Dermatolgists hate her

Beat The Meatles

2013.01.02 00:52 Zaxnaaog Beat The Meatles

Revolution 9 sucks amirite??? Punchy, Granny, Who?, The Drummer. beatles has no sense of humor TheBeatles has a 65+ age requirement pinkfloydcirclejerk banned me radioheadcirclejerk who?

2015.08.28 01:11 AuntBessy: Love her or hate her.

The Aunt with no clue what to do on reddit.

2013.07.08 06:01 sweetnamebro Lindsey Lohan In All of Her Hot Phases

All the hottest stuff with Lindsey Lohan all in one place!

2023.12.05 02:45 justafriedpotato Is accutance worth the risk?

Hello, I made this post on anothersubrredit too about acne and I am posting it here too cause I am really desperate right now.
I am 22 years old and I have been struggling with acne since I can remember myself. At first it was only on my face, but later it spread to my back, arms and thighs. It made me very insecure and self conscious to the point it severely affects my mental health. Summer has come to be my most hated season of the yea as I don't get to wear summer clothes or let alone go to the beach since I can feel everyone's stares at me. I always feel extremely low whenever I remember someone commenting on my acne or see girls complain about small pimples that go away in a few days ,while I have been stuck in this nightmare for 12 years now.
I can't wear the clothes I like because my whole body is covered in pimples, I can't go to the beach because everyone will see my body that barely has any spot that is not covered in acne.
I have visited several dermatologists and tried many treatments. During my last year of middle school, a dermatologist prescribed me a cream that did wonders to my face and my acne cleared up, but unfortunately it did not work for the rest of my body. I have tried many products but none of them seem to work for my back,arms and thighs, or the results are temporary.
I had tried to cut off sugar and milk from my diet as I heard that helped some people, but that did not work either, I even asked three dermatolgists about it and all of them said that diary products have nothing to do with that.
I have hormonal imbalance which seems to affect my situation, while I was on birth control pills my acne was better but it got back the moment I stopped.
I recently visited a dermatologist and told me my only solution is accutane. I had read several sucess stories and people praising this drug and saying how it changed their lives for the best. My dermatologist informed me about the side effects and told me they are temporary and nothing to be worried about, she mentioned skin dryness, lip dryness, possible nosebleeds,etc and told me to have blood tests every month to keep my liver in \ check and stuff.
It all seemed like a small price to pay to me, but after my visit at the doctor, I decided to look up for more stories about accutane and I have read posts about people suffering from more serious side-effects which some of them are chronic and that scared me.
Some of those side effects are hair loss,gut problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, etc. My dermatologist did not inform me of any of these, I have acid reflux in general but I don't get it often. Today I took my first dosage of accutane and I have been getting acid reflux all day, I also feel like I might throw up in my sleep. I definitely don't want to get any stomach problems/have my acid reflux get worse.
I feel like I am at a dead end right now, it is 3 in the morning and I feel my excitement to try accutane and wake up from the nightmare I have been suffering because of acne, turn into a fear that I might enter another nightmare with more health problems that I will have to endure. I would appreciate any advice or to read your personal stories about being accutane. I feel whetherI continue the treatment or not, there will be something to lose
Thank you in advance.

Edit: Thank you everyone for replying and sharing your experience, it made me feel a bit better and I have calmed down a bit. After reading all of the replies ,I have come to the conclusion that I should continue treatment, but maybe ask my dermatlogist to lower my dose ( I am on a 50 mg dose so I will ask her if it is possible to go on a 20 mg, I don't mind taking the medicine for a longer period as long as it's safer for my system and lowers the chances of severe side effects)
submitted by justafriedpotato to Accutane [link] [comments]

2023.04.08 21:10 CSVWV 😪

😪 submitted by CSVWV to cirkeltrek [link] [comments]