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2017.11.06 22:33 Joker407 Lights Camera Podcast: your favorite independent movie podcast

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* Come here to discuss news, techniques, or anything you'd like related to cell phone, tablet, & laptop repair in Canada.

2024.06.09 01:07 _Juanie_ Da Rules

Welcome to my Pinned, here you’ll see all my Rules and Requirements for RolePlaying. Once you read through everything, at the Bottom you’ll see the Key Password. (You’ll need this for when you Submit the Application to RolePlay with me)
  1. No One-Liners! That will make the RP not only dry, but also boring and I will lose interest quickly.
  2. AT LEAST be Semi-Literate. That’s as low as I can go.
  3. I can be Literate, but Novella is something I need to Practice, as I’ve had no experience. (If you want, I can TRY Novella, but that’s an Option).
  4. To me, it doesn’t matter if you use “” or **. I’m fine with anything. The same goes for 1st and 3rd Person, I’m okay with anything!
  1. I will share and discuss my Kinks ONLY in DMs. Since it would be too much space to type them all here anyways-
  2. I’m NEARLY Limitless! So the only Limits that I have are anything Gross, Nasty, Filth Related Kinks (Toilet, Feet, Musk, Etc.), And Extreme Stuff (Death, Gore, Vore, Snuff, Etc.) There might be some Limits that I’m missing, so I’ll update this From time to time.
  3. Please list your Favorite Kinks and Limits when entering my DMs. I won’t bite nor judge, so go wild! (I will Bite if you DO have those weird kinks mentioned above- I just don’t understand why or how people are into that sorts stuff… 🤢)
  4. I’m 50% Dom and 50% Sub, making me 100% Switch. I can be as Rough as you want, or Gentle to your heart’s content~
  1. I have a Full-Time Job, so I will be busy sometimes, as I have a life like everyone else. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
  2. My Time Zone is MST, (Mountain Standard Time). I’ll be more free every Tuesdays and Wednesdays, while I work Thursdays through Mondays (4PM - 12 AM, Midnight). Even after clocking out, I’ll still be around for a moment before I pass out.
  3. Please don’t spam me if I don’t reply. You can send a “Poke” or Check-In Message if I don’t reply after a few days. So don’t be scared to poke me and give me a Reminder 😊.
  4. If you can tell me when you’ll be away or busy for awhile, that would be Much Appreciated. I can wait as well, but one thing I don’t like is being ghosted and lied to. The sooner I get a heads up, the Better.
  5. After 1 Week of No Replies from you, I will Check-In and send you a “Poke”. After 1 month of No Replies, and I’ll close/delete the DMs. But if I really enjoy your company and the RP, then I’ll extend the Waiting Time.
  1. Like the Kinks/Limits, I will list them in DMs. You too, can list your fandoms there as well.
  2. The More Fandoms we both Match, the More Likely you’ll get my Interest.
  3. There will be some Fandoms that I might not know of, So I Apologize for that. If I find it interesting, I will learn all about That Fandom
  1. Ghosting/Ignoring me on Purpose is what gets me upset. If you don’t want to RP, or want to stop, then just say so! I’ll be glad you told me this rather than waste my time, and I’m having to wait for your “Return”.
  2. Forcing me to do anything against my will is another thing that upsets me. Sure I’m a Switch, but being TOO Controlling to the point where I can’t do anything is when I put my foot down!
  3. Spamming. I already explained this above. I’ll do my best to get back when I can.
  1. I will RP as Male. For awhile, I’ve played Female and I’ve NEVER had an Opportunity to play Male. I can RP as Females, but they will only have small appearances/roles. The same can be said for Multiple Characters. For the Most Part, I want, and will play as Male.
  2. Got a Plot? Great! Do share and see where we can go. Don’t have a Plot? Worry not, we can explore our Options and Spark an idea together! I’m open for pretty much anything!
  3. I do DRP/NSFW in RPs, but I enjoy Build-Ups. I like characters building Chemistry as they learn about another while interacting. (It makes the RP more interesting too. At least, to me it does)
  4. IF I enjoy the RP, and all goes well, I just might turn the RP into a Lewd Story (Upon Your Permission). I’m a (somewhat new) Writer who likes to make stories based off/inspired by RPs done from the past. Not only will you get Top Reply Priority, but the RP we are in may be written into a Story/FanFic if you are okay with that.
And I think that’s it? With all that being said, those are my Rules for RP. And as promised, I Grant you (Your Name), the Key Password...
🔑 Password 🔑: TooBigPingas2222
submitted by _Juanie_ to u/_Juanie_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:55 Thundershot49 Not sure if I gave myself too much time in Perth

Hello! I have a three week break from teaching and decided I wanted to explore WA with my time off. I’ll be road tripping up to exmouth with some friends on the 11th of July, but until then it seems I have A LOT of time to kill in and around Perth?
I’m kinda worried I may have made a mistake here as I arrive there late on the 29th of June. Flights already booked.
I’m super into camping,hiking, and wildlife, so I’m not opposed to renting a car to explore some of South Western Australia as well.
Some things I already have on my list are:
Eagle View walk trail
Mount cooke
Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary
Rottnest island.
What else would you recommend I check out? 29th - 11th are completely free for me to do anything.
submitted by Thundershot49 to perth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:53 dijas78 Win Free Stuff & Be Frugal with MaalFreekaa

Trying to be more frugal but still enjoy some perks? MaalFreekaa can help! This website curates various online contests and giveaways, so you can win exciting prizes for free. Plus, they often list deals and coupons for online shopping.
Anyone else using MaalFreekaa to save money and win free stuff? What are some of your winning strategies or favorite deals you've found?
submitted by dijas78 to PlayOnMaalFreeKaa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:37 gutterghost (MN) Stubborn musty odor in new apartment, what are legal options? Escrow? Pay for odor removal and take from rent? Break lease?

TLDR version: Moved in, discovered bad musty odor in house. Two weeks of working with landlord to remove odor, tried many things (see bullet list). Odor persists, causing coughing, nausea, and we cannot use half of our living space. Trying to figure out options for legal action in case it continues to be an issue.
Details: Two weeks ago we moved into a side-by-side duplex in St Paul, MN. We moved from out of state and were unable to visit the property in person before signing the lease. We did a video showing remotely with the landlord. Everything seemed fine.
A few weeks after we did the video showing and signed the lease, we moved in, and discovered a horrible musty odor in the house. It was worst in the basement. We avoided putting much of our belongings into the basement for fear that they would absorb the musty odor. So our main floor is a maze of boxes stacked 3-4 high.
Talked to the landlord about it. He seems like a good dude, not really a landlord type. He used to live in our very unit; I assume he bought a new house and kept the old duplex as a rental property. He's been cool and flexible about things so far, with good communication.
He gave some suggestions for reasons why the odor might be there. He also said there had been some "dampness" during wet weather a while back, and that he was running a dehumidifier in the basement but stopped running it when everything seemed fine. He admitted that in retrospect maybe he should have left it running. He also said that the sump pump failed and was replaced a while ago and spilled some stuff in the process. So, he admitted fault, via text, so we have it in writing, just in case.
He's been working with us to get the odor out. Sent us some odor remover products (unscented, not just scented cover-ups). We also have spent our own time and money trying to fix the issue:
After all of this, the musty odor has definitely improved, but it is still very noticeable. On warm and humid days, it comes back. I have been coughing and feeling nauseated. Musty smell has always made me feel sick. When I leave the house to run errands, I stop coughing, so it's definitely the house causing it.
Landlord has been very slow to respond to my texts this last week. Given that he had very good communication in the month before and week after we moved in, I can only assume he's trying to avoid talking about the odor issue. I asked him if he would cover the cost of us renting a RugDoctor ($40) to steam the smell out of the carpet and he said yes. We do think he's genuinely trying to work with us to resolve the issue, and we're doing our best to work with him and be patient.
However, I can't keep living in a unit that smells like a nasty thrift store. And it's HIS dang responsibility to provide us with a clean, odor-free home. We will continue to work with the landlord, as he seems to be doing his best, but our last landlord also seemed really nice and cool and not landlord-y, and she still fucked us over in the end. So I'm not putting anything past any landlord. It's always smiles until shit goes down.
So, reddit, I come to you for advice. I'm hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. What options should I look into if it comes down to it?
Should we put our rent into escrow until the odor is removed to our satisfaction?
Hire professional odor removers and take the cost out of our rent?
Break lease? Is a persistent bad odor, causing coughing and nausea, grounds for breaking a lease? (We've also found mouse droppings, which he admitted to knowing about but thought the mouse issue had been resolved.)
Should we ask him for some reasonable amount of rent reimbursement, since we've spent our own labor and money on fixing his problem with his house, and have been unable to fully use half of the living space?
What kinds of records and evidence should we be keeping?
Thank you so so much in advance for any help. And remember, please be nice. We had the moveout from hell (previous landlord screwing us and everything possible going wrong during the move) and are having just a crap time having to deal with this now. :(
(Edit to add: Based on conversations with the landlord, it seems like he did some work on the house, showed it to us on video, then left it vacant for several weeks, and that's when the odor creeped in. We don't have reason to believe he purposefully misled us about the presence of odors.)
submitted by gutterghost to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:35 Emotional-Overload Moving out of my parents house and I need to fit everything into my car

I’m moving across the country, think 1800km away, to a house that is empty, with only my car (no trailer available).
I’m going to be getting the big things (bed, mattress, chairs, etc) moved later so I’m not stressed about furniture.
Now… I’m moving from my parents house in a affluent suburb in a city (where I have my choice of stuff on FB market place, often things are free/$50 “have upgraded, want gone asap” kinda place, too a small town with is working class and based on the last census, my mum is solely earning more than the average duel income houses in the town (you get the vibe).
So being aware that nothing is readily available, I’ve been collecting heaps and heaps of stuff to take up there, with the mindset that “I can donate it/sell cheaply up there”
Now I’m considering the possibility that I won’t be able to fit everything. So I’m here looking for a small, simple list of essential things, and ideas on how to pack like the tetra game.
I’m got mostly kitchen items, brand new dinner set, a full set of pots, couple of pans, and bedding - blankets, brand new sheet sets, pillows (that I’ll be needing during the drive)
But I also have all my other stuff like books, board games, embroidery stuff (my hobby)
I think I’m going to have to label this a rant, but I’m at a loss for how to pack everything so that I don’t have to buy double because the thing I need is in a different state.
Any advice for packing everything up when moving would be great!
submitted by Emotional-Overload to declutter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:12 Blakeeeee-__- Dear MVS & PFG

First of all, I love multiversus. I have nearly 100% the game on three different platforms, peaking at 327 for the leaderboards in beta. Unfortunately, I have spent hundreds of dollars (with every regret) on this game, but I can’t help but be disappointed with how this game turned out & what it could’ve been & how it was handled. PFG had a year, so call it “cook,” but I really wanna stuff them between an idiot sandwich right now. This “full-game release” feels equivalent to OW2 & star Wars BF2 combined. I wanted to let the game sit for a little bit & maybe let a patch come out before i started my rant like everyone else on the sub already has done. I have so many problems with the game & I'm going to start listing them off in no particular order (with explanations, might go in depth, might not). A lot of these may seem picky, but these are things we took steps back on from beta
• No more character stats & MMR ratings (this was a nice charm to the beta that just got removed for no reason)
• end game stats (yes, I already know this is getting addressed in a patch & I know the context of the UE5 switch, but still.. cmon?? Should have been there release day)
• Add/invite people after games (this was way faster in beta). All it took was a couple of button taps & you were inviting that person before their next game. Now it’s way more steps instead of going to your most recent game from your career profile)
• career profiles were progressively downgraded (the beta used to show way more stats & now we have the absolute bare minimum of games won & ringouts?? with most played character that is not even accurate)
•expensive cosmetics ( no way on God's green earth you guys are charging $20 for singular skins & $20 bundles when you gave us a worse game than we had. The difference between OW & game like this is OW can get away with being a bad game & giving overpriced skins... You guys cannot STAY IN YOUR PLACE & establish an audience that's here to stay)
•PVE rift mode (TBH, the mode is boring as hell, but i think it could be worth playing in the greater difficulties. But for the love of god remove “bring a friend into battle” basically turns the mode into a full-time job trying to find people constantly)
•WHY DO WE NOT HAVE LEADERBOARDS?? ( we waited a year for a full release for this feature to be removed. What a joke)
•Time spent in beta didn't matter (character levels, account level, all of my gold is now gone with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to show it)
• The perk system got destroyed (with the exception of being triple jump being ran in every loadout. The perks now are even more bland & not worth experimenting)
•character mastery got absolutely ripped apart (character mastery is absolutely not worth grinding, maybe if you're F2P, but the rewards were definitely better in beta)
• Why are we removing content that was obtainable free in beta and now has a premium currency value attached? (EX: profile icons that were free in beta for doing a CHARACTER MASTERY)
•why did fighters get more expensive?? (what a joke)
•Some fighters were clearly not tested ( Morty has about 10+ bugs & IG was removed from the game. Two of my mains are unplayable)
•overtuned characters (giving characters like Lebron unnecessary buffs; something needs to be done about WW & the whole tank category as a whole)
• There is no incentive to play the game (with leaderboards, MMR levels & battle pass XP being gone, there's no reason to play outside of challenges. Even something as silly as grinding for the Fred style icon in the beta was worth grinding for, but all incentive for just playing the game has been removed)
•Overall, the game skill gap has gotten lower (i guess this is them making it more casual, but for the love of god, can we put a microscopic amount of speed into the game, pls? AND ZOOM OUT THE CAMERA. There are critical gameplay things you cannot see because the camera is so close. We already have bigger character models. ZOOM OUT THE CAMERA!!!)
I'm done with my rant do have more problems with the game but i don't want to write a book a Reddit if PFG doesn't get their stuff straight this game will be dead in the water just like the beta.
submitted by Blakeeeee-__- to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:12 AmyAngel023 Are The Limited Edition Posters and Booklets Included If You Pre-Order From Another Site Than Arrows?

First time collecting a 4k release from Arrow, just wondering if you half to order from Arrows own website to get stuff like to posters and booklet. As I don't really want to pay the £6 shipping fee and would rather just pre-order from HMV and get free shipping/click and collect
Another thing I'm confused by is that even though the poster and booklet are in the 4k photo listing (on both Arrow and HMV) there not included in the description
submitted by AmyAngel023 to arrowvideo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:12 Blakeeeee-__- Dear MVS & PFG

First of all, I love multiversus. I have nearly 100% the game on three different platforms, peaking at 327 for the leaderboards in beta. Unfortunately, I have spent hundreds of dollars (with every regret) on this game, but I can’t help but be disappointed with how this game turned out & what it could’ve been & how it was handled. PFG had a year, so call it “cook,” but I really wanna stuff them between an idiot sandwich right now. This “full-game release” feels equivalent to OW2 & star Wars BF2 combined. I wanted to let the game sit for a little bit & maybe let a patch come out before i started my rant like everyone else on the sub already has done. I have so many problems with the game & I'm going to start listing them off in no particular order (with explanations, might go in depth, might not). A lot of these may seem picky, but these are things we took steps back on from beta
• No more character stats & MMR ratings (this was a nice charm to the beta that just got removed for no reason)
• end game stats (yes, I already know this is getting addressed in a patch & I know the context of the UE5 switch, but still.. cmon?? Should have been there release day)
• Add/invite people after games (this was way faster in beta). All it took was a couple of button taps & you were inviting that person before their next game. Now it’s way more steps instead of going to your most recent game from your career profile)
• career profiles were progressively downgraded (the beta used to show way more stats & now we have the absolute bare minimum of games won & ringouts?? with most played character that is not even accurate)
•expensive cosmetics ( no way on God's green earth you guys are charging $20 for singular skins & $20 bundles when you gave us a worse game than we had. The difference between OW & game like this is OW can get away with being a bad game & giving overpriced skins... You guys cannot STAY IN YOUR PLACE & establish an audience that's here to stay)
•PVE rift mode (TBH, the mode is boring as hell, but i think it could be worth playing in the greater difficulties. But for the love of god remove “bring a friend into battle” basically turns the mode into a full-time job trying to find people constantly)
•WHY DO WE NOT HAVE LEADERBOARDS?? ( we waited a year for a full release for this feature to be removed. What a joke)
•Time spent in beta didn't matter (character levels, account level, all of my gold is now gone with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to show it)
• The perk system got destroyed (with the exception of being triple jump being ran in every loadout. The perks now are even more bland & not worth experimenting)
•character mastery got absolutely ripped apart (character mastery is absolutely not worth grinding, maybe if you're F2P, but the rewards were definitely better in beta)
• Why are we removing content that was obtainable free in beta and now has a premium currency value attached? (EX: profile icons that were free in beta for doing a CHARACTER MASTERY)
•why did fighters get more expensive?? (what a joke)
•Some fighters were clearly not tested ( Morty has about 10+ bugs & IG was removed from the game. Two of my mains are unplayable)
•overtuned characters (giving characters like Lebron unnecessary buffs; something needs to be done about WW & the whole tank category as a whole)
• There is no incentive to play the game (with leaderboards, MMR levels & battle pass XP being gone, there's no reason to play outside of challenges. Even something as silly as grinding for the Fred style icon in the beta was worth grinding for, but all incentive for just playing the game has been removed)
•Overall, the game skill gap has gotten lower (i guess this is them making it more casual, but for the love of god, can we put a microscopic amount of speed into the game, pls? AND ZOOM OUT THE CAMERA. There are critical gameplay things you cannot see because the camera is so close. We already have bigger character models. ZOOM OUT THE CAMERA!!!)
I'm done with my rant do have more problems with the game but i don't want to write a book a Reddit if PFG doesn't get their stuff straight this game will be dead in the water just like the beta.
submitted by Blakeeeee-__- to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:09 7101334 Galactic Hub Summer 2024 Update

Greetings, interlopers! After a sleepy winter season and a lazy spring, the Galactic Hub is waking back up to welcome in the beautiful summer (or winter, for our Southern Hemisphere interlopers). As bits of our glorious civilization have died or fallen into disuse, new content will bloom in its place, continuing the growth and fine-tuned evolution of our shared community. New stuff on the way!

Guidance Over Service

Before we get into that new stuff, I’d like to get some procedural (in the sense of “pertaining to procedures”) out of the way.
A centralized leadership structure was beneficial and necessary while we implemented new features, like the Colony Governor system and HubCoin. While the core governance structure of the Galactic Hub - myself as the final authority, Jordan as second-in-command, Italic as third-in-command, and post-Euclid Directors operating in largely autonomous fashion - will remain the same, the emphasis will be shifting.
Rather than encouraging our staff members to handle tasks for the Hublic - such as creating census entries, or being the primary individuals to host multiplayer events - we will instead be encouraging our staff to teach you to do these things on your own. These educated interlopers can, in turn, educate more interlopers, resulting in a more independent and confident population. The Hub functions best when it’s relatively decentralized in established features, with stronger leadership for emerging features. This is an approach we’ll be adhering to more rigorously in the future.
While the Council is still discussing the full implications of this emphasis-shift, one of the first things I’d like to make clear is: you can edit the wiki! You don’t need to ask permission first. If you make a change that shouldn’t be made, we’ll just revert it and contact you in the #wiki channel of our Discord - no harm, no foul. Most of the high-security pages are locked for edits. Don’t feel too worried about stepping on toes. On the other hand, if you’re certain you have no idea what you’re doing, please ask (in the #wiki channel) before taking a shot in the dark.
We may also be looking to expand the Council and other staff in the near future. We are also seeking comments for how we might revitalize our Chapters. The Apprenticeship program has been a good start towards this goal, but it hasn’t been fully achieved yet.

New Ziki City Renovations

Since the time of New Ziki City’s opening, the Arena District, Cuboid District, Mega-Convoy District, and Luxury District have all dropped out of existence. Whether it be due to temporal anomalies or Abyssal network sabotage, the time has come to renovate our grand Hubtropolis.
If you haven’t already completed it, please fill out our New Ziki City Citizen Survey!
So far, I’ve already completed a few changes to our Hubtropolis:
  • MONTHLY REPEATING EVENTS in New Ziki City. We’ll cover those in more detail in the next section, but what this means is, every first Saturday of the month, every second Sunday of the month, etc will feature predictable, routine events which repeat every month. This should give interlopers interested in participating time to plan ahead - and if you miss an event you wanted to attend, you know you can always attend it next month! (Some events, specifically those which occur on the 5th Sat / Sun of the month, will repeat bimonthly or trimonthly as not every month will have a 5th weekend.)
  • Construction of the Galactic Hub Triumph Dome, a massive PVP dome featuring areas suitable for 1v1, free-for-all, 2v2, or new Domination / Search-and-Destroy game modes inspired by Khyodee’s King of the Grid build. It may also be large enough for ship dogfights, but that will require testing. The broader (New) Arena District also features a large NipNip Dispensary with a comedy / poetry / etc-suitable stage, public transit to the Commerce District, and a larger public transit system under construction if we are able to reduce the overall complexity of the city. Until then, the larger public transit building will remain closed off.
There are also some things we’d like to add, but need volunteers to help run:
  • More spotlighting of various types of talent and arts - comedy shows, ByteBeat raves, etc.
  • Construction of hiking trails to show off the city’s more impressive vistas, caves, etc. For those unfamiliar, on hiking trails, interlopers are encouraged to disable their HUDs and navigate using only trail markers. This increases immersion by requiring more attention to be paid to your surroundings.
One thing was tested, and proved non-viable:
  • Roads. This is unfortunate - I started building roads, and it’s not too hard of a task. But for some reason it caused issues with base uploads, even though they were far below the 3,000 part limit. For that reason, New Ziki will not have any new roads added, but future Hubtropolises might.
And finally, one future feature that I’ll need to mostly implement myself, as the person most familiar with it:
  • NMS-RPG content (NPCs, quests, items, unlockable areas, etc) to new and renovated areas within the city.
Aside from this, New Ziki City is complete. We have used the entire system’s available complexity budget. New Ziki is the biggest possible city (in terms of part count) which can currently be constructed in No Man’s Sky. We did it!!!

New Ziki Repeating Monthly Events

As explained in the first bullet point of the next section, New Ziki City will feature repeating monthly events for the foreseeable future! Some events may be swapped out for other events depending on the availability of hosts. Also, Discord monthly scheduling is still a little buggy sometimes, so the dates listed below may not be exact - always check our Discord Event Calendar to confirm.
Additional details on all events can be found on our Discord Event Calendar.
Date Name (Host) Description
1st Friday Social Event (HEAT) Although the exact type of social event will vary month-by-month, the first Friday of every month will feature some event focused on socializing with your fellow interlopers.
1st Saturday Market Day (GHTD) Market Days are shopping events designed to be more convenient for shoppers and more lucrative for vendors. Shoppers can take advantage of special Market Day deals and more convenient shopping, as you don't need to arrange a meet-up like you normally would - the vendor is already in your session! Vendors can benefit from cross-traffic between businesses, which is not ordinarily possible.
1st Sunday HUBTalks (HBS) HUBTalks are monthly scheduled speaking events in the NZC Speaking Hall. Interlopers may give speeches on any topic pertaining to NMS, sci-fi, science, art, or technology. This includes comedy, performances, and demonstrations pertaining to those topics.
2nd Saturday Sport / PVP (GHSL) The second Saturday of every month will feature a non-combat sporting event, like Shield Wrestling or Traveler Hockey. Exact location within the city may vary.
3rd Saturday Art Museum Day (710) Art Museum Days give interlopers a predictable, pre-scheduled opportunity to add their own artistic contributions to the Museum of Interloper Art in the Art & Event District. Note that you may also add works at any other time of the month by requesting to do so.
3rd Sunday Building Demo (GHBG) The GHBG will provide a demonstration on a building technique or particular buildable object, structure, etc. Questions on base building will also be answered during this event.
4th Friday Nightlife Event (HEAT) This event will focus on NZC's nightlife scene, whether that means going to a ByteBeat Rave, hitting the NipNip Dispensary lounge, or doing a pub crawl in Downtown District, nightlife events are sure to be memorable - even if the memories get a bit hazy.
4th Saturday PVP Event (GHSL) Glory awaits on the 4th Saturday of every month, where warrior-lopers will compete in the currently-under-construction PVP arenas coming to New Ziki City. Various game modes will be featured, from 1v1 Multi-tool Combat to Boxing to Starship Dogfighting.
5th Friday Restaurant Tour (GHTD) Try some local cuisine during restaurant tours! Currently, all restaurants in NZC function as pop-up shops, like food trucks. Want to open your own? Contact 7101334 or italicinterloper!
5th Sunday Group Hike (HEAT / Anyone) Meet up at one of our New Ziki City hiking trails (which have not been constructed yet, at the time of posting) and explore the wilds with your fellow interlopers!

New Wiki

Thanks to Miraheze, the Galactic Hub now has its very own wiki! We will be discontinuing our usage of the Fandom Wiki due to excessive ads and other issues. Some select pages, like the main civilization pages, will still be updated for recruitment purposes.
All old Galactic Hub pages have been imported to our new wiki, meaning no hard work contributed over our years of Fandom usage will be lost.
The only slightly-negative change is that we won’t have access to the really basic pages - for example, pages explaining the concept of fauna, or pages for the various upgrades. However, most people joining the Galactic Hub will already be familiar with basic concepts like this. In cases where these pages are required, there is a way to link them to the No Man’s Sky Miraheze Wiki, which we are only loosely affiliated with
On the other hand, there will be many positive changes. * Searching pages will be easier, as “Galactic Hub” prefixes will be dropped. For example, “Galactic Hub Multi-tool Catalog” becomes simply “Multi-tool Catalog”, because the entire wiki now pertains to the Galactic Hub by default. (Some pages will retain the prefix. For example, organization names, like Galactic Hub Star League, or base names, like Galactic Hub Capitol.) * CalHub and EisHub will have differentiating suffixes for page names also used by the Galactic Hub in Euclid. For example, “Multi-tool Catalog (CalHub)”. * The main page of the wiki can now serve as a directory to various types of Galactic Hub content. This, in turn, allows us to simplify the main “Galactic Hub Project” page to function more as an introduction to new citizens. On Fandom, we depended on this page to serve as an introduction and content directory simultaneously. * RPG content now has a clear dedicated space, allowing it to be easily differentiated from more fact-based content. Use the “NMS-RPG:” namespace to search content pertaining to player-created narratives, or create your own narrative-focused pages. * Guides now have a clear dedicated space, allowing them to be easily collated for use by new or returning interlopers. Use the “Guide:” namespace to search content designed to help explain concepts or techniques.
Note that, because Miraheze is an ad-free experience, it relies entirely on voluntary donations. We will occasionally promote those calls for donations to help guarantee the continued stability of this volunteer-run platform.
If you see any outdated content which needs to be updated, please post it in the #wiki thread of our Discord. A number of old pages - for example, the Colonies page - have been updated with current info!

New Census

Cheating a bit here as this is also part of the new wiki, but the Interloper Census is such an integral part of our history that this deserves its own section.
The Census has been considerably reworked. Instead of a bureaucratically-natured population count, it now functions as your public profile and service record in the Galactic Hub community. Check out the page to see what I mean!
Interlopers are encouraged to update the Census on their own, but Achievements need to be confirmed by the relevant authorities before adding them to your entry. If you add achievements without confirmation, they will be revoked.
The old function of the census - determining how many players are active in Galactic Hub space, and automatically listing all bases in Hub space - will be replaced by two new tools/pages:
The old census, which had the primary function of determining how many interlopers are active in Galactic Hub space, was abandoned due to ApexFatality’s Atlas tool delivering a far more comprehensive picture of how many bases are constructed in Hub space every year (over 2,000!) than the Census ever did.
The Bases page will now function as a non-automated a list of all player bases in Hub space. Because it’s not automated, it will be less complete than the Atlas tool. But unlike the Atlas tool, it will contain images and other relevant information helpful for base tourists.
We’re 4 months away from October, which is traditionally Hub Month, a month packed with extra events and a massive party for Founding Day on the 29th. Until then, we’ve got plenty to keep us busy in Hub space. Good journeys interlopers!
submitted by 7101334 to NMSGalacticHub [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:58 kreios007 Selling a bunch of new parts for a JK

I sold my 2 JK’s and I am selling some parts I have left over that I never installed. Below is my Craigslist ad link with pics for the items, pics, and prices. I am located in 43065, but willing to ship parts from the list.
I also have: 2 sets of OEM full suspensions (2013 JKU/2015 JK) with low miles, shocks/springs, track bars front and rear with low miles, and a set of OEM front upper control arms. You can have all of it for free. Pickup only for this stuff.
I have 2 engine covers for free also…
submitted by kreios007 to JeepGarageSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:34 xKyrai [30UKPC] Awkward otaku cat parent looking for someone to share their world with! 𖥔 ݁ ˖๋ ࣭ ⭑

Hi! I'm a very introverted kind of person and I'm pretty lost and have no idea where to begin and I've been wishing I had a really good friend or friends. I've always wanted someone or even possibly more than one person I could regularly play many different things with and and build up a fun dynamic. At the moment I have only a couple souls I can rely on and they're both cats. And I've also realised that as wonderful as said cats may be.. They kinda suck at playing video games. They are very cute though.
Anyway.. I'll tell you a bit about me.. I'm 30 years old and from the south coast of England. I don't work at the moment. Or.. Do much at all to be perfectly honest. So this means that my free time is almost boundless and time zones aren't really an issue in my case. I'd absolutely love to play pretty much any games or even do other stuff like watch shows, share music, just chat or whatever! Someone to really share anything and everything with would be the ideal! As stated, I'm not the most social or extroverted person and I can be kinda awkward and stumble over my words while trying to explain things.. But I try my best!
I'm generally really laid back and a calm person who never really gets angry over games and has a crazy level of patience. Even if I end up losing terribly. I'm always doing my best to remain optimistic and basically have a "this is fine" mindset as everything is going down in flames. I have quite an eccentric and cynical sense of humour. So I definitely get along best with others that aren't quick to take offense. And I'm usually pretty playful and mischievous when I've grown comfy around someone. Be warned, I'll absolutely attempt to get your character killed in a hilarious way for laughs. It does take me a bit to warm up, especially on voice calls.. But afterwards, I'm a very friendly person.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🇲​🇾​ 🇮​🇳​🇹​🇪​🇷​🇪​🇸​🇹​🇸​
• ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ɢᴀᴍᴇs 🎮
I'm a PC gamer exclusively, I also have a steam deck but otherwise I don't have any consoles at the moment. I play a lot of games and if you're here.. Hopefully you do as well! I play a wide variety of genres but my favourites will always be RPG games such as Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, Genshin Impact, Persona, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, The Witcher, Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. Or completely different things such as Rocket League (which I'd love to get back into). Or even more casual things like Stardew Valley or Terraria or Golf It! I've also played many MMOs in my time. Some games that I'd like to get into right now include Baldur's Gate 3, Dying Light 1 and 2, Risk of Rain 2, Palworld, League of Legends (EUW and I'm a massive newbie!). Or.. You could suggest things!
• ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ 🎌
I love to binge watch anime although I don't really like doing so by myself, so I haven't been keeping up. It's just not as much fun and I tend to get distracted too easily.. So, if you are into it, or are willing to try it, that's a bonus as well! I like a wide variety of it, though my favourites are Gintama, Beelzebub, Assassination Classroom, Death Parade, Re:Zero and Soul Eater.
• sʜᴏᴡs ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇs 🎥
Some shows that I like/have liked are It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (my permanent number one pick), What We Do In The Shadows, Rick & Morty, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Community, Arrested Development and Archer. When it comes to movies.. I like comedies, thrillers, horrors, mysteries and especially anything psychological. Oh and lots of superhero stuff! Again, if we could watch stuff together, it'd be awesome.
• ᴍᴜsɪᴄ 🎶
EDM (Electronic Dance Music) and the many, many sub genres has always had my heart. With Porter Robinson being probably my favourite artist. Although I've been through many phases and some stuff has stuck with me including rock, metal (mostly prog stuff) and various random hip hop artists. Or even just simple pop. In general, I'll give anything a go, no matter the genre and I'd love to share musical interests.
• ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟs 🐈
I adore animals. Probably more than I like most human beings in all honesty. Especially felines or other fluffy bundles of joy. As mentioned previously, I have a two wonderful cats and yes, you are required to love them as well.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪ·ᴍ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ
Here's the easy part.. I'm open to practically anybody as long as they are a friendly, mature adult who feels like they would vibe with me. Please be genuinely interested in investing in a friendship though! I'm not interested in joining servers or sitting on your list for the next few years until you no longer know who the hell I am.
Communication would ideally be on Discord. And voice calls are preferred while playing! So! If my long, long message has interested you enough to reach out.. Great! If you think that we'd get along well, do go ahead and send me a message introducing yourself and stuff!!
submitted by xKyrai to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:31 Nagomikaze I just finished my 10th VN in Japanese and I want to talk about my experience up to this point

I just finished my 10th VN in Japanese and I want to talk about my experience up to this point
Previous post: I just finished my first VN in japanese and I want to talk about my experience up to this point
In my first post about JP learning I talked about how I started from scratch and, after 3 months and 3 anime series, I saw myself ready to tackle my first VN in JP. It went surprisingly smoothly, and I was confident to continue my journey.
Fast forward to today, I now have been learning JP for 1 year and 5 months, have just finished my 10th VN in JP, and feel like sharing the whole process here.
I hope I can convince even a single person that this is a journey worth taking, since that is what I wholeheartedly believe.


First I'm gonna go through the VNs I've read and leave the rambling and other points for later
  1. Yami no Koe: Like I mentioned in the previous post, this was pretty easy. All characters are voiced (this helps a lot), simple and short sentences for the most part, and nothing wild in terms of vocabulary. I would consider it a perfect starting VN if you don't mind it being a nukige. I found it unique and with some interesting ideas. Too short to build anything especially memorable, but a worth read nonetheless.
  2. Yami no Koe II: Difficulty is the same as the previous one, but I didn't like it at all. It felt to me like the ''free yourself from society's chains'' message from the first game was lost halfway, and I got tired of the dozens of h-scenes (I'm an idiot for thinking it was a good idea to read 2 nukige back to back). So I was discouraged from reading the rest of the series and moved on to something different.
  3. Nursery☆Rhyme: Looking back, I'm pretty sure this was THE turning point for me in the process of learning the language.
I really thought 3 anime series and 2 short and simple VNs were enough to get into a fully-fledged VN and come out unscathed.... and this one fucked me up.
The first week was the worst. I was clearly lacking grammar and vocabulary (started the VN with less than 1.5k learnt words in Anki). I had to look up most words, and sentences felt too long to retain the meaning of the words and then rebuild the meaning in my head, so I had to spend a lot of time per sentence.
During that first week, I hit my lowest point of self-confidence. I was starting to think I was not good enough, that I was not gonna make it.
After that hellish week, however, I slowly started to be able to recognise words that were being used constantly, and sentences started clicking a bit faster. My grasp and enjoyment of the language only increased since then.
In the end, I spent 2 months reading 5 hours a day, very slowly making my way to the end. During the last 2 weeks of the process I suddenly started to notice i could comprehend almost every sentence without any problem (not counting word lookups) no matter the length, and carry in my mind the meaning of the first part of a sentence during the second part in a natural way even if I considered it long/intricate.
Later I realised (and I'm still convinced of it right now) that this VN was the only thing that could have stopped me. I pushed through it, made it to the other side, and from then on I'll never again be even close to give up learning the language.
The VN itself is completely uneventful, I'm still surprised about how little happens throughout the story. Literally nothing memorable (except that I was having a blast reading Japanese).
  1. Same to Ikiru Nanokakan: Right from the start I noticed I had a much better understanding compared to the previous VN. I only needed to get used to some specific vocabulary at first, but grammar itself was clicking instantly for the most part.
My main problem with this VN was that there's a lot of repetition between routes. Out of the 7 routes, the first one was pretty good, 2º 3º and 4º were very tedious and made me stop reading for a while. The last 3 routes were great tho, with some memorable moments, and the VN left me with a good aftertaste, so i don't regret having read it all things considered.
After having finished it, I basically gaslit myself into thinking the routes I hated were not that bad, and I was so slow reading that it was my fault they felt repetitive.
  1. Ihanashi no Majo: Reading this VN has been one of the best experiences of my life. It connected with me in a way very few things have done, and made me feel an array of deep emotions that I'll never forget.
Starts pretty light with mainly SoL, and it slowly becomes bleaker and bleaker. It's a pretty ''quiet'' tragedy, like a light slowly going out, that really ended making me believe there was no hope. And that's the most effective kind of tragedy for me. Accompanied by absolutely beautiful music, it made me experience an infinite sadness that felt like too much to bear at times (literally my kind of shit).
It's also special to me the outlook it gives on life during certain points of the story, I think it's a very feel-good and optimistic VN at its core even if it ripped me apart in the most hideous way imaginable.
About the difficulty, it was pretty easy to read except for a few religious and historical bits of Okinawan culture (since the VN takes place there).
  1. Rance 01: I was so hyped to start the Rance series I even made a post about it, and made it to JP News for some reason lol.
I was a bit worried about my reading speed before starting it because the series is completely unvoiced, but I flew through it pretty fast. Very easy and simple grammar (too simple maybe, more on that later), and the ending was absolutely stellar. Made me very eager for the rest of the series knowing this was only the first installment.
I was surprised with the difficulty of both combat (you die SO easily it's insane) and progressing through the game (I have no patience at all when feeling lost so I had to resort to using a guide for the second half of it).
  1. Marco to Ginga Ryuu: Insane production value and overflowing with personality. The pacing was a problem for me tho. During the first half of the VN I liked it because its just very fast and adds to the quirkiness of it all, but through the second half it gets a bit tiring and the emotive scenes have no emotional depth whatsoever because the characters have no time to get any development.
Having said that, the CGs and music are so good that they basically carry the ending, and it left me with a good aftertaste after all.
A very easy read too.
  1. MOON: I want to read all Key VNs, but before that I wanted to read the 2 VNs Maeda Jun wrote before the formation of Key (MOON and ONE).
I was not expecting this kind of VN from Maeda Jun at all 💀. I mean, I know he focuses a lot on tragedy, and I only have a superficial knowledge of what goes on in most of his other VNs, but I'm pretty sure this one is very unique compared to the others.
Not bad at all, but hard to read at times. Very cruel stuff that even such an optimistic ending couldn't completely heal my heart from.
Also an easy read.
  1. Tokyo Babel: I actually started this VN after Ihanashi no Majo, so it would be my 6º one, but I took breaks between routes so I finished it as the 9º.
This has been my first ''hard'' VN. A biblical chuuni. Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Felt pretty scary at first because sentences are long as hell, the vocabulary is complex and to top it off it uses a lot of alternate kanji writings so I couldn't even recognise some words I had already learnt.
The thing is, my grammar was already at a pretty decent level, so sentence length wasn't that much of an issue, and I was doing a lot of Anki so I quickly caught up with most of this VN's specific vocabulary.
Since I started learning JP I've wanted to leave hard and well-written VNs for when I reach an extensive level of comprehension, in order to appreciate what separates them from the rest (from a grammar standpoint). This VN may have given me a taste of that. I don't think it is immensely complex or well written, but it certainly has a certain ''flavour'' to it that differentiates it from the rest of VNs I read before.
This was particularly noticeable when I started Rance and the appeal of the grammar was completely lacking. But I understand that Rance offers a lot of different things so i quickly got over it.
Tokyo Babel has probably the best start out of all VNs I've read. I also appreciate the way it touches on some themes like identity and purpose. It's hard for me to describe, but there's a general feeling of ''longing'' that made me very nostalgic for something I hadn't even experienced up till that point. Amazing read.
  1. Rance 02: I went with low expectations because of how people tend to talk about this one, since its more of a visual remaster than a remake like 01 and 03, and ended up enjoying it quite a lot. Combat is not as interesting as in Rance 01, but it's so easy in comparison that I could just sit back and enjoy Rance's mischiefs. I'm a certified Rance enjoyer now ✅.
Also, I think this is the easiest time I've had with the language. Had to look up very few words, and mainly only to mine them since at this point I can guess the meaning of a lot of unknown words just from the kanji.
Next is a list of everything I've immersed in (VNs in green, anime in blue), in order:


Some points I think are worth mentioning about the difficulty of the anime series I've watched:
  • Juuni Kokuki was hard as fuck. Isekai + Chinese politics absolutely destroyed my ass. Too many names of people and places I couldn't look up easily too.
  • Shingeki no Kyojin was surprisingly hard because of the military vocabulary, but nothing I couldn't get used to after a while
  • Monogatari series is the hardest thing I've immersed in, more than the VNs too. Luckily, my understanding was already pretty high at that point so I was able to make sense of pretty much all of it without having a stroke.
  • Summertime Render takes place on an island where almost every character speaks in some kind of Kansai dialect that reminded me of Kagenui Yozuru, and for me she's the hardest character to understand in Monogatari series.
I think that kind of dialect is hard for me not only because of the change in words and expressions, but also because of the change in intonation. I've noticed I rely a lot on the usual JP intonation and pauses when characters are talking, but with this dialect sentences sound so strange that I lose grasp of the meaning.


Effective JP learning is, for me, half reading and half Anki. I know a few people who stopped doing Anki after a while with good results, but I don't think that'd be optimal for me even with how much I immerse, because there are tons of rare words I wouldn't be able to memorise even after years.
I want to build an entire language of vocab in a single deck. I'm even excited to do it. And in the future I want to be able to instantly recognise and be able to pronounce every word I've encountered during my entire life of reading. So, Anki grind.
I haven't missed a single day of Anki since I started learning on Dec 24, 2022. I'm at the moment actively studying 8550 words that contain 2513 unique kanji. These are my retention stats:
The sweet spot seems to be around 85%-90% so I've been at a good spot consistently for more than a year now. The more words you know and the more you read, the easier Anki becomes; and the more Anki you do, the easier reading becomes because you can instantly recognise more words. A vicious circle of exponential improvement.
Card creation is also important for retention, compare the following two:
The first card was made during the first weeks of immersion. It contains everything that was on the Yomichan popup I mined it from, it's just a mess.
The second card is more recent, I now make them to contain the simplest JP definition. This effectively increases retention and rep speed, which allows you to either learn more words in the same amount of time, or do Anki faster and focus more time into reading.


Japanese as a language has become a fundamental part of why I enjoy reading VNs, I simply can't go back now.
I want to keep getting better and reach a point where I can easily read the most insane VNs without much problem, and then keep getting better.
I'm in a bind now, since I know I can safely tackle harder things now, and that way I'd get better even faster, BUT something in my head tells me I'd enjoy them more if I improve even further first. Reading speed and nuance comprehension are essential aspects of what makes a read enjoyable after all, so I'd like to save stuff like Muramasa for a few years into the future.
I have the Silverio trilogy in my sights, which seem to be pretty complex and it's something I don't feel the need to postpone. I'll be starting it next year probably. Also, in order to have some sort of goal to look forward to, I've decided I'll begin with Nitro+ VNs in release order the moment I reach 15k words in Anki.
For the near future, I want to keep reading Maeda Jun works and the Rance series (hyped as fuck for 03 since it should be a huge step up from 02). I also have like 20 other VNs installed that'll take me some time to complete.
Lastly, I'm gonna recommend Perdition and TMW discord servers in case you are interested in learning JP.
That's it, hope you enjoyed the long ass post. I'm going back to immersion!
submitted by Nagomikaze to visualnovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:54 ResultBackground5182 Snapchat falsely banned for sexual exploitation-made a cyber tip against me

A few months ago, my Snapchat account was randomly banned for alleged sexual exploitation of a minor. I haven’t used snapchats in a few weeks before receiving the email notifying me of it being banned, and I didn’t think much of it since I was busy with school exams. I had toxic history with people on Snapchat so I thought it was for the best. I thought it was a stupid false bug or sum. I had more important things to worry about.
Fast forward a few weeks after that, I received an email from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation. It said Snapchat made a cybertip alleging potential sexual exploitation of a minor and gave me further information.
-it listed my Snapchat and email info saying it has been referenced.
-said any contact involving minors was illegal etc
-then said “The North Carolina General Statutes related to these offenses include but may not be limited to:”(gave 2 potential chargers underneath this and stated possible ways to receive them.)
-and finally after saying that these charges are investigated by law enforcement, it ended it off by saying
“This advisement represents an opportunity to cease the alleged conduct and possibly avoid potential prosecution. Continued activity of this nature will result in a criminal investigation. If you have any questions or information related to this complaint, please feel free to contact us. Our contact information is-“
OBVIOUSLY, receiving this email scared the crap out of me and gave me severe anxiety. I never did post any child material, so the only other way my account could have been banned is by me being reported. I did have some beef with some people on Snapchat at the time and was sending stuff (to consensual adults) (not the best idea Ik), so it’s possible that the reports made my account get under review by the automated bots and then it was banned since it saw that I have been sending(which is against their tos). I did research and people have gotten falsely banned before. But idk, it never gave me a specific reason why-all I can do is guess.
Back to me being contacted by the icac team, idk what to make of it. I did loads of research and in all cases I’ve seen, the cybertip gets automatically put under investigation, which results in the perpetrator being put under investigation after enough cause have been found, then they get arrested etc.
I have never seen anyone ever getting emailed directly, nor receiving an “advicement.” So idk if it means that they did investigate and it means I’m in the clear since this was a warning??? Advisement means something under careful consideration, and it did say any further activity will result in an investigation(which means one didn’t already start???)
Regardless if I did do anything or not, receiving a cybertip and being under the radar of the ncmec is never a good thing. Nowadays you can be charged for things so easily, even with no substantial proof. That’s multiplied by 10 if it’s regarding csam.
I tried contacting the number at the bottom and the lady laughed at me being frazzled and just told me to leave the cybertip number and she will get an analyst to look at it. I couldn’t find the tip number at the time(it was apparently at the very top)so I refused, and also what If me doing that makes me appear more guilty? I am confused on whether it’s best to do something and let it blow over, or to seek guidance. Either way idk where I would get a definite answer. I can’t find anyone else that has experienced this besides someone just getting arrested.
Does anyone know what I should do? It’s been a few months. I did email someone a few months ago during everything but I never got an email back. I randomly came across a post mentioning someone’s friend randomly getting hounded down by the icac a year later without any substantial proof and it ruined their life. It then made me suddenly remember what happened. The lady said i would get an email back but I never did. Smh.
ALSO, idk how cyber tips really work but apparently they get sent to the bureau of the state it happened in. I live on the other side of the country…. did my Snapchat some how get hacked in the weeks I wasn’t using it by someone in nc?? Or did someone from nc report me? Idek. I tried a lawyer consultation thing but they’re all scams that charge hidden fees.
Any advice or knowing about anyone’s similar situation would be very helpful!! This is a new account so idk if I can msg ppl yet😭but let’s see.
submitted by ResultBackground5182 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:46 foggycsea [M4A] A Certain Aloof Catboy [Flirtatious Listener][Dense Orange Catboy Barista Speaker][Cafe][Forgetful and Clumsy Mistakes][Petting][Friends to Lovers]

You enter your favorite cafe, for what feels like the hundredth time, just to get your catboy barista crush to finally understand that you’re flirting with him. (~1600 words)(COMMISSIONED BY u/meakasmr) If you're interested in a commission, I'm having a 21% off on my kofi with the code YIPPEE :))
Important Notes: Feel free to change or make additions to small aspects of this work such as the tags, pronouns, title, etc.! VA goes by CATBOY and the listener is LISTENER. LISTENER responses are [...]
Completely free to monetize! You MUST notify me if you decide to fill my script, full details along with commission info can be found in my Terms of Use.
Here’s my Script List and finally the script: A Certain Aloof Orange Catboy Whew, that was a lot, hope you enjoy!
Very familiar with the place, the LISTENER asks if they can be seated at their usual table, and requests to be served by their favorite orange CATBOY. Once they’re seated, he soon comes over to them with a friendly grin.
Hi, it’s nice seeing you again! What can I get today for you? I mean- what can I get for you today, my bad. There’s a new beverage on our menu, it’s the… it’s… uhm.
His mind goes blank as he forgets the drink’s name, and hardly remembers its ingredients. He shakes himself out of his trance.
Well, it’s got fruit in it. Or hints of it. And it’s not too sweet. Either way, it’s really good and I recommend it. I’ll find the name of it for you later, for now, what can I get you?
Alright, number eleven with less sugar, got it. I’ll be right back with your drink.
He leaves to go and prepare their drink.
He’s back and places the drink on the table.
Here you are, your number seven without sugar. And I brought you the side of biscuits that come with it.
The listener looks down at the drink in confusion.
Is something wrong? Don’t tell me fuzz got into your drink again… I can’t help it, my ears and tail shed way more than regular human hair. Wait, I think I know what’s missing from your drink.
He stares long and hard at the drink as he thinks.
I forgot the sugar, didn’t I?
Huh?! I got the whole drink wrong? What order number did you ask for again?
Ohh… eleven, not seven. I’m so sorry, I’ll fix this right away. You can have this drink free of charge. I’ll be right back.
He goes to correct the order and there’s ANOTHER SMALL TIME JUMP. He comes back with the drink.
Okay, here’s your number eleven. And another bag of biscuits, free of charge. I’m so sorry about that. I somehow always mess up no matter how many times you visit the cafe. I honestly don’t know why you always request me to serve you.
Aw, you really think I’m nice? I think so too- about you. I think you’re really nice too, especially since you’re always so patient.
He sighs.
I think I’ll single-handedly run the cafe bankrupt from how many orders I’ve had to replace or dishes I’ve broken. I’m exaggerating of course, at least I hope so, but I swear I’m more on my game when more of my coworkers are around to remind me of little things. I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’ll let you enjoy your drink now. I’m heading back to the counter but if you need anything else…
Oh, sure. I don’t mind hanging around. I did say it’s late and all. I’ll sit right here.
He sits by them. He lightly stretches and lets out a soft yawn from the long day of work.
So, how’ve you been? Has anyone caught your eye? You brought up your love life the last time you came here, so, have you found anyone you’re into since then?
The listener proceeds to describe how they’ve been flirting with a certain aloof catboy who has been oblivious to their attempts, and of course, he doesn’t pick up that they’re talking about him.
Hmm, I see. Well, I hope everything works out between you and that “aloof orange catboy,” he seems like a cool person, maybe we’d be good friends since we sound so similar. It’s pretty rough out here when it comes to the whole “dating scene,” huh? But then again, how would I know? I’m not actively looking for anything, I just kind of want things to happen on their own.
Yeah, that’s the word! I’m a “romantic…” that, or I’m just lazy. Either way, we’re in the same boat in a way. We single people gotta stick together, right? So, how’s the drink?
I’m glad you like it!
His tail curls up in joy like a real cat’s would. He instantly starts tucking it away, letting out a sheepish chuckle.
Whoops, my tail just curls like that on its own. It’s pretty annoying and I have to smoothen it down whenever I get happy like this. If I don’t keep it under control then it’ll lead to more bits of fur in customers’ drinks.
Hmm, let’s see… the clumsiest thing that’s ever happened because of my tail would have to be this one time I was called over by my manager when I was in the back kitchen… I started going out and my tail somehow tugged on the door handle, making the door hit me from behind, and I jumped in surprise and rolled my ankle really badly. I had to put my face on the counter for a solid minute to process what happened since it was all so fast, and of course because my ankle hurt like heck. I’m okay though. I just have to make sure to keep my tail from getting too close to any unattended doors, just in case.
Hmm? The only other time someone’s wanted to poke at my tail has been random kids, but if you’d like to get a closer look, go ahead.
The listener gently pets his tail.
So, is it what you imagined it to feel like?
I’m glad you think it’s soft, I try my best to keep it maintained at least. You know, I’m really happy we can talk like this and I don’t have to stress trying to remember the script my coworkers and I have.
Yeah, the one I tried to say when we first met. I wasn’t supposed to be anything over the top, it sounded like…
(friendly and slightly fancy tone)
Good afternoon, it’s great to see you. Please have a seat, I hope you’ve been well.
You actually think it’s cute?
Yeah, sure, I think it’d be fun if I try saying something like that again. What would you like me to say?
(a bit flustered)
Alright then…
Has something caught your eye that you’d like? Say the word and I’ll have it for you right away!
I don’t think I would be able to say stuff like that all the time. It’s already hard enough keeping this uniform neat. Oh, speaking of which, I forgot to get you some napkins. I’ll get some right now-
He stands and his hip thuds against the edge of the table.
The listener’s drink teeters from the impact.
Oh- your drink!
He grasps it just in time…
Hah, caught it!
… but some of it ended up on the listener’s outfit.
Oh no, I didn’t spill too much of it on you, did I? I’m so sorry, I didn’t think I’d hit the table. Oh yeah, I have extra napkins in my pocket. Here, I’ll clean it off for you.
He sits down close to the listener.
No, no, I insist. I’ll clean it up. I’m basically an expert now at making sure stains don’t happen. I know we’re really close right now, but this will only take a second. I’m so sorry about this.
The listener’s gaze trails over to his tail which has poofed up.
Oh, my tail’s poofed up because I got spooked there for a second. I’ll smoothen it later, I’m almost done cleaning this spot right here…
He continues trying to dry off the listener and they gently smoothen out the fur of his tail for him, setting it back down in place.
Thank… thank you for brushing it back to normal. Again, I’m really, really sorry.
Thank you for reassuring me, I really appreciate it. I could give you a third bag of biscuits to make up for this. Or chocolates. Or anything, really, you name it.
Go ahead, I don’t mind. Touch my ears all you’d like.
The listener gently pets his cat ears, causing him to lightly chuckle from the tickling and comforting feeling.
This feels nice… and kind of tickles a little. So am I forgiven now?
Hmm? What else do you want?
(completely flustered)
You want… kiss… me? Yes- I mean, a small one wouldn’t hurt-
The listener cuts his words off with a kiss that’s finally happening after their countless attempts at flirting. When the kiss ends, he’s all smiles and his tail curls up once again in joy.
W-wow- I… wow. My tail’s curling again, isn’t it? Oh, I know what’d be perfect right now, that special beverage of the day to celebrate. It’s super easy, I’ll whip it up right now and bring it over.
He excitedly stands, thankfully not hitting himself again, but after a few steps towards the cafe counter, his curled tail accidentally swipes off the bags of biscuits and the decor off the table. He turns around and sheepishly chuckles when he realizes what has happened.
Ooooooh… my tail… nooo, the table decor… but hey, the biscuits are still good since they’re in a bag, right? Either way, I’ll get you more of them alongside the best specialty drink you will ever taste! That is… if I manage to make it correctly.
Thank you for reading/ being interested in filling my work! Special shoutout to Meak for commissioning this script!
( *’ω’* )(=˃ᆺ˂=)
submitted by foggycsea to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:29 DeX_Mod UPERFECT Delta Pro Touch 16" (pre-production) review

UPERFECT Delta Pro Touch 16
As always, we're not professional journalists, but we do our best to provide fair, accurate reviews, with DeX and mobile computing in mind. Review items are provided by the company, but they have no input on the review, nor see it before it's posted here. So with that being said, let's proceed.

UPERFECT Delta Pro Touch is currently in the indiegogo phase of it's production, and the pre-production version I have is very close to the final product, but 1 major change. Let's take a quick look at the stated specs:
indiegogo specs
Pretty much everything in the pre-production version I have matches the specs, except that the screens are 60hz, rather than 120hz panels. We've heard from a few different companies now, that there's been quite a few holdups with 120hz panels lately. They did procure 1600p screens tho, and they're quite nice.

The Size of it all

It's big. Really big. The listed specs of 360mm x 237mm x22mm don't really bring the size to reality for me. Here is the Delta Pro Touch compared to the 2 other clamshell monitors that UPERFECT offers:
Delta 15.6\", Delta Pro Touch 16\", Delta MAX 18.5\"
As you can see it's slightly larger than a standard 15.6" inch monitor, but obviously not as ludicrously larger as the 18.5"
but it's......chonky
It's almost twice as thick as the 15.6\" and thicker than the 18.5\"
It's also quite heavy, at almost 2kg (over 4 lbs)
They've also opted for a slightly different kickstand style, compared to previous Delta series monitors.
Different kickstand design this time. I'm not sure it's actually as stable as the much smaller style...
When the monitors are open, the 16" Delta Pro Touch is almost as big as the 18.5" Max
The 15.6" and 18.5" are both matte screens, and non-touch. The 16" Pro Touch is a glossy touchscreen
The glossy touchscreen of the Delta Pro Touch stands out


This is a spot where I REALLY like what they've done. They've learned from the feedback they've gotten from our community, and others like it.
Right hand side, bottom screen
On the right hand side of the screen, are the controls for the monitor, and 2x 3.5mm headphone jacks. That's right, you can use 2 sets of headphones with this monitor, and each monitor can use the speakers independently (or at the same time, but this is obviously not a good way to do things)
The button when pressed, brings up the menu for each menu independently.
The TOP button
The TOP button lets you select the input for the top monitor. Generally leaving it to AutoSelect is good enough, but when you want to manually toggle between C1/2, C3 or HDMI2, it's quick and easy to use the rocker button just below.
The bottom button brings up the main menu
Like the previous 15.6" Delta, the menu lets you select the specific input you like (usb-c or hdmi) and then the configuration of the screens
This is where the interesting bits happen. You can select a simple clone mode, where it just duplicates the screen of your input device, onto both top and bottom screens. This works with every device (DeX, steam deck, surface, PSTV, etc)
Standalone mode is also really straight forward. You plug any 2 devices in, using any combination of USB-C and HDMI (1 of each, both usb-c, or both HDMI) and each device gets 1 monitor dedicated to it
Surface and Steam Deck (both via usb-c)
DeX and Surface, again both via usb-c
Sequence Mode is really interesting as well. It essentially takes a single input (HDMI or USB-C) and presents both monitors as a single monitor with a 2560x3200 resolution
Steam Deck sequence
Surface Pro Sequence
One really odd caveat here, that wasn't present on the previous 15.6" Delta, in linux (steam deck) the Sequence mapping resulted in the screen refresh dropping down to 30hz. The Surface pro, with win11 was happy to do sequence at the full 60hz.
I'm not sure if this is a linux limitation, a steam deck issue, or just a dumb default, but I couldn't manually change on the deck. Surface Pro 8/win11 was happy to just do it, np
The really interesting config choice tho is Expansion mode.
This is where the monitor takes a single USB-C input, and (I'm assuming, they haven't confirmed) via MST you get 2 individual monitors
Single USB-C connection from Surface Pro results in 2 external monitors
DeX with it's limitation of a single external monitor obviously can't make use of this mode.
Oddly, the Steam Deck also didn't want to play nice with this mode
deck no happy
I'm not sure what's different, as the 15.6" Delta was happy to use extend mode with the Deck. Same cables, same power supply, same Deck.

Touch Screen Shenanigans

An upgrade from the previous versions is both screens are touch capable, as well as there is an included Stylus/pen.
I'm not going to lie, the pen is WAY nicer than I expected, and supports some pressure sensitivity, and angle detection.
Pen is a dead ringer for the original surface pen
Pen works on both screens, with single cable in use
Was really pleasantly surprised that it continued to work on the stop screen, when only physically connected to the bottom via single usb-c
Had the wife and oldest kid (who are actual pen users) give it a whirl and both were pleasantly surprised how decent the pen was for a free add-in
I had a bunch of weird issues trying to get the monitors calibrated for touch on the steam deck (linux). It had a really hard time dealing with the scaling of touch when using Sequence mode (the 2 high, but single monitor). I suspect I did a poor job of looking for the calibration sequence on linux, will revisit this if I end up finding it eventually.
Windows also needs to be calibrated, but it's a super simple process of "tap the screen you want to be a touch screen/pen screen" (you have to do both)

DeX resolution issues

Absolutely none!
No Good lock / multistar
I was super happy to see that DeX was able to see the native resolution of the monitor with no shenanigans needed at all. It did default to 2560x1440, but as you can see, it still recommended 2560x1600 which is the monitors native resolution.


The speakers are located at the bottom lip of the monitor, so actually kind of face you. They're much better than the speakers we've been seeing on previous UPERFECT lapdocks and monitors (as well as other manufacturers).
They're not going to replace a proper bookshelf set, but they're really decent enough for basic web stuff, youtube, netflix, etc. You definitely notice the lack of proper bass with music, but for a productivity focused monitor, they've very acceptable.

Overall Impression

This monitor is pretty awesome. Both screens are nice and bright indoors. The 1600p resolution looks fantastic in DeX (as well as windows and linux). I would really have liked to have seen the 120hz panels, but it wasn't to be.
This is NOT a monitor you're going to toss in your tech bag to commute with every day. It's also not so ridiculously large that you couldn't take it for when you're going to be based out of a remote office/hotel for couple weeks at a time though.
The ability to use it with a single cable, and have it pass thru some charging to your devices makes for a really nice compact setup on cramped desks, or hotel spaces.
It doesn't pass thru enough power to use your laptop/surface/steam deck indefinitely. I've dropped roughly 7% battery on my surface in the 2-3 hours I've been testing it. Steam deck was awfully close to maintaining charge, until you fire up some games AND watch a movie on the top screen. But you'd still get EASILY a dozen hours before you'd have to start thinking about powering the deck directly
DeX however would run forever off the power supplied to the monitor
As pre-production, I'm not sure if there's plans to add VESA mounting holes to it, like the previous Delta monitors. The kickstand is fine, and pretty stable, but after mounting the previous Deltas, we really noticed that this one didn't mount....
You can find the Delta Pro Touch currently at UPERFECTs indiegogo campaign:
At the time of this writing in early June, the early bird price is $549usd for the 16" version
submitted by DeX_Mod to SamsungDex [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:28 CODENAMEsx19208 I'm about to go end city raiding, Any tips?

I don't have any pic of my gear or stuff I've prepared but I'll list what I have:
Sword, Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe (all have unbreaking and mending as well as respective enchants for each) (pickaxe is netherite, the rest is diamond)
Full diamond armor (all have unbreaking and mending)
Fully enchanted elytra (yes I already went to some cities but I didn't get that many shulkers so that's why I'm going back)
10 locater maps (to know where I'm going)
Lots of food (bread and gold carrots)
Box o' rockets (flight duration 1)
Empty box for loot and shells
Tnt (if I need to blow up some endermen for spare mending xp)
Bed to set spawn near the portal.
Ender chest (only one tho)
And I think that it. Is there anything I'm missing, anything I might not need or is super important? Any skills or tricks and hacks I should do while I'm there? Please feel free to help me out!
submitted by CODENAMEsx19208 to Minecraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:03 Izamida Is there a list/calendar of weekly free local music around the city?

Hi all!
I recently moved to Chicago (Streeterville) from Houston. When I lived in Houston, I frequented a lot of beer gardens, cafes, and other local spots for weekly live music/events - mainly free jazz shows.
For Houston examples: Axelrad Beer Garden has free live jazz in their garden every Wednesday night, Mercantile Coffee has free live jazz every Tuesday night, 93 ‘Til has a local DJ vinyl night every Thursday, Tribeca is a music venue that has a free jam session local musicians can come hop in every Sunday.
Does anyone have a similar list of weekly live music events at their favorite bars, cafes, etc. in Chicago? I wasn’t able to find one in the subreddit search. I know Chicago is one of those cities where you can find a touring artist playing any night of the week, but I’m looking for more home grown stuff where I can be a regular.
submitted by Izamida to chicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:01 BlackFenrir [Spoilers C3] I made Calliope Petrichor as a PF2e character!

I started this over the summer with C3 Hardwon and Sol, and with the 2 Crew now officially dipping their toes into Pathfinder 2e, I feel like I should continue this series.
Do note, the above two character sheets were made before the Remaster (the update to the rules to remove any OGL/D&D terminology and lore connections, the opportunity for which they used to tweak some classes). Monk hasn't been Remastered yet (that book is coming out in August) and Fighter has had very few changes in Player Core 1, so it doesn't really matter much, but just something to keep in mind.
Now then, let us begin.
The usual disclaimer:
If you're coming from D&D 5e and are not familiar with Pathfinder 2e: While many character concepts can be easily transferred from one system to another, many of their mechanics cannot. Some items or spells don't exist, some rules are different. This is NOT an attempt at a 1 to 1 conversion, though I tried to stick as close as possible. If any of the mechanics in this sheet need any clarification, feel free to ask in the comments.
I'm also not going to explain every single choice I made, only the ones I think are relevant to Calli's character. As usual, I've built her up to level 10
Level 0:
Ancestry: Elf. That's the simple part Heritage: Now, here is where it gets tricky. See, in Golarion lore, Elves didn't come from the Fey realm (AKA the First World), so there is no heritage that grants Fey powers to elves. However, there is the Custom Mixed Ancestry heritage, and there's also another Ancestry that did come from the First World. So, to hack an eladrin into PF2e, Calli is a Mixed Ancestry Gnome.
Yes I could have gone with Sprite, but come on, gnome is funnier.
Class: Bard. I actually had a hard time figuring out whether Bard or Champion should be the main class, as it this point Calli is sort of dancing in between them. Early in the campaign I would have gone for Champion, since she did a lot of protecting and defending, but at this moment I think Bard fits better. I went with the Warrior Muse subclass. Background: Criminal
Attribute Modifiers at first level: STR +0, DEX +3, CON +1, INT +2, WIS +0, CHA +3
Yeah, I know, having both WIS and CON be so low is a bad idea. Unfortunately, we have multiclassing prerequisites to keep in mind for this specific build, and we need the DEX for the AC and attack rolls. CHA is also not at its max +4 for the same reason, but Bards don't do Spell Attacks very often. It'll affect our spell DC, which isn't great, but still perfectly manageable with a +3.
Level 1:
Ancestry feat: First World Magic. Grants a Primal cantrip. I went for Tame.
Level 2:
Class Feat: Because I try to emulate the character's backstory slightly with my feat choices, including in the order in which they happened, we're not picking up our "Mothership magic warrior" archetype choice just yet. For now, we're focusing on our bardic magic and as such, I chose Cantrip Expansion. Can't ever have too many cantrips.
Skill Feat: Conceiling Legerdemain. Before anything else, Calli is a thief and a smuggler, and this will reflect that, making it harder for others to see her steal and conceal.
Level 3:
General Feat: Shield Block. Rebuff them attacks with that umbrella!
Level 4:
Here is where we start adding the Mothership stuff.
Class feat: So, funny detail: We don't have the +2 STR to pick up Champion dedication. However, I don't really think this is a problem. Mechanically, Calli uses Champion for the big blasts of smite damage, though she did later use the "oath" when she pledged herself to the Serpent. And this, we can do.
Early in the campaign, Emily mentions that her Bardic magic comes from her connection to the Fey, and her Paladin magic represents the power given to her by Mothership. In short, we need an archetype that grants a magic tradition she didn't already have, preferably Arcane to fit the flavor, and that could be reflavored as being artificially granted to her. Even more ideally, it'd be great if it synergized with Warrior Bard. Cue the reason we needed that +2 INT: the Magus.
Magus's whole deal is hitting really fucking hard with their Spellstrikes: an attack roll that, when it hits, automatically hits the opponent with a spell you cast at the same time, as long as that spell is a spell that calls for an Attack Roll. They are also Arcane casters with a spellbook, like Wizards and Witches, which in my eyes fits perfectly with the Mothership artificial magic knights idea. We don't have Spellstrike yet, but we will soon.
Magus is also my favorite class ever to play. But that's beside the point.
Skill Feat: Pickpocket
Level 5:
Ancestry Feat: Nimble Elf. Being faster is always good.
Level 6:
Class Feat: Spellstriker, from the Magus archetype. We can now hit people with spells and weapons at the same time. This actually synergizes with Warrior Bard specifically very well, as they can extend the duration of their Composition Cantrips if they hit with a Strike, and Spellstrike counts! Unfortunately, we only get one Spellstrike per combat, as an archetype magus takes a full minute to recharge the Spellstrike and doesn't get the benefit of a free recharge from using Magus focus spells. We'll take Ignition and Gouging Claw as our cantrips, but we can always learn more to put in our Spellbook later.
Also, it won't come up much, but we can in theory use our Bard spells with Spellstrike too. The Arcane options are much better for this, but we can do it.
Level 7:
General Feat: Untrained Improvisation. It's the PF2e version of a Bard's jack of all trades and we have an open general feat slot, so...
Level 8:
Class Feat: Back to Bard feats with Reflexive Courage, the Bard's own custom Reactive Strike. It's not the best feat in the Bard's list of options at level 8, but it's still pretty damn good.
Level 9:
Ancestry Feat: From Gnome, First World Adept. We get more spells from the Feywild First World.
Level 10:
Class Feat: Hybrid Study spell, from the Magus. We choose Shielding Strike, allowing us to Raise a Shield (for Shield Block) and Strike in the same action (which will extend our Compositions), though Dimensional Assault (which teleports you before you Strike) is also a great option. Skill Feat:Slippery Secrets
  • Luck Blade. There's no GM in the world that would allow a level 17 item on a character that isn't at least level 15 or 16, but it deserves a mention anyway.
  • Honestly, I'm not sure what other special equipment Calli has besides the luck blade.
Build notes:
  • As you've seen, the PF2e Bard is quite difficult to fit into Calli's character with just the feats. As such, all of that must come from the spell choices, and tbh this character took me like 2 hours to build so I couldn't be arsed to also add a thing about spell selection. Sound off in the comments!
  • This is probably the most challenging build in Duck Team. Calder is actually going to be much easier to build than this, especially since Calli is built with a specific mechanical exploit in mind and a backstory that fits with the options that grant that exploit. This exploit, obviously, doesn't exist in PF2e, but I do still think I've found a pretty good synergy with Warrior Bard and Magus combined. I'm just a little sad I couldn't fit the Pet general feat in there (sad quacking noises). Shield Block is too important.
  • This is by far one of the weaker builds (by numbers) I've done. Several important attributes are below par, CON and CHA in particular. We managed to mitigate that in the meantime with Ability Boosts at level 5 and 10, and a general feat could be swapped for Tough to get a bit more HP as well. That doesn't mean this is not an effective build at all. Your spells will fail a bit more often, but your ability to be an effective melee combatant yourself where other Bard subclasses can't should make up for that.
  • I mentioned very little about skill feats and skill increases. That's because honestly I'm having trouble thinking of what skills to focus on. Bards need Performance, but I think this build gets away with not having a very high one as we don't have (and don't need) Lingering Composition. I decided to focus on Deception instead, but Thievery could also easily have been an option to consider.
Next up, Calder, which should be done.... eventually. Hopefully somewhere this weekend, but no promises!
submitted by BlackFenrir to NotAnotherDnDPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:36 AerialSpew Custom Color Freewrite Saga

Custom Color Freewrite Saga
TLDR: The ordeal of doing a custom powdercoat finish on a Freewrite Smart Typewriter. And I ask what color I should attempt next.
The Pastel Turquoise Freewrite Story
A few years ago I got the (not-so) bright idea to create a one-of-a-kind custom-color Freewrite and it blew up in my face. Let me go back to the beginning...
In 2014 when Astrohaus introduced what was then called the Hemingwrite on Kickstarter I got wind of it and followed its journey. In 2015 I trekked to the Astrohaus Manhattan office with a friend to see an early production version. I was at the radio station WFMU at the time and had this vague idea of talking the Astrohaus marketing department into giving the station a Freewrite to use as a prize during an upcoming fundraising Marathon. We could put the device in front of a ton of professional writers while getting ourselves a kick-ass prize. We were led to a conference room where the first iteration of the Freewrite awaited us. I tried it out, then my friend. We kept our thoughts to ourselves as the marketing rep talked up the machine.
"It's distraction-free writing. Built for one purpose."
Yes, but will people pay for what appears to be a glorified word processor?
We left the Astrohaus offices and my friend and I expressed our reservations.
"Still, if we could get them to donate one..."
We couldn't. They didn't see the value in accessing WFMU's artistic community.
"Oh well. Good lucking selling your machine!"
All the while I stayed on the Astrohaus mailing list, searched for used Freewrites on EBay, read every online review and watched all the YouTube videos. I wondered if a device guaranteeing distraction-free writing could help with my concentration. When I'm writing on my MacBook or iMac there's always something that gets through: email notifications, texts, breaking news. I never remember to mute notifications or use Airplane Mode. Again and again I go down various rabbit holes, spending ten or fifteen minutes replying to emails (mostly trashing junk emails), responding to texts, checking the news, or wasting time on social media. But I kept putting off the actual purchase of a Freewrite, despite my love of typewriters and memories of my mother's hulking black Royal upon which I learned to type. Then the Hemingwrite came along. Astrohaus revived the original name of the Freewrite but this time it was authorized by the Ernest Hemingway estate. When I saw the first photos of the polished aluminum exterior and green keys I thought "That thing is sweet." But even with the extras–the carrying case, etc.–I couldn't see ponying up the asking price, even for a "limited-edition" of "only" 200 pieces.
"That's what I paid for my Macbook a few years ago."
But the emails from Astrohaus kept coming and I kept opening them. On the cusp of a milestone birthday I decided to indulge and buy a Hemingwrite as a gift to myself... and a future investment.
"I can finally write that book about the Nihilistics..."
The Nihilistics is the New York Hardcore band I founded and named at the end of the '70s. I'd written a few short pieces about the band, centered around my relationship with the bass playelyrics writer Mike (RIP). I referred to him as "...the booster rocket that helped me achieve escape velocity, falling back to earth in the process." One of my short stories about the band got published and I had a boutique publisher interested in the full story.
"I'll write the book on the Hemingwrite!"
When the box with my new distraction-free writing tool arrived (within a day or two of ordering) I moved it around from our porch to the office to our dining room but couldn't bring myself to open it.
"I don't deserve this thing. I can't justify the cost. Is it too late to return it?"
This went on for six weeks.
"If it IS too late to return it maybe I can put it on EBay. I should be able to get my money back. But I sure would like to see it first."
Then I finally freed the Hemingwrite from its box (I thought of doing an unboxing video but didn't). I gingerly cut open the tape on the box and extracted the leather carrying case from its bag. I opened the case and thought "This thing is sexy." It hadn't occurred to me there wouldn't be enough of a charge to use the Hemingwrite out of the box. But I started typing on it anyway, figuring I could charge it overnight and get the full experience in the morning.
"It's like mom's IBM Selectric..."
My mother owned one of the early Selectrics with the swappable type element (I still have on of the elements: the typewriter is long gone, as is the Royal). Typing on the Selectric was a fully tactile experience, just like the Hemingwrite. There's even the same delay between key-strike and "imprint," as I discovered the next morning after a full charge.
"I guess I'm not sending this back. Or selling it on EBay."
Since it arrived and I finally decided to use it, I've been on my Hemingwrite every day, cranking out a weekly newsletter and my book distraction-free. Every once in awhile I admire the bare aluminum case and remind myself I earned this damn thing and plan to keep it and pass it on to some deserving soul many years from now. There are things I'd change–could there be a spellcheck function, for instance? – but those who scoff at this tool haven't spent enough time with one. They don't "get" it. I got it. And I'm glad I did.
Fast forward a bit and Astrohaus decides to sell more "limited-edition" Hemingwrites. I wrote to the company, reminding them what their own Marketing department said about only producing 200 pieces. They responded with a bullshit excuse: this is not the same machine as yours, we've updated the internals. Well, no one bought it for the internals. It felt like a betrayal and I questioned how I could go about creating a custom-color Freewrite of my own and perhaps sell my Hemingwrite to recoup my costs. I managed to buy a stock black Gen. 2 Freewrite for $350 and $25 shipping. Before I could think about disassembling the Freewrite a friend expressed interest in it and I brought the machine to him, where it sat boxed under his couch for almost half a year. He was going through issues with the health of his parents and finally decided not to buy my Freewrite, so I went and retrieved it. Then I revived the idea of putting a custom color on it and selling my Hemingwrite.
There are no online instructions for taking a Freewrite apart, so with great trepidation I brought the Freewrite out to my garage workbench and proceeded as carefully as possible. It's a bit harrowing, thinking you might destroy a machine for which you've paid $$$. But after an hour of stomach-churning, detail-oriented work I got the aluminum shell separated from the innards of the machine and put all the electronic parts safely away in the Freewrite box. Because I didn't fully power down the Freewrite first, a black bar appeared across the E-Ink display and I was convinced I destroyed it. I kept calm and carried on. Next, I did some research online on removing a powder coat finish from aluminum. Initially, I thought the shell could be media-blasted (they don't call it sand-blasting any longer) but you can't media-blast aluminum without potentially dimpling the surface. It's suggested you use a powerful paint stripper and I opted for Jasco (approx. $28) based on discussions in a powder-coat forum. The Jasco stripper is nasty stuff and the only way to use it safely is outdoors while wearing heavy disposable gloves, eye protection and a respirator. I took the Freewrite to my backyard, put it on a folding aluminum table and began brushing it with the Jasco stripper. When done I let it sit the suggested twenty minutes for the Jasco stripper to do its work. Then, using a plastic scraper (you can't use a metal scraper on aluminum) I began trying to remove the powder-coat finish. It didn't go well. I removed some of the finish but most of it remained and I was confronted with three choices: sand the rest of the finish off, try another application of the Jasco stripper or bite the bullet and get it media-blasted anyway. I decided to try another application of the Jasco stripper the following day, this time leaving it on for thirty minutes. Then I went at the powder-coat with the plastic scraper again. I had to use a combo of large and small scrapers to get into all the recesses of the Freewrite's shell. But the Jasco stripper is not a miracle worker and much of the powder-coat stubbornly remained. I pivoted to multiple grades of steel wool, from 0 to 0000. This took several hours of meticulous work but when I was done I was presented with something that looked very much like my Hemingwrite. Believe me, it stung to know Astrohaus is selling a raw-finish Freewrite (sure, it's "hand-buffed") with green keycaps and accents at a substantial premium and I thought of stopping there and using a spare set of green keycaps I own to create an ersatz Hemingwrite. But that was never my intent, so I pushed on with the custom color idea, posting a poll to the Freewrite community on Facebook, asking which color they'd like to see on a Freewrite. Astrohaus, in addition to the Hemingwrite, produced and sold a blue Freewrite and a cream Freewrite (this is before the Mint and Lemon editions) that garner a premium on EBay. The poll revealed "Green" to be the favored choice for a custom color so I did a Photoshop mock-up of red and green Freewrites and put them on the Facebook group. The response was positive. I called around to a bunch of local powder-coating places only to find they concentrate on automobile rims and little else. I even drove the Freewrite shell to one place only to be quoted a price of $150, which seemed a bit much. Then I remembered a place I used previously, up in Kingston, NY, a two hour drive north for me. We have friends in the Catskills and decided to cart the Freewrite to Kingston and stay overnight. A week later we returned to Kingston and retrieved the Freewrite, paying $50 for the Pastel Turquoise powder-coat it received. Now I had to put it all back together. THAT was a nightmare. Believe it or not, the spring on the power button gave me the greatest difficulty. I labored over THAT thing a solid hour to get it functioning properly. The rest of the reassembly was fraught as well, and there was still the issue of the black box on the E-Ink display. Luckily, this went away after I let the Freewrite charge overnight and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
After posting pictures of the newly-finished Freewrite to the Astrohaus Facebook group and garnering an enthusiastic response, I decided to sell it and earn back what I spent in time, materials and labor. To me, a fair price would fall somewhere between $600–$700, based on recent EBay sales of stock Gen. 2 Freewrites ($325–$425), the cost of materials (Jasco Stripper, $28, powder-coating, $50), hours of disassembly, stripping of the finish, driving four hours round-trip to/from Kingston, reassembly, taking of pictures and posting an EBay listing. All that work is apart from the fact I produced a one-of-a-kind (AKA TRULY limited-edition) custom-color Freewrite. When I created the EBay listing I chose to start at $400 and not set a reserve price (EBay wanted $52 for the reserve price in addition to a final value and listing fee), hoping the enthusiasm in the Facebook group would reflect in healthy bidding activity. It did not. One person bid on my Pastel Turquoise Freewrite and I was faced with the prospect of selling it for $425, a price I might've seen if I'd left it black and not gone through all the effort to transform it. So I cancelled the sale and refunded the buyer's money immediately. I've been buying and selling on EBay almost 25 years and did not take this step lightly. The buyer, understandably upset, took to the Facebook Freewrite group and expressed his profound disappointment. Someone else decided to wade in and run down my character, describing what I did (cancelling the sale) as "borderline scammy behavior." Wow. I'm not sure who he thinks is being scammed but I'd like to see a show of hands for anyone who's wiling to work for free, what I'd be doing if I accepted $425 for my custom-color Freewrite. Yes, I could've and should've handled things differently. I might've offered the Freewrite on the Facebook group, setting a price I felt comfortable with. Or used a higher starting price or set a reserve on EBay. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa. But in no way, shape or form was I trying to "scam" anyone. Eventually, the buyer and I came to an agreement and he paid what I consider a fair price for the custom-color Freewrite. I also fell out of love with my Hemingwrite, due to the horrid software and ergonomics (I was getting bad neck strain from looking down at the screen for hours) and kept pestering Astrohaus, going further up the foodchain until they took back my Hemingwrite and issued a full refund. Now another Freewrite has fallen into my lap (it’s a friend’s who can no longer stand the machine’s peccadilloes) and I'm on the cusp of possibly creating another custom-color Freewrite to increase its value for a sale. I’d love to be talked out of it, BTW.
Thanks, Chris T.
submitted by AerialSpew to Astrohaus [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:33 catalinus Quick mini-review of Huawei Watch Fit 3 (vs Huawei Watch Fit 2 and there will be mentions of other smartwatches)

You can see here an older post of mine about Apple Watch (AW from here on) vs (inexpensive) Huawei-related bands and watches vs Samsung watches. That was written before Fit 3 so I now bring some updates after about 2 weeks of having it.
First I need to raise the issue of what is important for me - some of those might be very different for other people but some might be things that people might not think about until they discover how handy/important those are:
While in the past I was tempted by countless features (the way many youtubers still are) I now have to admit that most of them are not really usable on a small watch (like reading email), some are much better placed on my phones (like music or anything related to mapping and driving) and some are not really technologically ready enough (right now cellular kills watch battery like crazy, is not properly implemented by many carriers so as to be a backup for your main number and even when that works locally it never works in roaming).
So now back to Fit3 vs Fit2 and other models.
Fit3 and Fit2 have about the same weight (26 grams) and use the same bands and are both very comfortable but in my opinion the plastic back of Fit2 and the shape of it (less wide and slightly more elongated) make it the more comfortable of the two. It also seems to appear slightly more accurate for HR in this review (and that might actually be also related to shape and less glassy back material). IMHO it is unfortunate that Huawei have succumbed to the pressure of looking more like the Apple Watch. That being said it concludes the list of points where Fit 2 is better than the 3 ;)
Sleep auto-detection and especially nap detection remain similar and IMHO both are better than AW or Galaxy Pro5, I am still checking agains Garmin Venu 3. Finer sleep state detection is apparently not that great but most watches are about the same and the Apple Watch (that seems to be among the better models) is for me less comfortable for sleep and a no-go since nap and sleep auto-detection is still bad on those.
Voice calls are great on both watches and possibly slightly above all my other current smartwatches (both my Apple Watches, Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 Pro and more recently a Garmin Venu 3). Build quality looks good/great but to be honest if I would have to go swimming I would trust those two inexpensive Huawei the least from the above list, but that could be just an impression and the reality could be different - only time and large-scale statistics will tell ;)
The display is clearly improved on the Fit3 and when not under strong sunlight it is the equal of all my recent smartwatches, but outside in direct sunlight the 1500 nits claim is not so obvious and AoD is really hard to see - that is probably a software issue and might be improved in the future since the normal display is good (but without being above any of the other smartwatches that only claim 1000 nits, and is clearly below the Apple Watch Ultra 2 that one of my friends have).
The UX is basically the same in Fit3 as in Fit2 but the Fit3 has a much newer OS (Harmony OS 4.2.0 vs on Fit3) and all graphic elements look better (some slightly better and some much better). It also feels more responsive and fluid. The extra crown added in Fit3 also improves usability in some instances. All that being said the user experience remains very much the same (which is a good thing since sudden changes in what buttons or gestures do - the way Apple Watch did last year - are very stupid and confusing).
The phone app is the same and to its credit is frequently updated and is smart enough so that you can have two watches (in my case Fit2 and Fit3) and recognize the one you wear and make it automatically the active one where notifications and calls go (something that also Apple does well). At this point I have no reason to consider Huawei (as a company) less safe as Apple/Samsung/Google, privacy might actually be better with Huawei than with Samsung and certainly better than with Google.
The phone app has versions for both Android and iOS and you can "move" the connection point from one ecosystem to the other (which makes the watch vastly superior for instance to the Apple Watch). In fact the "move" does not involve erasing the content of the watch as long as you will use same HuaweiID. The iOS version is a bit more limited than the Android one but that is a result of Apple restrictions (and probably subject of the recent antitrust trial against Apple).
Battery life remains one of the huge advantages of those inexpensive models - with AoD always active I get about 3 days+nights on Fit2 and to my surprise that got improved to at least 4 days+nights on the Fit3 (even if that one has a visibly faster CPU and brighter display) - IMHO the main reason seems to be that with latest software the moment it detects I am sleeping it will turn off the AoD (which has the minor disadvantage that I need to press the crown if I wake-up and want to see time, so another small reason for me to like Fit2 better for sleep).
I have left at the end all my criticism so here it comes.
First is the lack of NFC payment (outside China probably) - I suspect that the hardware is present in the chipset but is not active since Huawei has no ecosystem for that (outside China). It is not a huge killer for me since I use those as my sleep watches and during sleep I don't really need to buy stuff ;) but for somebody that wants those models as their daily drivers this could be an issue!
Handling of phone contacts is rather poor and limited on both Android and iOS - but I have seen the same for all watches that are not part of the "monopoly" on the phone, but IMHO there is a simple way around this - which neither Huawei nor Garmin have tried to add - I give this advice for free but they would probably have to pay a huge sum of money for some fancy consulting company to tell them the same - implement on the watch Hands-Free Profile and Headset Profile the same way even low-cost car devices do, and do it in a great way!
Answering to messages is also super-basic same as with Garmin - neither one lets you dictate stuff the way Apple Watch and Samsung do, IMHO the AW is the better one but for the moment not even the AW (nor Samsung) has any reliable offline dictation for anything other than English (and even for that one I have serious doubts on how good the offline dictation is).
GPS is IMHO just a super-minor improvement in Fit3 over Fit2 (if at all) - precision and signal quality do not seem great and it seems to use just 1 Hz even in full-power mode - that is generally fine for almost all activities (and is very good to keep battery drain low) but seems to miss a lot of sharp turns and small moves (like for tennis or similar).
Software updates for the watch based on the experience with Fit 2 is probably the lowest of all the models that I now have - Huawei international models get a (very) few minor updates in the first year and usually after that very little or nothing :( The updates on the phone app are however great (since same app handles probably all Huawei watches).
Finally but probably one of my greatest issues so far is the quality and availability of the watch faces - in time on Fit2 there have been some decent watch faces but none really great (I am sorry but Chinese designers seem to not understand great design and great color combinations - almost all faces are overcomplicated with exaggerated looks and colos) and not all of them have been ported on Fit3, most notably this one that I use on Fit2 for the AoD. Also in Fit3 with the latest OS they have added more customization ways (so for instance you can change colors of face elements that you could not on Fit2) but even that was done inconsistent and incomplete - they have only few combinations available and yet with some faces they just went ahead and ported 3-4 older faces with different colors instead of consolidating them in a single better one with custom colors - in fact I am using Delightful Green/Blue since I could not find anything better at this point.
Are there any better alternatives? From my experience at this price point not really, maybe a discounted Galaxy Watch 4/5 but that might feel slower and have less battery.
If you are on iPhone you might want to wait the next Apple Watch and see if they get a light model with improved battery but I doubt that.
If price is no object and you value long battery life and comfort you could consider Garmin Venu 3 or 3s - the 3s is actually almost as comfortable as Fit3 but looks small for my hand (plus band is too small to fit) and both have a much better selection of nicer watch faces and at least the Venu 3 seems to last even more than the Fit 3 and has vastly more advanced performance (maybe except HR according to that review link above, but again most differences are IMHO in how tight the watch sits for HR).
And if price and size/weight are no object you could wait for the next AW Ultra3 or next Galaxy 7 Pro but I doubt any of those would be comfortable for me.
submitted by catalinus to smartwatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:18 Bean_two HARD Drum & Bass production guides? (Skullstep, Darkstep, Crossbreed .etc)

I'm noticing that production guides for these styles are a little thin on the ground. I'm talking Counterstrike, Switch Technique, Outside Agency and Hallucinator levels of hard. I've been able to find a few sample packs but I want to go beyond just using just stuff I have in sample packs (I wanna make my own loops and percussive sounds eventually) I'll post what I have so far but if anyone has more feel free to share!
*EDIT: Throw Techstep on the list as well
Lowroller's Crossbreed Production Tutorial
Neddie's Making HEAVY DNB
DOA Fourm post from 2010
Satanical Bots Ritual Production Page (a few dead links)
Industrial/Crossbreed Kick making by RT3TP
submitted by Bean_two to dnbproduction [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:57 Thatgoodlookinguy [US,US] [H] Crispy Lugia alt, blinged playables, trade binder, slabs/sealed,paypal [W] wantlist, PayPal

Hey all! Back with some new stuff. Mainly looking for things off of my want list, but will look at binders and things as well. Never opposed to PayPal. Anything over 100 is listed in the link. Everything else is at tcgplayer market value. I’m flexible with the values if it’s a cash only trade.
Add an extra $1 for pwe and $5 bmwt ($4 if in CA) on cash sales, otherwise we cover our own shipping. Free shipping on any sales over 50.
Wantlist (LP-NM, Raw)
Expedition (holo)- Blastoise, Alakazam,
Aquapolis - Espeon (will look at MP-LP)
Gold Star - Alakazam (will look at all conditions.)
Masaki Alakazam
151 - Jynx ex FA x3, Wigglytuff ex FA x3
SV base - drowzee IR x4
The goods
Small bit of PC-
Trade Binder -
Slabs/sealed/sleeves -
Lugia closeups -
Happy trades!
submitted by Thatgoodlookinguy to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]