Ritalin studie langzeitfolgen

She was in utter disbelief when I got diagnosed with ADHD at 27 but now she's saying she mixed Ritalin into my food when I was a kid because she's "always suspected it"???

2024.06.02 04:13 LeonieMalfoy She was in utter disbelief when I got diagnosed with ADHD at 27 but now she's saying she mixed Ritalin into my food when I was a kid because she's "always suspected it"???

Last year, I got diagnosed with ADHD at 27. When I told my mother that my psychiatrist was testing me for it, she immediately went "I don't think you have ADHD. You're not hyperactive." and when I got the diagnosis and meds for it, she was skeptic.
But then the other day in the car, she very casually started talking about how it's good I finally got the diagnosis (probably because she's seen that the meds actually do me good) and that she's always suspected it but "couldn't get a doctor to diagnose me."
And then, get this, she said that a co-worker whose son had ADHD gave her some Ritalin, which she mixed into my food when I was a kid. She didn't specify an age. I assume I must've been in elementary school though.*
Considering my mother is the way she is, this didn't shock me too much when she said it, but when I told my best friend about this, she was absolutely disgusted because like... You don't just sneakily give a child medicine without their knowlegde? Especially not prescription drugs? ESPECIALLY not Ritalin? Like, that's a controlled substance???
And like, you didn't study this. You don't know what dosage I need??? What if she had overdosed me???
My partner once accidentally took one of my 40mg Ritalin capsules. They were teaking that whole day. When I started taking Ritalin, my psychiatrist started with 10mg and slowly upped my dosage to 50mg over the course of HALF A YEAR.
Just how much Ritalin did my mother give me??? For how long??? And then one day, did she just stop??? She did say she noticed it working, but couldn't take me to a doctor to get me diagnosed???
EDIT: Reason I'm saying this is because I have one vivid memory of late elementary school/early middle school where she actually did put something on my chocolate croissant, it tasted like literal vomit and I refused to eat it. We had a huge fight over it. That's to say that I believe she actually did it, though I don't know for how long.
submitted by LeonieMalfoy to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:14 mohawkflip Moving to Japan- IH Meds/Doctors in Japan?

Hi all,
Does anyone know the situation with idiopathic hypersomnia and doctors/meds in Japan? I will have look for a doctor in Japan and not sure what it will be like.
I've been diagnosed with IH through the MSLT in the United States. I'm planning to go study abroad in Japan for 1 year from September this year. I won't be able to leave Japan due to my scholarship once I get there, so I'll need to find a doctor in Japan who can hopefully prescribe me medication for IH.
Do you think they will accept my diagnosis and prescribe me meds or will they ask me to do the MSLT again? Also, I did a bit of research online and it seems like modafinil is sometimes prescribed, and Ritalin can also be prescribed for some patients. I'm hoping for Ritalin since that's what I've been prescribed in the US, but I also know that Japan is more strict with stimulants, though they do seem to prescribe it for narcolepsy/IH.
Anyway, not sure if anyone will know about this, but don't know where else to ask so if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know! thanks.
submitted by mohawkflip to idiopathichypersomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:34 shiftposting Is this just sleep deprivation?

Because of college sometimes I sleep very few hours at night, it happened that some days I didn't sleep at all. I know you can't "sleep bank" but I usually am too tired right after and I sleep for tons of hours (like 12-15 or more). I know I need to get a sleep study but I wanted to know if these things are normal for someone with adhd and sleep deprivation, what do you think, your experience, any advice, etc.
-It's impossible for me to wake up in the morning, tried everything: vibrating or super loud alarm clocks, hiding them, multiple ones (I set up three different ones minimum everyday), sunlight in the morning, caffeine on the nightstand. I always sleep through the alarm or get up just to turn them off then go back to sleep. Literally tried to have someone else call me on the phone to wake up but I answer and talk during my sleep, usually I lie and tell the person I am awake while still in bed or I am mean and tell them off (and then go back to sleep). People tried shaking me and talking to me in person too, but I still don't wake up and never remember the event happening either. -Very frequent sleep paralysis, usually right after falling asleep -Nightmares. Tons of nightmares. Sometimes every night for a week, and most of the time I have one as soon as I go to sleep (like less than 1 hour into sleeping). I almost never have a pleasant dream, I can count the ones I had IN MY LIFE on my fingers -Tired, so tired I have trouble doing anything. Often I come back from class and go to sleep for hours, then wake up at midnight. I fell asleep on the subway, during online class and one time during class in person too, but only once. I take multiple coffees per day and I am suffering accademically lol -Slurred speech, cannot remember words, forget tons of stuff, dissociating, not awarre of surrondings, -I used to wake up without any force in my arms but now it doesn't happen anymore, but sometimes I do feel weaker and have to sit down. I have POTS though, so, I don't know if it's that. -Sometimes I micro sleep, like I put an alarm for 10 minutes of sleep and when I wake up I am much more refreshed and usually feel great for hours.
I already take Wellbutrin, Equasym and Medikinet (both Ritalin but different forms) everyday (plus a lot of caffeine) for ADHD. I read some things about sleep apnea and narcolepsy but everyone around me tells me I just need to sleep more, or that it's sleep debt and it will go away with time (if I sleep normally) but it will take a while. I'm getting a sleep study this summer but will my sleep debt alter the results? Because I feel like i have permanent damage from years of sleep deprivation
submitted by shiftposting to sleepdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:09 shiftposting Literally impossible to wake up, tried everything

So, everyone I know knows I have a problem with waking up. There could be the apocalypse going and I would still ronf ronf peacely in my bed. I tried everything I am aware of. Alarm clocks on the other side of the room? I wake up, go turning them off, get to bed again (and when I wake up after I have no recollection of it happening). Caffeine and medicines beside my bed? I take them, I take Ritalin and Wellbutrin too for ADHD but they either don't work or I don't remember to take them to wake up. I have an alarm clock that absolutely BLASTES the sound and wakes up everyone in the house, and I still do not wake up, and people are getting annoyed so I have to find another way. I tried the vibrating alarm clock one time and it did not work, but I want to try a vibrating watch but damn some of them are really expansive, but I am afraid I will turn it off too. I really don't know what else to try. I have one of those morning alarms that lights up but it doesn't work anyway and even if I stay with the windows open I can still sleep with the sun coming up. Is there anything else I can try that will not wake up others in the house and that I cannot turn off? Sometimes I sleep even when I do not turn off the alarm, and sleep through it. I even have my mom call me on my phone sometimes, and even when I'm in a call with her and TALKING, I am still fucking almost sleeping and I end up going to bed again and wake up hours later (I have the "sleep persona" where I lie that I am awake but I am actually still in bed) I really do not know what else to do. I tried hiding the clocks too or blocking the path to them but I still find my way to turn them off in my sleep. I even tried doing all of the things I listed at the same time and even with the combination of all of them I still wake up only some hours after.
What else is there to try? As I said I'm gonna try a vibrating watch but that's my last hope. I already plan on getting a sleep study in the future, but I need a new option now :/ Thank you
submitted by shiftposting to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:35 lightgrxy I have the feeling that i have AD(H)D

This post gets instantly deleted when i post this in ADHD so i try it here
Im a 16 years old boy. Im thinking a lot of having AD(H)D the last months. Im sorry that i wrote this much but i really want to share my thoughts and i hope that some of you can help me.
I never thought about having adhd or add. Last christmas my sister said that i probably have adhd. At first i insulted her as a joke because i didnt took it serious. After talking with my mom she said that she thinks so as well. I know that they both dont know much about adhd but i started to think about it afterwards.
I dont want to go to a doctor rn because im a bit scared but i would really like to know what you think.
I did a lot of research and there were some symptoms that actually fitted to me. My biggest issue is that I have some concentration problems.
My attention span is extremely short so i cant concentrate good on most of the things. Especially in school. I can love a theme and be extremely hooked but often after a couple minutes i think about something else and realize it a minute later. So i often cant learn much in school. If there is something extremely important like a class test i can focus better but not completely.
Thats why i need to teach me stuff by myself all the time. My grades are good but my parents always say i could do much better.
I am often in my own world in everyday life and shut out the world around me. Sometimes that makes me feel very strange. That's why I immediately forget or completely ignore things that are said to me.
I simply lose myself in many everyday tasks. For example, if I plan to finish cleaning in 1 hour, I often need 3 or 4. It frustrates me because I realize every time that it can be done so quickly and I'll never get it done. No schedule works and I have to put everything off until the last minute. I've started studying for almost every test at school at some point during the night because somehow I can't do it beforehand. There's too much to stop me during the day and I don't have this extreme time pressure that forces me. I take on a lot of personal projects only to never really finish anything. My parents often think I'm lazy. I don't know if it's that or if it's maybe because of puberty. Sometimes I have the feeling that ADHD or ADD is just an excuse for me, but at the same time somehow so many things apply.
Im a teen and I also want to try new stuff and also probably stupid stuff and i wanted to try Ritalin or similar. I was curious about the effects and just wanted to know. My friend has strong ADHD so he gave me Elvanze. Its actually a stupid idea to try it without being diagnosed and it was also 80mg so i think it was stupid. But i had the feeling that it could help me in my everyday life considering i take a lower dosage. I felt way more concentrated and way more present. I could focus on things normally without getting distracted. Afterwards doing this is just stupid but having the thought that it could help me for 6 months made me do it. But the feeling that i did literally took a type of drug and im possibly actually just lazy and make this up makes me feel like shit.
thanks to everyone that red this text and can maybe share his opinion. Are these actual symptoms or is it something normal. I really cant tell.
submitted by lightgrxy to irlADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:54 enother0ne Completely lost - medication won't work

Context: I am a final year sixth form (high school) student. I have been struggling with severe ADHD for as long as I can remember but have not been struggling academically until around the start of my last two years of school when the learning became more of a question of memorisation and intense study rather than just understanding. I am in the middle of my final exams and I am pretty much sure I am going to fail all of them because of my inability to study which means I will not be able to go to university this year and instead have to retake my final year. The medications I have so far tried are Medikinet, Ritalin (stimulants) and atomoxetine (non-stimulant). Both stimulants have been useless, atomoxetine was working initially but stopped, and has not have any more positive effect even when dosage has been increased.
I don't understand why I am a freak of nature immune to modern medicine, has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything else I can do to treat it without medication? If I don't find a way to treat the ADHD and fail my retake year of high school, my life may well literally be over. I can't live like this anymore.
Sorry for the depressive rant.
TL;DR : failing school, meds stopped working, need an alternative way to treat severe ADHD
submitted by enother0ne to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:11 Cool_Plate_3469 Meds make me hyper focus on the wrong things…

Ok i’m not sure if this is a medication problem or a me problem. I’ve been taking dexamphetamine 5mg x 4 a day (usually i’ll only have 3 though bc I sleep in too late). Lately I’ve been straight up addicted to a particular video game. According to screen time I’ve played nearly 40h in the past week and 7h just yesterday 🙃 Im concerned that the medication is making it worse… but even without meds I get fixed on to being on my phone to the point where I neglect daily stuff like cleaning, studying etc.
Has anyone had a similar problem? I feel so embarrassed that I’m gaming like it’s a full time job 😐
When I was on ritalin I felt like there was more time in the day, but now on dex it just flies by and I get sucked in to rabbit holes… couldn’t handle the ritalin side effects tho so I switched.
I’ve been on vyvanse too with is the only one that actually gave me a clarity feeling where I could plan my day and get started on difficult tasks easier, direct my focus better… but couldn’t handle the side effects of that one either. Adderal isn’t available in my country.
Dex seems to be good for the fact that it doesn’t make me irritable or anxious and I can actually eat on it, maybe it’s too low of a dose? I’ve read other threads where people say 5mg is a low dose for adults (I’m 23) I just want to feel in control of my life :(
Let me know if you guys have had similar experiences on have any wisdom to share.
submitted by Cool_Plate_3469 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:03 MarshmallowSoul Did anyone take Ritalin for ADHD as a child? What effects did it have on you?

Were you part of an experimental program? What was your diagnosis? (“ADHD” wasn’t used in the 60s and 70s.)
ETA: A friend who was born in ‘62 told me he was given Ritalin as a child as a study participant (in the US). I’m curious about how common that was in the 60s/70s.
submitted by MarshmallowSoul to GenerationJones [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:02 katiaellegrace Big Dose of Ritalin to Vyvanse, 2 questions re: going cold turkey!

30 year old 55kg female with autism & adhd - put on 10mg of instant release Ritalin 2 years ago.
Prescribed 6 to 8 per day (2x wake up, 2x midday, 2x afternoon). Have been taking that much for 2 years and had multiple tests; zero problems - I know it’s a huge dose, I am chemically different, multiple psychs have approved it.
Hate the crashes and with autism it can make you even less socially aware; I say a lot more opinions and observations than I usually do… but the dishes are done, I get out of bed and am doing well with work and studies. But I want to try other options before becoming a mother.
I tried 1x Vyvanse, could see it helped the focus without the coffee high tendencies, so asked to be prescribed it - put on the wait list. 3 months of waiting and now have my script for 2 x lisdexamfetamine 30mg capsules per day. Off to purchase this afternoon. They want me to test myself to make sure it’s enough, seeing the psych to update in 2 weeks to set the ongoing amount.
Anyone else here who can help me transition? I try to google this stuff but find all the content is overly medically-jargon and super vague to prevent misinformation. Two questions -
• I just realised I’m going cold turkey from my Ritalin to Vyvanse. I’m anxious it won’t meet all the same needs R did, and there will be gaps in my life to show it. Can you describe the niche differences you saw and how you managed them?
• Ritalin worked instantly for me on an empty stomach, everyone is saying Vyvanse takes about an hour and it’s best to take it with protein. I need to take it first thing to get out of bed. What kind of protein can I keep on my bedside table to take it at 5am with, so when I get up at 6 it works ok?
Thank you in advance - this community is a huge help for me 💛 🌻
submitted by katiaellegrace to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:16 Guilty-Platypus-7186 Master's Thesis Anxiety

Hello Reddit ! I don't really know if my post belongs here, it's my first time ever posting here. I hope I can get a few responses, I think I am mainly seeking support here, a bit like a virtual hug if you like 🥹
I (25F) am currently writing my master's thesis in educational science (to make it simple). It needs to be minimum 90 written pages, separated into 3 big parts and then cut into smaller chapters. I am writing about the project I put into practice a year ago when I was working in New Zealand as a teacher of French as a Foreign Language. I was officially diagnosed with ASD in July 2023 and I started taking medication for ADHD in March 2024 (Ritalin/30mg).
I was supposed to finish my studies last year, but because I was not able to work on it and teach at the same time, I had to double my final year and come back home where I currently live with my mother. I'm only doubling the thesis and not any other subjects, so I write full-time. I have received minimal support from my tutors : granted, I didn't reach out often because I felt shame for not being able to get some writing done, but they also almost never answer any emails. One of them is not available to tutor anymore, the other one is so busy that she replies to emails a month after I send them, and she has not come back to me about corrections for the parts I've already written. Yes Reddit ! I've already written some stuff : it took 4.5 months for me to write the first part (22 pages, I was not-yet on medication at that time) and roughly one month to write the third part (33 pages, on medication).
The last part is the most difficult, because it's all research, quoting people and making sure that I write in the appropriate 'style' for a thesis (no freaking idea what this means, wasn't given many directions about the writing style, but I guess it means I have to write quite elegantly and explain things well...). Academic writing is very difficult for me, I am mostly just okay at narrative writing.
I was diagnosed for both conditions in my early 20s and my mother could have not believed me or taken it lightly. Nope, she took it like a champ (she had her suspicions) and as been my rock and #1 support ever since. She's trying so much to understand Reddit, and I'm trying to express myself better but it's so hard to explain to people who don't have ADHD how I work and to people who don't have ASD how I feel. Nobody else I know have those and even though my mother tries her best to help, other family members (whilst still trying their best to help as well) are not so understanding. My grandma still does not understand that 'not thinking about it' is not how one solves ADHD T.T
So here's my problem : my original goal was to finish my second part by 31rst of May, send it to my tutor and then make all the corrections in a few days to finish and send my thesis in the first week of June (the thesis then needs two weeks to be processed by my tutors and then they'll give me a date for me to defend it). The thing is, my family goes away to an amusement park on 25th of June and I see my friends I have not seen in about a year, from 6th to 14th of July, and I really wanted to be able to go with my family (my mother was so disappointed when I told her I might not be able to make it as she already paid and then I would really love to enjoy my time with my friends (I love them to the moon and back but having them home for a week and a half is still going to be tiring for me).
I was originally in the goal, wrote my whole third part in April, but then things started to get more difficult : I had to make a lot of corrections for part 3 and those took until 13th of May which basically took almost two weeks off my planned writing time for second part. Then I had to apply for a job, which took until 20th of May so only roughly 10 days left for writing the rest of my thesis. And then, my good old lack of confidence, disappointment in myself and self-doubt came knocking to the door. I have 7 pages written out of 30, so it's absolutely impossible to make it in time. My teacher is still not responding so I have no idea how long the corrections are going to take (having to modify 100 things is not the same as having to modify 500 things).
What keeps me from writing is the stress. I am so stressed that my menstrual cycle has stopped, I am dreaming of my thesis and the tiredness helps me from focusing properly during the day. When I can unwind I feel extremely guilty because I procrastinate, but it's also the only moments my head feels clear and I'm not thinking about the thesis. I doubt I can make it Reddit, I feel so disappointed in myself, and I don't know how to make it better. I'm scared and I can't talk to my mother because she already worries far too much about me and the last thing I want is for her to be stressed as well. To top it all, I have been having almost daily autistic shutdowns this past week that gradually make me even more exhausted.
I am so, so sorry about the rant Reddit, I just didn't know how to react or how to calm the stress. I don't know what to begin with, I have not even finished the first 10 pages of part 2 that I am already worrying for pages 11-20 and 20-30 ! I currently have more than 25 tabs open and I don't even know which ones I have to close (because you know : what if I need it later ? What if I haven't saved it on Zotero, I don't remember, and then when I go check, the sheer amount of articles makes me even more stressed).
Any people here to give me a few words of encouragement ? 🥹💛
submitted by Guilty-Platypus-7186 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:29 Mr_dumbass__ I live in Norway and my psychiatrist won't give me parnate or premipexole.

She told me that she is forced by law to not prescribe the meds. I had to finish an evaluation with my psychologist first to map the cause of my anhedonia. Anhedonia is a symptom, so she can't give me pramipexole because it is meant to treat Parkinson's disease, and I need that diagnosis to get that, even though studies support its effects on anhedonic symptoms. Also, I told her that I had anhedonia 3 years ago from a depressive episode with loneliness and an eating disorder, but today I have no other depressive symptoms than anhedonia. Either way, I need to figure out the cause first. Even (Ritalin) stimulants for ADHD or all the other drugs that are meant for other things than depression they can't legally prescribe. Even though I can show studies supporting their effect and that first line antidepressants work badly for anhedonia, they need to follow the rules. But what if my anhedonia doesn't have any cause that can be categorized? My main depression is gone. My main problem is anhedonia. I can't even get pramipexole. Is it like this in most other countries?
submitted by Mr_dumbass__ to anhedonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:47 Global-Noise-3739 Medication does not fucking work

I have tried Qelbree, Ritalin, Adderall, and nothing seems to fucking work, I still am a distracted wreck. I am a fucking mess, even as a HS freshman. I get straight As in the classroom, but I barely can deal with homework, even if it's easy. I slack off and I can't study, what the fuck do I do, I have AuADHD
submitted by Global-Noise-3739 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:12 Ready_Will_564 Is my doctor judging me?

Ok where to start….i am in recovery I’ll have 12 years June 2nd. I’m on Sublocade. I went three almost four years with symptoms before seeking a study. Finally diagnosed with ideopathic hypersomnia I was prescribed modafinil- gave me cramps, interfered with my birth control (been with my husband 11 years and have two kids-plus Skyla implant. I don’t really wanna have to use back up). Then she changed me to sunosi—helped a little bit more but not long. Added Ritalin 10mg instant release twice a day. She said we could adjust the dose as needed that it went all the way up to sixty. Weeks later I messaged reporting to her that it wasn’t quite lasting much longer than like two hours and I felt I needed a third dose. She added it. Then sports started- games and concerts lasting til nine at night that I then have to drive my kids home from. I was struggling these late nights. I expressed this to my doc. She then changed my Ritalin from 3x daily 10mg instant to 1x 20mg extended release and 1x 10mg instant. Again- I was only making it to like six at night. She then changed my instant release 10mg to extended. She stated I was already on a “pretty high dose” and did not want to increase. That 10mg extended literally did nothing. It’s like I’ve had no evening dose for the past month. I expressed concern I was struggling to drive home from work again. She scheduled an emergency appointment and changed my evening dose back to instant (said i should be able to fill it quickly) and wanted to add wakix-something I already expressed not wanting bc of the birth control interaction. But it was the only option she gave me so I took it. I also recently stopped my Sublocade shot to work towards xywav in the future bc my Sublocade works against it (both cns depressants). She changed my evening 10mg dose back to instant but told the pharmacy not to fill my med change until the extended release were gone. When I messaged her confused she said this was to avoid over taking medication 😑 ok….? Then I asked her to please just put me back on all instant release. I had more control over my symptoms with three doses- I could nap and have a dose to wake up after- if I had to drive mid day I could without worry. With this extended release it’s one dose instead of two so I have no options. If I nap I can’t wake up after and if I have training I can’t drive. I’m still falling asleep two hours after I take it it may last longer if I’m distracted and busy but the instant worked better at keeping me awake. Her response to this request was- it sounds like tolerance. I say we taper you off completely and see how just subosi and wakix does for you. Wait a minute- we were adding the wakix in hopes it got me thru In between the Ritalin doses. Now you’re taking the Ritalin doses and not replacing them with anything? Am I not supposed to feel judged here? Bc I feel likes he sees me as some kinda liability. How would I build a tolerance to 30 mg over like three months? I feel like she’s accusing me of over taking meds. One appointment I was upset and anxious about my symptoms and she said I was rambling- making me feel like she thought I was all hopped up on stimulants or something. Am I crazy? What is going on here I’m so confused and upset and frustrated. I felt like I was almost there on 3x 10mg instant and now she’s done nothing but take me backwards and fuck with other areas of my life! Now she wants to taper me off the stimulant completely!? Why!? Bc I asked for instant ? She already gave me instant why is that such a big deal? Ugh help me make sense of this….
submitted by Ready_Will_564 to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:32 Electrical_Beyond998 Can’t get Ritalin anymore

And I just started three weeks ago.
Started with 10mg LA for two weeks. She just increased to 20mg LA last Thursday. Met with her yesterday so she could see how I handled it, and I feel better than I’ve ever felt. So she wrote a script for a thirty day supply.
The pharmacy called this evening and told me they can’t fill it anymore. No reason, just won’t do it.
So I called my original pharmacy. They didn’t have Ritalin to begin with, so I was asking if maybe they got it again. She said they aren’t filling it anymore because they’re losing money, insurance won’t pay anymore or something. But she said if my doctor says I can do it she has adderall and Vyvanse.
My doctor is very hesitant to give adderall. She said it’s basically legal PCP and it’s hard on your heart. I told the pharmacist this and she said Vyvanse is easier than adderall, and that studies show Vyvanse is easier than Ritalin. That it also is less likely to cause headaches. I have migraines and take Imitrex for them, so this is something that is good for me I think.
I’m so so frustrated. For almost three weeks I’ve felt more mentally alive than I ever have. I can do laundry and put it away. I have watched movies without getting bored and distracted. Ritalin doesn’t give my body energy, it gives my brain energy. I feel so defeated right now. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning to see what she says. Wish me luck.
submitted by Electrical_Beyond998 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:55 msbehaviour DAE Use Nootropics for managing ADHD?

I've been exploring the use of nootropics for years, and been using a combination of L-Tyrosine + Caffeine as a boost before mental or physical workouts. It's in a lot of pre-workout powders, but I prefer to mix the powder from half a 500mg gelcap with a coffee.
Personally, I find the effects are similar but better to Ritalin which makes me hyper-sensitive. I've also used L-Theanine, which is extracted from green tea to wind my brain down at night.
Has anyone else had any positive effects using either of these amino acids to manage their ADHD?
I'm a science reporter, not a doctor, so I can only describe not prescribe these. However here's some of the research behind their use:

L-Tyrosine and ADHD

However, it's important to note that L-tyrosine and caffeine are not proven ADHD treatments. They should be considered complementary aids and not replacements for standard medications like Adderall. Consulting a doctor before using supplements for ADHD is recommended.L-Tyrosine and ADHD.

L-Theanine and ADHD

L-theanine may help manage ADHD symptoms in the following ways:
Improving Focus and Attention
Decreasing Impulsivity
Promoting Relaxation and Sleep
However, the evidence is still limited, especially from large-scale studies. More research is needed to fully validate L-theanine's efficacy for ADHD. It should be considered a complementary option and not a replacement for standard ADHD medications without consulting a doctor.
submitted by msbehaviour to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:02 REDEY3S Difficulty in Learning English Due to ADHD and Other Conditions - I Need Help

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to learn English and have been studying the language for 8 years. I've bought various methods and courses, but I always end up stopping halfway and forget very quickly, sometimes from one day to the next.
I have mild ADHD, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, and type 1 diabetes, and I'm 35 years old. I've seen reports that medications like Ritalin and Vyvanse can worsen long-term memory, which worries me. Has anyone here experienced this and found a solution?
Currently, I'm undergoing treatment with an endocrinologist for thyroid and diabetes, and I've already switched psychiatrists and neurologists for ADHD. The last prescription I got was for Vyvanse 30mg, but I haven't bought it yet.
Does anyone have any tips or similar experiences to share?
I appreciate any help;
submitted by REDEY3S to DiabetesHacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:01 REDEY3S Difficulty in Learning English Due to ADHD and Other Conditions

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to learn English and have been studying the language for 8 years. I've bought various methods and courses, but I always end up stopping halfway and forget very quickly, sometimes from one day to the next.
I have mild ADHD, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, and type 1 diabetes, and I'm 35 years old. I've seen reports that medications like Ritalin and Vyvanse can worsen long-term memory, which worries me. Has anyone here experienced this and found a solution?
Currently, I'm undergoing treatment with an endocrinologist for thyroid and diabetes, and I've already switched psychiatrists and neurologists for ADHD. The last prescription I got was for Vyvanse 30mg, but I haven't bought it yet.
Does anyone have any tips or similar experiences to share?
I appreciate any help!
submitted by REDEY3S to Hashimoto [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:00 REDEY3S Difficulty in Learning English Due to ADHD and Other Conditions - I Need Help

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to learn English and have been studying the language for 8 years. I've bought various methods and courses, but I always end up stopping halfway and forget very quickly, sometimes from one day to the next.
I have mild ADHD, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, and type 1 diabetes, and I'm 35 years old. I've seen reports that medications like Ritalin and Vyvanse can worsen long-term memory, which worries me. Has anyone here experienced this and found a solution?
Currently, I'm undergoing treatment with an endocrinologist for thyroid and diabetes, and I've already switched psychiatrists and neurologists for ADHD. The last prescription I got was for Vyvanse 30mg, but I haven't bought it yet.
Does anyone have any tips or similar experiences to share?
I appreciate any help!
submitted by REDEY3S to Hashimoto [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:47 Antiflow558 Can SNRI’s work along side ADHD medication?

I’m not asking for medical advice but more so any sourced studies or information regarding if snris aiding with mood regulation when taking adhd medication.
I’ve been on Ritalin for 3 weeks now and I’ve experienced countless pros with very minor cons and next to no cons regarding my overall mood. I only ask as my childhood friend who has very high level combined adhd used to take Ritalin from ages 9-13 and had to stop as he tells me it made him borderline depressed and suicidal with his mood. He’s told me he wants to go back on his meds but is still skeptical as of his last experience. He’s 20 and now expecting his first child in 8 months and is unsure to make the jump back as the benefits could be good for himself and supporting his child but is scared of how it will take a toll on his mood. I gave my non medical advice saying that I’ve been on snris for almost 2 years with fairly effective results from that prior to Ritalin and I’m wondering if the reason I’ve experienced very little/no negative mood change could be because of taking both medications together. I understand every case and person is vastly different for everyone but I’m hoping to find maybe some studies explaining if there could be a beneficial connection between the two as I don’t see my psych for another 6 weeks to ask. Again not asking for medical advice but has anyone noticed a better experience taking ssris/snris with their adhd medication regarding their mood?
submitted by Antiflow558 to ausadhd [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 13:33 buzruleti My psychiatrist died and I really miss him.

Hello there. I had major depression for the majority of my life (between ages 10-24). I had a major mental breakdown that went on for months after my best friend's passing in 2017 (I was 23). I met my psychiatrist after having a 2-month long manic episode after another psych prescribed me mild antidepressants (fluoxetine). He changed my life. He prescribed me Lamictal and I was on it for a year. He wouldn't prescribe me any drugs except for concerta and ritalin (ADHD, diagnosed 4 times) after the first year. He would brutally call me on my bullshit when necessary and teach me ways to accept my differences and even weaponize them to my advantage (like voluntarily turning on my hyperfocus to study etc.). He encouraged my ADHD curiosity to the fullest extent. He was the best doc I could ever ask for. After our first year, I started studying psychology and neurobiology on my own and I would go to him every six months for "software updates". He would recommend me additional research topics and ways to incorporate them in my recovery and maintenance. He taught me self-reliance and showed the ways I could become more independent and resilient. He was the best. He died three weeks ago. I know that I no longer need him but I feel like I lost the only person who could see me as I was. With all of my flaws and scars, yet he would find ways for me to see beauty and utility in them. I miss him so much. I feel so lost. I feel lonely for the first time in 6 years and even though I know how to cope with it and accept the reality, this grief I feel creeps on me in the most unexpected moments. I feel like if I ever hit rock bottom again, there's no one that can save me. I really miss him.
submitted by buzruleti to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:53 talishi_ How to improve with task innitation?

My therapist gave me an executive function wheel and I'm supposed to choose one thing from there to work on. I chose Task Innitation this was 2 weeks ago and I've made little to no progress. Any advice please? I had to skip two exams because I simply couldn't bring myself to study...How do I stop this??? Also, I ran out of Ritalin so, yeah that might be a contributing factor.
submitted by talishi_ to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:24 Key_Alarm_6480 What should i try next while many ive tried failed!!!

Hello every body,ive been struggeling with anhedonia symptoms for almost a year.i dont know what to call it anymore.anhedonia!dorsal vagal shutdown!ptsd!stressed induced anhedonia!treatment resisdant depression!neuronal imbalance!!severe inflammation induced anhedonia!(im recently diagnosed with severe gut inflammation and crohn’s)my psychological symptoms started as soon as i was suffering from some serious gut inflammation last summer but diagnosed so late that inflammation in my intestines caused melena recently and finally i was diagnosed with crohn’s and severe malnutrition.since 11month ago i thougt my anhedonia was caused by dopamine downregulation,since i cant tolerate any ssri’s.they worsen my anhedonia,blank mind.i dont have any motivation,i feel empty in head and heart its so annoying i dont feel anything.i dissociate constantly.i can feel brain death in many ways.most of the days im disabled it seems ive lost my ability to think ,make plans,even move.i cant do a single chorse around the house not because im not motivated to do ,it is also a big problem but i feel there is a serious damage to my frontal lobe i just cant function properly.after some abnormal QEEG i did FMRI(Functional Mri) which shows no damage Ive tried some treatments for anhedonia .recently i tried ultra low dose VYANSEE to resentesize my dopamine receptors.i felt nothing.everybody warns about the dangers of microdosing stims. i took the risk and did but felt nothing.ok maybe its a meth around the internet how microdosing stims can upregulate dopamine receptors,but i took CABERGOLINE (dopamine agonist) again felt nothing …2/3 hours after taking it i felt severe blank mind i was stoned for hours.wasnt cabergoline supposed to mimic dopamine receptors?!!!give mania?!!make you feel motivated?!!!the same happened a few weeks ago with PRAMIPEXOLE and LOW DOSE AMISULPRIDE.i dont react to any of dopamine agonists or stimulants,i had tried RITALIN before and it just worsened my anhedonia.since 11month ago i thought my anhedonia was induced by severe dopamine downregulation,So now what is it?!!during this hellish 11 month ive tried ULTRA LOW DOSE NALTREXONE 3 times and felt almost normal for some hours,unfortunately its effect wasnt consistent and i quit .i mean i took ULDN and felt worsening anhedonia afterward for some hours and then suddenly i felt like normal me for 6…7 hours,listening to music was joyful ,i was motivated to do some chorse around and enjoyed it .worsening anhedonia for some hours was unbearable so that i quit.i also tried HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY it had some efficacy only for an hour after leaving the chamber i felt motivated,euphoric and hopeful (not long lasting effect).tried NEUROFEEDBACK first session gave me mania i thought i was cured,ongoing sessions gave me worsening depression so i quit.besides all of these meds i tried psychotherapy,somatic exercises,cardio exercise,dancing,walking as long as i can,gratitude,meditation.felt absolutely nothing during and afterward doing them.
At the moment im taking Mesalamine for inflammation and its so weird that since starting this anti inflammatory med ive had some good days i wasnt completely out of anhedonia but at least i had some days i acted almost like a normal person i socialized,enjoyed being around people,i enjoyed music again and song while listening.but again these effects arent consistent they happen every other day(so weird) . Now im here to ask if anhedonia is not because of dopamine so what is there i can try?should i play with my opioid receptors?downregulate / upregulate them?!ive heard about kappa agonism helping with anhedonia,just not sure what should be effective next?!i just want to live ,i dont want to wait for it to pass,ive been losing so much.before all of these i was high functioning i had a job i was studying my second major at university i was so motivated about life ,i felt empathy to the fullest.im gonna do whatever it costs to get out of this HELL.im gonna lose my mind completely or heal. I want my life back,my emotions,my passion,my eager,my motivation.
submitted by Key_Alarm_6480 to anhedonia [link] [comments]
