Brower unblocker

Reducing daily surfing by 1 hour by using these apps to control phone use.

2017.01.08 10:26 OFeldspar Reducing daily surfing by 1 hour by using these apps to control phone use.

Here is a chart of my daily phone use for the last few months.
This data was using the "Quality time' app (android, not sure if apple available or not) which tracks phone unlocks and minutes used (and displays it per application too so I could subtract time on work emails etc).
As the graph shows - not much change over a long period of time, despite a conscious effort by me to cut back.
However, the last two days I have recorded 2 and 4 mins respectively, without really trying.
What I changed was, I installed the following apps (step 3 is particularly important):
Step 1: Appblock : to block apps such as Youtube, News Apps
Step 2 : Trend Micro Mobile Security + Hosts File Editor (requires root) + Web Blocker (requires root) to block time wasting websites I use (e.g., sports sites). I found using all 3 worked because I would have to go to a lot more effort to unblock sites. Trend Micro runs off a password to unblock it - I just made it a random password like 23jhe2l34h2k4j and saved it on my computer so I couldn't unblock it nilly willy.
Step 3: Used the app "FocusMe" to block all my browers AND block Appblock from step 1. FocusMe is a bit different in that it generates a random string of letters (e.g. 25 letters, 50 letters, depending on the difficulty you choose) and you have to enter that string each time you open a certain app. So I blocked all my browsers using this app. The advantage of this is if I find myself in a situation where I need to use the web browser (e.g. if I am out and about and need to google a business phone number or address), I still have access to it. It is just a pain to unlock it, so I don't do it impromptu when I am bored at home.
Step 4: Checking "Quality Time" at the end of each day to track my progress.
I know this is a bit overkill - but as you can see by my graph, I have tried to reduce y phone use for a long time, to no avail. Step 3 was the main thing that cut it drastically. I don't even have to to muster up any willpower to not use my phone anymore.
submitted by OFeldspar to nosurf [link] [comments]

2014.10.31 06:49 TheInsaneVoice Steam seems to be blocked for me.

I am having trouble accessing any of the steam pages besides my library. They all just lead to a black screen. When I open in my brower the webpage doesn't load and its just the url. When I go through TOR as the browser, or use HOLA unblocker it works though. Does this mean steam is blocking my ip or is my isp blocking it for some reason?
Pics of Problem
submitted by TheInsaneVoice to Steam [link] [comments]