Dell latitude e6400 bios clear

Can I move forward with this in a work at will state?

2024.06.09 02:44 miabutterscotch Can I move forward with this in a work at will state?

For reference I live in Greenville South Carolina, here is the story:
The story lies within the post!
Today I was fired by Crunch Fitness in Cherrydale. Not to worry as I have an interview coming up with another gym already, a better on. An incident occurred where one of the employees made a comment about a girls wrist looking like a barcode due to scars. That didn’t sit right with me and so I was pissed about nothing being done. Despite the fact that they are telling people that it had been under investigation since the first bad review about the incident was left, that doesn’t matter. Because this comment was made a while ago and brought up to management where it was brushed off. I’d like to add, I was fired for talking about this situation and about how I was angry that it wasn’t being resolved. It only became a concern once it was published for other potential new members to see. Many more bad and angry reviews came after, so then it was a real concern due to the bad publicity. This person who made the comment has also made previous bad choices. A few months ago I had evidence of him harassing me through a fake account on Instagram. The followers all went to his cities high school and they all followed him on his public account. One of them even had their name in his bio. I was told there was not enough proof to carry action even though everyone knew who it was. I had also gotten in trouble at one point for talking about THIS situation as if it did not happen to me? I was told it wasn’t anyone else’s business, notice a reacuring theme here on how they don’t like bad things that happen being talked about? On top of that, this person was still treated like nothing happened. If that alone was not good enough, he would frequently make comments to me regarding food or size subtly but enough that management noticed. And if THAT wasn’t enough this person was consistently out of dress code and late or called out. So why was this the breaking point? Because people are aware? I’m very disappointed as I loved crunch, both as a job and a gym. I am now also not allowed to work out at ANY crunch locations, which may be for the best because if this is how they treat people why would I give them even a penny? Crunch Cherrydale has horrible communication, organization, and favorites are picked. Certain people are harped on more than others. We are told we “signed up for this” when I did in fact never sign up for a gym to take months on end longer to open then I was led to believe and I was not informed of cold calling. I am really disappointed because I enjoyed most of management at all 3 nearby locations. I am now seeing fake good reviews being left by the team and corporate which is equally disappointing as they are giving others false hope that it is a great gym. I hope that Crunch learns from its errors as opposed to following behind other big corporations in the trend of underpaying, awful if no benefits, and clearly not caring about their employees enough. This is really sad as when I convinced people to sign up it was because I truly believed in this place, now I see it for what it truly is. If you have a membership with crunch or considering one I STRONGLY encourage you to reconsider. That is all.
submitted by miabutterscotch to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:37 sodapopemima How do i get my PN350M Dell Active pen working with my Dell latitude 7400 2 in 1 touchscreen?

i got fresh AAAA batteries for my pen and tried to use it on my new Latitude 7400 (2 in 1 touch) but i get no output, please help!
submitted by sodapopemima to Dell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:18 Vabiol Ethernet in new apartment

Ethernet in new apartment
Hi all trying to run Ethernet in my new place. It came with an XFINITY xfi modem built into the web of cables in the photos I’ve attached. Not sure what pretty much any of this is but my computer is displaying that there is no Ethernet cable plugged in. The wifi is built into a closet on the opposite side of my apartment near the door and my pc sits in the opposite corner of the place. I have my cable plugged into a wall near my pc and then into my pc.
submitted by Vabiol to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:16 miabutterscotch To make people aware of Crunch cherrydale in greenville

“So I’m just going to make this public now. Today I was fired by Crunch Fitness in Cherrydale. Not to worry as I have an interview coming up with another gym already, a better on. An incident occurred where one of the employees made a comment about a girls wrist looking like a barcode due to scars. That didn’t sit right with me and so I was pissed about nothing being done. Despite the fact that they are telling people that it had been under investigation since the first bad review about the incident was left, that doesn’t matter. Because this comment was made a while ago and brought up to management where it was brushed off. I’d like to add, I was fired for talking about this situation and about how I was angry that it wasn’t being resolved. It only became a concern once it was published for other potential new members to see. Many more bad and angry reviews came after, so then it was a real concern due to the bad publicity. This person who made the comment has also made previous bad choices. A few months ago I had evidence of him harassing me through a fake account on Instagram. The followers all went to his cities high school and they all followed him on his public account. One of them even had their name in his bio. I was told there was not enough proof to carry action even though everyone knew who it was. I had also gotten in trouble at one point for talking about THIS situation as if it did not happen to me? I was told it wasn’t anyone else’s business, notice a reacuring theme here on how they don’t like bad things that happen being talked about? On top of that, this person was still treated like nothing happened. If that alone was not good enough, he would frequently make comments to me regarding food or size subtly but enough that management noticed. And if THAT wasn’t enough this person was consistently out of dress code and late or called out. So why was this the breaking point? Because people are aware? I’m very disappointed as I loved crunch, both as a job and a gym. I am now also not allowed to work out at ANY crunch locations, which may be for the best because if this is how they treat people why would I give them even a penny? Crunch Cherrydale has horrible communication, organization, and favorites are picked. Certain people are harped on more than others. We are told we “signed up for this” when I did in fact never sign up for a gym to take months on end longer to open then I was led to believe and I was not informed of cold calling. I am really disappointed because I enjoyed most of management at all 3 nearby locations. I am now seeing fake good reviews being left by the team and corporate which is equally disappointing as they are giving others false hope that it is a great gym. I hope that Crunch learns from its errors as opposed to following behind other big corporations in the trend of underpaying, awful if no benefits, and clearly not caring about their employees enough. This is really sad as when I convinced people to sign up it was because I truly believed in this place, now I see it for what it truly is. If you have a membership with crunch or considering one I STRONGLY encourage you to reconsider. That is all.”
submitted by miabutterscotch to greenville [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:09 miabutterscotch AITAH for posting this everywhere on social media after Crunch Cherrydale fired me

The story lies within the post!
“So I’m just going to make this public now. Today I was fired by Crunch Fitness in Cherrydale. Not to worry as I have an interview coming up with another gym already, a better on. An incident occurred where one of the employees made a comment about a girls wrist looking like a barcode due to scars. That didn’t sit right with me and so I was pissed about nothing being done. Despite the fact that they are telling people that it had been under investigation since the first bad review about the incident was left, that doesn’t matter. Because this comment was made a while ago and brought up to management where it was brushed off. I’d like to add, I was fired for talking about this situation and about how I was angry that it wasn’t being resolved. It only became a concern once it was published for other potential new members to see. Many more bad and angry reviews came after, so then it was a real concern due to the bad publicity. This person who made the comment has also made previous bad choices. A few months ago I had evidence of him harassing me through a fake account on Instagram. The followers all went to his cities high school and they all followed him on his public account. One of them even had their name in his bio. I was told there was not enough proof to carry action even though everyone knew who it was. I had also gotten in trouble at one point for talking about THIS situation as if it did not happen to me? I was told it wasn’t anyone else’s business, notice a reacuring theme here on how they don’t like bad things that happen being talked about? On top of that, this person was still treated like nothing happened. If that alone was not good enough, he would frequently make comments to me regarding food or size subtly but enough that management noticed. And if THAT wasn’t enough this person was consistently out of dress code and late or called out. So why was this the breaking point? Because people are aware? I’m very disappointed as I loved crunch, both as a job and a gym. I am now also not allowed to work out at ANY crunch locations, which may be for the best because if this is how they treat people why would I give them even a penny? Crunch Cherrydale has horrible communication, organization, and favorites are picked. Certain people are harped on more than others. We are told we “signed up for this” when I did in fact never sign up for a gym to take months on end longer to open then I was led to believe and I was not informed of cold calling. I am really disappointed because I enjoyed most of management at all 3 nearby locations. I am now seeing fake good reviews being left by the team and corporate which is equally disappointing as they are giving others false hope that it is a great gym. I hope that Crunch learns from its errors as opposed to following behind other big corporations in the trend of underpaying, awful if no benefits, and clearly not caring about their employees enough. This is really sad as when I convinced people to sign up it was because I truly believed in this place, now I see it for what it truly is. If you have a membership with crunch or considering one I STRONGLY encourage you to reconsider. That is all.”
submitted by miabutterscotch to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:04 Bread_Slave Pc Freezes only while playing games

Heey so I've been having the issue that my pc has been Freezing while playing games, this issue has started around 3 weeks ago and at first I thought it was a Meta (quest 2) as I got my vrheadset recently and got a cable for it around the same time these crashes happened. The freezes dont happen Imidiately after I start a game but usually while i have been playing for around an hour or so sometimes earlier, sometimes never! They basically look like this, I play and then the image just stops where it was when it froze, audio freezes too I also had 2 blue screenes but they havent really been happening anymore.
My pc is around 4 years old now and I know its not due to my specs. I will listen them below the post.
I had expirianced my pc crashing (not freezing like it is now) randomly before and did a clean reinstall of windows which did help until now.
This is what i have tried so far:
Games my pc has crashed on so far : Vrchat Arizona sunshine Minecraft Dead by daylight Baldurs gate 3 Roblox
Games my pc HASNT crashed on even while playing frequently Golf with your friends Content warning Beatsaber
The eventlog doesnt help either the only persistant thing i have seen through ALL crashes are is the destribution com 10016 warning and all websites have said to just leave it as it shouldnt really cause issues. One other thing that comes up from time to time is BTHUSB 48 and 28 error.
I am most surtaint that it has to be a software issue or a faulty USB port (which i have no clue how to check for) as around the same time this has been happening I have had a windows update.
Idk if this is important or not but i also have a Graphic tablet Kamvas 20 Huion and an old medion Monitor.
My cpus temps after changing the thermal paste have been at 46-57°c while using discord and opera and while playing games hasnt excited over 87°c
I really am out of options and have no clue what to do at this point I am more then sure that it is not my psu considering that games like Roblox fail but beatsaber dont.
I really need some help
submitted by Bread_Slave to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:48 ThomKnook Weird power on/off/on/off...

So I have an upgraded optipex 9020mt, 32gb, nvidia GTX1610, upgraded psu and case swap (with all the ridiculous adapters needed for Dell motherboad) and the standard i7-4790 CPU. Used for light gaming for maybe 5 months.
All of a sudden, powering on makes the case fan switch on and off 3x then nothing. I feel like the last time I used it, the fans were louder than usual but I was able to.use it as normal and shut down when finished, no issues.
I've taken bits out piece by piece and attempted to power up with luck, I've stripped it down and attempted to power up outside of the case and even tried a new PSU but still nothing. I can get the new PSU to start if I jump it but not the old one...but the old one is better spec so I wonder if it just won't start at low temp/load.
Any ideas? I'm going to put it back together outside of the case tomorrow but I don't expect it
Thanks for your time people!
Edit: after reasembling, the old psu won't even do the 3x power up/down when connected to the mobo - but I can still jump it...I've also added a 1tb SSD by using a modded bios and pcie slot.
submitted by ThomKnook to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:35 uhhaveragereddituser PC bricked after failed NVIDIA driver update?

Hello everyone. Yesterday i built my new PC and after i got Windows on it i decided to install the drivers. Got to NVIDIA website, started downloading the drivers. Then in the middle of the download my PC froze and gave the BSOD. I turned it off, then turned it on again, it went to windows recovery but it turned off itself in the middle of doing it. I turned it on again, went into BIOS and then... BIOS itself froze. I turned it off and on again and after this happened i can't enter BIOS. The motherboard shows a CPU and DRAM LEDs for 10 seconds at the start, then all the leds turn off. No other leds light up, not even the boot one. It doesn't seem to boot at all now. The PC doesn't respond to keyboard and the monitor shows no display. I would appreciate any advice.
What i tried so far (nothing helped) - Try to start without a GPU - Clear CMOS - Flash BIOS
It shouldn't be a hardware issue, I'm convinced it's the drivers. The PC is completely new and was working just fine before i tried to install the drivers. But it's weird to me that i can't even enter BIOS now and i don't know how i could fix it without entering BIOS. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Specs, just in case:
submitted by uhhaveragereddituser to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:19 Nem3sisS Dell Inspiron 15 7567 No Hard Drive Installed after windows / bios update

I am experiencing the below problem. I was updating my drivers today from the dell website - across multiple components including chipset and bios. After the installation, a notification came up saying some of the updates require that I restart my laptop. I closed the windows and clicked restart on windows, also to see that windows asks for an update (e.g. instead of restart I had "update and restart") - fine I went ahead.
Upon booting the device shows "Initializing PCIe" and immediately after "No hard drive installed".
This prompted leghty and tiring investigation, I have so far tried:
Multipe options across BIOS - checking time and date; Boot sequence (both legacy and UEFI); secure boot enabled (on and off); Enable Legacy Option ROMs (on and off); Sata Operations with AHCI selected (did not try others)
Ran diagnostics (F12 at bootup) - harddrive comes out as fine (all part of laptop pass)
Unplugged charger, unplugged battery, reseated SSD (plug and unplug), and pressed on/off button for a minute - then reassemble and restart
Bios dell recovery (cntrl+esc combo)
After every second restart I get to the Microsoft Automatic Repair menu - there I tried pretty much all troubleshoot options, including rstartup repair, few command prompts for diagnostic and repairs, reset windows, where I re-installed it (while keeping my data)
All of the above lead to same issue - Hard Drive - Not installed.
System BIOS is 1.15.0; Windows 10.
I am very surprised how is it possible that the "Hard Drive is not installed", when I can access Microsoft Automatic Repairs and re-install my windows - obviously from my hard drive.
Any advise and suggestions will be appreciated.
submitted by Nem3sisS to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:18 Nem3sisS Dell Inspiron 15 7567 No Hard Drive Installed after windows / bios update

I am experiencing the below problem. I was updating my drivers today from the dell website - across multiple components including chipset and bios. After the installation, a notification came up saying some of the updates require that I restart my laptop. I closed the windows and clicked restart on windows, also to see that windows asks for an update (e.g. instead of restart I had "update and restart") - fine I went ahead.
Upon booting the device shows "Initializing PCIe" and immediately after "No hard drive installed".
This prompted leghty and tiring investigation, I have so far tried:
Multipe options across BIOS - checking time and date; Boot sequence (both legacy and UEFI); secure boot enabled (on and off); Enable Legacy Option ROMs (on and off); Sata Operations with AHCI selected (did not try others)
Ran diagnostics (F12 at bootup) - harddrive comes out as fine (all part of laptop pass)
Unplugged charger, unplugged battery, reseated SSD (plug and unplug), and pressed on/off button for a minute - then reassemble and restart
Bios dell recovery (cntrl+esc combo)
After every second restart I get to the Microsoft Automatic Repair menu - there I tried pretty much all troubleshoot options, including rstartup repair, few command prompts for diagnostic and repairs, reset windows, where I re-installed it (while keeping my data)
All of the above lead to same issue - Hard Drive - Not installed.
System BIOS is 1.15.0; Windows 10.
I am very surprised how is it possible that the "Hard Drive is not installed", when I can access Microsoft Automatic Repairs and re-install my windows - obviously from my hard drive.
Any advise and suggestions will be appreciated.
submitted by Nem3sisS to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:09 Consistent_Guitar170 The Best Bonrad Moments from Book 3

This is a very long post but I hope someone out there will appreciate it 😅
I am writing a fan fiction for Bonrad spanning the years between the Jelly wedding and the Bonrad wedding. Whilst re-reading the 3rd book for the 100th time, I started writing notes for myself and complied this list of my favourite/best Bonrad moments in the book (there are MANY).
I hope this might be useful for someone who doesn’t like reading but wants to know what happens in book 3.
Let me know if I missed your favourite!
p40 Belly seeing Conrad at the summer house during Christmas 2.0 I gazed at him and he gazed back. I didn’t know it would feel that way to see him again. Heart in my throat, hard to breathe. For those couple of seconds, I forget everything and there was just him.
p43 Conrad caring and getting on the floor with Belly when she falls down stairs.
P44 Belly admitting she still loves Conrad after he carries her to the sofa ‘Oh god I still love him’
P102 Belly and Conrad hugging at Suzannah’s memorial garden ‘Then he opened his arms up wide and gave me a look that was a lot like a dare. Hesitantly, I stepped into them. He crushed me in a bear hug and lifted me off the ground a little.
P106 Conrad’s reaction to belly and Jeremiah’s engagement ‘His face was completely blank’
P109 Conrad leaving after engagement accouncement ‘I heard Conrad tell him no…then got in his car and drove away. He didn’t look back once.
P138 conrad reacting to belly staying at the beach-house ‘He looked a little taken aback to see us sitting there on the deck
P139 Conrad cooking dinner Conrad gave me his bemused half-smile…‘I’ll cook something for us’… Conrad pushed the salad bowl towards me, not looking up. ’did you get enough?
P142 Conrad concerned about waking belly
P146 Conrad angry that Jeremiah is marrying belly ‘He was marrying my girl and I couldn’t do anything about it. I just had to watch it happen.
P151 Conrad being handy around cousins
P152 Conrad caring about what Belly is eating.
P153 Conrad being a good housemate
P155 Conrad offering to take belly to the post office
P160 Conrad admitting that he loves belly and describing the process of falling for her as gradual but always. ‘On a scale of 1 to 10, how in love were you … 10.
P162 Conrad admitting there is a girl…belly and why he let her go ‘If I could go back to that moment and say all the right things, I’d tell her I loved her. I’d make it so that she never looked like that way again.
P164 Conrad thinking about the motel I felt like I was choking as I said ‘it’s ok with me…if you want to be with her.’
P165 Conrad being there for belly ‘Belly needed me’
P166 Conrad admiring belly in the car This side of her was new to me. Assured, confident. She drove fast, but she was still in control. I liked it. I found myself sneaking peeks at her and I had to force myself to cool it.
P166/167 Conrad noticing little things about belly
P170 Conrad telling belly and Jeremiah to go to dinner without him
P177 Conrad sad and angry about seeing Jeremiah and belly together ‘I would rather have had someone shoot me in the head with a nail gun, repeatedly, than have to watch the two of them cuddling on the coach together all night.
P185 Conrad making sure belly is eating
P188 Conrad visiting and convincing Laurel to get onboard with the wedding
P189 Conrad concerned about belly’s behaviour ‘Belly isn’t fine. She’s barely eating. And … I heard her crying last night.’
P191 belly burt that Conrad won’t go with her to the florist I was surprised and a little hurt. I thought we’d been getting along really well these past few weeks.
P192 belly going to touch Conrad When Conrad didn’t answer me, I went up behind him and started to put my hand on his shoulder
P192 the florist mistakes Conrad for the groom
P193 Conrad noticing belly wants a peach I wanted to stop but I didn’t say so. I guessed Conrad could tell, because he asked…he made a u-turn on the one-way street.
P193 Conrad writing the peach juice Conrad reached out and wiped my chin with his shirt. It was maybe the most intimate thing anyone had ever done to me. I felt light-headed and unsteady on my feet. It was all in the way he looked at me, just those few seconds. Then he dropped his eyes like the sun was too bright behind me.
p202 Conrad commenting on Belly’s bridal shower dress ”You look nice”
p212/213 Conrad’s surfing accident ”Conrad leaned in closer to me, his head just barely resting on my shoulder as I cleansed. I could feel him breathing in and out, could feel each sharp intake of breath every time i touched the cut…. There was a moment between us then, of us just looking at each other, holding each others gaze. My breath quickened. If i leaned forward just a little, we would be kissing. I knew I should move away, but I couldn’t…. I could feel his breath on my neck.
P217 Belly noticing sad conrad I saw the look on Conrad’s face and i really wished i hadnt.
P224 Belly finds out Conrad got her mum onboard with the wedding I was silent. He did that for me?
P231 Conrad finds out the Jeremiah cheated I saw red. Under the tables, i clenched my fists. I wanted to hit something. First i wanted to hit these two guys and then i wanted to go find my brother and beat the shit out of him.
p234-240 Beach confession
P235 Conrad can’t believe Jeremiah would do that to Belly ”None of my business? That shithead is my brother, and you’re…”
p235 Conrad angry that belly would compare him to jeremiah Eyes flashing he said, I never once cheated on you. I never even looked at another girl when we were together.”
P236 Conrad admits to Belly that he loves her He called out. “I still love you” I froze. And then slowly, I turned around to look at him. “Don’t say that” He took another step closer. “I dont know if ill ever get you out my system, not completely. I have…this feeling, that youlll always be there. Here” Conrad clawed at his heart and then dropped his hand. ”It’s not all of a sudden” he said his eyes locked on mine “It’s always.” I started walking away, but he followed me. He wrapped his arms around me, over my shoulders
p237 Conrad explains to Belly why he let her go in the motel ”I had all this anger in me all the time…i didnt have it in me to love you the way you deserved. But i knew who did. Jere. He loved you. If i kept you with me, i was going to hurt you somehow. I knew it. I couldn’t have it. So i let you go.
p238 Conrad explains his love continued ”But this summer…god this summer. Being near you again, talking the way we used to talk. You looking at me the way you used to…. I see you again, and everything i planned goes to shit. It’s impossible…i love jere more tha anybody. He’s my brother my family. I hate myself for doing this. But when i see you two together, i hate him too.” His voice broke. “Don’t marry him. Don’t be with him. BE WITH ME.” His shoulders shook. He was crying. Hearing him beg like this, seeing him exposed and vulnerable, it felt like my heart was breaking. There were so many things I wanted to say to him. But I couldn’t. With Conrad once i started I couldn’t stop.
P239 Belly crushed Conrad ”You and I were never anything. His face went clack. I saw the light die out in his eyes. I couldn’t look at him anymore. I started walking again and this time he didnt follow me. I didnt look back. Couldn’t look back. If i saw his face again, i might not be able to leave…. I dropped down in the sand and cried for Conrad and then for me. I cried for what was never going to be.
P240 Belly accepts that she still loves conrad Conrad and i were linked, we would always be linked. That wasn’t something i could do away with. I knew that now - that love wasn’t something you could erase, no matter how hard you tried.
P242 Belly furious that Conrad backtracks ”You brought up all that the weekend of my wedding and now you want me to just forget it? Youre sick. Don’t you get that you can’t play with people like that….dont say my name” i backed away from him. “Don’t even think it. In fact dont ever speak to me again.” I didn’t think I could be angrier and now i was. I was so mad, i practically spat as i said “i want you to leave. Make up your bullshit excuses and just go….. His eye twitched “I’m not leaving” ”Go” I said shoving him, hard. “Just go” That’s when i saw the first cracks in his armor.
P243 admitting he loves belly again His voice cracking he said “what did you expect…i laid myself fucking bare last night…you broke my heart last night.” I walked up right behind and twisted his arm towards me so we were facing each other. “Tell me what you meant by that” ”You know what it means.” Conrad jerked away from me. “I still love you. I never stopped. I think you know it. I think you’ve known it all along.” ”have it your away. But I’m not going to pretend for you anymore.”
p244 Belly admits to herself again that she love Conrad I had never felt more alive. Anger, sadness, joy. He made me feel it all. No one else had that kind of effect on me. No one. Suddenly, I had this feeling, this absolute certainty, that i was never going to be able to let him go. It was as simple and as hard as that. I had cling to him like a barnacle all these years and now I couldn’t cut away.
P245 Belly’s reaction to Conrad being in love When Conrad fisher told a girl he loved her, he meant it. A girl could believe in that. A girl could maybe even bet her whole life on it.
P246 Conrad’s reaction to what went down She loved me. I didnt need to hear her say it out loud, I knew it innately in the way she looked at me just them. But what now? If she loved me and i loved her, what did we do now, when there were so many people in between us? How could i ever get to her? Did i have it in me to just grab her hand and run away? I believed shed come with me. If i asked her, i believed she really might come.
P248 Conrad reacts to Taylor’s lecture ”Belly told me that a part of her will always love you. Are you trying to tell me you done care?” She said that? “I never said i didnt care.” ”Don’t be a selfish bastard like usual. Be the good guy she says you are. Let her go.” Be the good guy she says you are. I thought i could do it, fight for her until the end, not think about anyone else. Just grab her hand and run. But if i did that, wouldn’t i be proving Belly wrong? I wasn’t a good guy. I would be a selfish bastard just like Taylor said. But i would have belly next to me.
P251 Belly notices Jeremiah’s jealousy Then he leaned over and kissed me, and I kissed him back. After, I saw his eyes flicker over to the end of the table, so quick I could have imagined it.
p253 Conrad confiding in Laurel ”honestly … it’s pretty much killing me.
P270 Conrad goes searching for Jeremiah ”And then let’s go. Belly’s waiting for you. Don’t make her wait on her wedding day.” ”Shut up!” He yelled, lunging at me. “You dont get to talk to me about her.”
P271 Conrad admits he loves Belly to Jeremiah “I trusted you to take care of her and treat her right. Then you go and cheat on her in Cabo during Spring break. So maybe I should be the one asking if you love her or not.” ”Fine. I love her. I admit it. Sometimes-sometimes i think she’s the only girl i could ever be with.
P276 Conrad is sorry “I’m sorry for screwing everything up. I hurt you again, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I dont want to do that anymore. So…I’m not going to stay for the wedding. I’m just going to take off now. I wont see you again, not for a long time. Probably for the best. Being near you like this, it hurts.”
P276 Conrad thinks the pain was worth it ”I need you to know that no matter what happens, it was worth it to me. Being with you, loving you. It was all worth it.” Then he said “I wish you both the best. Take good care of each other. I had to fight every instinct in me not to reach out. He came up and kissed me on my forehead, and before he stepped away, I closed my eyes and tried hard to memorize this moment. I wanted to remember him exactly as he was right then.
P277 Belly is devastated Just for that moment the thought that i might never see him again…it felt worse than death. I wanted to run after him. Tell him anything, everything. Just dont go. Please just never go. Please just always be near me, so i can at least see you. But this time it felt final. Like I would never see him again, or that when I did, it would be different, there would be a mountain between us.
P281 Conrad visits Belly on VAlentine’s day ”sometimes i think ill never trust another girl the way i trust you.” ”This is one of my to moment.” He said “mine too.”
p289 Seeing each other again The first time I saw him again, it was another year, at my college graduation. And I just knew.
P289 Belly describing Conrad My young man is kind and good and strong, just like you said.
p291 Belly and Conrad playing in the water like kids of their wedding day We run towards the water, tripping in the sand, screaming and laughing like little kids. At the last second he picks me up like he’s carrying me across a threshold. “If you dare try and Belly flop me right now, you’re going down with me,” I warn, my arms tight around his neck. “I go whether you go” he says launching us into the water. This is out start, This is the moment it becomes real. We are married. We are infinite. Me and Conrad. The first boy i ever slow danced with, ever cried over. Ever loved.
BONUS CONTENT FROM THE LETTERS I hope it’s allowed - Conrad wondering whether he should be writing to belly
I probably spent thirty or fourth bucks trying to win you that damn bear - Conrad commenting on how much belly wanted a polar bear
I should be working on bio-chem but id rather be talking to you heres the biggest bag i could find - Conrad posting sour patch kids for belly in spain
i really do hope you’re happy
i don’t even want to know. Don’t tell me - Conrad not wanting belly to reply about the guy she is seeing
i dont know what you ever saw in me either
it looks good. Your hair - Conrad commenting on belly’s short hair that he saw in a photo
it killed me a little that jere’s seen you, talked to you
also, in case I haven’t made it clear …. I think about you a lot. Youre pretty much all i think about. Just so we’re clear.
i just want to hear from you. I want to know how you’re doing.
remember last year? Me and you at the summer house? Best Christmas of my life
yes I do remember. It was my best Christmas too - belly’s reply to Conrad’s letter
for year he had kept it in his wallet, soft and creased into a million little folds. He said it kept him going. Kept him hoping. He said he wanted to keep it with him always, but i said we should keep the letters together, where they belong. And he did show me the family photo. It’s hanging up in our living room.
submitted by Consistent_Guitar170 to TheSummerITurnedPrett [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:07 Upper_Canada_Pango NADH testing and the Karen Read Blood Alcohol Mystery

NADH testing and the Karen Read Blood Alcohol Mystery
June 8, 2024
The commonwealth’s estimate of Karen Read’s blood alcohol range is not forensically suitable and should be disregarded by the jury due to all sorts of reasonable doubt.
I am not a lab tech, biologist or other sort of expert on human metabolism or toxicology. I do, however, have some education in organic chemistry and a practical understanding of some aspects of anatomy, physiology, biology and pharmacology. For those in the healthcare field that are offended by my deviations from APA formatting, please forgive me: for I absolutely hate APA, I am saddened when I am forced to use it, and I am just not going to follow a specific style guide for this post. In-text citations will not be used, references will be both disorganised and poorly formatted. I will indicate references in-text through the use of numbers in superscript. All times will be given in 24 hour format, not military format, I don’t know why the military is allergic to colons, but I like them, so they’re coming in! I did not proof read this, it’s already taken way too much of my life. I am also quite disappointed that my formatting won't paste properly into the post editor, the markdown editor is very clunky.
Testimony from the Karen Read trial involving the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ opinion of Karen Read’s blood alcohol level at the alleged time of the alleged vehicle strike on John O’Keefe piqued my interest. Particularly I was fascinated by the fact that no direct alcohol breath test or blood test was performed, nor were any tests performed to detect any alcohol metabolite, although I have yet to find a news source that has stated as much, in fact they either omit the test type or misrepresent the test as one to detect the presence of alcohol in blood serum2,3,4,5,6.8,etc ad nauseum.. Instead Dr. Gary Faller, pathologist at Good Samaritan Medical Center, testified that a serum test was run to detect the presence of NADH1. I know what you’re thinking: “Why did they perform a screening test using an ubiquitous endogenous redox agent with no forensic validity13 instead of for alcohol or an alcohol metabolite like acetaldehyde, ethyl glucuronide or ethyl sulphate7?” and yeah, that’s what I’m thinking, too! For forensically valid results there needs to be a confirmatory test done13, which clearly either didn’t happen or wasn’t useful - otherwise it would have been introduced by the prosecution. So I have put this together to show what NADH testing means, why it is used, how it works and what the limitations of this testing are.
The Basics
Testing for NADH is done to screen for the presence of alcohol. Screening tests are a fast-and-cheap way of getting an idea of what’s going on, and are used when precision and certainty are not necessary. For example if you are in a hospital and have someone on a psych hold, you might want to get an idea of whether their behaviour is in part driven by consumption of drugs. Their life doesn’t depend on the answer and neither does their freedom (beyond the short-term). Forensic lab testing for alcohol uses dual-column gas chromatography or gas chromatography/mass spectrometry13. These are large, expensive, delicate machines so you don’t just send everything to GC/MS analysis without a good reason, just like you’re not going to get a CT scan for a sprained thumb. If you are a hospital and the cops want a blood sample for forensic analysis you can just draw blood for them, put it in the freezer until they pick it up, and then it’s the cops’ problem. Hospitals are not in the business of forensics.
So why Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-H testing? Well that’s simple enough. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is an essential, innate redox agent that exists in all your cellular fluids and is there to accept hydrogen atoms as other substances are oxidized14. It therefor exists in different redox states, the oxidised state NAD+ and the reduced state NADH. “nicotinamide adenine nucleotide (NAD) is required in more enzymatic reactions than perhaps any other small molecule16.” These two forms are non-destructively converted back and forth in various biochemical reactions, but the nucleotide can be consumed in certain reactions so it has to be constantly manufactured by the body in order for us to continue living.. NAD is synthesised in the liver, nerve cells and immune cells, and salvaged for reuse in a wide variety of tissues.
The primary way alcohol is metabolised it interacts with a class of enzymes called alcohol dehydrogenases15 (confusingly abbreviated ADH, despite not being structurally similar to NADH). When a molecule of ethanol is oxidised two hydrogen atoms get knocked off, one off the -OH alcohol group, and one off the carbon atom the -OH group is attached to, so the -OH becomes an =O converting the ethanol to an aldehyde called ethanal or more commonly acetaldehyde. These hydrogen atoms are accepted by the NAD+, reducing it to NADH. You have a limited supply of NAD+. Drugs whether recreational or medical, or other substances that are metabolised by oxidation will compete for NAD+, raise NADH levels and slow the metabolism of alcohol. Other oxidation reactions will pump up the NADH levels too. These variables are huge! Worse still, NAD+ conversion to NADH is heavily effected by cellular metabolism, meaning that acute stress and exercise will convert NAD+ into NADH as well14. Finally multiple sclerosis, which Karen Read has, will approximately double the baseline serum NADH level.17 Karen Read undergoing acute stress. CPR is exercise. Was she on other medications that increase NADH levels?
Rates of alcohol metabolism can vary up to 4-fold, especially since it occurs primarily in the stomach and liver. Large amounts of ADH are released in the stomach, so when drinks are consumed on an empty stomach they are dumped into the intestines quickly and are absorbed into portal circulation without giving the stomach ADH a chance to mitigate the effects, but then alcohol will be metabolised more quickly after ingestion. Liver damage will slow the rate of metabolism as well.
The Testimony
Dr. Faller reports a time of blood draw around 09:08-09:13 , the blood was centrifuged and seperated, the plasma was put into a machine that tested for alcohol giving result of 93mg/dl serum alcohol level. This, if accurate, would be higher than the whole blood alcohol level. The doctor refused to even ballpark this to a percentage for either serum or whole blood. He did acknowledge that LDH and hemolysis and bilirubin levels can interfere but should be flagged. The defence did bring up abnormal muscle degeneration, and so on but the doctor wasn’t aware of this literature. I don’t know that the defence couldn’t proceed due to this, but I feel they may have missed a trick here. Hopefully they will call a more informed expert on NAD/NADH metabolism.
The forensic toxicologist estimated her peak whole blood alcohol percentage at between 0.135 and 0.292 assuming last drink at 00:45 but I don’t want to even get deeply into these estimates because they’re built on a foundation of sand: we don’t really know when Karen Read started drinking, how much she drank, when she stopped drinking, or how much the NADH test was thrown off by stress, activity, disease or medication. We didn’t also didn’t get into any description of the test process itself. We don’t know if the machine measured NADH once, or if it measured NADH before and after adding ADH, or if it measured NADH only after adding ADH. We don’t know enough to evaluate this information.
On either basis, the results should be discarded.
Armchair Forensics
Personally I think Karen was drunk, at some point, but “is this evidence good enough to secure a conviction for an OWI?” is a whole other question. So is “How much did she drink?”; “How impaired was she, and when?”; “when did she start and stop drinking?” and critically from a conviction standpoint “what was her BAC at the alleged time of the alleged incident, and how do we know?”
We can kind of armchair lab tech this, given some assumptions. I don’t have access to the actual bar receipts but it seems probable, based on what I can find in the news9,10,11, that while at the two bars she had somewhere between 8 and 15 standard drinks depending on if any of those drinks were doubles. She was drinking these between 20:58 approximately 00:00. I do not have information at this point eliminate pre- and post-drinking, all these people seem like they drink quite a bit. I can’t even discount the possibility that she got up at 04:30 and slammed some back. If we assume that these are all the drinks she had before the alleged incident, and she didn’t have any after the alleged incident, and we accept a weight estimate at 60kg/132lbs12 then we can use a simple web tools to estimate her BAC(Appendix A). The results are generally mortifying, with estimates essentially ranging from ‘maybe unable to walk without assistance’ to an acute medical emergency . Maybe Karen can hold her liquor quite well or maybe these calculators were all designed by and for lightweights since evidently my wife and basically any girlfriend I’ve ever had could evidently drink the average BAC calculator designer under the table.
Without access to receipts, and since “no one appeared drunk” and at no point did anyone testify to detecting the odour of alcohol from her: not the paramedics, not the cops, not the ER doctor, not her so-called friends so based on my armchair BAC results (appendix A) show either she was stinking drunk and somehow no one noticed or she didn’t actually consume 8+ standard alcoholic drinks in 3 hours. I lean towards the former, but without confirmatory, forensic testing I don’t see how this gets to the “beyond reasonable doubt” standard. I don’t understand why the first police on the scene didn’t perform a PBT on her based on their testimony that she was saying anything like “did I hit him?” or “I hit him.” It also doesn’t make any sense that no one applied for a blood draw warrant once the picture supposedly started getting more clear.
We have another estimated 3+ weeks of trial for things to develop, and clearly there’s information I have not and/or can not access, but I find it very striking that yet again we have supposed forensic evidence that is not up to snuff. In combination with all the other shenanigans and incompetence displayed during and after the investigation this entire process starts looking like it has more to do with tunnel-vision, conspiratorial afterthought, and/or prosecutorial sleight-of-hand.
If I were on the jury I would be fighting to acquit based on copious amounts of doubt regarding essentially every element of every charge.
1- Baker, Emily D.. (May 28, 2024). MA. v Karen Read Trial Day 18 - Afternoon Session. YouTube.
2- Ramer, Holly. (May 28, 2024). Jurors hear about Karen Read's blood alcohol level as murder trial enters fifth week. ABC News.
3- Schooley, Matt (May 28, 2024). What was Karen Read's blood alcohol level on the night John O'Keefe died? Experts testify at trial. CBS News.
4- Ramer, Holly (May 29, 2024), What was Karen Read's blood alcohol level the day John O'Keefe died? Here's what we learned. NBC Boston.
5- Lavery, Tréa. (May 29, 2024). Karen Read trial live updates: Read may have had BAC more than three times limit. MassLive.
6- Reynolds, Lance. (May 28, 2024). Karen Read murder trial Day 18: Witnesses focus on O’Keefe’s injuries, Read’s blood alcohol level. Boston Herald.
7- Ferguson, Sian (May 1, 2023) How is Alcohol Detected in a Urine Test?. Healthline.
8- Benoit, Katie. (May 28, 2023). Expert testifies about Karen Read's blood alcohol content from morning O'Keefe found dead. WJAR.
9- Lavery, Tréa. (June 5, 2024). Karen Read trial live updates: State police investigator recalls interview with Read.
10- Tenser, Phil (April 16, 2024). Karen Read murder case: Alleged timeline, according to the prosecution. WCVB.
11- Bienick, David. (May 10, 2024). Karen Read murder trial: Owners of home where O'Keefe was found testify. WCVB.
12- Ankit. (February 28, 2024) Karen Read Net Worth, Wiki, Parents, Ethnicity, Religion, Bio, Age, Family And More.
13- Okorocha, Okorie. (April, 2021). Alcohol Toxicology For Civil Lawyers. Advocate Magazine.
14- Walzik, David et. al. (January 4, 2023) Tissue-specific effects of exercise as NAD+-boosting strategy: Current knowledge and future perspectives. Acta Physiologica.
15- Cederbaum, Arthur. (November 1, 2013). Alcohol Metabolism. Clinical Liver Disease.
16- Penberthy, Todd & Tsunoda, Ikuo. (March 5, 2009). The Importance of NAD in Multiple Sclerosis. Current Pharmaceutical Design.
17- Braidy, Nady et al. (November 6, 2013). Serum nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels through disease course in multiple sclerosis. Elsevier.
Appendix A: BAC Calculator results
submitted by Upper_Canada_Pango to KarenReadTrial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:59 Leftovers864 Bios went bad - need help

I just updated the BIOS as I was lead to do it during restarting the laptop. When I turned it back on, the screen is rainbow colored and I cannot see anything.
Is there any way to get to see it just enough to retrieve some documents as I need to submit assessment tomorrow for study.
Edit: I plugged the laptop into the television by HDMI to see if it would come up clear on that screen. Then the laptop screen went clear. I copied my documents in case but do I need to be cautious that this will happen again if I restart the laptop or is the BIOS update or whatever it was all set for now?
Edit 2: I did the mdsched.exe diagnostic and it said memory needing checking. I obviously won’t be restarting my computer until assessment is over but I haven’t changed anything in my memory.
submitted by Leftovers864 to ASUSROG [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:53 Avkn_Sparrow Avakins Discord is growing - A little Tutorial

Avakins Discord Banner!
Avakin Life Official is on Discord!?
Before I go into more in-depth about what is Discord, I just want to be clear that you have to be over 13+ which follows the TOS of Discord before joining the server. To join their Discord server, copy paste their Beacon ai which you will see on their Instagram BIO, which looks like beacons ai/myavakinlife (maybe the moderators can link it in the comments) Discord link will be on the top of their Beacons page.
My Experience on the Discord
I have been very unlucky for awhile trying to grab the link before everyone else joins, but luckily... I was in! I manage to get the Elite role on their Discord, which isn't anything different compare to what community is, it's just a different role with different colour chat. It's like one of the official Discords badge "Early Badge", but for Avakin, it's the Elite.
I was luckily to also met someone called Dasadorah, which looks like shes a community manager of LKWD, but she manages the Discord, she has done Exelent work organising the roles to do certain things like Languages, LKWD Category, Mentor category, organising and managing the whole of the Discord! (I suppose with also help with some of the team members) It really is organised, with also some help with the community, sharing out some ideas to Dasadorah, she also manages to note the ideas and maybe come true! I have asked for Interview with Dasadorah, hopefully one day she will accept. :)
I have met all the amazing people on there, as you know I made a few Interviews with the Ambassadors*, they are there for moderation, LKWD are there aswell! Hopefully some Q&A sessions would be great on Discord with the team, I met lovely people like, Pastor Shalom, Melissajdiamonds, Messa Eternity, TattzNCurlz, Aly, Angel, Naly, Ghost, Serena, Sis Beautyy, Farid,avknaz, Holicminn, Mythology, Kaybear, Stormy (Social Moderator) And many many more! honestly, it's like a new routine for me, and I really do enjoy being part of the team.
Picture made by Troy
So how do you use Discord?
You will be first greeted with what roles you want to be pinged for. I am from Europe, he/him/his, and when there's something going on that's important, I would want to be pinged for Announcements, events and Giveaways!
Under "speak other languages, here you can have many roles which will open open another chat. Example, i am english so default, I will see lets chat in English, If I speak French, there is an option in there to click on French and you get to talk to the lovely French people in French!
Must also make sure you have Avakin ticked aswell
What are the threads on the left side?
First things first is to look at the Welcome to Avakin Life section. This section is important to read and to follow. Under #*Avaklinlife, you get to see the Official Avakin Lifes Social links, if you need support, the link is there aswell, and avakin team roles which are: Community Manager > LKWD > Creator Manager > Ambassador > Mentor (Moderators) A Creator > Stylist > Avakin
Under #Guidelines very important to follow the rules if you wish to stay in the server! It's to keep us safe from toxicity, we love the community and we hope to remain friendly and welcoming to every user that joins!
FAQ is self explanatory.
Once followed simple things, check out the Community plaza section! A lot of welcoming people will type in Greetings, most of the communications will be done over in Lets-chat. Got some Avacraft items you want to show off? Attach media of the Avacraft over in #Avacraft and so fourth!
Members list (Right side of Discord)
This is where you see your your memberlist section on the right side of Discord, thats if you have memberlist selected or pressed the title of the category. This helps organise the priority of the roles.
Staff with powers are at the top
Community Manager LKWD Creator Manager Ambassador Mentor (Moderators)
Members without powers but to organise members by roles
A Creator Stylist Elites Avakin
Have a great weekend everyone
I do hope this guide was useful, of course if I missed anything out, I will sure to edit this thread! But until then, enjoy your day and keep up the positive round the world :)
If you are on Discord, sure to tag me and say hey ;) I will say hi back!
Signed - Avkn Sparrow
submitted by Avkn_Sparrow to AvakinOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:52 OrdinaryNo962 Inspiron 15 7567 No Hard Drive Installed after windows / bios update

I am experiencing the below problem. I was updating my drivers today from the dell website - across multiple components including chipset and bios. After the installation, a notification came up saying some of the updates require that I restart my laptop. I closed the windows and clicked restart on windows, also to see that windows asks for an update (e.g. instead of restart I had "update and restart") - fine I went ahead.
Upon booting the device shows "Initializing PCIe" and immediately after "No hard drive installed".
This prompted leghty and tiring investigation, I have so far tried:
All of the above lead to same issue - Hard Drive - Not installed.
System BIOS is 1.15.0; Windows 10.
I am very surprised how is it possible that the "Hard Drive is not installed", when I can access Microsoft Automatic Repairs and re-install my windows - obviously from my hard drive.
Any advise and suggestions will be appreciated.
PS. after some more research I think this may be caused by the Intel Rapid Storage Technology drivers. Is there a way to delete them via command prompts?
submitted by OrdinaryNo962 to Dell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:43 sweetbunni Dell Latitude 5490 Case Help

I recently acquired a Dell Latitude 5490 and am cannot seem to find a single hardshell case advertised as fitting it's dimensions. (I specifically want a very lightweight case since I carry it around with me a lot).
I'd appreciate links or recommendations for where I could buy a hardshell case that fits my model.
If nothing else, I need help confirming which other Dell 5400 series laptops have the same dimensions as mine so I can use one of those cases.
Thank you for any help!
submitted by sweetbunni to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:42 OrdinaryNo962 Inspiron 15 7567 No Hard Drive Installed after windows / bios update

I am experiencing the below problem. I was updating my drivers today from the dell website - across multiple components including chipset and bios. After the installation, a notification came up saying some of the updates require that I restart my laptop. I closed the windows and clicked restart on windows, also to see that windows asks for an update (e.g. instead of restart I had "update and restart") - fine I went ahead.
Upon booting the device shows "Initializing PCIe" and immediately after "No hard drive installed".
This prompted leghty and tiring investigation, I have so far tried:
All of the above lead to same issue - Hard Drive - Not installed.
System BIOS is 1.15.0; Windows 10.
I am very surprised how is it possible that the "Hard Drive is not installed", when I can access Microsoft Automatic Repairs and re-install my windows - obviously from my hard drive.
Any advise and suggestions will be appreciated.
submitted by OrdinaryNo962 to Dell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:39 relic2279 [USA-OH][H] Dell Latitude 3470 with SSD & 16GB RAM [W] Paypal

Still available (I'll remove this once it's sold)
Selling: Dell Latitude 3470 14" i5-6200U - 16GB Ram - 500GB Solid State HD - Power Supply Included
Want: Paypal G&S $74 Shipped CONUS (I've dropped the price)
This laptop came with 8GB RAM stock, I have upgraded it to 16GB and also replaced the HD with a solid state HD. Currently running Windows 10 Pro and has Adobe Photoshop installed (not the version with monthly/annual fees). I can leave that on there or I can format the hard drive before shipping, it's up to you. I took the laptop to work with me every day but I rarely used it. The battery still holds an excellent charge.
Pictures & Timestamps
submitted by relic2279 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:13 Aylo_Hiim Dell inspiron 3521 laptop cannot boot operating system from hard drive.

Dell inspiron 3521 laptop cannot boot operating system from hard drive.
I have a Dell inspiron 3521 laptop. I decided to clean it up a little and after that it stopped seeing the operating system, which is strange. Before this everything worked fine. I go into Bios, the laptop sees the hard drive, the first in the boot queue. I boot and it writes that "No boot devices were found. Press any key to reboot the machine." I am not considering the option of rearranging the system. Two years ago there was a similar problem.
submitted by Aylo_Hiim to Dell [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:04 RhododendronPress Ballet Help Desk just launched their Summer Intensive Essentials Guide

Ballet Help Desk just launched their Summer Intensive Essentials Guide! If you’re a ballet family and not familiar with them, you’re missing out. They are a first-of-its-kind comprehensive resource for families raising aspiring ballet dancers. (Check it out online if you haven’t seen their work yet—there’s a podcast, ballet school reviews, a blog, and more.)
They were nice enough to include my books in their recommendations.
For anyone heading to a summer ballet program, Follow the link at the end or in their bio to check out the “must-have” items that they recommend.
I particularly wanted to spread the word about their brand new corrections journal, which just went live on Amazon. This is a beautiful journal for ballet students who study at home or at a summer intensive. As a former professional dancer and a ballet teacher for over two decades, I can’t recommend this enough and see how helpful it would be for students to organize their thoughts before and after class. Written by two veteran ballet moms, it’s clear this journal was created with expert knowledge of what goes on in young dancers’ minds.
There are sections for dancers to separate their technical and artistic corrections, write down combinations they want to remember, and affirm what they did well each day. The journal also includes reminders of what to think about before class and ways to practice self-care. At the beginning and the end, there is space to write out short—and long-term goals and the small steps it will take to get there. There is a page to write down why the student chose that particular program and what their hopes and fears are going into the experience.
This journal is a perfect gift and something dancers will treasure and reflect on in the years ahead.
submitted by RhododendronPress to BALLET [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:34 motioncitysoundwhack Getting back into dating, seeking advice

Hi! I’m (30F) getting back into the dating pool after I took a break for a little while (unexpected life circumstances came up, so I decided to focus on resolving those before dating again). I’m eventually looking to find a long-term partner, but am down for casual/short-term connections along the way; but I have zero interest in situationships, and am looking for feedback on what to include in my profile.
I’m thinking about putting something like this in my bio: “Seeking a long-term monogamous relationship with the right person, but also open to casual/short-term connections in the meantime. Either way, communication is key.”
I’m trying not to be all negative like, “Just ‘cause I’m open to both serious and casual connections doesn’t mean I want situationships that lack any communication or boundaries. F*ck that shit,” even if that’s how I feel. lol
Do you think what I wrote above conveys what I’m looking for in a clear and approachable way? If not, feel free to offer suggestions. Thanks!
submitted by motioncitysoundwhack to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:24 No_Tadpole5189 Two swollen batteries in 1 year...

Seriously going crazy. My work provides Dell laptops for remote work. The first one, the battery started swelling 6 months in, along with BIOS issues so I had it changed. They gave me another Dell Latitude laptop, and the IT guy told me he'd made sure to put in a brand new battery. Now another 6 months later it's starting to swell !! Again !! This one, I made sure to have the Dell Power Manager setup to 50-80, I turn off my power strip every single evening so it's not charging 24/7 (which i already did for the first laptop), I genuinely have absolutely no idea what else I'm supposed to do. It doesn't even feel like it's getting over heated or anything. It's a hassle to get it changed because I'm 100% remote and far from my place of work. Might be cursed, lol
submitted by No_Tadpole5189 to Dell [link] [comments]