Barr adderall ir

Why doesn’t vyvanse work for me

2024.05.19 00:19 Critical_Tumbleweed3 Why doesn’t vyvanse work for me

I’ve taken 20mg Adderall IR 3xs a day for 3yrs. Built tolerance so I tried Vyvanse 60mg and it does absolutely nothing. I thought they would be similar😣
submitted by Critical_Tumbleweed3 to ADHDmeds [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:01 BrittAnne1996 Overstimulated as heck. Ugh

I've never felt so overstimulated. Usually I just feel over emotional. Starting yesterday, I've been so over sensitive with feeling. Just last night, I couldn't sleep with my shirt on. It was making me SO uncomfortable, like I wanted to claw my skin off. I just started taking Adderall, as I just got diagnosed last month. My doctor has already upped my medication, and I'm now on 20mg of the IR, whereas I was on 10mg IR. I'm hoping I just feel this way cause of my meds and I'll get use to them in the next few weeks. I'm so overstimulated, I'm stuck in ADHD paralysis. I so bad want to play my videogame, but I'm just so uncomfortable. I need to move but I can't. My arms feel like I have 20lb weights on them and I want to cry and scream. Please, tell me this gets better. I just want to feel normal. 🥺
submitted by BrittAnne1996 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 11:57 BrittAnne1996 Skin is so sensitive.

I'm on Adderall. Been on it about a month, but now I am on 20mg a day. I take the IR version of it. I've only been on 20mg for about 5 days. Well, all day today, the skin on my back has been so sensitive, it happens rts to wear a shirt. Is this a side effect of my Adderall or a symptom of my ADHD? I've never had this before meds, but I looked online for side effects of the Adderall and never found one with skin sensitivity. It's so bad, my muscles in my back feel how restless leg syndrome feels. It's such a bizarre feeling that is SO hard to explain. The meds working pretty good so far. Just this issue and not being able to sleep. I'm gonna at least wait til my next appt and if there is no improvement, I'm gonna ask for the ER version of it. Maybe it's just releasing in my system too quick? Idk, if you have dealt with this, please help. I wanna claw my skin off, it's so bad.🥺🥺
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2024.05.18 05:30 mrepka_7 How to avoid a “crash” after work?

Looking for any advice or suggestions on how to avoid the “crash” when ADHD meds wear off after I get off work?
I take Adderall XR and IR right now. Both a 20mg. I work from home full time and it’s a regular 9-5 M-F type of schedule. I take the XR in the morning between 8-9 and the IR between 12-2 and I do my best to ensure that I’m eating around the time that I take both.
However, no matter what, it feels like once I’m off work after 5, the “crash” sets in soon after the IR wears off and the regular symptoms of racing thoughts, “laziness”, guilt/shame, etc run rampant. It’s difficult to do house chores, commit to social events, get projects/school work done, engage in hobbies, and all that routine stuff after work. Can anyone else relate and offer any help?
submitted by mrepka_7 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:20 Different-Estate-279 Do my tonsils look normal? Or would it be better to inquire about getting them removed?

I (23F) have had the feeling like I have something in the back of my throat for about 2 days now. I thought it was maybe some stray dog hair that was stuck.
I took a flashlight to my mouth to look today and I believe the white substance on my left tonsil is a tonsil stone! I have never had a tonsil stone before or any other issues with my tonsils in the past.
I more recently, I would say the past couple months, notice the sides of my neck under my jaw feel tender which I think is where the lymph nodes are (?) and my tonsils feel slightly sore. Every other time I’ve looked at my tonsils these past couple months, they’ve looked like how they do in the picture, without the tonsil stone though obviously.
I have my yearly physical with my primary doctor on Monday. I’ll definitely inquire about seeing if she can get the stone out (I tried coughing, gargling salt water, and almost threw up putting a q-tip back there, nothing has worked). Should I also ask about getting them removed? And what do you think could be the cause for my tonsils to look like this all the time?
submitted by Different-Estate-279 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:12 TimeIsDecided What stimulant is most prescribed in US currently?

Wondering with all of the shortages and pharmacies claiming backorders + not available to order, stimulant medication‘s I would say from one to five are most prescribed — specific forms do matter as well it doesn’t have to be (i.e. Adderall to = Adderall XR, IR).
I currently got put Zenzedi & I see the differences that people have reported with solely dextroamphetamine.
Seemingly, it makes sense that Desoxyn is beneficial in ways patients find improvements when moving beyond mixed-amphetamine and methylphenidate stimulants. Most patients seem okay with methylphenidate and mixed-amphetamines with no regard/problems to switch to dextroamphetamine or other meds (exception being Vyvanse due to less abuse with an understanding prescriber of the differences).
I will see how this med goes, and my doctor seems to be open to even prescribing this. my insurance pays for both brand-name and generic; generic being $10; brand co-pay being $24 (seeing the cost is in the thousands being covered for both).
I may write another post, I have no concern with asking to be put on this, but maybe understanding more why Desoxyn benefits more than Zenzedi, Adderall, etc. What is the most reported change and improvement — specifically the beneficial effects and what negative effects have stopped with Desoxyn? I could do research, but what does Desoxyn dosing look like because I’m most understanding at my knowledge it would be one dosage a day with several 5mg pills; 25mg max? Once a day due to the long duration of action similar to ER meds; makes me wonder about if it needs boosters or split dosing.
submitted by TimeIsDecided to Desoxyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:37 zipclam Is anyone else on propranolol?

I have some really bad anxiety (As I'm sure lots of people here have), and part of that is being afraid of new medication, a lot of it comes from going online to Reddit or forums and doom scrolling about anecdotal stories of people having terrible side effects despite knowing logically it's a minority when many of the meds prescribed to me work great for millions or at worse just don't do much at all.
I'm currently taking 20mg of Adderall XR daily with 10mg IR as needed and my psych gave me a prescription for propranolol to combat anxiety after I turned down Lexapro.
Anyone else had any success with this?
submitted by zipclam to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:00 badwolf4president Am I sleepy, disassociating or zoning out? Tips for being tired at work.

Hey everyone,
Lately, I've been feeling unusually tired at work, especially when I'm sitting at my desk. I've been monitoring my sleep, nutrition, hydration, and vitamins, but nothing significant has changed from previous weeks.
Despite this, I've been getting really sleepy whenever I sit down to do my actual work. Here are the strategies I usually use to manage my ADHD, especially when tasks are dull:
But this week, it’s been a struggle. I sit down at my desk and all I want to do is close my eyes and lay my head down.
Yesterday, I even tried working from a sunny spot with a beautiful view, but I still couldn't shake off the tiredness and boredom. I know my body isn’t actually tired because I can feel the effects of the IR Adderall I take in the afternoon.
Here’s a quick rundown of my medication schedule:
TL;DR: My desk and work are making me want to sleep, and my usual strategies aren’t working. What do you all do in this situation?
submitted by badwolf4president to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:18 dirtbike0754 Adderall Not Working

Hi Reddit,
For years, I was prescribed Adderall IR and it was working consistently. Note: this was before the pandemic.
After taking a couple years off, I’m back on my meds again, 40mg daily, Teva’s generic.
When I swallow the meds, it does literally nothing. I don’t ever feel the meds kick in, I never feel stimulated, nothing. Like a placebo. I notice the meds when I dissolve them under my tongue, but this is not how it’s supposed to be taken.
Any explanations of why this may be happening? I start my day with a protein shake, which used to help with Adderall’s absorption. No, not consuming any citric acid or vitamin C within 1 hour of taking my meds.
Anybody else experiencing similar results with their ADHD stimulant medication? I’m really tempted to switch to Zenzedi next month if I can’t get Adderall to work again.
Note: from my experience, you can’t talk to your psychiatrist about this stuff…they look at you funny and aren’t helpful.
submitted by dirtbike0754 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:50 throwaway-amiright Any success stories going from higher dose stimulants to non-stimulant options?

Hey there lovely folks. Currently on Vyvanse 70mg, but have had very meh results on it the past year. It doesn't really ever feel like it's working well for me most days. I'm planning on consulting with my psych about other treatment options that might be a good fit, but my question is: I'm curious to hear if any people have good experiences going from being on a higher dose stimulant to a non-stim option and have equal-to-better results?
I started off on Concerta XR and tried every dose available and hated its effect on me, I've tolerated both Ritalin IR and Adderall XR pretty well.
I wouldn't want to do an IR-only route and with Adderall being in a never-ending shortage, I'm just trying to keep an open mind to non-stimulant options. So please share the good/bad/ugly. Not asking for medical advice ofc, just gathering intel on people's experience.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by throwaway-amiright to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:20 yungpimp1000 Vyvanse to Adderall XR

Currently every pharmacy in my area doesn’t have Vyvanse in stock. I have only tried Adderall IR and switched to Vyvanse because the comedown from Adderall was way too harsh for me. I haven’t tried Adderall XR and I’m wondering if this is a good substitute for now or if there is a better option that is closer to the effect of Vyvanse? Ultimately, I will switch back to Vyvanse but as of right now I don’t have a choice.
submitted by yungpimp1000 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:17 Qalicja Medication recommendations/tips on what I should do?

I’m looking for input from people who specifically struggle/have struggled with BOTH ADHD and anxiety (but also if you have depression that “helps”). I have ADHD (combined type), generalized anxiety disorder (and possibly social anxiety), and have struggled on and off with severe depression and s*icidal ideation for years (although I’m kinda at a point where the depression is the least of my concerns and I’d argue it’s mostly caused by capitalism).
Do any of you take a medication, have a medication combo that has worked wonders for you??? What can I research into and talk to my doctor about that might actually help with both the anxiety and the ADHD?
Thank you in advance!!!
I’m inquiring because I currently don’t have access to a psychiatrist and my primary doctor is my current prescriber. Psychiatry is not his speciality and although he regularly prescribes psychiatric meds to his patients, he’s not familiar enough with all the different medications and combinations off the top of his head to be able to provide the help that I need with my combination of disorders. However, he’s always willing to hear my opinion and inquiries, and if I were to come to him with research and potential medication suggestions, he’d take them into consideration.
The medication combos I’ve been on before are: Adderall XR, Adderall IR, Prozac, and Xanax (only for panic attacks, as needed); Adderall XR and Adderall IR; Adderall XR, Ritalin, and Prozac; just Strattera
More detailed explanation of my situation below if it might help:
My biggest issue is that because I have both ADHD and terrible anxiety, stimulants make me more anxious if I’m already having a high-anxiety day, but they’re the only thing that has every actually helped my ADHD symptoms. Adderall 100% helped me get through uni (albeit I had an absolutely trash GPA), it helped me focus, get work started, got me sitting in one place finishing my work for hours, it helped me nap, helped me communicate better, and even improved my mood. But I also hated taking it every day (and often forgot to take it/pushed it off) bc it often made me more anxious, it decreased my appetite, made me feel less like myself, and gave me headaches when it was wearing off. I’ve also always had a fast metabolism and the Adderall XR only ever helped for 5 hours at a time and the IR only 2-3 hours.
I’ve been on Adderall XR (15mg and 20mg at varying times) and Adderall IR (7.5mg and 10mg at varying points) before, but since the shortage and being out of school I’ve been off of it (due to my anxiety I HATE dealing with doctors and pharmacists and fighting to have Adderall).
I recently started Strattera for my ADHD and anxiety. I’m 5-6 weeks into taking it (currently at 40mg) and I feel almost no positive benefits. It hasn’t yet at all lessened my symptoms or helped me manage the ADHD and anxiety. At first, I experienced being able to wake up earlier, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore and I’m also dealing with some insomnia. I’m also starting to feel a bit more irritable and angry, as well as constipated. I’d be willing to deal with all that if I was actually seeing benefits. I don’t know if I should ask to continue the strattera when I see my doctor next, have the dosage upped or ask to try something else.
I’ve tried Ritalin in the past as well and it made me feel awful and only increased my focus for 30 minutes or so, and I stopped taking it after a week. And for my anxiety and depression I’ve been on Zoloft and Prozac in the past. Zoloft was awful for me. And Prozac was actually okay, I didn’t experience many negative side effects, except maybe some increased s*icide ideation and headaches.
I’ve never been well medicated. And a huge reason for that is that I still have never seen a psychiatrist or psychologist. At uni, I was being prescribed meds by nurse practitioners at the school’s health services and from a big therapy/psychiatrist office where my old therapist worked. And then my primary care doctor took over and he’s been the one prescribing me meds for the past couple of years, but he’s not at all a specialist in psychiatric medicine so he’s not knowledgeable on all the medications and on how to help me. He and I want me to see a psychiatrist but a psychiatrist isn’t accessible to me at this time.
When my parents were still responsible for all my health bills, they either always rejected or were apprehensive about me seeing an actually competent prescriber bc of the cost. And I’d always beg my mom to help me research psychiatrists who specialize in ADHD and who are in-network but she never did. (I feel a lot of resentment.)
And now that I’m out of uni, they (understandably) expect me to pay, but I’m unemployed (for many reasons, main one being that my ADHD and anxiety are completely out of control to the point where they’re debilitating) and I can’t afford it. I have my parents insurance still but a lot of the psychiatrists and psychologists in my areas don’t take any insurance, some take insurance but not mine, and the rest are either completely booked, don’t specialize in ADHD, or don’t seem trustworthy. And I’ve also learned that since I haven’t met my deductible, I’d be still paying at least $100-300 for an appointment with a psychiatrist.
I feel stuck in a hole that’s only getting deeper.
submitted by Qalicja to ADHDers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 BigCharacter466 Adderall and Bipolar

Looking for similar experiences/advice!
I have been taking Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 100mg for a little over a year now, which has helped greatly with stabilizing my BP2. While I still experience depressive episodes from time to time, they are not nearly as bad as they used to (I can actually get out of bed lol). Last week I was diagnosed with ADHD, just 10 IR to take twice a day, and increasing dose as needed. The last week or so I have been so emotional. To be fair, I have had a very stressful past few weeks, and have been so so busy with work and school stuff without a break, as well as family and friend issues. I'm not sure if my episode of moodiness (specifically crying spells, anxiety and irritability) have to do with the Adderall or if it's just a mixed-ish episode, bipolar related. I'm going through a lot in my life right now so I know it could be a combination of both. Has anyone has similar experiences with this? Or any other suggestions? I have a psychiatrist follow-up next week and I'm not sure how to approach it. I really struggle with ADHD symptoms, and would hate to not be able to take medicine for it when it's helped me actually focus at work and school.
submitted by BigCharacter466 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:00 DifferenceIcy6346 My Doctor raised my dosage to 10 my Adderall XR

I was taking Adderall 5 mg IR for a few weeks and it wasn’t working. It was only making me feel calm but recently my psychiatrist raise my dosage to 10 mg XR . Isn’t that the same as 5 mg twice a day so wouldn’t it make sense to raise the dosage to 20 mg XR? I guess I’ll try it and see.
submitted by DifferenceIcy6346 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:39 MaciMommy How often does your med dose change?

How often do you/your doctor up the dosage on your meds? This question is those in this community that are medicated, mostly for those on a stimulant.
I’m not sure if the rate at which I’m upping my dosage is normal/okay, I’d love some insight from people with experience with stimulants!
I’ve been on Adderall (feel free to comment if you’re on another type of stimulant) since the beginning of the year, have been steadily increasing dosage, and very much foresee more increases to come. I get it prescribed from my GP, for context. This is what I’ve had so far;
January, 10mg name brand IR
Feb-Mar, 15mg off brand IR
April, 20 mg off brand XR
submitted by MaciMommy to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:23 slanier88 Generic Adderall

Is the quality of generic IR adderall as bad as the generic XR adderall? I’m prescribed 30 mgs XR twice a day, and they barely work. Since my insurance doesn’t cover brand name Adderall, I was curious if it’d be worth switching to IR Adderall if they are decent quality. If not, I may start having to shell out for brand name.
submitted by slanier88 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:40 MulberryMaximum3183 Does using Adderall give you a high?

After a week, the 5 mg of XR that was recommended to me (f33) ceased functioning. I was put on 10 mg of IR twice a day by my psychiatrist, and it has been AWESOME! I want to know if anyone else gets really euphoric from Adderall. I'm conversing with strangers at the grocery store and I just feel alive but a little high. I feel lovey, attentive, and incredibly joyful. Once it wears off, I'm simply my usual dreary self. I want to spend every day of my life on this. Is this a common sign?
submitted by MulberryMaximum3183 to ADHDsolved [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:02 jedidihah Adderall does not work at all anymore

That is the statement. The effectiveness of Adderall IR and XR, along with their generic counterparts, has been downhill since around the time the FDA announced the nationwide shortage of Adderall on October 12, 2022. Now it does not work at all.
submitted by jedidihah to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:04 noirscorpio TEVA Adderall IR (DMV)

Hello fellow Adhd-ers. I’m located in the DMV (Maryland) and have been using CVS for my 15 mg IR script. The generic is pretty trash and I’ve been looking for Teva ever since the shortage started. I know Walgreens carries Teva but it’s hit or miss when calling. Does anyone, anywhere in the area, have a reliable pharmacy with Teva in stock (I don’t mind driving at this point). Please comment or shoot me a DM with some tips if you have any. Thanks in advance!
submitted by noirscorpio to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:11 Competitive-Run-9821 Switching to Adderall XR

After taking Adderall IR for awhile now, my doctor decided to switch me to the extended release version as the IR wasn’t lasting quite as long as I needed (for example, I could feel it wearing off halfway through a school day, etc.). I’m a little nervous about switching because I had some pretty significant issues while taking extended-release Concerta in the past. I know the effects of Concerta and Adderall are totally different, and I’ve done really well on the Adderall, but I guess I’m still just worried about it. :( My main issue with the Concerta was anxiety/panic attacks, and I really don’t want to go through that again (however, my anxiety is wayyy better managed than it used to be!).
My doctor is aware of these concerns, and he doesn’t seem to think I’ll have any issues, which is great and I’m more than willing to try it! But I would still really appreciate it if you all could share any experiences you’ve had switching from Adderall IR to XR! Things like how did it differ from IR? Did it cause you any increased anxiety or irritability? Did you find it better or worse? Or just any other tips/comments you have about making the switch!
Thank you all so much! (P.S. Sorry if this post is a little bit of a mess, I’m horrible at wording things lol)
submitted by Competitive-Run-9821 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:19 Good-Fill-8850 Afternoon crash makes me question if meds are truly worth it...

31/M, been taking stimulants for about 6 months. I have tried quite a few combos. Vyvanse 30mg only, Vyvanse 30mg + Adderall IR 5/10mg booster, Vyvanse + Dex 5/10mg IR booster, Dex 10mg ER + 5/10mg IR booster and 2x Dex 10mg ER per day. I have even experimented with only IR Dex and didn't find it to be much better.
Vyvanse works best, but I only get about 5-6 hours from it and then crash in the afternoon. This is on 30mg. I've tried a second 30mg once before and then it is too much and makes me extremely irritable and depressed later in the day. I noticed this depression and irritability with the ER plus booster.
It seems that once a day Vyvanse is best side effects wise but the zap in energy and slight depression at 3pm makes it difficult to want to continue. Not to mention the cost of my Psychiatry visit and then the cost of Vyvanse. Just curious of anyone has decided meds weren't worth it for them or that the side effects were bad enough to continue?
I was able to function decently before meds, but when the meds are effective it seems to lift my mood, keep me out of my head and relieves some anxiety. Just looking to vent a little and see who else may have dealt with a similar dilemma. Thanks!
submitted by Good-Fill-8850 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:28 ClarkKent067 ADHD Addictions

Why is no one talking about self dosing and how it starts addiction. So I was taking Adderall IR 10 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon. For some reason my impulsive mind told me to see what it would like if I took another 10 in the morning making it 20. So it began I started taking another 5 too in the afternoon. I noticed that I was getting really sweaty taking extra and a smell was coming me too. Also I drank a Red Bull one day with all the medication and got really dizzy. So I stopped taking my Adderall prescription all together cold turkey. It was hard I could barely function so I started just taking 10mg again. I’m just scared I’m gonna do keep doing this. Does anyone have some advice or ideas to cope.
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