Abortion united insurance coverage


2023.01.26 07:05 Aggressive-Tip-7143 DIYabortionUSA

This community will hopefull shed some light on the backstory of Self Managed Medical Abortion in these United States. Some efforts of dicussing how woman in red states can get insurance and maintain access to family planning methods focused in importing medicine from India. Indiamart seems to have a slew of great products form textiles, to prescription medicines. I will cross post from two zombie groups.

2010.08.18 01:25 orangepotion Epilepsy

The mission of epilepsy is to provide a community forum for people who are affected by epilepsy. We exist to share ideas about the direction of epilepsy research, available treatment options for all seizure disorders, SUDEP, and to overcome the challenges and stigma created by epilepsy through lively discussion in a safe supportive environment.

2024.06.09 03:14 Super-Tumbleweed-799 Car accident advise

Car accident advise
I got into a car accident just yesterday and it is my first time going thru all of this process so I need advise of experts and of people who have gone thru this.
I was going to work in the morning and was driving at the speed of around 65 miles in the left most lane also known as fast lane when suddenly 4 or 5 cars suddenly stopped and hit sudden brakes; I had to do the same and I hit brakes and was able to stop completely and come to a stop without touching the car Infront of me. The car behind me also did the same and managed to stop but 2 seconds later a semi truck coming at high speed slammed into the car behind me and so that car slammed into me and damaged my car.
I filed a claim with my insurance company but since my insurance was liability only, collision coverage and comprehensive was not involved and since I was not at fault they said you will need to file claims with the two people that were at fault behind you and so they will have to pay for your damages and all. I filed a claim with the insurance company of the car behind me but they have not gotten back to me as yet. I tried to file a claim with the insurance company of the semi truck and tried dialing multiple times but there was no response and so I had to email them letting them know about the details and that I need to file a claim with them. FYI The name of the truck drivers insurance company is canopius. They responded to my email and said we are not the liability carrier and this other company is the liability carrier and shared a screeenshot of a federal liability carriers website saying that the liability carrier of the trucks operating company is everspan. I emailed everspan and they said that you might have sent this email to us in error and that the policy number says CUS which is canopius. I emailed canopius again telling them that the policy number says CUS and so I need to file a claim but there is no response till now. I need guidance plz how to go about this and what to I have to do next as I don’t have a car right now as well because my specific insurance policy doesn’t provide a loaner or a rental vehicle. I have contacted the insurance company of the car behind me but they said that the insurance adjuster working on your claim is off since it’s the weekend so plz contact on Monday.
submitted by Super-Tumbleweed-799 to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:13 nbcs Pipe inside the wall between two condo units broken and flooded my unit. Liability in this case?

As stated, the pipe inside the wall(where the kitchen at) between my unit and another unit burst and flooded the carpet and the baseboard, a little bit. Mold grew as a result so I had to hire mold removal crew to remove the baseboard and a piece of drywall, as it was determined a health risk. Now I also have to hire a contractor to fix the baseboard and drywall. My unit is tenanted and I'm currently in Europe so I can't fix it myself.
I reported the incident to my insurance and they said the condo corp is liable for whatever damages caused to the wall and the insurance only cover my carpet cleaning bills. I presume the pipe is common element so what's my next steps here? I checked my condo corp's master all-risk insurance policy and the deductible is quite high, $10000. Does that mean they only cover my damages in the excess of $10000 or what? Or are they liable at all?
submitted by nbcs to TorontoRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:12 Assassin-of-red Mistakes were made

Hai I’m new to Reddit so I hope I’m doing this correctly. I 35 m have had the same group of girlfriends since I was a freshman in high school and a few of them since jr high. I got married a few years ago and 2urs ago I allowed one of my friends since 8th grade to move in with us. She and I have worked together in tattoo shops before and began to work together again. During the first year she and I talked about her being a surrogate for me and at first she wanted to do it just because everyone knows how much I have always wanted a family of my own. I however did not feel comfortable asking this of her without giving back. I offered to pay off her debt and she was happy with that. I tried to get her covered by insurers before we eventually used a turkey baster however the timing just didn’t work out in time so my husband and I said we would pay for medical cost. After it was officially announced that she was pregnant I had a momentary panic attack one time and told her that if she wasn’t ready or not still comfortable with our agreement that we would also pay for an abortion. Not what I wanted but would understand knowing that it’s a big thing for both of us. She assured us that she wanted to go through with it. So it was never brought up by me ever again. Throughout the pregnancy I never charged her rent was present at every single doctors appointment bought every single meal and anything she needed including whatever she needed for her daughter from her previous marriage. Well one baby ended up being two and I was so excited that I would be having two of the four kids I have always wanted but never thought I would get due to my hiv status pronation and bad life choices I had made in the past. I’m glad I turned my life around before this opportunity presented itself best thing I’ve ever done. Before they twins were born we had paid her beyond the agreed amount not including taking care of her and her daughter. Now the surrogate is Native American and had told me that the twins would not get their trouble numbers if she was not in the birth certificate (found out that’s a lie) she also told me she applied for their numbers and got their own Medicate while also informing me that I couldn’t get wic because I am not a woman. So I blindly believed all of this cause she’s my friend for years and I thought we just wanted to help each other out to the best of our abilities. Twins are born in July and my husband and I have gone out of our way to buy a new house to accommodate me him the twins my friend and her daughter. We moved in the middle of August and things become intense. My friend was almost never home unless her daughter was with her for the weekend (I always teated her as my own) I tried to include her when I went out with our mutual friends and checked in with her regularly due to postpartum bing a real thing. She swore she was fine but I let her keep her distance. She then started picking fights with my husband who granted is twice our age and has never been around babies he has a lot to learn but it got the point where when she would pull up we would stress about being judged for not being perfect. I tried to keep the peace till one day her and my husband got in to such a nasty fight while I was grabbing my daughter from her room to feed her. I came into them screaming at each other and then both at me. I tried to catch my husband as he walked out the door and my hand got caught in it. The next two weeks before the twins first Christmas I and my mother took care of the twins ourself, me with only the use of my left arm. When my husband finally came home I sat them both down and laid in to them that this would not be allowed my kids house ever again because I care more about my kids then their feelings. I had set my boundary if they cannot get along they both have to find somewhere else to live. Fast forward to march my surrogate has informed me she will not be signing the twins over to me unless I leave my husband. I had had enough I got heated and demanded that she explain herself where she thinks she can control me. She proceeded to call the police and falsely accuse me of assault on her abuse of my children neglect and drugs. She has now challenged me for custody. She place a restraining order on me and sold all my stuff at our job to pay her lawyer on top of opening a go fund me. She does not have the means to take care of herself let alone 3 kids and I’m not rich but we are wlll enough that I can provide the life I wanted for them. However due to lawyer fees I’m running out of savings and the whole thing has me so stressed that I have a heart condition and we’re struggling to make ends meet. I’m not asking for money or anything but someone I can talk to because this is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever been through
submitted by Assassin-of-red to gaydads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:06 Affectionate-Ad-7651 June TQQ Merchandise Giveaway (Read description)

June TQQ Merchandise Giveaway (Read description)
Hello everybody, it is a new month and it is time for this month getaway. This month we will have three winners and The prizes are character pacific lots

Who is eligible

This giveaway is only for people that live in the United States and Canada

How will the winner be revealed

It pretty simple. I'm going to put your username in a name generator and we'll have a video of the names being drawn (Video will be posted on my Youtube channel)

Will I have to pay for shipping

Shipping will be on me (If you want insurance that would be an extra)
Now let's go over the basics on how to enter this giveaway

To Do To Enter

This is A really simple way to enter this time All you have to do is spell your favorite Quintuplet full name backwards with a color Quinn heart emoji at the end
Example: onakaN oniN 💜
(You start with last name and then first name)


° Do not do you're entry as a replying comment (Make sure it's your own comment so it's easier for me to keep track of username
° international PPL please do not comment!!! As I stated in the title it will be US & Canada ONLY.
° There will be 3 different winners Please do not double enter with different accounts Please be fair

Prizes Bundle

A. Nino Lot (2 Figure, 2 key chain, sticker, pin & file folder)
B. Miku Lot (Plushie, Gotcha figure, 2 keys chain & sticker)
C. Yotsuba Lot ( Figure, Pin, sticker, 2 key chain, acrylic frame & Manga Cover Protector)

How would they distribute

1st We'll get the pick 1 lot from the three options
2nd We'll get to pick from 1 lot the 2 remaining options
3th We'll get what is remaining

How long is the giveaway last

It starts today (6/8/24) and Well end next Friday (6/14/24) at 11:59pm central time

Winner reveal

Sometime on satday (6/15/24) there will be a video posted on my youtube page of the drawing and the winner we'll be tag
Have fun and good luck to everybody!
submitted by Affectionate-Ad-7651 to NinoNakano [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:11 spinaticc My insane Aunt re-ended my brand new car and I think it might be on purpose

Hello, me (24F) and my boyfriend (27M) of many years just started financing a car together. It is a Turbo 2022 Malibu and this is the nicest thing either of us have ever owned. We were really proud so we went to visit my Grandparents to show them, which was nice but literally as we were leaving we got to witness my Aunt (who rents the home in front of theirs from them) re-end the hell out of the new car. It wasn't a tap either, it hit the car so hard the front passenger side door wouldn't open anymore. The police were called and the report to insurance was made. But..I've had a second to think and I really think she did it on purpose. She is a very volatile woman and we do not get along. At the time of the incident with the cops there I was mostly too in shock to think about it but: her vehicle has a back-up camera and she barreled into the car. She could see where she was going, she had to have seen my car when she walked to her own car and yet she still hit it. And not just a tap as if she was trying to get around it slowly (which if she was struggling with getting out she could have literally crossed the road to have us move but she didn't), but a RAM into the side. The car was unoccupied and parked on the side of the road. (We did check to make sure and there are no signs saying not to park there, there were actually quite a few other cars parked on the side of the road with ours, and there was no yellow lines or anything) In the end she didn't have insurance (ours is full coverage) and her tags were out by years. She had to know that, which is the only reason I'm hesitant to call it intentional. We do not have a good relationship at all, it used to be civil but you can refer to any of my older posts to see the decline and how insane she is, and she had every resource to not hit my car (1. knowing the owner and being within a 2 minute walking distance to ask them to move; 2. A rear-view camera; 3. Freaking EYEBALLS). And L I T E R A L L Y all of my family who I've told of the situation said the exact same thing, "you know she did that sheet on purpose, ain't no way!"
Mainly my questions are:
  1. What would the factor of intention mean for something like this?
  2. What would I even do now that the reports are done?
3.... thoughts?
submitted by spinaticc to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:05 WrapNo7976 Thoughts on Closing Costs and Numbers ?

submitted by WrapNo7976 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:04 Turbulent_Poetry6877 Nurtec not covered anymore

I'm on multiple meds plus Botox, but now my insurance won't cover 2 CGRP antagonists which kind of fucks me over. I'm supposed to take Ajovy as preventative with Nurtec as abortive but cannot take both now. My Dr says I basically have to pick one. I don't think the Ajovy does much honestly but I've heard Nurtec as a preventative isn't the best either. I'm just scared of losing Nurtec as an abortive because the only other abortive I have is naratriptan, which you can only take twice a week. Thoughts on trying Qulipta as preventative?? And just having to not have Nurtec as abortive.....
submitted by Turbulent_Poetry6877 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:58 Remotive [Hiring][Full Remote] 9 Full Remote jobs at tech companies - Jun 08, 2024

Job Title Company Salary Full Remote in...
Bilingual Customer Service Associate First Help Financial - USA
Customer Marketing Manager Fountain - USA
Health Insurance Agent - Inside Sales Aria Care Partners - USA
Associate Civil Project Manager - Data Center Olsson - USA
Data Analyst: Prospect Solutions Constructor - Brazil
Senior Benefits Specialist Anthology - Colombia
Live Operations Technical Artist Mythical Games - USA
Senior Software Developer (Java) Hypergiant - USA
Senior Strategy Manager Airalo - Europe, Singapore, United Arab Emirates
submitted by Remotive to remotivejobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:47 goddessorie Feeling Lost and Alone: My Struggle with Worthlessness, Depression, Anxiety, and Loneliness

I hope you can lend an open ear and a compassionate heart as I share my current struggles with overwhelming feelings of worthlessness, depression, anxiety, and loneliness. At 37 years old, I find myself spiraling into a deep pit of despair, desperately searching for a glimmer of hope.
Over the past few months, life has dealt me a challenging hand. I lost my job, only to find a new one that pays a fraction of what I used to earn. The financial burden has become overwhelming, with mounting debts and the constant struggle to keep a roof over my head. Alongside these hardships, I experienced the heartbreak of a breakup six months ago, ending a three-year relationship with someone I deeply cared for.
To compound my feelings of isolation, my family seems distant and disconnected. My parents, who are a thousand miles away, are engrossed in their retirement lifestyle, prioritizing drinking and partying over offering support and guidance. My attempts to connect with my siblings have been met with silence, as two of my brothers have not spoken to me in years. The remaining brother, who lives in the same town, is too wrapped up in his own life to be there for me.
The absence of a loving and supportive family has left me feeling utterly alone. My deepest desire has always been to find love, get married, and have children. However, as the years slip away, I feel the weight of time bearing down on me, intensifying my feelings of despair.
To make matters worse, my new job's insurance coverage doesn't start until September 1st. Consequently, I do not have access to the mental health support I so desperately need. Despite my efforts, I did not qualify for Medicaid, leaving me unable to see my psychiatrist or therapist until September.
The toll on my mental and emotional well-being is becoming unbearable. My body remains perpetually tense, and relaxation seems like an unattainable dream. Hyper-vigilance and constant checking of my surroundings have become second nature, a reflection of my extensive history of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and trauma.
In this dark and lonely place, I find myself yearning for connection, for someone to talk to and lean on. However, the reality is that seeking help and support often comes with a hefty price tag, one I cannot afford.
I share my story here today because I refuse to let my struggle remain hidden in the shadows. I am reaching out for guidance, for words of encouragement, and for any suggestions on how I can navigate this seemingly insurmountable mountain of despair. I long to break free from this cycle of loneliness and find a sense of purpose and belonging.
If any of you have faced similar challenges or have found ways to overcome them, I would be immensely grateful to hear your stories and advice. Your support could be the lifeline I desperately need to find my way back to a place of hope and healing.
Thank you for taking the time to read my heartfelt entry. Together, let us foster a community of empathy, understanding, and genuine human connection.
submitted by goddessorie to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:41 emiliewa Travel insurance for pregnancy [QC]

Hi everyone!
I am nearly 9 weeks pregnant and we are going on a month-long trip to Europe. I am looking to get travel insurance just in case anything happens while I'm there.
I'm wondering if you had any recommendations that you felt were good for pregnancy-related emergency coverage?
I've looked at a few and it seems they cover pregnancy-related issues unless the person is considered high-risk (which I don't know since I haven't seen my OB yet, but I assume I'm not), or that they could have reasonably foreseen the issue.
I'm obviously hoping everything goes well, but for example is a miscarriage a foreseen issue if I'm traveling during the first semester? I'm just worried if anything happened, that I wouldn't be covered.
Thank you!
submitted by emiliewa to BabyBumpsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:38 DogDadOnTheMove Finally got a house!

Just wanted to share my experience.
Being a first time home buyer is a nightmare. Who do I trust? Who I do I stay away from? Is a home warranty worth? (From the general consensus…no lol). Where do I get my home insurance?
Thankfully, doing my own research, calling lenders day in and day out, pushing for closing costs coverage/incentives being highematch interest rates.
I settled on a $329,000 new build (inspections are in the works). $12,000 incentives originally $8,000!! 6.125% percent interest rate (which seems like a dream in todays age) 2-1 buydown 4.125% 5.125% will IRRRL in a couple years hopefully.
It really goes to show how hard you have to work to get the absolute best deal. After everything’s said and done, I only should be bringing $1,500 for my closing costs.
submitted by DogDadOnTheMove to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:36 cyn_ou Low cost insurance provider recommendations

Have a 2017 civic that I bought in cash. Recently got my first ever ticket (62 in a 50). My insurance was charging me 350 (aviva), but has now jumped up to 550. Tbh I really cannot afford that and think it's a little ridiculous. Any recommendations for providers that still give good coverage at a more reasonable price?
submitted by cyn_ou to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:35 cfcfanforever Carpooling Liability Insurance?!

I work for a Hospice company and visit patients in their homes or various facilities around town. I drive around 250 miles a week. The company has asked me to take on a “rider”, someone who doesn’t have a license or a car, to work with me each day. She will ride along with me for likely 30 hours a week. We work for a company who pays us hourly and provides a mileage stipend. We live in Oregon, my driving record is spotless. I drive a newer car and carry a pretty substantial full-coverage accident plan with some liability insurance. BUT, I am kind of worried about us being personally sued by her, beyond that, in the event of an accident and she didn’t feel fairly compensated by our insurance company… I understand that ANY riders in my car will be my responsibility when driving them. I’m just wanting to know if there is anything I can do to protect us further…if that makes sense? Nobody want to think they will need this kind of information and I’d like to make this situation work for the sake of the job, but am a bit reticent to do so. I’ve reached out to our agent to ask some questions. Am I just being TOO cautious here?
submitted by cfcfanforever to legal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:35 M4tchStick RRECD Eval 4/24

RRECD Eval 4/24
It's been a minute since the last round of evals, but I've been meaning to post this one for insight from anybody. Any comments or questions are welcome. Also, attached is the 4241 from last year (I don't have the copy from September).
An important note is that I've covered the route during it's vacancy from October '23 to April '24.
submitted by M4tchStick to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:30 weebverse [Opencare] 🎁 Get dental care and get 💳 $125 for it! 🎁(LIMITED TIME OFFER, EXPIRING SOON for US & Canada until June 9, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT), normally $50)

Everyone has to go to the 🦷 dentist 🦷, so why not get paid 💳 $125 💳 o do so? Use my code so we get $125 (normally $50, a dentist appointment needs to be booked through the link below by June 9, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to qualify for the 🎁 $125 🎁. Act fast to qualify for the extra rewards!!).

Updated Link (until June 9, 2024): https://www.opencare.com/invite/hz523870

You must be a legal resident of the United States of America or Canada and at least 18 years to be eligible for the rewards.
Eligibility criteria (**IMPORTANT TO READ**): https://support.opencare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044688932-Patient-Am-I-eligible-for-an-Opencare-reward-
Please make sure to redeem your rewards after your dentist visit is complete (dental receipt required, whether your dental visit is covered by health insurance does not affect reward eligibility.).
For more information on how to claim your gift card: https://opencare.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045993591-Patient-How-do-I-claim-my-reward-
submitted by weebverse to Referral [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:30 weebverse [Opencare] 🎁 Get dental care and get 💳 $125 for it! 🎁(LIMITED TIME OFFER, EXPIRING SOON for US & Canada until June 9, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT), normally $50)

Everyone has to go to the 🦷 dentist 🦷, so why not get paid 💳 $125 💳 o do so? Use my code so we get $125 (normally $50, a dentist appointment needs to be booked through the link below by June 9, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to qualify for the 🎁 $125 🎁. Act fast to qualify for the extra rewards!!).

Updated Link (until June 9, 2024): https://www.opencare.com/invite/hz523870

You must be a legal resident of the United States of America or Canada and at least 18 years to be eligible for the rewards.
Eligibility criteria (**IMPORTANT TO READ**): https://support.opencare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044688932-Patient-Am-I-eligible-for-an-Opencare-reward-
Please make sure to redeem your rewards after your dentist visit is complete (dental receipt required, whether your dental visit is covered by health insurance does not affect reward eligibility.).
For more information on how to claim your gift card: https://opencare.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045993591-Patient-How-do-I-claim-my-reward-
submitted by weebverse to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:29 mothiccbich BCBS Out of State Coverage

So I work for a company based in Texas so my insurance is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. But I'm all the way in Minnesota. I have the HPN plan so my only options are in network providers bc they won't cover anything else.
Will BCBSTX work in other states for primary care and such even for an HPN plan or do I have to worry about changing my plan to get coverage somehow??
I've only got about 4 days to update it before my window closes so I figured I'd ask and see if I can get some insight. Thanks!
submitted by mothiccbich to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:24 Super-Tumbleweed-799 Car accident advise

got into a car accident just yesterday and it is my first time going thru all of this process so I need advise of experts and of people who have gone thru this.
I was going to work in the morning and was driving at the speed of around 65 miles in the left most lane also known as fast lane when suddenly 4 or 5 cars suddenly stopped and hit sudden brakes; I had to do the same and I hit brakes and was able to stop completely and come to a stop without touching the car Infront of me. The car behind me also did the same and managed to stop but 2 seconds later a semi truck coming at high speed slammed into the car behind me and so that car slammed into me and damaged my car.
I filed a claim with my insurance company but since my insurance was liability only, collision coverage and comprehensive was not involved and since I was not at fault they said you will need to file claims with the two people that were at fault behind you and so they will have to pay for your damages and all. I filed a claim with the insurance company of the car behind me but they have not gotten back to me as yet. I tried to file a claim with the insurance company of the semi truck and tried dialing multiple times but there was no response and so I had to email them letting them know about the details and that I need to file a claim with them. FYI The name of the truck drivers insurance company is canopius. They responded to my email and said we are not the liability carrier and this other company is the liability carrier and shared a screeenshot of a federal liability carriers website saying that the liability carrier of the trucks operating company is everspan. I emailed everspan and they said that you might have sent this email to us in error and that the policy number says CUS which is canopius. I emailed canopius again telling them that the policy number says CUS and so I need to file a claim but there is no response till now. I need guidance plz how to go about this and what to I have to do next as I don’t have a car right now as well because my specific insurance policy doesn’t provide a loaner or a rental vehicle. I have contacted the insurance company of the car behind me but they said that the insurance adjuster working on your claim is off since it’s the weekend so plz contact on Monday.
submitted by Super-Tumbleweed-799 to CarAccidentSurvivors [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:23 space4rentt [FLASH] Barad-dûr (10333) - 142 spots at $4/ea

approved by u/dasxce
Item name: Barad-dûr (10333)
Lego Price: $460 + $32 tax
Shipping: $76 [UPS insured 24 x 16 x 1, 19lbs, Philly to Bel-Air (19020 - 90077)]
Raffle Total/Spots: $568, 142 spots @ $4
Price justification: Lego.com
Call spots: Yes
Spot limit per person: N
Duration of spot limit: n/a.
Location(Country): USA
Will ship international: Yes. Winners outside of the contiguous 48 United States will pay difference in shipping quote.
Timestamp pics: https://imgur.com/a/WeJiq3V
Description: There’s a battery inside in case you didn’t see the label.

Payment required w/in 10 minutes of raffle filling.
PayPal payments are to be Friends and Family only with NO COMMENTS. CashApp payments should have NO COMMENTS. Comments will result in a permanent ban

PayPal Info: pm for PP
Cash App Info: [REDACTED]

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 0
Number of unpaid users: 0
Number of unpaid slots: 0
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 vangobroom97 PAID
2 BourbonandTattoos PAID
3 Grenaed PAID
4 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
5 Grenaed PAID
6 probablynotahobbit PAID
7 coturns PAID
8 Original6Shooter PAID
9 nmde305 PAID
10 azcpl121314 PAID
11 azcpl121314 PAID
12 arboss10 PAID
13 Grenaed PAID
14 TheBuffalorider PAID
15 legoislifey PAID
16 TheBuffalorider PAID
17 Dingir6 PAID
18 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
19 BourbonandTattoos PAID
20 probablynotahobbit PAID
21 Grenaed PAID
22 Zed1618 PAID
23 UnholyJester PAID
24 WarCurrent6564 PAID
25 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
26 Zed1618 PAID
27 nmde305 PAID
28 Dingir6 PAID
29 WarCurrent6564 PAID
30 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
31 mfiumano PAID
32 TheBuffalorider PAID
33 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
34 phroz3n PAID
35 BourbonandTattoos PAID
36 phroz3n PAID
37 stollba PAID
38 phroz3n PAID
39 legoislifey PAID
40 mfiumano PAID
41 Bosskz PAID
42 Zed1618 PAID
43 DrSeussFreak PAID
44 probablynotahobbit PAID
45 coturns PAID
46 probablynotahobbit PAID
47 rolet744 PAID
48 TheBuffalorider PAID
49 Zed1618 PAID
50 mfiumano PAID
51 Bosskz PAID
52 probablynotahobbit PAID
53 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
54 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
55 Zed1618 PAID
56 mfiumano PAID
57 Zed1618 PAID
58 rolet744 PAID
59 UsuallyReckless PAID
60 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
61 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
62 jakubf3tt PAID
63 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
64 arboss10 PAID
65 arboss10 PAID
66 UsuallyReckless PAID
67 Dingir6 PAID
68 mfiumano PAID
69 nik0nguy601 PAID
70 TheBuffalorider PAID
71 mfiumano PAID
72 probablynotahobbit PAID
73 Original6Shooter PAID
74 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
75 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
76 Original6Shooter PAID
77 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
78 jakubf3tt PAID
79 francoisdubois0 PAID
80 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
81 Zed1618 PAID
82 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
83 Grenaed PAID
84 francoisdubois0 PAID
85 Dingir6 PAID
86 therontheteej PAID
87 WarCurrent6564 PAID
88 jakubf3tt PAID
89 Zed1618 PAID
90 vangobroom97 PAID
91 probablynotahobbit PAID
92 SteeeeeevePerry PAID
93 SteeeeeevePerry PAID
94 phroz3n PAID
95 rolet744 PAID
96 azcpl121314 PAID
97 mfiumano PAID
98 FlatwormBig9148 PAID
99 Zed1618 PAID
100 jakubf3tt PAID
101 SteeeeeevePerry PAID
102 Original6Shooter PAID
103 Grenaed PAID
104 SteeeeeevePerry PAID
105 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
106 probablynotahobbit PAID
107 Dingir6 PAID
108 Bosskz PAID
109 coturns PAID
110 azcpl121314 PAID
111 francoisdubois0 PAID
112 Bosskz PAID
113 azcpl121314 PAID
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115 Aggravating-Tap6159 PAID
116 cichlidae21 PAID
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124 probablynotahobbit PAID
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126 mfiumano PAID
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128 UnholyJester PAID
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130 UnholyJester PAID
131 UnholyJester PAID
132 SteeeeeevePerry PAID
133 Zed1618 PAID
134 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
135 DerBengel PAID
136 coturns PAID
137 BourbonandTattoos PAID
138 UsuallyReckless PAID
139 UsuallyReckless PAID
140 BourbonandTattoos PAID
141 Fluffy-Run-6861 PAID
142 phroz3n PAID

submitted by space4rentt to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:15 Acceptable-Set7057 Nice return for my insurance

Have seen many negative posts and comments about insurance and get concerned about my own insurance. Just now I login to my insurance portal and took a look in detail. It seems the return for my insurance policy is not bad! Below is the details:
Type: participating whole life, USD Coverage: death, sum assured USD 50k, bonus coverage USD 30k Premium: Usd 900 per year, need to pay until 100 years old Total: paid 24 years already Current surrender value: USD 37K
I feel the return is not bad. I may be wrong.
Am I missing anything? Should I surrender it now, or should I continue to pay annually and keep the policy?
Age wise, I'm 50+ now, still looking for good return in investment, and not in urgent need of cash.
Appreciate your comments, please.
submitted by Acceptable-Set7057 to singaporefi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:12 Fun_Sprinkles5524 Happy happy pride to those still in the closet! It gets better!

Background: I grew up in a small town of less than 7,000 people in the midwestern United States. My parents both had traumatic childhoods and turned to evangelical Christianity to try to cope with their trauma (in their defense, this was a time and place before therapy was talked about and where the church was the heartbeat of the community). My dad was mentally ill and received all of his news from right wing conspiracy sites that fed him lies about the LGBTQ community. I think that deep down he cares about everyone, but his hyper fixation on religion is making him see others as separate from him. When I was a teen my dad would go on tirades so loud that they would make my heart race in fear. He would talk about how gay people were similar to people who fuck animals; he talked about how it’s religious persecution to punish Christian parents for kicking out their teen for being LGBTQ. My mom didn’t say those things, but she always stood up for my dad and criticized me when I called him homophobic.
I’m a lesbian. All throughout college, I was living in a dark depression cloud. I was just drifting through life while fantasizing about suicide. I couldn’t imagine a path forward because I felt like my family would disown me if I came out. I thought my parents would remove me from their health insurance and cut me off from my siblings if I came out. I worried my family members would lose their jobs at the church if I came out.
My life changed forever when I got a good scholarship to a grad school a few states away in a liberal city.
I had to work through a whole bunch of shit in therapy, and honestly there’s still so much more therapy work I have to do.
But, overall, my life is good. I get to openly live with another lesbian. I get to have pictures of us as a couple hanging in my office. I bring her to work events. We live together and make our space together. We feel safe having giant rainbow pride flags on our front porch! Today, we spent the day shopping at small businesses together and I bought her flowers and told her how much I loved her. I’m free and I have a good life now.
My family also responded much better to an expected. I’ve never received a real apology, and their official policy is they don’t support my lifestyle, they have kept me in their lives. They have accepted my partner.
Things aren’t sunshine are roses with them, it still feels awkward to be gay around them. Being in my hometown makes my skin crawl because I feel like everyone is watching me. But, coming out wasn’t the level of catastrophe that I thought it would be.
If my story resonates with you, I 10/10 recommend moving away and setting boundaries with your family. Things will always be a little weird, but you’ll be okay. And your life in your new city will be amazing.
Also, be open to found family. My partner’s parent has become a very loved bonus parent to me.
submitted by Fun_Sprinkles5524 to comingout [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:12 PaperRings0 Mochi/henrymeds/etc

Looking into starting one of these services. Should I plan on paying more than the base monthly price - will the med doses definitely increase over time? Or is it reasonable to stay on the low side (lowest cost) for the whole time? Looking to lose 50lbs. No insurance coverage. Thanks
submitted by PaperRings0 to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]
