Cuddle sack pattern crochet baby

What is wrong: me or the pattern?

2024.05.22 03:18 abbyfroot What is wrong: me or the pattern?

What is wrong: me or the pattern?
Hi all, I finally figured out how to crochet within the last few weeks (after years or becoming frustrated and giving up! I originally knit) and have been trying all sorts of beginner patterns.
Today I tried to crochet a granny square and encountered an issue in Round 4, I’ll include a link to the pattern in a comment. I followed the long-form instructions provided. I finished steps 1-6 of the round with no issues. Steps 7-8 said to complete the final corner of the round then finish the round, but visually I could tell I needed to add another 3 dc to have 5 holes on each side of the piece. I took this picture right after finishing round 4 as I thought should be done. Does this look okay or did I mess up/misread the pattern? TYIA
submitted by abbyfroot to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:07 moonlighttyrant 21 [M4F] India/Anywhere - Feminine guy in search of love!

Hey there, hope you're having a wonderful day! I'm primarily looking for a monogamous role reversal relationship but I'm open to pretty much anything! Long-distance works for me and I'd be willing to relocate to you, I hate the country I'm currently in.
A few things that might be a deal breaker for you
I'm an atheist and I deal with spoilerphobia, OCD and PTSD. I'm also super privacy conscious which makes me uncomfortable talking here on reddit, I'm hoping we can move to a platform like Signal!
I'm 5'6"/167cm, 50kgs/110lbs, I have dark brown eyes, long curly black hair, light skin, I wear glasses for myopia and astigmatism, and I lovee cross-dressing!
What I'm looking for
I'm hoping to find someone caring, protective and dominant. Someone who'd hold me and tell me everything will be okay. A sweet, kind human who has healthy moral and ethical values and stands up for what they believe in. Preferably someone who is also an atheist or agnostic. The quickest way to make me fall in love with you is to baby me ^^
More about me
I'm a homebody and have a bit of social anxiety. I spend most of my day in my room, playing pc games, watching youtube, staring at a wall, etc. I enjoy going out for late night walks and hanging out with my feline friends. I love informative videos and learning from them! I'm a lot into computers, cybersecurity and electronics. I like fixing things and understanding what makes them tick. I'm very allergic to locked down products like the iPhone, I love having root access over all of my devices. My favorite anime show is Blood+. As for music, I have an offline collection on my HDD. I love physical affection (hugs, cuddles, etc). And I'm a cat person!
Some random facts about me
I use Linux and play most of my games inside a Windows virtual machine with GPU passthrough. I use vanilla LineageOS 21.0 on my phone. I normally drink 4-6 litres of water a day and I use LibreWolf as my primary browser.
Well, I hope this reaches my person! You can be from anywhere on this space rock, time zones won't be an issue, I can sync my sleep schedule with yours! And if you decide to reach out, I request that you don't ghost me. If something doesn't work, I'd rather you let me know and we can part ways mutually :)
If you read all the way, here's a tasty cookie for you! 🍪
submitted by moonlighttyrant to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:01 EnsignNogIsMyCat Good websites for free or low-price patterns?

Hello! My sister is currently pregnant and I am working on a blanket for the baby, but I bought WAY TOO MUCH yarn. I figure I can make some additional items like a hat/hats and booties and mittens, or even some scarves for my sister and my BIL, but I'm not sure what websites to find patterns that will actually work. I am willing to pay small fees for good patterns.
The yarn is DK weight cotton blend.
submitted by EnsignNogIsMyCat to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:01 Aioli_Level Feeling defeated

Just here to commiserate. My LO is two months old tomorrow. There was a family gathering this evening with a bunch of family members she hasn’t seen yet, so my husband and I decided to bring her. I also volunteered to make a cake for the gathering. It felt like my entire day revolved around getting ready for the gathering - timing the cake, prepping baby, getting myself ready, packing the diaper bag, etc. We got there and she cried the entire time. My husband and I spent most of our time in the basement trying to soothe her and eventually just went home early. I heard more than a few disappointed comments from family members who thought they’d be cuddling a sweet baby all night, and instead got to listen to crying. It was also just embarrassing, like I couldn’t calm my own baby. I just feel exhausted from the day and just disappointed that others haven’t had a chance to see how sweet our baby is.
submitted by Aioli_Level to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:58 EnsignNogIsMyCat Good websites for free or low-price patterns?

Hello! My sister is currently pregnant and I am working on a blanket for the baby, but I bought WAY TOO MUCH yarn. I figure I can make some additional items like a hat/hats and booties and mittens, but I'm not sure what websites to find patterns that will actually work. I am willing to pay small fees for good patterns.
The yarn is DK weight cotton blend.
submitted by EnsignNogIsMyCat to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:48 Dapper-Slice2615 2 year old expressive speech delay

Hello there!! I have a two year almost 4 month old in 2 days and he is extremely delayed in expressive speech. First and foremost I want to start off by saying he had two huge surgeries at the beginning of life(the first at 5 days old, the second at 2 months old) he was born with volvulus. Each surgery was up to two hours or longer. We also had to starve him afterwards to let his intestines calm down and he would scream bloody murder we also weren’t ably to cuddle with him until the wires were off etc…the nurses were great with trying to let us do it as much as possible. Anyways he didn’t act like a normal baby until almost 4 months old. He was in pain and unhappy and wanted me to hold him all the time. Then one day he woke up smiling and is now very happy! Anywho he is. Very stubborn child knows a lot but does what he wants to do. He is very smart, follows directions, can sort colors, shapes, points to everything down to a rug in a book when asked. He is very funny and very socially active with his father and I. I am a SAHM so he doesn’t have much access to other kids. I attend one class on Fridays and he has some play dates here and there. He is definitely interested in other kids but I wouldn’t say completely plays with them unless they are at my house then he plays with them. Anywho he is in speech once a week. He has to take two months off because she had surgery and he did progress naturally in that time. He says a handful of single words(some very well some not so well) he doesn’t pronounce or even try to pronounce c , s, sh or sounds like that mostly d words or m words also some others like eat and water etc. some two word combinations like bye dada or all done. He says brr instead of cold lol and he says hot. Usually in the right context. Anyway I was told in the hospital at the beginning that the exposure so the anesthesia could cause a speech and language delay along with a motor skill delay. My MIL thinks he is autistic. I’m confused about it to be honest I never thought he was autistic until she started saying things and until I googled speech delay etc. the speech therapist said his only delay is expressive and maybe a little receptive but she doesn’t think that’s the case anymore. He also gives decent eye contact unless he is being taught to speak!!! It’s crazy like that’s the only time he doesn’t want too. Anywho I no longer trust my mama gut because everything I research says it could be autism but I feel like I need to give him more time just because of his exposure to anesthesia at the beginning of life. When I google that it says an 87% chance of language or speech delay if they have more than one surgery before 3. I don’t know what I’m expecting to hear from here but it feels better just to write it out lol and I like hearing other experiences . Has anyone had a child that had surgeries at the beginning of life and was speech delayed? Sorry so long it’s a complicated thing and I’ve been stressing so much about it!!!
submitted by Dapper-Slice2615 to speech [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:43 Aioli_Level Feeling defeated

Just here to vent and commiserate. My LO is two months old tomorrow. There was a family gathering this evening with a bunch of family members she hasn’t seen yet, so my husband and I decided to bring her. I also volunteered to make a cake for the gathering. It felt like my entire day revolved around getting ready for the gathering - timing the cake, prepping baby, getting myself ready, packing the diaper bag, etc. We got there and she cried the entire time. My husband and I spent most of our time in the basement trying to soothe her and eventually just went home early. I heard more than a few disappointed comments from family members who thought they’d be cuddling a sweet baby all night, and instead got to listen to crying. It was also just embarrassing, like I couldn’t calm my own baby. I just feel exhausted from the day and just disappointed that others haven’t had a chance to see how sweet our baby is.
submitted by Aioli_Level to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:39 soupsandwich_3 There’s something wrong with my dog and I’m struggling with what to do.

My corgi has always been “a lot.” Barking, jumping, typical corgi things (although I personally believe my girl (3 year old F) probably has more stamina than most).
But then there was the unusual. Barking at familiar objects that were suddenly out of place (a coat, a box of diet coke, a purse, etc.). Barking at the shower any time it turned on. Jumping and snapping at my clothes if I danced or did a jerky unexpected move or yelped at a spider (very specific, I know). Barking when I seperated myself from her, especially if there was someone else in the house (putting her to bed at night [around 9-10pm] so my partner and I could watch a little TV undisturbed). All of these things were frustrating, sure, but manageable.
Last September (09/23), my partner moved in with me officially. He and my dog spent loads of time together, often cuddling in bed or on the couch. Their relationship seemed so strong that it got to the point of us joking that my dog preferred him to me.
Prior to him moving in we had been working with a trainer to figure out how my dog ticks, and how we might get her to bark at us a little less. The training, in all honesty, seemed very basic despite it being a lengthy and expensive program. Commands my dog already knew, games for mental stimulation that we were already playing, etc. One of the issues we had been facing was putting her to bed at night when she didn’t want to go. At times, it could be a whole production filled with coaxing and bribing to get her into her crate. We tried different treats, different beds, but for the most part she really seemed to pick and choose when she wanted to go in and when she wanted to rebel. Eventually, the trainer suggested we stop crating her. If she really didn’t want to go into the crate, why were we forcing her? When the trainer posed that question, the best I could answer was that in my personal research, it was important for dogs to be crate trained so they could self-soothe. The trainer said if the dog didn’t want to go in, then it wasn’t soothing to her and could possibly be fueling her other behaviors.
We didn’t feel super comfortable at first and eventually the training sessions ended with our girl still not always wanting to go in. Eventually, we threw up our hands and said “let’s try it.”
For two weeks, we didn’t crate her at bedtime. Sometimes I’d hear her pacing at night, and in the mornings there would sometimes be an accident somewhere in the house (very unusual for my trained dog). We noticed she seemed a little… edgy? But not to the point where we really suspected anything could go wrong.
Until she attacked my partner in December (12/23). It took us both by surprise and my partner was terrified (he’s been attacked by a dog once previously and carries a lot of anxiety around it). The two of them were best buds, we couldn’t (and still can’t) wrap our heads around this change. The attacks consisted of our girl running full speed at my partner, jumping, growling, snarling, snapping at him.
When this happened, we immediately jumped into action. We started crating her at night again. We contacted her vet, she got a clean bill of health. We contacted a new trainer and got on their calendar. We contacted a veterinary behaviorist and began trials of new medications.
Unfortunately, the first attack was not the last one. They picked up in frequency to the point where my partner and my dog could not be in the same space together, or she would attack him. We baby gated the house to keep them seperate. I would sit on one half of the room with my dog (to keep her calm), and he would sit on the other. We were miserable.
During this time we tried multiple medications. My dog had already been on fluoxetine with no perceivable impact. We tried gabopentin, clonidine, and are now about to try sertraline.
Eventually we got in with the new trainer at their board & train program. I know these programs are a bit controversial, but we needed to see change and were desperate. Plus, the idea of having our girl being observed by a professional trainer full-time was appealing. Maybe this level of time could give the trainer insight into what the problem is and how to best care for her.
About a week and a half after we got her back, she regressed. I had sent her to her crate as part of a training excercise and was on my way to close the gate when my partner walked by. She bolted out of her crate, bounded across the room and over our couch to start jumping and snapping at his arm.
Thankfully, muzzle training was part of this new program. She wears one full time when she’s outside of the crate because we simply can’t predict when it will happen. My partner has never been physically hurt by her, even in the original attacks (he wears thick denim jeans, so skin was never broken). But, the anxiety and fear of never knowing when she’ll attack has been pretty detrimental to his mental health.
We don’t know what to do anymore. We’re at the end of our ropes. We have no idea why she’ll be friendly and cuddling with him one moment, and lunging/growling at him the next.
If you were me, what would you do next? What options do we have?
submitted by soupsandwich_3 to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:37 YaBoyfriendKeefa A gift for a friend who lost her father

A gift for a friend who lost her father
My best friend lost her beloved dad in February. We grew up together, and he was always a dad to me, too. We miss him dearly. This weekend we are having a little private celebration of life for him, and as a fiber artist, I’d like to crochet a frame around my favorite picture of my friend and her dad. However as babies of the 80’s, the picture quality isn’t the best.
Would someone so kindly be able to clean it up a bit and bring it into focus for me? Deepest of appreciation in advance for any willing to help!
submitted by YaBoyfriendKeefa to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:30 Kyrstal95 Tips on crocheting dolls arms/legs

Hi, I have been crocheting for a little over 2 years now and I have decided to try my hand at making a doll. I’m using 100% cotton yarn and a 2.5mm hook (both recommended for the pattern) and I am just finding it so hard to do the arms and legs where the openings are so small I can’t even fit 1 finger inside it! It makes them hard to hold. Does anyone have any tips or video references to show how to crochet these tiny parts when you can hold the space open? Thank you in advance.
submitted by Kyrstal95 to CrochetHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:20 CyanideLovesong Speculations on Klaus Schwab 'stepping back from executive role'

Klaus Schwab is 'stepping back from his executive role' in the WEF ( )
He was used at the end of his position in a very strange way. All those terrible quotes and seeing him looking like an evil Darth Vader type... that was really strange.
I never could figure out how making WEF seem so villainous served their goals...
Now it's obvious they knew he could be used that way since he would be out before long anyway. But what was the point of it?
I've always speculated that the complete and total absurdity associated with everything related to "Covid" and the push for the vaccines was so they would target a very specific demographic:
Sorry, no one wants to hear that but if you think about it --- that was their target demographic. To anyone thinking and/or paying attention, they made it ridiculously obvious that those shots were a bad idea.
Here were some clues:
  1. Widespread censorship of citizen thoughts and opinions
  2. Widespread censorship (and worse) for people in the science/medical community
  3. Constant assertion of easily disprovable lies
  4. Insane & bizarre measures to coerce people
  5. Economic things that made no sense
  6. Sending sick people as young as 20 into nursing homes even though the hospitals had already been emptied (and then censoring anyone who showed others that the hospitals were empty)
  7. Blatantly exaggerating risk in obvious ways (testing only sick people in order to claim a high IFR)
  8. Pushing the PCR test to a whopping 45+ cycles (a test that will detect anything with a high enough cycle threshold)
  9. Making sure we knew that the people on the inside weren't following their own orders (elite/politicians had large unmasked parties, non-stop footage of authorities not wearing masks but pulling them up for the camera and off right after, etc., newscasters peddling fear vacationing maskless around crowded pools in Florida and other places that reopened or never shut down) etc.
  10. Pushing unhealthy lifestyles, division, and hate during a time we were supposedly in "the worst pandemic of our lives"
  11. Using expected deaths to trick people into thinking the death count was unexpectedly high. (~80 years ago began a massive global ~25 year baby boom. You can't have a baby boom without a death boom later on -- it's simple math. Anyone that explained this was shamed, censored, and banned.)
  12. Intentionally death protocols -- separating people from their families and then administrating medications that killed them
  13. Blocking treatments that appeared to work
  14. Encouraging people to go out in the streets and protest in crowds while simultaneously shaming others for stepping outdoors
  15. Arresting people for harmless activities, like walking their dog, being alone at a beach, or fishing at a pond, etc.
  16. Lying about the shots being "approved" when they never were, and when called on it they said, "Well the approved shots are the same as what's being given to people so that's good enough!" Without telling them that they would be excluded from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program(!) ... And for the few who bothered to look it up, they claimed there was a "Countermeasures Program" to
  17. Bold, blatant lies, coverups, and censorship with regard to vaccine side efficacy, adverse events, and death.
I could go on and on... But if you were offended by my prior list, look through those 17 examples and just try to tell me the first list is wrong.
It's not. This is the sad truth no matter how upset it makes anyone. It is what it is, and we were all attacked from within by our own governments...
And there's something critical about the way Klaus Schwab intentionally played the part of a cartoon evil villain. They didn't cast him that way and dress him up like a Space Invader for nothing. That played a role in this psychological operation -- it's just hard to tell precisely what.
For those of us who pay attention, it will likely become clear later -- as most people (from the first list) are caught up in the next Current Thing. Those who haven't yet succumbed to the long term effects of what was done to them. One of the most profitable mass poisonings in history.
(You may have noticed Pfizer & Moderna heavily investing in treatments for cancer and heart problems. This is no coincidence.)
PS. For the coincidence theorists out there -- don't forget that in the court of law people are convicted based on 'coincidences' and 'circumstantial evidence' all the time. Here in California juries are ordered to treat circumstantial evidence on the same level as direct evidence. When a series of coincidences add up to form a pattern -- they aren't coincidences anymore. And we're WAY past that point now.
But will they ever be held accountable? No, the naive & weak who allowed (and even encouraged) them to do this would rather stand in their defense than to admit they were wrong and hold them accountable. And that is probably why they were targeted in the first place. "Useless eaters" as Klaus Schwab's right hand man called him. (Their words, not mine.)
submitted by CyanideLovesong to HermanCainDebate [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:08 FlyHickory What's the strangest thing you done post partum?

Ater I had my baby 6 months ago, the very minute I got home and settled my partner hands me the tv remote and for some reason I just binged the more violent and bloody horror films I could find along with your typical paranormal ones but none of them could get a reaction from me. I just spent the first few weeks at home cuddled up on the couch with my innocent beautiful little baby having cuddles and breastfeeding meanwhile on the tv someone is being brutally murderer and I'd just stare blank faced.
I didn't think about it at the time but now a few months down the lime I'm wondering why that was my choice, my birth wasn't traumatic or anything it generally went smoothly until the end but it wasn't anything really bad, I delivered vaginally, bit of tearing then that was it. Probably nothing but did anyone else do anything others would consider "strange" after having their babies?
submitted by FlyHickory to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:59 Actual_Philosophy_83 My(20F) boyfriend (21M) lied to me about his past. How do I heal from this? Should I forgive him?

This is my first reddit post and honestly it's a lot so please bear with me. I'm still trying to figure out how to process everything and make sense of it all. I guess we will start at the very beginning. My boyfriend,( we will call him michael) and I just passed 6 months together. Honestly, hes been great. We clicked pretty fast and have a great bond. I feel safe and comfortable around him and can communicate in a way ive never been able to before. It just kinda works. I definitely fell hard and fast for him and from what I could gather, the feeling was mutual. We had met on tinder in early October and went on our first date in November. We made it official shortly after our first date.
After we started dating, he had briefly mentioned that he had a friend who had a bit of a crush on him. I told him I didn't mind and I trusted him. As long as he kept things respectful to me, it didn't matter. He then explained that her crush was a bit obsessive and he actually wanted to push her out of his life and needed advice. Apparently, this friend, (we will call her beth) was pregnant and wanted Michael to be her baby's God Father. He said that she would follow him and got jealous when he was with other girls. I found this kind of odd but he swore they were just friends, so I told him the best way to let her down gently and let him do his thing. About two weeks later, he told me she was out of the picture. I didn't really care either way but the communication was cool.
Anyways, I pretty quickly forgot about all of that because it was irrelevant and I wanted to focus on our relationship. One night when we were hanging out, he got a snapchat notification. He turned away from me to respond to it but I didn't think much of it, just asked who that was. He said it was just a friend (we will call this one Jen) and they were catching up. I had never heard of her before but I didn't care, I just said cool and dropped it. Just like before, I quickly forgot about that conversation because again,it was irrelevant and I had better things to think about. I trusted him so why should I care who he talks to? He is his own person after all and I understand the importance of friendships.
Fast forward about another two weeks later, him and I had our first argument. I dont remember what it was about. Most likely something small and pointless because I had a stressful day at work but nothing too serious. We did not talk much that day. Later that night, I apologized and we talked it over. Everything was fine. He then told me that earlier in the day, an old friend that he had removed off social media readded him and messaged him. We will call her Molly. Apparently she had just noticed she was removed and was upset and wanted to know why. He told me that he sent her a message explaining that he didn't see her in his life long term and doesn't feel the need to keep someone around who won't be around forever so he didn't want to be friends anymore. He then removed her again. At this point I thought the way he acted was odd. I had never heard of molly before, he waited until he had already removed her before telling me about the conversation, she only came into the picture when we had our first argument and it got me thinking about the other girls who were just friends. I definitely started to over think a bit and was more than curious about who these people were and what their relationship to him was. But he swore they were all just friends. So I continued to believe him.
We went a long period of time without anything coming up so once again I forgot about it and moved on with my life. Him and I were doing great. We were young dumb and in love. I felt truly happy, something I hadn't experienced in a long time. I felt like I genuinely found someone who was right for me and I didn't need to second guess whether or not he was gonna cheat on me. He occasionally would ask to see my phone but I didn't have anything to hide so I allowed him. I had set a boundary with him that if he ever felt concerned or needed reassurance, he needed to bring it up to me first. After we talked it over then he could see my phone, but we would always go through it together. This seemed fair to me. My phone was never off limits, there just needed to be open communication. Anyways, he would always offer for me to see his phone in return but I would decline. I didn't feel the need to and I had learned from past experiences that if you go digging, you will most likely see something you can't unsee.
Then one day he needed to have his wisdom teeth removed. I dropped him off in the morning for his surgery and I was told I needed to hold on to his personal belongings and wait until the operation was over. No big deal. I know this is wrong and I shouldn't have but finally curiosity got the best of me and I looked on his phone. At first it wasn't malicious. I genuinely was just curious. But of course, I saw things I wish I could unsee. It started off on tiktok. In one of his conversations with a friend, he poured his heart out, explaining how he was still so in love with his ex and missed her like crazy. Of course it stung a little to see the things he said but I knew there was someone before me so it wasn't that surprising. That was until I saw those messages had been sent in mid October. So of course i was like huh.we started talking early October and dating early November. So clearly he wasn't over his ex when he met me. But I was willing to forgive it. It wasn't a deal breaker. But Instead of putting the phone down to protect my peace and his privacy, I kept looking. And boy did I find a lot. I found lots of old text messages from contacts that were not saved. Most of then were hard-core sexting and flirting. This dude literally acted like a dog.And yeah it was again hard to see but it was before me and he wasn't like that anymore. With me, he was gentle and respectful and never treated me like an object. Some people just go through a phase and that's okay. Again, it wasn't a deal breaker. But finally i found some very passionate, lovey, intimate messages with an unsaved contact. I was immediately drawn in by the kind words and heartwarming love messages. Whoever this was, they cared for eachother very strongly. I almost immediately felt heartbroken. Not because she was a past love interest, but because he had never spoken to me the way he spoke to her. I read all the way from the top of the conversation. Months worth of love confessions, paragraphs of strong feelings, longing to be with one another, etc. But finally halfway through in one of the paragraphs I see a name. Molly I was shattered. Molly was the girl who supposedly was removed months before him and I even met. The one that was "just a friend" who messaged him and he removed her because he didn't want to be friends anymore. Yeah clearly they were more than just friends. I was livid and felt crushed. Why did he feel the need to lie about something so unnecessary? I wouldn't have been mad if he had told the truth about who she was. But then it got me thinking. Was Beth truly just a friend? Was Jen truly just a friend? What was the actual relationship? I gathered up as much as I could but then the nurse came to the lobby to tell me he was awake and ready to go home. I kind of panicked and in my hurry, I forgot to delete the screenshots out of his phone.
We get in the car and I give him his phone, he's still pretty loopy. Obviously I had a million questions to ask him but I knew he wasn't in the right state of mind to have that conversation so I put my feelings aside and decided it could wait. Well he wanted to take pictures of his bloody swollen face and send it to his uncle. In the process, he sees the screenshots i had forgotten to delete off his phone and immediately screams what the f*** is this? I tried to talk calmly and explain that now wasn't a good time to talk about it and it could wait. He kept pressing "what the f*** did you do? Who the hell is this?" In my mind I thought "uh dude, you tell me." But didn't want to escalate it while he was drugged up. I decided the best option was to simply say that I wasn't mad , I stilled planned on taking care of him while he recovered and that we would need to have a conversation when he was in a better state of mind. He just started sobbing. Oh boy. I kind of ignored it as much as I could. I drove us to the store to get ice cream and other soft foods he could eat before taking us back to my apartment. I helped get him set up in my bedroom and he still was crying. So much so he started coughing out blood. It smelled awful and got everywhere. He was a wreck. I felt bad for everything. I felt guilty for going on his phone behind his back, for leaving the screeshots on his phone and for him crying. It took several hours but eventually I got him to calm down. I kept my word and continued to take care of him until he was recovered.
Finally when enough time had passed I decided it was time to sit down and talk about it. I explained that obviously I had found messages and i wanted an explanation. He told me molly was just a friend, and very clearly it was more than that. I also explained that I had a suspicion that he was not fully honest about his relationship with Jen and Beth either. He looked me dead in the eyes and said he had no idea what I was talking about and they were just friends. I remained calm and explained that I won't be mad at him or leave him. I told him I didn't want to fight. I just felt as though I deserved to know the truth if I was going to continue to be with him, especially since he was still in contact with Beth and Jen while we were dating. We continue to go back and forward for several hours with no progress. I decided then if he didn't feel I deserved the truth, I would find out for myself. I took the screenshots I had found and reached out to the contacts one by one.
Let's start with Beth. She was the quickest to respond. I briefly explained who I was and that I was hoping to ask some questions about my partner because I felt like i was being lied to and was hoping she could fill in some of the gaps. She texted back and simply asked "do you work at blank" I responded that yes, I did. She then asked if I lived at a specific apartment complex. I said yes and was creeped out. She knew where I worked and lived. She then asked if she could call me. I agreed. For some context, he told me that she was a friend he had met in school. He explained that she had gotten out of a rough relationship and he wanted to make sure she was okay when it happened. That's how they became close. He explained that they would hang out all the time and eventually she became obsessed with him. Well during my phone call with her, I heard a very different story. Yes, they met in school and initially started off as friends. But, slowly with time as they started to spend more and more time together, they started to catch feelings. He said I love you first. And she proved this with screenshots. She also sent me pictures of them holding hands and kissing. She explained that they never officially started dating but they definitely were more than just friends. Their relationship was much more physical and romantic than platonic. She also told me that they had hooked up about 3 times. She explained that they had eachothers location and pretty frequently they would make plans then he would last minute cancel. So she would see what he was doing and would see him at two very specific addresses. Visiting my work or my apartment. She eventually asked him where he was and he told her that I was his cousin and was trying to get out of a rough relationship so he was helping me. I felt sick. No wonder why she was "obsessed" he was borderline dating her, telling her he loved her, and then started to ditch her when he made things official with me. Then it killed me to realize that even though they never had an official title, he was dating the two of us at the same time. I didn't know what to do. I ended up apologizing to her for everything he did and told her I never would have agreed to be his if I knew he was entertaining someone else. Michael overheard this phone call between us and looked like he had seen a ghost after. All he did was started crying, said she was lying, and that she was only a friend. I asked "so....these screenshots and pictures are all made up?" No response. He knew he was busted.
I decided I needed to take some time to process that information and I didn't want to say something I would regret. I let him stay at my place because he had nowhere else to go and I went to stay with a friend. He kept calling and texting but I couldn't deal with it. I cried all night. I was a mess. I should have just accepted that I was cheated on and lied to but I couldn't leave. I needed to know the truth. So I kept reaching out. Next up was Jen. I never was able to reach her, but I found out through Michael and Beth that Jen was Beth's best friend. But even more than that, I found out the three of them had a threesome together. He had told me previously that he had never been interested in a threesome and would never want to have one. Then I found out not only did he have one and lied about it, but it was with two girls he told me were just friends.
I went back to my apartment the next day and tried to talk stuff out. He just continued to say they were just friends. I finally snapped. I screamed and cried and told him that I just wanted to know the truth. That I deserved the truth. He looked me in the eyes, pinky promised me no more lies. We talked for a while and basically he explained that he never had an official title with Beth. They were very close but he basically just used her to pass time because he had nothing better to do. He said he loved her because that's what she wanted to hear and he treated her like a partner without ever having any real feelings for her. He knew as soon as he met me that he wanted me but didn't want to hurt her so he just kind of pushed her to the side but kept her in the picture. I felt so sad for her. He used her. He led her on. He treated her like an object and then threw her to the side when he met me.I asked why he lied about having a threesome. He said he felt ashamed Apparently they started to do it and then he chickened out so he didn't really count it. That made sense to me. I was pissed that he lied but at least it made sense. Next I asked why he told me Beth and Jen were just friends instead of being honest about the relationship. He said he never had feelings for either and they never had the official title so he didn't think it was important and he did not want to scare me off. I explained to him that although I understand why he lied to me, I didn't forgive him. I warned him that I would not tolerate anymore lies and obviously for the time being I did not trust him. I told him I wouldn't break up with him but if I found out he lied again, he would lose me. I also told him I considered what he did as cheating since he was seeing us at the same time after him and I became mutually exclusive. After we concluded our conversation about Beth and Jen, I started thinking about molly and the messages I had seen. I asked him what their relationship was, he said just friends. I freaked and told him to give me his phone. I found their old messages and told him to read them. "Hey goofball, you awake? Well if you're not I have something impossible to say to you. You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars. I love you lots and want you to know that no matter what happens I will always care about you. To me you are perfect. Amazing. And attractive asf. You are also very sweet and caring and adorable. Don't think about the negative things about yourself that will drag you down. You are way more than that. This is an official goodnight and I love you goofball." This is just one of the MANY messages sent back and forward. He reads the conversation and just goes oh. He then says he didn't remember any of that happening. We began to argue and the story he tried to spin was that his life must have been so traumatic that his brain literally deleted his past memories and replaced them with false memories where he didn't do these things that he is ashamed of. He got caught in lies and after so long was just like...whoa I did that? I had no idea I didn't remember. Technically I didn't lie because I told what I thought the truth was the way I remembered it. I told him I wanted to break up and he cried and begged me to forgive him and stay. I listened.i tried to move on and make things normal again but I couldn't stop thinking about all the lies and what else he might have been lying about. Then randomly one day, Molly added me back on social media. She was the last and took over 1.5 months so honestly I figured I'd never get ahold of her. I was genuinely surprised to see her show up on my friend list and reached out. Once again back story, he told me that she lived in Wisconin and they had never met. He said he was also using her for nudes and to pass time, same way he used Beth. He had told me that he removed her off social media months before him and I even met and aside from that one night she reached out, he hadn't heard from her in forever. I found out from her that she did not live in Wisconsin, she lived in the same state as us That to her, they were definitely dating and in love. I also saw a messaged saved on snapchat where he had been texting her in October (after we met) and even sent her the same pickup lines he had sent me. he had cheated with not just one, but two (at least that I know of) other girls.
At this point I had been broken so bad I didn't even feel the pain anymore. I just went numb. I had no more tears left to cry and couldn't be bothered to care anymore. I stopped eating and taking care of myself. I just went to work, came home, slept and repeated. I had watched the man that I loved and adored, one that made me feel so safe and happy turn into a monster right in front of me. He wasn't him anymore. I finally could see him for who he was. But I still didn't leave. He told me that he had only ever slept with three girls. I later found out it was actually six. He told me he had never been in love before. I later found out he tells basically every girl he's ever talked to that he loves them AND genuinely was in love with his ex before me. He told me after his ex and him broke up, he had a rebound but he only hooked up with her once before ghosting her. I found out they actually dated for several weeks, hooked up several times, and she had taken cute couple pictures with him and posted them on social media. He said that he never wanted to take those pictures, she made him put his Hands on her and pose and if he didn't cooperate, she would throw a tantrum like a child. One last thing I think that is important to mention,when we went on our first date, I told him I don't do hookups. We stayed out late and hit it off really well so I offered for him to stay the night at my place. I said I was okay with cuddling and whatever but I did not want to have sex. He seemed okay with it. I went to bed and then when I woke up, my pants were off and he was inside me. He claimed he didn't know I was asleep and thought I wanted it because apparently my butt kept rubbing against him while we were spooning.
It's been about a month since all that and I'm still just meh. I haven't exactly forgiven him but I also don't hate him. Things are normal. I act normal we still do couple things. But I can't help but wonder if he is just using me the same way he used them. I mean after all, he lives in my apartment rent free and asked me to buy him a truck for his birthday. He says I should forgive him because he genuinely doesn't remember doing these things and he didn't mean to lie to me. He said he's so ashamed of who he was but isn't like that anymore. He doesn't associate with who he was and wants to be given a chance to show that he is different. But can I ever forgive him? Should I? Where do I go from here? I feel so lost and confused. I dont think I'll ever be able to trust his word again. I dont feel secure. He broke me so bad I can't even feel anymore. Am I crazy and somehow making this a bigger deal than it is? Can I ever have the man I fell in love with back? I'm sorry if this was confusing. I'm typing this all out in one sitting. Please help me because I genuinely am so lost and I don't want to tell any friends because I don't want them to hate him.
TLDR: My boyfriend cheated on me with at least two other girls that I know of at the moment and has lied to me about too many things to count. His argument is that It doesn't actually count as cheating because he technically didn't date these people and he didn't remember doing it.
submitted by Actual_Philosophy_83 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:56 cherryfairy111 Will a kitten always be super bitey??

Will a kitten always be super bitey??
My boyfriend found a 1 month old kitten in his workshop and she's now approx 7 months. She is the cutest thing but he thinks he fucked her up and made her think fingers are toys because he did "the claw" with her once as a baby. She's super sweet and it's kind of hilarious but she attacks you at any given moment. Not hard, but slaps and lots of small bites. She's getting fixed next month (she only cuddled recently for the first time when she was in heat), but we're honestly wondering if this is just her personality or if it's a kitten thing. We'll love her either way 😅🥰 (some photos for proof and also she's so cute)
submitted by cherryfairy111 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:54 Adventurous_Ask9148 Just started sleep training 5 MO

We started sleep training two nights ago, we’re following the tips from Taking Care of Babies and Precious Little Sleep. This is our first baby will take all of the help we can get! In the below when I say soothe I mean that we are going into the room, rubbing the side of her face shushing, saying something sweet like goodnight we love you etc for no more than 20 seconds
Night 1 Start bedtime routine at 6:30 Bottle bath, massage, pajamas, book, sleep sack, in the crib awake Cried for 15 minutes straight, went in and soothed for 20 seconds Was okay for a few minutes then cried for another 15 with the last few minutes being the worst Went in soothed for 20 seconds Started crying really bad as soon as I left it died down a little but cried for the next 15 Went in soothed for 20 seconds Two minutes later she felt asleep no crying Fell asleep 7:42 pm, total crying 45 mins Slept 8 and a half hours woke up to nurse and went back to bed
Night 2 - she was super agitated to start off bedtime, she woke up cranky from her last nap and stayed cranky until she fell asleep Start bedtime routine 6:30 Bottle bath, massage, pajamas, book, sleep sack, in the crib awake Cried the whole 15 minutes Soothed for 20 seconds and left She didn’t cry the first few minutes then 15 straight Soothed for 20 seconds Cried entire 15 minutes Soothed for 20 seconds Fine for 5 mins then cried for 15 straight Soothed for 20, she fussed a little bit but not crying crying then fell asleep at 8:10 Total crying time 1 hour Slept 7 hours woke up to nurse then back to sleep
So far we’re in the middle of night 3 She was in a really great mood for bedtime. We started a bit later because of her last nap 6:55 started bedtime Bottle bath, massage, pajamas, book, sleep sack, in the crib awake 7:20 in the crib awake Was okay for 2 mins then cried for 15 Went in soothed and put soothing gel on her gums Cried 13 straight but it wasn’t terrible, there were two instances where she started falling asleep then woke up crying It’s been more than 15 mins and now she’s just in her crib awake not crying
A few questions: do we still go in and soothe if she’s awake but not crying? I’m assuming no, so then when do we go in next? If she starts crying do we have to wait another 15 before going in to soothe? Do we increase the amount of time we wait before going in each night?
Also when will this get easier🥹
submitted by Adventurous_Ask9148 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:53 sleepyhead_gemini Unpredictable night wakings

Hi! My LO is 5.5 months and we recently moved him to his crib. I nurse or rock him to sleep between 7-8, then we transfer him to crib. He typically opens his eyes during transfer and goes right back to sleep. Sometimes he sleeps until 7am, other times he wakes multiple times throughout the night, and sometimes he wakes once between 3-4. We do 5 3 3 so if he wakes anytime after 1-2am depending on when I put him down, I will offer a feed. On the other wake ups, we let him cry & find his fingers (rub his back at 10 min intervals, but he usually is back to sleep before 10min). This was a tough transition but it has been 2 weeks and I thought we may not have the crying spells anymore, but we still are and we cannot seem to find a rhyme or reason to them. He slept through the night most nights in our room in bassinet. Can anyone relate? Is this normal? What helped you? We use a white noise sound machine & a Kyte baby sleep sack. Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks in advance!
submitted by sleepyhead_gemini to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:41 purplepaintedpumpkin Tips for bottle refusal? 😬

Hi all, baby is 8 weeks old. He is breastfed and gets a bottle of pumped milk once or twice a day. I'm on maternity leave and today I went to the gym once my husband gets off of work as usual and he was inconsolable until I got home and refused the bottle. When I came back I nursed him. Here is the problem... I'm going back to work soon and I need dad to be able to give him a bottle (we have staggered our parental leaves so dad will be looking after him for a few months).
What can we do?? I hope this won't become a pattern, but just in case it does...?
submitted by purplepaintedpumpkin to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:38 anxiousslav Mal's hind legs stopped working

Ok, so... I'm gonna start this by saying I blame myself and hate myself and I'm heartbroken.
Malcolm has been living with me in my car for over two years now. I got him when he was a tiny baby, I was told he was 3 weeks old or so, and I put him on my shoulder and we were inseparable. He is a loose rat, lives in the car, everything is organized around his (and his "brother's" comfort. He sleeps on me, loves to cuddle, and is the light of my life. He is a very special rat. For the past month I've been staying with my mum but the rats have been in the car. I take them into the house for a few hours every day, usually from around 7pm until 1am - during the day they sleep and after 1am I sleep, so it seemed like a reasonable arrangement. It's still fewer hours than I'm used to spending with Mal, but I told myself it's ok. Today I couldn't find him in the car. I started to panic - I only opened it once today to find something in a bag in the back, but he didn't spend time on that side of the car, so it would have been very unlikely for hom to fall out. He'd never fallen out of the car before. My parents kept telling me to wait until tomorrow to find him because it was too dark, but I just couldn't. Finally I found him. I don't know why he was there, but he was in a crevice where I usually keep things, he doesn't go there. It soon became obvious why he didn't come to me when I was looking for him - his hind legs are not working. I have so many questions. Did I cause him to become stuck when I moved that bag? How long was he there? Did he get there before his legs stopped working? Did he have a stroke? Pulled muscles? Something else? And was that caused because he was stuck? Or was he stuck because his legs weren't working? There was a way for him to leave, there was plentynof room for him to crawl out, so I'm guessing... oh god, so many questions, so much confusion. So much blame. So much wishing I could turn back time and pay better attention. Now he is not eating. He drank water and nibbled on a little bit of chocolate (I thought he deserved to be spoiled for the horrors he went through) but he stopped wanting even the chocolate. He also keeps falling off surfaces, he just... slides off a couch sometimes. Like, drags himself until he falls. I have to keep an eye on him. I'm not letting him sleep in the car again. But... it has occurred to me that I have never watched my own pet grow old. I have had many pets in my life, but not MY pets. The pets my family had either didn't get to grow old or I wasn't there when they did. I knew that rats living in captivity are lucky if they get past 2y, but I always naively expected Mal to be special in that regard, too. I lived in constant fear that my neglicence (I have ADHD and it's always been a problem) will kill him and I preemptively hated myself for that. That's why I quickly started blaming myself for this, even though I don't actually know what happened and maybe, just maybe, was his life happy the way it was. But the other option is that my rat is old and deteriorating. And I'm not ready.
submitted by anxiousslav to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:37 geekomomma Input on Buying Used Loom

Input on Buying Used Loom
I want to learn weaving, and I’m wanting to start with a floor loom.
  • Medium-ish sized (i think 48 weaving size is probably my max) I do have dedicated space (spare bedroom) but need to make sure I have room to dress the loom.
  • I’m 5’4” with legs on the shorter side, I think normal wingspan lol
  • Want to mostly weave hand towels, placemats, maybe some blankets and maybe the rare rug
  • I like patterns so I’m leaning toward 8shaft but I figure I can upgrade later if necessary
  • My weaving class starts next month but they only have 2 Jack floor looms (older standard Schacht and small Harrisville) so I won’t necessarily be able to try out a bunch of models. Originally I really wanted a Schacht Baby Wolf but they don’t seem to pop up much and I’m not sure if I’m ready to invest in a new one just yet.
So I’ve been stalking various used listings to see if a good deal pops up.
OPTION 1: Gilmore Compact 40” weaving width floor loom 6 shafts, 12 treadles, 100 heddles on each shaft 15 epi reed Includes bench $550
Pros: close, price Cons: Only 6 shafts? I’ve only read about 4,4+4,8, etc. Is having 6 any better than 4? I’d need to get at least a 12 or 10 dent reed.
OPTION 2: 48" Beka floor loom with 8 harnesses/10 treadles. Has a removable sectional back beam to convert to a regular back beam. Two reeds (one old and one brand new, 12 epi) and lease stitcks for warping. $500
Pro: 8 shaft, 12 dent reed is one size I want Con?: not familiar with Beka as floor loom, can’t find much info except for their RHLs,
OPTION 3: 40” Gilmore, 8 harness, sectional warp, 32” weaving weft, Comes with books, shuttles, reed bars, and yarn. $900 Pro: 8shafts, lots of extras like tons of yarn Con: 12hr round trip but I’m open bc I’m crazy lol, about $130 or so for gas
Any advice or input? Should I jump on any of these? Thanks!
submitted by geekomomma to weaving [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 LilacPenny Those who have given birth before, should I bring entertainment to the hospital??

Had some bleeding last week and ended up in the hospital for about 5hrs, most of it was spent waiting around and I was bored out of my mind!! I’m having a c section next month so I’ll be there for at least 3 days. Planning on packing my iPad for movies and a deck of cards, should I bring a book too? Or will you be so sore and tired that you won’t want to do anything other than cuddle your baby and sleep?
submitted by LilacPenny to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:09 Peefart6 Mourning the death of my 6 week old rescue, 2 hours after vet procedure..

Mourning the death of my 6 week old rescue, 2 hours after vet procedure..
I have never been so distraught. I see her toys, litter box, even anything she stepped on in my room and I burst into tears. My kitten I rescued died suddenly when I took her to the vet yesterday. They said it was FIP. How pissed the vet made me and how strange this whole diagnosis was is something for another post. I brought her into the vet for constipation and came back up to her being limp, having seizures, and being 20°F colder. I felt like I didn’t love her enough. I had her pinned in the bathroom a lot for the litter box training, I let her out as much as I can and played. I cuddled her. Napped. It’s so devastating I only had her for two weeks and she was ripped from me. I didn’t even know she was a girl until I was giving the “ok” to euthanize her. I feel sick. My poor baby. I couldn’t stand watching her paws twitch in a seizure, I would gag from my tears and the vet just stared at me. They told me it’d be “inhumane” to let her die at home like I didn’t fucking know that. They gave me 10 minutes to make a decision about something I found out just then. I knew what my decision was, but in that appointment alone they already took $440 from me. Then dared to ask another $100 to euthanize her, they did it out of “courtesy” for free but I really don’t give a shit. My poor baby is buried in the ground when she was in my arms and happy no more than 48 hours ago. This swollen belly she had, she had it at her FIRST appointment and they said it was “probably worms”. I bring her in today, two weeks from that appointment and they tell me she has a fatal condition? She dies an hour later? I’m so broken over this, I’ve never grieved this way before. I think about how she was just a baby and it took seconds for the euthanasia to reach her heart because of her size. This fucking hurts. Even if she did have FIP, how the HELL was she fine up until the vet touched her. They cleaned out her colon, did enema, and then all of the her organs are shutting down? My sweet angel you didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry.
submitted by Peefart6 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 DuckMagic Post your most complicated, juicy shawl makes

I've recently learned the basics of knitting lace, and between the complexity of wrapping my brain around knitting and the boredom of making a huge granny-square/ granny stitch based blanket, I'm really yearning for a juicy, complicated, super detailed shawl to sink my teeth into with the comfort and ease of crochet. Please post your proudest, most complicated shawls for me to admire! I'd love it if you could include the pattern name/ creator as well :) I've got cakes of cotton sat around unused, give me some inspiration.
submitted by DuckMagic to crochet [link] [comments]