Bicep plyometric exercises

Going to the gym for the first time tomorrow

2024.06.02 09:12 Existing-Spirit9855 Going to the gym for the first time tomorrow

Going to the gym for the first time tomorrow
Hi! I’m going to the gym for the first time tomorrow. I am a male teen. Is this a good workout?
submitted by Existing-Spirit9855 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:00 ImaginationSea3679 Unusual Floridian Arxur Nursery Part 1

Okay, so...
u/CaptainChristopher02 and u/ThatGuyBob0101 are working on a crossover between My Floridian Arxur Daughter and Unusual Arxur. And given that characters from Arxur Nursery are being used, I got roped in.
So, here I am, as a Trojan Horse, posting something written by the aforementioned authors.
I hope you enjoy.
Memory Transcription Subject: Captain Olivia Denson, UN Military, American Branch, Nursery Founder
Date[standardized human time]: December 24, 2136
Seeing Minuli say goodbye to her friends was a little emotional. I’d grown attached to that peculiar, wonderful, family. But I had my own responsibilities I needed to look out for. Marleen gave me the address of the new nursery and the information for the bus. It didn’t take long for us to find it. A classic yellow exterior.
“Are you kids excited to ride the bus?!” I cheered towards the crowd of precious babies.
Minuli jumped with joy and happily shouted, “It’s so yellow it hurts my eyes to look at it! But I’ll look at it anyway.”
Oros patted her on the shoulder, “Hehe, yes little one. Yes it is.”
I opened the door to the bus and looked at the name of the driver, Ben, who I confirmed with Marleen to be the driver but I asked him anyway.
“Hey, are you the driver for the nursery?”
He smiled brightly, “Yea! You must be Olivia. I’m Benjamine, but you can call me Ben. I'm the school's driver. Hop in. By the way the school had an issue with the amount of beds so the rooms aren’t quite ready. If you want we can take a detour to see the area?”
A stray voice came from behind me. “Really?!” Minuli was whispering to the other hatchling explaining what she overheard. Once the whispers died all the kids started chanting “Beach, Beach, Beach, Beach!”
Okay, beach it is.
The kids all scurried in one by one, despite the jet lag they were so excited that they were bouncing all over the seats.
“Olivia look!” Minuli said. “They don’t have seatbelts! We can just move!”
Should I tell her to get down, or should I let her fall once and learn her lesson?
Timothy tugged in my pant legs, signaling he wanted to be carried for the ride. I obliged, obviously, and raised my voice enough to be heard in the sea of Arxur Hatchling screeches.
Most of the kids listened except for a few stray hatchlings bouncing around at the end of the bus. I was going to let Ben know so I could deal with them but he just winked at me, closed the door, and drove for a foot, only to suddenly hit the brakes, sending those few hatchlings falling into the seats in front of them.
“We’re okay…”
“And that, children, is why we stay in our seats.” I simply stated as I sat down.
“[Chortle!]” Timothy chirped in agreement.
Memory Transcription Subjects: Agent Cass Smith, FBI ARR Arxur Refugee and Relocation Unit
Date[standardized human time]: December 24th, 2136
I didn’t know what to expect. Allen had told me it was an “on-the-job training” experience, although given how he made it sound, it felt like I wasn’t going to be learning much of anything. Especially considering he seemed to be horrible at directions.
“Wait. No. Left,” he ordered, face crammed into his holopad. “Urgh. Say what you will about them, paper maps aren’t nearly as disorienting as this stuff,” Allen groaned. I rolled my eyes, crossing three lanes of traffic to turn left. “Wait! Shit! No!”
“Oh, my God, Allen. Just gimme th’ damn phone,” I pleaded.
“Hey, you’re driving, you shouldn’t be-”
Cutting his complaint short, I gently, but firmly pulled his wrist up in front of the dashboard so I could see where the hell I was going. It was a left, like he originally said, and then…
And then he got a phone call. Sunuvabitch.
“Yer ringin’,” I told him, letting go of his wrist. Considering I needed directions before I went any further, I decided to pull into a nearby beach parking lot and wait as he answered the call.
“Yeah? Yeah, same here. We got a bit turned around; just pulled into a beach so I could take this call. Yeah… Yeah, how’d you know?... Huh. I see. Well, we’ll be right over, in that case.” He shut the call off. “Hey Cass. We’re making a detour.”
“Where to?” I bemoaned.
“Well… look right.” Doing as instructed, I turned to see… a beach. Is he saying-... “I know neither of us brought our swimsuits, but… Hey, you’ll be meeting your charges for the week a bit earlier than expected.”
“For the week? Sir, I volunteered for Christmas Eve, but, I’d still like to be home on the day.”
“I’m not having you work over Christmas, kid, don’t worry, but you’re gonna be working with these guys for a bit.” The both of us stepped out of the car to catch the smell of the beach. “Just, make sure nothing bad happens, and tell me what the place and the people there need. I know I haven’t trained you on, well, anything, admittedly, but you have my number if you’ve got questions, and the assignment should be a breeze. Now, let’s go meet these guys, huh?”
“You mean the guys I’ve been told next to nothing about except for the fact one of ‘em’s an arxur?” I snarked, looking at him.
“Yup. Those’d be the guys. But hey, I want it to be a surprise. You’re gonna love it. Or hate it, and, quite frankly, I didn’t want to get punched inside my own office,” he admitted. I glared down at him as we walked side-by-side down the beach. “Uhhhhhhhhhh hey look! There’s the, ah, founder of the program right up ahead!” Allen shouted, dragging my attention forwards. It was a girl with brown hair and tan skin flagging us down from a ways down the beach
I could see she recognized us, and she seemed to be with company. Allen pointed out two individuals next to her. An Arxur by the name of Oros and a bus driver named Ben.
“Why do I need to know the bus driver?” I asked. I had absolutely no idea who anyone here was, so I supposed introducing myself to everyone would be ideal, but I didn’t think I'd really be seeing this guy often.
“Trust me,” Allen insisted. “You’re gonna be seeing him and asking for his help a lot more often than you think. No matter what you need, he knows a guy or knows the random skill.”
“You’re kidding right?”
“I once briefly mentioned my wife wanted a purse for her birthday and the next day he told me he skinned an alligator that ate his neighbors dog and traded the gator in for fresh leather that he used to make her a purse. No, I am not kidding.” I didn’t have time to comprehend what he said before he shook his head and continued. “It was a nice purse too. Saved my marriage.”
I decided to ignore that last part and instead asked about the adult Arxur.
“Uh… what’s with the big guy over there?”
“Oh, him? That’s Oros. He helped rescue a bunch of kids and brought them to Earth. We moved them from Brazil the other day.”
“Kids? As in… Arxur kids?” I asked. Does that mean-...
“Two of ‘em right there.”
I took my gaze off the founder and rescuer and focused on the other two Arxur that were visible. They were definitely kids. Kids! I wondered if that’s how Tarry looked when he was younger?
Before I got distracted about that thought, which I was absolutely going to use to tease Tarry later, I reset my focus onto the arxur in question. One of the kids was older, having a shirt with what looked like a solar system on it. They were standing next to the big guy; Oros, I assumed. The other hatchling was in the woman’s arms with a cute little button up shirt. His expression showed no thoughts, only a smol head.
“Heh. Welcome, Cass… to Jurassic Park,” Ben theatrically gestured. I looked down the beach to see… Oh.
Waves of tiny little Tarry’s were running around, building sandcastles and splashing in the water just up over the sand hill we were standing on. I looked at Allen.
“... We are going to talk about this later.”
“C’mon. It’s not that bad. You’ll be great with these kids!”
“Allen, when anyone younger than a teenager sees me, they’re either terrified of me, or they think I’m a jungle gym. There is no in-between,” I told him.
“Hey, these aren’t human kids. It’ll be different, I swear!” he tried to placate. I just let out a somewhat exhausted sigh. “Look, just, walk around! Meet some of the kids! You’ve got this, alright?”
“Alright. I guess we can see how it goes…”
One of the tiny Tarry’s was blissfully running around the sand past Olivia, towards me, not paying attention. She fell on her face, but didn’t take long to get up and brush the sand off. She was close to me so I decided to see if Allen was telling the truth. Kneeling down next to the child, I decided to smile at her. Once she noticed the looming shadow over her and looked up I greeted myself. “Hi there.” I said in my best toddler voice I could muster. Admittedly, it wasn’t my best.
She didn’t say a word for a few moments. I thought for a moment that she might actually warm up to me. Maybe that would have been the case if she didn’t immediately start crying.
“…wa…whaaaaa! Chortle, Whaaaaaaa!”
It took only a second of looking at me to get her to cry. I pointed a tired look over to Allen, who simply offered me a half-hearted shrug. An exasperated sigh escaped my chest as I massaged my forehead.
“Ehm… Oliviaaaaa,” I yelled out, trying to get the nursery founder’s attention. She looked over, seeing the lizard begin to wail, and quickly rushed over.
“Oh! Nonono, bebes! It’s fine! She’s friendly!” She quickly scooped up the hatchling in her arms, holding the kid close to her.
“B-but… b-b-big and scawwwyyyyyy,” the hatchling kept wailing.
Oh come on, I am not that scary.
Olivia continued to cradle the small Tarry and tried her best to comfort her by kneeling down close to the sand and making her focus on that.
“Look at all the pretty sand, Kana. Can you say, sand?”
“Wahh- gasp, yay sand!”
Kana, leaping out of her caretaker's hold, landed with a thud on the white sand and played to her heart's content. The small child was immediately focusing on the vivid shape she made, and no longer paid any attention to me.
“It’s a good thing kids have short attention spans.” Olivia held out her now freed hand. “I’m Olivia, I helped found the nursery.”
“Agent Smith. You can call me Cass.” I shook her hand, nearly engulfing it in just my palm alone as I stood back up. “Apparently, I’ll be helpin’ ya get set up at yer new nursery.”
“Well, there’s probably going to be plenty to do. The place is a well-equipped school, but, even though they have the facilities, I don’t think it was built in mind for this many hatchlings living on the grounds,” Olivia contemplated.
“Well, I’ll help wherever I can, and hey, if ya need sum heavy liftin’, ya know who ta call for,” I grinned, tapping my bicep.
“Whooooaaaahhhhh,” an untranslated lizardy voice murmured from behind me, grabbing my attention as Olivia went back to watching the rest of the kids. I looked back and down to see another mini-Tarry. I knew from experience that one thing was definitely going through his mind. My suspicions were confirmed when he lifted his arms, the universal sign of children that they want to be picked up.
“Ma’ lady, would you be so kind as to lift me up and place me upon your shoulder so I may see the top of the world?”
Well at least he’s polite.
I let out a quiet sigh. “No climbing, okay?”
“That’s quite alright!” he accepted. I gently picked up the li’l lizard under his tiny arms and lifted him up to my shoulder, shuffling him up next to my head.
“Whoahhhh… Do you see everything from up here???” he asked in amazement.
“Ayup. Eat yer food and exercise, and given how big you arxur get, you’ll be just as tall as me one day, kid.”
“Well, I’d never presume to best a lady such as yourself,” he humbly offered. I couldn’t hold back a chuckle, shaking my head a little.
“You’re quite the charmer you. Where’d you- ack!”
My question was interrupted by a handful of tiny needles climbing up my back.
“Hey! No! Don’t- Ow!” I was restrained by the gentleman sat atop my shoulder, as another curious lizard clambered their way up my back, poking me all the way up. I was powerless to stop them, as they worked their way up to the top of my head, pomfing down once they reached the top. I sighed, doing my best to stay perfectly still, as while the gentleman lizard was fairly stable on my shoulder, the curious George, who seemed to be barely a toddler lying on my cranium, was anything but.
“Well. So it begins,” I accepted.
“Ooh, I want up there!”
“Wait for me!”
“So tall!...”
“Ack! No! Don’t- fucken!-”
“Swear jar!”
“HAAAAAALP!” I cried out, feeling dozens of tiny needles clamber my body as I was powerless to defend myself. Soon, I was doing everything in my power to prevent at least half a dozen kids from eating dirt, while still enduring a perpetual barrage of stabbing from all sides. I looked around as best I could to see if anyone had heard my cries, but, alas, facing away from the beach, I couldn’t see anyone…
Tell me, God… is this how I die?
And of course, my answer was more claws clambering up my calf.
I looked behind my calf to see who was the culprit of those little stab wounds on my leg. What I found was an innocent mini Tarry with bunny ears on, who wasn’t trying to climb me. They were actually trying to give me a hug but couldn’t reach all the way.
“Chortle, pew!”
I let out a quiet sigh. “You know what? You’re alright, little guy.”
I leaned over just a bit so the kids on me wouldn’t fall on their heads and gave the bunny Tarry a little pat on the head.
I guess this won’t be that ba- Ow! Never mind.
submitted by ImaginationSea3679 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:30 Crafty-Story-9072 Help with my upper lower split routine

My upper days normally have 8 exercises, with an excercise for biceps and triceps, but I think this is too much for me as a beginner and I was thinking on moving my arm workout to lower days, but I heard that it's a bad idea because you would be so much tired. I don't know what to do, I was looking for an upper lower routine that could work for me but it seems like I can't find one
submitted by Crafty-Story-9072 to PlanetFitnessMembers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:23 -Kakashi69- Hypertrophy V3 - Self Made Program

I know this sub is mostly for sharing pre existing plans, as the sharer of "J Nips Bodybuilding Plan" on boostcamp, but I wanted to share this program I made based on a lot of other popular programs, and my own twist. Mostly inspired by Jeff Nippard, Mike Israetel, Will Tennyson, and my own research of peer reviewed studies on training volume. Check out the overview and please give feedback if you have it! Fitness programming is somewhat of a hobby at this point, so I welcome other perspectives!
HYPERTROPHY V3 OVERVIEW A non traditional split where exercises per body group are spread throughout the week to allow maximal effort and recovery. IE - it isnt a PPL, upper lower, or full body plan techincally. All muscle groups have a minimum of 7 sets per week with biceps, chest, and back at 11,12, and 13 sets/week. Exercises are meant to be pushed to within 1 rep of failure, utilizing MYO Rep Pauses to push to legitimate mechanical failure (or close to it)
submitted by -Kakashi69- to FitnesProgramsSharing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:12 Leobreathe30 Prehab program review

Hello everybody! So this is my current prehab routine after developing shoulder and bicep tendinopathy one year ago. The injury was apparently caused by a lot of HSPU work, and the pain was in the front of the shoulder and bicep. I stopped all vertical pushing exercises, but also the horizontal pushing was painful. Now, i am back at all the movements, even stronger than before. But sometimes, i feel a veeery little ache, like 1/10, on those areas, and sometimes like a little feeling of instability during movements like arm abduction to overhead.
Day 1 and 3 1) prone Cuban Press 2-3x10-15 2) facepull Rings 2-3x10-15 3) prone active hang 2x15x3"
Day 2 and 4 (here i have bicep curls too) 1) prone Cuban Press or facepull Rings 2-3x10-15 2) seated ER elbow on knee 2-3x10-15 3) supine active hang 2x15x3"
Questions 1) do facepulls are needed if before i have Cuban Press? Should i do them in the same session or day 1 cuban press and day 2 facepull?
2) before all the "risky" movements (HSPU, weighted dip...) i always do 1 set of 10-15 reps of banded or 1kg cuban press / facepull. Do you think it's needed, to do these multiple warmups, or just do them during the main warmup is enough?
3) what are the differences between prone cuban press and standing cable cuban press?
Thank you!!!
submitted by Leobreathe30 to overcominggravity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:24 Chiff_0 How much am I missing out by not using dumbells?

I’ve been unconsciously transitioning from using dumbells in my training in the past year, particullarly due to how much I hate holding them, how akward they are (my gym has those hexagonal ones that just bump into everything at higher weights) and I just didn’t find the “tension” there while going theough full ROM on arm exercises. I just noticed my complete lack of dumbell usage this week and have been wondering how much I’m really leaving on the table by not using them. My progress has improved drastically for my back, chest, triceps, and delts, but my biceps havent’t really grown as much, although I do feel a much better contraction using cables or doing preacher curls.
submitted by Chiff_0 to naturalbodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:13 Intellectual_Banana Seeking advice as a teen to start training Armwrestling in a commercial gym!

For context:
I'm 15, I've been actively working out (bodybuilding format) in the gym for over a year now. I'm confident with fitness as a fundamental, as well as compound movements. However, I've always been interested in arm wrestling and feel as though the potential is there for me compared to bodybuilding (bicep/back/reardelt superior).
I wish to get serious in armwrestling before moving to Canada in a couple years because I know it's a big thing over there.
Could it be possible to manage arm wrestling training as a beginner as well as keeping up with bodybuilding without having to choose one (for now)?
And if so, what key armwrestling exercises would I be able to access with essentially all the available equipment that a regular commercial gym has (e.g cables, dumbells)?
Thanks a lot everyone, and if these questions seem a bit stupid I understand too, but am really eager to reach my complete potential.
(edited for informative purposes)
submitted by Intellectual_Banana to armwrestling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:43 stevieb02 Exercise order

When your doing multiple muscles on one day(like back and bicep) do you do all your back exercises in order then all bicep or do you mix each one up?
submitted by stevieb02 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:50 Educational_Yak_9079 Is this to much for a pull day?

submitted by Educational_Yak_9079 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:50 WittyCricket6473 What is the most stubborn part/s that is giving you headache with your bodybuilding journey?

And what do you do about it? I fight with my biceps all the time,other muscles grow ok but to bis I have to give double training or they will lag. Also always trying to find a new way to hit it with different exercises and angles
submitted by WittyCricket6473 to naturalbodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:03 redditismysoulmate If the close -gtip bench press is a triceps exercise, can the close-grip barbell row be done as a bicep exercise?

Arnold Schwarzenegger said in an old magazine article that he grew his arms from 13in to 19in by simply doing close-grip bench press and tricep pushdowns as the only 2 triceps exercises. Even Jay Cutler said that the close-grip bench press helps pack on tricep mass real fast.
That got me thinking, isn't the barbell row the back equivalent of a bench press? So if a barbell row were to be done with a close grip would it serve as a bicep exercise?
submitted by redditismysoulmate to WeightTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:02 Equal_Complaint7532 Triceps / Bicep exercises on my push / pull days.

I’m 22M, finally back in the gym after a few years of being lazy and feeling sorry for myself. I’m 150lb, 5’11, bulking and have been in the gym about a month and a half now. My arms have grown and strength has gone up a lot, but I’m really disappointed at the end of my workouts about how non-tired my arms feel. I go to complete failure by the end for all my muscle groups, so idk why it feels disappointing. Ideally I’ll be 165lb or 160lb at the end of summer and have packed some significant size on.
My current biceps exercises are Straight bar curls Cross body hammer curls Cable drag curls
And my triceps exercises are Straight bar cable push downs Skull crushers.
Just looking for some extra stuff you guys find useful, specifically for my brachialis, I feel like everything else keeps growing while my arms plateaued. Thanks.
submitted by Equal_Complaint7532 to Exercise [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:03 wouter_d_r Custom progression scheme, possible to use equipment settings?

I've been using Liftosaur in my current program ( and it is really growing on me. I have been using manual progression (read: manually updating the program on the fly or just logging different weights and reps) but I would like to get into progression now.
I have a few different ideas, but I like to start simple.
This is what I want to do:
So the idea is to take the smallest progression possible, depending on the equipment settings and the rep range. The main thought is that adaptation per workout is limited, so taking the smallest possible progression makes it (1) more attainable and (2) ensures adaptation is gradually and you're taking advantage off every little progressive overload.
submitted by wouter_d_r to liftosaur [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:16 Accurate_Level_9208 Compound VS isolation exercises🤔🤔

When designing a workout routine, understanding the differences between compound and isolation exercises is crucial for achieving fitness goals.

Compound Exercises
Definition: Involve multiple joints and muscle groups. Examples include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, and rows.

Isolation Exercises
Definition: Target a single muscle group, typically involving one joint. Examples include bicep curls, tricep extensions, and leg curls.

Incorporating Both into Your Routine
Balanced Approach: Effective routines incorporate both types, tailored to your goals.

submitted by Accurate_Level_9208 to u/Accurate_Level_9208 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:05 MooseUnloosed Program critique: Rippler w/ subs for Squat & Deadlift

Program critique: Rippler w/ subs for Squat & Deadlift
Hi all,
I'm creating a new program for myself with a few stipulations. I've been having some issues with back pain from squats and deadlifts and I'm working with a physical therapist for it. Some conclusions that we came to after a few weeks is that I was recovering poorly from the programs I was running, mainly from doing too much weight at too much volume. My weakest point was my back/core stability, so that was the first to breakdown, leading to back pain.
So I'm creating a new program focused on recovery and enjoying working out again.
I thought the Rippler would be a good template since it has limited volume. But I wanted to switch around some exercises based on advice from my PT.
  1. I replaced back squats and deadlifts with PT approved exercises
  2. Replaced BTNP with seated DB press--I don't think I have the mobility to do the BTNP comfortably.
  3. Moved around the exercises to be a true UppeLower split, with back exercises on lower days
  4. Made T3 Lower workout exercises more focused on single leg, balance, and core stability work
    1. The raised leg hip twist is a PT provided exercise
Would appreciate feedback on the subbed exercises. I'm not sure what my T3c exercise should be on the OHP day, so I just threw in more bicep curls. Maybe something else would be better? Thanks!
submitted by MooseUnloosed to gzcl [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:56 shiftyone1 Question about lifting/tempo I've been using... (need help)

I recently began a phase of doing, say, 3x5 of an exercise and each rep consists of: (say for bicep curls): - 1 sec concentric and 1 sec eccentric. - 1 concentric (and hold/pause/squeeze for 5 seconds) - Raise & lower for 5 seconds on a slow descent.
I'll do this entire rep scheme and it'll count as 1 rep. I'll choose a weight where after 5 of these cycles (or, reps) I'm feeling a deep burn. After a normal pull-day, I'm feeling a fatigue/pump that has been missing.
I just kept reading about the importance of static pauses & slow descents...was trying to find something that incorporates it all without having to think about it much.
Wanted to get some of your thoughts on this methodology?
submitted by shiftyone1 to naturalbodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:52 slower_than_explorer I get localized chest pain on chest supported back exercises

Hello. My (25m) main hobby is resistance training, and I am seeking insight into a recurring pain I am noticing in my chest, left of my sternum in and around my mid pec insertions.
This pain I first noticed approximately a year ago following a round of golf. My left pec was sore, localized to the same spot explained above. This lasted about a week, went away, and I moved on.
Over the last year, I have been rather consistent in resistance training, 6days/week. I get proper rest, have taken weeks off for travel, and in February I had a complete fracture of my left collar bone that had put a pause on my upper body training for around 3 months.
At the start of may, I began to slowly return to upper body training and have begun to increase my loads once again. In the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that only on my pull days (back muscles and biceps), I am experiencing a somewhat sharp and "tight" feeling pain, that is highly localized during my training sessions. It nearly feels as if something needs to pop, that sort of pain accompanied by a sense of pressure buildup (probably becomes inflamed in some way I guess?).
When I perform any horizontal pulling movement with chest support (T-bar rows for example), at the bottom of the movement when my arms are far in front of me and my back muscles are most stretched, the pain occurs. I have begun to notice it outside of the gym as well, in situations such as bending over and reaching to pick something up off the ground. Especially first thing in the morning when all my muscles are cold, I can incite the pain without any form of load and without any pressure, such as from the chest support pads at the gym. Palpating the area when my arms aren't stretched in front of me doesn't incite any pain, and chest exercises don't either.
Any insights are greatly appreciated, my best guess is an intercostal strain? However, the pain doesn't feel like any muscular pain I've experienced in the past. Thanks!
submitted by slower_than_explorer to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:51 JDTattoo86 Need help with new bee friends in my backyard - so lost!

Hi everyone,
I love bees; think they are awesome - but know literally nothing about beekeeping.
Long story short - A large group of bees has found a plywood plyometrics box (Just a box for doing jumping exercises - actual amazon link here: I am sao naive and nervous to get close - I don't even know for sure they are bees! If they are wasps I am burning the house down. I am in Southern CA if that makes a difference at all. Videos of situation:
1: 2:
I travel a LOT for work and was recently gone for about 3 weeks. There was rain coming - so I put the box under my backyard awning with a tarp covering it. I came back to a few dozen bees hovering around the hole in the box; and their numbers have been growing since. They honestly aren't bothering me whatsoever. But it's right next to my BBQ. Summer is here and I have a feeling the bees won't be my biggest fan if I don't move them somewhere safer. I am not opposed to letting them take the box over - that belongs to the bees now no matter what. But what are my options? Have someone remove the box? Is it expensive? I am just so confused on next steps.
submitted by JDTattoo86 to Beekeeping [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:15 eat_cake_in_toronto Is gym etiquette even a thing in India?

For context, I’m Indian and male, in my mid-20s, but I don’t live in India. I’m pretty experienced in the gym but I’ve only ever been to gyms outside the country. Well, that changed recently because I am here now for a vacation so I decided to get a one-month pass at the local gym (in a small-ish city). To say that I’m bewildered by what I’ve seen there is an understatement.
  1. Why will men just walk up to my equipment when I’m literally standing there and start using it without even bothering to ask me anything? NOT COOL BRO NOT COOL if you asked me I’d actually let you..
  2. I’m squatting heavy and some guy decides that it is time to stretch right in front of the squat rack blocking the entire mirror. Infuriating. Speaking of squats, another guy asked me to ‘support him’ on his squat. What even does that mean? He didn’t even mean a spot, I literally had to hold his sweaty ass lats. This ain’t a bench press where I spot you mate, the safety bars exist for a fucking reason.
  3. Gym-bros will keep their towels on my barbell when I’m between sets doing bench press. Gym-bros will randomly sit next to me when I’m between sets. Gym-bros and trainers will bro-row a single plate bench press for their bro. Seriously?
  4. Bicep curls in front of the squat rack. Bicep curls right in front of the dumbbell station so that no one gets to take dumbbells. Bicep curls on the triceps station. Ok, the last one was sarcasm but you get my point here..
  5. The trainers. How do these people become trainers? They literally bro-row every exercise for their clients. They are screaming numbers (NINE TEN ELEVEN TWELVE CUMMMMMMON) so that the whole gym hears them. They do not enforce any rules at all - people not unracking their weight, people having zero spatial awareness leading to higher chances of injury, people just being complete dicks - while just twiddling their fingers on Snapchat.
TLDR: Sorry for my rant but it’s disgusting. Please tell me if these things are normal in the gym so that I can be better prepared in the future.
submitted by eat_cake_in_toronto to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:49 Cuirics01731 My arms got too bulky while the rest of my body didn't. How to cut properly?

My arms got too bulky while the rest of my body didn't. How to cut properly?
As the title says, since I returned to the gym (from no exercising at all) my arms got huge in comparison to the rest of my body. I wish my legs have gotten bigger but they didnt. I started hitting the gym 5 days a week and do legs/ chest/back/shoulders/triceps and biceps
I am and thinking of just skipping the fifth day and just do cardio, would you guys think it'll work?
Currently 160 lbs and 5'8
Any advice would be highly appreciated!
submitted by Cuirics01731 to BulkOrCut [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:25 Tanay2513 Is it doms or something else?

(I am 21 years old, with no past medical history, weight is 65 kgs with a lanky build, I haven't taken any medication for this issue). I started going to the gym this Monday, and I did bicep and tricep exercises, but since then I havent been able to straighten nor bend completely, I researched about and it looks like doms but I'm not too sure. It's been 5 days and it's better now but before it would hurt so much to move, it almost feels as if there is a lump in my arm preventing me from bending or straightening it. Also my arms feel so heavy almost as if someone has tied weights to my arm, I constantly need to rest my arms on something. Should I be worried also when I expect to be completely fine, I have an important event in 2 days so need to be fine by then
submitted by Tanay2513 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:28 pulsephaze22 Goal: Chubby but muscular

Hey, everyone. So I went back to the gym 3 months ago and I'm really enjoying the grind. Anyway, my goal seems unconventional to many, but I would like to achieve a somewhat chubby but muscular physique. Here's a photo and a photo for reference. Also this one. So it's almost a strongman physique, but not yet there, if that makes sense.
Usually, I start my workouts with a 15-minute jog on a treadmill, then proceed with resistance training. Here's a glimpse of my weekly workout plan:
Day 1: Legs (lunges, Romanian deadlift, leg extension with machine)
Day 2: Back and Biceps (Dumbbell bent over row, lat pulldown, dumbbell curl)
Day 3: Shoulders and Abs (Dumbbell shoulder press, dumbbell lateral raise, cable standing row)
Day 4: Chest and Triceps (Dumbbell bench press, dumbbell inclined bench press, dumbbell tricep extension, cable tricep pushdown)
For food, well, I just eat whatever. I'm just about to start with whey and creatine next week since upon assessing my protein intake, it seems that I am not meeting the required amount.
Other info:
My max weight for most dumbbell exercises is 25 lbs. I'm planning on doing deadlift pero di ko sure if kaya ko lalo na wala ako friends pa so no spotter.
I'm currently 92kg. I'm also short, standing 5'5". Age is early 30's. Here's my photo.
So yeah, I'm not sure if what I'm doing here is correct. I'm also thinking of inserting 1 BJJ session per week in the future pag well adjusted na ako. Hope to get your thoughts kasi I can't seem to find a post similar to my goal here.
Thanks, all!
submitted by pulsephaze22 to PHitness [link] [comments]