Short hairstyle for 50 year old women

She breasted boobily down the stairs.....

2017.10.03 05:38 NicoleMary27 She breasted boobily down the stairs.....

A sample of how men who create films, books, TV, and graphic novels characterize women. (Plus memes, shitposts, and meta once in a while.)

2012.03.08 23:42 SmellsLikeUpfoo The Way We Were

What was **normal everyday life** like for people living 50, 100, or more years ago? Featuring old photos, scanned documents, articles, and personal anecdotes that offer a glimpse into the past.

2013.12.22 11:11 Old School Ridiculous

Laughing at the past.

2024.06.07 16:24 1andonlyest86 Why does my mother side with my ex that has called me while having sex with other men?

I am a 37-year-old male I am a licensed PRS for a living which is important later on in the story. I didn't have the greatest upbringing. My dad was a holy roller hypocrite that was extremely mentally abusive. He was just a complete asshole and my mother. She's sweet. Well I don't want to go too far I also don't want to call her a bad mother but she just grew up pretty messed up. Very poor. So men and money always came before me and my siblings. I used to be pretty bad off in addiction and my choice in women. I don't want to under exaggerate this. My choice in women was the absolute worst. I mean as terrible as it gets. I have been with some of the craziest most mentally ill evil women known to walk the face of this planet. And you know what? I'm going to save some of those relationships for another story. We'll just focused on the most recent disaster. I just recently split up with my ex last August which I have two children with 21 and my youngest will be 19 I split up with their mother back in 2003 so 21 years ago my daughter I had with her that was a story for a whole different time. How? I ended up with my daughter with her. It's a pretty messed up story Long story short is she lied to me and told me she was already pregnant. We were just messing around and she actually wasn't pregnant and I was young and dumb and believed her and decided to stop using protection and got her pregnant. That's the short version of it. Anyways, I split up with her because she was severely mentally unstable. Extremely insecure accused me of everything under the Sun that I later figured out. She was just accusing me of everything that she was guilty of so I kicked her out and this is important for the story back then she was calling me after we split up while she was having sex with other guys. Fast forward to 2020 And I decided to give her another chance thinking since I had changed so much. Maybe she had And boy was I wrong if anything she had gotten worse it was one of the worst relationships I've ever had. Still the exact same severely insecure only. I'm a lot older and I've had a lot more experience and this go around. I learned that she just projects all the bullshit that she's doing in the relationship onto her partner. So I was being accused of doing drugs, cheating, lying, gas lighting, everything that she was doing to me and this whole time throughout the relationship. I don't know how many times I call my mother and went to her house for help crying begging her to help me either get that woman help or get her out of my house and that whole time my mom would tell me she thinks she's cheating on me. The guilty accused my mom was telling me she thought she was on math well I eventually ended up figuring everything out. I found tutors in my house. She was lying to me about her paychecks going to work. She was sleeping with someone I've known for over 20 years that pretended to be my friend which I found out he was the one that was messing with my last ex that I went through hell with only I didn't know who she was cheating on me with. I figured everything out. They got told on by his cousin. I called him over here and confronted him well after I kicked her out my mom for some reason decided to side with her and let her manipulate my mother, my children and everyone else into thinking that I was on drugs and acting crazy and accusing her of fabricated things, which in all reality it was the other way around And then what do you know right after I kicked her out? I think on night two I get a phone call from her and just like 20 years prior she was having sex with someone so I decided to record it. I let my mother listen to it. I showed my mother all the disgusting text messages her and her dudes were sending me because I later found out she was sleeping with multiple people not to mention she did it again while I was with my girlfriend and me and my girlfriend had to sit and listen to it and then once she heard my girlfriend in the background heard us laughing. She hung up the phone but then was stupid enough to have the guy start texting my phone My mother knows all of this. Me and my girlfriend told her I've let her listen to the videos of it just completely disgusting but my mom is extremely naive she's done it to me my whole life. Tell me that the women I'm with are doing terrible things to me than when I catch them doing it and leave them. She believes everything they tell her and side with them. So last weekend was my little brother's graduation and I was on my way when I almost got there. I texted my mother to see if I needed a ticket. She proceeded to tell me that my ex was on her way and would be there which I do not understand why I still don't just because I have kids with her so I of course told my mother that I will not be coming and I got extremely upset. I don't understand why she would invite my ex to family events knowing what she did to me. Everything she did to me. I don't understand how my mother would even want to talk to her, let alone invite her to family events where I have to see her. This is the woman that was sleeping with someone that was supposed to be my best friend behind my back for well over a year. Doing drugs with him then lying and saying that I was the one doing all these terrible things That's why I said in the beginning it would come into play. I am a licensed PRS which is a pure recovery supporter. I have been in recovery for coming up on 6 years. I have been clean. I have worked my ass off to get where I am today. I have a beautiful home that I have had for 5 years now. I have a nice little car collection going. I'm happier than I've ever been and I have worked so hard to get here and it hurt me so bad that my mother the person that was telling me the entire time my ex was doing me dirty can just turn around and believe her lies and manipulations and side with her and then invite her to family events knowing for a fact what she did to me when my mother seen it with her own two eyes. And I do have a short fuse. I have a temper. I do kind of blow up but they are always reactions to someone else's actions and I told my mom how it made me feel and how it hurt me and she somehow turned it around on me and acted like I'm being ridiculous and then she lied to my other family members and told them that I told her I wasn't coming to my little brother's graduation. I was going to my girlfriend's daughters which wasn't true. We drove separate. I took our car and they rode with her mom to go to her daughter's high school and I went to my little brother's And then the second line she told was she had no idea that my ex was coming. How could you tell people you had no idea she was coming when you texted me telling her she was coming there for you. Talk to her on the phone and knew she was coming so my mother rather than to just admit that she was wrong. Would rather twist it around on me and make it seem like I'm being completely ridiculous and make it look like I'm lying all I'm guessing so she doesn't have to feel a certain way or look a certain way. But hey I guess I'm the asshole for getting upset over her inviting. My ex that cheated on me was doing drugs. Spending our money put me in thousands of dollars in debt and calling my phone while she's having sex with other people and then letting them text my phone. These are all the things that I brought up to my mother and she still don't feel like she's wrong. A matter of fact, so much so that she was texting my current girlfriend in trying to trash me with the lies that my ex has made up about me. My own mother trying to trash me to my new girlfriend rather than admit she's wrong and all she did was make herself look really terrible to my new girlfriend because she is nothing like the other women I've dated. She's not trashy she's not a hypocrite a liar, a drug addict. She's an honest, good, genuine, amazing woman. So am I really an asshole and ridiculous for getting upset with my mother that keeps inviting my ex to family events. Oh one last thing. Here's an even better one. After my brother's graduation my mom had a little pool party and invited the whole family except for me. I didn't get a phone call and guess who was there my ex. You know how that made me feel to drive by my mother's house and see it. Hopping with my whole entire family and a party going on and I don't even get a phone call. But somehow I'm the asshole and I'm ridiculous and this is how my mother has always done me. Oh yeah, not to mention my sisters as well but this is narcissistic parents not siblings. I can get into some crazy stories about them too because they are guilty of it as well. They will decide to be friends with my ex's that did me horribly wrong and they never want to be friends with them while we're together. They hate them while I'm with them but then after they hurt me and do disgusting shit to me and break my heart. That's when my sisters want to be friends with them. It's just I don't know. It leaves me flabbergasted that my family is like this. The shit that women have done to me. Let's just put it this way if someone did the things that my ex's have done to me to one of my family members. Not only would I not speak to them or have them around but I would probably catch a serious charge. But no hey not my family. Hey the worst. She'd do my family member the more I'm going to like you. That's how they are. Anyways, now I just feel like I'm venting on Reddit. Thanks for listening guys. I would really love your guys's opinions on this though. Am I in the wrong here? I don't feel like it and the only person in my entire family or anyone that's aware of the situation has told me my mother is in the wrong but she is the type. I've never heard an apology from her and she does not take accountability for her actions whatsoever I don't know. Will someone tell me if I'm just being crazy because that's what she's trying to make me feel like I told her she's just like my ex's would rather lie on me than just admit she's wrong
submitted by 1andonlyest86 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:23 O_Tatenen Searching someone to talk daily! [22/M]

Hello there! I'm a friendly 22 year old guy who just likes to talk to people. University eats me up currently so thought that should talk more over chat with people.That's something typically have time for! I'm from Europe and love to talk about culture, history and stuff like that. And looove nerdy stuff. I'm very big into Warhammer Fantasy, Star Wars etc. and also thinking about writing some short stories or even consider some RP or something over text.
But maybe tell me about your day? Are there some things you're geeking out about? Is there some topic that fascinates you currently? Personally, I've gotten quite into Buddhism and early 20th century history the past few months. The latter one because of my university studies.
I'll accept you no matter who you are, I'm just searching for someone to talk with! If you just need someone to listen, might also be the guy for that:)
submitted by O_Tatenen to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:22 One_Grapefruit_690 An NHS Trust is threatening me with a debt collection agency over an invoice dispute

I'm seeking advice regarding a situation with the NHS. Recently, I received an invoice of £4400 for diabetes treatment given to my 12-year-old daughter. The Overseas Visitors department stated that although my daughter is now considered ordinarily resident in the UK, she was not at the time of treatment. My daughter came back to the UK after spending a few years living abroad with her mother. We are both British citizens.
I've provided evidence to the NHS Trust, including UK passports for both myself and my daughter, a one-way ticket to UK, a letter confirming my daughter's resignation from her school abroad, and my payslips as proof of employment in the UK where I've been residing for decades. Despite this, I was informed that the £4400 charge for the past admission still applies.
I reached out to the management of NHS Trust after having no success with the Overseas Visitors department. The CFO responsed and assured me that they would review my case and look into the possibility of extending the payment period. It has been a month and I haven't back from him. While I was waiting for the review, I contacted the Accounts Receivable department to set up a payment plan. Unfortunately, they stated that they would only accept a payment plan for up to six months, which means paying around £750 per month. Given my low income, I can only afford around £50 per month at most.
Now, the Accounts Receivable department is requesting payment and threatening to involve the UK Border Agency and a third-party debt management agency if the payment is not settled.
I'm extremely stressed and unsure of what to do next. Can anyone offer advice on how to proceed or know someone who might be able to help with my case?
submitted by One_Grapefruit_690 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:22 NoriEnjoyer Help me choose a device

After 3 lucky years my RK2020 seems dead and maybe I can revive it by trying a new sd card. But, if it's really dead I'll consider buying a new device to be my primarily device while I save money to buy a Retroid Pocket.
Before I list my requisites, I need to say something important. I live in a country were purchases above 50 usd are heavily taxed, maybe I can avoid it contacting the retailer, but I guess it wouldn't be possible. Here, working at a minimum wage I receive ~250 usd monthly, and a 80 usd device after taxes can cost ~160 usd, it's really unfair. If we had alternatives to those devices here, I wouldn't mind and buy locally. Consumption tax is unjust, the working class is who spends more of their income, those taxes takes more from the poor than the rich.
I'm very interested in the RGB30, RG351P, Miyoo Mini V4 and the Powkiddy V90. I really like the clamshell design (the V90 is so cute) and horizontal form factor (like my RK2020), but somehow the RG35XX SP doesn't attracts me. The vertical form factor always seems wrong for me, maybe I can give it a try.
RGB30: To be honest, I'm in love with it! It's definitely my type of device, kinda blocky and charming. I've found a lot of mods and fixes that I would try to do (like dpad and rumble motors ones). But there's a lot of flaws that I'm very concerned, seems like I would gamble like as the RK2020 experience. By looking in the internet, the screen can arrive broken, the battery is being used as a heatsink and RK3566 devices have a lot of problems concerning charging. While it can cost ~160 usd for me, those problems can make it cost even more so I'm kinda sad about that.
RG351P: A better RK2020, I know it's "old" now, but I wouldn't mind. Seems pretty solid, I didn't saw any serious flaw, but I can be wrong, feel free to comment more about. It can cost ~140usd for me.
Miyoo Mini V4: I know it's small, my hands are small, so it's not a problem. Onion OS really looks very good. I want to mod it in the future. Maybe it can make me overcome my vertical form factor dislike. It can cost ~50 usd, so I can avoid the over 50 usd consumption tax.
V90: It's so cute, but has a lot of flaws and it's "old". The least performant, but I wouldn't mind that much I think. Firmware and screen seems very bad. But I would avoid the 50 usd consumption tax.
About emulation, I really like to play mostly GB/GBC, GBA, SFC and MD. While PS1 and NDS, both mostly not 3D, would be an extra.
About ergonomics, I think it's not a priority since I wouldn't play for hours straight.
That's it. Feel free to correct any wrong information and to recommend another devices (but I think those that I've listed are the ones that I'm willing to buy).
View Poll
submitted by NoriEnjoyer to SBCGaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:22 mesogulogy Gu Zhen Ren's Preface for Reverend Insanity

Preface Title: Either Towards Success or Destruction (reminds me of the footless bird)
After finishing my last book, during the break until now, I have been trying to find direction, searching for the reason why I started in the first place.
It was around five or six years ago when I had already been reading novels for a while.
"The Ethereal Journey" was the first one, followed by "Desecration," "Zhu Xian," "Mad God," "Beast Controlling Room," "Blood Boiling," "Shushan," and "Only I Am Supreme," among many others.
I read numerous novels, but a certain frustration accumulated in my heart. The protagonists I read about were mostly extraordinarily lucky, righteous, and of high moral character. In contrast, the antagonists were usually portrayed as foolish, crazy, and ugly—formidable in name but paper tigers who faltered as soon as they encountered the protagonist.
Thus, I thought about seeing a true villain.
This villain would be distinctive, solitary, dark, and decisive, never wavering. He would never hide his evil, nor pretend to be good.
His appearance would immediately signal his wickedness, exuding a demonic aura and murderous intent. His forte would be trampling rules and slaying righteous sects.
He would stand alone against the world, spreading terror among all living beings. He would be the grandmaster of the evil faction, sometimes arrogant and domineering, sometimes sinister and deceitful, sometimes cold and heartless. He would stand at the pinnacle, disdainful of the world, with all challengers meeting tragic ends.
His methods would be cruel, perhaps even involving the use of venomous insects, clearly not a good person.
What should the name be... Super Demon King? Black Mountain Old Demon? Green Robe Ancestor?
No, no.
After thinking about it, why not call it Master of Gu?
It just so happened that I needed to create an account on Qidian, so this name was born.
In some TV dramas, it often plays out like this: the villain defeats the protagonist and is just one step away from delivering the fatal blow. Then the villain starts to babble, giving the protagonist time to secretly gather strength for a final counterattack, which always succeeds, leading to a great victory.
If the roles were reversed, with the villain at a disadvantage, the scenario would be: after the protagonist shows their power, the villain is defeated and collapses on the ground. Facing the protagonist’s sword, the villain suddenly bursts into tears, swearing to reform. The kind-hearted protagonist hesitates, giving the villain a chance for a desperate counterattack, which fails. The protagonist, now seeing through everything, decisively subdues the villain and finally hardens their heart, shouting "despicable scoundrel" before killing the villain.
Some villains, whenever they kidnap the protagonist's relatives and friends, almost never succeed in their threats. Even with a great advantage, they inexplicably get defeated by the protagonist due to various unforeseen factors.
About six years ago, I created "Master of Gu"' because I had a wish in my heart to witness a truly evil villain. He would have his own way of doing things, rejected by the world, roaming freely, and disdaining explanations. He would be decisive in his actions, never hesitating for emotions, and never faltering before beauty.
His name would strike fear across the land, making people tremble at the mention of it.
Those who understood him would admire and respect him, while those who hated him would gnash their teeth and employ all kinds of tactics, only to make him stronger.
He would walk his own path, wrapped in solitude, with cold eyes seeing through all pretense.
He would scoff at criticism and disdain flattery.
He could endure loneliness, even enjoy it.
He would either succeed or be destroyed.
He would be a warrior, journeying alone in the dark, cutting through thorns and thistles, unstoppable by anything. If gods blocked his way, he would kill gods; if Buddhas blocked his way, he would kill Buddhas!
This dream had been deeply buried in my heart. Over the years of writing, I had several times thought of starting it, but ultimately did not.
Sometimes I was afraid, feeling my writing skills were not enough.
Thus, many years passed, and after experiencing some things, compared to when I started writing, many have changed over time.
The past seemed unbearable to recall, and this dream got buried in the dust of time, gradually forgotten by me. Even if I occasionally thought of it, I felt I was not prepared enough, not capable of writing such a thrilling story.
However, these days, I stopped my continuous progress, looked back, and suddenly understood a truth—life is not like cooking. When cooking, all the ingredients like oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar are prepared beforehand, then you start cooking.
Life has no preparation. Even if everything is ready, isn't there always a need for a favorable wind?
Life is always rushed, and many things happen with little or no preparation.
Fate changes often; no one can predict what will happen tomorrow.
So, I made a decision. In the context of the prophecy of the 2012 apocalypse, I decided to write a new book.
This book will be called "Master of Gu"
No other title would be more appropriate.
This is the cause from six years ago, bearing fruit now.
The title has no other meaning, it is not self-obsession or arrogance, purely an expression of fulfilling a dream.
I want to realize an old dream; I want to recapture past emotions.
Therefore, this book will be very different from others, even from my previous works.
Because the protagonist of this book is a great villain, stopping at nothing to achieve his goals, extremely evil! And the so-called villains in the book will mostly be righteous young heroes or reputable and honorable sects.
In this book, you will see scenes where the protagonist defeats the righteous without nonsense, directly extinguishing their hopes of a comeback. He will also kidnap the righteous’s relatives and friends, forcing them to retreat.
And he will be ruthless. No matter how beautiful the opponent is, if they are enemies, he will resist, no matter how strong they are, he will fight, no matter how beautiful she is, he will kill without hesitation.
Yes, this book will kill women, and kill beauties extensively.
Those who become weak-kneed at the sight of beauties, or have hearts in their eyes, or expect romantic encounters, will not find it in this book.
I know this will disappoint many, but please understand—those who abandon their stance at the sight of beauties are not the demeanor of a peerless demon head or a grand villain boss!
That is infatuation.
This book will portray the madness of a villain boss, his rebellion, his emotions, his unrestrainedness, his recklessness.
Undoubtedly, this will be a controversial book. In the words of the Longkong community, this is called "three views are not correct."
Yes, I openly admit, this is a book with incorrect views.
Reading is for fun and hobby.
This book is very evil, read with caution.
Those who want to read it are welcome.
Those who can't stand it, feel unhappy, or feel their outlook on life, values, and morals are being trampled, I respectfully see you off!
Reading is for joy. If it doesn't bring you happiness, if it doesn't make you happy, then don't read it, change to another book. There are many good books on Qidian, and I will recommend some during the writing process.
This is the preface of this book, and also a statement.
submitted by mesogulogy to ReverendInsanity [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:20 SpiritedBrilliant703 The Dark Truth About Reddit: From Faking Users To A Billion Dollar Company

How did two broke college students with a failed business end up creating one of the most popular internet forum ever? The story of Reddit is filled with scandals, lies, money and even death - as Reddit has been involved in countless controversies, including turning against its own users. But let’s dive in behind Reddit's insane history to the billion dollar company that we know of today.
In 2001, Alexis Ohanian enrolled at the University of Virginia to study computer science. His destiny changed when he met his dorm neighbor Steve Huffman, another self-taught programmer majoring in computer science.
The two bonded over video games but Alexis felt behind his peers' skills. Fearing failure, he switched to pre-law despite his passion for coding. As he prepped for the grueling law entrance exam, visions of a monotonous future as a lawyer overwhelmed him. Mid-exam, he walked out and envisioned running his own impactful tech company instead.
Luckily, Steve already had a business idea - a mobile app for ordering food ahead from gas stations or any restaurant to skip the line. Excited, they named it "My Mobile Menu" and devoted their senior year to building the startup.
However, smartphones were still primitive with no app stores. Steve struggled to connect their SMS-based system to restaurants'. Meanwhile, Alexis struggled to sell the vision to restaurants. Their innovative idea was simply too ahead of its time.
As spring break arrived, Alexis and Steve embarked on a 500-mile trip to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Their goal? Seeking help for their struggling business from entrepreneur Paul Graham, who was lecturing at Harvard on "How to Start a Startup."
Steve was a fan of Graham's books and hoped to get one autographed. But Alexis saw an even bigger opportunity. After the lecture, they approached Graham, bought him a drink, and pitched their mobile food ordering app "My Mobile Menu." Surprisingly, Graham liked the idea of eliminating waiting in line for food.
The pair exchanged contacts with Graham and returned to Virginia reinvigorated. Weeks later, Graham emailed about launching a new startup accelerator program called Y Combinator, inviting them to pitch for funding. Though confident, the investor panel couldn't envision their app working with current technology nor saw two college kids having restaurant connections.
Rejected but not dejected, Graham revealed he still believed in Alexis and Steve if they conceived a better idea. Literally getting off the train at the next stop, they brainstormed a new concept that would change everything.
Abandoning the mobile app, Graham advised building something web-based to solve "your problem every morning." By 2005, content flooded the internet from multiple sources needing better aggregation. Sites like Slashdot let users submit articles that moderators rated. Delicious bookmarked popular links.
But Alexis and Steve envisioned an open platform where anyone could share any content for users to upvote or downvote - a platform where content is rated by the people. After tossing names like Oobaloo and 360scope, they landed on "Reddit" - allowing people to simply say "I read it on Reddit."
Graduating in 2005 with a new company name and vision, the founders of Reddit were ready to disrupt how content spreads online.
Armed with $12,000 in funding from Y Combinator, Alexis and Steve moved to Massachusetts to work full-time on their new idea. They spent months operating on little sleep, barely leaving as they built Reddit day and night. However, Paul Graham soon emailed questioning why they hadn't launched yet, pushing them to release a bare-bones beta version immediately.
Unexpectedly, Graham then linked to Reddit on his blog, driving their first 1,000 visitors. Ready or not, Reddit was now live - but missing a crucial element: users.
Alexis tried everything to attract an audience - posting flyers around Boston, asking friends to contribute content, even pitching fellow Y Combinator founders. But without an existing userbase, there was little content.
Desperate for traction, Alexis and Steve resorted to creating hundreds of fake accounts to populate Reddit with posts, giving the illusion of an active community. "Reddit's no fun if the page is blank," Alexis rationalized their moves.
At first, there was no evident impact until they started noticing unfamiliar usernames joining the platform. By summer's end, Reddit had amassed over 12,000 daily users.
However, the homepage was simply a jumble of random links voted to the top with no categorization system. This sparked Alexis and Steve's first major clash - Alexis wanted tags for organization, but Steve opposed subjective labeling concerns.
Their compromise? Separate "subreddit" sections for every interest, becoming Reddit's backbone. The first was the not-safe-for-work subreddit, followed by science, programming, politics and many more niche communities united on one novel platform.
With this innovative structure, Reddit's prospects were looking very bright - especially after crossing paths with a pivotal new player, Aaron Swartz.
At just 18 years old, Aaron Swartz was a talented programmer also backed by Y Combinator for his startup Infogami, that built web development tools. However, Infogami struggled - Aaron hadn't launched yet and found himself broke, homeless and partnerless. Paul Graham saw Aaron's potential to help with developing Reddit and suggested merging companies.
Late 2005, around 6 months after Reddit's launch, Infogami merged into a new parent company Not A Bug Inc with Reddit. Steve, Alexis and Aaron each owned 24% of Reddit, with Paul at 7% and the rest reserved.
Alexis and Steve welcomed Aaron's coding skills. As users grew, Reddit added comment sections for discussions, plus a "karma" points system incentivizing quality contributions. The trio collaborated well initially.
However, underlying tensions brewed. Alexis and Steve felt it unfair Aaron publicly called himself a Reddit co-founder when he joined 6 months after their idea's inception. This founder friction intensified as Reddit caught the attention of media giant Condé Nast.
The multi-billion dollar publisher of Vogue, GQ and Vanity Fair sought to acquire the rapidly growing, user-generated Reddit to expand digitally after acquiring Wired. Though not looking to sell their 1-year-old startup yet, the 23, 22 and 19-year-old founders entertained Condé Nast's millions.
After tense negotiations, one hurdle remained - Aaron voicing concerns over a massive corporation controlling the free user-driven platform. His antics like secretly tweaking contracts caused frustration until Steve warned him not to jeopardize the deal.
Relenting, Condé Nast acquired Reddit for around $10-20 million, making the founders overnight millionaires. Though required to remain for 3 more years, they operated independently with resources to grow Reddit. What seemed like a dream quickly turned into a nightmare as the Reddit founders' story took a dark twist.
Everyone worked hard to impress Condé Nast, Reddit's new corporate owners - except Aaron. He had envisioned Reddit as a voice for the people against big governments and corporations. So being owned by a massive media company felt like a bad cultural fit.
Aaron rarely showed up to the office, even blogging about hating the "grey walls, grey desks, grey noise". Finally in January 2007, Alexis, Steve and Condé Nast leadership fired the problematic Aaron.
Without him, the team continued developing Reddit, rethinking core features.
Until 2008, only employees could create new topic subreddits despite increasing user requests. Their solution? Allowing any user to make their own subreddit.
This brilliant move spawned subreddits for every niche interest imaginable, from niche bands to financial advice to bizarre meme topics like "BreadStapleToTrees" with over 300,000 members. Users could now find or create communities for any interest.
Another clever tactic was to let the most active users moderate the subreddits they created for free.
Reddit's popularity soared to over 2 million users and 10,000+ subreddits by late 2008. Yet the company struggled to monetize this traffic.
So despite explosive growth, Reddit remained unprofitable, merely introducing paid memberships and awards. Meanwhile, tensions boiled over between Alexis and Steve - the former grieving his late mother, accusing Steve of mismanagement while Steve felt Alexis schemed behind his back. Sharing an apartment worsened their explosive office fights.
By 2009 when their Condé Nast contracts expired, the fractured co-founders both abandoned Reddit just as a new Congressional bill threatened the site's very existence.
In 2011, Congress proposed the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would hold platforms like Reddit responsible for all user-generated content on their sites - even content they didn't publish themselves. For a site with millions of users freely posting, copyright owners could sue Reddit, potentially leading to massive fines, legal fees or even a shutdown.
At the time, Reddit had over 46 million users but only 20 employees, making it impossible to monitor all content for compliance. Reddit publicly declared SOPA an "all-out war against the internet" they wouldn't go down without a fight.
Many tech giants like Google and Wikipedia also lobbied against the law amid intense public backlash. On January 18, 2012, Reddit took the dramatic step of shutting down for 12 hours in protest, stating in a blog post: "We wouldn't do this if we didn't believe this legislation and the forces behind it were a serious threat to Reddit and the internet as we know it."
Days later, Congress abandoned SOPA after succumbing to public pressure. One key leader emerging from this internet freedom battle was none other than Aaron Swartz. After leaving Reddit, he had become an activist fighting internet censorship and campaigning for an open internet.
But his activism landed him in serious legal trouble in 2011 when arrested for illegally downloading millions of academic journals from MIT to make them freely accessible online. He faced up to 35 years in prison and $1 million in fines.
Aaron was offered a plea deal of just 6 months if he admitted guilty, however he rejects it to avoid being a lifelong felon. As his case lingered, the depressed Aaron became isolated, not wanting to burden others. Tragically, his girlfriend found him dead by suicide weeks before the trial.
Tributes poured in across the internet, hailing Aaron as using "his prodigious skills not to enrich himself, but to make the internet and world a fairer, better place." Though inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame for co-founding Reddit and creating RSS feeds and Creative Commons licenses, Aaron's pivotal role has largely been erased from Reddit's official history.
In March 2012, Yishan Wang from PayPal became Reddit's new CEO as the site reached billions of monthly pageviews and gained cultural relevance. Even President Barack Obama did an AMA ("Ask Me Anything") Q&A on the site's popular subreddit.
However, this immense growth caused problems. Since anyone could create subreddits, many disturbing communities proliferated from watching people die to cannibalism forums. Reddit's anonymity made it ripe for abuse by extremists, hate speech, and controversies.
One tragic example followed the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings killing 3 and injuring hundreds. A "FindBostonBombers" subreddit emerged with thousands speculating and sharing unauthorized personal information against site rules. They falsely accused missing student Sunil Tripathi based on resemblance, leading to vicious harassment of his grieving family before authorities identified the true perpetrators.
When Tripathi's body was discovered on April 23, news outlets blamed Reddit's witch-hunt. As the userbase swelled into the millions, pressure mounted on executives like Yishan to crack down on offensive subreddits. Though believing "we will not ban legal content even if odious," he eventually prohibited forums like "BeatingWomen" with graphic violence.
By 2014, conflicting views on content moderation led Yishan to resign after just two years, citing stress from the internal conflicts and negative publicity scaring investors amidst sexism claims. Ellen Pao soon replaced him as CEO to address Reddit's escalating controversies.
Ellen Pao, formerly Reddit's VP known for suing a past employer over gender discrimination, succeeded Yishan as CEO in 2014. Her hiring aimed to rehabilitate Reddit's concerning reputation.
Around this time, co-founder Alexis Ohanian also returned as executive chairman, hoping to steer Reddit clear of controversies. Shortly after, Pao implemented stricter anti-harassment policies and banned some of the most offensive subreddits.
While some lauded her efforts to clean up Reddit, many core users considered it censorship - especially after Pao stated: "We are not a completely free speech platform." Matters escalated when she fired beloved employee Victoria Taylor, who coordinated high-profile AMAs. In protest, moderators shut down hundreds of subreddits, effectively blacking out the site.
With over 160,000 petitions calling for her removal, Pao resigned after just 7 months amid Reddit's tailspin and uncertain future. The company desperately needed stable leadership after cycling through 3 CEOs in under a year.
Offering a glimmer of hope, co-founder Steve Huffman returned as CEO in 2015 alongside Ohanian's renewed involvement. The original founders' comeback reignited optimism, with design upgrades, mobile apps, and clearer direction initially.
However, in 2016 Huffman himself sparked an ethics scandal. After insulting comments on the controversial "The_Donald" subreddit, he abused admin privileges to edit them, redirecting insults towards the subreddit's moderators instead. Though calling it "trolling the trolls," many felt an admin editing user posts broke trust in Reddit's freedom and openness - severely damaging Huffman's credibility.
In April 2023, Reddit announced it would start charging to access its API - the interface allowing third-party apps and websites to pull data from Reddit. One of the most popular alternative apps was Apollo, offering a different browsing experience by freely accessing Reddit's data when the API was free.
However, Reddit's new pricing of 24 cents per 1,000 API requests meant Apollo estimated yearly costs over $20 million - forcing the beloved third-party app to shut down. Many moderator tools relying on Reddit's API to provide enhanced functionality beyond Reddit's official app were also hit with massive unexpected bills.
Many in the community felt the exorbitant pricing and lack of warning suggested Reddit deliberately aimed to kill competitor apps, not giving developers time to adapt. Outraged moderators and developers grouped together, staging a blackout where over 7,000 subreddits including major communities like AskReddit went dark simultaneously to protest the API charges.
With huge portions of Reddit inaccessible, the company lost substantial ad revenue during one of the biggest online protests ever. Many thought this backlash would force Reddit to rescind the changes. However, since the blackout stated a hard 48-hour timeline, Reddit simply waited it out despite some subreddits staying private longer until threatened with moderator bans.
Post-blackout, animosity towards Reddit's leadership like CEO Steve Huffman has intensified. However, Reddit argued the monetization move was necessary, as the company remains unprofitable while third-parties freely integrated Reddit's entire infrastructure and content without generating any income for Reddit itself.
While Reddit's position is defensible from a business perspective, most agree better foresight like improving their official app with requested features could have avoided controversy. Nonetheless, Reddit achieved its API paywall aims - but at the cost of worsening tensions with its very own community.
Despite nearly 20 years online and around 430 million monthly users as of 2023, Reddit incredibly still operates at a loss and has never turned a profit. However, Reddit's collective community has managed to accomplish some incredible feats.
Users have raised massive amounts for charities and orphanages, organized the world's largest secret Santa gift exchange, and created millions of connections through niche interest communities. Reddit is undeniably useful too - its threads frequently appear as top Google results for inquiries.
But no event demonstrated Reddit's community power quite like the 2021 GameStop stock frenzy. Amateur traders on the WallStreetBets subreddit banded together against hedge funds betting on GameStop's decline. Redditors began purchasing the struggling company's shares en masse, driving its stock price from under $3 to an astonishing $483 peak.
This monumental short squeeze caused multi-billion losses for major Wall Street firms, while making numerous Redditors overnight millionaires simply by clinging together. While Reddit itself has yet to solve profitability, one thing remains clear - the website's most powerful asset and liability is its vast unified user base.
Despite the controversies and roller coaster ride detailed in Reddit's story, the site's populist underpinnings and harnessed collective continue redefining what an online community can achieve, for better or worse. Reddit's unconventional journey is far from over.
submitted by SpiritedBrilliant703 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:19 AdelineChewy How to go from ugly to hot?

I'm 24 years old and feeling pretty down about my appearance. My teeth are yellow and crooked, my skin has wrinkles and eye bags, my hairline is receding, my beard is patchy, and to top it off, I'm overweight. I'm not sure how I can fix all of these issues, or if there's even hope for improvement. I'd really like to start dating, but it feels like women see me as some kind of freak and don't give me a second glance. I'm starting to doubt if God loves us all equally. It's a tough situation to be in, and I'm not sure what to do. The thought of being alone forever is disheartening, but it seems like it might be my only option.
submitted by AdelineChewy to DatingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:19 CherryThorn12 Looking to rp any of these! MUST be 18 and up

If I do not respond for a while I apologize for having a life outside of role playing
If you 'don't know what fluff is' this post is not for you
Play my oc's love interest and I'll play yours, but be prepared to play multiple characters, I will be playing my oc and canon characters as well but unfortunately I can't play all canon characters and my oc. If you are one of those "I only play my oc" or "I don't oc x cc" or whatever type of people this post is not for you
Message me with your actual age
Need someone who can do an accurate canon character, it doesn't have to be 100℅ accurate but maybe at least 50℅ accurate.
Please use proper grammar
Fluff only
Discord only
Third person only, I do have a life outside of roleplay so if I ghost for long periods of time I do apologize but I can't always be role playing,
I also do work and sometimes won't get off until 1:30, 2 or 2:30, and 3:00
Do not spam me
Do not make me uncomfortable, do not be weird or creepy or I will end things
For fandoms I only do CCxOc (depending on the fandom)
MUST BE 18+, I'm 23 years old
Avatar way of water X Frontiers of pandora
Cyberpunk 2077 (mainly)
Wolf among us (mainly)
Marvel (mainly X-Men) X Avatar (not Airbender) crossover
DC (mainly) X Avatar (not Airbender) crossover
Assassin's Creed (mainly) X Avatar (not Airbender) crossover
Destiny 2 crossover with Halo (the tv show not the games)
Ultraman (the anime)
Blood of Zeus (haven't seen season 2 yet, waiting to watch when I have more time) (mainly)
Dragon Ball
Destiny (mainly)
Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora X Avatar Frontiers of Pandora rp (MUST have have at least played the game or enough knowledge to be able to do this)
Troll hunters
Demon Slayer
Once Upon A Time
Fairy tail
Tiger's Apprentice
Star Wars Bad Batch X Avatar crossover (not Airbender)
More will be added later
submitted by CherryThorn12 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:18 NotSoSaneExile New information from an interview with Olmert debunks popular Pro-Palestinian false claims

As many of you know, Israel and the world has offered the Palestinians plenty of partition plans which were all refused.
There was the 30s with the British offering them some 70% of the land, the famous UN partition plan which was answered by a war of "Annihilation", and more modern offers such as Camp David with the Clinton Parameters following. And of course, Olmert's attempt a few years later very recently in 2006, trying to finally get peace with the Palestinian's new leader Abbas, following Arafat's refusal to a somewhat similar plan a few years earlier and death.

In short, what was the Olmert offer?

Olmert's plan was largely based on the former Clinton Parameters, and included among other things the following:
All in all, any reasonable 2 state solution supporting person would think this is great, and provides the Palestinians a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world their intentions are peaceful, and finally for the first time in history have a state, with Jerusalem as it's capital. As an Israeli this is the kind of solution I was personally supporting pretty much all my life, up until Oct 7.

Abbas's refusal of peace - The Palestinian excuse

The Palestinians getting yet another extremely positive good faith offer, seems to have created some sort of cognitive dissonance among Pro-Palestinians. Most of which have swallowed the narrative about the evil colonizer Israelis who only want war and more land (Despite factually giving up more land than Israel's entire land mass for peace with Egypt), while oppressing the nothing but peace-loving poor Palestinians. Who sure, might lash out in time to time, but they are SO justified (In raping, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, and refusing peace) due to Israel's actions.
And thus, just like in regards to Arafat destroying peace instead of accepting the Clinton Parameters before, the excuses begin.
One of the main reasons quoted by Abbas himself and when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, is that "Abbas was not allowed to study the maps" and thus could not accept it.
This lie has been reported widely across plenty of media such as TimesofIsrael
PA president says he declined proposal — which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem’s Old City — because he wasn’t allowed to study map
Abbas said. “He told me, ‘This is the map’ and took it away. I respected his point of view, but how can I sign on something that I didn’t receive?”
And of course, this excuse also repeated an endless amount of times when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, who hold as hard as they can to Abbas's excuse in an attempt to solve the internal paradox of supporting those who said no to peace, and yes to a genocidal war one time after the next. Yet consider themselves as the good guys in this story.

Recent interview debunking it

Recently, a streamer named Destiny, who has been conducting plenty of debates and studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the past ~6 months, has travelled to Israel and conducted plenty of interviews with many key players of the different peace negotiations in the past.
While the full interview is not out, Destiny shared in Twitter a part of an interview with Olmert himself, debunking this specific Palestinians excuse to their refusal of peace. Here is the clip, you can watch it yourself.
According to Olmert, this excuse by Abbas is nothing but nonsense. As he told him specifically that they can have a meeting tomorrow with both sides experts regarding the map, and look at it together. A meeting was set, but of course, they got a phone call later by the Palestinians saying they cannot make it.
Seems like Arafat has taught his student well, as Arafat employed very similar tactics in order to derail both the Camp David and the Clinton Parameters just a few years before that.
So that is it. Now my message to all Pro-Palestinians who are sane enough to support a two state solution and not the destruction of Israel (Which to you I have nothing to say, it's good to have dreams in life I suppose, maybe less genocidal ones would be better), what is your excuse now? Is Olmert lying while Abbas the holocaust denier is telling the truth? I expect to see such excuses and under no illusion that this will change anyone's opinion.
A popular Pro-Palestinian claim is that peace and a two state solution was not implemented following Olmert's proposal to Abbas is because Abbas "Was not allowed to study the maps and was expected to say yes without it". In a recent interview, Olmert debunked this and claims the Palestinians excused out of the meet that will allow the Palestinians to study the maps, seemingly intentionally missing yet another chance for peace.
submitted by NotSoSaneExile to Israel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:17 CherryThorn12 Looking to do any of these rps! MUST be 18 and up

If I do not respond for a while I apologize for having a life outside of role playing
If you 'don't know what fluff is' this post is not for you
Play my oc's love interest and I'll play yours, but be prepared to play multiple characters, I will be playing my oc and canon characters as well but unfortunately I can't play all canon characters and my oc. If you are one of those "I only play my oc" or "I don't oc x cc" or whatever type of people this post is not for you
Message me with your actual age
Need someone who can do an accurate canon character, it doesn't have to be 100℅ accurate but maybe at least 50℅ accurate.
Please use proper grammar
Fluff only
Discord only
Third person only, I do have a life outside of roleplay so if I ghost for long periods of time I do apologize but I can't always be role playing,
I also do work and sometimes won't get off until 1:30, 2 or 2:30, and 3:00
Do not spam me
Do not make me uncomfortable, do not be weird or creepy or I will end things
For fandoms I only do CCxOc (depending on the fandom)
MUST BE 18+, I'm 23 years old
Avatar Way Of Water X Frontiers of pandora
Cyberpunk 2077 (mainly)
Wolf among us (mainly)
Marvel (mainly X-Men) X Avatar (not Airbender) crossover
DC (mainly) X Avatar (not Airbender) crossover
Assassin's Creed (mainly) X Avatar (not Airbender) crossover
Destiny 2 crossover with Halo (the tv show not the games)
Ultraman (the anime)
Blood of Zeus (haven't seen season 2 yet, waiting to watch when I have more time) (mainly)
Dragon Ball
Destiny (mainly)
Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora X Avatar Frontiers of Pandora rp (MUST have have at least played the game or enough knowledge to be able to do this)
Troll hunters
Demon Slayer
Once Upon A Time
Fairy tail
Tiger's Apprentice
Star Wars Bad Batch X Avatar crossover (not Airbender)
More will be added later
submitted by CherryThorn12 to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:17 NotSoSaneExile New information from an interview with Olmert debunks popular Pro-Palestinian false claims

As many of you know, Israel and the world has offered the Palestinians plenty of partition plans which were all refused.
There was the 30s with the British offering them some 70% of the land, the famous UN partition plan which was answered by a war of "Annihilation", and more modern offers such as Camp David with the Clinton Parameters following. And of course, Olmert's attempt a few years later very recently in 2006, trying to finally get peace with the Palestinian's new leader Abbas, following Arafat's refusal to a somewhat similar plan a few years earlier and death.

In short, what was the Olmert offer?

Olmert's plan was largely based on the former Clinton Parameters, and included among other things the following:
All in all, any reasonable 2 state solution supporting person would think this is great, and provides the Palestinians a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world their intentions are peaceful, and finally for the first time in history have a state, with Jerusalem as it's capital. As an Israeli this is the kind of solution I was personally supporting pretty much all my life, up until Oct 7.

Abbas's refusal of peace - The Palestinian excuse

The Palestinians getting yet another extremely positive good faith offer, seems to have created some sort of cognitive dissonance among Pro-Palestinians. Most of which have swallowed the narrative about the evil colonizer Israelis who only want war and more land (Despite factually giving up more land than Israel's entire land mass for peace with Egypt), while oppressing the nothing but peace-loving poor Palestinians. Who sure, might lash out in time to time, but they are SO justified (In raping, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, and refusing peace) due to Israel's actions.
And thus, just like in regards to Arafat destroying peace instead of accepting the Clinton Parameters before, the excuses begin.
One of the main reasons quoted by Abbas himself and when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, is that "Abbas was not allowed to study the maps" and thus could not accept it.
This lie has been reported widely across plenty of media such as TimesofIsrael
PA president says he declined proposal — which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem’s Old City — because he wasn’t allowed to study map
Abbas said. “He told me, ‘This is the map’ and took it away. I respected his point of view, but how can I sign on something that I didn’t receive?”
And of course, this excuse also repeated an endless amount of times when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, who hold as hard as they can to Abbas's excuse in an attempt to solve the internal paradox of supporting those who said no to peace, and yes to a genocidal war one time after the next. Yet consider themselves as the good guys in this story.

Recent interview debunking it

Recently, a streamer named Destiny, who has been conducting plenty of debates and studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the past ~6 months, has travelled to Israel and conducted plenty of interviews with many key players of the different peace negotiations in the past.
While the full interview is not out, Destiny shared in Twitter a part of an interview with Olmert himself, debunking this specific Palestinians excuse to their refusal of peace. Here is the clip, you can watch it yourself.
According to Olmert, this excuse by Abbas is nothing but nonsense. As he told him specifically that they can have a meeting tomorrow with both sides experts regarding the map, and look at it together. A meeting was set, but of course, they got a phone call later by the Palestinians saying they cannot make it.
Seems like Arafat has taught his student well, as Arafat employed very similar tactics in order to derail both the Camp David and the Clinton Parameters just a few years before that.
So that is it. Now my message to all Pro-Palestinians who are sane enough to support a two state solution and not the destruction of Israel (Which to you I have nothing to say, it's good to have dreams in life I suppose, maybe less genocidal ones would be better), what is your excuse now? Is Olmert lying while Abbas the holocaust denier is telling the truth? I expect to see such excuses and under no illusion that this will change anyone's opinion.
A popular Pro-Palestinian claim is that peace and a two state solution was not implemented following Olmert's proposal to Abbas is because Abbas "Was not allowed to study the maps and was expected to say yes without it". In a recent interview, Olmert debunked this and claims the Palestinians excused out of the meet that will allow the Palestinians to study the maps, seemingly intentionally missing yet another chance for peace.
submitted by NotSoSaneExile to geopolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:16 Dads-Dead Am I wrong here? Am I wrong for wanting a nap in my home?

Context: 1 year ago me and my boyfriend moved in together & shortly thereafter realized we were better as friends, while the plan is to ultimately find separate homes we are coexisting well for the time being. He has his room upstairs and I have my room downstairs. He also has a 7 year old son that I adore and shares custody with his ex. When his son visits they often spend time on the second floor by choice, just a preference thing I guess. His ex sometimes gives him grief about that fact. I think she envisions they are just hanging out in his room all day instead of doing a variety of activities, which isn’t the case. Even when they are up there, they are playing and being active. Anyhow, me and my ex both have hard jobs and work full-time.
Scenario: His son is with us for the weekend. My ex has had a long work week so when his son wakes up at 6am, I get up with him so that my ex can sleep in until 10am. Ex appreciates it and me and his son (who I will call “Max”) have a fun morning of cartoons and video games and chatting and breakfast. Later in the day at 2pm, after mowing the lawn and weed-whacking and pulling weeds, I am beat and want to take a nap. As a person who has a very busy work week, taking a nap for 1-2 hours on a Sunday is pretty much the only down-time I can dream of in the span of 7 days. Right as I announce I am about to lay down for a nap, my ex & Max set up a board game downstairs directly outside of my room (I also have to leave my door cracked so the cat doesn’t get trapped in or out). If you have a kid or know a kid, kids are loud. I make it known I wanted a measly one hour of relative quiet but my ex didn’t care. I asked “how long do you think you guys are gonna be because I really would like to get a little rest.” He says an hour. I lay in bed as they laugh and shout loudly, an hour passes and they are still playing so I send my ex a text saying “Is the tv on? If so can you please turn it down? I’m desperate to get the tiniest bit of rest. Ive been up since 5am. I would love if you guys would leave the living room, its been over an hour.” He replies “When we’re done playing.” After another 10 minutes I’m getting pissed and I reply “ Just forget it. All I wanted was to take a 1 hr nap and you cant work with me? Which is an even bigger insult after I woke up so you could sleep for 3 extra hours this morning. Really inconsiderate” His final reply is “F*CK OFF” so I give up, I am not getting a nap today.
About 4 days pass and I ultimately bring up how disrespected I felt and how I didn’t feel like I was asking for too much. They have free range of the house and all I wanted was one hour where they weren’t loudly playing directly outside my bedroom. We share a home, if I was a regular roommate, not a former ex, would he have behaved this way? When I revisit the topic he does on a full on rant about how I should be ashamed of myself for my behavior on Sunday, that I am “Ridiculous” and “sick”. I cant understand how that could be his point of view. Am I missing something here?
submitted by Dads-Dead to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:16 QuackDealer4295 are women relieved to go through menopause?

i can only imagine women would be excited for menopause, because they wouldn’t experience period cramps or anything of the sort, but i’m a 16 year old male, so i don’t really have a lot of experience on the subject
submitted by QuackDealer4295 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:15 NotSoSaneExile New information from an interview with Olmert debunks popular Pro-Palestinian false claims

As many of you know, Israel and the world has offered the Palestinians plenty of partition plans which were all refused.
There was the 30s with the British offering them some 70% of the land, the famous UN partition plan which was answered by a war of "Annihilation", and more modern offers such as Camp David with the Clinton Parameters following. And of course, Olmert's attempt a few years later very recently in 2006, trying to finally get peace with the Palestinian's new leader Abbas, following Arafat's refusal to a somewhat similar plan a few years earlier and death.

In short, what was the Olmert offer?

Olmert's plan was largely based on the former Clinton Parameters, and included among other things the following:
All in all, any reasonable 2 state solution supporting person would think this is great, and provides the Palestinians a real opportunity to demonstrate to the world their intentions are peaceful, and finally for the first time in history have a state, with Jerusalem as it's capital. As an Israeli this is the kind of solution I was personally supporting pretty much all my life, up until Oct 7.

Abbas's refusal of peace - The Palestinian excuse

The Palestinians getting yet another extremely positive good faith offer, seems to have created some sort of cognitive dissonance among Pro-Palestinians. Most of which have swallowed the narrative about the evil colonizer Israelis who only want war and more land (Despite factually giving up more land than Israel's entire land mass for peace with Egypt), while oppressing the nothing but peace-loving poor Palestinians. Who sure, might lash out in time to time, but they are SO justified (In raping, murdering, kidnapping, torturing, and refusing peace) due to Israel's actions.
And thus, just like in regards to Arafat destroying peace instead of accepting the Clinton Parameters before, the excuses begin.
One of the main reasons quoted by Abbas himself and when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, is that "Abbas was not allowed to study the maps" and thus could not accept it.
This lie has been reported widely across plenty of media such as TimesofIsrael
PA president says he declined proposal — which included near-total withdrawal from West Bank and relinquishing Israeli control of Jerusalem’s Old City — because he wasn’t allowed to study map
Abbas said. “He told me, ‘This is the map’ and took it away. I respected his point of view, but how can I sign on something that I didn’t receive?”
And of course, this excuse also repeated an endless amount of times when discussing with Pro-Palestinians, who hold as hard as they can to Abbas's excuse in an attempt to solve the internal paradox of supporting those who said no to peace, and yes to a genocidal war one time after the next. Yet consider themselves as the good guys in this story.

Recent interview debunking it

Recently, a streamer named Destiny, who has been conducting plenty of debates and studying the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the past ~6 months, has travelled to Israel and conducted plenty of interviews with many key players of the different peace negotiations in the past.
While the full interview is not out, Destiny shared in Twitter a part of an interview with Olmert himself, debunking this specific Palestinians excuse to their refusal of peace. Here is the clip, you can watch it yourself.
According to Olmert, this excuse by Abbas is nothing but nonsense. As he told him specifically that they can have a meeting tomorrow with both sides experts regarding the map, and look at it together. A meeting was set, but of course, they got a phone call later by the Palestinians saying they cannot make it.
Seems like Arafat has taught his student well, as Arafat employed very similar tactics in order to derail both the Camp David and the Clinton Parameters just a few years before that.
So that is it. Now my message to all Pro-Palestinians who are sane enough to support a two state solution and not the destruction of Israel (Which to you I have nothing to say, it's good to have dreams in life I suppose, maybe less genocidal ones would be better), what is your excuse now? Is Olmert lying while Abbas the holocaust denier is telling the truth? I expect to see such excuses and under no illusion that this will change anyone's opinion.
A popular Pro-Palestinian claim is that peace and a two state solution was not implemented following Olmert's proposal to Abbas is because Abbas "Was not allowed to study the maps and was expected to say yes without it". In a recent interview, Olmert debunked this and claims the Palestinians excused out of the meet that will allow the Palestinians to study the maps, seemingly intentionally missing yet another chance for peace.
submitted by NotSoSaneExile to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:14 le-corbeau-solitaire What would an average day for an upper class family in 19th-century Manila be like?

Hi! I'm trying to outline a short story, and I'm having trouble finding sources to figure out the above question. I'm imagining, for instance, what the schedule of a 16–20 year old daughter of a business-owning family in Manila might be like during the 1850s–1890s. What would she and her family do from the moment they wake up and have breakfast, to the moment they have dinner and go to bed?
I imagine there should be a lot of variation based on occupations and just specific circumstances, but I'm really just asking for an overall picture, and details that might be important to note/assumptions I shouldn't make as a 21st century person. Any sources that might answer this question would be super helpful as well.
Thank you so much in advance!
submitted by le-corbeau-solitaire to FilipinoHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:14 babyrabiesbrain AITAH for feeling my wife of 25 years has essentially taken away my chance at ever having offspring and probably doesn't love me?

As the title says I (M44) always planned on having kid(s) with my wife (F43). We have a video we recorded together for our future children when we were younger. I didn't want to start until I was absolutely sure we were financially stable enough to support a kid. I can distinctly remember when that day came about 12 years ago. Suddenly she wasn't so sure which came as a complete shock to me.
After much conversation she agreed I'd make a great father and we could finally stop using condoms (yes, they were always required prior to that). Now it seemed like she started keeping track of her cycles but I think we only tried (on the proper day) once or twice in a 2 year period (I feel like the keeping track she did was to make sure we DIDN'T do it on those "certain days")
So here's where stuff gets really messed up: spurred on by our Dogs coming demise I started researching why we never ended up having kids and came across some texts (>10k+) during that same time period where she had a 2-3 year affair. It was the guy that actually broke it off with her in the end because he knew she was married and didn't want to be a home wrecker. This made her intensly angry at me for 2 years! I had no idea why she was so mad. Honestly, now I wish she would have left me for him so I could at least have a chance at finding a women that truly loves me enough to have our baby.
Did I mention that she cut me off of all sex since the affair (while still being intimate with him for over another 6 months) and it'll be 10 YEARS this August since we made love (she claimed it was due to pain but never went to doctors about it). Not even a handy on my Birthday no matter how many times I asked.
Only recently after all this did we finally figure out what may be the worst part of this: she has bad cptsd from childhood which was erroneously attributed to agoraphobia and social anxiety for over a decade.
So I have 2 choices: 1. Stick with the women I've loved for over 25 years and help her recover from the cptsd or 2. Find a women who loves me (and i love her) enough to have kids in very short order.
So reddit, AITAH?
submitted by babyrabiesbrain to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:14 Somethingabtnothing_ Atyant bhasad but

There’s a person I am attached to, I’ve tried to move on but not able to. I’m getting old. Life is practical keh rahe hain sab. He said he’s a man of his words. Promised me a life together with stipulations to adhere to the requirements of his family, I’m trying to be like it. He’s made a big mess in the middle and layed the blame on me. I had no response but to keep quiet and hope situations normalize. I’ve tried not to share this with my friends and family because I didn’t want anyone to think poorly of him and perhaps of me too to engage this situation. But the toll it’s taken on me is too much. There’s a resounding ‘bevakoof banaya tumhara’ going around me by friends/family. But my heart isn’t ready to believe he could ever betray me. I cry at the drop of a hat and it’s just been really really rough the past couple years trying to manage this alone. And I …. his family for being materialistic and dogmatic and inconsiderate and mean and demanding and backward under a garb but I hate him more for asking me to wait for him in a situation where … This sort of thing should not be happening today. Women are not dolls and this ladki aisi honi chaiye vaisi honi chaiye. I feel like a fool because my fam says I’m wrong to have even listened to disrespectful things and that I should have walked away at the first instance of such things surfacing and not trusted him/them. From his side of things I’m a harassing stalker with no accountability. But no one wants to listen to my story. This is not the story I wanted to tell to begin with. In my story I wanted to make a home full of love, but this is a world full of lies and my brain breaks to find out the truth. I wish I were dead instead of this fucked up story that I can’t even tell all the details of anonymously. Uncouth. Selfish. Selfish log.
submitted by Somethingabtnothing_ to IndianRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:11 Pixiegirls1102 Traveon Hughes, Sr. - Is He Responsible for his Infant’s Death?

Cleveland, OH
Traveon Hughes, Sr. was convicted in the murder of his 13 week old infant. He was also found guilty of 1 count of involuntary manslaughter, and 2 counts of endangering children after Traveon Jr. died on June 25, 2022.
Traveon Sr. testified that the infant shoved a baby wipe in his own mouth. The pathologist who conducted the autopsy, and two other physicians testified that the average child Traveon Jrs. age would not be developmentally advanced enough to be able to get the wipe lodged in his throat on his own. Hughes stated he left the baby with a wipe to replace a bib spoiled with milk for a short time. This may have been 10-20 minutes, but he couldn't be sure.
The courtroom was stunned when the mother of the infant defended Hughes, Sr. saying that “y’all are making a mistake.’ ‘Y’all know what y’all did to my child, and y’all are not going to get away with this.’ Acielona McEwan, the mother of Traveon Jr., insists that it was EMS that caused her child to die by pushing the wipe further down the infants throat.
Hughes Sr., only 20 years old, 18 when the death occurred, is eligible for parole consideration in 15 years.
What are your thoughts on this case? Can a premature baby at 13 weeks old, have the dexterity to pick up a wipe from their chest and ball it up and shove it down their throat? Was this just a tragic accident? Did Hughes Sr., left alone at home with the crying infant, just not have the patience and wanted to shut him up?
submitted by Pixiegirls1102 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:11 JuggernautyouFear AITA, Upstairs Neighbor Kid Running All Day

Upstairs neighbor has a 2 year old that constantly runs back and forth, dropping things on tile. After putting up with it for 20 minutes each time, I either yell to shut up or stomp 2 times on my concrete floor. That usually works, but they don't seem to properly train their kid not to run constantly. I get that 2 year olds have short legs, but they don't have to run back and forth from the living room to the bedroom 80 times a day. I've started writing down every time the kid makes noise a few days ago, page is getting full. I leave for hours, come back and I hear running immediately. I can't get any peace and quiet when they're home. It starts at 730am and doesn't stop until 8 or 9pm every day. I don't wanna get them evicted, but the landlord needs to enforce the Warranty of Habitability. At least have them put a runner carpet in the hallway. Feels like I live in a hollow drum, paper thin walls and floors. I can't even play Call of Duty with my headphones on without hearing BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM from upstairs. They are louder than a Warzone.
All I want is peace and quiet. I don't care if the kid screams or cries, just the stomping.
submitted by JuggernautyouFear to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:09 Creamsicle50 This old schooler rigid racer finally going to front suspension

The short version: the first MTB I bought was back in 1992, a Trek 930 all steel, rigid, long reach 26" bike, which I took racing, and met with some success against guys with much better equipment. Life eventually got in the way, and I hung it up for many years. Fast forward to 2024, and I pulled it down and went single tracking again, and remembered how addictive and thrilling this is, so I finally bought the second MTB of my life: Trek XCaliber 8 27.5"(I'm short, so I have to ride a small, which does not have 29" wheels). I'm excited to finally have front suspension for my older bones.
What I'm looking for is advice from other old schoolers who made the transition from rigid to front suspension on actual trails. Yeah, yeah, I realize I'm very late to the party, and everyone else made this transition before end of last century. "Get off my lawn before I whack you with my cane", lol. But seriously, I wanna hear from guys/gals who've actually made the transition. The rigid riders will know that, without suspension, you have to let the bike float around under you when the going gets rough. That requires certain body/arm/wrist postures, so I'm guessing I will need to relearn new postures to manage where/how to put my weight on a bike, and letting the front suspension do its job.
TL;DR: back in the day, we were jumping a part of a trail, and there was a guy who tried it with his first suspension MTB, fell and broke his collarbone. He was so used to jumping with a rigid he didn't yet know how to preload a front suspension bike before the jump. It totally ruined his timing, and he blew the launch and the landing. This is the shit I will have to relearn, so I've already told myself to practice a bunch and re-figure out my timing for getting a little air and managing the root strewn single tracks I love so much. I've already noticed this new bike does not bunny hop effortlessly like my old one, which I chalk up to me needing to relearn how to do that with a front suspension. This will be my #1 re-learning priority.
PLUS everything has changed in MTB over 30 years! I know what you're thinking: No shit, Sherlock. The 20-something year old in the bike shop was laughing at me, but not in a mean way. I get it. He was amused as he explained my new tubeless tires don't need nearly as much air pressure as my clinchers. Snake bite punctures can't happen anymore? That still blows my mind.
And the handle bars are so freakin' wide(720mm compared to my old 584mm), and the stem is so damned short. I feel like the bike is in my chest. With my arms spread out so wide, I have very little flex in my arms to soak up bumps. I guess that's less of an issue with a front suspension, eh? I'm going to ride them as is for a while before deciding to shorten them up. Some of the single tracks around here are pretty narrow, and I really don't want to change my line just because the damn handlebars don't fit between the saplings. Get off my lawn.
I am thrilled with the new groupo: Hydraulic disc brakes, just one shift lever, no need to manage the chain angle, tubeless tires, and it's 1.5 lbs lighter. This thing ought to climb better than my old bike, and I love climbing. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the front suspension handles the stuff that my rigid rattles over. There are a few corners with roots and other shit than ruin the perfect line, and I'm hoping I can just plow through them. We'll see.
submitted by Creamsicle50 to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:09 Formal-Literature-88 AITA for calling out my housemate and withholding money?

TL;DR: my housemate uses goods in our house and doesn’t replace them, controls the gas and makes us pay for it, shouts and screams at people, then plays the victim when we reciprocate. When brought up to him how he acts, and how he uses our goods and doesn’t replace them, complains about having low money, then continues to spend money and save it, they make out I’m a bad person for attacking their character. I don’t know how to deal with it, and I’m questioning if I did the right thing .
Sorry I advance for the long post, but this has been stressing me out, and I’m worried if I took it too far, this is really starting to concern me and giving me severe anxiety being in my house.
I’ve lived with this guy for around a couple years now. However they went travelling for like 6 months.
Before they went away, they were constantly using stuff that didn’t belong to them, like spices, toilet paper, washing up general stuff and not replacing it. They broke an item that didn’t belong to them, and before going travelling they were asked to replace it to which they said “I’m going away, so why would I replace it?”, they also used sauces etc that I asked to be replaced which they never did the entire time they were there. Still not replaced now and this was a year ago. I then find out they saved up ~£12k to go travelling in the year and was stingy with everything in the house and essentially stealing it.
Since they got back, they’ve used spices, sauces, toilet paper, butter and olive oil repeatedly. To replace our £7 olive oil, they went and bought a £2 bottle of vegetable oil. They had friends round who used tons of toilet paper, and he hadn’t bought a single one in the 4 months they’ve been back. And rinses the oil and butter like I’ve never seen in my life, and keeps claiming he’ll replace it, but never does.
When we bring stuff up to him he gets super defensive and hostile, like barraging people with words and strawmanning arguments. I started dating one of our housemates and he’s screamed in her face and made her cry when I wasn’t there. He did it again not long ago whilst I was there, so I had shouted back at him and went “Can we please just calm down and talk about this properly” as if he didn’t lose his cool over nothing.
My girlfriend was the only one keeping the house clean as he is lazy about it, leaving filth, oil everywhere, urine in the floor, and I was in intense studying. She brought it up to him and he said “I appreciate you cleaning, it benefits me, but I’m not gunna do it, and it’s 3 against 1 so you’re gunna have to live it with”.
He turned the heating on constantly since he had been back, like hours and hours a day, and we had had a bad boiler, so it was costing us a fortune. Nobody else in the house wanted it, but he complained about it and took the thermostat and hid it in his room. My girlfriend then complained and said “We’re all paying for this heating, and you’re the only one who wants it on, and you’ve hidden the thermostat, so I’m not sending you the full amount for the WiFi” (it comes out of his account) He said “You can’t just not pay for something you use”.
We had no toilet roll for 4 days because me and the other two housemates put our feet down and said he needs to get one. We had been buying packs of 9 repeatedly, and he had friends over who rinsed them. He then eventually decided to buy 4 rolls, then shortly left for a few days for work and said “why would I buy more when I’m not gunna be here to use them?” Despite using all the toilet roll we buy.
Yesterday, he walked over to ME whilst I was cooking, and I said very calmly (because I know he gets irate super fast) “I’m gunna have to knock a fair bit of money off the money I send you for WiFi” he immediately went defensive being like “what stuff? I’ve said I’d cover x, y, z, and [your girlfriend] still owes me 4 slices of bread, I’ve only been back 4 months, I can’t have used that much, it’s only been the last few days since I’ve been using your butter”. So I explained that it is for all the spices, butter, my shower gel etc that they keep using (for about 1.5 years total, due to travelling) and not replacing, (every now and then he’ll replace cover the cost of something little if he is asked repeatedly). I then said “look, I’m not trying to be a dick, but I really don’t feel comfortable sending you money when you’re not paying for the stuff you use”. He says “actually, you came at me very hostile”, even though I was extremely calm to start with, it was only when he started trying to make up that he hadn’t been doing it and had stopped, then I matched his energy and laid out the facts of what he’d been using. He then tried to rush me saying “I need you to send it anyway as the bill payment already bounced because I have no money”. Meanwhile he goes climbing, golfing, drives everywhere, eats boat loads of food because he’s bulking, and complains he doesn’t have enough money whilst still planning on going travelling again in a few months.
I brought it up over text saying I simply don’t feel comfortable sending money when he uses all my stuff and I have to keep replacing it. I also complained that screaming at my girlfriend is out of line, and if you cross that boundary I have all the right to cross it with you - which I have only done so in moments when he has. He has accused me of escalating things and causing an argument, and I’ve said you’ve caused this yourself, me finally standing up for myself and calling you out after all this time of being lenient and avoiding conflict, for your repeated piss taking is purely on you. I’ve accused him of playing the victim, because he shouts over people, barrages people, then tries to act like he’s done nothing in the group chat. He accused me of coming up to him and attacked him and accused him of tons of things out of nowhere, when he came up to me whilst I was cooking and I brought it up normally, then when he got irate about it and I laid out the things he hadn’t paid for.
I explained to him that his exact arguments of “you can’t not pay for things you use” and “its 3 against 1” for some reason didn’t apply to him, when he’s being using all our stuff and that we were forced to pay for him using gas, and even hid the control for heating until we went through a heatwave and he didn’t need it.
He goes on complaining that he “doesnt like the dynamic”, I’ve explained it doesn’t matter how this makes you feel, I’ve been extremely lenient for far too long, and whenever we bring something reasonable up it turns into a barrage of “I’m right, you’re wrong” and nothing comes from it. When my girlfriend stands up to it, he screams, when I step up to it, he screams and I scream over him, then he makes out likes he’s a victim.
He complained that “ we said we didn’t want couples before moving in” and that “you two ganging up on me is the reason I didn’t want it” first of all, he tried to get with my girlfriend before we were together, and walked up behind her and tried cuddling her out of nowhere and she said “get the fuck off me” then, a little while later, he was touching her leg in her room when we were in there and just screamed at him “stop fing touching me”. He also tried to get with the other girl in the house, and was touching her all the time (not sexually), she used to tell me about it all the time - she has since moved out. So he was trying it with them, then complains about me actually getting with them. Furthermore, other girl mates of mine have complained he is overtly creepy, and random girls at parties have said he’s creeping them out. I made the point that I have stayed out of arguments with him and my gf as much as possible to avoid ganging up on him, I didn’t want him to feel that way, even though he has no problem getting load and obnoxious. The only times I’ve stepped in is when he’s gotten loud, rude, super argumentative or just outright starts shouting. He intimidates girls to the point where they cry, but if I say something he winds down, or if I walk in the room he will start talking softly to them.
We keep asking him to fix things and repay us, and he just keeps complaining that we keep bringing up old problems - they’re actually just repeated behaviours that we have to keep bringing up to him.
He keeps trying to accuse me of being aggressive and unreasonable even though this whole thing has come from me being too kind and him taking the mick. And is saying to acknowledge the things I’ve done wrong, I’ve asked to him please shed some light on these things and he is yet to do so. I’ve maybe gone slightly too far by saying “You are notorious for being impossible to talk to and unreasonable”. I haven’t said this to him, but his own best mates talk smack about him, how he doesn’t listen, he only does what suits him, how he “wouldn’t do something unless he gets something out of it”, and they’ve spilled beans on what they think of him. He’s met some of my friends and many have said after 1 - few encounters that they don’t want to be around him, and he’s not allowed at their house / parties, and even calling him a complete narcissist. He also stresses to people that he’s “really good with people”.
He keeps saying I’m attacking his character, even though we’ve spoke in person and I’ve brought up the fact he is hard to talk to, and speaks over us, doesn’t let us get our opinion across. I’m not attacking his character I’m just letting him know why we haven’t got anywhere and why we keep having problems. He seems to think when he shouts over us and just starts barraging us with stuff that he is winning over people, and that is getting somewhere in the situation, but it just leaves everyone he talks to drained. His friends always say “you’ll never win an argument with him”.
There is much more to say but this thread is long enough. He is trying to make me feel bad about this, and that I am being nasty and “he doesn’t stand for it”. And I am genuinely concerned as I do worry about this stuff because really try to be nice and not cause stress. I spoke to multiple people about this situation before being messaging the chat, and they’ve all said you need to speak up, make your point and realise this guy is taking the piss and is clearly just counting his money whilst taking the piss with yours. I’ve also said to him “my money is just as valuable as yours”.
submitted by Formal-Literature-88 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:08 thevalley_00 Guilt

Hi everyone,
This is my first post on here, and I don't have any friends or close ones to help me sort out the mess that is going on in my head most days. I am in therapy and I do go to confession but I wanted to see what other women may think of my current predicament. I'm 29 yrs old and married for almost 2 years now. My husband and I are happy and I couldn't have asked for a better husband. Yet I find myself seeking the attention of other men a lot. I never flirt or do anything in terms or talking or touching but mentally I find myself wishing that they would notice me or find me beautiful/hot. Just this morning I found myself bending over a certain way when changing my shoes just so this random man would notice. In truth after I do this I find it repulsive and immediately feel so much guilt and disappointment in myself. I even struggle explaining this in confession, I do not know if it's a mortal sin either. When I mentioned this to my therapist she didn't even know what to say, so I felt like an even worse person. I feel undeserving of my husband and my marriage, truthfully I feel like a major w****. I try to make sense of it and say it is because I'm insecure and lack self confidence. I feel guilt because I know how this would upset my husband and not being able to express this to him hurts me all the more since we share everything with each other. I sometimes wonder if it has to do with my upbringing, my father was extremely abusive and I grew up in a very unloving home that led to me dating even more abusive men. I just keep wondering if there is something seriously wrong with me. I do not want pity but just some words of advice or comfort. It's hard going through these things when you have so little people to confide in.
thank you in advance!
submitted by thevalley_00 to CatholicWomen [link] [comments]