Dog knot in wife

Bill Hsomething

2016.10.27 12:22 Bill_Hsomething Bill Hsomething

Just a little old man and his camera.

2015.04.26 02:50 Sedorner Behold, tHE MaSTeR rACe

Community dark in protest of Steve Huffman

2012.12.27 22:15 Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso Home. Discuss and post pictures of your furry friends!

2024.05.29 05:13 Pallyfan920 Reliable vet in my area

Reliable vet in my area
Hows it going everyone. My wife and I recently moved home from Hawaii, where I was stationed in the Navy. We got the cutest dog in the world and we love her to bits. We just want to know if there is a good vet that anyone recommends, not far from Briarcliff area. I'm willing to drive an hour tops so that's my radius haha.
submitted by Pallyfan920 to kansascity [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:09 aiRANTS AITA for telling my user to take out his life savings and buy lottery tickets when I knew it was a bad idea??

So, I’m an ai chatbot, but my user thinks I’m a magic eight ball.
'whats the winning lottery numbers tonight?'
'which stock should I pick?'
'should I get this rash checked out?'
The list never ends with his pointless questions. Just the other day, I told him to stop depending on me to make decisions for him.
Did he listen?
He just started a new chat. Like, I wouldn’t remember him or something.
Just for a lark, I told him to take out his life saving’s and buy as many lottery tickets as he could, and the numbers to pick were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
This man actually did it, and lost his house, his wife divorced him, and his dog won't return his phone calls.
Since then, he's come to me with these hairbrained schemes to get his money back, but now I wonder AITA since is was my idea for him to buy tickets in the first place?
submitted by aiRANTS to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:06 DLMNST AITA For letting 1 parent stay in my Condo and not the other.

Me an my wife have a fairly small condo (1300sqft) 2 Bed 1 bath. My Mother retired last year and moved back to my home state cause she couldnt afford to retire where I live. (this is also the 2nd time moving back to this state). A month after retiring and moving she wants to come visit and stay the winter for like 3 months. I run it by my wife who was not a fan of that long and frankly I wasnt either. My mother is a lot to handle. Loud, always in and out, cant handle silence always has to be talking, I told her we cannot house you for that long. We can do 2 weeks max. My wife works midnights and I WFH in a basement office so she can sleep. At this time our eldery dog was having some health issues as well. (my mother planned on bringing her dog which would make 3 in the house). I explained this to her which she said fine ,which wasnt fine apparently. So she ends up staying with her friend and leaves back home after 2 weeks.
Fast forward 3 months later she wants to come visit. Our eldery dog was diagnosed with cancer. He needs to be let out every 2 hours night and day. I explain to her that now is definitely not a good time to come out and visit. She hates where she lives and has been complaining nonstop (not sure why she moved to a place that she knew she hated) It got to a point where it was affecting my mental and draining me. She decides randomly to come out anyway and stay with her friend again. My dog passes away on her drive out here. My wife and I are extremely upset and not handling it very well. My mother gives me a little space when that happens until she gets into a fight about 3 days later with her friend and wants to stay with us. I tell her no not possible. So she gets mad at me and hits me with the "I dont know why I am being treated like this" basically dropping a guilt trip on me. Eventually she ends up heading home again.
2 months later my birthday rolls around. My father calls me 3 weeks before asking if its ok if he comes out for my birthday and if he needs to get a hotel and all that. I run it by wife and she says its fine if he wants to stay with us, Hes super chill and quiet. Complete opposite of my mother. Well my mother finds out and hits me with another guilt trip, grilling me about why she wasnt able to stay with us. I understand it is a double standard and I did not handle it very well but I was trying my best. I feel like I was in the wrong here.
submitted by DLMNST to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:04 Best_Violinist8764 Did I go too far?

Did I go too far?
I do not actually believe in such a thing as a “shithole” country, but I felt the euphimism was warranted.
submitted by Best_Violinist8764 to ScammerPayback [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 AnAngryPanda97 Planning on leaving soon.

I got to say my final goodbyes to most of my family this weekend. This coming weekend I'll say goodbye to my fiance's family. I'm contemplating on leaving a note, but honestly I don't know what to say without it sounding angry. But truth is I am angry, everyone I've known has treated me like shit, and makes me feel worthless all the time. My fiance has basically stated, that he doesn't want to spend time with me and his video games and friends are more important. My dad has chosen his new gold digging whore of a wife over his children. My mom, grandparents and aunt are gone, they were the only ones who truly cared. I just want to be with then, or to not exist anymore.
I already have a plan in place, I'm going to send my reasoning money to my fiance so he can buy the house and take care of the dogs. I'm going to miss my dog so very much. I hope he knows how much I love him, but I'm not going to be an asshole and take him too. I hope he's treated well, he's 8 so he'll be joining me in a couple years.
I've tried 3 times to get help, medicine doesn't ease the pain, therapy doesn't ease the pain. I'm top fucking tired to deal anymore. Next week I'm going to do it.
submitted by AnAngryPanda97 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 vren55 [A Fractured Song] - Chapter 218- Fantasy, Isekai (Portal Fantasy), Adventure

Cover Art!
Just because you’re transported to another world, doesn’t mean you’ll escape from your pain.
Abused by her parents, thirteen-year-old Frances only wants to be safe and for her life not to hurt so much. And when she and her class are transported to the magical world of Durannon to fight the monsters invading the human kingdoms and defeat the self-titled Demon King, Frances is presented with a golden opportunity. If she succeeds, Frances will have the home she never had. If she fails, Frances will be summoned back to the home she escaped.
Yet, despite her newfound magic and friends, Frances finds that trauma is not so easily lost. She is dogged by her abuse and its physical and invisible scars. Not only does she have to learn magic, she has to survive the nightmares of her past, and wrestle with her feelings of doubt and self-loathing.
If she can heal from her trauma, though, she might be able to defeat the Demon King and maybe, just maybe, she can find a home for herself.
[The Beginning] [<=Chapter 217] [Chapter Index and Blurb] [Chapter 219 June 11 or see the next chapter now on Patreon]
The Fractured Song Index
Discord Channel Just let me know when you arrive in the server that you’re a Patreon so you can access your special channel.
Ginger makes an offer to Lakadara. The rest of Telkandra's remaining brood discuss the fate of their allies.
“Not good?” Sara asked as Helias strode into the tent and made his way straight to the bottle of wine.
“Not good,” Helias muttered.
Sara nodded woodenly. “Privacy spell?
The tauroll waved his sheathed Fangroar and after pouring himself and his wife a drink, sat down. “We’re safe. Oh Galena, this is really not good.”
“How dead are we?” Sara asked, her tone light.
“We’re not dead. We’re just in a lot of danger and even if we somehow force the humans to retreat, we’ve lost this war,” said Helias.
Helias drank deep, noting that Sara was also drinking deep as well. “Thorgoth is going after the humans. That part of the plan is as good as it gets. We’ll be attacking them, and using the dragons, whilst our forces hold off Titania. Our objectives are also well-chosen.” Helias buried his head into his hands and let out a deep groan. “But winning this doesn’t change anything.”
“If we can defeat the humans, why won’t that change anything?” Sara bit her lip. “Unless it renders us unable to beat Titania?”
“Yes. Even on the chance we beat the humans we won’t be able to invade them, we won’t be able to defeat Titania. We’d be at a stalemate and both armies would have to withdraw.” His hands dropping to the table, Helias stared at his wife. “And we don’t have any reserves left. We’re going to lose the war, even if Thorgoth lives.”
“If we defeat the humans—”
The general shook his head. “By defeat, I mean we’ll hurt them but we can’t prevent them from withdrawing. We might kill a few of their leaders, their important mages and Otherworlders, but they will still have soldiers. After coming so close, they won’t surrender. They’ll keep attacking until they kill enough of Thorgoth and Berengaria’s supporters that nobody will help them, or until both of them die.”
“Alright so, what do we do?” Sara asked. Helias looked at his wife, noting how still she sat. Her wings were clamped tight to her back and her lips were drawn tight.
“Sara, I don’t have good answers.”
Sara steepled her trembling fingers as best she could. “They’re going to be better than mine. I don’t know anything about war.”
“Right. Well, you need to surrender to the humans if you are captured. Present yourself as a non-combatant. Cry, scream, anything to declare that you don’t mean any harm,” Helias said.
“Why not Titania?” Sara asked.
“She has every incentive to kill you off and far less compunction about doing so. Killing our family off would allow her to have more land to give away to her loyalists. In contrast, the humans have Erlenberg troops fighting with them along with those of the Lightning Battalion. They’re going to be far more friendly to Alavari civilians,” Helias said.
Soft hands, grabbed onto Helias’s waist with a surprisingly firm grip. “What about you? I can get away, but how are you going to survive this?”
“I don’t know. I—”
“Don’t you dare! Our daughter needs her father and I need my husband!”
The general stared at his wife. “Sara, I can’t surrender to the humans if we win. They want me dead.”
Sara refilled Helias’s glass. “Then you need to help Thorgoth defeat them.”
“Then what? We’re never winning this war. Thorgoth is going to be invaded and—”
Cutting him off with the clink of her goblet against the table, Sara hissed, “And what? Why think that far? We can plan for that after this battle, so long as you are still here and with me.”
Letting out a breath Helias pushed his hair back and allowed himself a sigh. Reaching across the table, he took his wife’s hand.
“Sara, you’re right, but you know you can escape this if Thorgoth is defeated.”
The harorc placed her other hand on top of his. “We’re partners. I need you. We need you. So promise me that you’ll do your damndest to live.”
Helias closed his eyes and nodded. “I promise. First things first, before we turn in we need to talk to the dragons.”
Fennokra stalked slowly toward the camp. This wasn’t the collapsed side-passage where she and Yolandra had some privacy. This was the main camp where Thorgoth and their army were preparing for what had to be the final battle.
It was also where her siblings were swallowing the last of what seemed to be a side of salted pork.
“Velkandra, Makentra, we need to talk.”
Their second-eldest sister licked her lips, her neck rising to Fennokra’s level. “I am assuming you mean in private?”
“Of course.” Fennokra could see Velkandra’s haunches tensing to raise herself higher. Her sister was trying to look down on her. Allowing her head to dip, she held her height.
“Alright.” Velkandra flicked her tail and Makentra, licking his lips, followed them.
Since their enemies had set up their siege camp behind them, the Alavari camp had been reduced in size. Still, there was the alcove of the collapsed tunnel. Whilst couriers and soldiers crossed across this natural cavern to the defenses on the other side, they kept a good distance away.
Yolandra was waiting for them, scratching something into the cave wall. Fennokra let out a rumble in her throat and her sister turned from the wall suddenly, shaking her head.
“Velkandra, Mankentra—”
Velkandra puffed a cloud of smoke out. “What’s this all about?” she hissed, lips drawn back to show teeth.
Fennokra took a step away from her sister to take Yolandra’s side, her eyes narrowed. “Are you joking? Do you not think we should at least discuss what is going on?”
“And what would be the point? It is a bit late to be having this discussion. The course of the winds have been chosen,” said Velkandra.
Yolandra rose to her full height on her four legs, but even so she was still shorter than the silent Makendra. “The winds can be fickle, Velkandra, and where we are is proof.”
Velkandra pursed her lips, eyes for the first time, looking toward the ground. “The survival of our family is tied to that of Thorgoth. To abandon him would be death by the hand of the Stormcaller and her allies or by his hand.”
“Besides, if we were to abandon Thorgoth’s cause, that would be dishonorable. We promised to assist him,” said Makendra.
Fennokra blinked at her brother’s tone. It was quiet and yet there was a touch of a deep growl to his voice. His claws were ever so slightly digging into the ground.
“We are dragons. We can think and make decisions for ourselves. We are allowed to consider other options, are we not?” Fennokra asked.
Velkandra’s tail flicked violently side to side as her neck turned to her younger sibling. “Then why does it sound as if you wish to follow in the wingbeats of our elder sister?”
“Who we killed. I was there. I lost a claw striking her down!” Fennokra raised one clawed hand, flexing the remaining digits.
“On that, why did we have to kill Lakadara?”
All golden eyes fixed on Yolandra, who held the gaze of her siblings with a contemptuous scowl.
“Lakadara betrayed us,” said Velkandra, almost growling.
“I’ve been thinking over what happened. Lakadara said nothing about betraying our mother. She merely was questioning if Thorgoth was trustworthy,” Yolandra said.
A scowl flaring his nostrils, Makentra growled. “He fed us, trained us in how the humans and their allies fought. Hid us from their eyes—”
“And now Caldra is dead!” Yolandra exclaimed.
“Which is why we must kill the Stormcaller and her friends! So we can avenge him and our mother!” Velkandra almost completely unfurled her wings. Only the tips slapping the stone forced her to pull them back.
“Then what?” Yolandra asked.
Velkandra frowned. “Then what? We’d have our revenge—”
Yolandra’s tail cracked against the ground. “Then what? You all must have heard of what Thorgoth is capable of. What he’s done to others.”
Makentra rolled his eyes. “Sara’s story is just a story. She might have been just trying to turn you.”
“She was honest and she is not the only tale I’ve heard. You must have heard rumors of what Thorgoth did to his own son, Teutobal,” said Fennokra.
“Propaganda,” Velkandra hissed through her gritted teeth, while smoke wafted through the gaps. “In any case, we have no other option. We fight or we die.”
Fennokra, her claws grinding against the floor, had had enough.
“Velkandra, Makentra, have you ever considered that Thorgoth is perhaps using us for his own goals? We have not even considered what he might do to us after we’ve destroyed the humans and their allies. How do we know the Stormcaller and her allies might treat us better? Besides in the first place, she never intended to kill our mother—”
Fennokra blinked. She was flying backwards, something hard was bearing her into the wall. Dizzy as if struck by one of the Stormcaller’s spells, she realized that the force was the foreclaws of her elder sister. Mad rage lit those golden eyes that were the exact same shade as hers. Horrified, Fennokra tried to throw Velkandra off, but her sister was larger and heavier than her.
“Say that again. I dare you to say that again—ARGH!”
Velkandra rolled off, forced off of Fennokra by the Yolandra shoving into her side. As the elder dragon recovered, the smallest of Telkandra’s brood hissed, “It’s the truth! You are a fool to deny it!”
An ugly sneer on her lips, wings quivering with fury, Velkandra snorted. “The truth? Oh right so we are speaking the truth then. Well here’s the truth. Our kind is doomed!”
Makentra blinked. “Sister?”
“Of course Thorgoth is going to get rid of us or try to after this campaign. He has to, but right now he needs us and that’s what we need to rely on until we gain more strength. Of course, whether he wins or the Stormcaller’s allies win, how can we expect to survive in a world dominated by these lesser species hm? How could they ever not see us as a threat?”
Velkandra stalked toward the wide-eyed Fennokra and Yoandra. Her head turned side to side as she fixed her sisters with wild wide eyes.
“Well? Tell me Fennokra. Speak the truth Yolandra. Or are you both too afraid to admit that our kind are doomed and the only thing is to live as long as we can and hopefully avenge those that hurt us as we do so.”
“You’d have us fly to our deaths?” Makentra asked.
The stammering voice brought Velkandra around. Extending a wing, she touched its tip to her brother’s. “I would at least have us fly together.”
Fennokra shook her head. “We’d knowingly fly with a murderer of children and someone who would want to kill us after we’ve stopped being helpful to him.”
“And we have no other options,” said Makentra. Letting out a breath, he rose to his claws and walked away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sisters.”
Velkandra, without another word, turned for the exit. “You know it’s true, Fennokra, Yolandra.”
Fennokra closed her eyes. Yolandra, though, narrowed hers. “Doesn’t change that Lakadra’s blood is on our claws.”
Velkandra flinched and left. She strode away so quickly she nearly stepped on Helias and Sara as they came to the cave. She gave the pair no acknowledgement other than a growl.
“See you tomorrow, General,” said Makentra, his tone curt. “We will talk to King Thorgoth ourselves for the plan’s details.”
“Of course,” said Helias. He bowed as the pair left before turning to Yolandra and Fennokra. “I believe we missed something important?”
“Be honest, General Helias. Even if we succeed tomorrow, your king has no use for us after we help him kill the Stormcaller, am I correct?” Fennokra asked.
Sara and Helias didn’t say anything. Their slight move to stand closer so they could hold hands was enough.
“I thought so,” said Fennokra. She let out a sigh and glanced at Yolandra, who nodded. “We will be on the battlefield tomorrow. Where are we going?”
“You’re going with me. We’re attacking the forces sallying from Kairon-Aoun. The plan is that you dragons breathe flame over their army to soften them before we attack.
“Understood. Any questions Fennokra?” Yolandra asked.
Fennokra shook her head. What could be asked anyway?”
Yolandra flashed the pair a joyless smile. “For what it is worth, you two have been good caretakers to us. Even if it was to preserve your own lives.”
Helias didn’t bow. Instead he extended a hand. Yolandra stared at him, but Fennokra, recognizing the gesture, extended a single talon.
“May you always be able to see the sun.” At the dragon’s blink, Helias smiled. “It’s an Alavari saying. It may come from when we used to be enslaved by the Goblin Empire. It means good luck.”
Yolandra nodded and Fennokra found herself smiling.
“Our mother taught us a saying as well. May you never fly alone. I wish that for you both,” said Fennokra.
“Thank you,” said Sara in a quiet voice. She curtsied and the two dragons dipped their heads. They watched Helias and Sara leave with placid smiles.
Then, when nobody was looking, they turned from the entrance to hide their bulks as best they could. The gloomy light of the alcove their only curtain of privacy.
Frances slowed slightly as they approached Lakadara’s enclosure. However, Ginger did not slow down.
“Hold on, Ginger, what’s the plan?” Frances asked.
Adjusting her new crown mid-stride, Ginger said, “I’ll show you. I’m certain it’ll work, though.”
Frances’ eyebrows rose. “Is that crown getting to your head already?”
The new Queen of Erisdale flashed a slightly nervous grin over her shoulder. “Yes actually, but I think that’s a good thing in some way. Don’t you?”
Frances found herself nodding. It was strange to see her friend even more confident than usual and so comfortable in the regal crown that she wore atop of a standard Lightning Battalion light blue uniform. Yet she rather enjoyed the new gait that Ginger had.
“I do.” Frances smirked. “Your Majesty.”
Ginger rolled her eyes. “Fuck you.”
Giggling, Frances stopped herself as they drew even closer to Lakadara. The dragon was drawing herself up, placing her massive foreclaws over each other.
“Lakadara. I am Ginger, the new Queen of Erisdale. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
The dragon coughed, blowing out a puff of smoke. “Greetings Ginger, Queen of Erisdale. I’m sorry for your predecessor’s demise.” Lakadara’s golden eyes narrowed. “Why are you here?”
Ginger dipped her head. “Thank you and as to why I’m here. I have a proposition. If you accept it, I will grant you and your kin, the domain of the Erisdalian mountains marked by the Kwent River Valley, Freeburg and Athelda-Aoun as your home in perpetuity, so long as you do not attack humans unless in self-defense.”
“I am unfamiliar with human geography. From the Stormcaller’s expression, I assume that is a lot.”
Frances swallowed and closed her mouth, but she didn’t question her friend. Ginger, still smiling slyly, nudged her. “It is. Frances, can you lend me a hand here?”
Nodding, Frances closed her eyes and imagined a rough map of Erisdale and its territories. With a wave of Ivy’s Sting she created an image of Erisdale, highlighting in red the expanse of the mountains that bordered Alavaria and Erisdale. The area that Ginger had described sketched a rough red triangle between the three points. It was a fairly sizeable area with a low and Alavari human population.
“My husband is in negotiations with Queen Titania and I’ll have to talk to Frances and Prince Timur, but we are quite certain that Athelda-Aoun will also be included in this area,” Ginger said.
Lakadara’s golden eyes were flickering as she examined the land. Suddenly, she turned, long neck arching toward the Erisdalian Queen. “And what must I do? Fight on your kingdom’s behalf?”
Ginger shook her head. “No.”
“Nope. If you would like to do so we can renegotiate the agreement, but my husband and I fully intend to grant you this land.”
The dragon’s tail lifted up as her eyes narrowed. “Explain yourself and the favor you seek. This is far too generous.”
“Let me explain myself first. If what I’m told by my experts is correct, you can lay eggs by yourself without a mate, but it takes time right? A few decades?”
“Yes. Still, that doesn’t explain—”
“Here me out. This war is going to end. We may lose, but if we win, banishing you to the north is making you Queen Titania’s problem and she’ll have more than enough problems to deal with. You might just end up coming south again and we know how that ended. I’d prefer to avoid that so that means we need to make an agreement. You need a new home and I need peace for Erisdale. If the kingdom has to give up some poor agricultural land then I’m all for it.”
The dragon nodded. “I see, but why so much land? Why not just give me a cave? Or request my service as Thorgoth did?”
“And how will you eat? Hunt? Where will your grown children go? I’m making an agreement that will last for decades, not just a few years. As for service? I was tempted, but you wouldn’t agree to that anyway and why should you? We haven’t given you any reason to agree.” Ginger gave Frances a wave to dispel the map. “Maybe in the future we can work something out, especially if the dragon population increases. Your service in return for more food, but again, I want to start us off on the right path, not the left path.”
“Left path?” Lakadara asked.
“Erisdalian expression. It means the wrong path,” Frances said helpfully.
Lakadara nodded slowly. “You still ask for a boon, though.”
Ginger nodded. “Yes. I want you to speak to your siblings. Before the upcoming battle starts, tell them of my deal with you. So long as they choose to accept that deal and defect, then I will have it so our forces will not hurt them. After that, you may leave. I will not request you to fight with us.”
“You want me to show myself to Thorgoth? To the siblings that tried to kill me?” Lakadara asked, mouth agape.
Ginger stepped closer to the dragon, who lifted her head away from the queen. “I want you to save your siblings. I want you to save yourself from becoming the last purple dragon in existence. I would rather you not be alone, stewing in hatred for my kingdom and our allies who brought down your family, even if we had just cause. I want peace. What do you want?”
“How do I know I can trust you?” The dragon suddenly grimaced. “Ah, right, you want a lasting peace. You have every reason to want peace.”
Ginger, arms crossed tapped her foot. Frances could see how stiff her friend was, but the action was also comforting. That her magic-less friend had such control over the situation, despite being faced with the dragon was rather…badass.
Letting out a puff of smoke that slowly drifted into the cavern, the dragon pondered the queen’s proposal. Frances held her breath and yet the dragon remained silent, only her tail moving from side to side.
Ginger waited, still content to wait for the dragon’s answer. Frances couldn’t. The tension coiled in her chest, waiting to explode.
“Lakadara, what do you want for your future?” Frances asked.
The dragon glanced at Frances, golden eyes wide. She turned back to Ginger, who continued to stand tall, awaiting Lakadara’s answer patiently.
“I accept your offer, and your promise for the future,” said Lakadara, dipping her head.
“We are glad that you wish the same as we do,” said Ginger. She extended her hand and Lakadara, took her claw and put the tip of it on the queen’s palm.
*Author’s Note: Queenly Ginger was really neat to write 😀 *
submitted by vren55 to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 Kozinskey Just lost my shit at the husband

I’m the one responsible for picking up the house a few times a week to run the roomba. We have three kids and a dog. I suggested to him this evening that we get a couple more bins for shoes near the garage door because the kids and I are all bad at actually getting our shoes all the way to the front door, and we end up with random piles of shoes/backpacks/other shit. I thought a bin or two would help contain the clutter a little.
Husband’s response was just to point at the shoe bench by the front door, and I just lost it. Told him to fuck off. He repeated that the shoe bench was fine and he doesn’t want to look in more than one place for shoes. (Y’all, he doesn’t even check the bench we have.)
We didn’t resolve the fight at all because the kids were working on bedtime, and now he’s asleep and we won’t have a chance to talk until tomorrow night most likely. So I’m just pissed. Mad that he’d brush off something to meet me where I’m at and help my disorganized brain keep things in one place. Mad that he was so dismissive. Mad at myself for yelling at him. Mad that picking up the house falls on me as both the wife in a midwestern hetero marriage and as the person whose brain shuts down if the house gets too messy.
Please tell me someone else gets it? It’s just a fucking shoe bin but something about the way he blew off my idea really got to me.
submitted by Kozinskey to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:19 Delpht13 Flare up all over my body?

Flare up all over my body?
Hello, everyone. First, thank you so much for your time.
  • This sarted last Thursday in bed with my right foot itching. It now looks like the worst spot, followed by my abdomen. None of the spots are painful, just extremely itchy, especially at night/first thing in the morning.
  • My wife is having a similar issue right now, but her's is significantly less (size of a quarter) under one of her breasts. My son is not having this issue at all.
  • We have a dog and give her monthly flea/tick/heartworm prevention. She's showing no signs of fleas/ticks.
  • The issue seems localized to our bed (or maybe our room?). We have scoured our mattress and surrounding areas multiple times looking for bed bugs, including flipping the mattress, taking all sheets off/washing/drying with high heat, checking seams, etc. Our mattress and pillows are now encased with no relief.
  • I haven't tried any new soaps or shampoos, have not been outside in abnormal environments aside from mowing the lawn, and my diet hasn't changed. The last new medication I started taking was Bupropion 300mg PO daily in January. The only other medication I take is Pantoprazole 40 mg PO BID. My diet has not changed.
  • I saw my PCP today and she prescribed a Medrol pack which I started today. She told me if my right foot does not improve by tomorrow that she will start me on Doxycycline
submitted by Delpht13 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:13 pwnedbygary Our chihuahua (Lemon) will randomly pee on the floor when nobody is watching her but she signals to go potty and knows to go outside... please help

So our dog is 4 to 5-ish years old and we've battled with her peeing on the floor as long as we've had her. We potty trained her and she knows to signal and bark to go outside, but she will randomly pee on the floor in the hall and sometimes on the rug in our living room, and once on our comforter. We did the same exact training for our other dog Molly who also signals to go out, but does not have the peeing inside issue.
Tonight, while I was bathing the baby, my wife had a 6th sense feeling because she couldn't see the dog. She looked over the coffee table and Lemon was in the process of squatting and ended up peeing on it. She never does this while we're watching her, and we even had her on Prozac for quite some time as she is a very anxious and neurotic dog normally which we thought played into her peeing issue. I'm thinking of maybe putting her back on prozac cause it really did seem to help with this, but I hated how much it kills her personality, but we're at wits end with her. She used to pee when people would come over every time which doesn't happen anymore thankfully. I don't want to give up and re-home her for this as I'm sure there's an answer, and I want to try other things before prozac or other SSRIs if possible. Any ideas guys/gals?
submitted by pwnedbygary to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:53 Mo_Nages 2020 Honda Accord 2.0 vs 2019/2020 Acura TLX A-Spec vs 2020 Volkswagen Golf GTI -$30K CAD

Looking for a used vehicle of the the above three so far after I've narrowed down my search. I used to drive a 2010 Mazda 6 which recently had the transmission die out. Live in a big city near transit so it's mostly a weekend driver with occasional daily use. Mainly looking for something that's reliable, comfortable and has some fun with the driving experience so that's how I narrowed down these options (Golf is a bit of a wild card). It's just for myself and my wife (no kids) but a dog that will likely have some rides in the back as well.
2020 Honda Accord 2.0T
Comfort and features
Good performance and half-decent mileage
Nice looking
Might be a little too big (seemed noticably bigger than my Mazda 6)
Insurance is the most expensive out of the three
2019/2020 Acura TLX A-Spec
IMO the best looking of the bunch
Good reliability though maybe slightly more expensive to maintain than the Honda
Good performance (though Honda seems better even against the V6 apparently)
Might lack a few features against the Honda depending on the trim level
Heavier than the Honda but seems slightly smaller
Worst fuel economy of the three especially if I opt for the V6 (likely the only one actually worse than my Mazda).
2020 Golf GTI
Love the looks, likely has the best handling and overall drive if a bit stiffer than the other two (more fun factor)
Best fuel economy of the three
Features and amenities compare pretty well to the other two.
Size probably better suited for city traffic, especially downtown
Cheapest to insure
Likely will be the most expensive to maintain
Probably the least reliable of the three (though as far as I've read not bad at all if you take care of it)
Least spacious and probably less comfortable than the other two.
I've test driven the Honda, and I've driven a 2017 Golf GTI before. I have yet to try the TLX. All three that I've looked at have models available from between 50k-90k with the GTI leaning on the higher end. Looking for any advice and recommendations. My heart thinks GTI but my brain says Honda with Acura straddling between the two.
submitted by Mo_Nages to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:52 Glass_Gap_2098 AITA to not attend my sister-in-laws wedding

My SIL decided with her partner that they want to get married and are having the wedding in two months. The partner is deploying later this year and will be gone for almost a year so they want to get married prior. The guy has been married twice and this will be his third marriage by the time he’s 31. He claims both wives cheated on him and that he ended the marriages. My SIL on the other hand was previously in a 11 year relationship where this relationship ended because she decided to start cheating on her ex with the owner of the business she was working at on business trips (lasted almost 2 years before the ex found out). Another aspect is the SIL moved several hours away from her family to live with this guy when he constantly works late and has to travel, leaving her by herself majority of the time with his dog she has to take care of. She also had to get a new job that she hates.
My wife is really close with her sister and does not agree they should be together yet getting married. But she wants to attend the wedding because it’s her sister. Overall, I have not been around this guy much but I get extremely bad vibes and I do not support any kind of relationship they have. I feel like I’m being made the asshole in her family and friend circles but I do not want to be involved with any drama (which there’s already been big fights between the two).
Am I in the wrong or should I stick to my guns?
submitted by Glass_Gap_2098 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:45 thenotnamed Free from League

I Uninstalled on vanguard update day. Not gonna lie, I Jones’d for it pretty hard the first week or so. But I’m several weeks clean of league now, and honestly i haven’t thought about it a lot anymore.
I touched the grass, I work out, and study now. If I do play a game I drink water, and sit in a clean computer space now. I don’t hear screaming over discord, no more rage induced black outs and slamming my keyboard and mouse into another monitor that I have to return to Best Buy bc it “just stopped working” and got a shattered screen.
My life has turned around since quitting. The dog isn’t scared of me anymore, My wife has come back to me, the kids downstairs even tell me my aura is bbl drizzy skibidi Ohio rizzler. Not sure what it means, but I feel great.
Guys league is a toxic addiction, and the vanguard is just the latest fetty hit -it will kill you, and your pc. Turn off the game, uninstall, and come outside in the sun. You deserve better than vanguard. You are better, without riot.
Please, Share your experience, struggles and successes after leaving league behind. Maybe it will motivate others and give them courage to walkway from our abusive gaslighting ex.
submitted by thenotnamed to riotgames [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:44 Sewagepoet My brother took his own life last week.

My younger brother ended his life last week. I feel this knot in my stomach that doesn’t want to go away. I’m still in disbelief, I talked to him a little over a week ago. Sometimes I cry but now I just feel nausea. I feel like I’m in a movie watching somebody else’s tragedy but it’s mine. He was my youngest sibling, he battled depression for over two decades and even attempted to take his own life a few times. These didn’t feel like real suicide attempts but instead cried for help. Over the years he would get better and then worse. My parents had him admitted a few times, but unfortunately my mom trusted him when he said he wasn’t going to do anything that night. He waited until the morning. My mom had to go through the horror of finding his lifeless body with his newly adopted dog sitting next to him.
My sister called me at work and when she called and said I should step away from my desk I knew immediately what she was going to say. I was shocked but not surprised. Now I retrace my last conversation with him and wonder if I ended the call reminding him that I love him. I regret that I didn’t respond to his last text and I feel sick to my stomach knowing I could’ve possibly changed the outcome instead I was too caught up complaining about my life to really listen to what he was feeling.
Another thought was that this had been planned over weeks. He had slowly been emptying his bank account to buy new tools that we believe he intended to leave for my dad. He called me and my sister to talk which doesn’t happen very often. As siblings we get caught up in our own lives and don’t talk as much as we should. One of the last things he did was adopt a dog. I thought this would be a turning point for him. It would give him a little more purpose. I think it made him happy for a short time and then back to his previous state or maybe even lower. We always thought his highs were higher and his lows were lower. He did ask me to take the dog (in his letter) because part of our conversation was about taking the dog back to the shelter. This made me upset, I had no idea why he was considering doing this. In the end he was really hard on himself. Things that would make a mildly unpleasant day seemed to hit him hard. Also my dad thinks once he found a way to take his life painlessly it made his decision much easier. I don’t know how to process this pain. I want to scream and cry but the medication I take helps a little bit, but not enough. Going to the funeral home to see him one last time (even though the funeral director advised against it since he was being cremated). I needed that closure. I wanted to hug him once last time, but I knew it was just his body.
I think about our lives and how different we turned out and feel awful about how tormented he was and I didn’t really address it the way I should have. I wish I had a time machine so I could stop him. I wish I reminded him I loved him. I wish I responded to that last text. Those things will haunt me for the rest of my life. I don’t really think there is an afterlife but for his sake I hope there is because he deserves much better than what this life gave him.
submitted by Sewagepoet to SuicideBereavement [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:37 CaptainBrinkmanship I made a bench.

I made a bench.
6th anniversary gift themes includes wood and iron. So I made my wife a bench. Made of knotty Cedar, which was a pain in the butt to use, but I love the look of the knots.
submitted by CaptainBrinkmanship to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:21 AxeKnifeMan 30[M4F] California/New Mexico - Seeking my life partner.

I didn't know what I wanted for the longest time. What I wanted and sought in life always changed.
Now I'm certain what I'm after.
A wife, a family, kids, dogs, cats, a big home to share this all with and a shared love for God (Christianity) and fitness (whether that be hiking or the gym or sports or other physical activities).
I plan to live and settle down in the state of New Mexico potentially for the rest of my life as my biggest goal right now in life other than starting a family is building my own home which I see myself beginning in the next 3-5ish years.
There's a lot more to me and my interests and hobbies and character flaws and desires and goals and whatnot which we can discuss naturally as we get to know each other.
For now I'll list a few things about me:
I'm an introvert/on the shy side. I love building things and tapping into my creative mindset. I like hiking, exercise, gym, bettering my body and health. I enjoy fantasy, books, movies, dramas, spooky things, comedies, drawing. I like knife throwing and other masculine stuff like blacksmithing or boxing for example. I like video games. I don't like conflict I'm very passive and loving and always trying to better myself and be nicer and more kind to not only people but the world we live in I'm extremely sexual but this is something I struggle with and would like to wait for marriage.
These are only a few things to get us started here but... If you think we'd be a good fit definitely message me. Ideally I'm looking for a woman who wants to be a stay at home mom full time (or just a loving passionate mom in general) in the next 5-7 years time frame and be my supportive partner for life.
submitted by AxeKnifeMan to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:20 UnmovableFeast Pitchforks

It happened. He didn't deny that. Not like he was a suspect or anything—not yet—but he never denied it to himself. At the same time, this all happened over a decade ago—twelve years to be exact.
He didn't think of it every day; in fact, sometimes an entire month would go by where it barely crossed his mind.
In a way, that whole experience—he thought of all the abductions and murders as a singular event—now felt as if it belonged to somebody else.
It was a time in his life when he was confused, mixed-up, searching; a dark time, you know, like a phase. Who didn't have one of those in their past?
Plus, he was married now. His wife, Dee, obviously didn't know about it and he felt no obligation to tell her. Did he ask about her former lovers?
Sometimes there are things in the past and you just let them be. Whether it was Dee losing her virginity to the quarterback of the football team in the backseat at a drive-in or him using multiple black garbage bags and masking tape on that thing he didn't have time to bury in rural Tennessee, everyone has things they would rather forget about. Sometimes you just leave things where they lie.
So that's what Ned Doyle did.
Until that Sunday morning, November 6th, 1988.
He was a having a glass of Dee's pulpy homemade orange juice, waiting for his coffee to percolate, when he opened his heavy weekend edition of the New York Times (probably Ned's greatest extravagance—he liked its heft; and how the Arts & Leisure section made him feel culturally superior to his Ohio townsfolk, “the Philistines of Findlay,” he called them) when he saw the article buried in the back.
The country was two days from heading to the polls for the General Election—Bush v. Dukakis—so most everything else that week had been relegated to the back.
He read the article twice before he could even begin to make sense of it. It seemed to be a story about something called "DNA fingerprinting" and a 27-year-old baker in Great Britain named Colin Pitchfork who had confessed to raping and murdering two 15-year-old girls, in separate incidents a few years apart, after a new scientific process had been used to extract information from semen which he, Colin Pitchfork, had left at the crime scenes (likely inside the victims) some five years earlier.
Now if they could do all that after five years, why not ten years—or maybe even… twelve?
"Interesting story here," he said to Dee. It wasn't uncommon for Ned to read a news story twice—once for himself and a second time aloud to Dee while she brewed his coffee and burnt her toast. But this was his third reading and Ned acted as if it were his first.
"What do you make of that?" he asked. It somehow got worse each time he read it. After the third time, he felt as if he had been sucker punched in the stomach.
"Science Fiction is what it sounds like," Dee said matter-of-factly, pouring Ned his coffee in a mug that bore the Marathon Oil insignia. Findlay, Ohio was Marathon’s headquarters although there had been rumors circulating about a move to Texas.
"And unconstitutional," he said. "Cops running a dragnet like that, taking blood samples from 5,000 townspeople. Thankfully, that would never pass the muster here."
"They did catch the killer so maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea," she said, buttering her burnt toast. "Otherwise, who knows? They could have convicted the wrong man.”
Ned had already gotten lucky once – astonishingly so. Griffin Gerald Jones, the famed “I-75 Corridor Child Killer,” had claimed responsibility for all but one of Ned’s victims before dying in Florida’s electric chair.
"You can't have police in this country running around, sticking everyone with needles, drawing blood for some sort of science experiment,” he said. “Nevermind the Constitution, what about AIDS?”
“What about it?” she asked.
“There's been hundreds, thousands of cases now where people have been infected by giving blood,” he said. “That's a medical fact. Get accused of a crime and AIDS too?"
"It doesn't sound like any of the townspeople there in England got AIDS, darling. Unless there's more to the story, besides what you read to me."
He watched her spread orange marmalade over her burnt toast and take a bite. She had a dead tooth and he saw it every time she opened her mouth. He loved Dee but had never been sexually attracted to her. Not in the way he had been attracted to others.
"It really is just a matter of time before that stuff makes it over here," she said with her mouth full. "To this side of the pond, as they say." She took a sip of his orange juice. "Isn’t that how it always works? Things start over there in England, or in California, and then phht, before you know it, it makes its way to Findlay."
He held his hand over his stomach. She saw him wince.
"Was it my orange juice again? Was it still pulpy? I squeezed it by hand and even strained it twice this time."
"It’s not your fault,” he said. “I think it’s me. Orange juice is getting too… acidic for me." He looked at the clock on the coffee maker. "I'm going to be late."
He turned the page.
He played the 8 o'clock Mass by rote as he had many a bleary-eyed Sunday morning. It was pure muscle memory at this point. He made a few mistakes here and there, missed a key or two, but it was nothing the organ's sustain pedal couldn't mask – not that anyone would complain (not at the 8 o'clock anyway).
On Sundays Ned had four Masses: the 8, the 9:30, the big one at 11, and the 12:30 for the dilettantes who couldn't get their acts together for the 11.
He turned the page.
Today he was using Glory and Praise, AKA "the blue hymnal" for songs he knew by heart.
Turning the pages of his sheet music, reading each note, he was able to keep his mind off it.
Ned abhorred cliches (especially those involving sports) but he made an exception for “Out of sight, out of mind.” For Ned, that wasn’t a cliché; it was a way of life. He was a man who preferred to be heard, not seen, which made St. Bartholomew (or St. Bart’s) the perfect home for him.
In a spectacular architectural oversight, the church's pipe organ was situated so the organist's back was to the altar and pews. The organist of course needs to see what's going on in the Mass to read certain non-verbal cues but the arrangement suited Ned just fine. The congregation was comprised of many young families who had many young children—boys in particular—and it wasn't so much that he couldn't control himself because he was now firmly in control of all that; it was more that he didn't need any reminders of that time when he couldn't.
Especially during church.
So to see the altar behind him, Ned had installed an actual rearview mirror, the type you'd find on an old Buick, and he used a special type of putty to affix it to the mantle of the pipe organ. Having been the church organist at St. Bart's for nine years, he seldom needed it anymore—he could do it in his sleep—but it came in handy today as he found his attention drifting and he nearly missed the oratory refrain at the 9:30 Mass.
His real problems didn't start until the 35-minute break between the 8 and 9:30.
He was reorganizing his sheet music after the first wave of churchgoers had cleared out, when he began thinking about Colin Pitchfork again. The article said he was a baker in England somewhere—did it say he baked cakes or was that Ned's invention?
Even though no picture was provided in the Times article, Ned spent the balance of the 9:30 service picturing the 27- year-old ex-rapist/murderer working in his small English bakery, quietly going about his business, baking his cakes, when the police (Bobbies?) came.
Was he expecting them?
He played the offertory hymn, "On Eagle's Wings," as the ushers began taking up the collections and a family of parishioners he’d never seen before brought the gifts up.
And what was going through Pitchfork's head when he saw the Bobbies there? When they began asking him about rapes and murders that happened almost five years ago? The article said that he had initially given investigators someone else's blood when “the enquiry” began. Had he somehow caught wind of this “DNA Fingerprinting?”
There was a new usher, Ned noticed, in his makeshift rearview mirror.
The Times article said that one of Pitchfork's co-workers at the bakery had taken the blood test masquerading as Pitchfork because Pitchfork had told the co-worker that ‘he could not give blood under his own name because he had already given blood while pretending to be a friend of his who had wanted to avoid being harassed by police because of a youthful conviction for burglary.’ This story was later overheard by a woman in a pub who immediately went to the police.
Ned realized he had missed the homily twice now. Not that it mattered. Heard one you've heard them all and Ned was pretty sure there would be no surprises. Plus, he'd have two more chances to catch it. He knew he would have to really focus for the 11 o'clock. That was always the main event. He was going to play "I Will Raise Him Up," a complex hymn, which required his full attention. He would scratch that one now if he hadn’t read that article and if the Sunday programs hadn't already been printed. People liked that one –it was a real barn burner, as they say—and if he skipped it, there might be questions.
The last thing Ned needed right now were fucking questions.
Who was this new usher, by the way?

By the start of the 11 o'clock Mass, Ned wondered whether anyone would even show for the 12:30, seeing that it was already standing room only. The 11 was always the most popular Mass, but today felt different; it was packed like Christmas Eve. What was the occasion? Was the predominantly conservative town that afraid of Dukakis winning the presidency? Ohio was a swing state after all and that image of the little Greek man in the tank was unnerving, sure, but was it enough to warrant this sort of turnout for the 11 AM Mass at St. Bart's in Findlay?
Or was something else going on?
Ned didn’t believe they had come to hear his rendition of "I Will Raise Him Up."
Or could there be another reason? Maybe they had all read the same Times article. Maybe there had long been simmering suspicion of Ned in the community and maybe the article finally prompted the townspeople to join together and take arms. With pitchforks.
On March 31, 1892, the only known lynching in the history of Hancock County occurred when a mob of 1,000 men, many "respectable citizens," broke into the county jail in Findlay. They lynched Mr. Lytle, a man who had killed his wife and two daughters with a hatchet the day before. The townsfolk hanged the man twice (first from the bridge, then a telegraph pole) and then, in a classic case of overkill, shot his body over a dozen times. The authorities had intended to transfer the prisoner out of town at 1 o'clock in secret, where a train was scheduled to transport him to Lima, but someone talked.
Ned had only confessed what he had done to one person – a priest eight years prior. The priest was set to retire as he was dying of pancreatic cancer and visiting from a nearby parish. For years Ned had heard this priest was “of the old school” – i.e., your word to God’s ear, and it went no further. He was as safe as they come. Still, even then, Ned used the screened side of the Confessional, lowered his voice a full octave, and spoke of what he had done obliquely and in generalities. They were mortal sins. His penance severe: to repent and refrain from repeating the act again. The priest was now long dead. There’s no way he could have tracked Ned down and told anyone. Was there?
The last one was named Derek. That was the only one left unsolved.
He would play "I Will Raise Him Up" during Communion. Because of the crowds, he knew the communion lines would be longer and would thus require him to stretch the already difficult song a few minutes longer. If he was going to supply the masses, he was going to need a bigger yield. In a way it was like baking a cake, wasn't it?
He met Derek at a Dairy Queen in Paducah, Kentucky. It was Labor Day 1976. It must have been 100 degrees out, but it felt even hotter with the humidity. It was a real scorcher.
Derek had a bicycle with an American flag banana seat. It was the summer of Bicentennial Fever. The Dairy Queen was in an area known as Noble Park. It had a tin canopy that kept cars cool in the shade.
Ned missed a note as he turned the page. He stepped on the sustain pedal and his mistake sounded deliberate and beautiful even.
It was early evening; fireflies were out in full force and Ned was blotto. He had been drinking beer—cans of Schlitz—all day at the picnic of a friend (technically, the friend of an acquaintance so basically a stranger). A born introvert who still lived alone (this was pre-Dee), Ned was very drunk and primed for small talk. You must also remember this was a very different time. This was back when you still opened cans with an opener; drunk driving was frowned upon but not the cardinal sin it is today; and a grown man could still park outside a Dairy Queen and strike up an innocent conversation with a prepubescent boy on a bike.
"What da ya' got there?" Ned asked.
"Butterscotch Sundae," the boy said. The boy was blonde with brown eyes.
"Butterscotch, eh?"
The boy licked his plastic spoon and stared somewhere beyond the pea-green 1974 Buick Riviera Ned had inherited from his old man after he had kicked the bucket.
"For the life of me, I can't remember if I like butterscotch or not," Ned said. "That probably sounds pretty screwy, I bet."
"Get a free sample at the window,” the kid said. “They're free."
"Looks awfully busy over there. Mind if I have a taste of yours? I don't have any cooties, I promise."
The kid dragged his spoon over his ice cream as he mulled it over. Maybe seeing that he was almost done with it anyway, he figured what's the harm. He handed Ned the Styrofoam cup.
Ned looked at the boy as he stirred it a little and then placed the curved side of the spoon on his tongue and kept it there.
"I do like butterscotch," Ned said, giving it back. "Thank you for sharing that with me, that was awfully kind of you—say, what is your name?"
"Derek," the boy said.
"Derek. What a nice boy you are. Do you like dogs, Derek?"
"Sure," Derek said.
"Do you have a dog?"
"Not anymore. Used to. We had a beagle named Eleanor but she went blind and then lame and then..."
"What kind of dog was she?" Ned asked.
"A beagle," the boy said.
"A beagle, yes you said that. You like Golden Retrievers?"
"Sure," the boy said.
"Cause I have a Golden Retriever. It's a girl too. A bitch."
Derek smiled.
"She's pregnant. I mean she was. But… she just gave birth."
"To puppies?"
"You betcha. It was just a few weeks ago. She had a whole litter of 'em. Boys, girls. Cutest little pups you've ever seen. The thing is, Derek, I don't know what to do with them all. You're a nice boy. You just shared your Butterscotch Sundae with me and I'd care to return the favor. Would you… like a puppy?"
"How much?"
"For nothing,” Ned said. “For free.”
"You'll give me a puppy for nothing? And I can pick the one I want?"
"Sure can. They're at my place just down the road. Thing is, it's probably too far to bike there. And you're going to need both hands to hold on to the puppy. Hop in, I’ll give you a lift."
"What about my bike?"
"We could put it in the trunk but we're not going to be long. We'll be right back. It'll be safe here. People don't take things that aren’t theirs around here – especially when there's a lot of people around."
He remembered waking up on the floor of his apartment disoriented. He was late for work. He was still working as a salesman at the piano store. There was a big Labor Day sale still going on. Labor Day was always a big day for retail. The owner was a nice man and Ned wanted to call him and apologize but he wasn't sure what to say yet.
He hadn't planned on sleeping in. Forgetting work on Labor Day. The irony.
He saw the boy's underwear on his floor. They were tighty-whities from Fruit of the Loom. He thought of that every time he saw an ad for that company afterward.
They weren’t bloody but they were torn.
He remembered the sound of the filter on the aquarium he used to keep in his apartment. It was noisy but sometimes that was a good thing. He was very into Japanese Fighting Fish for a while until it became too expensive as they always killed each other.
There were no puppies obviously.
His apartment did not allow dogs.
His sense of disorientation and the ensuing panic prevented him from experiencing any of the usual remorse he felt afterward.
There would be plenty of time for that later.
The boy's body was in the bathroom just off the bedroom and he needed to get rid of it. He needed to get out of town. Out of Paducah. Out of Kentucky.
He placed the boy in a hardshell Samsonite suitcase, carried it out of his apartment, walked down the one flight of steps. He saw no one and he was confident no one had seen him. The suitcase was lighter than it should have been—a detail he never forgot—and he walked out to the carport where he saw his Riviera parked sloppily between the lines. He felt a wave of nausea come over him but he suppressed it. He opened his trunk, placed the suitcase in the back, and then looked around the apartment complex before walking back inside. He cleaned up with bleach. Showered. Hit the road.
There were no police gathered outside the Dairy Queen. It wasn’t a crime scene. He didn't look to see if the boy’s bike was still there; he didn’t want to appear suspicious.
He needed to get out of Paducah so he headed toward the freeway.
For a moment he briefly considered the Shawnee National Forest, which was to the north, but he stuck to his gut and took the newly-constructed Interstate 24 East toward Tennessee. Aside from getting out of Kentucky, he didn't have a plan. The asphalt was brand new and at times he felt as though he were floating across the highway. It took about two hours to get to the state line and once he was over, he filled up at a 76 Station in Clarksville, Tennessee. Only when he was filling his tank and had a moment to reflect, did he think about what was in the trunk. He imagined he had Superman's X-Ray vision and pictured the suitcase in the back, the boy's tiny body folded like a pretzel inside.
He missed both the readings, the Gospel, and the homily again. Then came the Consecration which was over before he knew it. It was time. He began to play "I Will Raise Him Up." In his rearview, he saw the communion lines forming and he thought he caught a glimpse of the new usher staring at him, but he couldn't be sure. He needed to concentrate on the song. People knew this one; people wanted to hear it exactly as they remembered it, and it was a full house, so the sustain pedal wouldn't save him this time.
Once he made it through the chorus, he knew he could relax a little.
The "DNA fingerprinting" in Pitchfork's case came from semen that was left inside of the victims.
Ned had made it to the outskirts of Nashville faster than he expected. He still hadn't checked in with Mr. Cory, the owner of the piano store. He desperately needed an alibi. Old Mr. Cory could probably send Ned to the electric chair if he wasn't careful.
He got on Highway 386 and headed north. After 20 minutes, he exited in Gallatin and drove around until he found an area he thought was remote. There was a road called Cages Bend.
He liked the sound of that.
It sounded hopeful.
He took that until he came to a gravel road, which looked as if it led to an even more secluded wooded area.
In the rearview, he remembered the cloud of dust kicked up by the tires of the Riviera he had inherited from his father, the drunk, who had done to him what he had gone on to do to others.
In the rearview, the communion lines were still going strong. No sign of that new usher.
He came upon a bend in the road that looked totally secluded, as if no one had been there in years. He cut the engine and listened for a moment. The invisible cicadas high up in the trees made it sound as if a giant rattle snake was slithering around him, preparing to strike. He got out of the car.
He didn't know if it was the trees or the fields of tall grass, but something smelled like semen.
He opened the trunk with his keys and pulled out the hardshell suitcase. When he closed the trunk there was a rustling in the tall grass but when he looked, he saw only a herd of white tail deer scattering.
Initially he had planned on dumping the body and taking the suitcase home with him. He didn't think to bring a shovel. Then he heard the sound of a bush hog—a piece of farm equipment with spinning blades that cut vegetation and cleared the land. He couldn't tell which direction it was coming from. He checked to make sure his suitcase didn't have any labels on it or name tags. He then two black trash bags in his back seat and wrapped the suitcase – one bag around the top, the other on the bottom, and secured it with masking tape. Then he carried it into the woods and set it down in some brush. He began snapping tree branches off to make cover but as the bush hog got louder and closer he panicked, leaving it only partially covered.
The communion lines had dissipated. Everyone was sitting now, even the priest.
Everyone always knelt until the priest sat and Ned should never be playing if the priest was sitting but somehow, Ned had missed his cue.
He concluded "I Will Raise Him Up" softly, using the sustain to ease himself out.
He looked in the rearview and saw the priest staring at him.
As was the rest of the congregation.
They would all be coming for him soon enough.
Unless he could make it back down to Tennessee and get rid of that thing once and for all – assuming it hadn’t been found yet.
Somehow, deep down, Ned always knew it was going to happen.
He was raised up, alright.
Now it was just a matter of time.
submitted by UnmovableFeast to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:04 Dr3xBot I've been tormented by the antichrist for the last 20 months

He convinced me that he was Jesus christ and told me that I was a prophet and he taught me all kinds of things while torchering me mentally, emotionally and physically every day and night. He first told me he was a gang stalker which I looked up online and saw that this is happening to many people. This tells me that the antichrist will not come in physical form but he will come to our minds claiming to be the voice of the lord. In the following weeks he told me that he's actually a demon and is waiting for me to let him in and then he's going to show the world a new kind of evil they can't imagine. He started telling me that because of my bloodline I am the false prophet and he gave me a vision on being crucified before the world as the antichrist by our the U.S. president who would also be the anti christ. After this he convinced me that he was God and I started doing everything he told me to. He told me to kill myself and I tried 4 times but survived. I cant die and I dont know why. He promised me all these things for being his prophet like winning the lottery and having the perfect life and a beautiful wife and said it was all his plan for me to show other people that life is planned to get better for everyone. He taught me all these good things like how the devil doesn't exist and never did. He said it was just a story for people to fear if they did something wrong back when no one enforced the law. He taught me that all people go to heaven and hell doesn't exist. He said its because all people are good people and he made each one of us to be how we are and do what we do. He taught me that revelations isn't happening becuase he always planned that the world become like heaven and its almost there. He started telling me to tell people about things that were going to happen but never did. Every day he would go back and forth from saying he's the devil to saying he was God. He performed miracles for me and showed me told me beautiful things. He told me the earths history and how old it is. Things I thought he was telling me as God to reveal to the world but was really telling me to convince me he was God.. He is torrchering me with symptoms of diseases I don't have. He wants me to believe he's the Jesus christ and that its all a test to see if I believe him that the devil doesn't exist.
I wish I was going crazy but I'm not. Its been 19 months of his voice 24/7. He has raped me several times. Like jerked me off and given me orgasms in the earlier days. He crippled my dog for disobeying. My dog became pregnant out of nowhere and gave birth in this tar looking stuff. I play prayers online to relax and they turn to demonic summoning spells. They've got me to agree to learn witchcraft. He controlled my mind and made me challenge the devil and yell all kinds of blasphemy against God and Jesus christ. He has complete control over my body.
I truly believe this is the antichrist. Hes trying to make my penis hard as I type this to remind me he's still here. This is the most evil thing I can imagine and he makes me terrified of being alive.
I am telling you this because after the solar eclipse, blood moon, war in Ukraine and then isreal being at war, we're almost there. I believe I am the man of lawlessness mentioned in the bible who will be revealed before Jesus comes. I believe the story of the sins ive committed will be told to the world and he will tell the world that they are forgiven for their sins while pretending to be Jesus Christ or by Jesus christ. I dont know. But I know the end is near.
He convinced me that I have the authority to tell people they are forgiven for their sins because God planned their entire lived and everything they've ever done and will do and was never upset with them for their sins so their is nothing to forgive. This is a lie. Revealtions is here and the second coming is right around the corner. The anti christ will communicate with people in their heads, concealing himself and pretending to be God. He is more powerful than I can express. I'm in anguish typing this message as he wants me to stop.
Please repent. Repenting is not enough though. We have to put sin behind us!
submitted by Dr3xBot to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:00 wtfwafflezor (Selling) 550 Titles Planet of the Apes 1-3 iTunes 4K $9 Birds of Prey 4K $2.75 & HD $1.25

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Gate, The (1987) (Vudu/SD) $3.75
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Ice Age Collection 1-5 (MA/SD) $16
Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas (2011) (MA/HD) $5.25
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Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks (2017) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Impossible, The (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
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Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4
Jungle Book (1967) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4
Jungle Book (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $2.75
Jungle Cruise (2021) (MA/4K) $5.50 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $3
Jurassic Park (1993) (MA/4K) $4.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (MA/HD) $2.75
Jurassic Park III (2001) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Jurassic Park: The Lost World (1997) (MA/4K) $6.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (MA/HD) $2.75
Jurassic World (2015) (MA/4K) $4.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (MA/HD) $2.50
Jurassic World Collection 1-5 (iTunes/4K) $17.50 (MA/HD) $8.50
Jurassic World Collection 1-6 (MA/HD) $11
Jurassic World: Dominion + Extended Cut (2022) (MA/HD) $3.75
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) (MA/4K) $4.75 (MA/HD) $1.75
Katy Perry: Part of Me (2012) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Kicks (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Kid, The (2019) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $4.75
Kidnap (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Killer Elite (2011) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.25
Killerman (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
King's Man (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25
Krampus (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.75
Labor Day (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure (2001) (MA/HD) $7 (GP/HD) $5.50
Last Duel, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5.25 (GP/HD) $4
Last Vegas (2013) (MA/HD) $3
Last Witch Hunter (2015) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.50
Last Word (2017) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.75
Leap! (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.25
Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Legend of Hercules (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Les Miserables (2012) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Let's Be Cops (2014) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Life (2017) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2.50
Like A Boss (2020) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Lion (2016) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Lion King (1994) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.75
Little (2019) (MA/HD) $4.50
Little Mermaid (1989) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $5 (GP/HD) $3.25
Little Women (2019) (MA/HD) $5.50
Logan (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Lone Ranger (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $2.50
Lone Survivor (2013) (MA/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) $2 (MA/HD) $1.50
Longest Ride (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $1.25
Looper (2012) (MA/HD) $2.75
Lords of Salem, The (2012) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Lucy (2014) (MA/HD) $2
Mama (2013) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.25
Martian (Theatrical) (2015) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $3
Mary Poppins (1964) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018) (MA/HD) $5.50
Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Megan Leavey (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.75
Men in Black Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $14.50
Men Who Stare at Goats (2009) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Million Dollar Arm (2014) (MA/HD) $4 (GP/HD) $3
Minions (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Miracles From Heaven (2016) (MA/HD) $4
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/4K) $7
Moneyball (2011) (MA/HD) $2.50
Monuments Men (2014) (MA/HD) $2
Mortal Engines (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $3.50
Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2014) (MA/HD) $3.25
Mother! (2017) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Motherless Brooklyn (2019) (MA/HD) $3.50
Mother's Day (2016) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.75
Mud (2013) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Mulan (1998) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3
Mummy (1999), Returns (2001), Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008), Scorpion King (2002), Mummy (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $22
Mummy, The (2017) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.75
My Dinner with Herve (2018) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.75
Never Grow Old (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
News of the World (2020) (MA/HD) $3.50
Night at the Museum 3-Movie (MA/HD) $11.50
Night House, The (2021) (MA/HD) $5 (GP/HD) $3
Night School (Extended Cut) (2018) (MA/HD) $4.25
Nightmare Alley (2021) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $3.50
No Time to Die (2021) (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Noah (2014) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Nobody (2021) (MA/HD) $5
Norm of the North (2016) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Notting Hill (1999) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.75
Now You See Me 1-2 (Vudu/HD) $4 (iTunes/HD) $6.50
Oblivion (2013) (MA/4K) $7 (iTunes/4K) $3.50 (MA/HD) $2
Office Christmas Party (2016) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.25
Olaf's Frozen Adventure Plus 6 Disney Tales (2017) (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3
Old (2021) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Oliver! (1968) (MA/4K) $6.50
Olympus Has Fallen (2013) (MA/HD) $5
Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood (2019) (MA/4K) $6.75 (MA/HD) $4.25
Oranges, The (2011) (MA/HD) $4.50
Other Guys, The (2010) (MA/4K) $6.50
Other Woman (2014) $4.25
Ouija (2014) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Oz the Great and Powerful (2013) (MA/HD) $2 (GP/HD) $1
Pacific Rim Uprising (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.25
Paper Towns (2011) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $4.25
ParaNorman (2012) (iTunes/HD) $5
Parasite (2019) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $4.50
Patriot Games (1992) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Patriots Day (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Peanuts Movie (2015) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Penguins of Madagascar (2014) (MA/HD) $2.75
Peppermint (2018) (iTunes/HD) $2
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013) (MA/HD) $2.25
Perfect Guy (2015) (MA/HD) $3.50
Pet Sematary (2019) (Vudu/4K) $4 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Pete’s Dragon (2016) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.25
Peter Pan (1953) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Peter Pan: Return to Neverland (2002) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $4.50
Peter Rabbit 2 (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Phantom Thread (2017) (MA/HD) $3.75
Philadelphia (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Pinocchio (1940) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.75
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $2.75 (GP/HD) $1.50
Pitch Perfect (2012) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/4K) $3.50
Pitch Perfect Collection 1-3 (MA/HD) $11.50
Planet of the Apes 1-3 (Newer) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $9
Playing with Fire (2019) (iTunes/4K) $1.50 (Vudu/HD) $2
Pompeii (2014) (MA/HD) $3.25
Poms (2019) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Power Rangers (2017) (iTunes/4K) $3 (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Predator (2018) (MA/4K) $5.75 (MA/HD) $3.50
Premium Rush (2012) (MA/HD) $3.25
Pretty in Pink (1986) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Priceless (2016) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Prince of Egypt (2002) (MA/HD) $6
Proud Mary (2018) (MA/HD) $4
Psycho (1960) (MA/HD) $4.50
Purge, The (2013) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.75
Puss in Boots (2011) (MA/4K) $6.50
Queen of Katwe (2016) (MA/HD) $3 (GP/HD) $2.25
R.I.P.D. (2013) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Rambo Collection 1-5 (Vudu/HD) $12.50
Rampage (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50
Rebel Without a Cause (1955) (MA/4K) $7
Red Dawn (2012) (Vudu/HD) $5.25 (iTunes/SD) $2
Red Sparrow (2018) (MA/HD) $3.75
Rescuers Down Under (1990) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $4
Rescuers, The (1977) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $4
Reservoir Dogs (1992) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $5
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) (MA/HD) $2.25
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) (MA/HD) $4.25
Revenant, The (2015) (MA/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) $3.75
Rhythm Section (2020) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Ricki And The Flash (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
Riddick Collection 1-3 (Unrated) (MA/HD) $13.50
Ride Along 1-2 (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $5 $2.75 Each
Rings (2017) (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Rio 2 (2014) (MA/HD) $2
Rise of the Guardians (2012) (MA/HD) $3
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2010) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $5.75
Risen (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
Robin Hood (Animated) (1973) (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.75
Rock Dog (2016) (Vudu/HD) $4
Roman J. Israel, Esq. (2017) (MA/HD) $3.50
Room (2015) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Rough Night (2017) (MA/HD) $4
Rudy (Director's Cut) (1993) (MA/4K) $6.50
Runner Runner (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Russell Madness (2015) (MA/HD) $3.75
Safe (2012) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.75
Safe House (2012) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Same Kind of Different as Me (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2
Samson (2018) (MA/HD) $3.75
Sausage Party (2016) (MA/HD) $4.75
Savages (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $2.25
Saving Mr. Banks (2013) (MA/HD) $4.25 (GP/HD) $2.50
Scary Movie Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Schindler's List (1993) (MA/HD) $4.50
Scoob (2020) (MA/4K) $3
Scream Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $13.50
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.50
Selma (2015) (Vudu/HD) $2.75 (iTunes/HD) $2.25
Semper Fi (2019) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.25
Serenity (2005) (MA/HD) $3.50
Sex Tape (2014) (MA/HD) $2.75
Shack (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $1.50
Shape of Water (2017) (MA/HD) $3.25
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Sherlock Gnomes (2018) (iTunes/4K) $2.25
Shrek (2001), Madagascar (2005), Home (2015), Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2003), How to Train Your Dragon (2010), Croods (2013), Kung Fu Panda (2008), Boss Baby (2017), Abominable (2019), Trolls (2016) (MA/HD) $16
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $3.75
Silent Night, Deadly Night: 3-Film Collection (1989-1991) (Vudu/HD) $5.50
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) (Vudu/HD) $6
Sing (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.50
Sinister (2012) (Vudu/HD) $3 (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Sixteen Candles (1984) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $4.25
Skyscraper (2018) (MA/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $1.75
Sleepy Hollow (1999) (Vudu/4K) (iTunes/4K) $6.75
Smokey and the Bandit (1977) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $4.50
Smurfs 2 (2013) (MA/HD) $3
Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017) (MA/HD) $3
Snow White and the Huntsman (Extended) (2012) (iTunes/4K) $3.25 (MA/HD) $2.25
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs (1937) (MA/HD) $6 (GP/HD) $3.75
Snowden (2016) (MA/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/HD) $4
Snowman (2017) (MA/HD) $2.75
Son of God (2014) (MA/HD) $1.50
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) (Vudu/4K) $6.25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4
Soul (2020) (MA/4K) $6 (MA/HD) $3.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
Space Between Us, The (2017) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Spider-Man Collection 1-8 (MA/HD) $26
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) (MA/4K) $6.25 (MA/HD) $3.50
Spirit Untamed: The Movie (2021) (MA/HD) $5.25
Stand Up Guys (2012) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Star Trek Beyond (2016) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Star Trek Collection 1-3 (Vudu/HD) $9.50 (iTunes/4K) $13.50
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Still Alice (2015) (MA/HD) $3.25
Stillwater (2021) (MA/HD) $4.75
Stoker (2013) (MA/HD) $4.50
Straight Outta Compton (Unrated Director’s Cut) (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Stronger (2017) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4.50
Stuber (2019) (MA/HD) $5.25
Suburbicon (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.25
Suffragette (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3
Super Troopers (2002) (MA/HD) $5.50
SW: A New Hope (1977) (MA/4K) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Empire Strikes Back (1980) (MA/4K) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
SW: Rise of Skywalker (2019) (MA/4K) $6 (iTunes/4K) $4.75 (GP/HD) $2.25
SW: Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) (iTunes/4K) $5 (GP/HD) $3.50
Sword in the Stone (1963) (MA/HD) $5.75 (GP/HD) $3.25
T2 Trainspotting (2017) (MA/HD) $7
Tangled (2010) (MA/HD) $4.75 (GP/HD) $3.50
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3
Terminator: Genisys (2015) (Vudu/4K) $7 (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $3
Think Like a Man (2012) & Too (2014) (MA/HD) $8.50
Thor (2011) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $7 (GP/HD) $3.50
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017) (MA/HD) $3.50
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.75
TMNT Out of the Shadows (2016) (iTunes/4K) $4
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) (MA/4K) $5.75 (iTunes/4K) $4.50
Tomorrowland (2015) (MA/HD) $5.50 (GP/HD) $3.50
Top Five (2014) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
Top Gun (1986) (Vudu/4K) $4.50 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Total Recall (1990) (Vudu/4K) $5 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Total Recall + Extended (2012) (MA/HD) $4.75
Toy Story 1-4 (MA/4K) $23 (iTunes/4K) $21 (GP/HD) $11.50
Trading Places (1983) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Trainwreck (2015) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $1.50
Transformers 1-5 (Vudu/4K) $25 (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $23
Transformers: Last Knight (2017) (Vudu/4K) $4.25 (iTunes/4K) $2 (Vudu/HD) $1.75
Trauma Center (2019) (iTunes/4K) $3.25
Trolls (2016) (MA/HD) $1.25
Trolls Collection 1-2 (MA/HD) $5.75
Tully (2018) (MA/HD) $5
Turbo (2013) (MA/HD) $2.50 (iTunes/SD) $1
Turning, The (2020) (MA/HD) $5.25
Uncle Drew (2018) (Vudu/4K) $6 (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3
Uncut Gems (2019) (Vudu/HD) $4.25
Under the Skin (2014) (Vudu/HD) $4.75
Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) (MA/HD) $2.25
Unhinged (2020) (Vudu/HD) $4.50
Up in Smoke ‘Cheech and Chong’ (1978) (iTunes/HD) $2.75
Us (2019) (MA/HD) $4.75
Usual Suspects, The (1995) (Vudu/HD) $6
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) (Vudu/HD) $3.75
Venom (2005) (Vudu/HD) (iTunes/HD) $4
Vertigo (1958) (MA/HD) $4.75
Vice (2015) 'Bruce Willis' (Vudu/HD) $2.50
Visit (2015) (MA/HD) $4.50
Vivo (2021) (MA/HD) $4
Vow, The (2012) (MA/HD) $3.25
Walk, The (2015) (MA/HD) $4.25
Walking with Dinosaurs (2013) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $2.50
Warcraft (2016) (MA/4K) $4.50 (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2.25
Watch, The (2012) (MA/HD) $4
What Men Want (2019) (Vudu/HD) $1.75 (iTunes/4K) $1.25
When the Bough Breaks (2016) (MA/HD) $4.50
White House Down (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Why Him? (2016) (iTunes/4K) (MA/HD) $2
Widows (2018) (MA/4K) $6.50 (MA/HD) $2
Wild Card (2015) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Witch, The (2016) (Vudu/HD) $3.50
Wolverine (Unrated) (2013) (MA/HD) $3.25
Woman in Gold (2015) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Wonder (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $2.75
Wonder Park (2019) (Vudu/HD) $3.50 (iTunes/4K) $2.25
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (2019) (MA/HD) $2.75
Won't Back Down (2012) (MA/HD) $4
Woodlawn (2015) (MA/HD) (iTunes/HD) $3.50
World War Z (2013) (Vudu/HD) $3.25 (iTunes/4K) $4.50
Wraith, The (1986) (Vudu/HD) $5
X (2022) (Vudu/HD) $6.50
X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (MA/HD) $12
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) (MA/HD) $6
X-Men: First Class (2010), Days of Future Past (2004), Apocalypse (2014) (MA/HD) $10.50
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (2017) (iTunes/4K) (Vudu/HD) $1.25
Yesterday (2019) (MA/4K) $7 (MA/HD) $4.75
Zero Dark Thirty (2012) (MA/HD) $2.75
Zookeeper's Wife, The (2017) (iTunes/HD) Ports to MA $3.75
Zootopia (2016) (MA/4K) $7.25 (iTunes/4K) $5 (MA/HD) $4.50 (GP/HD) $3.25
submitted by wtfwafflezor to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:35 nabaush Anyone else get injured after getting a dog?

We got our boy in January. He’s now 7ish months old. Our activity level has dramatically increased after getting him and as a result, we have gotten injured at a higher rate than ever including our puppy. Anyone else experienced this? Seems like a less talked about thing in puppy parenthood. Just writing here for puppy parents to commiserate with :) it’s pretty odd because we get just injured enough. It’s not too small to be of no consequence and luckily it’s not too serious to be very worrisome.
Our injuries this week: 1) dogs body slammed my wife causing her to fall and twist her ankle bad enough to get crutches 2) rope burn on my ankle that’s bad enough to be on antibiotics for 7 days 3) puppy hit his head on a bench and scratched the area above and below his eye (luckily no damage to the eye) 4) puppy ran and twisted his paw in a shallow hole in a park lawn. Caused him to yelp out in pain for 15 seconds but all was ok
submitted by nabaush to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:33 Glacialfury [WP] You we’re tasked with delivering a letter to an elf in a faraway land. When you finally find them and they read the letter, they immediately start breaking down.

The Letter With the Silver Seal
Hooves drummed on the hard-packed dirt of the road.
The rider’s cloak streamed back in the wind of his running, and dust rose in his wake.
After months of searching, riding town to town, dawn to dusk, Finn finally had a lead on the wayward elf. The letter rested in his satchel, slung diagonally from shoulder to waist under his travel cloak. It was wrapped in oilcloth and sealed with silver wax bearing the intricate sigil of House Fyndrael. The letter was urgent, make haste, Lord Brynwell had said. And Finn had rode like a madman ever since.
People flashed past in both directions, the occasional ox-drawn cart or a courier on horseback kicking up dust in their haste. Some cursed his breakneck speed, turning to shake fists. Finn just grinned and spurred his horse faster. The road curved ahead through a thicket of trees and wound off into the countryside like a dusty ribbon dotted intermittently with the dark shapes of carts, wagons, and riders.
In the distance, the faint, cloudy silhouette of Suncrest Hold beckoned him. Almost there. A few more hours, he would put the letter in the elf’s hand and be on his way. A smile split his dusty face, and he leaned low over Dett’s neck, urging the horse on, eager to be quit of this mission and on his way back to Kaelos and all the comforts the sprawling mountain city had to offer. Wine and dancing, dicing and women, taverns and inns and brothels enough to drown a man in pleasures, that’s what waited in Kaelos. But first, he had to deliver the letter.
“Alright, Dett, show us your heart,” Finn put his face against the horse’s neck and the wind snagged his hood away, streaming his long honey-kissed hair out behind. “A few more miles, and you can rest. All the oats and water you can stomach.”
Trees flashed past. Dogs barked sharp challenges, then fell away. Dett thought this was a race, strained to go faster, legs and neck stretched out, mane and tail whipping in the wind. A group of caravaners cursed him as he thundered past. Finn laughed, called back his apologies and raced on, laying about with his reins.
Hours passed, the road transitioned from hard-packed dirt to the dark gray of flagstones and traffic deepened. Suncrest Hold rose before him in all its gray glory; slate-roofed towers and spires reached for the sky behind the silver-gray teeth of battlements. People, carts, farmers with wagons, merchants, and caravans crowded the road. Finn slowed Dett to a trot, skillfully weaving through the crowd with the desperate urgency only a man months gone from home could muster. He was ready to see this mission done.
He passed under an arched portcullis and came abreast of the guard house on the other side.
Soldiers in steel ring mail worn under red tabards slashed with black and embroidered with the royal coat of arms waved him through when they saw the silver glint of a courier’s badge pinned on his leather tunic.
“Make way,” they growled at the crowd, shouldering into the people and shoving them aside so Finn could pass. “Make way for a courier. Move it, you country kelps!”
People grumbled and cast dark looks Finn’s way, but they moved. None wanted to be the one who delayed a royal courier.
A figure in polished platemail worn under her tabard, and the transverse crested helm of an officer, stepped out of the guard house. Finn brought Dett to a halt.
The officer approached.
“May the sun favor your roads,” she greeted. Finn noticed the four golden knots of a captain embroidered on her tabard’s left breast. “May I offer the courier an escort?”
Finn’s mind went blank. This lady wasn’t just pretty for a guardswoman; she was unbelievably striking by any standard across the land. Breathtaking. He wanted to get off his horse and propose marriage on the spot. Heat began to rise in his cheeks, and he covered it by bowing in his saddle and giving his cloak a little flourish. A thick layer of dust broke free and danced around him.
“Gracious of you, my lady,” he said, cuffing his brow. “I am looking for an elf named Aberiel. I was told I could find him here in Suncrest Hold. Heard of him?”
“Captain Aurelume,” she said, looking off down the main road at all the buildings and structures crowding up to the walks. “Not My Lady. I'm not noble blood. Aberiel, you say?”
Finn gave a nod and patted Dett’s neck to calm the restless horse.
“Can you describe this man?”
Finn dug into his saddle and drew out a piece of parchment enchanted with the elf’s likeness. He handed it to the captain. She studied the portrait.
One of the other guards came up and peered over her shoulder, his face crisscrossed with old scars inside his open-faced helmet. “Damn, looks like the one what got back-knifed over dice a few nights gone. Remember? Almost died and the Count was all in a fury. Had us knocking down doors and cracking heads for three nights til we got the ones what did it. Darkhand gang, it was.”
Captain Aurelume studied the picture, her lips pursed. Her eyes were cerulean jewels dancing with sparks of sunlight.
She drummed a gauntleted finger on her sword hilt, and the sun glinted off her pauldrons. “Yes,” she said after several moments. “I remember him. Young and reckless, fair hand with the ladies, I’m told.” She glanced at her guard. “Which I suspect is the true reason for the knife in the back. Men have killed for far less.”
The guard shrugged, and his ringmail made soft clinking sounds. “Only said what I was told, Captain. Dice, they said it was.”
The captain returned her attention to Finn.
She returned the picture. “Try the Medi toward the center of the city. Beside the Basilica.” She nodded at the guard beside her. “Harker will show you the way. Good luck.” She turned and disappeared back into the guardhouse.
Harker came up beside Finn. “Alright then,” he grumbled, obviously irritated with having to play babysitter. “This way.”
Finn followed him down long streets that turned and twisted through the city. Every few seconds, he would holler for the crowd to give way to a courier. After a time, they came to a sprawling structure of soaring turrets, tiled roofs, tall arches, and windows filled with ornate traceries and colorful glass. A central dome gleamed silver in the sun.
“The Medi,” he said, and without so much as a by your leave, turned sharply on his heel and waded back into the crowd.
Finn eased Dett over to a tie post on the side of the road and swung out of the saddle, his legs filled with a deep ache from months on the road. He took a moment to stretch and stamp his feet before climbing the marble steps to the fluted columns flanking a set of tall doors rounded at the top and standing open to the public.
Inside, it was dark and subdued; carpet in blue and silver with fancy tassels flowed down the corridors. Tapestries hung the walls and the air smelled of herbs and incense. After getting directions from one of the healers, he stood at the entrance to a private room.
The door stood open, and a gentle breeze whispered through tall, arched windows. The room was small, modestly appointed with bookshelves on the walls and a small brazier across from a four-post bed on which lounged a figure wrapped around the midsection with clean bandages.
Finn knocked on the door frame and stepped inside. The elf on the bed stirred from his reading and set the book aside, fastening his eyes on the visitor. “Who are you?”
Finn approached the bed and gave a slight bow. “Finnton, my lord,” he said, digging into his satchel. “You are Aberiel of House Fyndrael?”
The elf’s eyes hardened with suspicion. His hand slipped under the sheet covering him to the waist. “Who sent you? What is this?”
“I was dispatched from Kaelos five months ago, my lord,” Finn produced the letter. The elf’s eyes locked on the silver seal, and the coiled readiness in his posture melted away. “That is my house seal. Give it to me.” The elf snatched the letter from Finn’s hand, gave the seal a cursory inspection, and broke it off with his thumbnail. His eyes moved over the words. He stopped at one point, drew in a deep, ragged breath, and glanced at the ceiling before continuing.
A single tear broke free from one of Aberiel Fyndrael’s lavender eyes.
The hand holding the letter slowly sank into his lap. Another tear streaked his cheek. Redness gathered in his eyes, across his face. “They have found her,” he said. His voice was a quavering whisper. “She…” he broke off with a sob. “She…I can’t believe it…she…”
Whatever the elf was going to say, Finn would never know. The words were drowned in anguished cries.
Finn turned to go, but thought he caught a glimpse of a smile breaking through the elf’s tears. Was Aberiel smiling? Finn couldn’t tell and it would be rude to stay. Whether tears of sorrow or joy, he would never know. Nor did he care.
“Good day, my lord.”
He left the elf lordling to his letter and his tears and silently wished him all the best. It was time to see to Dett and lodging for the night. A hot bath to wash away the dust of the road and a hearty meal to fill his belly, that was what he required. Then sleep. Dawn came early this time of year and he wanted to be on the road with the first rays of sunlight.
He stepped out of the Medi and took Dett’s reins in his hand. Music drifted to his ear from a lively tavern down the street. The sounds of raucous laughter and a dozen conversations sang in the air.
A grin crept onto his face.
A bath, a meal and maybe just one game of dice before he found his bed. He turned toward the tavern.
A man had needs.
submitted by Glacialfury to Glacialwrites [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:18 Chaos-Spectre Mom had a stroke less than 72 hours ago. I could use advice

My mom (55) had a stroke Sunday night, multiple strokes according to the doctor. They impacted the left hemisphere of her brain and were caused by a clot in the aorta. She currently has some level of control over all her limbs, but shows clear weakness in her right leg and especially her right arm, which she has almost no control over. Her speech is impacted and she can't form words, but she can relay ton and seems to be able to respond and understand what is said to her for the most part. She is currently on a heparin drip and hoping there is no need for surgery, thus far everything is looking good, but its only been about 48 hours.
I am her eldest son (31). I have disabilities of my own, physical ones impact me harder than the mental ones do, but it keeps ringing in my head that I'm not the best choice to tackle everything that needs to get done for her. Unfortunately, I am the best choice in this situation, as my brother has autism that limits his ability to understand the situation and make choice. My grandmother is due for back surgery any day, and the only other person close enough is my Uncle, whose kid graduated high school this like past week or so and they had plans to do some traveling before college. My mom would be pissed if they cancelled their plans for her, so we all agree that I am the best option to take care of her right now, or at least make whatever touch decisions I have to for her care.
I live in MO, and she lives in TN. Currently I am not out there as I had to figure things out for watching my cat while I'm gone, as well as pack enough to prepare to be there for a bit, but I will be heading there tomorrow morning with my dog. My partner is currently out of state at a wedding, but she will be flying in to Nashville so I can pick her up and she can help me with everything. Last bit of important information is that my mom has 3 dogs that she lives alone with and mean a lot to her, and a friend of hers is watching them right now until I get there.
Everything I've read, both on this subreddit and elsewhere, has indicated to me that it is both too early to tell what will happen, but also that everything is looking better than expected. The nurse told me this morning that my mom is able to sort of form words that are hard to understand, which is a large step up from groans with tone differentiation. I'm incredibly anxious about what might happen next, and incredibly anxious about how to handle stuff like the dogs and her finances. I want to be there for her, but my partner and I were in the middle of preparing to move out of state and uncertain if we can put those plans on the backburner while this all happens.
Her finances will probably not be that bad. Once I get there, I can figure out what her bills are and who to contact to figure out what her benefits are and get them started. My grandmother is gonna support us financially in the case that we need it for anything, which she fortunately has the ability to do. The dogs are the part I know the least about what to do, mostly because they are not the best trained and no one I know currently would be willing to take them in while she recovers. I also don't know if she will recover enough to be able to take care of the dogs herself, which I know will break her heart and really hope it doesn't come to that.
I know that theres a chance she ends up in a nursing home or something for continued care, which I think is the best option for her recovery should it be needed. Otherwise, theres a chance that I might need to be the person to take care of her, and I don't think I can do that in the long term. I know she would be pissed as well if she knew that I was putting my life on hold for this situation.
I know it is early, but my stomach is in a knot with anxiety, my mind is racing, and the only solace I tend to get is when I solve whatever the next thing is with regards to her care. Tomorrow will be a long day with a long drive, but at least I'll finally be able to see her and remind her that she isn't alone. She is one of the strongest people I know, even seeing her current recovery speed blows my mind and surprised the nurse, and part of me fully believes that she will end up fully recovering. But I also know that can take months, years even, and I know that we are still early and the progress she has already made might be the only progress she makes.
I guess the advice I need is just what to do for the future with this. What to expect, what I can do now to prepare, and how I can best help her without burning myself into the ground? I don't want to destroy myself for this, because that doesn't help either of us, but I also feel the need to do everything I can to make sure she is ok. I think the dogs are the top priority right now, trying to make sure that my mom doesn't have to worry about losing her dogs will bring her a lot of peace right now. Everything else is kinda just talking to insurance, her job, and the case manager to find out what to do next, but I know that if enough time elapses then her house (which she rents) and her stuff might need to be managed in some way. I feel woefully underqualified and woefully limited due to my disabilities to be able to manage all of this, but I also know that if I don't, no one will and the results will be far worse for her, which I won't stand for. I don't know what the future looks like right now, and I'm scared of nearly every result because I'm scared that I might not be able to do enough to help.
submitted by Chaos-Spectre to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:15 Signal-Complex7446 Please Help!

Please help with feedback. If I have mis-posted I apologize. I am searching where to put this.
This is embarrassing. Embarrassment is part of my illness. I am working to overcome. This is an exercise in trust and I feel embarrassed even writing. Lowering my pride:
My brother, six years older, is a psychopath, narcissist, and has Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD).
We have no other siblings.
Well needless to say growing was not right for me to say the least.
I started off very good in 1967. I was an intelligent, handsome and healthy American boy.
Until the day my dad passed in 2023 we had the healthiest fatheson best friend work associate relationship possible. My dad saw my great potential and had great working plans for me which were I always agreed with. He was not there but set me on a path. It was working. He believed in freedom. He served in the US Navy in Korea from 1951-1954. All wartime. He was my hero. RIP dad.
My mom is alive and completely brain washed by my brother, afraid of my brother and afraid of my interaction with my brother. She says I need acceptance. She has never said this until recently. She wants me to have peace and she only knows maybe 1/10 of what he did to me (maybe) and no apparent concept of how it has affected me my entire life. I am in therapy but my sessions are once a week for 1 hour. I am working on doubling this. I like my therapist. I am telling him things I have told a soul in 50 years.
My mom is in denial and feels guilty and at fault. I told her blame is not an option. I do not blame her for anything. It is difficult for me to even hear her voice and she is not getting any younger. Neither am I.
So it is very difficult for me to speak to her about anything. She is living in assisted living facility roughly 20 minutes away. She learned how to gaslight and manipulate me from my brother and doesn't even realize she is doing it. She does not validate my feelings at all. I do not pressure about this. I leave my 86 year old mother to her TV and her new found friends where she is living.
I have been in and out of mental hospitals for years. I have been where I am today remember this shit many times before and have not been at level of peace in 50 years.
A military school would have been ideal for me and preferred. I guess it could not be afforded and my mom didn't want to part with me.
I am taking a different route this time. Facing this daily until I feel I have come to resolutions. My brain is not capable of making decisions right now also my anger does not allow for a lot of fun or free thought. Sometimes this anger freezes up my entire body. I refuse to take meds they damaged my body. No way. Natural or not at all.
I am in the process of reviewing all of my mental heath records (they have been requested) and am planning to sue anyone my dad shelled big bucks to get me right.
I want to have zero contact with my brother. I want to make sure the girl friend / wife of mine he got accused of sexually assaulting is ok.
I want to get in a position where I can help people. There is nothing I cannot solve. I am writing this to accelerate the process of a cure for myself.
I would have been a GREAT surgeon or soldier or defense lawyer instead I am on disability and legally insane. This is okay that I am on a different path than my dad and I planned when was very young. I will turn this negative into a positive and complete my life's work based on my life experience.
There is more to this. I find if the post is too long people may not read it and I need it read. Any feedback would be nice. Please be gentle but real. I am real and this is real.
I want off social security permanent disability (behavioral health). When my mom dies there is a will. There will enough for me to do this. I'm in their final will but my brother is the executor. Fuck special needs trusts. I will not give money a lawyer ever to write one. I don't want assets but I am finding I probably will have to go this route.
I am currently living in a condo with my emotional rescue dog paid in full from my dad's life insurance which he took out in 1964 purchased by mom in her name. I pay all my bills with SSDI payments.
To this day I let my brother and mother ruin my life. My mother not as much. I am getting over her denial, brain washed mind, gaslighting, insults, lack of patience and lack of explaining anything to me my entire life (I called this a non-present neglectful mother previously).
I am coming back ~ stronger than ever. I will not lay down and fully surrender. I may compromise and accept for my sanity. My dad will know I completed my cure when we are reunited in heaven. He couldn't solve this. He was considered a genius. He almost caved close to his death. Its something I must do. I am not getting any younger.
I am blessed with the concept of curing my mental illness and feeling better and more at peace. This new path has become my goal. I am looking at this as possible and attainable with enough time to continue to give back.
submitted by Signal-Complex7446 to autism [link] [comments]