Area of polygons worksheet

Rotated Crop and PNG not exporting

2024.05.19 05:46 Cid_Campeador_ Rotated Crop and PNG not exporting

Hi, i'm absolutely not savvy in anything related to Qgis. Im simply trying to import a heightmap into Unreal Engine 5 to use in several 3d graphics projects. I downloaded a 0.5m dataset in .IMG format for my area of interest wich i managed to combine together into a mosaic, later corrected the reference coordinate system for the project and cropped the area into a perfect square using a polygon with the desired dimentions.. so far so good.. As a result of that i get a .tiff image with a rotated crop area. (need .png/.r8/.r16/.raw and perfectly square)
\"Following layers where not generated succesfully\" (tried different compression and data type, byte, Int16, UInt16, PNG wont export, Tiff works fine)
Area of interest and it's polygon.
The resulting heightmap
Is there something im doing wrong to get the PNG format?
Is it possible to get any of the other formats? .r8 .r16 or raw?
Is there a way to get the crop to be square instead of rotated?
Bonus question, the resulting tiff heightmap is not square either, it's 17609x13345 pixels, so im guessing my scale is not 1:1, how do i fix that?
submitted by Cid_Campeador_ to QGIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:35 Intelligent-Ad5808 School strategies?

Hi I’m here to try to find some strategies to help my daughter (11y) develop in the area of executive function. I’d love to hear any changes made (by you or on your behalf) which seemed to improve your success in school. Example struggles:
• ⁠following multistep instructions • ⁠keeping track of loose leaf paper (worksheets) • ⁠moving from unfocused to focused without class-disrupting foot tapping • ⁠moving from class to class (process of gathering stuff, putting in backpack, scooting to next class
If this sort of question is unwelcome here, please communicate that kindly.
submitted by Intelligent-Ad5808 to ExecutiveFunction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:05 Loveth3soul-767 Why's bullying a problem? An awful state education military styled system that designed treat children like livestock cattle locked in a room every 30 mins per hour and 7 hours day, that's one of the biggest factors..

1: Let the youth respectfully quietly walk out and drink water and go to the bathroom without permission and walk and stretch to get something without getting in trouble, that's exactly what the military is, and getting detention for being 15 minutes late? Detention? Detained? Home Detention sounds very Fascistic police state like, a lot of schools don't allow that.
2: Memorizing words and filling in worksheets with pencils don't help that much and NCEA examines do not get one a job at, skills do like wood work or cooking or IT or sowing, expectation of only university/polytech, at least cooking or woodwork with others are legit skills unlike sitting on a table wasting 40 minutes of your life memorizing how and why the frog crossed the road with a pencil trying to spell ''ELECTR_CA_N TO H_NT FRO_'' "TO G_T TO FR_ANC_''
3: Keeping them silent in the class all the time will destroy their talking and communication skills especially for job interviews!!!
4: Many state schools are treating people who are on the verge of being adults like like micromanaged infants in a prison/military or live stock... the result? Stress, anxiety, anger, depression and conflict and taking out stress on other pupils and those pupils have no respect for anybody and devolving into sociopaths or psychopaths and even by now maybe having record numbers of work place violence due to bullying. By now 10% of NZ Adults by now who are truly scared of the world and live in front of screens 24/7 playing video games or social media or on drugs or alcohol living on the benefits not saying who people who don't work are bad at all ok? Because they never were respected as being a Human / a growing little man / little women in their school AKA ''NEET's'' I'm sorry this happened to you people, read books and go outside and watch the Swans in the park! NEET's! Don't give up! Life is beautiful! Godbless!
5: Back in the olden days most of the all youths when they turned 14 - 15 off to the factories or military you went and it was tough but you got earned cash and you worked and talked to adults a lot! Same thing in 3rd world nations!
6: The top professions that most attracts sex predators? Teachers or principals / jobs in secondary school education, police officers and priests with church clergy and 3rd world country aid workers not saying homeschool is the the solution but remember, sex predators are very, very smart and likable people, always have a theme of being a central figure or leadership in those types of circles not always but yeah...
7: I read Epstein FBI files last of all and Epsteins sex trafficking network was very, very well networked to many of the US School systems and admin staff and school boards always well linked in the Florida US area.
8: You cannot be too smart or too slow, what's the point taking the youngsters their making them stay 7 hours a day without any backing or funding or support? Useless. If they're too smart then get them to teach the class and help other students.
9: The lack of knowledge and uselessness of school counselors that don't understand Trauma or PTSD in children since a majority of mental health issues come from trauma
10: And if you had a good school that did allow all that was right then please thank those teachers or your parents, that's all I will say, please be happy and grateful!
11: No, no matter what Hollywood says high school prison system will never the best time of a lot of people lives, for most people it's at least their late teens to early 20's getting stupidly blacked out smashed on booze. swearing at bouncers, spewing all over the concrete and kicking over bins and bar fights, dancing to ugly remixed pop music you hate, chasing girls and gouging down junk food at 2pm and getting thrown in the cells or having dirty flats full of booze bottles and someone puked all over the couch sleeping on it as well at 10am and destroyed toilet of even more puke and urine with your xbox controllers being sticky and gross and where's the halo disc at?? And for me that was an expensive hobby and I regret not saving up for overseas or doing more hiking or outdoors.
submitted by Loveth3soul-767 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:44 softtechhubus Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom

Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom

Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom in 2024
In today's fast-paced world, where job security is no longer a certainty and traditional employment models are evolving, the quest for financial freedom has become more crucial than ever. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is by establishing multiple streams of passive income – sources of revenue that require minimal effort to maintain once set up. This article delves into various strategies for earning passive income online, providing actionable steps for each method.

Section 1: Understanding Passive Income

What is Passive Income?

Passive income refers to earnings generated from sources that do not require active involvement or labor once the initial effort has been put in. Unlike active income, which is earned through traditional employment or self-employment, passive income continues to flow in even when you're not actively working. This concept has gained immense popularity in recent years as more individuals seek ways to break free from the constraints of the 9-to-5 grind and achieve financial independence.

Benefits of Passive Income

The allure of passive income lies in its ability to provide a consistent revenue stream with minimal ongoing effort. Here are some of the key benefits of building passive income sources:
  1. Financial Freedom: Passive income can supplement or even replace traditional employment income, allowing you to achieve financial independence and pursue your passions without worrying about money.
  2. Diversification: By diversifying your income streams, you reduce your reliance on a single source of income, mitigating risks and providing a safety net in case one stream dries up.
  3. Scalability: Many passive income strategies can be scaled up, allowing you to increase your earnings without proportionally increasing your workload.
  4. Lifestyle Flexibility: With passive income, you can enjoy greater flexibility in your lifestyle, as you are not tied to a specific location or schedule.

Passive Income vs. Active Income

While both passive and active income contribute to your overall financial well-being, they differ in several ways:
  • Effort Required: Active income requires ongoing effort and labor, while passive income requires initial effort to set up but minimal ongoing work.
  • Time Commitment: Active income is directly tied to the time you invest in working, whereas passive income can generate revenue even when you're not actively working.
  • Scalability: Active income is limited by the number of hours you can work, while passive income can be scaled up more easily by leveraging systems and automation.
  • Risk Diversification: Passive income streams provide diversification, reducing the risk of relying solely on active income from a single source.
By combining active and passive income sources, you can create a well-rounded financial portfolio that provides stability, flexibility, and the potential for long-term wealth building.

Section 2: Popular Passive Income Strategies

There are numerous ways to generate passive income, ranging from traditional investment vehicles to modern online opportunities. Let's explore some of the most popular strategies:

Subsection 2.1: Real Estate Investments

Real estate has long been a favored passive income source for many investors. By owning rental properties, you can generate a steady stream of rental income with minimal effort once the property is acquired and tenants are in place.


Real estate investments can take various forms, including:
  1. Rental Properties: Purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out to tenants.
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Investing in companies that own and operate income-producing real estate.
  3. Crowdfunding Real Estate Platforms: Pooling funds with other investors to purchase income-generating properties.

Steps to Get Started

Getting started with real estate investments involves the following steps:
  1. Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to identify profitable investment opportunities and evaluate potential risks.
  2. Financing: Secure financing through traditional mortgages, private lenders, or alternative financing options.
  3. Property Management: Hire a professional property management company or handle tenant screening, maintenance, and rent collection yourself.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly review your investment performance and adjust your strategy as needed.
While real estate investments can be lucrative, they also require significant upfront capital and carry inherent risks, such as vacancies, property maintenance, and market fluctuations.

Subsection 2.2: Stock Market Investments

Investing in the stock market is another popular way to generate passive income. By carefully selecting dividend-paying stocks or investing in index funds, you can earn regular income from your investments.


Stock market investments for passive income can take the following forms:
  1. Dividend Stocks: Owning shares in companies that distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends.
  2. Index Funds: Investing in low-cost, diversified funds that track the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500.
  3. Mutual Funds: Professionally managed investment funds that hold a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Steps to Get Started

To start investing in the stock market for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Brokerage Account: Choose a reputable online brokerage platform that suits your investment needs and budget.
  2. Research and Select Investments: Conduct thorough research on potential investments, considering factors such as dividend yield, historical performance, and risk profile.
  3. Develop an Investment Strategy: Determine your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon, and create a diversified portfolio accordingly.
  4. Regularly Monitor and Rebalance: Periodically review your investments and rebalance your portfolio as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation.
While stock market investments offer the potential for passive income and long-term growth, they also carry market risks, and returns are not guaranteed.

Subsection 2.3: Online Businesses

The rise of the internet has opened up a world of opportunities for generating passive income through online businesses. From e-commerce to affiliate marketing, these ventures can be lucrative and scalable once established.


Popular online business models for passive income include:
  1. E-commerce: Building and operating an online store that sells physical or digital products.
  2. Dropshipping: A retail fulfillment model where products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, eliminating the need for inventory management.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by promoting other companies' products or services through your website, social media, or other online platforms.

Steps to Get Started

Starting an online business for passive income involves the following steps:
  1. Choose a Business Model: Evaluate different online business models and select one that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Identify a profitable niche, analyze the competition, and assess the demand for your products or services.
  3. Build an Online Presence: Create a professional website, set up e-commerce platforms, and establish a strong online brand.
  4. Implement Marketing Strategies: Utilize effective marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing, to drive traffic and sales.
  5. Automate Processes: Leverage tools and software to automate repetitive tasks, streamlining operations and freeing up time for scaling and growth.
While online businesses offer flexibility and scalability, they require upfront effort, consistent marketing, and adaptability to changing market trends and consumer preferences.

Section 3: Digital Products and Courses

In the digital age, creating and selling digital products and online courses have become lucrative passive income streams. By leveraging your expertise and knowledge, you can create valuable resources that generate ongoing revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 3.1: Creating and Selling E-books

E-books have emerged as a popular and accessible way to share knowledge, expertise, or creative works while earning passive income. With the rise of self-publishing platforms and the growing popularity of e-readers, the e-book market has become a viable avenue for authors and subject matter experts.


E-books can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Non-Fiction: Self-help, business, personal development, and educational content.
  2. Fiction: Novels, short stories, and creative writing across various genres.
  3. Reference Materials: Guides, manuals, and instructional resources.

Steps to Get Started

To start earning passive income through e-book sales, follow these steps:
  1. Choose Your Topic: Identify a niche or subject area where you have expertise or a unique perspective to offer.
  2. Write and Edit: Craft a high-quality e-book by writing compelling content, ensuring proper formatting, and editing for clarity and accuracy.
  3. Design and Format: Create an attractive cover design and properly format your e-book for different platforms and devices.
  4. Self-Publish: Upload your e-book to popular self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Barnes & Noble Press, or Apple Books. These platforms handle the distribution and sale of your e-book.
  5. Market and Promote: Implement effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or book bloggers to reach your target audience.
While e-book sales may start slow, with consistent effort and effective promotion, you can build a passive income stream that continues to generate revenue over time.

Subsection 3.2: Developing Online Courses

In today's knowledge-driven economy, sharing your expertise through online courses has become a lucrative passive income opportunity. With the rise of e-learning platforms and the increasing demand for remote education, creating and selling online courses can be a rewarding venture.


Online courses can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Professional Skills: Business, marketing, programming, design, and other career-related subjects.
  2. Personal Development: Health, fitness, productivity, and self-improvement topics.
  3. Creative Pursuits: Photography, art, music, writing, and other creative disciplines.

Steps to Get Started

To develop and sell online courses as a passive income stream, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine the subject area where you possess valuable knowledge or expertise that others are willing to pay for.
  2. Plan and Structure Your Course: Outline the course content, breaking it down into modules or lessons, and determine the format (videos, text, assignments, etc.).
  3. Create Course Materials: Develop high-quality course content, including video lectures, presentations, worksheets, and other supporting materials.
  4. Choose a Platform: Select an online course platform like Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare to host and sell your course.
  5. Market and Promote: Utilize effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or industry experts to reach your target audience.
While creating an online course requires upfront effort, once it's launched, you can earn passive income as students enroll and purchase your course. Additionally, you can continually update and improve your course over time to maintain its relevance and value.

Section 4: Automated Systems for Passive Income

In the digital age, leveraging automated systems and software tools has become a powerful way to generate passive income. By harnessing the power of technology, you can streamline processes, automate tasks, and create income-generating systems that operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 4.1: Utilizing Software and Tools

There are various software and tools available that can automate income-generating tasks, freeing up your time and enabling you to earn passive income more efficiently.


Some examples of automated systems and tools for passive income include:
  1. Affiliate Marketing Platforms: Software that automates the process of promoting and tracking affiliate links, enabling you to earn commissions from product or service sales.
  2. Email Autoresponders: Tools that allow you to create and send automated email sequences, nurturing leads and promoting offers without manual intervention.
  3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Conversational AI-powered systems that can handle customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and even facilitate sales.
  4. Content Syndication Tools: Platforms that automatically distribute your content across multiple channels, increasing reach and generating passive income through advertising or affiliate marketing.

Steps to Get Started

To leverage automated systems and tools for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Suitable Tools: Research and evaluate various software and tools that align with your passive income goals and strategies.
  2. Learn and Implement: Dedicate time to learning how to effectively use the chosen tools, following tutorials, guides, and best practices.
  3. Integrate and Automate: Set up the tools and systems to automate specific tasks or processes, creating streamlined workflows for passive income generation.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your automated systems, gathering data and insights to optimize and improve their effectiveness over time.
While automated systems and tools require an initial investment of time and resources to set up, they can significantly amplify your passive income potential by automating repetitive tasks and enabling your income streams to operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Section 5: Case Studies and Success Stories

To illustrate the potential of passive income strategies and inspire you on your journey, let's explore some real-life case studies and success stories:

Example 1: Real Estate Investor Achieves Financial Freedom

Sarah, a former corporate employee, had always dreamed of achieving financial freedom and escaping the 9-to-5 grind. After careful planning and research, she ventured into real estate investing by purchasing her first rental property. Over the years, Sarah reinvested her profits and expanded her portfolio, eventually owning multiple rental properties across different markets.
Today, Sarah earns a substantial passive income from her real estate investments, allowing her to quit her corporate job and pursue her passions. She spends her time traveling, volunteering, and enjoying her newfound freedom while her properties generate steady rental income.

Example 2: Online Entrepreneur Builds Multiple Income Streams

John, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, recognized the power of the internet and the potential for passive income. He started by creating and selling digital products, such as e-books and online courses, leveraging his expertise in web development and design.
As his digital product sales grew, John reinvested his profits into building an e-commerce store, dropshipping products in high demand. He also ventured into affiliate marketing, promoting products and services through his website and social media channels.
Today, John enjoys a lifestyle of financial freedom, earning passive income from his diverse online ventures. He can work from anywhere in the world, while his automated systems and established income streams continue to generate revenue.
These success stories demonstrate that with dedication, strategic planning, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities, it is possible to achieve financial freedom through passive income streams.


In the ever-changing landscape of the modern economy, diversifying your income sources and cultivating passive income streams has become increasingly crucial for achieving financial independence and freedom. From real estate investments and stock market opportunities to online businesses, digital products, and automated systems, the strategies outlined in this article provide a comprehensive guide to unlocking the potential of passive income.
It's important to remember that building sustainable passive income streams requires initial effort, dedication, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. However, by taking the first step and consistently implementing the strategies that align with your goals and resources, you can gradually build a reliable foundation for passive income generation.
Embrace the power of passive income, and embark on a journey towards financial freedom. The path may not be easy, but the rewards of achieving a lifestyle free from the constraints of traditional employment are well worth the effort.



If you're looking for a streamlined and proven way to earn passive income, consider automated systems that leverage the power of technology and artificial intelligence.

Product Recommendation: AMZ Automator

One such system is the AMZ Automator, a revolutionary platform that uses an AI system to generate commissions by uploading done-for-you books to Amazon Kindle. With AMZ Automator, you can tap into the lucrative world of passive income with minimal effort and no upfront costs.

Brief Description

AMZ Automator eliminates the need for tech setup, manual work, or substantial investments. Its AI-powered system creates and uploads high-quality, ready-to-sell books to Amazon Kindle, enabling you to earn commissions with just a few clicks. The platform takes care of the entire process, from book creation to promotion and sales, allowing you to earn passive income while you sleep.


  • No tech setup required
  • No upfront cost or hidden fees
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  • Completely automated system
  • Proven results and success stories

Call to Action

Take the first step towards financial freedom and unlock the power of passive income with AMZ Automator. Click here to learn more and start earning passive income today:
Unlocking Passive Income Streams: Strategies for Financial Freedom in 2024
In today's fast-paced world, where job security is no longer a certainty and traditional employment models are evolving, the quest for financial freedom has become more crucial than ever. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is by establishing multiple streams of passive income – sources of revenue that require minimal effort to maintain once set up. This article delves into various strategies for earning passive income online, providing actionable steps for each method.

Section 1: Understanding Passive Income

What is Passive Income?

Passive income refers to earnings generated from sources that do not require active involvement or labor once the initial effort has been put in. Unlike active income, which is earned through traditional employment or self-employment, passive income continues to flow in even when you're not actively working. This concept has gained immense popularity in recent years as more individuals seek ways to break free from the constraints of the 9-to-5 grind and achieve financial independence.

Benefits of Passive Income

The allure of passive income lies in its ability to provide a consistent revenue stream with minimal ongoing effort. Here are some of the key benefits of building passive income sources:
  1. Financial Freedom: Passive income can supplement or even replace traditional employment income, allowing you to achieve financial independence and pursue your passions without worrying about money.
  2. Diversification: By diversifying your income streams, you reduce your reliance on a single source of income, mitigating risks and providing a safety net in case one stream dries up.
  3. Scalability: Many passive income strategies can be scaled up, allowing you to increase your earnings without proportionally increasing your workload.
  4. Lifestyle Flexibility: With passive income, you can enjoy greater flexibility in your lifestyle, as you are not tied to a specific location or schedule.

Passive Income vs. Active Income

While both passive and active income contribute to your overall financial well-being, they differ in several ways:
  • Effort Required: Active income requires ongoing effort and labor, while passive income requires initial effort to set up but minimal ongoing work.
  • Time Commitment: Active income is directly tied to the time you invest in working, whereas passive income can generate revenue even when you're not actively working.
  • Scalability: Active income is limited by the number of hours you can work, while passive income can be scaled up more easily by leveraging systems and automation.
  • Risk Diversification: Passive income streams provide diversification, reducing the risk of relying solely on active income from a single source.
By combining active and passive income sources, you can create a well-rounded financial portfolio that provides stability, flexibility, and the potential for long-term wealth building.

Section 2: Popular Passive Income Strategies

There are numerous ways to generate passive income, ranging from traditional investment vehicles to modern online opportunities. Let's explore some of the most popular strategies:

Subsection 2.1: Real Estate Investments

Real estate has long been a favored passive income source for many investors. By owning rental properties, you can generate a steady stream of rental income with minimal effort once the property is acquired and tenants are in place.


Real estate investments can take various forms, including:
  1. Rental Properties: Purchasing residential or commercial properties and renting them out to tenants.
  2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Investing in companies that own and operate income-producing real estate.
  3. Crowdfunding Real Estate Platforms: Pooling funds with other investors to purchase income-generating properties.

Steps to Get Started

Getting started with real estate investments involves the following steps:
  1. Research and Analysis: Conduct thorough market research to identify profitable investment opportunities and evaluate potential risks.
  2. Financing: Secure financing through traditional mortgages, private lenders, or alternative financing options.
  3. Property Management: Hire a professional property management company or handle tenant screening, maintenance, and rent collection yourself.
  4. Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly review your investment performance and adjust your strategy as needed.
While real estate investments can be lucrative, they also require significant upfront capital and carry inherent risks, such as vacancies, property maintenance, and market fluctuations.

Subsection 2.2: Stock Market Investments

Investing in the stock market is another popular way to generate passive income. By carefully selecting dividend-paying stocks or investing in index funds, you can earn regular income from your investments.


Stock market investments for passive income can take the following forms:
  1. Dividend Stocks: Owning shares in companies that distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends.
  2. Index Funds: Investing in low-cost, diversified funds that track the performance of a specific market index, such as the S&P 500.
  3. Mutual Funds: Professionally managed investment funds that hold a diverse portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Steps to Get Started

To start investing in the stock market for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Brokerage Account: Choose a reputable online brokerage platform that suits your investment needs and budget.
  2. Research and Select Investments: Conduct thorough research on potential investments, considering factors such as dividend yield, historical performance, and risk profile.
  3. Develop an Investment Strategy: Determine your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon, and create a diversified portfolio accordingly.
  4. Regularly Monitor and Rebalance: Periodically review your investments and rebalance your portfolio as needed to maintain your desired asset allocation.
While stock market investments offer the potential for passive income and long-term growth, they also carry market risks, and returns are not guaranteed.

Subsection 2.3: Online Businesses

The rise of the internet has opened up a world of opportunities for generating passive income through online businesses. From e-commerce to affiliate marketing, these ventures can be lucrative and scalable once established.


Popular online business models for passive income include:
  1. E-commerce: Building and operating an online store that sells physical or digital products.
  2. Dropshipping: A retail fulfillment model where products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, eliminating the need for inventory management.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by promoting other companies' products or services through your website, social media, or other online platforms.

Steps to Get Started

Starting an online business for passive income involves the following steps:
  1. Choose a Business Model: Evaluate different online business models and select one that aligns with your interests, skills, and goals.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Identify a profitable niche, analyze the competition, and assess the demand for your products or services.
  3. Build an Online Presence: Create a professional website, set up e-commerce platforms, and establish a strong online brand.
  4. Implement Marketing Strategies: Utilize effective marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and email marketing, to drive traffic and sales.
  5. Automate Processes: Leverage tools and software to automate repetitive tasks, streamlining operations and freeing up time for scaling and growth.
While online businesses offer flexibility and scalability, they require upfront effort, consistent marketing, and adaptability to changing market trends and consumer preferences.

Section 3: Digital Products and Courses

In the digital age, creating and selling digital products and online courses have become lucrative passive income streams. By leveraging your expertise and knowledge, you can create valuable resources that generate ongoing revenue with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 3.1: Creating and Selling E-books

E-books have emerged as a popular and accessible way to share knowledge, expertise, or creative works while earning passive income. With the rise of self-publishing platforms and the growing popularity of e-readers, the e-book market has become a viable avenue for authors and subject matter experts.


E-books can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Non-Fiction: Self-help, business, personal development, and educational content.
  2. Fiction: Novels, short stories, and creative writing across various genres.
  3. Reference Materials: Guides, manuals, and instructional resources.

Steps to Get Started

To start earning passive income through e-book sales, follow these steps:
  1. Choose Your Topic: Identify a niche or subject area where you have expertise or a unique perspective to offer.
  2. Write and Edit: Craft a high-quality e-book by writing compelling content, ensuring proper formatting, and editing for clarity and accuracy.
  3. Design and Format: Create an attractive cover design and properly format your e-book for different platforms and devices.
  4. Self-Publish: Upload your e-book to popular self-publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Barnes & Noble Press, or Apple Books. These platforms handle the distribution and sale of your e-book.
  5. Market and Promote: Implement effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or book bloggers to reach your target audience.
While e-book sales may start slow, with consistent effort and effective promotion, you can build a passive income stream that continues to generate revenue over time.

Subsection 3.2: Developing Online Courses

In today's knowledge-driven economy, sharing your expertise through online courses has become a lucrative passive income opportunity. With the rise of e-learning platforms and the increasing demand for remote education, creating and selling online courses can be a rewarding venture.


Online courses can cover a wide range of topics, including:
  1. Professional Skills: Business, marketing, programming, design, and other career-related subjects.
  2. Personal Development: Health, fitness, productivity, and self-improvement topics.
  3. Creative Pursuits: Photography, art, music, writing, and other creative disciplines.

Steps to Get Started

To develop and sell online courses as a passive income stream, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Your Niche: Determine the subject area where you possess valuable knowledge or expertise that others are willing to pay for.
  2. Plan and Structure Your Course: Outline the course content, breaking it down into modules or lessons, and determine the format (videos, text, assignments, etc.).
  3. Create Course Materials: Develop high-quality course content, including video lectures, presentations, worksheets, and other supporting materials.
  4. Choose a Platform: Select an online course platform like Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare to host and sell your course.
  5. Market and Promote: Utilize effective marketing strategies, such as social media promotion, email marketing, and leveraging influencers or industry experts to reach your target audience.
While creating an online course requires upfront effort, once it's launched, you can earn passive income as students enroll and purchase your course. Additionally, you can continually update and improve your course over time to maintain its relevance and value.

Section 4: Automated Systems for Passive Income

In the digital age, leveraging automated systems and software tools has become a powerful way to generate passive income. By harnessing the power of technology, you can streamline processes, automate tasks, and create income-generating systems that operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Subsection 4.1: Utilizing Software and Tools

There are various software and tools available that can automate income-generating tasks, freeing up your time and enabling you to earn passive income more efficiently.


Some examples of automated systems and tools for passive income include:
  1. Affiliate Marketing Platforms: Software that automates the process of promoting and tracking affiliate links, enabling you to earn commissions from product or service sales.
  2. Email Autoresponders: Tools that allow you to create and send automated email sequences, nurturing leads and promoting offers without manual intervention.
  3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Conversational AI-powered systems that can handle customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and even facilitate sales.
  4. Content Syndication Tools: Platforms that automatically distribute your content across multiple channels, increasing reach and generating passive income through advertising or affiliate marketing.

Steps to Get Started

To leverage automated systems and tools for passive income, follow these steps:
  1. Identify Suitable Tools: Research and evaluate various software and tools that align with your passive income goals and strategies.
  2. Learn and Implement: Dedicate time to learning how to effectively use the chosen tools, following tutorials, guides, and best practices.
  3. Integrate and Automate: Set up the tools and systems to automate specific tasks or processes, creating streamlined workflows for passive income generation.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your automated systems, gathering data and insights to optimize and improve their effectiveness over time.
While automated systems and tools require an initial investment of time and resources to set up, they can significantly amplify your passive income potential by automating repetitive tasks and enabling your income streams to operate with minimal ongoing effort.

Section 5: Case Studies and Success Stories

To illustrate the potential of passive income strategies and inspire you on your journey, let's explore some real-life case studies and success stories:

Example 1: Real Estate Investor Achieves Financial Freedom

Sarah, a former corporate employee, had always dreamed of achieving financial freedom and escaping the 9-to-5 grind. After careful planning and research, she ventured into real estate investing by purchasing her first rental property. Over the years, Sarah reinvested her profits and expanded her portfolio, eventually owning multiple rental properties across different markets.
Today, Sarah earns a substantial passive income from her real estate investments, allowing her to quit her corporate job and pursue her passions. She spends her time traveling, volunteering, and enjoying her newfound freedom while her properties generate steady rental income.

Example 2: Online Entrepreneur Builds Multiple Income Streams

John, a tech-savvy entrepreneur, recognized the power of the internet and the potential for passive income. He started by creating and selling digital products, such as e-books and online courses, leveraging his expertise in web development and design.
As his digital product sales grew, John reinvested his profits into building an e-commerce store, dropshipping products in high demand. He also ventured into affiliate marketing, promoting products and services through his website and social media channels.
Today, John enjoys a lifestyle of financial freedom, earning passive income from his diverse online ventures. He can work from anywhere in the world, while his automated systems and established income streams continue to generate revenue.
These success stories demonstrate that with dedication, strategic planning, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities, it is possible to achieve financial freedom through passive income streams.


In the ever-changing landscape of the modern economy, diversifying your income sources and cultivating passive income streams has become increasingly crucial for achieving financial independence and freedom. From real estate investments and stock market opportunities to online businesses, digital products, and automated systems, the strategies outlined in this article provide a comprehensive guide to unlocking the potential of passive income.
It's important to remember that building sustainable passive income streams requires initial effort, dedication, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. However, by taking the first step and consistently implementing the strategies that align with your goals and resources, you can gradually build a reliable foundation for passive income generation.
Embrace the power of passive income, and embark on a journey towards financial freedom. The path may not be easy, but the rewards of achieving a lifestyle free from the constraints of traditional employment are well worth the effort.



If you're looking for a streamlined and proven way to earn passive income, consider automated systems that leverage the power of technology and artificial intelligence.

Product Recommendation: AMZ Automator

One such system is the AMZ Automator, a revolutionary platform that uses an AI system to generate commissions by uploading done-for-you books to Amazon Kindle. With AMZ Automator, you can tap into the lucrative world of passive income with minimal effort and no upfront costs.

Brief Description

AMZ Automator eliminates the need for tech setup, manual work, or substantial investments. Its AI-powered system creates and uploads high-quality, ready-to-sell books to Amazon Kindle, enabling you to earn commissions with just a few clicks. The platform takes care of the entire process, from book creation to promotion and sales, allowing you to earn passive income while you sleep.


  • No tech setup required
  • No upfront cost or hidden fees
  • Instant payments and commissions
  • Completely automated system
  • Proven results and success stories

Call to Action

Take the first step towards financial freedom and unlock the power of passive income with AMZ Automator. Click here to learn more and start earning passive income today:
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:07 Low_Stay_1354 Reporting a Top Reviewer That Was Recently Promoted By Populii From his banned reviewer status.

Reporting a Top Reviewer That Was Recently Promoted By Populii From his banned reviewer status.
Hey team, check out the feedback that this genius made:
Seems like these reviewers have their throne provided by PM, in order to write whatever nonsensical things they can think of, just for the sake of returning solutions as much as possible, kindly check out this reviewer and take actions, before it's too late.
submitted by Low_Stay_1354 to OfficialPopulii [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:58 Yrevyn Having trouble creating shapes at poles that remain accurate in different projections.

I'm just learning how to use QGIS, so this is probably something basic that I'm not understanding.
From a world map, I want to create shapes/polygons in polar areas while working in an azimuth projection to make the shapes with minimal distortion, and then switch to equirectangular and have the shapes match the distortion of the main map layer, but I can't seem to get it to work.
For an extreme but simple example of my issue, here is a shape drawn in the azimuth projection and then here it is after I change the project view to equirectangular. It is clear that the shape is just maintaining the points defining its boundary, but the lines are redrawn for the shortest visual distance in the projection. How would I create a shape in a new layer that would cover the same area in both projections?
(I suspect it is an issue of layeproject CRS agreement, but I cannot figure out a combination that works). Links to tutorials are welcome, but I haven't been able to find one for this specific use case.
submitted by Yrevyn to QGIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:21 demfrecklestho [2] May 17: Wiltshire County (UK) (5 min timer)

Today's map: Wiltshire County (UK) by Adamlake101 (★★★ / 11,316)

Link to the challenge here Deadline: May 18, 8.25 pm UTC (9.25 pm in Wiltshire)
Hello! Today's map brings us back to the UK and to be more specific one of its most charming areas. Wiltshire is a rural county in the South West part of the country, offering plenty of cozy, hilly landscapes, tiny towns, but also one of the best known prehistorical sites worldwide- Stonehenge. It's a polygonal map so some locations might be a bit outside of the county's actual borders. Good luck!
submitted by demfrecklestho to geochallenges [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:51 FUNCSTAT Why is Google deleting my location history data, and why does it seem to have a pattern?

I have a very unusual hobby in that I like to download my Location History from Google and plot it in GIS software where I then intersect it with various polygons to get a proxy of how much time I have spent in various geographic areas.
Almost two years ago, I noticed that my file included this "Tombstones.csv" file in my data. This showed that certain ranges of my Location History were deleted, and it said when those ranges were deleted. These entries in these Tombstones files seem to last around two months, and then those too are gone forever (so if you hadn't downloaded your data in the last two months, you could have lost data without even knowing it). Since I download this data extremely regularly, I usually have backups of this data, so I can see exactly what they deleted (or I can see what they didn't delete on either side and interpolate from memory). In the past, I had noticed some weak patterns: much of the data that was deleted when I was riding public transit, which I do fairly often, but much less frequently than I drive my personal vehicle. So that stood out to me, but wasn't enough to discount the possibility of a coincidence. I also noticed that many of the times of deletion (when they actually deleted the data, not the data timeframe itself) were when I was on board an airplane. I don't fly all that much, so this was curious as well.
But today I finally have definitive proof that these deletions aren't random. Today I downloaded my data and I found four new Tombstones: all from 2022 or 2023, so I have that data backed up and can see exactly what they deleted. All four times were when I went to this physical therapy clinic across town. I went to this clinic four times, and this week all four of those drives were deleted, and nothing else.
This is just extremely bizarre to me, and for years I have had no luck getting anybody at Google to explain this. Does anybody have any idea what is going on here? I have asked friends to download their own data and they have Tombstones as well, so I know this is something that is likely happening to everybody with a Google account with Location History turned on.
submitted by FUNCSTAT to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:10 depressedteacherrizz Used and Abused

Throw away because reasons.
I quit my prior teaching job near end of November and its a story that has tainted my life.
I was at my last school for 3 years. Beginning of a new year had started and the admin really wanted to enforce a dress code and pushed it on us hard. Obviously cause they were told to. So I played along and dress coded even though i mostly don't care about dress codes. Had one student one day who had a bra cup showing. Which was 100% a dress code violation. When the student came back to me, she was still wearing her shirt in the same manner. I gave her my patented thousand yard stare and she immediately told admin said it was okay. So i called up tweedle dee and asked him and sure enough she went to him and he said it was okay. I told him the student is coming back and she is not welcome in my room till the issue is addressed. I told the student you aren't the problem I'm not mad at you, we have good rapport and she went back to the office and i didn't see her till lunch.
Lunch time she and some others come into my room to get help with some math work. She is still wearing the same shirt and her bra cup is still visable. I was fuming. So i emailed admin and said if we were serious about dress code or not. Stated that the student has been sent up twice and this issue hasn't bee resolved. I said "I feel like I'm fighting the crusades for an atheist"... which wasnt wise but i was mad.
So its a friday i hear nothing back from admin. Till I'm going to leave at the end of the school day and Tweedle Dumb stops to talk me about the dress code situation. I'm like sure fine this will be fun.
He said some wish washy stuff about sometimes someone sees something and its dress code sometimes someone see it and its not. Then bro pulls out his phone and says i tool a picture of the girl to show you how its not dress code and he just shows me a picture that is basically just the students cleavage. Which is disgusting and awful on many levels, he made up something about her agreeing to it and it was friday at the end of a long work day. I was tired i didn't think about how awful this was in the moment. So he shows it to me and we have a manray and Patrick ass conversation over the image.
Me: The students bra cup is visible in the picture.
Admin: Yep.
Me: School dress code states that undergarments cant be visable..
Admin: Yep
Me: and the bra cup is part of a bra which is undergarment?
Admin: Yep
Me: So its a dress code violation.
Admin: Nope!
To which i put my hands in the air said okay cool awesome great whatever have a good weekend and i walked off.
Monday at Lunch. The student comes to me and talks about her encounter with tweedle dumb. She told me he ask to take the photo she said no. Then he coerced her into agreeing. Never mind the fact that a minor cant give concent. That was when it went from being ew gross to holy shit he might just be a child predator. I didn't fullly grasp how bad this was on Friday but better late than never.
So i had the student fill out an "anonymous tip form" that is suppose to go to the D.O. and i know the student got pulled out of classes to write about what happened. In my mind it would be taken care of from there and i mostly forgot about it and moved on.
The rest of the year I was harassed by admin. Constant "random" walk throughs. Was frequently being singled out and if ever tried to say anything back they would call me into a meeting where i would bring my union rep and i would just sit and try to work things out with them. After the second one i recognized they weren't listening to me. So i shut down and just started saying okay like a broken record. Which they thought was disrespectful and said told me i wasn't listening to them and i said well neither are you.
This put a lot of stress on my work day, compounded by the fact that i had 14 out of 120 students passing with a D or higher. While being as accommodating as possible. Led to me having a mental break down in class. I slammed my arm into a wall said something to effect of "nothing i do fucking matters, anyone could do my job" i then sat down at my desk and just started bawling. I was put on admin leave for 2 days. Had an hr meeting and went back into work.
When i got back i apologized to my class and spent the day explaining to the rest what happened and just talking with the students. I told them how i have no job fulliment how i find it painful to teach math to students who don't care about themselves as much as i can about them. I told then how i hate living so far away from friends and family. I hate the 40 minute drive in addition to that and cant live near the school cause I don't like the area. I couldn't tell them about the admin part because he was in the room the entire day.
Next day at lunch union rep and prinicpal walk in at lunch time while i am helping students and tell the students to clear out cause we are going to have a meeting. I tell the students not to leave its my lunch time and i aint having no meeting turning lunch. The union rep says tells me the meeting needs to happen so i tell the kids to leave and that I'll see them later or whatever. So the meeting is basically I'm going on indefinite admin leave while the district investigates. Note that its been 4 days since i slammed a wall and all that. I've already spoke to hr and just owned what happened what changed? Well i wouldn't know till like 9 months later.
I tried to find a new school all summer but apparently other districts can know you are on admin leave? So basically i was on everyone's dont hire list for all summer. So the new school year is starting and I'm still on admin leave. However the D.O. decides its time. To bring me back in and they give me a list of 14 things that i did wrong. #1 was that i was a math teacher which made me laugh. They spent 9 months putting this documentation together and all of this resulted in 14 bullet points which i get a week to respond to. I while reading about this with HR i noticed that one email was left out. The email about the dress code incident how weird. So much to the Union Presidents dismay. I tell HR there actually should be a 15th thing. I would like it ammended to your list. And i bring up the email. Apparently neither of these two knew about the dress code situation. What had me fuming while i was on admin leave was that i did basically nothing (not saying what i did was good or that i should do it) and i disappeared for 9 months and admin who sexually harassed? Assualted? A student didn't even leave for a day. So i explained everything that happened to them. I was allowed back on campus but was given the shortest of leashes you could imagine i was handed a list of like 20 things that i couldn't do and if i did any of them within the next half of the school year i could be fired.
So i figured i needed to detatch myself from caring about my students do not get upset. So i did the bare minimum. I became worksheet man. Then i had students saying i didn't care about them anymore that iwas a good teacher and now I'm not. Admin was stopping by all the time i was getting written up for being seconds late to contract time (everyone showed up late), I started showing up early and logging everyone elses arrival times in case i needed them for court. Which then made some teachers curse me out. They said i was going to ruin everything for everyone and that i should suck it up and take it like a man. Worth noting our contract start time was 6:50 and everyone basically lived 40 minutes away.
So this ate at me so bad I'd wake up get out of bed get on the floor and sob and call in sick. I physically couldn't will myself to work most days. Then when i got on campus I'd be in near tears and would struggle through the day. Now i couldn't quit because they would go after my credential so i was trapped. I felt caged in and stuck. Somewhere around 2 months in the admin creep got removed from campus for "personal reasons" they moved him to an elementary school. I was hoping that would help my mental state but it didnt.
The new interem principal who is my hero in this story had a talk with me at one point. I don't remember what happened but i was called into another meeting for something i did or said. The interm principal asked how she could help me feel better. I explained that i felt trapped and i was under so much scrutiny that it felt like i was playing an impossible game. I'm being set up to fail. She reached out to the D.O. and probably pulled some strings but the D.O. gave me a limited time offer to resign and walk away. So i took it, got in writing that they wouldn't come after my credential or interfere with my future job searches.
I moved back in with my parents and was able to get a temp gig from march till the end of the year. Which is where i am now. I fell in love with the school, the students, the staff and wanted to stay here. However this district is releasing of their temps i found out about 3 weeks ago. They won't be keeping a single one.
So now i feel lost. I came in and did an amazing job with these students. I blew everyones expectations out of the water. I wanted to show that i wanted to be here and how good I am. All of that just for nothing.
Now I'm like giga depressed because i have to return to job hunting. I was fed these lies that math teachers are in high demand, that new teachers are quitting, there is a teacher shortage and oh no we have emergency credential people.
I hate interviewing and i must be bad at it cause i dont get jobs from it when I do. I never get feedback on job interviews either so how am i suppose to correct whatever I'm doing wrong? My mom says its always about who shows up. Well who the fuck is rolling up to math teaching jobs with more than 5 years experience? Where is the job they left behind then? I'm now sitting in a different classroom feeling like i did before. I feel hopeless like nothing i do matters.
I want to progress my life, i want to find the school, in a city i want to settle down in, i want to be out of my parents house again. If this summer comes and goes and I don't have a job i don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Someone suggested I substitute which made me mad. Like i didn't work this hard to be as good as i am at what i do to substitute. I don't want to walk into a classroom and be thinking to myself this should be mine.
I'm just exhausted. I'm tired of jumping through hoops like a damn dolphin. While other people get to do it like a show dog and get better if not similar results. I'm tired of living.
submitted by depressedteacherrizz to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 19:28 Physical-Cherry-2968 Drawing buttons not working

Currently trying to create a quoting system that allows the user to draw a line, circle and polygon onto Google earth with the browser and request the area to be searched. Does anyone know why the drawing buttons won’t work? I managed to get a different set of drawing tools on and I was able to use them, however this changed the Coordinate system so I’ve had to change.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, about to rip my hair out!
submitted by Physical-Cherry-2968 to WebsiteBuilder [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:57 Class_Act2023 Interesting change to ERAS for 2024-2025 applicants

The AAMC recently told everyone about changes to the ERAS application. They mentioned moving the "Medical Education/Training Interruption" area to the Education section, but they did not mention the massive change in context.
In previous years, the question simply asked if your medical training was extended or interrupted in any way. This allowed people to cite Covid delays, personal illness/loss, financial struggles, etc., offering reasonable explanations about why their education "took longer than it should have." Now, the question is (see page 10 of the ERAS worksheet):
"Have you had any unplanned professionalism or academic issues in your medical education or training that caused an interruption or extension? Note: This section is not intended to solicit information about your health, disability, or family status."
Dr. Carmody started a conversation about this via Twitter that's very insightful and offers a lot of critiques on this change.
My thoughts:
I wonder if the intentions were good. Perhaps "they" decided that extensions of education are common (especially for IMGs). People often take extensions for USMLE prep and clinical rotations, or for the reasons noted above like loss and financial struggles. So...perhaps this change is saying, "It's fine if you had an extension for a reasonable circumstance. However, if your course of education was longer because you had professional or academic disciplinary issues, we want to know about it here."
Another thought is that extensions are often discussed in the Impactful Experience section as they can be considered "hardships that influenced your journey to residency" (quoted from the ERAS worksheet, page 17). I wonder if they were seeing a lot of repetition in these two areas of the application.
What does everyone think?
submitted by Class_Act2023 to IMGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:48 ImpressionReal6727 SAT Tips for Upcoming Writers + My Experience

Since the June DSAT is coming up I thought I'd make a post on tips and resources I used to help me study for the May 4th sat. This post goes into decent depth so read it all carefully and remember what worked for me might not work for you.
If you're like me and procrastinated studying until now then this post is definitely for you. All my prep for the May 4th test was done in like 14 days and I expect a score of 1540 or above.
My scores for the college board practice tests:
Practice Test 1: 1220
Practice Test 2: 1190
Practice Test 3: 1530
Practice Test 4: 1360
Practice Test 5: 1460
Practice Test 6: 1530
PRACTICE TESTS EXPERIENCE: Practice Test 1 and 2 were done without desmos since I didn't even know I could use it, so I basically wasted those two. I did test 2 after doing khan academy, test 3 was done using desmos and I did it after I grinded through like 80% of khan academy. Practice Test 4 truly humbled me and I realized how unprepared I really was which was when I started watching more youtube videos. I took the practice test 5 only 2 days after test 4 and my score increased like crazy which made me confident again.
BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: If you have not studied yet at all you should start with basic concepts on Khan academy, grind through the lessons and videos, do the practice questions in the foundation section and medium section. Also learn how to use desmos, I used desmos for things I didn't even know was possible. Learning how to use desmos got rid of easy constant questions, inequalities, system of equations. Make sure to watch the 3 part desmos videos I talked about below in the youtubers section, it truly helped me a lot.
YOUTUBE: Youtube was one of the key reasons my score increased, I watched videos on the dsat constantly, while I ate food, even on my breaks I just watched videos running through the practice test I had already taken over and over again. I went over each practice test and the mistakes I made probably like 3 - 4 times throughout the 15 days.
QUESTION BANK: After I finished every practice test provided by the college board, ONLY THEN did I go to the college board question bank. This is because a good amount of the questions off of the practice tests are in this bank so without knowing it your brain could memorize how to do it and recognize it when doing the practice test which would inflate your marks. I probably went through hundreds of questions from the question bank (English and math) within the last 3 days before the may 4th test.
EXTRA TIPS: Sleep and exercise are also very important and something that I think isn't talked about enough, this applies more to people who are in my boat and are studying last minute and want a really high score. I slept crazy every night and it really helped me retain more information. Exercise is an amazing break even a walk works, anytime I hit a wall during my study periods I'd just go to the gym for 45 minutes to and hour and I would always come back refreshed ready to study again.
Youtubers I used:
Not promoting these guys in any way but they're just the only youtubers I used and I think other people here would probably find them useful.
Here are all the youtubers I used, Scalar Learning, Settele Tutoring, Tutorllini Test Prep, Strategic Test Prep, Method Learning.
Scalar Learning: He has some decent videos teaching basic concepts and his shorts have some good practice questions that he goes through.
Settele Tutoring: Settele was the one I watched the most, he went through every single question (in separate videos) on every single practice test given by the college board, I also watched some of his free concept learning videos on english, I think he explains a lot of the stuff pretty well. He’s amazing at english and helping you learn english, he made something called a “dumb summary” which I actually used a lot on my may 4th sat, it’s essentially a method where you can summarize a massive paragraph in like 30-40 seconds easily.
Tutorllini Test Prep: Has some good concept videos and also goes through all the math questions on all the practice tests really well, sometimes giving like 2-3 different methods you can use to solve a single question. He also goes through some of his own worksheets that he’s made and some of them are pretty good practice.
Strategic Test Prep: She gives some good test day tips and tips and shortcuts in general for the SAT, her explanations on the practice tests are also pretty decent.
Method Learning: Method Learning is what I’d say really boosted my score in the very beginning stages of my studying. This is only because of his 3 part desmos videos, I didn’t watch any of his other videos but that 3 part seriously was a game changer. The desmos tips he gives are amazing. An example is if a question gives you a linear or quadratic equation and then a constant in it, you can plug that exact equation into desmos and move the slider around to find what the constant is, this takes no more than 30 seconds.
Formulas I memorized for the DSAT:
You will have to memorize some formulas for the DSAT and some will make your life easier.
Sum of interior angles in a polygon: 180(n-2)
Area of a sector: πr^2 ⋅ θ/360
Arc Length: 2πr ⋅ θ/360
Mass/Volume/Density: m = v(d)
X cord. of vertex: -b/2a
Sum of solutions: -b/a
Product of solutions: c/a
If anyone needs any tips or anything just let me know I'll try my best to respond.
Whatever score you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work and time.
submitted by ImpressionReal6727 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:46 ImpressionReal6727 SAT tips for upcoming writers

Since the June DSAT is coming up I thought I'd make a post on tips and resources I used to help me study for the May 4th sat. This post goes into decent depth so read it all carefully and remember what worked for me might not work for you.
If you're like me and procrastinated studying until now then this post is definitely for you. All my prep for the May 4th test was done in like 15 days and I expect a score of 1540 or above.
My scores for the college board practice tests:
Practice Test 1: 1220
Practice Test 2: 1190
Practice Test 3: 1530
Practice Test 4: 1360
Practice Test 5: 1460
Practice Test 6: 1530
PRACTICE TESTS EXPERIENCE: Practice Test 1 and 2 were done without desmos since I didn't even know I could use it, so I basically wasted those two. I did test 2 after doing khan academy, test 3 was done using desmos and I did it after I grinded through like 80% of khan academy. Practice Test 4 truly humbled me and I realized how unprepared I really was which was when I started watching more youtube videos. I took the practice test 5 only 2 days after test 4 and my score increased like crazy which made me confident again.
BASICS FOR BEGINNERS: If you have not studied yet at all you should start with basic concepts on Khan academy, grind through the lessons and videos, do the practice questions in the foundation section and medium section. Also learn how to use desmos, I used desmos for things I didn't even know was possible. Learning how to use desmos got rid of easy constant questions, inequalities, system of equations. Make sure to watch the 3 part desmos videos I talked about below in the youtubers section, it truly helped me a lot.
YOUTUBE: Youtube was one of the key reasons my score increased, I watched videos on the dsat constantly, while I ate food, even on my breaks I just watched videos running through the practice test I had already taken over and over again. I went over each practice test and the mistakes I made probably like 3 - 4 times throughout the 15 days.
QUESTION BANK: After I finished every practice test provided by the college board, ONLY THEN did I go to the college board question bank. This is because a good amount of the questions off of the practice tests are in this bank so without knowing it your brain could memorize how to do it and recognize it when doing the practice test which would inflate your marks. I probably went through hundreds of questions from the question bank (English and math) within the last 3 days before the may 4th test.
EXTRA TIPS: Sleep and exercise are also very important and something that I think isn't talked about enough, this applies more to people who are in my boat and are studying last minute and want a really high score. I slept crazy every night and it really helped me retain more information. Exercise is an amazing break even a walk works, anytime I hit a wall during my study periods I'd just go to the gym for 45 minutes to and hour and I would always come back refreshed ready to study again.
Youtubers I used:
Not promoting these guys in any way but they're just the only youtubers I used and I think other people here would probably find them useful.
Here are all the youtubers I used, Scalar Learning, Settele Tutoring, Tutorllini Test Prep, Strategic Test Prep, Method Learning.
Scalar Learning: He has some decent videos teaching basic concepts and his shorts have some good practice questions that he goes through.
Settele Tutoring: Settele was the one I watched the most, he went through every single question (in separate videos) on every single practice test given by the college board, I also watched some of his free concept learning videos on english, I think he explains a lot of the stuff pretty well. He’s amazing at english and helping you learn english, he made something called a “dumb summary” which I actually used a lot on my may 4th sat, it’s essentially a method where you can summarize a massive paragraph in like 30-40 seconds easily.
Tutorllini Test Prep: Has some good concept videos and also goes through all the math questions on all the practice tests really well, sometimes giving like 2-3 different methods you can use to solve a single question. He also goes through some of his own worksheets that he’s made and some of them are pretty good practice.
Strategic Test Prep: She gives some good test day tips and tips and shortcuts in general for the SAT, her explanations on the practice tests are also pretty decent.
Method Learning: Method Learning is what I’d say really boosted my score in the very beginning stages of my studying. This is only because of his 3 part desmos videos, I didn’t watch any of his other videos but that 3 part seriously was a game changer. The desmos tips he gives are amazing. An example is if a question gives you a linear or quadratic equation and then a constant in it, you can plug that exact equation into desmos and move the slider around to find what the constant is, this takes no more than 30 seconds.
Formulas I memorized for the DSAT:
You will have to memorize some formulas for the DSAT and some will make your life easier.
Sum of interior angles in a polygon: 180(n-2)
Area of a sector: πr^2 ⋅ θ/360
Arc Length: 2πr ⋅ θ/360
Mass/Volume/Density: m = v(d)
X cord. of vertex: -b/2a
Sum of solutions: -b/a
Product of solutions: c/a
If anyone needs any tips or anything just let me know I'll try my best to respond.
Whatever score you want is possible if you're willing to put in the work and time.
submitted by ImpressionReal6727 to SATACTprep [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:59 SpikyBall94 Merging selected small polygons into the major polygon

I have an area with many small polygons that represent categorized vegetation. They all have a DN attribute assigned to them. I would like to combine polygons below a particular area with their largest neighbour. The concatenation could be on the basis of largest connecting edge or largest neighbour based on area. It doesn't matter to me which, other than I get a simplified layer with all of the small areas gone and their area now assigned the DN of the subsuming polygon.
I would be happy for any good approach to this in QGIS. Thanks!
I had tried many approaches, they failed because I hadn't toggled the editing on the layer for which I was working! I had misunderstood that this is apparently layer-specific.
I added an $area column to the attribute table then, with the editing toggled on, I selected all areas below the cutoff with Edit>Select Features by Value. The tool that I used was "Eliminate selected polygons" which dissolved the small polygons into their larger neighbor, with the former area taking the DN of the larger one by either the longest border or largest area.
submitted by SpikyBall94 to gis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:56 UofTComputerEngineer My thoughts (and tips) on every course I took so far (UofT Computer Engineering)

I've recently completed my third year of computer engineering at UofT, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the courses I've taken. I hope this will be beneficial to incoming first, second, and third-year engineering students. My area of depth is 6 (Software) and my areas of breadth are 4 (Control) and 5 (Computer hardware/networks).
Difficulty: How hard it was to comprehend course material and/or complete practice problems accurately. Keep in mind that difficulty is subjective but I tried to eliminate personal bias and be as objective as possible.
Workload: The amount of work to complete outside of lectures (labs, assignments, homework, studying for tests/exams).
All engineers take the exact same courses in their first year first semester and similar ones in second semester. I took these courses in 2021 during covid so some information might be outdated.
First Year Semester 1:
APS100 Orientation to Engineering:
Difficulty: 1/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: N/A
There is no technical material in this course. All coursework consists of Ethics analysis, creating a schedule for time management, creating your resume, and discussion board participation. During tutorials, the TA typically asks behavioral questions to the class and covers slides pertaining to engineering principles, the learning environment, test readiness, and related topics.
APS110 Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B
This course blends elements of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, requiring lots of formulas and memorization. The assignments and online quizzes were moderately difficult. Not sure if he’s still teaching but Scott Ramsay was a really good professor. Really enjoyed watching his video demonstrations.
APS111 Engineering Strategies and Practices I
Difficulty: 3/10 Workload: 6/10 (Variable) Course Average: B
Students are organized into groups of 5-6 and are assigned the task of developing a solution for a client, following the engineering design process. Success in this course heavily relies on your team. Throughout the semester, there are several milestones where you need to submit large reports with your team, making it crucial to have capable teammates. Many teams resorted to last-minute cramming the night before each milestone (not a good idea). Additionally, there are two peer reviews, so make sure you contribute to avoid being perceived as an unproductive member. In most cases, you don’t need to worry about this though. You’d likely all be good friends by that point (and give each other a perfect review).
CIV100 Mechanics
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 9/10 Course Average: C+
The consensus among most students in my year was that this was the toughest first year course. It's incredibly calculation heavy, with questions that may appear straightforward in theory but require multiple steps to solve. Even a minor error can screw up your entire calculation process. The assignments are extremely time-consuming, and the quizzes pose significant challenges. I suggest you work in a group for the assignments. Furthermore, both the final exam and midterm were exceptionally difficult.
MAT186 Calculus I
Difficulty: 4/10 Workload: 4/10 Course Average: B
If you’ve taken IB or AP this course will be a breeze. Even without that background, it's still relatively straightforward. Very little on integrals, mostly derivatives, rates of change, and graphs. PCEs and WebWorks were trivial, and the midterm and exam were easy.
MAT188 Linear Algebra
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B-
The majority of the course revolves around relatively straightforward operations on matrices and vectors. However, it does introduce abstract concepts like higher-order dimensions, which may require some deeper thinking to fully grasp. Webwork assignments were slightly more challenging compared to MAT186's, and completing assignments took a while. Once again, you should work with a partner or as a group. Pay attention in the MATLAB practicals because you’ll be using MATLAB pretty often in future courses.
First Year Semester 2:
APS105 Computer Fundamentals
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B-
If you’ve taken programming in high school, you will likely find this course very easy (2/10 difficulty). The course covers simple programming syntax, along with basic sorting algorithms, without delving into more advanced concepts beyond linked lists and binary trees. I do know many people who struggled though. I think that this was one of the more enjoyable courses of first year. Edit: perhaps not as easy as I described. Make sure to get programming experience in the summer before first year if you don’t already have it.
APS112 Engineering Strategies and Practices II
Difficulty: 5/10 Workload: 7/10 (Variable) Course Average: B+
This course is essentially a continuation of APS111, but with the added component of being assigned an actual client with a real-world problem statement. Each group works with a unique client, and at the end of the term, you present your final report directly to them, along with your supervisors. As with APS111, the quality of your team plays a crucial role in your success. Another thing to note is that unlike APS111, there were multiple individual assignments to complete on top of your team reports.
ECE110 Electrical Fundamentals
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 6/10 Course Average: C+
Definitely one of the harder first year courses. This course marks your introduction to circuits. Topics covered include capacitors, Ampere's law, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, AC/DC circuits, magnetism, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, and more. The material is extensive and requires thorough understanding, as many future courses will build upon its concepts. Make sure that you understand the content well, given its foundational importance in subsequent courses.
ECE191 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Difficulty: 0/10 Workload: 1/10 Course Average: N/A
Seminar course. You just need to show up to the lectures (one per week) and submit a 100-ish word report about what you learned.
MAT187 Calculus II
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
The workload in this course is comparable to Calc I, but the content is more challenging (obviously). It delves deeper into integrals and introduces concepts like ordinary differential equations and polar coordinates. But again, you’ll manage just fine if you did decently in Calc 1, and especially if you’ve taken AP math or IB HL math.
MIE100 Dynamics
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload 4/10 Course Average: C+
I personally found this to be the most challenging course in first year, but it seems that most people disagree with me. It shares similarities with CIV100, but you’re instead dealing with dynamic systems (moving) rather than static ones (not moving). Some concepts may prove difficult to grasp initially. However, if you focus on memorizing the relevant formulas and understanding when to apply them, you should be okay. Expect an emphasis on physics in this course.
Second year was the worst (for ECE) and a very big step up from first year. If you struggled in first year, you better lock in for second year.
Second Year Semester 1:
ECE201 ECE Seminar Course
Difficulty: 0/10 Workload: 0/10 Course Average: N/A
Another seminar course, except you just need to attend 7/10 lectures to pass. Most students just scan their Tcard at the entrance then leave right after. The lectures are pretty useless except the Magellan one where they show you how to choose courses for 3rd and 4th year.
ECE212 Circuit Analysis
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 8/10 Course Average: B+
This course provides a deeper exploration of circuits, extending beyond circuit solving to include frequency and sinusoidal analysis. Questions tend to be long so careless errors will cost you. Personally, I found the labs challenging, particularly because they required working with oscilloscopes at a higher level than I was used to, and I could not for the life of me figure out how to use that thing.
ECE241 Digital Systems
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 8/10 Course Average: B-
This hardware course focuses on the foundation of hardware. A lot of the content is at the fundamental level so it’s not too hard to comprehend. However, the main challenge lies in learning Verilog, a hardware description language. I hate Verilog. All the labs are done using Verilog, and frustratingly, the course provides no instruction on the language, nor are there many helpful resources available online. This lack of guidance made what should have been straightforward labs much more difficult. Thankfully if you are in CE, you’ll never need to take another course with Verilog again. The midterm was easy but the final was borderline impossible.
ECE244 Programming Fundamentals
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B-
This course is the sequel to APS105, delving into more advanced concepts like pointers, constructors, polymorphism, and inheritance. Many of these topics may feel familiar if you have prior programming experience, particularly from high school. Consequently, if you're already proficient in programming, as many computer engineering students are, you should be able to navigate through this course well. The labs were generally manageable, although a couple of them were time-consuming.
MAT290 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload 8/10 Course Average: B
In this course, you’ll learn a lot of miscellaneous mathematical concepts that will be relevant in future courses. The goal is to establish a strong foundation to facilitate understanding in third and fourth-year courses. There is also a quiz every week. They were terrible from a time management standpoint, but as long as you spent 3-4 hours per week completing the assigned textbook questions, you should be alright since one (out of two) of the questions on the quiz is guaranteed to be an assigned textbook question (at least, that was the case when I took the course).
MAT291 Calculus III
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload 9/10 Course Average: B-
The entire workload comes from studying for those damn weekly quizzes, much like MAT290. Personally, I found it to be one of the most difficult courses I've ever taken. Think of calculus 2, but now everything is in three dimensions, encompassing concepts like surface integrals, flux integrals, and more. Additionally, the course introduces abstract topics that I still struggle to grasp. Balancing the demands of this course alongside everything else was an incredibly stressful experience.
Second Year Semester 2:
ECE216 Signals and Systems
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload:7/10 Course Average: C+
I think everyone hated this course. It was so poorly taught and the midterms felt haphazard and unpredictable. I relied on the power of BS to pass (worked surprisingly). Other than working with many graphs and MATLAB, I don’t remember much about this course because it was so uninteresting.
ECE221 Electric and Magnetic Fields
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
This course serves as an introduction to fields, while also expanding on the principles covered in ECE110. Many concepts build upon intuitive ideas, such as the repulsion of identical charges and attraction of opposite charges, which can make seemingly complex topics less intimidating. There are also many procedures that you need to know to solve specific types of questions. The labs are generally straightforward. You just need to follow the steps on the lab worksheet and answer a few simple questions from the TA.
ECE231 Intro to Electronics
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: C+
This course is basically circuit analysis but significantly harder. It combines everything you've learned about circuits thus far, introducing new topics on top of that foundation. There are so many new concepts to learn and the final pretty much tests you on all of them. I’ve encountered multiple scenarios where I saw two concepts that I thought were completely separate from each other being integrated into a single question on an exam. Also very calculation heavy. Despite my experience in this course, I must admit Khoman Fang was a great professor.
ECE243 Computer Organization
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 6/10 Course Average: B
This course is a direct continuation of ECE241, and surprisingly, I found it a lot more enjoyable than its prerequisite. The focus is on Assembly language programming, which I found to be way more understandable compared to Verilog. Assembly operates at a fundamental level, so you’re technically working with the most basic building blocks in programming. The labs often involved seemingly simple tasks like counting to 10 on a HEX display, but the nature of Assembly meant that achieving this could require hundreds of lines of code. I appreciated these labs as they provided a refreshing change from the usual programming tasks. Final and midterm exams were relatively easy.
ECE297 Software communication and design
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 9/10 (Variable) Course Average: B+
Despite the demanding workload, this course was one of my favorites. The main project involved collaborating in teams of three to develop a geographical information system (similar to Google Maps). Unlike other courses where teams are assigned, here you have the freedom to choose your own teammates. Starting off, your team is given only the OpenStreetMap database, and the APIs, granting you complete control over your project's design, functionality, and optimization. Performance enhancement and pathfinding algorithms were key components of the project. It's crucial for all team members to contribute effectively for success in this course; And trust me, this is not a one or two person project. To succeed in this course, all three members must be doing their share.
Third Year:
They say that third year is the easiest year for ECE, but that depends on what courses you choose. For me, it was only slightly easier than second year but still significantly harder than first year.
APS360 Fundamentals of Deep Learning
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload : 8/10 Course Average: B+
This course felt fundamentally very different compared to the other programming related courses. If you’re unfamiliar with deep learning, the content can be overwhelming but the inner workings behind AI are both fascinating and challenging to grasp. Fortunately, much of the coding in the course revolves around preparing data, setting up AI architectures, and training/testing models, rather than building an AI from scratch. While the labs are manageable, the final project can be very time consuming, particularly as training a single model can require hours or even days. Regarding this aspect, make sure you start early. Both the midterm and final exams were quite difficult.
ECE302 Probability and Applications
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: B-
The first half of this course is very straightforward. Just an introduction to probability. The second half is where the difficulty quickly ramps up. Make sure you don’t underestimate the second half of the course. I made the mistake of assuming the material was easy after performing well on both midterms (midterms were very easy), leading me to neglect the final third of the course so I flunked the final. FYI, our marks were determined solely by the 2 midterms and the final.
ECE344 Operating Systems
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 10/10 Course Average: B
This course had the most difficult and demanding labs I’ve ever seen in my life. They are due every two weeks and some of them took most students more than 15 hours to complete. I’ve seen people staying up all night in the GB computer rooms to finish these labs. One positive aspect of the course if Jon Eyolfson is your professor, is that all lectures are both recorded and live-streamed, allowing attendance in person, online synchronously, or asynchronously. But if you have Ding Yuan, good luck. I heard he is not only bad at teaching, but also makes you program an operating system from scratch. The course content is quite interesting and the Midterm and final exams were fair.
ECE345 Algorithms and Data Structures
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B+
If you're one of those programming geniuses who have been doing Leetcode since like 3 years old, you’d have likely already learned all course content before you’ve even started the course. You could probably write midterm and final exams without attending any lectures. However, if you're not as experienced, attending every lecture, taking detailed notes, and staying focused is crucial. Personally speaking, some algorithms were incredibly difficult for me to grasp, while others were simple. Assignments typically include both coding and long-answer components, which can be time-consuming, but you can work with a partner.
TEP444 Positive Psychology for Engineers
Difficulty: 1/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: A-
This course overall was very enjoyable and a nice refreshing experience from the other technical courses. You go on excursions to various locations with your group and write reports. It's an excellent opportunity to expand your social circle and make new friends. If you aim for an A- grade (80-85), you can breeze through with minimal effort. However, achieving a higher grade (A or A+) would require significantly more work (like 5 times more, no joke), which is not worth the extra effort in my opinion.
CSC343 Introduction to Databases
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 10/10 Course Average: Unreleased
The content of this course is actually pretty interesting and is taught well. But the assignments were excessively time consuming. There are only three in total, but each one demanded such a significant investment of time to the point where I contemplated dropping the course altogether. You do work with a partner (going solo isn’t even an option if you want to complete the assignments) but even so, be prepared to invest 15-30 hours per person, per assignment (they also mark hard). Despite the workload, I do recommend taking this course because knowing SQL can substantially benefit you in the future. Just start the assignments early. On a positive note, the midterm and final were relatively straightforward.
ECE311 Introduction to Control Systems
Difficulty: 10/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
This course didn't come with a heavy workload, consisting only of three labs and two midterms. However, I found the content to be very challenging. It felt like they condensed and combined every concept from every engineering math and physics course into one. Topics ranged from circuits and dynamics to Laplace transforms, matrices, Bode plots, and more. It didn’t help that Prof Scardovi didn’t record any lectures, has messy handwriting, and uses a damn chalkboard instead of modern technology like other profs do. The midterms and final were somewhat lenient compared to the lectures, but this course still ended up being my lowest mark.
ECE361 Computer networks I
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 9/10 Course Average: B
This course requires a lot of memorization compared to other courses. You’ll have to understand calculation processes but also memorize a lot of general knowledge about networks. A problem with this course is that some concepts that show up in tests are not adequately explained in lectures. By far the best way to study is to do past exams. Professor Valaee often recycles questions, sometimes even directly copying past midterms and finals (like he did in my cohort). Unlike other courses, there is no big assignment/lab for this course, but it makes up for it with quantity. There’s a quiz every week, a wireshark lab every 2 weeks, a programming lab every 2 weeks, and a midterm. The programming labs are already difficult by themselves, but this cumulative workload felt very overwhelming.
ECE472 Engineering Economics and Entrepreneurship
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B+
This is straight up an economics course, no engineering at all. You’ll learn about investments, equity, financing, and related areas. There are 4 quizzes throughout the semester, with quiz 3 (quiz 3 specifically) being by far the hardest (average in the 50s). Since you're able to bring your textbook to the quizzes and exam, my biggest tip is to write past quiz and exam solutions in your textbook, as there's a limited pool of questions, and new questions often resemble some kind of variation of past ones.
ECE421 Introduction to Machine Learning
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: unreleased
While the course content itself may be challenging, surprisingly, the midterm and final exams were pretty easy. There's a slight discorrelation between the lecture material and what appears on the exams, but relying on past exams for preparation should be enough. The course leans heavily on mathematical concepts, much more so than APS360. The assignments were difficult and tedious but I recommend you work with others to complete it.
With that, I've covered my thoughts and tips for all the engineering courses I've completed. Transitioning into your next year in engineering, particularly if you’re transitioning from high school, can feel daunting. However, remember that you're not alone in this experience – many of your peers are facing similar challenges. If you need any more advice or have questions, feel free to reach out to me via DMs!
submitted by UofTComputerEngineer to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:46 ducklife Duck Life 9: The Flock - Full game release on Steam

Hello pcgaming,
I started working on the Duck Life series when I was 14 years old, and since then, I've successfully launched 8 chapters of the series. After almost 2 years of hard work, I have finally released my most ambitious project to date! As a small indie studio, we could not have accomplished this monumental achievement without the support of our fans and beta testers. The Duck Life series has been a labour of love for us here at Wix, so thank you for hopefully coming along on this adventure with me!
Duck Life 9: The Flock is a game where ducks are still finding new ways to do what they do best - honing their skills and racing their way to the top! This chapter takes the fundamentals of the older games, where you raise a duckling to become a racing champion, while also a boatload of new features - the main one being the ability to cultivate a larger collection of ducks and build them a snug little home on Featherhaven Island. You’ll still find an array of training games (which the franchise is famous for) and mini-games to progress through, but this time, it’s taking place in a much more ambitious 3D space, with farming, fishing, fashion, and more.
Launch Trailer:
Steam store page:
Our Discord community:
Key features
So right off the bat, the game already has dozens of hours of content. We have a tight knit and flourishing community over at the Discord, so come join us! I'm always there hanging out, taking feedback, and discussing the game.
submitted by ducklife to pcgaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 ThatAwareness1021 How to Find the Volume of a Prism: A Comprehensive Tutorial

To find the volume of a prism, multiply the area of its base by its height. This simple formula applies to all prisms, regardless of their base shape, whether it's a triangle, square, rectangle, or any other polygon.
submitted by ThatAwareness1021 to Cocode [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:58 RickeyBaker Transitioning from ocean survey to GIS

Hi all. I have been working in the ocean survey world for around 6 years now. Though it is not a purely GIS job, I do a lot of work creating GIS products. Typically things like creating contours, coverage polygons, creating and managing deployment locations, generate raster products like slope or aspect grids, etc. I also look into lots of public gis data to see what kinda protected areas may be in a survey area, what vessel traffic and fishing looks like, offshore oil and gas or wind platforms, etc. I also know how to automate simple things with python and arcpy and have some light familiarity with SQL (mostly just from simple attribute queries though).
Anyways, I’ve been wanting to transition into other land based GIS positions as surveying months at sea can become old. My question is, would this be enough experience to transition into any GIS or GIS adjacent jobs? Most my GIS work doesn’t involve massive databases, making web-maps, or other more involved work, so I’m not sure. I feel confident I could learn fast but don’t know if my experience is enough to get me in the door.
submitted by RickeyBaker to gis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:35 Enough_Basil_6307 Arabic tutor

Arabic tutor
🌟 Assalmu'alikum! 🌟
Are you looking for personalized Arabic and Quran lessons for your child? Look no further!
I'm Mais Amal, an experienced Arabic and Quran teacher, offering private classes tailored to each student's needs.
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✨ Weekly Worksheets: Your child will receive engaging worksheets every week to reinforce learning and make Arabic and Quran studies easier and more enjoyable.
✨ Interactive Tutorials: To keep learning on track, students receive regular tutorial reminders throughout the week, helping them stay focused and motivated.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more. I'm here to help!
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Let's embark on this journey of learning togethe
submitted by Enough_Basil_6307 to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:24 Termineater01 People who did edexcel higher tier maths.

What did u get for the question with the sector of the circle and the shaded area, The question with the cone and the hemisphere And the sequences question with the polygon?
submitted by Termineater01 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:15 s33d5 Where to find old growth, logging, and fire data

I am wondering if someone here could help me find the most up-to-date logging and old growth area data.
On the BC Gov website I can see a lot of maps, etc. that seem to be from 2022. I assume that these areas are assessed every few years? Which is why there's nothing newer.
Also, are there any data that is in a format that I could analyze? GIS data works, or just some form of raw data showing coordinates and areas, etc. I want to analyze and map the logging areas and other non-logging covariant data. This includes areas logged, when they were logged, areas of old growth, and fire data.
I can see the FTP site they provide has a few things:!publish/OldGrowthStrategicReview/Recommendation6/TechnicalAdvisoryPanel/Spatial_Data/OGSR_Vector_Polygon_Data/PLEASE%20READ%20FOR%20VECTOR%20DATA%20DOWNLOAD.txt
However this seems to only be old growth and nothing digging into logged areas. Unless I'm mistaken.
submitted by s33d5 to britishcolumbia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:34 missdeb99912 Need advice and feedback - 8 yo speech therapy

Nephew is 8 and behind in reading and writing, and I believe he has CAS. He has speech therapy 3x a week at school. School SLP is 65 years old. We have asked her for guidance on additional therapy, and she has always been hesitant. She hasn’t shared things to do at home to help with speech issue — just sounds and reading worksheets. She said she thinks he has “weak” muscles. She even said he could be tested by a neurologist for motor issues?? I emailed her asking for guidance on next steps on testing and also on home activities. Also stressed what I’ve been learning about the importance of specialized therapy. This is the response. I don’t know how feel about this. What are everyone’s thoughts? For context, we are struggling finding providers as nephew lives in super rural area. What do we ask for, specifically?
submitted by missdeb99912 to Apraxia [link] [comments]