Biggie smalls autopsy pics

Carp care spray

2024.06.02 12:48 Actual_Homework_7163 Carp care spray

I caught a tench yesterday and it got a little beaten up (pic in comments) sometimes this happens mostly due to it being really shallow I think. I also think he will be just fine but I want to remove that tiny change of it getting infected and it dying. So does anyone have a good product that fits in my tackle box and doesn't mind being in the hot summer weather.
Sorry for the off topic but idk where else to ask
Edit I can't add a pic in comments but it's like a small scratch on its flank
submitted by Actual_Homework_7163 to CarpFishing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:25 more_like_5am My late father’s EDC. He worked in HVAC. Can anyone identify that tool on top?

My late father’s EDC. He worked in HVAC. Can anyone identify that tool on top?
I will post his toolbag tomorrow. It killed me to look at it, cause I learned the trade out of that bag. He loved Klein tools.
Cabelas 7-in-1 Swiss Army knife (idk what model/year) Pack of razor Blades Small 2 blade folder. China made but sharp af Tube bearing his initials (on the back) Green latch hook? Spyderco PM2 Sonic peppermint for scale. The top tool is a mystery. Second pic for reference.
submitted by more_like_5am to EDC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:01 AutoModerator ★OFFICIAL DAILY★ SV/NSV Thread: Feats of the Day! June 02, 2024

Celebrating something great?
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2024.06.02 11:53 Particular_Guide7509 is my partner (19m) of 6 years holding me (19f) to unreasonable or double standards?

I (19f) have been with my partner (19m) for 6 years now. We've always had a rocky relationship. We've both made massive mistakes in the past as we were young and in high school. We always came back to each other though. Every time we'd go no contact we would end up breaking it within 2 months because we legitimately just are not happy without each other. For some context we met online at 14 in a discord server (i know), and we have met up multiple times since including me living with him last summer. He really is the love of my life. When we were 15 he admitted he was in love with his girl best friend but knew he'd never be with her so he stayed with me (i was 15 and stupid dont judge me) When we were about 16 i had found out he cheated on me with a coworker. I was-shattered. But i stayed because i love him. Fast forward to last year, I had- i dont know probably a 6 month long range where i was just- hookin up with another dude because me and my partner were arguing 24/7 and i just-was far from happy and needed a distraction. He found out and i admitted everything to him and went on my way without the guy i had been seeing. After that he started holding me to this standard that if i was out with my friends i had to show him who i was with everytime i snapped him, had to pick up his calls if he called NO MATTER WHAT, and i had to text him constantly while out. Now, my friends are quite reserved and dont enjoy having pics taken of them. While they understand where my partner is coming from its starting to drive me away from them because none of us have fun tg anymore cause im constantly paranoid about him. Now- flash forward to today. My partner goes to a party which wasnt any biggie (i feel like i should add in, hes STILL friends with his girl best friend...). GBF was there which i dont really mind anymore since she herself has texted me and straight up told me shed prefer me over him (if ykw i mean). Then- he proceeds to tell me two of his ex gfs are there, one of which ive had personal issues with the way she talks to him. I told him to please just keep respon and dont stay too long. He then proceeds to not snar for almost 3 hours, text me once every hour, and didnt leave said party until 2 am, and wasted. Obv when he nets home he's confused as to why im pissed off and crying right?? After i explain why he literally looked at me and goes "i fucked up once and now youre acting like that? really?". Keep in mind, if i miss one call, one text, one snap, im getting screamed at and insulted when i get home. I dont know what to do? Do i leave? If so does anyone have advice as to how to keep him away from my friends and family?
submitted by Particular_Guide7509 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:44 ATK2021 Clearguard security doors?

Clearguard security doors?
Have these flimsy double doors at the front of our house, they could be pulled open with a small bit of brute force, no worries.
Has anyone purchased the clearguard security screens? Am wondering how much they set you back and if you can recommend installers etc.
Any other tips for securing these types of doors? Sorry for pic with blinds, all I got at this moment.
submitted by ATK2021 to diynz [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:59 AutoModerator ★OFFICIAL DAILY★ Daily Q&A Thread June 02, 2024

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submitted by AutoModerator to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 LieutenantPatang Sarkar Reimagined

I am back after a break with another reimagining, and I thought this time I would tackle another movie that fell disappointingly short of expectations... Sarkar. Sarkar released to huge expectations after the success of both Thuppakki and Kaththi, but the film failed to deliver on its promise of a Mudhalvan-like political fantasy; I have to admit though, the movie is a guilty pleasure of mine which I do often revisit. That being said:
WARNING: I am not claiming to be a better writer than any of the people involved in the film and this is not a criticism of their ability.
The movie begins with a boarding meeting at one of the companies in Canada that GL (Sundar's company) is about to acquire. The members of the board nervously waiting for the arrival of their new boss, the media is waiting outside and we get the hype up for Sundar's eventual mass intro. After a build a of tension, a Rolls Royce pulls up and the camera follows as a man wearing pair of Tom Ford shoes exits the vehicle and walks into the elevator in the building as the media tries to snap some pics of him. The members of the board continue to wait impatiently, as the elevator doors open to reveal Sundar Ramaswamy (Vijay). He basically walks in doesn't say a word and sits at the head of the table. Sundar's lawyer drops the paperwork on the table, each member of the board takes their turn signing the document. Finally the document comes back to Sundar who flicks his signature onto it and gets up to leave, but one of the board members stops him to ask, "How do you feel after ruining the livelihood of 3,000 employees?". Sundar turns around and smiles at the board before doing the signature 'Vijay gum flick' and walking away in slow motion, queue the 'CEO in the House' song as Sundar heads out to celebrate acquiring the company. The scene is to establish Sundar as a proper overconfident and cocky 'corporate monster' instead of just telling us that he is a 'corporate monster'.
From there the movie continues pretty similarly with Sundar coming back to India to cast his vote, even though he takes his job very seriously he is still a patriot at heart and has a soft corner for his people. Same as the movie, someone else casts his vote and he begins organising lawyers meetings and press conference to get his vote back. All goes pretty much the same until the point Sundar's driver tells him about the atrocities done by the government and the family that set themselves on fire, Sundar is genuinely quite unaware of all this. Similar to the movie, he directs his convoy to go to the colony where the little girl is. Unlike the movie, we have one long take where the camera follows Sundar from behind as he gets out his car and walks through the local area, through the alleys and slums, observing the common folk; this is to show how out-of-touch he really is with reality. He finally comes to the little girl's house, and the camera finally pans to reveal Sundar's somber face; this scene is crucial as this paints his actions for the rest of the movie, it is important that we spend time showing how this incident impacts him. Unable to look at the girl's burnt face Sundar turns around and walks away, he signals his PA to sort the family out with treatment for the little girl.
From here, we go to the scene with Rendu (Radha Ravi) at the hotel; this will go pretty much exactly how it did in the movie. The only difference here is, going into the hotel Sundar is slightly solemn, but his expression slowly changes with Rendu's speech and we get the scene with the 'Topu Tuckeru' BGM as Sundar smokes. The following events also unravel similar to the film with the action block and the 'Simtaangaran song'; these are commercial filler compromises that must be made, its also a staple of the ARM-Vijay combo movies. The following scene is also similar with Sundar instigating the court case to stop Masilamani's inauguration, the key difference though is that Sundar doesn't speak in the court he silently watches from the stands as his lawyer does the arguing. Once the ceremony is stopped, he gets up, does the 'Vijay gum flick' and walks away in slow motion with the 'CEO in the House' BGM; this mirrors the opening scene where Sundar finesses the board room, but this time he's finessed the government. The election is postponed by 10 days.
Meanwhile, Masilamani is furious by what Sundar started, he encourages his party members to start rioting and to find where Sundar is. The riots go on for 2 days, but there is no sign of Sundar anywhere. Masilamani grows impatient and starts seeking advice from Pappa (Varalaxmi), who says that they shouldn't have tried instigated or started beef with him in the first place, saying that she will be back in Chennai within the next day or so. While this is happening, media crews have gathered outside Masilamani's house which confuses him. Rendu goes outside and asks them why they are here, for which they respond: 'Sundar told us to meet him here'. Both Rendu and Masilamani are shocked. Suddenly a convoy of youngsters on bikes arrive with a Rolls Royce travelling at the centre of the party. Sundar gets out of the Rolls Royce and he is followed by his lawyers. Sundar asks for permission to enter, for which Masilamani obliges. The two sit down and face each other, with Masilamani asking what Sundar wants. Sundar responds with this:
  1. "I've got 750 youngsters who are ready to work for this party."
  2. "I've got 40 crores in hard cash."
  3. "I've got the tag of GL CEO."
  4. "Will you let me join your party?"
Masilamani and his partymen are shocked, he asks Sundar 'Why should I let you?". Sundar basically responds by saying:
"Your party's image is in shambles, even if you pay people to vote for you, they won't do it. You're guaranteed to lose this election and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm here to offer you the winning card, I will do everything to ensure your party retains. All I ask for is 70cr in campaigning funds and that you give me 2 MLA seats and take in the 750 youngsters that I have brought as party members. If your party loses, I will pay you twice what you paid me as a penalty but regardless of the outcome you can't raise this to the media or I will sue your ass. If you agree, sign the contract. You can let your lawyers read over it, but you have nothing to lose."
Masilamani is shocked by this offer and looks over the contract, he doesn't know how to read so he passes it to his lawyer who verifies it and says that it's legit. Rendu proposes that they wait for Pappa before signing, but Sundar says "if you don't accept this within the next 1 hour, I will take it to the opposition party". Masilamani is properly checkmated now, but what could he possible have to lose? He smiles and signs it, Sundar smiles and shakes his hand. Sundar walks out with a cigarette in-hand, the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' guitar rift rolls in the background.
Going into the second half, we have a few questions:
NOTE: I completely ignored Keerthi Suresh's character as it added nothing to my story.
With 8 days left till the election Sundar sits in his office, he calls his team and GL and tells them to run the ads of him giving the post press conference speech after getting back his vote (as he does in the movie). This creates waves in the media and makes him the poster boy for the coming election. He tells his PA not to organise any press conferences until he says so. Sundar has booked out a small venue where he will be speaking to the 750 youngsters that he has inaugurated into the party, this is where he finally reveals what happened in the last 2 days. We get a flashback and it is revealed that he ultimately did the same as what happened in the movie; to run an internet scan on all the most suitable candidates of each constituency and run interviews like a corporate company (I really like the idea of this), he positions the people he selected as independant candidates in their respective constituency. Sundar has been planning this since the scene with Rendu at the hotel; this all plays as a montage over the first half of 'Oru Viral Puratchi'. After the song we cut back to this speech with Sundar and the youth, where he basically says we are going to infiltrate this party from the inside and then he says the 'branding' dialogue from the movie (which I like the idea of, the mannerism was kinda cringe though).
Following the speech, Sundar enacts his next plan. He identifies Masilamani's candidates who are most likely to win in their respective area and launches a smear campaign through his influence over GL. This forces Masilamani to identify alternate party members to take their place, but Sundar presents Masilamani with the constituency polling data which shows that the independant candidates (that he selected based on the internet scan) are in the lead. Sundar suggests to Masilamani that they buy them out with a salary (also like corporate company), however Masilamani doesn't know that these individuals were planted by Sundar. Masilamani is beginning to get suspicious about Sundar's plan but he still hasn't fully sniffed it out yet given his lack of understanding about technology.
Pappa finally arrives in Chennai from Canada and confronts her dad about everything that has happened, she is shocked to find out that he has basically sold the party to Sundar. She is quickly able to deduce Sundar's plan based on the information given by her dad and Rendu. Pappa also reveals here that her husband was one of the board members from the start of the movie, which explains why she knows so much about Sundar.
Given that Sundar now controls most of the seats in the party, he begins his campaign from the background with candidates doing most of the work ; this plays over the second half of the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' song. As soon as this montage finishes, we find out that Masilamani has died. A confusion has now arisen as to who controls the party, with only 3 days left until the election. Pappa gives an angry press conference saying that Sundar had cheated her dad and stole the party, revealing the contract to the public. She also announces that she and her father's loyal supporters will be joining the opposition party. Based on the sympathy votes gained from her father's death the opposition offers Pappa a significant number of seats. Sundar is shocked to see what has happened, he won't be able to sue Pappa as Masilamani was the one that signed the contract (not sure about legal terms, but lets just go with it), suing her will also only get him more negative press.
Sundar gets a call from the GL board questioning him about his extensive involvement in politics given the bad press around his contract stunt. Cut to the next scene, Sundar is in a press conference and publicly announces his resignation from GL as he is about to leave the stage, he is heckled by one of the reporters on his way down. Sundar has to give up his company assets such as his PA and bodyguards, if he loses this election he still owes Masilamani's family 140crs as per the contract that he signed. For the first time in Sundar's life, overconfidence has led to his downfall. With two days left till the election and no internet influence and power, how is Sundar going to win?
The next day he posts a Facebook live and addresses his plan transparently with the party, this can be the same as the 'Idhu Namma Sarkar' scene from the movie. Sundar explains how he chose his candidates and compares it to the millions of college graduates who get a corporate job, highlighting the need for the government to be qualified. This gets some positive buzz for Sundar but not enough to win the election. As Sundar sits in his office, hopelessly, one of his candidates tells him about 'Saatai' Muthukumar (this plotline will be the same as the movie); this could be the ideal trump card to win the election. This ticks of an idea, given that all Masilamani's loyalists have moved to the opposition along with Pappa all the party assets now reside with Sundar. He hires a corporate auditing team to unpack all the party records and finds all the holes in there records this allows him to unpack the 'Saatai' Muthukumar conspiracy and he has all the evidence ready to go public... but he waits. Sundar contacts Pappa for a meeting and the two sit down, with lawyers present. Sundar reveals everything that he has found from his audit of the party and threatens to go public with it unless she voids their contract where he owes her family 140cr, he also agrees to sign an NDA. Pappa obliges and asks him to burn the evidence in front of her, which Sundar does. On the car ride home, Pappa orders for Sundar to be murdered as she doesn't trust him.
The next morning is the day of the election, similar to the actual movie Sundar begins tweeting from a fake twitter handle about the evidence pulled from the audit, leading the media on a wild easter egg hunt to put the evidence together themselves, this removes any paper trails that lead back to Sundar. Pappa and the opposition party struggle to manage the storm that has been caused by the tweeting, she knows this was done by Sundar but has no evidence to prove it; the only way for her save face is if Sundar confesses to his manipulation for which he needs to be alive, so she cancels the hit on him. It is soon revealed, similar to the movie that the fake twitter handle is associated with that of a dead man, begging the question of who is tweeting? Sundar and his team re-route the IP address of the tweets to the leader of the opposition party and spin the narrative that he did this to tarnish Masilamani's reputation as a leader, which leads to in-fighting. Pappa is furious, as although she knows the truth about Sundar's access to the evidence, she can't speak about it due to the NDA (which would open her up to being sued). With no other option, she plots to have Sundar killed, as it looks like he is going to win. We can insert an obligatory climax fight here, where Sundar overcomes the odds but realising an opportunity, he fakes his own death which increases the votes to his party, leading to a victory in the election.
The following day is the swearing-in ceremony as all the candidates take up their positions. Pappa is also present and she along with everyone else believes Sundar is dead. Just as the first candidate is swearing-in, Sundar arrives and sits right next to Pappa, there is a media frenzy happening outside. There is a small bit of dialog between the two and he explains why he did all this (i.e. reference back to the girl who was burnt outside the collecter's office, etc). He finally tells her that the contract he signed with her father was only for 8 days, so his time has expired and he is no longer part of the party. Sundar gets up and walks away in slow motion as the credit roll.
This is my reimagining of Sarkar, what are your thoughts and what would you do differently? And what movie should I do next?
submitted by LieutenantPatang to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:39 doritheduck Pain in the wrist, but my teacher says I’m doing everything right

I just started playing bass a couple weeks ago and am having issues with pain in my wrist. I’ve been practicing in 10m increments for about an hour a day. I’ve been playing violin and piano for 22 years and professionally for 5, so supposedly I already have finger dexterity that can transfer over to other instruments. However, I’ve had tendinitis issues before so I was thinking it flared up again, but the area of pain is in a completely different spot so I don’t think it’s tendinitis. My hands are also really small, I have to stretch quite a bit so I got a short scale bass, but even then I have to stretch a little bit. But the thing is, it hurts even when I don’t stretch.
I first asked my teacher if it’s because of my posture, but he says my posture is fine and I’m bending just the right amount, around 30 degrees. I was wondering if perhaps I was putting too much pressure but then the notes come out buzzy, so I don’t think it’s that. Now I am wondering if it’s just me lacking muscle in that area, maybe my wrist is just tired? I would describe the pain as a throbbing sting.
This pic shows where the pain resides.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
submitted by doritheduck to Bass [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 klick_klack_kalash_ Long shot, is there any way to use an X13 with a Dell Thunderbolt docking station?

use my X13 as a base for a monitor and other things plugged up to it. I'm tied off using a small travel docking station and world love to utilize one of these Dell units laying around.
Here's a link to pics of what I've got.
submitted by klick_klack_kalash_ to FlowX13 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 the-goofiest_goober i’m reposting this here bc i still need help and i accidentally posted it in the wrong subreddit.

i just need someone to pls tell me what moves to make.
okay maybe i’m overreacting, but i live in a really small town. About 45 minutes ago (somewhere around 2:20 AM) some random number with no caller id called me and it was some guy named ‘Damien’ who had apparently saw me around town and thought i was cute. now i didn’t think much of this, he asked for my snap and i gave it to him. this is where it gets strange
I check his snap and his name is just a bunch of D’s and J’s, and his actual user is the name ‘joe’ with a bunch of numbers after it, he also only has a snap score of like 800, which isn’t really a big deal but it feels pretty low for a teenage boy (i’m 14, idk how old u gotta be for reddit but i literally don’t know where else to get help)
Now i’m feeling sketched out so i text a couple friends asking if they know a Damien and again, I live in a REALLY small town, so everyone knows everyone and all of them say they’ve never heard of this dude. And this ‘Damien’ guy keeps calling me ‘my love’.
So i text this guy back and he says he’s ’only seen me from a distance’ and he also sent a couple pics of himself, (he looks and sounds my age) but idk. i don’t know how he got my number, how he’s seen me, how he KNOWS me and im actually scared and i don’t know what to do. He said my ex gave him my number but he can’t even tell me my ex’s last name so im just kind of freaked out pls give me advice or something
submitted by the-goofiest_goober to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 DeadArashi Suggestion for additional Swedish & Japanese tech tree lines (text warning)

Suggestion for additional Swedish & Japanese tech tree lines (text warning)
Disclaimer: while I know SPG is a very unpopular class, my OCD does not allow me to do this without including them.
I was also going to have all the images in the post but that was a bit excessive, so please enjoy the links instead
With that said, I'll start with the Swedish;
Light tanks;
Tier 4 - Pvkv IV 'Varjan
A 1950 turret prototype to mount a 57mm Pvkan m/43 cannon was tested on the Strv m/40L. Although it was designated a tank destroyer, the project was essentially just re-arming the existing 37mm armed light tanks that were in service.
Tier 5 - Terro
A project by Landsverk in 1942 to offer a light tank with better armour and combat power as a competitor to the Strv m/42 'Lago'. It was to be armed with a 37mm gun and later 57mm, and set to have a top speed of 45km/h but was eventually rejected in the drawing stage.
Tier 6 - Pilen
Another Landsverk project from 1949. As we can see from the archive drawing, it was to weight 17t, feature a 324hp engine giving it a theoretical top speed of 60km/h. It was to be armed with a 75mm gun.
As a fun fact, a lot of Swedish tanks of this time period are listed to have "Motyl 25" fuel which is 25% ethanol and 75% gasoline, there was also Motyl 50 and Motyl 75. We see something similar today as E85
Tier 7 - IKV 65 Alt 5
This is where things can get pretty fun. In 1964 a project called 'IKV NY' started and the goal was for a low cost tank with good mobility that could both support infantry and fight other tanks as their aging armour wasn't capable any more. Armaments for consideration ranged from ATGM's, 10.5cm and 12cm gun, but ultimate for cost purposes an 9cm gun was chosen.
Three companies put forward proposals for the project: Landsverk (6 proposals as the IKV 65), Bofors (5 proposals as the IKV 90) and Hagglunds (6 proposals as the H-series).
As the name suggests, the IKV 65 II (tier 6 TD) was another proposal next to this tank by Landsverk
Tier 8 - IKV H1
Hagglands had put forward concepts for the possibility of using foreign engines and guns including the French DTAT 90mm L/51,5 from the AMX-13, a Bofors 90mm L/53 and a DTAT 105mm. All guns were could either be conventionally loaded, fully automated or a semi-autoloader w/ 4 round magazine.
Eventually Hagglands IKV H1 would be eventually be redesigned and become the IKV 91
Tier 9 - IKV 91
Needing no introduction, the IKV 91 would be the ideal top tier light tank for the Swedish tech tree. With a low weight of 16.3t and a 330hp engine, this absolutely beautiful piece of Swedish engineering could be propelled up to speeds of 65km/h.
The 90mm L/54 cannon would have a very comfortable -10 deg of gun depression in this low profile machine.
Tier 10 - IKV 105
Designed as an upgrade to the IKV 91, this tank was fitted with a new gun mantlet, a 105mm rifled gun and a redesigned hull front. Weight was increased to 18t and engine power increased to 380hp
Medium Tanks
The first two tanks I'm going to suggest are just additions to the existing UDES 15/16 line to start them earlier
Tier 6 - IKV H5
For information, see the description of the IKV 65 Alt 5 and IKV H1.
Tier 7 - IKV Alt 5
A redesign of the Landsverk IKV H5
Tier 7 - Lansen
Arguably this could also be a tier 7 light tanks, the Lansen was originally designed to be lighter then the Strv Leo sharing a very similar design. From the drawings we can see the turret armour of 38/30/20 and hull armour of 35/28/15 and would have been armed with a 75mm gun.
This however wasn't very favourable and the plan for a 20t tank shifted into a 25t tank.
Tier 8 - Lansen M/51 (image 2)
To meet the new requirement the Lansen was redesigned to have better frontal armour and a larger 10.5cm gun. With the weight limit increase the armour could be increased to 60/25/25 with some studies showing that even 100/12/12 was possible but this alternative wasn't preferred.
While the upgraded turret would be similar to the premium Lansen C, the armour would be less and the hull front would be slightly different in design.
Tier 9 - Strv T
In 1958m Sweden started to look towards replacing the Strv 81. They looked towards the Leopard 1 and the Chieftain but ultimately decided that a locally built tank would be more desirable. Three initial designs were considered; Strv A, Strv T and the Strv S (which would go on to become the Strv 103). Although with the decision to end development of the Emil project, the Strv K would also appear.
The estimated weight of the tank was to be 32.5t with a SFA F12 723hp engine. Armament was to be the TK 105x50 10,5cm L/55 rifled gun with performance equal to the L7 with -7/+15 gun depression/elevation. Armour was not great with the hull being 50/35/35 and turret 75/50/30.
This design only lasted a few months before being shelved.
Tier 10 - Strv A
The Strv A was, essentially, Sweden's answer to the British Chieftain and American M60. With an estimated weight of 42.5t and using the same SFA F12 engine making 723hp, the power to weight would have been about 17hp/t.
Initial expectations were for the tank to have 150mm of frontal armour, but after weight calculations it was reduced to 120mm.
The same 10,5cm as the Strv T was planned and able to carry 40 rounds, but equipped with an automatic loading system to give it a rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute (a bit excessive in-game. As a response to the American T95E6, a proposal to mount a 120mm gun was considered but later abandoned due to the minimal survivability increase and reduced ammo capacity.
Eventually consideration for this tank was dropped and interest returned to the British Chieftain before the Strv S concerns were cleared and development of it advanced.
Turret armour: 100/60/50
Hull Armour: 120/50/50
Artillery / Self Propelled Guns
I'll apologise again for this but there's also next to 0% chance of us ever getting a new SPG line so there's no harm in putting this here. I need to stress that the "autoloaders" that these tanks have are similar to that of the Strv 103, they are not drum fed like on the Emil tanks, or the French vehicles. They are still single shot.
Tier 5 - VAK 40 SPG / 105mm VAK SPG (image 1 / image 2 / image 3)
A proposal between 1949 and 1959. Bofors had proposed to mount a modernised 10,5cm Haubits m/40 onto the chassis of the lvkv fm/49 SPAAG. KATF was ordered to investigate if the same gun could be mounted onto a light tankette built by Landsverk (see linked images above)
Tier 6 - VK 105x60 2
10,5cm gun fed by an automatic loader giving it a hight rate of fire in a small, light weight vehicle weight 14.5t with a 300hp engine
Tier 7 - VK 105x60 1
A heavier version with a longer gun
Tier 8 - Kv fm/49 (also called the Akv 1949 and VK 152 S 49)
An initial prototype for the Artillerikanonvagn 151 (Akv 151) was mounted with an autoloaded 152mm cannon
Tier 9 - Akv 151
With the conclusion of the Emil project, one of the completed chassis was used to test the suspension system that would be used on the S-tank, the other would go on to become the Akv 151 which would be the foundation for what would later become the Bandkanon 1.
Tier 10 - Bkan 1
Like the Ikv 91 and the Strv 103, this vehicles is a very well known Swedish tank. Not because of the size of its cannon like the American T92, but because it could fire all 14 shells in its within 45 seconds thanks to the automatic loading system. By the time the first shell hits the ground and alerts the enemy of its presence, the remaining 13 shells are already in transit.
It's no wonder people don't want this in WoT, but considering it's actually more akin to a single shot tank, this along with the other Swedish SPG would be balanced similary to the tier 9 French Bat.-Chat. 155 55.
If you've made it this far, thanks you. Without further ado, onto the Japanese!
Medium Tanks
I wanted to do a slight redesign of the MT line. The Chi-Ri would stay at tier 7 but would offshoot to lead into the Ho-Ri II that is based off it. The STA-1, Type 61 and STB-1 would be rebalanced down a tier for the Type 74 at tier 10
Tier 10 - Type 74
The production version of the STB-1, it was decided to reduce the hull front from 100mm to 80mm in order to be able to increase the turrets frontal armour. Other notable changes include a redesigned and notable lower profile commanders cupola.
While the top speed is listed at 54km/h, there are reports that it has reached speeds up to 60 km/h.
This change to the tech tree would ultimately allow the tier 9 and 10 tanks to play similar to each other, more so then we have now going from the Type 61 to the STB-1.
Light Tanks
Regarding Japanese light tanks, there's not a lot going on historically for the top tiers. While I have offered options that existed, another alternative is that WG could fabricate light tanks based on the STB-1/Type 74 just like they did for the Type 68/Type 71 heavy tanks
Tier 4 - Ke-Ho
This tanks already in the game under the collections
Tier 5 - Ke-Ri
The Type 3 Ke-Ri was a prototype to upgrade the Ha-Go with a Type 97 57mm gun. Due to the cramped nature of the turret, it was not mass produced.
Tier 6 - Ke-Nu
Like the Ke-Ri, the Ke-Nu aimed to upgrade the Ha-Go, it achieved this by mounting the old turret of the Chi-Ha medium tank when it got its own new turret.
Tier 7 and 8 - STA JWIG
Before the Type 61 prototypes (ST-A1, ST-A2, ST-A3 and ST-A4) that we have as medium tanks weighting 35t, there was the plan for a 20t tank armed with a 76mm gun which eventually evolved into a 25t tank with 90mm gun. Eventually the weight would once again go up 30t but for arguments sake I think the 20t and 25t would be a decent fit for tier 7 and 8 respectively.
Tier 9 - Type 60 SS-1
Double barrel light tank. The Type 60 SS-1 was one of a number of prototype tanks to mount a two 105mm M40 recoilless rifles. The notable feature of this tank was that the guns could be raised and lowered allowing it to get a monstrous -20 deg of gun depression.
For a fun fact, there was also the Type 60 SS-1 "Kai" that had the guns at a fixed hight but it had four guns, which still pales in comparison to the SIX that were mounted on the M50 Ontos
It should also be noted that the Type 60 was actually classed as a tank destroyer.
Tier 10 - Type 60
With a weight of just 8t, it has an undersized engine at 150hp giving it just 15 hp/t and a top speed of 55km/h. This light tank, with its small height of 1.38m would be incredibly stealthy, but the lower power to weight would make it terrible for active scouting, instead it would excel at passive scouting and ambushing tanks
Artillery / Self Propelled Guns
Once again we're at Arty. Please forgive me
Tier 5 - Ho-Ni II
Produced in 1943, this variant of the Ho-Ni had an open casement and mounted a Type 91 105mm howitzer. It featured a slightly changed superstructure. Due to the larger gun, it could only traverse the gun 10 deg left and right compared to the 20 of the Ho-Ni I's smaller Type 75mm gun. Due to the guns recoil it could only elevate the gun 22 deg giving it a very flat firing arc
Tier 6 - Hi-Ro Sha
An open top tank sporting a Type 92 10cm cannon was built using the chassis of the Type 95 heavy tank. The other tank built on this chassis was the Ji-Ro (tier 6 TD in-game). The Ji-Ro was originally considered to mount the Type 96 15cm howitzer but was abandoned but could be used on the Hi-Ro Sha instead in-game
Tier 7 - Ho-To
Built on the chassis of the Type 95 Ha-Go light tank chassis, there's no information regarding the engine ever changing meaning with a 120hp engine and weight of 7.4, this tank could hit speed between 40-45 km/h.
Armament was to be a 12cm Type 38 Field Howitzer
Tier 8 - Ho-Ro
The Type 4 Ho-Ro was based on the existing Type 95 Chi-Ha in 1944 and was inspired by the German Grile. Armament was a 15cm Type 38 howitzer.
If it's not obvious by now, the Japanese artillery post WWII is lacking.
Tier 9 - Type 74 SPH
Lacking until now that is. Built off the chassis of the Type 73 APC, it entered service in 1974, the Type 74 was armed with a 105mm JSW howitzer that the JDF believed was still useful for its high rate of fire and accurate infantry support
Weighing in at 16.5t with a 300hp engine for a 18.4 hp/t, this tank could move at speeds of 50 km/h and had a fully traversable turret. and could carry 43 rounds of ammo.
It would be the demon child of a leFH and Bat-Chat 155 55
Tier 10 - Type 75
Just like the Type 74 SPH, this tank is built on the chassis of the Type 73 APC, it entered service in 1975 and was armed with a larger 155mm howitzer in a fully traversable turret.
The weight was increased to 25.3t and the engine produced 450hp (17.78hp/t) for a top speed of 47km/h
If you made it this far, thanks for sticking around and reading.
Edit: Changed the image for the Ho-To. Thanks to Jura20702 for pointing out that I had used the image of a Ho-Ro
submitted by DeadArashi to WorldofTanks [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 No_Recording_6287 Taking the exact amount of pictures requested

There are two stories that I will be posting separately since I wrote them much longer than I thought I would have.
During the holidays, I work as an assistant manager at what is essentially a retail photo op booth, pictures with a mall Santa. The company normally wants us to only take a maximum of three pictures per group. The problem with this for us is that the pictures are purchased in expensive packages (ranging from $40-50 for 3 different options, with each add on picture being $10, meaning that getting the smallest package and a single add on would cost the same as the largest package but with less items). The most expensive package includes several print outs big and small of two poses separated evenly between them and a digital file that has access to each click of the camera. The middle package only gave you the small print outs and the digital file, and the cheapest package only gave you the small photos.
When we aren’t busy, we like to take our time with each family to make sure we get the most out of the pictures and give them a good experience. The system lets us take up to 15 pictures before some pics have a chance of being accidentally deleted off the system so we try to get as close as we can. So if you got a package with a digital file, you would have a lot of extra pictures that were printed out.
One morning, me and another assistant manager were the only ones on set for the first hour, let’s call her Jessie. I love her, we all did, she was a super nice woman who sometimes gave too much good treatment to nice customers, even going as far to outright break rules. She was also very petty to rude customers.
We were on maybe our 5th customer of the slow morning, it’s early in the season and no one comes in early December to get their Santa photos, when one lady, let’s call her Karen, with her like 5 kids starts getting really impatient. (She wasn’t in line for more than maybe 10 minutes and when we get busy most people would be in line for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.) Jessie goes over to talk to her while I’m taking pictures of the family I have with me, but I was listening to their conversation. I’m paraphrasing but it goes something like this:
Jessie: Hi ma’am can I help you? What seems to be the problem?
Karen: Do you have to take so much time with all of them?
Jessie: We are trying to give every child their time with Santa Claus. The experience is the best part-
Karen(interrupting): We’ve been waiting here for over an hour! Just take one damn picture and send them away.
Jessie: Ma’am-
Karen(interrupting again): I don’t care hurry this shit up. Just one picture per family, that’s how it should be.
I could hear Jessie’s eye twitch as I finished up with the current family.
Jessie: You are right ma’am we should be doing one photo per family.
Right on cue I waved at her to tell her I was ready for the next family. She asks me to finish ringing up the previous family while she took care of Karen.
Per Karen’s request, Jessie situated everyone perfectly and set up the camera. She took a single click of the camera, didn’t even check if it was a good picture, and told Karen they were all done. She ushered them to the cash register and made sure she didn’t let any of the kids stay behind to talk to Santa Claus. The kids thankfully didn’t seem to mind too much as I would’ve felt bad for punishing kids for their parents behavior.
The kicker is that with that one picture Karen begrudgingly still bought the most expensive package, which includes the digital file that normally would’ve had access to every photo, but now only has that one lone picture.
submitted by No_Recording_6287 to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:31 Blabber_Feathers Found some pretty rough for a bargain at a local gem show!

Found some pretty rough for a bargain at a local gem show!
It was a small local lapidary club, and they were selling these chunks of boulder opal unbelievably cheap, so I snapped up some nice electric blue pieces.
I think I might make some exploratory cuts into the centre and back right pieces (pic one) to see how deep the opal runs, and that might give me a cab or two...but I have no idea what to do with the rest of these bad boys because the material looks thin in some places (I might just leave some of them as they are, honestly. I think I'd only go after that chunk of concretion with a fine polish). Anyone got any ideas?
submitted by Blabber_Feathers to Opals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:08 Ihategunz [WTS] Near Clone URGI 14.5, DNC Camo G$ Super Duty 16", White 16" Aug Barrel, Clone Correct 10.3 URGI, FCD ABC, Spare Parts for BRN4/Sig/Glock/Benelli M4/AK47, SW LEAP/04, Sig MSR 1-6 LPVO, FN/Aero/Geissele/DD rails, FDE SF Warden

I accept Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, Apple Pay. All prices are negotiable. I don't really do any research in market price, Just shoot ur shot.
Bundles > Dibs.


Geissele URGI 14.5 Near Clone

BNIB, straight from Geissele and still in the sealed factory bag. I bout a few of these and a few of the 11.5s. Keeping the shortys.
Have 2x, paid $1015 + 10.1% sales tax = $1117. Shipping to you with insurance will be ~$30.
Asking $1149 each

G$ Super Duty Mod1 Stripped 10.3

Brand new and unfired from Geissele with the Huxwrx suppressor MD for you flow bois out there. Still has the factory jizz on there + the Steel QD inserts. Minty Safe Queen condition.
Comes stripped, so no bcg or CH, cannibalized these for a different build.
Product URL:
Asking $699 shipped!

Geissele Super Duty 16" in DNC Rattlecan

Factory Geissele Super Duty with a 16" Chrome Lined CHF Barrel, coated in Mag Phosphate (bought before G$ switched to the cheaper Black Oxide)
Comes with factory Nanocoated Surefire Closed Tine and Super Charging Handle. BCG not included.
This upper is coated in a DNC like Paint Job, and has minimal cosmetic damage. Only noticeable spot is a slight ding on the top rail from mounting. Paint job is super easy to remove, very light coat. I removed a small part of it on the bottom but got distracted and gave up.
Shot for around 100 rounds and put into permastorage in a vacuum seal.
Asking $899 $749 shipped

Factory Steyr Aug 16" Barrel with White Grip

Stormtrooper clone gone wrong. I decided to join the ODG gang gang instead.
No salt, spare barrel that was shot for 80-100 rounds. There is a slight imperfection on the backside of the white grip as seen from pics, came like that from factory
$420 $399 shipped

Clone Correct URGI 10.3 Upper

Here i've got a clone correct URGI 10.3 in a smooth shade of DDC. All parts are unfired except for the BCG/CH and Upper receiver. Had this assembled and sitting in my closet for close to a year now, i love looking at it but it's time i sell some extras.
Parts List:
Surplus Colt 13629 Keyhole upper
Daniel Defense 10.3 Barrel NSN Marked
Colt C stamped BCG
Geissele 9.3" MK16 DDC
Geissele DDC ACH, NSN Marked (shade matches MK16)
Surefire 4 Prong, NSN Marked
Cosmetic Condition: Like New, minimal salt.
Asking $1199 $1099 shipped


Tan Sig Tango MSR 1-6
Tan does not come with mount, has some faint marks from mounting: $219 shipped

FCD Crap 🦆

  • ABC/R serrated bolt catches, $55 each. 2x center, 1x forward biased

Rails n Uppers

  • Aero enhanced m4e1 upper with integrated barrel nut + 15" enhanced upper gen 2. Used but minimal salt: $199 shipped
  • FN M4 3S679 Code upper + FCD RHF 9.5. Both cerakoted odg: $299 shipped. Can split for $155 each.
  • DD RIS III FDE 9.5: comes with hardware and nut, light salt 3-4 spots: $369 shipped
  • Geissele MK16 9.3" Black: Blemula but re-nitrided so the blemula logo is barely visible. No salt like new. Barrel nut has some marks $199 shipped
  • LMT M4 Forged Upper, with the lmt logo: light salt, $165 shipped
  • Zev Redacted Upper: New. Stripped. $69 shipped
  • Aero Normie Upper: New. Assembled FA but no dust cover. $69 shipped
  • Aero M4E1 Upper: New. Assembled. $99 shipped
  • Aero M4E1 Light Salt: Assembled, $85 shipped

AR15 Spare Parts

  • Ergo grip rail covers black mlok 3x: $10 addon
  • magpul 9 slot pic rail: $5 addon
  • Bushmaster Commercial Spec Stock: $29 shipped
  • BNIB RRA BuffeSpring for Carbines: 2x $15 each
  • VLTOR A5 Tube: $49 shipped. Previously rattlecanned, most is removed but needs a bit more acetone.
  • aero enhanced Tube: comes with nut and plate. $39 shipped
  • bcm wrenches $5 addon each

BRN4 Parts from Forsaken Build

1x BNIB Operating Rod, $59 shipped


Weaver Extra High 34mm Rings: $79 $49 New
Aimpoint PRO Riser spacer:, $10 addon
Aimpoint Micro OEM Mount: same as this one very light salt, $69 $49 shipped
Aimpoint Pro low Mount: $49 shipped
Looks like this but with a picatinny mount
KAC Rear Sight like new but missing parts (missing clamp screw and bolt clamp): $79 shipped
Scalarworks Leap/04 RMR Mounts: 0400 (1.42"), 0410 (1.57"), $99 each like new
4x random scope rings - 30mm, $15 each. Supposedly Vortex but no idea how to verify. No markings other than made in china labels and "AFA"
Unity fast qd lever: New, lost the springs but unity will send em to u. $35 shipped

Glock Stuff

Glock Sights: all takeoffs, $15 each. Tritium rear one is $30. $59 for all.
Random recoil spring: i think for G17, $15
CAA MCK Microroni for G19/23/32: Mild salt, comes with flashlight. $169 $149 shipped
Wilson Combat Gen 5 Performance Trigger + Tactical Connector, 250 rounds: $69 shipped

AK Stuff

JMAC: Non-Folding Stock/Brace Mount for MRKT Trunnion: lnib $29 shipped
1913 Adapter for MRKT Trunnion: lnib $29 shipped

Take both for $45!!!

Random Shit

Vortex Razor 1-6 Killflash: $30 addon
Benelli M4 Mesa Tactical Stock with comfortgrip, cheek riser and newest lock washer: $119 shipped
SF Warden FDE: light salt on muzzle end, $185 shipped


Also patches if you would like some:
submitted by Ihategunz to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:35 svartdiamond Can someone explain?

Can someone explain?
So my dog is a lab mix, the previous owner said she is mixed with a border collie, but weren't sure coz they picked her up on the side of the road. Anyway, she will be 10 in June and she has been doing this “herding” pose (1st pic) toward small dogs she saw while on walks. I have had her for almost a year now and have only seen her start doing it in the past 3 weeks. Does anyone know what does this mean? Does she really try to herd other dogs?
submitted by svartdiamond to DOG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:18 Ericowenn Looking for resources to get into training

Looking for resources to get into training
Hi! Like the title says, I’m looking to properly dive into the world of dog training successfully. I’m not looking to become a professional but I work in an animal shelter and would like to be able to work with the dogs to help them become more adoptable. I know the small stuff, I’ve done lots of obedience work with my own. But I’d love to see what other people used to learn more. Whether it’s books or youtube videos, specific trainers (especially those who work with difficult dogs) any recommendations for where to start would be amazing. I’ve worked with a trainer in person to help my own dog but unfortunately she’s not longer in the state and there’s not really a lot of other options in person around me. TYIA!
Pic of my dog for tax.
submitted by Ericowenn to OpenDogTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:46 fd3srx12 Odd primer. Over pressure?

Odd primer. Over pressure?
6.5CM, 140eldms and 41.5gr IMR 4350, lapua SRP brass. CCI small rifle primers.
2670 FPS average on this load over 20 shots. This was one primer out of 100 that looked like this.
Last pic is a fair representation of every other round in this batch.
Any input would be great.
submitted by fd3srx12 to reloading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 AnFnDumbKAREN Family Pics Roller Coaster

This is too boring, mundane, & irrelevant to bother posting anywhere else, so I’m spewing my nonsense where it nearly nary will be seen but hopefully get out of my motherforking brain.
Last year for the first time ever, we had family photos done with everyone on my (immediate) side of the fam. It was awesome, and we ended up with some stunning photos of all kinds: just our kiddos, my sis & I with our parents, kiddos with grandparents, our fam of 5, etc.
We wanted to do family pics again this year because we loved them so much, so we managed to book the same phenomenal photographer. This time just the 5 of us + my MIL. My husband was thrilled with the idea, especially since his dad has recently passed. It’s still a very tender matter, and I try to offer as much tlc & grace to my my husband & MIL as possible.
The only hiccup in all this has been getting a date solidified. We had a date booked, but the weather was awful for the planned outdoor session so (after checking w MIL), we rescheduled. Unbeknownst to all of us at the time, the new date aligned w the local high school graduation.
Small tangent.. my husband has a crummy brother & scummy s-in-law (sisteslut.. we assume they’re still married, but who knows. Brother’s w___e is still fitting as well.) and their youngest kid just graduated high school. Easy to see where this is going.
MIL didn’t want to miss the graduation (totally understandable); even though my husband & his brother have been cordially communicating a bit within the last couple months, we weren’t specifically invited to the graduation, etc. and we had no reason to attend, much less even know the date. Why feed the already obese llamas?
Photos were rescheduled for the 2nd time, and I made plans for graduation afternoon for me & the Littles. Though MIL did somewhat-gently encourage my husband to attend the graduation with her, he opted not to go. “It’s open to the public and I’m within my rights to be there” .. oy vey. That’s an expression I heard sooo many times from my MIL over the years. I don’t disagree, but I prefer not to go where my presence isn’t requested or desired. Which is absolutely the case in this situation. Plus, whyinthefuck would I go to a long-ass graduation for ~a thousand kids I do not know at all? I haven’t seen husband’s brother’s family at all since FIL’s funeral, and it was almost 2 years no contact prior to that. Plus I didn’t even attend my own HS graduation of less than 100 grads.
We’re finally coming up on the 2nd rescheduled date, and wadayaknow.. high school baseball playoffs are going on. Husband’s nephew is a key part of the team, and MIL has been religiously attending every game she can. Against tremendous odds, the team advanced. My husband wasn’t certain of the day/time of the next game at that point, and warned me that MIL might not be able to make it to the photos if the times conflicted. Then websites were saying one day/time, school was saying another.
As of yesterday, it wasn’t even an issue. Game scheduled Saturday, photos scheduled Sunday. Today, it was a big fat question mark. Rain had been constant, though mostly light/moderate. Game actually got underway.
It then got called & rescheduled. Luckily for Monday, so no conflict issues.
This was really just more annoying than anything else, so I just needed a little vent.
submitted by AnFnDumbKAREN to u/AnFnDumbKAREN [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:11 skratchpikl202 I tried on some Randolph Aviators (follow up to my AO Pilot Post)

I tried on some Randolph Aviators (follow up to my AO Pilot Post)
I posted some fit pics in the AO Pilot sunglasses (55mm) the other day. The general consensus was that size was probably correct, but the blue lenses were comical, so they'll likley be going back as a return or an exchange.
Today, I tries some Randolph Engineering Aviators to see if a) I liked these models better, and b) to try different sizes (52, 55, and 58).
Based on the sizing of these, do folks think the 55mm is still the best bet?
Pics 1 - 5: 58mm
Pics 6-10: 55mm
The 52mm were very small
(Also the Randoplh "blue" lenses were much, much better and less "flashy" that the AO)
submitted by skratchpikl202 to sunglasses [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 ironburton Bad highlight job, need advice

I posted about this horrible experience I had with a stylist that has over 30 years of experience. My mom went to her and her hair looked nice so my mom suggested that I give her a chance. I’m currently disabled and my mom offered to pay for the service as a gift to me. I’m not working and have no income. I didn’t want to go to a place that was going to charge me an arm and a leg, however I knew what I wanted would be around $200 at this cheap salon called Smart Style. I had gone there last year in October, I had shoulder length, virgin hair at the time. I told the girl I wanted to be blonde but I didn’t want an all over bleach job where every single strand of hair is bleached. That’s what I used to do when I had a chin length bob, and it was fine cus my hair takes bleach very well but I was also constantly cutting it, keeping the ends looking nice and healthy. So the girl at the same cheap salon did an all over highlight with foils and it turned out really beautiful. I know she used over 100 foils for this service. I know costs have gone up as well so I sat down and talked with this new stylist for over 30 minutes about what I wanted. I had about 4 inches of regrowth and wanted my roots blended to the rest of my hair. But I showed a picture of a balayage and said I wanted it to look somewhat like the picture just more platinum. She kept trying to save me money, I never asked her to do that. I kept saying my last service cost $140 and I’m expecting to pay that or maybe more since I know costs went up. I don’t think this lady knew how to do a balayage to be honest but she wouldn’t just come out and say that so she kept pushing foils. I eventually said ok to that. She did 20 foils for my thick ass hair and only did the front and around the sides leaving the back completely untouched. She sent me home and it looked really bad. I’d say she did 25% maybe 30% of my roots but she only did these tiny little strands, no slices at all. last girl did thick strands and slices all over. i told her it needs to be fixed and that i would pay extra to get what I want, she said no its free. i asked about the balayage technique again and she eventually said yes we can but in the future. She then went in an painted some thicker strands with no foils. The end result is in the pictures above. There were orange pieces from not letting it process enough, a band, and super patchy pieces in pic 5 that looks absolutely horrible when I put my hair up in a bun (which is how I wear my hair 70% of the time). I posted this in my home towns subreddit. I guess I didn’t go into too much detail as I did here and everyone told me I was basically stupid and I get what I pay for. What I’m trying to get across is that I was willing to pay over $200 to have my roots touched up properly but was constantly denied. What you see in the pics cost $91 even though I kept saying I’ll pay more to get what I want. First picture was my reference pic but I asked for it to just be more platinum and match the color I already have. I then agreed to the foils but they started charging so much for them that I kept asking her what we should do going forward. Even if the answer was foils I kept asking her to do enough of them and kept asking for a price but never got one.
What should I ask for going forward when it comes to getting my roots done??? How much should roots cost? I don’t want my whole head of hair just root maintenance. I know this is a small town but this is so unprofessional. I asked the owner for a refund and they are refusing. I’m pretty devastated about it cus it looks so bad. I went and got some bleach and wella T-18 toner to try to fix some pieces myself. Is this worth suing over???
submitted by ironburton to Cosmetology [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:08 InstructionCritical4 23[M4F] Canada/US Looking to connect with you

Hello there, and I hope you all are having a great day. I’m a 23 year old East asian male looking for someone online to date and chat with and potentially meet up in real life. Physically, I’m 5’10 and slightly chubbier than average, and I’m working to reduce that. I’m really forward and I hate ghosting so I will always try my best to get back to you!
I consider myself to be a very caring and affectionate person. I also am really optimistic about things and I sincerely believe that things will turn out better if you be positive about it. My love language is paying attention to the small details to really listen to one another.
I’m definitely more introverted when it comes to my hobbies. I love to work out, watch TV/movies/anime and playing games. I play everything from cozy single player games on my consoles and switch to online pc multiplayer games. Recently started playing Palworld enjoying it. I also am learning to draw and will send you cute art of your choice. As for music, I really like listening to music with a mic of EDM, rap/drill rap and and early 2000s rock.
I have no pets but I really want to get a tabby cat because they are so cute. My DMs are always open to cute cat pics.
I have no preference of who you are and how you look but I’m looking for anyone in their 20s. I’m really attracted to people who are open about themselves. I’ll also send a pic of myself if you ask in DMs! Thank you and looking to hear from you soon.
submitted by InstructionCritical4 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:56 Cultural-League8338 How do I survive the next five years?

It's great how some of the best effects of hrt take the longest time. In the meantime, what do I do? Everyday I see pics of gigapoons and gigapassoids so it's really difficult to keep up any hope I have for the future. The only thing stopping me from roping right now is the small chance of a successful life ahead. The pharmacy is slow so I hope I'll get my first dose soon.
submitted by Cultural-League8338 to 4tran4 [link] [comments]