Senior graduation banquet ideas

First job anxiety after college

2024.06.02 09:40 rat-_boy First job anxiety after college

I am currently entering my senior year in IT from a four year college. I have a job available here in my college town from my internship. But after I graduate I plan on moving to a bigger city to be with my partner and closer to family.
Looking at what’s available on job boards, linkedin, recruiters, etc. On top of all I hear about difficulty finding entry jobs today is making me scared of what opportunity is really out there. Especially with most listings looking as sketchy as possible.
I’ve heard from my current boss about how hard it is to find candidates who will just show up for work willing to learn and have a ounce of personality. But the IT environment here is much closer knit.
What more should I work on here in my last year of college to find a position in a much more competitive environment? As well as any suggestions on my first real job search?
Currently I have: - My GPA is a 3.0 currently (rough freshman year) - 2 years of internship experience (1.2 in an MSP setting, .8 internally) - An A+ and a CCNA - Self taught web development experience - A couple home-lab projects scrapped together from old gear at work
submitted by rat-_boy to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 jay-keen 23 [M4F] Los Angeles - Looking to find the Eileen to my Rigby

Hey, I hope everyone is having a great day/night.
About me:
I am a recent college graduate I just moved back home to Los Angeles. I'm kinda nerdy but in a socially competent way. I spend my weekends playing D&D with my friends and I just got into Baldur's gate 3, but I’m always down to hang out in the real world too. My favorite shows at the moment are The Boys, Invincible, Regular Show, Adventure Time, and SnowFall. I've been wanting to rewatch Naruto too so if you haven't yet watched it or also want to rewatch it I think that'd be super fun! Eventually, I want to create my own animated TV series but right now I’m just trying to improve my animation skills. I'm trying to get into comics but I have no idea where to start so I'm always down for recs! I like skating but I'm not very good at it. I really like making Spotify blend playlists so be prepared for that. And I full-heartedly believe that oatmeal raisin cookies are a top 5 cookie.
Other Stuff:
Who I am looking for:
I'm looking for someone to go on cute dates, participate in shenanigans, and go to concerts with! Ideally, I'm looking for someone around my age range of (21 to 25) if you are a bit older that's fine too. It'd be awesome if we already shared some common interests but if you're open to exploring new activities I am too! Not really interested in a LONG distance relationship so if you're in California that would be great. I try not to take myself too seriously so if you don't either or are cool with that I'm sure we'll get along! Physical appearance is not something I'm really concerned about – what matters most to me is that you're easygoing and enjoyable to be around.
If you made it this far feel free to reach out with your name, what you’re looking for, and your insta/discord :)
submitted by jay-keen to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 Fantastic_Carob_6023 My interview experience at NIT C...if you are average or below average like me please do read

I am a fresher graduated in 2023. 83/66/6.75 Aeronautical engineering from tier 1000 college where we had a 3 faculty for all 8 subjects including lab
CAT: 77.77 Extracurricular:
1) can speak 9 languages 2 ) certified in Arabic and Spanish 3) worked under swach Bharath 4) worked for NGO which specializes in child rights
My NIT CALICUT interview experience
" Excuse me sir may I come in "
There were two panelists inside
" Yeah come in "
I handed over them the interview verification form which was verified by faculties..they turned it to backside where extra curricular activities is written
Interviewer 1 : " do you know Spanish and Arabic "
Me : " yeah sir , I can "
Interviewer 1 : " how many languages can you speak? "
Me : " I can speak total of 9 languages, sir "
Interviewer 1 ( surprised and smiling) : " can you speak bihari? "
Me : " no sir , I cannot ( smilingly )
Interviewer 1 : " which are the languages you can speak ?"
Me : " English, Hindi, kannada,Tamil , Malayalam , Urdu, kodava thakk, Spanish and Arabic "
Interviewer 1 and interviewer 2 faced towards each other and started gossiping among themselves and after a minute pointed out to the chair and told me to sit.
Interviewer 2 : " do you have OCD ?"
Me : " sorry , I didn't get you sir ? "
Interviewer 2 : " ohh, I are not aware of that "
I am surprised as this is the first time I have heard about the word
Interviewer 1 : " introduce yourself ?"
Me : " My name is X , I am from Kodagu ...I have completed my bachelor's in aeronautical engineering. I have worked for child rights under an NGO , I have worked under swach Bharath mission ...I would like to point out my Rolemodels are my parents. Kodagu is also called as kashmir of South India and Scotland of india ... I can speak 9 languages namely.... "
Interviewer 1 ( intrepts me ) : " I know this , tell me diffrent things "
Me : " I have started working in Airtel while preparing for the interviews "
Interviewer 2 : " Airtel !!! , so you have work experience "
Me : " yeah sir , about 4 months "
Interviewer 2 : " i have a Airtel sim , inside my home I am not getting signal but outside I am getting the signal as a Airtel person how will you solve this "
Me : explained him how the process takes place
Interviewer 2 : " imagine , I have a broadband and i and I am shifting from x to y location but I donot want to shift , how will you convince me to shift "
Me : " I told him the answer that I was taught during my training "
Interviewer 2 : " how many months work experience do you have "
Me : " I have 4 months of experience, I was recently promoted from L1 to L2 supervisor role"
Interviewer 2 : " what's the difference between L1 and L2 "
Me : explained him the difference and told our various roles and in the organisation
Interviewer 2 was slightly impressed now
Interviewer 2 : " you have learnt so many things in this short amount of time and also got promoted " ( smiling)
Me : just laughed awkwardly with him
Interviewer 1 : " tell me x , what is the language you are going to learn next "
Me : " Japanese and sawahii ( African ) "
Interviewer 1 : " why ? "
Me: " i explained why my interest align with Japan due to their tech advancement and my startup idea I have regarding import and export buisness in Africa "
Interviewer 1 : " once you tell MBA and once you tell tech now "
Me : I told him how we can take this both things side by side and my startup idea in African countries
Interviewer 1 : " i understood your first reasoning but not your startup idea , any ways have you started learning Japanese"
Me : " yeah sir , i can understand some words and basic lines ..."
Interviewer 1 ( smiling ): " how did you learn? "
Me : watching anime , and told him how how I like Japanese culture and all
Interviewer 2 : " from where did you learn Spanish and Arabic "
Me : I told him how
Interviewer 1 : " why MBA? "
Me : " Answered "
Interviewer 1 : " you are many things x , but why so much ...isn't there a stop to this "
Me : " sir , I have many responsibilities in my shoulder I am looking for a breakthrough every opportunity I get "
Interviewer 1 : " there are two people, one is very creative and has many ideas but another one is a go getter ...if you give him one task he will complete that , So as a manager who will you choose?
Me : go getter and my reasons
Me and the interviewer 1 had a small debate for our reasons
Interviewer 1: " tell me something, you have done from start to end and alone and thatcan be added as a CV point for you "
Me : " can I take a minute to think "
Interviewer 2 : " yes sure "
They both started to slowly gossip untill I started speaking
Me : " no sir , nothing like that... everything I have done is with a team or someone backing me up "
Interviewer 1 : " okay , there are two writes their daily duties and ambition on a diary and another couple who do not write , so who is a better one "
Me : " the couple who writes "
We had a small debate again and I pointed out how I was the second couple kind of guy who just have ideas but not willing to put so much efforts
Interviewer 1 : " thank you, the interview is over "
Me ( surprised ): " what sir ?"
Interviewer 1 : " Thank you , the interview is done "
Me : okay , can I have a moment of your time please
Interviewer 1 and 2 ( simultaneously) yess!!!
Me : " what's OCD "
Interviewer 2 : explained it to me and interviewer 1 told about his ocd where he has published 30 + reasearch papers
Me : " are you guys faculties or alumni of this college "
Interviewer 1 : " we are faculties and started telling his credentials "
Interviewer 2 : told his credentials
I was impressed by the faculties here ...these people will be teaching me if I get in here
Me : " in corporate anyone will give you 40 - 50 lakhs for your experience and quality....then why did you choose the teaching profession"
Interviewer 1 and 2 started gossiping and smiling at each other
Interviewer 2 :" X , everything is not about money "
Me : " yeah sir , i can understand"
Interviewer 1 : " there are still people waiting outside "
Me : " yeah sir , I will take my leave then ( smiling)"
Thanked them both for the interview
submitted by Fantastic_Carob_6023 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:24 JustAToothpick looking for a senior quote!

ok so, I don't graduate for a lonh while. Being me, I just like being prepared far in advanced for stuff (in this case, over a year) Jeff and his music means the absolute WORLD to me, and I want to make a lyric or quote of his my senior quote. Only problem; i'm indecisive! If anyone has suggestions on how I can sement my legacy by showing future highschoolers how cultured I am that would be greatly appreciated :)
submitted by JustAToothpick to JeffBuckley [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 NeedleworkerNo580 Feeling lost after nursing school

So, I want to talk about something that I feel is pretty common, but under discussed. No adult has any idea what they’re doing. When I went to nursing school the whole time I was there I was convinced that when I graduated it was all gonna fall into place. I was going to get the job I always wanted, I was gonna get married and I’d have a bunch of kids. I’m several years out of school now and I have more questions about life than when I graduated. I’m not sure that I’m in the right career, I’m dating a guy I really like and love, but how do you know when to get married or move in together? It also doesn’t help that my mom passed away when I was young and my dad was never in the picture.
I guess what I’m trying to say is if you’re an adult that feels aimless and you’re not sure you’re doing it right, you’re in good company.
submitted by NeedleworkerNo580 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:19 NeedleworkerNo580 Feeling lost as an adult

So, I want to talk about something that I feel is pretty common, but under discussed. No adult has any idea what they’re doing. When I went to nursing school the whole time I was there I was convinced that when I graduated it was all gonna fall into place. I was going to get the job I always wanted, I was gonna get married and I’d have a bunch of kids. I’m several years out of school now and I have more questions about life than when I graduated. I’m not sure that I’m in the right career, I’m dating a guy I really like and love, but how do you know when to get married or move in together? It also doesn’t help that my mom passed away when I was young and my dad was never in the picture.
I guess what I’m trying to say is if you’re an adult that feels aimless and you’re not sure you’re doing it right, you’re in good company.
submitted by NeedleworkerNo580 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:47 Humble_Tune2277 can anyone review my resume? im applying for a summer job
please ignore the excessive white space you see (they are filled up with text in the original). reply with your comments and suggestions, it would help so much
submitted by Humble_Tune2277 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 strugglingmm If u have time, advice would be nice

Hey yall so for context I got married a couple years back and moved states to my husbands hometown. It was extremely difficult moving at such a young age and not knowing anyone here and i really struggled in many aspects of my life the first year or two. This isn’t capturing the severity of it but I was rlly depressed lol. Not to mention we briefly lived with his parents (abt 8months) before literally escaping (and yes I use the word escape) and moving out. I am no contact with my husbands immediate family except occasionally seeing them at holidays and bigger family events and life is better and less stressful that way for all of us. I can get into the reasons why but I promise you it’s completely valid and it’s either no contact or I called the police and cps so I’ll leave it at that. That being said, I am extremely close to my husbands extended family. Especially his three cousins. Their mom is like a second mother to me and we live down the street from each other because of how close we all are. Or so I thought. One of his cousins (all my age or younger) decided to completely cut me off. And It was immediately noticeable because we all usually hang out regularly. Every weekend if not multiple times a week. We grab food sometimes or go out to the mall or school events or we just hang out at their house talking till late at night and having so much fun. I genuinely love these girls and felt like I finally had close friends for the first time in my life. We talk about our innermost thoughts, vent to each other, and just behave as a usual girl group of friends do and I absolutely loved it. They’re pretty much the only friends I have here despite having moved over three years ago and I never felt like I needed to find others because my new relatives provided me with such a great friendship. One of the girls (I’d say I was actually closest to her) decided to cut me off. And I noticed right away because no texts came weeks after she decided to stay silent at my bday dinner. The entire. Evening. . When I’d drop by the house like I always do she’d never come out her room. I heard her mom at one point yelling at her to come greet me at least and she refused. I ignored it but it really started to hurt me. Especially when their parents started asking why I haven’t been around like we usually hang out. I asked the other siblings and they brushed it off saying how weird we were being and we should just talk if something is bothering us or whatever. But I noticed they stopped reaching out as well. A few days ago it was her graduation ceremony. And despite us making plans for over a year about the bouquet she wanted me to make, decorating her huge grad party, all these things, I was not invited or even made aware of the event until they posted it. That was the ultimate slap since her mom had asked me weeks before to make her a grad cake for the party (over 100people attending). After her ceremony she texted me asking to speak to me in a very hostile message, mentioning how it will be in private as “it’s no one’s business”. I agreed and went over after my shift and she called me to her room and sat down and proceeded to say the most hurtful things I’ve ever heard. She preyed on every insecurity she could think of and started to say how since the day I moved here she’s never felt comfortable around me and she shouldn’t have to put herself thru this tension and stress to be around me and how every conversation we‘be ever had has added no benefit to her life. She said she feels uneasy whenever I come over and that she just decided she doesn’t want to fake having to like me anymore and I can’t do anything to change that. And she said this all smirking and smiling as I had tears pouring down my face. It’s been three years of slumber parties shopping birthdays holidays family events weekends pool days everything u could think of we’ve experienced it together and those are some of my happiest times. All for her to say it was all fake? I kept asking her how she could say such hurtful things when I see her truly as a younger sister and one of my closest friends and after I’ve opened up to them so much over the years. I swear I even told them how grateful I am for their friendship and how I struggle to make friends because I feel like others judge me or make me feel bad for my personality. But I never in all these years felt that with them. Not to mention that I am literally married to their cousin. I’m the closest thing to a sister in law. How could she throw all that away? And she just shrugged and said none of that matters and I don’t get to decide who she speaks to. I asked if she really means she doesn’t want to speak to me anymore and she just chuckled and said ya. “It’s better I don’t see you or that you don’t come around here and make me uncomfortable.” A lot more was said but for the sake of reading I’ll leave it out. I left her room sobbing and she slammed her door shut behind me. Her sister was in the room next door and did not say anything. the rest of the family was asleep or in bed. I cried all night and literally feel Ike I’m going thru a breakup or something. My poor husband is so confused and mad but we have no idea what to do. It’s more deep rooted since I’ve literally bonded so much with this family I love them all truly and now Ifeel crazy like I imagined these three years of friendship. i keep thinking back and doubting every second I spent there. I have so many pictures in my apartment of all of us and thousands on my phone of us just hanging out and I keep looking at them and doubting if she hated me all those times we talked.
Her mother called me the next morning saying how her husband told her what he heard of the convo and how they were both so so sorry for what she said. She said her daughter has done this before with her own brother and didn’t speak to him for weeks but I told her this is different. She could very well go the rest of our lives not speaking and there goes my future of comfort in my only family here. She said she will talk to her and get her to apologize but I don’t want to even hear that. I can never bring myself to see these people again and I will not beg for a friendship with someone who doesn’t want me around. I have that much self respect at least. I’ve done so much for these girls I bake every bday cake I buy them great bday presents I celebrate every happy moment with them and support them when they feel low. I’ve given them the most kind and genuine friendship… the kind I hoped to receive in turn. I honestly cannot believe that chapter of my life is over and now I feel so alone. I spoke to one of the other cousins when she jokingly asked why I left crying (she lives with them too) and I broke down and told her everything said and how hurt I was. This girl just shrugs and says “ya that’s how she is we can’t change that” like are u kidding me??? I mean absolutely nothing to these people. They all went out and posted it and I’m here crying all day. How do I get over this pain and how do I handle the rest of my life with these people. I still care about their parents I’m just so hurt and offended and shocked at how shitty this one person made me feel. Sorry if this is all confusing I’ll probably delete this in an hour. I just have no one to talk to.
submitted by strugglingmm to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Throwaway-74754 AITAH for not trying harder to save my friendship?

Other disclaimer: This is a post I made on a website a month ago but no one responded unfortunately. So when you read stuff like “a week ago” and see the dates don’t correlate to now, that’s why.
Background information: I had two friends, one a guy and the other a girl. We were all online friends for years, me and the guy were friends since I was in elementary school.
Starting with the guy who from here on I’ll call Blake (not his real name of course) me and Blake were the best of buds, we played the game basically every day, and regardless of our different lives and us only being online friends, I actually liked Blake a lot (as a friend). But Blake had a tendency of bullying me, which didn't bother me too much when I was younger, but as I got older, I did. For example, I told Blake one time that I failed/got held back in first grade, and he would bring that fact up whenever anything intelligence-wise come up or just bring it up out the blue. “N word, you failed the first grade” or “ok…flunky” and other variations. He would say all that…even though first grade was a million years ago (I’m a senior about to graduate high school, and I haven’t gotten held back or struggled with grades since.) (I’ve graduated high school now!). Like I'm about to graduate and he would still make fun of me with that fact, saying stuff like "you would've graduated soon if you didn't fail the first grade" and if I tried to rebuttal saying how I do well in school, he would say "well you did the first grade twice so of course you'd do better. you've done it twice".
He would constantly compare his life to mine, making fun of how I’m a virgin who never done anything with a girl, my social anxiety, me being a loner, how I don’t have as much money as him, how my parents are not as laid-back as his, how I didn’t have as much money as him, make fun of the type of girls I like, my music taste, and more.
He was controlling while we played games. He would always decide what games we played, and he would bitch and moan when I wouldn’t get onto a game he wanted to play with me despite valid reasons like it being too expensive. He would always be on his phone or just be otherwise distracted for long periods of time when we're playing, and then he would expect me to wait for him. He was especially very controlling when we play a game like R6s, he would be in my ear after he died ordering me around and telling me what to do and where to go, expecting me to get kills when I’m completely trash at the game, then he would complain heavily when I would of course die. Note: he was a frequent rage quitter and frequently switched games, which was very annoying
There is way more things he would do but if I typed them all out, I would be typing all damn day, so I’ll stop here.
Next is the girl, who I’ll refer to as Amber.
Amber was not so bad, she was annoying at times, and she would sometimes mimic the things Blake did but overall, she was alright. But she did contribute to the situation I’m in as well as Blake did overall.
For the last year, It got to the point where I would be so fed up with them, mostly with Blake, that I would ghost them, not talk or play with them for a few days to basically recover before interacting with the two again. I would even groan in annoyance when either one of them would call me. I would either ignore their calls or make up a lie of me being busy with other things so i wouldn’t have to play with them.
Now I know what you guys are thinking, "why didn't you tell them how you felt about their treatment of you???", well, I tried, but I would just be met with being called a "pussy" or "soft" and the behavior wouldn't change.
Now: Now let’s go back about three weeks ago, April 1st, my 19th birthday, Amber called me up and told me to hop on the game, I was in the ignoring them phase, but I decided to hop on because they wouldn’t be mean to me, right? Wrong, they told me to install rocket league, a game I’ve never played in my entire life and when I was able to join their game and we got into a match, I was obviously performing very very poorly, but that didn’t stop them very berating me and telling me how trash I am…even though they been playing longer than me.
Then we got on Roblox, and I was having technical difficulties because I was using the Microsoft store version of Roblox as I didn’t know that there was an actual Roblox client and launcher. when the two found out that I was using the Microsoft store version, they proceeded to berate me and belittle me some more, calling me stupid and dumb and questioning how in the world did I not know about the Roblox launcher and just basically making it feel like I just committed a cardinal sin. Then we play some Roblox, and somehow someway I kept on doing things wrong and games were playing because I kept on getting berated and belittled. Eventually, I got off.
I didn’t talk to them on the second, but I did talk to them and play with them on the third. We ended up playing Roblox again and just like last time I was getting berated and belittled because I would do things that they didn’t like. And after a couple hours, we eventually stopped playing Roblox and it suddenly goes into Blake diss tracking me. He would find random rap instrumentals on YouTube and then he would rap over them dissing me. He then told me to diss him back but I didn’t want to cause I was already in a bad mood, and I’m not good with words so I would make a fool of myself. And despite me saying multiple times that I didn’t want to rap, they both kept saying that I had to rap, eventually I just unplugged my mic and said that my mic was broken, which caused Blake to be like “if you don’t want to rap just say that dude, you don’t have to do all that”, like, bruh, I said I didn’t want to rap multiple times…
Eventually, I left a discord call and went to sleep because I had school in the morning, and when I woke up in the morning and checked my Discord, I saw that I had a message from Blake and the message said “pussy”. After that, I ignored them again until the 6th. When I took my phone off chill mode (do not disturb which I have specifically to hide text and calls from Blake and Amber) I noticed that Blake unfollowed me on Instagram and that he kicked me out of the discord server (it was of course his server as he liked being in control of everything). I was like "damn", but I just went on about my day, Amber was still following me though.
Now today, the 25th of April, I realized that Amber unfollowed me on Instagram as well, and that they both blocked me on Steam. So, I thought our friendship was over, so decide to unfollow both of them on Instagram, Discord, Steam, and delete both of their contacts from my phone.
I wasn't perfect in the friendship either, but I never berate or belittle either of them, bully and make fun of either of them constantly for their struggles in life or interest, and I never made either of them feel inferior. Never...
Part of me feel relief that I no longer have to deal with them anymore, but another part of me feels sad as they were both my only friends. I don't really know how to feel or if I should try to reach out to them somehow and apologize for ghosting them.
As I’m sure a lot of you can gather, I’m not a very confident person nor I’m I one that does conflict. But I feel like if I tried harder to preserve our friendship, maybe we’d still be friends? Like, maybe if I was more adamant and forceful about them stopping with their behavior? I just feel like I should have tried harder to preserve the friendship like reaching out to them both instead of just blocking them…
Am I The Asshole? For not trying harder?
submitted by Throwaway-74754 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:32 amlosty Can't get anywhere in life?

Kind of of stuck in limbo in terms of trying to be self suffice. Not many job opportunities in my city even with some sort of education. The few jobs I do manage to land don't pay even close enough to be able to afford some sort of shelter. Can barley pay for school never mind basic life necessities such as food. Stuck in my parents house due to inadequate income. Trying to leave the house as soon as possible while still going to school. Anyone have any ideas? I have a diploma and experience with composites and sheet metal work related to the aerospace industry but that has lead me no where as I graduated during covid. Feel like the only option I have is the suffer it out till graduation but the degree is lengthy and oversaturation has made the process even longer and job outcome at the end more sparse. Any ideas on loans or cities in Canada that have better resources for students or something? 20 years old for some context.
submitted by amlosty to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:28 Sunapr1 Having an atrocious time in dating as someone post age 25 Is it normal? and need advice

I am 28 (M), a research scholar who started dating for the first time after 25 years of age. I have no idea why I didn't try to date before. It's not that I was extremely oblivious to finding someone; I was mostly involved in my undergraduate and graduate studies and more into friendship stuff than anything else. I don't regret the time, as it was one of the best years of my life, exploring my individuality, traveling alone to far-off places, going to concerts, etc.
I started to look out for dates after my 25th year of age during my PhD, and ever since then I have been experiencing quite lows, and it has been quite stressful. I fell in love with someone, and after knowing her for a while, I asked her out for commitment, which didn't pan out. Similarly, I have been ghosted, with people randomly losing interest some day. All of this is contributing so much stress to my studies because these are things I cannot do to someone. Now, when I feel interested in someone, it feels like a bigger task to try to have a conversation with her, ask her out, and then officially ask for a date. I know it's the norm usually, and one has to suffer many rejections, but is it still bad to try to date, or am I the only one who is having a hard time? because this is really hard compared to the research I am doing.
I don't suffer from self-esteem issues much; I have many hobbies and try to indulge in them; I am an active participant in writing and literature clubs, debates, and similar things; I also go out often to meetups, etc. to meet more people. Furthermore, I myself was approached by three fantastic women a couple of years ago, but I was very emotionally unavailable at that time, and I rejected it, so I know I can be attractive to someone out there. I use dating apps, and while I do get a match every couple of months, things don't go anywhere much. Despite putting in as much effort, I could be in conversation and flirting without being crassy at all.
I know its a fate of time and eventually things fall in line, so I just wanted to know, am I doing fine in whatever I am doing and keep on continuing? or some things that I am missing, which is making the dating apps and mostly dating atrocious, especially for me.
submitted by Sunapr1 to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 Sunapr1 Having an atrocious time in dating as someone post age 25 Is it normal? and need advice

I am 28 (M), a research scholar who started dating for the first time after 25 years of age. I have no idea why I didn't try to date before. It's not that I was extremely oblivious to finding someone; I was mostly involved in my undergraduate and graduate studies and more into friendship stuff than anything else. I don't regret the time, as it was one of the best years of my life, exploring my individuality, traveling alone to far-off places, going to concerts, etc.
I started to look out for dates after my 25th year of age during my PhD, and ever since then I have been experiencing quite lows, and it has been quite stressful. I fell in love with someone, and after knowing her for a while, I asked her out for commitment, which didn't pan out. Similarly, I have been ghosted, with people randomly losing interest some day. All of this is contributing so much stress to my studies because these are things I cannot do for someone. Now, when I feel interested in someone, it feels like a bigger task to try to have a conversation with her, ask her out, and then officially ask for a date. I know it's the norm usually, and one has to suffer many rejections, but is it still bad to try to date, or am I the only one who is having a hard time? because this is really hard compared to the research I am doing.
I don't suffer from self-esteem issues much; I have many hobbies and try to indulge in them; I am an active participant in writing and literature clubs, debates, and similar things; I also go out often to meetups, etc. to meet more people. Furthermore, I myself was approached by three fantastic women a couple of years ago, but I was very emotionally unavailable at that time, and I rejected it, so I know I can be attractive to someone out there. I use dating apps, and while I do get a match every couple of months, things don't go anywhere much. Despite putting in as much effort, I could be in conversation and flirting without being crassy at all.
I know its a fate of time and eventually things fall in line, so I just wanted to know, am I doing fine in whatever I am doing and keep on continuing? or some things that I am missing, which is making the dating apps atrocious, especially for me.
submitted by Sunapr1 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:03 Anj_Stinky Need help thinking of a gift for pride month (mahabang context)

My kuya is bisexual and came out to our parents this year. Hindi sya nagcelebrate nung birthday nya kahit binilhan namin sya ng cake and jollibee. He refused to take pictures that day because this year, they also forced him to break up with his girlfriend when they discovered she was trans.
Yesterday, June 1st, he spent the day locking himself up in his room. Kaninang umaga, nag-iiyakan kami kasi he thinks no matter what he does, he is never enough. He doesn't feel accepted by our parents for who he is regardless of his personal and academic achievements because, of course, they don't.
I want to get him something special this June to give him some semblance of hope. Kasi I won't get another cause for celebration until next year (his bday, his graduation, and we never celebrated any normal Christian holiday before). Even if walang ganap sometime in the next few months, I need a plan so I can start saving up. I could also just give him love and support but it can't make up for the disappointment of two parental figures. I will always be here for him, regardless. I want him to remember me, and that he is loved.
Here are some ideas: - dried flower bouquet - cake - big rainbow plush - spa day (mani + pedi + facial/hair) - fancy cafe date - clothing - makeup and skincare - ???
Conflicts: - if I get him gifts or food at home, we need to hide evidence because parents will notice every new thing we get; "saan galing yan?" "Saan nyo binili yan?" "Bakit di kayo nag-aya?" - can't hold an open celebration with the parents either sa bahay or someplace else without them knowing the reason for it. And it would make my brother upset with the fact that we are celebrating something they are openly against. - parents don't let us have days out with just the two of us, kasi (1) they feel left out and think we hate them, (2) they don't like us spending too much on shopping or "acting poor" going thrift shopping, and (3) they always assume we're drinking, rebelling, or doing something generally satanic. - i love my parents but holy shit do they make my brother's life so difficult. - i don't have much time left to spend with him. He is busy with his studies and when he gets his license, he is set to leave for work and study in Canada. I have 5 years tops, kasi nagmamadali syang makaalis and he's so smart I know he'll get his license right away. - i have to do this as soon as I can. He's been talking to me about some serious suicidal thoughts. I can't lose him.
I already tried asking my friends for advice. They have none, other than moving out as soon as possible.

Tldr,, i need help planning a gift or method of celebration meaningful and fancy enough for my brother, preferably within June or before he goes overseas.
submitted by Anj_Stinky to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:53 28484989478993018161 Switch from Tech to IB or Consulting, is Masters in Finance a good option ?

I'm from India, graduating from the best private university with a 3.3 gpa. I want to switch to a business consultant, or investment analyst role, and am considering pursuing a Masters in Finance to shift trajectory. I don't have an idea of what I'm doing, so would love your two cents on this !!
submitted by 28484989478993018161 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:47 Smooth_FM Should my first airbrush be a H&S Ultra 2024?

A few months back I picked up a generic compressor with tank and cheap airbrush which I've been really enjoying so far.
I think I'd like to graduate from the cheapo airbrush that came with the kit and try out something a bit nicer.
After a fair bit of research, the Ultra 2024 sounds like a good option. Reasonably priced and beginner friendly. I love the idea of presets and the ease of maintenance.
Only thing is, after reading a few threads I've been getting some mixed messages. Some people love their Ultra and an equal amount appear to be having a few issues with it. I was hoping to get some more thoughts on it before pulling the trigger.
The Iwata Eclipse seems to be a crowd favourite too and isn't that much more than the Ultra, so I'm wondering if I'm better off just going with that? Though the Eclipse sounds more suited to experienced users?
Would love some thoughts from the community!
submitted by Smooth_FM to minipainting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:46 Smooth_FM Should my first airbrush be a H&S Ultra 2024?

A few months back I picked up a generic compressor with tank and cheap airbrush. I use it to paint minis and have been really enjoying it so far.
I think I'd like to graduate from the cheapo airbrush that came with the kit and try out something a bit nicer.
After a fair bit of research, the Ultra 2024 sounds like a good option. Reasonably priced and beginner friendly. I love the idea of presets and the ease of maintenance.
Only thing is, after reading a few threads I've been getting some mixed messages. Some people love their Ultra and an equal amount appear to be having a few issues with it. I was hoping to get some more thoughts on it before pulling the trigger.
The Iwata Eclipse seems to be a crowd favourite too and isn't that much more than the Ultra, so I'm wondering if I'm better off just going with that? Though the Eclipse sounds more suited to experienced users?
Would love some thoughts from the community!
submitted by Smooth_FM to airbrush [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 CrunchyBee69 Confused and Stuck

I am currently studying Computer Engineering and just completed my first semester. I have learnt DSA in my first sem and i feel like i am decent enough as i have put hundreds of hours at it. But now i do not know what to do next. I have basic OOP concepts and have built a few physics simulations and small games in c++, raylib but i know i do not have any industry level skills. And i am very confused what should i learn. I like a little bit of everything and that is the problem as i cannot work on something more then a week and i abandon what i started and pick up something new . i have interest in networks but have no idea how to build a career out of it. I am not a huge fan of Web development. Please seniors tell me what to do next, and how to move forward. I am open to Any suggestion.
submitted by CrunchyBee69 to technepal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 allison_vegas Covid positive… have had a really rough week

I tested positive at the doctor yesterday but it’s Day 4 of symptoms… day 3 with a fever. I HAVE HAD A WEEK FROM HELL!
Last weekend was my 4 year old daughter’s birthday. I ran around like a crazy person and barely drank any fluids and held my pee all day. Well the next day.. Sunday I got a raging UTI. I go to urgent care and get put on antibiotics. Later that same evening my period started. I worked a crazy busy double shift at my bar on Monday fighting a uti and having a period. Tuesday I worked an unplanned double shift at my other bar. I decided to take Wednesday off because I was scheduled to have oral surgery the next day and we were going to a baseball game Wednesday night. Wednesday I have this tight feeling in my chest like I breathed in a bunch of dust or something. And I kinda had a dry cough. I thought it might have been side effects of the macrobid I was prescribed so I freaked out and stopped taking it. We go to the baseball game and it was a cold rainy night. The chest tightness persisted and got worse as the night went on. Thursday I woke up early because I was very scared of the apicoectomy I was supposed to have at 8 am. I felt pretty shitty and decided I was gonna post pone the surgery. I still showed up at the office and the nurse seemed down to still do the procedure even though I told her I felt bad. Thankfully the Endodontist wanted no part of it and told me to reschedule. I stopped by target and got some Gatorade and Covid tests. Covid test was negative. My MIL took my daughter and I took a nap. Woke up with a fever. Things went really downhill from there. My whole body started to ache and I had to lay next to a bowl because I felt so nauseous. I fell asleep again and woke up boiling hot and my heart racing. The body aches were unbearable. My husband was taking his final test before graduation the next day so I wasn’t trying to bother him too much but he was really worried about me. My MIL brings my daughter home because she wants to come home. She tells me she can come pick her back up tomorrow after her 11 am appt. At this point didn’t know if I was sick with something or maybe my uti was coming back with a vengeance and affecting my whole body. If my daughter wouldn’t have been home I probably would have made my husband take me to the hospital.
I wake up the next morning feeling worse than ever. I call my mom and beg her to come over. I ask her if she will take me to my urgent care appointment. I had no idea when husband was gonna be done at school and I just didn’t have the strength to care for my daughter. She comes over and I literally just cry miserably. My MIL comes and takes my daughter and my husband gets home soon after. My mom literally had to help me get dressed. She leaves and my husband takes me to urgent care. Just walking in the door and signing in almost kills me. I redo a UA which turned out being fine. They test for Covid flu and strep. Covid comes back positive. Now come to find out 4 people at my job I worked on Monday are all Covid positive. I was supposed to go to my cousins wedding today but that definitely wasn’t gonna happen. I also am so glad I decided to not want to get my oral surgery on Thursday. I can’t imagine having my jaw bone drilled on and stitches in my mouth while feeling this sick with Covid!!! My god. I finally just took a shower and I seriously thought my legs were gonna buckle underneath me. I swear they were a little shakey. I get so dizzy and weak feeling just standing up. I keep getting really hot and sweaty. My body aches are gone but now it’s like a weird soreness. Maybe from laying around too much I don’t know. Anywho I just wanted to vent about how awful a UTI / period / covid / attempted dental surgery all in one week is.
submitted by allison_vegas to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 AnFnDumbKAREN Family Pics Roller Coaster

This is too boring, mundane, & irrelevant to bother posting anywhere else, so I’m spewing my nonsense where it nearly nary will be seen but hopefully get out of my motherforking brain.
Last year for the first time ever, we had family photos done with everyone on my (immediate) side of the fam. It was awesome, and we ended up with some stunning photos of all kinds: just our kiddos, my sis & I with our parents, kiddos with grandparents, our fam of 5, etc.
We wanted to do family pics again this year because we loved them so much, so we managed to book the same phenomenal photographer. This time just the 5 of us + my MIL. My husband was thrilled with the idea, especially since his dad has recently passed. It’s still a very tender matter, and I try to offer as much tlc & grace to my my husband & MIL as possible.
The only hiccup in all this has been getting a date solidified. We had a date booked, but the weather was awful for the planned outdoor session so (after checking w MIL), we rescheduled. Unbeknownst to all of us at the time, the new date aligned w the local high school graduation.
Small tangent.. my husband has a crummy brother & scummy s-in-law (sisteslut.. we assume they’re still married, but who knows. Brother’s w___e is still fitting as well.) and their youngest kid just graduated high school. Easy to see where this is going.
MIL didn’t want to miss the graduation (totally understandable); even though my husband & his brother have been cordially communicating a bit within the last couple months, we weren’t specifically invited to the graduation, etc. and we had no reason to attend, much less even know the date. Why feed the already obese llamas?
Photos were rescheduled for the 2nd time, and I made plans for graduation afternoon for me & the Littles. Though MIL did somewhat-gently encourage my husband to attend the graduation with her, he opted not to go. “It’s open to the public and I’m within my rights to be there” .. oy vey. That’s an expression I heard sooo many times from my MIL over the years. I don’t disagree, but I prefer not to go where my presence isn’t requested or desired. Which is absolutely the case in this situation. Plus, whyinthefuck would I go to a long-ass graduation for ~a thousand kids I do not know at all? I haven’t seen husband’s brother’s family at all since FIL’s funeral, and it was almost 2 years no contact prior to that. Plus I didn’t even attend my own HS graduation of less than 100 grads.
We’re finally coming up on the 2nd rescheduled date, and wadayaknow.. high school baseball playoffs are going on. Husband’s nephew is a key part of the team, and MIL has been religiously attending every game she can. Against tremendous odds, the team advanced. My husband wasn’t certain of the day/time of the next game at that point, and warned me that MIL might not be able to make it to the photos if the times conflicted. Then websites were saying one day/time, school was saying another.
As of yesterday, it wasn’t even an issue. Game scheduled Saturday, photos scheduled Sunday. Today, it was a big fat question mark. Rain had been constant, though mostly light/moderate. Game actually got underway.
It then got called & rescheduled. Luckily for Monday, so no conflict issues.
This was really just more annoying than anything else, so I just needed a little vent.
submitted by AnFnDumbKAREN to u/AnFnDumbKAREN [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 Old-Country7042 Can you be depressed even though nothing is “wrong”

I just don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why I’m I feeling as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders? As if I lost interest in most things? I am a senior college student, we finish school in a couple of days. It’s mostly going good, a few obstacles here and there but nothing extreme. I got accepted into my first choice for the first half of my internship year, yes there’s still the application process for the second half but I’m not too stressed about it. Something happened at the graduation ceremony, where I was going to speak at the ceremony but didn’t because of a lazy employee. I’ll admit I’m not entirely over that but while trying to fix it I got to know a great person who is the vice dean of my college, and I really wish I’ve known them earlier. Yes I’m sad cause I won’t be able to see some of the people that I really like anymore, I’m talking about professors and teachers not about friends, but I’m somewhat capable of keeping in touch and will do my best to do so. Spiritually, I feel like I’m closer to god than any other time. I only have a couple of weeks of vacation before I start my internship, not sure if that’s relevant. I’ve been feeling like that for the past 6-8 weeks, which was around a week before the graduation ceremony. The last time I felt like that for a long period of time was a few years ago, but I know exactly why it happened then, ever since -and before- I did get that feeling but it would only be for a short period of time. I just don’t know what to do or why I feel how I feel.
submitted by Old-Country7042 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 Illustrious-Cat4310 Update: WIBTA for leaving my fiancée after losing my dream job

Would I (27 M) be the asshole for leaving my fiancé (30 f). I hold a master’s degree in education and communication and behavior disorders. I say that not to brag but add context. I am a homebound educator for kids with autism and basketball coach at the school district I grew up in and graduated from. When I say this was my dream job I truly mean it, it was everything that I ever wanted in a job. My fiancé makes more money than me and she is a medical receptionist. She has three kids from three previous relationships. Her oldest kid (10 M) is autistic and on homebound education. This means he doesn’t go to school like the rest of his siblings. Because I work with kids with Autism she thought it would be a good idea for me to stay home with him and change my caseload
However, due to no one being able to take him while I was going to work with clients and clients can’t come to our home because my step son is here with me. I ended up losing my job because I couldn’t keep up with my caseload. My fiancé thinks this is fine because I wasn’t making that much money anyway and it frees me up to spend more time with my step son. It is also difficult because I am not driving at this time due to my seizure disorder flaring up again so I haven’t gotten to leave the house in 6 days because my fiancé says she is too tired to drive after being at work and she needs me to stay with the kids so she can decompress. She goes out to the van that I am paying for and sits and watches Netflix for an hour while I make sure the kids have dinner and are doing homework. I feel bad because she was a single parent for 10 years and I am trying to help out as much as I can but sometimes I feel like I am being used. My brothers, my dad and my aunt are all telling me to leave but I feel I can’t because I do love her and I love the kids but I am struggling just a little bit with it. WIBTA
UPDATE: for those who don’t know I am in AA and have decided to go live in a sober house with a couple of the men from my group. After talking it over with my partner I finally said that it is not working and then last night in front of the kids I had a seizure and my fiancée and the kids think that I was doing it for attention (they get worse with stress). She then proceeds to tell me she has grown disconnected from me and she is jealous of me that I get to stay home and take care of her kids. She said that she doesn’t love me and doesn’t need a man in her life and she has finally found herself after 12 years of dating losers and trying to force square pegs into round holes. She also said that I am preventing her from being the mom she wants to be. I am however taking the van that I pay for. EDIT: I have been applying for new jobs and have a few leads, as for my health I’ve been put on a longer term seizure control medication she has three kids with three men.
UPDATE: it is three months since I’ve made the original post, I have found a new full time job have been going to about 20 AA meetings a week. I’ve learned that she reached out to someone she had a sexual experience with after I left. I understand that she going to do what she is going to do but I don’t think that her reasoning made much sense. Her reasoning for doing that is that the night I left I reached out to a sober friend of mine (27 F) that I used to drink with in high school to go to a meeting that night. She thought I reached out to the friend so that we can have sex. I didn’t and haven’t had sex with my friend and am not looking for a relationship at this point. Not only that she tried to reach out to me again. I am healthy happy and sober I am close to a year and continue to work towards that. Thank you for all of the support and advice.
submitted by Illustrious-Cat4310 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:13 DowntownPea365 ADVICE PLEASE

i'm a F19 , i graduated in 2023 and lets just say this last year has set me back so much, i went through so much loss that it ended in me pretty much being isolated and loosing everyone and everything i know. i'm stuck working for $12 an hour and i spend about 80-100 a week on uber (1 of the setbacks was making a stupid choice that ended up in me losing my car, license for a year and the 8K I had saved), i didnt get to go to school when I wanted to and now I have no money saved to go to school, and the funny thing is I don't even want to go into that career anymore so I just don't know what to do, I have no idea what my future holds and it's so terrifying because i want nothing more than to live a successful and happy life and if we are being honest those both go hand and hand. i live in a small town and just thinking about the people around me honestly makes me sick to my stomach, there are no opportunities and nothing but people with no morals and i desperately just want to go, this isnt a pity party or anything i just simply dont know what to do anymore, i feel so alone and lost. i feel like i had so much potential and i just see myself being successful and i want to be able to give myself (and maybe 10 years down the road, my kids) a beautiful life. at this point, i've just thought about having a sugar daddy lol(not just for money but rich men can give you so much great advice and connections) but i know its unrealistic but i hear so many people say they've had their life changed from this lifestyle. i just don't know what to do to get rich lol sorry if this was a rant
submitted by DowntownPea365 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]