Er diagram rental car

Small accident internationally

2024.05.29 06:38 Kitkatman111 Small accident internationally

I need some help in regards how this will affect me and if there’s anything I should be concerned about.
I had an accident where I reversed somewhat hard and hit something (an inanimate object) which caused significant damage to the body. There is insurance and full coverage on the car (not my car) but I was driving it.
This is not a rental car!
I am a European driver in the USA. Any and all advice accepted.
submitted by Kitkatman111 to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:37 ZivztheDivz Non-clubbing Recommendations

I’ll be coming in late June for a week to visit a family member who lives in Ibiza. I’ll have a rental car, no clue where they live but know it’s off the beaten path a bit in the country side.
I’m looking for recommendations of things to do that aren’t party/clubbing related. I don’t really drink or party but I like to listen to live music, eat at nice restaurants, go to spas and beaches and do social dancing (bachata, etc.) but open to other activities!
Any recommendations would be great!
submitted by ZivztheDivz to ibiza [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:36 nerosighted Serial Monitor Print Issue

Totally lost. This code printed values, but when I uploaded it to the board absolutely nothing. Checked past iterations of the code that printed earlier and nothing still. Entirely unsure of what to do, any ideas? /* @Author: Maclab @Date: 2024-02-06 11:59:09 @LastEditTime: 2020-12-18 14:14:35 @LastEditors: AJ<3 @Description: Smart Robot Car V4.0 @FilePath: */ #include  //#include  #include  #include  #include "DeviceDriverSet_xxx0.h" #include  #include "ArduinoJson-v6.11.1.h" //ArduinoJson #include "MPU6050_getdata.h" //#include "UltrasoundByWill.h"*/ #include  extern "C" { #include "FinalTest.h" #include "FinalTest_private.h" #include "FinalTest_types.h" } /*Hardware device object list*/ MPU6050_getdata AppMPU6050getdata; DeviceDriverSet_RBGLED AppRBG_LED; DeviceDriverSet_Key AppKey; DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001 AppITR20001; DeviceDriverSet_Voltage AppVoltage; DeviceDriverSet_Motor AppMotor; DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC AppULTRASONIC; DeviceDriverSet_Servo AppServo; //DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv AppIRrecv; /*f(x) int */ static boolean function_xxx(long x, long s, long e) //f(x) { if (s <= x && x <= e) return true; else return false; } static void delay_xxx(uint16_t _ms) { wdt_reset(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _ms; i++) { delay(1); } } void ApplicationFunctions_Init(void) { bool res_error = true; AppVoltage.DeviceDriverSet_Voltage_Init(); AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_Init(); AppServo.DeviceDriverSet_Servo_Init(90); AppKey.DeviceDriverSet_Key_Init(); AppRBG_LED.DeviceDriverSet_RBGLED_Init(20); //AppIRrecv.DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv_Init(); AppULTRASONIC.DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC_Init(); AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_Init(); //res_error = AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_dveInit(); //AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_calibration(); // Intialize DemoWeek 5 Parameters //FinalTest_P.controlEN = true; //FinalTest_P.dir_MA = true; //FinalTest_P.dir_MB = true; //FinalTest_P.speed_MA = 128; //FinalTest_P.speed_MB = 64; } // Initialize some variables float Yaw; // yaw angle from the IMU int IRSensL; // Left IR sensor int IRSensM; // Middle IR sensor int IRSensR; // Right IR sensor uint8_t keyValue; // key value float device_voltage; // pin voltage uint16_t ultrasonic_fb; // ultrasonic reading bool IRerror; // IR receive error uint8_t IRrecv_code; // IR receive code unsigned long previous_time = millis(); //for distance IR Sensor const int pinIRd2 = 25; const int pinIRa2 = A0; const int pinLED2 = 9; int IRvalueA2 = 0; int IRvalueD2 = 0; /* Motor Inputs */ bool dirMA; bool dirMB; bool motEN; uint8_t PWMA; uint8_t PWMB; int Servo1_Output, Servo2_Output, Servo3_Output; #define Servo1Pin 44 #define Servo2Pin 45 #define Servo3Pin 46 #include  Servo servo1; Servo servo2; Servo servo3; #define IR_LEFTMOST_PIN A8 #define IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN A9 #define Button_PIN 18 #define MAX_DISTANCE 200 // Button-related variables int dropOffButton = 0; static int lastButtonState = HIGH; static unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; const unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); void setup() { FinalTest_initialize(); Serial.begin(9600); ApplicationFunctions_Init(); /*UltrasoundInit();*/ //pinMode(Servo1Pin,OUTPUT); //pinMode(Servo2Pin,OUTPUT); //pinMode(Servo3Pin,OUTPUT); servo1.attach(Servo1Pin); servo2.attach(Servo2Pin); servo3.attach(Servo3Pin); pinMode(IR_LEFTMOST_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Button_PIN, INPUT); FinalTest_P.PWMsl_l = 200; // range = 0-> 255 (uint8) baseline 200,50,50,200 2baseline 200,150,150,200 3baseline 180,150,150,180 FinalTest_P.PWMsl_r = 180; FinalTest_P.PWMsr_l = 180; FinalTest_P.PWMsr_r = 200; pinMode(pinIRd2,INPUT); pinMode(pinIRa2,INPUT); pinMode(pinLED2,OUTPUT); //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Button_PIN),ButtonStuff,RISING); /* Interrupt Initialization TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = B00010010; //CNCx ICESx – WGMx3 WGMx2 CSx2 CSx1 CSx0 ICR1 = 20000; // Set Timer Interrupt 100 Hz. If you want 100*(10)= 1 kHz, just put ICR1=10000/(10)=1000, Similarly, using 2000 will produce 500 Hz //Note: Be sure the timer interrupt frequency matches with the simulink block diagram. Otherwise, the "after" function in simulink or any other functions related to time won't be accurate. TIMSK1 = B00000001; // Enable Timer Interrupt */ } unsigned long PreT = 0; /* unsigned long UltraSoundTime = 0; bool UltraSoundWaiting = false; int UltrasoundDis = 0; int UltraSoundChecking() { if (!UltraSoundWaiting) { digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW); //while(!digitalRead(ECHO_PIN)){} delay(1); UltraSoundTime = millis(); UltraSoundWaiting = 1; } else { if (!digitalRead(ECHO_PIN)) { UltrasoundDis = (millis() - UltraSoundTime) / 58; UltraSoundWaiting = 0; } } return UltrasoundDis; } */ int DebugNum; // ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect){ // } void loop() { //Serial.print("T:"); if (millis() - PreT >= 10) // Runs at 100 Hz { //Serial.println(millis() - PreT); PreT = millis(); //delay(50); // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings. //Serial.print("Ping: "); //Serial.print(sonar.ping_cm()); // Send ping, get distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range) //Serial.println("cm"); // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: //AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_dveGetEulerAngles(&Yaw); // Get vehicle orientation IRSensL = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_L(); IRSensM = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_M(); IRSensR = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_R(); AppKey.DeviceDriverSet_key_Get(&keyValue); //device_voltage = AppVoltage.DeviceDriverSet_Voltage_getAnalogue(); //AppULTRASONIC.DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC_Get(&ultrasonic_fb); //AppIRrecv.DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv_Get(&IRrecv_code); /* Send fb data to Simulink Module */ FinalTest_U.IRSensL_in = IRSensL; FinalTest_U.IRSensM_in = IRSensM; FinalTest_U.IRSensR_in = IRSensR; //DemoWeek5_U.VoltageDetect_in = device_voltage; //FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in = ultrasonic_fb; FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in = sonar.ping_cm(); FinalTest_U.IRkeyCode_in = keyValue; //DemoWeek5_U.MPU6050IMU_yaw_in= Yaw; //DemoWeek5_U.IRSensorCode_in = IRrecv_code; FinalTest_U.IR_LEFTMOST_in = analogRead(IR_LEFTMOST_PIN); FinalTest_U.IR_RIGHTMOST_in = analogRead(IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN); FinalTest_U.dropOffButton = dropOffButton/2; //IR Distance IRvalueA2 = analogRead(pinIRa2); IRvalueD2 = digitalRead(pinIRd2); FinalTest_U.IR_DISTANCE_in = digitalRead(pinIRd2); // Read and debounce the button int buttonState = digitalRead(Button_PIN); if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { lastDebounceTime = millis(); lastButtonState = buttonState; dropOffButton++; } // if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) { // if (buttonState == LOW && lastButtonState == HIGH) { // dropOffButton++; // Serial.print("Button Pressed! Count: "); // Serial.println(dropOffButton); // } // } //lastButtonState = buttonState; /* Step Simulink Module*/ FinalTest_step(); /* Extract outputs from Simulink Module */ PWMA = FinalTest_Y.PWMA; PWMB = FinalTest_Y.PWMB; motEN = FinalTest_Y.MotorEN; dirMA = FinalTest_Y.dirMA; dirMB = FinalTest_Y.dirMB; Servo1_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo1; Servo2_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo2; Servo3_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo3; DebugNum = FinalTest_Y.A; /* Send commands to actuators */ AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_control(dirMA, PWMA, dirMB, PWMB , motEN); //AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_control(1, 0, 1, 0 , 1); servo1.write(Servo1_Output); servo2.write(Servo2_Output); servo3.write(Servo3_Output); } /* Verify remaining outputs */ if (millis() - previous_time >= 1000) { // Print things here Serial.print(IRSensL); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(IRSensR); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(IRSensM); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_LEFTMOST_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_RIGHTMOST_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_DISTANCE_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(keyValue); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(DebugNum); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(dropOffButton/2); Serial.print("\n"); previous_time = millis(); } } //void ButtonStuff(){ //dropOffButton+=1; //delay(100); //} 
submitted by nerosighted to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:03 Hesho95 Please be honest: What are the biggest issues you've had with the Model Y?

I've wanted a tesla for years now and I actually have the money to comfortably afford one now. Lo and behold though, as I've saved over the years, Tesla leadership/Elon decided to slice the MSRP down to 2/3ds of what it used to be, greatly improve build/software quality, and now introduce the 1% APR financing. Now, I have a couple of days to decide whether or not to get one with the current financing, fuck the money I saved I guess if I can just take a 1% loan lol. I'll just keep the cash in a HYSA earning 5% instead.
Now, I have some concerns and I was hoping you guys could please give me an objective, honest idea of what to expect here (please try to be as unbiased as you can be)
I've talked to a bunch of current and previous Tesla owners and here are some concerns I have:
-Horrible resale value (I understand that the recent price cuts might be a large factor here though)
-Shitty customer service
-Bad build quality
-Bad experience traveling long distances
-Maintenance past the 4 year warranty (my friend works at a car rental company that contracts with Tesla among several other car companies. He says there's an absurd number of rental cars going out to Tesla owners who's Teslas are in the shop - if this is the case within the 4 year warranty period, I wonder how bad the maintenance costs get when the 4 year bumper to bumper warranty expires and you have to pay out of pocket for fixes)
-Tires get worn out quickly
-Bad suspension leading to noisey drives especially in bumpy areas
Please give me as much detail as possible if you could speak to any if these issues (the longer you've had a tesla the better). If there are any other issues you've experienced that I haven't listed please also tell me about those. This is going to be one of the biggest purchases I've ever made and I prefer to know every detail beforehand if possible. Thanks in advance guys!
submitted by Hesho95 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:55 sabrefm1 Ip-bus data cable

Ip-bus data cable
Is it possible to diy a pioneer ip-bus cable which connects to the pioneer radio and cd changer? Yes I know the story with cd’s. But these cables are not available in my country and the price ship one down costs the same as buying a used if not new cheap branded bluetooth car radio with usb and all. I can get the ipbus plugs locally and the yellow part which seems to be power fuse, the other plug looks similar to a computer cable. I dont have the wiring diagram and what wires should go where, anyone able to assist with some of this info so i can make my own cable?
submitted by sabrefm1 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:51 hubcaps219 It's been a minute since you've all seen her

It's been a minute since you've all seen her
I figured I would remind you that my 2019 rad Runner (US version) is still going strong 20k+ miles later! I have the original paperwork from when I got it in 2021 and has been my daily driver instead of a car since then! It now runs rental scooter batteries since the rad batteries were crazy expensive. (Go ahead and ask me if they're stolen lol)
submitted by hubcaps219 to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:43 lifeisshort84 Just hit 20 books so far this year - chugging on - how is your personal challenge going?

Just hit 20 books so far this year - chugging on - how is your personal challenge going? submitted by lifeisshort84 to BlackReaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:22 Charming-Row630 [Landlord - MI - Perspective tenant negotiating rent & other things]

Hi everyone, I’m a newbie so please go easy on me. This will be my first rental.
Anyway, I have perspective tenants who have sent over their credit reports, paystubs, want the unit for two years and asked for $100 of per month BEFORE seeing the place.
This seems odd, and I have a few fears:
Is this situation normal? I had this unit listed in April and the only negotiating that ever took place was whether or not I’d make an exception for pets. This just feels like a lot of red flags. Thoughts? Advice?
submitted by Charming-Row630 to Landlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:18 Developer_Dreamer Barcelona in the “Budget” Ferrari Portofino M

Barcelona in the “Budget” Ferrari Portofino M
Was in Barcelona for 3 days last week and thought it would be a good idea to rent a car from Drive me - who also have a Hurucan & a McLaren 760lt that you can rent for a day or even two hours.
My first choice was obviously a Hurucan but unfortunately it was not available - so I went for the Portofino M and was pleasantly surprised.
Great amount of power in the rev higher band, being a turbo charged car definitely has a punch after about 3000 RPM. I was surprised about how comfortable the suspension set up was, felt less stiff than a boxster or M3.
Driveme was great - the car felt brand new and was extremely well maintained, not like the vegas rentals that’s I’ve had in the past which feels like the cars are falling apart.
They also offer video and picture services but wasn’t really interested in that - am not on social media (other than Reddit if that counts) so I decided to focus on the drive rather than the content.
For those who will ask- I think it cost around 360 euros for an hour but I drive around for atleast 90 mins. 1000 euro deposit and 60 euros insurance. Worth it - my Ubers were about 35-60 euros for any journey under 15-20 minutes so it’s not overpriced compared to the typical transport costs out there.
submitted by Developer_Dreamer to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:16 gcddsb Car shop towed my rental car without notifying me

My rental car engine stopped on the road, so I towed it to a car shop and asked them to fix it. I was under the impression that I would get the car back once it’s fixed. The next day I call to check on its status, they told me they already contacted the car rental company and the car was no longer there . The problem is I still have personal belongings in the car, which could worth thousands of dollars. I have been making multiple calls and no one seems to have any idea where the car and my belongings are. I tried the car rental company lost and found website, no response for the past week. Any legal action I can do against the car shop?
submitted by gcddsb to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:15 ShotPossibility7118 Breaking the game with Palafin ex

Breaking the game with Palafin ex
This was all in one match
submitted by ShotPossibility7118 to PTCGL [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 saltsaltsaltsalt6969 How viable is hitchhiking in Iceland?

Hi, I will be visiting Iceland next week and was wondering how viable hitchhiking would be to get to certain destinations? I plan on going from Reykjavik to Skogar and spending the night there, and then from Skogar to Skaftafell and spending the night there, and I saw that there is a bus, but they both get to these destinations later in the afternoon than I’d like. I don’t plan on bringing camping gear since I am not a confident camper and I plan on staying in guesthouses/hotels/hostels, so I don’t want to get stranded since my accommodation is already booked. The ideal plan would be to have a rental car, but unfortunately I don’t drive. I was wondering how successful hitchhiking is in Iceland now, since most of the posts I’ve seen about people’s hitchhiking experiences have been before the pandemic. Or if it would be a better idea to take the bus? Thank you so much!
submitted by saltsaltsaltsalt6969 to hitchhiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 Wisewolves77 Trimalleolar fracture recovery

So, I am a 58 year old female and dell in a rain divot in our dirt driveway at like 1AM on May 5, of COURSE I did, as we were leaving on the 8th for our 1st real vacation in 10 years, a condo at New Smyrna and 4 days at Welcome to Rockville. We had to call the Ambulance as I could not get up, and my husband couldn't help me as any movement caused nausea. At the ER the doctor said I had a trimalleolar fracture as she saw a chip in the back but the radiologist said no, just bi They splinted me up and I went home, saw the surgeon on the 7th, he confirmed trimalleolar but didn't think the one at the back would need help but as i was unstable wanted surgery ASAP. Just peachy Surgery was the 9th (missed our check in date) after surgery and that amazing nerve blocker we got the dogs and ourselves and drove the 2 hours to our condo rental. I had very little pain, I had bought a knee scooter and on Friday the 10th and Saturday the 11th we went to Rockville. (DEF GET THAT KNEE SCOOTER!!+) also I saw someone say don't buy the Cast cover for the shower, honestly 2nd best purchase for 12 bucks from amazon, easier to use and cheaper in the long run than bags and tape. And if I had to do it again, I would def recommend spending the money on the pillow wedge. after vacation I have been pretty okay, not much pain, discomfort usually in the evening and man I regret not buying the wedge pillow Went to a mall, do most of my chores, I rarely use the crutches. Except.. I live in a mobile home on a horse farm, I go out as little as possible as it's dirt everywhere and there are steps in the door. I work from home already so things have been okay Today was my post op, so 19 days post surgery. Removed the sutures I have a plate and screws on the outside and one screw on the inside. And gave me a boot, this thing is enormous and heavy, I am non weight bearing for 4 more weeks at least. But the shower!!! Being able to get my leg wet, so much nasty dry skin, and lotion and even shaved some. Was incredible But I guess I was spoiled as I have had so little pain, because man I have more pain tonight than i have had since before surgery, some is because it is 98 degrees here in FL and obviously some sweat I believe and getting jn the edges of my wound, while the stitches were removed it's still not totally closed and I have a few butterfly strips. Sleeping in this beast js not going to be fun. I had 2 oxycodones left and had to take one tonight. Anyone else have this kind of pain still at 19 days? Or after you went feom splint to boot? It is snug so it's not an issue of moving. I am so frustrated as I have tickets I paid alot for to see a baseball game July 8, right by thr visiting Yankee dugout, and I don't know how the heck I am going to do that as I assume there are quite a few steps to get to my seat. Probably 20 steps and f I csn barely get in and out of my house with 4 stairs. My 4 week appt and xray will be June 25, so 2 weeks before the game,. Who has made it to this point as to how much weight bearing we may start with? 10%?
submitted by Wisewolves77 to brokenankles [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:05 yzyszee I'd like to stop paying for rental water tank

Hello PFC folks,
Ontario here. I got this rental water heater from last home owner, with crown crest capital, 15 years term, 12years left for me. I pay $95~monthly through Enbridge. buyout was $7000~ when I bought my house 2 years ago, and now the buyout is more than the amount quoted 2years ago. Rediculous and hopeless.
From last year, I got notice stated Enbridge no longer take the payment anymore. Crown crest has contacted since then asking me to switch to theirs. I did not want my bank information shared with them, so I refused. I asked them to send me monthly bill instead.
I received a letter from CCP last month stated Enbridge will no longer take my payment in September. I'd like to wait and see what can I do after September, but I thought I would still pay for it at that time. I have been checking Enbridge bill every month making sure I am still paying.
I just changed my mind today coming back home, with 2 letters from CCP, saying I own them $208 for May and June. And 2 emails in my junk folder saying I past due $31.
I have excellent credit score 846, I have two mortgage and I will pay off my car next year. This water heater totally ruins my life. I don't care anymore, collector, credit score. I would probably not buy a house in next 7 years. But I am thinking get another car.
And my biggest concern is about safety. Will those debt collector go afer me? haunting around my house?
Please guide.
submitted by yzyszee to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 saltsaltsaltsalt6969 How viable is hitchhiking?

Hi, I will be visiting Iceland next week and was wondering how viable hitchhiking would be to get to certain destinations? I plan on going from Reykjavik to Skogar and spending the night there, and then from Skogar to Skaftafell and spending the night there, and I saw that there is the straeto 51 bus, but they both get to these destinations later in the afternoon than I’d like. I don’t plan on bringing camping gear since I am not a confident camper and I plan on staying in guesthouses/hotels/hostels, so I don’t want to get stranded since my accommodation is already booked. The ideal plan would be to have a rental car, but unfortunately I don’t drive. I was wondering how successful hitchhiking is in Iceland now, since most of the posts I’ve seen about people’s hitchhiking experiences have been before the pandemic. Or if it would be a better idea to take the bus? Thank you so much!
submitted by saltsaltsaltsalt6969 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:52 industrialsugar Is the 50k bonus points separate from the $200 statement credit offer? (Plus Card)

I am thinking of getting the Plus card because I am going to be traveling 2-3 times a year. When looking to book my flight in October, I get an offer of $200 statement credit if I apply for the Plus card. If I take that offer, will I still get the 50k bonus points eventually when I spend 1k in the next 3 months? I think I’m a bit confused. What would be the best offer or way to save on my trip for October if I am booking 2 flights ($700 total) and a rental car ($300 total)?
submitted by industrialsugar to SouthwestAirlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 fishermantrucker Am I the asshole for getting home late

I 29 male and married to 29 female. I planned to go to my nieces and grandparents grave sites with my mom and cousin. I am also a truck driver and only have a few days off at a time. My wife had the day off but didn't go. I went with my family in my cousin's car. There was an accident and we went to the ER so I didn't get home until 10pm. I didn't drive my car to the sites as I obviously didn't know something like this would happen. Am I the ass hole?
submitted by fishermantrucker to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 Zpamx Too long

Too long submitted by Zpamx to BlueRyai [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:40 aem34 How do you handle car seats while traveling?

Traveling with a 2 year old to Florida for a week. We are renting a car and definitely need a car seat while there. How do you handle getting a car seat at your destination? I’ve read checking your own car seat even in a case is not a good idea, as airline does not guarantee safe handling and could be damaged. I’m aware of rental options at the destination but I’ve read horror stories of not having appropriate seat available, or they do, but it’s a piece of crap. Also you have no idea of the car seats history from a rental place. Taking your own car seat onto the plane seems huge, bulky and terrible haha. I understand I have to pick one of these undesirable options. Looking for insight on what is the least painful and what has worked the most seamlessly for others.
submitted by aem34 to u/aem34 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:39 Secret-Act1990 what is the average cost of renting a luxury car for a wedding in Bangalore?

The average cost of renting a luxury car for a wedding in Bangalore can vary depending on several factors, but here's a general idea:
Here's a rough estimate based on limited data:
For the most accurate pricing, it's recommended to contact different rental services in Bangalore and get quotes for the specific car model and duration you're interested in. You can find these services through online searches or platforms like:
submitted by Secret-Act1990 to u/Secret-Act1990 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 jenrian What to do in vegas on a work trip for a week.

I will be flying into vegas on sunday june 9th at 11am. I will be there all week and flying back out early saturday morning on the 15th. I will work from 8am to 5pm mon-fri. What are some things i should do? I likely will never get a chance to go back. I will have a rental car with unlimited miles. Thinking of the hoover dam on sun day after landing. Where are some must eats and must dos. In and around vegas.
submitted by jenrian to LasVegas [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:25 Secret-Act1990 Innova Crista 8-seater Car Rental Easy Service in Bangalore

Innova Crista 8-seater Car Rental Easy Service in Bangalore submitted by Secret-Act1990 to u/Secret-Act1990 [link] [comments]