Asian guy all state commerical

A UK-centric skincare subreddit.

2014.07.03 00:49 stufstuf A UK-centric skincare subreddit.

A UK focused skincare subreddit.

2017.04.01 12:10 kevin32 Where Are All The Good Men?

In response to niceguys, this sub is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man", to show what happens when women reject decent men for jerks and promiscuity, along with showing the unreasonable standards many women have while offering little to no value themselves.

2013.11.15 21:10 TheMagicStik Dorohedoro

Subreddit about the seinen supernatural mystery manga Dorohedoro by Q Hayashida.

2024.06.09 08:08 Easy_Lab15 An Isekai Adventure and an NPC named Gay

So this is my first time posting a DnD story here. I'm not sure how long I can make these but I just think this was funny and so far has been a highlight of my relatively short DnD career.
So I was DMing a 1 on 1 game a few months ago with the premise of the PC and a bunch of people getting isekaid into this fantasy world and accidentally taking over the bodies of people in the forgotten realms. One by one at seemingly random times throughout the month, a random person from our world would die horribly to get forcibly borrow the body of a fantasy character. And coincidentally, the PC was thrown into the body of an elven woman with a missing older brother, Eize, who apparently got a reputation after his disappearance. And PC believes that guy might have some clue how to get back home and plus the girl she's accidentally taken the body of, Luna, is now in her head and wants PC to carry out her task and find him. So both of their paths are set on finding this one guy. Perfect. The whole time, the fact that this elf woman was actually this random human from another world hijacking her body was kept a secret to most characters she came across. Including an NPC party member who I just kind of made to guide her through the basics of DnD.
It was her first time playing so I made the elf she was hijacking have an archer roommate friend who tries to see if she can shoot an arrow well, lift, and other stuff that would translate into different rolls at the start. Turns out the PC really liked him so he tagged along to help her find her missing brother not knowing that the person in control of her body and voice was... someone else entirely. Occasionally, since she's in the body of someone who already has a history with the weapon she's using (A bow. She picked a ranger) we'd just let any exceptionally good rolls be explained by the trained muscle memory of the woman whose body she's possessing kicking in and doing the heavy lifting for the PC. And occasionally, said elf woman would appear in her head for commentary, ideas, brief explanations and just another outlook on whats happening. Sometimes even throwing in a random wisdom save for select moments to see if the elf would momentarily take over. Small things like when PC is trying to get drunk, a failed random wisdom save would make the normally lightweight elf refuse to lift that mug to her lips for a brief moment. Or in another scenario when she successfully rescued tutorial NPC from being captured (which is a... whole other story), a failed random wisdom save made PC lunge forward and wrap him in a hug since the actual elf has known him for a long time so naturally she'd want to hug him. Just to remind that these were people with their own lives before they were bodyjacked. But these were just very fleeting moments of free will... fun for flavor though!
But anyways after meeting another isekaid soul who's using his host's magical powers as a means to steal and be a pretty shady dude, PC and Luna get a little tip that the guy isn't on the same plane thanks to a magic map that can track anyone in the world. PC used it on herself and someone she met but couldnt find the one they were after. So where to go next but PC a school of mages that can take her to other planes via a staff they have made specifically for this. But in exchange she has to jot down anything she can find to help them document the creatures since one of the students casted fireball in their library. Its a deal! The downside to this staff was that it needs 24 ingame hours to recharge so she has to make sure she knows where shes going. But... she doesnt. And theres like 16 planes in DnD.
So she guesses! And after a little bit of body horror explaining how the staff melts and sucks the PC into itself before teleporting to the other plane and spitting her out, the PC's sent to an area where only what is directly in front of her is visible. If its a little in her peripheral, it'll just disappear into a void. The main reason for this was because I got bored or lost trying to study what the actual planes are like and just kinda made something up for one of them. But after looking around what was basically a desolate landscape with a few abandoned towns, she finds this tall.... thing just kinda standing in a grassy field looking off somewhere. So of course, she decides now is as good time as any to draw the big fella. Was her first time drawing anything ingame. Nat 20. Turns out the person she took the body of is a Davinci-level artist and she didnt even know it and every single art PC wants to draw after this was an automatic masterpiece
But then, when she turns around to at least look for a resting point, theres something off. Roll perception: passed! Something following her.
Due to the nature of this area, she cant tell exactly what or who unless shes looking directly at it so she cant even sneak a glance over her shoulder. So she turns. Dex check: failed. Nothing.
Instead, her one and only party member NPC pointed behind her. And what she sees is the man of the hour; a big tall creature arching its freakishly long neck and spine downwards to get a better look at her with a huge array of masks with different expressions lining his back and somehow staring right at her. And on its face was a joyous mask described as being akin to one of those old tragedy/comedy plays.
PC asks "who... what are you."
And this is where I finally got to cement the name and the creature answers, "I am Gay... Though, this word has a varying meaning though does it not? Call me Happy."
We did not call them Happy. Because me and the PC were both 12 at heart and Gay is just funnier. So Gay is a Aasfaraaba, creatures who are basically just named an emotion so legally, by the books own admission, I can name a character in the most serious context, Gay. He's Gay. And that just makes me smile.
And despite the PC trying to keep the fact that she's hijacked someones body and the fact that the real elf is kind of just a bystander in her own mind a secret, the first thing Gay does is stare directly at the PC and ask "why are there two of you" completely ignoring the NPC party member and nudging forward the idea that Gay can see both people inside her. And no im not rephrasing that because I dont know how to for this one. Gay gives her some information on where the guy she's looking for is while politely says that Eize and his "parasite" are in a different plane entirely called Baator. Frankly, what else could you call these isekaid bodysnatches if not parasites? And as the creature explains this, the joy mask switched seamlessly to a different one with the only real sign its not just the mask physically changing was the discarded expression suddenly being in their hand. With more being added the more the conversation went on and the expressions had to change.
Despite Gay being a weird eldritch creature, me and the other player loved the dude and the fact that fact that their presence meant i could seamlessly make gay puns. Turns out the dude just like to come here to listen to the stories of lost souls that find their way to this place. And that they just like the weird phenomena like chocolate rain appearing at a certain time and shows off how magic simply touching the air makes a bunch of weird and random effects like summoning a simple ball of light and watching as it slowly morphs into pink strawberry icecream. Dude was just here for fun and noticed these people who dont belong here.
And after a short interaction, Gay said they didnt want to miss the chocolate rain starting soon and asked if PC had any other questions. The NPC party member is freaking out still and the actual elf woman forced as a bystander is weirded out but PC really likes him and says "I like him! Her? Um… do you have a gender by chance we can call you by?" Gay's response?
"What is that?"
Gay was just Gay. And Gay had no gender.
And that was it. A character made from a monster i thought was cool and a joke i thought was funny that quickly became a favorite among me and the player despite the dude not even showing up much. He did appear another time much later after this when she went to a different plane, Baator, which to my knowledge is basically Hell. And Gay was just kinda sitting by a river of blood and rapidly moving, outstretched arms. PC runs over to the mask enthusiast screaming, "Hey! Gay!" which of course got a nice out of game chuckle cause we are once again both 12 mentally, and this dude pulls out a mask with a guy cupping his chin and says "do I know you" And after a short awkward shift in tone with PC thinking she was racist thinking all weirdly tall mask collectors were the same person, Gay cackles, swaps to a mask of wild laughter, and says "Did you appreciate my joke?"
Turns out PC caught Gay sitting by a river of souls, stating they find it "relaxing." And proceeds to turn a piece of one of their shattered masks into a beach ball that gets tossed around by the flailing souls being whisked away. Gay gives her a hint, light plane lore, and directions on where to go when asked at this point, Gay was just the PCs very hands off guide when she goes to other planes so as to give her SOME kind of hint as to which direction her main goal is. But mostly sticking to a few random spots far away and immediately leaving to do whatever they came here for in the first place after a bit of talking.
And the FINAL of the three Gay events happened when PC finally found the elf's brother and bested him in an incredibly close boss fight with a very confused party member. Turns out the one hijacking Eize was body to- somehow successfully gain a pact with nearly every demon including Glasya, who in DnD lore, I think? is a big deal since shes the daughter of the big boss of DnD Satan. And the PC isnt fond of Eize's "parasite" using his body for evil. PC is upset. The elf whos watching her brother being puppetered like this, is upset. And the NPC is completely clueless as he lacks the context of wtf they're both talking about.
But loyal to the end, NPC helps his friend beat up her suddenly evil brother and with just a bit of health left, she tries to teleport them back home...? Back... to the normal DnD plane. i don't know what its called. But she forgot to bring Eize and the NPC tutorial friend. The guy she spent all this time trying to get and several irl months trying to find. Because all creatures need to touch the staff to teleport to a new plane and she thought that simply holding hands with someone else would drag them along. It didnt. So now she has to wait several in game hours while her ally is in literal Hell with the enemy while she has a measly 2 hit points left after the battle. So she goes back to the wizards who give her a health potion and casts a plane spell. I dont remember if thats a thing they can do but i did mention they could do it once months ago so PC just asked them to just teleport her there.
With limited time and limited health, she's spawned right back to where she did before in Baator with Gay still just chilling by the river of souls. PC desperately asks Gay to take her to Glasya's castle where Eize and her friend are still probably laid out. Gay just looks at her and says "...You're still here?"
And so engages an attempt to persuade Gay to help.... and it fails. Because I, in my brief and probably flawed readings, understood devils in DnD to be really into the idea of only helping IF you have something to offer, Gay says, "I must obey the rules of this plane, and that requires me to only help you in return of something of value. However there is nothing of value you have for me. So I cannot aid."
She tries again, saying that if she doesn't get to her brother soon, they could start a massive war against the other planes. Which... didnt need a roll. Aasfaraabas dont really give a hoot about any of that. So that one just automatically failed. "Oh, my sweet girls. The safety or conquer of the planes does not concern my kind." Didnt work either.
So in a huff PC was about to just leave. Then one more idea comes to mind. In the form of the elf shes hijacking asking her to trade knowledge about PCs non-fantasy homeworld. A persuasion roll here and it actually works!
So Gay yells something in another language and just stops time so they can hear her story. For Gay has Wish. Any spell is theirs to use including the one to stop time. "Very well. If you wouldn't mind, I will take my payment now." So they sit down and after telling Gay all about her own world with bikes, trains, cars, and a bunch of technology, And so Gay is content and simply snaps her around the proper location she needs to be. Not the exact area since theres no way to know exactly where to put her but Gay had a general idea and made the trek significantly shorter.
And that was it. Thats the final appearance of the most powerful random NPC i've ever created who just so happens to be a favorite among me and the player AND a very fun character to write. Half of the time, the descriptions of what the guy were just vague and confused as though I, the DM, didnt know what to call him. Saying things like "the tall.... thing stared down at you." "The masked.... thing" The word Aasfaraaba was foreign to the player since i didnt tell her. It was her first game and I wanted things to be naturally told via the game and the species name was never brought up in Gay's 3 whole appearances. Gay was just Gay. It became a little joke that "Gay was just Gay" The other player didnt want to know what Gay was. Didnt need to know Gay's gender. Gay was just Gay.
submitted by Easy_Lab15 to dndstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:04 3BordersPeak I have no idea what I want to do. I thought I did, but now having doubts. Could you please provide me with some input?

Hey guys,
So honestly i'm very confident my anxiety is embroiled in all of this and has been the biggest culprit for my indecision and lack of a calling... But i've been unemployed for years and have been in a perpetual state of paralysis when it comes to choosing a career path. In school I was a jack of all trades, master of none. I remember already fretting about what I would study/do with my life as a sophomore/grade 10 in high school. Over a decade later, I still have no idea.
Over the past few years, i've kind of gravitated towards medical laboratory science as there's a big shortage of people in that line of work and it pays well with minimal schooling (compared to a full on degree) and there's great job security... I applied and got into a program this year for it and I accepted the offer and am slated to begin studies in 3 months...
However, now i'm having doubts and second guessing myself... My biggest hang up, is i'm a creative minded person. I like to flex my creative muscle and i'm pretty good at it. So I keep thinking of me, in a medical lab, doing a fairly regimented and repetitive job by myself and I just foresee myself being miserable in the long run. I guess I was so focused at the good things - like job security, good pay, etc etc... That I didn't really think about how I would fare in this line of work.
But the issue is, I don't know what else to look into. There's so many options and it's overwhelming.
Two things I am very proficient at is i'm an excellent writer. I can type very quickly and efficiently and convey ideas and points over writing with ease and i've been told on a handful of occasions that I have a talent for it. And I do enjoy it.
I also have been told I have a great radio voice. I am a great communicator too and I would definitely love to look into some sort of line of work that I could utilize any of these skills in a creative way as I think that'd just bring me more fulfillment in the long run.
So now i'm just debating what to do. Whether I proceed with my medical lab studies, or if I should maybe put that on the back burner and look into something that could utilize my writing, communication and creative skills.
If any careers come to mind of something that you think I would be well suited to and that I should look into, please let me know!! I'll look into anything at this point. I really don't want to go back to school as i'm yearning to just start my career and making income at this stage in my life... But i'm also keenly aware that that's not really possible. So i'll take any suggestions on education and career paths.
Thank you!
submitted by 3BordersPeak to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:51 MyNameGifOreilly Horrible suggestion turns great for me*

I work in a independent hotel not small but also not really big about 155 rooms. Today we were dead in the water, no Internet for the office computers and no phones “ they use the internet too”. I’m not the IT guy but I do have a back ground in networking. After an hour of rebooting system and nothings working I look at the hardware problems. Boom the network switch fans are not running. It must be the switch. Look up all companies that might have a 24 port gigabit switch for sale on a Saturday…. No one in a 50 mile radius has one. Shit well plan B I guess, I’ll get 4, 8 ports from Best Buy and just daisy chain them together. I get the the 4 switches and get to work. Now the main IT guy is not available to come to my site as he’s on vacation in a different state. So I get everything ported and nothing is working…. Hmmm maybe he ported the main internet link to a certain port. Txt him what port the main internet line needs to go in. BTW most just default port 1 him. It’s port 2. Boom we back in business. All working now. So as I check all the backlogged reservations that came in when we were offline and just doing the “make sure we didn’t let anything fall through the cracks work” my GM “ general manager “ sets me down and say. Hey you went we’ll beyond just your work. “ you stayed for the betterment of the business and your team” Me sees him pull out the company check book. 2,000.00 checked signed to me with the approval from the hotel owner.The feeling of accomplishment is to reel right now . Haven’t felt that in a looong time*
Sorry if the format is shit and spelling . I’m about 4 whiskey deep right now posting this at a local pub.
submitted by MyNameGifOreilly to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:46 Saucyelmo [US-TX] [H] Anime Lot [W] Paypal/Cash

Hi All,
I am phasing out of this hobby due to moving, so here is my anime collection up for sale. Please feel free to ask for additional pictures. Some pops may look a bit blurry, that is due to the protectors they are in.
I am in the DFW area if anyone is looking to pick up in person and avoid shipping. Bulk sales are preferred and can be negotiated. Shipping depends on amount of pops purchased.
Please see the listing of individual pops below, any items with an * do not have a pop protector.
Yu-Gi-Oh - $180 Bundle
Naruto - $100 Bundle
My Hero Academia - $45 Bundle
Demon Slayer - $30 Bundle
Bundle for all $400
submitted by Saucyelmo to funkoswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 Friendly-Nectarine10 I Finally Stood up for Myself

Warning: This will be a long post.
Growing up was weird. My mother’s side of the family was chill. My father’s side was a whole different story. Ultra religious, from the Caribbean, you get the gist. Everything I did while growing up, I did to please him and my family. Whenever I did do things “right”, he never praised me because “it’s what I’m supposed to do”. He only said things when I did things “wrong”.
I’m 22 now. Graduated college in April (the college I commuted to and from my home). I have aspirations of becoming a doctor. I always have. I met this wonderful guy that has treated me better than any other man in my life has…including my own father. Today I mustered up the courage to tell my father that I will be going on a 2 week vacation with my bf across the country.
This resulted in a 5 hour meltdown. He just had to complain about it to everyone in my immediate family. My one grandmother that was still around (maternal, who supports my decision), and my 2 aunts (paternal) who have been involved in everything while I was growing up. This resulted in my aunt saying how he should tell me to cancel the trip and if not I would not be allowed to return home. However, I know that he doesn’t have the balls to do that because if he kicks me out like that he will not be involved in those important milestones such as marriage and kids.
She also had to make a statement that if i do get pregnant they won’t allow me to abort the baby because “we don’t do that in our family”. Like cool, I didn’t know my body belongs to everyone else. The argument with my father ended with “do whatever you want, you’re an adult but I do not agree with it and I will not look at you and your bf the same way”. I am now the town wh0rě for simply wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend.
Even before all this situation unfolded and before I met my bf, I always knew that I would be leaving the house when I became older and it would not be able to go down without a fight. Long story short, I will be riding the wave, studying for the MCAT, going on that trip, applying for jobs, and then I will be moving out with my boyfriend right after I finish my exam. His father is supportive of us and he is willing to lend us his vacation home in another state until we are comfortable enough to get our own place. I will be applying to med school next year, and my bf will be applying to PhD programs.
My mother, brother, and grandmother are all on my side. I have told them about my plan and they agree and understand why I’m going to do this. My grandmother reiterated that if things would not work out after I move that I could always come back and live with her, which I am very grateful for. I know that when the time will come to tell my father, it will not be pretty. Whether he will want to contact me or not after I leave will be up to him, the ball will be in his court. But I know that my mother, grandmother, and brother will always want to talk to me and support me because they genuinely love me (unlike my father and his side of the family). I also have friends here that support me.
That is why I will be telling him the day I leave after all the exam crap is over, and my bf will be there in case anything were to escalate. My mother and brother say that even though they support my decision, they do not want to be be there, and be caught in the crossfire when I’ll tell him I will be leaving, which I understand. My bf couldn’t be here when I told him about the vacation because he is visiting his father. When I told him what happened on the phone, he said “Your dad is lucky that I’m not there because after hearing all this I’d get in my car, go to your house, and yank you out of that toxic environment”.
During the times that my father will be out of the house, I will be packing the things I will need for later on little by little (including important documents). I bought my phone with my own money, but he has been paying for the bill. I know that he won’t after I leave. Before I tell him about my departure, I will ensure that I take over my phone bill one way or another. I will find a job that includes healthcare. I will learn how to be self-sufficient. I knew that from that point forward, things will never be the same way again and I’ve just accepted it. But honestly, I don’t regret my decision. I choose happiness. I choose freedom. Thank you for listening. ❤️
tl;dr: Growing up with a strict, ultra-religious father, I struggled for approval, but at 22, supported by my mother, brother, and grandmother, I am preparing to leave home for medical school and a healthier life with my supportive boyfriend, despite my father's opposition.
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:41 wintersonatafever 26 [F4M] Indonesia/Online - Chinese Girl looking for a Virtual Relationship with older East Asian man preferably from Singapore Malaysia . Must be Clingy , an emotional fluffer! no sexting please

I'm a Chinese girl looking for a virtual relationship with a Chinese East Asian guy, ideally from Southeast Asia. I prefer someone from Malaysia, Singapore, or Hong Kong, as our time zones align, making it easier for us to chat and connect. I'm avoiding connections from the West because of time zone differences, which can limit our chat and activity time together.
Let's get this clear from the start: I'm NOT interested in anything NSFW. No sexting, video sex, or similar activities. I value meaningful connections and genuine conversations.
What am I searching for? Well, I'm seeking someone open to a virtual relationship, someone who's clingy, an emotional fluffer (yes, you read that right!).
I'd like to know a guy who is ready to share his life with me - and I mean all aspects of it. Your job, your dreams, your plans, your fears, successes and failures. Chores, passions, problems, vulnerabilities, fantasies, experiences, expectations. All that forms you and influences you. I'd like to know you so well as if I was the mirror you're looking into being completely naked and honest. And I'd like to return all of that on my part. I'd like to be your friend, confessor, lover, advisor, someone you can laugh silly or discuss deeply. Feel free, secure and happy in your presence. Feel being cared about. You know this feeling when at some point you start checking your phone more and more often to see the notification? The thrill that goes with it? A message every morning and every evening, maybe consisting of just 1 word, but written just and especially for you. Knowing that somewhere out there there is someone who really thinks about you throughout the day and longs for a little reunion every day. Maybe it's silly. Maybe it's not realistic. But why should we dream low?
I'm serious about all of this. This is, ideally, a long-term (indefinite term?) relation. But big things usually start small - I want to talk to you and slowly know you. Build mutual trust and bond. Spend time together and enjoy it. If it clicks, we won't even notice we want more and more. Before we vibe check in person, I'd like to be a LDR thing.
Currently, I'm focused on job hunting for my first full-time position and at the same time running my family business, so my schedule is quite packed. Having someone I can talk to, vent to, and share life advice with would be incredibly valuable to me right now. I appreciate daily calls in the long run, but if you prefer texting over calls, there's no need to send me a DM.
Physically, I'm 5'3 with dark brown eyes and a smile that lights up the room. While I'm on the thiccer side, I'm actively working on my fitness. I have a figure that's huggable, and I'm hoping to find someone who is interested in breaking my singlehood XD
So, what can you expect from me? Well, apart from our daily connections and meaningful conversations, I'm all about experiencing life's adventures. Whether it's trying out new cuisines, or going on spontaneous hikes, count me in! Additionally, I'm quite skilled at Tom & Jerry Chase mobile and would love to game together.
Now, here's the fun part—I'm a massive Badminton fangirl! I'm always keeping up with the latest news and matches, so expect some lively discussions on that front. And let's not forget my guilty pleasures: boys love content and horror! I can spend hours watching live streams of horror games, getting spooked and loving every minute of it. Plus, I've got a thing for numbers—I find joy in tackling math problems and exploring the beauty of mathematics.
When it's time to unwind, you'll often catch me vibing to R&B/Soul tunes. There's just something about those smooth melodies that speaks to my soul and helps me relax after a long day.
What I'm looking for from you is simple: good communication and a willingness to compromise. I believe these are the foundations of any successful relationship. It would also be great if you were older and taller than me, and if you're single, never married with no kids, that's even better.
If you think we might hit it off, feel free to send me a DM. Let me know your ASL (age, sex, location) and a brief intro about yourself! Who knows? Maybe we'll grab coffee or boba together someday. Looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by wintersonatafever to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:38 AuroraDragoness I had a person tell me I need "Customer Service Training" 🙄

I've been working in the deli section of a cafe for well over a year now, and there's only a few times I have customers get on my nerves, and this happens to be one of the latest cases.
The cafe is in a hospital actually, so a lot of customers I get are mainly doctors and nurses, some from a different department. And of course some customers are patients too, which is a mixed experience at best.
But to get to the main point; I make sandwiches to order while the cashier nearby rings the customers up for sandwiches, soups and salads (she takes care of the soup usually). I was running a special that day, and so I was using the well next to the soup to keep the pulled pork hot while running the deli.
We had one guy, a regular to the cafe, who's an employee in the hospital. And like everyone else he's more than welcome to skip to the front of the line to get soup only and not waiting on the sandwich. When he looks over to see what the soup looks like, he also sees the pork and asks the cashier "What is that?"
At that point I wasn't sure if the cashier even knew, since a lot of our specials made by a cook in the kitchen are last minute and only stated to me half the time, so instead of letting her answer I slid right into the conversation saying, "That is for the special. I got a sign right over here you can read."
So with that, he looks at me straight in the eyes and said, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to her."
So I decided to back off, since I definitely did not like his delivery one bit and went back to what I was doing. He then gets all pissy, complaining to the cashier in front of him, "What is her problem? Who does she think she is?" And then eventually goes, "She needs some serious customer service training. Who's in charge around here?"
And btw he said the whole "customer service training" like THREE times, the first two indirectly while the third time was right at me before he walks away like "If I ever wanna get soup you should be telling me to go to the front." which has NOTHING to do with what he was saying earlier, but whatever.
Apparently he did go looking for the manager after, but only found our sous chef and started complaining to him instead. He said that I butted into a conversation and he didn't like my tone of voice. That I was rude to him and that I need serious customer service training. But apparently that guy was also walking away from the sous chef WHILE he was still talking so the chef had to call him back like, "Hey, can you hold up for a sec? What are you trying to tell me?" Apparently he did this three times, so he must've been in a hurry. One of the cooks told me he ended up talking to him before the guy found the chef and he came off very rude to him when he was looking for whoever is in charge.
My manager did happen to hear about it from the chef himself before talking to me to see what's up. After hearing both sides of the story we figured it wasn't a big deal but I may have to be mindful what I say next time. I do have a tendency of jumping in and answering questions even if it's not directed to me.
But like honestly that guy needs to calm the f*** down. I have a feeling this isn't the first time he came up and asked what's what too, since he comes by regularly enough to know how we run specials that are next to the soup (and we never run more than two soups).
Anyways TLDR; Guy got pissed at me for butting in and answering his question instead and he didn't like my tone, proceeds to look for my supervisor right afterwards.
submitted by AuroraDragoness to CustomerService [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 Friendly-Nectarine10 I Finally Stood up for Myself

Warning: This will be a long post.
Growing up was weird. My mother’s side of the family was chill. My father’s side was a whole different story. Ultra religious, from the Caribbean, you get the gist. Everything I did while growing up, I did to please him and my family. Whenever I did do things “right”, he never praised me because “it’s what I’m supposed to do”. He only said things when I did things “wrong”.
I’m 22 now. Graduated college in April (the college I commuted to and from my home). I have aspirations of becoming a doctor. I always have. I met this wonderful guy that has treated me better than any other man in my life has…including my own father. Today I mustered up the courage to tell my father that I will be going on a 2 week vacation with my bf across the country.
This resulted in a 5 hour meltdown. He just had to complain about it to everyone in my immediate family. My one grandmother that was still around (maternal, who supports my decision), and my 2 aunts (paternal) who have been involved in everything while I was growing up. This resulted in my aunt saying how he should tell me to cancel the trip and if not I would not be allowed to return home. However, I know that he doesn’t have the balls to do that because if he kicks me out like that he will not be involved in those important milestones such as marriage and kids.
She also had to make a statement that if i do get pregnant they won’t allow me to abort the baby because “we don’t do that in our family”. Like cool, I didn’t know my body belongs to everyone else. The argument with my father ended with “do whatever you want, you’re an adult but I do not agree with it and I will not look at you and your bf the same way”. I am now the town wh0rě for simply wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend.
Even before all this situation unfolded and before I met my bf, I always knew that I would be leaving the house when I became older and it would not be able to go down without a fight. Long story short, I will be riding the wave, studying for the MCAT, going on that trip, applying for jobs, and then I will be moving out with my boyfriend right after I finish my exam. His father is supportive of us and he is willing to lend us his vacation home in another state until we are comfortable enough to get our own place. I will be applying to med school next year, and my bf will be applying to PhD programs.
My mother, brother, and grandmother are all on my side. I have told them about my plan and they agree and understand why I’m going to do this. My grandmother reiterated that if things would not work out after I move that I could always come back and live with her, which I am very grateful for. I know that when the time will come to tell my father, it will not be pretty. Whether he will want to contact me or not after I leave will be up to him, the ball will be in his court. But I know that my mother, grandmother, and brother will always want to talk to me and support me because they genuinely love me (unlike my father and his side of the family). I also have friends here that support me.
That is why I will be telling him the day I leave after all the exam crap is over, and my bf will be there in case anything were to escalate. My mother and brother say that even though they support my decision, they do not want to be be there, and be caught in the crossfire when I’ll tell him I will be leaving, which I understand. My bf couldn’t be here when I told him about the vacation because he is visiting his father. When I told him what happened on the phone, he said “Your dad is lucky that I’m not there because after hearing all this I’d get in my car, go to your house, and yank you out of that toxic environment”.
During the times that my father will be out of the house, I will be packing the things I will need for later on little by little (including important documents). I bought my phone with my own money, but he has been paying for the bill. I know that he won’t after I leave. Before I tell him about my departure, I will ensure that I take over my phone bill one way or another. I will find a job that includes health insurance. I will learn how to be self-sufficient. I knew that from that point forward, things will never be the same way again and I’ve just accepted it. But honestly, I don’t regret my decision. I choose happiness. I choose freedom. Thank you for listening. ❤️
tl;dr: Growing up with a strict, ultra-religious father, I struggled for approval, but at 22, supported by my mother, brother, and grandmother, I am preparing to leave home for medical school and a healthier life with my supportive boyfriend, despite my father's opposition.
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 Friendly-Nectarine10 I Finally Stood up for Myself

Warning: This will be a long post.
Growing up was weird. My mother’s side of the family was chill. My father’s side was a whole different story. Ultra religious, from the Caribbean, you get the gist. Everything I did while growing up, I did to please him and my family. Whenever I did do things “right”, he never praised me because “it’s what I’m supposed to do”. He only said things when I did things “wrong”.
I’m 22 now. Graduated college in April (the college I commuted to and from my home). I have aspirations of becoming a doctor. I always have. I met this wonderful guy that has treated me better than any other man in my life has…including my own father. Today I mustered up the courage to tell my father that I will be going on a 2 week vacation with my bf across the country.
This resulted in a 5 hour meltdown. He just had to complain about it to everyone in my immediate family. My one grandmother that was still around (maternal, who supports my decision), and my 2 aunts (paternal) who have been involved in everything while I was growing up. This resulted in my aunt saying how he should tell me to cancel the trip and if not I would not be allowed to return home. However, I know that he doesn’t have the balls to do that because if he kicks me out like that he will not be involved in those important milestones such as marriage and kids.
She also had to make a statement that if i do get pregnant they won’t allow me to abort the baby because “we don’t do that in our family”. Like cool, I didn’t know my body belongs to everyone else. The argument with my father ended with “do whatever you want, you’re an adult but I do not agree with it and I will not look at you and your bf the same way”. I am now the town wh0rě for simply wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend.
Even before all this situation unfolded and before I met my bf, I always knew that I would be leaving the house when I became older and it would not be able to go down without a fight. Long story short, I will be riding the wave, studying for the MCAT, going on that trip, applying for jobs, and then I will be moving out with my boyfriend right after I finish my exam. His father is supportive of us and he is willing to lend us his vacation home in another state until we are comfortable enough to get our own place. I will be applying to med school next year, and my bf will be applying to PhD programs.
My mother, brother, and grandmother are all on my side. I have told them about my plan and they agree and understand why I’m going to do this. My grandmother reiterated that if things would not work out after I move that I could always come back and live with her, which I am very grateful for. I know that when the time will come to tell my father, it will not be pretty. Whether he will want to contact me or not after I leave will be up to him, the ball will be in his court. But I know that my mother, grandmother, and brother will always want to talk to me and support me because they genuinely love me (unlike my father and his side of the family). I also have friends here that support me.
That is why I will be telling him the day I leave after all the exam crap is over, and my bf will be there in case anything were to escalate. My mother and brother say that even though they support my decision, they do not want to be be there, and be caught in the crossfire when I’ll tell him I will be leaving, which I understand. My bf couldn’t be here when I told him about the vacation because he is visiting his father. When I told him what happened on the phone, he said “Your dad is lucky that I’m not there because after hearing all this I’d get in my car, go to your house, and yank you out of that toxic environment”.
During the times that my father will be out of the house, I will be packing the things I will need for later on little by little (including important documents). I bought my phone with my own money, but he has been paying for the bill. I know that he won’t after I leave. Before I tell him about my departure, I will ensure that I take over my phone bill one way or another. I will find a job that includes healthcare. I will learn how to be self-sufficient. I knew that from that point forward, things will never be the same way again and I’ve just accepted it. But honestly, I don’t regret my decision. I choose happiness. I choose freedom. Thank you for listening. ❤️
tl;dr: Growing up with a strict, ultra-religious father, I struggled for approval, but at 22, supported by my mother, brother, and grandmother, I am preparing to leave home for medical school and a healthier life with my supportive boyfriend, despite my father's opposition.
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to helicopterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 DesignerBranch69 Craft Down Under [Network] {NO Whitelist}{Dedicated Servers}{56+ modpacks}

Just Added:

All the Mods 9 - To the Sky, BigChadGuys Plus, Cottage Witch, All of Fabric 7

Explore our collection of 56 modpack servers and their versions in our comprehensive SERVER LIST!

About Our Community:

Craft Down Under is a gaming community that specializes in hosting and playing Minecraft modpacks. Our servers, located in Australia, the United States, and Europe, offer a wide variety of modpacks to suit different playstyles and preferences. We're dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for all players, regardless of their skill level, to come together and enjoy the unique experiences that modpacks provide. Join us today and see why Craft Down Under is the go-to destination for Minecraft modpack enthusiasts!
Server List:

Come play (AU):

Server Version IP
All of Fabric 7 2.2.3
All The Mods 8 1.1.0
All the Mods 9 - To the Sky 1.0.1
ATM: VolcanoBlock 1.0.8
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0
Craft To Exile 2 0.5.2b
FTB Skies Expert 1.8.1
Haven: CaveBlock 1.3.2
MeatballCraft, Dimensional Ascension 0.15.1-hotfix2
OccultCraft 6.6
Project Ozone 3 3.4.11F
Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2 1.11
SkyBees 2 1.4.1
Stacia 2 Expert 0.9.15
Techopolis 2 (Skyblock Mode) 7.0
Vault Hunters 3rd edition 3.13.0

Come play (US):

Server Version IP
All The Mods 9 0.2.60
All The Mods 9 (MineColonies) 0.2.60
All the Mods 9 - To the Sky 1.0.1
Avalon Forge 2.10.0
Better MC [Fabric] - BMC1 v20
Better MC [FORGE] - BMC4 26
BigChadGuys and the Holy Grail 1.0.1
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0
BigChadGuys Plus (Non-Cobblemon) 2.1.1
Blep's Modpack 1.2.5
Cottage Witch 1.16.5hotfix
Create Stellar 1.2.2
Create: Arcane Engineering v1.9.3
Create: Astral v2.0.5b
DawnCraft - Echoes of Legends 2.0.9_f2
Direwolf20 1.20 1.12.1
Fantasy MC Fabric 2.9.3b
FTB Skies Expert 1.8.1
Inclusive Reborn 1.0.4
Mechanical Mastery Plus 1.1.12
Medieval MC [Fabric] - MMC2 test
MineColonies: Dimensional Adventure 2.0.4
Mystical Block 2.7.3
Nomifactory CEu 1.7-alpha-4
Project Sacrifice 1.4.3
Prominence I [Fabric] v2.3.0hf
Ragnamod VII 7.1.7
Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2 1.11
SteamPunk [LPS] 23
Strictly Medieval 3 20
The Chocolate Edition [Forge] 1.5.6
Vault Hunters 3rd edition 3.13.0
Vault Hunters 3rd edition (Hard) 3.13.0
Vault Hunters 3rd edition (Sky) 3.13.0

Come play (EU):

Server Version IP
All in One [Modded One Block] 1.5.4b
All The Mods 9 0.2.60
BigChadGuys Plus 2.1.0
Fantasy MC Fabric 2.9.3b
Vault Hunters 3rd Edition (EU) 3.13.0

Key Features:

submitted by DesignerBranch69 to feedthebeastservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:20 zestyguy_bobem Aizens "lonely" God complex but better

So with the All for One reveal in MHA I was thinking about it's a much better "he was lonely all along" reveal that actually makes sense for his character and Motives instead of a BS conclusion like in Aizens case so I thought of a better way it could've been written
So to establish
Aizens motives were ACTUALLY to push himself even further beyond the limitations of soul reapers and himself to rival and ultimately overthrow the soul king because he feels like it's an insult to be subject to anyone's rule, power or influence and hates the idea of living under anyone's rules especially the Soul King cuz...God complex (nice)
The BS reasons he did what he did or felt the way he did was that he was supposedly lonely being at the top or something. Makes no sense especially with his stated motive before and after this one off, poorly written, nonsense
So if you want him to have his real motives driven by his God complex but also want him to be a sad lonely lil guy, combine them like this
Have Aizen be a hybrid like Ichigo, a nonsensically haxed out mix of every sub species and your problem is solved. He'd actually be a unique being with no others existing, atleast as far as he knew. He'd definitely have motive to defy the soul king and anyone on his side considering he'd be at risk of being turned into a new linch pin if something happened (eventually did). He'd have a reason steeped in loneliness, being to have someone else like him who understands that threat and who is also created the same way since beings like that don't naturally arise far as ik from bits of novels. He'd also see creating Ichigo as a necessary step to his plan not just because he'd theoretically be a good punching bag or step to becoming stronger but would know he'd be strong because he's strong. He'd atrribute his strength to his own greatness inflating his ego even more. Would also be a punch to the gut if he tried to turn Ichigo to his side, was rejected then he'd be even more lonely, resolve to kill Ichigo and his loss and feelings would have so much more emotional weight.
His Motives wouldn't be based just in seeking power to oppose the soul king, his Motives would actually seem like he wants some kind of companionship and understanding and he'd still be able to do his evil stuff. He'd have every reason to oppose the SS because they'd give him up in a heart beat, Yhwach would still either wanna ally with him or kill him. It would work perfectly and set up the TYBW stuff like the SK.
Would be so good if it was written like that.
submitted by zestyguy_bobem to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:14 Key_Cap_5772 Confused about Ex and need advice on no contact

I’ve been trying to forget my Ex after we split up around 2 months ago but this has been one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life. For context: we dated for 2.5 years and we did everything together. We were also basically each others first everything. We began dating senior year of highschool and now are going into our junior year of college together. We also lived together in an apartment for a year as SHE was the one that insisted on it while I wanted to live with my friends. We ended up getting the apartment together but slowly and surely started to face problems and small disagreements. It first started with me not doing enough around the apartment, which I did not think was true as my parents always instilled in me to treat our relationship as 50/50 give and take and I truly tried to respect her and not take advantage of her. Often times I would wake up an hour earlier than her to make her breakfast and also shower and get ready so she could sleep in and take her time getting ready without having to make herself breakfast. I also would usually end up making us dinner around 3-4 nights a week and was usually the one who would wash the dishes and clear our apartment, bathroom, and make the bed each day. My parents also payed for all of our groceries all year and I would drive us to school 95% of the time. After around 5 months and her bringing up probably once a month how somehow I was not doing my part, I decided I had enough and stood up for myself. This ended in a huge argument and I told her I was done being in a relationship with her and she stormed off. For some odd reason even against my sisters advice which I usually always go to, I ended up buying her chocolates and flowers and apologized for our argument and agreed I would help more. After this argument things were going great, or so it seemed for the spring semester of us living together, although i feel at this point I was doing about 75% of the cooking and she stopped helping even more around the apartment. I was exhausted physically and mentally and could barely keep up with my school work while she was able to do whatever she needed, while always making me feel bad about “needing to do my part”. However I was happy that we weren’t arguing and it seemed we were getting along better then ever. She even expressed how much she was grateful for me and being one of her only support systems and that she wouldn’t be able to survive college without me and that she was looking forward to living together again about a week before we broke up. The night we broke up all started because I simply asked her if she could put a fucking microwaveable pizza in the oven for us as I had been studying for 8 hours for an exam I had the next day and was mentally and physically exhausted (while giving her a back massage!) She then blew up on me and told me that I didn’t respect her and her time and that I was trying to take advantage of her somehow. Without trying to argue I just simply got up made the pizza for us myself and did all the dishes. After I ate and she finished what she was doing, she came over and tried to act like nothing happened but never apologized to me. I did not allow this and simply got up and went to my friends apartment. I came back around 2 hours later and it was almost 12 o clock. I noticed she was in the shower so I turned off all the lights and decided to go to sleep. When she got out of the shower she turned on the lamp and started to read a book. I was not having this and simply got up and turned off the lamp so I could sleep. She again got mad at me and said “I’m not doing this shit tonight”. So I literally slept on the floor with just a sleeping bag and my pillow giving her the entire bed to herself. The next day I got up super early to give us both space and also so I could study for my exam while still leaving her the parking pass so she could park her own car without having to worry about getting a ticket. When I got home after my exam my full intention was to just move on so we didn’t have to argue. However she was waiting for me and decided it was time to break up. Of course I begged and pleaded for her not to and promise I would change and even give even more of my attention to her while she basically said she didn’t have fun with me anymore and didn’t see a future with me. After this I decided to give up and just see out the last month of us living together and then go our seperate ways once summer started and our lease ended. However the next day when I got home from school she started crying and telling me how she thought she might of made a mistake breaking up with me and even wanted to look for an apartment together, however I was strong and suggested it was probably the best if we just moved on. Throughout the next month of having to live together, (where at first I was totally prepared to never speak to her again) we seemingly became closer again and started talking and spending time together. I did set boundaries however and stated I would not pay for her groceries or cook for her anymore. Soon however we were back to cuddling at night and going on dates together “just as friends” and eventually ended up having sex a few times (I originally tried to shut us down having sex but eventually gave in as it was too good) she would go on to tell me she still wanted to give it a try next semester with us living separate and promised me she would still want to go on dates and be with me. Even on my last day while moving out she was bawling her eyes out trying to get ever last bit of kisses and cuddles possible before I left and even said that I shouldn’t be sad as she knows she’ll be back with me again. She also suggested we take a class together next semester and of course I agreed. I suggested we go no contact for the summer to give ourselves both a chance to heal and decide what we really wanted and we agreed. Since then however she has deleted almost every photo of us on Instagram except for two and potentially has followed a couple of guys (I’m not certain as I’m trying not to stalk her IG too much and am not going to go through every person she follows. Her brother also unfollowed me and everything even though I thought we were friends. I explain all of this to my sister and she thinks my ex is a bitch and I should just move on with my life and she’s most likely trying to keep me around as a back up option if her next relationship fails or if she just wants attention. My other person I talk to however thinks I should give her a chance when we go back to college in the fall since I did agree to take the class with her and am bound to run into her again if she is willing to make the necessary changes herself. However I am so conflicted to what I should do as it seems like she’s trying to move on from me and appear single on all of her social media. I don’t want to appear needy and have been strong with not contacting her as it’s been 30 days and I intend on keeping that up. I can’t tell if everything she told me after we broke up is true as I really want to believe it is, and every day am fighting the urge to txt her. I need an unbiased outsiders opinion on this matter as I have no idea what to do anymore. The only thing saving me is my sister from texting her. I know only time will tell and eventually we will have to see eachother again and the ball is totally in her court, however I truly am confused about the whole situation and how she acted after we broke up. Any advice?
submitted by Key_Cap_5772 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:14 Time-Raspberry4114 I don't think I deserve to be loved

When I was in elementary school, I never thought about how I looked to others. I was a loud, energetic kid and mostly acted like a tomboy. As I grew older, I started to feel more and more insecure about myself and I think around high school freshman year was the peak of it. My parents would make fun of or tease about my weight and how 'big' my face was. I have a pretty wide, square face and on top of that, I have chubby cheeks. I don't really have a jawline and my side profile looks hideous. There's not much space between my chin to my neck, and my lips perk up, making me look like a fish. Overall, my square face is my biggest insecurity. I've tried doing face slimming exercises, only to give up midway and mope about it. I've starved myself for days hoping the fat on my face would slim down, but it never really worked. I'm 5'7 and my weight is pretty normal for my height, but I've gained a few kilos after my freshman year in college. I don't have an hourglass body either. I've tried core and ab workouts, but it seems to keep me somewhat slightly toned, but my posture is terrible. I have a hunched back and a bit of a bison bump.
I feel like overall, there is something wrong with me and every time I look in the mirror I can't help but think to myself "I'm so ugly." My body proportions don't fit at all with me and on top of that, my parents make fun of me for it constantly. It was funny at first and I didn't think too much of it at all, but every single time I hear any sort of comment from them, it sounds so genuine and maybe I really do need to lose weight. I don't deserve to eat and I've accepted that I'll never be 'pretty.'
I did get some freedom away from them when I went to college because I stopped coming home, but it's summer now so that's all I hear. If I ever skipped a a day or two of working out, they'd ask me why I stopped and if I got back into it again, they'd say you're finally working out again after so long. I'm 18 and I still have to ask my parents for permission to use money or to go places with them because they need to constantly know what I'm up to. I don't think I've ever felt any sort of freedom besides moving out. Everything else, no matter how much I've asked them for my own allowance or for my own bank account, it would always lead to a big argument and no room for understanding from them at all. I need to be constantly monitored and I need to always ask for permission when buying things or going to places with my friends. College helped me escape from all of that, but my insecurities and parental restrictions have leaked into my dating life, my friend group, and just everything in general. My friend group broke apart after people in the group started dating each other and other people. We all collectively stopped hanging out and now another thing on top of my mountain of insecurities is them making fun of me for 'being the only one that's single' and that I got 'L rizz.' and 'bitchless.' Sure they say it as a joke, but it's true. I don't think I've ever had anyone like me first and it was always me chasing. I'm scared of rejection and any guy I've had the slight amount of interest in never liked me back and cut me off or I was a replacement for them to go after they've been rejected by their first choice. It would be always end from a talking stage or a situationship that wouldn't go anywhere. I'm not cute and certainly not pretty like other girls, especially my friends. I act like a tomboy and maybe I should be changing myself so that maybe I could be liked for once. I'm considered "tall" for an asian girl and I have a bit of an e-girl style. Maybe I should be changing how I dress and I should act more girly. My mom would constantly derail me about how I don't act 'feminine' and I act like a boy. Apparently not that many guys like that. I've been called 'dumb' and 'stupid' because of what I study and major in and that I'll be 'broke for the rest of my life.' My future career path will never let me make 6 figures and I should really be resorting to a man that will be successful in the future and make money. I feel so alone because of this and maybe I need better friends. Maybe sticking with my friends from high school was a bad idea and I should've gone out and met more people instead. Now I feel like it's too late for me. I'm entering my sophmore year of college and it seems like everyone has found their 'group' and hell they are cliquey. I know my friends aren't fake and they're not as toxic as what I've said here because I've had such memorable times with them all and I'm grateful I met them. But, I feel so left behind and I'm a step behind everyone in general. My friendgroup is basically dead and I feel there's not much of a reason to make the effort to hang out with them anymore, but having a group like this was my dream. I've always wanted something like this and to experience what it's like to be in a group I genuinely felt comfortable and stable in, but I should've known it would never stay like that.
I feel dumb for even thinking this, but I wish someone could just tell me what to do with myself like some sort of step-by-step instruction manual on how to 'restart' because I feel so worthless.
I don't think I'll ever get into a relationship and I've accepted that I'll probably be single for the rest of my life. I'll marry late or not even be able to marry someone at all. I've been constantly asking myself 'what's wrong with me' and that maybe I am the problem. Honestly, I've thought about the potential what if's of me dating someone. I feel scared to date anyone because I feel so insecure about myself all the time. I don't think I would be a very good partner and I might be emotionally unavailable, yet I want to be loved by someone at the same time. I've never been in a relationship before at all and want to experience it, but I've never really 'liked liked' someone either. I always think that I might be a really unloveable person and I don't even think my friends like me either. I regret being way too loud around them, I hate myself for talking so much, I hate how I can't even enjoy being with them sometimes, and I'm jealous of how carefree their parents are. For once, I wish someone would find me pretty and enjoy spending time with me instead of wanting to hook up. In a way, I feel like I don't deserve to be loved, because who would want to love something like me. I feel way to insecure and unstable of myself and I would never want whoever I'm dating to share that burden with them. I feel so closed-off all the time and I rarely ever open up about myself to anyone ever. There were times I did, but it sucked because the person I was telling didn't take it seriously and didn't really care. Sure I might not show it as much and laugh it off, put on a smile and 'act like myself', but I'll always be alone. I've been alone for a while so why am I still not used to this. I never had close friends in high school and I've only stuck to a few because I really wanted to stay friends with them. The people I thought I was close with and that I genuinely thought were 'my people' just suddenly disappeared doing their own thing and I feel so alone.
submitted by Time-Raspberry4114 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:12 Quazzon The case for GME's transformation

Stupidest man alive here with a wild idea.
With all of this speculation of acquisitions, mergers, possible NFT dividends, we are all wondering what is Gamestop/RC going to do with all of their cash on hand?
I have heard people speculate on gaming studio acquisitions like Rockstar, and while I think that would be a great idea as they make some of the most profitable games ever made, I also think they are a bit out of GME's price range at a valuation of around $20-22bn. GME is estimated to now have a cash on hand value of around $5bn after this latest stock selloff. They could go with other devs like SE, Capcom, etc, buuuuuut...
I was thinking more large scale buy at a surprisingly reasonable and achievable price range. Something that bridges the gap with video game developers and a platform that is consistently increasing revenue that achieves the other end of sales that GME has yet to pivot to in a meaningful way. An avenue as far as I have heard in the speculation mill isn't mentioned much.
I want to preface this with that I am dumb, this probably would never happen, and that the main person involved is on the record previously of not wanting to sell the company and most likely wouldn't.
Just a silly idea that could be a new, profitable way forward. I know RK has said GME has a unique position as being the largest brick and mortar (and dips its toes in digital stuff) video game specific retailer. (or close to it) It's just speculation on what they could do with this wild amount of cash on hand they now find themselves with.
"We don't want another launcher!" Good news, it won't be new!
Valve is estimated to be worth about $6.9-8bn (per various valuations from Bloomberg, Forbes, etc,.) and we also know they control the biggest platform for digital games ever, Steam. Steam has been increasing sales revenue year over year, reaching an estimated $9bn in sales for 2023, up from an estimated 4.5bn in 2022, an increase of around 17-18%. They also have been growing in sales year over year. This CRUSHES EGS' revenue of estimates that I have seen online of between $285-950m in sales in 2023 and that's with their better dev split and near constant free game giveaways. You know how many games Steam gives away? None son. You know what else Steam doesn't do? Advertise. Have you seen paid articles or fluff shit about Steam? Nope. They get free advertising literally all the time, with articles, trailers, etc, saying "Wishlist on Steam now!".
This is because devs know the value of having their games on Steam, even with the worse dev split. Steam is a market mover in this industry, and just reviews alone can be a breakout factor for a small dev or even a bigger one. EG/S is constantly having bad news, from 16% layoffs within Epic Games and EGS being accused of being Chinese spyware or just shitty. 500 games sold $3m or ABOVE in sales on Steam last year. With the cut of 30% that is $450m alone only based on the lowball estimate of only 500 games at purely $3m in sales, and I can guarantee you at least 5% of those sold way, way more that $3m, on top of the fact that according to figures logged by SteamDB, 14,532 Steam games were released in 2023.
Yes, GME is a leader in video game specific retailers, and there is a huge movement to keep hard copy video games alive. (I do not disagree with keeping physical alive) This presents an opportunity to have the best of both worlds, and a way forward to not only keep the company on track to profitability, but to completely transform it. I truly think that this is the way.
Our Lord, Blessed GABEN has been on record of not wanting to, and probably never selling the company. But what if he did? I have seen online that Gabe would never sell Steam, but I have also seen something else curious that he has reiterated interest in, being leaving to pursue the Medical Research field for Brain Computer Interfaces. (Most recently stating this in an interview with IGN talking about the Steam Deck and Valve/Steam's goals in 2021)
The biggest factor has to be selling the company to someone he thinks could keep it going, keep it growing, and keep it innovating. I have seen people on reddit worried that he would sell to Microsoft, but he has also been on record as saying they kind of suck. Ryan Cohen could be that guy. We all know how he grew Chewy into an insanely profitable and innovative company. We know how he is not taking a salary and betting on GME through getting stocks.
We know GME would only have roughly $5bn cash on hand, but if Ryan's RC Ventures sold all their stock (36,847,842 per Fintel, a net 0 decrease/increase in an entire year) in a YOLO at a high $50 that would equate to around another 1.5bn. They would still need to raise more, but that squeezes us ever closer to that $6.9bn low estimate, and that's only his GME stock.
That's about all I got for now, and this is not even delving into the opportunity to develop games that would absolutely jack the fucking tits off gamers if they were made properly and with the same love as Valve knows gamers have for their games, talking Half-Life 3, Left For Dead 3, Team Fortress 3, etc,. (too many damn 3s)
Like I said, 99.999999% wouldn't happen, just a cool idea. Thanks for reading!
Edit: A spelling mistake
submitted by Quazzon to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 Maleficent_Evening62 Not the 10 posts I need to make but.. aita for telling my boyfriends brother not to touch my feet?

Light context my boyfriend has many brothers I’ve met a few of them and of the few One just doesn’t give you(me) the right kind of vibe and the things I’ve been told about him and the things he’s done to my boyfriend are subpar. However my bf is very loyal and trusting and protective of his family and no matter the wrong they may do he’s still going to mess with them because that’s his family. (Not my way of living) and still thinks very highly and respectable of them. Being respectful of my bf in turn im respectful of them. If relevant bf is 30 brother maybe 28 Im 26
Last time his brother came by the apartment things were normal cordial they went out for food returned when my boyfriend was in the bathroom I was in his room in bed and he comes in and sits next to me and kisses me on my cheek with a decent amount of force I thought maybe mildly drunk overly friendly, and he did it a second time. I feel like the second time was to push the boundaries of if I was going to say anything which at the time I didn’t (this man carries a 🔫) and im not looking to say anything to upset him when I can go with the flow and not cause a moment that could go poorly when he’s about to be gone. Let me just get through the interaction. I didn’t say anything to my boyfriend about it— oops on my part, but I didn’t want to upset him and get him rocky with his brother as they’ve had an on and off again relationship and he doesn’t see him that often typically and then time went on and I didn’t say anything and it was more difficult to approach and I was like maybe that scenario will just not occur again.
Soo flash forward to tonight and his brothers coming over hung out for an hour or so I was working at the table they were on the couch small talk with all was fine. They leave go to the grocery drop it off go out for food nearby return. When returning im now working on the couch it’s a large L couch and at the time I didn’t know they left for food. I thought they left for his brothers house and wouldn’t be back for the night or until much later so I was taking up a decent chunk of the couch but there was the whole other half of the L and a big leather chair and the table was open so I didn’t feel the need to move. I was sitting with my back against the side of the couch and my legs stretched out towards the the other side the junction of the L. And his brother came and sat down next to me with his back against the couch and legs stretched straight out on the L part.
Boyfriend is cooking they’re chatting I’m working (not work work just laptop things) and his brother squeezes/ pinches some of my toes really hard pulling on my foot a bit like “this little piggy went to the market” (he said that, which I gets a saying but don’t touch my feet im not 4)(and ya know what even if I was don’t go touching my feet) anyways I said “Oh don’t touch my feet” and sat straighter up pulling my feet further away, (and yes @ me maybe don’t have my feet all out on the couch when guests are over but as noted I wasn’t expecting anyone was chilling there was lots of space and opportunity not to be touching my feet. And the way this guy speaks to others he does not have social anxiety that would prevent him from asking me to move my feet if they were in his way so he didn’t need to make some round about way of pointing out my feet were on the couch to try and get time to move them. He would’ve already told me to move them. So in my perspective you’re just touching my foot to…????? What?! Be funny make small talk? It felt like be a creep! Maybe that’s a bit too judgey of me
but I said like don’t touch my feet sorry that’s a boundary of mine and I don’t full remember what he said something along the lines of I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s possible there was an apology in there. Or statement about messing around. My bf joked about how he may do something like that to their other brothers wife as they have a good platonic siblingy close relationship. (I think just trying to break the awkwardness in the air and not make him feel so on the spot, and to move the conversation onward)
they chattered about something else for a little bit and then his brother asked if he wanted to get going to his place and my bf was a little taken a back I think in part because it was later in the evening I think he thought the food and hanging out here was the plan for the night if they go back there now that it’s later what’re the odds he’ll want to drive my bf back here later or will be in a safe state to do so and Ubers are $$s he doesn’t have right now so im sure part of the hesitation is like well then am I there all night or is it going to cost more to be hanging out but he said yes— When his brother asked about leaving he said that he didn’t want to hangout here because she’s(me) being weird and he’s just trying to chill with his brother (meaning my boyfriend) as they were stepping into the hall I said to them both “Oh sorry I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable or be weird” and his brother said it’s all good. I tried talking to my bf and he was silent gathering his stuff and primarily ignored me 🫠🙃🤣😭🤪😭 They got ready and dipped no words said —in the hall behind them i was like bye love you to my bf No words said 😖😵‍💫
I texted him right after he left and said “He kissed my cheek when you were in the bathroom before and he was grabbing my feet and it was just making me uncomfortable” which i guess correction foot not feet, none the less, no response for like 50 minutes. I texted about 11:35 which was as they walked out the door so within 5 minutes of then was said interaction. And I wrote it down when I realized my foots still hurting like what the heck
11:48 toe still hurts 11:55 toe still hurts 12:07 starts to hurt less 12:45 still kinda hurts, I question if the pains in my head because why’s it still hurt an hour + later no way he squeeze / pinched /pulled twisted my toes that much right?
My bf texts back 50 minute later saying “I understand” “You don’t have to explain” But gives no other word so I can’t say that for sure means he’s in full agreement. I asked if he needed a ride back and response is tbd. (Meaning no response yet) 😪
I felt given bfs brother past weirdness I had to say something when he grabbed my toes like that and if it had been either of his other brothers that I’ve met that did that it would’ve been odd weird but they wouldn’t have hurt my toe like that and they don’t make me feel uncomfortable so I wouldn’t have responded that way (Not that they’d do that because that’s weird)
There’s a lot of other variations of these conversations with my bf that leave me like ??? Aita and I feel fairly confident I am not but the situations are always complex and intensive enough I’ll not take the time to check in with anyone else via the Reddit world but since this was shorter for me to give the rundown of and im bewildered and like leave my feet alone I have come to here, and because im tired of being told im funny acting!!! By my bf or anyone else— tonight it was him and every time people say that im like!? Im really pretty sure im not 🥵🙄
Ps I was wearing clean socks if that matters at all
submitted by Maleficent_Evening62 to okstorytime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:08 Nietzsche_x Is corpotate a good fit for me? 19F extremely lost and looking for some guidance

This is going to be a long post, i apologize in advance. Will try to put a concise TLDR at the end.
Currently i am pursuing my bachelors in economics, first year and i want to start working towards creating my career. However, I don't really have anybody to guide me irl at all, no big sister or elder brother, no successful senior or decent alumni network. My college doesn't really provide me with much opportunities and peers are also really ambitionless. Im pretty much on my own.
I have A LOT of time in my hands in this uni and can dedicate a huge chunck of my day towards developing my skills/studying for exams/whatever is required of me. I also consider myself a fairly disciplined and dedicated individual if the situation requires, not the most hardworking but im working on changing that pattern.
However, The thing with corporate is everybody in family is against it. My father is an engineer in a PSU and is very very anti-private jobs. From his experience 30 years ago in civil engineering, he truly believes that private jobs suck the soul out of you and demean you as a person. So he really wishes for me to try for govt exams and govt jobs.
The other thing is, in my family both of my maternal unlces worked in corporate. They weren't from any reputated colleges whatsoever at all, graduated from worse than tier 3 mba colleges but when i say that they are highly charismatic and extremely wellspoken, SUCH hardworking people, i mean it. They got the skills. They really climbed that corporate ladder hard. Both were in sales.
  1. My chhote mama in the end was working in samsung at very high post, was the regional manager of a very large domain of north india, had a package of upwards of 50+ LPA but the workload was so much, that he suffered from an heart attack at the age of 35. Thankfully, he survived and is alright now but that really opened his eyes and he quit his job the next day. Now he is working on his own business and has done fairly well with whatever circumstances he was given.
  2. My other mama, who is even more talented and intelligent than the above mentioned mama, right now works as a vise president of the entire sales department of a very reputated company and has a package of upwards of 1.5cr but just yesterday, he also suffered from a mini heart attack. Please keep in mind these are really fit, 6 feet plus guys, no smoking no drinking no tobacco pure veg people (not saying non veg food is bad or ANYTHING pls dont get offended and make this the topic of conversation).
And thats the thing. Even though both my mama earn really good money, we have never seen them not stressed out. I remember when i was young and visit them during summer vacation, raat ko 11-11 baje unko unke boss ka call aata tha and they would shout and hurl abuses at them. The pressure was simply astronomical. No respect, no wlb. Both have really strained relationship with their wives because of this too. Their life basically happens on tours, they were never home. Which has kind of also scared me off sales for sure, if not corporate.
The second thing is, seeing how extroverted and charismatic they are, i kinda doubt my skills. I am definitely more on the introverted side, have a limited social energy, not the most charismatic person either. Im more of a reading my book quietly in the bedroom person than being the life of the party in the drawing room kind of person. I am also extremely prone to anxiety (clinically diagnosed) and overthinking. Matlab, what im saying is that, im not the most "jo hoga dekha jayega" "take it easy" kind of a person. If there is something to be stressed about, you better believe im stressing out about it on the full intensity. I think this is also the time i should mention that i suffer from an autoimmune disease and it flares up during high stress situations.
So my question is, is corpoarte a good fit for me? are all domains (finance, consulting, operations)(finance particuarly because i wish it to aim it if im to enter corporate) as stressful as sales? Is it possible to achieve a good wlb with a good pay (1.5-2L) if you're not from tech background? Listen, all i want from life is a job that doesn't suck the soul out of me w a decent pay, hopefully i get to live in tier 1 city and quality people to hang out with/a few good friends. Thats all. So, should i go for corporate?
Because my other option is preparing for upsc, state pcs etc and i'll be honest, the tedium of the govt sector is not the most appealing to me. Na hi mujhe bahot zyada paise ki bhook hai na hi power ki. Nor do i have an extraordinary aim to "change the country" or anything i'll be very honest. If i'll be preparing for upsc it'll just be another job. Everybody arounds me believes that i have the potential to crack these exams but i think everybody who scores good in school exams and maybe reads a few books thinks that so thats irrelevant. I do think that i must mention that i was going through the syllabus of upsc, i pretty much knew about more than 30% of it because history/geography/philosophy/ethics are truly my area of interest and i study them regardless, just out of sheer interest. So Upsc is really one exam that a person like me is cut out for, hoga nahi hoga vo alag baat hai but i think i would be a fair competition.
So please guide me, what should i do? which path should i start putting my hardwork towards? Is corporate actually really horrible? Can a person with anxiety issues survive?
myquals: 98% in 10th, 97% in 12th, BA fy eco hons
submitted by Nietzsche_x to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:07 norbit1414 Success story! I'm getting the hang of this!

Success story! I'm getting the hang of this!
Alright guys second successful manifestation here we go!!
This is twice in a day btw.
First one: today in the morning I was really depressed because I wasn't able to figure out how to go about my life and I was feeling a bit lost. I was sitting in Bryant Park in Manhattan and feeling if it's sad about this whole situation. I'm a former student of stoicism and my knee jerk reaction, whenever I get to negative, Is to do whatever it takes to bring my mind to a neutral state of mind. How I do that is, I go into a deep meditative state where I let go of all my problems, myself, my ego. Once there is a blank slate I go ahead and just accept my situation and I calm down.
Instead of doing that, today I decided to take a different approach: after reaching the neutral state I asked myself "what would make you feel good? What situation would make you feel good?" Because my mind was so clear, the answer was super random. "Man I would really feel good if a beautiful woman just smiled at me with the warmest smile." Then I asked myself "what if that happens how would you feel??" I just had the most pleasant feeling right then and there and I dwell in that feeling for like a good 5 minutes.
Moments later I was back to my normal positive self, and I decided to start walking and just walk around New York City. A couple paces later I don't know why I decided to sit down again (I was had started a podcast, had completely forgotten about this whole woman thing).
A few moments later, literally a really pretty woman, In a beautiful sundress sits down with a book in her hand titled "all about love". I look at her and I think to myself huh she's pretty. Then again I forget about the whole thing. Literally out of nowhere a couple pigeons land super close to her and they startle her. She gets all flustered and gets off her chair. And that's when I look at her and out of nowhere she looks straight into my eyes and just gives me the warmest smile ever.
Once again I feel the exact same feeling I felt through before. It was surreal.
After that I just have a really good day and I pretty much walk around Manhattan.
Second manifestation: At this point it's 8:00 p.m. and I'm in lower Manhattan watching the sunset. I don't know why but for a second I feel a little unfulfilled so once again I go into this meditative state, the whole nine yards. "What would make me feel a bit better right now" I go through a list of things: money? nope, sex, nope.
And then I go "what if a really pretty woman who is just perfect for this moment strikes up a conversation with me. She has similar interests as a similar background and we have a really deep conversation and we both enjoy the sunset and maybe we flirt and I get her number."
And this is crazy because this is such a specific manifestation, I've never done specific manifestations they've always been very vague.
Literally 10 minutes later I see a girl who comes and sits a couple yards away from me. She's facing the sunset she's chilling. I don't know why but I have to send a confidence and I just walk up to her and I strike up a conversation with her. (So I moved to Manhattan 3 weeks ago from the Midwest).
Turns out this chick is from Michigan, we end up having a really deep conversation, I'm connecting with her on many levels. I'm studying advertising here she's studying music business: The perfect blend of corporate and creative.
We chill and watch the sunset till 11:00 in the night and then right after that we flirt I ask for her number. And she gives me her number!!!
This has been one of the best days of my life. I am f****** ecstatic right now. I think I have completely figured it out.
Thanks for reading guys let me know your thoughts in the comment section.
submitted by norbit1414 to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 starw1tchh 22F4M-#georgia/online: looking for my lifelong duo🎀

Hiii yall! My name is Ky and I am 22 years old. I am a senior in college finishing my last class. I love animals and I have three cats. I plan on moving to Texas super soon so that something I’m excited about. I wouldn’t mind meeting someone in Texas but for now I am in Georgia. I mainly listen to alternative r&b and I love to game. I play a lot of red dead, Fortnite, life is strange, sims, and minecraft. I play on ps5! I would like to have a partner that is in a good career field, kind, smart, and intelligent. I am definitely more of an extrovert so the idea of being with an introvert is nice. I like quiet guys bc I am a yapper. I would like someone 25+ and I do have a thing for Hispanic and Asian men but all is welcome💗 I would love to have a nerdy bf to be equally obsessed with each other. If you think we would get along or if you fit the description message me!
submitted by starw1tchh to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:01 Time-Raspberry4114 I think I don't deserve to be loved

When I was in elementary school, I never thought about how I looked to others. I was a loud, energetic kid and mostly acted like a tomboy. As I grew older, I started to feel more and more insecure about myself and I think around high school freshman year was the peak of it. My parents would make fun of or tease about my weight and how 'big' my face was. I have a pretty wide, square face and on top of that, I have chubby cheeks. I don't really have a jawline and my side profile looks hideous. There's not much space between my chin to my neck, and my lips perk up, making me look like a fish. Overall, my square face is my biggest insecurity. I've tried doing face slimming exercises, only to give up midway and mope about it. I've starved myself for days hoping the fat on my face would slim down, but it never really worked. I'm 5'7 and my weight is pretty normal for my height, but I've gained a few kilos after my freshman year in college. I don't have an hourglass body either. I've tried core and ab workouts, but it seems to keep me somewhat slightly toned, but my posture is terrible. I have a hunched back and a bit of a bison bump.
I feel like overall, there is something wrong with me and every time I look in the mirror I can't help but think to myself "I'm so ugly." My body proportions don't fit at all with me and on top of that, my parents make fun of me for it constantly. It was funny at first and I didn't think too much of it at all, but every single time I hear any sort of comment from them, it sounds so genuine and maybe I really do need to lose weight. I don't deserve to eat and I've accepted that I'll never be 'pretty.'
I did get some freedom away from them when I went to college because I stopped coming home, but it's summer now so that's all I hear. If I ever skipped a a day or two of working out, they'd ask me why I stopped and if I got back into it again, they'd say you're finally working out again after so long. College helped me escape from all of that, but my insecurities have leaked into my dating life and my friend group. My friend group broke apart after people in the group started dating each other and other people. We all collectively stopped hanging out and now another thing on top of my mountain of insecurities is them making fun of me for 'being the only one that's single' and that I got 'L rizz.' and 'bitchless.' Sure they say it as a joke, but it's true. I don't think I've ever had anyone like me first and it was always me chasing. I'm scared of rejection and any guy I've had the slight amount of interest in never liked me back and cut me off or I was a replacement for them to go after they've been rejected by their first choice. It would be always end from a talking stage or a situationship that wouldn't go anywhere. I'm not cute and certainly not pretty like other girls, especially my friends. I act like a tomboy and maybe I should be changing myself so that maybe I could be liked for once. I'm considered "tall" for an asian girl and I have a bit of an e-girl style. Maybe I should be changing how I dress and I should act more girly. My mom would constantly derail me about how I don't act 'feminine' and I act like a boy. Apparently not that many guys like that. I've been called 'dumb' and 'stupid' because of what I study and major in and that I'll be 'broke for the rest of my life.' My future career path will never let me make 6 figures and I should really be resorting to a man that will be successful in the future and make money. I feel so alone because of this and maybe I need better friends. Maybe sticking with my friends from high school was a bad idea and I should've gone out and met more people instead. Now I feel like it's too late for me. I'm entering my sophmore year of college and it seems like everyone has found their 'group' and hell they are cliquey. I know my friends aren't fake and they're not as toxic as what I've said here because I've had such memorable times with them all and I'm grateful I met them. But, I feel so left behind and I'm a step behind everyone in general. My friendgroup is basically dead and I feel there's not much of a reason to make the effort to hang out with them anymore, but having a group like this was my dream. I've always wanted something like this and to experience what it's like to be in a group I genuinely felt comfortable and stable in, but I should've known it would never stay like that.
I feel dumb for even thinking this, but I wish someone could just tell me what to do with myself like some sort of step-by-step instruction manual on how to 'restart' because I feel so worthless.
I don't think I'll ever get into a relationship and I've accepted that I'll probably be single for the rest of my life. I'll marry late or not even be able to marry someone at all. I've been constantly asking myself 'what's wrong with me' and that maybe I am the problem. Honestly, I've thought about the potential what if's of me dating someone. I feel scared to date anyone because I feel so insecure about myself all the time. I don't think I would be a very good partner and I feel so emotionally unavailable, yet I want to be loved. In a way, I feel like I don't deserve to be loved, because who would want to love something like me. Sure I might not show it as much and laugh it off, put on a smile and 'act like myself', but I'll always be alone. I've been alone for a while so why am I still not used to this. I never had close friends in high school and I've only stuck to a few because I really wanted to stay friends with them. The people I thought I was close with and that I genuinely thought were 'my people' just suddenly disappeared doing their own thing and I feel so alone.
submitted by Time-Raspberry4114 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:59 theywantmemarried I (24F) found out through my boyfriend (25M) of 8 years that his parents want us married soon (~3 months). How do I properly respond to his parents about this?

This is going to be a long post. I suggest anyone who wants to give me advice should set aside some time to read this complicated situation.
I will add my family's race because it is relevant to the situation.
My family and I are Asian.
My Boyfriend's parents are conservative Americans in the way that they want Boyfriend to be the sole earner for his future family, but I would still have the freedom to work or become a housewife. A few weeks ago, my Boyfriend has told me that his mother has been making joke disguised hints about wanting grandkids from him. Today, he has told me that his parents are urging him to propose to me soon, in around 2 months.
My Boyfriend recently has been telling me how his parents has been wanting grandkids soon, but I did not expect that they wanted it THAT soon. I really respect his parents and they consider me family. As much as I want to please them, my Boyfriend and I both agree that we are not yet ready for marriage for reasons I will detail later in the post. My initial reaction was surprised, and we went into a detailed discussion after that.
  1. The reason behind the suggestion of proposal.
My Boyfriend has told me that each of his parents both want for him to get married and start a family with me soon, but they both have different reasons behind it.
My Boyfriend has half-siblings from his father's first marriage. Boyfriend is the only child of his father's second wife, and the youngest out of his siblings. The age gap between him and the youngest half-sibling is almost 10 years.
His father is on borrowed time, as he was diagnosed with an illness relating to his nerves. He has expressed that he would like to see my Boyfriend get married and have a grandchild before he passes away. Boyfriend's grandfather died before meeting the youngest half-sibling, and Boyfriend's father wishes for that situation to not happen to him before he dies.
His mother's reason is simpler. Boyfriend was his mother's only child, and misses having a child present in her life. He has summed it up as her being ready to become a loving and involved grandparent.
  1. The problems behind the suggestion and our reaction.
Boyfriend and I both live with our parents. Me living with my parents is more of the woman living with family until they are married and for financial reasons, while Boyfriend's living situation is just for financial reasons.
We had a tough time midway in our traditional college education and got delayed. However, we got back up and we are working towards a different path in education. We are now both currently working in jobs that don't pay enough to live on our own while we attend college in different degrees that would eventually get us high paying jobs in the oil industry. This will take the both of us at least a year before we can start making serious money.
The problem is that we both don't have a stable career at the moment, and it will take us at least a year to start making the kind of money enough to support us until retirement.
This is a problem both of us have brought up in the discussion and agree this is the main obstacle to what his parents are asking.
His parents proposing for us to get married and have kids involves money and living space both of us don't have yet. From what boyfriend has told me, they have proposed solutions to these problems, but he believes them to be not as well thought out as they have given him a barebones version of their so-far solution.
Their solution to marriage costs is to have a backyard wedding ceremony, with each family's wedding invite being a dish for everyone to eat. To be fair, they do have a very large and nice backyard, and I have no problem with backyard weddings if done very nicely.
Their solution to the living situation/kids is to have me move into their house. Boyfriend's parents have explained that they are willing to cover housing, living, and grandkids cost, to only worry about working/education so that we can save and earn as much money as possible.
  1. My reaction and my family's possible reaction.
Right now, my family knows nothing about this situation. Only me. This happened just today during an outing. The only family members I will allow on being involved in this situation to support me are my parents (47F/51M). I have a younger brother (22M), and my guess is that he would be as clueless as I am in how to navigate this. I'm not expecting much from him in this situation anyways, but I know he will be there for me when I want to let anything out to vent and seek his opinion on.
As stated in point 2, in my culture, daughters live with their family until we are married. My parents also believe that an unmarried woman should never visit a man's house/family house as they think it is improper for a woman to do so. Contrarily, they don't think it is improper for a man to visit a woman's house/family house. The point is that they have conservative views on relationships and marriage regarding me, the only daughter. For those wondering, no they do not hold these same views with my brothers.
Based on this information and point 2, I believe my parents would be against the suggestion of me getting married and moving out of the house at this point of my life. Especially my father, as he has told me in occasion on how worried he is about living life away from family and would decide if I am ready to start life away from the family or not.
Personally, I also believe that I am not ready for marriage, but from a financial standpoint. I always ask myself if my finances can support any decision I would make. In this case, no. My current job isn't enough to fund a wedding or support a child. I know his parents are the one insisting on covering all living expenses, but it would make me and my boyfriend uncomfortable for them to do that in fear of strings being attached to it and feeling ashamed in not being able to provide all of this ourselves.
  1. Did I give the "correct" response to how this situation with his parents should be handled?
At the end of the discussion, I told my boyfriend to let his parents have a discussion with my parents. This is a situation that involves differing beliefs between 2 families. I believe that it warrants a discussion between my Boyfriend, I, and both sets of our parents so that there is no conflict. Boyfriend has expressed that he is unsure if this discussion would change as his father's mind, as he has told me that he is a stubborn person. He is as unsure as I am in how the whole situation would turn out.
Was this the correct move on my part? This was my initial response at the beginning of the conversation, and still is after going into a long discussion. Please feel free to share me your perspective on this situation and your advice.
I will be updating this situation in the future for further advice since; to be honest, I have no clue whether what I do next would be the most "correct" action to this situation. I would like non-biased guidance along the way. Thank you for your time.
submitted by theywantmemarried to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:57 VariousVices Pics from Hot Rod Ranch

Pics from Hot Rod Ranch
Saw some of the Roadkill royalty at a swap meet this morning. They were all shined up the cleanest I have ever seen any of them. Someone has been doing a great job keeping up after the fleet from the looks of them, as I expected brutal levels of neglect and dirt from at least five states. Great guys at Hot Rod Ranch too, he and his family were awesome. The place was in a canyon surrounded by epic views of mountains and rolling hills off of the PCH, which any car guy knows is a bucket list trip in it's own right. Good times.
submitted by VariousVices to Roadkillshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:57 Time-Raspberry4114 I don't deserve to be loved

When I was in elementary school, I never thought about how I looked to others. I was a loud, energetic kid and mostly acted like a tomboy. As I grew older, I started to feel more and more insecure about myself and I think around high school freshman year was the peak of it. My parents would make fun of or tease about my weight and how 'big' my face was. I have a pretty wide, square face and on top of that, I have chubby cheeks. I don't really have a jawline and my side profile looks hideous. There's not much space between my chin to my neck, and my lips perk up, making me look like a fish. Overall, my square face is my biggest insecurity. I've tried doing face slimming exercises, only to give up midway and mope about it. I've starved myself for days hoping the fat on my face would slim down, but it never really worked. I'm 5'7 and my weight is pretty normal for my height, but I've gained a few kilos after my freshman year in college. I don't have an hourglass body either. I've tried core and ab workouts, but it seems to keep me somewhat slightly toned, but my posture is terrible. I have a hunched back and a bit of a bison bump.
I feel like overall, there is something wrong with me and every time I look in the mirror I can't help but think to myself "I'm so ugly." My body proportions don't fit at all with me and on top of that, my parents make fun of me for it constantly. It was funny at first and I didn't think too much of it at all, but every single time I hear any sort of comment from them, it sounds so genuine and maybe I really do need to lose weight. I don't deserve to eat and I've accepted that I'll never be 'pretty.'
I did get some freedom away from them when I went to college because I stopped coming home, but it's summer now so that's all I hear. If I ever skipped a a day or two of working out, they'd ask me why I stopped and if I got back into it again, they'd say you're finally working out again after so long. College helped me escape from all of that, but my insecurities have leaked into my dating life and my friend group. My friend group broke apart after people in the group started dating each other and other people. We all collectively stopped hanging out and now another thing on top of my mountain of insecurities is them making fun of me for 'being the only one that's single' and that I got 'L rizz.' and 'bitchless.' Sure they say it as a joke, but it's true. I don't think I've ever had anyone like me first and it was always me chasing. I'm scared of rejection and any guy I've had the slight amount of interest in never liked me back and cut me off or I was a replacement for them to go after they've been rejected by their first choice. It would be always end from a talking stage or a situationship that wouldn't go anywhere. I'm not cute and certainly not pretty like other girls, especially my friends. I act like a tomboy and maybe I should be changing myself so that maybe I could be liked for once. I'm considered "tall" for an asian girl and I have a bit of an e-girl style. Maybe I should be changing how I dress and I should act more girly. My mom would constantly derail me about how I don't act 'feminine' and I act like a boy. Apparently not that many guys like that. I've been called 'dumb' and 'stupid' because of what I study and major in and that I'll be 'broke for the rest of my life.' My future career path will never let me make 6 figures and I should really be resorting to a man that will be successful in the future and make money. I feel so alone because of this and maybe I need better friends. Maybe sticking with my friends from high school was a bad idea and I should've gone out and met more people instead. Now I feel like it's too late for me. I'm entering my sophmore year of college and it seems like everyone has found their 'group' and hell they are cliquey.
I feel dumb for even thinking this, but I wish someone could just tell me what to do with myself like some sort of step-by-step instruction manual on how to 'restart' because I feel so worthless.
I don't think I'll ever get into a relationship and I've accepted that I'll probably be single for the rest of my life. I'll marry late or not even be able to marry someone at all. I've been constantly asking myself 'what's wrong with me' and that maybe I am the problem. Honestly, I've thought about the potential what if's of me dating someone. I feel scared to date anyone because I feel so insecure about myself all the time. I don't think I would be a very good partner and I feel so emotionally unavailable, yet I want to be loved. In a way, I feel like I don't deserve to be loved, because who would want to love something like me. Sure I might not show it as much and laugh it off, put on a smile and 'act like myself', but I'll always be alone. I've been alone for a while so why am I still not used to this. I never had close friends in high school and I've only stuck to a few because I really wanted to stay friends with them. The people I thought I was close with and that I genuinely thought were 'my people' just suddenly disappeared doing their own thing and I feel so alone.
submitted by Time-Raspberry4114 to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]