French adjectives y

Paris et sa banlieue

2008.07.30 21:01 Paris et sa banlieue

Tout sur Paris, le Grand Paris et ses habitants

2018.11.30 22:04 _NoTech metre juims

Sousreddit officiel de l'usine à zgin ANNUAIRE DES SOUSREDDITS FRANCOPHONES & BILINGUES: /annuaire Thanks to u/Tech-Support-420 for the custom vote buttons

2012.01.30 17:40 French Rap

Hip Hop from any francophone region. France, Switzerland, Belgium, West, North and Central Africa, Caribbean, Quebec, Cajun... Huge ty to u/thillsd for the bot :)

2024.06.02 08:39 AllBark_NoBite_007 IS COMMON DOG SENSE SEEPING IN?

The Paris rain forced our resident HaPpY hAlF FrEnCh CoUpLe to “retire” to their posh pad, which allowed poor crumb to actually relax and take a nap!!! Way to go, 🍌/🦢.
FYI: The American Kennel Club states that puppies need 18-20 hours of sleep A DAY in order to become well-adjusted dogs. Perhaps Italian pups living in France only need 4 hours, just like their mumsy??? It's so confusing.
But props for posting a proper photo of a sleeping thing that doesn't give us all the ick factor.
submitted by AllBark_NoBite_007 to annaklootssnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 JacketNational7526 AITA for telling a child to play with my Weiner?

For context I (30M,) was seeing this guy (40M) for a little over two months. His friends (43M,44F) have a (10M) son. They all came over to the guy I was seeing house. I had driven over an hour and half, and planned to stay the weekend. Guy was doing a fish fry and invited a few folks over. As we were all drinking, and shooting the sh!t. The son came over near the end. When all of us had a bit too many. He started to challenge all the guys there to fight. Which a few obliged. I on the other hand don’t like to be touched. So I told him my dogs would fight him instead. I have 5 dogs, (4 French bulldogs, and 1 Weiner) all of them in a cage. When I introduced my dogs. I said these are my French bulldogs, here’s the dad (pointed to my oldest, and he’s in the cage with his two sons. I then point to my female, and then say that’s my weiner dog next to her.) At the time my Weiner dog was growling and barking out of all of them. She’s aggressive, but weighs like 8lbs. I then say he can wrestle with my Weiner, who is barking and growling, and he looks at me weird. Yet I’m pointing at my dog. Mind y’all, there’s a full pool table between us. And I was never close to this kid. He laughs and says oh I thought… then stops what he’s saying. I said no. My Weiner dog. He just laughs then goes back to the group. I go to the bathroom, cause I needed to piss. The guy I was seeing comes in and basically tells me I was being a pedo. I was confused. Cause I only call these dogs and grew up calling them Weiner dogs. I explained that it’s not my fault his parents didn’t tell him what a Weiner dog is, and told him I introduced my dogs and said that’s my Weiner dog. He then goes on. Yet that’s a child, how are they to know. Yet CBS(Oswald) and Adventure Time both have hot dogs in buns for reference of a Weiner dog on kids shows. Which I mentioned. Now this kid plays GTA5 and call of duty, fortnite. Yet I guess his friends and the son thought I was being predatory. So I told him goodbye and left. AITA for telling him to F off, and blocking him? (Mind y’all also, they say things way worse than me telling him if he wants to wrestle he can wrestle with my Weiner.) AITA?
submitted by JacketNational7526 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:50 Illustrious_Mix_4903 Jitasama International Auxiliary Language

Jitasama is a designed International Auxilliary Language meant to be a means of intercommunication between speakers of different languages.
Jitasama has:
No verb tenses
No double consonants
No gramatical gender
No tones
No articles
Makes clear distinction of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs
Limited Affixes
Adjectives come after the noun while determiners come before the noun
1200 Root Words
4,700 total words

By maximizing shared vocabulary between Jitasama's 15 primary source languages, Jitasama's 1200 Root Words are lexically similar to; Mandarin Chinese 15%, English 44%, Hindi 27%, Spanish 45%, Arabic 20%, Indonesian 22%, Russian 26%, Bengali 23%, Portuguese 44%, French 43%, German 32%, Japanese 15%, Persian 28%, Swahili 18%, and Filipino 20%. Creating a nearly even mix of European and Non-European derived vocabulary.

LabialAlveolarPost-alveolarPalatalVelarLabial-velarGlottal Nasalmn Plosivepbtdkɡ Affricate Tapɾ Fricativefsʒ Approximantl

Vowels are pronounced the same as they are in Spanish
VowelPronunciationLip positionExamples aahLips and mouth wide open.Cama, mamá, azúcar eehLips slightly open and mouth stretched.Especie, estadio, ese ieLips slightly open and mouth stretched.Índigo, imagina, iría oohLips rounded and opened slightly.Oso, hoyo, asombroso uooLips rounded and almost fully closed.Universo, usuario, universidad

Vowel Diphthongs in Jitasama never combine into one sound, but are pronounced as two separate vowels.
Vowel diphthongsPronunciation uooo-oh uioo-e ueoo-eh uaoo-ah iue-oo ioe-oh iee-eh aiah-e ouoh-oo oioh-e eueh-oo eieh-e auah-oo iae-ah

You can use duplication on adjectives and nouns for dramatic effect, it will always create an adjective

kuela(happy, content) can become kuelakuela(delighted)
joi(joy) can become joijoi(overjoyed)

To create the plural, the particle fuju from Mandarin Chinese复数fu shu-plural is used after the noun.

kat - cat
kat fuju - cats
When there is an adjective accompanying the noun, the plural particle comes at the end of the noun phrase.
kat bela - a/the beautiful cat
kat bela fuju - the beautiful cats
submitted by Illustrious_Mix_4903 to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:35 13CraftyFox Fashion Photographs by André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri (1819-1889) Possibly Misdated?

Fashion Photographs by André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri (1819-1889) Possibly Misdated?
Here are some lovely Carte de Visites by the French photographer André-Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri (1819–1899).
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has these photographs dated 1858–1868, but I’ve always thought that the fashion looked closer to 1870. Certainly not 1850s or even mid-1860s. The photographer worked in this style of portraiture until 1871, so these must be from before that date. Does anyone else think these are probably from 1869–71? I know the French were generally the forerunners in fashion, but with the high braided hair and looped overskirts, these seem very First Bustle era to me. I’ve never seen a fashion plate with this style until the end of 1868. I could be totally wrong though!
Let me know what y’all think!
submitted by 13CraftyFox to fashionhistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:17 Havoc_Guild_1204 Historicity of Reports of Arabs Being Amazed by the Recitation of the Quran during the Prophet's Time

When Walid ibn al-Mughira - God's curse be upon him! - chief of Quraysh and a man known for his eloquence heard [the Qur'an], he was struck into silence, his heart turned numb, his eloquence forsook him, his argument collapsed, his case was devastated, his impotence clearly appeared and his wits were befuddled; and he said: By God, there is a certain sweetness to his words, a certain grace
Sophia Vasalou's "The Miraculous Eloquence of the Qur'an: General Trajectories and Individual Approaches", Journal of Quranic Studies
What do you guys think of this quote? Do you think it's a fabrication? Or perhaps it has kernels of truth?
I think it these kinds of reports might have kernels of truth, with exaggerations here and there.
Considering I've seen many non-muslims on the internet describe how beautiful they find the recitation of the Quran to be, I don't think the nature of the above report, and others like it are complete fabrications.
Some examples from youtube comments:
"i am not Muslim or any specific religion, but this is beautiful and calming. I can understand the reasoning behind the devotion of life to Allah and being Muslim in general. "
"I am hindu ,listening this holy Quran....very soulful"
"I'm not a Muslim. This has spoken to me about a person who I once was but either didn't know, or forgot about. It is absolutely beautiful. I feel calm and warm "
"I'm not Muslim but I find Quran recitations very beautiful and calming to listen to ️ Many of the verses (?) I've heard are so eloquent and poetic."
"I am italian, I am not muslim but I always listen to these preyers because they relax me I don't know why"
"am not muslim but i love to listen to this beautiful recitation of Quran. Amen"
"I am a Hindu, didn't understand anything but it was peaceful God bless everyone who is reading my comment"
"I'm Christian but im absolutely stunned every time I hear a recitation of the Qur'an"
"I automatically wounder if my faith in Christianity is in vein cos I can't stop crying whenever I hear a quruan recited by any person"
"Je suis pas musulman mais ça m’empêche pas de trouver ça magnifique! Que dieu nous garde uni - I'm not Muslim but that doesn't stop me from finding it magnificent! May God keep us united" "bonjour,je ne suis pas n'arrive plus à dormir depuis quelques mois mais je suis tombée ici par me suis endormie en 20 minutes,merci à cette magnifique religion en tout cas prenez soin de vous -hello, I'm not Muslim..I haven't been able to sleep for a few months but I came across here by chance..I fell asleep in 20 minutes, thank you to this magnificent religion in any case take care of yourself "
"Je ne suis pas musulmane et j'écoute le Coran qui n'est que magnifique et je ressens une grande paix un appel et une force à faire Ramadan..Dieu est grand et tout suis apaisée - I am not Muslim and I listen to the Koran which is only magnificent and I feel great peace, a call and strength to do Ramadan..God is great and all powerful..I am peaceful"
Spanish: "Me encanta yo soy cristiano pero me gusta mucho escuchar el coran me relaja mucho gracias a dios allah es unico dios - I love it, I am a Christian but I really like listening to the Koran, it relaxes me a lot, thank God, Allah is the only God."
"Divino, magestuoso soy católica pero admiro mucho su devoción y entrega al mismo Dios, cantan con el alma esto extremece al que lo escucha. El mismo Dios se complace por esto. - Divine, majestic, I am a Catholic but I greatly admire their devotion and dedication to God himself, they sing with their soul, this excites those who listen to it. God himself is pleased by this."
"no soy musulman ,pero que hermosa voz y transmite una paz que no puedo describir con palabras. - I am not Muslim, but what a beautiful voice and it transmits a peace that I cannot describe with words."
"Ich bin zwar Christin, aber habe sehr Respekt vor dem Islam. Ich finde das sehr friedlich in schweren Zeiten - I am a Christian, but I have a lot of respect for Islam. I find it very peaceful in difficult times" "Bin keine Muslimin. Aber der Koran zu hören, nimmt mir meine Sorgen und beruhigt mich -I am not a Muslim. But listening to the Koran takes away my worries and calms me down"
Portuguese: "Sou católica,mas ouvir o alcorão me dá uma paz inexplicável -I'm Catholic, but listening to the Quran gives me an inexplicable peace"
"Não sou Mulçumana mas sinto uma profunda emoção ao ouvir. -I'm not Muslim but I feel a deep emotion when I hear it."
"Я русская, не религиозна, слушаю 1 раз, почему плачу не знаю...... - I’m Russian, not religious, I listen to it once, I don’t know why I’m crying......"
"Я конечно христианин, но все равно слушаю Коран, всем Мира и добра в доме братья, Аллах велик - Of course, I am a Christian, but I still listen to the Koran, Peace and goodness to all in the house brothers, Allah is great"
"Я не мусульманин, надеюсь пока что, но обожаю слушать Священный Коран.
Japanese: "無宗教ですが、この綺麗な音とと言葉…心が穏やかになります - I'm not religious, but these beautiful sounds and words make me feel at peace."
"祈りの言葉は、宗教の壁を超えて美しいと感じるけれど「宗教」となった途端に争いが起きるのは悲しい、と思うのは日本人的感性でありましょうか。 - I feel that the words of prayer are beautiful and transcend religious barriers, but I also feel sad that as soon as they become a "religion" conflict arises. Perhaps this is a Japanese sensibility."
"夕方にアザーンが流れる国に住んでます。結婚を機に移住して、毎日流れるアザーンと、ラマダン時期の楽しそうにしてるイスラム教徒の方々見て癒されてます。 宗教的に犬とかダメな人多いけど、誰にでも優しいからいい国。 - I live in a country where the adhan is played in the evening. I moved here when I got married, and I find it comforting to hear the adhan every day and to see Muslims having fun during Ramadan. Although there are many people who are against dogs for religious reasons, it is a great country because it is kind to everyone."
心が清められるようでした。 - It was so beautiful and my heart felt purified."
"イスラム教、とても好きなので、いっそのこと仏教徒を辞めて、イスラム教徒になろうかと思う今日この頃。でもラマダンの時、戒律破りそうなので難しい(笑)特に暗い時、午前4時頃聴くと、本当に心が洗われる気がする。 - I love Islam so much that I've been thinking about quitting Buddhism and becoming a Muslim. But it's difficult because I might break the rules during Ramadan (lol). When I listen to it at around 4am, especially when it's dark, I feel like my heart is cleansed."
"종교를떠나 음율이 아름다워 마음에 웅장함과 평온이 느껴집니다 -Regardless of religion, the melody is beautiful and brings grandeur and peace to the heart.
I feel it"
"말레이시아 살아봐서
늘 새벽부터 듣던 소리입니다
지금은 저소리가 듣고싶어서
제가 이렇게찿아서 듣곤하네요 Because I lived in Malaysia
It's a sound I've always heard since dawn.
I want to hear that sound now
I often listen to it like this."
"종교를 떠나 너무 아름답습니다. Regardless of religion, it is so beautiful."
"와 왜 종교에 빠지는지 알것같다.... 이슬람에 편견을 갖고있어서 싫어했는데 꾸란 자체는 음율이 있어 노래부르는것 같이 아름답네
마음의 안정도 오고 푹 빠지게 되는듯 Wow, I think I understand why people fall for religion... I was prejudiced against Islam and disliked it, but the Quran itself has a melody and is beautiful, like singing...
I feel like I'm getting peace of mind and falling in love with it."
With all this in mind, I think the historicity of the reports of arabs being amazed by the Quran during the Prophet's time are a possiblity.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Havoc_Guild_1204 to AcademicQuran [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:30 IAmHerdingCatz Finally seeing some progress!

Finally seeing some progress!
In fall of 2019 we raised our slanted yard and made it more level, then took out a 2 feet strip across the front for my herb garden. Following an u seasonably cold winter, the herbs struggled last summer. Some got a bad leaf mold, but they all pulled through. This year they are coming on strong and I'm so thrilled!
The plan is to take out another 3 foot strip this fall--2 feet for the herbs to expand, and 1 for a little walkway. I'm not as experienced as y'all, but I'm still proud of my humble beginning.
Herbs are Spanish lavender (very drought tolerant. Also able to survive in near flood conditions.) 4 rosemary, 2 types of oregano and 1 or marjoram, 1 sage, 4 thyme, 1 chive. I planted tarragon and Greek basil yesterday, and after the next torrential rains I've got summer savory and French lavender to go in.
Our hardiness zone is listed as 8a, 8b, and 9--all in the same zip code. Also described as "between cool-summer Mediterranean climate and Oceanic climate. Think rain. No--think LOTS of rain.
Also, you should taste my spaghetti sauce with all these fresh herbs!
submitted by IAmHerdingCatz to NoLawns [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:47 Careless-Mix1372 Some old wholesome writing about Techno ft. His little sister #Technoblade25

Some old wholesome writing about Techno ft. His little sister #Technoblade25
For some context me and my friend Kat used to write dsmp fanfiction (yea ik cringe) we always took our own spin on the dsmp characters and lore. As an example in one of Technos videos he talks about taking french and decided to make ‘piglin language’ just be french.
It was honestly some of most fun and creatively enjoyable times of my life and all of it inspired me to try and become an author.
These stories stemmed from watching Technoblades video “train ‘em young” which featured his little sister, me and Kat thought they were absolutely adorable and im a sucker for wholesome bother sister dynamics. This is definitely one of my favorite videos.
Me and Kat finally caved and wrote some short stories about them after finding this equally adorable animatic of that video and we’ve decided to share them for Techno’s 25th birthday.
We gave his sister our own name, Kaskara, which is a type of blade, we were also inspired by some art we found but I wont be showing it as I dont know who it belongs to. In some of our stories Kaskara was his biological sister and others had a bit more backstory and she was adopted by him but still kept a brother sister dynamic.
Techno was an amazing and kind person and it shines through even more in that video. I hope all of his family including his sister are doing well with such a difficult time and I hope they know they’re not alone. Techno affected all of our lives in such positive ways and I couldn’t be more grateful for such a lovely family raising such an kind and genuine son.
Kats is the first one and mine is the 2nd, which is unfinished. I hope you enjoy and please consider watching the videos I linked as they are just so wholesome.
submitted by Careless-Mix1372 to Technoblade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:34 AarakocraWarlock Mine :)

Mine :) submitted by AarakocraWarlock to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:29 prettygirlr0ck Needing Radish Advice

I’m new to gardening and still learning how to balance my soil nutrients. I started some radishes in a container about 25 days ago. They are from a seed blend of french dressing, pink beauty, cherry belle, purple plum, sparkler, and white hailstone radishes. The seed packet estimates 27-35 days to harvest.
The sprouts are doing really well and are 4+ inches tall, some with 2-3 sets of leaves, but they aren’t developing bulbs. I realized about a week ago that the fertilizer i’ve been watering with is super high in nitrogen and low in phosphorus, which has led them to develop great leaves, but that’s about it. I added bone meal to their soil last week to boost the phosphorus, but I’m not sure if that will make a difference. Can they still develop bulbs at the bottom or am I too late? I’m not sure if I should pull them up and start over or if there is still some hope for them.
Any advice y’all have would be amazing!
submitted by prettygirlr0ck to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:06 SkazzK Manau - Fest Noz de Paname; quelle danse (traditionelle)?

Bonsoir mes ami(e)s Français(es),
Veuillez me pardonner mon Français rouillé, mais j'ai une question à laquelle j'aurais du mal à obtenir une réponse satisfaisante chez nous, aux Pays-Bas.
Je viens de visiter mon tout premier bal "balfolk", étant invité par ma chère amie, et j'ai passé une super soirée en dansant sur des mélodies traditionelles. (Ayant deux pieds gauches, je n'aurais jamais cru que ça serait si rigolo!)
Durant ma adolescence, j'aimais bien la musique du groupe "Manau", surtout leurs deux premiers albums. (Un peu de contexte: mon père est né en France, et m'a appris le Français depuis ma naissance, mais je n'ai jamais atteint une maîtrise totale de la langue. On a perdu le contact au début de mon adolescence, et cette musique m'a aidé, à l'epoque, à me connecter à mes racines un peu.)
En dansant ce soir, j'avais l'impression que les danses que j'apprenais (des gigues, des gavottes, etc.) s'accorderaient bien avec la musique bretonne de Manau. Mais n'ayant aucun expérience en la matière (ni la danse, ni la culture bretonne), je ne sais pas quelle danse conviendrait à la chanson "Fest Noz de Paname" que j'aime tant.
Y a-t-il quelqu'un (un(e) danseu-euse?) qui pourrait me dire quelle danse correspond à cette chanson? Ma amie et moi nous sommes promis de répéter ensemble, et j'aimerais utiliser cette chanson.
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse!
(PS Pardon my English, but the "practice"/"répéter in my last sentence, should that have been "pratiquer"? I was looking for the word that conveys the meaning "trying until you learn", much like I wrote the above post in French to practice my French.)
submitted by SkazzK to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:01 FelicitySmoak_ Song Elimination Game: Season 1, Day 14

Song Elimination Game: Season 1, Day 14
"California Christmastime" is out! (by 1 vote!)
Every day we're eliminating 1 song. Name the song that you like the least. The song with the most upvotes gets eliminated.
Before commenting, pls check to see if the song's already been mentioned and upvote instead of commenting again!
Please don’t downvote posts you disagree with, instead upvote posts you DO agree with. It's a game. No one should be losing karma points over a game. It just discourages people from playing!
  1. West Covina
  2. The Sexy Getting Ready Song
  3. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Theme
  4. I’m So Good at Yoga
  5. Feelin’ Kinda Naughty
  6. Face Your Fears
  7. I Have Friends
  8. A Boy Band Made Up of Four Joshes
  9. Sex with a Stranger
  10. Settle for Me
  11. I’m a Good Person
  12. I Give Good Parent
  13. What’ll It Be? (Hey, West Covina)
  14. Sexy French Depression
  15. His Status Is Preferred
  16. Where’s the Bathroom?
  17. Women Gotta Stick Together
  18. Having a Few People Over
  19. Put Yourself First
  20. Textmergency
  21. You Stupid Bitch
  22. Group Hang
  23. JAP Battle
  24. Don’t Settle for Me
  25. Gettin’ Bi
  26. I’m the Villain in my Own Story
  27. Dream Ghost
  28. I Could if I Wanted To
  29. Heavy Boobs
  30. I Gave You a UTI
  31. Oh My God I Think I Like You
  32. After Everything I’ve Done For You (That You Didn’t Ask For)
  33. One Indescribable Instant
Eliminated Songs
  1. California Christmastime
  2. Cold Showers
  3. I Love My Daughter (But Not in a Creepy Way)
  4. Dear Joshua Felix Chan
  5. Flooded With Justice
  6. Angry Mad
  7. West Covina (Reprise)
  8. Settle For Me (Reprise)
  9. West Covina (Second Reprise)
  10. Flooded With Justice (Reprise)
  11. Where Is The Rock?
  12. Romantic Moments
  13. Clean up On Aisle 4
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to CrazyExGirlfriendCW [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:23 Razwog Can I use shallots to make a french onion soup?

I have too many f*cking shallots and need to use them before they go bad. Can I use them as a base for a French onion soup? I've tried to look this up before posting and it seems unclear as to whether its possible/actually a good idea.
EDIT: Damn y'all, it's wild I'm getting downvoted so much for just asking a question. I don't normally cook with shallots, I was just wondering if the flavor is any different from the traditional soup. Sue me. Also, I live alone, so "a lot of shallots" is only really a few pounds of shallots that I got on special and therefore need to use up.
My plan is now to use my vidalias and red onions knocking about along with the shallots to make a big batch of soup that I can keep and freeze portions of. Thanks to those who contributed to the thread with your advice!
submitted by Razwog to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:31 Narrow-Wish3886 Has any other south American or Latin American seen those cringeworthy videos about being Latino made in the US by Americans with LAtin American heritage?

I was watching some of them to practice my English and understand more about the US etc.
Found some channel named pero que, and then mitu and a few more.
I saw a few videos that made me go like... Are these people retarded?
There is a video called:
Words in Spanish white people cant pronounce.
Meanwhile South America has white people by the millions and they speak Spanish perfectly, including millions of white Brazilians who can also speak Spanish quite well because they learned it at school or in their free time. Europe is also full of white people who can speak Spanish, and met tons of whites from the US who can speak Spanish too.
BTW Spain the country that gave the world the Spanish language is whiter than the US. Check the map (Hint: is in Europe)
Another one is...
You are not Latino if... And then they say stupid crap like.... you dont cook with Yoga seasoning. I didnt even know what that was, in Colombia there is no such thing, we have our own national brands and seasonings. Might be Goya not Yoga.
Or the jewel of them all.
You are Hispanic even if you cant speak Spanish.
How can be Hispanic if one cannot speak the language? The whole purpose of the label Hispanic is to highlight the fact that your mother tongue is Spanish.
Itd be me like saying, I am Anglophone but I cannot speak English. Then how am I an Anglophone?
And then the videos are done in US English, but when they switch to Spanish you can tell they force themselves to sound really but really Latin American.
Another one is,
You are not LAtin American if your aunt doesnt beat you with the chancla.
In Colombia corporal punishment to children is punished and parents DO get arrested.
Not only that, if my aunt would have hit me with some slipper, my dad would have made sure its the last time she comes anywhere near his family.
I never heard of people in latin America letting the aunt beat their kids with a slipper. Ive been in most of south America incl. Brazil, never saw Yoga or Goya food items.
And how can you be Hispanic if you cant speak Spanish? Yeah and I am a Francophone, but I cannot speak French. Doesnt make sense.
submitted by Narrow-Wish3886 to asklatinamerica [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:15 Creative_Insect500 Where to watch

Where to watch
Hey y’all, can anyone find somewhere to watch Le Petit Cirque et Autres Contes, it’s a short-ish French compilation film.
submitted by Creative_Insect500 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:02 stewblock2023 I am making and planning a what-if the yellow background/orange background’s characters were replaced by new characters?

This is my idea of what if instead of the same characters from the B&W Part, they replaced it with new characters, to symbol how Dangerous the world is, and it will use the designs of the same heads used in my previous post, here are the characters who would replace them: • The Small Green Thing. • Musti. • Miffy. • Gadget Heckwanch. • Freddie (Bitty Big Heads version only). • Handy. • Vinni Pukh. • Po Ping. • Roary the Racing Car. • Gumball Watterson. • Squidward. • Clancy. • Belle Butterfly. • The LemonLand Mascot. • Pike from Pike's Lagoon. • The screaming evil paper thing aka the Virus from Pencilmation. • 3 from Number Lore (Derpy Eyes). • Bernie from Zig & Sharko (The Face when he gets his hand bitten by the plant in The Gardener). • the Yellow Shirt Kid from Boundaries by Hopscotch. • The Frog from If You’re Happy & You Know It by Muffin Songs. • Uncle Grandpa. • DogDay. • Blue (MAD version only). • Garfield. Colin the Computer. Ronald McDonald (McDonaldland Fun-Doh version only). Pink from Rainbow Friends (Rusrock version only because I like her design in Rainbow Nightmares). Peter Griffin. A Rabbid. The little girl from Hello by Muffin Songs. Nostalgia Critic. Kim Jong-un (NOTE: I still hate him, but I only like his Presidents counterpart). Ambrose Burnside. Bill Cipher. An inanimate clock. Iscream. Joseph Stalin (NOTE: I still hate him). John Cena. Chicken from Cow & Chicken. Ricky Bowers. Mammott. Baroness von Bon Bon. Mr. Blobby. Snoopy. A cat from PJ Pugapillar’s sad Origin Story by Gametoons. A Tyrannosaurus-Rex. Shrek. Troll Face. Lil’ Sam Lil’ Cat Lil’ Dice The Vandal from Matanim’s Cabinet Man Animation. A Blockster. Kevin Felix. Braden Broome. Bigmouth. Taylet Toad. A Creeper. The Block Of Eternal Screaming. Marge from Fright Night. Violin Girl from Courage The Cowardly Dog. (Scary Face) Upset Tune. RB. Mario. Wario. Goofy. Bambi.
And in the orange background part for the Hitler Andreas Hykade Mickey Mouse Hybrid Screaming will be Matthew Littermore’s Angry Screaming Face from Cartoonmania: The Movie, Handy’s Screaming Face from Don’t Yank My Chain, Evil Leafy with Scribble Mouth open, The Piano from DHMIS Fathers Day by Animeshun Man in his “Deafening Scream Form”, all fused in one as the screams from original Love & Theft gets replaced by Handy’s Scream, The Howie Scream, The Love & Theft Bitgewitter Preformance Scream and Tension in 1:47, Evil Leafy’s Roar, and the T-Rex’s Death Scream from N00bs Man Retreat mixed together and in distorted and glitchy effects, and the building up what appears to be a angry buff Gromit looking drug being, and then goes to transitioning characters who have appeared in this section such as: The Fish from DCTF. The Zookeeper from Zoonomaly. Tom Pelican/Pouli. Gregory Heffley. Freddy Fazbear. Flumpty Bumpty. Jane from The FNAF Movie. Pinocchio. Cheesehead Cheddarboy/Spugna. Gary The Snail. And in the Tongue Frenching part, the characters appear in this section as couples/2 characters from shows as: P & G from Alphabet Lore. X & Y from Alphabet Lore. Goku & Naruto. Sonic & Tails. Chuchel & Kekel. The Little Boy & The Bully from Happy Game. Orion & The Dark. Poochee & Pansy. Godzilla & Ghidorah. Frisk & Chara. And then at the pulling mutated thing with veins part. The characters appear as Riley & Maya from Girl Meets World (Stop-Motion & Cartoon style from World of Terror.) and the mutated thing with veins is replaced of what appears to be some blob-like part with textures of frames of Videos from Gen Z Traumas, and at the mutated characters part. It will have parts of real life animals, inanimate objects, B-Day’s Drawings such as the clock from the Mallrooms 2.5 footage, the bootleg hybrids from the Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers movie, the character mashups from Sporcle, the original and same characters from the original Love & Theft fused with the replacements and along with the Gen Z trauma characters mixed with them & etc, And at the zooming in part, it will show the same characters but will be extended after the blue triangle zooms in, and reveals most of the replacements with the DHMIS 1 Let’s Get Creative Tension as the blue texture turns to a reddish hue. And then flashing lights then zooms to black background.
submitted by stewblock2023 to u/stewblock2023 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:45 scorched_boi "fuckmylife" SoundCloud archive, and "Suckscription" service archive finally public

Hi guys,
You might remember my old post about an archive I was working on of all the tracks deadmau5 released on his "fuckmylife" SoundCloud account over the years: my work on the archive is finally over, I organized all the info I was able to gather thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and other sources in this Google Sheets document (read the document FAQs for detailed info) and uploaded all the files on the Internet Archive here.
I made a similar document regarding the tracks deadmau5 released on his old "Suckscription" service on, and user Hydra made a similar archive, based on the info in my document, of all the tracks in their highest quality available (almost all of them are the original WAV downloaded from the service at the time, and then converted to FLAC for space efficiency) which was also uploaded to the Internet Archive: you can find it here.
You can also find both archives in this subreddit's sidebar.
I'll paste the text of my SoundCloud archive entry on the Internet Archive, containing all the info and links you might need:
Deadmau5 "fuckmylife" SoundCloud Archive – version 1.0.2 (see changelogs below)
This is the archive of all the tracks, together with correct tags and cover arts, that Joel Zimmerman (a.k.a. deadmau5) uploaded to his "fuckmylife" SoundCloud page over the years, all the info for all the tracks were derived from the wayback machine and organized in this Google Sheets document (see the FAQs in the document for more info).
This archive is meant to be the most historically accurate possible and to preserve an otherwise lost part of deadmau5' production.
If you think you can contribute missing files/info to this archive contact me at any of my contacts you can find in the FAQs of the document below. To make it short these are the files we're still missing (for info missing see the Google Sheets document):
Content of this archive:
Audio file name structure:
for example:
Cover images have the same file name of the corresponding audio file.
Audio file tags structure:
Cover images are included in the tags too.
FAQ from the google sheet document:
The google sheet document and this archive was made by u/scorched_boi (MagistraNocte on Discord and others, Impossible Geometry on SoundCloud), special thanks to all the people that contributed and helped me achieve this, in no particular order: the original author(s?) of the old archive and any subsequent version (haven't really been able to tell who it is, if you know, please let me know and I'll add it), Discord users Hydra, Thermospore and Good4Josh (and all the others that replied to questions), Reddit users u/Ok-Building-712, u/Insetta, u/DeadlySin9 and u/theofficialagp, Soulseek users notZX and WonderingMeow and all the people that uploaded tracks to Youtube back when they were being posted. Thanks also to anyone who might be able to contribute in the future with the still missing info and files that are listed in the document (contact me at any of my usernames above or [email]( me if you have any).
submitted by scorched_boi to deadmau5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:44 KristianWant Does anyone know of a brew shop where I can buy barley for home brewing beer?

Je cherche un magasin de brassage où je peux acheter de l'orge pour le brassage maison !
(French below)
As in the title! I’m currently looking for a home brew shop in Paris or the Ile-de-France region to buy barley/wheat for home brewing. There used to be one in the 13th but I think it shut down last year! If anyone knows of a place, I’d absolutely appreciate to know! Thanks!
Comme indiqué dans le titre ! Je cherche actuellement un magasin de brassage maison à Paris ou dans la région Île-de-France pour acheter de l'orge/blé pour le brassage maison. Il y en avait un dans le 13ème mais je pense qu'il a fermé l'année dernière ! Si quelqu'un connaît un endroit, j'aimerais vraiment le savoir ! Merci !
submitted by KristianWant to paris [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:57 BlondeAmbition123 I really wanted to like this show

Overall, I feel like this show ended up having the quality of Covert Affairs (a 2010s girlboss spy drama), but less fun. Real USA network writing. I think it wanted to be the quality of Slow Horses (my favorite spy drama right now)--but fell short. Spoilers below.
First--there were several things about this show I found promising.
My biggest issues:
submitted by BlondeAmbition123 to TheVeilTVSeries [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:23 TheGraug I (M20) feel like an hostage in my own home

Yeah so I don't really know where to start but... I'm really, really, really tired. I wanna scream, I wanna wreck something, but I don't even have the motivation to do so.
I just feel empty, and every day it's getting worse... And you may ask why? Well, lots of things, with the main factor being my parents, their ridiculous rules, and their lack, or outright refusal of understanding, especially when it concerns my AuDHD, or my hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS).
Now, small note, because it may matter, but I live in France, so some norms might be different from the US and whatnot.
Anyways, my parents... It's getting bad, like really, really, really fucking bad. I'm basically their thrall, and can do nothing except their whims, lest I get yelled at and rights get stripped from me.Some examples would include not being able to cook food I want because "it stinks".Like... No other reason, my mom just found that spicy Korean ramen stinks and now I can't cook that anymore, so yeah. I can't cook, like at all, and especially not at night cuz it apparently wakes them up. Even food that I bought with my own damn money. And while that doesn't sound bad, it gets worse :
All of this makes it so that I just avoid my parents like the plague, and I would leave, I really really would, but I can't. Why ? Because I need papers for my wife. She left the US for reasons, and can't go back there for said reasons. The problem is that her visa expired, so now we're gonna be in an uphill battle so that the government gives her residency. When she was in the process of moving here, my mom made the papers to host her and took a lawyer to help me, but now she just dumped all the rest of the paperwork on me, and I have to deal with the lawyer myself and pay for it, mind, I barely have the money for it and it's likely gonna cost another grand if not more. And it's like, I've never dealt with that before. And the weight of that is huge and it's basically been dropped on me. And... I can barely take it anymore, I feel like exploding, I feel like shit all the time, and yes, I had THOSE thoughts, wayyyyyy more than once. My wife is trying to support me best she can, but since she can't speak French (She's learning), she really only can support in the back, she can't go and protect me during an argument. I am going to move out ASAP, but ASAP means not before November-December if anyone is willing to rent to someone with no job. So yeah... I don't really know what else to say but I needed to get all of this out. I do still feel like ending it all, but I won't, too young, but damn the want is there.
submitted by TheGraug to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:20 Substantial_Age1773 France VLS-TS Visa: What to Know

Hi all-
I recently got 3 Long-stay visitor visas to France approved for myself and family, and wanted to share some insights. I spent a lot of time over the past 6 months scouring the internet, books, and Reddit about the process and details in order to make sure my visa wasn't denied. I really hope this helps as a one-stop-shop for most of you. I've bolded my key take-aways from each process step/requirement.
  1. To begin, the Visa Wizard on the French Visa website (https://france-visas.gouv.fen/) will show you which visa you will need and the associated required documents. You should get most of these documents in order before you even start or submit your application.
  2. Next, start your application, you can stop and save as a draft at any point. Note that the English translation is wonky in a lot of areas- I used a video from Baguette Bound to make sure I didn't enter anything incorrectly due to a loss in translation.
    1. You can submit for your visa up to 3 months in advance of your departure date. But I always wondered- what does that mean?? Will my visa start date be the date that my visa was approved? Answer: Your visa will start on the date that you outline in your visa application ("What day will you enter French territory?"). Save yourself any headache (i.e., longer than expected processing time, application rejection, etc) by applying ahead of time. The scenario I see over and over again are people trying to get their visa in a matter of weeks or days before their flight. The application process is not cheap, and neither are flight changes- so give yourself plenty of lead time: submit early!
  3. Some of the required document descriptions are vague- if not completely lacking. Below are the requirements for a long stay visitor visa, and my clarifications are noted. I got a folder and put these documents in the order shown below, separated by paper clips. The VFS Global rep will appreciate it :)
    1. Visa Appointment Confirmation
    2. Visa application, signed and dated
    3. Photocopy of driver's license, front and back
    4. Photocopy of passport booklet, signed, including every. single. page.
    5. Commitment to not carry out any professional activity in France, signed and dated.
      1. "I, NAME, hereby promise not to carry out any professional activity while living in France and utilizing a Long Stay Visa."
    6. Explanation as to why you are moving to France- signed and dated.
      1. Write a brief cover letter as to what your motivations and plans are for moving to France. Let them know your French proficiency level, your plans to integrate into society, and your general respect for the French culture, history, and otherwise. I've read people saying that this needs to be at least 3 pages long.... I only did half a page, if that. Just be concise.
    7. Financial proof
      1. I included the following: 401K, 3 months of bank statements for all accounts (beginning the month of your appointment date), stock/investment portfolio. Feel free to include more if you have it- such as your social security monthly statement, etc.
    8. Address of residence you will be staying at
      1. There is a lot of back and forth on the internet about whether or not Airbnbs are OK. Confirmed: Airbnb's are fine to provide, as long as it covers the first three months of your stay. You can locate a document named "PDF for Visa Purposes" on the Airbnb booking which you should print as proof.
  4. Health Insurance Certificate
    1. Not travel insurance. An international private health insurance policy valid from the time to enter until 1 year out. I went with CIGNA because it was the most familiar and I was too nervous to use cheaper alternative options. Make sure you provide documentation that supports what your plan entails.
  5. Before you submit your application- the website will ask you to first book an appointment with VFS Global. I thought this was weird but I did so and it was fine. At first (10PM at night), it showed that there were no appointments available and I freaked out. I tried over and over again but got the same results- and I had read about this happening to others. I had to wait until the next morning and then the website seemed to start working again. So if this happens, don't freak! Just be patient and try tomorrow.
  6. For the VFS Global appointment: The VFS folks are not there to approve/deny your package. They are just there to ensure your supporting documents are accounted for, do your biometrics, collect payment, and send your package off to the French Consulate in Washington D.C. If they HAPPEN to notice that something is wrong on your application, then they will point it out. But they're not there to comb out the finer details of your documents.
  7. If you noticed you got something wrong on your application/documents AFTER your appointment- your confirmed only recourse is:
    1. Email VFS global with an explanation and the documents (will only work if you notice QUICKLY after your appointment)
    2. Wait for the French Consulate to call you and request the new document
    3. Wait for your visa rejection and go through the appeal process
  8. I wasn't actually aware of what the visa that I was waiting for even looked like. Your visa is a sticker inside one of the pages on your passport. I picked up my passport and thought the visa had gotten rejected, until I later found it after a quick google search lol.
I hope this helps! Feel free to ask questions. Bonne chance!
submitted by Substantial_Age1773 to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:53 Effective_Hand_3438 Is English Really a Germanic Language?

Absolutely! English is a Germanic language! It is not some Romance language just because of the huge amount of French and Latin words we have taken. Language families and branches are about the genetics of a language, not the vocabulary. Trust me, I have been doing a Latin course on Duolingo and it is so different, I was making 10 mistakes just to get basic words like "puella", "puer", and "vir". The only word I could guess as an English speaker was "Femina", and as I got deeper into the course, I was able to guess city names like "Novum Eboracum" meaning New York with the etymology that too because I knew the etymology of the words "New" and "York", "York" from the Latin word "Eboracum"
The grammar of English and Latin is also different. In English, we put the auxiliary verb before the object but in Latin, it is correct to do this reverse as well. In English, if I have to write "I am Effective_Hand_3438", this is the only way to convey this exact meaning, but in Latin, we can do "Effective_Hand_3438 sum" meaning "Effective_Hand_3438 am", "Ego Effective_Hand_3438 sum" meaning "I Effective_Hand_3438 am". English adds the adjective before the noun the aforementioned adjective is describing, but in Latin and its descendants, the Romance languages, do the reverse like "Domi dormit" meaning "At home sleeps", "Domi" is the adjective here, so how did it reverse even if English did derive from Latin if every other Romance language has it? I know you will say in the comments, that I am talking about Modern English when I should be talking about Old English which might have these features. Oh! You just disproved your point! Don't you know how similar Old English was to modern-day German? The word for patient (adjective) was "geþyldig" similar to the German word "Geduldig", now you might be saying that English can be a creole of Old English, Norman French and Latin. Yes, and England was colonized by the Normans led by the famous William the Conqueror in creoles the common convention is that the vocabulary comes from the colonizer's language and the grammar comes from the native tongue, but if that were to happen, English would have lost all of its irregularities that it still has like "oxen" instead of "oxes", "children" instead of "childs", but that did not happen, but I agree that creolization isn't full or null, it could have been a partial creolization, but the jury is still out on that, but that's just a theory
submitted by Effective_Hand_3438 to lingandetyrox [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:47 Edwardsreal Matthew Ridgway: The Man Who Built Up NATO

Matthew Ridgway: The Man Who Built Up NATO submitted by Edwardsreal to MURICA [link] [comments]