations such as Sky tree, Roppongi Hills, Kinkaku-ji, Arashiyama, Nijo-jo, and Kiyomizu-temple. *Refer to the detailed travel itinerary #7 at the following link:
-Your entire hotel booking confirmation.
-The statement(s) from other bank account(s) proving your financial stability to cover travel expenses. *If you have any foreign, investment banking or hi-yield saving accounts with a sufficient amount of money which proves your financial stability and covers your travel expenses, please submit those statement(s).
I'm just scared of screwing up showing my financial stability. My bf is paying for the trip as it is my birthday, we already booked flights, hotels, etc. But I still sent over a bank statement that showed I had $4000+ which I got from the bank itself. I can get a new one, I also submitted my boyfriend's bank statement as he is financing the trip as well so I'm not quite sure what to send to them along with US passport + drivers license. He's also in the flight booking. I did submit it literally a day before they emailed me so I'm not sure if they saw it. So I'm not sure what bank statement to send to them - I only have one.
Does anyone have any advice? I'm probably gonna call them on Monday to ask as well
submitted by leslxeee to travel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:39 jimjamming Looking for advice on best amex card

I currently have an every day rewards card that I use for most of my purchases. I have had this since 2020 and I spend roughly 1.5k a month. I used to have a BA amex card (free), but this was cancelled in May 2023. I have 100k Avios points, 60k membership points and my partner has 30k amex membership reward points.
We are getting married next year and also hoping to go travelling for a few months (long haul). I have just signed my partner up to the 60K Avios offer on the BA premium plus card (she only has a gold card at the moment), so hoping to spend the required amount there to get a companion voucher to use for our travels. This will reduce my outgoings for now.
From my side, I understand that I am not able to get this sign up offer until 24 months after cancellation (so May 2025). I would ideally like to wait the 24 months to get another bonus sign up offer. However, I wanted to check that I was on the best card from my side. For now, most payments will be done with my partners card for now until we hit the companion voucher threshold, but maybe there is a card I should sign up for to try and collect some bonuses too (if applicable). I think I'll have her refer me as well to get some bonus points too.
Thanks for any tips.
submitted by jimjamming to AmexUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:27 Sea_Art5876 ACS child care voucher NYC

Hi everyone, I can no longer afford my daycare & really need financial help with paying for it so I’m applying to ACS. The issue is I’m looking for work & idk what to put for work hours/activity. Can someone help please
submitted by Sea_Art5876 to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:23 the_annan Payzapp wallet offer - Jun 24

Payzapp wallet offer - Jun 24
Looks a good offer to me! I rarely get 5% for offline transactions. But again, 20k of offline puchases is pretty difficult. By Shop puchases, does itean it could be online transactions as well? Not sure though. Offer not applicable on amazon/flip vouchers is a give away that online transactions could be included too, bit not completely sure.
submitted by the_annan to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:14 nimdgp Hotel Management System

Hotel Management System
Creating a Hotel Management System involves designing a software application that can handle various aspects of hotel operations. The system typically includes modules for reservations, guest check-in and check-out, room management, billing, and reporting. Here's a high-level overview of what such a system might include:

1. **User Interface (UI)**

a. **Guest Interface**

  • **Booking and Reservations:** Allows guests to check availability, make reservations, and receive confirmation.
  • **Check-in/Check-out:** Enables self-service check-in and check-out.
  • **Profile Management:** Allows guests to manage their profiles, including preferences and loyalty points.

b. **Staff Interface**

  • **Dashboard:** Overview of current bookings, occupancy rates, and other key metrics.
  • **Room Management:** Manage room status (clean, occupied, vacant), maintenance requests, and assignments.
  • **Reservations Management:** Handle reservations, cancellations, modifications, and special requests.
  • **Billing and Payments:** Manage guest bills, process payments, and handle invoicing.

2. **Backend Components**

a. **Database**

  • **Guest Information:** Stores guest profiles, reservation history, and preferences.
  • **Room Information:** Details about each room, including type, status, and features.
  • **Bookings:** Records of all bookings, including dates, guest details, and special requests.
  • **Transactions:** Financial records related to bookings, payments, and refunds.
  • **Staff Information:** Employee details, roles, and permissions.

b. **APIs and Services**

  • **Booking API:** Interfaces for third-party booking sites to interact with the hotel's reservation system.
  • **Payment Gateway:** Securely process payments and handle various payment methods.
  • **Notification Service:** Send email/SMS notifications to guests for booking confirmations, reminders, etc.
  • **Reporting Service:** Generate reports on occupancy, revenue, guest demographics, etc.

3. **Core Features**

a. **Reservations and Booking Management**

  • Real-time room availability checker.
  • Booking engine with support for special rates and packages.
  • Group bookings and event management.

b. **Guest Management**

  • Comprehensive guest profiles with preferences and history.
  • Loyalty program integration.

c. **Room and Inventory Management**

  • Track room status and housekeeping schedules.
  • Manage inventory for room amenities and hotel supplies.

d. **Billing and Payments**

  • Automated bill generation.
  • Integration with various payment gateways for online and on-site payments.
  • Handling of discounts, vouchers, and refunds.

e. **Reports and Analytics**

  • Daily, weekly, monthly occupancy and revenue reports.
  • Guest demographics and booking trends.
  • Financial reports for accounting purposes.

4. **Technologies and Tools**

  • **Frontend:** HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React or Angular for a responsive web application.
  • **Backend:** Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), or Java (Spring) for building APIs.
  • **Database:** MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for storing data.
  • **Payment Integration:** Stripe, PayPal, or local payment gateways.
  • **Hosting:** Cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure for scalable deployment.

5. **Security Considerations**

  • Data encryption for sensitive information.
  • Secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Regular security audits and compliance with relevant standards (e.g., PCI DSS for payment processing).

Sample Implementation Outline

Here’s a simplified outline of how you might start implementing this system:

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

  1. Choose your technology stack (e.g., MERN: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js).
  2. Set up a development environment with version control (Git).

Step 2: Database Schema Design

  • Define tables for users, bookings, rooms, transactions, etc.

Step 3: Developing the Backend

  • Create RESTful APIs for core functionalities (CRUD operations for reservations, guest management, etc.).
  • Implement authentication and authorization.

Step 4: Developing the Frontend

  • Create components for the guest interface (booking form, profile management).
  • Create components for the staff interface (dashboard, room management).

Step 5: Integrating Payment Gateway

  • Set up a payment gateway for processing transactions.
  • Handle webhooks for payment status updates.

Step 6: Testing and Deployment

  • Write unit and integration tests.
  • Deploy the application to a cloud platform.
  • Perform user acceptance testing and gather feedback.

Example Code Snippets

Here are some example code snippets to illustrate the basic structure:

Backend (Node.js + Express)

// server.js
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const bookingRoutes = require('./routes/bookings');
const userRoutes = require('./routes/users');
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/hotel_management', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
app.use('/api/bookings', bookingRoutes);
app.use('/api/users', userRoutes);
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server is running on port 3000');
// routes/bookings.js
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Booking = require('../models/Booking');'/', async (req, res) => {
const booking = new Booking(req.body);
try {
} catch (error) {
router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const bookings = await Booking.find();
} catch (error) {
module.exports = router;

Frontend (React)

// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import Home from './components/Home';
import Booking from './components/Booking';
import Admin from './components/Admin';
function App() {
return (

export default App;
// components/Booking.js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function Booking() {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ name: '', checkInDate: '', checkOutDate: '' });
const handleChange = (e) => {
setFormData({ ...formData, []: });
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await fetch('/api/bookings', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(formData),
const data = await response.json();
console.log('Booking successful:', data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
return (

export default Booking;
This is a simplified example to get you started. A real-world hotel management system would be more complex and require thorough planning and testing.
submitted by nimdgp to u/nimdgp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:17 Turbulent_Pipe3598 10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Bed Bug Exterminator for Effective Pest Control

Engaging the services of a qualified bed bug exterminator is essential while handling a bed insect invasion. All pest management businesses are not made equal, though. Asking the correct questions of a bed bug exterminator New York is crucial to ensuring efficient and dependable insect management. Ten crucial questions you should ask your bed bug exterminator in order to guarantee a successful bed insect eradication and take back control of your house are covered in this article.

How much expertise do you have battling bed insect infestations?

Effective management of bed bugs requires experience. Ask the bed bug exterminator New York about their particular expertise with bed bug infestations. Search for a business that has effectively removed bed bugs from residential homes in the past.

How do bed bugs become found and treated?

Combining visual, canine, and monitoring device checks is how a qualified bed bug exterminator should find the bugs. NYC bed bug exterminators should also make use of other treatment alternatives, including as heat treatments, pesticide applications, and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies catered to your particular circumstances.

Do your techs hold valid licenses?

Verify the technicians of the exterminator are officially licensed and certified. Effective management of bed bugs pest control NYC is the domain of licensed experts who have received training. Their dedication to industry best practices is shown by certification from respectable bodies.

Are your treatment plan and inspection report both comprehensive?

Pest control that works requires a detailed inspection report and an extensive treatment strategy. The bed bug exterminators NYC ought to provide you a thorough evaluation of the infestation together with its scope, impacted regions, and suggested course of action. Confidence in their experience is engrained by an open and well-communicated plan.

How should I prepare both before and after treatment?

Bed bug control may be much improved by preparing your house before treatment and then adhering to specific rules. Find out from the exterminator how to get your house ready, including how to clean, organize, and wash contaminated objects. Find out about after-treatment safety measures to stop re-infestation as well.

When will total eradication be predicted to occur?

Although the degree of the infestation will determine how long it takes to eradicate bed bugs, the exterminator should be able to give you a broad estimate of how long the treatment will take. Realistic claims of instant eradication should be avoided as a full cure might need numerous visits spread over several weeks.

Exist any warranties or assurances from you?

Reputable bed bug exterminators NYC sometimes provide service warranties or guarantees. Find out what the firm does about retreatments or follow-ups if bed bugs come back after the first treatment. You can have piece of mind and be sure you get the outcomes you want if you know their guarantee policy.

Are you able to supply client endorsements or references?

Seek up endorsements or references from prior customers who have battled with bed insect infestations. Finding out about their experiences will enable you evaluate the efficacy, expertise, and reputation of the exterminator. Reputable bed bug extermination NYC is indicated well by the positive comments left by happy clients.

What steps do you take to protect the people living there and the pets?

Pets' and inhabitants' safety should come first in any effective pest control program. Ask questions about the materials and procedures employed as well as any consequences on the environment and human health. An ecologically friendly exterminator is a better option; they adhere to industry safety regulations.

In conclusion, efficient pest treatment depends on the appropriate questions to be asked when selecting a bed bug exterminator. To make an educated choice and select a reliable expert who will effectively remove bed bugs from your house, find out about their expertise, techniques, certificates, guarantees, and safety precautions. Recall that doing your homework well will guarantee your piece of mind and result in a pest-free environment.
submitted by Turbulent_Pipe3598 to u/Turbulent_Pipe3598 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:28 Mysterious_Bowler910 [2 YOE] Norwegian SWE, Moved to NYC - 300+ applications with 0 interviews - Need Resume Review

[2 YOE] Norwegian SWE, Moved to NYC - 300+ applications with 0 interviews - Need Resume Review
Hey everyone, I am a SWE with 2 YOE all of which is obtained in Norway alongside my degree. I recently moved to New York and even though I am legally able to work without any sponsorship, I've been having a tough time landing a single interview. Would love to receive some feedback.
submitted by Mysterious_Bowler910 to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:45 theillustratedlife References when I took my last landlord to court

I'm new to NYC and looking to lease an apartment here. I'm flabbergasted at how thorough/invasive the application requirements are with financial records and references.
One that sticks out to me is rental history/previous landlord references. Here's mine:
My most recent landlord started screwing with the rent during the pandemic and went all Mr Hyde on me when I objected. I won the hearing, but I don't trust he'll say anything nice about me. He was awful the last few months I was there, although he did testify that I was a great tenant that he wanted to keep until we were at odds.
My prior landlord would give a great reference, but I lived there a decade ago.
I don't know what NY landlords are allowed to ask or CA landlords are allowed to say, but I'd rather be prepared than screwed.
I stayed with family for the last year and a half, but I should be able to get bank records showing timely payments before that. Everything was on autopay (although my share of the rent did change when people moved in/out).
What's the best way to handle this situation? One of the units I'm applying to is a privately owned condo in a large building with a lengthy application process. Apparently I have to sign a lease with the owner, and then we apply to the building's board.
submitted by theillustratedlife to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:44 sadsword24 Certification Problem

So my Initial Certificate is expiring at the end of August, I was just so busy teaching I thought I could deal with getting my Professional Certificate in the summer. But I’m a teacher in NYC and I read it takes up to 16 weeks for your application to be approved. My certification will expire in 12 weeks. I’m just really scared I’m gonna lose my job over a stupid issue like this. What should I do? Is there anyone I can talk to? I work at a charter school network called National Heritage Academies.
In short: My certification will probably expire before I get the new one.
submitted by sadsword24 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:23 mtndewsticle [SY0-601] the sprint is over... passed Sec+ 601 🥳 !!

i had never been so excited to see those three characters - 794 - on a screen in my life.
(i also had to frantically try to to calm my face as I was still on the ProctorCam and didn't want to jeapordise things by looking like a maniac ahahahaha)
Just wanted to share my frantic and strange studying experience with the sub to (1) encourage others that YES it's possible, (2) give back some of my resources and (3) just let it all out, haha.
Background: i'm a female who's worked as a jr cybersecurity analyst for just over a year now, but that hasn't involved doing anything particularly technical in any one given area, apart from perhaps some firewall development & network setups. Mostly write-ups, reports and routine monitoring using existing tools. So it was better than nothing as a background, but I was only working 2 days a week and studying full time in a completely unrelated degree (film) so my life was pretty all over the place.
When I started: I began studying the Sec+ 601 on-and-off in June 2023, alongside (& in my downtime, sometimes at) work and uni. For those who don't know, the exam vouchers last up to a year, so the last date I could take the exam was 28th of June 2024. And the exam my voucher was valid for, the Sec+ 601, would be retiring at the end of July 2024.
Why I picked the Sec+ 601 over the Sec+ 701: because (a) I was initially spooked by the supposed jump in content between the two, (b) there were a wealth of materials already built & tested for the 601 out there, and (c) the 601 would still be valid until 2027, and I could take the CertMaster CE to renew to the 701/801 when needed which is substaintially less pressure than taking the exam from scratch (imo).
My study method:

"Define ALL of the following until i say stop, in the context of the security+ 601 exam objectives in no more than a VERY short paragraph per definition. In each, include the definition, use case, pros/cons IF applicable, & examples. Pack it with as much RELEVANT info as possible whilst being as concise as you can. Okay? :)" 
My Timeline:
My key takeaways/lessons learnt:
My results:
The Big Bad Exam: 794/900, ~88% (30th May).
Hope this helps some others, and leave a comment if you have any other Qs/tips! Tysm to the wealth of encouragement, support and resources on this sub - couldn't have done it without y'all. :)
submitted by mtndewsticle to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:04 Ok-Resolve-4146 No more 30% Off?

No more 30% Off?
Shops where the 30% off voucher was applicable yesterday di na rin magamitan na ng voucher. While that could be just a glitch and eventually maging applucable na uli yung voucher sa stores na ito, yung 25% might be here to replace the 30%. Good thing nasamantala ko yung dalawang 30% Mega Voucher kahapon.
Not a big deal if you're using it to purchase something worth above PhP4k though, since 1k pa rin ang cap.
submitted by Ok-Resolve-4146 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:51 haleaux Uncle Vanya – Nerd Review Ep 7

Uncle Vanya

This review is of the musical Uncle Vanya which is currently playing at the Vivian Beaumont Theater in NYC. Please see the latter portion of this post for “Review Structure” and “Context” descriptions, which may add helpful background to this writeup.
Impression: Having only been vaguely familiar with the story of this play, I found it to be emotionally engaging and worth the price of a discounted ticket. I can see how some may find the pacing to be arduous, but for me it worked. The amount of collective experience of the cast both on stage and in television/film is notable, but the show did not live up to what this veteran cast could have achieved.
Watch check: Zero times. The production moved at a methodical pace, but I found it to be engaging throughout the duration.
See again: No. Plays are one-and-done for me, with extremely limited exceptions. This should not be interpreted as the show being bad or having issues, but instead a play must be truly exceptional to have me feel compelled to see a second time.
Music & Lyrics: There was limited use of pre-recorded music as well as the playing of instruments and some humming during the show. The music was appropriate and effective in supporting the scenes, but by no means was center to the production.
Story & Book: I am not able to speak to the translation/adaptation of the source material or other stagings of this play, so my comments only pertain to this production. I thought the show had an interesting combination of one-dimensional characters (e.g., Alexander, who seemed intentionally this way) and those with great depth (e.g., Astrov). Some characters developed and others remained unchanged despite events around them that arguably should have compelled them to change. The story concluded in that sort of satisfyingly unsatisfied way.
Set & Props: The set was simplistic, with slightly different staging between acts one and two.
Costumes & Makeup: I liked that the costumes reinforced the idea that some of the characters lived and worked in the country while others did not at all belong.
Movement: The blocking was standard for a play on a thrust stage. I do like the aspect of many thrust stages that characters can exit downstage without traversing the audience. This was used effectively multiple times during the show.
Tech: The lighting and sound design were traditional for a play such as this. This is not at all meant as a criticism. The light design was what it needed to be, and I had no trouble hearing any of the actors throughout the production. The tech was straightforward and executed flawlessly, thus allowing the audience to focus on the interactions and emotions of the characters.
Cast: This veteran cast is unquestionably talented, but the production did not live up to what would be considered reasonable expectations. William Jackson Harper, a name far less known than most of the others, gave a performance that was on an entirely different level. Here are some notable cast members, in no specific order:
Seating: This show is presented on a thrust stage, so there should be no partial view seat in the house. However, at least some seats in the Loge (mezzanine) are likely far enough from the stage that facial expressions would be difficult to impossible to discern.

Review Structure

I am systematic in my approach to assessing shows. During a performance I am in the moment, but at intermission and after the show I often write down an outline of my thoughts. Typically, I’ve used these notes to help me re-experience the shows long after the curtain call, but now these notes are the base material for the review in this post.
Each review is divided into categories, and each category is described below. I am a bit of a theater tech nerd, so don’t be surprised if those topics are emphasized compared to most reviews in Broadway (though I am not an expert and welcome corrections from the true experts here).
Show Name & Link: The name of the show with link to the show’s page (if applicable) for quick access to cast, schedule, and host theater information.
Impression: This is a summary of my overall thoughts on the show.
Watch check: This is the number of times I felt compelled to check my watch during the show (don’t worry there is no backlight to distract/annoy others if I were to actually look at my watch). If the show drags or is uninteresting, I usually shift my attention to other things like tech or costumes, but eventually my brain subconsciously gravitates toward wanting to know the time. I've found this to be a reliable indicator for how engaging the show is for me. An engaging show is “0 times”, and a dragging/rough/bad show could be “6 times” or more.
See again: This section describes whether I would see the show again and how much I might be willing to spend on another ticket. However, this isn't always an indicator of show quality, since I tend to only want to see heavy topic shows just once, no matter how good it may be (e.g., Parade).
Music & Lyrics: This covers the music, lyrics, orchestra, and conductor of the show. There is overlap with the next category for sung-through shows.
Story & Book: This covers the dialog and story of the show. Comments about show pacing will usually appear here, if applicable.
Set & Props: The category is focused on the set components, lifts, rigging, turntables, stage wagons, drops, curtains, props, and puppets. There is often overlap with the “Tech” and “Movement” categories.
Costumes & Makeup: Here I would cover anything notable about what is worn on stage. Some shows have extravagant makeups/costumes and other shows do not. Both are okay, as long is it all fits the show vibe.
Movement: This section covers blocking, choreography, acrobatics, and scene transitions. Transitions can do overlap with the “Tech” section.
Tech: This covers tech aspects including lighting, sound, projection, displays, video, etc. One aspect I am likely to comment on here are missed mic queues (i.e., a performer’s mic was not unmuted in time, or less commonly left open too long). Few things take me out of a show faster than quite/undiscernible dialog or having the sound level jump mid-note.
Cast: This category covers the cast of the show. There will usually be a general comment about the overall cast, and then several cast members or roles will be specifically called out as being notable, for better or worse. Standouts here could be anyone that caught my attention, from Broadway royalty to the smallest ensemble role.
Seating: This is an attempt at indicating how "bad" partial view seating may be for the show. Sometimes I see shows from partial view seats, sometimes I pay for a prime center orchestra seat (and everything in between). Either way view restrictions can be roughly assessed based on where the action occurs on stage. My goal is to assist those that are on the fence about the potential drawbacks of typical rush, lottery, and TDF tickets.


Approach: Since theater is subjective, like any art form, my goal is that by providing context my reviews might have increased meaning. If your likes and dislikes align with mine then perhaps what I write may help you decide between shows to see, for example. If your tastes are drastically different than mine my hope is that I do not mislead you into thinking you’ll like a show that you ultimately do not.
About me: I am a theater enthusiast, attending shows produced on world renowned stages but also touring shows, regional productions, and community theater. Musicals are my thing, but I also appreciate plays and operas. Many years ago, I did have amateur time on stage in plays, musicals, and one-acts. Later, I worked semi-professionally back-of-house as a stagehand, spotlight op, lighting designer, and sound/light board op for more shows than I can remember. However, my longtime profession since that time has essentially nothing to do with theater. Also, I do not live near the east coast but am fortunate to travel frequently to keep up with most new Broadway shows, as well as a non-trivial number of the productions in the Washington DC area.
Shows I love: This is a list of shows I’ve seen in the past few years that are standouts; the intent is not to gloat about all the great performances I’ve seen, but instead to give a rounded impression of the types of shows I gravitate towards. If this list does not resonate with you, my reviews may be of lesser value to you. All shows listed are the most recent Broadway production unless otherwise noted. * Aida (Sydney Opera House) * All The Devils Are Here (Off-Broadway) * Beetlejuice * Boop! (Chicago) * The Bridges of Madison County (Signature Theatre) * Come From Away * Company * Dear Evan Hansen * Fat Ham * Good Night, Oscar * Hadestown * Hamilton * Here We Are (Off-Broadway) * King Lear (Shakespeare Theatre Company) * Les Misérables (West End) * Little Shop of Horrors (Off-Broadway) * Macbeth (Shakespeare Theatre Company) * Newsies (Wembley Park) * The Outsiders * The Phantom of the Opera * The Rocky Horror Show (Melbourne) * Some Like it Hot * Spamalot (Kennedy Center) * Suffs * Sunset Boulevard (Kennedy Center) * Swept Away (Arena Stage)
Shows I don’t love: These are shows I’ve seen in the past few years that I did not particularly enjoy, for a variety of reasons. For reference I have never left a show before its conclusion even if I didn’t like it. These shows are not necessarily bad, and in most cases, they just don’t align with my theatrical preferences. If this happens to be a list of your favorite productions, it is probably best to take my review with a gigantic grain of salt. * A Beautiful Noise * Aladdin * Chicago * El Mago Pop * Funny Girl * MJ * Mrs. Doubtfire (US Tour) * New York, New York * Once Upon a One More Time * Perfect Crime (Off-Broadway) * Six * The Who’s Tommy
submitted by haleaux to Broadway [link] [comments]