Vomiting diarrehea before fever swine flu

GI issues lasting for 5+ days at this point

2024.05.28 20:24 bluestargreentree GI issues lasting for 5+ days at this point

36yo white male, 75", 235 lbs. No medications. Past history of appendicitis (appendectomy 9 years ago), but otherwise no relevant issues in this department in my past.
Since Saturday morning I've had an upset stomach; mostly feels like a buildup of gas, but with little relief since the onset of symptoms. Appetite has been pretty much nil. I've eaten the equivalent of one meal a day since Saturday, always feel awful after eating. Trying to keep up with fluids; mostly feel fine after drinking fluids. Pressure feels built up in the lower abdomen.
I usually have 3-4 BM's per day but we're down to two in the last 5 days. Stool softeners daily since Sunday. I've figured that once I had a BM my symptoms would clear up quickly but that hasn't been the case. Have felt like vomiting a few times but haven't actually vomited (2-3 times I had a rush of saliva out of nowhere that I often get before vomiting).
Significant fatigue since this started. I was taking 3 naps a day over the weekend. Now back to work so I'm pushing though the workday but it's tough. Bedtime has been earlier as well.
No temp/fever. Some headaches, possibly related to trying to BM (straining) and/or vomit. Advil helps with all symptoms except fatigue.
I'm guessing it's just a case of constipation/gas buildup but I'm wondering at what point I should see a doctor because this is extremely frustrating to live with.
submitted by bluestargreentree to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:52 irascibly_ Why does cephalexin make me feel like shit?

So I (24f) recently got prescribed cephalexin 500mg for a seroma (fluid buildup near an incision site — I had fusion surgery on my spine a month ago) and I have to take it twice daily for seven days.
My only issue is that it makes me feel like shit. I don’t really know how to describe it but all I want to do is sleep to avoid the off feeling it gives me.
I can say that it kind of feels like I’m developing a cold or flu, especially before taking the second dose at night. I shake and feel cold or heat easier than normal and just feel all around sickly, but I don’t have a fever or cough or runny nose or any other symptoms of the flu or common cold.
Is this normal? Has anyone else had this experience with cephalexin? Could it just be the infection that’s making me feel like shit?
Any advice would be much appreciated
submitted by irascibly_ to Antibiotics [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:59 saint-mum 34w pregnant & septic shock

Just wanted to share my story here as I still digest it and everything that happened in case it resonates with anyone else’s story!
This February, at 34 weeks pregnant, I started feeling sick to my stomach with a fever, vomiting/dry heaving, and body aches. I didn’t have an appetite to eat solid foods, but was managing to get down drinks and smoothies. I was so tired all I did was sleep all day between getting sick to the point I had my husband bringing me drinks. My blood pressure was normal, but thinking back I had high blood pressure through my pregnancy so it was weird that it was normal/lower at the time.
The next morning I had stopped vomiting but now my over 103 fever had stopped going down with Tylenol and I started having extreme pain in my upper back and shoulder. I called my OB office at 8am and told the nurses desk my concerns and asked if I should go to the ER. She consulted a doctor and called me back but I felt so horrible I had my husband answer and they told me to just keep staying hydrated and taking Tylenol and try to see my PCP that day. My PCP is virtual so I didn’t get an appointment in person that day and stayed in bed. By 9pm my whole back was in pain and I couldn’t get comfortable to even just lay in bed so we decided it was time to head to the ER.
After lots of antibiotics and labs, my lactate level was now creeping up above 5 (it eventually made it up to almost 7!!) so they knew I was septic. I tested negative for RSV, flu and COVID, but they never tested for strep which I ended up having. In addition to that, I started going into labor like my body knew something horrible was happening. They decided to put me completely under for an emergency c section so I was rolled off to the OR. The last thing I remembered was the anesthesia kicking in and falling asleep.
Fast forward to ~10 days later when I started to wake up on a ventilator in the MICU. Apparently they tried to extubate me after my c section but my blood pressure wouldn’t stay up so the call was made to intubate and send to MICU. In that time, both of my lungs collapsed and filled with fluids both inside and out. By the time I woke up, one of the chest tubes I had was removed already but I still had a tube in my right side. Part of my heart had started failing so I had cardiomyopathy as well as being tachycardic with ECMO on stand by.
During that time I also had something happen with one of the lines in my arm so I also woke up with a massive wound on one of my arms that will definitely leave a big scar. I was sent home after 21 days total, 15 on the ventilator, and with a PICC line in my arm for anitbiotics and having to use a walker from all of the muscle loss I had.
Somehow, baby Boy was spared from the strep I ended up having, pneumonia, and sepsis and spent 26 days in the NICU just getting strong and ready for me to be strong enough for him to come home.
I’m so grateful for the medical teams that took such great care of my baby and I. Now it’s just cardiologist follow ups, CT scans, therapy, and lots of digesting still what we went through. I still have a long road ahead of me, but I hope that’s the hardest thing I’ll face for a long time.
submitted by saint-mum to sepsis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:27 Own-Arrival7527 I can't stand my boyfriend's best friend

first of all excuse me formatting as I'm on the phone, and english is not my first language.
For the sake of clarity the ones involved in this story are me (26f), my boyfriend S (28m) and his best friend J (25m)
So we all met each other a few weeks apart but around the same time, I met my boyfriend through a group of common friends but we didn't talk much right away, and I met J a while after through classes, S and J met a few weeks before at work.
After 3 months of knowing J I did develop a bit of a crush on him and talked to him about it, he nicely turned me down but said we could still be friends.
Eventually J got into the same friend group S and I were in, and finally seeing them interact with each other it was obvious they were together or had a huge crush on each other, I asked J about it and I that's why it didn't happened for us but he said it wasn't the case, he wasn't gay just not interested in a relationship at the moment, it took time but I slowly got over it.
About a year later S and I got closer and started to spend a lot of time together, which led to hooking up and then officially getting together, tho we didn't tell anyone for 2 months. When we finally decided to come out to our friend group everyone was happy for us except J who didn't say much and left earlier that night, the next day I woke up to messages of him cursing me up and down about how could I do that to him, that I betrayed him and after a long rant that he'll just wait for us to break up, of course I messaged S right away and he also had gotten messages of J saying he loved him like I never could, they knee each other for longer and they were meant to be.
Not surprisingly my friendship with J was ruined and he also left our friend group, the problem is him and S still friends and I can't stand it, we'll be together for 3 years soon, they hang out often and I know S would never do anything since the whole J breakdown so soon after we got together we had to be very open and talk a lot about our plans and priorities which got us to me much closer. I've asked S to stop hanging out with J and he tried multiple times but he will literally get sick with it, physically sick, fever, vomiting, with no apparent reason and I goes away right after they start talking again, I know he's not faking because recently we moved together and I wasn't comfortable with having J at our place, but caved in since I'd rather be close to see what they're doing which 90% is playing video games.
But something about watching them, the way they look at each other, their inside jokes the intimacy, anyone could see they're seriously in love, I've asked S about it and he said when they first met he also had a bit of a crush on J (S is bi) and J shut it down like he did to me.
I don't know if it was a lack os experience on J's part or if he was scared of relationships but I hate it, I hate having him close, I hate the way they are with each other and I don't know what else to do about it, either I stay with S and have to put up with J or I guess we break up which I don't want to, but it feels like him keeping contact with J is a deal breaker for me just like having to cut contact with J is a deal breaker for him.
submitted by Own-Arrival7527 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:52 teatreeteas First Outbreak questions

Hi there ya’ll. On Day 5 after learning of my genital HSV-1 diagnosis, probably day 6-7 since the start of my outbreak. I have some questions of timeline/intensity/symptoms of outbreak. For reference, I’m going to put a timeline of my symptoms.
2 weeks ago: I got a really bad sore throat - thought nothing of it. Was a little run down, and just pushed it aside. Lasted a week.
Last weekend: Had sex with partner, noticed sex was a bit painful and had a difficult time getting wet.
Tuesday of last week (7 Days ago): Still had a bit of a sore throat, swollen tonsils, but also started noticing BV or yeast symptoms. Also noticed a pain down there - thought it was just a tear from dry/rough sex (assuming that this was Day 1 of outbreak).
Wednesday: Woke up with a 103 fever, chills, night sweats, sore throat again, flu symptoms. Went to urgent care and was tested for strep and tested positive. Started taking amoxicillin.
Thursday: Same symptoms as day before: More fevers and flu symptoms. More pain in genital region, noticed swollen groin lymph nodes and what I thought was razor burn down there. Original “tear” felt worse.
Friday: Went and got tested at clinic for HSV, tested positive. Doc had to pop/open all of the lesions I had down there and that hurt a ton, I think may have restarted healing process. Started taking Valacyclovir and Lysine.
Over the weekend, sores hurt more than they did before I got tested, leaking a lot of discharge (which might be from internal lesions) and they burn when I pee.
It is now Tuesday the following week and I still have funky discharge, literally leaking and it ITCHES like crazy down there. It’s still painful too, I think in maybe more spots than it started.
So questions: - Does the itching mean the sores are healing/scabbing over? - It seems I’m on Day 7 of outbreak, Day 4 of valacyclovir, how much longer can I expect this to last pain/itch wise? - Are there any ways to speed up process besides what I’ve been doing? - How careful do I need to be when showering/wiping/etc? I have been obsessively watching my hands every time I wash down there, and use a separate towel to dry down there each time I shower. Will sores spread just from the lesion discharge alone or is it just the bumps I need to worry about when touching?
Thank you in advance guys ❤️ This community has been awesome this past couple of days.
submitted by teatreeteas to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:04 ilikebroccolis Why is it a problem to call sick at commission salon

i don’t call out much & i go to work with a cold very often. when i’m actually sick (fever or stomach flu) it stresses me out. i tell my employer exactly what’s going on when i do call out because i don’t want them to think i’m lying or lazy. if i’m very busy, i try and get my fever or illness under control before i go in, but if i’ve got 1 person on the book who i know, i call off. (i’m 20-25 min away from work) does anyone experience stress and/or get given a hard time calling out?
submitted by ilikebroccolis to hairstylist [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:04 Rich_Flatworm6362 19f and I really want a child

Hi reddit! Im looking for advice over here because I feel unsure how to move on witg my life rn. Im not suicidal, but I feel like my life is pointless atm (schools unfulfilling, relationships unfulfilling, etc.) and I want some advice that may help me snap out of this baby fever haze. I can say that ever since I was pretty young Ive wanted to be a mother, Im talking ever since I could choose a profession in elementary I said I wanted to be a mother. The temptation to become a teen mom in highschool was really bad, but I was jumping bf to bf and had no real job. My child development class only made my then baby fever worse, because understanding more about them made me want them more, even the robot baby couldnt stop me as I was obsessed with her (absolutely 0 issues taking care of her, it was a joy). Now Im 19 and I still feel that hole in my heart to want a child, it is terrible! I constantly find myself smiling at little kids (cheesy ik) and wanting to care for a little creature that came from me. I always feel like its basically a missing part of me and I feel really stuck. Heres my dilemma: I really REALLY want children. Ive cared for children before and I can say that I absolutely enjoy every part of it, from the vomitting and pooping to watching them reach new milestones, every part of having a child to me sounds absolutely beautiful and it feels like I will have an actual purpose in life. I am currently studying in college and working, so I wouldnt say my schedule is too forgiving, but if there is one thing I cant handle it is coming home to my baby after a long day. Maybe its my mental issues talking here, but I feel the need to care for a child of my own and takibg care of pets (of which I have many) doesnt feel as fufilling. Ig my question to parents here is what made you decide to have children whenever you had them? alternatively im curious if anyone has any opinions on my stance atm (whether or not id be ready) because Im always told im too young but I see no other purpose in my life. Ill answer questions and respond to comments as they come!
submitted by Rich_Flatworm6362 to Parents [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:39 Thias_Thias "Still alive!": solo selffound mercless completionist HC meleesorc diary. Day 6.

Link to first chapter (also contains the rules and restrictions for this challenge).
Link to previous chapter

Hello, boys and girls. :-)
It's time to be the one getting knocked around for a change: we're going to investigate the Claw Viper Temple. Looking for shinys!...but no, we shouldn't view our opponents simply as mobile loot containers, it will be our downfall! By the way: a commenter had suggested that we should call our protagonist by her name. After all, she's the one doing all the work, the least we can do is adress her properly. So it shall be, Gertrud the Mighty, our beloved clobberess, schmacker of...schmocks, long may you live!
Pleased with that sign of respect, Gertrud enters the temple, 'Steel' Flail ready to bash some heads in, make some fearful Salamanders peel their skin prematurely.
It feels so nice to have Teleport. As annoying as Guardians are, reviving those pesky skeletons, you can just port on top of and then schmack them. The one advantage a meleesorc has over ordinary fighters. And whatever grief I had towards block lock is now gone, you *really* start to appreciate block when face to face with charging Claw Vipers. There's one champion pack that contains a Berserker (I am *not* making a screenshot of that, sorry :D). Its charge doesn't overcome our 64% block chance, and we never get to see how much damage it would have done, so sad. Gertrud then stumbles over a Fire Shrine. She clears the monsters in the vicinity, then pops the shrine. You know why? Guess what you don't want to accidentally click on while in a stressful dance with monsters. :D
Now down to lvl 2. The real challenge, 'Fangskin' awaits. But let's be serious: while she is a bit dangerous, her modifiers 'Extra Fast' and 'Lightning Enchanted' being mounted on a natural kickboxer chassis: even with our pitiful 15% lightres there shouldn't have been any deadly threat, not with almost maxblock. And you *know* what waits down there, you're *ready*. With 2 of her minions already having charged us solo as well, removing their potential threat in the process, I'm already thinking about how to insult her in the diary.
But boy was I wrong, I got outsmarted by the 25 year old monster AI like I haven't been in a long time (in Nightmare difficulty I would be dead now). Baited, my weaknesses in this game mercilessly preyed upon by 'Fangskin the Manipulator' (apparently). You see, I really don't like revivers in this game, Guardians in our situation. Those 2 early sacrifices from her minons? Pure bait, making me let my guard down. Oh look, there's a Guardian, just one (yeah, the one I can see at the moment...). Let's kill him quickly, then dispose of the rabble, and then the rest of the Claw Vipers. I need like 5 hits. One, two, three...then the pack arrives, with great haste...four...come on, just one more hit, and the Guardian dies. I start blocking...a *lot* now. Suddenly it dawns on me: it's a trap! Forget the Guardian, get out of here! The instinct to run away kicks in, but I fight it: another weakness of mine is that, even though I know it's dumb, I never deactivate auto-running in Diablo 2. I know it's stupid, because it reduces your block chance by a factor of 3, and your defense to zero (and the hit recovery animation is *slower* than block, so you're not exactly "escaping block lock" here...). It's even more stupid on a sorceress who has Teleport anyway, she doesn't even need to run! But I usually just can't be arsed to switch between run and walk, one more button to press, it annoys me. So if I try to run now, it only gets more dangerous, Claw Vipers aren't merely beautiful, they're *stunning*. At this point I'd typically simply leave the game, but in this challenge the rules say "no". So instead I just stand there, blocking, suckling potions, including purple ones btw, patiently waiting for an opening during their onslaught, just holding Teleport. And eventually there is an opening, the block lock recedes for a moment, and I'm gone, safe.
It's the first time in this whole run I'm mentally completely focused: gaze quickly, but precisely alternating between health pool, potential safe spots for Teleport, and possible chase routes of the monsters. Not like that incident in chapter 2 of the diary, the surround situation in the Underground Passage, where I panicked and fat fingered due to mechanical issues. There is no panic here, just realisation of imminent danger, the red of our healthglobe seemingly shining a tiny bit brighter in a successful attempt to emphasize its current importance, the background of the temple reduced from its artistic value to mere grey and cold mathematics: we're not seeing an altar, or the light brown texture design of the ground, only grey and the possible pathways for charging extra fast Claw Vipers after having completed the first long range Teleport to relative safety, the clear distinction between passable and unpassable terrain. Nothing else matters at this moment, the scenery can be beautiful again once we're safely out of here!
Gertrud breathes for a second on level 1...then gets back and schmacks that little shit into oblivion. You did well, Fangskin.
The first situation of complete focus: it's worrying it had to happen so early in this run, but it's also a good, exhilarating feeling. That's why we play hardcore, baby! I'm...I'm awake now. :D
The Palace Cellar is comparatively uneventful, but a nice GC drops, increasing our fireres to approximately 345% now:
At this point we're healing in fire...
We're now halfway through the Arcane Sanctuary, and...guys, I have to quit for now. Remember when I said "I'm awake now", after the Fangskin incident? Well, every adrenaline rush comes at an expense slightly later, and while stumbling through the Arcane Sanctuary, I recognise that I misclick, forget to regularly look at my healthpool, overlook items...I'm sloppy, Gertrud is drunk. On Normal difficulty this isn't the end of the world, random bosses only have one modifier there, how dangerous can they be. And my plan for today included not only the Sanctuary, but the Canyon of the Magi as well, so this is quite a short episode. But when you're not there, you're not there, and then you probably shouldn't play hardcore ;-). Luckily, the Arcane Sanctuary is an area that doesn't have to be cleared completely in one session because of its isolated branches, so I can just leave the rest for another day.
The next day: before clearing the rest of the Arcane Sanctuary, Gertrud gets sent once more to Elzix, gambling a bit. We have no luck with the boots, but our gloves got...well, not an upgrade, but maybe a sidegrade?
Mooooar mf !!!
Look, we don't need the fireres as much right now, 54% is plenty. Also 'Half freeze duration', kinda nice eh? And...meh, who am I kidding, it's about the mf. 57% mf now, wohooo! We can afford it, and it's not dragon fever, absolutely not, no, not a chance *inhales copium*.
The beetles in the Canyon of the Magi support the argument that we should *really* switch into our gambled 25% lightres boots, with electrifying zeal. Yes, maybe we should, 164 hp along with 15% lightres really isn't ideal anymore...But. I. Don't. Want. To. We'd lose 16% mf, we'll be fiiiine. I'll change before Mephisto's at the latest, pinky promise!
Meanwhile, a Hellcat drops an item 'upgrade' that only highlights the sad state of our jewellery, which hadn't gotten a meaningful upgrade since our last gearcheck (jewellery is too expensive to gamble for, for the foreseeable future at least):
This sad ring is actually an upgrade...
It's better than the last ring, that one had 10% poisonres and +3 mindmg. The other one is still that rare 56 ar rare ring we had once retrieved from Bloodraven's corpse in chapter 1! Ouch. I really hope for some rare jewellery in the future. Dragon fever, do something! Why do I have all that mf?! Clearing the canyon takes some time, all the monsters there seem stronger than anticipated: Hellcats hurt and are fast. Those Devourers vomit out little broodlings like noone's business. And damn, those beetles hurt quite a bit. Strange, I wonder why.
I'll finish this part with some beautiful artwork of a destroyed and with time mostly blown over caravan. First time I recognise this thing, despite having been here about 10023 times. Retired Blizzard artwork designer be like "Finally someone recognises my effort, after 25 years...*sniff*."
Greedy merchants probably skimped on lightres, silly geese...
Well, no. That *would* have been the end of the chapter, but Elzix wanted to chime in for a second once more. Gambleboy delivered this, exchanging our original 345% fireres with now 1234% coldres:
Dragon fever intensifies...
Gigantic 7% lightres on top!...also there's that 22% mf, but that had no impact towards my decision to switch the boots, none, zero...
See you guys in the next episode (will be uploaded in 2 days I think). If everything runs smoothly, we should be able to complete Act 2 (there's that wormdude at the end, but what's the worst that could happen...), with another thorough gear- and stats-check of Gertrud being due. Until then. :-)
submitted by Thias_Thias to diablo2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:06 Top_Professional_617 Do you think I can trust this doctor?

Hello, I don't know much about homoeopathy, so sorry if my terminology isn't correct
Also I kept this post in my phone notes for a while waiting for 100 karma and to be approved to post, just for saying :)
Both me and my husband have always been treated with modern medicine, but when our daughter was born 13 months ago and we were assigned a pediatrician who frequently advises to use homoeopathic remedies we were quite happy and interested.
We luckily never had the occasion of treating anything on our daughter until two weeks ago, when she started having simptoms of a bad flu, with fever up to 39° (102F), stuffy nose, cough. It was likely viral so we where happy she was never prescribed an antibiotic, the pediatrician recommended Tylenol and only a few days in, when the baby started having some diarrhoea she advised us:
R4: 1-2 pills per day - Acidum phosphoricum D 6, Chamomilla D 6, Colocynthis D 12, Ferrum phosphoricum D 8, Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D 12, Veratrum album D 12
Vanda 15 : 3 pellets every 30 mins- Aloe D10, Colocinthis D8, Podophyllum peltatum D10, Arsenicum album D8, Veratrum album D8, Chamomilla vulgaris D8 , Nux Vomica D10, Gelsemium sempervirens D10
We first tried R4, 1 pill diluted in a little bit of water. She had a few sips and one hour later she spiked a fever at 40,5° (105F) and projectile vomited. At this point we honestly thought it was most likely the flu doing it's thing, but we suspected it had something to do with the remedy. Because of this the day after we decided to try with the Vanda 15, 3 pellets. After a bit she started being a bit fussy and took a nap. Woke from the nap 1 hour later with again fever at 40,5° and projectile vomit. At this point we started linking the dots and decided to not give her the remedies again. She had nonetheless another episode a few hours later.
During this time I looked a bit on this subreddit and discovered what aggravation was. We also obviously called the pediatrician who told us "oh yeah it can happen", like it was nothing.
Now, my question is. Have we done something wrong?? I am furious with the pediatrician for not instructing us better.
I honestly think I would still give homoeopathy a chance and I'm interested in trying it for myself too, but do you think this pediatrician is knowledgeable enough?
Thank you!
submitted by Top_Professional_617 to homeopathy [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:26 warrior2527 Did mold cause me to feel this way ?

I have had sinus infection since February 2024 I don't have flu nor fever, it started with feeling strong pressure in frontal area of my head. I have never experienced this before. I wake up tired all the time, I feel strong pressure in my head at night, in the previous months it was worse, I used to wake up with headache, can anyone tell me any natural home remedy for this? Please, I wish this goes away. Meds didn't help me. I stopped eating diary, rice, I don't drink coffee, I only drink fruit juices, or veggie juices. I only eat eggs; I don't eat anything sweet. I really don't know what to do, I feel so nervous. I have been taking Vitamin D for months, I feel pressure in my ears, and pain in my nose, sometimes in my jaw. In the past months it was even worse than this as I used to feel pain in my face too, in my cheeks, and now it is a bit better, but it is still there, I took meds, but meds did nothing at all. The thing I realized is that when I went to visit my friend in another city and stayed there for a week, I didn't feel this way. The moment I came back to my apartment which is in an old building I got so sick again. Do you guys think that this has something to do with this building I am in? There is mold in this apartment I am in. I used to sleep in the room that had mold on the ceiling but I recently moved to a room that doesn't have it. What do you all think ? Please, help.
I have been in this building for almost 2 years now, but why I got this infection just now and not earlier? I don't know what to eat or drink anymore. I did steam inhalation few times, but I don't know if I should do it more times and if it will work completely. Please, any advice. Thank you.
I don't drink, I never did, I don't smoke and never did.
I live in a city that has altitude of 2,610 m. Moved here around 2 years ago. Before this city I lived in a sea level city and never had this problem.
submitted by warrior2527 to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 10:58 iTzPhas3d PEM Vs Crashing

Hi everyone, hope you are all having the best possible day you can and are being kind to yourselves!
I wanted to ask everyone's opinion on the difference between PEM & crashing if there even is one...
My friend who I am looking after has had 2 possible crashes which consisted of a sudden exacerbation of fever and flu like symptoms at night while in bed (they already had brain fog, sore throat before this but we were still resting, perhaps not as strict as we could have been)
we had the 1st big one on the 11th which lasted about 3 days of very little sleep and the flu like symptoms which me and my friends had to help feed them and assist them to the toilet.
Then on Saturday night a flare up of symptoms again intense dizziness, headache, nausea… very hot and feeling that insomnia state we are on day 3 now and I believe they were able to get sleep as they were absolutely exhausted.
I just can't understand what is PEM (where its just pushing too hard that day) and what is a crash (pushing through PEM and making it all worsen)
can anyone help me narrow down on which is which? my anxiety in the morning before they wake up is breaking me.
submitted by iTzPhas3d to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:45 shallah Is bird flu becoming a danger to humans?

bird flu becoming a danger to humans? Stand:05/28/2024, 05:24 AM
The currently rampant virus is particularly aggressive and is affecting more and more animal species, most recently also several herds of cattle in the USA.
A tragedy awaits Florian Packmor when he enters the North Sea island of Minsener Oog. It is a day in May 2022. The time when the sandwich terns are supposed to incubate their offspring undisturbed in large colonies in this remote and uninhabited place. Instead, on the beach, at the edge of the washing-up, in the dunes, between seagrass: dead birds lie everywhere. "There has never been anything like this here," says the ornithologist looking back on the phone. "That's about a third of the total stock that we have lost." It quickly becomes clear that a particularly aggressive pathogen must have raged among the birds. So much so that the sandwich tern colonies can hardly recover from it. With his research team, the biologist collects the carcasses. Protect herself with disinfectant as a precaution, wear rubber boots, gloves, mask and protective suit.
What Florian Packmor from the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea National Park Administration is not yet aware of at this time: It is one of the first major eruptions in this country that belongs to the so-called panzootia, which has been causing turmoil in the animal world for three years. However, it has never happened to this extent before. Today, Packmor knows: It is the highly pathogenic bird flu virus H5N1 that triggers this mass extinction. Which could now even become more dangerous to humans.
A new virus variant known as clade is responsible for this. Little is clearly documented about their origins and distribution channels. What does become apparent, however, is that makes people particularly ill, is very deadly and can spread quickly worldwide. This virus is now active all year round - and not mainly in winter as before. As a result, it has more chances to mutate and is thus able to infect species that have so far been spared from bird flu. So they have no immune protection so far.
Men collect dead birds on beaches in the Peruvian capital Lima. Men collect dead birds on beaches in the Peruvian capital Lima. © IMAGO/TheNews2
This was also the case with the sandwich terns in the Wadden Sea. After the first major outbreaks, it took only two months for the majority of more than 20,500 of these endangered birds to perish throughout northwestern Europe. Masses of other wild bird species have now been decimated by this virus. Alone on the German North Sea coast. Tens of thousands of black-headed gulls and waders, later gannets and guillemots. But also inland: tens of thousands of cranes died last year, for example, at a rest area in Hungary. The virus is also circulating strongly in poultry farms, throughout Europe and all year round.
Even mammals are no longer protected against the H5N1 subtype. The list of affected species is getting longer and longer: infections in seals, goats, cats, foxes, skunks, minks have been detected. 2023, the year in which South America was hit, was largely spared from bird flu until then. Thousands of dead elephant seals lined the beaches of Argentina, dead pelicans, seals and sea otters in Peru and Chile. The question of what exactly happened there, whether the animals may have passed the virus on to each other or whether they all ate sick and dead birds or their faeces, has not yet been conclusively answered. Researchers are still evaluating data on this.
Only Australia has been spared so far. At the beginning of 2024, the virus reached one of the last bastions: Antarctica. Researchers found H5N1 in a dead polar bear and in skuas. The biggest concern that is currently driving the experts is that once the penguins, which are very susceptible to the pathogen, catch the virus, the ecosystem could collapse.
Timm Harder is also concerned about the new paths of H5N1. "The fact that mammals can become infected with this bird flu virus after ingesting infected birds is worrying," says the head of the National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza Viruses at the Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI). Bird flu has been occupying his team for a long time. "So far, the virus has always ended up in a dead end in mammals," explains the scientist. "Chains of infection in which the pathogen was passed from mammalian to mammalian did not exist in this country."
However, there are increasing indications that even this could have changed. Subtype has cleared another hurdle in recent months. For the first time, it is also infesting ruminants, and on a large scale. In the USA, at least 33 herds of cattle in eight states have been proven to have been infected with the bird flu virus by April of this year.
This eruption is a mystery to experts. How exactly the bird flu virus is transmitted within the herds is still unclear, says Harder. There are indications that the milk of infected cows is highly virus-heavy. The pathogen could be passed on via milking equipment or gloves of the farm staff, via animal transport - but transmission via the respiratory tract is also not ruled out. Health authorities are calling on people not to consume raw milk because the virus remains survivable in it.
An infection in a human and several cats has also been reported so far in connection with the latest outbreak. In this country, however, there is so far no evidence of an infection of dairy cows, other mammals or even humans with exactly this virus strain. There are also no direct flight routes of possibly infected wild birds between Europe and the outbreak sites in the USA.
However, experts point out that the dairy cow virus could theoretically get here via human travel. "Even if there is still a lack of meaningful data on the outbreaks, it is clear that this is not a good development," says Harder. "Every jump to a new mammal host is something that comes on top of the tower." That is what is actually stressful about the situation. The events are spreading more and more worldwide - which means that the virus can mutate more. And more and more species are affected. "The virus is also creeping closer and closer to humans."
So far, health authorities estimate the risk of disease for humans to be low. Infections do occur from time to time - in people who have had intensive contact with infected birds or poultry. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports 13 proven infections in people with the variant so far. If other virus strains are taken into account, 888 people have been proven to have contracted bird flu since 2003, 463 of whom died. Most cases were reported in the Asia-Pacific region.
However, there have been no major outbreaks and chains of infection among humans so far. Experts also consider it unlikely that this will happen in the near future. Because people cannot become infected so easily.
However, the bird flu virus carries the potential for large waves of infection. "There is no guarantee that a variant will not emerge somewhere and at some point to which we humans are more receptive," says Harder. If bird flu were to spread among people at some point, people would not be completely unprepared - as with Corona. "We could fall back on a whole series of vaccine candidates." In Germany, there is already intensive discussion about whether poultry should be protected from the bird flu virus by vaccination. "In France, they have had good experiences with this."
However, you can't just inject a tern with two vaccinations six weeks apart. "But we also have to look for effective and, above all, easier to administer vaccines for wild birds," Harder demands. Bait vaccines could be an approach that animals use to immunize themselves, so to speak. This works well with wild boars and vaccination against swine fever. However, no corresponding vaccine is expected for wild birds in the foreseeable future.
And so bird researcher Florian Packmor remains relatively helpless in the Wadden Sea. He hopes that the pathogen will become more harmless over time - similar to Corona. He networks with experts from virology and veterinary medicine, at home and abroad, and draws the attention of the local authorities to the seriousness of the situation. He also insisted that as few bridges as possible be risked between poultry and wild birds, because this could lead to even more dangerous mutations.
However, Packmor has his eye on the sandwich terns on the island of Minsener Oog. The remaining birds laid the first eggs after the big outbreak two years ago. Packmor has set up cameras in the dunes. If dead animals are seen, his team sprints off to remove the carcasses. The living birds should not be infected by the dead. Whether that will work – no one knows for sure.
submitted by shallah to Birdflu [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:28 ihavepawz I felt mentally great on period day 2 and 3 but its over now

I had bad cramps, i vomited several times etc, but ONCE in a month i have libido and less anxiety, i didnt wake up grumpy. Now period day 4 and ive felt flu like symptoms again and its so hot here my health anxiety kicked in, libido lost..sleep issues back..what could cause me to pretty much only have libido in my period or day before it comes? My long term relationship is taking a toll bc of my low libido. (It used to be high years ago and keepa declining)
submitted by ihavepawz to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:55 warrior2527 I have had sinus infection since February 2024

I don't have flu nor fever, it started with feeling strong pressure in frontal area of my head. I have never experienced this before. I wake up tired all the time, I feel strong pressure in my head at night, in the previous months it was worse, I used to wake up with headache, can anyone tell me any natural home remedy for this? Please, I wish this goes away. Meds didn't help me. I stopped eating diary, rice, I don't drink coffee, I only drink fruit juices, or veggie juices. I only eat eggs; I don't eat anything sweet. I really don't know what to do, I feel so nervous. I have been taking Vitamin D for months, I feel pressure in my ears, and pain in my nose, sometimes in my jaw. In the past months it was even worse than this as I used to feel pain in my face too, in my cheeks, and now it is a bit better, but it is still there, I took meds, but meds did nothing at all. The thing I realized is that when I went to visit my friend in another city and stayed there for a week, I didn't feel this way. The moment I came back to my apartment which is in an old building I got so sick again. Do you guys think that this has something to do with this building I am in?
I have been in this building for almost 2 years now, but why I got this infection just now and not earlier? I don't know what to eat or drink anymore. I did steam inhalation few times, but I don't know if I should do it more times and if it will work completely. Please, any advice. Thank you.
Added: I don't drink, I never did, I don't smoke and never did.
I live in a city that has altitude of 2,610 m. Moved here around 2 years ago. Before this city I lived in a sea level city and never had this problem.
submitted by warrior2527 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:39 angetrbl Is this a uti?

Hi everyone for the past 3 days every 10-16 hours I get these awful uncontrollable shivers that last about an hour to two hours. My fever gets to about 105 degrees and then at this point I slowly stop shivering and then start sweating profusely. I take acetaminophen and ibuprofen right as I get the chills but nothing seems to stop the fever or shaking until I start sweating
I went to urgent care a day ago where I tested negative for the flu and strep, and they found trace blood and leukocytes in my pee which they said they’re culturing. I was also prescribed keflex
Today at 11 am I started to have the whole shivering 105 fever thing so my mom took me to the ER where I tested negative for 20 viral infections including Covid, they did an ekg and iv because my heart rate was at 140, and gave me two antibiotic IVs. They said there was only blood in my pee so to stop taking the antibiotics and just use otc medicine. The ER literally told me they didn’t know what it was either.
I didn’t have any UTI symptoms until today after I started taking the keflex, I started to feel like I still kinda had to pee after I had already just gone. But I’m truly at a loss to what this is because I have zero other symptoms besides the horrible fevers? Does anyone else have a similar experience? Thank you so much!
In the past, I have had times after sex where it did hurt to pee and it burned inside by my bladder but they only lasted a few hours before they went away. Could this be my final reaction to those times?? Also I know I was dumb for not getting checked out before, since they went away in a few hours I thought it was all fine :(
submitted by angetrbl to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:30 Dramatic_Plankton_56 11 dead of grief, finally vindication for Padmé

11 dead of grief, finally vindication for Padmé submitted by Dramatic_Plankton_56 to PrequelMemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:18 Chonkyboii82 Post infection IBS after Norovirus

Hey everyone,
I got norovirus more than 4 weeks ago. It totally wrecked me. For one entire day I was firing at both ends simultaneously- diarrhea and vomiting. I puked 12 times in one day. The vomiting was so severe that I couldn’t breathe and I was banging my fist on the toilet trying to throw up bile. I was choking. The diarrhea lasted a couple days long than the vomiting. It was bad… it BURNED. I also had a low grade fever for a couple of days.
I thought I got better… (I was so wrong), so after a week I started eating normally. BUT OH LORD. More strange bowel movements (diarrhea and constipation switching every couple of days), indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, gas, excruciating stomachaches. Every GI ailment imaginable.
I’ve had stomach problems before. I get nauseous a good bit and produce a lot of saliva before puking. But this… this is something else. It is painful. It’s been ongoing for 4 weeks and it’s leaving me in tears. I saw a doctor who didn’t do crap and just prescribed omeprazole. Im trying to get a GI doctor referral soon hopefully. Maybe do an ultrasound and see if my stomach and intestines are inflamed or if I have a hiatal hernia.
I just needed to rant. I’m so fed up waking up ill and going to sleep ill. I’ve been avoiding dairy and gluten as they really mess me up.
Is anyone else going through this? Post infection IBS? Any experiences with norovirus?
I am drinking ginger tea every morning which helps with gas but it’s not solving any other central problems…
Please let me know if any of you have experienced this. How did you get better? I feel so helpless and alone going through this.
submitted by Chonkyboii82 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:13 Aggressive_Regret92 Causes of death in London, England in the year 1632

Causes of death in London, England in the year 1632 submitted by Aggressive_Regret92 to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:42 yourgirlalex Sickest I've been in over a year with the worst symptoms I've experienced

100% convinced it's the flu because someone came into the office with the flu before they were sent home. I was around them before I knew they had it and almost immediately I got sick, too.
-Horrible, horrible cough every few seconds. Coughing so much my entire body hurts. Coughing so hard I sometimes throw up
-Runny nose, green mucus
-Loss of taste and smell
-Terrible sore throat
-Body aches
-No appetite
-Stuffed up
-100.5 degree fever (First 2 days only, has since disappeared)
-Diarrhea multiple times
I've taken multiple COVID tests and all came back negative. All the medicine I'm taking doesn't work. It has to be the flu but I can't ever remember having the flu THIS bad before...
submitted by yourgirlalex to flu [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:23 Fast-Anxiety-1258 help! worried older sister

hi everyone, i’m writing this with a question relating to my younger sister (12f) who has no previous health issues and is on no medications. she’s been very healthy aside from some nasty bouts of pneumonia when she was very little, roughly ages 4-6. Two weeks ago she started presenting some cold/flu like symptoms, which included chest pain, slight fever, aches, nausea and vomiting. we took her to the doctor and were told it was a mere virus, and should ease up soon. she was prescribed 4mg zolfran orally to ease nausea, which was not effective. we discontinued administering it to her after two days of her throwing it back up. most of the symptoms are now gone two weeks later, but the nausea and vomiting are still present. she has not been able to keep anything down except water and the occasional bit of fruit. we’ve tried every single food group and home cooked meal we could think of to no avail. despite our efforts, she’s lost 13 pounds so far. she describes her experience as: - not being able to withstand the smell of food - just the thought of food makes her feel like throwing up - sharp chest pains that last no more than a second and are periodic. doctor said it might be the esophagus, but no further investigations into this pain were done. she does actively try to eat, she is not avoiding food, but her nausea is so bad she can’t keep anything down. she’s been sleeping a lot, most likely due to weakness, and i’m worried sick. we took her to urgent care today at a different hospital where we had blood work done, but everything came back normal. we were just told to administer a higher dose, 8mg, of the zolfran. she does not have any pain, headaches or stomach issues aside from what is mentioned above. there is no sign of anything being wrong aside from the persistent nausea. i’m hoping to get some insights as to what may be wrong, or ideas to potentially help her be more comfortable during this time. thank you!
submitted by Fast-Anxiety-1258 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:28 LilLuckyTT Help identifying unknown bug

Hi all,
So when I (19F) was 8 (circa 2012), I developed a mysterious "infection" that my doctors couldn't identify. IIRC, my white blood cell count was very high, so my immune system was clearly fighting something, but we never figured out what it was. Here is all the information I have:
The fact that I had an unknown illness as a child still freaks me out to this day (I often worry that it'll randomly spring up one day 😅). I've tried to find a concrete answer online but haven't been able to, so I thought I'd see if anyone here might know or at least has any guesses. TIA!
submitted by LilLuckyTT to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:23 chipsandsoup I couldn’t help reading this in Matt Berry’s voice

submitted by chipsandsoup to WhatWeDointheShadows [link] [comments]
